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Applied Research Technologies, Inc.: Global Innovation's Challenges

On June 5, 2006, Peter Vyas paced his office as he grappled with a request for million to relaunch a mini water-oxidation product. Despite two failures to bring this product to market over the past three years, his team was confident this latest iteration was a winner.
2006 年 6 月 5 日,彼得-维亚斯(Peter Vyas)在他的办公室里踱来踱去,为重新推出一款微型水氧化产品而努力申请 万美元的资金。尽管在过去三年中,他曾两次失败,未能将该产品推向市场,但他的团队坚信,最新的迭代产品一定会成功。
For Vyas, general manager of the Filtration Unit of Applied Research Technologies (ART), the request presented a major challenge. He recognized that his team had worked tirelessly to make this project a reality and strongly believed they were now headed in the right direction. But he also understood that the Filtration Unit's track record of failure during this product's development had hurt its credibility. If he supported the proposal, he knew he would be putting on the line not only his own personal credibility but also that of the entire unit.
对于应用研究技术公司(ART)过滤部总经理 Vyas 来说,这一要求是一个重大挑战。他认识到,他的团队为实现这一项目付出了不懈的努力,并坚信他们现在正朝着正确的方向前进。但他也明白,过滤装置在该产品开发过程中的失败记录损害了其信誉。如果他支持这项建议,他知道他不仅会把自己的个人信誉,而且会把整个单位的信誉都置于危险之中。
Due to the project's size, final approval would be made by Vyas's boss, Cynthia Jackson - the newly appointed vice president of ART's Water Management Division. Jackson was acutely aware of the mounting losses in the Filtration Unit, and she had already devoted a significant amount of time trying to get them back on track. She had confided to one of her colleagues:
由于项目规模庞大,维亚斯的上司辛西娅-杰克逊(Cynthia Jackson)--ART 水管理部门新任命的副总裁--将负责最终审批。杰克逊敏锐地意识到过滤部门的损失在不断增加,她已经投入了大量的时间来努力使其重回正轨。她曾向她的一位同事吐露心声:
When I took on this assignment, I was told my first task was to "fix" the Filtration Unit. The unit only had one revenue-generating product line and had failed to bring a profitable new product to market in five years. It was clear that I was expected to either turn it around or shut it down.
当我接受这项任务时,我被告知我的首要任务是 "修复 "过滤部门。该部门只有一条创收产品线,而且五年来一直未能向市场推出盈利的新产品。很显然,我要么扭转局面,要么将其关闭。
I'm trying to protect them and ensure they get support, but my initial feeling is if they are to survive, they must become much more disciplined. They seem to be making progress on that front, but in all honesty, I sometimes wonder if it is time to cut our losses and initiate a harvest strategy for the unit.

Applied Research Technologies, Inc.

ART was one of the technology world's emerging giants. The company had grown through the merger and acquisition of numerous technology-based industrial companies, acquired in the LBO buyout waves of the 1980s and 1990s.
ART 公司是科技界的新兴巨头之一。该公司是在 20 世纪 80 年代和 90 年代的 LBO 收购浪潮中,通过兼并和收购众多以技术为基础的工业公司发展起来的。
By 2006, ART consisted of a portfolio of about 60 business units, each of which operated as a profit center. Total corporate revenue was billion in Major divisions in the corporation included Healthcare (medical diagnostic equipment), Industrial Automation (robotics), Energy (extraction, conversion, and transportation solutions for the oil and gas industry-including the Water Management Division), and HVAC (Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning, including climate control solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial markets). Exhibit 1 shows the organization structure of the company.
到 2006 年,ART 由约 60 个业务单元组成,每个单元都作为一个利润中心运营。在 {{1} 年,公司总收入为 亿美元。}公司的主要部门包括医疗保健(医疗诊断设备)、工业自动化(机器人技术)、能源(石油和天然气行业的开采、转换和运输解决方案,包括水管理部门)和暖通空调(暖通空调,包括住宅、商业和工业市场的气候控制解决方案)。图 1 显示了公司的组织结构。
The company's success had been built on its innovative and entrepreneurial culture, coupled with a decentralized management philosophy. ART's vision statement, proudly displayed in almost every office and cubicle, stated: "We aim to change the world through innovation, and to grow our place in it through entrepreneurship."
公司的成功建立在其创新和创业文化以及分权管理理念之上。几乎每间办公室和隔间都张贴着 ART 的愿景宣言,其中写道"我们的目标是通过创新改变世界,通过创业精神在世界上占据一席之地"。

