Nvidia Rally Mints Millionaires Too Busy to Bask in New Wealth
Many of the chipmaker’s employees have grown rich but still face a stress-filled work life.
It’s a summer day in Santa Clara, California, and an assortment of luxury cars — Porsches, Corvettes, Lamborghinis — take up parking spots previously occupied by humbler models. Some have new paint jobs in the lime green from Nvidia Corp.’s logo. And they are stuck where their owners want to be: at the office.
这是加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉的一个夏日,各种各样的豪华汽车——保时捷、科尔维特、兰博基尼——占据了以前被普通车型占据的停车位。有些采用了 Nvidia 公司标志的柠檬绿新漆。他们被困在主人想去的地方:办公室。
Nvidia stock has gained 3,776% since the start of 2019 as the company benefits from selling the main chip necessary for artificial intelligence work, minting many new multimillionaires in the process. But the work hours are just as grueling and high-stress, current and former employees said, leaving little time for the jet-setting, homebuying and leisure many can now afford. A culture problem is brewing, said the 10 people, who asked not to be identified for fear of retribution.
自 2019 年初以来,Nvidia 股价已上涨 3,776%,该公司受益于出售人工智能工作所需的主芯片,并在此过程中创造了许多新的千万富翁。但现任和前任员工表示,工作时间同样辛苦且压力很大,几乎没有时间乘坐飞机、购房和休闲,许多人现在都可以负担得起。这 10 名人士表示,文化问题正在酝酿之中。由于担心遭到报复,他们要求匿名。
The 31-year-old chipmaker has piled on market cap faster than any other company in history. Founder and Chief Executive Officer Jensen Huang has established expectations of scrappiness and overworking, with a chaotic structure where one manager can have dozens of direct reports, the current and former employees said. Rather than firing employees like his competitors, Huang has said he prefers to “torture them into greatness.”
这家拥有 31 年历史的芯片制造商的市值增长速度比历史上任何其他公司都要快。现任和前任员工表示,创始人兼首席执行官黄仁勋已经树立了斗志旺盛、工作过度的预期,其结构混乱,一名经理可以拥有数十名直接下属。黄说,他不像竞争对手那样解雇员工,而是更愿意“折磨他们,让他们变得伟大”。
One former employee, who worked in technical support for enterprise clients, said he was expected to work 7 days a week, often until 1 a.m. or 2 a.m. He said many of his former colleagues, especially those on engineering teams, worked longer hours. He described the environment as a pressure cooker, noting several company meetings he characterized as yelling fights — but said the pay package made it hard to leave. He left in May and requested anonymity to speak frankly about the company.
一位为企业客户提供技术支持的前员工表示,他每周工作 7 天,经常工作到凌晨 1 点或 2 点。他说,他的许多前同事,尤其是工程团队的同事,工作时间更长。他将公司的环境描述为一个高压锅,并指出他将几次公司会议描述为大喊大叫,但他表示,薪资待遇让他很难离开。他于五月离职,并要求匿名以坦诚谈论该公司。
Another, who worked in marketing until 2022 and requested anonymity to protect her career, said she often attended 7 to 10 meetings per day, each with more than 30 people involved, often punctuated by bouts of fighting and shouting. But she said she put up with it for two years, because of the “golden handcuffs” — the opportunity for even more wealth.
另一位在 2022 年之前从事营销工作并要求匿名以保护自己的职业生涯的人表示,她经常每天参加 7 到 10 次会议,每次会议都有 30 多人参加,期间经常会发生打斗和叫喊。但她说,她忍受了两年,因为“金手铐”——获得更多财富的机会。
Nvidia declined to comment.
Nvidia hasn’t had any trouble keeping its employees in recent years, in part because its stock grants typically vest — or become available — over a four-year period, giving workers incentive to stay to earn their whole pay package. In 2023, 5.3% of employees left the company, but after its valuation topped $1 trillion, that same turnover rate dropped by nearly half, to 2.7%, according to its 2024 sustainability report. The overall semiconductor industry’s turnover rate is much higher, at 17.7%, according to Nvidia.
