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Education Bureau

Government Secretariat,Government of the HongKong Special Administrative Region

The People's Republic of China

Our Ref.: (88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78)
我们的参考: (88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78)



Your Ref.:



28 September 2024

Director (or equivalent)

China Travel Service (HK)Ltd

Room 605,6/F,South Seas Centre,
海中心 6 楼 605 室

Tower 2,75 Mody Road,Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
九龙尖沙地道 75 座 2 号

Dear sir/madam,

Invitation to Quotation-

Pr ovision of Services forVisual Arts Teacher Dunhuang Arts and Culture Study Tour (2024) (視覺兿術教師敦煌文化兿術研習團(2024))

You are invited to provide a quotation for the captioned services (the Services). Quotation documents including Schedule of Services,Terms of Quotation and Conditions of Contract are attached for your reference.

If your organisation is interested in offering a quotation,sealed quotation, IN DUPLICATE,must be clearly marked with the following information:
如果您的组织 有兴趣提供报价,请盖章的报价单,一式两份,必须清楚地标明以下信息:

(a) Quotation Reference No.:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78)
(a) 报价参考编号:88)INEDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78)

(b) Subject of the Quotation: Provision of Services for Visual Arts Teacher Dunhuang Arts and Culture Study Tour (2024)


(c) Quotation Closing Time and Date: 9:00 a.m.on 19 September 2024 (Thursday)
(c) 截标时间及日期:2024 年 9 月 1 日至 9 日(星期四)上午 9:00

On theoutside of the envelope,please affix the Quotation Label provided.The quotation must be deposited in the Quotation Box situated at the following address before 9:00 a.m.on 19 September 2024(Quotation Closing Date):
请在envelope 的外面贴上提供的报价单标签报价单必须2024 年 9 月 19上午9:00 报价截止日期)放入位于以下地址的报价箱:

The Chairman,Quotation Opening Team,Education Bureau
教育局引文公开组 主席

Education Bureau Enquiry Counter

15/F.,Wu Chung House
胡忠大厦 15 楼

213 Queen's Road East,Wan Chai,HongKong
香港黄斌湾皇后大道东 213


You should submit all required documents as specified in Appendix 4-Checklist for Quotation Submission.You should affix the Appendix 3-Quotation Label of the Quotation Documents on the envelope (cutting out unnecessary part as appropriate).
按照附录 4-报价提交清单中规定的所有必要文件提交。 您应在网站上贴上附录 3-报价文件的报价标签。LOPE(根据需要剪掉不必要的部分)。

Please kindly note that quotation submitted by facsimile will not be accepted. Late quotation will not be considered.
请注意以传真方式提交的名额被接受。 逾期报价将不予考虑。

AQuotation Briefing Session will be held onlinevia Zoom at 11:00 a.m.on 6 September 2024 (Friday).Each Service Provider can register tworepresentatives for the briefing session. For registration,please complete and return the Reply Slip in Annex B via email to the Curriculum Development Officer (Visual Arts)3 at cdova3@edb.gov.hk before 12:00 noon on
AQuotation 简报会将于 2024 年 9 月6 日(星期五)上午 11:00通过 Zoom 在线举行。每个服务提供商可以注册两名代表参加简介会如欲报名,请填妥附件B的回条,并电邮至课程发展主任(视觉艺术)3(cdova3@edb.gov)。香港中午 12:00 前

5 September 2024(Thursday).
2024 年 9 月 5 日(星期四)。

Any enquiries concerning the Invitation to Quotation shall be made in writing and reach Arts Education Section,Curriculum DevelopmentInstitute,Room W325,3/F,West Block,EDB Kowloon Tong Education Services,19 Suffolk Road,Kowloon,Hong Kong or byfax(Fax No.: 23368510)at least three working days prior to the Quotation Closing Time.

Yours sincerely,

SAc 1cu sze-wing

Curriculum Development Officer(Visual Arts)

九龍沙福道19號教育局九龍塘教育服務中心西座 W325 室課程發展處爇術教育组

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Page 1

The Government of the HongKong Special Administrative Region EDUCATION BUREAU


Quotation Reference No:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78
报价参考编号:(88)IN EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78

Provision of Services for Visual Arts Teacher Dunhuang Arts and Culture Study Tour (2024)


This Invitation to Quotation consists of the following documents:

Title of Quotation Documents Page

Cover Invitation to Quotation 1
封面邀请函 Quotation 1

Part I Interpretation 2

Part I Terms of Quotation 9

(Including Instructions on Lodging of Quotation and other essential documents the Service Provider must submit)

