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The three major socio-culture elements that directly influence perception and communication are 1. culture values, 2. worldview (religion) and 3. social organization (family and state)
直接影响感知和交流的三个主要社会文化要素是 1.文化价值观, 2.世界观(宗教)和 3.社会组织(家庭和国家)

Values inform a members of a culture about what is good and bad, right or wrong, true and false, positive and negative. Most important, culture values guide both perception and behavior. Values are learned, they are not universal.

A worldview is a culture's orientation toward such things as God, nature, life, death, the universe, and other philosophical issues that are concerned with the meaning of life and with "being".

Social organization. The manner in which a culture organizes itself is directly related to the institutions within that culture. The families who raise you and the governments with which you associate and hold allegiance to all help determine how you perceive the world and how you behave within the world. The family is among the oldest and most fundamental of all human institutions.

P26 stumbling blocks in intercultural communication 跨文化交际中的绊脚石

Assumption of similarities 相似性假定

Many people naively assume there are sufficient similarities among peoples of the world to make community easy. They overlook the fact that the forms of adaptation to these common biological and social needs and the values, beliefs and attitudes surrounding them are vastly different from culture to culture.

Language differences 语言差异

Vocabulary, syntax, idioms, slang, dialects and so on all cause difficulty. A greater language problem is the tenacity with which some people will cling to just one meaning of a word or phase in the new language regardless of connotation or context. There are other language problems including the different styles of using language and so on.

Nonverbal misinterpretations 非言语行为的误解

People from different cultures inhabit different sensory realities. The misinterpretation of observable nonverbal signs and symbols is a definite communication barrier. It is more difficult to understand the less obvious unspoken codes of the other culture.

Preconceptions and stereotypes 先入之见和刻板印象

Stereotypes are overgeneralized, secondhand beliefs that provide conceptual bases from which we make sense out of what goes on around us, whether or not they are accurate or fit the circumstances. Stereotypes persist because they are firmly established as myths or truisms by one's own culture and because they sometimes rationalize prejudices.

Tendency to evaluate 评估趋向

It means to approve or disapprove, the statements and actions of the other person or group. We assume our own culture or way of life is the most natural. The miscommunication caused before immediate evaluation is height-ened when feelings and emotions are deeply involved; yet this is just the time when listening with understanding is most needed. The admonition to resist the tendency to immediately evaluate not mean that one should not develop one's own sense of right and wrong. The goal is to look and listen empathetically rather than through the thick screen of value judgements that impede a fair and total understanding.

High anxiety 高度紧张

Too much anxiety or tension requires some form of relief, which too often comes in the form of defenses, such as the skewing of perceptions, withdrawal, or hostility. That's why it is considered a serious stumbling block.




The physiological needs 生理需求

The safety needs 安全需求

The belongingness needs 归属需求
归属需求 归属需求

The esteem needs 尊重需求

The self-actualization needs 自我实现需求

3 Every culture has its ways of doing things in daily life.
3 每一种文化在日常生活中都有其做事的方式。

P 45
第 45 页

Culture can be defined as the coherent, learned, shared view of a group of people about life's concerns that ranks what is important, furnishes attitudes about what things are appropriate, and dictates behavior. This definition contains three characteristics of culture; then it outlines three things culture does.

Culture is coherent

Each culture, past or present, is coherent and complete within itself an entire view of the universe.

Culture is learned

Culture is not something we are born with, but rather it is learned.

Culture is the view of a group of people

A culture is shaped by a society.

Culture ranks what is important

What is of paramount importance to one group may be virtually meaningless to another. Cultures rank what is important. In other words, cultures teach values or priorities.

Culture furnishes attitudes

Attitudes are based on beliefs as well as values. Beliefs are convictions or certainties based on subjective and often personal ideas rather than on proof or fact. Belief systems or religions are powerful sources of values and attitudes in cultures.

Culture dictates how to behave

Behavior comes directly from attitudes about how significant something is how it is valued. Values drive actions. Our life is mostly a composite of actions. Cultural priorities motivate our behavior. In intercultural contacts, cultural differences usually make themselves known first by behavior, which is related to attitudes and which springs from priorities (values) in the culture.

p49 Elements of communication
p49 沟通要素


One aspect of context is the physical setting, including location, time, light, temperature, distance between communicators, and any seating arrangements. Each of these factors affects communication.
(1) 上下文的一个方面是物理环境,包括位置、时间、光线、温度、通信者之间的距离以及任何座位安排。这些因素中的每一个都会影响沟通。

② A second aspect of context is historical. Previous communication episodes affect the meanings currently being shared.

