Chapter Text 章节正文
Chapter 4 第 4 章
Let's talk business 让我们谈谈业务
Chan twirls the business card in his hand. It’s classic and simple, mostly black, but with gold letters. There is a name written on the card that sparks his interest, and he hasn’t stopped staring at it for the past forty-eight hours.
Chan 旋转着手中的名片。它经典而简单,大部分是黑色的,但有金色的字母。卡片上写着一个引起他兴趣的名字,在过去的四十八小时里,他一直盯着它看。
‘Hyunjin,’ Chan mumbles, rereading the bold letters. He has read the name at least a dozen times already. Now he finally knows what Hyun stands for. It shouldn’t matter, but knowing the handsome man’s name somehow feels nice.
“Hyunjin,”Chan喃喃自语,重读着那些粗体字。他已经至少读了十几遍这个名字。现在他终于知道 Hyun 代表什么了。这应该无关紧要,但知道这个英俊男人的名字不知何故感觉很好。
He leans back in his chair and places his legs on the corner of his desk, twirling the card between his fingers.
There is no business mentioned, no address, and no family name. Only “Hyunjin,” a phone number and the words “Golden HJ.” Still, it’s clear to Chan what kind of business card this is. There’s a drawing of an arm getting tattooed right next to the letters, framed in golden curly lines. Could it be that Hyunjin is also a tattoo artist besides his other job?
没有提到企业,没有地址,也没有姓氏。只有“Hyunjin”、一个电话号码和“Golden HJ”这两个词。尽管如此,Chan 还是很清楚这是一张什么样的名片。字母旁边有一幅手臂纹身的图画,以金色卷曲的线条框起来。难道 Hyunjin 除了他的其他工作之外,还是一名纹身师?
It’s a rather unusual business card, given there is little information on it, but it makes sense considering the stigma around tattoo artists in South Korea. He doesn’t know exactly how it works, but maybe he can ask-
‘Jisung!’ Chan shrieks, quickly pulling his legs off the desk and almost tipping his chair backwards onto the floor with chair and everything.
Jisung walks into his office with a binder in one hand and his tablet in the other. The guy is married to his tablet. It’s no lie. Chan is almost sure the man touches his tablet more than he touches his boyfriend.
Jisung 一手拿着活页夹,一手拿着平板电脑走进他的办公室。这家伙嫁给了他的平板电脑。这不是谎言。Chan 几乎可以肯定,这个男人触摸他的平板电脑的次数比他触摸男朋友的次数还多。
‘What were you doing? I never see you lazing around like that,’ Jisung asks curiously as he hands Chan the binder, who quickly hides the business card away and accepts the binder. ‘Here are the documents you asked for.’
“你在做什么?我从来没见过你那样懒洋洋地闲逛,“Jisung 好奇地问道,他把活页夹递给 Chan,Chan 迅速把名片藏了起来,接过活页夹。“这是你要的文件。”
‘Thank you, Jisung. Have you heard anything from my father yet? Will he be able to attend the meeting this afternoon, or will we have a conference call?’
‘Video call. His assistant just called me to tell me that the flight has been delayed again, so they won’t make it back on time. He has a good and private spot in the business lounge with an appropriate Wi-Fi connection, so we can have the meeting at the scheduled time.’
“视频通话。他的助手刚刚打电话给我,告诉我航班又延误了,所以他们不能准时回来。他在商务休息室有一个很好的私人位置,有适当的 Wi-Fi 连接,所以我们可以在预定的时间开会。
Chan shakes his head. ‘Can’t believe he still spends extra money on flying business class while our company isn’t doing great.’
Chan 摇摇头。“真不敢相信他仍然在乘坐商务舱上花额外的钱,而我们公司的情况并不好。”
‘It’s all about the image he wants to maintain. Can’t blame him.’ Jisung shrugs. ‘If others discover that he downgrades his comfort during travels, they will know the company isn’t doing well financially. You know how people love to gossip.’
“这一切都与他想要保持的形象有关。不能怪他。Jisung 耸耸肩。“如果其他人发现他在旅行中降低了舒适度,他们就会知道公司的财务状况不佳。你知道人们是多么喜欢八卦。
‘They still know anyway,’ Chan grumbles. Don’t ask me how, but SL knows for sure. They’ve been coming for all our writers lately. Anyway, that’s off-topic. I’ll take a look at these documents before we start the meeting.’
“反正他们还是知道,”Chan抱怨道。别问我是怎么做到的,但 SL 肯定知道。他们最近一直在找我们所有的作家。无论如何,这是题外话。在我们开始会议之前,我会看看这些文件。
‘Great. Is there anything else I can do for you?’ Jisung smiles.
“太好了。我还能为你做些什么吗?Jisung 微笑着。
‘No, thanks. It’s fine. You can go.’
But before Jisung can leave the room, Chan calls his name again. ‘Jisung, what do you know about tattoo artists in this country?’
但在 Jisung 离开房间之前,Chan 再次叫了他的名字。“Jisung,你对这个国家的纹身师了解多少?”
Jisung turns around again and he cocks his head. ‘If I know any?’
Jisung 再次转过身来,歪着头。“我知道吗?”
’No, if you know how they work. They need to have an appropriate medical license, right?’
‘Yes, they do. Why the sudden interest?’
‘Read something about it. It’s mentioned briefly in a manuscript I was reading the other day,’ Chan lies, covering up the real reason without even knowing why he desires to do so.
‘Ah, that makes sense. Well, I don’t know much about it, but you are right. They need a medical license by law.’
Chan’s brain is working overtime. Does that mean Hyunjin is a doctor? Does he have a medical degree?
Chan 的大脑正在加班加点地工作。这是否意味着 Hyunjin 是一名医生?他有医学学位吗?
‘But honestly, most tattoo artists in South Korea don’t have one and work underground,’ Jisung continues. ‘They are silent about their job. They have no office signposts signifying what they do. They work discreetly,’ Jisung continues.
“但老实说,韩国的大多数纹身师都没有纹身师,而是在地下工作,”Jisung 继续说道。“他们对自己的工作保持沉默。他们没有办公室路标来表明他们的工作。他们谨慎地工作,“Jisung 继续说道。
‘How do they get customers if it’s supposed to be a secret?’
