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People with an INTJ (introverted, intuitive, thinking, judging) personality type tend to be analytical and creative, so they can be amazing, thoughtful partners. If your idea of a romantic evening involves intelligent conversations and sharing interests, an INTJ might just be your perfect date.
INTJ(内向、直觉、思考、判断)人格类型的人往往善于分析,富有创造力,因此他们可以成为令人惊叹、体贴入微的伴侣。如果你对浪漫之夜的理解包括智慧的对话和兴趣的分享,那么 INTJ 可能就是你的完美约会对象。

That said, INTJs tend to be reserved and appreciate their personal space, so sometimes it can be tough to tell whether they like you, even when they’re not trying to hide it.
尽管如此,INTJ 还是倾向于矜持,欣赏自己的个人空间,所以有时很难判断他们是否喜欢你,即使他们并不刻意掩饰。

Don’t worry—to help you out, we’ve put together a list of 11 signs that an INTJ likes you as more than just a friend.[1]
别担心--为了帮助你,我们列出了 INTJ 喜欢你不仅仅是朋友的 11 个迹象。 [1]


They take interest in your interests.

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  1. Ever the observer, they’ll want to know and engage in your likes and dislikes, dreams and goals, and more. They might even use this to help inform how they interact with you and what they do for and with you, often putting your interests above their own.
    喜欢你的 INTJ 会不遗余力地了解你的兴趣。作为观察者,他们会想了解并参与你的喜好、梦想和目标等等。他们甚至会利用这一点来帮助了解他们与你互动的方式,以及他们为你做了什么和与你一起做了什么,常常会把你的兴趣放在他们自己的兴趣之上。
    • They might binge your favorite TV show, even if it’s not normally up their alley.
    • If you recommend a book or podcast that you like, they might just check it out so that they can discuss it with you.
    • Do you like painting, playing a sport, or going hiking? If they know what hobbies you enjoy, don’t be surprised if they give those activities a try, too![2]
      您喜欢画画、运动或徒步旅行吗?如果他们知道你喜欢什么爱好,他们也会尝试这些活动,不要感到惊讶! [2]
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They show up where you are.

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  1. If they frequently pop up in the same places that you’re going, it may well be that they know you’re likely to be there. They’re not necessarily trying to be creepy about it — in fact, it’s probably a good sign that they’re trying to spend time with you in their own unique way.
    许多 INTJ 会不遗余力地找出暗恋对象经常出现的地方。如果他们经常出现在你要去的地方,那很可能是他们知道你可能会去那里。他们不一定是想让你觉得毛骨悚然--事实上,这很可能是一个好兆头,说明他们想用自己独特的方式与你共度时光。

They initiate physical contact with you.

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They find subtle ways to make you happy.

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  1. Once they know your likes, goals, and other interests, they’ll use that information to put a smile on your face. In many cases, their gestures might be small and subtle, but this isn’t something that they’ll do for just anybody.
    一旦他们做了 "调查",他们就会不遗余力地为你服务。一旦他们知道了你的喜好、目标和其他兴趣,他们就会利用这些信息让你脸上露出笑容。在很多情况下,他们的举动可能很小很微妙,但这并不是他们会为任何人做的事。
    • If they know you like something — such as your favorite dessert or snack — they might leave it for you at your desk or by your door.
    • They want to help you achieve your goals. This might take the shape of giving you their time and advice, including constructive criticism.
    • They go out of their way to do small favors for you, whether it’s taking care of you if you’re feeling sick or helping you tidy up your workspace.
    • They’ll often notice and try to help you with what you need, rather than just what you want.

      Sure, a set of cute sticky notes might not be romantic, but if they notice that you like to mark notable passages in your books, it shows that they’re paying attention and know what kinds of things you’ll actually use![5] [6]
      当然,一套可爱的便签可能并不浪漫,但如果他们注意到你喜欢在书中标注值得注意的段落,这就表明他们很关注并知道你实际上会用到哪些东西! [5] [6]

They go out of their way to talk with you.

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  1. It’s a good sign that they might be interested if they go out of their way to try to talk to you. The frequency and detail of their communication is key — if it’s detailed and consistent, they probably like and trust you a lot!
    INTJ 不喜欢非必要的交流,所以如果他们想和你聊天,这就意味着很多。如果他们不遗余力地尝试与你交谈,这是一个很好的信号,说明他们可能对你感兴趣。他们交流的频率和细节是关键--如果他们的交流详细而一致,那么他们可能非常喜欢和信任你!
    • They’ll text you more often than they would typically text someone.
    • They’ll reply to your texts more quickly than they would reply to most texts.
    • It’s a pretty good sign if they feel comfortable enough with you to ramble about nothing in particular.[7]
      如果他们觉得和你在一起很舒服,可以什么都不说,这就是一个很好的信号。 [7]
    • Even if they're quiet, there's probably nothing wrong with that. They may simply need a little bit of time on their own or without talking to get their energy back.
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They want to spend time with you.

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  1. As introverts, they often need a lot of personal space to recharge, and they don’t often spend time on things or people they don’t value.
    INTJ 非常重视独处的时间。作为内向的人,他们往往需要大量的个人空间来充电,他们不会经常把时间花在自己不重视的事情或人身上。

    So if they’re willing to spend a lot of time with you, they’re telling you that they think you’re worth their energy — especially if they initiate the idea of spending time together[8]
    因此,如果他们愿意花很多时间和你在一起,他们就是在告诉你,他们认为你值得他们付出精力--尤其是当他们主动提出共度时光的时候 [8]

They’ll give you compliments.

