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The Client has engaged us to conduct investigative due diligence research on the following subjects:

Order Group Co. Ltd. (奥德集团有限公司)
OrderGroup Co. 订购集团公司Ltd.(奥德集团有限公司

Lin Fanlian (林凡连)

Xie Yi (谢翼)

We concentrated its efforts in mainland China and Hong Kong, focusing on:

Researching the background of Order Group's formation, ownership structure, and business activities
研究 Order Group 的成立背景、所有权结构和业务活动

Understanding whether Order Group, its controlling shareholders, directors, and senior management have been tied to any incidents or allegations of corruption, bribery, major commercial disputes, adverse media coverage, or significant litigation

Providing profiles of Lin Fanlian and Xie to the extent possible, including: career background, relevant family or government connections, external corporate affiliations, public profile and reputation, litigation history, and regulatory or compliance issues, including whether or not they are designated as a Politically Exposed Person (“PEP”)
尽可能提供 Lin FanlianXie 的个人资料,包括:职业背景、相关的家庭政府关系、外部公司隶属关系、公众形象和声誉、诉讼历史以及监管或合规问题,包括他们是否指定为政治公众人物

Looking for indications of undisclosed financial problems or bankruptcy of the Subjects

Checking the Subjects against relevant local and global regulatory and compliance databases to determine any issues or detrimental information, including OFAC sanctions, FCPA or similar risks and AML violations

Gathering information on Lin Fanlian's and Xie's business reputation, integrity and past business track records, seeking to detect any undisclosed influence on the company's well-being or operations, especially any that might affect the Client's potential investment with Order Group affiliates
收集有关LinFanlianXie 的商业信誉、诚信过去业务记录的信息,试图发现对公司福祉或运营的任何未披露的影响,尤其是可能影响客户与 Order Group 附属公司的潜在投资的任何影响

Understanding whether Lin Fanlian or Xie has poor professional standards or have faced other ethical concerns

This report provides the results of our research, conducted from 7 June 2021 to 7 July 2021.
报告提供了我们 2021 年 6 月7 日至 2021年 7 月7进行的研究结果


This report was compiled from a review of publicly available sources, including media archives, online resources, proprietary databases and records from government and regulatory bodies in mainland China and Hong Kong. We also research the subjects using Acuris’ proprietary regulatory, corporate filing, and media databases. For details on how we conduct this research, please see Appendix I.
报告是根据公开来源审查编制包括媒体档案、在线资源、专有数据库以及来自中国大陆和香港政府监管机构记录。我们还使用 Acuris 专有的监管、公司申报媒体数据库对主题进行研究。有关我们如何进行这项研究的详细信息,请参阅附录 I。

Commercial databases and other sources of public records may contain errors, and research using an individual’s name may return records pertaining to another individual with a similar name. We make every effort to corroborate and verify information from these sources, but we cannot guarantee their accuracy.

In addition to public domain research, we conducted discreet inquiries with confidential sources in mainland China who are familiar with the subjects. The source inquiries were conducted in strict confidentiality and therefore the materials and content provided in this report must be treated confidentially. We engaged multiple sources to ensure that the information we obtained

was objective and accurate. Nevertheless, the interpretation of this information is subjective in nature and the Client should take this into account when reviewing the report.

Currency conversions are based on exchange rates at the time this report was written and are intended as approximations.

Executive Summary

Order Group Co. Ltd.

Order Group Co. Ltd. (奥德集团有限公司, “Order Group”) is a Shandong-based natural gas supplier founded in 2005.
Order Group Co. Ltd. 订购集团有限公司(奥德集团有限公司,“Order Group”)是一家总部位于山东的天然气供应商,成立于 2005 年。

According to our online media research and source inquiries, Order Group currently has around 200 subsidiaries and over 2,000 employees. Its operational footprint spans 200 cities in mainland China, with a geographical focus on Central China, Eastern China, Hebei province, Guangxi province, and Northeastern China.
根据我们的在线媒体研究和来源查询,OrderGroup目前拥有约 200家子公司2,000多名员工。运营足迹遍布中国大陆200个城市,主要集中在华中、华东、河北省、广西省和东北地区。

Development of Real Estate Division

Order Group has been expanding its real estate division since 2016, after the group had reached a level of stability and profitability in its natural gas division, according to our sources. Its real estate division enjoys a positive reputation in Linyi and is known for its upscale residential development projects, although it remains a stable but relatively small real estate player within Shandong province, according to a civil engineer at an Order Group real estate development subsidiary.
Order Group 称,自 2016 年以来,在该集团天然气部门达到稳定盈利水平后OrderGroup一直在扩大房地产部门我们的来源。据一位民间人士房地产部门临沂享有良好的声誉,并以其高档住宅开发项目而闻名,尽管它在山东省内仍然是一个稳定但相对较小的房地产公司OrderGroup房地产开发子公司工程师

According to our sources, Order Group’s legal representative and 98% shareholder Lin Fanlian’s (林凡连, “Lin”) daughterLin Yujing (林雨静) – oversees Order Group’s real estate division, and Lin’s son-in-law, Xie Yi (谢翼, “Xie”), is also believed to be primarily involved in the real estate division and works closely with Lin Yujing.
根据我们的消息来源,Order Group 的法定代表人兼 98% 股东林凡连“Lin”) 女儿林雨静 (LinYujing 负责监督 Order Group 的房地产部门而林的女婿谢翼)负责监督OrderGroup 的房地产部门。》的作者也被认为主要参与房地产部门并与玉晶密切合作

This is Order Group’s second largest business area behind its natural gas division, according to a general project assistant in the real estate division of Order Group.
OrderGroup 房地产部门一位项目助理这是OrderGroup仅次天然气部门的第二业务领域

Issues of Note

Order City Investment Co. Ltd. Involved in Land Purchase Dispute

According to multiple local and mainstream media outlets, in April 2014, Shandong Order City Investment & Development Co. Ltd. ( 山东奥德城投开发有限公司, “OCID”), a real estate development subsidiary of Order Group, reached an agreement with Shanghai Mingyuan Enterprise Group Co. Ltd. (上海铭源实业集团有限公司) to acquire a plot of land in Linyi, Shandong province, called the Bauhinia City Residential Area (紫荆城住宅小区). The sellers, Yao Yuan (姚原) and Yao Yung (姚湧) (hereafter the “Yao brothers”), claimed to own 75% of the asset, when in fact they only owned 25% of the asset. The remaining 75% was owned by a Hong Kong businessman named Hong Jianming (洪建明, “Hong”).
多家本地流媒体报道2014 年 4 月山东订单城投资开发有限公司Order Group 旗下房地产开发子公司 山东奥德城投开发有限公司 OCID“) 与上海明源企业集团有限公司达成协议。(上海铭源实业集团有限公司) 收购山东临沂市一块名为紫荆城住宅小区的土地卖方以下简称“姚兄弟”)声称拥有75% 的资产,实际上他们拥有25%% 的资产其余75% 的股份由一位名叫洪建明香港商人“洪建明”)拥有

After realizing it would not get the land in return despite having paid the Yao brothers, OCID subsequently “conspired with” the Yao brothers to “rip off” Hong to compensate for OCID’s loss. Aided by multiple regulatory bodies and regional courts in Linyi, the Yao brothers and OCID subsequently facilitated the transfer of CNY 600 million (USD 93.1 million, this sum includes liquidated damages) worth of assets through various channels, including court enforcement orders, auctions, mortgages, and land transfers, to OCID as a form of compensation. All this was conducted without the knowledge of Hong, as he was not a party in the subsequent arbitration proceeding (case no.: 2015临仲裁字第 191 ).
意识到尽管氏兄弟付款后,OCID无法获得土地作为回报随后与姚氏兄弟“合谋”“敲诈”洪氏兄弟,以补偿 OCID 的损失。 在临沂多个监管机构地方法院的协助下,姚氏兄弟和OCID 随后通过各种渠道(包括法院执行拍卖抵押土地)促成了价值 6 亿元人民币(9310 万美元,包括违约金)的资产转移转账OCID作为一种补偿形式所有这一切都是在知情的情况下进行的因为他不是随后仲裁程序当事人(案件编号:2015临仲裁字第 191 )。

None of the sources we spoke to were aware of this incident. Sources generally pointed out that Order Bauhinia City Residential Area was a project done more than six to seven years ago so they were not aware of this land dispute. Sources did not think this incident had any major impact on the group’s reputation or operations. We note that the Bauhinia City Residential Area is currently called Order Bauhinia City Residential Area (奥德紫荆城), according to our online media research, which suggests that ownership of the plot of land in question was ultimately transferred to OCID.
我们采访的消息来源都没有意识到这件事消息人士普遍指出OrderBauhiniaCityResidentialArea是一个超过 67年前完成的项目因此他们不知道块土地争议消息人士认为,这一事件没有该组织的声誉运营产生任何重大影响我们注意到住宅目前被称为德紫荆城住宅根据我们的在线媒体研究,这表明相关地块所有权最终转让给了OCID

Chairman of Tieling Order Gas Co. Ltd. Implicated in Bribery Case

According to our online media research, in late 2013, the chairman of Tieling Order Gas Co. Ltd. (铁岭奥德燃气有限公司, “Tieling Order Gas”) surnamed Lin () was found to have issued bribes worth a total of CNY 400,000 (USD 62,000) on two separate occasions to the supervisor of the Tieling Commission of Housing and Rural and Urban Construction (铁岭市住房和城乡建设委员), Wang Yingwei (王英伟). The media report also noted that Wang Yingwei took bribes from more than 20 other individuals. Wang Yingwei was sentenced to 12 years in prison and received a CNY 1 million (USD 155,000) penalty in 2019.
根据我们的网络媒体调查2013 年底铁岭订单燃气有限公司董事长Ltd.铁岭奥德燃气有限公司,“铁岭”) 被发现在两个不同的场合向铁岭市住房农村委员会的监督员贿,总额为 400,000 元人民币(62,000 美元),以及UrbanConstruction铁岭市住房和城乡建设委员), WangYingwei王英伟). 媒体报道指出英伟收受了其他20人的贿赂英伟于 2019 年被12有期,并被100 万元人民币(155,000 美元)的刑罚。

We were able to confirm the bribery case through our litigation research (case nos.: 2018)辽 0404 刑初 56 and 20170404 刑初 284 ). Tieling Order Gas’s chairman surnamed Lin was only mentioned in the case, and we did not find any indication that Lin was penalized because of this issue. According to the court judgement, from 2011 to 2015, Wang Yingwei took bribes totaling around CNY 20 million from more than 20 different individuals including Lin. All bribe giversnames were redacted and none of them were penalized in the case.
我们透过诉讼研究案件编号2018)辽 0404刑初562017辽 0404刑初284确认贿赂。此案中只提到铁岭燃气林姓董事长我们没有发现任何迹象表明林某因为这个问题受到了处罚。根据法院判决,从 2011 年到 2015 年,王英伟包括林在内的 20 多个不同的那里收受了总计2000万元人民币的贿赂所有贿的名字都被隐去了他们都没有在此中受到处罚

Tieling Order Gas is a subsidiary of Order Group. According to our corporate records research, there are two key principals of Tieling Order Gas surnamed Lin, namely Lin Xiangxing (林祥星, executive director) and Lin Fanlun (林凡伦, supervisor), both of whom have been affiliated with Tieling Order Gas since its incorporation in July 2009. It is likely thechairman surnamed Linin the case refers to Lin Xiangxin. Our litigation and regulatory research did not find information to suggest that Tieling Order Gas or any of its key principals were penalized as a result of the above case.
铁岭OrderGasOrderGroup 子公司根据我们的企业档案研究,铁岭两位主要负责人分别是林祥星执行董事繁伦林凡伦监事)自 2009 年 7 月OrderGas成立以来一直隶属于该公司 中的董事长很可能是指祥欣我们的诉讼监管研究没有发现信息表明铁岭OrderGas或其任何主要负责人上述案件而受到处罚

We note that in mainland China, anti-corruption campaigns have largely targeted government officials who receive or solicit bribes, while private businessmen involved typically receive leniency, unless their offence is considered particularly serious or as having a significant social impact. Such leniency is based on the general understanding that the vast majority of these bribes are solicited by the government officials, with the individual businessman given little choice in the matter, although we could not ascertain if that was the case in this particular instance. We also note that Tieling Order Gas remains active at present, and both Lin Xiangxing and Lin Fanlun remained on the company’s board.

None of the sources we spoke to were aware of this incident. Sources generally were in the opinion that bribery cases like this were not uncommon in China. Sometimes it was the local officials who demanded bribes which gave companies little choice. Sources did not think this incident had any major impact on the group’s reputation or operations.

