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Ship of Dreams  梦想之船


April 10th, 1912 is the day the ill-fated ship Titanic left Southampton, England for New York in the United States of America. She and over 1500 of her passengers and crew never made it.
1912年4月10日是命运多舛的泰坦尼克号离开英国南安普敦前往美国纽约的日子。她和超过 1500 名乘客及机组人员最终未能成功。

Aziraphale Bennett and her husband, Gabriel, are on their way to America to help Gabriel's brother with his new law firm. They board the ship and head to their first class accommodations. At the same time, Doctor Anthony J. Crowley boards the ill-fated Titanic in second class.


Let me first state this will NOT follow the events of the love story from James Cameron's movie. So if you're worried about that, don't. So beyond that, I am a huge Titanic buff and always love writing fics about the ship. I do love the movie as well, but it's not often that I have the urge to kill off the love interest of my main character (in this fic, my main character will be Aziraphale).

Crowley is a doctor in this, like he is in my other WIP Lost in Difficulty. It was one of the easier ways for me to get him into one of the other classes, didn't want to make third class. He probably could have afforded a first class ticket as well, but that would have been too convenient.

Gabriel isn't too much of an ass in this, however, at this time I am not sure of his fate in this fic. That's why I haven't tagged major character death. I don't expect him to die though.

All ship descriptions are going to be as accurate as possible. There were things in the movie that weren't accurate, so please be aware of that. Especially when it came to Rose's suite in the movie. Cameron had the right cabin numbers (which I believe may have actually been occupied by Ismay in real life), but had the wrong decor. The decor of Rose's suite was actually that of the suites on C deck, the ones that Aziraphale and Gabriel occupy in this fic (they were occupied by Isidor Straus and Ida Straus in real life). My research of the interior of the ship was done via Youtube (footage of the game Titanic Honor and Glory as well as other random Titanic information videos), and the Titanic Wiki, along with help from Google.
所有船舶描述都将尽可能准确。电影中有一些不准确的地方,所以请注意。尤其是电影中罗斯的套房。卡梅伦的小屋号码是正确的(我相信伊斯梅在现实生活中可能确实住过),但装饰错误。罗丝套房的装饰实际上是C甲板套房的装饰,也就是小说中亚茨拉斐尔和加百列所住的套房(现实生活中是伊西多尔·施特劳斯和艾达·施特劳斯住的地方)。我对船内部的研究是通过 Youtube(《泰坦尼克号荣誉》和《荣耀》游戏的镜头以及其他随机的泰坦尼克号信息视频)和泰坦尼克号 Wiki 以及 Google 的帮助完成的。

Lost in Difficulty won't be abandoned for this fic, both will be worked on at the same time.

Chapter Text 章节正文

April 10th, 1912 1912 年 4 月 10 日

Aziraphale sat, slightly uncomfortably, in the car as it carried her and her husband, Gabriel, to the docks at Southampton. She held her stomach lightly, the bumps of the road made her feel slightly nauseated. She didn't make a comment about this. Aziraphale had yet to mention to him that she suspected that she had recently become pregnant.

The drive had taken a couple of hours and Aziraphale was eager to get out of the car and onto the ship, where she could get some actual rest.

Gabriel had woken her early for breakfast, and she hadn't eaten much. It was only when she eventually complained of nausea, after Gabriel had tried to force her to eat, that he relented and let her go back to bed.

He hadn't been very pleased with her and woke her again a short time later to tell her that they were leaving for the docks. Without food or even a drink, Aziraphale had gotten dressed and left with him.

They were traveling to New York city in America to help Gabriel's brother, Sandalphon, with opening up a new law firm. Gabriel had been a lawyer for about a decade, longer than Aziraphale had been married to him. She was his second wife, his first one had run off with a coal mine worker less than a year ago. Aziraphale's father was a friend of Gabriel's and had offered his only child to Gabriel as a new wife.

Aziraphale didn't particularly like Gabriel, but he would often ignore her so she knew it could have been worse. Arranged marriages were common among the upper class. Only the poor got the chance to marry for love. Aziraphale hoped that she'd eventually fall in love with Gabriel, but so far she only tolerated him.

She silently watched the countryside turn into the tall buildings of the town and silently prayed that the ship would provide her with some relief from this horrible nausea.


Doctor Anthony J. Crowley stood on the dock, near Berth 44, where the largest ship in the world was moored. He looked up at the massive ship, named Titanic. Well, she certainly lived up to her name, he decided as he pulled out his ticket. The ticket had his stateroom number but said nothing about where he was supposed to board the ship.
安东尼·J·克劳利医生站在 44 号泊位附近的码头上,那里停泊着世界上最大的船只。他抬头看着那艘巨大的船,名叫泰坦尼克号。好吧,她确实名副其实,他拿出票时决定。机票上有他的客舱号码,但没有说明他应该在哪里登船。

He looked around and eventually found a porter. "Excuse me, sir!" Crowley called out to him. "Can you tell me where the second class is boarding?"
他环顾四周,终于找到了一个搬运工。 “对不起,先生!”克劳利向他喊道。 “你能告诉我二等舱在哪里登机吗?”

"Aft on C Deck, sir," the porter replied and pointed in the direction where Crowley had to go.

"Thank you," Crowley nodded and then hurried off in that direction with his luggage. The line up the gangway was relatively short, thankfully. He pulled out his boarding ticket and showed it to the employee at the entrance to the ship.

“Welcome aboard the Titanic, Doctor Crowley,” the steward said as he passed the boarding pass back to Crowley. “Your cabin is on D deck. If you proceed on through here, there is a staircase just at the end of the hallway that will take you down one level to D deck.”
“欢迎登上泰坦尼克号,克劳利医生,”乘务员将登机牌传回给克劳利时说道。 “你的船舱在D甲板上。如果你继续穿过这里,走廊尽头有一个楼梯,可以带你下一层到 D 甲板。”

Crowley nodded again and then continued down the freshly painted hallway. He easily found the stairway and proceeded down one flight down to D deck. The staircase was beautiful, Crowley thought, as he took a moment to look around. The walls were paneled in what he suspected was real wood, in a medium reddish brown color. The floor was covered in red and white tile linoleum. He turned down a hallway that was paneled in white wood with lanterns every few feet that led to his cabin, D-73. He unlocked the door and entered it.
克劳利再次点点头,然后继续沿着新粉刷过的走廊走去。他很容易就找到了楼梯,顺着一层楼梯来到了 D 甲板。克劳利环顾四周,心想,楼梯很漂亮。墙壁上镶着镶板,他怀疑是实木,呈中等红棕色。地板上铺着红色和白色的瓷砖油毡。他穿过一条镶着白色木板的走廊,每隔几英尺就有一盏灯笼,通向他的小屋,D-73。他打开门锁,走了进去。

This was the first time Crowley had ever been on a ship, so he had no idea what to expect from his accommodations, other than the fact that he had heard that the second class staterooms on the Titanic were comparable to first class accommodations on other ships.
这是克劳利第一次上船,所以他不知道自己的住宿条件会如何,除了听说泰坦尼克号的二等舱住宿与其他船上的头等舱住宿相当之外。 。

The stateroom was way more spacious than he had expected, bigger than his bedroom at the home he had left behind. The oak-paneling on the walls was painted a pristine white and Crowley could still smell paint, as if it had been painted only a day before. The linoleum floors were a light gray color, and there was mahogany furniture consisting of a large sofa, wardrobe, and dressing table with washbasin, mirror, and storage shelves. There was also a set of bunk beds but Crowley didn’t expect to use both since he wouldn’t be sharing his room with anyone else.

It truly was a beautiful room, Crowley thought, as he placed his large suitcase on the lower bed and opened it to start unpacking.


Aziraphale watched as their driver honked at the crowd of people lining the pier. "Just let us out here," Gabriel sighed at the driver.
亚茨拉菲尔看着他们的司机向码头上的人群按喇叭。 “就让我们从这里出去吧,”加百列对司机叹了口气。

"Yes, sir." The driver came to a stop and Gabriel didn't wait for him to come around to open the door. He opened it and climbed out, his attention on the crowd.

"You could have at least moved us past the steerage passengers. I do not want them robbing us." Gabriel scowled at the driver as he opened the door next to Aziraphale and offered her his hand. He assisted her out of the car.

She was a little unsteady on her feet and swayed slightly. "Alright, miss?" the driver asked.
她的脚步有些不稳,微微摇晃着。 “好吧,小姐?”司机问道。

"Yes, I'm fine." Aziraphale brushed him off as he tried steadying her. She got nervous around men she didn't know and instinctively moved closer to her husband.

Gabriel ignored her as usual. "Grab our luggage and find a porter. Have them delivered to our suite." He pulled a wad of cash from his pocket and passed it to the driver.
加百列像往常一样无视她。 “拿上我们的行李,找行李员,把它们送到我们的套房里。”他从口袋里掏出一叠现金,递给了司机。

"Yes, sir." The driver hurried off to find a free porter in the chaos.

Aziraphale came around to the other side of the car and looked up at the ship. It did live up to its name and reputation in size, she decided as her eyes traveled along the length of it. From the outside though, it didn't look any more grander than the other transatlantic ships she had seen. "You don't seem impressed," Gabriel commented.
亚茨拉斐尔走到汽车的另一边,抬头看着船。当她的目光扫过它的长度时,她断定,它的大小确实名副其实。不过从外面看,它并不比她见过的其他跨大西洋船只更宏伟。 “你似乎没有留下深刻的印象,”加百列评论道。

Aziraphale put a fake smile on her lips and turned to look at him. "I'm sure it's a lot nicer on the inside. Outside it doesn't look any different from the others."
亚茨拉斐尔嘴角挂起一抹假笑,转身看着他。 “我确信它的内部要好得多。外面看起来与其他的没有什么不同。”

"Oh, it will be," Gabriel said. "I made sure to purchase the finest suites available."
“哦,会的,”加百列说。 “我确保购买最好的套房。”

"Of course you did," Aziraphale muttered, not really caring how much he'd spent on them. All she wanted was to get into her comfortable bed and sleep off the nausea. Or at the very least, get a cup of ginger tea.

"Come along, Aziraphale," Gabriel said, as he checked his pocket watch. "We don't want to be late."
“来吧,亚茨拉斐尔,”加百列边说边检查了怀表。 “我们不想迟到。”

Aziraphale turned to him and smiled, straightening her dress and hat, before offering him her arm. He took it and led her off to the first class gangway, leading up to B deck. The incline was steep enough that it slightly tired Aziraphale as she tried to keep up with her husband. Eventually, Gabriel gave up and let her arm go. She lagged behind a bit but hurried so that she wouldn’t lose too much pace behind him, lest she make him angry. “What has gotten into you?” Gabriel hissed at her as he had to stop and wait for her.
亚茨拉斐尔转向他微笑着,整理了一下裙子和帽子,然后向他伸出了手臂。他接过它,领着她来到头等舱舷梯,通向 B 甲板。斜坡足够陡峭,亚茨拉斐尔试图跟上她丈夫时有点累了。最终,加布里埃尔放弃了,放开了她的手臂。她虽然落后了一些,但还是很快,免得跟在他身后掉太多步,免得惹他生气。 “你怎么了?”加布里埃尔对她发出嘶嘶声,因为他不得不停下来等她。

“I am sorry,” she muttered. “I am tired and not feeling well, I’d like to lie down when we get to our rooms.”
“我很抱歉,”她低声说道。 “我累了,感觉不舒服,回到房间后我想躺一会。”

“Yes, I think you need to.” He took her arm again and forcefully pulled her along with him again.

Thankfully, Gabriel let go once they reached the entrance to the ship. He handed their boarding passes to the officer standing next to the door. “Thank you, sir. Welcome to Titanic, Mr and Mrs Bennett.”
值得庆幸的是,当他们到达船入口时,加百列放开了手。他把登机牌递给站在门口的工作人员。 “谢谢你,先生。欢迎来到泰坦尼克号,贝内特先生和贝内特夫人。”

Gabriel nodded at him as the officer grabbed a steward to take them to their suites. Aziraphale had a quick glance around the grand staircase before she was led down one flight of stairs to C deck. The walls around the staircase were oak-paneled, simple in design, but still elegant. A few bits of elaborate carved woodwork appeared on some of the wall panels. The floor here was covered in cream-colored linoleum with black medallions scattered throughout. There were a few pieces of furniture, armchairs and sofas, that were upholstered in blue and sat just off to the side of the staircase. Aziraphale also noticed some potted palms in raised holders. Around the back of the staircase was a pair of lifts, which she almost asked Gabriel and the steward to allow her to use to go down to C deck, where their staterooms were.
当军官抓住一名乘务员带他们去套房时,加布里埃尔向他点了点头。亚茨拉斐尔快速扫视了大楼梯一圈,然后被领着走下一段楼梯来到 C 甲板。楼梯周围的墙壁是橡木镶板的,设计简单,但仍然优雅。一些墙板上出现了一些精致的雕刻木制品。这里的地板上铺着奶油色的油毡,上面散落着黑色的徽章。楼梯边放着几件蓝色的家具、扶手椅和沙发。亚茨拉斐尔还注意到一些盆栽棕榈树放在凸起的支架上。楼梯后面有两部电梯,她几乎请求加百列和乘务员允许她用这台电梯下到他们的客舱所在的C甲板。

On C deck, off to the left of the landing was the enquiry office where passengers could leave messages to send back to their loved ones via the wireless operators, leave their valuables to be stored, or ask for a ticket to the Turkish baths. Aziraphale was particularly interested in returning here to inquire about the baths. They seemed like a relaxing way to help her feel better, both physically and emotionally.
在 C 层甲板上,靠近平台的左侧是询问处,乘客可以在这里留言并通过无线运营商发回给亲人,寄存贵重物品,或者索要一张去土耳其浴室的门票。亚茨拉菲尔特别有兴趣回到这里询问浴场的情况。它们似乎是一种放松的方式,可以帮助她在身体和情感上都感觉更好。

The steward led them straight ahead to a white, brightly lit hallway. He stopped at the first door and unlocked it. The wood panels here and the door were pristine white. Beyond that door was the sitting room to their suite. The cabin number was C-55. "This is your sitting room, sir."
管家领着他们径直往前走,来到了一条白色的、灯火通明的走廊。他在第一扇门前停了下来,打开了门锁。这里的木板和门是原始的白色。那扇门之外就是他们套房的起居室。机舱编号为C-55。 “这是您的客厅,先生。”

Aziraphale stepped inside and was in utter awe of it. It certainly was the most beautiful and luxurious suite she had ever seen. The decor was that of the Regency. The wall panels, deep and rich in a dark oak color, lined the room and were adorned in 24 carat gold inlays. Between the two portholes was a fireplace. Aziraphale knew it was just for looks and wouldn't actually work, but still she was awed by it. A small clock sat on the mantle.
亚茨拉斐尔走进去,对它感到非常敬畏。这无疑是她见过的最漂亮、最豪华的套房。装饰是摄政时期的风格。墙板呈深橡木色,排列在房间内,并饰有 24 克拉的黄金镶嵌物。两个舷窗之间有一个壁炉。亚茨拉斐尔知道这只是为了好看,实际上不起作用,但她仍然对它感到敬畏。地幔上有一个小钟。

The carpet beneath her feet was cream-colored and looked incredibly soft. In the corner next to the fireplace was a writing desk, and along the walls were armchairs and sitting chairs upholstered in flower patterned cloth.

The steward brushed past her and opened the door to her right. "Here is your bedroom, your luggage should be arriving shortly. I apologize for the delay on that."
管家从她身边擦身而过,打开了她右边的门。 “这是你的卧室,你的行李应该很快就会到达。对于延误,我深表歉意。”

"Yes, it's alright." Gabriel tipped him and the steward passed him the keys.