Culture and Practices 文化与实践

ART was dedicated to supporting innovation not only with funding (the company's R&D spending was double the rate for U.S. industrial companies), but also in its practices, several of which were deeply embedded in the company's culture. ART encouraged employees to spend a half day each week "experimenting, brainstorming, and thinking outside the box." It was a practice that the company's visionary founder and current CEO, David Hall, referred to as "tinker time." He explained the concept:
ART 致力于支持创新,不仅在资金上(公司的研发支出是美国工业公司的两倍),而且在实践中也是如此,其中一些做法已深深植入公司文化。ART 鼓励员工每周花半天时间进行 "实验、头脑风暴和发散思维"。公司富有远见的创始人兼现任首席执行官大卫-霍尔将这种做法称为 "修补时间"。他解释了这一概念:
Innovation and entrepreneurship are the twin engines driving this company. It's the reason we've ingrained "tinker time" in our culture...I expect all our managers, and particularly those on the front line, to create, promote, and back promising ideas. But we understand that when you go for the big leap, you won't always clear the bar. So there is no shame in failure when you are stretching for big objectives. Around here we routinely celebrate what we call "worthy attempts" - even when they are unsuccessful.
创新和创业精神是推动公司发展的双引擎。这也是我们将 "修补时间 "根植于企业文化中的原因......我希望我们的所有管理人员,尤其是一线管理人员,能够创造、推广和支持有前途的想法。但我们明白,当你想要大跃进时,你并不总能成功。因此,在追求大目标时,失败并不可耻。在这里,我们经常庆祝所谓的 "有价值的尝试"--即使是不成功的尝试。
Knowledge sharing and dissemination was another key part of ART's business philosophy, and despite the high level of decentralization and profit accountability, technology and human capital were both widely shared among divisions. For example, experts in one division routinely served as advisors on project committees for other divisions, and it was not uncommon for employees to go "on loan" to help another unit with a promising product idea or technology.
知识共享和传播是 ART 经营理念的另一个关键部分,尽管高度分权和利润责任制,技术和人力资本仍在各部门之间广泛共享。例如,一个部门的专家经常在其他部门的项目委员会中担任顾问,员工 "借调 "到其他部门帮助其他部门开发有前途的产品或技术也是常有的事。
The company also moved quickly to bring products to market. If an idea showed promise, funding was usually available for small "beta batch" productions, which often allowed market testing to achieve what was called "proof of concept" within ART. Once an innovation was proven, significant investment was quickly put behind it.
公司还迅速将产品推向市场。如果一个想法很有前景,通常会有资金用于 "测试版 "的小批量生产,这通常允许在 ART 内进行市场测试,实现所谓的 "概念验证"。一旦创新得到验证,公司就会迅速投入大量资金。
Applied Research Technologies, Inc.: Global Innovation's Challenges | 4168
应用研究技术公司全球创新的挑战 | 4168

Objectives and Priorities

To infuse discipline into its decentralized organization, ART's top management set highly aggressive performance objectives and tied executive compensation tightly to them. In 2006, as in any other year, each division was expected to deliver sales growth of , pretax margins of , and return on invested capital of , referred to as the "10/15/20 Target." The belief that innovative products were the source of the company's ongoing competitive advantage was reflected in a companywide metric requiring of each division's total sales come from products developed in the last four years.
为了给分散的组织注入纪律性,ART 的最高管理层制定了非常激进的业绩目标,并将高管薪酬与这些目标紧密挂钩。2006 年,与其他年份一样,每个部门的销售额增长预期为 ,税前利润率为 。税前利润率达到 ,投资资本回报率达到 。投资资本回报率为 。被称为 "10/15/20 目标"。创新产品是公司持续竞争优势的源泉,这一信念体现在公司的一项指标中,即要求各部门总销售额的 来自于过去四年开发的产品。
Hall also continually emphasized that to be competitive, ART had to shorten the life cycle between a new technology's conception and its commercialization. In response, the company had introduced the "Fast Track Pipeline," a program that focused on the highest priority projects by providing them with additional resources and management attention. ART currently had 67 such projects in the pipeline, six in the Water Division, but none in the Filtration Unit. (The mini oxidation unit had not been identified as a "Fast Track" project).
霍尔还不断强调,为了提高竞争力,ART 公司必须缩短新技术从构思到商业化的生命周期。为此,公司推出了 "快速通道管道 "计划,该计划重点关注最优先的项目,为其提供额外的资源和管理关注。ART 目前有 67 个此类项目在进行中,其中 6 个在水务部门,但没有一个在过滤部门。(小型氧化装置未被确定为 "快速通道 "项目)。
In the late 1990s, Hall began pushing to grow ART's global presence. "It's important not just to expand our market access, but also to broaden our talent access," he insisted. "Innovation and entrepreneurship know no national boundaries." In the quest to meet this challenge "to attract the best and the brightest wherever they live," in 2000, the corporate R&D group opened the India Technical Center (ITC) - a substantial operation that Hall hoped would become a model for other centers he planned to open up around the globe.
20 世纪 90 年代末,霍尔开始推动 ART 在全球的发展。"他坚持认为:"不仅要扩大我们的市场准入,还要拓宽我们的人才准入。"创新和创业精神不分国界"。为了应对这一挑战,"吸引最优秀和最聪明的人才,无论他们生活在哪里",2000 年,公司研发集团成立了印度技术中心(ITC),霍尔希望这一规模庞大的运营能成为他计划在全球各地成立的其他 中心的典范。