Alleged “Malicious Arbitration” Involving Order Group

According to an article reposted by Sohu and 163.com in May 2020, Order Group and Linyi Liqun Real Estate Development Co. Ltd. (临沂市利群房地产开发有限公司, “Linyi Liqun”) went through
根据搜狐163.com2020年 5 月转发一篇文章,Order Group临沂立群房地产开发有限公司Ltd.(临沂市利群房地产开发有限公司“临沂利群”)通过

“malicious” (惡意) and “fraudulent” (虛假) arbitration proceeding in 2016, which ultimately resulted in the alleged seizure of assets of Shandong Taishengheng Real Estate Co. Ltd. (山东泰盛恒房地产有限公司, “Shandong Taishengheng”) by the Linyi Arbitration Committee (临沂仲裁委员会) (case no.: (2017) 临仲裁字第 414 ). The article claims that Shandong Taishengheng’s petition to annul the previous arbitration decision to the Linyi Intermediate People’s Court (临沂市中级人民法院) was dismissed for more than two years, leaving it little option but to seek media exposure.
2016 年的“恶意”(恶意)和“欺诈”()仲裁程序,最终导致山东泰盛恒房地产有限公司的资产被指控没收Ltd.(山东泰盛恒房地产有限公司“山东泰盛恒”)临沂仲裁委员会案件编号.(2017) 临仲裁字第414)。文章称,山东泰盛恒沂市中级人民法院(临沂市中级人民法院提出的撤销先前仲裁决定请求驳回两年留下除了寻求媒体曝光,别无选择

According to the article, Shandong Taishengheng originally applied for a CNY 300 million (USD 46.4 million) loan, for which Order Group agreed to become the guarantor. Before the loan was due, Order Group proceeded to sign a counter guarantee agreement with Linyi Liqun, which gave Order Group the right to exercise its right of recourse as the guarantor of the loan. This right of recourse gives Order Group the right to collect CNY 300 million (USD 46.4 million) from Linyi Liqun before the former fulfills its guarantee responsibility. Order Group and Linyi Liqun subsequently entered into an arbitration hearing. The article claims that although this case appears to be the dispute between Order Group and Linyi Liqun, it was Shandong Taishengheng’s asset that ended up being seized by the court. The article did not provide further details regarding this case.
根据文章山东泰盛恒最初申请3亿元人民币4640万美元)的贷款,OrderGroup同意成为担保人。贷款到期OrderGroup临沂立群签订了反担保协议赋予 OrderGroup使其作为贷款担保人的追索权。追索赋予OrderGroup临沂立群履行担保责任之前临沂立群收取3亿元人民币4640万美元)的权利。Order Group 和 Linyi Liqun 随后进行了仲裁听证会。 文章称,虽然本案似乎OrderGroup临沂立群之间的纠纷,但最终被法院没收的是山东泰盛恒的资产文章没有提供有关的更多细节

According to the article, because Shandong Taishengheng was not present at the arbitration hearing, the Linyi Arbitration Committee (临沂仲裁委员会) issued the award based on the materials provided by Order Group.
文章称,由于山东泰沂恒未出席仲裁庭审,临沂仲裁委员会根据 OrderGroup 提供的材料出具了裁决

Based on our litigation and public domain research on the above entities, we did not identify any additional information regarding the above arbitration proceeding. We identified litigation records involving the three companies (case nos.: 2019最高法民申 2271 and 2019)鲁民再 963 ) relating to appeals against a real estate development, as well as a management contract dispute (case no.: 东省高级人民法院(2018鲁民终 1414 ), details of which do not appear to be publicly available.
根据我们对上述实体诉讼公共领域研究我们没有发现有关上述仲裁程序的任何其他信息。我们确定了涉及家公司的诉讼记录(案件编号。2019最高法民申 2271and2019)鲁民再 963),涉及房地产开发上诉,以及管理合同纠纷案号:东省高级人民法院(2018鲁民终 1414 ),其细节似乎未公开可用。

We note that the abovementioned media report appears to be the only article regarding this issue. We did not find further media reports on this issue. Similarly, none of our sources were aware of this dispute.
我们注意到,上述媒体报道似乎是关于这个问题的唯一文章。 我们没有找到有关此问题的进一步媒体报道同样,我们的消息来源都不知道这个争议。

Unsubstantiated Fraud and Bribery Allegations Against Order Group

In September 2015, a letter of complaint was submitted by an individual named Zhou Guangsheng (周广生) to the Feng County Political and Legal Affairs Commission (丰县政法委) in Xuzhou, Jiangsu province, against Order Group. The letter accuses Order Group of committing several illegal acts, including bribing government officials, engaging in unlicensed construction projects without seeking prior approval from relevant governing bodies, exaggerating its investment strategy to local governments to win permits and licenses, subsequently selling said permits and licenses for large sums of money, and routinely receiving customer complaints for its subpar customer service.
2015 年 9 月,一位名叫 周 Guangsheng周广生)的个人向江苏省徐州丰县政法委提交了一封针对OrderGroup 的投诉信。 这封信指责OrderGroup犯下多项非法行为包括贿赂政府官员未事先获得相关管理机构批准的情况下从事无证建设项目、夸大其投资地方政府寻求策略赢得许可证执照随后高价出售上述许可证执照,并经常收到客户对其客户服务不佳的投诉

We note that the original post has been deleted. Order Group also appears to now have operations in Xuzhou following the incorporation of Xuzhou Order Gas Co. Ltd. (徐州奥德燃气有限公司, “Xuzhou Order Gas”) in June 2017.
我们注意到原始帖子已被删除OrderGasCo. 成立,Order Group现在似乎也在徐州开展业务Ltd.(徐州奥德燃气有限公司,“徐州订单燃气”)于 2017 年 6 月发布。

None of the sources we spoke to were aware of these incidents. We did not identify any significant regulatory or litigation records involving Xuzhou Order Gas.

General Negative Comments Regarding Order Group
关于OrderGroup 的一般负面评论

In relation to the above, we did identify several negative news media articles and forum posts regarding Order Group and its subsidiaries, including allegations of late payment of wages to employees and subcontractors, poor treatment of its non-management level employees, and poor customer service.
上述内容相关我们确实发现了几篇关于 OrderGroup及其子公司的负面新闻媒体文章论坛帖子包括延迟支付工资的指控对员工和分包商,对其非管理层员工的恶劣待遇,以及糟糕的客户服务

We note that instances of individual complaints are not uncommon for large corporations such as Order Group. Based on our source inquiries and broader public domain research, the above allegations do not appear to be indicative of broader issues in the group’s overall operations and reputation.
我们注意到,个人投诉的情况对于 Order Group 等大公司来说并不少见。根据我们的消息来源查询和更广泛的公共领域研究,上述指控似乎并不表明该集团的整体运营和声誉存在更广泛的问题

Litigation, Bankruptcy, and Regulatory Research

Litigation research found more than 80 cases involving Order Group in mainland China, most of which pertain to loan and contract disputes. None of the cases are criminal in nature. None of the cases are currently open. Summaries of the 10 most recent cases are provided in section 4.5.1.
诉讼研究发现,在中国大陆涉及OrderGroup案件超过 80其中大部分涉及借款合同纠纷。这些案件都不是刑事性质的。目前没有一个案件处于开放状态。4.5.1提供了10个最新案例摘要

Our bankruptcy, online, and media research did not find the company involved in any bankruptcy proceedings.

Research using regulatory databases, sanctions lists, and the media did not find any record of regulatory or enforcement action taken against the company.

Lin Fanlian

Born on 25 June 1961, Lin is the legal representative and 98% shareholder in Order Group. As of 29 June 2021, Lin has an estimated net worth of USD 2.2 billion, according to Forbes.
1961 年 6 月25 日出生 Order Group 法定代表人和98% 的股东《福布斯》报道截至2021 年 629林的资产估计22亿美元

Our online and media research, as well as source inquiries, did not find any major negative information involving Lin.

Litigation, Bankruptcy, and Regulatory Research

Litigation research found one confirmed case involving Lin in mainland China in relation to an administrative action filed by the Heishan County Forestry and Grassland Administration (黑山县林业和草原局) (case no.: (2020) 0726 行审 10 ). The action was dismissed after the court ruled that instead of Lin, the enforcement target should have been Heishan Order Group Gas Co. Ltd. (黑山奥德燃气有限公司), of which Lin is the legal representative.
诉讼研究发现,在中国大陆,林黑山林业和草原局(黑山县林业和草原局)提起的行政诉讼有关,该已确认(案件编号(20200726行审10)。 法院裁定执行目标黑山市订单集团燃气有限公司而不是后,该诉讼驳回Ltd.(黑山奥德燃气有限公司),林先生该公司法定代表人。

Litigation, online, and media research did not find the individual involved in any bankruptcy proceedings.

Research using regulatory databases, sanctions lists, and the media did not find any record of regulatory or enforcement action taken against Lin.
使用监管数据库、制裁名单和媒体进行的研究没有发现任何针对 Lin 的监管或执法行动的记录

Xie Yi

Xie is the son-in-law of Lin, and is primarily involved in the real estate division of Order Group.

Xie has a low public profile. Online and media references to him mostly relate to his participation in a meeting between Order Group representatives and the deputy principal of Shandong University that took place in May 2021, in which he was referenced as the deputy general manager of OCID.
在公众面前的知名度很在线媒体他的提及主要参加了 2021 年 5 月举行的 Order Group 代表与山东大学副校长之间的会议有关,他在会议上提及 OCID总经理

Litigation, Bankruptcy, and Regulatory Research

Our online, media, and public records research did not return any confirmed litigation, bankruptcy, or regulatory records involving Xie in mainland China or Hong Kong.

Order Group Co. Ltd.

Order Group Co. Ltd. (奥德集团有限公司, “Order Group”) is a Shandong-based natural gas supplier founded in 2005.
Order Group Co. Ltd. 订购集团有限公司(奥德集团有限公司,“Order Group”)是一家总部位于山东的天然气供应商,成立于 2005 年。

With around 200 subsidiaries and over 2,000 employees, Order Group’s operational footprint spans 200 cities in mainland China, and is largely divided into five geographical regions, Central China, Eastern China, Hebei province, Guangxi province, and Northeastern China, according to corporate filings, the company’s official website, and as corroborated by our sources.1
Order Group 拥有约 200 家子公司和 2,000 多名员工,业务足迹遍布中国大陆200个城市主要分为五个地理区域,即华中、华东河北省、广西中国东北地区,根据公司文件、公司官网以及我们的消息来源所证实1

Corporate records show the following information:

NameOrder Group Co. Ltd.
名称OrderGroupCo., Ltd.



Shandong Order Gas Co. Ltd. (山东奥德燃气有限公司), 29 Sep
山东德令燃气有限公司 Ltd.(山东奥德燃气有限公司), 9 月 29

Previous Names

2009–2 Nov 2018
2009 年- 2018 年 11 月 2 日

Linyi Order Gas Co. Ltd. (临沂奥德燃气有限公司), 5 Apr 2005–28 Sep 2009
临沂订单燃气有限公司 Ltd.(临沂奥德燃气有限公司),2005年 4 月 5 日至2009 年 9 月28

Registration Number91371300773174985H

Date of Incorporation5 Apr 2005


Company TypeLimited liability company


No. 2345 Zhongsheng Street, Hedong District, Linyi, Shandong Province

(山东省临沂市河东区中昇街 2345 )
山东省临沂市河东区中昇街 2345


Corporate records show that the company has the following corporate officers:


Lin Fanlun (林凡伦)Supervisor

A complete profile of Lin Fanlian (林凡连, “Lin”) is included as part of this report.

Lin Fanlun (林凡伦) is the brother of Lin, according to Shandong Business Daily (山东商报) and confirmed by our source inquiries.2 Lin Fanlun was one of the founders of Order Group (see sections 4.3.1 and 5.1.1).
《山东商报报道伦是凡伦兄弟我们的消息来源查询证实了这一点。2繁伦是 Order Group 的创始人之一(见第 4.3.1 节和第 5.1.1 节)。

1 http://www.odc.hk/cms/p/31.html

2 http://www.readmeok.com/2021-5/7_106145.html

Our online, media, and regulatory research did not find any negative issues with these officers.


Corporate records also show that the company has the following shareholders:


Shareholding Percentage

Lin Fanlian (林凡连)


Lin Fanlun (林凡伦)


Lin Bo (林波)
林波 (Lin Bo


A complete profile of Lin is included as part of this report.
本报告包括 Lin 的完整简介

According to a third-party corporate registration information aggregator, Lin has pledged the entirety of his equity stake in Order Group to China Minsheng Banking Co. Ltd. Linyi Branch (国民生银行股份有限公司临沂分行) since 30 May 2019 (registration no.: 371300201905290003).
第三方公司注册信息聚合商将其OrderGroup 的全部股权质押国民生银行股份有限公司Ltd.自 2019 年 5 月 30 日起担任临沂分行(注册编号:371300201905290003)。

Lin Bo (林波) is the nephew of Lin, according to Shandong Business Daily (山东商报) and confirmed by our source inquiries.3 Lin Bo was one of the founders of Order Group (see sections 4.3.1 and 5.1.1). He is referenced in online media, including the official website of Order Group, as the president of Order Group.4
据山东商报 (Shandong Business News 报道,林波 (Lin Bo) 是林波的侄子,得到了我们的消息来源查询的证实3OrderGroup 创始人之一参见4.3.1 节和第 5.1.1 节)。包括Order Group 官方网站在内的在线媒体都提到了他作为 Order Group 的总裁。4

Our online, media, and regulatory research did not find any negative issues with these shareholders.

Business Operations


Order Group, originally called Linyi Order Gas Co. Ltd. ( 临沂奥德燃气有限公司), was incorporated in April 2005, according to corporate records. As founders of the company, Lin along with his brother Lin Fanlun and his nephew Lin Bosaw a good investment opportunity in entering the natural gas industry when the mainland Chinese government’s West-East Gas Pipeline (西气东输) project reached their hometown of Linyi, according to Shandong Business Daily.5
Order Group,原名临沂Order Gas Co. Ltd.(临沂奥德燃气有限公司成立于2005 年 4 月根据公司记录作为公司的创始人林先生和他的兄弟凡伦先生和侄子先生在中国大陆政府的西气东气公司成立时,看到了进入天然气行业的良好投资机会《山东报道管道 (西气东输项目到达了他们的家乡临沂5

According to Shandong Business Daily and as corroborated by a former director of the Northeastern China region in the natural gas division, Order Group’s main business is the distribution and installation of natural gas infrastructure and gas refueling stations for vehicles.6 Its natural gas business accounts for more than 80% of the group’s total revenue.7 According to the same source, Order Group’s main suppliers include PetroChina ( 中国石油), Shandong Zhongmin Gas Trading Co. Ltd. (山东中民燃气贸易有限公司), and Sinopec (中國石化), as corroborated by our broader public domain research and source inquiries.8 Shandong Business
据《山东商报》报道,正如天然气事业部东北地区前总监所证实的那样,Order Group 的主要业务是天然气基础设施车辆配送安装6 天然气业务集团收入80% 以上7根据同一消息来源,Order Group 的主要供应商包括 PetroChina中国石油)、山东中民燃气贸易有限公司。(山东中民燃气贸易有限公司)和中国石化Sinopec),我们更广泛的公共领域研究和来源查询证实了这一点。8山东业务

3 http://www.readmeok.com/2021-5/7_106145.html

4 http://www.odc.hk/cms/p/31.html

5 http://www.readmeok.com/2021-5/7_106145.html

6 http://www.readmeok.com/2021-5/7_106145.html

7 http://www.readmeok.com/2021-5/7_106145.html

8 http://www.readmeok.com/2021-5/7_106145.html

News (山东财经报道) reports that in 2016, Order Group purchased CNY 4.98 billion (USD 770 million) worth of natural gas from PetroChina, accounting for approximately 75% of Order Group’s total procurement amount that year.9
《山东财经报道报道2016 OrderGroup从中石油购买了价值 49.8亿元人民币7.7 亿美元天然气OrderGroup 总采购金额的 75%。年。9