In the bedroom, which was decorated in the Empire style, there were two beds with fresh linens. One was a single and the other a double. Aziraphale went to sit down on the single. The walls in here were white, but also adorned in gold inlays. There were dark oak wardrobes, a dressing table, and a nightstand next to the double bed. The floor was covered in dark blue carpet. A wash basin sat next to the entrance to their private bathroom, which consisted of a toilet, bathtub with a shower, and another wash basin.

Aziraphale took off her hat and set it down on the dressing table. She also removed her shoes before laying down on the bed. "At least remove your dress, sunshine," Gabriel said as he leaned against the door frame. "Wouldn't want to have it all wrinkled before dinner."
亚茨拉斐尔摘下帽子,放在梳妆台上。她还脱掉了鞋子,然后躺在床上。 “至少把衣服脱掉吧,阳光。”加百列靠在门框上说道。 “不想在晚餐前把它弄皱。”

"Yes, I suppose you are correct," Aziraphale wanted to sigh but didn't. She sat up and glanced at him. "Some privacy, please?"
“是的,我想你是对的,”亚茨拉斐尔想叹气,但没有叹气。她坐起来,看了他一眼。 “请留点隐私吧?”

"I've seen you in less," Gabriel said but stepped back and closed the bedroom door.

Aziraphale did sigh at that, but either her husband didn't hear it or he didn't care. She stood up and started unzipping her dress. She didn't know why Gabriel had insisted on letting the servants remain at home. She wished she'd had her maid with her to at least help her dress.

She wiggled out of the dress and then worked at loosening her corset. Taking it off was easier than putting it on, but she knew she'd struggle with that later. Once down to her under things, Aziraphale pulled back the sheets on the bed and was just about to climb into it when her nausea hit her again. "Gabriel?" she called through the door.
她扭动着脱下裙子,然后努力松开紧身胸衣。脱下它比戴上它更容易,但她知道稍后她会为此感到挣扎。亚茨拉斐尔躺下后,拉开床上的床单,正要爬进去,这时她的恶心再次袭来。 “加百列?”她隔着门喊道。

The door clicked open a moment later. "Yes, Aziraphale?"
过了一会儿,门“咔哒”一声打开了。 “是吗,亚茨拉斐尔?”

"Would you mind calling a steward for some tea? Ginger if they have it."

"Yes, I'll do that." “是的,我会这么做的。”

"Thank you." “谢谢。”

The door clicked shut again and Aziraphale laid down in the bed, pulling the sheets over herself. The bed was comfortable and she turned onto her side, rubbing her stomach. She briefly wondered if she should see the doctor on board. Perhaps they could confirm her suspected pregnancy and she wouldn't have to wonder anymore.

Her anxiety made her push that thought from her head though and she closed her eyes instead.

A few moments later, the door creaked open again. "Sunshine, they only have English breakfast tea," Gabriel said.
过了一会儿,门又吱呀一声打开了。 “阳光,他们只提供英式早餐茶,”加布里埃尔说。

Aziraphale sighed. "Forget it for now then. I'll take tea later."
亚茨拉斐尔叹了口气。 “那就先别想了,待会儿我去喝茶。”

"You're sure?" “你确定?”

"Yes, please just let me rest, Gabriel."

"Fine," he said. "I'll keep the porters out of here for now. We'll have to keep the luggage in the sitting room. I'll wake you for dinner. You're not missing that, no matter how sick you're feeling." He closed the door and left her to nap.
“好吧,”他说。 “我现在会让搬运工离开这里。我们得把行李放在客厅里。我会叫醒你吃晚饭。无论你感觉有多难受,你都不会错过这个。 ”他关上门,留下她去睡觉。

Chapter 2 第2章


Crowley witnesses a near collision between the Titanic and another smaller ship as they leave port. Gabriel annoys Aziraphale. Later, Crowley has lunch and takes a nap.


I did want to get this to you guys sooner, hoping that I could make it for the 111 year anniversary of the disaster but unfortunately I am a few days late. April 19th was the first full day the Titanic survivors spent in New York after disembarking their rescue ship, Cunard's Carpathia, the previous evening.
我确实想早点把这个告诉你们,希望我能赶上灾难 111 周年纪念日,但不幸的是我迟到了几天。 4 月 19 日是泰坦尼克号幸存者在前一天晚上登上救援船冠达卡帕西亚号后在纽约度过的第一天。

Chapter Text 章节正文

April 10th, 1912 1912 年 4 月 10 日

After putting his belongings away, Crowley decided to head up to the boat deck to get a last look of the pier before the ship left port. He climbed back up the staircase, exiting onto the boat deck. Before he had left his cabin, Crowley heard the sound of the ship's horn, signaling that they were about to leave port.

The weather was as it had been earlier, sunny and comfortably cool. He did feel a slight cold breeze coming off of the sea, along with the scent of the salt in the air. Crowley did up his jacket as he walked to the railing on the port side of the ship to see what was going on.

Looking down, he saw three tugboats, their lines moored to the Titanic. Slowly, they began to pull the massive ship away from the dock.

The movement of the ship was new to Crowley and it made him feel slightly uneasy. The turn away from the pier was slow enough but his stomach still churned a bit from motions. He gripped the railing and continued to watch curiously as the tugboats guided the Titanic out from the pier and into the wider waters of the English Channel.

Shortly after a low humming noise started up from deep inside the ship. The engines came to life, Crowley realized.

The first tugboat dropped their mooring to the Titanic, as the massive ocean liner began to make a turn towards the port side. Along the shore, there were two smaller boats tied to each other along the docks. The stir of the water from the stern of the Titanic began to make them bob up and down violently. Crowley tightened his grip on the railing as he watched, sudden anxiety making his heart rate increase.

A sudden ear-splitting crack filled the air, causing him and the other passengers to startle. A few seconds later, the first crack was followed by a series of five more. His heart racing, Crowley stared at the scene unfolding in front of him.

The smaller of the two ships began to drift back towards the stern of the Titanic. Another loud sound filled the air, a clattering noise, followed by a loud splashing as the boarding ramp of the second ship fell into the water. For a moment Crowley thought that it too would break free of its moorings but it held tight.

The smaller boat kept being pulled towards the Titanic. It was now only a few feet away from the stern. Instinctively, Crowley stepped away from the railing, fearing that the smaller ship was about to collide with them.

Thankfully, at what looked like the last possible second, one of the tugboats tossed a rope to the crew of the smaller vessel. The tugboat pushed its engines to full speed in the opposite direction, smoke billowing heavily from the funnel on the tugboat. The smaller boat, the New York, Crowley could now see its name on the bow, continuing to drift only inches away from the Titanic.

Instinct continued to rule his body, and Crowley looked away. He knew that if a collision happened, the voyage would be delayed or possibly canceled. He prepared himself for the impact, but it never came.

Taking a deep breath, Crowley stepped back to the railing and looked down again. The tugboat had managed to gain control over the New York and with the help of another ship, had started to lead it back towards the port.

Crowley blinked a few times, shaking his head. "Haven't even fully left port and already got into trouble," he muttered to himself. He had developed a feeling of dread after witnessing the near collision. It certainly didn't help with the way his heart was still pounding away in his chest.
克鲁利眨了几下眼睛,摇了摇头。 “还没完全离开港口,就已经陷入困境了。”他自言自语道。目睹了险些发生的碰撞后,他产生了一种恐惧感。这对他的心脏仍然在胸腔里狂跳毫无帮助。

Another deep breath and he stepped back from the railing, moving over to settle down on a deck chair. Crowley shivered as he laid back into the chair, the chill in the air seemed to be more noticeable now. Perhaps because they were moving again, away from the port, to the deeper waters of the channel. This gave him a slight sense of comfort, knowing that they would be away from any danger.

Wrapping his coat around himself, Crowley got up from the chair and decided to head back inside where it was warmer.


"Aziraphale!" “亚茨拉斐尔!”

She woke with a start and then groaned when she realized that she had only been asleep for maybe half an hour at most.

Sighing, Aziraphale pushed herself up and climbed out of the bed. She opened the door to the sitting room of their cabin and stuck her head into the room. "What is it, Gabriel?"
叹了口气,亚茨拉斐尔撑起身子,从床上爬起来。她打开了他们小屋客厅的门,把头探进了房间。 “怎么了,加百列?”

"I need you to put our luggage away. It's taking up too much space in the sitting room! I don't know why you insisted on dragging all these books across the Atlantic with us. I would have bought you all the books you wanted when we arrive in New York." He scowled at her.

Aziraphale bit back the urge to roll her eyes at him. "It's not the same when you open a new copy of a much beloved book."
亚茨拉斐尔忍住了想对他翻白眼的冲动。 “当你打开一本深受喜爱的书的新副本时,这是不一样的。”

Gabriel huffed at her. "Well, get on with it then. Or I'll have them thrown overboard."
加百列对她怒气冲冲。 “好吧,那就继续吧。不然我就把他们扔到海里去。”

Aziraphale swallowed. "You wouldn't!"
亚茨拉菲尔吞咽了一口。 “你不会的!”

Gabriel didn't say anything to that. "If this voyage continues on the way it's already started, you won't be having them in New York anyway."
加百列对此没有说什么。 “如果这次航行按照已经开始的方式继续下去,无论如何你都不会在纽约看到它们。”

A sense of dread and anxiety washed over Aziraphale. "Whatever do you mean?" she asked quietly.
一种恐惧和焦虑的感觉笼罩着亚茨拉斐尔。 “不管你是什么意思?”她轻声问道。

"Rumor is that on the port side of the ship, just moments ago, there was a near collision with another ship," Gabriel said. "I did not see it myself but I have it on good authority that it is true."
加布里埃尔说:“有传言说,就在不久前,在这艘船的左舷,险些与另一艘船相撞。” “我自己没有看到,但我有充分的证据证明这是真的。”

"My God," Aziraphale whispered, as she wondered if the ship was too big for the crew to manage properly.

"Yes, well, nothing we can do about it." Gabriel gestured toward the pile of luggage. "Best get that out of the way so that we can enjoy the time we have on this ship."
“是的,好吧,我们对此无能为力。”加百列指着那堆行李。 “最好把它解决掉,这样我们才能享受在这艘船上的时光。”

Aziraphale nodded. "Yes, Gabriel. I'll get dressed again." She didn't wait for him to reply, just closed the door as she swallowed down a wave of nausea.
亚茨拉斐尔点点头。 “是的,加百列。我会再穿好衣服。”她不等他回答,就关上门,咽下一阵恶心。


Crowley wandered into the second-class dining room after he was alerted that lunch was about to be served.

It was a lot larger than he was expecting, with the walls oak paneled like the other parts of the ship. The long mahogany tables and swivel chairs that were upholstered in crimson leather were bolted to the ground so that they wouldn't move in bad weather. That was something Crowley didn't want to think about as he took a seat near the upright piano in the middle of the room.

He nervously played with the white linen on the table, hoping that he would be dining alone.

A server came over to him and placed a basket of fresh fruit in the middle of the table before setting down a glass of water as well. "Would you like coffee or tea, sir?"
一名服务员走过来,将一篮子新鲜水果放在桌子中央,然后又倒了一杯水。 “先生,您想要咖啡还是茶?”

"I'll take a black coffee," Crowley said as he took a drink of his water. The server nodded and headed off to retrieve the coffee.

Crowley was munching on some grapes when two men, who appeared to be around his age, entered the dining room and approached his table. "Mind if we join you?" The taller, sandy-haired man with blue eyes asked.
克劳利正在嚼着葡萄,两个看起来和他年龄相仿的男人走进餐厅,靠近他的桌子。 “介意我们加入吗?”身材高大、沙色头发、蓝眼睛的男人问道。

Crowley looked up. "It's a free table," he gestured at the seats across from him. "I'm traveling alone, not waiting on anyone."
克劳利抬起头。 “这是一张免费桌子,”他指着对面的座位。 “我一个人旅行,不等任何人。”

The man and his companion, a slightly shorter man of color, nodded and then sat down. “I’m Clarence Hastur,” the man with the sandy hair said as he sat across from Crowley and offered him his hand. Crowley took it. “And this is my…associate, Thomas Ligur.” Crowley nodded and took his hand next.
那人和他的同伴,一个身材稍矮的有色人种,点点头,然后坐下。 “我是克拉伦斯·哈斯塔,”沙色头发的男人坐在克劳利对面,向他伸出了手。克劳利接过它。 “这是我的……同事,托马斯·利古尔。”克劳利点点头,紧接着握住了他的手。

“Doctor Anthony Crowley,” he muttered as he reached for his water again.

“Doctor?” Mr Hastur asked. “Shouldn’t you be in First Class?” He picked up an apple and took a large bite out of it.
“医生?”哈斯塔先生问道。 “你不是应该坐头等舱吗?”他拿起一个苹果,咬了一大口。

Crowley watched him, thinking that perhaps he didn’t want to eat with these two men. They didn’t seem like they were the most well-mannered people. “I worked in rural London,” Crowley said. “Out there a lot of the people cannot afford regular medical services. I provided them in exchange for goods and services… but since you asked, yes, I could have afforded a First Class ticket. I just chose to sail in more standard comfort than luxury.”
克鲁利看着他,心想也许他不想和这两个人一起吃饭。他们看起来并不是最有礼貌的人。 “我在伦敦乡村工作,”克劳利说。 “很多人无法负担定期的医疗服务。我提供它们以换取商品和服务……但既然你问了,是的,我本来可以买一张头等舱机票。我只是选择以更标准的舒适度而不是奢华的方式航行。”

“Ah, better to be here than up there with all the new money,” Mr Ligur commented as he popped a few grapes into his mouth.

Crowley was grateful when the waiter appeared with his coffee and his first course, which was pea soup. He picked up his spoon and began eating it while the server took Hastur and Ligur’s drink orders.

“I don’t believe you are headed to New York for business opportunities like the rest of us then,” Hastur commented.

Crowley didn’t particularly want to reveal to these two new acquaintances why he was on the ship. He kept his mouth shut for the moment. “Doctor Crowley?” Ligur pressed.
克劳利并不是特别想向这两个新认识的人透露他为什么会在船上。他暂时闭嘴了。 “克劳利医生?”利古尔压榨。

Crowley sighed. “I am,” he said. “I am moving my practice to the US.”
克劳利叹了口气。 “我是,”他说。 “我正在将我的实践转移到美国。”

“I wonder why someone would want to do that,” Ligur said. “Unless it’s for the money.”
“我想知道为什么有人想要这样做,”利古尔说。 “除非是为了钱。”

“No,” Crowley replied. “I have personal reasons.”
“不,”克劳利回答道。 “我有个人原因。”

The server returned and placed Hastur and Ligur’s drinks and soup down on the table. “Not much of a socializer then, Crowley?” Hastur said.
服务员回来了,把哈斯塔和利古尔的饮料和汤放在桌子上。 “那么,克劳利就不太擅长社交了?”哈斯塔说道。

“I do not mind it,” Crowley said, looking at them with his golden eyes. “However, I do not reveal personal information to new acquaintances.”
“我不介意,”克劳利说,用金色的眼睛看着他们。 “不过,我不会向新认识的人透露个人信息。”

Hastur shrugged. “I suppose that is acceptable…fancy a cigar in the smoking room after the meal?”
哈斯塔耸耸肩。 “我想这是可以接受的……饭后想在吸烟室抽一支雪茄吗?”

“I’m sorry, but I must respectfully decline, on the basis that I do not smoke.”

“Smart man,” Ligur muttered as he started to eat his soup.

The rest of the meal was just small talk, Crowley was bored with it rather quickly. But didn’t want to excuse himself early from the meal out of respect. He did hope that he wouldn’t have to run into the two business men again. Hastur and Ligur were owners of a small green grocer in London, and were traveling to New York for a vacation.

