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China’s secret spy 中国的秘密间谍

For the first time ever, an undercover agent for China’s secret police steps out of the shadows to tell all about where he’s been and who he’s been targeting.

By Echo Hui, Elise Potaka and Dylan Welch
Echo Hui、Elise Potaka 和 Dylan Welch 报道

发表于 2024 年 5 月 13 日下午 4:35

On a bitterly cold winter morning in China last year, a man who’d spent more than a decade working as a spy for the notorious secret police decided to flee his homeland.

“I spent most of the time in the airport’s bathroom, worried that secret police would find out my plan,” he recalls.

The man – who goes by the name Eric – was no stranger to operating undercover.

As an agent for the Political Security Protection Bureau, or 1st Bureau – a secret unit of China’s Ministry of Public Security – he’d been involved in missions to surveil, abduct and silence targets around the world since 2008, including in Australia.
作为中国公安部的一个秘密单位--政治安全保卫局(简称一局)的特工,他自 2008 年以来一直参与世界各地的监视、绑架和灭口任务,包括在澳大利亚。

This mission, though – to quit – would be his most dangerous.

After landing on Australian soil last year, he walked into ASIO headquarters in Canberra and revealed who he was.

Now, the 39-year-old is divulging the secrets he’s been guarding for years, at great risk to himself, to expose what he says is one of the most feared parts of China’s intelligence apparatus.
现在,这位 39 岁的老人冒着极大的风险,公开了他多年来守护的秘密,揭露了他所说的中国情报机构中最令人恐惧的部分之一。

“It is the darkest department of the Chinese government,” he says.

“The bureau – they’re a bit like the KGB, the Stasi and the Gestapo.”

After arriving in Australia, Eric also contacted the ABC and began to explain his predicament.

His story sounded unbelievable, but he seemed determined.

“The Communist Party shaped me into an enemy who is committed to the fight against it,” he says in one message.

“Without it, I am just a young man who likes to read books, play games, love animals, and occasionally write poetry.”

Eric shared hundreds of secret documents, text and voice messages, and bank records that he’d gathered over the years, and after weeks of complex negotiations, he agreed to an interview.

It is the first time anyone from the secret police has spoken publicly.

Sitting in an empty warehouse with a Simpsons T-shirt just visible under his green jacket, Eric is nervous, but he says:
埃里克坐在一间空荡荡的仓库里,绿色夹克下的辛普森一家 T 恤衫若隐若现,他很紧张,但他说:"我不紧张:

“I believe the public has the right to know this secret world.”

The recruitment 招聘

Eric says he was always going to end up turning his back on China.

As a 22-year-old university student obsessed with Western democracy, he says he joined the US-founded China Social Democratic Party in 2007.
他说,作为一名痴迷于西方民主的 22 岁大学生,他于 2007 年加入了由美国创立的中国社会民主党。

He was unaware he was under police surveillance.

After sharing information about the party’s annual meeting on social media, police came knocking at his door.

“They told me, ‘Get dressed and follow us. You know what you’ve done’,” Eric says.

He was taken from his home, interrogated over several days in a small room inside a local police station, and forced to sign a document confessing to his ‘crime’ of opposing the Chinese government.
他被从家中带走,在当地警察局的一个小房间里接受了数天的审讯,并被迫签署了一份文件,承认自己反对中国政府的 "罪行"。

Threatened with jail time, he was offered a second chance.

That was the moment his world as he knew it ended, and his double life as a reluctant spy for China’s covert system of repression began.

“They forced me to work for them … I didn’t have a choice.”

For 15 years, Eric would be assigned to a series of secret police handlers who directed him to infiltrate pro-democracy organisations and hunt down dissidents that were now Chinese government targets.
在长达 15 年的时间里,埃里克被指派给一系列秘密警察,这些秘密警察指使他潜入民主组织,追捕现在已成为中国政府目标的持不同政见者。

As a dissident himself, Eric had the perfect cover story. In 2016 he was invited to a gathering of activists in India’s Dharamshala, home of the Tibetan government-in-exile.

There, he met with the Dalai Lama.

Eric filed a report to his handler detailing the exiled government’s confidential future China policy. It was well received.