According to a bond credit rating report from China Chengxin International Credit Rating Co. Ltd. (中诚信国际信用评级有限责任公司) published in June 2020 for two of Order Group’s public Chinese yuan-denominated bonds, in which both bonds received AA+ ratings, Order Group occupies 90% of the natural gas market share in nine counties and three districts in Linyi.10 Order Group sells natural gas to both residential and commercial consumers. The latter of which was sold 3.23 billion cubic meters of natural gas, accounting for more than 90% of the company’s total sales in 2016, according to Shandong Business News.11
根据中国诚信国际信用评级有限公司的债券信用评级报告有限公司。 2020 年 6 月,对于订单集团的两只公开发行的中国人民币债券,订单集团临沂占据了 90% 天然气市场份额10Order Group住宅和商业消费者销售天然气根据 2016 年公司的数据,后者 的天然气销量32.3亿立方该公司2016 年总销售额90% 以上山东财经新闻11

According to the bond credit rating report, by the end of 2019, Order Group had 99 gas supply stations, 85 gas refueling stations, a gas pipeline network exceeding 28,000 kilometers, and a daily supply rate of gas exceeding 22 million cubic meters.
根据债券信用评级报告,截至2019 年底OrderGroup拥有99供气站、85 个加气站,燃气管网超过 28000 公里,日供气速率超过 2200 万立方米。

As a result of the success of Order Group’s natural gas business, the group was able to expand into other business areas, including real estate development, financial products, agricultural development, etc., according to the former director of the Northeast region in the natural gas division and a sales manager of Order Group’s real estate division. However, sources claim that Order Group’s natural gas division still remains the group’s most profitable and important business area.
据天然气东北地区前总监称,由于 Order Group 天然气业务的成功,该集团得以扩展到其他业务领域,包括房地产开发、金融产品、农业开发等OrderGroup房地产部门部门和销售经理然而,消息人士Order Group 的天然气部门仍然是该集团最赚钱和最重要的业务领域。

Industry Standing and Financial Performance

According to the abovementioned June 2020 credit rating report published by China Chengxin International Credit Rating Co. Ltd., Order Group is considered to have a regional monopoly on the natural gas market in Linyi, as multiple sources have also noted.12 The group also has natural gas operation permits in several other provinces, including Hebei, Liaoning, and Heilongjiang provinces.13
根据上述中国诚信国际信用评级有限公司发布的2020年 6 月信用评级报告OrderGroup被认为正如多个消息来源指出的那样,临沂天然气市场12集团在其他几个份拥有天然气经营许可证包括河北省、辽宁黑龙江省。13

According to Order Group’s financial statements, which are cited in the credit rating report, for the 2019 financial year, Order Group had CNY 35.8 billion (USD 5.54 billion) in total assets, and the group reported a net profit of CNY 2.26 billion (USD 350 million). The net profit amount represents a year-on-year decrease of 1.14%.
根据信用评级报告中引用OrderGroup 财务报表2019年,OrderGroup 的总资产为 358亿元人民币55.4亿美元)资产,该集团报告的净利润为 22.6 亿元人民币(3.5 亿美元)。净利润金额下降1.14%。

Investment in Smart Manufacturing and Integrated Energy Services

According to Shandong Business Daily, in 2016, Order Group began to recognize the importance of streamlining its overall production output.14 As such, investments in smart manufacturing and providing integrated energy services (综合能源服务) to its customers became a priority for the group in the following years.
《山东报》报道2016 OrderGroup开始认识到简化其整体生产量的重要性14 因此,在接下来的几年里,投资于智能制造和为客户提供综合能源服务成为该集团优先事项


9 https://read01.com/zh-cn/PMR4mON.html#.YNQjihMzYUt
9https://read01.com/zh-cn/PMR4mON.html# 中。YNQjihMzYUt

10 https://pdf.dfcfw.com/pdf/H2_AN202006121384426123_1.pdf

11 https://read01.com/zh-cn/PMR4mON.html#.YNQjihMzYUt
11https://read01.com/zh-cn/PMR4mON.html# 中。YNQjihMzYUt

12 https://pdf.dfcfw.com/pdf/H2_AN202006121384426123_1.pdf

13 http://www.lunannews.com/toutiao/20170512807.html

14 http://www.readmeok.com/2021-5/7_106145.html

In June 2016, Order Group invested CNY 1 billion (USD 155 million) to build the Order Equipment Smart Manufacturing Industrial Park (奥德装备智造产业园), which includes 23 polyethylene gas pipe production lines and 6 pipe fitting production lines, according to a report from Langya News Media.15 This has enabled Order Group to increase its energy system efficiency, thereby cutting costs and lowering the overall environmental impact of its energy production. By 2018, Order Group had established several research centers as it continued to devote further resources into developing its smart energy equipment and capabilities, according to the same source.
2016 年 6 月OrderGroup投资10亿元人民币1.55亿美元建造OrderEquipment 智能制造产业奥德装备智造产业园),其中包括23聚乙烯燃气管材生产线6生产线琅琊新闻媒体报道15这使OrderGroup能够提高能源系统效率从而降低成本并降低其能源生产对环境的整体影响同一消息来源,到 2018 年,Order Group已经建立了多个研究中心同时继续投入更多资源开发智能能源设备和能力

According to Sina Shandong, in June 2019, Order Group successfully launched the first phase of its development project called the Natural Gas Smart Distributed Energy Project (天然气分布式智慧能源项目) through its subsidiary Shandong Order Shengkai Energy Co. Ltd. (山东奥德圣凯能源有限公司), which became the largest industrial park comprehensive smart energy internet demonstration project ( 工业园区综合智慧能源互联网示范项目) in Shandong province. 16 According to Sina Shandong, the amount invested in the first phase was CNY 250 million (USD 38.7 million). The total amount invested in this project is estimated to be around CNY 1 billion (USD 155 million) and is projected to generate up to 100MW of electricity, according to the same source.
山东新浪报道2019 年 6 月OrderGroup成功启动了其开发项目第一阶段,称为天然气分布式分布式能源项目天然气分布式智慧能源项目通过其子公司山东订单盛开能源有限公司Ltd.(山东奥德圣凯能源有限公司),成为山东省最大的工业园区综合智慧能源互联网示范项目16 山东新浪第一阶段的投资金额为2.5亿元人民币3870 万美元)。 该项目的总投资额估计约为 10亿元人民币1.55亿美元),预计发电高达100MW电力根据同一消息来源。

Moreover, in September 2020, Order Group announced during the 16th China Distributed Energy Global Forum (第十六届中国分布式能源国际论坛) held in Shandong province that it would be working with Shandong University (山东大学) to conduct a pilot program called the “Seven-in- One” (七位一体) project. The goal of the project is to create distributed energy solutions to improve energy efficiency through Order Group’s ENergy Valley Network (能谷网, “ENVN”), a smart energy trading platform that utilizes artificial intelligence and big data analytics, according to Order Group’s corporate website and the project abstract outlined by the mainland Chinese publishing institution CNKI (中国知网).17
此外2020 年 9 月OrderGroup山东举行的十六届中国分布式能源国际论坛宣布开展工作山东大学Shandong University开展了一项名为七位一体”(Seven-in- One) 项目的试点计划。该项目的目标是通过 OrderGroup 的ENergyValleyNetwork能谷网,“ENVN”)创建分布式能源解决方案,以提高能源效率这是一个利用人工智能根据 OrderGroup 的公司网站中国大陆出版机构 CNKI中国知网)概述的项目摘要,进行大数据分析17

Development of Real Estate Division

In addition to engaging in natural gas transmission, system management, and network maintenance, Order Group has been expanding its real estate division since 2016, according to our sources. According to the former director of the Northeastern China region in the natural gas division, Shandong Order City Investment & Development Co. Ltd. (山东奥德城投开发有限公司, “OCID”), the main operating real estate development subsidiary of Order Group, was established after the group had reached a level of stability and profitability in its natural gas division. This is Order Group’s second largest business area behind its natural gas division, according to a general project assistant in the real estate division of Order Group. OCID remains a stable but relatively small enterprise even within Shandong province, although a civil engineer at Linyi Order Real Estate Development Co. Ltd. (临沂奥德置业发展有限公司), which is a subsidiary of OCID, claims that the group’s real estate division enjoys a positive reputation in Linyi.
我们的消息来源,除了从事天然气输送、系统管理和网络维护OrderGroup2016 年以来一直扩大房地产部门天然气部门东北地区前总监山东奥德城投资开发有限公司(OCID”介绍主要运营房地产开发项目OrderGroup子公司是在该集团天然气部门达到一定水平的稳定性盈利能力成立的。 OrderGroup 房地产部门的一位总项目助理称,这是 Order Group 仅次于天然气部门的第二大业务领域 OCID仍然是一家稳定相对较小的企业尽管他是 OCID 子公司临沂奥德置业发展有限公司土木工程师声称集团的房地产部门临沂享有良好的声誉

According to our sources, Lin’s daughter Lin Yujing (林雨静) oversees Order Group’s real estate division, and Lin’s son-in-law, Xie Yi (谢翼), who is the legal representative of Linyi Order Real

15 http://www.langya.cn/lyxw/zxwlyyw/201911/t20191125_606589.html

16 http://sd.sina.cn/linyi/2019-06-14/detail-ihvhiqay5561279.d.html?from=qudao

17 http://wap.envn.cn/cms/p/59.html https://oversea.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?filename=MQRL201908003001&dbcode=CPFD&dbname=CPFDTE MP&v=

Estate Development Co. Ltd., is also believed to be primarily involved in the real estate division and works closely with Lin Yujing.
,Estate DevelopmentCo.Ltd. 主要参与房地产部门,并与LinYujing 密切合作

The civil engineer said that OCID is in charge of around 10 development projects, most of which are residential properties. Some of its major projects include Order Bauhinia City Residential Area (奥德紫荆城), Order International Business Center (奥德国际商务中心), Phoenix New Town (凰新城新天地), and Order Begonia (奥德海棠), as referenced in OCID’s corporate website and in our broader public domain research. 18 A procurement manager in Order Group’s real estate division estimates that in recent years, Order Group has invested in around 40-50 real estate projects, the majority of which are not managed by the group directly. Multiple sources said that the company’s projects are generally considered to be high-quality and upscale residential property developments. The sales manager of Order Group’s real estate division claimed that a lot of the group’s architectural designs are inspired by the Singapore-listed real estate developer Yanlord Land Group Limited (仁恒置地, Z25.SI). Multiple sources have emphasized the fact as a developer, Order Group is highly detail-oriented and does not tend to rush any of their projects. According to a consultant for the group’s real estate division, Order Group would hire external designers from the top design institutes in the country to help with their projects.
这位土木工程师表示OCID负责大约10开发项目其中大部分住宅物业。主要项目包括OrderBauhiniaCityResidentialArea 德紫荆城)、OrderInternationalBusinessCenter奥德国际商务中心)、PhoenixNewTown (凤凰新城新天地OrderBegonia (订购海棠)奥德海棠),OCID的公司网站我们更广泛的公共领域研究中引用的那样。 18Order Group 房地产部门的一位采购经理估计,近年来,Order Group 投资了大约 40-50 个房地产项目其中大多数项目并非集团直接管理多个消息来源表示该公司的项目通常被认为是高质量和高档的住宅物业开发项目OrderGroup房地产部门的销售经理声称集团的很多建筑设计受到新加坡上市房地产开发商的启发仁恒置地YanlordLandGroupLimitedZ25.SI). 多个消息来源强调了这样一个事实作为开发人员OrderGroup非常注重细节并且倾向于于完成他们的任何项目。 该集团房地产部门一位顾问OrderGroup将从该国顶级设计机构聘请外部设计师帮助他们的项目

The same source believes that the real estate division’s future prospects are positive, in part due to Order Group’s long-standing and favorable ties with regional governments and financial institutions. Specifically, the aforementioned sales manager source explained that Order Group has a positive relationship with the Linyi government, which has aided the group’s real estate development in the region. Moreover, instead of actively recruiting talent from larger real estate developers, Order Group usually partners with lesser-known local companies in the areas in which the development projects take place, which sources consider to be a successful business model. For example, according to the aforementioned general project assistant and a chief engineer at Order Group, Order Group partners with Shandong Zhengzhi Holding Group Co. Ltd. (山东正直控股集团有限公司, “Zhengzhi Group”) on a regular basis. Zhengzhi Group began as a driving school and later expanded to real estate development, according to the source and corroborated by Zhengzhi Group’s corporate website.19 Corporate filings show that in April 2016, OCID and Zhengzhi Group formed a joint entity called Shandong Auzen Group Co. Ltd. (山东奥正集团有限公司, “Auzen Group”), which is primarily engaged in urban agriculture investment and development, according to its corporate website.20
同一消息人士认为房地产部门的未来前景乐观的,部分原因是 Order Group 与地方政府和金融机构建立了长期而良好的关系具体来说销售经理消息人士解释说OrderGroup临沂政府有着积极的关系该集团的房地产提供了帮助该地区的发展此外Order Group 通常与开发项目所在地区不太知名的当地公司合作而不是积极大型房地产开发商那里招聘人才消息人士认为一个成功的商业模式。 例如根据上述 OrderGroup 的项目总助理工程师的说法OrderGroup山东正智控股集团有限公司合作Ltd.(山东正直控股集团有限公司,“正直集团”)定期消息人士称正志集团最初是一家驾校后来扩展到房地产开发得到了正志集团公司网站的证实。19公司文件显示2016 年 4 月OCID正志集团成立了一个名为山东奥善集团有限公司联合实体Ltd.(山东奥正集团有限公司,“Auzen Group”)的主要从事城市农业投资和开发。20

Given the quality of their developments and the reputation Order Group enjoys, many of the residential developments have been well-received by the public, according to the consultant. As such, the residential units could sell for CNY 9,500-10,000 (USD 1,500-1,550) per m2, whereas the average range for newer developments in Linyi is close to CNY 5,500-6,000 (USD 850-930) per m2.
据顾问,鉴于他们的开发项目质量和 Order Group 享有的声誉,许多住宅开发项目受到了公众的好评因此,住宅单元售价平方米 9,500-10,000 元人民币1,500-1,550 美元),临沂开发项目的平均价格接近5,500-6,000 人民币850-930 美元) 每2.