近年来,英伟达在留住员工方面没有遇到任何麻烦,部分原因是其股票赠款通常在四年内归属或可用,从而激励员工留下来赚取全部工资。根据2024 年可持续发展报告,2023 年有 5.3% 的员工离开公司,但在公司估值突破 1 万亿美元后,员工流失率下降了近一半,降至 2.7%。根据 Nvidia 的数据,整个半导体行业的人员流动率要高得多,达到 17.7%。
Nvidia 停车场的一些新豪华汽车与该公司的标志颜色相匹配。
The tech industry trope of “resting and vesting” is so common it was ridiculed by Hollywood in HBO’s “Silicon Valley” show with a character who squanders away his time playing video games and drinking big sodas waiting for his stock to vest. But it doesn’t work at Nvidia. One current employee said it would be embarrassing and even socially difficult to coast.
科技行业的“休息和兑现”比喻如此普遍,以至于在 HBO 的《硅谷》节目中,好莱坞嘲笑了一个角色,他浪费时间玩电子游戏、喝大杯苏打水,等待股票兑现。但它在 Nvidia 不起作用。一名现任员工表示,这会很尴尬,甚至在社交上也难以摆脱。
Those who tried have become the subject of internal critique. During a staff meeting late last year employees complained to Huang that some of their colleagues were in “semiretirement” mode, according to a former employee who attended the meeting.
Those who have been at the company for close to a decade would have more than enough money to retire, according to a former engineering employee who left the company in June. Many don’t, though, because there are millions more waiting when the next stock grant vests, the person added.
The explosive stock rally also means that many Nvidia employees are sitting on bigger nest eggs than peers at other chipmakers. Chief Financial Officer Colette Kress, who joined the company 11 years ago, owns stock worth about $758.7 million. Her Intel Corp. counterpart Dave Zinsner, who has a larger pay package but has a shorter tenure, owns stock worth just $3.13 million. At Advanced Micro Devices Inc., Nvidia’s nearest rival, which has also seen rapid share growth, CFO Jean Hu, who joined in 2023, owns stock worth $6.43 million.
股价的爆炸性上涨还意味着许多英伟达员工比其他芯片制造商的同行拥有更多的积蓄。首席财务官科莱特·克雷斯 (Colette Kress) 于 11 年前加入该公司,拥有价值约 7.587 亿美元的股票。她在英特尔公司的同事戴夫·津斯纳 (Dave Zinsner) 的薪酬较高,但任期较短,他所持股票价值仅为 313 万美元。英伟达最接近的竞争对手Advanced Micro Devices Inc.的股价也出现了快速增长,其首席财务官Jean Hu于2023年加入,持有价值643万美元的股票。
The former engineering employee who asked not to be named said that, throughout 2023 and 2024, working at Nvidia meant encountering frequent expressions of wealth among employees of virtually all seniority levels. He said he regularly saw coworkers surfing Zillow and alluding to new vacation homes in casual conversation. He added that it’s become common for employees to attend big-ticket sporting events like the Super Bowl and the NBA Finals.
这位不愿透露姓名的前工程员工表示,从 2023 年到 2024 年,在英伟达工作意味着几乎所有资历级别的员工都会频繁遭遇财富表达。他说,他经常看到同事在 Zillow 上冲浪,并在闲聊中提到新的度假屋。他补充说,员工参加超级碗和 NBA 总决赛等大型体育赛事已变得很常见。
How to Turn a Camry Into Two Lamborghinis
Nvidia staff who put money into purchase plan have big budgets
Source: Bloomberg 资料来源:彭博社
“It’s just always very surprising how much money they have in one stock,” said Spencer Hsu, a real estate agent based in Palo Alto, California, who has worked with multiple Nvidia employees this year — on nights and weekends, of course. The clients are making 40% to 60% down payments on multimillion dollar homes.
加利福尼亚州帕洛阿尔托的房地产经纪人斯宾塞·许 (Spencer Hsu) 表示:“他们在一只股票上拥有多少钱,这总是令人非常惊讶。”他今年曾与多名英伟达员工一起工作——当然,是在晚上和周末。客户为价值数百万美元的房屋支付 40% 至 60% 的首付。
Conversations about Nvidia’s daily market gain or loss (but usually gain) can be heard in hushed tones at lunchtime, according to several of the recently departed employees. A current Nvidia product manager said that thousands of employees are on a company Slack channel dedicated to exchanging personal finance advice. The group is catered toward employees who have held onto their vested shares — not the many others who sold off much of their stock long before its peak.
