Shiny pipes thanks to denture cleaner

‘Ideally, a drainage tower is ten metres high, and Corega tabs, for example, are recommended for cleaning the pipes.’ Denture cleaner? Natalia Badia Carrera laughs and nods. ’Algae will form in the transparent water tanks over time. One tablet is all it takes to kill the microorganisms within a few minutes.’
The Geberit drainage tower makes visible what is normally hidden behind the wall: the laws of water hydraulics. As early as the 1950s, Geberit was experimenting with transparent traps and drains and began to show them at trade fairs. In the early 1970s, the first drainage tower was inaugurated in Rapperswil-Jona (CH). It was so well received that various sales companies built similar towers at their locations. Today, there are 14 of them throughout the group; every year, several tens of thousands of installers are trained on them.
吉博力排水塔讓通常隱藏在牆後的東西可見:水壓力學定律。早在 20 世紀 50 年代,吉博力就嘗試使用透明存水彎和排水管,並開始在貿易展覽會上展示它們。20 世紀 70 年代初,第一座排水塔在瑞士的拉珀斯維爾 - 約納(CH)落成。它受到了極大的歡迎,以致於各銷售公司在其所在地建造了類似的塔。如今,整個集團內有 14 座這樣的塔;每年,數以萬計的安裝人員在這些塔上接受培訓。
Know-how from 14 markets 來自 14 個市場的專業技能
But building a drainage tower is a highly complex undertaking, even for professionals. And this is where Natalia Badia Carrera comes in. The intern from Barcelona is in her final year of studying civil engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – and found her way to Geberit via her exchange semester at ETH Zurich and the Unitech exchange programme. Her master's thesis: a manual for drainage towers. The idea for this stems from Natalias Badia Carreras's boss Sandro à Porta, after he learned from local colleagues in Finland how much they were struggling with the construction of their tower and how useful internal company know-how would have been for them.
然而,建造排水塔是一項極其複雜的任務,即使對專業人士來說也是如此。而這正是娜塔莉亞·巴迪亞·卡雷拉(Natalia Badia Carrera)發揮作用的地方。這位來自巴塞羅那的實習生正在加泰羅尼亞理工大學(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)攻讀土木工程專業的最後一年。她通過在蘇黎世聯邦理工學院(ETH Zurich)的交換學期以及 Unitech 交換計劃,來到了吉博力(Geberit)公司。她的碩士論文是:排水塔手冊。這個想法源於娜塔莉亞·巴迪亞·卡雷拉的上司桑德羅·阿波塔(Sandro à Porta),他從芬蘭的當地同事那裡得知,他們在建造排水塔時遇到了多大的困難,以及公司內部的專業知識對他們來說會有多麼有用。

Over the last few months, his intern has documented all the structures and, in exchange with the 14 locations, compiled the most essential how-tos so that future tower builders no longer have to ask swimming pool companies or dentists for suitable cleaning products,’ says the student, laughing. There are tips on construction (a ten-metre discharge stack is needed for the legendary demonstration of ‘water fountain from the toilet bowl’), but also on lighting, control and cleaning. A little patience is still needed before the document is final, but the master's thesis must be completed by the end of Natalias Badia Carreras's internship at the end of November.
在過去的幾個月裡,他的實習生記錄了所有的結構,並與 14 個地點進行交流,編纂了最基本的操作指南,這樣未來的塔建造者就不必再向游泳池公司或牙醫尋求合適的清潔產品了,」這名學生笑著說。這裡有關於建造的提示(為了傳說中的「從馬桶噴出的噴泉」示範,需要一個十米高的排氣堆),也有關於照明、控制和清潔的提示。在文件最終完成之前,仍需要一些耐心,但在娜塔莉婭·巴迪亞·卡雷拉斯 11 月底的實習結束前,必須完成碩士論文。
And for those who have been wondering what colours the blue and orange water: food colouring. This is also stated in the manual, by the way.
Nina Rafaniello 妮娜·拉法尼埃洛
¡Qué bueno, Natalia! Un informe muy interesante y sin duda un proyecto de prácticas aún más excitante para ti... Me alegro de leer aquí sobre "your legacy" para Geberit! :-)