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Physical form[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


 物理形态  默认特征  描述 DLC
Form dwarfkin.png  矮人族

  • 防御战术
  •  哈代
  •  坚韧

Form elfkin.png  小精灵
  •  奥术聚焦
  •  敏锐的视力
  •  犀利的眼光

Form feline.png  

  • 沙漠适应
  •  田径
  •  难以捉摸的

Form goblinoid.png  哥布林族

  • 令人厌恶的恶臭
  •  偷偷的

Form halfling.png  半身人
  •  难以捉摸的
  •  轻盈的
  •  快速反应

Form human.png  人类
  •  适应性强

  • 防御战术

  • 快速恢复

Form molekin.png  摩尔金

  • 地下适应
  •  堡垒
  •  顽强的

Form orcoid.png  兽人样
  •  凶猛
  •  哈代
  •  强大

Form ratkin.png  鼠人
  •  适应性强

  • 压倒性战术
  •  快速反应

Form toadkin.png  蟾蜍人

  • 沼泽适应
  •  哈代
  •  坚韧的

Form lizardfolk.png  蜥蜴人
  •  冷血的
  •  有毒
  •  顽强的

Form avian.png  鸟类
  •  适应性强
  •  难以捉摸的
  •  轻盈的
  •  犀利的眼光


Traits[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


 特征  效果  成本
Unit property adaptable.png  适应性强
Unit property cold blooded.png  冷血的
-50% 士气损失
Unit property elusive.png  难以捕捉的

  • +4 防御反击和机会攻击

  • +4抵抗报复攻击和机会攻击
Unit property hearty.png  哈代
+8 生命值
Unit property sharp eyes.png  锐眼

  • 识别不了的字符串“视野范围” +1 视野范围

  • (模板:图标的未识别字符串“视野范围”)+1 感知范围
Unit property arcane focus.png  奥术聚焦
+15% 魔法攻击伤害
Unit property bulwark.png Bulwark
  • Defense +2 Defense Mode Defense
  • Unit stats resistance.png +2 Defense Mode Resistance
Unit property fast recouperation.png Fast Recuperation Hit points +10 Hit Points Regeneration per World Map Turn 2
Unit property ferocious.png Ferocious
  • Damage type physical.png +40% Retaliation Attack Damage
  • Damage type physical.png +40% Opportunity Attack Damage
Unit property all-round awareness.png Keen-Sighted Accuracy +20% Accuracy 2
Unit property light footed.png Light Footed Yes Friendly units do not block movement 2
Unit property poison weapons.png Poisonous
  • Resistance type blight.png +2 Blight Resistance
  • Damage type blight.png 60% chance for attacks to be Poisoned
  • Yes Immunity to Poisoned
Unit property quick reflexes.png Quick Reflexes Accuracy -25% Enemy Ranged Accuracy 2
Unit property support unit.png Resistant Unit stats resistance.png +2 Resistance 2
Unit property sneaky.png Sneaky Unit stats flank.png +25% Flanking Attack Damage 2
Unit property strong.png Strong
  • Damage type physical.png +2 Melee Damage
  • Damage type physical.png +2 Physical Ranged Damage
Unit property tenacious.png  顽强的
-50% 伤亡惩罚的伤害减免
Unit property shield defense.png  艰难的  +2 防御 2
Unit property defensive tactics.png  防御战术

  • 当站在具有相同特质的友方单位旁边时,防御+1(不可叠加)

  • 当站在具有相同特性的友方单位旁边时,抵抗力+1(不叠加)

  • 站在具有相同特征的友军单位旁边时,闪避率提高10%(不叠加)
Unit property overwhelm tactics.png  压倒性战术
Unit property athletics.png  田径
Unit property hideous stench.png  恶臭

  • Unit stats resistance.png -1 对没有相同特性的邻近敌人的抵抗力

  • Resistance type status resistances.png -1对所有相邻敌人的状态抗性,不包括具有相同特性的敌人
Unit property status effect immunity.png  有弹性的

  • +2 状态抗性

  • time -1 减少负面状态效果持续时间(不影响只持续1回合的负面状态)

Adaptation[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

适应特征允许种族在特定地形上建造 Province improvement farm.png 农场而不是 Province improvement hut.png 小屋省份改进。每个适应特征花费1点,但一个种族只能有一个适应特征。所有这些都与原始文化不兼容,因为它可以根据选择的原始动物(例如沼泽鳄鱼提供了大部分沼泽适应的好处)提供相当的好处。

 特征  效果
Unit property arctic adaption.png  北极适应

  • 可以在雪地上建造农场

  • 起始区域将有雪地地形

  • 解锁冻结土地的咒语

-1 在雪和冰地形上
Unit property desert adaption.png  沙漠适应

  • 可以在沙地上建造农场

  • 起始区域将拥有沙地地形

  • 解锁焚烧大地法术
Unit property water adaption.png  沼泽适应

  • 可以在沼泽地形上建造农场

  • 起始区域将拥有沼泽地形

  • 解锁洪水之地法术

  • -2 在沼泽地形上移动点数消耗

  • -6在河流上的移动点成本
Unit property underground adaption.png  地下适应

  • 可以在洞穴地表建造农场

  • 开始地下

  • 从挖掘帝国技能开始

  • 真菌领域地形上的-1

  • 洞穴地板和蘑菇森林地形上的-2

Mounts[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


 特征  骑兵单位获得增益  统治者开始攀登  成本
Unit property spider.png  恐惧蜘蛛坐骑

  • +5 生命值
  • Ability type physical.png
    Unit ability web dread spider matriarch.png
 蜘蛛 3
Unit property nightmare mount.png  噩梦之旅

  • +5 生命值

  • 威慑光环被动

  • 恶毒杀手被动
 噩梦 3
Unit property unicorn mount.png  独角兽坐骑

  • +5 生命值
  • Ability type default.png
    Unit ability phase phase beast.png
 独角兽 3
Unit property pack hunter.png  白狼坐骑

  • +5 生命值

  • Unit property pack hunter.png 猎魂者被动技能
  • Ability type frost.png
    Unit ability enfeebling howl white wolf.png
 白狼 3


  • +10 生命值

  • 文件:单位属性压倒.png(对于模板:特性,无法识别字符串“压倒”)被动
 恐怖熊 3


 类型  来源  单位
 T1侦察兵 T1 T2 T3 T4
 文化  野蛮人  寻路者  战士(盾牌)  愤怒(远程)
 文化  黑暗  侦察兵  追逐者(远程)  黑暗骑士(震惊)
 文化  封建的  侦察者  防御者(盾牌)  骑士(震惊)
 文化    寻光者  黎明守护者(盾)  唤醒者(战斗法师)
 文化  勤奋的  先驱  弩 (远程)  堡垒(盾牌)
 文化  神秘的  法术护盾(盾牌)
 文化  掠夺者  监督者(支持)  龙骑兵(游击队员)
 文化  原始的  灵魂追踪者  保护者(盾牌)  动物使徒(支援)
 卷册  野兽  野性演说者(辅助)
 卷册  冰法
 卷册  唤起  唤魔师(战斗法师)
 卷册  部落  猎犬大师(远程)
 卷册  湿地  格莱德奔跑者(远程)
 卷册  征服  暴君骑士(震惊)

Cultures[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


  • 以这个种族开始的帝国获得了一种亲和力。

  • 可以招募6个与文化有关的单位

  • 这个种族的城市可以建造一个特殊的省份改进和三个特殊建筑。一些文化还会在特定的市政厅等级上获得特殊的奖励。

  • 参与这场比赛的英雄可以解锁3个特殊的英雄技能,如果他们是冠军,他们会有一种特定文化的默认武器,如果没有装备任何武器。
 文化  亲和性  省份改进  建筑物  英雄技能  单位  冠军默认武器  其他影响
Culture Barbarian.png  野蛮人
  •  混乱
  •  1 自然

Building forester forest of stakes.png
Culture: Barbarian
Forest of Stakes
Province improvement Forester

+7 Food Food income.
+7 Production Production income.
+7 Draft Draft per adjacent Forester Forester.
Enemy Units in this and the adjacent Province get Demoralized.

Must be built on an acquired province.
Requires Town Hall II: Communal Tent

Cost: 250 Production 100 Gold

  • 战斗仪式场地
    Building battle ritual site.png
    Culture: Barbarian
    Battle Ritual Site
    City structure Knowledge Draft

    +10 Draft Draft income
    +5 Knowledge Knowledge income

    Requires Town Hall I: Town Center
    Cultural replacement for Library

    Cost: 130 Production 60 Gold
    Boost: 1 Forester

  • 祖先占卜大厅
    Building ancestral seer hall.png
    Culture: Barbarian
    Ancestral Seer Hall
    City structure Knowledge Draft

    +10 Draft Draft income
    +10 Knowledge Knowledge income

    Requires Battle Ritual Site
    Cultural replacement for Arcane Institute

    Cost: 250 Production 100 Gold
    Boost: 1 Forester 1 Quarry

  • 战神神殿
    Building shrine of the wargod.png
    Culture: Barbarian
    Shrine of the Wargod
    City structure

    Grants Wargod's Spirit to every Friendly Unit inside this Domain.
    Grants Wargod's Aggression to every Unit produced in this City.

    Requires Town Hall III: Halls of War
    Cost: 450 Production 170 Gold
  •  嗜血
  •  原始标记
  •  锋利的边缘
  •  寻路者
    Scout Scout | Tier 1 | Culture: Barbarian

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property cavalry.png
    Unit property cavalry.png Cavalry
    This unit is mounted on an animal.
    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property scout unit.png
    Unit property scout unit.png Scout Unit
    Though weak in battle, these swift units are useful for exploring the world.
    Scout units have Farsight.
    Unit property farsight.png
    Unit property farsight.png Farsight
    The unit has +1 vision range.
    Unit property outpost builder.png
    Unit property outpost builder.png Outpost Builder
    This unit is capable of creating Outposts on the world map.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability shoot bow scout unit.png
      Shoot Bow
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability shoot bow scout unit.png
      6 Physical damage
      Repeating action
      Shoot Bow
      90% Accuracy 4 Range
      Fires ranged projectiles at target enemy unit.
      Affected by Line of Sight rules.
      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 60 Draft 50 Gold
    Upkeep: 8 Gold
  •  载具
    Skirmisher Skirmisher | Tier 1 | Culture: Barbarian

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property skirmisher unit.png
    Unit property skirmisher unit.png Skirmisher Unit
    Cheap and swift units that are useful at Flank Flanking and targeting lone enemies.
    Skirmisher units gain:
    • Swift.
    • Slippery.
    Unit property primal strike.png
    Unit property primal strike.png Primal Strike
    The first Melee attack that hits in battle deals an additional +8 Blight damage Blight Damage.
    Unit property slippery.png
    Unit property slippery.png Slippery
    This unit does not trigger Opportunity Attack.
    Unit property swift.png
    Unit property swift.png Swift
    This unit ignores the effects of Slowing terrain in combat.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      Melee Strike
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      12 Physical damage
      Repeating action
      Melee Strike
      100% Accuracy 1 Range
      Strikes target enemy unit.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability throw sunderer.png
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability throw sunderer.png
      16 Physical damage
      Single use action
      90% Accuracy 4 Range
      Throws a projectile at target unit.
      • Sundered Defense: Inflict Sundered Defense for 3 Turn Turns.

      Affected by Line of Sight rules.
      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 80 Draft 60 Gold
    Upkeep: 8 Gold
  •  战士
    Shield Shield | Tier 1 | Culture: Barbarian

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property optional cavalry.png
    Unit property optional cavalry.png Optional Cavalry
    This unit will become Cavalry if the race has a special mount trait.
    Unit property shield unit.png
    Unit property shield unit.png Shield Unit
    Great at blocking enemies and protecting allies against physical attacks. A Shield unit gains:
    • Shield Defense.
    • Defense Mode: Shield Wall.
    Unit property primal strike.png
    Unit property primal strike.png Primal Strike
    The first Melee attack that hits in battle deals an additional +8 Blight damage Blight Damage.
    Unit property shield defense.png
    Unit property shield defense.png Shield Defense
    This unit has +3 Defense Defense against non-Flank Flanking attacks.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      Melee Strike
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      10 Physical damage
      Repeating action
      Melee Strike
      100% Accuracy 1 Range
      Strikes target enemy unit.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability shield bash warrior.png
      Shield Bash
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability shield bash warrior.png
      Shield Bash
      100% Accuracy 1 Range
      Base 90% of target unit becoming Stunned. Enter Defense Mode after use.
      Cooldown: 2 Turn
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode shield wall.png
      Defense Mode: Shield Wall
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode shield wall.png
      Defense Mode: Shield Wall
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • +2 Defense Defense.
      • +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Immune to Flank Flanking.
      • All adjacent friendly units gain +3 Defense Defense.