A third aspect of context is psychological. The manner in which people perceive both themselves and those with whom they communicate will affect the meaning that is shared.

A fourth aspect of context is culture. Culture may be defined as"systems of knowledge" shared by a relatively large group of people. It includes a system of shared beliefs, values, symbols, and behaviors.

Although all aspects of a culture are part of the context, one of the most important aspects of culture is the establishment of the communication norms within the culture.


The participants in communication play the roles of sender and receiver, sometimes as in face-to-face communication-of the messages simultaneously. As senders, we form messages and attempt to communicate them to others through verbal and nonverbal symbols. As receivers, we process the messages sent to us and react to them both verbally and nonverbally.

Three especially important variables affecting participants are relationship, gender, and culture.


Communication takes place through the sending and receiving of messages. Actually, messages are far more complex. They include the elements of meanings, symbols, encoding and decoding.

Meanings. The pure ideas and feelings that exist in a person's mind represent meanings.

Symbols. The words, sounds, and actions that communicate meaning are known as symbols because they stand for the meanings intended by the person using them.

Encoding and Decoding. The process of transforming ideas and feelings into symbols and organizing them is called encoding a message; the process of transforming messages back into ideas and feelings is called decoding.


A channel is both the route traveled by the message and the means of transportation. Messages are transmitted through a variety of sensory channels. We may use sound, sight, smell, taste, touch, or any combination of these to carry a message.


Noise is any stimulus, external or internal to the participants, that interferes with the sharing of meaning. Much of our success as communicators depends on how we cope with external, internal, and semantic noises, each of which can create blocks in the sensory channels and interfere with the decoding process.

External Noise. Sights, sounds, and other stimuli in the environment that draw people's attention away from intended meaning are known as external noise.

Internal Noise.Thoughts and feelings that interfere with the communication process are known as internal noise.

Semantic Noise. Unintended meanings aroused by certain verbal symbols can inhibit the accuracy of decoding. This is known as semantic noise.


As receivers attempt to decode the meaning of messages, they are likely to give some kind of verbal or nonverbal response.This response, called feedback, tells the sender whether the message has been heard, seen, or understood.

p99 Culture dimensions
p99 文化维度

Individualism versus collectivism

Uncertainty avoidance

Power distance

Masculinity versus femininity

Long-term versus short-term orientation to time

p110 High-context and low-context cultures
p110 高语境和低语境文化

A high-context (HC) communication or message is one in which most of the information is either in the context or internalized in the person, while very little is in the coded, explicit, transmitted part of the message. A low-context (LC) communication is just the opposite; i.e., the mass of the information is vested in the explicit code, and the context or situation plays a minimal role.
高上下文 (HC) 通信或消息是指大部分信息要么在上下文中,要么在人中内化,而很少信息在消息的编码、显式、传输部分。低上下文 (LC) 通信恰恰相反;也就是说,信息量归属于显式代码,上下文或情况起的作用很小。

In general, low-context communication refers to communication patterns of direct verbal mode, while high-context communication refers to communication patterns of indirect verbal mode.

When we use low-context communication we stress the importance of explicit verbal messages to convey personal thoughts, opinions, and feelings. When we use high-context communication we stress the importance of multilayered contexts (e.g-, historical context, social norms, roles, situational and relational contexts) that frame the interaction encounter.

p146 The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis 萨丕尔-沃尔夫假说

Language becomes our shaper of ideas rather than simply our tool for reporting ideas, language influenced or even determined the ways in which people thought.

The central idea of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is that language functions, not simply as a device for reporting experience, but also, and more significantly, as a way of defining experience for its speakers.

p253 Culture conceptions of time
p253 文化时间观

A culture's conception of time can be examined from three different perspectives: (1) informal time; (2) perceptions of past, present, and future; and (3) monochronic and polychronic classifications.

Informal time

Most of the rules for informal time, such as pace and tardiness, are not explicitly taught. Like most of culture, these rules usually function below the level of consciousness.

We can ascertain a culture's attitude toward time by examining the pace at which members of that culture perform specific acts and respond to certain events.

Past, present and future

Past-orientated cultures place much emphasis on tradition and are often perceived as resisting change.

