Telling the story of the creation of the six-part Netflix series Together: Treble Winners, created by City Studios and detailing an unforgettable season for Pep Guardiola’s Manchester City. 
讲述 Netflix 六集系列剧《Together:由 City Studios 制作,详细描述了瓜迪奥拉的曼城队难忘的一个赛季。

By Jack Wilson-Mumford 作者:杰克-威尔逊-蒙福德

Just as winning the biggest trophies is a team effort, so is the creation of an immersive behind the scenes documentary such as Together: Treble Winners. 

Tracking the progress of Pep Guardiola’s City side throughout the historic 2022/23 season, Together: Treble Winners is a City Studios production globally available on Netflix. 
共同见证瓜迪奥拉的曼城队在历史性的 2022/23 赛季中的进步:Together: Treble Winners》由城市工作室制作,在 Netflix 全球上映。

Our state-of-the-art cameras were there every step of the way for 11 months as we became only the second English side ever to win the Premier League, FA Cup and Champions League in the same campaign. 
在长达 11 个月的时间里,我们最先进的摄像机全程拍摄,见证了我们成为史上第二支同时赢得英超联赛、足总杯和欧洲冠军联赛的英格兰球队。

However, while the hard work for the players temporarily ceased in Istanbul in June, it was only just beginning for those charged with documenting one of the finest achievements in English football history. 
然而,虽然球员们的辛勤工作在 6 月的伊斯坦布尔暂时告一段落,但对于那些负责记录英格兰足球史上最伟大成就之一的人来说,一切才刚刚开始。

Having filmed daily inside the first team building as well as attending every single training session and all of the 61 matches it took for us to reach that summit, the City Studios team had tens of thousands of hours of footage to work through to tell the story of the season and its protagonists. 
City Studios 团队每天都要在一线队大楼内进行拍摄,还要参加每一堂训练课和所有 61 场比赛,才能达到这个顶峰,因此我们需要数万小时的素材来讲述本赛季的故事和主角。

While the lengthy post-production process pulled in editors, designers, editorial staff and more, the bulk of the planning and filming had been carried out by three members of the City Studios setup. 

John De Caux, Alex Cuschieri and Harriet Jones are embedded within the first team setup, going wherever Guardiola’s world class players and coaches do.  

“Filming is always very discreet and we are all self-shooting directors” says De Caux.  
"De Caux 说:"拍摄总是非常谨慎,我们都是自行拍摄的导演。

“We always make sure that only one of us is covering a scene at any one time as it is essential that we blend in just like other backroom staff. There is no time for second takes in such an elite sporting environment. Luckily, camera and audio technology has advanced so much is recent years meaning that we can capture multiple angles of dramatic moments whilst retaining such a light footprint.” 

Initially setup during the height of the COVID pandemic when testing was required in order to have access to the first team building at the City Football Academy, the unit has since become a key part of daily life amongst first team staff and players.  
该装置最初是在 COVID 大流行期间设立的,当时需要进行测试才能进入城市足球学院的一线队大楼,现在已成为一线队工作人员和球员日常生活的重要组成部分。

This latest series of Together is the Club’s third such documentary charting a Guardiola campaign after a 90-minute film for 2020/21 and a seven part series for 2021/22, both still available on CITY+. 
继 2020/21 赛季的 90 分钟影片和 2021/22 赛季的七集系列影片之后,最新的《在一起》系列是俱乐部第三部记录瓜迪奥拉执教生涯的纪录片。

Improved understanding of every department’s working practices and more time around each other has seen each iteration of Together go deeper into what makes the world’s best football team tick. 
由于对每个部门的工作实践有了更深入的了解,也有了更多的时间相互交流,Together 的每一次更新都能更深入地了解世界上最好的足球队是如何炼成的。

Dressing room scenes, team talks and playful banter between the players have been at the heart of each season, but with every passing year we get more of a sense of the footballers that represent this Club. 

As fans who watch this latest series will see, the players are just as comfortable around the camera as they are with the coaches and backroom staff who work to improve their game. 

This comes from the time De Caux, Cuschieri and Jones have spent with the team, travelling the length of the country and overseas, maintaining a constant presence. 
这得益于 De Caux、Cuschieri 和 Jones 与团队一起走遍了全国各地和海外,始终保持团队的存在。

With De Caux leading the team and largely overseeing the series direction, post production and camera technology, much of the daily interaction with the team falls to Cuschieri and Jones. 
De Caux 领导团队,主要负责监督剧集的导演、后期制作和摄像技术,与团队的日常互动主要由 Cuschieri 和 Jones 负责。

In order to establish that connection with the stars, hours of work off camera must first be put in to lay the foundation of mutual understanding.  