‘They often resort to using social media and word of mouth. For example, they have an Instagram page that doesn’t show an address. You can DM them, and when they know you are genuinely interested in being a customer, you make an appointment and only then get the exact location.’
“他们经常求助于社交媒体和口耳相传。例如,他们有一个没有显示地址的 Instagram 页面。你可以给他们发私信,当他们知道你真的有兴趣成为客户时,你就会预约,然后才能得到确切的位置。
Chan purses his lips and nods. Could that be the case with Hyunjin? Could Golden HJ be the name of an Instagram page or another platform? His hands are itching to find out and look it up, but then he reprimands himself. He is not going to use the business card. He will not see or sleep with the man again, so what is the added value if he looks it up?
Chan 抿起嘴唇点点头。Hyunjin 会是这种情况吗?Golden HJ 可能是 Instagram 页面或其他平台的名称吗?他的手痒痒的,想找出来查一查,但随后他斥责了自己。他不会用这张名片。他不会再见到这个男人或和他睡觉了,那么如果他查了一下,有什么附加值呢?
‘Thank you for the explanation, Jisung,’ Chan smiles. ‘Let’s get back to work.’
“谢谢你的解释,Jisung,”Chan 微笑着。“我们回去工作吧。”
‘I’m glad to hear that business was going well in Japan, father,’ Chan says to the big screen filling most of the meeting room’s wall. He is sitting at the conference table with the heads of the most important departments of D’Cypher Books. ‘It sounds like a great opportunity to extend our business to Japan,’ he adds.
“爸爸,我很高兴听到日本的生意进展顺利,”Chan 对着占据会议室大部分墙壁的大屏幕说。他与 D'Cypher Books 最重要部门的负责人一起坐在会议桌旁。“这听起来像是将我们的业务扩展到日本的绝佳机会,”他补充道。
‘We’ll need more meetings before we make a final decision, but the CEO of this small company seems carefully positive and so am I. The plans to take over this small company are promising, but let’s not jump to conclusions too early in the process,’ Chan’s father, Bang Seongho, replies from the screen, the airport furniture visible in the background. ‘If this goes well, we will have a busy time ahead of us, but it might save our company from its downfall.’
“在做出最终决定之前,我们需要开更多的会议,但这家小公司的首席执行官似乎非常乐观,我也是。收购这家小公司的计划很有希望,但我们不要在这个过程中过早下结论,“Chan 的父亲 Bang Seongho 在屏幕上回答道,背景中可以看到机场家具。“如果进展顺利,我们将迎来一段繁忙的时期,但这可能会使我们的公司免于衰落。”
‘Speaking of which,’ Chan starts. ‘The first numbers of Kim Mingyu’s book are in. You’ll be over the moon when you hear about it.’
“说到这里,”Chan 开始说。“金明玉的书的第一卷已经出来了。当你听到这个消息时,你会欣喜若狂。
‘I just sent them to you, sir,’ Jisung joins in, who sits next to Chan with his laptop. Chan sees that the man just hit send.
“我刚刚把它们寄给你了,先生,”Jisung 加入进来,他坐在 Chan 旁边,手里拿着他的笔记本电脑。Chan 看到这个人只是点击了发送。
It takes a few seconds, but then his father’s face brightens up. A wide smile spreads on his face as he looks at the members in the meeting room again. 'That’s fantastic. This is better than we predicted.’
‘It is,’ Kang Yeongshik, head of marketing, nods. ‘We’re very pleased with the first sales.’
“是的,”营销主管 Kang Yeongshik 点点头。“我们对第一批销售感到非常满意。”
‘You did an excellent job promoting this book, and so did the Idol’s company. This is the perfect example of a good collaboration. Well done, everyone,’ Bang Seongho compliments his employees. ‘Not to diminish the hard work and good numbers, but we know this won’t save our company in the long term. For now, it will give us a good income and more time to find long-term solutions. And most of all, it will help us provide the money to expand our business to Japan.’
“你们在推广这本书方面做得非常出色,《偶像》的公司也做得非常出色。这是良好合作的完美例子。大家都干得好,“Bang Seongho 称赞他的员工。“不是要减少辛勤工作和良好的数字,但我们知道,从长远来看,这不会拯救我们的公司。就目前而言,它将给我们带来丰厚的收入和更多时间来寻找长期解决方案。最重要的是,它将帮助我们提供资金,将我们的业务扩展到日本。
‘This might open doors for other celebrities to work with us too,’ Kang Yeongshik carefully suggests. ‘That might be helpful.’
“这也可能为其他名人打开与我们合作的大门,”Kang Yeongshik 小心翼翼地建议道。“那可能会有帮助。”
‘Absolutely,’ Chan nods, trying not to spoil the positive energy everyone just had after celebrating Kim Mingyu’s perfect book sales. ‘We’ll look into that, father. I’ll set up a meeting with the necessary departments to see if and how we can make that a reality. That way, we’ll bet on two horses to improve our business instead of one.’
“当然,”Chan 点点头,尽量不破坏大家在庆祝 Kim Mingyu 的完美图书销售后刚刚拥有的正能量。“我们会调查的,爸爸。我将与必要的部门安排一次会议,看看我们是否以及如何实现这一目标。这样,我们就可以押注两匹马来改善我们的业务,而不是一匹。
Bang Seongho cocks his head. ‘We’re not betting, Son. We’ll work hard instead.’
Bang Seongho 歪着头。“我们不是在打赌,孩子。我们会努力工作。
‘Of course, father,’ Chan says, nodding and bowing his head.
“当然,爸爸,”Chan 说,点头低头。
‘Good. For now, I’ll have to leave the meeting. Boarding starts soon. I’ll see you later today.'
Chan smiles as everyone politely says their “goodbyes” and “safe flights” to their boss. Of course, his father will still come to work later today when he lands in South Korea around seven in the evening. The man is addicted to work. Most people would go home at that time, but not his father. He works as much as required, with sometimes way too little sleep, something his mom always complained about. She wasn’t particularly happy when Chan started working for their company too. Chan heard them fight a few times when they thought he couldn’t hear them, his mom mad at her husband for expecting the same level of dedication and hard work from Chan, which is unhealthy according to her. According to Bang Seungwon, his wife is too overprotective.