Crowley suspected that there was more to their relationship than just ‘business partners’, but it was not his business to comment on it. Both other men didn’t mention or show anything for Crowley to confirm his suspicions either. Even if they had, Crowley would not have outed them. The social constructs of the time would mean that they would be shunned from society and he knew that it would take a mental toll on them. He did not care for them, but he was still a decent human being.

He finished off the dessert course, feeling rather full, and then bid farewell to Hastur and Ligur. Crowley decided to do a little bit of exploring to see what the ship had to offer him during this voyage. He knew that later in the evening they would be arriving in Cherbourg, France to pick up more passengers and Crowley wanted to go up to the deck to watch.

As he was climbing the staircase, Crowley noticed an open door behind a large pillar directly ahead of him on the landing of C deck. Curious, he entered the room, thinking that perhaps it was the smoking room that Hastur and Ligur had mentioned. There was no smoke in the room, however, and the majority of the passengers inside were women.
当他爬上楼梯时,克劳利注意到他正前方的 C 甲板平台上一根大柱子后面有一扇开着的门。出于好奇,他走进了房间,心想也许这就是哈斯塔和利古尔提到的吸烟室。不过,房间内并没有烟雾,而且里面的大多数乘客都是女性。

It was paneled in contrasting light sycamore and dark mahogany with columned accents. There were ridged, white-painted wooden columns throughout the room supporting a coffered plaster ceiling. Mahogany chairs and tables furnished the room, with writing desks by the windows with lamps, and a large bookcase in the middle which appeared to be a lending library.

Crowley went over to the bookcase and started looking through the volumes of books. Surprisingly, he found many different genres, both fiction and nonfiction. The books were brand new and most appeared to have never been read. He smiled as he came across the section of Shakespeare plays, published in beautiful hard covers. A Midsummer Night’s Dream was one of his favorites and he pulled it off the shelf.
克劳利走到书柜前,开始翻阅书籍。令人惊讶的是,他发现了许多不同的类型,包括小说和非小说。这些书都是全新的,大多数似乎从未读过。当他看到以精美精装本出版的莎士比亚戏剧部分时,他笑了。 《仲夏夜之梦》是他的最爱之一,他把它从架子上拿了下来。

An open notebook lay off to the side, near the bookshelf. Crowley stepped over to it, the copy of the play in his hands, and saw that the notebook served as the lending record. He picked up a pen and scrawled his name, along with the title of the book and the time he checked it out.

The library was rather busy, mostly with passengers wanting to see what it had to offer, so Crowley exited the room with his book and carried it up the staircase. He exited the landing and went out onto the second class open promenade deck.

Deck chairs lined the side of the ship here, facing the water. Crowley chose a chair near the forward part of the deck on the port side of the ship. He settled into it as a passing steward asked him if there was anything he could get for him.

“A blanket and some black coffee, thank you,” Crowley said. It was slightly cold, but the sun and the view was nice, and Crowley didn’t want to take his book back to his cabin. The library was too crowded for his liking at the moment. At least out here, most of the other passengers were walking along the deck and not crowding his personal space.

“Right away, sir.” The steward hurried away to retrieve the coffee and blanket for him.

Crowley pulled his feet up onto the deck chair and got comfortable once the steward returned. He opened the book and began to read, but soon found himself dozing off. Perhaps he was tired from the long journey he had taken to Southampton that day, or perhaps the movement of the ship was making him a bit seasick. He had never been on a ship before so he had no way of knowing how his body would react to it. Either way, he welcomed the chance to rest and relax.

Chapter 3 第3章


Crowley meets Hastur's sibling, who then interrupts a first-class couple having a loud disagreement on the deck above them. Aziraphale meets the beautiful and caring doctor, and they both share an immediate attraction to one another.


Mention of Hastur/Ligur in this chapter. I probably won't bother adding it to the tags, unless they show up more often.

For now, Bee will have 'she/her' pronouns, however, that will change.
目前,Bee 将有“她/她”代词,但是,这将会改变。

Gabriel is little bit mean to Aziraphale in this chapter. Slight warning for mentions of abuse. Nothing is 'shown' though.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text 章节正文

April 10th, 1912 1912 年 4 月 10 日

Crowley stirred from his nap when he heard the chair beside him being dragged along the deck. He opened a golden-brown eye and narrowed it in the direction of the sound. Squinting in the bright sunlight at the young woman dragging it over. "Mind if I sit here?" she asked.
当克鲁利听到旁边的椅子被沿着甲板拖走时,他从午睡中惊醒。他睁开一只金棕色的眼睛,朝着声音传来的方向眯起。在明亮的阳光下眯着眼睛看着拖着它过来的年轻女子。 “介意我坐这里吗?”她问。

He opened his other eye and looked at her. Her face was pale, a stark contrast to the dark color of her hair. It was tied up in a bun on top of her head. She wore no hat and just a plain black dress. "I don't mind," Crowley replied, turning to look back over the water.
他睁开另一只眼睛看着她。她的脸色苍白,与深色头发形成鲜明对比。它被绑在她的头顶上。她没有戴帽子,只穿了一件朴素的黑色连衣裙。 “我不介意,”克鲁利回答道,转身看着水面。

The woman reached into her pocket and pulled out a small tin. "My brother, Clarence, kicked me out of the smoking room." She opened the tin and removed a cigarette.
女人把手伸进口袋,掏出一个小罐子。 “我的兄弟克拉伦斯把我赶出了吸烟室。”她打开罐头,取出一根香烟。

"Clarence? Last name is Hastur, by chance?" Crowley asked.

"So, you've met him?" “那么,你见过他吗?”

Crowley nodded. "And his associate, Ligur."
克劳利点点头。 “还有他的伙伴,利古尔。”

The young woman snorted. "'Associate'," she mocked. "Is that what he's calling Thomas these days?" She put her tin away and pulled out a lighter as Crowley gave her a curious look. "Those two have been buggering each other for years. Don't know why they just can't be truthful with people." She lit her cigarette and took a long drag.
年轻女子哼了一声。 “‘同事’,”她嘲笑道。 “他最近就是这么称呼托马斯的吗?”她把罐子收起来,拿出打火机,克劳利好奇地看了她一眼。 “这两个人多年来一直互相纠缠。不知道为什么他们就是不能对人诚实。”她点燃香烟,深深地吸了一口。

"It's a social thing," Crowley said. "I'm not certain you'd understand."
“这是一件社交事情,”克劳利说。 “我不确定你能理解。”

"I think maybe I would," she replied. "I'm not exactly normal myself."
“我想也许我会的,”她回答道。 “我自己也不正常。”

Crowley gave her a look. "I can see that," he muttered.
克劳利看了她一眼。 “我看得出来,”他低声说道。

"Keep your eyes to yourself," she said. "There's only one man I'd even consider marrying, but he's married to some rich girl."
“注意自己,”她说。 “我只考虑过嫁给一个男人,但他娶了一位有钱的女孩。”

"I wasn't…" Crowley shook his head. "I'm a recent widower. I'm not looking."
“我没有……”克鲁利摇摇头。 “我是个刚鳏夫。我不会找的。”

"Good," she said. "You couldn't handle me anyway." She stood up to toss her cigarette butt overboard and leaned against the railing looking out over the water.
“很好,”她说。 “反正你也对付不了我。”她站起来,把烟蒂扔到船外,靠在栏杆上,眺望着水面。

Crowley leaned back in his deck chair and closed his eyes once again.


Aziraphale struggled with her corset. She was mad at Gabriel for leaving her maid back in England. Not only was she not feeling well, she wasn't the most flexible person and reaching around behind herself was proving to be more trouble than she could handle.

So she set about putting away the luggage without it. Her dress wasn't as fitted as it should have been and Gabriel commented on it. "You're not wearing your corset," he said as he sipped his bourbon.
于是她就开始收拾行李,没有带它。她的衣服没有应有的合身,加布里埃尔对此发表了评论。 “你没有穿紧身胸衣,”他一边喝着波本威士忌一边说道。

"It's too much trouble for me to lace up," Aziraphale said as she put his clothes into the wardrobe. "You left my maid in London and I am not feeling well. I'm not wasting my time with a corset. I don't need it."
“系鞋带对我来说太麻烦了,”亚茨拉斐尔一边说一边把他的衣服放进衣柜。 “你把我的女佣留在伦敦,我感觉不舒服。我不会在紧身胸衣上浪费时间。我不需要它。”

"We will miss lunch if you don't hurry," he commented.

"Go yourself then," Aziraphale replied. "I am not sure I can eat right now, anyway."
“那你自己去吧,”亚茨拉斐尔回答道。 “无论如何,我不确定我现在能吃东西吗?”

Gabriel regarded her for a moment. "Alright, but Aziraphale, you are not to leave this stateroom until I return. I will find a stewardess to help you with your corset for dinner. You're not allowed out of this cabin without proper dress."
加百列注视了她一会儿。 “好吧,但是亚茨拉斐尔,在我回来之前你不能离开这间客舱。晚餐时我会找一位空姐帮你穿上紧身胸衣。如果你没有穿得体的衣服,你不准离开这间客舱。”

"Yes, Gabriel," she replied before resuming her task of unpacking for them.

Once Gabriel had left to go to the dining salon, and she had finished up the unpacking, Aziraphale found herself rather restless. She did not want to remain in the stateroom, as comfortable as it was. She opened the window in her bedroom and took in the scent of the sea air.

The fresh air seemed to help her nausea. Aziraphale reached for her hat and pinned it into her pale blonde hair before ignoring her husband's request and leaving the suite.This time she took the lift on the grand staircase up from C deck to A deck. As she exited the lift and stepped around to the stairs, she looked up, noticing for the first time that the staircase was covered by an extravagant wrought iron and glass dome with a large chandelier in the center. It was installed on the boat deck level of the staircase and provided natural light to the stairwell. There were lights installed behind it on each deck level to light the stairwell during the evening. On the central landing of A deck was an exquisitely carved clock with allegorical figures on either side, known as Honor and Glory Crowning Time. At the foot of the staircase, on the post of the middle balustrade, was a bronze cherub holding an electric torch.
新鲜空气似乎缓解了她的恶心。亚茨拉斐尔伸手拿过帽子,别在浅金色的头发上,然后无视丈夫的要求,离开了套房。这一次,她乘坐电梯从 C 甲板到 A 甲板。当她走出电梯,走到楼梯时,她抬起头,第一次注意到楼梯上覆盖着一个奢华的锻铁和玻璃圆顶,中间有一盏巨大的枝形吊灯。它安装在楼梯的船甲板层,为楼梯间提供自然光。每个甲板层后面都安装了灯,以在晚上照亮楼梯间。 A甲板的中央平台上有一座雕刻精美的时钟,两侧各有寓言人物,被称为“荣誉和荣耀加冕时间”。楼梯脚下,中间栏杆的柱子上,有一个手持手电筒的青铜小天使。

“This is absolutely beautiful,” Aziraphale muttered to herself as she climbed the stairs up to the boat deck. She took one more look around before heading for the doors that exited outside onto the first-class promenade.

Outside, the air was a bit brisk, but there wasn’t much wind and the sun was shining so she didn’t feel cold. Aziraphale walked the length of the deck, towards the stern before she found herself getting a bit tired and took a seat in a deck chair on the port side of the ship, just above the second class promenade. Below, she could see the second class passengers walking around and standing at the railing, looking out over the English Channel.

"Aziraphale!" “亚茨拉斐尔!”

She groaned and pulled up the blanket that a steward had fetched for her, while turning to look in the direction of her angry husband.

"AZIRAPHALE!" Gabriel repeated as he stalked up to her. "Get up, now."
“亚齐拉斐尔!”加百列一边大步走向她,一边重复道。 “现在起床。”

She looked up at him. "You really can't expect me to stay inside all day. The fresh air is helping me feel better."
她抬头看着他。 “你真的不能指望我整天呆在家里。新鲜的空气让我感觉好多了。”

"I don't care," Gabriel said. "I told you that you were not to leave the cabin as long as you weren't properly dressed. Now, get up. I'm taking you back to the stateroom."
“我不在乎,”加布里埃尔说。 “我告诉过你,只要你穿得不合身,就不能离开船舱。现在,站起来,我带你回客舱。”

"I want to stay out here," she protested. Although she knew at this point that there was no more disobeying him, still she defied him.

"Don't make me say it again. If you don't get up right this instant, I will make you. It won't be pleasant." He raised his hand.

"Oi! Gabriel Bennett, I thought you were a gentleman?!"

Aziraphale knew that voice, although it had been a while since she'd heard it. She got up from her chair and moved over to the railing to look below onto the second class promenade deck. Her confused husband followed her. "Beverley Hastur?" Gabriel called over to the woman who had yelled up at him.
亚茨拉斐尔认识这个声音,尽管她已经有一段时间没有听到这个声音了。她从椅子上站起来,走到栏杆旁,俯视二等舱的长廊甲板。她困惑的丈夫跟着她。 “贝弗利·哈斯塔?”加百列向那个对他大喊大叫的女人喊道。

"I told you not to call me that, you twat. It's Bee now. How dare you speak to your wife like that? She puts up with you without complaint, which I daresay is more than you deserve."

Aziraphale's eyes drifted away from the short woman standing below her to a skinny, lanky red-haired man lounging on a deck chair beside Bee. He had a copy of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream on his lap. The book was a good choice and Aziraphale loved Shakespeare, but that wasn't all that drew her attention to him. He was the most handsome man she had ever seen, and when she caught his eye, he smiled up at her. She blushed.

Bee went over to a set of stairs with a locked gate and hiked up her dress to hop over it. She landed on her feet and went over to Gabriel. She smacked him in the chest. "Beverley," he warned. "We're in public."
蜜蜂走到一道门锁着的楼梯前,拿起裙子跳过了楼梯。她站起来,走到加百列身边。她拍了拍他的胸口。 “贝弗利,”他警告道。 “我们在公共场合。”

"I don't care, someone has to defend your wife since she clearly can't defend herself."

Aziraphale huffed. "I can!"
亚茨拉斐尔哼了一声。 “我可以!”

Bee looked at her. "You were going to let him hit you!"
蜜蜂看着她。 “你竟然让他打你!”

"I'm not feeling well," Aziraphale said in an attempt to make a feasible excuse.

"Aziraphale knows she has to obey me," Gabriel said. "She left the cabin without a corset after I made it quite clear that she was not to do that."
“亚茨拉斐尔知道她必须服从我,”加百列说道。 “在我明确表示她不能这样做之后,她没有穿紧身胸衣就离开了机舱。”

"You left my maid back in London, what else was I supposed to do? I can't lace it up on my own and you refused to help!"

Gabriel sighed and looked back at Bee. "What are you doing on board?"
加百列叹了口气,回头看着Bee。 “你在船上做什么?”

"On my way to America with Clarence and Thomas," Bee replied. "They're going on vacation and I'm supposed to look for a potential husband." She sighed too.
“在我和克拉伦斯和托马斯一起去美国的路上,”比回答道。 “他们要去度假,我应该寻找一个潜在的丈夫。”她也叹了口气。

"You're not wife material," Gabriel said with a huff. Bee nodded in agreement. Gabriel thought for a moment. "But perhaps I can help…if you're willing to go along with it."
“你不是当老婆的料。”加百列怒气冲冲地说。蜜蜂点头同意。加百列想了一会儿。 “但也许我可以帮忙……如果你愿意的话。”

"What are you suggesting?"

