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The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child

(1950). Psychoanal. Study Child, (5):18-23
(1950). 精神分析学. 研究儿童, (5):18-23

Development of the Body Ego 11 11 ^(11){ }^{11}
身体自我发展 11 11 ^(11){ }^{11}

Willie Hoffer M.D. ( 1 ) ( 1 ) ^((1)){ }^{(1)}

In recent considerations on the genesis of mental structure Hartmann, Kris and Loewenstein (3) advocate a modification of Freud’s view on the origin of the ego as expounded by him in The Ego and the Id(1). They suggest with the support of impressive arguments that the ego should no longer be considered the result of differentiation from the id, but that both the ego and the id, should be conceived the result of differentiation from an undifferentiated state.
Hartmann, Kris and Loewenstein explicitly “refrained from indicating at what point in early infancy the successive steps leading to structural differentiation take place,” but they state that the first and most fundamental step leading to it “concerns the ability of the infant to distinguish between the self and the world around him.” This agrees with Freud’s own thoughts on ego formation according to which “the ego is the part of the id which has been modified by the direct influence of the external world acting through the Pcpt-Cs” (PerceptualConsciousness).
But there is, according to Freud, another differentiating agency which, instead of being tuned to stimulation from outside, responds to stimuli from within the organ system. Under certain conditions instinctual drives not only act on the bodily and mental apparatus but merely by operating within the organism cause changing states of tension or demands and relaxations which are registered within the body in respect to their intensity and perhaps the locality where they arise. I mean the very first sensations and the earliest processes of discharge following an excitation. Freud spoke of internal perceptions which, in contrast to external ones, are more fundamental and more elementary.


The visual, auditory and olfactory apparatus has a definite relation to our interest in the outer world which in the most primitive language is the “notself.” On it the environmentalists among us concentrate when

1 1 ^(1){ }^{1} Contribution to the Panel on “Psychoanalysis and Developmental Psychology,” held at the Meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association in Detroit on April 29, 1950.
在 1950 年 4 月 29 日于底特律举行的美国精神分析协会会议上,关于“精神分析与发展心理学”的小组贡献。

studying early ego functions. In contrast, inner perception seems according to Freud to be related at first to the pleasure-pain series. In other words: the experience of pleasure and of a self emerges in consequence of the relief of pain (relief of stimulation calling for restoration of the previous condition or of the relief of an increase of inner demands). This relief happens in two stages: 1) by an attempted relief due to an inner-psychical act, called “negative hallucination,” 2) by a physical act of discharge which in the first instance we can only interpret as the organism’s attempt to rid itself of a surplus stimulation (or inner demand).
Negative hallucination refers to the temporary abolition of a stimulus, inside or outside the body, not to the abolition of the mental representation of such stimuli like in repression. Negative hallucination is, therefore, in later life related to the pathological state of derealisation (Entfremdungsgefühl) and connotes one of the earliest and most primitive of mental processes.
We feel on firm ground, however, as soon as we think of mental processes which characterize the spread of the feeling of self over the infant’s body, in which the self is housed. When the body is seen-after sight has been sufficiently developed-it is perceived like any other object reaching the infant’s mind, by the organ of vision. Quite different is the effect of the perceptual experience when the infant touches his body. Here two sensations simultaneously yield an experience, and this may arise very early in life, perhaps even in the intrauterine state. Our own experience when touching the body makes us think of one part of our body, the hand for instance actively approaching another part which passively experiences being touched. There seems no simple justification for assuming that the same happens in early infancy. Coming in touch with its own body elicits two sensations of the same quality and these lead to the distinction between the self and the not-self, between body and what subsequently becomes environment. In consequence this factor contributes to the processes of structural differentiation.

Delimitation between the self-body and the outer world, the world where the objects are found, is thus initiated.


In psychoanalysis we define the structural entity ego according to its function. In our clinical work they manifest themselves in highly organized and differentiated psychic activities. In childhood and especially in infancy they have a definite physical, bodily connotation.
On another occasion (4) I have described the difference between a drive (instinct) gratification as such and one interfered with by a functioning

