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Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000
\author{ by Paul Kennedy
列强的兴衰 经济变革与 1500 年至 2000 年的军事冲突 ## 译文: \author{ 保罗·肯尼迪著

A Division of Random House

New York 纽约
First Vintage Books Edition, January 1989
第一版复古书籍,1989 年 1 月

Copyright © 1987 by Paul Kennedy
版权所有 © 1987 保罗·肯尼迪

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by Random House, Inc., New York. Originally published, in hardcover, by Random House, Inc., in 1987.
版权所有,根据国际和泛美版权公约。由美国纽约兰登书屋出版。最初由兰登书屋于 1987 年出版,精装版。
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data .Kennedy, Paul M., 1945-
美国国会图书馆编目出版数据 肯尼迪,保罗·M., 1945-

The rise and fall of the great powers. Bibliography: p p pp. Includes index.
列强的兴衰。参考文献: p p pp 。包含索引。
  1. History, Modern. 2. Economic history.
    历史,现代。2. 经济史。

    .3. Military history, Modern. 4. Armaments-Economic

    aspects. 5. Balance of power. I. Title.
    方面。5. 力量平衡。I. 题目。

    D2̇10.K46 1989 909.82 88 40123 1989 909.82 88 40123 1989quad909.82quad88-401231989 \quad 909.82 \quad 88-40123 ISBN 0-679-72019-7 (pbk.)
    D2̇10.K46 1989 909.82 88 40123 1989 909.82 88 40123 1989quad909.82quad88-401231989 \quad 909.82 \quad 88-40123 ISBN 0-679-72019-7(平装)
Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following for permission to reprint previously published material:

Lexington Books, D. C. Heath and Company: An illustration from American Defense Annual 1987-1988, edited by Joseph Kruzel, Copyright © 1987, D. C. Heath and Company (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, D. C. Heath and Company). Reprinted by permission of the publisher.
莱克星顿图书公司,D.C.希思公司:摘自约瑟夫·克鲁泽尔编辑的《美国国防年鉴 1987-1988》,版权所有© 1987,D.C.希思公司(马萨诸塞州列克星敦:莱克星顿图书公司,D.C.希思公司)。经出版商许可转载。
Maps by John Paul Tremblay
地图 约翰·保罗·特雷姆布莱

Manufactured in the United States of America C98765432
美国制造 C98765432

To Cath 给凯斯

Contents 目录

Acknowledgments vii Maps xi
致谢 vii 地图 xi

Tables and Charts xiii ## 表格和图表 xiii
Introduction xy ## 中译中: 导言 xy ##
## 工业化前世界的战略与经济

The Rise of the Western World 3
西方世界崛起 3

Ming China 4 明朝中国 4
The Mustim World 9 穆斯林世界 9
Two Outsiders-Japan and Russia 14
两个局外人 - 日本和俄罗斯 14

The “European Miracle” 16

The Habsburg Bid for Mastery, 1519-1659 31
哈布斯堡王朝的统治地位,1519-1659 31

The Meaning and Chronology of the Struggle 32 Strengths and Weaknesses of the Habsburg Bloc 41
意义与编年史 32 哈布斯堡集团 41 的优势与劣势
International Comparisons 55
国际比较 55

War, Money, and the Nation-State 70
战争、金钱与民族国家 70

Finance, Geography, and the Winning of Wars, 1660-1815 73 The “Financial Révolution” 76 Geopolitics 86
金融、地理和战争的胜利,1660-1815 73 “金融革命” 76 地缘政治 86

The Winning of Wars, 1660-1763 100
战争的胜利,1660-1763 100

The Winning of Wars, 1763-1815 115
战争的胜利,1763-1815 115

Industrialization and the Shifting Global Balances, 1815-1885 143
工业化与全球格局的转变,1815-1885 143

The Eclipse of the Non-European World 147
非欧洲世界的日食 147

Britain as Hegemon? 151 英国作为霸主? 151
The “Middle Powers” 158 “中等强国” 158
The Crimean War and the Erosion of Russian Power 170
克里米亚战争与俄罗斯力量的削弱 170
The United States and the Civil War 178
美国与南北战争 178 年

The Wars of German Unification 182 Conclusions 191
德意志统一战争 182 结论 191

The Coming of a Blpolar World and the Crisis of the “Middle Powers”: Part One, 1885-1918 194
## 双极世界的来临与“中间大国”的危机:第一部分,1885-1918 194
The Shifting Balance of World Forces 198
世界力量的此消彼长 198

The Position of the Powers, 1885-1914 202
列强的地位,1885-1914 202

Alliances and the Drift to War, 1890-1914 249
### 1890-1914 年,同盟与战争狂潮 **249**

Total War and the Power Balances, 1914-1918 256
1914-1918 年的全面战争与力量平衡 256

The Coming of a Bipolar World and the Crisis of the “MIddle Powers”: Part Two, 1919-1942 275
双极世界来临与“中间力量”的危机:第二部分,1919-1942 275
The Postwar International Order 275
战后国际秩序 275

The Challengers 291 挑战者 291
The Offstage Superpowers 320
台下超级大国 320

Thẹ Unfolding Crisis, 1931-1942 333
333 中的危机,1931-1942


Stabllity and Chànge in a Blpolar World, 1943-1980 347
稳定变化:1943-1980 年 双极世界 347

“The Proper Application of Overwhelming Force” 347
“压倒性力量的恰当运用” 347

The New Strategic Landscape 357
新战略格局 357

The Cold War and the Third World 373
冷战与第三世界 373

The Fissuring of the Bipolar World 395
## 两极世界裂变

The Changing’Economic Balances, 1950 to 1980413
1950 年至 1980 年,不断变化的经济平衡


To the Twenty-first Century 438
二十一世纪 438

History and Speculation 438
历史与推测 438

China’s Balancing Act 447
中国的平衡法 447

The Japanese Dilemma 458 日本困境 458 Please note that this is a direct translation of the source text. There are a few things to keep in mind about this translation: * Direct translations may not always be the most natural or idiomatic way to express something in the target language. In this case, for example, it might be more natural to say "日本面临的困境" instead of "日本困境". * Direct translations may not always be the most accurate way to express something in the target language. In this case, for example, it is not clear what "458" refers to. If you are able to provide more context about the source text, I may be able to provide a more accurate and idiomatic translation
The EEC-Potential and Problems 471 The Soviet Union" and Its “Contradictions” 488
欧盟潜力与问题 471 苏联及其“矛盾”488