据几位最近离职的员工透露,午餐时间可以听到有关英伟达每日市场收益或损失(但通常是收益)的低声谈话。 Nvidia 现任产品经理表示,数千名员工在公司 Slack 频道上专门交流个人理财建议。该集团面向的是那些持有既得股份的员工,而不是那些在股价达到顶峰之前很久就抛售大量股票的其他员工。
It’s not just about the money. Airan Junior, who was at the chipmaker from 2020 to 2023, said that “working at Nvidia is like Disneyland” because of the many teams solving interesting technical problems. He worked on a sales team based out of Brazil, and said the company’s culture, however unconventional, contributed to its massive success. Nvidia now accounts for more than 90 percent of sales in the AI chip market.
这不仅仅是钱的问题。 2020 年至 2023 年在这家芯片制造商工作的 Airan Junior 表示,“在 Nvidia 工作就像迪士尼乐园”,因为有许多团队在解决有趣的技术问题。他在巴西的一个销售团队工作,并表示该公司的文化无论多么非传统,却为其取得巨大成功做出了贡献。英伟达目前占据AI芯片市场90%以上的销售额。
Huang, who has 60 direct reports, has no time for bureaucracy, detailed PowerPoint presentations or one-on-one meetings. He’ll involve himself in seemingly minor decisions, such as the choice of a photo for a marketing campaign. Huang is well known for making Nvidia employees send a regular email to a centralized email address with a bulleted list of five things they’re working on. Huang sometimes responds to these emails directly to ask for more details or dole out directives.
黄有 60 名直接下属,他没有时间参加官僚主义、详细的 PowerPoint 演示或一对一的会议。他会参与看似微不足道的决定,例如为营销活动选择照片。黄仁勋因让 Nvidia 员工定期向一个集中的电子邮件地址发送一封电子邮件而闻名,其中列出了他们正在处理的五件事。黄有时会直接回复这些电子邮件,询问更多细节或发出指示。
Huang has said his approach to leadership has been shaped by facing “real adversity” running Nvidia for more than three decades. He tells employees that he’s pushing them to do their life’s work. “It should be like that,” Huang said of his demanding management style in a recent 60 Minutes interview. “If you want to do extraordinary things, it shouldn’t be easy.”
黄仁勋表示,他的领导方式是在 Nvidia 三十多年运营中面临的“真正逆境”中形成的。他告诉员工,他正在推动他们从事毕生的工作。 “应该是这样,”黄在最近的60 分钟采访中谈到他严格的管理风格时说道。 “如果你想做非凡的事情,那应该不容易。”
Most employees appear to approve of Huang’s unusual leadership style. His approval rating on Glassdoor is 97%, higher than his peers at Alphabet Inc. (94%), Apple Inc. (87%), Meta Platforms Inc. (66%) and Amazon.com Inc. (54%).
大多数员工似乎都认可黄的不同寻常的领导风格。他在 Glassdoor 上的支持率为 97%,高于 Alphabet Inc. (94%)、Apple Inc. (87%)、Meta Platforms Inc. (66%) 和 Amazon.com Inc. (54%) 的同行。
But the ex-marketing employee warned that Huang’s flat corporate structure sometimes works differently than intended. She said that in her experience, because of the company’s structure, people are incentivized to fight for Huang’s attention rather than work together toward Nvidia’s long-term success. The same structure applies to those far below Huang — the former technical support employee said his supervisor had more than 100 people directly reporting to him. At a certain point, with a certain amount of money, the stress starts to lose its appeal.
但这位前营销员工警告说,黄的扁平化公司结构有时会与预期的效果不同。她说,根据她的经验,由于公司的结构,人们会被激励去争取黄仁勋的注意力,而不是共同努力实现英伟达的长期成功。同样的结构也适用于那些远低于黄的人——这位前技术支持员工表示,他的主管有 100 多人直接向他汇报。在某个时刻,有了一定数量的钱,压力就开始失去吸引力。
— With assistance from Ellen Huet and Ian King
— 在 Ellen Huet 和 Ian King 的帮助下
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