ego. To summarize it once more: there is a striking difference between infants at the age of up to ten weeks as compared with those of twelve to sixteen weeks. An infant of four weeks when slightly hungry and waiting to be fed may display some oral activities, accompanied by movements of the head, arms and hands. The hands may still be kept in a position resembling the uterine position where the hands were nearest to the mouth (6), (2). While the hand is moving over the face the mouth may get hold of it and finger-sucking will ensue. Until a few weeks old it will not make much difference whether the whole hand or one or two fingers slip into the mouth, whether a bottle or a comforter has been offered to the baby. The behavior which it displays is (a) motor excitation, most probably due to hunger and influenced by former feeding experiences (searching for the breast) and (b) attempts to relieve the excitation by mouth activities which may lead to finger-sucking.
Quite different is the behavior observed in a sixteen-weeks-old infant. Little is left to chance gratification. During the state of expectancy before being fed or after a successful feed the infant may insist on a definite form of oral-sucking gratification and the activities leading to this gratification comply with almost all the criteria by which we assess ego functioning.
There is: 有:
  1. Genuine Perceptual Activity. The infant of three months sees his hand, focuses on it, follows with his eyes its movements towards the mouth. If the infant’s eyes catch another visual stimulus, especially something moving, they may be distracted but will return to the hand which tends towards the mouth. In the setting described there is true perception.
  2. Motor Control. The movement of the hand towards the mouth may be achieved only with great difficulty; chance movements are either impossible or the infant counteracts them; it tries to aid the hand which has to be sucked.
When the eyes participate in the control of movement towards the mouth there seems to be a pleasant realization on the side of the space which is within reach of the arms and hands. The mouth-ego has widened to the space embraced by the arms.

3. Functioning of Memory is suggested by the specific mode of gratification which is achieved by finger-sucking. Out of a vast free choice of possible positions of the hand and fingers, the infant develops and adheres to a number of sucking patterns, involving either his hand and fingers or his mouth or both.
3. 记忆的功能通过吮吸手指所获得的特定满足模式得以体现。在众多可能的手和手指的位置中,婴儿发展并坚持多种吮吸模式,这些模式涉及他的手和手指、嘴巴或两者。

4. Reality Testing can be traced by the infant’s meticulous choice of what he wishes to introduce into the mouth. When he wishes to use the fingers, he will reject the spoon or comforter or breast. Some infants display a minor feeding difficulty seldom mentioned by insisting on sucking
4. 现实测试可以通过婴儿对他希望放入口中的物品的细致选择来追踪。当他希望使用手指时,他会拒绝勺子、安抚奶嘴或乳房。一些婴儿表现出一种很少被提及的轻微喂养困难,坚决要求吮吸。

the fingers while being fed. This competition between feeding and fingersucking seems to be a further proof of the infant’s knowledge and understanding of mouth and hand in their relation to each other. No such specificity has generally been assumed for the infant’s relationship to the nursing mother, the breast or the bottle and no definite individual picture of an “object” seems yet to have been created in the child’s mind at that age. It should, however, be possible to put these problems to the test by experimentally investigating the infant’s reality testing with regard to objects which do not convey the feeling of self.

5. Synthetic Function of the Ego. No definite suggestion about the operating of the synthetic function in early infancy characterizing what I called the “mouthego” can be put forward. But this may be merely due to lack of observational evidence or to the nursing mother’s activity who at this early stage may make this function unnecessary.
5. 自我合成功能。关于我所称的“口腔自我”在早期婴儿期合成功能的运作,没有明确的建议可以提出。但这可能仅仅是由于缺乏观察证据或是哺乳母亲的活动,在这个早期阶段可能使这一功能变得不必要。


With the help of the hand the oral-sucking drive undergoes a transformation from an instinctual demand to an ego-controlled activity. In the course of this process the hand, like the mouth, is perceived as part of the self and the differentiation between self and not-self is thus carried forward. All these processes have so far been confined to the oral phase of instinct and ego development. 2 2 ^(2){ }^{2}
With the emergence of a real mouth-ego the hand acquires the properties of a tool for the execution of needs serving the interests of the self. To give an example: a successful feed will in the first weeks of life be followed by sleep, almost immediately; when the mouth-ego is established satiation will be followed by two needs, sucking and sleep; thus the infant will actively introduce his fingers into the mouth, and will concentrate on this activity until it is achieved. Thus it serves the need for sleep as well. There is, we assume, no struggle between the two needs; the gratification of one leads to the gratification of the other. In this way the self has put itself in control of needs, a form of independence and an ability to channel instinctual drives according to earlier experiences.
In consequence, in the oral-sadistic phase aggressive impulses are already drawn away from the body and, I assume, directed into oral-biting activities which do not affect the self. In short, the self tries to protect itself against its own aggressive feelings-originating in instinctual demands-by directing them through the body organs towards the non-self, the outer world. This involves progressive libidinization of the body, and prepares the way for the integration of the subsequent instinctual stages

2 2 ^(2){ }^{2} The administration of the breast or bottle may stimulate formation of object relation at the expense of body-ego formation.
2 2 ^(2){ }^{2} 乳房或奶瓶的喂养可能会刺激物体关系的形成,而以身体自我形成为代价。

into the ego organization. I believe there is continuity of ego development and integrative endeavor at work, in parts very successful.