The United States: The Problem of Number One in Relative Decline 514
美国:一号相对衰落问题 514

Epilogue 536 尾声 536
Notes, 541 笔记,541
Bibliography 625 ## 参考文献 625
Index 663 索引 663
  1. World Power Centers in the Sixteenth Century 5
    十六世纪世界权力中心  5
  2. The Political Divisions of Europe in the Sixteenth Century 18
    欧洲十六世纪的政治划分 18
  3. Charles V’s Inheritance, 151934
    查理五世的遗产,151934 年
  4. The Collapse of Spanish Power in Europe 42
    西班牙在欧洲力量的崩溃 42 # The Collapse of Spanish Power in Europe 42
  5. Europe in 1721 109 1721 109 1721quad1091721 \quad 109
    欧洲 in 1721 109 1721 109 1721quad1091721 \quad 109
  6. European Colonial Empires, c. 1750 112 1750 112 1750quad1121750 \quad 112
    欧洲殖民帝国,约 1750 112 1750 112 1750quad1121750 \quad 112
  7. Europe at the Height of Napoleon’s Power, 1810128
    欧洲在拿破仑权力顶峰时期,1810 年 12 月 8 日
  8. The Chief Possessions, Naval Bases, and Submarine Cables of the British Empire, c. 1900225
    大英帝国的主要据点、海军基地和海底电缆,约 1900 年
  9. The European Powers and Their War Plans in 1914255
    ## 欧洲列强及其 1914 年战争计划
  10. Europe After the First World War 276
    一战后的欧洲 276
  11. Europe at the Height of Hitler’s Power, 1942351
    欧洲在希特勒势力最强大的 1942 年
  12. Worldwide U.S. Force Deployments, 1987520
    ## 全球美军部署(截至 2023 年 11 月) ## 2023 年 11 月全球美军部署 ## 2023 年 11 月美国军队全球部署 ## 美军全球部署(截至 2023 年 11 月) ## 2023 年 11 月美国军队全球部署情况 These are all valid translations of the source text. Which one you choose depends on the specific context and your desired level of formality. * **全球美军部署(截至 2023 年 11 月)** is the most concise and neutral option. * **2023 年 11 月全球美军部署** is a bit more specific, but still relatively neutral. * **2023 年 11 月美国军队全球部署** is more formal and specific. * **美军全球部署(截至 2023 年 11 月)** is a less formal option that emphasizes the US military. * **2023 年 11 月美国军队全球部署情况** is the most informal option and provides more context.
Chart 1. The Relative Power of Russia and Germany
表 1. 俄罗斯和德国的相对力量

Of all the changes which were taking place in the global power: balances during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, there can be no doubt that the most decisive one for the future was the growth of the United States. With the Civil War over, the United States was able to exploit the many advantages mentioned previously-rich agricultural land, vast raw materials, and the marvelously convenient evolution of modern technology (railways, the steam engine, mining equipment) to develop such resources; the lack of social and geographical constraints; the absence of significant foreign dangers; the flow of foreign and, increasingly, domestic investment capital-to transform itself at a stunning pace. Between the ending of the Civil War in 1865 and the outbreak of the Spanish-American War in 1898, for example, American wheat production increased by 256 percent, corn by 222 percent, refined sugar by 460 percent, coal by 800 percent, steel rails by 523 percent, and the miles of railway track in operation by over 567 percent. "In newer industries the growth, starting from near zero, was so great as to make percentages meaningless. Thus the production of crude petroleum rose from about 3 , 000 , 000 3 , 000 , 000 3,000,0003,000,000 barrels in 1865 to over 55 , 000 , 000 55 , 000 , 000 55,000,00055,000,000 barrels in 1898 and that of steel ingots and castings from less than 20,000 long tons to nearly 9 , 000 , 000 9 , 000 , 000 9,000,0009,000,000 long tons. 153 153 ^(153){ }^{153} This was not a growth which stopped with the war against Spain; on the contrary, it rose upward at the same meteoric pace throughout the early twentieth century. Indeed, given the advantages listed above, there was a virtual inevitability to the whole process. That is to say, only persistent human ineptitude, or near-constant civil war, or a climatic disaster could have checked this expansion-or deterred the millions of immi-
在 19 世纪末 20 世纪初全球力量平衡发生的所有变化中,毫无疑问,对未来最具决定性的变化是美国的崛起。随着内战的结束,美国能够利用前面提到的许多优势——丰富的农田、大量的原材料以及现代技术(铁路、蒸汽机、采矿设备)的奇妙便利的演变——来开发这些资源;缺乏社会和地理限制;没有重大的外部危险;外国投资和国内投资的不断增加——以惊人的速度改造自己。例如,在美国内战结束的 1865 年和美西战争爆发的 1898 年之间,美国的小麦产量增长了 256%,玉米增长了 222%,精炼糖增长了 460%,煤炭增长了 800%,钢轨增长了 523%,运营中的铁路里程增长了 567%以上。“在更新的行业中,增长从接近于零开始,如此之大,以至于使百分比变得毫无意义。” 就这样,原油产量从 1865 年的约 3 , 000 , 000 3 , 000 , 000 3,000,0003,000,000 桶增加到 1898 年的 55 , 000 , 000 55 , 000 , 000 55,000,00055,000,000 桶以上,钢锭和铸件的产量从不到 20,000 长吨增加到近 9 , 000 , 000 9 , 000 , 000 9,000,0009,000,000 长吨。 153 153 ^(153){ }^{153} 这并不是一场随着美西战争而停止的增长;相反,它在整个二十世纪初以同样的流星般的速度增长。事实上,考虑到上述优势,整个过程几乎是不可避免的。也就是说,只有持续的人为无能,或近乎持续的内战,或气候灾难才能阻止这种扩张——或阻止数百万移民的到来