    Cost: 80 Draft 60 Gold
    Upkeep: 8 Gold
  •  愤怒
    Ranged Ranged | Tier 2 | Culture: Barbarian

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property optional cavalry.png
    Unit property optional cavalry.png Optional Cavalry
    This unit will become Cavalry if the race has a special mount trait.
    Unit property ranged unit.png
    Unit property ranged unit.png Ranged Unit
    An attack unit that takes out targets from afar. It is somewhat vulnerable.
    • Its Accuracy is affected by Line of Sight.
    • Cannot fire its main ranged attack when Engaged in Melee.
    Unit property frenzy.png
    Unit property frenzy.png Frenzy
    When this unit lands an attack, it gains a stack of Strengthened.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability shoot bow scout unit.png
      Shoot Bow
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability shoot bow scout unit.png
      10 Physical damage
      Repeating action
      Shoot Bow
      90% Accuracy 4 Range
      Fires ranged projectiles at target enemy unit.
      • Frenzy: Gains a stack of Strengthened when landing a hit.

      Affected by Line of Sight rules.
      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 140 Draft 100 Gold
    Upkeep: 12 Gold
  •  战争萨满
    War Shaman
    Support Support | Tier 2 | Culture: Barbarian

    Hit points
    Movement points
    Status resistances 2

    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property support unit.png
    Unit property support unit.png Support Unit
    A defensive specialist that supports friendly units from afar and protects them from magical attacks.
    A Support unit has Defense Mode: Warding.
    • Ability type blight.png
      Unit ability magic blast deep-sea nimu.png
      Poison Blast
      Ability type blight.png
      Unit ability magic blast deep-sea nimu.png
      14 Blight damage
      Single use action
      Poison Blast
      90% Accuracy 4 Range
      Single magical attack at target unit.
      • Poisoned: Base 90% chance of inflicting Poisoned for 3 Turn Turns.

      Affected by Line of Sight rules.
      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability invigorate war shaman.png
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability invigorate war shaman.png
      Always Hits Accuracy 4 Range
      Grants friendly units in a 1-hex radius:
      • 10 Temporary hit points Temporary Hit Points
      • Strengthened
      • Regeneration

      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
      Cooldown: 3 Turn
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode warding.png
      Defense Mode: Warding
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode warding.png
      Defense Mode: Warding
      Ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • +2 Defense Defense.
      • +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Immune to Flank Flanking.
      • All adjacent friendly units gain +3 Resistance Resistance and +3 Status resistance Status Resistance

    Cost: 140 Draft 100 Gold
    Upkeep: 12 Gold
  •  狂战士
    Shock Shock | Tier 3 | Culture: Barbarian

    Hit points
    Movement points
    Status resistances 3

    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property shock unit.png
    Unit property shock unit.png Shock Unit
    An offensive unit specialized in disrupting the enemy line. A Shock Unit has a Charge attack, which counters Shield Units, but can be countered by Polearm Units.
    Unit property berserkers rage.png
    Unit property berserkers rage.png Berserker's Rage
    When this unit's total Hit points Hit Points reach 33% or lower, it becomes (for 1 Turn):
    • Berserk.
    • Steadfast.
    Unit property frenzy.png
    Unit property frenzy.png Frenzy
    When this unit lands an attack, it gains a stack of Strengthened.
    Unit property primal strike.png
    Unit property primal strike.png Primal Strike
    The first Melee attack that hits in battle deals an additional +8 Blight damage Blight Damage.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability heavy charge strike ghost ship.png
      Heavy Charge Strike
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability heavy charge strike ghost ship.png
      24 Physical damage
      Single use action
      Heavy Charge Strike
      100% Accuracy 1 Range
      A Heavy Charge attack:
      • Gains 20% damage per hex traveled, up to 3 hexes.
      • Cancels Defense Mode.
      • Removes Retaliation Attack.
      • Heavy Charges ignore Charge Resistance.

      • Frenzy: Gains a stack of Strengthened when landing a hit.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 220 Draft 140 Gold
    Upkeep: 20 Gold

  • 首次近战攻击造成+8点枯萎伤害

  • 可以激活迅捷仪式

  • 前哨或城市方格上的军队恢复100%的移动点数,并恢复50%的生命值或移除疲劳状态。冷却时间为3回合。
Culture Dark.png Dark  2 阴影
Mine Dark Forge
Building mine dark forge.png
Culture: Dark
Dark Forge
Province improvement Mine

+7 Draft Draft income.
+7 Gold Gold income.
+7 Draft Draft per adjacent Quarry Quarry or Mine Mine.
Unit deployment location.

Must be built on an acquired province.
Requires Town Hall II: Dread Spire

Cost: 250 Production 100 Gold

  • 实验室
    Building experimentation chambers.png
    Culture: Dark
    Experimentation Chambers
    City structure Gold Knowledge

    +5 Gold Gold income
    +5 Knowledge Knowledge income

    Requires Town Hall I: Town Center
    Cultural replacement for Vendor

    Cost: 130 Production 60 Gold
    Boost: 1 Farm

  • 地下实验室
    Building underground laboratory.png
    Culture: Dark
    Underground Laboratory
    City structure Gold Knowledge

    +10 Gold Gold income
    +5 Knowledge Knowledge income

    Requires Experimentation Chambers
    Cultural replacement for Market

    Cost: 250 Production 100 Gold
    Boost: 2 Farm
  • Knowledge Interrogation Dungeon
    Building interrogation dungeon.png
    Culture: Dark
    Interrogation Dungeon
    City structure Knowledge

    +5 Knowledge Knowledge income
    +10 City stability City Stability income
    +2 Knowledge Knowledge income per hero in the Prison

    Requires Town Hall II: Dread Spire
    Cultural replacement for Tavern

    Cost: 250 Production 100 Gold
    Boost: 2 Farm
  • Mana Ritual Mausoleum
    Building ritual mausoleum.png
    Culture: Dark
    Ritual Mausoleum
    City structure Mana

    +5 Mana Mana income
    +20 City stability City Stability income
    +2 Mana Mana income per hero in the Crypt

    Requires Interrogation Dungeon
    Cultural replacement for Bathhouse

    Cost: 250 Production 100 Gold
    Boost: 2 Farm 1 Quarry
  • Mana Draft Overlord's Tower
    Building watch tower.png
    Culture: Dark
    Overlord's Tower
    City structure Mana Draft

    +10 Draft Draft income
    +10 Mana Mana income
    Prevents Provinces breaking off due to low City stability City Stability.

    Requires Town Hall III: Stronghold
    Cost: 750 Production 280 Gold
  • City tier Town Hall II: Dread Spire
    Building town hall ii dread spire.png
    Culture: Dark
    Town Hall II: Dread Spire
    City structure City tier

    +1 Province Annex Range
    +10 Gold Gold income
    Negative City stability City Stability states give no economic penalties.
    Unlocks tier 2 cultural units:
    Night Guard
    Night Guard
    Polearm Polearm | Tier 2 | Culture: Dark

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property polearm unit.png
    Unit property polearm unit.png Polearm Unit
    Specialists in taking out large threats and cavalry and can counter shock unit charges.
    Polearm Units have:
    • First Strike
    • Charge Resistance
    • +40% damage against Cavalry
    • +40% damage against Large Target units
    Unit property charge resistance.png
    Unit property charge resistance.png Charge Resistance
    Unaffected by the bonus effects of Charge attacks.
    Can be counteracted by using Heavy Charge Strike.
    Unit property cull the weak.png
    Unit property cull the weak.png Cull the Weak
    • Deals +20% damage to units with Weakened.
    • Attacking units with Weakened grants the unit Regeneration once per turn.
    Unit property dark stalwart.png
    Unit property dark stalwart.png Dark Stalwart
    At the end of this unit's turn, adjacent enemy units have a base 90% chance of receiving:
    • Sundered Defense
    • Sundered Resistance
    Unit property first strike.png
    Unit property first strike.png First Strike
    When attacked, a unit with First Strike will use a Retaliation Attack to attack first.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      Melee Strike
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      14 Physical damage
      Repeating action
      Melee Strike
      100% Accuracy 1 Range
      Strikes target enemy unit.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 140 Draft 100 Gold
    Upkeep: 12 Gold
    Battle Mage Battle Mage | Tier 2 | Culture: Dark

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property battle mage unit.png
    Unit property battle mage unit.png Battle Mage Unit
    Magic users who specialize in ranged offense and weakening enemies.
    • Their Accuracy is affected by Line of Sight.
    • Cannot use their main Magic attacks when Engaged in Melee.
    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    • Ability type frost.png
      Unit ability magic bolts elya.png
      Weakening Bolts
      Ability type frost.png
      Unit ability magic bolts elya.png
      8 Frost damage
      Repeating action
      Weakening Bolts
      90% Accuracy 4 Range
      Unleashes a magical bolt at target enemy.
      • Weakened: Base 90% chance of inflicting Weakened for 3 Turn Turns.

      Affected by Line of Sight rules.
      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
    • Ability type frost.png
      Unit ability sundering curse warlock.png
      Sundering Curse
      Ability type frost.png
      Unit ability sundering curse warlock.png
      24 Frost damage
      Full action
      Sundering Curse
      Always Hits Accuracy 6 Range
      Target enemy unit sustains damage and gains:
      • 2 Sundered Defense
      • 2 Sundered Resistance

      • Weakened: Inflict Weakened for 3 Turn Turns.

      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
      Cooldown: 1 Turn
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 140 Draft 100 Gold
    Upkeep: 12 Gold

    Requires 3 Population Population to unlock
    Requires Town Hall I: Town Center

    Cost: 200 Production 200 Gold
    Boost: 5 Population
  • Hero skill cull the weak.png Cull the Weak
  • Hero skill grim executioner.png Grim Executioner
  • Hero skill sundering curse.png Sundering Curse
  •  黑暗战士
    Dark Warrior
    Shock Shock | Tier 1 | Culture: Dark

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property shock unit.png
    Unit property shock unit.png Shock Unit
    An offensive unit specialized in disrupting the enemy line. A Shock Unit has a Charge attack, which counters Shield Units, but can be countered by Polearm Units.
    Unit property cull the weak.png
    Unit property cull the weak.png Cull the Weak
    • Deals +20% damage to units with Weakened.
    • Attacking units with Weakened grants the unit Regeneration once per turn.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability charge strike bone golem.png
      Charge Strike
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability charge strike bone golem.png
      18 Physical damage
      Single use action
      Charge Strike
      100% Accuracy 1 Range
      A Charge attack:
      • Gains 20% damage per hex traveled, up to 3 hexes.
      • Cancels Defense Mode.
      • Removes Retaliation Attack.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 80 Draft 60 Gold
    Upkeep: 8 Gold
  •  侦察兵
    Scout Scout | Tier 1 | Culture: Dark

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property cavalry.png
    Unit property cavalry.png Cavalry
    This unit is mounted on an animal.
    Unit property forest camouflage.png
    Unit property forest camouflage.png Forest Camouflage
    This unit cannot be detected when standing on Forest hexes.
    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property rock camouflage.png
    Unit property rock camouflage.png Rock Camouflage
    This unit cannot be detected when on Rocky or Mountain hexes.
    Unit property scout unit.png
    Unit property scout unit.png Scout Unit
    Though weak in battle, these swift units are useful for exploring the world.
    Scout units have Farsight.
    Unit property swamp camouflage.png
    Unit property swamp camouflage.png Swamp Camouflage
    This unit cannot be detected when standing on Wetland hexes.
    Unit property farsight.png
    Unit property farsight.png Farsight
    The unit has +1 vision range.
    Unit property infiltrate.png
    Unit property infiltrate.png Infiltrate
    Gain +2 vision when in enemy domain.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability shoot bow scout unit.png
      Shoot Bow
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability shoot bow scout unit.png
      6 Physical damage
      Repeating action
      Shoot Bow
      90% Accuracy 4 Range
      Fires ranged projectiles at target enemy unit.
      Affected by Line of Sight rules.
      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 60 Draft 50 Gold
    Upkeep: 8 Gold
  • Pursuer
    Ranged Ranged | Tier 1 | Culture: Dark

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property optional cavalry.png
    Unit property optional cavalry.png Optional Cavalry
    This unit will become Cavalry if the race has a special mount trait.
    Unit property ranged unit.png
    Unit property ranged unit.png Ranged Unit
    An attack unit that takes out targets from afar. It is somewhat vulnerable.
    • Its Accuracy is affected by Line of Sight.
    • Cannot fire its main ranged attack when Engaged in Melee.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability shoot bow scout unit.png
      Shoot Bow
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability shoot bow scout unit.png
      10 Physical damage
      Repeating action
      Shoot Bow
      90% Accuracy 4 Range
      Fires ranged projectiles at target enemy unit.
      • Weakened: Base 90% chance of inflicting Weakened for 3 Turn Turns.