Filipinos and Latin Americans are present oriented and emphasize living in the moment. There cultures tend to be more impulsive and spontaneous than others and have a casual, relaxed lifestyle.

The third orientation, which puts great faith in the future, is the one most Americans have.

Monochronic (M-time) and polychronic (P-time)
单时 (M-time) 和多时 (P-time)

As the word monochronic implies, this approach sees time as lineal, segmented, and manageable. Time is something people must not waste; they must be dong something or they feel guilty.

P-time cultures, for example, deal with time holistically.They can interact with more than one person or do more than one thing at a time. They also take great stock in the activity that is occurring at the moment and emphasize people more than schedules. They do not perceive appointments as iron-clad commitments and therefore often break them. For P-time cultures, time is less tangible; hence, feelings of wasted time are not as prevalent as in M-time cultures. This leads, of course, to a lifestyle that is more spontaneous and unstructured.
例如,P-time 文化从整体上处理时间。他们可以与多个人互动或一次做多件事。他们还非常重视当前正在进行的活动,并强调人而不是日程安排。他们不认为任命是铁定的承诺,因此经常违反这些承诺。对于 P 时间文化,时间不那么有形;因此,浪费时间的感觉并不像在M-time文化中那样普遍。当然,这导致了一种更加自发和非结构化的生活方式。

p268 关于国家的俚语

excuse my French 原谅我说粗话

talk to sb like a Dutch uncle 严厉地告诫某人

it's all Greek to me 一窍不通

say in plain English 直率地说,通俗地说

scratch a Russian and you will find a Tartar 外表不能改变本质
刮一个俄罗斯人,你会发现一个鞑靼人 外表不能改变本质

his Irish is up 他生气了

Dutch courage 酒后之勇

an Indian summer 风和日丽的日子/心情很好/兴旺的晚期

French kiss

Welsh on debts 赖账

p292 Stereotype and prejudice
p292 刻板印象和偏见

A stereotype is a fixed notion about persons in a certain category, with no distinctions made among individuals. In other words, it is an overgeneralized and oversimplified belief we use to categorize a group of people.

We form stereotypes in three ways.

First, we may categorize people or things by the most obvious characteristics they possess.

Second, we may apply a set of characteristics to a whole group of people.

Third, we may give the same treatment to each member of the group.

Stereotypes may vary along four dimensions: direction, intensity, accuracy, and content.

The direction of stereotypes refers to the positive/favorable and negative/ unfavorable aspects of statements.

The intensity of a stereotype indicates the strength of a belief about a group of people.

Stereotypes also vary in their accuracy. Although stereotypes are exaggerated and overgeneralized beliefs, they are not always false. Some of them may be half-truths, and others may be partially inaccurate.

Finally, stereotypes may vary in their specific content, for example, in the specific traits attributed to a group of people.

Stereotypes naturally develop from a set of oversimplified beliefs into a rigid attitude toward a group of people. Such an attitude based on erroneous beliefs or preconceptions is called prejudice. Stereotypes and prejudice often occur together. In other words, when we hold beliefs (stereotypes), for example, about Italians, we also tend to have prejudice toward them. While beliefs refer to the likelihood that a group of people possesses certain characteristics, they contribute to the formation of attitude systems that directly affect the way we treat the group of people. Thus, prejudice is a learned tendency by which we respond to a given group of people or event in a consistent (usually negative) way. When cognitions (stereotypes) are assigned values (prejudice), we may enact biased action (e.g. discrimination).

Prejudice varies principally along the dimension of intensity. Five common forms of prejudice can be identified in terms of intensity: verbal abuse, physical avoidance, discrimination, physical attack, and massacre.

verbal abuse

Verbal abuse is often accompanied by ethnic jokes and name-labeling

physical avoidance

Physical avoidance occurs when we dislike a group of people. Because of different religious beliefs, language systems, and behavioral patterns, we may intentionally avoid making friends, going out studying, or working with certain people.


Discrimination refers to the denial of equal opportunities to outgroup members.

Discrimination often occurs in the areas of employment, residential housing, political rights, educational and recreational opportunities, and other social privileges.

physical attack

As the degree of discrimination intensifies, physically punishing the group of people who are disliked becomes inevitable.


Finally, the worst result of prejudice is massacre.

We gradually develop our stereotypes and prejudices through the process of learning and socialization. We also develop stereotypes from our personal experiences. Finally, mass media also play an important role in the development of stereotypes and prejudice.