grants who flowed across the Atlantic to get their share of the pot of gold and to swell the productive labor force.
The United States seemed to have all the economic advantages which some of the other powers possessed in part, but none of their disadvantages. It was immense, but the vast distances were shortened by some 250,000 miles of railway in 1914 (compared with Russia’s 46,000 miles, spread over an area two and a half times as large). Its agricultural yields per acre were always superior to Russia’s; and if they were never as large as those of the intensively farmed regions of western Europe, the sheer size of the area under cultivation, the efficiency of its farm machinery, and the decreasing costs of transport (because of railways and steamships) made American wheat, corn, pork, beef, and other products cheaper than any in Europe. Technologically, leading American firms like International Harvester, Singer, Du Pont, Bell, Colt, and Standard Oil were equal to, or often better than, any in the world; and they enjoyed an enormous domestic market and economies of scale, which their German, British, and Swiss rivals did not. “Gigantism” in Russia was not a good indicator of industrial efficiency, 154 154 ^(154){ }^{154} in the United States, it usually was. For example, “Andrew Carnegie was producing more steel than the whole of England put together when he sold out in 1901 to J. P. Morgan’s colossal organization, the United States Steel Corporation.” 155 155 ^(155){ }^{155} When the famous British warship designer Sir William White made a tour of the United States in 1904, he was shaken to discover fourteen battleships and thirteen armored cruisers being built simultaneously in American yards (although, curiously, the U.S. merchant marine remained small). In industry and agriculture and communications, there was both efficiency and size. It was therefore not surprising that U.S. national income, in absolute figures and per capita, was so far above everybody else’s by 1914.156
美国似乎拥有其他一些国家部分具有的所有经济优势,但没有它们的不利因素。它幅员辽阔,但到 1914 年,大约 250,000 英里的铁路(与俄罗斯 46,000 英里相比,面积大了两倍半)缩短了巨大距离。它的每英亩农业产量一直优于俄罗斯;如果它们从未像西欧集约化农业地区那么大,那么广阔的耕种面积、农场机械的效率以及运输成本的降低(由于铁路和汽船)使得美国的小麦、玉米、猪肉、牛肉和其他产品比欧洲任何产品都便宜。在技术上,国际收割机、辛格、杜邦、贝尔、柯尔特和标准石油等美国领先企业与世界上任何企业不相上下,甚至更胜一筹;它们拥有庞大的国内市场和规模经济,这是它们的德国、英国和瑞士竞争对手所不具备的。在俄罗斯,“巨人主义”不是工业效率的良好指标, 154 154 ^(154){ }^{154} 在美国,通常是。 例如,“安德鲁·卡内基在 1901 年卖给 J.P.摩根的庞大组织--美国钢铁公司时,生产的钢铁比整个英国加起来还要多。” 155 155 ^(155){ }^{155} 著名的英国军舰设计师威廉·怀特爵士在 1904 年访问美国时,发现 14 艘战舰和 13 艘装甲巡洋舰在美国船厂同时建造,这让他大吃一惊(奇怪的是,美国商船队仍然很小)。 在工业、农业和交通方面,美国既有效率,也有规模。 因此,到 1914 年,美国国民收入的绝对数字和人均数字都远远高于其他任何国家,这也就不足为奇了。156
Table 21. National Income, Population, and per Capita Income of the Powers in 1914
## 表格 21. 1914 年列強的國民收入、人口和人均收入
National Income| National | | :---: | | Income |
Population 人口
Per Capita
Per Capita Income| Per Capita | | :---: | | Income |
United States 美国 $ 37 $ 37 $37\$ 37 billion  $ 37 $ 37 $37\$ 37 十亿 98 million 九千八百万 $ 377 $ 377 $377\$ 377
Britain 英国 11 45 244
France 法国 6 39 153
Japan 日本 2 55 36
Germany 德国 12 65 184
Italy 意大利 4 37 108
Russia 俄罗斯 7 171 41
Austria-Hungary 奥地利-匈牙利帝国 3 52 57
"National Income" Population "Per Capita Income" United States $37 billion 98 million $377 Britain 11 45 244 France 6 39 153 Japan 2 55 36 Germany 12 65 184 Italy 4 37 108 Russia 7 171 41 Austria-Hungary 3 52 57| | National <br> Income | Population | Per Capita <br> Income | | :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | | United States | $\$ 37$ billion | 98 million | $\$ 377$ | | Britain | 11 | 45 | 244 | | France | 6 | 39 | 153 | | Japan | 2 | 55 | 36 | | Germany | 12 | 65 | 184 | | Italy | 4 | 37 | 108 | | Russia | 7 | 171 | 41 | | Austria-Hungary | 3 | 52 | 57 |
The consequences of this rapid expansion are reflected in Table 21, and in the pertinent comparative statistics. In 1914, the United States
## 译文: ## 本次快速扩张的后果反映在表 21 和相关的比较统计数据中。1914 年,美国

