3.6 Provisions of the Employment Act of Singapore
We learnt about job descriptions and job specifications.
In this section
We learn about provisions of the Employment Act of Singapore.
At the end of this section, you will be able to:
Understand provisions of the Employment Act of Singapore
Provisions of the Employment Act of Singapore
Click on the plus icons below to find out about the Provisions of the Employment Act of Singapore.
For more details, please look into the following sources:
Job design (2023) Ccohs.ca. Available at: https://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/hsprograms/job_design.html Links to an external site. (Accessed: July 27, 2023).
van Vulpen, E. (2020) Job design: A practitioner’s guide, AIHR. AIHR | Academy to Innovate HR. Available at: https://www.aihr.com/blog/job-design/ Links to an external site.(Accessed: July 27, 2023).
Fuller, J., Langer, C., & Sigelman, M. (n.d.). Skills-based hiring is on the rise. Mvcc.edu. Retrieved July 19, 2023, from https://www2.mvcc.edu/shn/inclusive/pdf/Skills-based-hiring-on-rise-hbr.pdf Links to an external site.