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Japanese people don't wear shoes indoors, so the room is clean enough to sit on the floor. That is called Chabudai. Japanese rooms have tatami mats. Japanese take off their shoes in the house, so they can sit on tatami mats because they are beautiful. Chabudai is a round and low desk. We put food on the…日本人在室内不穿鞋,所以房间很干净,可以坐在地板上。这就是所谓的 Chabudai。日式房间有榻榻米垫。日本人在屋里脱鞋,这样他们就可以坐在榻榻米上,因为它们很漂亮。茶部台是一张圆形的低矮桌子。我们把食物放在...
Because you have not checked a period that is long enough. if you look at a period that is long enough, you would find Japanese like to copy cars from America. If you look at a period that is even longer, you could find Americans always copy inventions from Europe. If you talk about thousands of year…因为你没有检查一个足够长的时期。如果你看一段足够长的时期,你会发现日本人喜欢模仿美国的汽车。如果你看更长的时期,你会发现美国人总是复制欧洲的发明。如果你谈论几千年......
I love my husband, I really do but this past year we re vamped our laundry room and moved our smart litter box. As a result, we needed a way for the cats to get in without the door being open because of our kids. As you can tell, he cut it wrong the first time 🙃 We wanted to replace the door but it’s…我爱我的丈夫,我真的很爱,但去年我们翻新了洗衣房并搬走了我们的智能垃圾箱。因此,我们需要一种让猫进来的方法,而不会因为我们的孩子而把门打开。正如你所知,他第一次就把门剪错了🙃我们想更换门,但它......
You know, the little things make Japan different. Here are 12 examples of such differences; 1. Blind drinking culture Blind people now can know what’s inside drinking cans by reading the braille written on top of the can. 2. Saving natural resources A common type of toilet in Japan is where you can wash…你知道,小事让日本与众不同。以下是此类差异的 12 个示例; 1.盲饮文化盲人现在可以通过阅读罐头上的盲文知道里面装的是什么。 2. 节约自然资源日本常见的厕所类型是可以洗澡的地方……
I’ve worked with Chinese tech companies. Their engineers and scientists are devoted to their families, employers and country. China has the capacity to leap frog the US in many different technologies. Take your pick, they are on it. The Chinese government places a high value on a highly educated popul…我曾与中国科技公司合作过。他们的工程师和科学家致力于他们的家庭、雇主和国家。中国有能力在许多不同的技术上超越美国。你选吧,他们就在上面。中国政府高度重视受过高等教育的民众……
“A journalist asks Cristiano Ronaldo: "Why does your mother still live with you? "Why don't you build her a house?" Cristiano Ronaldo replies : "My mother raised me and she dedicated her life for me. She would go to sleep hungry, just to let me eat. We had no money at all. She worked 7 days a week & nigh…“一名记者问克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多:“为什么你的母亲仍然和你住在一起?“你为什么不为她建造一座房子?”克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多回答说:“我的母亲抚养了我,她为我奉献了自己的一生。她会饿着肚子睡觉,只是为了让我吃东西。我们根本没有钱。她每周工作 7 天,晚上……
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I found this comment on one pornhub video.我在一个 Pornhub 视频上发现了这条评论。

Well I was laughing so hard but its not done yet. Some guy decided to answer it.好吧,我笑得很厉害,但还没完。有人决定回答这个问题。

They are some serious civil service aspirants. Thinking of economy while watching porn.他们是一些认真渴望成为公务员的人。看色情片时思考经济。

Well dude you have to study hard because answer is incorrect .好吧,伙计,你必须努力学习,因为答案是错误的。

452 comments from 452条评论来自
Vivek Tiwari维韦克·蒂瓦里
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This is a big economics question, but I can answer it with my simple travel experience In 2023, I asked a taxi driver in Shanghai: "How much is your monthly income?" He answered me: 80,000-10,000 yuan (1100-1400 USD) I have asked the same question in Seoul and Tokyo Seoul’s answer in 2022: 2-3 million w…这是一个很大的经济学问题,但我可以用我简单的旅行经历来回答。2023年,我问上海的出租车司机:“你的月收入是多少?”他回答我:80,000-10,000元人民币(1100-1400美元)我在首尔和东京都问过同样的问题首尔2022年的答案是:2-300万w…
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I read too many books. I buy more books than I can read so that I'm never out of books. And when I'm feeling too low, I grab a book without a second thought.我读了太多的书。我买的书比我能读的多,这样我就永远不会缺书。当我情绪低落时,我会不假思索地拿起一本书。

Yesterday, I went to a bookstore and I saw a book by Ernest Hemingway. It was costing me around 100rs more than the online price. I could've waited for one or two days and it would've been delivered to my place.昨天,我去了一家书店,看到了欧内斯特·海明威的书。我比网上的价格贵了大约100卢比。我本来可以等一两天,它就会送到我的地方。

But no.但不是。

I bought that book. I was feeling extremely low, yesterday night, and I couldn't put my heart and soul into any other book. I had to buy it.我买了那本书。昨天晚上我的心情非常低落,无法全身心投入到任何其他书上。我不得不买它。

I hate to be a person who leans onto someone at his low phase of life. I don't like calling someone and saying:我讨厌成为一个在人生低谷时依赖别人的人。我不喜欢打电话给某人并说:

'Hey, I was feeling very low. Can you please talk to me for an hour? Can you please stay on the call?’'嘿,我的情绪非常低落。你能和我聊一个小时吗?你能继续通话吗?

I've had bad experiences with people on this front. Whenever I was low and needed some help, people were busy. And I have no hard feelings for them.我在这方面与人有过不好的经历。每当我情绪低落需要帮助时,人们都很忙。我对他们并没有什么不好的感觉。

Everyone is busy these days. And that's why I rely on books.这几天大家都很忙。这就是我依赖书籍的原因。

The worst thing about reading too many books is you become self-centred. You don't need people. You like spending time with people, yes, but you like spending time with books more.读太多书最糟糕的事情就是你变得以自我为中心。你不需要人。是的,你喜欢与人共度时光,但你更喜欢与书共度时光。

Because, of course, it never lets you down.当然,因为它永远不会让您失望。

Reading too many books hampers your human relations, yes, but then again, it also keeps you alive!读太多的书会妨碍你的人际关系,是的,但话又说回来,它也能让你活下去!

We all are gifted,我们都有天赋,

Shubham KP舒巴姆 KP

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1. Most commonly used characters are not that complex. More than 80% of them are not complex and are used in repetitions. In fact you can read 92% of Chinese texts knowing merely 3000 characters; but to read 99% you need 7000. 2. The entire point of having an essay section in Chinese exams is to examine if…1. 最常用的字符并不那么复杂。其中80%以上并不复杂,都是重复使用。事实上,你只知道3000个汉字就可以阅读92%的中文文本;但要阅读 99%,你需要 7000。 2. 中文考试中论文部分的全部目的是检查是否……
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