      Affected by Line of Sight rules.
      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 80 Draft 60 Gold
    Upkeep: 8 Gold
  • Night Guard
    Night Guard
    Polearm Polearm | Tier 2 | Culture: Dark

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property polearm unit.png
    Unit property polearm unit.png Polearm Unit
    Specialists in taking out large threats and cavalry and can counter shock unit charges.
    Polearm Units have:
    • First Strike
    • Charge Resistance
    • +40% damage against Cavalry
    • +40% damage against Large Target units
    Unit property charge resistance.png
    Unit property charge resistance.png Charge Resistance
    Unaffected by the bonus effects of Charge attacks.
    Can be counteracted by using Heavy Charge Strike.
    Unit property cull the weak.png
    Unit property cull the weak.png Cull the Weak
    • Deals +20% damage to units with Weakened.
    • Attacking units with Weakened grants the unit Regeneration once per turn.
    Unit property dark stalwart.png
    Unit property dark stalwart.png Dark Stalwart
    At the end of this unit's turn, adjacent enemy units have a base 90% chance of receiving:
    • Sundered Defense
    • Sundered Resistance
    Unit property first strike.png
    Unit property first strike.png First Strike
    When attacked, a unit with First Strike will use a Retaliation Attack to attack first.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      Melee Strike
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      14 Physical damage
      Repeating action
      Melee Strike
      100% Accuracy 1 Range
      Strikes target enemy unit.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 140 Draft 100 Gold
    Upkeep: 12 Gold
  • Warlock
    Battle Mage Battle Mage | Tier 2 | Culture: Dark

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property battle mage unit.png
    Unit property battle mage unit.png Battle Mage Unit
    Magic users who specialize in ranged offense and weakening enemies.
    • Their Accuracy is affected by Line of Sight.
    • Cannot use their main Magic attacks when Engaged in Melee.
    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    • Ability type frost.png
      Unit ability magic bolts elya.png
      Weakening Bolts
      Ability type frost.png
      Unit ability magic bolts elya.png
      8 Frost damage
      Repeating action
      Weakening Bolts
      90% Accuracy 4 Range
      Unleashes a magical bolt at target enemy.
      • Weakened: Base 90% chance of inflicting Weakened for 3 Turn Turns.

      Affected by Line of Sight rules.
      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
    • Ability type frost.png
      Unit ability sundering curse warlock.png
      Sundering Curse
      Ability type frost.png
      Unit ability sundering curse warlock.png
      24 Frost damage
      Full action
      Sundering Curse
      Always Hits Accuracy 6 Range
      Target enemy unit sustains damage and gains:
      • 2 Sundered Defense
      • 2 Sundered Resistance

      • Weakened: Inflict Weakened for 3 Turn Turns.

      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
      Cooldown: 1 Turn
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 140 Draft 100 Gold
    Upkeep: 12 Gold
  • Dark Knight
    Dark Knight
    Shock Shock | Tier 3 | Culture: Dark

    Hit points
    Movement points
    Status resistances 3

    Unit property cavalry.png
    Unit property cavalry.png Cavalry
    This unit is mounted on an animal.
    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property shock unit.png
    Unit property shock unit.png Shock Unit
    An offensive unit specialized in disrupting the enemy line. A Shock Unit has a Charge attack, which counters Shield Units, but can be countered by Polearm Units.
    Unit property cull the weak.png
    Unit property cull the weak.png Cull the Weak
    • Deals +20% damage to units with Weakened.
    • Attacking units with Weakened grants the unit Regeneration once per turn.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability heavy charge strike ghost ship.png
      Heavy Charge Strike
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability heavy charge strike ghost ship.png
      24 Physical damage
      Single use action
      Heavy Charge Strike
      100% Accuracy 1 Range
      A Heavy Charge attack:
      • Gains 20% damage per hex traveled, up to 3 hexes.
      • Cancels Defense Mode.
      • Removes Retaliation Attack.
      • Heavy Charges ignore Charge Resistance.

      • Sundered Defense: Inflict Sundered Defense for 3 Turn Turns.
    • Ability type frost.png
      Unit ability dark surge dark knight.png
      Dark Surge
      Ability type frost.png
      Unit ability dark surge dark knight.png
      18 Frost damage
      Full action
      Dark Surge
      Always Hits Accuracy 1 Range
      Deals damage to enemies in a 2-hex cone. Deals double damage to units with a negative status effect.
      Cooldown: 3 Turn
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 220 Draft 140 Gold
    Upkeep: 20 Gold

  • 城市可以抵消城市稳定收入的惩罚
  • +20% Damage against units with Weakened
  • Attacking units with Weakened grants the unit Regeneration once per turn
  • -10 Alignment
Culture Feudal.png Feudal
  • Empire affinity order.png 1 Order
  • Empire affinity nature.png 1 Nature
Farm Levy Camp
Building work camp.png
Culture: Feudal
Levy Camp
Province improvement Farm

+15 Food Food income.
+5 Food Food per adjacent Farm Farm.
Unit deployment location.

Must be built on an acquired province.
Requires Town Hall II: Castle

Cost: 250 Production 100 Gold
  • Mana Gold Clergy Commons
    Building clergy commons.png
    Culture: Feudal
    Clergy Commons
    City structure Mana Gold

    +5 Gold Gold income
    +5 Mana Mana income

    Requires Town Hall I: Town Center
    Cultural replacement for Shrine

    Cost: 130 Production 60 Gold
    Boost: 1 Quarry
  • Mana Gold Tithe Shrine
    Building tithe shrine.png
    Culture: Feudal
    Tithe Shrine
    City structure Mana Gold

    +5 Gold Gold income
    +10 Mana Mana income

    Requires Clergy Commons
    Cultural replacement for Mana Obelisk

    Cost: 250 Production 100 Gold
    Boost: 2 Quarry
  • Gold Food Lord's Manor
    Building lords manor.png
    Culture: Feudal
    Lord's Manor
    City structure Gold Food

    +10 Gold Gold income
    +10 Food Food income
    +100% income from the Governor.

    Requires Town Hall III: Citadel
    Cost: 750 Production 280 Gold
  • Hero skill stand together.png Stand Together
  • Hero skill undying loyalty.png Undying Loyalty
  • Hero skill feudal ruler.png Feudal Ruler
  • Archer
    Ranged Ranged | Tier 1 | Culture: Feudal

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property ranged unit.png
    Unit property ranged unit.png Ranged Unit
    An attack unit that takes out targets from afar. It is somewhat vulnerable.
    • Its Accuracy is affected by Line of Sight.
    • Cannot fire its main ranged attack when Engaged in Melee.
    Unit property stand together.png
    Unit property stand together.png Stand Together
    Unit deals +20% damage when adjacent to another friendly unit with "Stand Together".
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability shoot bow scout unit.png
      Shoot Bow
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability shoot bow scout unit.png
      10 Physical damage
      Repeating action
      Shoot Bow
      90% Accuracy 4 Range
      Fires ranged projectiles at target enemy unit.
      Affected by Line of Sight rules.
      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 80 Draft 60 Gold
    Upkeep: 8 Gold
  • Peasant Pikeman
    Peasant Pikeman
    Polearm Polearm | Tier 1 | Culture: Feudal

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property evolve.png
    Unit property evolve.png Evolve
    This unit will transform into a more powerful unit when it reaches Champion Rank.
    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property polearm unit.png
    Unit property polearm unit.png Polearm Unit
    Specialists in taking out large threats and cavalry and can counter shock unit charges.
    Polearm Units have:
    • First Strike
    • Charge Resistance
    • +40% damage against Cavalry
    • +40% damage against Large Target units
    Unit property charge resistance.png
    Unit property charge resistance.png Charge Resistance
    Unaffected by the bonus effects of Charge attacks.
    Can be counteracted by using Heavy Charge Strike.
    Unit property feudal training.png
    Unit property feudal training.png Feudal Training
    Unit gains +20% more Experience from battle and gets promoted to a Defender unit upon reaching Champion rank.
    Unit property first strike.png
    Unit property first strike.png First Strike
    When attacked, a unit with First Strike will use a Retaliation Attack to attack first.
    Unit property stand together.png
    Unit property stand together.png Stand Together
    Unit deals +20% damage when adjacent to another friendly unit with "Stand Together".
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      Melee Strike
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      11 Physical damage
      Repeating action
      Melee Strike
      100% Accuracy 1 Range
      Strikes target enemy unit.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Champion rank Evolves into: Defender
    Cost: 60 Draft 50 Gold
    Upkeep: 8 Gold
  • Scout
    Scout Scout | Tier 1 | Culture: Feudal

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property cavalry.png
    Unit property cavalry.png Cavalry
    This unit is mounted on an animal.
    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property scout unit.png
    Unit property scout unit.png Scout Unit
    Though weak in battle, these swift units are useful for exploring the world.
    Scout units have Farsight.
    Unit property farsight.png
    Unit property farsight.png Farsight
    The unit has +1 vision range.
    Unit property low maintenance.png
    Unit property low maintenance.png Low Maintenance
    Unit Upkeep reduced by -25%
    Unit property stand together.png
    Unit property stand together.png Stand Together
    Unit deals +20% damage when adjacent to another friendly unit with "Stand Together".
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability shoot bow scout unit.png
      Shoot Bow
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability shoot bow scout unit.png
      6 Physical damage
      Repeating action
      Shoot Bow
      90% Accuracy 4 Range
      Fires ranged projectiles at target enemy unit.
      Affected by Line of Sight rules.
      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 60 Draft 50 Gold
    Upkeep: 8 Gold
  • Bannerman
    Support Support | Tier 2 | Culture: Feudal

    Hit points
    Movement points
    Status resistances 2

    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property support unit.png
    Unit property support unit.png Support Unit
    A defensive specialist that supports friendly units from afar and protects them from magical attacks.
    A Support unit has Defense Mode: Warding.
    Unit property stand together.png
    Unit property stand together.png Stand Together
    Unit deals +20% damage when adjacent to another friendly unit with "Stand Together".
    • Ability type spirit.png
      Unit ability magic blast deep-sea nimu.png
      Banner Smite
      Ability type spirit.png
      Unit ability magic blast deep-sea nimu.png
      16 Spirit damage
      Single use action
      Banner Smite
      90% Accuracy 4 Range
      Single magical attack at target unit.
      • Sundered Defense: Base 60% chance of inflicting Sundered Defense for 3 Turn Turns.

      Affected by Line of Sight rules.
      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability bulwark standard bannerman.png
      Bulwark Standard
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability bulwark standard bannerman.png
      Bulwark Standard
      Always Hits Accuracy 0 Range
      The caster and adjacent friendly units gain:
      • Bolstered Defense
      • Bolstered Resistance

      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
      Cooldown: 1 Turn
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability soothing standard bannerman.png
      Soothing Standard
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability soothing standard bannerman.png
      Soothing Standard
      Always Hits Accuracy 0 Range
      The caster and adjacent friendly units:
      • Heal +20 Temporary hit points Temporary Hit Points.
      • Gain 10 Morale Morale.