The secret police now trusted him to work internationally, and he was rewarded with higher stakes missions to help ensnare high-profile opponents living abroad.

One of them was right here in Australia.

The YouTuber 优酷用户

In 2018, Eric was ordered to hunt down Edwin Yin, a YouTuber who has been deeply critical of Chinese President Xi Jinping.
2018 年,埃里克奉命追捕对中国国家主席习近平持严厉批评态度的优酷用户 Edwin Yin。

Edwin wrote a book alleging Xi has four illegitimate sons, and also published a video ridiculing his daughter.

He fled China for Australia in 2018.
2018 年,他逃离中国前往澳大利亚。

Eric was tasked with tracking Edwin Yin. Four Corners

Edwin lives in Australia. Four Corners: Keana Naughton

Eric’s handlers communicated with him via encrypted social messaging apps including Potato Chat and Ant Messager.
埃里克的上线通过加密的社交信息应用程序(包括 Potato Chat 和 Ant Messager)与他联系。

Four Corners is not naming Eric’s handlers to protect his safety.
为了保护埃里克的安全,"四角 "没有透露他的驯兽师姓名。

Handler 处理程序

[Edwin] Yin … born in 1982, from Shengzhou, Zhejiang … He fled to Thailand, Singapore and other places, and is now in Australia.
[埃德温-尹......生于 1982 年,浙江嵊州人......曾逃往泰国、新加坡等地,现居澳大利亚。

Use Twitter or other channels to get closer to him.
利用 Twitter 或其他渠道拉近与他的距离。

Lure him to South-East Asia.

Eric 埃里克

Okay, Brother. 好的,兄弟

When Four Corners met with Edwin to share what it had found, he was living in a campervan, moving from place to place.
当 "四角 "组织与埃德温见面分享他们的发现时,他正住在一辆露营车里,从一个地方搬到另一个地方。

He already suspected he had been under surveillance by the Chinese state and didn’t feel safe.

“In front of our home, there were different cars, different Chinese faces,” he says.

“Sometimes while sleeping, there’d be footsteps outside. I’d grab a knife and rush outside, but they’d be gone.”

Edwin tells Four Corners about the extraordinary lengths he believes the Chinese intelligence services have been going to in order to ensnare him.
埃德温向《Four Corners》讲述了他认为中国情报部门为陷害他而不惜一切代价的故事。

In 2021, he suffered a broken nose after being assaulted in a Melbourne street by two men he suspects were Chinese agents. A third man who was with them filmed the attack.
2021 年,他在墨尔本街头遭到两名男子的袭击,鼻子被打断,他怀疑这两名男子是中国特工。与他们在一起的第三名男子拍摄了袭击过程。

The year before, his then partner Michelle, an Australian citizen, travelled to China after being told her father was gravely ill.

When she arrived, she realised her parents had been told to lie, and she was forced to meet with intelligence officers who questioned her about Edwin.

“Where he lives, what did he do … his financial information, what kind of people he met,” she says.

Michelle doesn’t want to be identified.

When she travelled to China, she was pregnant, and says the officers started pressuring her to abort the baby. She believes they thought it would give Edwin a pathway to Australian citizenship.

While Edwin claims he is a dissident on the run, China says it is tracking him down because he is a criminal. He was charged with fraud in China, and Four Corners has spoken to a man who says he is one of his victims.

But Edwin says he’s being framed by the Chinese government.

The Australian Federal Police is aware of Edwin’s case.

Eric says he began collecting intelligence on Edwin but didn’t pursue him further. He told his handler he felt Edwin was “too cunning” and was unlikely to travel overseas.
埃里克说,他开始收集有关埃德温的情报,但没有继续追查下去。他告诉他的上线,他觉得埃德温 "太狡猾",不太可能出国。

He says Edwin’s case shows the growth of the Chinese Communist Party’s global reach.

“Since Xi took over as leader…no doubt their power is expanding, their staffing, their finances.”

“So, their overseas operations have become relatively more active.”

Following Eric’s revelations, Four Corners learned of an AFP raid in Sydney last year that disrupted a Chinese intelligence agency undertaking surveillance on people.

Edwin’s name was one of the names listed on the AFP search warrant as a victim of the spying operation.