Current Equity Pledges

According to information provided by a third-party corporate registration information aggregator and as corroborated by our online and media research, Order Group has currently pledged its

18 http://chengtou.odc.hk/#subsite4_jianjie https://house.leju.com/lb117060/ http://www.lyzhongyuan.com/Content/Detail/216
18http://chengtou.odc.hk/#subsite4_jianjie https://house.leju.com/lb117060/ http://www.lyzhongyuan.com/Content/Detail/216

19 http://www.zhengzhijituan.com/guanyu/jianjie/

20 http://www.aozhengjituan.cn/jituan/

equity stakes in the following companies to various financial institutions, all of which are still valid. The total pledged amount is CNY 1,096,500,000 (USD 170 million).
向各种金融机构出售以下公司的股权,所有这些股权仍然有效。总质押金额1,096,500,000 1.7亿美元)。

Pledge Registration No.

Company in Which Order Group’s Shares Have Been Pledged



China Minsheng Banking Co. Ltd. Linyi

Pledged Amount (CNY)
质押金额 (CNY)


Registration Date


Order Gas Co. Ltd. (阳鸿奥燃气有限公司)
订购GasCo. Ltd.(阳鸿奥燃气有限公司

China Minsheng



Industrial and Commercial Bank of

million23 May 2018


Investment Co. Ltd.


Boye County Order

China Linyi Hedong Branch


Dongxing Securities

1 billion

14 Dec 2016


Gas Co. Ltd. (博野县
GasCo. Ltd. (博野县

Co. Ltd. (东兴证券股份

9 million

4 Dec 2015



Zhangwu Order Gas

Dongxing Securities


Co. Ltd. (彰武奥德燃
Co. Ltd. (彰武奥德燃

Co. Ltd. (东兴证券股份

4 million

3 Dec 2015



Guyuan Order Gas Co.

Dongxing Securities


Ltd. (沽源奥德燃气有

Co. Ltd. (东兴证券股份

4 million

1 Dec 2015




Xiongxian New Changhong Gas Co. Ltd. (雄县新长虹燃气有限公司)
XiongxianNew Changhong Gas Co., Ltd. 雄县新长虹燃气有限公司雄县新长虹燃气有限公司

China Minsheng Banking Co. Ltd. Linyi Branch


2.4 million7 Mar 2014
2402014 年 3 月 7


Diaobingshan Order Gas Co. Ltd. (调兵山奥德燃气有限公司)
钓鱼山订单燃气有限公司 Ltd调兵山奥德燃气有限公司

China Minsheng Banking Co. Ltd. Linyi Branch


9.8 million26 Feb 2014
9802月 26 2014

21 http://file.finance.sina.com.cn/

Tai’an Order Gas Co.

China Minsheng Banking Co. Ltd. Linyi


Ltd. (台安奥德燃气有




2.4 million

24 Feb 2014


China Minsheng

Liaoyang Order Gas

Banking Co. Ltd. Linyi


Co. Ltd. (辽阳奥德燃
Co. Ltd. (辽阳奥德燃




4 million

20 Feb 2014


China Minsheng

Jianchang Order Gas

Banking Co. Ltd. Linyi


Co. Ltd. (建昌奥德燃
Co. Ltd. (建昌奥德燃




1.8 million

19 Feb 2014


China Minsheng


Lixian Order Gas Co. Ltd. (蠡县奥德燃气有
利县订单燃气有限公司 Ltd.(蠡县奥德燃气有

Banking Co. Ltd. Linyi Branch

9 million

18 Feb 2014




China Minsheng

Changtu Order Gas

Banking Co. Ltd. Linyi


Co. Ltd. (昌图奥德燃气有限公司)



9 million

17 Feb 2014

Public Profile and Reputation

Order Group has a high public profile. Online and media references to it mostly relate to its financial performance and announcements of its strategic cooperation with various entities.
Order Group 的公众知名度很高。在线和媒体对它的引用主要与其财务业绩各种实体的战略合作公告有关。

Multiple sources with whom we spoke believe that this naturally creates job stability and provides good conditions for Order Group employees, because the business volume for the group will always be relatively predictable.
与我们交谈位消息人士认为自然会创造工作稳定性,并为 Order Group 员工提供良好的条件,因为该集团的业务量总是相对可预测的。

According to the general project assistant at Order Group’s real estate division, the group bears the mark of a state-owned enterprise, without actually being one, insofar as it provides a stable working environment that caters to the older demographic within the group. As long as employees perform consistently and do not commit any major mistakes, they will have job security.

The same source also noted that the management team is relatively conscientious and prudent, and that the team enjoys a positive reputation both internally and externally. For example, when the group first decided to expand its real estate division, Lin’s daughter diligently sought advice from a group of expert consultants, who advised on the group’s overall strategy in the real estate sector.
同一消息人士指出管理团队相对认真谨慎团队在内部和外部都享有良好的声誉例如,该集团最初决定扩大房地产部门时,Lin 的女儿勤奋地向一群专家顾问寻求建议,这些专家顾问集团房地产行业的整体战略

Moreover, although the average salaries at Order Group are average compared to other similar companies, employee benefits are said to be decent, according to multiple sources. Employees are encouraged by the job stability the group provides overall, which is also a reason why potential candidates are drawn to their business.
此外,根据多个消息来源,尽管 OrderGroup的平均工资与其他同类公司相比平均水平,但据说员工福利还不错。集团提供的整体工作稳定性让员工感到鼓舞这也是潜在候选人被他们的业务所吸引的一个原因

Our online media research and source inquiries found the following negative issues involving the company and its subsidiaries.

Order City Investment Co. Ltd. Involved in Land Purchase Dispute

According to multiple local and mainstream media outlets, including Sina Finance, in April 2014, OCID, a real estate development subsidiary of Order Group, reached an agreement with Shanghai Mingyuan Enterprise Group Co. Ltd. (上海铭源实业集团有限公司, “Shanghai Mingyuan”) to acquire a plot of land in Linyi, Shandong province, called the Bauhinia City Residential Area (荆城住宅小区).22 The sellers, Yao Yuan (姚原) and Yao Yung (姚湧) (hereafter the “Yao brothers”), claimed to own 75% of the asset through a British Virgin Islands-registered entity called Xianming Management Co. Ltd. (显明管理有限公司), which was incorporated in 2007. However, it was later discovered that the Yao brothers in fact only owned 25% of the holding company. The remaining 75% was owned by a Hong Kong businessman named Hong Jianming (洪建明, “Hong”).
包括新浪财经在内的多家当地流媒体报道2014 年 4 月OrderGroup 房地产开发子公司 OCID 达成上海明源企业集团有限公司签订协议(上海铭源实业集团有限公司,“上海铭源实业”)收购山东临沂的一块土地称为荆城住宅小区22卖方 (下称姚氏兄弟」)声称通过英国处女拥有该资产75%的资产在岛屿上注册的实体,称为Xianming ManagementCo. Ltd.(显明管理有限公司),该公司成立于2007 然而后来发现氏兄弟实际上拥有控股公司 25% 的股份其余 75% 的股份由一位名叫建明香港商人“洪建明”)拥有

As a result, OCID paid the money to the Yao brothers but did not get the land in return. According to an article from CB.com, OCID subsequently “conspired withthe Yao brothers torip offHong to compensate for OCID’s loss. According to the articles, aided by multiple regulatory bodies and regional courts in Linyi, the Yao brothers and OCID subsequently facilitated the transfer of CNY 600 million (USD 93.1 million, this sum includes liquidated damages) worth of assets through various channels, including court enforcement orders, auctions, mortgages, and land transfers, to OCID as a form of compensation. All this was conducted without the knowledge of Hong, as he was not a party in the subsequent arbitration proceeding (case no.: 2015临仲裁字第 191 ). Hong only discovered in June 2016 that Shanghai Mingyuan’s land ownership rights for certain undeveloped land had been transferred to OCID.
结果OCID 付给了氏兄弟,但没有得到土地作为回报 根据 CB.com 的一篇文章OCID 随后与姚氏兄弟“合谋“敲,以补偿 OCID 的损失。根据文章,在临沂的多个监管机构和地方法院的协助下,氏兄弟OCID随后 6亿元人民币9310万美元,这笔款项包括清算的款项)损害赔偿)通过各种渠道(包括法院执行令、拍卖、抵押和土地转让)向 OCID 提供资产价值的赔偿所有这一切都是在知情的情况下进行的因为他不是随后仲裁程序当事人案件编号:2015临仲裁字第 191 )。 Hong2016年 6 月发现,上海明远某些未开发土地土地所有权转让OCID

In addition, the Yao brothers are sons of Yao Xiufa (姚秀发), the former deputy director-general of the Shanghai Party Committee General Office, a high-ranking government official. According to media coverage, the brothers allegedly have a track record of disreputable business dealings.23

Our public domain research found that Bauhinia City Residential Area is currently called Order Bauhinia City Residential Area (奥德紫荆城), according to OCID’s corporate website and as corroborated by a mainland Chinese real estate information website, which suggests that ownership of the plot of land in question was ultimately transferred to OCID.24
我们的公共领域研究发现住宅目前被称为德紫荆城,根据 OCID 的公司网站,并得到中国大陆房地产信息网站的证实,这表明有问题最终被转让OCID。24

Our online media research and source inquiries did not find any further updates regarding this issue. None of the sources we spoke to were aware of this incident. Sources generally pointed out that Order Bauhinia City Residential Area was a project done more than six to seven years ago so they were not aware of this land dispute. Sources did not think this incident had any major impact on the group’s reputation or operations.
我们的在线媒体研究和来源查询没有找到有关此问题的任何进一步更新我们采访的消息来源都没有意识到这件事消息人士普遍指出,OrderBauhiniaCityResidentialArea是一个超过 67年前完成的项目因此他们不知道块土地纠纷。消息人士认为,这一事件没有对该组织的声誉或运营产生任何重大影响

22 https://kknews.cc/finance/yz4e3j.html http://www.cb.com.cn/zjssb/2016_1017/1170243.html http://finance.sina.com.cn/roll/2016-09-29/doc-ifxwkzyh3785253.shtml http://finance.sina.com.cn/roll/2016-11-16/doc- ifxxwrwk1267540.shtml?cre=financepagepc&mod=f&loc=3&r=9&doct=0&rfunc=100

23 http://www.nikest.com/web/hot/2017/0112/190783_3.html http://www.cb.com.cn/zjssb/2016_1017/1170243.html https://kknews.cc/zh-cn/finance/n28arg.html

24 http://chengtou.odc.hk/#subsite4_jianjie https://www.fang.com/daogou/esf-linyi-39635559.html
24http://chengtou.odc.hk/#subsite4_jianjie https:// www.fang.com/daogou/esf-linyi-39635559.html

Chairman of Tieling Order Gas Co. Ltd. Implicated in Bribery Case

According to an online media article from Chinese media outlet KKNews, in late 2013, the chairman of Tieling Order Gas Co. Ltd. (铁岭奥德燃气有限公司, “Tieling Order Gas”) surnamed Lin () was found to have issued bribes worth a total of CNY 400,000 (USD 62,000) on two separate occasions to the supervisor of the Tieling Commission of Housing and Rural and Urban Construction (铁岭市住房和城乡建设委员会), Wang Yingwei (王英伟).25 The report also noted that Wang Yingwei took bribes from more than 20 other individuals. Wang Yingwei was sentenced to 12 years in prison and received a CNY 1 million (USD 155,000) penalty in 2019.
根据中国媒体 KKNews一篇网络媒体文章,2013 年底,铁岭订单燃气有限公司董事长Ltd.铁岭奥德燃气有限公司,“铁岭”)被发现在两个不同的场合铁岭市住房农村委员会的监督员行贿,总额为 400,000 元人民币(62,000 美元), 以及Urban Construction (铁岭市住房和城乡建设委员会), Wang Yingwei王英伟).25该报告还指出,王英伟收受了其他 20 多人的贿赂。王英伟2019 被判处 12有期,并被100 万元人民币(155,000 美元的刑罚。

We were able to confirm the bribery case through our litigation research (case nos.: 2018)辽 0404 刑初 56 and 20170404 刑初 284 ). Tieling Order Gas’s chairman surnamed Lin was only mentioned in the case, and we did not find any indication that Lin was penalized because of this issue. According to the court judgement, from 2011 to 2015, Wang Yingwei took bribes totaling around CNY 20 million from more than 20 different individuals including Lin. All bribe giversnames were redacted and none of them were penalized in the case.
我们透过诉讼研究案件编号2018)辽 0404刑初562017辽 0404刑初284确认贿赂。此案中只提到铁岭燃气林姓董事长我们没有发现任何迹象表明林某因为这个问题受到了处罚。根据法院判决,从 2011 年到 2015 年,王英伟包括林在内的 20 多个不同的那里收受了总计2000万元人民币的贿赂所有贿的名字都被隐去了他们都没有在此中受到处罚

Tieling Order Gas is a subsidiary of Order Group. According to our corporate records research, there are two key principals of Tieling Order Gas surnamed Lin, namely Lin Xiangxing (林祥星, executive director) and Lin Fanlun (林凡伦, supervisor), both of whom have been affiliated with Tieling Order Gas since its incorporation in July 2009. It is likely thechairman surnamed Linin the case refers to Lin Xiangxin. Our litigation and regulatory research did not find information to suggest that Tieling Order Gas or any of its key principals were penalized as a result of the above case.
铁岭OrderGasOrderGroup 子公司根据我们的企业档案研究,铁岭两位主要负责人分别是林祥星执行董事繁伦林凡伦监事)自 2009 年 7 月OrderGas成立以来一直隶属于该公司 中的董事长很可能是指祥欣我们的诉讼监管研究没有发现信息表明铁岭OrderGas或其任何主要负责人上述案件而受到处罚

We note that in mainland China, anti-corruption campaigns have largely targeted government officials who receive or solicit bribes, while private businessmen involved typically receive leniency, unless their offence is considered particularly serious or as having a significant social impact. Such leniency is based on the general understanding that the vast majority of these bribes are solicited by the government officials, with the individual businessman given little choice in the matter, although we could not ascertain if that was the case in this particular instance. We also note that Tieling Order Gas remains active at present, and both Lin Xiangxing and Lin Fanlun remained on the company’s board.