当每个人都礼貌地向他们的老板说“再见”和“安全飞行”时,Chan 面带微笑。当然,他的父亲今天晚上 7 点左右抵达韩国时,仍然会来上班。这个男人对工作上瘾。那时大多数人都会回家,但他的父亲不会。他根据需要工作,有时睡眠太少,这是他妈妈经常抱怨的事情。当 Chan 也开始为他们的公司工作时,她并不是特别高兴。Chan 听到他们打架了几次,他们认为他听不到他们的话,他的妈妈对她的丈夫生气,因为她期望 Chan 能有同样程度的奉献和努力,这在她看来是不健康的。根据 Bang Seungwon 的说法,他的妻子太过度保护了。
‘Chan is a well-educated adult. He’s perfectly capable of making the correct decisions. Working hard is one of them. It’s one of the highest values in our family,’ he said, ending the conversation.
“Chan 是一个受过良好教育的成年人。他完全有能力做出正确的决定。努力工作就是其中之一。这是我们家庭的最高价值观之一,“他说,结束了谈话。
So yes, Chan works ungodly hours too. He doesn’t mind it. He likes his work and it’s not as if he has better things to do. He doesn’t have a partner waiting for him at home. So he doesn’t care.
所以,是的,Chan 的工作时间也非常多。他并不介意。他喜欢他的工作,并不是说他有更好的事情要做。他在家里没有等他的伙伴。所以他不在乎。
Later that day, Chan sits in his office, working through the pile of tasks he has been working on for the past few hours when he hears a conversation outside his office.
那天晚些时候,Chan 坐在办公室里,处理着他过去几个小时一直在做的一堆任务,这时他听到办公室外面有对话。
‘… better if you come back tomorrow. It’s late and Mr. Bang asked not to get disturbed,’ he hears Jisung say from his desk in front of Chan’s office.
‘…如果你明天再来就好了。已经很晚了,Bang 先生要求不要被打扰,“他听到 Jisung 在 Chan 办公室前的办公桌上说。
‘It’ll be short. It’s important.’
‘Tomorrow, Jeongin,’ Jisung replies.
“明天,Jeongin,”Jisung 回答。
‘It’s about Choi Hana. She has a request about-’
“这是关于 Choi Hana 的。她有个要求——”
‘Let him in,’ Chan interrupts them, tearing his eyes away from the screen and instead to the two men who appear in his doorway.
‘Are you sure?’ Jisung asks.
“你确定吗?”Jisung 问道。
‘Yes, Jisung. I’m sure, thank you. You can continue working.’
‘Okay. If you need me to do anything, just ask.’
‘I will,’ Chan smiles and then beckons Jeongin to step inside. ‘Tell me, what did she ask for this time?’
“我会的,”Chan 微笑着,然后招手让 Jeongin 进来。“告诉我,她这次要什么?”
Jeongin closes the door behind him and walks toward the desk. Chan gestures for him to sit down.
Jeongin 关上了身后的门,走向书桌。Chan 示意他坐下。
‘I apologize for interrupting you, but Choi Hana insisted and… well, you know what she is like.’
“我很抱歉打扰了你,但 Choi Hana 坚持说......嗯,你知道她是什么样子的。
‘Tell me about it,’ Chan sighs, clasping his hands before him on his desk. ‘She will bring in the money, but I can assure you that I will be happy like a kid in a candy store when that book is published.’
“跟我说说吧,”Chan 叹了口气,双手紧握在办公桌上。“她会带来钱来的,但我可以向你保证,当那本书出版时,我会像个在糖果店里的孩子一样高兴。”
Jeongin snorts, one side of his lips curling upward carefully. He is carefully inspecting the situation to see if he is allowed to laugh in front of his manager.
Jeongin 哼了一声,嘴唇的一侧小心翼翼地向上卷曲。他正在仔细检查情况,看看是否允许他在经理面前大笑。
‘So, what’s the request?’ Chan asks. ‘Another thing she wants at her book launch party?’
“那么,有什么要求?”Chan 问道。“她在新书发布会上还想吃什么?”
‘No, this is a rather unusual request. It’s not about the launch of her book. It’s about the book cover.’
Chan draws his eyebrows together. 'Okay? And why do you come to me with that request? Isn’t Xu Minghao currently working on designing the cover? If you talk to him about her requests, he can see if it fits in.’
Chan 皱起眉毛。“好吗?你为什么来找我这个请求呢?许明昊目前不是在做封面设计吗?如果你和他谈谈她的要求,他可以看看这是否适合。
Jeongin scratches the back of his neck. ‘Yeah, that’s exactly why I’m here. She wants something completely different. She wants a photo of a man on the cover now, instead of the design she previously agreed on.’
Jeongin 挠了挠他的后颈。“是的,这正是我来这里的原因。她想要一些完全不同的东西。她现在想在封面上放一张男人的照片,而不是她之前同意的设计。
‘A photo of a man? What kind of photo?’
‘A photo of a specific man, to be precise. Not just anyone.’
‘Okay? And who might that be? Please tell me she doesn’t want Kim Mingyu on the cover of her book. There is no way on earth we can make that happen.
'Funny you mention that since that was her initial thought.’
Chan groans and presses his fingers against both temples. This woman has been causing most of his headaches lately.
Chan 呻吟着,用手指按在两个太阳穴上。这个女人最近让他头疼不已。
‘I already told her that is absolutely impossible,’ Jeongin is quick to clarify. There is no way that Mingyu will be on the cover of a random fictional book, no matter how rich that family is. Mingyu is an idol. His company will never allow that. Luckily, her dad agreed with me on this.’
“我已经告诉过她,这绝对是不可能的,”Jeongin 很快澄清道。明玉不可能出现在一本随机的虚构书籍的封面上,无论那个家庭有多富有。明玉是个偶像。他的公司绝不允许这种情况发生。幸运的是,她爸爸同意我的看法。
‘I’m glad he did. Let’s not even talk about how we’ll never be able to make any profit from her book if we would find a way to let an idol agree. It will cost us more than we will make from it.