The Filtration Business Unit

The Filtration Unit was part of a business ART acquired from an oil and gas services company in 1996. Its core product line was in mobile water treatment that allowed oil and gas exploration companies to meet government water recycling requirements at well heads and drilling sites. These products were still the unit's core line, but in the late 1990s, new competition from Chinese manufacturers had led to a commoditization of the business and an erosion of margins. ART's newly acquired filtration business had tried to develop the next generation of products and technologies, but after two high-profile new product failures, the unit had lost confidence. By 2006, it was losing about million annually.
过滤部门是 ART 于 1996 年从一家石油天然气服务公司收购的业务的一部分。其核心产品线是移动水处理,使石油和天然气勘探公司能够满足政府对井口和钻井现场水循环利用的要求。这些产品仍然是该部门的核心产品线,但在 20 世纪 90 年代末,来自中国制造商的新竞争导致了该业务的商品化和利润率的下降。ART 新收购的过滤业务曾试图开发下一代产品和技术,但在两次备受瞩目的新产品失败后,该部门失去了信心。到 2006 年,该部门每年亏损约 百万美元。

New Management, New Energy

In a promotion from his role as a lab manager in the HVAC Division, the 32-year-old Vyas had assumed the role of business manager for the Filtration Unit in June 2001. He immediately confronted the unit's twin organizational problems of low morale and growing turnover, and in his first year, rebuilt the team by carefully selecting entrepreneurial-minded individuals to fill the vacancies left by turnover in the unit. One of his key recruits was Janice Wagner, whom he knew from her five years as a marketing manager in the HVAC Division. She was excited to join a unit that had an opportunity to develop a new business from scratch.
2001 年 6 月,32 岁的维亚斯从暖通空调部实验室经理的职位上晋升为过滤部业务经理。他立即着手解决该部门士气低落和人员流动日益频繁的双重组织问题,并在第一年通过精心挑选具有创业精神的人员来填补该部门人员流动留下的空缺,重建了团队。珍妮丝-瓦格纳(Janice Wagner)是他招募的主要人员之一,他认识珍妮丝-瓦格纳是因为她曾在暖通空调部门担任过五年的营销经理。她很高兴能加入一个有机会从零开始发展新业务的部门。
Convinced that survival depended on innovative growth, Vyas appointed a technology evaluation team early in his tenure, charging them with the responsibility to focus on technologies with the potential to turn the unit around. In one of his first reviews with that team, Vyas learned that for almost a year, the filtration unit had been working with ITC technicians on an exciting new technology the young Indian team had developed based on a license obtained from a Delhi-based start-up company. Developed as a potential solution to the widespread Third World problem of obtaining clean water in remote regions, this small-scale oxidation system was thought to have application in many less-developed markets. But in an effort to cut costs, the filtration unit's previous management had decided to abandon the collaboration a year earlier.
After reviewing the technology, Vyas became convinced that this had been a mistake and encouraged his evaluation team to pursue the project. Working closely with the ITC technologists, the team concluded that the oxidation technology was the most promising opportunity in their portfolio, and recommended developing a small-scale oxidation system that enabled waste-water disinfection in small batches. "We were so excited by that decision," said Div Verma, the ITC technologist in charge of the project. "We believe this project can make a huge difference to the lives of millions."
在对该技术进行审查后,维亚斯确信这是一个错误,并鼓励他的评估团队继续开展该项目。评估小组与 ITC 的技术专家密切合作,得出结论认为,氧化技术是其产品组合中最有前途的机会,并建议开发一种小规模氧化系统,以实现小批量废水消毒。"负责该项目的 ITC 技术专家 Div Verma 说:"我们对这一决定感到非常兴奋。"我们相信,这个项目能给数百万人的生活带来巨大改变。
Motivated by the support they received, the ITC technicians developed a promising initial design. Without bulky equipment (the equipment was a 26-inch cube) or an electrical power source (it utilized battery power), this small system could transform waste water into potable water without chemicals in minutes. A single unit had the capacity to process approximately 2,000 liters of contaminated water per day. With pride, they took their design to Vyas.
在获得支持的激励下,ITC 的技术人员开发出了一个很有前途的初步设计。这个小型系统没有笨重的设备(设备是一个 26 英寸的立方体),也没有电力来源(利用电池供电),可以在几分钟内将废水转化为饮用水,而不需要化学品。单台设备每天可处理约 2000 升受污染的水。他们满怀自豪地将设计方案交给了维亚斯。
But Vyas wanted to understand the business opportunity and asked Wagner to prepare a brief overview. Wagner learned that only about of the world's water was fresh, and most of that was frozen. Population growth, industrial development, and agricultural expansion were all putting pressure on fresh-water supplies in both developed and developing countries. Indeed, the World Resources Institute found that demand for water was growing at twice the rate of the population. As a result, the World Health Organization estimated that over 1.1 billion people lacked access to clean water, and that 2.4 billion lacked access to basic sanitation. The research also revealed that waterborne diseases accounted for of infections in the developing world, and in 2002, 3.1 million deaths occurred ( children) as a result of diarrheal diseases and malaria. As countries such as India and China industrialized, they used more fresh water and added more pollution to existing water sources.
但 Vyas 希望了解这一商机,并要求 Wagner 准备一份简要概述。瓦格纳了解到,世界上只有约 的水是淡水,其中大部分是冰冻的。人口增长、工业发展和农业扩张都给发达国家和发展中国家的淡水供应带来了压力。事实上,世界资源研究所发现,水需求的增长速度是人口增长速度的两倍。因此,世界卫生组织估计,超过 11 亿人无法获得清洁水,24 亿人无法获得基本卫生设施。研究还显示,在发展中国家,水传播疾病占感染病例的 ,2002年,腹泻病和疟疾导致310万人死亡( 名儿童)。随着印度和中国等国家的工业化进程,它们使用了更多的淡水,并对现有水源造成了更多的污染。
Wagner concluded that the scarcity of clean water was reaching crisis levels in developing nations, and that the mini-oxidation system could help avert some of the catastrophic effects. But she also reported comparable R&D efforts also underway in the government and private sectors in China and Europe, and that several companies in the United States and Canada were researching the technology. Nevertheless, her analysis suggested the ITC team's product was further along and probably superior to anything else in the space.
瓦格纳得出结论说,在发展中国家,清洁水的匮乏已经达到了危机的程度,而小型氧化系统可以帮助避免一些灾难性的影响。但她也报告说,中国和欧洲的政府和私营部门也在进行类似的研发工作,美国和加拿大的几家公司也在研究这项技术。尽管如此,她的分析表明,ITC 团队的产品更先进,很可能优于该领域的任何其他产品。