      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
      Cooldown: 4 Turn
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode warding.png
      Defense Mode: Warding
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode warding.png
      Defense Mode: Warding
      Ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • +2 Defense Defense.
      • +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Immune to Flank Flanking.
      • All adjacent friendly units gain +3 Resistance Resistance and +3 Status resistance Status Resistance

    Cost: 140 Draft 100 Gold
    Upkeep: 12 Gold
  • Defender
    Shield Shield | Tier 2 | Culture: Feudal

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property optional cavalry.png
    Unit property optional cavalry.png Optional Cavalry
    This unit will become Cavalry if the race has a special mount trait.
    Unit property shield unit.png
    Unit property shield unit.png Shield Unit
    Great at blocking enemies and protecting allies against physical attacks. A Shield unit gains:
    • Shield Defense.
    • Defense Mode: Shield Wall.
    Unit property heavy shield.png
    Unit property heavy shield.png Heavy Shield
    +1 Defense Defense. Ignored by Flank Flanking attacks.
    Unit property shield defense.png
    Unit property shield defense.png Shield Defense
    This unit has +3 Defense Defense against non-Flank Flanking attacks.
    Unit property stand together.png
    Unit property stand together.png Stand Together
    Unit deals +20% damage when adjacent to another friendly unit with "Stand Together".
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      Melee Strike
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      12 Physical damage
      Repeating action
      Melee Strike
      100% Accuracy 1 Range
      Strikes target enemy unit.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode shield wall.png
      Defense Mode: Shield Wall
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode shield wall.png
      Defense Mode: Shield Wall
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • +2 Defense Defense.
      • +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Immune to Flank Flanking.
      • All adjacent friendly units gain +3 Defense Defense.

    Cost: 140 Draft 100 Gold
    Upkeep: 12 Gold
  • Knight
    Shock Shock | Tier 3 | Culture: Feudal

    Hit points
    Movement points
    Status resistances 3

    Unit property cavalry.png
    Unit property cavalry.png Cavalry
    This unit is mounted on an animal.
    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property shock unit.png
    Unit property shock unit.png Shock Unit
    An offensive unit specialized in disrupting the enemy line. A Shock Unit has a Charge attack, which counters Shield Units, but can be countered by Polearm Units.
    Unit property inspiring killer.png
    Unit property inspiring killer.png Inspiring Killer
    This unit grants double the morale bonus to its allies when killing an enemy.
    Unit property stand together.png
    Unit property stand together.png Stand Together
    Unit deals +20% damage when adjacent to another friendly unit with "Stand Together".
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability heavy charge strike ghost ship.png
      Heavy Charge Strike
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability heavy charge strike ghost ship.png
      24 Physical damage
      Single use action
      Heavy Charge Strike
      100% Accuracy 1 Range
      A Heavy Charge attack:
      • Gains 20% damage per hex traveled, up to 3 hexes.
      • Cancels Defense Mode.
      • Removes Retaliation Attack.
      • Heavy Charges ignore Charge Resistance.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 220 Draft 140 Gold
    Upkeep: 20 Gold
  • Units deal +20% Damage when adjacent of a unit with the same culture
  • Enables the Feudal Lord hero skills
Culture High.png High Empire affinity order.png 2 Order
Research post Sunshrine
Building researchpost sunshrine.png
Culture: High
Province improvement Research post

+10 Knowledge Knowledge income.
+3 Knowledge Knowledge per adjacent Research post Research Post.
Friendly Units in this and adjacent Provinces become Encouraged.

Must be built on an acquired province.
Requires Town Hall II: Atrium of Light

Cost: 250 Production 100 Gold
  • Production Draft Artisan Workshop
    Building artisan workshop.png
    Culture: High
    Artisan Workshop
    City structure Production Draft

    +10 Production Production income
    +5 Draft Draft income
    +5 City stability City Stability income

    Requires Town Hall I: Town Center
    Cultural replacement for Workshop

    Cost: 130 Production 60 Gold
    Boost: 1 Quarry
  • Draft Gold Lightforge
    Building lightforge.png
    Culture: High
    City structure Draft Gold

    +15 Draft Draft income
    +5 Gold Gold income

    Requires Artisan Workshop
    Cultural replacement for Blacksmith

    Cost: 250 Production 100 Gold
    Boost: 2 Quarry
  • City stability Solar Nexus
    Building solar nexus.png
    Culture: High
    Solar Nexus
    City structure City stability

    +5 City stability City Stability income per Conduit Conduit
    +5 City stability City Stability income per Research post Research Post

    Requires Town Hall III: Pantheon
    Cost: 450 Production 170 Gold
  • Hero skill twin awaken.png Twin Awaken
  • Hero skill coordinated strike.png Coordinated Strike
  • Hero skill exposing light.png Exposing Light
  • Dawn Defender
    Dawn Defender
    Shield Shield | Tier 1 | Culture: High

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property optional cavalry.png
    Unit property optional cavalry.png Optional Cavalry
    This unit will become Cavalry if the race has a special mount trait.
    Unit property shield unit.png
    Unit property shield unit.png Shield Unit
    Great at blocking enemies and protecting allies against physical attacks. A Shield unit gains:
    • Shield Defense.
    • Defense Mode: Shield Wall.
    Unit property dormant shield of light.png
    Unit property dormant shield of light.png Dormant: Shield of Light
    While Awakened, this unit gains Awakened: Shield of Light.
    Unit property shield defense.png
    Unit property shield defense.png Shield Defense
    This unit has +3 Defense Defense against non-Flank Flanking attacks.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      Melee Strike
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      10 Physical damage
      Repeating action
      Melee Strike
      100% Accuracy 1 Range
      Strikes target enemy unit.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode shield wall.png
      Defense Mode: Shield Wall
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode shield wall.png
      Defense Mode: Shield Wall
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • +2 Defense Defense.
      • +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Immune to Flank Flanking.
      • All adjacent friendly units gain +3 Defense Defense.

    Cost: 80 Draft 60 Gold
    Upkeep: 8 Gold
  • Dusk Hunter
    Dusk Hunter
    Ranged Ranged | Tier 1 | Culture: High

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property ranged unit.png
    Unit property ranged unit.png Ranged Unit
    An attack unit that takes out targets from afar. It is somewhat vulnerable.
    • Its Accuracy is affected by Line of Sight.
    • Cannot fire its main ranged attack when Engaged in Melee.
    Unit property dormant seeking missiles.png
    Unit property dormant seeking missiles.png Dormant: Seeking Missiles
    While Awakened, this unit gains Awakened: Seeking Missiles.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability shoot bow scout unit.png
      Shoot Bow
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability shoot bow scout unit.png
      10 Physical damage
      Repeating action
      Shoot Bow
      90% Accuracy 4 Range
      Fires ranged projectiles at target enemy unit.
      Affected by Line of Sight rules.
      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 80 Draft 60 Gold
    Upkeep: 8 Gold
  • Lightseeker
    Scout Scout | Tier 1 | Culture: High

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property cavalry.png
    Unit property cavalry.png Cavalry
    This unit is mounted on an animal.
    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property scout unit.png
    Unit property scout unit.png Scout Unit
    Though weak in battle, these swift units are useful for exploring the world.
    Scout units have Farsight.
    Unit property farsight.png
    Unit property farsight.png Greater Farsight
    The unit has +2 vision range.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability shoot bow scout unit.png
      Shoot Bow
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability shoot bow scout unit.png
      5 Physical damage
      Repeating action
      Shoot Bow
      90% Accuracy 4 Range
      Fires ranged projectiles at target enemy unit.
      Affected by Line of Sight rules.
      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 60 Draft 50 Gold
    Upkeep: 8 Gold
  • Daylight Spear
    Daylight Spear
    Polearm Polearm | Tier 2 | Culture: High

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property polearm unit.png
    Unit property polearm unit.png Polearm Unit
    Specialists in taking out large threats and cavalry and can counter shock unit charges.
    Polearm Units have:
    • First Strike
    • Charge Resistance
    • +40% damage against Cavalry
    • +40% damage against Large Target units
    Unit property charge resistance.png
    Unit property charge resistance.png Charge Resistance
    Unaffected by the bonus effects of Charge attacks.
    Can be counteracted by using Heavy Charge Strike.
    Unit property dormant guardian.png
    Unit property dormant guardian.png Dormant: Guardian
    While Awakened, this unit gains Awakened: Guardian.
    Unit property first strike.png
    Unit property first strike.png First Strike
    When attacked, a unit with First Strike will use a Retaliation Attack to attack first.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      Melee Strike
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      14 Physical damage
      Repeating action
      Melee Strike
      100% Accuracy 1 Range
      Strikes target enemy unit.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 140 Draft 100 Gold
    Upkeep: 12 Gold
  • Sun Priest
    Sun Priest
    Support Support | Tier 2 | Culture: High

    Hit points
    Movement points
    Status resistances 2

    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property support unit.png
    Unit property support unit.png Support Unit
    A defensive specialist that supports friendly units from afar and protects them from magical attacks.
    A Support unit has Defense Mode: Warding.
    Unit property dormant radiant light.png
    Unit property dormant radiant light.png Dormant: Radiant Light
    While Awakened, this unit gains Awakened: Radiant Light.
    • Ability type spirit.png
      Unit ability magic blast deep-sea nimu.png
      Spirit Blast
      Ability type spirit.png
      Unit ability magic blast deep-sea nimu.png
      16 Spirit damage
      Single use action
      Spirit Blast
      90% Accuracy 4 Range
      Single magical attack at target unit.
      Affected by Line of Sight rules.
      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability twin awakening sun priest.png
      Twin Awakening
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability twin awakening sun priest.png
      Twin Awakening
      Always Hits Accuracy 4 Range
      Target friendly unit and another non-Awakened unit within 2 hexes become Awakened for 3 Turn.
      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
      Cooldown: 1 Turn
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability mending awakening sun priest.png
      Mending Awakening
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability mending awakening sun priest.png
      Mending Awakening
      Always Hits Accuracy 4 Range
      Target friendly unit:
      • Heals +30 Temporary hit points Temporary Hit Points.
      • Becomes Awakened for 3 Turn.

      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
      Cooldown: 2 Turn
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode warding.png
      Defense Mode: Warding
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode warding.png
      Defense Mode: Warding
      Ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • +2 Defense Defense.
      • +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Immune to Flank Flanking.
      • All adjacent friendly units gain +3 Resistance Resistance and +3 Status resistance Status Resistance

    Cost: 140 Draft 100 Gold
    Upkeep: 12 Gold
  • Awakener
    Battle Mage Battle Mage | Tier 3 | Culture: High

    Hit points
    Movement points
    Status resistances 3

    Unit property battle mage unit.png
    Unit property battle mage unit.png Battle Mage Unit
    Magic users who specialize in ranged offense and weakening enemies.
    • Their Accuracy is affected by Line of Sight.
    • Cannot use their main Magic attacks when Engaged in Melee.
    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property optional cavalry.png
    Unit property optional cavalry.png Optional Cavalry
    This unit will become Cavalry if the race has a special mount trait.
    Unit property dormant seeking missiles.png
    Unit property dormant seeking missiles.png Dormant: Seeking Missiles
    While Awakened, this unit gains Awakened: Seeking Missiles.
    • Ability type spirit.png
      Unit ability magic bolts elya.png
      Spirit Bolts
      Ability type spirit.png
      Unit ability magic bolts elya.png
      12 Spirit damage
      Repeating action
      Spirit Bolts
      90% Accuracy 4 Range
      Unleashes a magical bolt at target enemy.
      Affected by Line of Sight rules.
      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability awaken sun priest.png
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability awaken sun priest.png
      Always Hits Accuracy 4 Range
      Target friendly unit gains Awakened for 3 Turn.
      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
      Cooldown: 1 Turn
    • Ability type spirit.png
      Unit ability exposing light awakener.png
      Exposing Light
      Ability type spirit.png
      Unit ability exposing light awakener.png
      22 Spirit damage
      Full action
      Exposing Light
      Always Hits Accuracy 6 Range
      Deals damage in a 1-hex radius.
      • Sundered Defense: Inflict Sundered Defense for 3 Turn Turns.
      • Sundered Resistance: Inflict Sundered Resistance for 3 Turn Turns.

