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Bloons TD 6 v45.0 - Update Notes!
气球塔防 6 v45.0 - 更新说明!

Update: Bloons TD 6 v45.0 - Update Notes!
更新:《气球塔防 6》v45.0 - 更新说明!

Available now for most platforms please restart your storefront or be patient if it does not appear for you, these updates can take some time to be rolled out to every region due to how the storefronts are set up.

Update Video: https://youtu.be/j3P5dBAHZyM
更新视频: https://youtu.be/j3P5dBAHZyM

Key New Features 主要新功能

  • New Boss Bloon Blastapopoulos, the Demon of the Core has returned!
    新 Boss 布隆·布拉斯塔波普洛斯,核心恶魔已回归!

    • While in play, towers suffer from reduced range & ability cooldown rate.

    • Blastapopoulos passively burns off damaging effects applied to them, and has the Purple Bloon type property. Damage type enhancements can get around this as normal, but this doesn’t change projectile temperature!

    • Overheating! Most projectile hits heat up Blastapopoulos, with anything weak to purple (fire, lasers & plasma) increasing heat even more, so use these damage types at your own risk or bring along some Ice attacks to cool things back down! Whenever maximum heat is reached Blastapopoulos vents the excess, briefly stunning towers & increasing ability cooldowns then superheating the area for a short time, causing all projectiles to burn up faster than normal.
      过热!大多数射弹击中都会使 Blastapopoulos 升温,任何弱到紫色的东西(火、激光和等离子)会进一步增加热量,因此使用这些伤害类型需要您自担风险,或者进行一些冰攻击来冷却物体!每当达到最大热量时,布拉斯塔波普洛斯就会排出多余的热量,短暂地击晕塔并增加能力冷却时间,然后使该区域短时间内过热,导致所有射弹比正常情况更快燃烧。

    • Skulls when triggered will fill up a portion of Heat, and spew out a number of Fireballs & Pyroclastic Rocks.

    • These Fireballs will target your towers & create debuffing pools of magma around their targets while the Pyroclastic Rocks land around Blastapopoulos to form impenetrable barrier rings around the boss until they expire
      这些火球会瞄准你的塔楼,并在目标周围制造出具有减益效果的岩浆池,而火碎岩则落在 Blastapopoulos 周围,在 Boss 周围形成难以穿透的屏障环,直到它们失效

    • You’ll need to carefully manage your heat to avoid dire consequences!

New Awesome 新的真棒

  • New Advanced Map, Ancient Portal

    • Both ancient and modern, the portal has clearly moved this map through time, so they can easily shift Bloons from one path to another. With all of that energy at play, there is clearly explosive potential.

  • New Quests  新任务

    • 5 Minutes of Frozen Over - a reversed race! With a limit of 5 minutes send as many rounds as you can in this marathon-not-a-sprint to score as much damage as possible
      5分钟的冰冻结束——一场逆转的比赛!在这场马拉松而非短跑比赛中,在 5 分钟的限制下,尽可能多地发射回合,以获得尽可能多的伤害

    • One Sided - Beat half of Infernal, with half of the play space. Oh it’s the wrong half!
      单面 - 用一半的游戏空间击败一半的地狱火。哦,这是错误的一半!

    • Fast Tracked - A trial quest that’ll give you a taste of the new Fast Track IAP (More detail on that below!)
      快速通道 - 一个试用任务,让您体验新的快速通道 IAP(更多详细信息请参见下文!)

  • New Trophy Store Items  新奖杯商店物品

    • Heroes: Pat Fusty Pet Pig

    • Monkeys: Buccaneer Flavored Trades projectiles

    • Game & UI: Spooky Night banner

  • New Limited Time trophy items (Note: Not available until the seasonal event begins!)

    • Tricky Ghosts avatar, Bat BFBs Bloon skin
      整蛊鬼头像,蝙蝠 BFB 气球皮肤

  • New CT Team Store items
    新 CT 团队商店商品

    • Flying Props: Haunting Ghoul

    • Icons: Carved Pumpkin Icon

    • Frames: Spider's Web Frame

Game Changes / Additions 游戏变更/添加

  • Co-op overhaul (Part 1)  合作社大修(第 1 部分)

    • We are currently going through a large overhaul of the co-op code, which will happen over multiple updates. This first phase is already showing us greatly improved average performance and cleaner game state handling.

  • Revamped in game store  游戏商店已改版

    • We really felt it was time to make our store nicer and easier to engage with. Please browse at your leisure, with separate sections to more easily find what you’re looking for and improved display of visuals and descriptions.

    • Along with this we’ve added a couple brand new packs to check out

  • Fast Track Pack! A returning favorite from BTD5, with dynamic improvements!
    快速通道包! BTD5 的回归最爱,具有动态改进!

    • When enabled, skip the first 25% of rounds for the current game. This scales to match how long the mode is, so for any 300 round custom challenge enjoyers out there you will now be able to skip the first 75!
      启用后,跳过当前游戏的前 25% 回合。这会根据模式的长度进行调整,因此对于任何 300 轮自定义挑战的玩家来说,您现在可以跳过前 75 轮!

    • Starting Cash is updated to reflect these skipped rounds

    • Starting Hero XP is updated to reflect these skipped rounds
      起始英雄 XP 已更新以反映这些跳过的回合

    • Double Cash & Fast Track can now be enabled/disabled from the play screen

    • Available in most areas, however will still not show in Competitive Modes or CHIMPS
      在大多数区域可用,但仍不会在竞争模式或 CHIMPS 中显示

    • Challenge Editor will support a ‘Fast Track Disabled’ option at launch for any challenge creators who wish to enforce the starting rounds in their challenges

  • Pets Pack IAP  宠物包 IAP

    • This pack includes all current Hero & Monkey pets up to update v45
      此包包含所有当前更新 v45 的英雄和猴子宠物

    • Exclusive Pack of Pets avatar & Gang’s All Here banner
      独家宠物包头像和帮派的 All Here 横幅

  • Challenge Editor ‘modifiers’ have been redesigned

    • These now fit into a more understandable inclusions/exclusions list

    • Works similarly to how the tower exclusions/inclusions list currently does

  • Map Editor support added for a maximum up to 8 track paths, this shouldn’t be too crazy but we feel it still opens up significant room for new ideas.
    地图编辑器支持最多添加 8 条轨道路径,这不应该太疯狂,但我们认为它仍然为新想法开辟了重要的空间。

Bug Fixes & General Changes

  • Refactored how all audio clips are played

  • Heavy behind the scenes updates & refactoring, we can expect some odd niche problems due to this

  • A number of localization fixes

  • Holding down the Hero hotkey without enough cash to place that hero will now prime your hero ready for placement as soon as enough cash is available

  • A full ability quickbar should now close properly on wide resolutions

  • Holding down the ‘Select Hero’ hotkey should no longer rapidly refresh the Hero UI
    按住“选择英雄”热键不应再快速刷新英雄 UI

  • Sandbox no longer allow players to include crashy negative values or the brown note

  • Resolved a long-standing bug where the Empowered Heroes knowledge applied to heroes again after being sold

  • Fixed the moon  修正了月亮

  • [Achievement] ‘When the going gets tough’ should track correctly again

  • The ‘Bats’ placement animation should display correctly again

  • Resolved a number of menu UI softlocks & visual glitches
    解决了一些菜单 UI 软锁和视觉故障

  • The ‘Happy Holidays’ emote should now be grouped with other Text Emotes

  • Resolved an issue where restarting may not correctly count towards tower unlocks

Event changes 活动变更

  • Resolved some inconsistencies with rule displays

  • ‘Boss Appears In’ counter should update correctly after continuing save games

  • Resolved a crash when submitting Boss Event scores with a poor internet connection
    解决了在互联网连接较差的情况下提交 Boss 活动分数时发生的崩溃问题

  • Scrolling while in the teams messages page no longer zooms the Boss Rush world UI
    在团队消息页面中滚动时不再缩放 Boss Rush 世界 UI

  • Users noticed that now we have 24 towers in the game, Collection Events will show the same featured monkeys at the exact same hour mark every time that the cycle loops. To break this up, the featured order will now increment forward by 1 upon every loop.
    用户注意到,现在我们在游戏中有 24 座塔,每次循环循环时,收集活动都会在完全相同的时间标记处显示相同的特色猴子。为了解决这个问题,特色订单现在将在每次循环时向前递增 1。

Map Specific changes  地图具体变化

  • Resolved many cases of inconsistent alignment for text boxes attached to certain map Gizmos and Removables

  • Pre-game prep spikes should now position correctly on Luminous Cove in Reverse

  • Polyphemus eye mechanic should no longer sometime break with Retry Last Round

  • The Flooded Valley removable no longer bricks itself after restarting

  • Resolved a number of cases in which map-based Easter Eggs with weapons were not counting their damage to the end-game victory summary.