was producing 455 million tons of coal, well ahead of Britain’s 292 million and Germany’s 277 million. It was the largest oil producer in the world, and the greatest consumer of copper. Its pig-iron production was larger than those of the next three countries (Germany, Britain, France) combined, and its steel production almost equal 157 157 ^(157){ }^{157} to the next four countries (Germany, Britain, Russia, and France). Its energy consumption from modern fuels in 1913 was equal to that of Britain, Germany, France, Russia, and Austria-Hungary together. It produced, and possessed, more motor vehicles than the rest of the world together. It was, in fact an entire rival continent and growing so fast that it was coming close to the point of overtaking all of Europe. According to one calculation, indeed, had these growth rates continued and a world war been avoided, the United States would have overtaken Europe as the region possessing the greatest economic output in the world by 1925.158 What the First World War did, through the economic losses and dislocations suffered by the older Great Powers, was to bring that time forward, by six years, to 1919 . 159 1919 . 159 1919.^(159)1919 .{ }^{159} The “Vasco da Gama era”-the four centuries of European dominance in the world-was coming to an end even before the cataclysm of 1914.
当时的美国是世界上最大的煤炭生产国,年产量为 4.55 亿吨,远远超过英国的 2.92 亿吨和德国的 2.77 亿吨。它是世界上最大的石油生产国和最大的铜消费国。它的生铁产量大于德国、英国和法国三个国家的总和,其钢铁产量几乎等于德国、英国、俄罗斯和法国四个国家的总和。其 1913 年现代燃料能源消费量相当于英国、德国、法国、俄罗斯和奥匈帝国的总和。它生产的汽车比世界上其他国家加起来还要多。事实上,它是一个完全的竞争对手,而且发展速度非常快,几乎赶上了整个欧洲。根据一项计算,如果这些增长率继续下去,并且避免世界大战的话,到 1925 年,美国将超过欧洲,成为世界上经济产出最大的地区。158 第一次世界大战通过老牌大国遭受的经济损失和动荡,将这一时间提前了六年, 1919 . 159 1919 . 159 1919.^(159)1919 .{ }^{159} 成为 1919 . 159 1919 . 159 1919.^(159)1919 .{ }^{159} “达伽马时代”——欧洲在世界四百年的统治——甚至在 1914 年那场灾难之前就已接近尾声。
The role of foreign trade in the United States’ economic growth was small indeed (around 8 percent of its GNP derived from foreign trade in 1913, compared with Britain’s 26 percent), 160 160 ^(160){ }^{160} but its economic impact upon other countries was considerable. Traditionally, the United States had exported raw materials (especially cotton), imported finished manufactures, and made up the usual deficit in “visible” trade by the export of gold. But the post-Civil War boom in industrialization quite transformed that pattern. Swiftly becoming the world’s largest producer of manufactures, the United States began to pour its farm machinery, iron and steel wares, machine tools, electrical equipment, and other products onto the world market. At the same time, the Northern industrialists’ lobby was so powerful that it ensured that foreign products would be kept out of the home market by higher and higher tariffs; raw materials, by contrast, or specialized goods (like German dyestuffs) were imported in ever-larger quantities to supply American industry. But while the surge in the country’s industrial exports was the most significant change, the “transportation revolution” also boosted American farm exports. With the cost of carrying a bushel of wheat from Chicago to London plummeting from 40 cents to 10 cents in the half-century before 1900. American agricultural produce streamed across the Atlantic. Corn exports peaked in 1897 at 212 million bushels, wheat exports in 1901 at 239 million bushels; this tidal wave also included grain and flour, meat and meat products. 161 161 ^(161){ }^{161}
美国经济增长中,对外贸易的作用确实很小(1913 年,美国对外贸易占国民生产总值的比例约为 8%,而英国为 26%), 160 160 ^(160){ }^{160} 但它对其他国家的影响却很大。传统上,美国出口原材料(特别是棉花),进口制成品,并通过出口黄金弥补“可见”贸易逆差。但南北战争后工业化的繁荣彻底改变了这种格局。美国迅速成为世界上最大的制造业生产国,开始向世界市场倾销其农用机械、钢铁制品、机床、电气设备和其他产品。与此同时,北方工业家游说集团势力强大,他们确保了通过越来越高的关税将外国产品拒之门外;相比之下,原材料或专业化产品(如德国染料)则大量进口以供应美国工业。 但尽管该国工业出口激增是最重要的变化,“运输革命”也促进了美国农业出口。从 1900 年前 50 年,将一蒲式耳小麦从芝加哥运到伦敦的成本从 40 美分暴跌至 10 美分,美国农产品大量涌入大西洋彼岸。 1897 年玉米出口达到 2.12 亿蒲式耳,1901 年小麦出口达到 2.39 亿蒲式耳;这股浪潮还包括谷物和面粉、肉类和肉制品。 161 161 ^(161){ }^{161}
The consequences of this commercial transformation were, of course, chiefly economic, but they-also began to affect international relations. The hyperproductivity of American factories and farms
美国工厂和农场的超高生产率 **Simplified Chinese Translation:** 美国工厂和农场的超高生产率 *Please note that the source text only provides a fragment of the sentence. For accurate and complete translation, please provide the full sentence or paragraph. *This translation is based on the information provided in the source text. It may not be the most accurate or natural-sounding translation possible, especially without the full context.