      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
      Cooldown: 2 Turn
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 220 Draft 140 Gold
    Upkeep: 20 Gold
  • Awakened Units have +4 Spirit Damage on Base Attacks
  • Awakened Units activate any Dormant Traits
  • +10 Alignment
  • +25 City Stability if Pure Good alignment
  • +10 Food and Production per City Stability Level if Neutral alignment
  • Unit starts combat with Awakened if Pure Evil alignment
Culture Industrious.png Industrious Empire affinity materium.png 2 Materium
Quarry Builder's Quarters
Building quarry builders quarters.png
Culture: Industrious
Builder's Quarters
Province improvement Quarry

+15 Production Production income.
+5 Production Production per adjacent Quarry Quarry.

Must be built on an acquired province.
Requires Town Hall II: Bulwark

Cost: 250 Production 100 Gold
  • Food Production Worker's Farmstead
    Building workers farmstead.png
    Culture: Industrious
    Worker's Farmstead
    City structure Food Production

    +5 Food Food income
    +5 Production Production income

    Requires Town Hall I: Town Center
    Cultural replacement for Store House

    Cost: 130 Production 60 Gold
    Boost: 1 Forester
  • Food Production Grand Mill
    Building grand mill.png
    Culture: Industrious
    Grand Mill
    City structure Food Production

    +15 Food Food income
    +5 Production Production income

    Requires Worker's Farmstead
    Cultural replacement for Granary

    Cost: 250 Production 100 Gold
    Boost: 2 Forester
  • Fortification health City stability Bastion's Barricade
    Building bastions barricade.png
    Culture: Industrious
    Bastion's Barricade
    City structure Fortification health City stability

    +20 Fortification health Fortification Health
    +10 City stability City Stability income
    Grants 2 Bastions on the defender's side when fighting a defensive siege.

    Requires Town Hall III: Forge Tower
    Cost: 250 Production 100 Gold
  • City tier Town Hall III: Forge Tower
    Building town hall iii forge tower.png
    Culture: Industrious
    Town Hall III: Forge Tower
    City structure City tier

    +1 Province Annex Range
    +10 Gold Gold income
    Buy Now costs 20% less.
    Unlocks tier 3 cultural unit:
    Shield Shield | Tier 3 | Culture: Industrious

    Hit points
    Movement points
    Status resistances 3

    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property optional cavalry.png
    Unit property optional cavalry.png Optional Cavalry
    This unit will become Cavalry if the race has a special mount trait.
    Unit property shield unit.png
    Unit property shield unit.png Shield Unit
    Great at blocking enemies and protecting allies against physical attacks. A Shield unit gains:
    • Shield Defense.
    • Defense Mode: Shield Wall.
    Unit property bolstering.png
    Unit property bolstering.png Bolstering
    Once per turn this unit gains:
    • Bolstered Defense when hit by a Melee or Physical Ranged attack.
    • Bolstered Resistance when hit by a Magic attack.
    Unit property shield defense.png
    Unit property shield defense.png Shield Defense
    This unit has +3 Defense Defense against non-Flank Flanking attacks.
    Unit property watchful.png
    Unit property watchful.png Watchful
    Unit has +1 Retaliation Attack.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      Melee Strike
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      12 Physical damage
      Repeating action
      Melee Strike
      100% Accuracy 1 Range
      Strikes target enemy unit.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability inspiring defense bastion.png
      Inspiring Defense
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability inspiring defense bastion.png
      Inspiring Defense
      Always Hits Accuracy 0 Range
      Unit enters Defense Mode, then it and adjacent friendly units gain Bolstered Defense.
      Cooldown: 1 Turn
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode shield wall.png
      Defense Mode: Shield Wall
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode shield wall.png
      Defense Mode: Shield Wall
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • +2 Defense Defense.
      • +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Immune to Flank Flanking.
      • All adjacent friendly units gain +3 Defense Defense.

    Cost: 220 Draft 140 Gold
    Upkeep: 20 Gold

    Requires Town Hall II: Bulwark
    Cost: 320 Production 320 Gold
    Boost: 10 Population
  • City tier Town Hall IV: Industry Compound
    Building town hall iv industry compound.png
    Culture: Industrious
    Town Hall IV: Industry Compound
    City structure City tier

    +1 Province Annex Range
    +10 Gold Gold income
    +2 City stability City Stability income per Population Population
    Production Conversions convert an additional 10%.

    Requires Town Hall III: Forge Tower
    Cost: 660 Production 660 Gold
    Boost: 15 Population
  • Hero skill bolstering.png Bolstering
  • Hero skill defense training.png Defense Training
  • Hero skill defensive master.png Defensive Master
  • Anvil Guard
    Anvil Guard
    Shield Shield | Tier 1 | Culture: Industrious

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property shield unit.png
    Unit property shield unit.png Shield Unit
    Great at blocking enemies and protecting allies against physical attacks. A Shield unit gains:
    • Shield Defense.
    • Defense Mode: Shield Wall.
    Unit property bolstering.png
    Unit property bolstering.png Bolstering
    Once per turn this unit gains:
    • Bolstered Defense when hit by a Melee or Physical Ranged attack.
    • Bolstered Resistance when hit by a Magic attack.
    Unit property shield defense.png
    Unit property shield defense.png Shield Defense
    This unit has +3 Defense Defense against non-Flank Flanking attacks.
    Unit property watchful.png
    Unit property watchful.png Watchful
    Unit has +1 Retaliation Attack.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      Melee Strike
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      8 Physical damage
      Repeating action
      Melee Strike
      100% Accuracy 1 Range
      Strikes target enemy unit.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability taunt anvil guard.png
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability taunt anvil guard.png
      Always Hits Accuracy 1 Range
      Target enemy unit is inflicted with a base 90% chance of becoming Taunted for 3 Turn Turns. The unit that used the skill enters Defense Mode.
      Cooldown: 2 Turn
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode shield wall.png
      Defense Mode: Shield Wall
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode shield wall.png
      Defense Mode: Shield Wall
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • +2 Defense Defense.
      • +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Immune to Flank Flanking.
      • All adjacent friendly units gain +3 Defense Defense.

    Cost: 80 Draft 60 Gold
    Upkeep: 8 Gold
  • Arbalest
    Ranged Ranged | Tier 1 | Culture: Industrious

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property optional cavalry.png
    Unit property optional cavalry.png Optional Cavalry
    This unit will become Cavalry if the race has a special mount trait.
    Unit property ranged unit.png
    Unit property ranged unit.png Ranged Unit
    An attack unit that takes out targets from afar. It is somewhat vulnerable.
    • Its Accuracy is affected by Line of Sight.
    • Cannot fire its main ranged attack when Engaged in Melee.
    Unit property bolstering.png
    Unit property bolstering.png Bolstering
    Once per turn this unit gains:
    • Bolstered Defense when hit by a Melee or Physical Ranged attack.
    • Bolstered Resistance when hit by a Magic attack.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability shoot crossbow arbalest.png
      Shoot Crossbow
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability shoot crossbow arbalest.png
      20 Physical damage
      Single use action
      Shoot Crossbow
      90% Accuracy 4 Range
      Fires ranged projectiles at target enemy unit.
      Affected by Line of Sight rules.
      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability overdraw crossbow arbalest.png
      Overdraw Crossbow
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability overdraw crossbow arbalest.png
      30 Physical damage
      Full action
      Overdraw Crossbow
      90% Accuracy 4 Range
      Deals damage, cancels Defense Mode, and removes Retaliation Attack, unless the target has Charge Resistance.
      Affected by Line of Sight rules.
      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 80 Draft 60 Gold
    Upkeep: 8 Gold
  • Pioneer
    Scout Scout | Tier 1 | Culture: Industrious

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property cavalry.png
    Unit property cavalry.png Cavalry
    This unit is mounted on an animal.
    Unit property expedited movement (underground).png
    Unit property expedited movement (underground).png Expedited Movement (Underground)
    This unit has increased movement on Cavern Floor, Mushroom Forest, Fungus Fields and Rocky.
    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property scout unit.png
    Unit property scout unit.png Scout Unit
    Though weak in battle, these swift units are useful for exploring the world.
    Scout units have Farsight.
    Unit property farsight.png
    Unit property farsight.png Farsight
    The unit has +1 vision range.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability shoot crossbow arbalest.png
      Shoot Crossbow
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability shoot crossbow arbalest.png
      12 Physical damage
      Single use action
      Shoot Crossbow
      90% Accuracy 4 Range
      Fires ranged projectiles at target enemy unit.
      Affected by Line of Sight rules.
      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 60 Draft 50 Gold
    Upkeep: 8 Gold
  • Halberdier
    Polearm Polearm | Tier 2 | Culture: Industrious

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property polearm unit.png
    Unit property polearm unit.png Polearm Unit
    Specialists in taking out large threats and cavalry and can counter shock unit charges.
    Polearm Units have:
    • First Strike
    • Charge Resistance
    • +40% damage against Cavalry
    • +40% damage against Large Target units
    Unit property bolstering.png
    Unit property bolstering.png Bolstering
    Once per turn this unit gains:
    • Bolstered Defense when hit by a Melee or Physical Ranged attack.
    • Bolstered Resistance when hit by a Magic attack.
    Unit property charge resistance.png
    Unit property charge resistance.png Charge Resistance
    Unaffected by the bonus effects of Charge attacks.
    Can be counteracted by using Heavy Charge Strike.
    Unit property first strike.png
    Unit property first strike.png First Strike
    When attacked, a unit with First Strike will use a Retaliation Attack to attack first.
    Unit property rune of retaliation.png
    Unit property rune of retaliation.png Rune of Retaliation
    Reflects 40% of damage sustained from Melee attacks back onto attackers.
    Unit property watchful.png
    Unit property watchful.png Watchful
    Unit has +1 Retaliation Attack.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      Melee Strike
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      12 Physical damage
      Repeating action
      Melee Strike
      100% Accuracy 1 Range
      Strikes target enemy unit.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 140 Draft 100 Gold
    Upkeep: 12 Gold
  • Steelshaper
    Support Support | Tier 2 | Culture: Industrious

    Hit points
    Movement points
    Status resistances 2

    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property support unit.png
    Unit property support unit.png Support Unit
    A defensive specialist that supports friendly units from afar and protects them from magical attacks.
    A Support unit has Defense Mode: Warding.
    Unit property bolstering.png
    Unit property bolstering.png Bolstering
    Once per turn this unit gains:
    • Bolstered Defense when hit by a Melee or Physical Ranged attack.
    • Bolstered Resistance when hit by a Magic attack.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability magic blast deep-sea nimu.png
      Steel Blast
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability magic blast deep-sea nimu.png
      16 Physical damage
      Single use action
      Steel Blast
      90% Accuracy 4 Range
      Single magical attack at target unit.
      Affected by Line of Sight rules.
      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability strength from steel steelshaper.png
      Strength From Steel
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability strength from steel steelshaper.png
      Strength From Steel
      Always Hits Accuracy 4 Range
      Target friendly unit loses all stacks of Bolstered Defense and Bolstered Resistance. For each stack lost:
      • Heals +8 Temporary hit points Temporary Hit Points.
      • Gains 1 Strengthened.

      Cooldown: 1 Turn
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability grant defense steelshaper.png
      Grant Defense
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability grant defense steelshaper.png
      Grant Defense
      Always Hits Accuracy 4 Range
      Target friendly unit gains 2 Bolstered Defense.
      Cooldown: 1 Turn
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode warding.png
      Defense Mode: Warding
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode warding.png
      Defense Mode: Warding
      Ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • +2 Defense Defense.
      • +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Immune to Flank Flanking.
      • All adjacent friendly units gain +3 Resistance Resistance and +3 Status resistance Status Resistance

    Cost: 140 Draft 100 Gold
    Upkeep: 12 Gold
  • Bastion
    Shield Shield | Tier 3 | Culture: Industrious

    Hit points
    Movement points
    Status resistances 3

    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property optional cavalry.png
    Unit property optional cavalry.png Optional Cavalry
    This unit will become Cavalry if the race has a special mount trait.
    Unit property shield unit.png
    Unit property shield unit.png Shield Unit
    Great at blocking enemies and protecting allies against physical attacks. A Shield unit gains:
    • Shield Defense.
    • Defense Mode: Shield Wall.
    Unit property bolstering.png
    Unit property bolstering.png Bolstering
    Once per turn this unit gains:
    • Bolstered Defense when hit by a Melee or Physical Ranged attack.
    • Bolstered Resistance when hit by a Magic attack.
    Unit property shield defense.png
    Unit property shield defense.png Shield Defense
    This unit has +3 Defense Defense against non-Flank Flanking attacks.
    Unit property watchful.png
    Unit property watchful.png Watchful
    Unit has +1 Retaliation Attack.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      Melee Strike
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      12 Physical damage
      Repeating action
      Melee Strike
      100% Accuracy 1 Range
      Strikes target enemy unit.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability inspiring defense bastion.png
      Inspiring Defense
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability inspiring defense bastion.png
      Inspiring Defense
      Always Hits Accuracy 0 Range
      Unit enters Defense Mode, then it and adjacent friendly units gain Bolstered Defense.
      Cooldown: 1 Turn
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode shield wall.png
      Defense Mode: Shield Wall
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode shield wall.png
      Defense Mode: Shield Wall
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • +2 Defense Defense.
      • +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Immune to Flank Flanking.
      • All adjacent friendly units gain +3 Defense Defense.