New Opportunities, New Initiatives

Vyas decided to pursue the project and convinced the VP of Corporate R&D who had ITC oversight to allow the three ITC technologists working on it to become members of his technical team-a move that would allow them to focus on developing commercial designs for the oxidation technology. Simultaneously, he asked Wagner to do a first-cut market assessment to identify potential opportunities for the technology. Over the next few weeks, through focus groups and interviews with potential customers, she uncovered several promising applications. (See Exhibit 2).
Vyas 决定继续实施该项目,并说服了负责 ITC 监督的公司研发副总裁,让负责该项目的三位 ITC 技术专家成为他的技术团队成员--这样他们就可以专注于开发氧化技术的商业设计。与此同时,他还要求瓦格纳对市场进行初步评估,以确定该技术的潜在机遇。在接下来的几周里,通过焦点小组和与潜在客户的访谈,她发现了几个很有前景的应用。(见图 2)。
But while the market research was exciting, progress in bringing a product to market proved to be slow and difficult. From January 2003 to February 2006, the technology team coordinated with separate manufacturing and marketing teams located in the United States to work through two
尽管市场调研令人兴奋,但将产品推向市场的进展却缓慢而艰难。从 2003 年 1 月到 2006 年 2 月,技术团队分别与位于美国的制造和营销团队进行协调,通过两个

complete cycles of product development, beta batch productions, and test marketing of two different versions of the mini-oxidation system. Both failed due to what were subsequently revealed to be defects in the design and lack of interest in the marketplace.
The first-generation product was aimed at the application for which the technology was originally developed - to provide developing nations with safe drinking water. Largely supported by foreign aid, the mini-oxidation system was field-tested by representatives from funding agencies. Unfortunately, the output water had a detectable odor which the funders found unacceptable. Despite assurances that ITC technicians could fix the problem, the trials failed to convert into orders.
The team decided to refocus a second-generation product on specialized applications in Western countries where funding was more available. The plan was to develop a slightly modified version of the product and aim it at a potential market for military use and NGO disaster relief activities that Wagner had identified in her initial analysis. This decision was enormously disappointing to the Indian technologists who had developed the initial prototypes, and Vyas had to work hard to keep them on board. The second-generation product fixed the odor problem, but field trials showed that the solution caused the unit to consume too much power, requiring frequent battery replacement. Once again, no orders were forthcoming.
While these trials were occurring, the filtration unit's small R&D team in the United States persuaded Vyas to allow them to work with corporate on an entirely new version of the product that would utilize ultrasound waves for water disinfection. High frequency vibrations were shown to control the growth of algae, organic waste, and bacteria such as E. coli. Market applications for this technology included treatment for clean water storage receptacles, public/private ponds, fish tanks, and ballast water. However, in 2006 this technology was still in the earliest stages of research and testing.
在进行这些试验的同时,过滤装置在美国的小型研发团队说服维亚斯允许他们与 公司合作开发一种全新的产品,利用超声波对水进行消毒。事实证明,高频振动可以控制藻类、有机废物和大肠杆菌等细菌的生长。这项技术的市场应用包括净水储存容器、公共/私人池塘、鱼缸和压舱水的处理。不过,在 2006 年,这项技术仍处于研究和测试的初期阶段。