“We had that everyday life of covering every single game and training session and that built the trust and familiarity between us and the coaches and backroom staff,” said Cuschieri.  
"Cuschieri 说:"我们每天都要报道每场比赛和训练课,这让我们与教练和后台工作人员之间建立了信任和熟悉感。

“Our relationships with staff and players is always getting better, we were there for good moments, bad moments whether we were holding a camera or not. We’re just one of the colleagues that all the players and staff see as part of their daily routine.  

“We are part of the first team set up and included in all the big moments. We carry on that embedded nature now and into the future too. It’s boosted all of our content through the season.” 

“When we are filming, our lower angle style is one that ensures we maintain eye contact with the players at all times. As storytellers, we want them to be speaking to us, not just another camera.” adds De Caux. 
"在拍摄过程中,我们采用低角度的拍摄方式,确保始终与球员保持目光接触。De Caux 补充说:"作为讲故事的人,我们希望他们对我们说话,而不仅仅是另一台摄像机。

Jones joined the setup later than her two colleagues and remembers finding her feet as part of the well-oiled machine that is every matchday. 

“I came over towards the end of the 2021/22 season,” she said.  
"她说:"我是在 2021/22 赛季快结束时过来的。

“You have to go into the dressing room to understand the routine and how everyone goes about their business. For the first three or four games, I was staying out of the way as much as possible. 

“Over the months and years, we’ve built relationships with management, staff and players and we’ve reached the point where us being here benefits the rest of the team. They know we can help them and it’s not just us asking them.” 

We see an example of the embedded group helping the coaching staff early in the first episode of this series. 

With City about to play AFC Bournemouth in the first home game of the season, Guardiola gathers his players around and tees up a video on a big screen. 

What plays is a reminder of the last game at the Etihad, a 3-2 win of the final day of the 2021/22 season in which City came from behind to seal the Premier League title. 
这场比赛让人回想起在伊蒂哈德球场进行的最后一场比赛,2021/22 赛季的最后一天,曼城在落后的情况下以 3-2 的比分战胜对手,夺得英超联赛冠军。

The video, produced by City Studios staff, has a galvanising effect on the players who register a 4-0 win that day and discuss it in the documentary. 
由城市工作室工作人员制作的这段视频对球员们产生了激励作用,他们在当天取得了 4-0 的胜利,并在纪录片中讨论了这一胜利。

“That was the second time we had done that after being asked by Pep,” Cuschieri says.  
"Cuschieri 说:"这是我们第二次应佩普的要求这样做。

“In the Liverpool game the season before, he wanted to show how far we’d come that season and illicit an emotional response. 

“The Bournemouth one was his way to gee everyone up and remind them about how exciting it is to be with our fans.  

“This is what it meant to us and this is what it meant to them. You see in the series that Ilkay [Gundogan] hadn’t even watched that game back, even though his goals helped us to win the title. 

“Those moments have meant we’ve become an asset within the building, we’ll help the performance analysis and sports scientists.  

“We shoot tactical sessions and set piece drills. In this series, you see Xabi [Mancisidor, Goalkeeping Coach] is going through drills with Ederson before the Champions League final about saving close range headers. Then you see in the game itself that he saved a header from Lukaku in that exact same area. It’s amazing to see those elements in training come across in the games.” 

The natural instinct when ascribed to capture behind the scenes content is to always have a camera in hand. 

However, the team set themselves up to build relationships and understand our players without ever missing a moment worth sharing. 

Jones reflects: “It’s knowing when not to film and just have a conversation with them so we can get to know each other as people.” 

“It’s an instinct that you get and learn about but the beauty of our set up in dressing rooms is that we’ve got different camera and lens options to ensure we capture things discreetly.  

“We’ve got the footage of their natural reactions without having to shove a camera in their face. Afterwards we can look at it and decide where it sits.” 

While tensions can be high in an elite sports dressing room, this series aims to capture the inner machinations of the team at its lows as well as its highs. 