    Cost: 220 Draft 140 Gold
    Upkeep: 20 Gold
  • Once per turn each unit gains Bolstered Defense and Bolstered resistance
  • Scout Units can Prospect in friendly or neutral provinces
Culture Mystic.png Mystic Empire affinity astral.png 2 Astral
Conduit Mystic Abbey
Building conduit mystic abbey.png
Culture: Mystic
Mystic Abbey
Province improvement Conduit

+10 Mana Mana income.
+3 Knowledge Knowledge per adjacent Conduit Conduit or Research post Research Post.

Must be built on an acquired province.
Requires Town Hall II: Mage's Plaza

Cost: 250 Production 100 Gold
  • Production Draft Evocator's Abode
    Building evocators abode.png
    Culture: Mystic
    Evocator's Abode
    City structure Production Draft

    +5 Production Production income
    +10 Draft Draft income
    +5 Mana Mana income

    Requires Town Hall I: Town Center
    Cultural replacement for Workshop

    Cost: 130 Production 60 Gold
    Boost: 1 Farm
  • Production Mana Stone Conjurer
    Building stone conjurer.png
    Culture: Mystic
    Stone Conjurer
    City structure Production Mana

    +10 Production Production income
    +5 Mana Mana income

    Requires Evocator's Abode
    Cultural replacement for Stonemason

    Cost: 250 Production 100 Gold
    Boost: 2 Farm
  • Altar of the All-Seers
    Building altar of the all-seers.png
    Culture: Mystic
    Altar of the All-Seers
    City structure

    Grants All-Seers Blessing to every Unit produced in this City.
    Can only be built in the Throne City.
    Requires Town Hall III: Mystic Spire

    Cost: 750 Production 280 Gold
  • City tier Town Hall IV: Wizard's Auditorium
    Building town hall iv wizards auditorium.png
    Culture: Mystic
    Town Hall IV: Wizard's Auditorium
    City structure City tier

    +1 Province Annex Range
    +10 Gold Gold income
    +2 City stability City Stability income per Population Population
    10 World casting points World Map Casting Points and Combat casting points Combat Casting Points.

    Requires Town Hall III: Mystic Spire
    Cost: 800 Production 800 Gold
    Boost: 15 Population
  • Hero skill attunement star blades.png Attunement: Star Blades
  • Hero skill resistance training.png Resistance Training
  • Hero skill combat casting.png Combat Casting
  • Arcane Guard
    Arcane Guard
    Polearm Polearm | Tier 1 | Culture: Mystic

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property polearm unit.png
    Unit property polearm unit.png Polearm Unit
    Specialists in taking out large threats and cavalry and can counter shock unit charges.
    Polearm Units have:
    • First Strike
    • Charge Resistance
    • +40% damage against Cavalry
    • +40% damage against Large Target units
    Unit property attunement star blades.png
    Unit property attunement star blades.png Attunement: Star Blades
    When a spell is cast, this unit's base attack randomly gains +1 Fire damage Fire Damage, Lightning damage Lightning Damage, or Frost damage Frost Damage for 3 Turn Turns.
    Stacks up to 3 times.
    Unit property charge resistance.png
    Unit property charge resistance.png Charge Resistance
    Unaffected by the bonus effects of Charge attacks.
    Can be counteracted by using Heavy Charge Strike.
    Unit property first strike.png
    Unit property first strike.png First Strike
    When attacked, a unit with First Strike will use a Retaliation Attack to attack first.
    • Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      Melee Strike
      Ability type physical.png
      Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
      12 Physical damage
      Repeating action
      Melee Strike
      100% Accuracy 1 Range
      Strikes target enemy unit.
      • Sundered Resistance: Base 90% chance of inflicting Sundered Resistance for 3 Turn Turns.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 80 Draft 60 Gold
    Upkeep: 8 Gold
  • Arcanist
    Battle Mage Battle Mage | Tier 1 | Culture: Mystic

    Hit points
    Movement points

    Unit property battle mage unit.png
    Unit property battle mage unit.png Battle Mage Unit
    Magic users who specialize in ranged offense and weakening enemies.
    • Their Accuracy is affected by Line of Sight.
    • Cannot use their main Magic attacks when Engaged in Melee.
    Unit property land movement.png
    Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
    This unit can move over land hexes.
    Unit property attunement star blades.png
    Unit property attunement star blades.png Attunement: Star Blades
    When a spell is cast, this unit's base attack randomly gains +1 Fire damage Fire Damage, Lightning damage Lightning Damage, or Frost damage Frost Damage for 3 Turn Turns.
    Stacks up to 3 times.
    • Ability type lightning.png
      Unit ability magic bolts elya.png
      Cosmic Bolts
      Ability type lightning.png
      Unit ability magic bolts elya.png
      3 Lightning damage 3 Fire damage 3 Frost damage
      Repeating action
      Cosmic Bolts
      90% Accuracy 4 Range
      Unleashes a magical bolt at target enemy.
      Affected by Line of Sight rules.
      Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
    • Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      Ability type default.png
      Unit ability defense mode.png
      Defense Mode
      This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
      • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
      • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
      • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
      • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

    Cost: 80 Draft 60 Gold
    Upkeep: 8 Gold
  • Mystic Projection
    Mystic Projection
    Scout Scout | Tier 1 | Culture: Mystic

    Hit points
    Movement points
    Spirit resistance 2 Lightning weakness 4

    Unit property ethereal.png
    Unit property ethereal.png Ethereal
    An Ethereal unit with:
    • 2 Spirit resistance Spirit Resistance
    • -4 Lightning resistance Lightning Resistance
    • Pass Through
    • Immunity to:
      • Bleeding
      • Burning
      • Diseased
      • Frozen
      • Immobilized
      • Poisoned
      • Wet
      Unit property floating.png
      Unit property floating.png Floating
      This unit is Floating:
      • Moves through any type of terrain at a movement cost of 5, apart from Mountains, which cost 8.
      • Requires Seafaring to traverse the water.
      Unit property scout unit.png
      Unit property scout unit.png Scout Unit
      Though weak in battle, these swift units are useful for exploring the world.
      Scout units have Farsight.
      Unit property farsight.png
      Unit property farsight.png Farsight
      The unit has +1 vision range.
      Unit property pass through.png
      Unit property pass through.png Pass Through
      This unit can move through obstacles.
      • Ability type lightning.png
        Unit ability magic bolts elya.png
        Cosmic Bolts
        Ability type lightning.png
        Unit ability magic bolts elya.png
        1 Lightning damage 1 Fire damage 1 Frost damage
        Repeating action
        Cosmic Bolts
        90% Accuracy 4 Range
        Unleashes a magical bolt at target enemy.
        Affected by Line of Sight rules.
        Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
      • Ability type default.png
        Unit ability defense mode.png
        Defense Mode
        Ability type default.png
        Unit ability defense mode.png
        Defense Mode
        This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
        • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
        • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
        • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
        • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

      Cost: 60 Draft 50 Gold
      Upkeep: 8 Gold
    • Soother
      Support Support | Tier 2 | Culture: Mystic

      Hit points
      Movement points
      Status resistances 2

      Unit property land movement.png
      Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
      This unit can move over land hexes.
      Unit property support unit.png
      Unit property support unit.png Support Unit
      A defensive specialist that supports friendly units from afar and protects them from magical attacks.
      A Support unit has Defense Mode: Warding.
      Unit property spell channeling.png
      Unit property spell channeling.png Spell Channeling
      While this unit is in battle, spells are 20% cheaper to cast.
      Doesn't stack.
      • Ability type lightning.png
        Unit ability magic blast deep-sea nimu.png
        Cosmic Blast
        Ability type lightning.png
        Unit ability magic blast deep-sea nimu.png
        5 Lightning damage 5 Fire damage 5 Frost damage
        Single use action
        Cosmic Blast
        90% Accuracy 4 Range
        Single magical attack at target unit.
        Affected by Line of Sight rules.
        Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
      • Ability type default.png
        Unit ability soothing breeze soother.png
        Soothing Breeze
        Ability type default.png
        Unit ability soothing breeze soother.png
        Soothing Breeze
        Always Hits Accuracy 4 Range
        Target friendly unit and another within 2 hexes heal +20 Temporary hit points Temporary Hit Points.
        Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
        Cooldown: 2 Turn
      • Ability type default.png
        Unit ability defense mode warding.png
        Defense Mode: Warding
        Ability type default.png
        Unit ability defense mode warding.png
        Defense Mode: Warding
        Ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode:
        • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
        • +2 Defense Defense.
        • +2 Resistance Resistance.
        • Immune to Flank Flanking.
        • All adjacent friendly units gain +3 Resistance Resistance and +3 Status resistance Status Resistance

      Cost: 140 Draft 100 Gold
      Upkeep: 12 Gold
    • Spellshield
      Shield Shield | Tier 2 | Culture: Mystic

      Hit points
      Movement points

      Unit property land movement.png
      Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
      This unit can move over land hexes.
      Unit property optional cavalry.png
      Unit property optional cavalry.png Optional Cavalry
      This unit will become Cavalry if the race has a special mount trait.
      Unit property shield unit.png
      Unit property shield unit.png Shield Unit
      Great at blocking enemies and protecting allies against physical attacks. A Shield unit gains:
      • Shield Defense.
      • Defense Mode: Shield Wall.
      Unit property attunement star blades.png
      Unit property attunement star blades.png Attunement: Star Blades
      When a spell is cast, this unit's base attack randomly gains +1 Fire damage Fire Damage, Lightning damage Lightning Damage, or Frost damage Frost Damage for 3 Turn Turns.
      Stacks up to 3 times.
      Unit property shield defense.png
      Unit property shield defense.png Shield Defense
      This unit has +3 Defense Defense against non-Flank Flanking attacks.
      • Ability type physical.png
        Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
        Melee Strike
        Ability type physical.png
        Unit ability melee strike nimu.png
        12 Physical damage
        Repeating action
        Melee Strike
        100% Accuracy 1 Range
        Strikes target enemy unit.
        • Sundered Resistance: Base 90% chance of inflicting Sundered Resistance for 3 Turn Turns.
      • Ability type lightning.png
        Unit ability stunning flash spellshield.png
        Stunning Flash
        Ability type lightning.png
        Unit ability stunning flash spellshield.png
        3 Lightning damage 3 Fire damage 3 Frost damage
        Single use action
        Stunning Flash
        Always Hits Accuracy 0 Range
        Damages adjacent enemy units.
        • Stunned: Base 60% chance of inflicting Stunned for 1 Turn Turn.

        Cooldown: 2 Turn
      • Ability type default.png
        Unit ability defense mode shield wall.png
        Defense Mode: Shield Wall
        Ability type default.png
        Unit ability defense mode shield wall.png
        Defense Mode: Shield Wall
        This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode:
        • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
        • +2 Defense Defense.
        • +2 Resistance Resistance.
        • Immune to Flank Flanking.
        • All adjacent friendly units gain +3 Defense Defense.