  • On Castle's Revenge Bloonarius bleed bloons should no longer immediately exit

  • Luminous Cove seaweed visual state is now co-op synced
    Luminous Cove 海藻的视觉状态现已与合作模式同步

Tower Specific Fixes 塔特定修复

Boomerang Monkey  回旋镖猴

  • 5xx Glaive Lord should no longer apply DoT to DDTs without Lead power
    5xx Glaive Lord 不应再在没有铅能量的情况下对 DDT 施加 DoT

Bomb Shooter  炸弹射手

  • xx4 Recursive Cluster, resolved some weird stat population issues across crosspaths, this may unintentionally cause balance to work as intended
    xx4 递归集群,解决了交叉路径上的一些奇怪的统计数据问题,这可能会无意中导致平衡按预期工作

Ice Monkey  冰猴

  • xx5 Icicle Impale should no longer fail to slow already Frozen targets
    xx5 冰柱穿刺应该不再无法减慢已经冰冻的目标

Glue Gunner  胶枪手

  • 500 The Bloon Solver can now correctly take buffs without needing a crosspath first
    500 气球解算器现在可以正确地获取增益,而无需首先使用交叉路径

  • xx3 MOAB Glue can no longer slow Dreadbloon’s Rock Bloons
    xx3 MOAB 胶水不再能减慢恐惧气球的岩石气球的速度

Sniper Monkey  狙击猴

  • 240 Supply Drop’s projectile bounce distance should now correctly increase with crosspath, more on this later.
    240 Supply Drop 的射弹弹跳距离现在应该随着交叉路径正确增加,稍后会详细介绍。

Monkey Sub  猴子潜艇

  • Monkey sub should no longer display a paragon pip without all T5s unlocked
    在未解锁所有 T5 的情况下,猴子潜艇不应再显示典范点

Monkey Buccaneer  猴子海盗

  • 5xx Carrier Flagship crosspaths have had a number of inconsistencies resolved in how stats add together
    5xx 航母旗舰交叉路径在统计数据如何加在一起方面解决了许多不一致问题

Heli Pilot  直升机飞行员

  • x5x Special Poperations can no longer Door Gunner towers down on top of Helipads
    x5x 特殊操作不再能在直升机停机坪顶部建造门炮手塔

  • xx4 Comanche Defense resolved a crash which re-broke another crash
    xx4 Comanche Defense 解决了一次事故,并再次引发了另一次事故

  • Resolved the other crash again

Super Monkey  超级猴子

  • 4xx Temple when sacrificing towers with platforms, should no longer sell the towers on those platforms instead of sacrificing them
    4xx 神殿在牺牲带有平台的塔时,不应再出售这些平台上的塔,而应牺牲它们

  • 052 Anti-Bloon’s left hand now correctly deals +1 damage to Camo. You’re welcome, lefties!
    052 Anti-Bloon 的左手现在可以正确地对迷彩造成 +1 伤害。不客气,左撇子!

Alchemist  炼金术士

  • x5x Total Transformation should no longer cause a crash when transforming a tower with its own platform
    使用自己的平台改造塔楼时,x5x 全面改造不应再导致崩溃

Mermonkey  默蒙基

  • 120 should no longer have more range than 220
    120 的范围不应再大于 220

  • 3xx Abyss Dweller pierce buff should now stack correctly with other pierce increases
    3xx 深渊居民穿刺增益现在应该与其他穿刺增益正确叠加

  • 5xx Lord of the Abyss resolved some inconsistencies applying buffs to supported towers
    5xx 深渊之王解决了对受支持的塔应用增益效果的一些不一致问题

  • 5xx Lord of the Abyss should no longer have a weaker slow against MOABs than the T4
    5xx 深渊之主对抗 MOAB 时的减速不应再比 T4 更弱

  • xx4 Symphonic Resonance totem can be redeployed, it’s neat so we’re not changing this
    xx4 交响共鸣图腾可以重新部署,它很整洁,所以我们不会改变它

  • xx4 Symphonic Resonance totem can no longer place out of range with Drop & Lock
    xx4 交响共鸣图腾无法再通过 Drop & Lock 放置在范围之外

  • xx4 Symphonic Resonance totem should save location correctly on moving platforms
    xx4 交响共鸣图腾应在移动平台上正确保存位置

  • xx5 The Final Harmonic totem spawn cooldown 6s > 12s (This was hard capped at a 12s minimum makes no difference)
    xx5 最终谐波图腾生成冷却时间 6 秒 > 12 秒(最低 12 秒是硬性上限,没有区别)

  • xx5 The Final Harmonic’s trance visual should now update to reflect attack rate changes
    xx5 最终谐波的恍惚视觉现在应该更新以反映攻击率的变化

Obyn Greenfoot  奥宾·格林富特

  • Lv11 Nature’s Clarity no longer increases lifespan by a factor of acquisition range
    Lv11 自然清晰度不再因获取范围而增加寿命

Captain Churchill  丘吉尔上尉

This balance change was added last update although the wrong variable was being applied, this has now been corrected.

  • Lv13 armor piercing shells flat bonus damage increased from 1 > 3
    Lv13 穿甲弹平额额外伤害从 1 > 3 增加

  • Lv17 armor piercing shells flat bonus damage increased from 2 > 6
    Lv17 穿甲弹平额额外伤害从 2 > 6 增加

Benjamin  本杰明

  • Benjamin’s cash counter now displays earnings from Skimming in Half Cash

Geraldo  杰拉尔多

  • Gerry’s Fire should no longer be placable on xx4 Mermonkey Totems
    格里之火不应再放置在 xx4 人猴图腾上

  • Geraldo’s Quincy Action Figure should no longer display Favoured Trades’ sell buff icon

  • Rejuv Potion should no longer cause some abilities to double up in a single use

Rosalia  罗莎莉

  • Lv7 Flight Boost should no longer be drainable by Lych
    Lv7 飞行加速不应再被 Lych 吸干

Platform Specific fixes 平台特定修复

  • [Steam Versions] Hotkey changes
    [Steam 版本] 热键更改

    • Monkey Bank 'Collect' money: linked to the 'Monkey Special 1' key
      Monkey Bank“收集”资金:与“Monkey Special 1”键关联

    • Monkey Bank 'Deposit' money: linked to the 'Monkey Special 2' key
      Monkey Bank“存款”钱:链接到“Monkey Special 2”钥匙

    • New Advanced Hotkey: Ace Centered Path
      新的高级热键:以 Ace 为中心的路径

    • New Advanced Hotkeys: Selected tower Active Ability 1, 2 & 3
      新的高级热键:选定的塔主动能力 1、2 和 3

  • [Steam Versions] when using click and drop, moving cursor outside of window should no longer snap towers to the middle of the screen rather than deselecting it
    [Steam 版本] 使用点击和放置时,将光标移动到窗口之外不应再将塔捕捉到屏幕中间,而不是取消选择它

  • [MacOS] Resolved an issue that could cause loading to get stuck at step 5 of 9
    [MacOS] 解决了可能导致加载卡在第 5 步(共 9 步)的问题

  • [MacOS] Added support for Retina resolutions
    [MacOS] 添加了对 Retina 分辨率的支持

  • [Mods] Resolved crash that could occur after removing some modded maps
    [Mods] 解决了删除一些修改后的地图后可能发生的崩溃问题

Balance Changes 余额变化

As nothing else did what we wanted, we’ve created a new damage for middle path Mermonkey! This has also been adopted for use with the 3xx Druid Tornado & may see more later
由于没有其他东西能达到我们想要的效果,我们为中路莫猴创造了新的伤害!这也已被采用与 3xx 德鲁伊龙卷风一起使用,稍后可能会看到更多

Dart Monkey 飞镖猴

Juggernaut attacks too slow to fully utilize its knockback, so we’re doubling the knockback to regular Bloons with a smaller increase also to Ceramics. Bottom path is seeing quality of life changes aimed at improved crosspathing and projectile speed progression as this path focusses on projectile range and speed.

  • 4xx Juggernaut Bloon light knockback amount increased 3 > 6
    4xx 剑圣气球轻型击退量增加 3 > 6

  • 4xx Juggernaut Bloon heavy knockback amount increased 1.5 > 2
    4xx 剑圣气球重型击退量增加 1.5 > 2

  • xx1 Long Range Darts projectile lifespan multiplier increased 15% > 35%
    xx1 远程飞镖射弹寿命倍数增加 15% > 35%

  • xx2 Enhanced Eyesight projectile lifespan multiplier reduced 35% > 25%
    xx2 增强视力射弹寿命倍数减少 35% > 25%

  • xx2 Enhanced Eyesight projectile speed increased 330 > 350
    xx2 增强视力弹丸速度增加 330 > 350

  • 103 Crossbow pierce increased 4 > 6
    103 弩穿透力增加 4 > 6

  • 203 Crossbow pierce increased 6 > 9
    203 弩穿透力增加 6 > 9

  • Pierce crosspathing carries up to Sharpshooter

  • xx3 Crossbow acquisition range increased 56 > 60
    xx3 十字弓捕获范围增加 56 > 60

  • xx4 Sharpshooter acquisition range remains 60
    xx4 Sharpshooter 采集范围仍为 60

  • xx3 Crossbow projectile speed increased from 360 > 400
    xx3弩弹丸速度从360> 400增加

  • xx4 Sharpshooter projectile speed increased from 400 > 450
    xx4 神枪手射弹速度从 400 > 提高到 450