New Oversight, New Discipline

In January 2006, just as Vyas and the rest of the mini-oxidation team were launching their secondgeneration system, Cynthia Jackson was appointed vice president of the Water Management Division. Jackson's attention was soon drawn to the troubled Filtration Unit which she felt needed to put much more rigor into the planning and analysis that supported their product development activities. According to Jackson:
2006 年 1 月,就在 Vyas 和迷你氧化团队的其他成员推出第二代系统时,Cynthia Jackson 被任命为水管理部门的副总裁。杰克逊的注意力很快就被陷入困境的过滤部门吸引了过去,她认为该部门需要更加严格地进行规划和分析,以支持其产品开发活动。杰克逊认为
Peter Vyas seems to be an excellent talent manager. He was able to recruit and retain good people to his unit, and then build them into highly motivated teams on two different continents. He's also shown himself to be an outstanding advocate for the group's ideas -skilled at managing upward, gaining support, and running interference so his team can concentrate on the task at hand. And I'm aware that the company has high hopes for the Filtration Unit, but the results just are not there.
In my view, the unit lacks discipline. They had a promising technology that was in search of a market, but had not done the work to nail down either. In the first meeting I had with them I explained that they would be developing any future proposals using a rigorous three-phase process linking market analysis and technological development to business planning.
In her first meeting with Vyas, Jackson also made it clear that the unit's continued existence was in jeopardy if they did not turn things around.
在与 Vyas 的第一次会面中,Jackson 还明确表示,如果他们不扭转局面,小分队的继续存在就岌岌可危。

Mini-Oxidation's Third Launch Attempt

To coordinate the third launch of the mini-oxidation system, Vyas assembled a single six-person development team with representatives from various functions located in the United States and India. Because Janice Wagner had demonstrated strong project management skills, Vyas named her as the team leader. (Exhibit 3 details committee membership.) From the outset, the team was highly committed to the product and worked tirelessly to complete Jackson's three-phase process.
为了协调小型氧化系统的第三次推出,Vyas 组建了一个由来自美国和印度不同职能部门的代表组成的六人开发团队。由于珍妮丝-瓦格纳(Janice Wagner)具有很强的项目管理能力,维亚斯任命她为团队领导。(从一开始,该团队就高度致力于该产品,并为完成 Jackson 的三阶段流程而不懈努力。

Phase 1: General Product Concept and Market Analysis
第 1 阶段:总体产品概念和市场分析

Wagner took the lead in preparing the Phase 1 requirement "to develop a general product concept supported by market research." Having learned that the unit lacked the expertise to sell to developing markets, governments, and NGOs, she decided to focus additional research on U.S. data that seemed to indicate strong potential for a residential water purification system. She also decided to see if opportunities might exist in domestic agricultural applications.
瓦格纳率先提出了第一阶段的要求,即 "在市场调研的支持下,开发一个总体产品概念"。在了解到该部门缺乏向发展中市场、政府和非政府组织销售产品的专业知识后,她决定将额外的研究重点放在美国的数据上,这些数据似乎表明住宅净水系统具有强大的潜力。她还决定看看国内农业应用领域是否存在机会。
According to the Palmer Drought Index from April of 2006, 26% of the United States was considered in moderate to extreme drought conditions, and Wagner's research showed that low rainfall, high wind, and rapid population growth in the Western and Southeastern regions of the country caused a major water scarcity problem for these areas. The resulting government-imposed water restrictions often led to severe limitations or outright bans of water used in residential landscape irrigation. Because re-use of waste water would serve conservation efforts while preserving residential landscaping, Wagner felt that the mini-oxidation system offered a perfect solution for the needs of homeowners in these drought-stricken areas. In addition, since the product would be used for irrigation and not for drinking water, the disinfection quality could be lowered and energy consumption would therefore be reduced compared to past product iterations.
根据 2006 年 4 月的帕尔默干旱指数,美国 26% 的地区处于中度到极端干旱状态,瓦格纳的研究表明,美国西部和东南部地区降雨量低、风力大、人口增长快,导致这些地区严重缺水。由此产生的政府限水令往往导致住宅景观灌溉用水受到严格限制或完全禁止。由于废水的再利用既有利于节约用水,又能保护住宅景观,瓦格纳认为小型氧化系统是满足这些干旱地区业主需求的完美解决方案。此外,由于该产品将用于灌溉而非饮用水,因此与过去的产品相比,消毒质量可以降低,能耗也会因此减少。
Wagner's research on the U.S. water industry indicated that the domestic water-treatment equipment market generated sales of over billion. (Exhibit 4 provides selected data from the research.) Residential water treatment products ranged from water filters that reduced sediment, rust, and chlorine odor (average retail price $50) to systems that provided more comprehensive household water purification (retail price to ). The research also showed that in-ground sprinkler systems cost between and , and after conducting some industry interviews and focus groups, Wagner felt this was a good barometer of what a homeowner was willing to pay for a lush, green lawn.
瓦格纳对美国水行业的研究表明,家用水处理设备市场的销售额超过 亿美元。(住宅水处理产品包括可减少沉淀物、铁锈和氯味的滤水器(平均零售价为 50 美元),以及可提供更全面的家庭水净化的系统(零售价为 )。调查还显示,地面喷灌系统的价格在 之间。在进行了一些行业访谈和焦点小组讨论后,瓦格纳认为这是业主愿意为郁郁葱葱的草坪支付费用的一个很好的晴雨表。
After discussing the product concept with the development committee members, the team decided to recommend a retail price of ( wholesale price) for a residential irrigation mini-oxidation system (RIMOS) capable of supporting a 10,000 square-foot lawn. Pricing for an agricultural irrigation large oxidation system (AILOS) would be significantly less on a per-acre basis, with details to be developed only after further research had been done. Wagner and Vyas compiled the data and product concept information in a formal proposal for Jackson to approve.
在与开发委员会成员讨论了产品概念后,团队决定建议将住宅微型氧化灌溉系统(RIMOS)的零售价定为 (批发价为 )。(住宅灌溉小型氧化系统(RIMOS)的零售价为{{0}(批发价为 ),能够支持 10,000 平方英尺的草坪。按每英亩计算,农业灌溉大型氧化系统(AILOS)的定价要低得多,具体细节有待进一步研究后才能确定。Wagner 和 Vyas 将数据和产品概念信息汇编成一份正式提案,供 Jackson 批准。
Jackson responded to the team's Phase 1 proposal with a flurry of questions and challenges. She highlighted the sparseness of concrete market numbers and their lack of data on target markets. And when the team floated the idea of designing a larger-scale agricultural version of the system, she asked them to think about whether that would stretch resources too thin. With the whole company under pressure to trim budgets, Jackson asked the team to consider reducing the project's costs by eliminating either the RIMOS or AILOS product. After some discussion, Vyas and his team agreed to focus future product development and marketing efforts on the RIMOS product for the U.S. market.
Jackson 在回应团队的第一阶段提案时提出了大量问题和挑战。她强调了具体市场数字的稀缺性以及目标市场数据的缺乏。当团队提出设计更大规模的农业版系统的想法时,她要求他们考虑这是否会使资源过于紧张。由于整个公司都面临削减预算的压力,杰克逊要求团队考虑通过取消 RIMOS 或 AILOS 产品来降低项目成本。经过讨论,维亚斯和他的团队同意将未来的产品开发和营销工作重点放在面向美国市场的 RIMOS 产品上。