Part II Conditions of Contract 28
第 II 部分合同条件 28

Part IV Specifications and Schedule of Services 53
第 IV 部分 规格和服务时间表 53

Part V Offer to be Bound 68

Part VI Non-collusive Quotation Certificate 70
第六部分非合谋法定证明书 70

Part VII Statement of Compliance 73
第七部分C遵守声明 73

Part VIII Information Schedule 74
第 VIII 部分资料附表 74

Appendices Appendix 1 Price Proposal 77
附录 附录1 价格建议77

Appendix 2 Proposed Service Team and Experience 78
附录 2 建议的服务 Team和经验78

Appendix3 Quotation Label 79
附录 3 引文实验室el79

Appendix 4 Checklist for Quotation Submission 80
附录 4 提交 Quotation清单 80

Lodging of Quotation¹

A Quotation in response to the Invitation of Quotation shall be made in original writing,in ink or typescript, and originally signed and sealed (company chop,if required),certified true copies as necessary and submitted in duplicate by hand delivery,before 9:00 a.m.(Hong Kong time)on 19 September 2024 (Thursday)in a sealed plain envelope with all required documents²and affixed Quotation label³to:
配额邀请的报价应原件墨水打字稿制作原件签名盖章(如果需要公司注册),必要时认证真实副本提交2024 年 9 月 19 日(星期四)上午 9:00香港时间)前,以密封的普通信封形式交付副本,所有文件²并d报价单³至:

Supplies Section Quotation Box
Supplies Section Quotation Box (箱体供应科)

Education Bureau Enquiry Counter
教育局 查询 Counter

15/F,Wu Chung House,213 Queen's Road East Wan Chai,HongKong

Do not disclose the identity of the Service Provider on the sealed plain envelope
● 请勿在密封的普通信封上透露服务提供商的身份

● Late Quotations will not be accepted.
● 逾期报价将不被接受。

You must also read Clause 2.of Part II and Appendix 4 for detailed instructions on lodging of Quotation.
您还必须阅读第 II 部分第 2..条和附录 4 以了解有关提交报价详细说明

2 Refer to Clause 2.of Part II-Terms of Quotationand Appendix 4-Checklist for Quotation Submission.
2 请参阅II 部分 - 报价条款和附录 4-CHE列表的报价提交

3 Refer to Appendix3-Quotation Label.
3 请参阅附录 3-Quotation 标签。

Cover-Invitation to Quotation
封面 - 报价邀请

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Page 2
引文编号:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) 第 2 页

第一部分 - 解释

In the documents issued by the Government in connection with this Invitation to Quotation and the Contract that is made pursuant to this Invitation to Quotation,unless otherwise defined or the context otherwise requires:

1.The following expressions shall bear the same meanings as set out below:
1. 以下解释应具有与以下相同的含义


means an appendix attached to the Quotation Documents

“Arts Education Section”

means the Arts Education Section of the Curriculum Development Institute of the Education Bureau of the Government of the HongKong Special Administrative Region

“Companies Ordinance”

means Chapter 622 ofthe Laws of HongKong and includes the former Companies Ordinance which has the meaning assigned to it in section 2 of the Companies Ordinance(Cap.622).
指香港法例第 622 章包括公司条例,其涵义见公司条例》(第 622 章)第 2

“Completed Mainland Education Tour”

Means a teachers'tour to the Mainland with main purpose on education professional development,study or education,and have been implemented and completed before the Quotation Closing Time.

“Conditions of Contract”

means all the Conditions of Contract set out in Part Ⅲ-Conditions of Contract
III.部分 - 合同条件中规定的所有条件

“Confidentia Information”

means all the materials,data and information which may come to the Contractor's knowledge in connection with,incidental to or in the course of carrying out of the Services,recommendations,advice or tests made,given or undertaken by the Contractor in connection with the performance of its obligations hereunder,any other information and data which the Govemment considers secret,confidential or commercially sensitive.


means the agreement made between the Government and the Contractor pursuant to the Invitation to Quotation,and reference to the terms thereof shall include:
指政府与承建商之间根据 Quotatio n 的邀请而达成的协议,其条款应包括:

(a)the Quotation Documents,completed,modified or expanded as necessary or appropriate to include the terms accepted by the Government and the Contractor

(b)the“Price Proposal”submitted by the Contractor;
(b) 承包商提交的“价格建议书”;

(c)the“Offer To Be Bound”submitted by the Contractor;and
(c) 承包商提交的“约束要约”;和

(d)the letter of acceptance issued by the Government to the Contractor pursuant to Clause 10.ofPart IⅡI-Terms of Quotation.
(d)政府根据第 III.I 部分 - 配额条款第 10.10向承包商签发的验收

“Contract Period”

means,subject to early termination of extension provided for in the Contract: (a)the period specified in Clause 1.of Part IⅢI-Conditions of Contract;or
是指,在合同规定的延期提前终止的前提下(a) IIII.I部分 - 合同条件第 1.. 条规定的期限;或

(b)ifno suchperiod specified in Part ⅢI-Conditions of Contract,the period from the date on which theContract is constituted in accordance with Clause 10.of Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation to the date on which the Contractor has fully discharged all its obligations under the Contract (both dates inclusive).