One such moment that stands out for Cuschieri is the memorable speech after the January 2023 Carabao Cup defeat at Southampton. 
让库谢里记忆犹新的时刻是 2023 年 1 月卡拉宝杯负于南安普顿后那段令人难忘的讲话。

As shown in Together: Treble Winners, the boss makes his feelings known to his players in no uncertain terms. 

“Pep always says that he wants to see us in the bad times as well as the good times,” says Cuschieri. 
"Cuschieri 说:"佩普总是说,他希望看到我们在逆境中和顺境中一样。

“We all love being around in those amazing moments but to get there you have to go through the losses and the anger and frustration around those games.  

“When we first started, we’d be hidden in the corner but now we know we’re part of the group.  

“The Southampton team talk was one of the most hard hitting team talks I’ve ever shot because it was a dressing down of the performance.  

“That’s five minutes of Pep talking, it’s really powerful and in those moments you can see the players’ emotions. It can’t always be positive, that’s not how good stories work.   

“When Pep says ‘wow’ in that Southampton speech, I was thinking the same because I’m seeing it in real time but knowing we’re filming this too.” 

That scene at Southampton is filmed from a manned camera sat amongst the group of players. 

Another example from this series that sees the camera become part of the action is when, weeks later, Guardiola gathers his players around to tell them to perform a pre-match huddle every game and issue a passioned rallying cry that will have any City fan thumping their chest. 

During this scene we see the manager make eye contact with many of those gathered around him, including the City Studios staff member holding the camera. 

For the viewer, this gives the impression that Guardiola is calling you out at home to join him in battle. 

“He’s looking down the barrel of the camera on occasion because we are in the huddles. He’s looking into the eyes of each of the players, backroom staff and then one of us in those moments,” says Cuschieri.  
"他有时会看着摄像机的镜头,因为我们在一起开会。Cuschieri 说:"在那些时刻,他看着每个球员的眼睛、后台工作人员的眼睛,然后是我们中的一个人的眼睛。

“That whole immersive idea of being part of the backroom staff is born in those moments.  

“The phrase with these types of documentaries is always ‘fly on the wall’, what we tried to deliver with this documentary is that you’re not a fly on the wall, you are part of it. You are in that huddle as Pep’s giving a speech.” 

During the game, the camera operator takes up a position behind the dugout and focuses on the action around them as the game goes on. This can include Guardiola’s reactions or interactions between the players sitting on the bench. 

“We have to maintain that professionalism and get our shot but we also know that we’ve got the guys who operate the amazing Pitcam cinematic match shots and the stadium is covered with 30 odd other cameras,” says Cuschieri. 
"Cuschieri 说:"我们必须保持专业精神,拍好我们的镜头,但我们也知道,我们有操作令人惊叹的 Pitcam 电影式比赛镜头的人员,而体育场内还有 30 多台摄像机。

“We know we’re never going to miss a moment but our angle is fairly unique. If anyone had a camera on me while I was filming, there would be plenty of me screaming.” 

Having rigged up the dressing room before the game and taken up position ahead of full-time, there’s then no guarantee that anything noteworthy will take place once the players and coaches have all returned. 

“The thing with Pep is it can be surprising how he reacts to wins or defeats. You see in the series that he’s not always happy with wins,” outlines Cuschieri.  

“Body language is a major thing for him so if we’ve been down at times in a game even in a win, he will see the positives in the win but then pick up on what he’s seen.  

“Sometimes he doesn’t speak post-match if he feels there’s no need to. We always prepare for those moments.” 

However, sometimes you get moments of pure gold. 

City’s 3-1 win at Arsenal in February put us well on course for the league title having trailed our opponents for much of the campaign up until that point. 
二月份,曼城在阿森纳的比赛中以 3-1 的比分获胜,这让我们在联赛冠军的争夺战中如虎添翼,而在此之前的大部分时间里,我们一直落后于对手。

The outpouring of joy is immediately apparent at the end of the third episode, when a party breaks out in the bowels of the Emirates Stadium 

“You never know how the players will react too,” says Jones. 

“Given what was riding on that game and how vocal the players were that night I knew it was going to be a good reaction if they won.  

“I tried to capture them coming in to the room but also you want to capture them when they’re in so I started at the door, waited for half of them to go in, got myself on a chair and enjoyed the moment with them.  

“You have to enjoy it as well, the camera was shaking but that’s how it feels to be in that moment and I think the footage benefits from that.” 

Naturally, Guardiola is a star of the show. 

