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Trump’s second inaugural address: Immigration, culture, and conflic

The speech celebrated the broadening of the Republican coalition that Trump has achieved.

Trump promised to declare a national emergency at the southern border, reinstate the remain in Mexico policy, end the practice of catch and release, send troops to the southern border, and designate cartels as foreign terrorist organizations.
特朗普承诺在南部边境宣布全国进入紧急状态,恢复留在墨西哥的政策,结束 "抓了又放 "的做法,向南部边境派遣军队,并将贩毒集团定为外国恐怖组织。

In addition to the war at the southern border, Trump promised to wage a culture war, which he termed a “revolution of common sense.”
除了南部边境战争,特朗普还承诺发动一场文化战争,他称之为 "常识革命"。

Previewing Donald Trump’s second inaugural address, several of his political advisors suggested that its tone would be gentler and its substance more unifying than was his “American Carnage” inaugural address eight years ago. They must have been misinformed as his spoken words continued to emphasize American crisis and decline and were hardly unifying or uplifting. 
在预览唐纳德-特朗普的第二次就职演说时,他的几位政治顾问认为,与他八年前的 "美国大屠杀 "就职演说相比,这次演说的语气将更加温和,内容将更加团结。他们一定是被误导了,因为他的讲话继续强调美国的危机和衰落,很难让人感到团结或振奋。

While there were occasional rhetorical bows toward unity, the thrust of the speech was an all-out assault on illegal immigration and on aspects of American culture loathed by social conservatives (with scant attention to any plans to bring down the cost of living, one of the issues that elected him). He wants to be a peacemaker overseas but a warrior at home. And in a speech traditionally devoted to selfless themes, President Trump spoke about the extent of his electoral victory and professed his belief that he had been saved by God to save the nation.

The speech celebrated the broadening of the Republican coalition that Trump has achieved. He praised Martin Luther King and promised that “we will strive to make his dream a reality.” To the Black and Hispanic communities, he said, “I want to thank you, we set records [measured in votes] and I will not forget it.” Absent, however, was a nod to President Biden, Vice President Harris, or any of his predecessors—or an olive branch to the 48.4% of Americans who voted for Harris.
演讲庆祝了特朗普扩大共和党联盟的成果。他赞扬了马丁-路德-金,并承诺 "我们将努力实现他的梦想"。他对黑人和西班牙裔社区说:"我要感谢你们,我们创造了[以选票计算的]记录,我不会忘记。不过,他没有向拜登总统、哈里斯副总统或他的任何前任点头,也没有向投票给哈里斯的48.4%的美国人伸出橄榄枝。

Surprisingly, President Trump had little to say about his economic plans or efforts to tackle inflation, preferring instead to spend much of his time on the “invasion” of illegal immigrants into this country. Indeed, this was the portion of the address that was most detailed and concrete. To counter this “invasion,” Trump promised to declare a national emergency at the southern border, reinstate the remain in Mexico policy, end the practice of catch and release, send troops to the southern border, and designate cartels as foreign terrorist organizations.
令人惊讶的是,特朗普总统几乎没有谈及他的经济计划或应对通胀的努力,而是将大部分时间花在了非法移民对美国的 "入侵 "上。事实上,这是讲话中最详细、最具体的部分。为了应对这种 "入侵",特朗普承诺将在南部边境宣布国家紧急状态,恢复留在墨西哥的政策,结束 "抓了又放 "的做法,向南部边境派遣军队,并将贩毒集团定为外国恐怖组织。

In addition to the war at the southern border Trump, promised to wage a culture war, which he termed a “revolution of common sense.” Under his administration, the United States government would only recognize two genders, male and female, eliminate diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs in the government (especially in the military), and “end the practice of trying to engineer race and gender into every aspect of public life.”
除了南部边境战争,特朗普还承诺发动一场文化战争,他称之为 "常识革命"。在他的执政下,美国政府将只承认男女两种性别,取消政府(尤其是军队)中的多元化、公平和包容(DEI)计划,"结束试图将种族和性别设计到公共生活方方面面的做法"。

Trump promised a golden age with no new overseas wars. He did not mention Russia or the war in Ukraine, but he did note his plan to expand our nation, including “increas[ing] our territory” and “[planting] the Stars and Stripes on the planet Mars.” (Elon Musk smiled broadly at this phrase.) He declared that “We didn’t give the Panama Canal to China, we gave it to Panama, and we’re taking it back.” He did not say how he would do this without starting a new war.
特朗普承诺将迎来一个没有新的海外战争的黄金时代。他没有提到俄罗斯或乌克兰战争,但确实提到了他的国家扩张计划,包括 "增加]我们的领土 "和"[在火星上][种植]星条旗"。(他宣称:"我们没有把巴拿马运河给中国,我们把它给了巴拿马,我们要把它收回来。他没有说如何在不引发新战争的情况下做到这一点。

The newly inaugurated president used the occasion to announce two name changes. The Gulf of Mexico will henceforth be called “the Gulf of America,” and Mount Denali will revert to its name before the Obama administration—Mount McKinley. Indeed, William McKinley (who was a big fan of tariffs) seems to have replaced Andrew Jackson as Trump’s favorite president. What this portends for the fate of economic populism in the new administration is anyone’s guess. But it cannot be an accident that Trump chose to resuscitate the phrase “manifest destiny.” We will find out whether our destiny includes control of Greenland and Canada, as he has suggested.
新就任的总统借此机会宣布了两项名称变更。墨西哥湾今后将被称为 "美国湾",迪纳利山将恢复奥巴马执政前的名称--麦金利山。事实上,威廉-麦金利(他是关税的忠实拥护者)似乎已经取代了安德鲁-杰克逊,成为特朗普最喜欢的总统。这预示着经济民粹主义在新政府中的命运如何,谁也说不准。但特朗普选择重提 "显赫的命运 "一词绝非偶然。我们将会发现,我们的命运是否如他所言,包括控制格陵兰岛和加拿大。

Along with his unscripted speech later in the afternoon that talked about the stolen 2020 election and his grievances against political opponents, Trump’s second inaugural address is consistent with his campaign, in which he worked tirelessly to intensify his support rather than broaden it. If he wishes to maintain majority support, however, he must recognize that the voters who put him over the top were not fervent MAGA supporters but rather swing voters who decided that he offered a better chance than his opponent of solving specific problems, high prices for the basics of daily life first among them. If he governs as a hardliner on immigration and cultural issues, he may solidify his loyal base, but if he fails to take down high prices or restore economic hopes of upward mobility, he risks losing swing voters while reenergizing his disheartened opponents. In an era of narrow and shifting majorities, this is a risk that he ignores at his peril.
特朗普的第二次就职演说与他下午晚些时候的无稿演说一样,都谈到了被窃取的2020年大选和他对政治对手的不满,这与他的竞选活动是一致的,他在竞选过程中不遗余力地强化自己的支持率,而不是扩大支持率。然而,如果他希望保持多数支持率,他就必须认识到,让他胜出的选民并不是狂热的 MAGA 支持者,而是那些认为他比对手更有机会解决具体问题的摇摆选民,其中首先是日常生活中的高物价问题。如果他在移民和文化问题上作为强硬派执政,他可能会巩固自己忠实的基础,但如果他不能降低高物价或恢复经济向上流动的希望,他就有可能失去摇摆选民,同时重新激励心灰意冷的对手。在这个多数党席位狭小且不断变化的时代,他若忽视这一风险,后果不堪设想。