Phase 2: Technical Specifications and Prototype
第 2 阶段:技术规格和原型

Having won the approval of Phase 1, the team was now ready to begin the second phase of Jackson's product development process. This involved designing actual product specifications and determining how to do this within the wholesale price point that the group had determined was appropriate. A working prototype was also to be created as part of this phase.
在第一阶段获得批准后,团队现在准备开始杰克逊产品开发流程的第二阶段。这包括设计实际的产品规格,并确定如何在小组确定的 批发价范围内实现这一目标。作为这一阶段的一部分,还将创建一个工作原型。
The team relied heavily on ITC expertise to adapt the existing product originally designed to provide potable water in remote locations, to one capable of processing wastewater for lawn irrigation. During this phase, several misunderstandings surfaced between team members in the United States and India. For example, Wagner became concerned when the Indian team repeatedly missed design deadlines she had requested. When she confronted Div Verma, the lab leader responsible for the project, he responded tersely:
该团队在很大程度上依靠 ITC 的专业知识,将最初设计用于为偏远地区提供饮用水的现有产品改造成能够处理草坪灌溉废水的产品。在这一阶段,美国和印度的团队成员之间出现了一些误解。例如,当印度团队一再错过她要求的设计期限时,瓦格纳开始担心。当她与负责该项目的实验室负责人迪夫-维尔马(Div Verma)对质时,他的回答很粗暴:
Peter told us he wanted the new design to be flawless. I take that as my number one priority. We can't meet this deliverable without proper testing. Why is everything so rushed with you? If we don't have a perfect design, then we run the risk of failing a third time and that is not acceptable. My team will not provide designs for a prototype until we are sure that all the bugs have been worked out. We don't want to be involved in another failure.
Emphasizing the mandate to move quickly while ensuring product quality, Vyas mediated the disagreement by crafting a compromise that gave the Indian technical team a formal schedule allowing them two weeks of extra testing time. "I felt there was a mix of disappointment and pride that had to be dealt with," said Vias. "I also told Div that this third generation product would give us the credibility to return to the developing world project." Once the prototype was finished, the final designs and specs were again submitted for review.
Jackson was impressed by the attention to detail in this latest iteration, but wanted to ensure that the team was fully utilizing the internal expertise available at ART. With Jackson's help, Vyas tapped engineers and manufacturing managers from the HVAC and Healthcare Divisions who had expertise his team was lacking. He invited them to join his development team, and they quickly became deeply engaged in the project. They identified several design changes and production specifications that increased efficiency and lowered manufacturing costs.
最新迭代产品对细节的关注给杰克逊留下了深刻印象,但他希望团队能够充分利用 ART 的内部专业技术。在杰克逊的帮助下,维亚斯从暖通空调部门和医疗保健部门找到了工程师和制造经理,他们都拥有团队所缺乏的专业知识。他邀请他们加入自己的开发团队,他们很快就投入到项目中。他们确定了一些设计变更和生产规格,从而提高了效率,降低了制造成本。