caused a widespread fear that even its enormous domestic market might soon be unable to absorb these goods, and led powerful interest groups (midwestern farmers as well as Pittsburgh steel producers) to press the government to give all sorts of aid to opening up, or at least keeping open, markets overseas. The agitation to preserve an “open door” in China and the massive interest shown in making the United States the dominant economic force in Latin America were only two of the manifestations of this concern to expand the country’s share of world trade. 162 162 ^(162){ }^{162} Between 1860 and 1914 the United States increased its exports more than sevenfold (from $ 334 $ 334 $334\$ 334 million to $ 2.365 $ 2.365 $2.365\$ 2.365 billion), yet because it was so protective of its own market, imports increased only fivefold (from $ 356 $ 356 $356\$ 356 million to $ 1.896 $ 1.896 $1.896\$ 1.896 billion). Faced with this avalanche of cheap American food, continental European farmers agitated for higher tariffs-which they usually got; in Britain, which had already sacrificed its grain farmers for the cause of free trade, it was the flood of American machines, and iron and steel, which produced alarm. While the journalist W. T. Stead wrote luridly of “the Americanization of the world”-the phrase was the title of his book of 1902Kaiser 'Wilhelm and other European leaders hinted at the need to combine against the “unfair” American trading colossus. 163 163 ^(163){ }^{163}
巨大的国内市场可能很快就会无法吸收这些商品,从而引发了广泛的恐慌。这一事件导致了一些强大的利益集团(中西部农民以及匹兹堡钢铁生产商)向政府施压,要求提供各种援助,以开放甚至维持海外市场。 为维护中国“门户开放”而进行的鼓动,以及对使美国成为拉丁美洲主导经济力量的巨大兴趣,只是美国政府寻求扩大该国世界贸易份额这一关切的表现之一。 1860 年至 1914 年间,美国出口额增长了七倍多(从 3.0 亿美元增至 23.5 亿美元),但由于其对自身市场的保护,进口额仅增长了五倍(从 2.65 亿美元增至 13.97 亿美元)。面对廉价美国食品的倾销,欧洲大陆农民纷纷要求提高关税,他们通常也如愿以偿;在已经为自由贸易牺牲了粮食种植户的英国,大量美国机械、钢铁蜂拥而至,引发了恐慌。 记者 W. T. 斯蒂德在 1902 年出版的《世界的美国化》一书中,生动地描述了“世界的美国化”。德国皇帝威廉二世和其他欧洲领导人暗示需要联合起来对抗“不公平”的美国贸易巨头。 163 163 ^(163){ }^{163}
Perhaps even more destabilizing, although less well understood, was the impact of the United States upon the world’s financial system and monetary flows. Because it had such a vast surplus in its trade with Europe, the latter’s deficit had to be met by capital transfers-joining the enormous stream of direct European investments into U.S. industry, utilities, and services (which totaled around $ 7 $ 7 $7\$ 7 billion by 1914). Although some of this westward flow of bullion was reversed by the returns on European investments and by American payments for services such as shipping and insurance, the drain was a large one, and constantly growing larger; and it was exacerbated by the U.S. Treasury’s policy of accumulating (and then just sitting on) nearly onethird of the world’s gold stock. Moreover, although the United States had by now become an integral part of a complete global trading system-running a deficit with raw-materials-supplying countries, and a vast surplus with Europe-its own financial structure was underdeveloped. Most of its foreign trade was done in sterling, for example, and London acted as the lender of last resort for gold. With no central bank able to control the financial markets, with a stupendous seasonal outflow and inflow of funds between New York and the prairie states conditioned solely by the grain harvest and that by a volatile climate, and with speculators able to derange not merely the domestic monetary system but also the frequent calls upon gold in London, the United States in the years before 1914 was already becoming a vast but unpredictable bellows, fanning but also on occasions dramatically cooling the world’s trading system. The American banking crisis of 1907 (origi-
或许更具破坏性,尽管理解程度较低,是美国对世界金融体系和货币流动的影响。由于它与欧洲的贸易中拥有如此庞大的顺差,而后者的赤字必须通过资本转移来弥补,加入了大量欧洲直接投资进入美国工业、公用事业和服务业的巨大浪潮(到 1914 年,总额约为 $ 7 $ 7 $7\$ 7 )。虽然这种向西流动的一部分黄金被欧洲投资的回报和美国对航运和保险等服务的支付所逆转,但这种流失仍然非常巨大,并且持续增长;美国财政部积累(然后囤积)世界近三分之一黄金储备的政策加剧了这种情况。此外,尽管美国此时已成为一个完整全球贸易体系不可或缺的一部分——与原材料供应国发生赤字,并与欧洲发生巨大顺差——但其自身的金融结构尚未发展成熟。例如,它的大部分对外贸易都是以英镑进行的,伦敦充当黄金的最后贷款人。 在没有中央银行能够控制金融市场的情况下,在纽约和草原州之间由谷物收成和多变的气候决定的巨额季节性资金流入和流出,以及投机者不仅能够扰乱国内货币体系,而且能够频繁地要求在伦敦提取黄金,1914 年之前的美国已经成为一个巨大的但不可预测的鼓风机,它既能煽动世界贸易体系,也能在某些时候极大地冷却它。1907 年美国银行危机(最初

nally provoked by an attempt by speculators to corner the market in copper), with consequent impacts on London, Amsterdam, and Hamburg, was merely one example of the way the United States was impinging upon the economic life of the other Great Powers, even before the First World War. 164 164 ^(164){ }^{164}
最终因投机商试图操纵铜市场而引发,并对伦敦、阿姆斯特丹和汉堡造成影响,仅仅是美国在第一次世界大战前就开始干预其他大国经济生活的一个例子。 164 164 ^(164){ }^{164}
This growth of American industrial power and overseas trade was accompanied, perhaps inevitably, by a more assertive diplomacy and by an American-style rhetoric of Weltpolitik. 165 165 ^(165){ }^{165} Claims to a special moral endowment among the peoples of the earth which made American foreign policy superior to those of the Old World were intermingled with Social Darwinistic and racial arguments, and with the urging of industrial and agricultural pressure groups for secure overseas markets. The traditional, if always exaggerated, alarm about threats to the Monroe Doctrine was accompanied by calls for the United States to fulfill its “Manifest Destiny” across the Pacific. While entangling alliances still had to be avoided, the United States was now being urged by many groups at home into a much more activist diplomacy-which, under the administrations of McKinley and (especially) Theodore Roosevelt, was exactly what took place. The 1895 quarrel with Britain over the Venezuelan border dispute-justified in terms of the Monroe Doctrine-was followed three years later by the much more dramatic war with Spain over the Cuban issue. Washington’s demand to have sole control of an isthmian canal (instead of the older fifty-fifty arrangement with Britain), the redefinition of the Alaskan border despite Canadian protests, and the 1902-1903 battlefleet preparations in the Caribbean following the German actions against Venezuela were all indications of U.S. determination to be unchallenged by any other Great Power in the western hemisphere. As a “corollary” of this, however, American administrations showed themselves willing to intervene by diplomatic pressure and military means in Latin American countries such as Nicaragua, Haiti, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic when their behavior did not accord with United States norms.
这股美国工业力量和海外贸易的增长,或许不可避免地,伴随着更具自信的外交政策和美国式的世界政治言论。 165 165 ^(165){ }^{165} 声称美国人民的道德特质优于旧世界,使美国外交政策优于旧世界,这种说法与社会达尔文主义和种族论述交织在一起,也与工业和农业利益集团对海外安全市场的呼吁交织在一起。传统上,对门罗主义的威胁的担忧,尽管一直被夸大,但也伴随着呼吁美国在太平洋上实现其“天命”。虽然仍然需要避免纠缠不清的联盟,但美国现在国内许多团体都在敦促其采取更加积极的外交政策——这正是麦金利政府和(特别是)西奥多·罗斯福政府时期发生的事情。1895 年与英国因委内瑞拉边界争端而发生的争吵——以门罗主义的名义进行辩护——三年后,演变成了一场因古巴问题而引发的与西班牙的战争,这场战争的戏剧性程度远远超过了前者。 华盛顿要求独家控制一个地峡运河(而不是与英国之前的五五分成的安排)、无视加拿大抗议重新划定阿拉斯加边界,以及 1902-1903 年德国针对委内瑞拉采取行动后在美国加勒比海地区进行的舰队准备,所有这些都表明美国决心在西半球不受任何其他大国的挑战。然而,作为其“推论”,当拉丁美洲国家(如尼加拉瓜、海地、墨西哥和多米尼加共和国)的行为不符合美国规范时,美国政府表示愿意通过外交压力和军事手段进行干预。
But the really novel feature of American external policy in this period were its interventions and participation in events outside the western hemisphere. Its attendance at the Berlin West Africa Conference in 1884-1885 had been anomalous and confused: after grandiose speeches by the U.S. delegation in favor of free trade and open doors, the subsequent treaty was never ratified. Even as late as 1892 the New York Herald was proposing the abolition of the State. Department, since it had so little business to conduct overseas. 166 166 ^(166){ }^{166} The war with Spain in 1898 changed all that, not only by giving the United States a position in the western Pacific (the Philippines) which made it, too, a sort of Asiatic colonial power, but also by boosting the political fortunes of those who had favored an assertive policy. Secretary of State Hay’s “Open Door” note in the following year was an early indication
但是,这一时期美国对外政策真正新颖的特征是其在西半球以外的事件中的干预和参与。美国代表团参加 1884-1885 年的柏林西非会议是一个异常且混乱的举动:在代表团就自由贸易和门户开放发表宏伟的演讲后,随后的条约从未得到批准。即使在 1892 年,纽约先驱报仍提议废除国务院,因为它在海外几乎没有业务可开展。 166 166 ^(166){ }^{166} 1898 年的西班牙战争改变了这一切,不仅使美国在西太平洋(菲律宾)获得了地位,使其也成为一种亚洲殖民大国,而且还提升了那些赞成积极政策的政治人物的政治命运。国务卿海伊在次年发布的“门户开放”照会是早期的迹象。