None of the sources we spoke to were aware of this incident. Sources generally were in the opinion that bribery cases like this were not uncommon in China. Sometimes it was the local officials who demanded bribes which gave companies little choice. Sources did not think this incident had any major impact on the group’s reputation or operations.

Alleged “Malicious Arbitration” Involving Order Group

According to an article reposted by Sohu and 163.com in May 2020, Order Group and Linyi Liqun Real Estate Development Co. Ltd. (临沂市利群房地产开发有限公司, “Linyi Liqun”) went through “malicious” (恶意) and “fraudulent” (虛假) arbitration proceeding in 2016, which ultimately resulted in the alleged seizure of assets of Shandong Taishengheng Real Estate Co. Ltd. (山东泰盛恒房地产有限公司, “Shandong Taishengheng”) by the Linyi Arbitration Committee (临沂仲裁
根据搜狐163.com2020年 5 月转发一篇文章,Order Group临沂立群房地产开发有限公司Ltd.(临沂市利群房地产开发有限公司“临沂市利”) 2016 年通过恶意”和“欺诈”()仲裁程序,最终导致山东泰盛恒地产的资产被指控没收Estate Co. (屋邨公司Ltd.(山东泰盛恒房地产有限公司“山东泰盛恒”)临沂仲裁委员会

25 https://kknews.cc/zh-sg/society/z94r8aq.html

委员会) (case no.: (2017) 临仲裁字第 414 ).26 The article claims that Shandong Taishengheng’s petition to annul the previous arbitration decision to the Linyi Intermediate People’s Court (临沂市中级人民法院) was dismissed for more than two years, leaving itlittle option but to seek media exposure.”
委员会) (案件编号(2017临仲裁字第414)。26 文章山东泰盛恒市中级人民法院提出的撤销先前仲裁裁决请求驳回,理由是两年让它无选择,只能寻求媒体曝光”。

According to the article, Shandong Taishengheng originally applied for a CNY 300 million (USD 46.4 million) loan, for which Order Group agreed to become the guarantor. Before the loan was due, Order Group proceeded to sign a counter guarantee agreement with Linyi Liqun, which gave Order Group the right to exercise its right of recourse as the guarantor of the loan. This right of recourse gives Order Group the right to collect CNY 300 million (USD 46.4 million) from Linyi Liqun before the former fulfills its guarantee responsibility. Order Group and Linyi Liqun subsequently entered into an arbitration hearing. The article claims that although this case appears to be the dispute between Order Group and Linyi Liqun, it was Shandong Taishengheng’s asset that ended up being seized by the court. The article did not provide further details regarding this case.
根据文章山东泰盛恒最初申请3亿元人民币4640万美元)的贷款,OrderGroup同意成为担保人。贷款到期OrderGroup临沂立群签订了反担保协议赋予 OrderGroup使其作为贷款担保人的追索权。追索赋予OrderGroup临沂立群履行担保责任之前临沂立群收取3亿元人民币4640万美元)的权利。Order Group 和 Linyi Liqun 随后进行了仲裁听证会。 文章称,虽然本案似乎OrderGroup临沂立群之间的纠纷,但最终被法院没收的是山东泰盛恒的资产文章没有提供有关的更多细节

According to the article, because Shandong Taishengheng was not present at the arbitration hearing, the Linyi Arbitration Committee (临沂仲裁委员会) issued the award based on the materials provided by Order Group.
文章称,由于山东泰沂恒未出席仲裁庭审,临沂仲裁委员会根据 OrderGroup 提供的材料出具了裁决

Based on our litigation and public domain research on the above entities, we did not identify any additional information regarding the above arbitration proceeding. We identified litigation records involving the three companies (case nos.: 2019最高法民申 2271 and 2019)鲁民再 963 ) relating to appeals against a real estate development, as well as a management contract dispute (case no.: 东省高级人民法院(2018鲁民终 1414 ), details of which do not appear to be publicly available. We note that Linyi Liqun’s two shareholders, Yang Guijun (杨贵军) and Wang Buxin (王步新), are both currently included on the High Consumption Restriction List (限制消费令) in relation to various unresolved disputes.
根据我们对上述实体诉讼公共领域研究我们没有发现有关上述仲裁程序的任何其他信息。我们确定了涉及家公司的诉讼记录(案件编号。2019最高法民申 2271and2019)鲁民再 963),涉及房地产开发上诉及经营合同纠纷案号:东省高级人民法院(2018鲁民终 1414 ),显示详情公开可用我们注意到,临沂利群的两名股东 杨贵军目前列入限制消费令涉及各种未解决的争议。

We note that the abovementioned media report appears to be the only article regarding this issue. We did not find further media reports on this issue. Similarly, none of our sources were aware of this dispute.
我们注意到,上述媒体报道似乎是关于这个问题的唯一文章。 我们没有找到有关此问题的进一步媒体报道同样,我们的消息来源都不知道这个争议。

Operation of Gas Pipelines by Order Group Without Proper Approvals

We identified at least two instances in which Order Group has operated gas pipelines without proper approval.

In August 2020, the Tongliao City Commission for Discipline Inspection (通辽市纪委监委) reported that in April 2020, the former head of the construction project management unit of the Urban-Rural Construction Bureau in Hure Banner, Inner Mongolia (库伦旗住建局建设工程管理) Qing Geletu (青格勒吐) – was issued a serious warning by the Hure Banner Commission for Discipline Inspection (庫倫旗紀委) for failing to perform his duties in relation to an Order Group gas project that began in March 2011.27 Specifically, when asked to update Order Group’s filings for the project in December 2015, Qing Geletu did not highlight the fact that Order Group had
2020 年 8 月, 通辽市纪委监委通报2020 年 4 月热市城建设建设项目管理单位原负责人 蒙古库伦旗住建局建设工程管理公司 青格勒吐不合格而被胡尔旗纪委发出严重警告履行2011 年 3 月开始OrderGroup 天然气项目有关的职责27具体来说2015 年 12 月被要求更新OrderGroup 该项目提交的文件时QingGeletu没有强调OrderGroup已经

26 https://www.sohu.com/a/394984211_253830?spm=smpc.author.fd-d.6.1625131785746ldsHMj8 https://www.163.com/dy/article/FCH82EED0514C8DR.html
26 https:// www.sohu.com/a/394984211_253830?spm=smpc.author.fd-d.6.1625131785746ldsHMj8https:// www.163.com/dy/article/FCH82EED0514C8DR.html

27 http://tl.nmgjjjc.gov.cn/single/2020/08/16/20081613224109224212-20080515494364691543.html?t=1623289826768

failed to comply with certain procedures, such as operating the pipeline without a construction permit and not completing quality inspection reports.

As stated in an article from Sina Finance in March 2013, according to the meeting minutes of the local government in Taizihe district, Liaoyang, companies can independently choose their gas suppliers.28 In 2013, Order Group (then called Shandong Order Gas Co. Ltd. (山东奥德燃气有限公司)) signed a gas supply agreement with a company in Taizihe district, Liaoyang, and subsequently laid down gas pipelines there. However, according to the franchise right agreement between the local government and Liaoyang China Gas Development Co. Ltd. (辽阳中燃城市燃气发展有限公司, “Liaoyang China Gas”), the right to operate gas pipelines in that particular area belonged to Liaoyang China Gas. According to staff of Liaoyang China Gas, Order Group had not obtained any relevant approvals despite proceeding with construction of the gas pipelines. According to the article, the Liaoyang Construction Bureau facilitated negotiations between the two companies.
正如新浪财经2013 年 3 月一篇文章所述根据辽阳市太子河地方政府会议纪要企业可以独立选择他们的燃气供应商。282013 OrderGroup当时称为山东OrderGasCo.)。 Ltd.(山东奥德燃气有限责任公司)与辽阳市太子河的一家公司签订了供气协议随后在那里铺设了燃气管道。但是,根据当地政府燃城市燃气发展有限公司“辽燃燃气”)之间的特许经营权协议燃气管道的经营特定区域属于辽阳中国燃气公司。 辽阳中国燃气工作人员 尽管继续建设天然气管道,但 OrderGroup 尚未获得任何相关批准。 文章称辽阳市建设家公司之间的谈判提供了便利

Our online, media, litigation, and regulatory research, as well as source inquiries, did not identify any additional information on this issue.

Unsubstantiated Fraud and Bribery Allegations Against Order Group

In September 2015, a letter of complaint was submitted by an individual named Zhou Guangsheng (周广生) to the Feng County Political and Legal Affairs Commission (丰县政法委) in Xuzhou, Jiangsu province, against Order Gas Co. Ltd. (奥德燃气有限公司, which is likely in reference to the overall Order Group, as Order Group was called Shandong Order Gas Co. Ltd. (山东奥德燃气有限公司) as of the date the letter was published).
2015 年 9 月,一位名叫 周 Guangsheng 的个人江苏省徐州丰县政法委提交了一封投诉指控 OrderGasCo.。 Ltd.(奥德燃气有限公司可能是指整个OrderGroup因为OrderGroup被称为ShandongOrderGasCo.。 Ltd.(山东奥德燃气有限公司)截至信函发布之日)。

The letter accuses Order Group of committing several illegal acts. These include the company allegedly bribing government officials, engaging in unlicensed construction projects without seeking prior approval from relevant governing bodies, exaggerating its investment strategy to local governments to win permits and licenses, subsequently selling said permits and licenses for large sums of money, and routinely receiving customer complaints for its subpar customer service.29 All these allegations are said to have occurred in several provinces in mainland China, including Henan province, Shandong province, and Beijing. According to the author of the letter, the letter was written to warn the Feng County Political and Legal Affairs Commission to not allow Order Group to engage in any business activities within the county.
这封信指责 Order Group 犯下了多项非法行为。其中包括该公司涉嫌贿赂政府官员,在未事先获得相关管理机构批准的情况下从事无证建设项目,向地方政府夸大投资策略以获得许可证执照,随后出售许可证执照以获得大笔资金,并经常因其客户服务不佳而收到客户投诉。29据说所有这些指控都发生在中国大陆几个包括河南省、山东北京。作者介绍这封信是为了警告丰县政法委,不允许OrderGroup从事任何经营活动

We note that the original post has been deleted. However, it appears that Order Group now has operations in Xuzhou following the incorporation of Xuzhou Order Gas Co. Ltd. (徐州奥德燃气有限公司, “Xuzhou Order Gas”) in June 2017. We did not identify any significant regulatory or litigation records involving Xuzhou Order Gas. Similarly, none of sources were aware of any of the abovementioned allegations.
我们注意到原始帖子已被删除然而XuzhouOrderGasCo 成立OrderGroup现在似乎在徐州开展业务Ltd.2017 年 6 月,徐州奥德燃气有限公司。我们未发现任何涉及徐州定气重大监管或诉讼记录同样没有任何消息来源知道上述任何指控。

Beyond the issues set out in section 4.4, we did not identify any other notable negative issues involving Order Group and its affiliated companies.
除了第 4.4 节中列出的问题外,我们没有发现涉及OrderGroup及其附属公司的任何其他值得注意的负面问题

28 http://finance.sina.com.cn/stock/hkstock/ggscyd/20130330/013015001748.shtml

29 http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:pTG_VttIXzwJ:www.chinafx.gov.cn/Gov/mail.asp%3FClass id%3D3%26id%3D25%26mailid%3D91322+&cd=16&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=hk

Order Group Junan Branch Failed to Adhere to Revised Natural Gas Sale Pricing Standards

According to the Linyi Consumer Rights Protection Network (临沂消费者维权网), Order Group Junan Branch (奥德燃气莒南分公司) was issued a warning by the Junan Market Supervision Bureau in September 2020 for failing to adhere to the new natural gas sale pricing standards set by the Linyi Development and Reform Commission (临沂市发改委). The new standards mandated that natural gas companies could either offer refunds to non-residential gas pipeline customers following the reduced rate from CNY 3.07 (USD 0.47)/m3 to CNY 2.865 (USD 0.44)/m3 of natural gas, or an additional natural gas quota (record no.: 临发改价格〔202058 ). Since Order Group Junan Branch did not do either of these, the Junan Market Supervision Bureau ordered the company, along with Junan PetroChina Yida Gas Co. Ltd. (莒南中油一达燃气有限公司), to offer a combined total of CNY 2,139,472.31 (USD 330,000) in compensation to their respective customers.
临沂消费者维权网报道德燃气莒南分公司遵守规定2020年 9 月莒南市监局发出警告 沂市发改委制定天然气销售定价标准。新标准要求天然气公司可以在费率3.07 人民币0.47 美元)/平方米降至 2.865 非住宅天然气管道客户提供退款0.44 美元)/m3天然气额外的天然气配额(记录编号临发改价格〔202058)。 由于订单集团莒南分公司没有做这两项工作,莒安市场监管局命令该公司莒南石油亿达燃气有限公司一起完成。 Ltd. (莒南中油一达燃气有限公司 向各自的客户提供总计 2,139,472.31 元(330,000 美元)的补偿

Our online, media, litigation, and regulatory research did not find further information regarding this issue.