  • xx5 Crossbow Master projectile speed remains 450

Boomerang Monkey 回旋镖猴

With Glaive Lord being the big winner of recent balance, there is a price gap among towers that fill a similar gameplay role so instead of taking away too much power we’re pushing its price up slightly to fit into that gap. We were unhappy with the recent MOAB Press nerf, so this is being undone for further review. Boomerang paragon use has dropped in use recently so we are taking the opportunity to lower its price.
由于Glaive Lord是最近平衡性的大赢家,填补类似游戏角色的塔之间存在价格差距,因此我们不会剥夺太多力量,而是稍微提高其价格以适应这一差距。我们对最近的 MOAB Press nerf 感到不满,因此正在撤消此操作以进行进一步审查。 Boomerang paragon 最近的使用量有所下降,因此我们借此机会降低其价格。

  • 5xx Glaive Lord DoT duration reduced from 15s > 10s
    5xx 战刃领主 DoT 持续时间从 15 秒减少到 > 10 秒

  • 5xx Glaive Lord price increased from $29,400 > $32,500
    5xx 战刃领主价格从 $29,400 > $32,500 上涨

  • 104 MOAB Press pierce increased from 260 > 300
    104 MOAB 冲压穿孔率从 260 > 增加到 300

  • 204 MOAB Press pierce increased from 320 > 420
    204 MOAB 冲压穿孔率从 320 > 增加到 420

  • Glaive Dominus price reduced from $275,000 > 250,000
    Glaive Dominus 价格从 $275,000 > 250,000 降低

Bomb Shooter 炸弹射手

Compared among similarly priced hybrid AoE/supports, Really Big Bombs is a lacking stepping stone so we’re improving its damage and granting much more pushback. Even without the ability popping Black, Eliminator has been doing fine, so we are finishing off removing the Normal type on the main projectile.
与同等价格的混合 AoE/支援相比,真正的大炸弹是一个缺乏的垫脚石,因此我们正在提高其伤害并给予更多的阻力。即使没有弹出黑色的能力,消除器也表现得很好,所以我们正在完成删除主弹丸上的普通类型。

  • 3xx Really Big Bombs damage increased 3 > 4
    3xx 真正的大炸弹伤害增加 3 > 4

  • 3xx Really Big Bombs Bloon pushback increased 10 > 20
    3xx 真正的大炸弹气球推力增加 10 > 20

  • 5xx Bloon Crush pushback amount to MOAB-Class Bloons unchanged
    MOAB 级气球的 5xx 气球粉碎推回量不变

  • x5x MOAB Eliminator base attack type Normal > Explosion
    x5x MOAB Eliminator 基本攻击类型 正常 > 爆炸

  • 024 Recursive Cluster cluster projectile speed now scales with Missile Launcher
    024 递归集群集群射弹速度现在与导弹发射器成比例

Ice Monkey 冰猴

Embrittlement had too much going on at T4 without much reason to use T3, as Ice Shards alone is already similarly priced to other Camo removal options and with the Primary category lacking in Camo detection, we have split Embrittlement up and introduced Camo removal at T3 so we can leave Embrittlement to focus entirely on being a damage support upgrade. While we’re still considering future plans here, increasing layers frozen from 5 > 8 at least means that Absolute Zero’s freeze can now last through all standard Bloon layers from a single application. As similar choices are currently leveling out with higher power Cryo Cannon feels like it deserves to have some power brought back.
脆化在 T4 发生了太多事情,没有太多理由使用 T3,因为单独的冰碎片已经与其他迷彩去除选项价格相似,并且主要类别缺乏迷彩检测,我们将脆化分开并在 T3 引入了迷彩去除,因此我们可以让脆化完全专注于伤害支持升级。虽然我们仍在考虑未来的计划,但从 5 > 8 开始增加冻结层至少意味着 Absolute Zero 的冻结现在可以持续通过单个应用程序的所有标准 Bloon 层。由于类似的选择目前正在以更高的功率进行平衡,冷冻炮感觉它应该恢复一些功率。

  • 3xx Ice Shards now also removes Camo & Regrow properties from targets
    3xx 冰碎片现在还会移除目标的迷彩和再生属性

  • 050 Absolute Zero main attack layers frozen increased from 5 > 8
    050 绝对零主攻击层冻结从5> 8增加

  • xx3 Cryo Cannon price reduced from 2250 > 1950
    xx3 冷冻炮价格从 2250 > 1950 降低

  • xx3 Cryo Cannon freeze duration 1.2s > 1.5s
    xx3 冷冻炮冻结持续时间 1.2s > 1.5s

Glue Gunner 胶枪手

Top path glue struggles with large numbers of targets until T5 where it suddenly has no trouble at all, to improve earlier tier cleanup we’re taking a small amount of power out of the T5 glue puddles but improving T4 puddles and increasing attack rate across lower tiers. As it only increases attack speed and Glue Splatter already hits the majority of targets with no trouble this leaves Glue Hose not feeling that compelling, as this path becomes the full map glue anyway we felt we could improve tower range along this path as well.
顶部路径胶水一直在与大量目标作斗争,直到 T5,它突然完全没有问题了,为了改善早期层的清理,我们从 T5 胶水坑中取出少量能量,但改进了 T4 水坑并提高了较低层的攻击率。层。因为它只会增加攻击速度,而胶水飞溅已经可以毫无问题地击中大多数目标,这使得胶水软管感觉不那么引人注目,因为这条路径成为完整的地图胶水,无论如何我们觉得我们也可以沿着这条路径提高塔的范围。

  • 3xx Bloon Dissolver price reduced from $2,500 > $2,000
    3xx 气球溶解器价格从 2,500 美元降低到 > 2,000 美元

  • 3xx Bloon Dissolver attack cooldown 1s > 0.5s
    3xx 气球溶解器攻击冷却时间 1 秒 > 0.5 秒

  • 4xx Liquefier attack cooldown reduced from 0.75 > 0.5s
    4xx 液化器攻击冷却时间从 0.75 > 0.5 秒减少

  • 4xx Bloon Liquefier lingering puddles damage increased 2 > 4
    4xx 气球液化器挥之不去的水坑伤害增加 2 > 4

  • 5xx The Bloon Solver price increased from $22,000 > $22,500
    5xx The Bloon Solver 价格从 22,000 美元增加到 > 22,500 美元

  • 5xx The Bloon Solver attack cooldown remains at 0.25s
    5xx 气球解算器攻击冷却时间保持在 0.25 秒

  • 5xx The Bloon Solver track puddles damage reduced 20 > 15
    5xx 气球解算器轨道水坑伤害减少 20 > 15

  • x3x Glue Hose range increased from 46 > 58
    x3x 胶水软管范围从 46 > 58 增加

Sniper Monkey 狙击猴

… and more on that now, the improved bounce distance crosspathing hasn’t ever been as useful as we hoped, so this benefit is being greatly improved.

  • 240 bounce distance increased 50 > 80
    240 弹跳距离增加 50 > 80

Monkey Sub 猴子潜艇

We’re improving Reactor’s attack cooldown to improve general consistency. Ballistic Missile struggles greatly against standard Bloons since almost all of its power is in the Ceramic/Moab bonus, so we’re also balancing this consistency out with greater damage to standard targets while retaining the same total MOAB-Class power at the cost of pierce. Sub Paragon unsubmerged form is overperforming, so we’re reducing the boss power of the main attack while greatly improving the less desirable submerged power.
我们正在改进反应堆的攻击冷却时间,以提高总体一致性。弹道导弹在对抗标准气球时表现不佳,因为它的所有威力几乎都在陶瓷/摩押加成中,因此我们也在平衡这种一致性与对标准目标造成更大伤害,同时以刺穿为代价保留相同的 MOAB 级总威力。 Sub Paragon 的非水下形态表现出色,因此我们降低了主要攻击的 Boss 威力,同时大大提高了不太理想的水下威力。

  • 4xx Bloontonium Reactor attack cooldown reduced 0.3 > 0.28
    4xx Bloontium 反应堆攻击冷却时间减少 0.3 > 0.28

  • x3x Ballistic Missile damage increased from 1 > 3
    x3x 弹道导弹伤害从 1 > 3 增加

  • x3x Ballistic Missile bonus ceramic damage reduced from 5 > 3
    x3x 弹道导弹额外陶瓷伤害从 5 > 3 减少

  • x3x Ballistic Missile pierce reduced from 60 > 40
    x3x 弹道导弹穿透力从 60 > 40 减少

  • Sub Paragon Main Dart bonus damage to boss reduced from 300 > 200
    Sub Paragon 主镖对 Boss 的额外伤害从 300 > 200 减少

  • Sub Paragon Airburst bonus damage to boss reduced from 180 > 100
    Sub Paragon 空爆对 Boss 的额外伤害从 180 > 100 减少

  • Sub Paragon Submerged radiation damage increased from 50 > 250
    Sub Paragon 水下辐射伤害从 50 > 增加到 250

  • Sub Paragon Submerged radiation bonus damage to boss reduced 500 > 250
    Sub Paragon 水下辐射对 Boss 的额外伤害减少 500 > 250

  • Sub Paragon Submerged radiation bonus damage to Ceramic 50 > 250
    Sub Paragon 水下辐射对陶瓷造成的额外伤害 50 > 250

  • Sub Paragon Submerged radiation attack cooldown reduced 0.425 > 0.28
    Sub Paragon 水下辐射攻击冷却时间减少 0.425 > 0.28