that the United States wished to have a say in China, as was the commitment of 2,500 American troops to the international army sent to restore order in China in 1900. Roosevelt showed an even greater willingness to engage in grosse Politik, acting as mediator in the talks which brought an end to the Russo-Japanese War, insisting upon American participation in the 1906 conference over Morocco, and negotiating with Japan and the other Powers in an attempt to maintain the “Open Door” in China. 167 167 ^(167){ }^{167} Much of this has been seen by later scholars less as being based upon a sober calculation of the country’s real interests in the world than as reflecting an immaturity of foreignpolicy style, an ethnocentric naïveté, and a wish to impress audiences both at home and abroad-traits which would complicate a “realistic” American foreign policy in the future; 168 168 ^(168){ }^{168} but even if that is true, the United States was hardly alone in this age of imperialist bombast and nationalist pride. In any case, except in Chinese affairs, such diplomatic activism was not maintained by Roosevelt’s successors, who preferred to keep the United States free from international events occurring outside the western hemisphere.
美国希望对中国事务拥有发言权,这体现在 1900 年,美国向国际军队派遣了 2500 名士兵以帮助恢复中国秩序。罗斯福总统表现出更强烈的参与大国政治的意愿,他担任了调停日俄战争谈判的中间人,坚持美国参与 1906 年摩洛哥会议,并与日本和其他列强谈判以维持中国 “门户开放” 政策。 167 167 ^(167){ }^{167} 许多后来的学者认为,这些行动与其说是基于美国对世界真实利益的清醒判断,不如说是反映了美国外交政策风格的幼稚、以民族为中心的幼稚以及希望在国内外受众面前留下深刻印象的愿望——这些特质将在未来使“现实主义” 的美国外交政策变得复杂化; 168 168 ^(168){ }^{168} 但即使如此,在帝国主义虚张声势和民族主义自豪感的时代,美国也并非孤军奋战。 在任何情况下,除了中国事务之外,罗斯福的继任者都没有维持这种外交上的积极性,他们更倾向于让美国远离发生在西半球以外的国际事件。
Along with these diplomatic actions went increases in arms expenditures. Of the two services, the navy got the most, since it was the front line of the nation’s defenses in the event of a foreign attack (or a challenge to the Monroe Doctrine) and also the most useful instrument to support American diplomacy and commerce in Latin America, the Pacific, and elsewhere. Already in the late 1880s, the rebuilding of the fleet had commenced, but the greatest boost came at the time of the Spanish-American War. Since the easy naval victories in that conflict seemed to justify the arguments of Admiral Mahan and the “big navy” lobby, and since the strategists worried about the possibility of a war with Britain and then, from 1898 onward, with Germany, the battle fleet was steadily built up. The acquisition of bases in Hawaii, Samoa, the Philippines, and the Caribbean, the use of naval vessels to act as “policemen” in Latin America, and Roosevelt’s dramatic gesture of sending his “great white fleet” around the world in 1907 all seemed to emphasize the importance of sea power.
随着这些外交行动,军费开支也随之增加。在这两项服务中,海军获得了最多的资金,因为它是国家防御的第一线,以防备外国入侵(或对门罗主义的挑战),也是支持美国在拉丁美洲、太平洋和其他地方的外交和商业的最有效工具。早在 19 世纪 80 年代后期,海军舰队的重建就已经开始,但最大的推动力出现在美西战争时期。由于在这场冲突中轻松的胜利似乎证明了马汉海军上将和“大型海军”游说团体的论点,而且由于战略家们担心可能与英国开战,然后从 1898 年开始担心与德国开战,因此主力舰队得以稳步发展。在夏威夷、萨摩亚、菲律宾和加勒比海获得基地,使用海军舰艇作为拉丁美洲的“警察”,以及罗斯福在 1907 年派他的“白色舰队”环游世界这一戏剧性的姿态,似乎都强调了海权的重要性。
Consequently, while the naval expenditures of $ 22 $ 22 $22\$ 22 million in 1890 represented only 6.9 percent of total federal spending, the $ 139 $ 139 $139\$ 139 million allocated to the navy by 1914 represented 19 percent. 169 169 ^(169){ }^{169} Not all of this was well spent-there were too many home fleet bases (the result of local political pressures) and too few escort vessels-but the result was still impressive. Although considerably smaller than the Royal Navy, and with fewer Dreadnought-type battleships than Germany, the U.S. Navy was the third largest in the world in 1914. Even the construction of a U.S.-controlled Panama Canal did not stop American planners from agonizing over the strategical dilemma of dividing the fleet, or leaving one of the country’s coastlines exposed: and the records of
因此,虽然 1890 年的海军支出为 $ 22 $ 22 $22\$ 22 百万美元,仅占联邦总支出的 6.9%,但到 1914 年拨款给海军的 $ 139 $ 139 $139\$ 139 百万美元却占 19%。 169 169 ^(169){ }^{169} 并非所有这些钱都花得很好 - 基地过多(地方政治压力的结果)而护航舰太少 - 但结果仍然令人印象深刻。虽然规模远小于英国皇家海军,而且无畏型战列舰的数量也少于德国,但美国海军在 1914 年是世界上第三大海军。即使是美国控制下的巴拿马运河的建设,也没有阻止美国规划者为舰队的划分或使该国海岸线之一暴露在外的战略困境而苦恼:而记录