The boss is often the central focus in the dressing room and on the training ground, while he appears well aware of the presence of cameras throughout. 

His team talks are often dramatic and its clear that when he talks, he has the full attention of his players. 

Although there’s no suggestion the Catalan performs his theatrics for any reason other than to inspire his squad. 

“I just think that’s him,” says Jones.  

“He’s so good at speaking and he is so passionate that he can come across as an actor but I think that’s just who he is.  

“He’s passionate about everything. If we were there filming or not, he would be exactly the same.  

“Sometimes he is just looking at our cameras wondering what it is then he realises it’s our camera. That can be when we get some of the best moments in terms of eye contact. 

Cuschieri adds: “When you’re filming him, you can get drawn into what he’s saying and then you have to snap yourself back into the room and remember you’re filming.” 
Cuschieri 补充说:"当你在拍摄他时,你会被他说的话所吸引,然后你必须把自己拉回房间,记住你是在拍摄。

The final episode of the series focuses entirely on the Club’s first successful Champions League final. 

Before the game, we see Haaland playing video games with the kit staff, a special team meeting in the hotel and Pep meeting with former captain Fernandinho in the dressing room. 

The atmosphere builds and builds, until the action starts. 

Once the game is under way, we see City are not at our best. The players return to the dressing room at half-time and the tension is clear for all to see. 

At that point, Cuschieri is amongst the players and has a decision to make. He decides to aim his camera at Erling Haaland, sat in the corner delivering uplifting messages to his team-mates. 
此时,Cuschieri 站在球员中间,需要做出决定。他决定将镜头对准埃林-哈兰德,他坐在角落里向队友们传达振奋人心的信息。

There’s a conversation between Haaland, Riyad Mahrez and Rodrigo, that ends with the Norwegian pointing out that Guardiola will fix their problems. 

Our producer talks us through his thinking at that moment. 

“That’s from my camera. It’s that experience of knowing when we can hold on a player that could give us a great shot.  

“There’s that many players to focus on at that time that you will miss things but you have to hold it and trust your instincts rather than going hunting for the shot. If he doesn’t he doesn’t, but then if he does you capture those moments.” 

Rodrigo’s second half goal saw City overcome nerves and Italian giants Inter to lift the most coveted trophy in Club football. 

We see the celebrations on the pitch from the perspective of one of the backroom staff who all the players recognise and respect. 

However, that moment is also the ultimate justification for a year’s work following this team and formulating a docuseries. 

Of course, this season’s edition of Together will attract extra interest because of our achievements – the first time an English club’s Treble has been captured in such detail. 

Having spent the season capturing footage without knowing how the story would end, the final moments suddenly write themselves. 

“Every time we start one of these documentaries, the goal in our head is to be there for the pinnacle of these moments but also that journey,”

Cuschieri details.  Cuschieri 详情。

“You’ve got United who did it in 1999 but the idea of this documentary of us winning it for the first time living forever is incredible for everyone at the Club.” 
"曼联曾在 1999 年夺冠,但这部记录我们首次夺冠的纪录片将永远流传下去,这对俱乐部的每个人来说都是不可思议的。

The global release of the series on Netflix has seen fans all over the world clearing their diaries to watch as quickly as possible. 
该剧在 Netflix 全球上映后,世界各地的影迷都在清空自己的日记,以便尽快观看。

They have been joined by our players and backroom staff, many of whom had seen little more than the publicly available trailer ahead of the 2 April. 
我们的球员和后勤人员也加入了他们的行列,其中许多人在 4 月 2 日之前只看过公开的预告片。

Speaking ahead of its publish date, Cuschieri says the players were very keen to see the fruits of their labours. 
Cuschieri 说,球员们非常渴望看到自己的劳动成果。

He said: “They are very excited about it. They’ve seen the trailer and little clips here and there but they’re going to see it at the same time the rest of the world does.  

“Nathan [Ake] has been incredibly invested in the whole production. Daily he’d pop his head in and ask if there was any news. Now all of the players are excited about watching it just as everyone on social media is too.  

“Ultimately we want the players to enjoy it too. It’s a ridiculous moment in their careers to win a Treble, a third Premier League, first Champions League, FA Cup against your local rivals.” 

“They will have forgotten things that happened as well because we captured them here on the spur of the moment,” added Jones. 

“They won’t even know exactly what we’ve captured. Everyone knows the final of the Champions League happened but there are so many moments that make it what it is away from that.” 