“Contract Price”

means the actual amount calculated in accordance with Clause 7 of Part IⅢ- Conditions of Contract,which is payable by the Government to the Contractor under the Contract for the full and proper performance by the Contractor of its obligations under the Contract.

Part I-Interpretation
第一部分 - 解释

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Page 3
报价参考:(88)inEDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) 3


means the Service Provider whose Quotation is accepted by the Government.

Cultural Sights

means any cultural sight,museum,heritage site,exhibition,memorial place, educational facilities,park or alike related to visual arts and /or culture as set out in Part IV-Specifications and Schedule ofServices
指第 IV 部分 - 规范和服务附录中规定的任何文化景点、博物馆、遗产地、展览、纪念场所、教育设施、公园或类似事物,与视觉艺术/或文化有关


means all materials of whatsoever nature (tangible or intangible)designed, developed,prepared,produced or created by the Contractor,being the work product and /or services required to be produced/furnished under the Contract

“EDB”or“Education Bureau

means the Education Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Essential Requirements

means the requirements specified in the Quotation Documents which are identified as an essential requirement or a requirement in relation to which it is stated in the Quotation Documents that the non-compliance by a Quotation or a Service Provider as at the Quotation Closing Time will lead to that Quotation or Service Provider not being considered further(or the Quotation or Service Provider being disqualified).
指 Quotation Documents 中规定的要求,这些要求被确定基本要求报价文件相关要求,报价文件中声明不符合报价服务提供商在报价截止时间将导致报价服务提供商不再被进一步考虑(或报价服务提供商被取消资格)。

Force Majeure Event


(a)any outbreak of war,hostilities(whether war be declared or not),invasion, acts of foreign enemies,rebellion,military or usurped power,revolution affecting Hong Kong or the PRC,overthrow(whether by external or internal means)of the Government and /or the Government of the PRC,civil war riot,civil disturbances,fire if not caused or contributed to by the Contractor, its related persons or any employee or agent or ex-employee or ex-agent thereof,civil commotion and acts ofGod;or

(b)anyevent which is not caused or contributed to by,and isbeyond the control of,the Contractor,or any employee or agent or ex-employee or ex-agent of the Contractor and none of them can prevent the consequences of such event from happening;

(c)anysupervening epidemic outbreak affecting HongKong and/or Dunhuang;
(c) 任何影响香港及/或敦湖的流行病爆发;

and which,in any case of(a),(b)or(c)above,materially prevents the performance of the duties and obligations of any Party hereunder;for the avoidance of doubt, any change of law and regulation of whichever jurisdiction shall not be treated as a Force Majeure Event
并且,在任何 (a)、(b) 或 (c)above 的情况下,为生疑问任何法律变更,严重阻止任何一方履行本协议项下的职责义务以及 任何司法管辖区法规均不应被视为不可抗力事件

Good Industry Practice

means the standards,practices,methods and procedures conforming to law and the degree of skill and care,diligence,prudence and foresight which would reasonably and ordinarily be expected from a skilled and experienced person or body engaged in a similar type of undertaking under the same or similar circumstances


means the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China(PRC).

第一部分 - 解释

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Page 4
引文编号:(88)inEDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) 4




(a)the Permanent Secretary for Education;or

(b)any officer of the Government specified by the Permanent Secretary for Education for the purposes of the Contract;or

(c)any other officer authorised by the officer referred to in (b)for the purposes of the Contract,including but not limited to the officers of the Arts Education Section of the Curriculum Development Institute of the Education Bureau


means Dunhuang, or 敦煌市 of the People's Republic of China,and nearby places with no more than 2 hours of coach ride in normal driving speed under normal traffic condition.
中华人民共和国敦煌市敦煌市及其附近地方正常交通条件下,以正常驾驶速度乘坐长途汽车不超过 2 小时

HK Dollar”,“HK$” HongKong

means the HongKong Dollar,the lawful currency ofHongKong. means the HongKong Special Administrative Region of the PRC