"A bit of an arrangement," Gabriel said. "You will work as Aziraphale's maid and I will keep your brother from marrying you off."
“有点安排,”加百列说。 “你将担任亚茨拉斐尔的女仆,我将阻止你的兄弟娶你。”

Bee considered this for a moment. "You better pay well and give me free rein to do whatever I want."
蜜蜂考虑了一会儿。 “你最好给我丰厚的报酬,让我自由地做我想做的事。”

"As long as you do your duty to my wife, I don't care what you do in your free time. Aziraphale is not needy. She keeps to herself and doesn't need a lot of assistance."

"Fine," Bee replied.

Gabriel nodded and then turned to Aziraphale. "If you're not feeling well by dinner time, I want you to be seen by the doctor on board."
加百列点点头,然后转向亚茨拉斐尔。 “如果晚餐时间你感觉不舒服,我希望船上的医生给你看病。”

Aziraphale's heart rate increased as her anxiety took hold. "But…" she looked down at the deck beneath her feet.
亚茨拉菲尔的心率随着她的焦虑而加快。 “但是……”她低头看着脚下的甲板。

"I won't have you disobeying me on this, Aziraphale, I'll take you myself if you refuse to go."

She looked away and bit her lip. "Yes, Gabriel," she muttered and then looked up as she heard someone else jumping over the locked gate. It was the red-haired man.
她移开视线,咬着嘴唇。 “是的,加百列,”她低声说道,然后抬起头,听到有人跳过锁着的大门。正是那个红发男子。

"Excuse me," he said, his voice soft and soothing. Aziraphale kept her eyes down as she found herself blushing again. "I hope you don't mind me interrupting. I overheard your conversation, Mr Bennett, and I believe your wife may be nervous about seeing the doctor."
“对不起,”他说道,声音轻柔而舒缓。亚茨拉斐尔低下眼睛,发现自己又脸红了。 “我希望你不介意我打扰。我无意中听到了你的谈话,贝内特先生,我相信你的妻子可能对看医生感到紧张。”

"She gets nervous over the littlest of things. It's normal for her," Gabriel replied and raised his eyebrow. "Who are you?"
“她会因为一点小事而紧张。这对她来说很正常。”加百列回答道,扬起了眉毛。 “你是谁?”

"Doctor Anthony J Crowley," Crowley replied. "I'm not one of the ship's doctors, but I can help your wife. If she wants me to. I can see her back in your cabin if that's more comfortable for her."
“安东尼·J·克劳利医生,”克劳利回答道。 “我不是船上的医生之一,但我可以帮助你的妻子。如果她愿意的话。我可以看到她回到你的船舱,如果这对她来说更舒服的话。”

Aziraphale glanced up at Crowley. "Please," she whispered, not entirely sure why she was so trusting of this man she had only just met. The way he was speaking to Gabriel about her gave Aziraphale the impression that he did actually want to help her.
亚茨拉斐尔抬头看了一眼克劳利。 “拜托,”她低声说道,不太明白为什么自己如此信任这个刚刚认识的男人。他与加百列谈论她的方式给亚茨拉斐尔留下了他确实想帮助她的印象。

Her nerves weren't any better, but she did trust this doctor. She also did need confirmation that she was pregnant. "But privately," Aziraphale replied and looked at Gabriel.
她的神经并没有好转,但她确实信任这个医生。她确实还需要确认她怀孕了。 “但是私下里,”亚茨拉斐尔回答道,看着加百列。

He narrowed his eyes. "That is unlike you."
他眯起眼睛。 “这和你不一样。”

"I know," Aziraphale muttered. "But I trust him…" She looked at Crowley. "Do you have anything that you can show my husband that proves you're who you say you are?"
“我知道,”亚茨拉斐尔低声说道。 “但我相信他……”她看着克劳利。 “你有什么东西可以给我丈夫看,证明你就是你所说的那个人吗?”

"Of course," Crowley replied. "I have documentation in my cabin along with my medical instruments."
“当然,”克劳利回答道。 “我的机舱里有文件和医疗器械。”

"You're second-class," Gabriel said. "You're not allowed in first-class areas."
“你是二等人,”加百列说。 “你不准进入头等舱区域。”

"He is right now," Aziraphale said. "He can come back this way."
“他现在就是,”亚茨拉斐尔说。 “他可以这样回来。”

"Just don't get caught," Bee said. "They might lock you up."
“只是别被抓住,”蜜蜂说。 “他们可能会把你锁起来。”

"I can appear to be first-class," Crowley said. "I have nicer clothes. I originally intended to purchase a first-class ticket."
“我看起来是一流的,”克劳利说。 “我有更好的衣服,本来想买头等舱的。”

Aziraphale bit her lip. "Gabriel, why don't you and Bee go and work out the details of your arrangement? I will wait here for Doctor Crowley to return and then I will bring him back to the stateroom."
亚茨拉斐尔咬着嘴唇。 “加百列,你和Bee去商量一下具体的安排吧?我会在这里等克劳利医生回来,然后带他回客舱。”

"You will wait for me," Gabriel said.

"Do you not trust your wife or this doctor?" Bee asked. “I spoke with him earlier, seems like a nice man.” She shrugged.
“你不相信你的妻子或这个医生吗?”蜜蜂问道。 “我之前和他聊过,看起来是个不错的人。”她耸耸肩。

"I know Aziraphale won't do anything," Gabriel said. He sighed. "I suppose Doctor Crowley seems to be enough of a gentleman…alright, fine." He turned to Aziraphale. "Pay him when he's checked you over, and I expect to know what's going on with you when I get back."
“我知道亚茨拉斐尔不会做任何事,”加百列说道。他叹了口气。 “我想克劳利医生看起来足够绅士了……好吧,好吧。”他转向亚茨拉斐尔。 “等他检查完你之后就付钱给他,我希望回来后能知道你的情况。”

"Yes, Gabriel." Aziraphale went to sit on her deck chair again. "I will wait here for you, Doctor Crowley."
“是的,加百列。”亚茨拉斐尔再次坐到她的躺椅上。 “我会在这里等你,克劳利医生。”

Crowley nodded. "I won't be long." He nodded again at Bee and Gabriel before hopping back over the gate and going down the stairs.
克劳利点点头。 “我不会等太久的。”他再次向蜜蜂和加百列点点头,然后跳回大门,走下楼梯。


Crowley gathered up the blanket and book from his chair and returned inside to go down to his cabin. As he was going down the staircase, he thought about what he had just witnessed.

Aziraphale was probably the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. More so than his late wife, Agnes, had been. He loved and missed his wife, and stillborn son, but something stirred in him when he saw the first-class blonde woman.

Unfortunately she was married, so he knew that he didn't stand a chance with her. He did want to help Aziraphale though. She looked pale and a little sick. Crowley assumed that it was just some seasickness, but if she had been feeling ill before boarding, then it could be something else. Aziraphale hasn't disclosed her specific symptoms to him yet, so he was unable to come up with a potential diagnosis.

He unlocked his cabin door and set the book and blanket down on the bottom bunk bed, before changing into a nicer set of clothes. Finally, Crowley grabbed a copy of his medical license and his medical bag and headed back up to the boat deck to meet with Aziraphale again.


Next chapter will go up soon. It is already written and ready to go.

Chapter 4 第4章


Crowley examines Aziraphale to try and confirm her suspicions about her delicate state.

Chapter Text 章节正文

April 10th 1912 1912 年 4 月 10 日

Crowley hopped back over the gate after checking to make sure no crew members were in sight.

Aziraphale was still sitting in her deck chair. She was glancing around nervously. He slowly approached her. "Mrs Bennett?" he asked quietly.
亚茨拉菲尔仍然坐在她的躺椅上。她紧张地环顾四周。他慢慢靠近她。 “贝内特夫人?”他轻声问道。

She looked up at him. "Please, just call me Aziraphale," she said. Her blue eyes were wide, but her gaze was soft. She was still nervous.
她抬头看着他。 “请叫我亚茨拉菲尔吧,”她说。她的蓝眼睛睁得大大的,但目光却很柔和。她还是很紧张。

"Are you absolutely sure that you want me to check you over?" Crowley asked for confirmation.

Aziraphale nodded. "I'm just not sure how to tell my husband about it after…" She glanced away.
亚茨拉斐尔点点头。 “我只是不知道如何在……之后告诉我丈夫这件事。”她移开了视线。

Crowley regarded her for a moment. "Let's go inside, back to your stateroom to discuss your symptoms. It's not proper for me to talk to you about them up here. Especially if you want the privacy that you requested earlier."
克劳利注视了她一会儿。 “我们进去吧,回到你的客舱讨论你的症状。我在这里和你谈论这些症状是不合适的。特别是如果你想要你之前要求的隐私的话。”

"Yes, alright then," Aziraphale replied and stood up a bit slowly. Crowley watched her, careful not to reach for her unless she requested it or showed signs of extreme physical weakness. She was fine after a moment. "My stateroom is down on C deck. We'll take the lift. I tire easily with the stairs."
“是的,那么好吧,”亚茨拉斐尔回答道,然后慢慢地站了起来。克劳利看着她,小心翼翼地不去触碰她,除非她要求,或者表现出身体极度虚弱的迹象。过了一会儿她就好了。 “我的客舱在C甲板下面。我们要乘电梯。走楼梯我很容易累。”

Crowley nodded and followed her to the entrance of the grand staircase. As they entered, he looked around in awe of the beauty of the ship. The glass dome above, the clock and ornate carvings around it. "Second class is nothing compared to this," he commented quietly, as he took her arm to lead her down one deck level.
克劳利点点头,跟着她来到了大楼梯的入口处。当他们进入时,他环顾四周,对这艘船的美丽感到敬畏。上面是玻璃穹顶,时钟和周围华丽的雕刻。 “与这个相比,二等舱根本算不了什么。”他轻声评论道,同时拉着她的手臂,领着她走下一层甲板。

"Yes, I can imagine," Aziraphale replied. "I have never seen such luxury on a ship before." She took him around to the lifts and instructed the operator to take them down to C deck.
“是的,我能想象,”亚茨拉斐尔回答道。 “我以前从未在船上见过如此奢华的环境。”她带他到电梯处,并指示操作员将他们带到C甲板。

“So you’ve traveled on a ship before?” Crowley asked.

Aziraphale hummed and nodded. “Only across the Atlantic a couple of times,” she said as she unlocked the door to the sitting room. “Gabriel has a brother in America. That’s where we’re headed now. But mostly I’ve just sailed across the channel into France. My husband enjoys shopping in France. He has a taste for expensive clothing.”
亚茨拉斐尔哼了一声,点点头。 “只跨越大西洋几次,”她一边说,一边打开客厅的门。 “加布里埃尔在美国有一个兄弟。这就是我们现在的前进方向。但大多数时候我刚刚穿过英吉利海峡进入法国。我丈夫喜欢在法国购物。他对昂贵的衣服很感兴趣。”

“Of course he does,” Crowley muttered. Aziraphale gave him a look and he blushed, clearing his throat. “I’m sorry, Mrs Bennett, I didn’t mean any disrespect.”
“他当然知道,”克鲁利嘀咕道。亚茨拉菲尔看了他一眼,他脸红了,清了清喉咙。 “抱歉,贝内特夫人,我没有任何不敬的意思。”

“Aziraphale,” she corrected him with a smile. “Do not worry, Doctor Crowley, I know he’s a bit of a prude.” She closed the door and removed her hat with a sigh, setting it down on the writing desk next to the fireplace.
“亚茨拉斐尔,”她微笑着纠正他。 “别担心,克劳利医生,我知道他有点拘谨。”她关上门,叹了一口气,摘下帽子,放在壁炉旁的写字台上。

“This suite is exquisite,” Crowley breathed as he looked around the large sitting room.

“Only the best for Gabriel,” Aziraphale said dryly. “I hear there are two other suites on this ship that are more luxurious, but they must have been already booked when he bought the tickets.” She went over to an armchair and sat down.
“只有对加百列来说最好的,”亚茨拉菲尔干巴巴地说。 “听说这艘船上还有两间套房比较豪华,不过他买票的时候肯定已经被订完了。”她走到一把扶手椅前坐下。

Crowley followed her and sat down next to her in another armchair, setting his medical bag down between them on the lush carpet. “So,” he said hesitantly. “Would you like to tell me about how you’re feeling?”
克劳利跟着她,在她旁边的另一张扶手椅上坐下,把他的医疗包放在他们之间的豪华地毯上。 “那么,”他犹豫地说。 “你愿意告诉我你的感受吗?”

“Oh, yes,” Aziraphale said but she also hesitated. Crowley suspected that she was worried about having to tell her husband what the ultimate diagnosis might be.

“Aziraphale,’ he said softly. “I won’t tell him. If you choose to, that’s not on me.”
“亚茨拉斐尔,”他轻声说道。 “我不会告诉他。如果你选择这样做,那不是我的事。”

“I know.” She bit her lip. “I guess I’m a little anxious…about what he will say.”
“我知道。”她咬着嘴唇。 “我想我有点担心……他会说什么。”

Something clicked in Crowley’s brain. “You know why you’re feeling ill, don’t you?”
克劳利的脑子里突然灵光一闪。 “你知道你为什么感觉不舒服,不是吗?”

“I have a suspicion…but want confirmation if you don’t mind.”

“I’m here to help you, Aziraphale,” Crowley assured her. “Whatever you need.”
“我是来帮助你的,亚茨拉斐尔,”克劳利向她保证。 “无论你需要什么。”

It took her another moment before she was able to reply. “I think I might be with child.”
她又过了一会儿才能够回答。 “我想我可能怀了孩子。”

Crowley resisted the urge to reach out and take her hand. He wasn’t sure if she was happy about the possibility or not. He decided to keep his questions professional. “What symptoms are you having?” he asked, gently.
克劳利忍住了伸手握住她手的冲动。他不确定她是否对这种可能性感到高兴。他决定让他的问题保持专业性。 “你有什么症状?”他轻声问道。

She glanced at him before returning her gaze to the floor. “Nausea mostly,” Aziraphale muttered. “It can last all day, but is worse in the morning.”
她看了他一眼,然后又把目光转向地板。 “主要是恶心,”亚茨拉斐尔嘀咕道。 “它可以持续一整天,但早上更糟。”

“Is that all?” “这就是全部?”

“I tire easily, but perhaps that’s because I’ve been eating less. I don’t have much of an appetite since it all easily comes right back up.”

“Perhaps,” Crowley agreed. “So you’ve been vomiting too?” Aziraphale nodded. “How often?”
“也许吧,”克劳利同意道。 “那你也吐了?”亚茨拉斐尔点点头。 “多常?”

“Only if I eat too much or if it’s something that easily upsets my stomach.”

“Can you tell me when you last had your flux?”

“A couple of months ago, I think,” Aziraphale replied. “It wasn’t recently…I keep a journal so I can give you the exact date, I just need to look through it.”
“我想是几个月前,”亚茨拉斐尔回答道。 “不是最近……我记日记,这样我就可以给你确切的日期,我只需要看一下。”

“That’s not necessary at the moment. You can find that information for me later,” he said.

Aziraphale looked at him. “Is there any way to know for sure?”
亚茨拉斐尔看着他。 “有什么办法可以确定吗?”

“There’s no definitive test,” Crowley replied. “But there is a physical exam I can do to see if I can confirm it that way.”
“没有明确的测试,”克劳利回答道。 “但我可以做一次身体检查,看看是否可以这样确认。”

Aziraphale blushed and looked away again. “And how do you do that?” she asked, quietly.
亚茨拉斐尔脸红了,再次移开视线。 “那你是怎么做到的呢?”她轻声问道。

“Have you ever had a pelvic exam before?” Crowley asked, gently. Aziraphale shook her head. “How old are you, Aziraphale?”
“您以前做过骨盆检查吗?”克鲁利轻声问道。亚茨拉斐尔摇摇头。 “你多大了,亚茨拉斐尔?”