Progressive libidinization of the infantile body and growth of the body-ego can only be assumed if self-destructive drives are either dealt with within the body or diverted elsewhere outside it. The fact that there is an increase of motor activity from the second half of the first year onwards supports the second alternative. It is primarily the pain barrier which protects the infant against his destructive instinct turning against his own self (5). In addition owing to the nursing activities but also to the mouth-hand relationship the process of libidinization of the body rises to the level of self-love. Increase of primary narcissism forms a second protective barrier. This occurs in the oral-sadistic stage characterized by the appearance of the teeth and heightened oral-

aggressive stimulation. The infant does not hurt himself because he likes himself so much. This statement does not contradict the concept of erotogenic masochism, but when speaking here of self-destructiveness this should be understood literally. When these steps towards deflection of selfdestructiveness fail, damage to oneself by biting, refusal of food and starvation open up the subject of the pathology of the body-ego.


From what has been said of the path of early ego development it seems to me conceivable that, except for the experience of birth, the infant is equipped with the means of achieving equilibrium between his inner needs without necessarily heading towards traumatization. Still, infants may have to pass through and even succumb to most painful states of a traumatic character, in the sense that the quantity of excitation aroused is beyond the infant’s ability to master. Three possible sources of traumatization can be visualized:
  1. Increase of excitation (stimulation). As an example I mention the process of teething. This arouses inner-perceptual activities with which the self has to deal by means of (a) negative hallucination, which will be of short duration (withdrawal of cathexis from the sensation); (b) loss of oral sucking activity and of appetite, which corresponds to withdrawal of cathexis from the organ and its accustomed activity (extinction of oral-erotic desires); © turning inwards of oral aggression not utilized in the feeding process which is refused; (d) attempts at ego control of stimulation by biting the finger or hand with the gums, which are in

    fact attempts at integration of pain with the help of the hand; (e) failure of these attempts and cessation of self-control expressed in crying and convulsive activities.
The solutions found (a-e) may become paradigmatic for subsequent states of increased excitation (pathology of the body-ego).

2. Inadequacy of the self in dealing with excitation (stimulation). The self emerges as a function of the interaction between inner drive (stimulation) and the apparatus (bodily organs like the mouth) through which the drive acts.
2. 自我在处理兴奋(刺激)时的不足。自我是内在驱动(刺激)与通过其作用的器官(如口腔)之间互动的函数。

Sometimes this interaction seems inert, though there are ample signs of the presence of stimulation. the instinctual drive meets a body and a self which respond only slowly. This may mean mere delay of ego development which

need not be of any clinical significance, but it may also mean that ego development has been retarded to such a degree that it has fallen out of step with the instinctual development. Translated into the teething period it means that, while the teeth break through accompanied by a comparatively enormous increase of oral-sadistic stimulation, neither the stomach and intestinal apparatus nor the mouth, tongue and hand have sufficiently achieved the state of body-ego maturity which would be needed to master the quantity of oralsadistic excitation, in itself normal.

3. Failure of the “Not-Self.” By this I mean the defect or excess displayed by the nursing mother, who is called upon to remove what interferes with the quiet growth of the self until it turns to the object as such. From the point of view of the infant’s inner economy this failure results either in an increase of excitation or in the self’s becoming inadequate for the dealing with normal excitation. Too little milk heightens the demand for abolishing hunger; enough food, enough intake, but inadequate administration does the same. In both conditions the infant will react as if only his inner excitation were raised. His capability of controlling excitation is low, but within its range the self makes use of the body and the apparatus as if it were acting thoughtfully and with foresight.
3. “非自我”的失败。我的意思是,哺乳母亲所表现出的缺陷或过度,她被要求去除那些妨碍自我安静成长的因素,直到它转向对象本身。从婴儿内在经济的角度来看,这种失败导致的结果要么是兴奋的增加,要么是自我在处理正常兴奋时变得不足。牛奶太少会加大对消除饥饿的需求;食物足够,摄入量足够,但管理不当也会产生同样的效果。在这两种情况下,婴儿的反应就像他的内在兴奋被提升了一样。他控制兴奋的能力较低,但在其范围内,自我利用身体和器官,仿佛是在深思熟虑和有远见地行动。


Freud, S.The Ego and the IdHogarth, London,1923
弗洛伊德,S. 自我与本我 霍加斯,伦敦,1923

Gesell, A. and Ilg, F. L. Feeding Behavior of Infants Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1937
Gesell, A. 和 Ilg, F. L. 婴儿的喂养行为 Lippincott, 费城, 1937
Hartmann, H., Kris,E. and Loewenstein, R. M. “Comments on the Formation of Psychic Structure,” Psychoanal. Study Child II 1946
Hartmann, H., Kris, E. 和 Loewenstein, R. M. “关于心理结构形成的评论,”心理分析儿童研究 II 1946
Hoffer, W. “Mouth, Hand and Ego Integration,” Psychoanal. Study Child III/IV 1949
霍弗,W. “口、手与自我整合,”心理分析。儿童研究 III/IV 1949
Hoffer, W. “Oral Aggressiveness and Ego Development,” Int. J. Psychoanal. XXXI 1950
霍弗,W. “口头攻击性与自我发展,”国际精神分析杂志 XXXI 1950
Preyer, W. Die Seele des Kindes Th. Grieben Verlag, Leipzig, 1895

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