‘Exactly. I made that clear, as politely as possible.’
‘I’m sure you did great,’ Chan smiles, knowing Jeongin is a professional and skilled employee. Chan knows he can leave these things to Jeongin, knowing he will manage it well.
“我相信你做得很好,”Chan 微笑着,知道 Jeongin 是一名专业且技术娴熟的员工。Chan 知道他可以把这些事情交给 Jeongin,因为他知道他会处理好它。
‘Thank you, Mr. Bang,’ Jeongin smiles, beaming at the compliment. ‘She mentioned she has a plan B. A man equally attractive as Kim Mingyu, according to her. She took a photo of him and showed it to me. I told her we’re very displeased by the fact that she photographed our staff at the party without their consent, but I have to admit she has a good point of wanting that man on the cover. She thinks it will increase sales, and I agree with her. I think it might work.
“谢谢你,Bang 先生,”Jeongin 微笑着,对这种赞美露出了笑容。“她提到她有一个 B 计划。据她所说,一个和金明玉一样有吸引力的男人。她给他拍了一张照片给我看。我告诉她,我们对她未经员工同意就拍摄我们员工在派对上的照片感到非常不满,但我不得不承认,她希望那个男人上封面是有道理的。她认为这将增加销售额,我同意她的观点。我认为它可能会奏效。
‘Okay. So who are we talking about? Which one of my staff?’
‘Well, it’s not actually our staff.’
‘What are you talking about? Everyone at the party was either staff or a guest,’ Chan asks, confused and slowly getting frustrated.
“你在说什么?派对上的每个人都是工作人员或客人,“Chan 问道,困惑并慢慢变得沮丧。
‘He was staff, kind of. We do external hiring, you know.’
‘Aaah,’ Chan says, the information finally clicking in his head. ‘You’re right. Well, I’m not sure if we can fix that. Honestly, it’s even worse that she photographed one of them. The company they work for will be very displeased when one of our writers secretly photographs their employees. We’re responsible for that and might lose our work relationship with them.’
“啊啊,”Chan 说,信息终于在他的脑海中响起。“你说得对。好吧,我不确定我们是否可以解决这个问题。老实说,她拍了其中一只更糟糕的是。他们工作的公司会非常不满,因为我们的一位作家偷偷给他们的员工拍照。我们对此负责,可能会失去与他们的工作关系。
‘I know, which is why I came to you. I have a photo, but because of what you just said, I can’t just call the manager of the hiring agency and show them. I’m kind of stuck. I don’t know how we can figure out who it is without creating a bad reputation on how D’Cypher books handle their staff.’
“我知道,这就是我来找你的原因。我有一张照片,但因为你刚才说的,我不能直接打电话给招聘机构的经理给他们看。我有点被困住了。我不知道我们如何才能弄清楚它是谁,而不会在 D'Cypher 书籍如何处理他们的员工方面造成坏名声。
‘I now understand why you said it was an unusual request. I can contact the company and try to convey the message carefully without them being displeased with how we provide a safe work environment for their employees. I’m not sure how yet, but I’ll think about it. I’m sure I can figure it out. Can you show me the photo?’
‘I can,’ Jeongin nods, pulling his phone from his back pocket. ‘Here, this one.’
“我可以,”Jeongin 点点头,从后袋里掏出手机。“给你,这个。”
He hands Chan the phone and Chan’s jaw slacks when he sees the man on the phone. The gorgeous face, the perfectly styled blank hair, the big doe eyes and the single white glove.
他把电话递给 Chan,当他看到电话里的男人时,Chan 的下巴松弛了下来。华丽的脸庞,完美造型的空白头发,大眼睛和一只白手套。
It is unmistakably Hyunjin. How ironic…
毫无疑问,它是 Hyunjin。多么讽刺......
Hyunjin is on his mind much more than he wants to admit, and not just because he has to contact him for the book cover. He tries to tell himself that is the reason, but who is he lying too?
Hyunjin 在他的脑海中比他想承认的要多得多,这不仅仅是因为他必须联系他以获得书籍封面。他试图告诉自己这就是原因,但他也在撒谎谁呢?
The handsome man repeatedly pops up while he is supposed to focus on work. He crosses his mind when he is in a meeting, when he goes to the bathroom, when he is supposed to sleep and also when he is at Jisung’s apartment, where he just finished dinner with Changbin and Jisung.
Felix is unavailable to join them this time, currently having another date with the red-haired girl.
‘Can’t believe he’s already on his fourth date in the past few weeks,’ Chan mumbles sourly.
“真不敢相信他已经在过去几周里进行了第四次约会,”Chan 酸溜溜地咕哝着。
‘Why not?’ Changbin asks, as he is busy picking up the leftovers and bringing them to the kitchen.
‘He’s already clinging onto her like they’re in a relationship.’
Changbin laughs. ‘You’re just jealous. Four dates in a few weeks is nothing too crazy.’
‘If you say so,’ Chan replies, slacking down on the couch and focusing back on the movie on the screen where the two main characters are currently making out. ‘Why do they have to zoom in on that kiss so much?’
Jisung grabs the remote and pauses the movie. ‘Okay, what’s on your mind, Chan?'
‘Nothing. Why?’
‘Something is clearly bothering you,’ Jisung urges. ‘I know you well. So spill it.’
Chan thinks of making something up, although he is not sure what. Is something really bothering him? It’s just the stress at work, which is nothing unusual. Choi Hana is annoying him, and there is also the pressure to help his father save D’Cypher Books. He loves his job and the company, so he wants it to do well and eventually take over his father’s position when the man retires. He can’t imagine working in another company and starting all over. He can’t let this company go bankrupt.