“26,” she replied. “Gabriel is my first husband. My father tried marrying me off before, but there was little success as it seems I’m not the most interesting person.” She shrugged.
“26,”她回答道。 “加布里埃尔是我的第一任丈夫。我父亲以前也曾尝试过把我嫁出去,但没有成功,因为我似乎不是最有趣的人。”她耸耸肩。

“I beg to differ,” he commented and then realized that he probably shouldn’t have said that to a married woman. He opened his mouth to apologize but noticed that she was biting her lip and a tear was rolling down her cheek.

“I’m sorry, Doctor Crowley,” she sniffled. “I don’t know why I’m crying.”
“我很抱歉,克劳利医生,”她抽泣着说。 “我不知道我为什么哭。”

“Could be another symptom,” Crowley said. “I won’t do the exam without your permission. I can also wait to do it if you want your husband or maid present.”
“可能是另一种症状,”克劳利说。 “没有你的允许,我不会参加考试。如果你想要你的丈夫或女仆在场的话,我也可以等一下。”

“Gabriel won’t want to witness that,” Aziraphale said, now with a small laugh. “And Bee definitely won’t.”
“加百列不想目睹这一幕,”亚茨拉斐尔说道,现在轻笑了一声。 “而蜜蜂绝对不会。”

“She seems like a decent human, you might be surprised,” Crowley commented.

“Human, yes. Lady? I think not. Bee has never been a proper lady.” Aziraphale let out a sigh. “I can do this…” She took a deep breath. “On my own.” She stood. “I’m assuming the bed would be the best place?”
“人类,是的。女士?我想不是。蜜蜂从来就不是一个正派的女士。”亚茨拉斐尔叹了口气。 “我能做到……”她深吸了一口气。 “靠我自己。”她站了起来。 “我猜床是最好的地方?”

Crowley nodded. “But, Aziraphale, I do want to make sure that I fully have your consent to do the pelvic exam.”
克劳利点点头。 “但是,亚茨拉斐尔,我确实想确保我完全同意进行骨盆检查。”

“You do,” she took in another breath before going and opening the door to the bedroom. “How does this work, Doctor Crowley?”
“是的,”她又吸了一口气,然后走过去打开卧室的门。 “克劳利医生,这是怎么回事?”

Crowley got up to check the room. Thankfully there was enough space for him to sit or stand at the end of the bed, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to do the exam here, and Aziraphale would have had to go to the ship’s hospital. He stepped back out into the sitting room. “I’ll wait here while you remove your clothing from the waist down,” he said. “You can use your blanket to cover yourself. Let me know when you’re ready and I’ll come in to do the exam. It’s quick, only takes a few minutes…you have a private bathroom, yes?” She nodded. “Good, please empty your bladder. It will lessen any discomfort during the exam.”
克劳利起身检查房间。幸亏床尾有足够的空间让他坐或站,否则他就无法在这里进行检查,而亚茨拉斐尔也只能去船上的医院了。他退回客厅。 “我会在这里等你,你把腰部以下的衣服脱掉,”他说。 “你可以用毯子盖住自己。当您准备好时请告诉我,我会来参加考试。很快,只需几分钟……你有私人浴室,是吗?”她点点头。 “好的,请排空膀胱。它将减少考试期间的任何不适。”

“Alright,” Aziraphale said and moved past him. “Give me a few minutes?”
“好吧,”亚茨拉斐尔说着从他身边走过。 “给我几分钟?”

“Of course. I won’t enter the room until you give me permission to do so, Aziraphale, I promise.” Crowley went to sit down in the chair he had previously sat in.

“Thank you,” she said and closed the door.

Aziraphale tried to calm her racing heart as she sat down on her bed to remove her shoes. She took deep breaths as she continued removing her clothes. She knew that part of her was nervous because she found this doctor extremely attractive and he was about to see her in one of the most intimate of ways. Thankfully, Aziraphale knew that Crowley would keep it professional. He hadn’t said or done anything so far to indicate otherwise. But she worried that her body would betray her attraction when he was doing the exam.

After using the toilet, she returned to the bed and climbed into it, covering herself with the blanket and taking a few more deep breaths before calling out to Crowley. “I am ready, Doctor Crowley.”
上完厕所后,她回到床上,爬上床,盖上毯子,又深吸了几口气,才呼唤着克劳利。 “我准备好了,克劳利医生。”

Crowley picked up his bag and then entered the bedroom. He set the bag down at the end of the bed. “I’m going to show you the instrument that I’ll be using during the exam so that you understand what is happening. It may help your anxiety.” He opened it and pulled out the pouch containing his speculums. He unzipped it and showed the speculums to her.
克劳利拿起包,然后走进了卧室。他把袋子放在床尾。 “我将向您展示我将在考试期间使用的仪器,以便您了解正在发生的情况。它可能会帮助你缓解焦虑。”他打开它,取出装有窥器的袋子。他拉开拉链,把窥器给她看。

“What are those?” Aziraphale’s eyes showed some worry.

“They are medical instruments called speculums.” Crowley pulled out the medium-sized one. “This is the one I’ll likely use, but I’ll need to confirm by taking a look at you. It’s used to open your vaginal canal so that I can get a look inside at your cervix.” Aziraphale didn’t say anything but nodded. “I will wet it with some water before inserting it into your vagina and opening it. This shouldn’t hurt. If it does, please tell me so that I can try again with a smaller one.” He placed it back into the case. “Other than that, I will feel your cervix and uterus with my hands.”
“它们是一种叫做窥器的医疗器械。”克劳利拿出了中号的。 “我可能会用这个,但我需要看你一眼来确认。它是用来打开你的阴道管的,这样我就可以看到你的子宫颈内部。”亚茨拉斐尔什么也没说,只是点了点头。 “我会先用水弄湿它,然后将其插入你的阴道并打开。这应该不会造成伤害。如果确实如此,请告诉我,以便我可以用较小的一个再试一次。”他把它放回箱子里。 “除此之外,我会用手摸你的子宫颈和子宫。”

“Alright,” Aziraphale replied.

“Do I still have your consent to do the exam?”

Aziraphale nodded. “Yes.”
亚茨拉斐尔点点头。 “是的。”

Crowley nodded back. “I’m going to wash my hands. If you could please slide down closer to the end of the bed and pull your legs up to plant your feet firmly down onto the bed, that is the position I need you to be in for me.” He turned on a couple of lamps for better lighting before going over to the washbasin to clean his hands.
克劳利点头回应。 “我要去洗我的手。如果可以的话,请滑到靠近床尾的地方,并将双腿向上拉,将脚牢牢地踩在床上,这就是我需要你做的位置。”他打开几盏灯以获得更好的照明,然后走到洗脸盆前洗手。

Aziraphale did as he requested, sliding down as far as she could while still being able to keep her feet on the bed for support. Crowley returned to the end of the bed. “Very good, Aziraphale,” he said. “I’m going to ask you to please pull the blanket up from your feet so that it’s just covering the top of your knees.” She hesitated. “Alright? You can tell me to stop at any time if you’re not comfortable continuing.”
亚茨拉斐尔按照他的要求做了,尽可能地滑下来,同时仍然能够将脚放在床上作为支撑。克劳利回到床尾。 “很好,亚茨拉斐尔,”他说。 “我请你把毯子从脚上拉起来,让它刚好盖住你的膝盖。”她犹豫了。 “好吧?如果你不愿意继续下去,你可以随时告诉我停止。”

“It’s just that I’ve never had this done before,” she whispered.

“I understand that it’s not the most comfortable exam,” Crowley replied softly. “I am going to do everything I can to ensure your comfort and modesty. Just remember to breathe through it and I promise you’ll be alright. None of this hurts.”
“我知道这不是最舒服的考试,”克劳利轻声回答道。 “我将尽一切努力确保您的舒适和谦虚。只要记住保持呼吸,我保证你会没事的。这些都没有伤害。”

Aziraphale nodded and took a couple of calming breaths before pulling the blanket up. “Is this right?” she asked, nervously.
亚茨拉斐尔点点头,平静地吸了几口气,然后拉起毯子。 “这是正确的吗?”她紧张地问道。

“Yes, Aziraphale,” Crowley replied. “I just need you to let your knees fall open for me.” Another deep breath and she did so. “Good. I will tell you what I’m doing…First I’m just going to gently touch you to make sure everything looks good externally.” He gently examined her vulva for signs of anything that would indicate issues with her sexual health. Everything looked normal so he grabbed the speculum. “I’m going to run the speculum under some water to lubricate it before I insert it into your vagina.” Crowley took it over to the washbasin to warm and lubricate it. “You can take a deep breath now and it’ll help.” When she exhaled, he inserted it and carefully opened it.
“是的,亚茨拉斐尔,”克劳利回答道。 “我只需要你为我张开双膝。”她又深吸了一口气,然后就这么做了。 “好的。我会告诉你我在做什么……首先我会轻轻地碰触你,以确保一切看起来都很好。”他轻轻地检查她的外阴,看看是否有任何表明她的性健康问题的迹象。一切看起来都很正常,所以他抓住了窥器。 “在将窥器插入你的阴道之前,我将在一些水下运行窥器以对其进行润滑。”克劳利把它拿到洗脸盆边加热并润滑。 “你现在可以深呼吸,会有帮助的。”当她呼气时,他将其插入并小心翼翼地打开。

Crowley inspected her cervix and could tell from just looking at it, that she was most likely pregnant. There were two other things he wanted to check that didn’t require the speculum, so he gently removed it. She let out a small whine as he did so. “Alright?” he glanced up at her to see that she was staring at the wall.
克劳利检查了她的子宫颈,只看一眼就知道她很可能怀孕了。他还有两件事想要检查,不需要窥器,所以他轻轻地把它取下来。当他这样做时,她发出一声轻微的哀鸣。 “好吧?”他抬头看了她一眼,发现她正盯着墙壁。

“Yes, Doctor Crowley,” Aziraphale whispered. “It was just a bit of an odd sensation.”
“是的,克劳利医生,”亚茨拉斐尔低声说道。 “这只是一种奇怪的感觉。”

“Not painful?” “不痛吗?”

“No.” “不。”

“You’re doing good,” Crowley assured her. “More than half-way done now. This is the final part. I need to insert two of my fingers inside of you. With my other hand I will lightly press down on your abdomen. Again this shouldn’t hurt you, but you may feel a bit uncomfortable from the pressure.” He first felt her cervix with his fingers to find that it was indeed softened, like it should be if she was pregnant. Then he quickly checked her uterus, again he could feel that it was slightly enlarged, another sign that she was carrying a child. “Done now.” Crowley gently withdrew his hands. “You may cover yourself again.”
“你做得很好,”克劳利向她保证。 “现在已经完成一半多了。这是最后一部分。我需要将两根手指插入你体内。我会用另一只手轻轻按压你的腹部。同样,这不会伤害你,但你可能会因为压力而感到有点不舒服。”他先用手指摸了摸她的子宫颈,发现确实变软了,就像怀孕了一样。然后他快速检查了她的子宫,再次感觉到子宫略有增大,这又是她怀有孩子的迹象。 “现在完成了。”克劳利轻轻地收回了双手。 “你可以再把自己遮起来。”

“Am I with child?” Aziraphale said as she pushed herself into a seated position and Crowley went to wash his hands again.

Crowley dried his hands and then turned around to see her looking at him, worry evident on her beautiful face. He nodded. “Yes, it appears so.”
克劳利擦干双手,然后转过身来,看到她正看着他,美丽的脸上流露出忧虑。他点了点头。 “是的,看来是这样。”

Aziraphale took in a breath and bit her lip. “Do you know how far along I am?”
亚茨拉斐尔吸了一口气,咬住嘴唇。 “你知道我已经走了多远吗?”

Crowley sat down on the other bed. “At least a couple of months,” he replied. “If you can tell me the date of your last flux, I can give you a better idea.”
克鲁利在另一张床上坐下。 “至少几个月,”他回答道。 “如果你能告诉我你最后一次流产的日期,我可以给你一个更好的主意。”

“I will need to check in my journals.” Aziraphale glanced around the room anxiously. “I’m not really sure.” She pulled at her fingers. “I-I’m not…I don’t know…” Suddenly, she burst into tears and put her head in her hands, sobbing.
“我需要检查一下我的日记。”亚茨拉斐尔焦急地环顾房间。 “我不太确定。”她拉扯手指。 “我、我没有……我不知道……”突然,她泪流满面,双手抱头抽泣。

Crowley wasn’t exactly surprised by this reaction. His late wife had had the same reaction when he had examined her to deliver the same news. Except they had both been happy about the prospect of expanding their family. Now, though, Crowley sensed this was different. He moved to sit down beside her. “Aziraphale, do you want a child?”
克劳利对这种反应并不感到惊讶。当他检查已故的妻子并传达同样的消息时,她也有同样的反应。但他们都对扩大家庭的前景感到高兴。但现在,克劳利感觉到情况有所不同。他走到她身边坐下。 “亚茨拉斐尔,你想要一个孩子吗?”

“I don’t know,” she sniffled. “Gabriel and I…we’re not exactly…”
“我不知道,”她抽泣着说。 “加百列和我……我们不完全是……”

“In love?” Crowley asked, gently.

Aziraphale nodded. “I was married off to him without a choice in the matter.”
亚茨拉斐尔点点头。 “我嫁给了他,在这件事上我没有选择。”

“Your father, did he choose Gabriel for you?” Again, she nodded.

“Does Gabriel hurt you?” “加百列伤害你了吗?”

“He’s only ever hit me once,” Aziraphale admitted, “or twice…almost twice. You and Bee witnessed that. I guess I made him too angry.”

Crowley sighed. “I’m sorry. It’s not right for him to treat you like that. But I know it happens.”
克劳利叹了口气。 “对不起。他这样对待你是不对的。但我知道它会发生。”

Aziraphale shook her head and sniffled again before straightening up. “Thank you, Doctor Crowley. I need to pay you, but I would like to get dressed first. So if you don’t mind…” She pointed to the door.
亚茨拉斐尔摇了摇头,再次吸了吸鼻子,然后直起身子。 “谢谢你,克劳利医生。我需要付钱给你,但我想先穿好衣服。所以如果你不介意的话……”她指着门。

Crowley bit his lip but relented, knowing that there was nothing he could do about the situation. He stood and collected his medical bag before returning to the sitting room, Aziraphale’s bedroom door clicking shut behind him.

Chapter 5 第5章


Crowley continues to help Aziraphale when she faints from dehydration, and the two of them try to contain their attraction. Later she convinces him to join her for afternoon tea.

Chapter Text 章节正文

April 10th, 1912 1912 年 4 月 10 日

Crowley patiently waited for Aziraphale to get dressed. After a few minutes, he heard her timid voice through the door. "Doctor Crowley?"
克劳利耐心地等待亚茨拉斐尔穿好衣服。几分钟后,他听到门外传来她怯生生的声音。 “克劳利医生?”

"Yes, Aziraphale?" he answered.

"I know that you likely can't help, but do you know how to tighten and lace a corset?"