some officers in these years reveal a somewhat paranoid suspicion of foreign powers. 170 In 170 In ^(170)In{ }^{170} \operatorname{In} fact, given its turn-of-the-century rapprochement with Great Britain, the United States was immensely secure, and even if it feared the rise of German sea power, it really had far less to worry about than any of the other major powers. 171 171 ^(171){ }^{171}
The small size of the U.S. military was in many ways a reflection of that state of security. The army, too, had been boosted by the war with Spain, at least to the extent that the public realized how minuscule it actually was, how disorganized the National Guard was, and how close to disaster the early campaigning in Cuba had come. 172 172 ^(172){ }^{172} But the tripling of the size of the regular army after 1900 and the additional garrisoning tasks it acquired in the Philippines and elsewhere still left the service looking insignificant compared with that of even a middlesized European country like Serbia or Bulgaria. Even more than Britain, the United States clung to a laissez-faire dislike of mass standing armies and avoided fixed military obligations to allies. Less than 1 percent of its GNP went to defense. Despite its imperialist activities in the period 1898-1914, therefore, it remained what the sociologist Herbert Spencer termed an “industrial” society rather than a “military” society like Russia. Since many historians have suggested that “the rise of the superpowers” began in this period, it is worth noting the staggering differences between Russia and the United States by the eve of the First World War. The former possessed a front-line army about ten times as large as the latter’s; but the United States produced six times as much steel, consumed ten times as much energy, and was four times larger in total industrial output (in per capita terms, it was six times more productive). 173 173 ^(173){ }^{173} No doubt Russia seemed the more powerful to all those European general staffs thinking of swiftly fought wars involving masses of available troops; but by all other criteria, the United States was strong and Russia weak.
美国军队的规模较小,在很多方面反映了这种安全状态。 陆军也曾因与西班牙的战争而得到增援,至少公众意识到它实际上是多么微不足道,国民警卫队是多么混乱,以及古巴早期的战役是多么接近灾难。 172 172 ^(172){ }^{172} 但是,1900 年后,常备军的规模增加了两倍,在菲律宾和其他地方还增加了新的驻军任务,与塞尔维亚或保加利亚等中等规模的欧洲国家相比,军队仍然显得微不足道。 与英国相比,美国更依赖于对大规模常备军的自由放任的厌恶,并避免与盟国建立固定的军事义务。 其国防开支不到国民生产总值的 1%。 因此,尽管它在 1898 年至 1914 年期间进行了一些帝国主义活动,但它仍然像社会学家赫伯特·斯宾塞所说的那样,是一个“工业社会”,而不是像俄罗斯那样的“军事社会”。 由于许多历史学家认为“超级大国的兴起”始于这一时期,因此值得注意的是,到第一次世界大战前夕,俄罗斯和美国之间存在着惊人的差距。前者拥有的前线军队规模是后者的十倍左右;但美国生产的钢铁是前者的六倍,消耗的能源是前者的十倍,工业总产值是前者的四倍(人均产值是前者的六倍)。 173 173 ^(173){ }^{173} 毫无疑问,对于那些考虑迅速进行战争并为此动用大量可用部队的欧洲参谋部来说,俄罗斯似乎更强大;但从所有其他标准来看,美国强大,而俄罗斯则相对较弱。
The United States had definitely become a Great Power. But it was not part of the Great Power system. Not only did the division of powers between the presidertcy and the Congress made an active alliance policy virtually impossible, but it was also clear that no one was in favor of abandoning the existing state of very comfortable isolation. Separated from other strong nations by thousands of miles of ocean, possessing a negligible army, content to have achieved hemispheric dominance and, at least after Roosevelt’s departure, less eager to engage in worldwide diplomacy, the United States in 1913 still stood on the edges of the Great Power system. And since most of the other , countries after 1906 were turning their attention from Asia and Africa to developments in the Balkans and North Sea, it was perhaps not surprising that they tended to see the United States as less a factor in the international power balances than had been the case around we
美国无疑已经成为一个大国。但它不是大国体系的一部分。不仅总统和国会之间的权力分立使得积极的联盟政策实际上是不可能的,而且很明显,没有人赞成放弃现有的非常舒适的孤立状态。美国与其他强国相隔数千英里的大洋,拥有一支微不足道的军队,满足于实现半球霸权,而且,至少在罗斯福离任后,不太热衷于参与全球外交,因此,1913 年的美国仍然站在大国体系的边缘。而且,由于 1906 年以后,大多数其他国家都将注意力从亚洲和非洲转向巴尔干半岛和北海的发展,因此他们倾向于将美国视为国际力量平衡中的一个较不重要的因素,而不是像以前那样,这也许不足为奇。

turn of the century. That was yet another of the common pre-1914 assumptions which the Great War itself would prove wrong.
世纪之交。这也是 1914 年以前人们普遍持有的另一个将被大战证明的错误假设。