Phase 3: Business Plan
第 3 阶段:业务计划

The development of the business plan was the most difficult phase for Vyas and his team. They were unaccustomed to creating complex sales forecast models and cost estimates. But eventually they developed a detailed product concept, marketing approach, and manufacturing strategy for RIMOS, as well as sales forecasts, cost projections, and expense estimates. They also acknowledged that they still believed there was a significant market in water treatment for the developing world and in emergency relief work, but these future options had not been included in the current forecasts or business plan. They hoped to explore these with the help of the Oil and Gas Division which had excellent international contacts.
对 Vyas 和他的团队来说,制定商业计划是最困难的阶段。他们不习惯建立复杂的销售预测模型和成本估算。但他们最终还是为 RIMOS 制定了详细的产品概念、营销方法和生产战略,以及销售预测、成本预测和费用估算。他们还承认,他们仍然相信发展中国家的水处理和紧急救援工作有很大的市场,但这些未来的选择并没有包括在目前的预测或业务计划中。他们希望在拥有良好国际联系的石油和天然气部的帮助下探索这些领域。
Jackson challenged the team's pro forma financials which she felt lacked the data to support their assumptions. She asked the team to perform additional due diligence and to justify their assumptions. She also pushed back on the projected sales assumptions and suggested that the pro forma financials needed to be stress-tested. But after testing the analysis, Wagner felt her research was sound and was adamant about the size of the opportunity and their ability to capture the market.
Jackson 对团队的预估财务数据提出了质疑,她认为这些数据缺乏对其假设的支持。她要求团队进行更多的尽职调查,并证明他们的假设是合理的。她还反驳了预计销售额的假设,并建议需要对预估财务数据进行压力测试。但在对分析进行测试后,瓦格纳认为她的研究是正确的,并坚定地认为这是一个巨大的商机,他们有能力占领市场。
Vyas stood by Wagner and also defended the financial data which he felt had been carefully developed by the manufacturing and technology experts. Exhibit 5 summarizes the team's sales and operating margin forecasts.
维亚斯支持瓦格纳,并为财务数据辩护,他认为这些数据是由制造和技术专家精心编制的。附表 5 总结了团队对销售额和营业利润率的预测。
The team acknowledged that its assumptions relied on the ability to gain access to the HVAC Group's Residential Market Division. As Wagner pointed out, ART's norms encouraged them to take advantage of these types of synergies, and they had good contacts in the division. However, the HVAC Residential Market Division's senior executives had full discretion regarding the products distributed through its channels, and they had not yet made a formal decision about RIMOS.
该小组承认,他们的假设依赖于与暖通空调集团住宅市场部的接触能力。正如 Wagner 指出的那样,ART 的规范鼓励他们利用这类协同效应,而且他们在该部门有良好的人脉关系。然而,暖通空调住宅市场部的高级管理人员对通过其渠道销售的产品拥有完全的决定权,他们尚未就 RIMOS 做出正式决定。
Jackson also expressed her concerns with the retail price point and pushed Vyas to clearly identify the risks associated with the plan. After further consideration, the team developed a risk assessment and response matrix, which they included in the business plan (Exhibit 6). The business plan revealed the need for million in funding for beta batch production of RIMOS and the marketing budget to support its distribution and promotion.
Jackson 还对 零售价点表示担忧,并要求 Vyas 明确指出该计划的相关风险。经过进一步考虑,团队制定了风险评估和应对矩阵,并将其纳入商业计划中(见图 6)。商业计划显示,需要 百万资金用于RIMOS的测试批量生产,以及支持其分销和推广的营销预算。

Toward a Decision: Go or No Go?

An hour after receiving the investment proposal from his team, Vyas was still pacing back and forth trying to decide whether to support or reject their request for the million in funding for RIMOS. He knew his development team was absolutely convinced it could succeed, but he also realized that the unit's existence and even his own career were being openly questioned.
收到团队的投资建议一小时后,维亚斯仍在来回踱步,试图决定是支持还是拒绝他们为 RIMOS 提供 万资金的请求。他知道他的开发团队绝对相信它能取得成功,但他也意识到,这个单位的存在甚至他自己的职业生涯都受到了公开的质疑。
Two floors above Vyas's office, Jackson was also contemplating the RIMOS project. Having heard through the company grapevine that a funding request had been submitted to Vyas, she began to think about how she would handle the request if it was sent up to her. She had heard rumblings from other managers in her division that the Filtration Unit was a drain on division resources and that it was time to pull the plug on any additional funding.
在维亚斯办公室楼上两层,杰克逊也在考虑 RIMOS 项目。通过公司的小道消息,她听说有人向维亚斯提交了一份资金申请,于是她开始考虑,如果这份申请提交给她,她将如何处理。她从部门的其他经理那里听到一些传言,说过滤装置耗费了部门的资源,是时候停止追加资金了。
As a newly promoted division VP, Jackson understood that her actions would be closely watched. She wanted to make sure she did not drop the ball.
Exhibit 1 ART Organization with Filtration Unit Detail
附图 1 ART 机构与过滤装置详图
Exhibit 2 Wagner's List of Potential Markets
图 2 瓦格纳的潜在市场清单
Developing Nations 发展中国家
  • Provide potable water solutions for areas with unsafe drinking water

U.S. Residential 美国住宅

  • Landscape irrigation 景观灌溉
  • Pools 游泳池
  • In-house water recirculation for non-drinking purposes (e.g., laundry, dishwashers, etc.)