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  1. Observant and creative, they tend to notice things that others might not, and they especially tend to admire others’ personalities and intelligence.
    就像他们的天赋一样,INTJ 也会给予体贴的赞美。他们善于观察,富有创造力,往往能注意到别人可能注意不到的东西,他们尤其欣赏别人的个性和智慧。

    Sure, anybody could tell you how pretty your eyes are, but how many people would make specific note of why they like your taste in books or movies? Or remark on your debate skills?[9]
    当然,任何人都可以告诉你你的眼睛有多漂亮,但有多少人会具体指出他们为什么喜欢你的书或电影品味?或者评论你的辩论技巧? [9]
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They plan ahead. 他们未雨绸缪。

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  1. INTJs tend to be long-term planners, so if they like you, they might take interest in both your and their own long-term plans and goals, often calculating how they mesh. Do you have similar academic or career goals? Do you see yourselves living in the same area?
    他们是否积极关注你的长期目标,或者将你纳入他们的未来计划中?INTJ 往往是长期规划者,所以如果他们喜欢你,他们可能会对你和他们自己的长期计划和目标都感兴趣,并经常计算它们之间的关系。你们有相似的学业或职业目标吗?你们会在同一个地区生活吗?
    • They’ll sometimes even go out of their way to help you achieve your goals. You want to apply to your dream school or job? If they offer to help read over your application, they probably like you a lot.
    • Consider yourself extra lucky if they mention you in their own visions of the future![10]
      如果他们在自己的未来愿景中提到你,你就会感到格外幸运! [10]

They open up emotionally with you.

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  1. So if they talk about their own feelings or invest in your emotional life, it might be a sign that they trust you more than most. In many cases, an INTJ won’t just see the sense in taking half measures, so if they feel safe enough to open up with you, they’ll really open up.
    许多 INTJ 将自己的情绪隐藏在心底。因此,如果他们谈论自己的感受或投入到你的情感生活中,这可能表明他们比大多数人更信任你。在很多情况下,INTJ 不会轻易采取半点措施,所以如果他们觉得对你敞开心扉足够安全,他们就会真正敞开心扉。
    • Do they discuss problems or fears with you?
    • Do they share their hopes and dreams?
    • Perhaps they get excited to share things that make them happy, as well.[11]
      也许,他们也会兴奋地分享让他们快乐的事情。 [11]
    • Reader Poll: We asked 390 wikiHow readers, and 51% of them agreed that the best way to help an introverted person feel more comfortable is by giving them time and space to open up. [Take Poll]
      读者投票:我们询问了 390 位 wikiHow 读者,其中 51% 的人同意,帮助内向的人感到更自在的最好方法是给他们时间和空间,让他们敞开心扉。[参与投票]
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They tell — or show — you directly.

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  1. While they aren’t always great at verbal communication, they often find it easier to be direct than to beat around the bush. This sometimes means they’ll tell you outright that they like you, but even if they don’t, they’ll often find ways to show you that they’re interested.
    INTJ 通常非常直接。虽然他们并不总是擅长语言交流,但他们往往觉得直接比拐弯抹角更容易。这有时意味着他们会直截了当地告诉你他们喜欢你,但即使他们不说,他们也会经常想办法向你表明他们对你感兴趣。
    • They might ask you to hang out one-on-one or do other date-like activities, even if they don’t expressly call it a date.
    • They might go out of their way to learn about and understand you and to show their appreciation for you.[12]
      他们可能会不遗余力地了解和理解你,并对你表示感谢。 [12]

Ask them if you’re not sure!.

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  1. Especially because many of them struggle with dancing around subtle social cues. While they might need to take some time to process their feelings after you first ask, they will often appreciate being able to skip the subtle hints and guesswork that often come with flirting.[13]
    就像他们自己很直接一样,INTJ 也经常欣赏别人的直接。特别是因为他们中的许多人都很难在微妙的社交暗示面前跳舞。虽然他们可能需要花一些时间来处理你第一次问话后的感受,但他们往往会喜欢能够跳过调情时经常出现的微妙暗示和猜测。 [13]
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Comprehension Quiz 理解力测验

When might an INTJ initiate physical contact with you?
INTJ 什么时候会主动与你有身体接触?
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About This Article

Kelli Miller, LCSW, MSW
Reviewed by:
Relationship Coach
This article was reviewed by Kelli Miller, LCSW, MSW. Kelli Miller is a Psychotherapist based in Los Angeles, California. Kelli specializes in individual and couples therapy focusing on relationships, depression, anxiety, sexuality, communication, parenting, and more.
She is the author of “Love Hacks: Simple Solutions to Your Most Common Relationship Issues” which details the top 15 relationship issues and 3 quick solutions to each. She is also the award-winning and best-selling author of “Thriving with ADHD”.
Kelli co-hosted an advice show on LA Talk Radio and was a relationship expert for The Examiner. She received her MSW (Masters of Social Work) from the University of Pennsylvania and a BA in Sociology/Health from the University of Florida.
This article has been viewed 64,460 times.
12 votes - 77%
Co-authors: 2
Updated: April 26, 2024
Views: 64,460
Categories: Relationships

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