Misleading Advertising Allegations Regarding Property Developed by OCID
关于OCID 开发的房地产误导性广告指控

According to an anonymous author of a post published in a mainland Chinese forum called Message Board for Leaders (领导留言板) on 28 April 2021, the advertising for a real estate residential property affiliated with Order Group was allegedly misleading. 30 The property in question is called Order Begonia (奥德海棠), and it was developed by OCID, according to the company’s website.31 Specifically, the author, who claims to be a tenant of one of the property units, alleges that Order Begonia’s advertising materials had failed to clarify that to purchase a vehicle parking space, one must also purchase a storage room. We note that the author does not specifically accuse OCID of engaging in false advertising.
根据 2021 年 4 月 28 日在中国大陆论坛 Message Board for Leaders领导留言板) 上发表的一篇帖子的匿名作者的说法,Order Group 旗下的房地产住宅物业的广告涉嫌具有误导性。 30 根据该公司的网站有问题的财产被称为 Order Begonia (奥德海棠),由 OCID 开发。31具体来说其中一个物业单元租户提交人声称OrderBegonia的广告材料未能澄清购买车辆停车位,还必须购买储藏室。我们注意到,作者并未明确指责 OCID 从事虚假广告。

Sale of Fake Invoices Using Order Group Subsidiary Names

On 19 July 2018, a criminal case heard by the Liaoning Fushun Intermediate People’s Court found multiple individuals guilty of manufacturing and distributing fake invoices using the entity names of various Order Group subsidiaries (case no.: 201704 刑初 43 ).32
2018 年 7 月 19 日,辽宁省抚顺市中级人民法院审理的一起刑事案件认定多使用订单集团各子公司实体名称制造和分发发票罪名成立(号。201704 刑初43 ).32

Based on our public domain research, none of these individuals mentioned in the case appear to be affiliated with Order Group, and none of the Order Group subsidiaries referenced in the fake invoices were implicated in this incident.
根据我们的公共领域研究,本案中提到这些似乎都没有隶属于OrderGroup,也没有 Order Group提到子公司发票与此次事件有关。

General Negative Comments Regarding Order Group
关于OrderGroup 的一般负面评论

We identified several negative news media articles and forum posts regarding Order Group and its subsidiaries, including allegations of late payment of wages to employees and subcontractors, poor treatment of its non-management level employees, and poor customer service. Unless

30 http://liuyan.people.com.cn/threads/content?tid=9921393

31 http://chengtou.odc.hk/#subsite4_jianjie

32 https://www.taxhu.com/index.php?m=article&f=view&id=164981
32https:// www.taxhu.com/index.php?m=article&f=view&id=164981

otherwise specified, our broader public domain, litigation, and regulatory research, as well as source inquiries, did not find further information on these issues.

Included below are examples of the allegations we identified:

In May 2021, an anonymous individual filed an online complaint against Order Group through the Shuangyashan People’s Government (省双鸭山人民政府) in Heilongjiang province because the company allegedly would not sell natural gas to private citizens residing in Xuefuhuating district (学府华庭小区).33 The government responded to the complaint by denying that Order Group does not sell to private citizens.
2021 年 5 月一名匿名人士通过黑龙江省双鸭山人民政府OrderGroup提出在线投诉,因为该公司据称居住在学府华庭小区普通公民出售天然气33政府对投诉的回应否认OrderGroup普通公民销售产品。

Between October and November 2020, the Order Group Shanghe County Branch in Jinan (济南市商河县, the author of the post does not provide the exact name of the entity) allegedly owed its subcontractors labor wages for a “gas-to-electricityproject (煤改电工程), according to a post published in January 2021 on the Message Board for Leaders (领导留言板).34
2020 年 10 月至11 月期间OrderGroup济南市商河县分公司帖子作者未提供实体的确切名称)涉嫌拖欠分包商劳动工资。煤改电工程项目根据2021年 1 月MessageBoardforLeaders领导留言板上发布的一篇文章34

In February 2021, a user of the mainland Chinese forum Baidu Tieba published a post criticizing Order Group’s food and dining options for its employees, alleging that lower- level employees are sometimes only left with leftovers.35
2021 年 2 月中国大陆论坛百度贴吧一位用户发表了一篇帖子,批评OrderGroup为其员工提供的餐饮选择声称下级 员工有时下剩菜剩饭。 35

In December 2020, Cangxian Order Gas Co. Ltd. (沧县奥德燃气公司, “Cangxian Order Gas”), a Hebei-based subsidiary of Order Gap, allegedly owed money to its subcontractor in a “coal-to-gas” project (气代煤工程) in Cang county, according to various media outlets, including Sina.36 As a result, the subcontractor was unable to pay the wages of eight workers it had hired to participate in the project. According to the workers, who were owed a total of CNY 30,000 (USD 4,600) in overdue wages, the project had been completed in October 2020.
2020 年 12 月苍县订购燃气有限公司Ltd.据多家媒体报道 Order Gap 位于河北子公司沧县奥德燃气公司(“沧县奥德燃气公司”)涉嫌沧县的一个“气代煤工程”项目中商的款项包括新浪。36因此包商无法支付雇用参与该项目名工人工资拖欠 30,000 元人民币(4,600 美元)拖欠工资的工人称,该项目已于 2020 年 10 月完工。

On 1 January 2020, an explosion occurred in a farmer’s home in a village in Cangzhou, Hebei province, according to an announcement from the Qingxian People’s Government ( 青县人民政府) on 5 January 2020. 37 According to the government’s preliminary investigation, the incident, which did not result in any casualties, was caused by a gas leak from one of the pipelines in the village. In the government’s announcement, Order Group was asked to compensate residents for any losses and damages resulting from the incident, which suggests that Order Group was responsible for building the pipeline in this village.
2020年 1 月 1 日河北省沧州一个村庄的农民住宅发生爆炸,根据青县人民政府于 2020 年 1 月 5 日发布的公告 37 据政府的公告初步调查后,事件没有造成任何人员伤亡是由该村的一条管道泄漏引起的政府的公告 Order Group 被要求赔偿居民因该事件造成的任何损失和损害这表明OrderGroup负责在该建造管道

In March 2018, a user of Baidu Tieba published a post criticizing Order Group employees’ attitudes and productivity.38 Relatedly, several Linyi residents also complained about the attitudes of Order Group employees when they had to explain to the residents that installation of gas heaters must be done by the employees, as reported by KKNews in April 2017.39
2018 年 3 月百度贴吧的一位用户发表了一篇帖子,批评OrderGroup员工的态度和生产力。38 KKNews2017 年 4 月报道,几名临沂居民还抱怨 Order Group 员工在不得不向居民解释燃气加热器的安装必须员工完成时的态度39

In January 2017, a user of Baidu Tieba published a post alleging that they had conducted work for Order Group but never received any payment.40 A similar post was published in
2017 年 1 百度贴吧一位用户发布了一篇帖子,声称他们OrderGroup进行了工作但从未收到任何报酬。40类似的帖子发表

33 http://www.syswlwz.gov.cn/Page/Personal/MyPoliticsDetials.aspx?number=20210520091944787

34 http://liuyan.people.com.cn/threads/content?tid=9098699

35 https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7222803897

36 http://k.sina.com.cn/article_3177450665_bd640ca902000ycyw.html https://www.163.com/dy/article/FVAUHR4B0545AQSX.html
36http://k.sina.com.cn/article_3177450665_bd640ca902000ycyw.htmlhttps:// www.163.com/dy/article/FVAUHR4B0545AQSX.html

37 https://www.jiemian.com/article/3848420_qq.html
37https:// www.jiemian.com/article/3848420_qq.html

38 https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5604194621

39 https://kknews.cc/finance/k8vg98r.html

40 https://tieba.baidu.com/p/4930121448

January 2015, to which an anonymous user responded saying that Order Group is “infamous” for not paying its workers in May 2016.41
2015 年 1 月,一位匿名用户回应说,Order Group 因2016 年 5 月没有支付员工工资而“臭名昭著”。41

In January 2015, a user of Baidu Tieba, who claims to have joined Order Group in 2014, accused several senior executives at a Shanghe county, Shandong province-based subsidiary of Order Group, namely three individuals surnamed Xu (), Ma (), and Wang (), of incompetence and mismanagement.42 Specifically, Xu was alleged by the author of the post to have disrupted the Shanghe company’s operations, and Ma to have falsified certain unspecified information. According to corporate records, Order Group’s most prominent subsidiary in Shanghe county is Shanghe Order Energy Co. Ltd. (商河奥德能源有限公司). We did not identify any current or former key principals with any of the above surnames at this specific subsidiary.
2015 年 1 一位声称 2014 年加入OrderGroup百度贴吧用户指控 Order Group 位于山东省上河的子公司的几名高级管理人员,即许、马和王三人),和管理不善。42具体来说帖子的作者指控扰乱了尚和公司的运营某伪造了某些未指明的信息根据公司记录OrderGroup 上河最突出的子公司商河奥德能源有限公司 我们没有发现该特定子公司的任何现任前任主要负责人具有上述任何姓氏。

We note that instances of individual complaints are not uncommon for large corporations such as Order Group. Based on our source inquiries and broader public domain research, the above incidents and allegations do not appear to be indicative of broader issues in the group’s overall operations and reputation.
我们注意到,个人投诉的情况对于 Order Group 等大公司来说并不少见。根据我们的消息来源查询和更广泛的公共领域研究,上述事件指控似乎并不表明该集团的整体运营和声誉存在更广泛的问题

Litigation Research

Mainland China

Litigation research found more than 80 cases involving Order Group in mainland China, most of which pertain to loan and contract disputes. None of the cases are criminal in nature. None of the cases are currently open. The 10 most recent cases are listed below. The company is the defendant in at least 3 of the 10 most recent cases.
诉讼研究发现,在中国大陆涉及OrderGroup案件超过 80其中大部分涉及借款合同纠纷。这些案件都不是刑事性质的。目前没有一个案件处于开放状态。下面列出了最近的 10 个案例。该公司是最近 10 起案件中至少 3 起的被告。

#Case Number

JudgmentCourtType Date

Subject isStatus Defendant

Amount Awarded (CNY)
奖励金额 (CNY)




9 Mar


Liaoyang People’s Court, Liaoning

Civil; contractYesClosed; withdrawn
民事;合同关闭; 孤僻


41 https://tieba.baidu.com/p/3507656145

42 https://tieba.baidu.com/p/3531991737


29 Jan





8 Jan





18 Dec





18 Dec





District People’s Court, Liaoning

Hedong District People’s Court, Shandong



Yes (subject to


No (applicant)


Closed;N/A withdrawn
闭;N/A 已撤回



17 Nov
17 11


Qihe People’s Court, Shandong

Civil; contractN/A

Closed; mediated
闭; 介 导




12 Nov
12 11


Shandong Higher People’s Court

Civil; contractNo

Closed; withdrawn0



*N/A denotes that the information was not available.

Cases 1 and 4–7 relate to enforcement actions.

In case 1, Order Group applied for a court enforcement action against Shao Mingyi (邵明义), Sun Zhiyun (孙志运), Linyi Mingbao Automobile Transportation Co. Ltd. (临沂市明宝汽车运输有限公司), and Linyi Kunpeng Real Estate Co. Ltd. (临沂坤鹏置业有限公司) in relation to a loan dispute (original case number was not provided). Order Group later withdrew the action.
案例1OrderGroup申请明义孙志运、临沂市明宝汽车运输有限公司和临沂市鲲鹏房地产有限公司(临沂坤鹏置业有限公司)的贷款纠纷提供原始案件编号)。 OrderGroup后来撤回了该行动。

Case 4 is a court enforcement action related to a sales contract dispute. No further case details were disclosed.

Case 5 is a court enforcement action related to an unspecified dispute. No further case details were disclosed.

Cases 6 and 7 are both court enforcement actions filed by Order Group against Shao Mingyi (明义) and Sun Zhiyun (孙志运) related to loan contract disputes. Order Group later withdrew both actions.
案例67 均为OrderGroup针对明义孙志运提起的与款合同纠纷有关法院执行行动OrderGroup后来撤回了这两项行动。

In case 2, an individual named Xu Hongjin (徐洪金) sued Order Group and its subsidiary Liaoyang Order Gas Transmission and Distribution Co. Ltd. (辽阳县奥德燃气输配有限公司) over a contract dispute. Xu Hongjin withdrew the case.
在案例 2 中,一位名叫徐洪金的个人就合同纠纷起诉了 Order Group 及其子公司辽阳奥德燃气输配有限公司。徐洪进案。

In case 3, an individual named Meng Qingyuan (孟庆元) sued Order Group, Wang Wei (王伟), and Di Huaiwen ( 翟怀文) over a labor dispute related to a construction project. The court dismissed Meng Qingyuan’s complaint.

Case 8 is a sales contract dispute involving Order Group. The case was resolved through mediation. No further case details were disclosed.
案例 8 是涉及 Order Group 的销售合同纠纷。此案通过调解解决。没有披露进一步的案件细节

Case 9 is an appeal filed by Zhuang Yuan (庄园) against Order Group, Xu Jing (庄园), and Zheng Guangyun (郑光云) in relation to a dispute over compensation for property damages resulting from a fire (original case no.: 山东省沂南县人民法院(20201321 民初 1450 ). The court overturned the original ruling made by the Yinan County People’s Court, as it was determined that Order Group had not provided a sufficient assessment on the extent of the damages resulting from the fire.
案例9庄元 (ZhuangYuan赔偿 纠纷对 Order Group、许静 (Xu Jing) 和郑光云 (Zheng Guangyun) 提起的上诉火灾造成的财产损失原案号:山东省沂南县人民法院(20201321 民初1450 )。法院推翻了沂南县人民法院的原裁定因为法院认定 OrderGroup 没有火灾造成的损失程度进行充分评估

Case 10 is an appeal filed by Linyi PetroChina Kunlun Energy Co. Ltd. (临沂中石油昆仑能源有限公司) against Order Group in relation to a contract dispute (original case no.: 201913 民初 140 号民事). The appellant ultimately withdrew its appeal.
案例10临沂中石油昆仑能源有限公司提起的上诉Ltd.(临沂中石油昆仑能源有限公司OrderGroup合同纠纷案(原编号201913民初140 号民事).上诉人最终撤回上诉。

Notable Enforcement Record

We also found the following notable enforcement record involving Order Group. Due to a property sale and purchase contract dispute and the company’s likely subsequent failure to fulfill its repayment obligation (the case number of the original dispute was not referenced), Order Group was enforced to pay CNY 3,997,217 (USD 617,000) on 18 June 2020 by the Shenyang Shenbei People’s Court (辽宁省沈阳市沈北新区人民法院) (case no.: 20200113 1600 ). Details of the enforcement record have not been made publicly available.
我们还发现了以下涉及 Order Group 的值得注意的执法记录。由于物业买卖合同纠纷以及公司随后可能未能履行其还款义务提及原始争议),OrderGroup 于 2020 年 6 月 18 日被沈阳市神北人民强制要求支付 3,997,217 元人民币(617,000 美元) Court辽宁省沈阳市沈北新区人民法院) (号.20200113 1600).执法记录的详细信息尚未公开

Hong Kong

Litigation and media research did not return any cases involving Order Group in Hong Kong.
诉讼和媒体研究没有返回任何涉及 Order Group 在香港的案件

Bankruptcy Research

Mainland China

Our bankruptcy, online, and media research did not find the company involved in any bankruptcy proceedings.