Because stereotypes and prejudice are based on our belief and attitude systems, they affect the way we communicate in intercultural encounters. They may prevent us from interacting with people of different backgrounds; they tend to produce negative feelings during the interactions; and they can lead to unnecessary conflicts when they are intense. To solve the problems of stereotypes and prejudice, we suggest that empathy is the main communication skill we should learn.

p298 Adapting to a new culture
p298 适应新文化

Culture shock refers to the transition period and the accompanying feelings of stress and anxiety a person experiences during the early period upon entering a new culture. Several terms apply to this concept including culture stress, adaptation, transition shock adjustment, socialization, and so on.

Any number of symptoms can occur during cycles of culture shock. These symptoms can be (1) physiological such as a constant headache, an upset stomach, and sleeplessness. The symptoms can be (2) emotionally based such as anxiety, irritability, paranoia, extreme homesickness, loneliness, excessive concern over health and safety, and feelings of powerlessness and helplessness.The symptoms can also be (3) communication based such as withdrawal from relationship and conversation, excessive complaining, frustration1, and defensive communication.
在培养休克周期中可能出现任何数量的症状。这些症状可能是 (1) 生理性的,例如持续头痛、胃部不适和失眠。症状可以是(2)基于情绪的,如焦虑、易怒、偏执、极度思乡、孤独、过度关注健康和安全,以及无力感和无助感。症状也可以是 (3) 基于沟通的,例如退出关系和对话、过度抱怨、沮丧1 和防御性沟通。

Predeparture stage分离前阶段

stage 1: everything is beautiful
第 1 阶段:一切都很美好

stage 2: everything is awful
第 2 阶段:一切都很糟糕

stage 3: everything is ok
第 3 阶段:一切正常

Adaptation and reentry适应和再入

How to deal with culture shock

Do not become over-reactionary

Meet new people

Try new things

Give yourself periods of rest and thought

Work on your self-concept


Observe body language

Learn the verbal language

p344 Metaphors of U. S. culture diversity 有关美国文化多样性的暗喻

When people talk about the blend of U.S.cultural groups, their ideas are often condensed into a few key words or phrases. These summary images, called metaphors, imply both descriptions of what is and, less obviously, prescriptions of what should be. We would like to focus now on four metaphors that have been used to describe the cultural mix within the United States: a melting pot, a set of tributaries, a tapestry, and a garden salad.

The Melting Pot metaphor 熔炉

According to this view, immigrants from many cultures came to the United States

to work, live, mix, and blend together into one great assimilated culture that is stronger and better than the unique individual cultures of which it is composed.

不足之处It has never been an accurate description. The tendency for diverse cultures to melt together and assimilate their unique heritages into a single cultural entity has never really existed. Rather, the many cultural groups within the United States have continuously adapted to one another as they accommodated and perhaps adopted some of the practices and preferences of other groups while maintaining their own unique and distinctive heritages.

The Tributaries 支流

America, according to this image, is like a huge cultural watershed, providing numerous paths in which the many tributary cultures can flow. The tributaries maintain their unique identities as they surge toward their common destination. The tributary image seems to suggest that it is acceptable and desirable for cultural groups to maintain their unique identities.

不足之处Our difficulty with this notion tests in the hidden assumption that the cultural groups will ultimately and inevitably blend together into a single, common current. Further, the idea of tributaries blending together to form one main stream suggests that the tributaries are somehow subordinate to or less important than the mighty river into which they flow.

The Tapestry 挂毯

Although the metaphor of a tapestry has much to commend it, the image is not flawless. After all, a tapestry is rather static and unchangeable. Cultural groups in the

United States are more fluid than the tapestry metaphor might imply. Migrations, immigrations, and mortality patterns all alter the cultural landscape. Despite its limitations, however, we find this metaphor preferable to the previous two.

The Garden Salad metaphor 沙拉

Some see the United States as made up of a complex array of distinct cultures that are blended into a unique, and one hopes tasteful, mixture. Substitute one ingredient for another, or even change how much of each ingredient is present, and the entire flavor of the salad may be changed. Mix the salad differently and the look and feel will also differ.

Cultural groups in the United States, however, are not always moving, mixing, and mingling with the speed and alacrity that the metaphor would suggest.

Nevertheless, we recommend this metaphor, and that of the tapestry, as the two images that are likely to be most useful in characterizing the diversity of cultural groups in the Unites states.