Monkey Buccaneer 猴子海盗

Aircraft Carrier is too high power for the price so we are reducing plane attack speed but have left 420 path radials unchanged as it has been the less powerful crosspath after T3 for a while. MOAB damage stat buff for middle path's canons as a low portion of the total damage is dealt by these since the frags fix. Due to loud Lead tinking screams, all Navarch damage is been set to Normal instead of flowing up from lower tiers.
就价格而言,航空母舰的威力太高,因此我们正在降低飞机攻击速度,但保持 420 路径径向不变,因为它在 T3 之后一段时间以来一直是威力较小的交叉路径。 MOAB 伤害统计增益适用于中间路径的佳能,因为自碎片修复以来,这些佳能造成的总伤害的一小部分是由这些佳能造成的。由于大声的铅叮当作响的尖叫声,所有纳瓦克伤害都被设置为正常,而不是从较低层向上流动。

  • 4xx Aircraft Carrier forward darts attack cooldown 0.15s > 0.18s
    4xx 航空母舰前飞镖攻击冷却时间 0.15 秒 > 0.18 秒

  • 4xx Aircraft Carrier radial darts attack cooldown 1s > 1.2s
    4xx 航空母舰径向飞镖攻击冷却时间 1 秒 > 1.2 秒

  • 410 Aircraft Carrier plane grapes attack cooldown remains 1s
    410 航空母舰葡萄攻击冷却时间仍为1秒

  • 5xx Carrier Flagship main attack pierce increased from 4 > 7
    5xx 航母旗舰主攻击穿透从 4 > 7 增加

  • 040 Monkey Pirates cannons bonus damage to MOABs 3 > 5
    040 猴海贼团大炮对 MOAB 的额外伤害 3 > 5

  • 050 Pirate Lord cannons bonus damage to MOABs 5 > 10
    050 海盗领主大炮对 MOAB 的额外伤害 5 > 10

  • Paragon damage Type Sharp > Normal
    典范伤害类型 锋利 > 普通

Monkey Ace 猴子王牌

Fighter Plane’s missiles often get stuck circling slower targets until they expire, since Ace can’t reasonably plan against this the missile turn acceleration has been tweaked to reduce chance of this happening. Tsar Bomba is a powerful ability that sees a decent lot of use for an ability heavy upgrade, but as it doesn’t really add to the tower outside of that ability we’ve decided to give the base bombs a boost so that well placed Bombing Runs can shred through Super Ceramics.

  • 3xx Fighter Plane missile attack max turn rate increased 400 > 500
    3xx 战斗机导弹攻击最大转弯速率增加 400 > 500

  • 3xx Fighter Plane missile attack turn rate change reduced 160 > 150
    3xx 战斗机导弹攻击转弯率变化减少 160 > 150

  • x5x Tsar Bomba bombing run damage increased from 10 > 15
    x5x 沙皇炸弹轰炸伤害从 10 > 15 增加

  • x5x Tsar Bomba bombing run deals bonus damage to Ceramic 8
    x5x 沙皇炸弹轰炸对陶瓷 8 造成额外伤害

Heli Pilot 直升机飞行员

Among technical players we’ve received feedback that the massive range of the Heli’s missiles causes problems with controlling what heli’s choose to attack & when so we’ve reduced the range of these missiles to a more reasonable number, this is still double the range of the Heli so the missiles will continue to fire first before other attacks but not quite from so far away. As MOAB Shove introduced a supportive mechanic at T3 but never expanded on this again we want to start playing around with this some more, it’s quite strong for a T3 so the slow amount was reduced but we’ve made the T4 now better than the T3 was before.
在技​​术玩家中,我们收到的反馈是,直升机导弹的大射程会导致控制直升机选择攻击的问题,因此我们将这些导弹的射程减少到更合理的数字,这仍然是射程的两倍直升机,因此导弹将继续在其他攻击之前首先发射,但不会从那么远的地方发射。由于 MOAB Shove 在 T3 中引入了支持机制,但从未再次对此进行扩展,我们希望开始更多地尝试这一点,它对于 T3 来说相当强大,因此减少了缓慢的量,但我们现在使 T4 比 T3 更好是之前。

  • 4xx missile attack range reduced from 173 > 84
    4xx 导弹攻击范围从 173 > 84 减少

  • x3x Downdraft rate 0.225 > 0.2
    x3x 下吸率 0.225 > 0.2

  • xx3 MOAB Shove MOAB pushback reduced -0.33 > -0.3
    xx3 MOAB 推土机 MOAB 推回减少 -0.33 > -0.3

  • xx3 MOAB Shove BFB pushback reduced 0 > 0.1
    xx3 MOAB 推力 BFB 推回减少 0 > 0.1

  • xx4 Comanche Defense BFB pushback increased 0.1 > 0
    xx4 科曼奇防御 BFB 推力增加 0.1 > 0

  • xx4 Comanche Defense ZOMG pushback increased 0.33 > 0.22
    xx4 科曼奇防御 ZOMG 推回增加 0.33 > 0.22

Mortar Monkey 迫击炮猴

General tweaks to top path upgrade flow, slightly moving up the costpoint but improving the power of this path. Middle Mortar is seeing improvements mainly for damage over time crosspathing, and we’ve also added Burny Stuff to the Pop & Awe ability with crosspathing. We had been happy with Shattering Shells for a while, but as the game has evolved outright removing Fortification isn’t as valuable anymore, so the price feels high for such a specific role compared to other supportive options.
对顶部路径升级流程的一般调整,稍微提高了成本点,但提高了该路径的能力。中迫击炮的改进主要针对随着时间的交叉路径造成的伤害,我们还通过交叉路径将 Burny Stuff 添加到 Pop & Awe 能力中。一段时间以来,我们对《粉碎炮弹》感到很满意,但随着游戏的彻底发展,移除防御工事不再那么有价值了,因此与其他支持选项相比,这种特定角色的价格感觉很高。

  • 3xx Shell Shock price reduced from $900 > 825
    3xx Shell Shock 价格从 900 美元降低 > 825

  • 302 Shell Shock no longer reduces DoT duration 1.875 > 3.75
    302 炮弹震击不再减少 DoT 持续时间 1.875 > 3.75

  • 302 Shell Shock DoT tic duration remains at the higher rate
    302 Shell Shock DoT 抽动持续时间保持在较高水平

  • 4xx The Big One price increased from $6500 > 7200
    4xx The Big One 价格从 6500 美元上涨至 > 7200

  • 4xx The Big One shockwave bonus damage to ceramic 1 > 2
    4xx 大一号冲击波对陶瓷造成额外伤害 1 > 2

  • 5xx The Biggest One center explosion bonus damage to Ceramic 20 > 30
    5xx 最大的中心爆炸对陶瓷造成额外伤害 20 > 30

  • 5xx The Biggest One center explosion bonus damage to MOAB 20 > 30
    5xx 最大的中心爆炸对 MOAB 造成额外伤害 20 > 30

  • 502 The Biggest One DoT damage increased from 50 > 60
    502 最大的一点伤害从 50 > 增加到 60

  • 032 Heavy Shells burning damage per tick 2 > 3
    032 重型炮弹每跳燃烧伤害 2 > 3

  • 042 Artillery Battery burning damage per tick 3 > 4
    042 火炮组每刻燃烧伤害 3 > 4

  • 052 Pop and Awe burning damage per tick 5 > 18
    052 Pop and Awe 每刻燃烧伤害 5 > 18

  • 052 Pop and Awe DoT duration increased from 3.75s > 7.5s
    052 Pop and Awe DoT 持续时间从 3.75 秒增加到 > 7.5 秒

  • 052 Pop And Awe ability now applies Burning Stuff of damage 36
    052 Pop And Awe 技能现在适用于燃烧伤害 36

  • xx4 Shattering Shells price reduced from $10,500 > $9,500
    xx4 破碎炮弹价格从 $10,500 > $9,500 降低

Dartling Gunner 飞镖枪手

Since Plasma Accelerator is a heavily MOAB-Damage focussed upgrade so we want to introduce this niche somewhat better at the T3 with a little starting MOAB Damage, while only doing one change here already we also knocked a little price off from Ray of Doom
由于等离子加速器是一个主要针对 MOAB 伤害的升级,因此我们希望在 T3 上更好地引入这个利基市场,并带有一点起始的 MOAB 伤害,虽然在这里只做了一个更改,但我们也从末日射线中降低了一点价格

  • 3xx Laser Cannon now deals bonus damage to MOABs +2
    3xx 激光炮现在对 MOAB 造成额外伤害 +2

  • 5xx Ray of Doom price reduced from 80,000 > 75,000
    5xx 末日射线价格从 80,000 > 75,000 降低

Super Monkey 超级猴子

It only scored 5/5 stars instead of a 6/5 in the Hall of Fame due to the high cost, so we’ve lowered that cost to see if this can be re-evaluated.
由于成本高昂,它在名人堂中只获得了 5/5 星,而不是 6/5,因此我们降低了成本,看看是否可以重新评估。

  • xx5 Legend of the Night price reduced from $200,000 > $165,650
    xx5 夜之传奇 价格从 200,000 美元下调 > 165,650 美元