Chan 想编造一些东西,尽管他不确定是什么。真的有什么事情困扰他吗?这只是工作中的压力,这并不奇怪。Choi Hana 惹恼了他,还有帮助他父亲拯救 D'Cypher Books 的压力。他热爱自己的工作和公司,所以他希望它能做得好,并最终在他父亲退休时接替他的职位。他无法想象在另一家公司工作并从头再来。他不能让这家公司破产。
That’s the only reason, right? But as he tries to fool himself, Hyunjin pops up in his head. But it has nothing to do with him, Chan thinks. He is only frustrated because he has to call the man when he doesn’t want to. Calling the company itself is off the table, not when he has Hyunjin’s number in his wallet, printed on the pretty business card. There are risks involved, so he has contemplated if it is worth calling Hyunjin. If Hyunjin passes the news on to his manager, the agency will probably be pissed off. He can also not mention that a photo was taken. He has to hide that detail, but that still means he has to call Hyunjin.
这是唯一的原因,对吧?但当他试图自欺欺人时,Hyunjin 突然出现在他的脑海中。但这与他无关,Chan 想。他之所以感到沮丧,只是因为他不得不在他不想的时候打电话给那个男人。给公司打电话是不可能的,尤其是当他的钱包里有 Hyunjin 的号码,印在漂亮的名片上时。这其中有风险,所以他考虑过是否值得给 Hyunjin 打电话。如果 Hyunjin 将消息传递给他的经理,经纪公司可能会生气。他也不能提到拍了照片。他必须隐瞒这个细节,但这仍然意味着他必须给 Hyunjin 打电话。
He doesn’t want to call Hyunjin. But only because he doesn’t want to see the man again.
他不想给 Hyunjin 打电话。但只是因为他不想再见到那个男人。
But is that really the reason? Doesn’t he want to see him again? Isn’t the whole problem that he tells himself that he doesn’t want to see him again, but his body screams the opposite? The sex was good and dirty. Fuck, they had sex in a car. In public. Someone could’ve seen them and only thinking about that turns him on again.
So yes, sleeping with Hyunjin again crosses his mind more often than he wants to. But he can’t. He already crosses a line by sleeping with him after the book launch party. He won’t make the same mistake twice.
‘Hey, hot stuff!’ Jisung exclaims, breaking Chan out of his train of thought. ‘Where’s your mind at?’
“嘿,热辣的东西!”Jisung 惊呼道,打断了 Chan 的思路。“你心在哪儿?”
He looks up, seeing both men look at him with big question marks in his eyes.
‘Nothing, nothing,’ he is quick to clarify.
Both men narrow their eyes but don’t push for more.
‘It’s just work,’ Chan says, making a dismissive gesture with his hand.
“这只是工作,”Chan 说,用手做了一个轻蔑的手势。
‘No talking about work,’ Changbin groans as he flops beside his boyfriend on the couch. ‘I feel left out when you do. I don’t want to be the third wheel.’
‘No offense, but you two are together. Won’t that make me the one third wheeling right now?’
Jisung shrugs his shoulders at Chan and then leans in to kiss Changbin on his cheek.
Jisung 对 Chan 耸了耸肩,然后俯身亲吻了 Changbin 的脸颊。
‘Gross. Get a room,’ Chan mumbles, making the other two men laugh.
‘Someone is sexually frustrated,’ Changbin laughs.
‘He got laid a few weeks ago, on Valentine’s Day,’ Jisung reminds his boyfriend of said fact. ‘That’s not that long ago. So how sex deprived can he be?’
“他几周前在情人节那天上床了,”Jisung 提醒他的男朋友说了这个事实。“那不是很久以前了。那么他能被剥夺到什么程度呢?
‘Yeah? A few weeks is a long time, especially after you had great sex. The better the sex, the more you want it,’ Changbin says with a wink.
Jisung’s eyes start to smile along with his lips.’ Ahhh, so that’s why you-’
Jisung 的眼睛开始随着他的嘴唇微笑。啊,所以这就是你——'
‘Okay, so I have a random question,’ Chan interrupts before this can escalate. He usually doesn’t feel like third-wheeling with his friends, but he definitely will if their conversation continues. ‘If you sleep together, who does the fucking?’
“好的,我有一个随机的问题,”Chan 在事情升级之前打断了他。他通常不喜欢和他的朋友们一起骑三轮车,但如果他们的谈话继续下去,他肯定会这样做。“如果你们睡在一起,他妈的是谁?”
‘Excuse me? You want to know who tops or bottoms or what’s your question?’ Changbin asks warily.
‘That’s weird. I’m not going to tell you that,’ Jisung laughs.
“这很奇怪。我不会告诉你这些,“Jisung 笑着说。
Chan leans forward and grabs his can of beer, opens the lid, and takes the first sip. ‘No, not you two. I don’t need to know what you guys do in bed. Please spare me that info, I like to sleep without nightmares. I mean in general. The top fucks the bottom, right?’
Chan 身体前倾,拿起他的啤酒罐,打开盖子,喝了第一口。“不,不是你们两个。我不需要知道你们在床上做什么。请饶恕我这些信息,我喜欢没有噩梦的睡眠。我是说一般的。顶部搞砸了底部,对吧?
‘I guess?’ Jisung says, a frown painting his forehead. He looks utterly confused and Changbin isn’t in a much better state.
“我猜?”Jisung 说,额头上皱着眉头。他看起来完全困惑,长斌的状态也好不到哪里去。
‘So the bottom doesn’t fuck the top,’ Chan asks for clarification as he makes himself comfortable on the couch again, curling his legs and leaning his hand and beer can on his knee.
“所以底部不会操上衣,”Chan 要求澄清,他再次让自己舒服地躺在沙发上,蜷缩着双腿,将手和啤酒罐靠在膝盖上。
‘I’m confused,’ Changbin states. ‘You need to be more clear Chan. You’re talking nonsense.’
He sighs. Okay, so they’re going to talk about this. He shouldn’t have started this conversation, but hey… he did, and now he at least can get answers. ‘Okay, so hear me out. Hypothetically speaking: if I top, but someone rides me, does he fuck me or I fuck him?’
‘This is so not hypothetical,’ Jisung laughs.
“这不是假设,”Jisung 笑着说。
Changbin looks at his boyfriend with wide eyes. ‘It’s not? Wait, Chan. Is this that fucking hot guy again from that night out with Felix?’
长斌睁大眼睛看着他的男朋友。“不是吗?等等,Chan。这是不是又是那个晚上和 Felix 出去玩的那个他妈的帅哥了?