The cartoonist 漫画家

Before Eric was tasked with spying on Edwin, he worked for the Chinese police in operations across South-East Asia.

In 2016, he was based in Cambodia and ordered to target political cartoonist Wang Liming, also known as Rebel Pepper.
2016 年,他常驻柬埔寨,奉命针对政治漫画家王黎明(又名 "叛逆辣椒")。

Rebel Pepper’s satirical drawings take aim at China’s human rights record and its political elite, including President Xi Jinping.
Rebel Pepper 的讽刺画针对的是中国的人权记录和包括国家主席习近平在内的政治精英。

His work variously depicts Xi as a dumpling, a tyrant, and Winnie the Pooh – and the Chinese Communist Party as a tentacled monster.

Eric was given an apartment in Phnom Penh and a cover story, working as a planning supervisor for the Prince Real Estate Group.

The company is a subsidiary of multi-billion-dollar conglomerate, the Prince Holding Group, which has connections to Cambodia’s leadership.
该公司是价值数十亿美元的企业集团 Prince Holding Group 的子公司,而 Prince Holding Group 与柬埔寨领导层有着千丝万缕的联系。

Cambodia and Laos have close ties with the Chinese government and there have been allegations in the past that it can operate freely in both countries.

At the time, Rebel Pepper was living in Japan, so Eric was ordered to lure him to Cambodia where he could be arrested by and returned to China to face trial.

“I really like Wang as a cartoonist. I didn’t want him to be arrested, but there was little space for me to offer help,” Eric says.

High-ranking secret police officials travelled from Beijing to a private clubhouse in Phnom Penh to discuss the entrapment with him.

Eric contacted Rebel Pepper using his cover at Prince Real Estate, asking him to design a logo for them.
埃里克利用自己在 Prince Real Estate 的掩护联系了 Rebel Pepper,请他为他们设计一个徽标。

Rebel Pepper drawing. Four Corners
Rebel Pepper 绘画。四角

Rebel Pepper's work often features Xi Jinping. Four Corners
Rebel Pepper 的作品经常以习近平为主题。四角

Every message he sent was first approved by his handler.

Eric 埃里克

Eric: I plan to leave a message…such as “Hi Pepper…I have seen a lot of your work, and I’m very impressed.
埃里克:我打算留言......比如 "你好,佩珀......我看过你的很多作品,印象非常深刻。

Handler 处理程序

Handler: OK. 处理程序:确定。

In a voice message, Eric’s handler told him to exploit Rebel Pepper’s need for money.

Handler 处理程序

If he says his financial situation is bad, you can immediately send him 500 US dollars.
如果他说他的经济状况不好,你可以立即给他寄 500 美元。

Rebel Pepper responded a few days later.
Rebel Pepper 几天后做出了回应。

Eric 埃里克

He replied. 他回答说

Handler 处理程序

OK, wait for my update.

Eric 埃里克

Well. The fish seems to be biting the bait.

Rebel Pepper’s designs were used by Prince Real Estate at their events, and Eric arranged for senior managers to pose with a giant inflatable version of one of them.
王子房地产公司在其活动中使用了 Rebel Pepper 的设计,埃里克还安排高级经理们与其中一个巨型充气版合影留念。

Rebel Pepper’s work for Prince Real Estate. Rebel Pepper
Rebel Pepper 为 Prince Real Estate 创作的作品。Rebel Pepper

Prince Real Estate senior managers with Rebel Pepper's design. Supplied
王子房地产公司高级经理与 Rebel Pepper 的设计。已提供

Rebel Pepper's prince-themed logo. Rebel Pepper
Rebel Pepper 以王子为主题的标识。Rebel Pepper

Secret police then organised a job interview for Rebel Pepper in Cambodia, but his wife suspected it was a trap and dissuaded him from going.
随后,秘密警察为 Rebel Pepper 在柬埔寨组织了一次工作面试,但他的妻子怀疑这是个陷阱,劝阻他不要去。

Four Corners met with Rebel Pepper – who now lives in the US – and told him he had been a target of the secret police. He’s shocked at the findings.

“They only needed to censor my cartoons. What intelligence was there to collect on me?”