We haven’t looked much at Temples since the release of other paragons, as these have solidly carved out a place for themselves in Boss Events the original Temple has fallen behind, we wanted to try work on this again by improving upon the weaker temple sub-attacks, with this increased power we’ve also reduced the basic attack pierce gained on the main temple attack. We will be reviewing temple balance further soon so if, any of your feedback on this Rules, then we’ll take that under consideration for our next look.
自从其他典范发布以来,我们并没有过多关注神庙,因为它们已经在 Boss 事件中为自己奠定了坚实的地位,而原始神庙已经落后了,我们想通过改进较弱的神庙子系统来再次尝试解决这个问题- 攻击,随着力量的增加,我们还减少了主神殿攻击所获得的基本攻击穿透。我们将很快进一步审查神庙平衡,因此,如果您对本规则有任何反馈,那么我们将在下次审查时考虑这一点。

  • Magic Arcane Blast attack pierce increased 7 > 15
    魔法奥术冲击攻击穿透增加 7 > 15

  • v1 Magic Arcane Blast attack damage 20 > 40
    v1 魔法奥术冲击攻击力 20 > 40

  • v2 Magic Arcane Blast attack damage 30 > 60
    v2 魔法奥术冲击攻击力 30 > 60

  • v3 Magic Arcane Blast attack damage 35 > 70
    v3 魔法奥术冲击攻击力 35 > 70

  • v1 Primary Golden Glaives attack damage 10 > 50
    v1 初级金刃攻击力 10 > 50

  • v2 Primary Golden Glaives attack damage 20 > 100
    v2 初级金刃攻击力 20 > 100

  • v3 Primary Golden Glaives attack damage 30 > 150
    v3 初级金刃攻击力 30 > 150

  • v1 Primary Golden Blades attack pierce 10 > 100
    v1 初级金刃攻击穿透 10 > 100

  • v2 Primary Golden Blades attack pierce 20 > 200
    v2 初级金刃攻击穿透 20 > 200

  • v1 Primary Golden Blades attack damage 15 > 150
    v1 初级金刃攻击力 15 > 150

  • v2 Primary Golden Blades attack damage 25 > 250
    v2 初级金刃攻击力 25 > 250

  • $300 Primary pierce buffs reduced 5 > 2
    $300 主要穿刺增益减少 5 > 2

  • $10k Primary pierce buffs reduced 5 > 2
    $10k 主要穿刺增益减少 5 > 2

  • $15k Primary pierce buffs reduced 5 > 3
    $15k 主要穿刺增益减少 5 > 3

  • $25k Primary pierce buffs reduced 5 > 3
    $25k 主要穿刺增益减少 5 > 3

  • $1k Military pierce buffs reduced 5 > 3
    $1k 军事穿刺增益减少 5 > 3

  • $7.5k Military pierce buffs reduced 5 > 3
    $7.5k 军事穿刺增益减少 5 > 3

  • $15k Military pierce buff reduced 5 > 4
    $15k 军事穿刺增益减少 5 > 4

Ninja Monkey 忍者猴子

To allow Shinobi combos to scale more effectively with the Flash Bomb, the combo-attack pattern is being improved with more base Shuriken pierce & slightly larger bonuses to Stunned & Stickied targets – however the increased range at T4 is being removed. Ninja Paragon’s Camo bonus has been interesting, but we want to scale this up in many places to feel like a more significant overall boost when it comes into play. Additionally this Paragon hasn’t scaled the best at high degrees as Stickies attacking faster than their Fuse Time would make the attack weaker at single target, we are slowing the sticky attack but giving it back proportionally more damage to resolve this with an overall buff.
为了让忍者组合能够更有效地使用闪光炸弹进行扩展,我们正在改进组合攻击模式,增加更多基本的手里剑刺穿以及对眩晕和粘住目标的奖励稍大一些,但 T4 处增加的射程将被删除。 《忍者典范》的迷彩奖励很有趣,但我们希望在许多地方扩大这一奖励,以便在发挥作用时感受到更显着的整体提升。此外,这个Paragon并没有在高程度上达到最佳效果,因为粘性攻击速度快于其融合时间会使单个目标的攻击变弱,我们正在减慢粘性攻击,但按比例给予它更多伤害,以通过整体增益来解决这个问题。

  • xx3 Flash Bomb shuriken pierce increased 2 > 4
    xx3 闪光弹手里剑刺穿力增加 2 > 4

  • xx3 Flash Bomb shuriken bonus to stunned 3 > 4
    xx3 闪光弹手里剑 眩晕加成 3 > 4

  • xx4 Sticky Bomb shuriken bonus to stickied 3 > 4
    xx4 粘性炸弹飞镖奖励 3 > 4

  • xx4 Sticky Bomb no longer increases range
    xx4 粘性炸弹不再增加射程

  • xx5 Master Bomber main shuriken bonus to stunned 9 > 19
    xx5 轰炸机大师主要手里剑奖励眩晕 9 > 19

  • xx5 Master Bomber main shuriken bonus to stickied 9 > 19
    xx5 大师轰炸机主手里剑奖励粘性 9 > 19

  • Paragon Main Attack bonus damage to Camo increased 6 > 16
    典范对迷彩的主攻击额外伤害增加 6 > 16

  • Paragon Flash Bomb explosion bonus damage to Camo increased 20 > 48
    典范闪光炸弹爆炸对迷彩的额外伤害增加 20 > 48

  • Paragon Flash Bomb shuriken bonus damage to Camo increased 16 > 40
    典范闪光炸弹飞镖对迷彩的额外伤害增加 16 > 40

  • Paragon Main Attack bonus damage to Stunned/Sticked increased 15 > 64
    典范主攻击对眩晕/粘住的额外伤害增加 15 > 64

  • Paragon Sticky Bomb attack cooldown increased from 5.5 > 6.5
    典范粘性炸弹攻击冷却时间从 5.5 > 增加至 6.5

  • Paragon Sticky Bomb explosion damage increased from 3500 > 4200
    典范粘性炸弹爆炸伤害从 3500 > 4200 增加

  • Paragon Sticky Bomb explosion bonus damage to Boss 1400 > 2100
    Paragon 粘性炸弹爆炸对 Boss 造成额外伤害 1400 > 2100

  • Paragon Sticky Bomb explosion bonus damage to Camo 700 > 2100
    Paragon 粘性炸弹爆炸对迷彩造成的额外伤害 700 > 2100

Alchemist 炼金术士

As a small tax to low tier Alchemists we are moving cost from Stronger Stimulant into Berserker Brew, this shouldn’t hurt much for general play and keeps un-discounted Stimulant the same. As this was an oversight Total Transformation is now being enabled to transform mermonkey.

  • 3xx Berserker Brew price increased from $1,300 > $1,400
    3xx 狂战士啤酒价格从 1,300 美元增加到 > 1,400 美元

  • 4xx Stronger Stimulant price reduced from $2,950 > $2,850
    4xx 更强兴奋剂价格从 2,950 美元降低 > 2,850 美元

  • x5x Alchemist can now transform Mermonkey
    x5x 炼金术士现在可以改造 Mermonkey

Druid 德鲁伊

Now that Tornadoes are one of the more popular Bloon Stall choices we looked more into its upgrade progression, tornado projectile speed is being reduced as a benefit to Ball Lightning to prevent tornado outpacing the lightning ball so quickly, and to more suit it as a Cold/Magic themed upgrade plus differentiate from similar supports the weaknesses are changing. More directly to Ball Lightning we feel it needs a considerably higher freeze duration for the freeze to matter as it casts slowly. Our initial rework to Vine attack rate in v44 caused some issues at T4, to get around these issues T4 now improves the power of vines directly instead.
现在龙卷风是更受欢迎的气球失速选择之一,我们更多地研究了它的升级进程,龙卷风射弹速度正在降低,这对球状闪电有好处,可以防止龙卷风如此快地超过闪电球,并且更适合它作为冷球/魔法主题升级加上区别于同类支持的弱点正在改变。更直接地谈到球状闪电,我们认为它需要相当长的冻结持续时间才能在缓慢施放时使冻结发挥作用。我们最初在 v44 中对藤蔓攻击率的返工在 T4 上引起了一些问题,为了解决这些问题,T4 现在直接提高了藤蔓的力量。

  • 3xx Druid of the Storm tornado projectile speed reduced from 90 > 72
    3xx 风暴德鲁伊龙卷风射弹速度从 90 % 降低 3E 72

  • 3xx Druid of the Storm tornado weakness changed from Lead > White, Purple
    3xx 风暴德鲁伊龙卷风弱点由铅 > 白色、紫色更改

  • 4xx Ball Lightning freeze duration increased from 1.5s > 4.5s
    4xx 球状闪电冻结持续时间从 1.5 秒增加到 > 4.5 秒

  • 5xx Superstorm DDT pierce penalty reduced from 9 > 7
    5xx Superstorm DDT 穿刺惩罚从 9 > 7 减少

  • x3x Druid of the Jungle track brambles refresh rate can now receive buffs
    x3x 丛林德鲁伊赛道荆棘刷新率现在可以获得增益效果

  • x4x Jungle’s Bounty number of vines 2 > 1
    x4x 丛林赏金 藤蔓数量 2 > 1

  • x4x Jungle’s Bounty has a cooldown rate of 2.6s
    x4x 丛林赏金的冷却时间为 2.6 秒

  • x4x Jungle’s Bounty track brambles pierce refresh rate 0.3 > 0.2
    x4x 丛林赏金赛道荆棘刺穿刷新率 0.3 > 0.2