      Cost: 140 Draft 100 Gold
      Upkeep: 12 Gold
    • Spellbreaker
      Battle Mage Battle Mage | Tier 3 | Culture: Mystic

      Hit points
      Movement points
      Status resistances 3

      Unit property battle mage unit.png
      Unit property battle mage unit.png Battle Mage Unit
      Magic users who specialize in ranged offense and weakening enemies.
      • Their Accuracy is affected by Line of Sight.
      • Cannot use their main Magic attacks when Engaged in Melee.
      Unit property cavalry.png
      Unit property cavalry.png Cavalry
      This unit is mounted on an animal.
      Unit property land movement.png
      Unit property land movement.png Land Movement
      This unit can move over land hexes.
      Unit property attunement star blades.png
      Unit property attunement star blades.png Attunement: Star Blades
      When a spell is cast, this unit's base attack randomly gains +1 Fire damage Fire Damage, Lightning damage Lightning Damage, or Frost damage Frost Damage for 3 Turn Turns.
      Stacks up to 3 times.
      • Ability type lightning.png
        Unit ability magic bolts elya.png
        Cosmic Bolts
        Ability type lightning.png
        Unit ability magic bolts elya.png
        4 Lightning damage 4 Fire damage 4 Frost damage
        Repeating action
        Cosmic Bolts
        90% Accuracy 4 Range
        Unleashes a magical bolt at target enemy.
        Affected by Line of Sight rules.
        Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
      • Ability type lightning.png
        Unit ability star purge spellbreaker.png
        Star Purge
        Ability type lightning.png
        Unit ability star purge spellbreaker.png
        6 Lightning damage 6 Fire damage 6 Frost damage
        Full action
        Star Purge
        Always Hits Accuracy 6 Range
        Target enemy units in a 1-hex radius:
        • Lose all positive status effects.
        • Sustain damage. Double damage to Magic Origin units.

        Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
        Cooldown: 2 Turn
      • Ability type default.png
        Unit ability attuned cast spellbreaker.png
        Attuned Cast
        Ability type default.png
        Unit ability attuned cast spellbreaker.png
        Attuned Cast
        Always Hits Accuracy 0 Range
        Add 10 Combat casting points Combat Casting Points to this combat.
        Cannot be used when within an enemy Zone of Control.
        Cooldown: 3 Turn
      • Ability type default.png
        Unit ability defense mode.png
        Defense Mode
        Ability type default.png
        Unit ability defense mode.png
        Defense Mode
        This unit ends its turn and goes into a defensive mode. The unit:
        • Extends its Zone of Control to all adjacent hexes.
        • Gains +2 Defense Defense.
        • Gains +2 Resistance Resistance.
        • Becomes immune to Flank Flanking.

      Cost: 220 Draft 140 Gold
      Upkeep: 20 Gold
    • Units have Attunement: Star Blades
    • Can see Astral Echoes pickups

    Society traits[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

    Each race has two society traits. A few of them also increase or decrease the starting alignment.

    Society trait Affinity Alignment Effects Starting bonus Excludes Description
    Society trait chosen uniters.png Chosen Uniters Empire affinity order.png Order Good alignment
    • +30% Income from Vassals
    • +1 Rank for Shield units
    • +1 Rank for Polearm units
    • +1 Resource whispering stones.png whispering stone
    Extra Shield unit or Polearm unit
    • Society trait ritual cannibals.png Ritual Cannibals
    • Society trait ruthless raiders.png Ruthless Raiders
    • Society trait scions of evil.png Scions of Evil
    The strive to build a realm based on cooperation, but will not hesitate to defend it.
    Society trait devotees of good.png Devotees of Good Empire affinity order.png Order Good alignment
    • +10 City Stability per Good alignment good alignment level
    • +5 Imperium per Good alignment good alignment level
    • +1 Rank for Support units
    • +1 Rank for Polearm units
    Extra Support unit or Polearm unit
    • Society trait ritual cannibals.png Ritual Cannibals
    • Society trait ruthless raiders.png Ruthless Raiders
    • Society trait scions of evil.png Scions of Evil
    They share pure intentions, compassion and an unerring devotion to the cause of Good.
    Society trait imperialists.png Imperialists Empire affinity order.png Order Neutral alignment
    • +20 City Stability for Throne City
    • +20 City Stability for cities that share a border with it
    • +20 Gold Income for Throne City
    • +20 Gold Income for cities that share a border with it
    1 Population Society trait adept settlers.png Adept Settlers They are focused on the glory of their empire and the development of their cities.
    Society trait bannerlords.png Bannerlords Pantheon.png Empire affinity order.png Order Neutral alignment

    Rally of the Lieges occur twice as often.

    Nearest Free City revealed and +25 Allegiance with them. Society trait chosen destroyers.png Chosen Destroyers Pantheon.png They value and cultivate good relationships with their vassals, raising their banners in times of war.
    File:Society trait relentless crusaders.png Relentless Crusaders Pantheon.png Empire affinity order.png Order Good alignment
    • Gain 2 Resource imperium.png Imperium for each Empire unit killed after successful combat. This increases by +1 per Evil alignment evil alignment of the faction they belonged to.
    • Gain +30 Grievances against players with an Evil alignment evil alignment.
    Society trait prolific swarmers.png Prolific Swarmers Empire affinity chaos.png Chaos Neutral alignment
    • -10% Food requires to grow Population
    • -20% upkeep for non-Magic Origin units
    • +1 Rank for tier I units
    Extra tier I unit They find their strength in fast population growth and overwhelming numbers.
    Society trait ritual cannibals.png Ritual Cannibals Empire affinity chaos.png Chaos Evil alignment
    • Units gain the Corpse Eating ability
    • Nearest City gains +3 Food and Mana per tier of non-Magic Origin units killed or lost in a victory
    • Society trait chosen uniters.png Chosen Uniters
    • Society trait devotees of good.png Devotees of Good
    The believe both in the spiritual power of life... and in the value of a good banquet.
    Society trait ruthless raiders.png Ruthless Raiders Empire affinity chaos.png Chaos Evil alignment
    • Nearest City gains +3 Resource unit production.png draft and Resource gold.png gold per tier of units killed in a victory
    2 Random Hero Items
    • Society trait chosen uniters.png Chosen Uniters
    • Society trait devotees of good.png Devotees of Good
    They murder without remorse, more interested in loot and plunder than right or wrong.
    Society trait chosen destroyers.png Chosen Destroyers Pantheon.png Empire affinity chaos.png Chaos Neutral alignment
    • Razing cities gives a permanent +40 Resource gold.png gold, Resource mana.png mana and Resource knowledge.png knowledge income.
    • Cannot obtain new cities and conquered cities can only be razed.
    • Suffer -300 relations with all free cities and empires
    They are warmongers and destroyers, choosing violence over diplomacy any time they can.
    File:Society trait merciless slavers.png Merciless Slavers Pantheon.png Empire affinity chaos.png Chaos Neutral alignment
    • Routing units are captured if your side is victorious in combat.
    War Slaves empire skill
    Society trait ancient wise ones.png Ancient Wise Ones Empire affinity astral.png Astral Neutral alignment When a Tome is unlocked, a random skill from it costs 60% less 1 Random Research Skill
    • Society trait gifted casters.png Gifted Casters
    • Society trait shadow walkers.png Shadow Walkers
    They have been around since the start of history, homing their minds in the pursuit of arcane knowledge.
    Society trait gifted casters.png Gifted Casters Empire affinity astral.png Astral Neutral alignment
    • +10 World Map Casting Points
    • +10 Combat Casting Points
    • -20% Combat Casting Cost
    Extra Combat Spell unlocked
    • Society trait ancient wise ones.png Ancient Wise Ones
    • Society trait shadow walkers.png Shadow Walkers
    They are blessed with an innate talent for spellcasting, rarely encountering problems that can't be solved by an abundant use of magic.
    Society trait hermit kingdom.png Hermit Kingdom Empire affinity astral.png Astral Neutral alignment
    • Cities gain +15% Resource food.png Food, +15% Resource structure production.png Production, +15% Resource knowledge.png Knowledge and +20 Morale.png City Stability income when their Domain does not border the domain of any other City or Outpost.
    • +100% Grievances from encroaching on your territory.
    100 Imperium They seek only to be left alone to their studies and will aggressively protect their studious isolation from any disturbances.
    Society trait mana channelers.png Mana Channelers Empire affinity astral.png Astral Neutral alignment
    • -50% Summoning Spells Mana Cost
    • +1 Rank for Magic Origin units
    Extra Magic Origin unit They are attuned to the Astral Flows and support their armies by channeling arcane powers.
    Society trait mana addicts.png Mana Addicts Pantheon.png Empire affinity astral.png Astral Neutral alignment
    • All units gain Attunement: Mana Addicted
    • +1 Rank for Battle Mage and Support units
    Extra Battle Mage or Support unit They are attuned to the Astral Flows and support their armies by channeling arcane powers.
    Society trait adept settlers.png Adept Settlers Empire affinity nature.png Nature Neutral alignment
    • -25% Founding Cities Imperium Cost
    • +1 Population for new Cites
    1 Expanded Governance rite Society trait imperialists.png Imperialists They are pioneers and settlers, founding cities wherever they go.
    Society trait experienced seafarers.png Experienced Seafarers Empire affinity nature.png Nature Neutral alignment
    • Coast and River provinces yield +2 Resource food.png food, Resource unit production.png draft, and Resource gold.png gold
    • +20% Embarked Units Damage
    • +20% Embarked Units Experience
    Basic Seafaring empire skill With strong sea legs, they are unrivaled on the water and know how to dredge up extra value from its depths.
    Society trait fabled hunters.png Fabled Hunters Empire affinity nature.png Nature Neutral alignment
    • +100% resources from cleaning Infestation, Ancient Wonder and Resource Nodes
    • +1 Rank for Ranged units
    • +1 Rank for Skirmisher units
    Extra Ranged unit They are legendary hunters, excelling in ranged combat and exploration.
    Society trait talented collectors.png Talented Collectors Pantheon.png Empire affinity nature.png Nature Neutral alignment
    • Cities gain +5 Resource food.png Food, Resource structure production.png Production, Resource unit production.png Draft, Resource gold.png Gold, Resource mana.png Mana, and Resource knowledge.png Knowledge for each Magic Material in their domain.
    1 Magic Material nearby
    File:Society trait druidic terraformers.png Druidic Terraformers Pantheon.png Empire affinity nature.png Nature Neutral alignment
    • Cities gain bonuses to income based on their core province terrain:
    • +20% Resource food.png Food for Grasslands or Fungus Fields
    • +20% Resource structure production.png Production for Forest, Rocky, or Mountains
    • +10% Resource gold.png Gold for Ashlands
    • +10% Resource mana.png Mana for Snow, Ice, or Sand
    • Terraforming spells cost -25% less Resource mana.png Mana and Casting points world map.png Casting Points.
    • -20% Unit Upkeep for Elemental units.
    Extra Elemental unit
    Society trait artifact hoarders.png Artifact Hoarders Empire affinity materium.png Materium Neutral alignment
    • Gain a tier 2-3 item after clearing an Ancient Wonder or Infestation
    • +1 Resource mana.png mana per unequipped tier I artifact
    • +3 Resource mana.png mana per unequipped tier II artifact
    • +5 Resource mana.png mana per unequipped tier III artifact
    • +9 Resource mana.png mana per unequipped tier IV artifact
    • 2 hero items
    They pursue and covet magical artifacts, using such items as inspiration for their magical feats
    Society trait great builders.png Great Builders Empire affinity materium.png Materium Neutral alignment
    • +2 Gold from Quarries
    • -50% Production Cost for Special Province Improvements
    • Workshop city structure
    • Stone Walls city structure
    They form a society of builders and makers who take pride in the things they construct.
    Society trait reclaimers.png Reclaimers Empire affinity materium.png Materium Neutral alignment
    • Gain (unrecognized string “binding essence” for Template:Icon) Binding Essence for:
    • Clearing Infestation Spawners (100)
    • Clearing Ancient Wonders (Bronze 100, Silver 150, Gold 200)
    • Razing cities (20 / pop)
    • Pillaging provinces (10)
    • 200 Binding Essence
    • Wizard Tower: Item Forge city structure
    They believe anything can be reforged into something better, but before that can be done, it must be reclaimed.
    Society trait runesmiths.png Runesmiths Empire affinity materium.png Materium Neutral alignment
    • -30% Unit Enhancement Research Cost
    • -30% Unit Enhancement Upkeep
    • +1 Rank for Shield units
    • +1 Rank for Polearm units
    Extra Shield unit or Polearm unit They are legendary smiths, weaving magic into their finely crafted creations through enchantments.
    Society trait wonder architects.png Wonder Architects Empire affinity materium.png Materium Neutral alignment
    • Ancient Wonders can be annexed without requiring Population
    • Cities gain +20% production per annexed Ancient Wonders
    1 nearby Bronze Ancient Wonder cleared They are inspired by unique constructions and the Ancient Wonders of the old.
    Society trait perfectionist artisans.png Perfectionist Artisans Pantheon.png Empire affinity materium.png Materium Neutral alignment
    • City structures cost 100% more Resource structure production.png production
    • City structures grant +1 Morale.png stability and +5 Resource gold.png gold in addition to their normal effects
    • +1 rank for Tier 3 units
    • -1 city cap
    Extra Tier 3 unit They demand perfection of their artisans, taking their time to build marvels like no other.
    Society trait powerful evokers.png Powerful Evokers Empire affinity shadow.png Shadow Neutral alignment
    • +5 Combat Casting Points per Battle Mage unit
    • +5 Combat Casting Points per Support unit
    • +1 Rank for Battle Mage units
    • +1 Rank for Support units
    Extra Battle Mage unit or Support unit They emanate raw power as they release an endless barrage of destruction upon all in their path.
    Society trait scions of evil.png Scions of Evil Empire affinity shadow.png Shadow Evil alignment
    • +10 Resource unit production.png draft per Evil alignment evil alignment level
    • +5 Resource imperium.png imperium per Evil alignment evil alignment level
    • +1 Rank for all units if Pure Evil alignment
    • +1 Rank for Shield units
    • +1 Rank for Shock units
    Extra Shield unit or Shock unit
    • Society trait chosen uniters.png Chosen Uniters
    • Society trait devotees of good.png Devotees of Good
    They share a thirst for knowledge and power, thriving in their pursuit of Evil.
    Society trait shadow walkers.png Shadow Walkers Empire affinity shadow.png Shadow Neutral alignment
    • +2 Vision Range for Cities and Provinces
    • Scout units have universal Camouflage
    • Outpost start with the Watchtower upgrade built
    • Extra Scout unit
    • Wayfinder Enchantment is active
    • Wayfinder Enchantment costs no upkeep
    • Society trait ancient wise ones.png Ancient Wise Ones
    • Society trait gifted casters.png Gifted Casters
    They are talented spies, sneaking past enemy lines to gain precious information.
    Society trait silver tongued.png Silver Tongued Pantheon.png Empire affinity shadow.png Shadow Neutral alignment
    • Pronouncements cost 50% less
    • Trade deals with Free Cities cost 100% less resources
    • Extra Scout unit
    • Court of Whispers empire skill
    • Society trait chosen destroyers.png Chosen Destroyers Pantheon.png