Alliances and the Drift to War, 1890-1914
1890-1914 年间,为了争夺政治和经济上的主导地位,欧洲列强之间形成了错综复杂的联盟体系。这些联盟的出现并非偶然,而是多个因素共同作用的结果。 首先,工业革命的迅速发展和资本主义的扩张导致了列强之间竞争加剧。为了获取更多的资源、市场和殖民地,各国都在努力壮大自己的力量。 其次,民族主义思潮的兴起加剧了欧洲国家之间的紧张关系。各国都试图通过民族主义来凝聚内部力量,同时将其他民族视为竞争对手。 最后,列强之间缺乏有效的合作机制,导致了外交关系的脆弱和不稳定。在国家利益面前,任何协议都可能被轻易撕毁。 在这样的背景下,欧洲列强逐渐形成了两大阵营:一方是以英法为首的协约国,另一方是以德奥为首的三国同盟。这两个阵营在政治、经济和军事上都存在着巨大的差异,这使得欧洲大陆的局势日益紧张。 1914 年 6 月 28 日,奥匈帝国皇储斐迪南大公在塞拉热窝遇刺身亡,这成为第一次世界大战爆发的直接导火索。战争爆发后,欧洲列强之间的联盟体系立刻被激活,各国纷纷卷入这场旷日持久的战争之中。 第一次世界大战是一场空前惨烈的战争,它给欧洲各国带来了巨大的伤亡和破坏。这场战争也标志着欧洲旧秩序的彻底崩溃,为新的世界格局的形成奠定了基础

The third and final element in understanding the way the Great Power system was changing in these decades is to examine the volatile alliance diplomacy from Bismarck’s demise to the outbreak of the First World War. For although the 1890 s saw some relatively small-scale conflicts (the Sino-Japanese War, the Spanish-American War, the Boer War ), and later one large if still localized encounter in the RussoJapanese War, the general tendency after that time was for what Felix Gilbert has termed the “rigidification” of the alliance blocs. 174 174 ^(174){ }^{174} This was accompanied by the expectation on the part of most governments that if and when the next great war occurred, they would be members of a coalition. This would enhance and complicate assessments of relative national power, since allies brought disadvantages as well as benefits.
理解大国体系在这几十年间变化方式的第三个也是最后一个要素是考察从俾斯麦去世到第一次世界大战爆发期间,变幻无常的联盟外交。因为,尽管 1890 年代出现了几场规模相对较小的冲突(中日战争、美西战争、布尔战争),后来在日俄战争中出现了一场規模更大但仍然是局部冲突,但此后的一般趋势就像费利克斯吉尔伯特所说的那样,即联盟集团“僵化”。 174 174 ^(174){ }^{174} 与之 همراه با大多数政府的期望,如果和将来发生下一次重大战争,他们将会是某个聯盟的一员。这将会增强和复杂化对国家相对实力评估,因为盟友既带来坏处也带来好处,。
The tendency toward alliance diplomacy did not, of course; affect the distant United States at this time, and it impinged upon Japan only in a regional way, through the Anglo-Japanese alliances of 1902 and 1905. But alliance diplomacy increasingly affected al! the European Great Powers, even the insular British, because of the mutual fears and rivalries which arose in these years. This creation of fixed military alliances in peacetime-rarely if ever seen before-was begun by Bismarck in 1879, when he sought to “control” Vienna’s foreign policy, and to warn off St. Petersburg, by establishing the Austro-German alliance. In the German chancellor’s secret calculations, this move was also intended to induce the Russians to abandon their "erratic policy 1175 1175 ^(1175){ }^{1175} and to return to the Three Emperor’s League-which, for a time, they did; but the longer-lasting legacy of Bismarck’s action was that Germany bound itself to come to Austria-Hungary’s aid in the event of a Russian attack. By 1882, Berlin had also concluded a similar mutual treaty with Rome in the event of a French attack, and within another year, both Germany and Austria-Hungary had offered another secret alliance, to aid Rumania against Russian aggression. Scholars of this diplomacy insist that Bismarck had chiefly short-term and defensive aims in view-to give comfort to nervous friends in Vienna, Rome, and Bucharest, to keep France diplomatically isolated, to prepare “fallback” positions should the Russians invade the Balkans. No doubt that is true; but the fact is that he had given pledges, and further, that even if the exact nature of these secret treaties was not publicly known, it caused both France and Russia to worry about their own isolation and to suspect that the great wire-puller in Berlin had built up a formidable coalition to overwhelm them in wartime.
同盟外交的趋势当然没有影响到当时遥远的美国,它只是通过 1902 年和 1905 年的英日同盟以地区性的方式影响了日本。但同盟外交日益影响到所有欧洲列强,甚至是孤岛般的英国,因为这些年中出现了相互的恐惧和竞争。这种在和平时期建立固定军事同盟的行为——以前很少或从未见过——是由俾斯麦在 1879 年开始的,当时他试图“控制”维也纳的外交政策,并通过建立德奥同盟来警告圣彼得堡。在德国总理的秘密算计中,此举也旨在诱使俄国人放弃其“反复无常的政策 1175 1175 ^(1175){ }^{1175} ”并回归三皇同盟——他们一度做到了;但俾斯麦行动更持久的影响是,德国承诺在俄国进攻的情况下援助奥匈帝国。 到 1882 年,柏林也与罗马缔结了针对法国侵略的类似互惠条约。一年之内,德国和奥匈帝国又秘密结盟,以援助罗马尼亚对抗俄罗斯的侵略。 这段外交史的学者一致认为,俾斯麦的主要目标是短期和防御性的——安抚维也纳、罗马和布加勒斯特等地的焦虑伙伴,使法国在外交上孤立,并在俄罗斯入侵巴尔干半岛时准备“后备”阵地。毫无疑问,这是事实;但事实是,他做出了承诺,而且,即使这些秘密条约的具体内容没有被公开,但也让法国和俄罗斯都担心自己的孤立,并怀疑这位柏林的重量级人物已经建立了一个强大的联盟,将在战时压倒他们。