‘He didn’t have his phone number or a name,’ Jisung remembers Changbin.
“他没有电话号码或名字,”Jisung 回忆道。
‘Hmm… so someone else? Or did you find him?’ Changbin asks.
‘Doesn’t matter,’ Chan says with a dismissive wave of his hand. ‘Just answer my question.’
“没关系,”Chan 轻蔑地挥了挥手说。“回答我的问题就好。”
‘I don’t know. Both?’ Jisung says. ‘I have never given it that much thought. Does it even matter? Sex is sex.’
“我不知道。两者都有?Jisung 说。“我从来没有想过那么多。这有关系吗?性就是性。
‘I don’t know. It’s just stuck in my head,’ Chan answers honestly.
“我不知道。它就一直留在我的脑海里,“Chan 诚实地回答。
‘Why?’ Changbin asks as he opens a bag of chips and offers it to Jisung and Chan first before reaching inside and taking a handful himself.
‘There is something you’re not telling us,’ Jisung says with a knowing smile. ‘I love this. Tell us everything.’
“有件事你没有告诉我们,”Jisung 带着会心的微笑说。“我喜欢这个。告诉我们一切。
He keeps wondering if letting Hyunjin do most of the work has anything to do with “four ways instead of five,” but he is not going to tell his friends that. It might be very possible that Hyunjin just said that to annoy and tease him, but he can’t let it go.
他一直在想,让 Hyunjin 做大部分工作是否与“四种方式而不是五种方式”有关,但他不会告诉他的朋友们。很可能玄辰只是为了惹恼和取笑他而说这句话,但他不能放手。
‘Okay, fine. I’ll give more details, ‘Chan sighs. ‘So I was sleeping with this guy and yes, he was riding me, but he said I was the one fucking him. Not the other way around.’
“好吧,好吧。我会提供更多细节,“Chan 叹息。“所以我和这个家伙睡在一起,是的,他骑在我身上,但他说是我操他。”而不是相反。
‘Because your dick was up his ass,’ Changbin nods. ‘I get his point.’
‘That’s what he said. He kept saying I was fucking him.’
‘During sex or after?’ Changbin wants to know.
‘During.’ “期间。”
Jisung can’t control his laughter after that. ‘I’m sorry,’ he snorts after regaining his composure. ‘This is such a weird conversation. Anyway, I would say: who cares what to name it? Was it a good fuck?’
在那之后,Jisung 再也控制不住自己的笑声。“对不起,”他在恢复镇定后哼了一声。“这是一次非常奇怪的对话。无论如何,我会说:谁在乎它怎么命名呢?这是个好操蛋吗?
‘Very good.’ “很好。”
‘Then by all means, let him say you fucked him,’ Jisung shrugs. ‘I don’t see the issue.’
‘But he did most of the work.’
‘So? You don’t like that?’ Changbin asks.
‘No, I liked it. It’s just-‘
‘Just what?’
‘Nothing,’ he says as he shakes his head. He can’t explain it anyway. The bickering he had going on with Hyunjin almost seemed like a fun competition. Who is right and who is not? But now that he says it out loud he realizes how stupid this whole conversation is. They are right. The sex was amazing. That’s all that counts. Fuck, it was even better than amazing.
The thought that he can have an amazing night again crosses his mind. But he cuts it off immediately. He already did the unthinkable of sleeping with the man twice. That is more than enough. He can’t let Hyunjin get attached to him. It was fun while it lasted, but he crosses the line here. He can’t have a romantic thing going on. He doesn’t want that and doesn’t have time to date someone. The last thing he wants to do is trample on someone’s heart when that person gets feelings. Not that Hyunjin said he would, but still… he knows the drill. He has seen it before. He doesn’t need the drama in his life. His life is filled with work and the stress of saving his company. There is no space for anything else. He needs his head in the game. Work is his priority now.
他可以再次度过一个美妙的夜晚的想法在他的脑海中闪过。但他立即切断了它。他已经做了两次不可思议的事情,和那个男人上床了两次。这已经绰绰有余了。他不能让 Hyunjin 依恋他。它持续的时候很有趣,但他在这里越界了。他不能有浪漫的事情发生。他不想那样,也没有时间与某人约会。他最不想做的就是在某人产生感情时践踏他的心。不是 Hyunjin 说他会,但仍然......他知道该怎么做。他以前见过。他不需要生活中的戏剧性事件。他的生活充满了工作和拯救公司的压力。没有其他任何东西的空间。他需要在比赛中保持头脑清醒。工作现在是他的首要任务。
A few days later, Chan needs to make a decision. He thought about not calling Hyunjin and making Choi Hana stick to their old plan. But when Chan sat down with the whole team, he realized that Hyunjin adorning the cover would be great for marketing.
几天后,Chan 需要做出决定。他想过不给 Hyunjin 打电话,让 Choi Hana 坚持他们的旧计划。但是当 Chan 与整个团队坐下来时,他意识到 Hyunjin 装饰封面将非常适合营销。
He feels pathetic for even considering not to call. Work is more important than his own pathetic ego. For a second, he thinks about handing Hyunjin’s number to someone else. But he knows he has to do it himself. Hyunjin handed his card to him, not to anyone else. He also has more control over handling the situation and not making Hyunjin, or the agency he works for angry. He decides to do it himself.
他甚至觉得不打电话很可怜。工作比他自己可悲的自我更重要。有那么一瞬间,他想把 Hyunjin 的号码交给别人。但他知道他必须自己做。Hyunjin 把他的名片递给他,而不是给其他人。他对处理这种情况也有更多的控制权,不会让 Hyunjin 或他工作的机构生气。他决定自己动手。
So it comes to the point of Chan sitting in his office at eight PM, dreading going home because he knows he has to make the phone call before calling it a day.
所以到了晚上八点 Chan 坐在办公室里,害怕回家的地步,因为他知道他必须在收工前打个电话。
He stares at the business card on his desk, right next to the keyboard. It’s been lying there for hours, his eyes darting towards it every few minutes.
‘Come on, Chan. Don’t be such a scaredy cat and just make the damn phone call,’ he scolds himself out loud. ‘What’s the worst that can happen?’