    Keeper[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

    The Keeper of a race is the only empire that can apply Race Transformation spells to the race. There are three ways for an empire to become the Keeper of a race.

    • If the race does not have a Keeper, the empire must control 40% of the race's Population.png Population.
    • If the race has a Keeper and no empire started with that race, the empire must control 5 more Population.png Population from that race than the current Keeper.
    • If the race is the starting race of another empire, the Keeper must be defeated first.

    Race transformations[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

    Race transformations can only be added to a race when its Keeper casts a Race Transformation spell. There are two types of race transformations: minor and major.

    Minor transformations[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

    A race can have multiple minor transformations.

    Spell Tome Tier Casting cost Operation point cost Description
    Animal Kinship Animal Kinship Tome of Beasts 2 Resource mana.png 150 150 Makes the target race more bestial and connected to animals. When adjacent to a friendly Animal or Cavalry unit, they are granted:
    • +10% damage.
    • +10% Critical Hit chance.
    Anointed People Anointed People Tome of Sanctuary 5 Resource mana.png 450 450 Gives the target race divine protection, granting them:
    • +3 Resistance type status resistances.png Status Resistance.
    • +3 Resistance type spirit.png Spirit Resistance.
    Astral Blood Astral Blood Tome of Amplification 4 Resource mana.png 250 250 Makes magic begin to flow through the veins of the target race, granting them:
    • Attunement: Fortune, which increases Critical Hit chance when spells are cast.
    Earthkin Earthkin Tome of Rock 2 Resource mana.png 150 150 Makes rock growths develop on the target race, granting them:
    • +1 Defense Defense.
    • Rock Camouflage, which allows them to hide on Rocky terrain.
    • Rock Walk, which allows them to traverse Rocky terrain faster.
    Frostling Transformation Frostling Transformation Tome of the Cold Dark 6 Resource mana.png 350 350 Makes winter run through the target race's veins, granting them:
    • 3 Resistance type frost.png Frost Resistance.
    • Immunity to Frozen.
    • +10 Morale.png Morale while on cold terrain.
    • Arctic Walk, which allows them to traverse cold terrain faster.
    Goldtouched Goldtouched Tome of the Golden Realm 8 Resource mana.png 450 450 Makes the target race gain an affinity for gold, granting them:
    • +2 Unit stats resistance.png Resistance.
    • +1 Resource gold.png Gold per Population.png Population in their Cities.
    Joy Siphoners Joy Siphoners Tome of the Doomherald 4 Resource mana.png 250 250 Makes the target race become living morale siphons, making their attacks:
    • Steal 3 Morale.png Morale per hit.
    Leafskin Leafskin Tome of Glades 3 Resource mana.png 250 250 Makes the target race one with the forest, granting them:
    • Forest Walk, which increases movement over Forest terrain.
    • Forest Camouflage, which makes them hard to spot on Forest terrain.
    Magical Wards Magical Wards Tome of Warding 3 Resource mana.png 150 150 Inscribes magical wards onto the target race, granting:
    • +2 Resistance type lightning.png Lightning Resistance
    • +2 Resistance type fire.png Fire Resistance
    • +2 Resistance type frost.png Frost Resistance
    Reveler's Heart Reveler's Heart Tome of Revelry 4 Resource mana.png 250 250 Overwhelms the target race with an intense fervor, granting them:
    • +50% Morale.png Morale from all sources.
    Scion of Flame Scion of Flame Tome of Chaos Channeling 7 Resource mana.png 450 450 Makes the target race the embodiment of fire, granting them:
    • 4 Resistance type fire.png Fire Resistance.
    • Vengeful Flames, which damages Melee attackers.
    • Fiery Wake, which ignites flammable terrain such as Flora Obstacles.
    • Immunity to Burning.
    Spawnkin Spawnkin Tome of the Horde 2 Resource mana.png 150 150 Makes the target race smaller and more numerous, granting them:
    • Increased number of units in formation.
    • +20% damage. Incompatible with Supergrowth.
    Steel Skin Steel Skin Tome of Transmutation 6 Resource mana.png 350 350 Transmutes the target race's skin into steel, granting them:
    • +2 Defense Defense.
    • +2 Resistance type blight.png Blight Resistance.
    • -2 Resistance type lightning.png Lightning Resistance.
    Supergrowth Supergrowth Tome of Vigor 6 Resource mana.png 350 350 Makes the target race grow in mass and stature, granting them:

    This transformation is incompatible with Spawnkin.

    Vessels of Chaos Vessels of Chaos Tome of Pandemonium 6 Resource mana.png 350 350 Turns the target race into a conduit for chaotic energies, granting them:
    • +10% damage for each of the target's negative status effects. Stacks up to 3 times.

    Major transformations[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

    A race can have only one major transformation.

    Spell Tome Tier Casting cost Operation point cost Description
    Angelize Angelize Tome of Exaltation 7 Resource mana.png 600 600 Turns the target race into angelic beings, granting them:
    • The Celestial unit type.
    • Flying Movement, which increases mobility.
    • Faithful, which reduces Unit Upkeep.
    Astral Attunement Astral Attunement Tome of Astral Convergence 8 Resource mana.png 600 600 Links the target race to the Astral Sea, granting them:
    • Pass Through, which allows them to walk through obstacles.
    • +1 Resource mana.png Mana and +1Resource knowledge.pngKnowledge per Population.png Population.
    Demonkin Demonkin Tome of the Demon Gate 9 Resource mana.png 600 600 Turns the target race into demonic beings, which grants them:
    • Demonkin, granting Burning immunity and faster movement on desolate.
    • Flying, increasing mobility.
    • Frenzy, increasing damage as they attack.
    Gaia's Chosen Gaia's Chosen Tome of Paradise 8 Resource mana.png 600 600 Infuse the target race with the blessing of nature. They gain:
    • Charge Resistance, making them strong against Shock Units.
    • +3 Resistance type status resistances.png Status Resistance.
    • +20 Hit points Hit Points.
    Wightborn Wightborn Tome of the Great Transformation 6 Resource souls.png 200 300 Gives the target race immortality beyond life, granting them:
    • The Undead unit type.
    • Life Steal, which restores Unit stats temporary health.png Temporary Hit Points upon each attack.

    Destiny traits[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

    When fulfilling certain conditions you may get an event that gives the option of activating a destiny trait for your primary race. A race may have up to two destiny traits.

    Destiny trait Trigger Effects
    Destiny mark of the butcher.png Mark of the Butcher 8 or more recent battles while having a large amount of stored Resource imperium.png imperium -10 Evil alignment Alignment.
    • Cities of this Race lose -2 Morale.png City Stability for each Population.png Population.
    • Units of this Race earn +50% Experience.png Experience in combat.
    Destiny mark of the conflux.png Mark of the Conflux Have 1000 or more stored Resource mana.png mana. +2 Empire affinity astral.png Astral Affinity.
    • -1 Resource mana.png Mana per Population.png Population.
    • +1 Morale.png city stability per 35 stored Resource mana.png Mana, up to a maximum of +30 at 1050 stored Resource mana.png Mana.
    Destiny mark of the dove.png Mark of the Dove No battles for 5 turns while not being in any offensive wars? +10 Good alignment Alignment.
    • Cities of this Race gain +2 Morale.png City Stability for each Population.png Population.
    • Units of this Race earn -50% Experience.png Experience in combat.
    Destiny mark of the hoard.png Mark of the Hoard Have 1000 or more stored Resource gold.png gold. +2 Empire affinity materium.png Materium Affinity.
    • -1 Resource gold.png Gold per Population.png Population.
    • +1 Morale.png city stability per 50 stored Resource gold.png Gold, up to a maximum of +30 at 1500 stored Resource gold.png Gold.
    Destiny mark of the otter.png Mark of the Otter Have at least 5 animal units, which must make up at least 25% of your total units. +2 Empire affinity nature.png Nature Affinity
    • Cities of this race gain +5 Morale.png City Stability for each friendly Animal unit within their domain up to a maximum of +30 Morale.png City Stability.
    • Cities of this race have -20 Morale.png City Stability when there is no friendly Animal unit within their domain.
    Destiny mark of the owl.png Mark of the Owl High Resource knowledge.png knowledge income and at least 3 ancient wonders. +2 Empire affinity shadow.png Shadow Affinity.
    • Cities of this race gain +15 Resource knowledge.png Knowledge from cleared Ancient Wonders in their Domain.
    • Cities of this race have -20 Morale.png City Stability when there is no cleared Ancient Wonder in their Domain.
    Destiny mark of the sword.png Mark of the Sword Be in at least 3 wars with at most 1 defensive pact or alliance.
    • +2 Empire affinity chaos.png Chaos Affinity
    • +10% Resource unit production.png Draft
    • -10 Morale.png City Stability per empire or free city with a diplomatic state better than neutral
    Destiny mark of the tower.png Mark of the Tower Have high Imperium and at most 3 cities, at least one of which is tier 4. +2 Empire affinity order.png Order Affinity
    • Cities of this race with City Tier 3 or higher generate +5 Resource imperium.png Imperium
    • Cities of this race with City Tier 2 or lower generate -10 Resource imperium.png Imperium

    References[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

    General Tutorial videosRealmCityOutpostFree cityDiplomacyAI personalityCombatPantheon
    Map MovementUndergroundResource nodesMagic materialsAncient wondersInfestations
    Race RaceCulturesRace keeper
    Units HeroesUnitsCultural unitsTome unitsWildlife units
    Research Empire developmentTomesTactical spellsStrategic spellsHero skillsAbilitiesTraits
    Buildings ProductionWizard towerCity defenseTown hallCultural buildingsTome buildingsProvince improvementsCultural province improvementsTome province improvementsVictory province improvements
    Equipment HeadTorsoPrimarySecondaryMiscellaneousRingLegsMount