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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Chapter 4 Tom and Becky's Engagement When the minister saw Tom walking forward to receive the Bible,he was shocked.The minister could not imagine how Tom had mastered two thousand lines of verse.But the boys and girls sitting there knew.They had sold their tickets for the sake of Tom's glory.After Tom received his Bible, he was introduced to the judge,the new girl's father."What's your name?" asked the judge."T-t-Tom, T-Thomas," stuttered a very nervous Tom."You're a fine boy, Thomas, and two thousand verses is a lot of verses."
汤姆索亚历险记第四章 汤姆和贝基的订婚 当牧师看到汤姆走上前去接圣经时,他大吃一惊。牧师无法想象汤姆是如何掌握两千行诗句的。但是坐在那儿的男孩女孩们都知道他们为了汤姆的荣耀而卖掉了门票。汤姆收到圣经后,他被介绍给法官,也就是新女孩的父亲。“你叫什么名字?” “汤姆,汤姆,托马斯,”非常紧张的汤姆结结巴巴地说,“你是个好孩子,托马斯,两千节诗已经很多了。”

"You won't be sorry you learned them," said the judge.Tom thought he was free to go, but then the judge continued."Knowledge is precious.It's what makes good men great, and I can see you'll be a great man.I'm sure you know the names of all of Jesus' disciples,but who were his first two disciples?"Tom was uncertain if he was supposed to answer, so he remained quiet."Thomas, answer the question," the minister prodded him.At that,Tom shouted out the only two names from the Bible he could remember.
法官说:“你不会后悔你学会了这些知识。”汤姆以为他可以走了,但法官继续说道。“知识是宝贵的。知识是让好人变得伟大的原因,我可以看到你会成为一个伟人。我相信你知道耶稣所有门徒的名字,但是他的前两个门徒是谁?”汤姆不确定他是否应该回答,所以他保持沉默。“托马斯,回答问题, ” 牧师催促他。 这时,汤姆喊出了他能记得的圣经中仅有的两个名字。

"David and Goliath!" The church erupted into laughter.Tom slunk back to his seat.His aunt poked him angrily.The next morning Tom woke up knowing it was Monday,and Monday meant school.Tom hated school more than he hated work,and this Monday was no different.He was feeling especially sheepish after his fall from grace at the church.But at school he would see the new girl.School would be bearable.

On the way to school Tom met his friend Huck.Huck's father was a drunk,so Huck was the only boy in town who didn't have to go to church or school."Hey, Huck!" said Tom. He noticed that his friend was holding something."What have you got?""Something that will cure warts," said Huck."I have lots of warts," said Tom."Come with me to the graveyard tonight,and I can get rid of them for you," said Huck.Tom thought that was a good idea.

Tom and Huck said goodbye, and Tom continued walking to school.By the time Tom finally got to school, he was late."Where have you been?" the teacher asked.Tom usually made up a story when he was late, but today was different.If he told the teacher the truth,he would be punished by being made to sit with the girls.He saw that the only empty seat was beside the new girl.His punishment would be to sit next to her."I was talking with Huckleberry Finn," answered Tom.The teacher was shocked.

"Thomas Sawyer, that boy is bad, and you should not talk with bad boys."Tom apologized, and the teacher made him sit next to the new girl.Tom saw the winks and heard the whispers of the other boys and girls,but he didn't care.He was happy that his plan had worked, and he pretended to read.Tom put a peach on the new girl's desk.Tom then wrote on his slate, "Please take it.I have more."The girl read the slate and quickly looked away.Soon Tom began to draw, and with his left hand he hid what he was drawing.

"Let me see," the girl whispered."I wish I could draw," she said when Tom finally showed her."It's easy," said Tom. "Stay for lunch and I'll teach you.What's your name?" "I'm Becky Thatcher.What's your...Oh, I know.I remember you from church.You're Thomas Sawyer.""They only call me that when I'm bad," said Tom."You can call me Tom."
“让我看看,”女孩低声说。“我希望我会画画,”当汤姆最终向她展示时,她说道。“这很容易,”汤姆说。 “留下来吃午饭,我教你。你叫什么名字?” “我是贝基·撒切尔。你是什么……哦,我知道。我记得你在教堂里。你是托马斯·索亚。”“他们只在我心情不好的时候这样称呼我,”汤姆说。“你可以打电话给我。”我汤姆。”

Tom wrote some words on his slate, and again he hid them from Becky.She begged to see them.Tom whispered, "Promise you won't tell?""I promise," said Becky.Tom moved his hand and Becky read the words, "I love you.""Oh, you're bad."She blushed and turned away,but Tom saw her smiling and he knew she was pleased.At lunch Tom and Becky met behind the schoolhouse,and Tom asked Becky a question.
汤姆在他的石板上写了一些话,然后他再次向贝基隐藏了它们。她恳求看到它们。汤姆低声说道,“保证你不会告诉?”“我保证,”贝基说。汤姆动了动手,贝基读了上面的内容。 ”说,“我爱你。”“哦,你很坏。”她脸红了,转过身去,但汤姆看到她在微笑,他知道她很高兴。午餐时,汤姆和贝基在校舍后面见面,汤姆问贝基问题。

"Have you ever been engaged?""No," replied Becky."Would you like to be?" asked Tom."Maybe.What's special about it?""Well," said Tom."First we kiss, and then you only like me, and I only like you.And we walk to and from school together."Becky thought it sounded nice, so she said, "I love you," in Tom's ear."I never thought I'd be engaged," said Becky, smiling.
“你订婚过吗?” “没有,”贝基回答道,“你想订婚吗?”汤姆问。“也许吧。有什么特别的吗?” “好吧,”汤姆说。“首先我们接吻,然后你只喜欢我,我也只喜欢你。然后我们一起步行上下学。” 贝基这样想。听起来不错,所以她在汤姆耳边说:“我爱你。”“我从没想过我会订婚,”贝基微笑着说。

"It's fun," said Tom. "Amy and I...""Oh, Tom, you've been engaged before!" [crying]shouted Becky, and she began to cry.Tom tried to comfort her, but she wouldn't listen.She was hurt and angry."I only care for you," said Tom, and he left.Little Fox
“这很有趣,”汤姆说。 “艾米和我……”“哦,汤姆,你以前订婚过!” [哭泣]贝基喊道,她开始哭泣。汤姆试图安慰她,但她不听。她很受伤,很生气。“我只关心你,”汤姆说,然后他就离开了。小狐狸

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