“It freaks me out. If they spent that much effort to arrest me, they would severely penalise me,” he says.

A spokesperson for the Prince Holding Group said it has no affiliations with any part of the Chinese government and holds itself to the highest ethical standards.

“We do not participate in or condone any actions that violate human rights or the laws of any jurisdiction,” they said.

The activist 活动家

In 2018, Eric was sent to Thailand to target another dissident.
2018 年,埃里克被派往泰国针对另一名持不同政见者。

This time, they would end up dead.

Eric was ordered to befriend Hua Yong, an exiled Chinese artist and activist hiding in Bangkok who had long been an outspoken critic of the Chinese Communist Party.

In 2012, Hua had staged a protest commemorating the Tiananmen Square massacre by punching himself in the face.
2012 年,华国锋在纪念天安门广场大屠杀的抗议活动中自残一拳。

Hua also documented Beijing’s mass evictions of migrant workers in 2017.
华还记录了 2017 年北京大规模驱逐农民工的事件。

In a voice recording in April 2020, Eric’s handler stressed that he was a high priority.
在 2020 年 4 月的一段录音中,埃里克的管理者强调,他是一个重中之重。

Handler 处理程序

You listen to my following request carefully.

This Hua Yong, the superiors now find him very annoying and want to deal with him. As you mentioned, he is short of money and wants to do business together. You think of a way to lure him to Cambodia or Laos.

Eric was given the cover story as a business planning manager at a hotel group named White Horse.

Over drinks, Eric and Hua bonded over their desire to overthrow the Chinese Communist Party and discussed setting up a pro-democracy group overseas. Eric reported this back to his handlers and they came up with a plan.

Eric would form a fake anti-CCP militia called “V Brigade”, to further build Hua’s trust.
埃里克将组建一支名为 "V 旅 "的假反中共民兵组织,以进一步建立华的信任。

In a video posted online, Eric dressed up as a militia leader and delivered a speech urging Chinese citizens to prepare for armed resistance against the regime.

Eric (centre) in the V Brigade video. Supplied
V 旅视频中的埃里克(中)。已提供

V Brigade was a fake militia. Supplied
V 旅是一支假民兵。已提供

It was a success: Hua promoted the V Brigade video on his Twitter and YouTube accounts, and messaged Eric: “I just watched the video … I can feel my blood boiling”.
这是一次成功:Hua 在他的 Twitter 和 YouTube 账户上宣传了 V Brigade 的视频,并给 Eric 发去信息:"我刚看了视频......我能感觉到我的血液在沸腾"。

Eric says the secret police offer a reward system for the agent who assists with capturing a high-profile target, and a bounty of 100,000 yuan (around $20,000) was put on Hua.
埃里克说,秘密警察对协助抓获重要目标的特工实行悬赏制度,华被悬赏 10 万元人民币(约 2 万美元)。

In April 2021, the plan almost faltered when Hua was granted a temporary protection visa by Canada, but he remained in close contact with Eric and invited him into his core group of activists.
2021 年 4 月,当华获得加拿大的临时保护签证时,这一计划差点失败,但他仍与埃里克保持密切联系,并邀请他加入自己的核心活动小组。

A few months later, Hua moved to Vancouver and Eric filed a comprehensive intelligence report at the request of his handler, including Hua’s phone number, address, where he went and who he met.

Eric was praised for his work and given a financial bonus.

According to Hua’s friends in Canada, he had settled there and was living a happy new life.
据 Hua 在加拿大的朋友说,他已经在那里定居,过着幸福的新生活。

But in November 2022 – more than a year-and-a-half after he arrived – Hua was found dead. He died while kayaking on a cold autumn night.
但在 2022 年 11 月,也就是他抵达一年半多之后,华被发现已经死亡。他是在一个寒冷的秋夜划皮艇时死亡的。

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police concluded Hua’s death was not suspicious.

Eric says he has his doubts about Hua’s death.

“My first reaction was that maybe he’d been killed, but in fact, I couldn’t tell whether his death was just an accident or a murder, because I wasn’t part of it.”
"我的第一反应是他可能被杀了 但事实上,我无法判断他的死是意外还是谋杀 因为我没有参与其中"

“All I could say is that Mr Hua had been a long-term target of the secret police.”