  • x4x Jungle’s Bounty track brambles clear targets hit rate 0.3 > 0.2
    x4x 丛林赏金赛道荆棘清除目标命中率 0.3 > 0.2

  • x4x Jungle’s Bounty track brambles duration increased 4.5s > 9s
    x4x 丛林赏金轨道荆棘持续时间增加 4.5 秒 > 9 秒

Mermonkey 默蒙基

We were cautious with initial low tier Mermonkey upgrades, but as nothing seriously unexpected came up we’ve reduced the base cost and improved the projectile lifespan which should help with issues on some higher tier upgrades.
我们对最初的低层 Mermonkey 升级持谨慎态度,但由于没有出现严重意外的情况,我们降低了基本成本并提高了射弹寿命,这应该有助于解决一些更高层升级的问题。

  • 000 Mermonkey price reduced from $600 > 475
    000 Mermonkey 价格从 600 美元下调 > 475

  • 000 Mermonkey projectile lifespan increased from 100 > 200
    000 Mermonkey 射弹寿命从 100 > 增加到 200

As the middle crosspath is currently less useful for higher tiers, we’ve upgraded Sharper Prongs to improve Tentacle pierce as well. As the main Trident’s damage falls behind and has caused annoying layer skipping for some more observant players the damage of this attack is increasing at T3 & T4. The % pierce buff is being improved at all levels since this has settled without causing too much of a stir, and finally Lord of The Abyss’s price is being greatly reduced as a heavily pierce built design it requires some single-target assistance to perform well.
由于中间的交叉路径目前对于较高等级来说不太有用,因此我们升级了更锋利的尖头以改善触手刺穿。由于主要三叉戟的伤害落后并导致一些更细心的玩家烦人的跳层,因此这种攻击的伤害在 T3 和 T4 时会增加。 % 穿刺增益在各个级别都得到了改善,因为这已经解决了,没有引起太大的轰动,最后,深渊之王的价格大大降低,因为大量的穿刺设计需要一些单一目标的帮助才能表现良好。

  • 310 Abyss Dweller, Sharper Prongs grants tentacles pierce +35%
    310 深渊居民,锋利的尖头授予触手刺穿 +35%

  • 3xx Abyss Dweller trident damage 2 > 4
    3xx 深渊居民三叉戟伤害 2 > 4

  • 4xx Abyssal Warrior trident damage 2 > 8
    4xx 深渊战士三叉戟伤害 2 > 8

  • 3xx Abyss Dweller pierce buff increased from 5% > 10%
    3xx 深渊居民穿刺增益从 5% > 10% 增加

  • 4xx Abyssal Warrior pierce buff increased from 15% > 20%
    4xx 深渊战士穿刺增益从 15% > 20% 增加

  • 5xx Lord of the Abyss pierce buff increased from 30% > 40%
    5xx 深渊领主穿刺增益从 30% > 40% 增加

  • 5xx Lord of the Abyss price reduced from $29,000 > $23,000
    5xx 深渊之王价格从 $29,000 > $23,000 降低

While the Arctic Knight has been popular, Riptide Champion has major pierce issues and is seeing a price reduction as well as a pierce increase to make up for this. Arctic Knight itself is receiving the brand new damage type added this update; as it is gaining a weakness to White Bloons from this and wasn’t too wild before we are increasing the power as well & allowing the ability to carry over 1 round to prevent projectiles timing out immediately when cast at the end of a round. Popseidon had unintentionally more pierce on the central trident’s split projectiles, so this pierce is being spread out for a total increase. Finally popseidon released with a very wide projectile arc to prevent the seeking projectiles from clumping immediately, we like how this has worked out but feel that only the 052 crosspath needs to have this increased arc.
虽然北极骑士很受欢迎,但激流冠军却存在严重的穿刺问题,并且正在降价并增加穿刺以弥补这一问题。北极骑士本身正在接受本次更新添加的全新伤害类型;因为它由此获得了白气球的弱点,并且在我们增加威力之前并没有太狂野,并且允许携带超过一轮的能力,以防止在一轮结束时施放射弹立即超时。波塞冬无意中对中央三叉戟的分裂射弹进行了更多的穿刺,因此该穿刺被分散以增加总量。最后,popseidon 释放了一个非常宽的射弹弧,以防止搜索射弹立即聚集在一起,我们喜欢这个结果,但觉得只有 052 交叉路径需要增加这个弧度。

  • x3x Riptide Champion price reduced from $2,800 > 2,300
    x3x 激流冠军价格从 2,800 美元下调至 > 2,300

  • x3x Riptide Champion pierce increased from 8 > 12
    x3x 激流冠军穿刺从 8 > 12 增加

  • x4x Arctic Knight pierce increased from 14 > 15
    x4x 北极骑士穿刺从 14 > 15 增加

  • x4x Arctic Knight weakness changed from Purple > White, Purple
    x4x 北极骑士弱点从紫色更改为 > 白色、紫色

  • x4x Arctic Knight ability weakness changed from Purple > White, Purple
    x4x 北极骑士能力弱点从紫色更改为 > 白色、紫色

  • x4x Arctic Knight ability damage increased from 15 > 20
    x4x 北极骑士技能伤害从 15 > 20 增加

  • x4x Arctic Knight ability projectiles last through 1 round end
    x4x 北极骑士能力射弹持续到 1 轮结束

  • x5x Popseidon central trident pierce increased from 16 > 18
    x5x 波塞冬中央三叉戟穿刺从 16 > 18 增加

  • x5x Popseidon side tridents pierce increased from 16 > 18
    x5x 波塞冬侧三叉戟穿透力从 16 > 18 增加

  • x5x Popseidon central trident split pierce reduced from 24 > 18
    x5x Popseidon 中央三叉戟分裂穿透从 24 > 18 减少

  • x5x Popseidon side tridents split pierce increased from 16 > 18
    x5x 波塞冬侧三叉戟分裂刺穿从 16 > 18 增加

  • x5x Popseidon projectile arc reduced from 60 to 45
    x5x Popseidon 射弹弧线从 60 减少至 45

  • 052 Popseidon projectile arc remains at 60
    052 波塞冬射弹弧度仍为60

Echosense Network hasn’t felt like it is doing all that it could, so we have increased the maximum number of stacks to raise the ceiling of use here as it is meant to be slow ramping with a high space & cost investment to build heavily into. Mermonkey’s trance was extremely powerful against MOABs but limited against regular Bloons, so we’ve shifted prices apart & improved T3 while raising the cost of T4 to a more appropriate level. Same as with Abyss Dweller the middle crosspath has shown to be less useful for higher tiers, so this also sees a pierce increase to the Trance attack.
Echosense Network 感觉还没有尽其所能,因此我们增加了堆栈的最大数量,以提高此处的使用上限,因为它意味着缓慢的增长,需要大量的空间和成本投资来大量构建。 Mermonkey 的 trance 在对抗 MOAB 时非常强大,但在对抗常规气球时却很有限,因此我们改变了价格并改进了 T3,同时将 T4 的成本提高到更合适的水平。与深渊居民一样,中间的十字路口对于更高等级来说不太有用,所以这也导致了恍惚攻击的穿刺增加。

  • xx2 Echosense Network maximum stacks increased from 5 > 10x
    xx2 Echosense 网络最大堆栈从 5 > 增加到 10 倍

  • 013 Alluring Melody gains extra pierce from Sharper Prongs +1
    013 诱人的旋律从尖锐的尖头中获得额外的刺穿力 +1

  • xx3 Alluring Melody price reduced from $2800 > 2000
    xx3 Alluring Melody 价格从 2800 美元降低 > 2000

  • xx3 Alluring Melody base pierce increased from 2 > 3
    xx3 诱惑旋律基础穿透力从 2 > 3 增加

  • xx4 Symphonic Resonance pierce unchanged
    xx4 交响共鸣穿透不变

  • xx4 Symphonic Resonance price increased from $4600 > $7600
    xx4 Symphonic Resonance 价格从 4600 美元增加到 > 7600 美元

Spike Factory 穗工厂

Still very strong cleanup, Spiked Balls slowly approaches 10 pierce, while leaving Spiked Mines unchanged for more encouragement to upgrade past it. Permaspike is seeing a small crosspath fix, as the x2x rate change threw this balance out.
仍然非常强大的清理能力,尖刺球慢慢接近 10 刺,同时保持尖刺地雷不变,以鼓励升级超过它。 Permaspike 看到了一个小的交叉路径修复,因为 x2x 速率的变化打破了这种平衡。

  • 3xx Spiked Balls pierce reduced from 12 > 11
    3xx 尖刺球的穿透力从 12 > 11 降低

  • 205 Permaspike pierce reduced from 90 > 85
    205 永久尖刺穿透力从 90 % 减少 3E 85

Engineer 工程师

The Ultraboost ability is now starting on cooldown to put a limit on buy’n’resell issues, but this is to ease up on the use per round limit which was causing frustration. We felt the Master Builder's perma-buff-per-round wasn’t valuable enough to make use of building in advance, so we are reducing the base attack speed with increased power in return to more heavily improve the maximum scaled power from this.
Ultraboost 能力现在开始冷却,以限制购买和转售问题,但这是为了缓解造成挫败感的每轮使用限制。我们认为建筑大师每轮的永久增益值不足以提前利用建筑,因此我们通过增加功率来降低基本攻击速度,以换取更大程度地提高最大规模功率。

  • x5x Ultraboost ability now starts on cooldown
    x5x Ultraboost 能力现在开始冷却

  • x5x Ultraboost uses per round increased 3 > 10
    每轮 x5x Ultraboost 使用次数增加 3 > 10

  • Paragon attack cooldown increase per round increased 0.1 > 0.3
    每轮Paragon攻击冷却时间增加0.1> 0.3

  • Paragon minimum attack cooldown increased 0.05 > 0.15
    典范最小攻击冷却时间增加 0.05 > 0.15

  • Paragon nail gun attack cooldown increased from 0.3s > 1s

  • Paragon nail gun attack damage increased from 100 > 300
    Paragon 钉枪攻击力从 100 > 300 增加

  • Paragon nail gun attack boss bonus increased from 100 > 500
    Paragon 射钉枪攻击 boss 奖励从 100 > 增加到 500

  • Paragon nail gun pin duration increased from 1 > 5
    Paragon 钉枪针持续时间从 1 > 5 增加

  • Paragon Green Sentry now has a Lock in Place target option
    Paragon Green Sentry 现在有锁定目标选项

Beast Handler 驯兽师

Base handler's beast range felt too high starting off when considering the tower is built around sharing range between multiple Handlers so this range is being reduced.