Crowley smiled to himself. “Actually, I do,” he replied. “My late wife refused a maid and I had to help her with it on occasion. If you’ll let me in, I will be happy to offer assistance.” The door opened and Crowley found Aziraphale dressed in her underwear, pulling at the laces on her corset.
克鲁利对自己笑了笑。 “事实上,我愿意,”他回答道。 “我已故的妻子拒绝聘用女佣,有时我不得不帮助她。如果你让我进去,我很乐意提供帮助。”门打开了,克劳利发现亚茨拉斐尔穿着内衣,拉着紧身胸衣的鞋带。

“Late wife?” Aziraphale asked. Crowley nodded as she turned around and passed him the laces. “I’m so sorry.”
“已故的妻子?”亚茨拉斐尔问道。克劳利点点头,她转身把鞋带递给了他。 “我很抱歉。”

“It wasn’t that long ago,” Crowley said as he pulled on the corset, tightening it enough so that it would maintain Aziraphale’s figure but not hurt her or her unborn child. “I miss her and my son a lot.”
“不久前,”克劳利一边说,一边拉上紧身胸衣,将其收紧,这样既能保持亚茨拉斐尔的身材,又不会伤害她或她未出生的孩子。 “我非常想念她和我的儿子。”

Aziraphale glanced back at him with a pained expression. “Forgive me for asking, but did you lose your son too?”
亚茨拉菲尔回头看了他一眼,表情痛苦。 “请原谅我问,你也失去了你的儿子吗?”

“Yes,” Crowley replied solemnly. “Both at the same time.” He stopped there, not wanting to make himself more upset or possibly scare Aziraphale by telling her what had happened to them.
“是的。”克劳利郑重地回答。 “两者同时进行。”他停了下来,不想因为告诉亚茨拉斐尔他们发生了什么事而让自己更加不安或可能吓到她。

“My sympathies to you, Doctor Crowley.” Aziraphale gripped the doorframe as he continued pulling on her corset.

“Thank you.” He tied the laces together. “It’s all done. You don’t want it really tight while you’re carrying your child. It’s not good for either of you.”
“谢谢。”他把鞋带系在一起。 “一切都完成了。当你带着你的孩子时,你不希望它太紧。这对你们俩都没有好处。”

Aziraphale nodded. “I understand. I will make sure to pass that information along to Bee.” She turned around. “I’ll just be a few more minutes and then I’ll get you your fee.”
亚茨拉斐尔点点头。 “我明白。我会确保将这些信息传递给 Bee。”她转过身来。 “我再等几分钟,然后我就会给你费用。”

“It’s really not a bother,” Crowley said. “You don’t need to.”
“这真的不是什么麻烦,”克劳利说。 “你不需要。”

“I insist,” Aziraphale said. “You’ve been nothing but professional with me, even while alone, and I can’t thank you enough for that. Also, Gabriel, would not be pleased with me if I didn’t pay you.” She gave him a small smile.
“我坚持,”亚茨拉斐尔说。 “即使是在我独自一人的时候,你对我也很专业,对此我感激不尽。另外,加百列,如果我不付钱给你,我不会高兴的。”她对他微微一笑。

He smiled back at her. “Point taken,” he said. “I’ll be in the sitting room.” Crowley stepped back and closed the door again so that she could get dressed in private.
他对她微笑。 “我的观点已被采纳,”他说。 “我会在客厅。”克劳利退后一步,再次关上门,以便她可以私下穿衣服。

Another few minutes and she emerged from the room dressed back in the same clothes as she had been in before. She went over to him and handed him some notes. “Will this suffice?”
又过了几分钟,她从房间里出来,又换回之前穿的衣服。她走到他身边,递给他一些笔记。 “这样就够了吗?”

“Yes, of course.” Crowley did not even bother trying to count it as he stuffed the money into his pocket. He noticed that she was smoothing her hands over her dress on her stomach. “How are you feeling?”
“是的当然。”克劳利甚至懒得去数,就把钱塞进口袋里。他注意到她正在用手抚平放在肚子上的裙子。 “你感觉怎么样?”

"A little odd," Aziraphale replied. "Not nausea but uneasy?"
“有点奇怪,”亚茨拉斐尔回答道。 “不是恶心,而是不安?”

Crowley thought for a moment. "You said that you haven't been able to eat much. What have you eaten today?"
克劳利想了一会儿。 “你说你还没吃多少东西,今天吃了什么?”

"I had a small amount of toast and eggs this morning before Gabriel and I left for Southampton. I did not have lunch."

"I think you should try eating again," Crowley said.

"I'm not sure where I can get something," Aziraphale replied. "Lunch is long done now. I may have to wait until dinner." She looked at the clock over the fireplace, it was just after 4 pm.
“我不知道从哪里能得到一些东西,”亚茨拉斐尔回答道。 “午饭早就吃完了,我可能得等到晚饭了。”她看了看壁炉上的时钟,已经下午四点多了。

"Maybe a steward can fetch you something.'

Aziraphale nodded. "Perhaps." She opened the sitting room door and exited the stateroom. Crowley followed her and Aziraphale locked the door behind her.
亚茨拉斐尔点点头。 “也许。”她打开客厅门,退出了客舱。克劳利跟着她,亚茨拉菲尔在她身后锁上了门。

She wandered down the hallway and to the enquiry office. "Excuse me, sir," Aziraphale addressed the man working at the booth.
她沿着走廊漫步,来到询问办公室。 “对不起,先生,”亚茨拉斐尔对摊位上的工作人员说道。

"What can I do for you, ma'am?"

"I was wondering if you could tell me where I might find something to eat at this time?" Aziraphale asked, politely.

"Ah, yes," the man replied. "The two cafés or the restaurant are open. The Café Parisien serves full meals and refreshments, while the Verandah Café serves refreshments only. The À La Carte restaurant will serve meals and refreshments as well. Afternoon tea is about to be served in the Lounge and Reception rooms, if that is more to your liking."
“啊,是的,”男人回答道。 “两家咖啡馆或餐厅均开放。Café Parisien 提供正餐和茶点,而 Verandah Café 则仅提供茶点。À La Carte 餐厅也将提供餐点和茶点。休息室即将提供下午茶还有接待室,如果您更喜欢的话。”

"Fancy some afternoon tea, Doctor Crowley?" Aziraphale asked.

Crowley really wanted to say yes, but wasn't sure if he should. "I…really should be getting back."
克劳利真的很想说“是”,但不确定自己是否应该这样做。 “我……确实该回去了。”

Aziraphale looked disappointed. "I'd much rather socialize with you than with all the others."
亚茨拉斐尔看上去很失望。 “比起和其他人,我更愿意和你交往。”

Crowley let out a breath. "Let me just bring my bag back to my cabin."
克鲁利松了一口气。 “让我把包带回我的小屋吧。”

"We can put it back in mine," Aziraphale said. "It's closer." Crowley nodded, she did have a point. "Thank you, sir." She thanked the enquiry office employee and then took Crowley's arm again.
“我们可以把它放回我的,”亚茨拉斐尔说。 “更近了。”克劳利点点头,她说的确实有道理。 “谢谢你,先生。”她向询问办公室的工作人员表示感谢,然后再次握住克劳利的手臂。

As they walked, Crowley noticed that Aziraphale was moving slower than she had been before. Her gloved hand went to her forehead and she sighed as she opened the door to the sitting room again. "I am getting a headache," she said.
当他们走路时,克劳利注意到亚茨拉斐尔的移动速度比以前慢了。她戴着手套的手摸到额头,叹了口气,再次打开客厅的门。 “我头疼,”她说。

"Remove your hat," Crowley said. "It may help." He set his bag down. "But we really do need to get some food into you."
“摘下你的帽子,”克劳利说。 “这可能有帮助。”他放下包。 “但我们确实需要给你一些食物。”

Aziraphale didn't say anything, she unpinned her hat and this time left it on the chair. When she turned around, she looked pale. She swayed on her feet and Crowley rushed to her side just as she fainted.

Thankfully he was able to stop her from falling to the floor or hurting herself on nearby furniture. Unfortunately, she was too heavy for him to carry into the bedroom to lie her down, so he was forced to gently place her on her back on the plush carpet of the sitting room.

Crowley quickly checked her pulse and breathing, he didn't find anything seriously wrong. Aziraphale's eyes drifted open after a couple of seconds. "What happened?" she asked. "I felt a bit faint."
克劳利快速检查了她的脉搏和呼吸,并没有发现什么严重的问题。几秒钟后,亚茨拉菲尔的眼睛缓缓睁开。 “发生了什么?”她问。 “我感觉有点晕。”

"Maybe a little more than just 'a bit'," he replied as he lifted her feet and put a cushion under her legs. She tried pushing herself up. He stopped her. "I need you to stay there for a bit."
“也许不仅仅是‘一点’,”他一边回答,一边抬起她的脚,在她的腿下放了一个垫子。她试着把自己推起来。他阻止了她。 “我需要你在那里呆一会儿。”

"I did faint, didn't I?" Aziraphale blinked up at him.

"You did," Crowley confirmed. "Have you ever done that before?"
“你做到了,”克劳利证实道。 “你以前这样做过吗?”

"No…is that concerning?" “不……有关系吗?”

"It can be," Crowley replied. "But I'm thinking that it has more to do with dehydration than anything else right now." He stood. "If you don't mind, I'm going to go look for a steward. Perhaps they can fetch some juice for you."
“有可能,”克劳利回答道。 “但我认为目前这与脱水的关系更大。”他站在。 “如果你不介意的话,我去找管家,也许他们可以给你取点果汁。”

"Alright," Aziraphale replied.

"Just stay where you are until I return," he said. "I'll try and be quick, but I don't want you trying to get up unless you're absolutely sure that you won't faint again."
“呆在原地直到我回来,”他说。 “我会尽力快点,但我不希望你试图站起来,除非你完全确定自己不会再次晕倒。”

"I understand," she said. "I will wait for you to return."
“我明白,”她说。 “我会等你回来。”

"I'll be right back, Aziraphale," Crowley said before quickly hurrying from the room.

Aziraphale stayed on the floor, just like Crowley had instructed until she heard the door swing open. "Aziraphale?" Her heart skipped a beat at the sound of her husband's voice and then it started racing in her chest. It wasn't the pleasant feeling that she had experienced when her body had done similar things the first time she had seen Doctor Crowley, this was her usual anxiety from having to deal with an overbearing husband. She sighed at Gabriel. "Why on earth are you on the floor?" He looked down at her with a frown on his face.
亚茨拉菲尔留在地板上,就像克劳利指示的那样,直到她听到门打开了。 “亚茨拉斐尔?”听到丈夫的声音,她的心猛地一跳,然后开始在胸腔里狂跳。这并不是她第一次见到克劳利医生时身体做出类似反应时所经历的那种愉快的感觉,这是她平时因不得不面对一个专横的丈夫而感到的焦虑。她对加百列叹了口气。 “你到底为什么在地板上?”他低头看着她,脸上皱着眉头。

"I fainted," Aziraphale said, quietly. "Doctor Crowley has gone to fetch a steward to get me some juice. He said it was because I hadn't eaten."
“我晕倒了,”亚茨拉菲尔轻声说道。 “克劳利医生去叫管家给我拿点果汁了。他说是因为我没吃饭。”

"He just left you there?"

"I can't imagine it would be safe for me to attempt to get up while still feeling faint," Aziraphale said.

Gabriel sighed and bent over, hauling Aziraphale to her feet. She squealed in protest as her head swam and she felt faint again but he deposited her into an armchair before she lost consciousness for a second time. "See? No need to be on the floor."
加百列叹了口气,弯下腰,把亚茨拉斐尔拉了起来。当她的头晕动时,她尖叫着抗议,她再次感到晕厥,但在她第二次失去知觉之前,他把她放到了扶手椅上。 “看到了吗?没必要趴在地板上。”

Aziraphale glared up at him. "I felt like I was going to fall!"
亚茨拉斐尔抬头瞪着他。 “我感觉我要摔倒了!”

"You weren't," Gabriel insisted. "I had you."
“你不是,”加百列坚持道。 “我有你。”

"I guess so.' Aziraphale put her head in her hands.

The door to their sitting room opened and she glanced up. "I'm sorry, Doctor Crowley," Aziraphale said quickly. "Gabriel came back and saw me on the floor so he put me in the chair. I did tell him you said I had to stay there until you got back."
客厅的门打开了,她抬起头看了一眼。 “我很抱歉,克劳利医生,”亚茨拉斐尔很快说道。 “加布里埃尔回来看到我躺在地板上,所以他把我放在椅子上。我确实告诉他你说我必须呆在那里直到你回来。”

Crowley gave Gabriel a look before going over to Aziraphale and handing her a glass of orange juice. "Please drink that," he said. "You didn't faint again, did you?"
克劳利看了加百列一眼,然后走向亚茨拉斐尔,递给她一杯橙汁。 “请喝掉这个,”他说。 “你不会又晕倒了吧?”

"She did not," Gabriel said. "I told her she would be fine."
“她没有,”加布里埃尔说。 “我告诉她她会没事的。”

"She may have been," Crowley countered. "But it is not safe to move someone who is feeling faint. The risk of them getting hurt is too much."
“她可能是,”克劳利反驳道。 “但是移动感觉晕倒的人并不安全。他们受伤的风险太大了。”

"Aziraphale was not in any danger of being hurt," Gabriel said. "Did you examine her?"
“亚茨拉菲尔没有任何受伤的危险,”加布里埃尔说。 “你检查过她吗?”

"He did," Aziraphale replied as she sipped the juice.

"And?" Gabriel raised an eyebrow at her and then looked at Crowley. "Why is she sick?"
“和?”加百列对她扬起一边眉毛,然后看向克劳利。 “她为什么生病了?”

"I'm not sick, Gabriel," Aziraphale said.

"You must be! Look at you! You're not eating and sleeping all the time, if he can't fix you then he's no doctor!"

"He can't fix me…" Aziraphale looked up at them both. "I'll get better in time."
“他无法修复我……”亚茨拉斐尔抬头看着他们俩。 “我会及时好起来的。”

She didn't continue, so Crowley decided to try and save her from questions he didn’t think she was ready to answer. "The steward said that they do have ginger fizz on board. That can also help you with your nausea, Aziraphale. You still need to eat."
她没有继续说下去,所以克劳利决定尝试让她摆脱他认为她没有准备好回答的问题。 “乘务员说船上确实有姜汁汽水。这也能帮助你缓解恶心,亚茨拉斐尔。你还是需要吃东西。”

"Yes, alright, Doctor," Aziraphale replied, thankful for him stepping in before Gabriel could ask her more questions. "I would still like to take you to afternoon tea, if you're amenable." Gabriel glanced at her and she quickly added, "as a way to thank you for helping me."
“是的,好吧,博士,”亚茨拉斐尔回答道,感谢他在加百列问她更多问题之前介入。 “如果你愿意的话,我还是想带你去吃下午茶。”加百列看了她一眼,她很快补充道:“以此感谢你帮助我。”

"You did pay him, right?" Gabriel asked.

"She did," Crowley assured him. "I will accept your offer if your husband is alright with it."
“她做到了,”克劳利向他保证。 “如果你丈夫同意的话,我会接受你的提议。”

Gabriel shrugged. "I have business to discuss in the smoking room. I just returned here to get some cash."
加布里埃尔耸耸肩。 “我在吸烟室有事要谈,只是回来拿点现金。”

Aziraphale looked back at him. "Card gambling?"
亚茨拉菲尔回头看着他。 “赌牌?”

"It is not a worry of yours, sunshine," Gabriel said as he went to their bedroom to grab a wad of cash from the dressing table, where Aziraphale had hidden their money. "Bee will be here prior to dinner time, so please ensure that you're back here before then." He turned to Crowley. "I trust you to keep my wife safe while I am busy."
“这不关你的事,阳光,”加百列一边说,一边走进他们的卧室,从梳妆台上拿了一叠现金,亚茨拉斐尔把他们的钱藏在那里。 “蜜蜂会在晚餐时间之前到达这里,所以请确保你在那之前回到这里。”他转向克劳利。 “我相信你在我忙碌的时候能保证我妻子的安全。”

"Of course," Crowley nodded.

"Good. Aziraphale, I shall return around dinner time as well."

"Yes, Gabriel." He went over and kissed her forehead before leaving the suite.