Asked if he feels any guilt, Eric says he had no choice but to carry out his work.

“I’m an idealist, but I’m also pragmatic. I am aware of the outcome one might face in China if you refuse to work for the secret police.”

The escape 逃脱

Eric says in the early days, he tried to flee the secret police on several occasions.

In 2011, without telling his handler, he travelled to Hong Kong and declared who he was working for at the US consulate.
2011 年,他瞒着自己的上司前往香港,并在美国领事馆申报了自己的工作单位。

American officials took him seriously, he says, but ultimately, he never escaped.

Even as Eric worked for the secret police, he says he tried to subtly undermine their work.

Once, in 2021, while he was still in Thailand, his handler asked him to target a Chinese military veteran living in Myanmar.
2021 年,当他还在泰国时,有一次,他的上司让他把目标对准一名居住在缅甸的中国退伍军人。

Eric says he tried to help the veteran slip the net by blaming the pandemic, telling the handler he’d contacted him but Covid meant it would be hard to meet.
埃里克说,他试图通过指责大流行病来帮助这位退伍军人漏网,他告诉对方他已经联系过他,但 Covid 意味着很难见面。

The handler responded with an angry voice message.

[You’re] too cautious, it always sounds like you don’t want to do anything.

I’ve been thinking, and over the past few years you haven’t actually met with these bad people very much, because you’re not willing to.

You always tell me you can’t ask them this or ask them that. You don’t even fucking try to approach them!

Eventually it was one of Eric’s cover stories that brought his time as a spy to an end.

The V Brigade videos sparked an inquiry by security officials in Beijing who didn’t know the militia was a secret police trap.
V 大队的视频引发了北京安全官员的调查,他们不知道民兵是秘密警察的圈套。

Eric’s handler told him he was facing arrest and ordered him to return to China while his handler tried to smooth it over.

Eric knew his time had run out. He fled, flipping a coin to decide between Australia and New Zealand.

His handlers tried to reach him after he arrived in Australia.

“I told them that it was impossible to meet me,” Eric says.

“I suggested them and their families leaving China because there could be a huge fallout as a result of my escape … I wished that they take care of themselves.”

Now Eric is going public, he says he will be a target of his former masters, and secret agents may now be sent to harm him.

“When they deal with a target like me, they may be more patient … and wait for an appropriate time to act,” he says with a worried but firm tone.

“They may mobilise some agents on the ground or send people to Australia to take measures against me.”

An Australian Government spokesperson said defending against malicious foreign interference was “a top priority”.
澳大利亚政府发言人表示,抵御外国恶意干扰是 "重中之重"。

The Chinese embassy in Canberra and the foreign affairs ministry in Beijing did not respond to a request for comment.

Eric says working undercover has deeply affected him.

“Years of clandestine political activity had turned me into a suspicious and confrontational person.

“I’m still sentimental, but I can also be cruel in some ways.”

There is only one way he says he’ll ever feel safe.

“For all those who oppose the Chinese Communist Party and Xi Jinping, the day that we can feel truly safe is the day the CCP falls.”

Watch the Four Corners documentary, Ruthless Pursuit, tonight from 8.30pm on ABC TV and ABC iview.
观看今晚 8:30pm 在 ABC TV 和 ABC iview 上播出的纪录片《四角》(Four Corners)《无情追捕》(Ruthless Pursuit)。

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第一时间了解我们的下一次大型调查:订阅新闻通讯并在 Facebook 上关注我们。

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请点击此处联系 Four Corners。

Credits 荣誉

Story by: Echo Hui, Elise Potaka and Dylan Welch
故事作者:Echo Hui、Elise Potaka 和 Dylan WelchEcho Hui、Elise Potaka 和 Dylan Welch

Photos: Keana Naughton and Ryan Sheridan
照片基娜-诺顿(Keana Naughton)和瑞安-谢里丹(Ryan Sheridan

Illustrations: Rebel Pepper
插图Rebel Pepper

Editing and production: Kate Sullivan

A Four Corners and ABC Investigations production
四角》和《ABC 调查》制作

Odyssey format by ABC News Story Lab
奥德赛格式,ABC 新闻报道实验室制作