  • 000 Beast Handler acquisition range reduced from 60 > 50
    000 野兽处理者采集范围从 60 > 50 减少

Top Handler is designed around huge inconsistent power, however Megalodon feels that it should be more reliable for the investment required so we are improving both thrash radius and reducing the cooldown. Fish RBE limit before being able to devour the target instantly is being increased to last further into freeplay.
Top Handler 的设计围绕着巨大的不一致的功率,但 Megalodon 认为对于所需的投资来说它应该更可靠,因此我们正在改善鞭打半径并减少冷却时间。在能够立即吞噬目标之前,鱼的 RBE 限制已增加,以进一步进入自由游戏。

  • 5xx Megalodon thrash radius increased from 36 > 48
    5xx 巨齿鲨鞭打半径从 36 > 48 增加

  • 5xx Megalodon cooldown reduced from 1 > 0.8
    5xx 巨齿鲨冷却时间从 1 > 减少 0.8

  • 3xx Max Pull RBE limit increased from 250,000 > 500,000
    3xx 最大拉动 RBE 限制从 250,000 > 增加到 500,000

Bottoms will now move slower but speed up as more beasts are merged into them, likewise they will attack slower at first but faster through their merges. This should add more merge value to lower tier birds while overall nerfing to the base level for currently overpowered higher tiers.

  • xx1 Gyrfalcon fly speed reduced from 110 > 80
    xx1 海隼飞行速度从 110 > 降低到 80

  • xx2 Horned Owl fly speed merge range increased from 0 > 40
    xx2 角鸮飞行速度合并范围从 0 > 40 增加

  • xx2 Horned Owl ceramic penalty reduced from 5 > 4
    xx2 角鸮陶瓷惩罚从 5 > 4 减少

  • xx2 Horned Owl attack cooldown increased from 0.7s > 1s
    xx2角鸮攻击冷却时间从0.7秒增加到> 1秒

  • xx2 Horned Owl attack cooldown merge range 0.28s > 0.4s
    xx2 角鸮攻击冷却合并范围 0.28s > 0.4s

  • xx3 Golden Eagle attack cooldown merge range 0.28s > 0.52s
    xx3金鹰攻击冷却合并范围0.28s > 0.52s

  • xx3 Golden Eagle attack cooldown increased from 0.6s > 1s
    xx3金鹰攻击冷却时间从0.6秒增加到> 1秒

  • xx5 Pouakai attack cooldown increased from 0.6s > 0.8s
    xx5 Pouakai 攻击冷却时间从 0.6 秒增加到 > 0.8 秒

Captain Churchill 丘吉尔上尉

Lower attack rate hurt Churchill's early game too much so these lower tier rates have been improved. His range upgrade increases were too small considering the large base range, so these have also been improved. While useful when it comes online, Churchill's Machine Gun never scaled the best so needs further improvements to scale up with higher levels. & finally since it's very hard to get to Lv20 at all, we’ve given a nice bump to base damage here as well.
较低的攻击率对丘吉尔的早期游戏伤害太大,因此这些较低等级的攻击率已得到改善。考虑到基础范围较大,他的范围升级增幅太小,因此这些也得到了改进。虽然丘吉尔的机关枪上线时很有用,但它从未达到最佳的规模,因此需要进一步改进才能达到更高的水平。最后,由于达到 Lv20 非常困难,因此我们在这里也对基础伤害进行了很好的提升。

  • Lv1 Attack cooldown reduced from 1.8s > 1.5s
    Lv1攻击冷却时间从1.8秒减少> 1.5秒

  • Lv8 Attack cooldown reduced from 1.5 > 1.2s

  • Lv1 Acquisition range increased from 63 > 65
    Lv1 获取范围从 63 > 65 增加

  • Lv4 Acquisition range increased from 66 > 75
    Lv4 获取范围从 66 > 75 增加

  • Lv5 machine-gun damage increased from 1 > 2

  • Lv7 machine-gun damage increased from 2 > 4
    Lv7 机枪伤害从 2 > 4 增加

  • Lv12 machine-gun damage increased from 3 > 6
    Lv12 机枪伤害从 3 > 6 增加

  • Lv14 machine-gun damage increased from 4 > 8

  • Lv18 machine-gun damage increased from 5 > 10
    Lv18 机枪伤害从 5 > 10 增加

  • Lv15 machine-gun bonus damage to Fortified increased from 1 > 2
    Lv15 机枪对防御者的额外伤害从 1 > 2 增加

  • Lv18 machine-gun bonus damage to Fortified increased from 1 > 4
    Lv18 机枪对防御者的额外伤害从 1 > 4 增加

  • Lv20 Cannon damage 15 > 20
    Lv20 炮伤 15 > 20

Ezili 埃齐莱

Though we feel she is quite powerful already later in the game, Ezili has quite a hard time in the early game, we’ve given more initial damage over time to allow her to clean up early Green Bloons with one attack

  • Lv1 damage over time damage increased from 1 > 2
    Lv1 伤害随着时间的推移伤害从 1 > 2 增加

  • Lv8 damage over time damage remains 2
    Lv8 伤害 随时间推移伤害仍为 2

Sauda 萨乌达

Sauda's early game feels exceptional and is seeing a pierce reduction, however as her Sword Charge struggles to break super ceramics as they first begin to appear we’re also filling a gap and allowing her to sweep the path twice from Lv14, Sword Charge damage is also being reduced at lv16 but this is only to keep the overall same power level now that it hits twice.
Sauda 的早期游戏感觉很出色,并且穿刺减少了,但是当她的剑冲锋在超级陶瓷首次出现时难以打破它们时,我们也填补了空白,并允许她从 Lv14 开始两次横扫路径,剑冲锋伤害是在lv16时也被降低,但这只是为了保持整体相同的功率水平,因为它击中了两次。

  • Lv1 pierce reduced from 4 > 3
    Lv1 穿刺从 4 > 3 减少

  • Lv14 Sword Charge sweeps the path twice
    Lv14 剑冲 扫路两次

  • Lv16 Sword Charge damage reduced from 120 > 60
    Lv16 剑冲锋伤害从 120 > 减少 60

  • Lv20 Sword Charge damage remains 220
    Lv20 剑冲锋伤害仍为 220

Corvus 一只乌鸦

We’re happy with how Corvus fits into his new XP curve, although a few edges do need to be smoothed out. First, Corvus early game is kinda broken, for now we’re not touching the spirit itself but have reduced the damage of the Spear spell. Frostbound is currently much better than Repel, so we have doubled Repel’s knockback against non-moabs & increased its radius along with some small nerfs to Frostbound - note that while Frostbound’s freeze on MOABs is being reduced the duration is still longer than the re-application rate so this will rarely be noticed. For Dark Ritual QoL, it will no longer eat up pierce on purple Bloons unless it is able to damage them. Finally, Overload & Might are still somewhat tuned around the higher XP curve and need some nips to their power.
我们对 Corvus 如何适应他的新 XP 曲线感到满意,尽管一些边缘确实需要平滑。首先,Corvus 早期的游戏有点糟糕,现在我们没有触及灵魂本身,但减少了 Spear 法术的伤害。霜缚目前比击退要好得多,因此我们将击退对非摩押生物的击退加倍,并增加了其半径,同时对霜缚进行了一些小削弱 - 请注意,虽然霜缚对 MOAB 的冻结正在减少,但持续时间仍然比重新应用更长率,因此很少会注意到这一点。对于黑暗仪式生活质量,它不会再吃掉紫色气球的穿刺,除非它能够伤害它们。最后,《过载与力量》仍然围绕较高的 XP 曲线进行了一些调整,并且需要一些限制来发挥其威力。

  • Lv1 Spear spell damage reduced from 2 > 1
    Lv1 矛法术伤害从 2 > 1 减少

  • Lv5 Frostbound spell cooldown increased 45s > 50s
    Lv5 冰霜束缚法术冷却时间增加 45 秒 > 50 秒