Frankly, he knows what might happen—something he can’t let happen. It’s not about Hyunjin or the way the man will react to it that makes him nervous. Chan himself is the problem. He doesn’t want to fall for the temptation.
坦率地说,他知道会发生什么——他不能让事情发生。让他紧张的不是 Hyunjin 或这个男人的反应方式。Chan 本人就是问题所在。他不想上当受骗。
‘Just a fucking call to ask if he wants to come over and discuss him modeling for a book cover. That’s all. Nothing more, nothing less,’ he murmurs.
It still takes him a few more minutes, but eventually, he types in the phone number. He waits for a few seconds, a half minute, and maybe even more. Hyunjin doesn’t answer.
他仍然需要几分钟,但最终,他输入了电话号码。他等待了几秒钟、半分钟,甚至可能更多。Hyunjin 没有回答。
He is about to cancel the call when he hears a familiar voice.
‘Hi, who’s this?’ The stem is deep and low yet still pleasantly comfortable. He heard the voice way lower the other day, groaning and whispering into his ear. He also heard it in a much higher pitch, moaning when he rode Chan.
“嗨,这是谁?”茎又深又低,但仍然令人愉快地舒适。前几天,他听到那个声音压低了,在他耳边呻吟着低语。他也以更高的音调听到它,当他骑在 Chan 身上时发出呻吟。
He quickly pinches the skin on his forearm, face twisting from the sharp pain. But it works, the image of them having sex in his car is gone. He should focus on business. That’s all this is. He has to be professional.’
‘Hyunjin, hi. It’s Bang Chan.’
“Hyunjin,你好。是 Bang Chan。
‘Oh, hi, Chan. How are you? I didn’t expect you to call. Made up your mind, huh?’
‘Yeah, well, not exactly. I’m calling because of something else.’
‘Okay? What is it?’ “好吗?这是什么?
‘Are you interested in being on the cover of a book I’ll publish later this year? Of course you will get paid for,’ he asks, just throwing it out here. He had thought of better ways to ask this and start the conversation smoothly, but he can’t help it. The second he hears Hyunjin’s voice, his brain starts short-circuiting.
“你有兴趣成为我今年晚些时候出版的一本书的封面吗?”你当然会得到报酬,“他问道,只是把它扔在这里。他想过更好的方法来问这个问题并顺利开始对话,但他忍不住了。当他听到 Hyunjin 的声音的那一刻,他的大脑就开始短路。
It’s silent for a few seconds, but then the other man speaks again. ‘Uh, you have to give me a little more information than that. What are you exactly talking about?’
Chan clears his throat and straightens up in his chair. ‘Ah, yes. My apologies. One of my writers noticed you at the launch party of Kim Mingyu’s book and asked if you could model for her upcoming book cover.’
Chan清了清嗓子,在椅子上直起身来。“啊,是的。我很抱歉。我的一位作家在 Kim Mingyu 的新书发布会上注意到了你,问你是否可以为她即将出版的书的封面做模特。
‘Well, it’s a compliment that someone spotted me and liked me while wearing my work uniform, so thank you. But what kind of book are we talking about? Not some Kamasutra manual where I have to be naked or-‘
“嗯,有人发现我并喜欢我穿着工作服,真是恭维,所以谢谢你。”但我们在谈论什么样的书呢?不是我必须赤身裸体的 Kamasutra 手册,或者——”
‘No, it’s just a fictional story,’ Chan quickly clarifies. ‘I can send you the summary if you like.’
“不,这只是一个虚构的故事,”Chan 很快澄清道。“如果你愿意,我可以把摘要发给你。”
‘Sure, I would appreciate that.’
‘Your face and half of your body will be photographed, depending on what my team decides will suit the cover best, but it’s not a full body shot and you’ll be clothed.’
’A shame. I’m not opposed to showing my abs.’
‘You have the body for it.’
Chan can hear Hyunjin snort through the phone. ‘Then tell them I might be interested, depending on the exact plan and offer. I can use the money. If I have to take my shirt off, it means you obviously have to pay me more.’
Chan 可以听到 Hyunjin 在电话里哼了一声。“然后告诉他们我可能感兴趣,这取决于确切的计划和报价。我可以用这笔钱。如果我必须脱掉我的衬衫,那显然意味着你得付给我更多的钱。
He can’t help but smile at Hyunjin’s teasing tone. The second he notices it, he straightens his face again. It’s a work call. He’s not supposed to smile and be all giggly.
他忍不住对 Hyunjin 的调侃语气微笑。当他注意到这一点的那一刻,他又直起了脸。这是一个工作电话。他不应该微笑和咯咯笑。
‘Of course. You want to come to my office to have a conversation to talk about all the details? Afterward, you can decide if you want to or not.’
‘Sounds good. When?’ “听起来不错。什么时候?
‘Does Friday at two PM work for you?’ Chan suggests, taking a quick look at his agenda.
“周五下午两点对你有用吗?”Chan 建议道,快速浏览了他的议程。
‘Yes, sounds good. Text me the address and I’ll be there.’
’I will. Thank you, Hyunjin. I’ll see you Friday.’
‘You know my name now?’ Hyunjin replies, and if Chan isn’t mistaken, he can hear a smirk in his voice.
“你现在知道我的名字了吗?”Hyunjin 回答道,如果 Chan 没记错的话,他可以听到他的声音里带着一丝得意的笑容。
‘It’s on your business card.’
‘Smart. Now you know what to call me when you come. Anyway, see you Friday. Bye, Chan.’
Then the call ends. 然后通话结束。
Chan stares at his phone, baffled. The flirtatious tone in Hyunjin’s voice was undeniable, and Chan would be lying if he said he didn’t like hearing it.
Chan 盯着他的手机,感到困惑。Hyunjin 声音中的调情是不可否认的,如果 Chan 说他不喜欢听,那他就是在撒谎。
‘It’s just a meeting for work. That’s all. You won’t see him besides that,’ he mumbles to himself before shutting down his computer. It’s time to go home.
‘It sounds good. Thank you for your detailed explanation. I’m definitely up for it. As I said, I’m not a professional model, so I will have no clue what I’m doing, but I would love to try,’ Hyunjin says, smiling politely as he looks at the contract.