Regulatory Research

Research using regulatory databases, sanctions lists, and the media did not find any record of regulatory or enforcement action taken against the company.

Lin Fanlian

Lin Fanlian (林凡连) is the legal representative and 98% shareholder in Order Group, according to corporate records. As of 29 June 2021, Lin has an estimated net worth of USD 2.2 billion, according to Forbes.43
根据公司记录,凡连OrderGroup法定代表人和98% 股东。据《福布斯》报道,截至 2021 年 6 月 29 日,林的净资产估计为 22 亿美元。43

Personal Profile

Lin was born on 25 June 1961, according to corporate records. His first registered address was in Linyi, Shandong province.
根据公司记录出生于 1961 年 6 月25 日。的第一个注册地址是在山东省临沂市。

Career History

According to Shandong Business Daily, in 1980, at the age of 19, Lin founded a construction company called Linyi Hedong Construction Engineering (临沂市河东区建筑工程公司).44 Around 1985, Lin then founded two other construction businesses, namely Liaoning Panjin Petrochemical Construction Engineering Co. Ltd. (辽宁盘锦石化建筑工程公司) and Shandong Jianan Industrial Co. Ltd. (山东建安实业有限公司).45 He then founded the Hong Kong-incorporated China Order Group Industry Ltd. (中國奧德集團實業有限公司) in July 2004.
据《山东商报》报道,1980 年,19 岁的林创立了一家名为临沂市河东区建筑工程公司的建筑公司441985 年左右,林又创立了另外两家建筑公司,即辽宁盘锦石化建筑工程公司和山东实业有限公司Ltd.(山东建安实业有限公司).45其后于2004年7月在香港成立成立的中国订单集团有限公司

One year later, construction of the mainland Chinese government’s West-East Gas Pipeline (西气东输), which began in 2002, reached Linyi, according to Shandong Business Daily.46 Lin saw this as an investment opportunity, so in April 2005, together with his brother Lin Fanlun and his nephew Lin Bo, Lin invested CNY 10 million (USD 1.56 million) and founded Order Group, which was then called Linyi Order Gas Co. Ltd. (临沂奥德燃气有限公司), according to the same source.
《山东报》报道,一年中国大陆政府2002 年开始西气东输建设到达临沂46认为这是一个投资机会,因此在 2005 年 4 月,林与他的兄弟林凡伦和他的侄子一起投资1000万元人民币156万美元成立了OrderGroup该公司当时称为临沂公司Ltd.(临沂奥德燃气有限公司调查

By the end of 2016, Order Group had established more than 40 branches and subsidiaries in Shandong, Hebei, Liaoning, and Heilongjiang provinces, according to Shandong Business News.47
《山东商业新闻》报道截至 2016 年底,Order Group 已在山东、河北辽宁和黑龙江设立了 40 多家分公司和子公司47


Several of Lin’s family members are affiliated with Order Group. Our sources described Order Group as a “family business” (家族企业), with many relatives of Lin holding directorship positions or equity stakes in Order Group and its affiliated companies.
Lin 的家庭成员属于OrderGroup我们的消息来源Order Group 描述为“家族企业”,林的许多亲属在 OrderGroup及其附属公司担任董事职位股权

Lin’s daughter, Lin Yujing (林雨静), oversees the company’s real estate division, according to an article from Sohu and as corroborated by our sources.48
根据搜狐一篇文章,林雨静 ( LinYujing负责公司的房地产部门我们的消息来源也证实了这一点。48

Relative to other members of the family, Lin Yujing has a relatively higher public profile, and has also pursued her own business ventures beyond Order Group, including in the food and beverage and fashion industries, according to our public domain research and source inquiries, as corroborated by her corporate affiliations in mainland China.49 She is referenced in media reports
相对于家族的其他成员玉静公众知名度相对较,并且在 OrderGroup 之外追求自己的商业冒险包括 食品和饮料以及时尚行业,根据我们的公共领域研究和来源查询,中国大陆的公司属关系也证实了这一点。49媒体报道中提到了她

43 https://www.forbes.com/profile/lin-fanlian/?sh=1fd9e4cc7f2d
43https:// www.forbes.com/profile/lin-fanlian/?sh=1fd9e4cc7f2d

44 http://www.readmeok.com/2021-5/7_106145.html

45 Our corporate records research could not determine the current names (if available) of the three entities.

46 http://www.readmeok.com/2021-5/7_106145.html

47 https://read01.com/zh-cn/PMR4mON.html#.YNQjihMzYUt

48 https://www.sohu.com/a/391116458_476524
48https:// www.sohu.com/a/391116458_476524

49 https://www.zhihu.com/question/58216392/answer/412482693 https://www.sohu.com/a/391116458_476524
49https:// www.zhihu.com/question/58216392/answer/412482693https:// www.sohu.com/a/391116458_476524

as the founder and CEO of a nationwide sushi restaurant chain called Hefeng Jingzhi Sushi (河风精致寿司).50 The general project assistant in the real estate division of Order Group described Lin Yujing as avant-garde, creative, and full of imagination.
作为一家名为HefengJingzhiSushi河风精致寿司全国寿司连锁店的创始人首席执行官50 OrderGroup房地产事业部的项目总助理形容玉静富有创造力充满想象力。

Public Profile and Reputation

Lin has a moderate public profile. Online and media references to him mostly relate to the founding history of Order Group and estimates of his net worth. 51 An article published by Shandong Business News in December 2017 notes that Lin is generally low-profile and rarely gives public interviews or makes public appearances.52
林的公众形象一般。在线和媒体对他的引用主要与 Order Group 的成立历史和他的净资产估计有关。51 《山东商报》2017 年 12 月发表的一篇文章指出,林平平通常很低调,很少接受公开采访或公开露面。52

Responsible for Overall Direction of Order Group

According to the civil engineer of Linyi Order Real Estate Development Co. Ltd., Lin determines and oversees the overall direction of Order Group, but does not participate in the day-to-day operations of the group. A project manager at OCID said that the various business divisions within the group do not overlap and are independent of each other.

Portrayed in Media as a Caring and Charitable Businessman

Despite Lin’s understated nature, which was a characteristic that several sources alluded to, several media outlets have alluded to his generosity and care towards his employees and the wider community.
尽管 Lin 的性格低调,这是一些消息来源提到的一个特征,但一些媒体都暗示了他对员工和更广泛社区的慷慨和关怀

According to Linyi-based media outlet Linbao Rongmei, when the wife of one of his employees fell seriously ill, Li sent the employee CNY 20,000 (USD 3,000) and arranged to have someone visit the employee at his home to offer assistance and support every autumn.53 As of the date of this article, which was published in November 2020, Order Group is said to have made around CNY 300 million (USD 46 million) in donations to various causes.
据临沂媒体《林宝荣美报道,当他的一名员工的妻子病李给员工20,000 元人民币3,000 美元),安排专人拜访该员工并提供每年秋天的援助和支持53 截至本文(于 2020 年 11月发布发布之日据称 OrderGroup向各种事业捐款 3 亿元人民币(4600 万美元)。

According to media outlet Linyi Information Website, Lin has also made donations to several schools, and once made a CNY 80 million (USD 12.3 million) donation to fund the construction of Linyi Order Experimental School (临沂奥德实验小学) in 2014.54
据媒体临沂信息网报道,林还向几所学校捐款并曾在 2014捐款8000万元人民币1230万美元资助奥德实验小学建设54

Our online and media research found no negative issues relating to Lin.
我们的在线媒体研究没有发现Lin 相关的负面问题

Corporate Affiliations

Mainland China

Corporate affiliations research was conducted using the subject’s name alone. Further analysis identified the following confirmed records:

50 https://feed.baidu.com/feed/data/wise/landingpage?s_type=news&dsp=wise&nid=3358509255414308980&n_type=&p


51 http://www.lunannews.com/toutiao/20170512807.html https://read01.com/zh-cn/PMR4mON.html#.YNQjihMzYUt https://www.aitouyan.com/news/3089.html
51http://www.lunannews.com/toutiao/20170512807.htmlhttps://read01.com/zh-cn/PMR4mON.html#.YNQjihMzYUthttps:// www.aitouyan.com/news/3089.html

52 https://read01.com/zh-hk/PMR4mON.html#.YN7FnhMzbOR
52https://read01.com/zh-hk/PMR4mON.html# 中。YN7FnhMzbOR

53 https://www.tspweb.com/key/%E5%A5%A5%E5%BE%B7%E9%9B%86%E5%9B%A2%E6%9E%97%E5%87%A1%E8%BF%9E
53https:// www.tspweb.com/key/%E5%A5%A5%E5%BE%B7%E9%9B%86%E5%9B%A2%E6%9E%97%E5%87%A1%E8%BF%9E


54 https://kknews.cc/zh-sg/society/6b5nrn3.html https://kknews.cc/zh-cn/finance/gpqpkym.html

#CompanyRegistration Number

CompanyPosition Status

Current or Previous

Order Group Investment
OrderGroup Investment (订单集团投资)

2Management Co. Ltd.



Legal representative Executive director General manager
法定代表人 执行董事 总经理




Fuxin Zhongao Energy Co.




Legal representative Executive director




Donggang Order Gas Co.




Legal representative Executive director General manager
法定代表人 执行董事 总经理




Dandong Qianyang Order

8Gas Co. Ltd. (丹东前阳奥德燃气有限公司)


Legal representative Executive director General manager
法定代表人 执行董事 总经理




Liaoyang Order Gas Transmission Co. Ltd.




Legal representative Executive director


Heishan Order Gas Co.




Legal representative Executive director General manager
法定代表人 执行董事 总经理




Shandong Order Agricultural Technology

14Development Co. Ltd.
14DevelopmentCo..Ltd. 公司



Legal representative Executive director


Fengcheng Tongyuanbao

16Order Gas Co. Ltd. (凤城通远堡奥德燃气有限公司)
16 凤城通远堡奥德燃气有限公司


Legal representative Executive director General manager
法定代表人 执行董事 总经理


Linyi Hedong Order Private Financing
临沂河东 Order PrivateFinancing

18Registration Services Co.
. (临沂市河东区奥德民间融资登记服务有限公司)


Legal representative Executive director



Yanshou Order Gas Co.



Baoding Order Gas Co.



representative Executive director General manager


21Ltd. (保定市中奥燃气有限






Horqin Left Wing Zhongqi

22Order Gas Co. Ltd.






Weishan Order Gas Co.







Zhoukou Order Gas Co.







Morin Dawa Daur

Autonomous Banner

25Order Gas Co. Ltd.








Qingxian Order Gas Co.




Linyi Hedong Aomeng

Microloans Co. Ltd.




BoardCurrent chairman

Linyi Yufan Riverside Gold

30Club Co. Ltd. (临沂宇帆滨河高尔夫俱乐部有限公司)
30俱乐部公司 Ltd临沂宇帆滨河高尔夫俱乐部有限公司




Wenan Order Gas Co. Ltd. Xizhuang Branch
文安德斯燃气有限公司 西庄分公司




Order Group Co. Ltd. Yishui Bus Station Branch
Order Group Co. Ltd. 订购集团有限公司 义水汽车分店




Langfang Huanyu Wine

36Co. Ltd.



Legal representative Board chairman Supervisor
法定代表人 董事长 监事


All of the above corporate affiliations are companies affiliated with Order Group, or companies in which other Order Group key principals and/or shareholders have been involved.
上述所有公司隶属关系均为 Order Group 的关联公司,或其他 OrderGroup主要负责人和/或股东参与的公司

For more on mainland Chinese company statuses, please see Appendix I.

Our online, media, and regulatory research did not find any major negative issues with the above companies.

Hong Kong

Online, media, and corporate records research found no indication that the individual has any previous corporate affiliations in Hong Kong.

Corporate records show that the individual is a director or shareholder with the following company. Please note that shareholder records may not be comprehensive.

#CompanyRegistration Number

Company Status

PositionCurrent or Previous

China Order Group Industry Ltd. (中國奧德集團實業有限公司) is affiliated with Order Group (see section 5.1.1).
中国订单集团业有限公司中国奧德集团有限公司隶属于OrderGroup(见5.1.1 节)。

Our online, media, and regulatory research did not find any major negative issues with the above company.

Litigation Research

Mainland China

Litigation research found one confirmed case involving Lin in mainland China, in which Lin is subject to an administrative action.

#Case Number

JudgmentCourtType Date

Subject isStatus Defendant

Amount Awarded (CNY)
奖励金额 (CNY)

The above case refers to an administrative action filed by the Heishan County Forestry and Grassland Administration ( 黑山县林业和草原局) against Lin for being in violation of an administrative order. The action was dismissed after the court ruled that instead of Lin, the enforcement target should have been Heishan Order Group Gas Co. Ltd. (黑山奥德燃气有限公司
上述案件是指黑山县林业和草原局林某违反行政命令提起的行政诉讼。法院裁定执行对象黑山订单集团燃气有限公司 (Heishan Order Group Gas Co. Ltd.

), of which Lin is the legal representative. Heishan Order Group Gas Co. Ltd. is a subsidiary of Order Group, according to corporate records.
),其中Lin其法定代表人。根据公司记录,黑山OrderGroupGasCo.Ltd.Order Group的子公司

Hong Kong

Litigation and media research did not return any cases involving Lin in Hong Kong.

Bankruptcy Research

Mainland China

There is no available database for individual bankruptcy proceedings in mainland China. Litigation, online, and media research did not find the individual involved in any bankruptcy proceedings.

Hong Kong

Bankruptcy research in Hong Kong was not conducted, as the individual is not known to have a Hong Kong ID. Our online and media research did not find the individual involved in any bankruptcy proceedings.