  • Lv5 Frostbound spell mana cost increased 170 > 190
    Lv5 冰霜束缚法术法力消耗增加 170 > 190

  • Lv9 Frostbound spell reduced freeze duration to MOAB-Class 50% > 75%
    Lv9 霜缚法术将冰冻持续时间缩短至 MOAB 级 50% > 75%

  • Lv1 Repel knockback radius increased 8 > 10
    Lv1 击退击退半径增加 8 > 10

  • Lv1 Repel knockback amount increased 4 > 8
    Lv1 击退击退量增加 4 > 8

  • Lv12 Repel knockback against MOAB-Class unchanged
    Lv12 对 MOAB 级的击退击退不变

  • Lv10 Dart Ritual filters out Purple targets unless can damage
    Lv10 飞镖仪式过滤掉紫色目标,除非能造成伤害

  • Lv13 overload damage reduced 1500 > 1150
    Lv13 过载伤害减少 1500 > 1150

  • Lv20 overload damage reduced 3000 > 2250
    Lv20 过载伤害减少 3000 > 2250

  • Lv7 Ancestral might mana cost increased 440 > 550
    Lv7 先祖威力法力消耗增加 440 > 550

  • Lv13 Overload mana cost increased 520 > 620
    Lv13 过载法力消耗增加 520 > 620

Rosalia 罗莎莉

As Rosalia can’t properly attack while moving the repositioning speed has been increased, and we’ve given her extra attack range. Her abilities have also been noted as difficult to effectively utilize, so we’ve eased up on Scatter Missiles and increased the maximum damage on Kinetic Charge to have a higher potential payoff. Her main attacks also feel they start to fall off too early, so higher levels for these have both been improved at their respective strengths.

  • Lv1 Acquisition range increased 32 > 40
    Lv1 获取范围增加 32 > 40

  • Lv1 Repositioning speed increased 0.7 > 1.5
    Lv1 重新定位速度增加 0.7 > 1.5

  • Lv3 Scatter Missile initial target delay reduced 1s > 0.4s
    Lv3 分散导弹初始目标延迟减少 1 秒 > 0.4 秒

  • Lv10 Kinetic Charge pierce increased from 100 > 500
    Lv10 动能冲刺从 100 > 500 增加

  • Lv10 Kinetic Charge max additional damage 3000 > 4500
    Lv10 动能充能最大附加伤害 3000 > 4500

  • Lv20 Kinetic Charge max additional damage 8000 > 12000
    Lv20 动能充能最大附加伤害 8000 > 12000

  • Lv13 Cluster grenades pierce increased 5 > 8
    Lv13 集束手榴弹穿透力增加 5 > 8

  • Lv15 Grenade ceramic damage increased 5 > 6
    Lv15 手榴弹陶瓷伤害增加 5 > 6

  • Lv15 Grenade cluster ceram dmg increased 3 > 4
    Lv15 手榴弹集束陶瓷伤害增加 3 > 4

  • Lv12 Laser bonus damage to MOAB-Class increased 5 > 10
    Lv12 对 MOAB 级的激光伤害加成增加 5 > 10

  • Lv15 Laser bonus damage to MOAB-Class increased 20 > 30
    Lv15 对 MOAB 级的激光伤害加成增加 20 > 30

  • Lv19 Laser bonus damage to MOAB-Class increased 30 > 45
    Lv19 对 MOAB 级的激光伤害加成增加 30 > 45

Relic Knowledge 文物知识

We didn’t expect the last Deep Heat change to be too crazy of a shakeup, but now that we have new variables opened up for it and have tested these working in the wild we’re going to start improving on these values
我们没想到最后一次 Deep Heat 的改动会太过疯狂,但现在我们已经为它打开了新的变量,并且已经在野外测试了这些变量,我们将开始改进这些值

  • Deep Heat freeze duration bonus increased from 10% > 30%
    深热冻结持续时间加成从 10% > 增加到 30%

  • Deep Heat extra layers frozen increased from 1 > 3
    Deep Heat 额外冷冻层数从 1 > 3 增加

These Bloon properties aren’t prevalent enough to justify such small bonuses compared to Raw Damage or MOAB/Ceramic Damage.
与原始伤害或 MOAB/陶瓷伤害相比,这些气球属性不够普遍,不足以证明如此小的奖励是合理的。

  • Fortified damage bonus to Fortified increased from 2 > 3
    强化对强化的伤害加成从 2 > 3 增加

  • Broken Heart damage bonus to regrow increased 2 > 5
    破碎之心再生伤害加成增加 2 > 5

We don’t feel Rounding-Up was bad but with Thrive basically always giving significantly more total cash we wanted to close the gap a bit more between these Relics so that the actual fully custom Relic could feel a bit better in comparison to the Power Charge relic.
我们并不觉得舍入很糟糕,但由于 Thrive 基本上总是提供更多的总现金,我们希望进一步缩小这些遗物之间的差距,以便与 Power Charge 相比,实际的完全定制遗物感觉更好一点遗迹。

  • Rounding Up end-of-round cash bonus increased from $20 > 25
    四舍五入最终现金奖金从 $20 > 25 增加

Boss Bloons 气球老板

Previously we scaled Rock Bloon HP in Boss Rush faster than Dreadbloon in order to keep them relevant from start to finish within a rough 100 tier expectation. Players pushing beyond this expected range were finding obvious annoyance with this as the Rock Bloons would eventually outscale the Boss, so we’re reducing their scale to match in line with Dreadbloon but increasing the number of Rock Bloons that spawn.
之前,我们在 Boss Rush 中对 Rock Bloon HP 的调整速度比 Dreadbloon 的速度要快,以便让它们从头到尾保持在大致 100 层的预期范围内。超出这个预期范围的玩家会发现明显的烦恼,因为岩石气球最终会超过 Boss,因此我们正在缩小它们的规模以与恐惧气球相匹配,但增加了生成的岩石气球的数量。

  • Dreadbloon’s Rock Bloon HP scaling reduced 1.07 > 1.055
    恐惧气球的岩石气球 HP 缩放比例减少 1.07 > 1.055

  • Dreadbloon Rock Bloons per spawn increased 3 > 6
    每次生成的恐惧气球岩石气球增加 3 > 6

Looking Forward 期待

Going into the home stretch of the year with one massive update yet to come. With the Bloons Card Storm release coming next week, we’re feeling quite tactical, so let’s dig right into the details.

  • Game Editor  游戏编辑器

    • We have delayed this to give us more time to iterate and polish. This has become a very robust technical feature, with an emphasis on technical, as we are allowing interaction with the game’s baseline behavior scripts. The technical functionality is complete, but we have not had time to build enough games internally nor share with any modders, so we did not feel comfortable releasing as part of 45. We will complete this work in the next weeks and then decide whether to release as a 45.x update or hold until update 46, so please stay tuned.
      我们推迟了这一点,以便有更多时间进行迭代和完善。这已成为一项非常强大的技术功能,重点是技术,因为我们允许与游戏的基线行为脚本进行交互。技术功能已经完成,但我们没有时间在内部构建足够的游戏,也没有时间与任何模组制作者共享,因此我们不愿意作为 45 的一部分发布。我们将在接下来的几周内完成这项工作,然后决定是否发布作为 45.x 更新或保留到更新 46,所以请继续关注。

    • Game Editor remains a highly technical feature for its first release, so it may only appeal to players with a solid understanding of code, modding, and/or game scripting. We will be working to improve accessibility in future updates, especially as we build the tower editing features that we’re still keen to offer.

  • Update 46  更新46

    • Tack Shooter Paragon still on track - this was already planned for 46 so no change there.
      Tack Shooter Paragon 仍在正常进行中 - 这已经是 46 版的计划,所以没有任何改变。

    • Legends is shaping up to be amazing and we’re eager to share more details (check back to the Update 44 Notes Looking Forward if you missed the explanation). We’ll plan on at least one dev diary during development to preview the art and gameplay of this super cool rogue-lite DLC.
      Legends 正在变得令人惊叹,我们渴望分享更多细节(如果您错过了解释,请返回更新 44 注释展望)。我们将在开发过程中计划至少写一篇开发日记,以预览这款超酷 Rogue-lite DLC 的艺术和游戏玩法。

    • Quests, a new “revenge” style map, and maybe some additional surprise content!

  • PlayStation and Xbox Content Update
    PlayStation 和 Xbox 内容更新

    • Adding 9 maps, 5 hero skins, and 50+ trophy store items to bring the console version further up to date.
      添加 9 张地图、5 个英雄皮肤和 50 多个奖杯商店物品,使主机版本进一步更新。

    • Changes are made and we’re working through the submission process.

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Reddit please tell us how far over the limit we are when we try to submit posts 🙏 it's very difficult trying to trim things down with how inconsistent the character limit is
Reddit 请告诉我们,当我们尝试提交帖子时,我们超出了限制多少🙏由于字符限制的不一致,尝试减少内容是非常困难的

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We now have Blast flair icon on reddit for those interested
我们现在在 Reddit 上为感兴趣的人提供了 Blast 风格图标


Yessir(I swear I had this flair before this comment)

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check steam  检查蒸汽


(sniper or spac next please)

Give up ninja kiwi it doesn’t matter how much time you nerf perma spike it will continue op (at least in my heart)

If we wanted to nerf it we would lol

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It's no longer corbing time bros...