Seeing the kiss made Crowley’s stomach drop slightly and he worried that perhaps he was gaining some sort of attachment to Aziraphale. He pushed the thought from his mind. She's married, Crowley, and off limits to you. The best you can hope for is being hired as her private physician. He let out a breath and instead decided to focus on her health since that was what he ultimately was there for. "How are you feeling, Aziraphale?" he asked.
看到这个吻,克劳利的胃微微下沉,他担心自己可能对亚茨拉菲尔产生了某种依恋。他把这个想法从脑海中赶了出去。她已经结婚了,克劳利,你不能再接触她了。你最好的希望就是被聘为她的私人医生。他叹了口气,转而决定关注她的健康,因为这才是他最终存在的目的。 “你感觉怎么样,亚茨拉斐尔?”他问。

"A bit better," Aziraphale replied.

"Do you think you're well enough to go for afternoon tea? The steward I was speaking with said that he would be able to bring a small plate of food to you if you wished."

"I think I can manage," she assured him. "I love afternoon tea. I don't want to miss it." Aziraphale stood, gripping the arm of the chair for support. Crowley watched her for signs of faintness. She took a couple of deep breaths and then moved over to him to offer her hand.
“我想我能应付,”她向他保证。 “我喜欢下午茶,我不想错过它。”亚茨拉斐尔站起来,抓住椅子的扶手作为支撑。克劳利观察她是否有晕倒的迹象。她深吸了几口气,然后走到他身边向他伸出了手。

He took it and stood as well. "Lead the way then," he said.
他接过它,也站了起来。 “那就带路吧,”他说。

"Of course," Aziraphale smiled brightly at him and Crowley felt his heart flutter in his chest as he smiled back at her.


After their tea, Crowley escorted Aziraphale back to her stateroom. He collected his medical bag and turned around to say goodbye. "Dear boy, must you go?" Aziraphale pouted slightly and it tugged at Crowley's heart. "I am having the most wonderful time in your company."
喝完茶后,克劳利护送亚茨拉斐尔回到她的客舱。他收起医疗包,转身告别。 “亲爱的孩子,你一定要走吗?”亚茨拉斐尔微微撅起嘴,这牵动着克鲁利的心。 “我在你们的陪伴下度过了最美好的时光。”

He gave her a sympathetic smile. "I apologize but I must." In reality he didn't want to go, but he worried about how Gabriel would treat her if he found them together more often than might be considered necessary.
他给了她一个同情的微笑。 “我道歉,但我必须这么做。”事实上他不想去,但他担心如果他发现他们在一起的次数超过了必要的次数,加百列会如何对待她。

Aziraphale's heart fluttered as she felt the need to reach out and touch him. She tentatively placed her hand on Crowley's cheek. He didn't pull away as she suspected he might, instead his smile widened as he tried to avoid leaning into her warm touch. They both knew it wasn't appropriate but Crowley hadn't felt anything like this since before his Agnes had passed away. Aziraphale had never felt the need to touch Gabriel in this way. It comforted her like she had never before experienced. "I'll leave you my cabin number to give to Bee in case you need me again." Slowly, Aziraphale nodded and then dropped her hand.
亚茨拉斐尔的心狂跳起来,她觉得有必要伸出手去触碰他。她试探性地将手放在克劳利的脸颊上。他并没有像她怀疑的那样抽身,相反,当他试图避免靠近她温暖的触碰时,他的笑容加深了。他们都知道这不合适,但自从艾格尼丝去世之前,克劳利就没有再有过这样的感觉。亚茨拉斐尔从来没有觉得有必要以这种方式触摸加百列。这让她感到前所未有的安慰。 “我会把我的舱位号码留给Bee,以防你再次需要我。”亚茨拉斐尔慢慢地点点头,然后放下手。

"Will I see you again?" she whispered. Tears stung at her eyes and she blinked them away.

"Oh, I'm sure you will," Crowley said, the smile still lingering on his lips. He felt the urge to comfort her but knew he couldn't. Aziraphale moved over to the writing table and picked up a pen. "I'm in cabin D-73. Have Bee slip a note under my door if I'm not in. If it's urgent, she can probably find me in the library or up on deck."
“哦,我相信你会的,”克鲁利说道,笑容仍然挂在他的嘴唇上。他很想安慰她,但他知道自己做不到。亚茨拉斐尔走到写字台前,拿起一支笔。 “我在 D-73 舱。如果我不在,请让 Bee 在我的门下塞一张纸条。如果有紧急情况,她可能会在图书馆或甲板上找到我。”

Aziraphale nodded and then slipped the note into the drawer on the writing desk. She turned to him. "Join me for afternoon tea tomorrow, Doctor Crowley," she nearly begged.
亚茨拉斐尔点点头,然后将纸条塞进写字台的抽屉里。她转向他。 “明天和我一起吃下午茶吧,克劳利医生。”她几乎是在哀求。

"Well, when you insist like that, I can't say no, can I?" he chuckled quietly.

Aziraphale's eyes widened. "Only if you want to," she said quickly.
亚茨拉斐尔睁大了眼睛。 “只要你愿意,”她很快说道。

"I do," Crowley said. "I cannot deny such a, lovely lady like yourself." He blushed and he swore she blushed as well.
“我愿意,”克劳利说。 “我无法否认像你这样的美丽……嗯,可爱的女士。”他脸红了,他发誓她也脸红了。

"Thank you," she muttered.

A moment passed before Crowley awkwardly ran a hand through his auburn hair, making it look unruly. "I should be getting back now." He checked his pocket watch. "The ship will be stopping soon in Cherbourg and I wanted to be up on deck to see that."
过了一会儿,克劳利笨拙地用手梳理着赤褐色的头发,让它看起来不守规矩。 “我现在应该回去了。”他检查了怀表。 “这艘船很快就会在瑟堡停靠,我想去甲板上看看。”

Aziraphale nodded. "Bee should be here soon…and Gabriel…to get me ready for dinner."
亚茨拉斐尔点点头。 “蜜蜂应该很快就到了……还有加布里埃尔……帮我准备晚餐。”

"Then I'll see you tomorrow afternoon?" Crowley said, a hint of hopefulness in his voice.

Aziraphale nodded again. "I will be waiting up on deck for you, in the same spot we met." She stood then and offered him her hand.
亚茨拉菲尔再次点点头。 “我会在甲板上,在我们见面的地方等你。”然后她站起来,向他伸出了手。

It took Crowley a moment before he realized what she wanted. He gently took her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it gently and then bidding her farewell for the evening.

Chapter 6 第6章


Aziraphale suffers from pain that concerns her before having breakfast with her husband. Bee questions Crowley about Aziraphale's condition. Later Crowley and Aziraphale find each other again on the boat deck, the attraction continues between and they have a little chat before Crowley suggests that they should have the conversation in private instead.


So sorry that it only took me getting into a writing slump to come back to this fic. I had never intended on leaving it this long without an update. Unfortunately I think I fell out of love with it for a while...okay almost a whole year, but I have new found love for it again. So I highly doubt it will be this long again for an update. Now for a quick note about this chapter:

There is something that might be considered dubious consent at the beginning of the chapter. Aziraphale does have the power to say no, and she doesn't, so she does consent but maybe not enthusiastically. This doesn't happen between her and Crowley.

This chapter is not rated E, but likely a strong T or low M.
本章的评级不是 E,但可能是强 T 级或低 M 级。

Chapter Text 章节正文

April 11th 1912 1912 年 4 月 11 日

Bright sunlight streamed through the sheer curtain covering the porthole next to Aziraphale's bed. She had been exhausted the night before after returning to the stateroom from reading in the first-class library. Gabriel had still been out, likely in the smoking room, either playing cards or talking business. She hadn't really given him much thought before undressing and climbing into her bed.

It was still early when she woke, and she hadn't slept well. She kept her eyes closed, hoping for some more rest before breakfast. Unfortunately, Gabriel had other plans.

"Aziraphale." She heard her husband's voice and had a pretty good idea of what he wanted. All she wanted to do was stay in bed for a little while longer, but Gabriel said her name again, this time louder and more demanding. "Move over, I want to lie with you."
“亚茨拉斐尔。”她听到了丈夫的声音,很清楚他想要什么。她只想在床上多呆一会儿,但加百列又叫了她的名字,这次声音更大,要求也更高。 “你过来吧,我想和你一起睡。”

Aziraphale opened her eyes. "Now?"
亚茨拉斐尔睁开了眼睛。 “现在?”

"Yes, now," Gabriel said. "It's been a few days and I have needs that you're supposed to fulfill." She sighed and rolled over, letting him into the bed with her.
“是的,现在,”加百列说。 “已经过去几天了,我有一些需要你应该满足的。”她叹了口气,翻了个身,让他和她一起上了床。

As Gabriel climbed on top of her, Aziraphale found herself thinking about a certain red-haired doctor, wishing that she was with him instead.


Not long after they had finished and Aziraphale was resting in the bathtub, a knock at the door to the sitting room alerted them to Bee's arrival.

Gabriel let her into the stateroom and she came to knock on the door to the toilet. "Aziraphale? Do you need assistance getting out of the bath? I know you haven't been feeling well. Gabriel is insisting that I dress you for breakfast."
加布里埃尔让她进了客舱,她过来敲了厕所的门。 “亚茨拉斐尔?你需要有人帮忙才能走出浴室吗?我知道你感觉不舒服。加百列坚持要我给你穿衣服吃早餐。”

"I'll be fine," Aziraphale called back through the door. "Feel free to sit with Gabriel in the sitting room and I'll let you know when I require assistance with getting dressed." She heard Bee move away from the door.
“我会没事的,”亚茨拉斐尔隔着门喊道。 “请随意和加布里埃尔一起坐在客厅里,当我需要帮助穿衣服时,我会告诉你。”她听到Bee从门边走开。

Aziraphale dropped her head back to rest it on the wall and took a deep breath. During her activities with Gabriel, she had started to notice that her lower stomach was hurting. It felt like it normally did when she was going to get her flux but there was no blood on the bed sheets afterward. It gave her some anxiety, as she was worried about her unborn child. The only thing that made her feel better about the pain was that she knew Doctor Crowley would be having afternoon tea with her later. She could ask him about the pain then.

A couple more moments and Aziraphale knew she had to get out of the bath as Gabriel would not like it if she made them late for breakfast. She pulled herself up and grabbed a fluffy towel, wrapping it around herself.

When she was completely dried and had dressed in her underwear, she called Bee back into the room to help her with her corset, dress, and hair.
当她完全擦干并穿好内衣后,她把 Bee 叫回房间,帮她整理紧身胸衣、衣服和头发。

Aziraphale shifted uncomfortably in her chair as Bee pinned her blonde curls into place. "Are you feeling alright, Aziraphale?" she asked. "You're fidgeting too much. Gabriel will have my head if your hair falls out at breakfast."
当蜜蜂将她的金色卷发固定到位时,亚茨拉斐尔在椅子上不舒服地动了动。 “你感觉还好吗,亚茨拉斐尔?”她问。 “你太坐立不安了。如果你在早餐时头发掉光,加百列就会砍掉我的头。”

"I'm just a little bit uncomfortable," Aziraphale sighed. Her nausea seemed to be relatively better this morning, but she knew that could easily change after she ate. It was the cramping that was bothering her. "It seems I'm having some cramping."
“我只是有点不舒服,”亚茨拉斐尔叹了口气。今天早上她的恶心似乎相对好一些,但她知道吃完饭后这种情况很容易改变。困扰她的是痉挛。 “我好像有点抽筋了。”

"Is it related to your flux?" Bee asked.

"I think so," Aziraphale lied.

"I can have a stewardess fetch you a hot water bottle later, if it's still a bother."

Aziraphale nodded. "I'll let you know."
亚茨拉斐尔点点头。 “我会告诉你。”

She sat quietly and still while Bee finished with her hair. By the time Bee had left, the sound of the bugle could be heard announcing the start of breakfast in the dining salon. “Ready?” Gabriel stuck his head into the bedroom.
当 Bee 整理她的头发时,她静静地坐着。等Bee离开的时候,餐厅里已经响起了宣布早餐开始的号角声。 “准备好?”加百列把头探进卧室。

“Yes,” Aziraphale replied, standing up slowly and smoothing down her dress.

Gabriel looked her up and down before nodding. “Are you still feeling ill?”
加百列上下打量了她一眼,然后点了点头。 “你还觉得不舒服吗?”

“I am doing better today,” she said as Gabriel reached for her arm. She let him take it so that he could lead her out of the stateroom and down to the dining room.

The room was located on D deck, just off of the grand staircase. Upon entering it for the first time, Aziraphale noticed that it was enormous. Larger than any room she had ever seen on a ship, she assumed that it was the largest room on the ship and likely the largest on any ship currently afloat. The Dining Room was decorated in wooden paneling which was painted a pristine white. The floor was covered in blue linoleum tiles with an elaborate red and yellow pattern. The portholes along the outer walls were elegantly covered by inner leaded-glass windows, which gave the passengers the impression that they were eating onland at the shore instead of out at sea.
房间位于 D 甲板上,紧邻大楼梯。第一次进入其中时,亚茨拉斐尔注意到它非常巨大。比她在船上见过的任何房间都要大,她认为这是船上最大的房间,而且很可能是目前漂浮的所有船上最大的房间。餐厅以木镶板装饰,漆成原始的白色。地板上铺着蓝色油毡瓷砖,上面有精致的红黄色图案。外墙上的舷窗优雅地覆盖着内含铅玻璃窗,这给乘客的印象是他们是在岸边的陆地上吃饭,而不是在海上。

The many tables scattered throughout the room were set to accommodate anywhere from 2 to 12 passengers at a time.
房间里散布着许多桌子,每次可容纳 2 至 12 名乘客。

Gabriel led Aziraphale over to a table set for 8 people. She assumed that he wanted to sit with some of the men he'd been playing cards with. Her suspicions were confirmed when three other couples approached the table and greeted them. Aziraphale nodded politely at the burning conversation, letting her husband take the lead. It was to talk about what they would be doing once they arrived in New York and what they planned on doing after breakfast.
加百列领着亚茨拉菲尔来到一张可容纳 8 人的餐桌前。她猜想他想和一些一直和他一起打牌的人坐在一起。当另外三对夫妇走近餐桌向他们打招呼时,她的怀疑得到了证实。亚茨拉菲尔在激烈的谈话中礼貌地点点头,让她的丈夫带头。是谈论他们到达纽约后要做什么以及早餐后打算做什么。

She stayed quiet for the most part, eating her food, even as she worried over the cramping sensation in her lower abdomen. It didn't seem to get any worse, but didn't improve either. "Eat your fruit, Aziraphale," Gabriel said, quietly. "You're just sitting there, staring at it."
她大部分时间都保持安静,吃着食物,尽管她担心下腹部的绞痛感。情况似乎没有变得更糟,但也没有改善。 “吃你的水果吧,亚茨拉斐尔,”加百列轻声说道。 “你只是坐在那里,盯着它看。”

Aziraphale blinked, her mind had wandered, thinking about what Crowley was eating in the second-class dining room. "Yes, Gabriel," she muttered. "Sorry."
亚茨拉斐尔眨了眨眼睛,她的思绪开始游离,想着克劳利在二等餐厅里吃的东西。 “是的,加百列,”她低声说道。 “对不起。”

"Don't be sorry," he said. "Eat your breakfast like a good wife."
“别抱歉,”他说。 “像个好妻子一样吃早餐。”

Aziraphale nodded, picking up her fork and using it to eat a fresh green grape from her plate.