Regulatory Research

Research using regulatory databases, sanctions lists, and the media did not find any record of regulatory or enforcement action taken against Lin.
使用监管数据库、制裁名单和媒体进行的研究没有发现任何针对 Lin 的监管或执法行动的记录。

Xie Yi

Xie Yi (谢翼, “Xie”) is the son-in-law of Lin, and is primarily involved in the real estate division of Order Group, according to our sources and as corroborated by our corporate records research.

Personal Profile

Xie has a low public profile. Our online and media research, as well we source inquiries did not find any information regarding his personal profile.

Public Profile and Reputation

Xie has a low public profile. Online and media references to him mostly relate to his participation in a meeting between Order Group representatives and deputy principal of Shandong University that took place in May 2021, in which he was referenced as the deputy general manager of OCID.55
在公众面前的知名度很在线媒体他的提及主要参加了 2021 年 5 月举行的 Order Group 代表与山东大学副校长之间的会议有关,会议上他被称为OCID 总经理55

Our online and media research, as well as source inquiries, found no negative issues relating to Xie.
我们的在线媒体研究以及来源查询没有发现Xie 相关的负面问题

Corporate Affiliations

Online, media, and corporate records research found no indication that the individual has any current or previous corporate affiliations in Hong Kong.

Mainland China

Corporate affiliations research was conducted using the subject’s name alone. Further analysis identified the following confirmed records:

#CompanyRegistration Number

CompanyPosition Status

Current or Previous

Linyi Order Real Estate

2Development Co. Ltd. (沂奥德置业发展有限公司)


Legal representative Executive director General manager
法定代表人 执行董事 总经理


Zaozhuang Order Real

4Estate Co. Ltd.
4EstateCo.Ltd. 地产有限公司



ExecutiveCurrent director

Suzhou Zhicheng Shanren Capital Investment

Management Partnership

6(Limited Partnership) (
6(有限合伙) (





Shandong Hefeng

Catering Management Co.

8Ltd. (山东河风餐饮管理有


91371302MA3CA02HX6Active1% shareholderCurrent

Shandong Hefeng Dream House Decoration Co. Ltd.
ShandongHefengDream HouseDecorationCo., Ltd. 山东禾丰梦想之家装饰有限公司




Legal representative Executive director General manager
法定代表人 执行董事 总经理




Shandong Meilin Travel

12Software (山东美林旅行软件有限公司)


Legal representative Executive director




With the exception of companies 7, 10, 12, and 13, all of the above corporate affiliations are affiliated with Order Group, or companies in which other Order Group key principals and/or shareholders have been involved.
除公司 7、10、12 和 13 外,上述所有公司隶属关系都隶属于 Order Group,或隶属于 Order Group 的其他主要负责人和/或股东参与的公司。

According to our online media research, companies 7 is an investment fund.56

According to their respective corporate filings, company 10 was an interior design firm and was dissolved on 26 October 2020. Company 12 was a travel app developer and was dissolved on 22 June 2020. Company 13 was a construction engineering manufacturer and was dissolved on 9 May 2020.
根据各自的公司文件,公司10是一家室内设计公司2020 年 1026解散Company12是一家旅游应用程序开发商2020 年 6 月22 解散13 公司是一家建筑工程制造商 2020 年 5 月 9解散

For more on mainland Chinese company statuses, please see Appendix I.

Our online, media, and regulatory research did not find any major negative issues with the above companies.

Litigation, Bankruptcy, and Regulatory Research

Our online, media, and public records research did not return any confirmed litigation, bankruptcy, or regulatory records involving Xie in mainland China or Hong Kong. For details on how this research is conducted, see Appendix I. Bankruptcy research in Hong Kong was not conducted, as the individual is not known to have a Hong Kong ID.
我们的在线、媒体和公共记录研究没有返回任何已确认的涉及Xie中国大陆香港的诉讼、破产监管记录有关如何进行这项研究的详细信息,请参阅附录 I。香港没有进行破产研究,因为不知道个人是否拥有香港身份证。

We conducted litigation research using the subject’s name alone and reviewed the results. Two litigation records containing potential name matches were identified in Shandong province, mainland China, where the subject is likely to be based. However, without further identifiers for the subject, we have not been able to confirm whether these records refer to our subject.

56 https://gs.amac.org.cn/amac-infodisc/res/pof/fund/1708011821100816.html

Appendix I: About Public Records Research

Acuris Databases

We conduct research using the subjects’ names against selected Acuris proprietary databases, including:
我们使用受试者的姓名与选定的 Acuris 专有数据库进行研究,包括:

Perfect Information, a database of listed and delisted company filings across all major stock exchanges

Capital Profile, a database focused on in-depth information on high-net worth business families and controlling shareholders

KYC6, a database containing global PEP, sanction, and adverse media datasets

We also conduct research using specialist databases containing data on transactions and mergers, debt, and commercial law when relevant.

Public Profile and Reputation Research

We conduct research using popular global and local search engines, using both English and the relevant local language. We also search a commercial database that collects articles from thousands of news sources – including global and local publications, general and specialized publications, press releases, and business interest websites whose content is behind a paywall.

In addition, when relevant, we research a subject’s social media profiles to gain additional insight into their background, social network, and online behavior. We tailor our social media research based on which social networks are popular in a given region. We caution that information on social media profiles is self-reported and generally not verified by a third party. We verify all information found via social media to the extent possible.

Corporate Records and Corporate Affiliations Research

Mainland China

Corporate records are maintained by the State Administration for Market Regulation (“SAMR”), which has branches at various levels (town, city, provincial, and state).
公司记录国家市场监督管理总局 “SAMR”) 维护总局各级(镇、、省设有分支机构

We conduct research using the national SAMR database as well as SAMR databases in provinces where the subjects are known to be based. Local SAMR databases differ in terms of the level of information available. SAMR records provide the following designations regarding individuals’ corporate affiliations:


Legal representative (法定代表人)

The main principal of the company, with the legal power to represent the company. The legal representative may be the chairman of the board of directors, the executive director (if there is no board of directors), or the general manager
公司的主要负责人具有代表公司的法定权力。法定代表人可以是 董事长、执行董事(如果没有董事会)或总经理

Supervisor (监事)
事 (监事

All companies established on or after 1 January 2006 must appoint a supervisor or board of supervisors, depending on the size of the company, whose role is to monitor the activities of the legal representative
2006 年 1 月 1 日或之后成立的所有公司必须根据公司的规模任命一名监事监事职责监督法定代表的活动

General manager (总经理)The executive with overall responsibility for managing company

Executive director (执行董事)The main director for companies with no board of directors


Manager (经理)An executive with some responsibility for managing a portion of company operations

The current status of companies registered with local SAMRs is also described in filings. The following company statuses are most commonly found:
文件中还描述了在当地 SAMR 注册的公司的当前状态最常见的是以下公司状态


Abnormal (异常)Company has failed to file an annual report to the SAMR in the last fiscal year

Revoked (吊销)

Hong Kong

Company’s business license has been revoked by the SAMR and it is no longer permitted to operate. Business license revocations may occur for a variety of reasons, and not always for serious illegal acts. The most common cause for revocation is a company’s failure to file an annual financial report with the SAMR for two consecutive years. Please note that the SAMR often does not disclose the precise reason for revocation.

We conduct research using a database maintained by the Hong Kong Companies Registry to obtain the corporate records of a company. The records of a private company will show the company’s list of the registered corporate officers and shareholders. We supplement our research on listed companies by searching a database of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (“HKEx”), which holds information on Hong Kong-listed companies.
我们使用香港公司注册处维护的数据库进行研究,以获取公司的公司记录。私人公司的记录将显示公司的注册公司高级职员和股东名单。我们通过搜索香港交易结算所有限公司 (“HKEx”) 数据库来补充我们对上市公司的研究,该数据库包含香港上市公司的信息

To obtain a list of an individual’s current directorships and shareholdings, we conduct research using the Hong Kong Companies Registry and the HKEx’s databases. Information on an individual’s shareholdings in public companies cannot be taken as comprehensive: The HKEx only requires a shareholder to file a “substantial shareholders notice” if the shareholder is a director of the company or if the shareholder, either pre-transaction or post-transaction, holds at least 5% of shares in the public company.
为了获得个人当前董事职位持股量的名单我们使用香港公司注册处和香港交易所的数据库进行研究。个人公众公司中的持股信息不能被视为全面:联交所只要求股东提交“主要股东通知”,前提是该股东是公司的董事,或者如果股东是交易前交易后,持有上市公司至少 5% 的股份。

To obtain a list of an individual’s previous directorships and shareholdings, we conduct research using the Companies Registry and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. For this purpose, the registry provides very limited information – it shows only companies that got deregistered when the individual was still affiliated with them. By contrast, the HKEx requires listed companies to
为了获得个人以前的董事职位和持股名单我们使用公司注册香港证券交易所进行研究为此注册表提供的信息非常有限——它只显示当个人隶属于他们时被取消注册的公司。 相比之下,港交所要求上市公司

disclose changes in the composition of their board of directors, so information on an individual’s past directorships in listed companies is generally available and accurate.

Litigation and Bankruptcy Research

Mainland China

We conduct litigation research using both online databases maintained by the Supreme People’s Court of China, as well as proprietary litigation databases of select published criminal and civil judgments. We also conduct litigation research in databases that contain records of cases in which individuals or companies have been cited for non-compliance with court orders, with regard to civil proceedings, as well as records of persons or companies who are considered “dishonest” because they have not complied with court orders.57

Please note that the results are not exhaustive as litigation filings in mainland China are not complete and judges have discretion over which orders are released to the public. Further, the criminal records of individuals are not made publicly available.

There are instances when litigation research using the subject’s name and known personal identifiers locates no confirmed records. In these instances, we conduct litigation research using the subject’s name alone. We filter the results and eliminate confirmed name matches using the subject’s known identifiers, such as year of birth, gender, place of birth, and known locations, where relevant. However, without further identifiers, and due to limited further identifiers in the case details, we are not able to confirm whether these records refer to our subject. It is possible that these records are name matches only.

Corporate bankruptcies were not commonly used in mainland China until late 2016. We conduct bankruptcy research using a database maintained by the Supreme People’s Court of China, which collects information from courts nationwide. We caution that the results are not comprehensive. We also search litigation records, which sometimes contain records of bankruptcy proceedings. Finally, we conduct online and media research to find any indication of bankruptcy.
直到2016 年底公司破产中国大陆普遍使用我们使用中国最高人民法院维护数据库进行破产研究数据库全国法院收集信息我们警告结果并不全面。 我们还检索诉讼记录,其中有时包含破产程序的记录。最后,我们进行在线媒体研究发现任何破产迹象

There is no available database for individual bankruptcy proceedings in mainland China.

Hong Kong

Our litigation research in Hong Kong covers records for over the past 30 years in the High Court; 5 years of Actions in the Lands Tribunal, Labour Tribunal, and Magistrates’ Courts; 15 years of District Court Actions; and more than 8 years of actions filed in the Small Claims Tribunal.
我们在香港的诉讼研究涵盖过去30高等法院记录;在土地审裁处、劳资审裁处和裁判法院的诉讼 5 年;15 年的地方法院诉讼;以及额索赔审裁处提起超过8年的诉讼

We use a proprietary database that compiles case information from the daily cause lists published by the various courts. These contain information including the identity of the plaintiffs and defendants and the scheduled date of the hearing. They do not contain information on the ruling or outcomes of cases. Please note that publicly available litigation filings in Hong Kong are not complete and the results of searches should not be regarded as comprehensive.

57 Here, we are referring to http://zhixing.court.gov.cn and http://shixin.court.gov.cn. Zhixing is an online resource that aggregates cases in which individuals or companies have been cited for non-compliance with court orders, with regard to civil proceedings. Shixin is a database of persons or companies that are considered “dishonest” because they have not complied with court orders, which includes failing or refusing to pay fines or carry out the court's orders. Both are websites authorized by the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China.

It is possible to order a writ of summons from certain courts, namely the High Court, Small Claims Tribunal, and District Courts. The writ of summons is a document instituting legal proceedings, and contains information on the reasons the plaintiff has filed a claim against the defendant. The outcome of the case is not disclosed in the writ. This document may take several weeks to obtain, and can only be searched with prior knowledge of the case number. We can order the writs for the above cases at the request of the Client(s).

Court judgments, which contain information on the court’s rulings, are only available at the discretion of the courts and judges, and are only published if they are considered to be significant case law or a cause for public interest.

There are instances when litigation research using the subject’s name and known personal identifiers locates no confirmed records. In these instances, we conduct litigation research using the subject’s name alone and review the results. However, without further identifiers, and due to limited further identifiers in the case details, we are not able to confirm whether these records refer to our subject. It is possible that these records are name matches only.

Where Hong Kong ID numbers of the subjects are known, we conduct research using personal bankruptcy information made public by the Hong Kong Official Receiver’s Office (“ORO”). Database records are updated only to the extent information and documents are made available to ORO. We also conduct media research to locate reported cases of bankruptcy. When a subject is not known to have a Hong Kong ID, bankruptcy research in Hong Kong is not conducted.
已知标的人的香港身份证号码的情况下我们使用香港破产管理署 (“ORO”) 公开的个人破产信息进行研究数据库记录仅在信息和文档可供ORO 可用的范围内进行更新我们还进行媒体研究以查找已报道破产案例不知道受试者拥有香港身份证时,不会在香港进行破产研究

Regulatory Research

Global Watch Lists and Sanction Lists

We conduct research using a proprietary database that collects regulatory information and sanction lists made public by a number of bodies worldwide. These include, but are not limited to:

Asian Development Bank Anticorruption Policy List

Australian Securities and Investments Commission

Bank Negara Malaysia

China Public Security Ministry

China Securities Regulatory Commission

Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (Singapore) Cases of Interest

European Union

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network

Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Hong Kong Police

Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission

Independent Commission Against Corruption (Hong Kong) Wanted Persons List

国际 刑警

Monetary Authority of Singapore

Royal Malaysian Police

Securities Commission Malaysia

Taiwan Financial Supervisory Commission

UK Financial Conduct Authority

United Nations Security Council

US Federal Bureau of Investigation

US Department of State

US Securities and Exchange Commission

US Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control

Information relating to ongoing investigations is generally not included in these results, so we also conduct online and media research to supplement the information found from the database.