“听起来不错。感谢您的详细说明。我绝对准备好了。正如我所说,我不是专业模特,所以我不知道自己在做什么,但我很想尝试,“Hyunjin 说,一边看着合同,一边礼貌地微笑着。
‘I’m sure it will work out well. Our photographer and assistants will guide you,’ Jeongin replies with a professional smile.
“我相信它会很顺利。我们的摄影师和助理会指导你,“Jeongin 带着专业的微笑回答。
Hyunjin nods and takes the papers from the table in front of him. ’Okay, that’s fine. Do I need to sign these now?’
Hyunjin 点点头,从他面前的桌子上拿起文件。“好吧,没关系。我现在需要签署这些吗?
‘I advise you to take them home and read over them later. Maybe ask a friend or family member to do the same,’ Chan replies. ‘You can send them to our office later. I’ll ask my assistant to hand you an envelope before heading home.’
“我劝你把它们带回家,以后再读一遍。也许可以请朋友或家人也这样做,“Chan 回答道。“你以后可以把它们送到我们的办公室。我让我的助手在回家之前给你一个信封。
‘Okay, sounds good,’ Hyunjin says, eyes darting between both men in front of him. ‘Is there anything else you need to know about me?’
’No, we’re all good. Do you have any more questions?’
‘No,’ Hyunjin shakes his head. ‘Thank you for this opportunity.’
“不,”Hyunjin 摇摇头。“谢谢你给我这个机会。”
‘Thank you for coming,’ Jeongin says, following Chan’s example by standing up. ‘I’m still very glad that Mister Bang managed to find you and arrange a meeting.’
“谢谢你来,”Jeongin 说,以 Chan 为榜样站了起来。“我还是很高兴邦先生找到了你,还安排了一次见面。”
Hyunjin lifts himself off the chair too and his eyes flick toward Chan. ‘Yes. Mister Bang was very lucky indeed.’
Hyunjin 也从椅子上站起来,他的眼睛瞥向 Chan。“是的。邦先生确实很幸运。
A smirk so small that Chan is sure Jeongin doesn’t notice it tugs on the corners of Hyunjin’s lips.
一个如此微小的笑容,让 Chan 确信 Jeongin 没有注意到它拉扯着 Hyunjin 的嘴角。
‘Shall I escort you outside, Mister Hwang?’ Jeongin asks friendly.
“我陪你出去好吗,黄先生?”Jeongin 友好地问道。
Hyunjin nods and the men move toward the door.
Hyunjin 点点头,男人们向门口走去。
‘Jeongin, can you ask Jisung to get Mister Hwang a stamped envelope with the correct address and department before he leaves?’ Chan asks instead.
“Jeongin,你能不能让Jisung在离开之前给黄先生买一个贴好邮票的信封,上面写上正确的地址和部门?”Chan 反而问道。
Jeongin nods. ‘Of course, Mister Bang. And thank you again, Mister Hwang. You made our client very happy.’
Jeongin 点点头。“当然,Bang先生。再次感谢你,黄先生。你让我们的客户非常高兴。
Both Hyunjin and Jeongin bow politely to each other before Jeongin leaves the room.
Hyunjin turns around to face Chan and his smirk expands.
Hyunjin 转身面对 Chan,他的笑容扩大了。
‘Mister Bang? That’s hot. I should’ve called you that instead of Chan the other day.’
‘I’m at work, Hyunjin. Please watch your words when you’re in this building. My employees don’t need to know about what I do in my personal life.’
Hyunjin’s smile disappears faster than it arrived. ‘Sorry. Of course.’
Hyunjin 的笑容消失得比来得更快。“对不起。当然。
‘Besides, he called you Mister Hwang too,’ Chan teases, breaking the ice again.
Hyunjin presses his lips together in an attempt not to smile.
Hyunjin 紧紧抿着嘴唇,试图不笑。
‘And if I recall your words, you don’t like men who take their words back,’ Chan says with a wink.
‘Good that I don’t take my words back then,’ Hyunjin says, the smirk once again painted on his face. ‘I’ll watch my words when your employees are around, but I meant what I said. Anyway, do your employees know how you got in touch with me? How you got my number?’
‘Definitely not,’ Chan laughs. In the far distance, he can see Jisung walking their way. ‘Ah, there is Jisung. He’ll hand you the envelope, and after that, you’re free to go. He’ll show you the way out.’
“绝对不是,”Chan 笑着说。在远处,他可以看到Jisung正朝着他们走来。“啊,有Jisung。他会把信封递给你,然后你就可以自由走了。他会给你指路的。
Hyunjin turns his head to look at Jisung and nods. ‘Sure. Expect me to say yes, though. I’ll be honest: I can really use the money and it also sounds fun. I’ve never modeled before, but I’m excited to try. I hope I’ll deliver good photos you can use for your cover.’
Hyunjin 转头看向 Jisung,点了点头。“当然。不过,请期待我说是的。老实说:我真的可以使用这笔钱,这听起来也很有趣。我以前从未做过模特,但我很高兴能尝试。我希望我能提供好照片,你可以用它来做封面。
‘I don’t think you have to worry about it,’ Chan encourages him. ‘You’re an attractive man. The photographer will have no trouble taking beautiful photos of you.’
“我认为你不必担心,”Chan 鼓励他。“你是个有魅力的男人。摄影师会毫不费力地为你拍下漂亮的照片。
‘Thank you. I’ll trust your judgment. Let’s hope you’re not biased. Bye, Chan. Thanks again for your call.’ When Hyunjin walks out of the meeting room he looks over his shoulder at Chan. ‘Still sad you didn’t call with another reason. The offer still stands.’
“谢谢你。我相信你的判断。希望你没有偏见。再见,Chan。再次感谢您的来电。当 Hyunjin 走出会议室时,他回头看向 Chan。“还是很遗憾,你没有以其他理由打电话。这个提议仍然有效。
Then he winks and leaves the room.
What is it with this man that he leaves Chan baffled and at a loss for words every time he sees him?
这个男人是什么,每次看到他都让 Chan 感到困惑和无言以对?