U.S. Commercial 美国商业

  • Restaurants 餐厅
  • Grocery stores 杂货店
  • Laundromats 自助洗衣店
  • Linen/Uniform companies 床单/制服公司
  • Farms 农场
  • Landscape irrigation 景观灌溉
U.S. and Overseas Emergency Units
  • Disaster relief 救灾
  • Military 军事
Exhibit 3 ART Mini Water Oxidation System-Development Committee Team Structure
图表 3 ART 微型水氧化系统开发委员会团队结构
New Product Introduction Team Members
D. Verma Laboratory Leader - Indian Technical Center
R. Patel Product Development - Indian Technical Center
B. Wang Manufacturing
H. Lewis Quality Assurance
J. Wagner Marketing (TEAM LEADER)
T. Smith Project Administration
C. Cortez HVAC Division Representative
G. Steinberg Healthcare Division Representative
The U.S. Water Industry (Revenues in millions)

Water Treatment Equipment .....
水处理设备 .....

Delivery Equipment .....
运送设备 .....

Chemicals .....  化学品 .....
Contract Operations .....
合同业务 .....

Consulting/Engineering .....
咨询/工程 .....

Maintenance Services .....
维护服务 .....

Instruments and Testing .....
仪器和测试 .....

Wastewater Utilities .....
废水处理设施 .....

Drinking Water Utilities .....
饮用水公用事业 .....

Total U.S. Water Industry .....
美国水行业总计 .....

U.S. Residences (2000 Census)
美国住宅(2000 年人口普查)

Total Housing Units ..... 116 million
住房单元总数 .....1.16 亿

Single-Family Detached Homes ..... 70 million
单户独立式住宅 .....7000 万

Drought Indicators (Palmer Drought Index 4/10/2006)
干旱指标(帕尔默干旱指数 4/10/2006)

of the continuous U.S. in severe to extreme drought .....
美国连续遭受严重至特大干旱的地区 .....

of the continuous U.S. in moderate to extreme drought .....
}美国连续出现中度至极端干旱的地区 .....
NOTE: Mini-Oxidation Systems are a "new-to-the-world" product with unknown market potential.
注:微型氧化系统是一种 "新产品",其市场潜力尚不可知。
a Source: Adapted from the Environmental Business Journal, 2006
a 资料来源:改编自《环境商业期刊》,2006 年
Exhibit 5 Summary Sales and Profit Forecast for RIMOS
图表 5 RIMOS 销售额和利润预测摘要
Forecast Sales ( $ millions)
Forecast Operating Income (%)
Exhibit 6 Summary Risk Analysis and Risk Mitigation for RIMOS
图表 6 RIMOS 风险分析和风险缓解摘要
Risk Level Plan
May not gain market acceptance High Ensure HVAC distribution support
Highlight ART name
Supplement marketing budget for product launch
Product design flaws Medium Monitor beta batch closely
Price point too high Medium
Quantify customer savings from increased water
Provide sales training to distributors
Emerging competition Low Get to market first
Leverage ART global presence, technical support,
supplier relationships, and distribution network

  1. HBS Professor Christopher A. Bartlett and Heather Beckham prepared this case solely as a basis for class discussion and not as an endorsement, a source of primary data, or an illustration of effective or ineffective management. This case, though based on real events, is fictionalized, and any resemblance to actual persons or entities is coincidental. There are occasional references to actual companies in the narration.
    哈佛商学院教授克里斯托弗-A-巴特利特(Christopher A. Bartlett)和希瑟-贝克汉姆(Heather Beckham)编写本案例,仅作为课堂讨论的基础,而非认可、原始数据来源或有效或无效管理的说明。本案例虽基于真实事件,但系虚构,与真实人物或实体的任何相似之处均属巧合。叙述中偶尔会提到真实的公司。
    Copyright (c) 2010 President and Fellows of Harvard College. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, call 1-800-545-7685, write Harvard Business Publishing, Boston, MA 02163, or go to http://www.hbsp.harvard.edu. This publication may not be digitized, photocopied, or otherwise reproduced, posted, or transmitted, without the permission of Harvard Business School.
    版权 (c) 2010 哈佛大学校长与研究员。如需订购或申请复制资料的许可,请致电 1-800-545-7685,致函 Harvard Business Publishing, Boston, MA 02163,或访问 http://www.hbsp.harvard.edu。未经哈佛商学院许可,不得对本出版物进行数字化、影印或以其他方式复制、张贴或传播。
  2. Of that total, Water Management Division sales were million and Filtration Unit sales were million
    其中,水管理部门的销售额为 万,过滤部门的销售额为
  3. Hall had recently increased this target from of each unit's sales from products developed in the last five years.
    最近,霍尔将这一目标从 提高到了 ,即每个单位的销售额中有 来自过去五年开发的产品。
  4. a Member from another unit of ART added in Phase 2
    a 来自第二阶段增补的 ART 另一单位的成员