Breakfast dragged on, or so it felt that way to Aziraphale. Once the final course was cleared from the table, she turned to Gabriel and asked to be excused. "You may," Gabriel replied. "I am going to be heading down to the squash court for a game. So I'll escort you back to our sitting room. I'll need to change out of my suit before joining these gentlemen for a friendly game of squash down on G-deck."
早餐拖得很慢,至少亚茨拉斐尔有这样的感觉。当最后一道菜从桌子上吃完后,她转向加布里埃尔并请求原谅。 “你可以,”加百列回答道。 “我要去壁球场打一场比赛。所以我会护送你回到我们的客厅。在和这些先生们一起进行一场友好的壁球比赛之前,我需要换掉我的西装。” G甲板。”

"Really?" Aziraphale asked. "I did not know that such a court existed on a ship."
“真的吗?”亚茨拉斐尔问道。 “我不知道船上还有这样的法庭。”

"There appears to be a lot you don't know about this ship, sunshine," Gabriel said. "Perhaps you should have that Doctor Crowley accompany you for some exploration later on?" Aziraphale was surprised to hear that. Her face lit up a little too much at the idea of seeing Crowley again. Gabriel scowled at her. "Maybe not then."
“阳光,这艘船似乎还有很多你不知道的事情,”加布里埃尔说。 “或许稍后你应该让克劳利博士陪你一起探索?”亚茨拉斐尔听到这个消息感到很惊讶。一想到要再次见到克劳利,她的脸就变得有点亮了。加百列皱起眉头看着她。 “也许那时不会。”

"Oh, please, Gabriel?" Aziraphale said. "I know it'll make my time on this ship less boring."
“哦,加百列,可以吗?”亚茨拉斐尔说道。 “我知道这会让我在这艘船上的时间不再那么无聊。”

Her husband rolled his eyes at her. "Alright, but you know the rules."
她的丈夫对她翻了个白眼。 “好吧,但你知道规矩。”

"Yes, yes, I do," Aziraphale replied. "I must be back to the cabin early enough for Bee to see me before each meal." Satisfied, Gabriel nodded at her before bidding a temporary farewell to a couple of their mealtime companions.
“是的,是的,我愿意,”亚茨拉斐尔回答道。 “我必须早点回到小屋,以便蜜蜂在每顿饭前都能见到我。”加百列满意地向她点了点头,然后暂时告别了几个吃饭的同伴。

"Come, Aziraphale." He held his arm out to her and she took it, following him back to their stateroom.

"I think I want to try out the Turkish baths," Aziraphale said, as she watched Gabriel take some money from the dressing table drawer.

He passed her some coins. “You'll need to buy a ticket from the Purser's office. It's four shillings to use the baths. Just make sure you go now or soon. Ladies can only use them until noon.”
他递给她一些硬币。 “你需要从事务长办公室买票。洗澡要四先令。只要确保你现在或很快就去。女士们只能使用到中午。”

“Yes, Gabriel.” Aziraphale nodded and got up. “I'll go buy my ticket now.”
“是的,加百列。”亚茨拉斐尔点点头,站了起来。 “我现在就去买票。”

She left the stateroom and went down the hallway to the enquiry office. “How can I help you, miss?” the man behind the counter asked, politely.
她离开客舱,沿着走廊来到询问办公室。 “小姐,需要什么帮助吗?”柜台后面的男人很有礼貌地问道。

“I'd like to purchase a ticket to the Turkish baths,” Aziraphale said.

“I am sorry, miss,” he replied. “The baths are not available to be used. But not to worry, I've been told that they should be ready soon.”
“对不起,小姐,”他回答道。 “浴室不能使用。但不用担心,我被告知他们应该很快就会准备好。”

Aziraphale hid a disapproving scowl. “When shall I expect them to finally be ready for use?”
亚茨拉斐尔掩饰着不满的怒容。 “我预计它们什么时候才能最终投入使用?”

“I shall check for you this evening. If you'd like to return here tomorrow morning, I will tell you all that I am able to find out.”

“Alright,” she sighed. “I shall return tomorrow to enquire about a ticket again.”
“好吧,”她叹了口气。 “明天我再回来问一下票。”

“My apologies, miss.” “抱歉,小姐。”

“It's quite alright. Thank you, sir.” Aziraphale nodded at him and then left.

She wandered around the staircase, thinking about going to the first-class lounge but decided that perhaps she would find Crowley if she headed up to the boat deck. So that's what Aziraphale did. She walked over to where she had met him yesterday and settled into the same deck chair before asking a steward to fetch her a cup of tea and a blanket while she waited.


Crowley poked at his breakfast in the second-class dining room. The eggs, potatoes, ham and sausage were cooked to his liking but were a bit much. He would have been satisfied with just the oats and fruit. Crowley sipped his coffee instead.

“Have you seen Aziraphale today?” He looked up as Bee sat down next to him. A coffee in her hands as well.

Crowley frowned at her. “No,” he said. “Why? Is she alright?” He was careful to keep any worry out of his voice. He also didn't mention that he intended on meeting her later in the day for afternoon tea.
克鲁利皱起眉头看着她。 “不,”他说。 “为什么?她还好吗?他小心翼翼地不让自己的声音里流露出一丝担忧。他也没有提到他打算在当天晚些时候与她见面喝下午茶。

Bee shrugged. “She mentioned that she wasn't feeling well again,” she said and took another drink of her coffee. “Mentioned some cramping that she thinks is related to her flux.” Bee reached over and plucked a piece of ham from Crowley's plate. He frowned at her but pushed the plate at her and she picked more off of it as she continued. “I'm not convinced. Aziraphale told me that she needed her corset a bit loose…is she with child?”
蜜蜂耸耸肩。 “她提到她又感觉不舒服了,”她说着又喝了一杯咖啡。 “提到她认为与她的情绪变化有关的一些痉挛。”蜜蜂伸手从克劳利的盘子里取出一块火腿。他皱着眉头看着她,但还是把盘子推给了她,她继续往下拿了更多。 “我不相信。亚茨拉斐尔告诉我,她需要宽松一点的紧身胸衣……她怀孕了吗?”

Crowley nearly choked on his coffee. “I am not allowed to discuss anything related to Aziraphale's health without her being present, or without her consent. If you really want to know, you'll have to ask her.” He downed the rest of his coffee before getting up and leaving the table.
克劳利差点被咖啡噎住了。 “在没有她在场或未经她同意的情况下,我不被允许讨论任何与亚茨拉菲尔健康有关的事情。如果你真想知道的话,就得问她了。”他喝掉了剩下的咖啡,然后起身离开了桌子。

“Right…” Bee muttered as she watched him walk out of the dining room. She shook her head and went back to finishing Crowley's abandoned breakfast.

Upon exiting the dining room, Crowley climbed the stairs in the hallway, wondering if he should tell Aziraphale about this. She was his patient so she deserved to know if someone had come to him asking questions about her. She also deserved to know that he had maintained her confidentiality. Although he knew that Bee likely knew that Aziraphale was currently in a delicate state.

Aziraphale was also experiencing cramping, and although that wasn't too concerning, he did worry slightly. Crowley needed to ask her some questions. He sighed and made his way up to the boat deck for some fresh air. Hoping that he might see her there as well.


Aziraphale lounged on the deck chair, sipping her tea. The cool air made her shiver slightly and she pulled the blanket further around herself. They were still near the coast. Specifically the coast of southern Ireland at Queenstown, where the ship was making its final port of call. They were picking up and dropping off passengers and cargo.

Once they left the coastline it would get colder. Aziraphale had traveled across the Atlantic once before during the early spring and she had found that the temperature tended to drop significantly once they were out in the open ocean. The icy cold currents would bring the colder air with it. She shivered again at the thought and put her head back, closing her eyes against the nausea that she felt beginning in her stomach.

“Would you mind getting me a blanket, sir?”

Aziraphale cracked a blue eye open at the familiar soft voice of her red-haired doctor. “Crowley?” she asked as she let both of her eyes drift open.
听到红发医生熟悉的柔和声音,亚茨拉斐尔睁开了蓝眼睛。 “克劳利?”她睁开双眼问道。

“Hello, Aziraphale,” Crowley smiled down at her. He stood next to her, asking the deck steward to fetch him a blanket. He was dressed in a black waistcoat with black trousers and a long black shirt. Aziraphale blushed, as he was extremely handsome dressed like that. Although she had a suspicion that she'd still find him handsome in a grain sack or wearing nothing at all. She coughed as the thought of him in nothing at all brought on a tingle between her legs. “Alright?” he asked as he sat down beside her.
“你好,亚茨拉斐尔,”克劳利低头对她微笑。他站在她旁边,请甲板服务员给他拿一条毯子。他穿着黑色背心、黑色裤子和黑色长衬衫。亚茨拉斐尔脸红了,因为他穿成这样实在是太帅了。虽然她怀疑她还是会觉得他穿粮袋或者什么都不穿的时候还是很帅。她咳嗽了一声,一想到他什么都没有,她的双腿之间就一阵刺痛。 “好吧?”他在她旁边坐下来问道。

Aziraphale cleared her throat and then turned back to Crowley. “Oh um, yes,” she was certain that she was still blushing fiercely. Oh dear, she thought to herself. He's going to see me blushing. “Just a bit of nausea. Nothing to worry over, dear boy. It's not too bad.”
亚茨拉斐尔清了清喉咙,然后转向克劳利。 “哦,嗯,是的。”她确信自己的脸还红得很厉害。噢,亲爱的,她心想。他会看到我脸红。 “就是有点恶心。没什么好担心的,亲爱的孩子。还不错。”

Crowley watched her for a moment before averting his eyes as the steward returned with his blanket. He saw that her face was flushed, which he didn't think was because of her nausea. He knew she was blushing, which made Crowley wonder if the attraction was mutual. Part of him wanted to find out, but he knew that he shouldn't say anything. Not yet. He needed to be sure because if he said something and he was wrong, things could go bad for both of them. In the end, it was better if he left it alone, since he was already able to spend time with her. This was as good as it could possibly be since she was married and her husband didn't seem like the type he'd want to piss off. “Thank you,” he nodded at the steward.
克劳利看了她一会儿,然后在管家带着毯子回来时移开目光。他看到她脸色通红,他不认为这是因为恶心。他知道她脸红了,这让克劳利怀疑这种吸引力是否是相互的。他心里有些想知道答案,但他知道自己不应该说什么。还没有。他需要确定,因为如果他说了什么而他错了,事情可能对他们俩都不好。最后还是别管了,因为他已经可以和她在一起了。这已经是最好的了,因为她已经结婚了,而她的丈夫似乎也不是那种他想惹恼的人。 “谢谢。”他向管家点点头。

Aziraphale sighed and closed her eyes again. Damn her hormones. She was becoming all hot and bothered just because she was near a man that she found attractive. She hardly ever found Gabriel attractive so this sensation was a bit new to her. She had no idea how to control it. She bit her lip.

“Drinking the tea slowly will help,” Crowley muttered. He wanted to take her hand but he knew he couldn't, so he shoved it into his pocket underneath the blanket. “With your nausea. Did you have breakfast?”
“慢慢喝茶会有帮助,”克劳利嘀咕道。他想握住她的手,但他知道他不能,所以他把它塞进毯子下面的口袋里。 “随着你的恶心。你吃早饭了吗?”

“Yes,” Aziraphale replied. “Gabriel made me eat. I had mostly fruit since it tends to be easiest on my stomach.”
“是的,”亚茨拉菲尔回答。 “加百列让我吃东西。我主要吃水果,因为它对我的胃来说最容易。”

Crowley nodded. “I saw Bee this morning in the second-class dining room. Did you tell her about your condition?”
克劳利点点头。 “今天早上我在二等餐厅看到了 Bee。你把你的情况告诉她了吗?”

Aziraphale frowned and then shook her head. “All I did was tell her I wanted my corset a bit looser than normal. I used the excuse that it made me feel less sick.”
亚茨拉斐尔皱起眉头,然后摇了摇头。 “我所做的只是告诉她我希望我的紧身胸衣比平常宽松一点。我借口说这让我感觉不那么难受了。”

“I think she may have put the pieces together,” Crowley stated.

Alarmed, Aziraphale turned to him as she tried not to panic. “Oh Crowley, what if she tells Gabriel?? I cannot bear to think about what he will say to me if he finds out from her and not from me.”
亚茨拉斐尔惊慌失措地转向他,尽量不惊慌。 “哦,克劳利,如果她告诉加百列怎么办?我无法想象如果他从她而不是从我那里得知这一情况,他会对我说些什么。”

Crowley gave her a sympathetic look. “Perhaps you should tell him. Before he finds out from Bee. I did not confirm her suspicions, I cannot. But she may have taken my denial of confirmation as actual confirmation.”
克劳利同情地看了她一眼。 “也许你应该告诉他。在他从 Bee 那里发现之前。我没有证实她的怀疑,我不能。但她可能把我对确认的否认当成了实际的确认。”

Aziraphale sighed. “I am afraid to tell him.”
亚茨拉斐尔叹了口气。 “我不敢告诉他。”

Crowley let out a breath. “Do you think he will be angry?”
克鲁利松了一口气。 “你觉得他会生气吗?”

“No,” she said. “He will probably be relieved actually…he had wanted me to see a doctor about why I had not yet been successful in giving him a child.”
“不,”她说。 “实际上他可能会松一口气……他想让我去看医生,了解为什么我还没有成功给他生孩子。”

“Sometimes it can take a bit of time,” Crowley replied. “It doesn't necessarily mean that there's something wrong with you…or him, for that matter.” Aziraphale nodded and they sat in silence for a few moments. “Forgive me, Aziraphale, you do not need to answer this, but are you afraid to tell him because you're not sure if you want to have this child?”
“有时可能需要一些时间,”克劳利回答道。 “就此而言,这并不一定意味着你……或他有问题。”亚茨拉斐尔点点头,他们沉默地坐了一会儿。 “请原谅,亚茨拉斐尔,你不需要回答这个问题,但你是否因为不确定是否想要这个孩子而不敢告诉他?”

Aziraphale hesitated. She took a sip of her tea before finally deciding to tell Crowley the truth. “The child is just as much a part of me as it is of him,” she said. “I will tell you more, but I beg of you not to repeat any of this, Doctor Crowley-”
亚茨拉斐尔犹豫了。她喝了一口茶,最终决定告诉克劳利真相。 “孩子是我的一部分,也是他的一部分,”她说。 “我会告诉你更多,但我请求你不要重复这些,克劳利医生——”

Crowley stopped her with a light hand on her arm. “I promise I won't,” he said. “But perhaps this is a conversation best had in private.”
克劳利轻轻地握住她的手臂,阻止了她。 “我保证不会,”他说。 “但也许这是最好私下进行的谈话。”

Aziraphale blinked a couple of times. “Yes, my apologies. Are you alright to accompany me back to my stateroom for a bit? You will just need to be back out before lunch.” She checked her watch, they still had a bit of time.
亚茨拉斐尔眨了几下眼睛。 “是的,我很抱歉。你可以陪我回我的客舱去一会儿吗?你只需要在午饭前回来就可以了。”她看了看表,还有一点时间。

“‘Course,” Crowley muttered, moving his blanket aside and standing. He offered her his hand, which she took and Crowley helped Aziraphale to her feet.

She smiled softly at him, swearing that he blushed as she took his arm and they started to walk to the grand staircase entrance. Aziraphale’s heart fluttered as she imagined placing a kiss on his reddened cheek. Maybe she could do it before he left her to get ready for lunch. She smiled to herself before descending the stairs to her room on C deck.
她对他温柔地微笑,发誓当她抓住他的手臂,他们开始向大楼梯入口走去时,他脸红了。当亚茨拉斐尔想象着在他泛红的脸颊上亲吻时,她的心狂跳起来。也许她可以在他离开她准备吃午饭之前做到这一点。她对自己笑了笑,然后走下楼梯,回到了 C 层她的房间。