“Inspecting Officer”

means the officer appointed bythe Government Representative for the purpose of inspecting the Services performed in pursuance of the Contract;

“Intellectual Property Rights”

means patents,trademarks,service marks,trade names,design rights,copyright, domain names,database rights,rights in know-how,new inventions,designs, processes,and other intellectual property rights of whatever nature and wheresoever arising,whether now known or created in the future,in each case whether registered or unregistered,and include applications for the grant of any such rights.


means this Interpretation section

“Invitation to Quotation”

means this Invitation to Quotation for the provision of the Services to the Government on the terms and conditions set out in the Quotation Documents,with quotation reference number as((88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78)for the Provision of Services for Visual Arts Teacher Dunhuang Arts and Culture Study Tour (2024)(视覺兿術教師敦煌文化兿術研習图(2024)).


means the Itinerary specifically designed for this Tour,as set out in Part IV- Specifications and schedule of services,or thereafter any updates by the EDB in accordance with the conditions and details set out in Part IV-Specifications and schedule of services.
第四部分- 规格及服务时间表等为特别设计的行程,或教育根据所列的条件及详情而作出的任何更新在第 IV 部分- 特定离子和服务时间表


means travel agent's licence granted under Section 11 of the Travel Agents Ordinance (Cap.218)
根据旅行代理商条例》(第 218 章第 11 条批给旅行代理商牌照

“Licensed Travel Agent”

means a local travel agent which is a holder of a valid Licence

“Licensed Outbound Tour Escort”

means the person who is a holder ofa valid tour escort pass issued by the Travel Industry Council of HongKong.


means any part of China other than HongKong,Macau and Taiwan.

第一部分 - 解释

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Page 5
引文编号:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) 第 5 页


means any and all works and materials (including their drafts and uncompleted versions)developed,written or prepared by the Contractor,its employees,agents or sub-contractors in relation to the Services(whether individually or collectively or jointly with the Government)including without limitation,any reports, summaries,photos and videos taken,models,questionnaires,analyses,papers, documents,records,plans,drawings,formula,tables,charts,data or information collected,compiled,produced or created by the Contractor in relation to the Services recorded orstored by whatever means;

“Non-collusive Quotation Certificate”

means a document known as such and in the form attached to the Quotation Documents for completion and submission by the Service Provider as part of its Quotation under Clause 22.(b)of Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation
已知此类文件并位于报价文件附件,供服务提供商作为其报价的一部分填写和提交第 22 条.(b)第三部分 -报价条款

“Original Quotation Closing Date”

means the date specified in Part I-Lodging of Quotation as the latest date before which Quotations must be deposited with the Government,regardless ofwhether the date has been extended subsequently;
指第一部分 - 提交报价单中规定的日期,报价单必须存入政府注册处的最日期,无论该日期随后是否被延长;


Means an EDB officer or a school teacher who undertakes the Tour.

“PRC”or“People's RepublicChina'

means the People's Republic of China,or 中華人民共和國.

“Protected Information”


(a)personal or other data relating to aParticipant or EDB Nominee;or
(a)参与者 EDB 候选人有关的个人或其他数据;或

(b)any other information which is confidential by express classification or by necessary implication;

in each case furnished by or on behalf of the Government or which is received by the Contractor or comes to the Contractor's knowledge in connection with the Contract including but not limited to the terms and conditions of the Contract.


means an offer to provide the Services as submitted by a Service Provider in response to the Invitation to Quotation

“Quotation Closing Date”

means the date of the Quotation Closing Time

“Quotation Closing Time”

means the time on the date specified in Clause 3.(a)of Part Ⅱ-Terms of Quotation as the latest date and time before which Quotations must be deposited with the Govermment,and as such date and time as may be extended in accordance with Clause 3.(b)of Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation.
第 3 条中规定的日期的时间。a)第二部分 -报价条款 作为报价必须与政府的最晚日期和时间,以及根据第 3 条可延长的日期和时间。b)第三部分 - 报价条款

“Quotation Documents”

means the documents issued by the Government for the purpose of the Invitation to Quotation,and all documents it contained,with quotation reference number as (88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78)for the Provision of Services for Visual Arts Teacher Dunhuang Arts and Culture Study Tour (2024)(视覺兿術教師敦煌文化 兿術研習圉(2024)).

“Quotation Reference Number"or“Quotation Reference No.”

Means the quotation reference number of (88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78)of this Invitation toQuotation and any relevant business by the Governmentregarding such Quotation and the subject of this Quotation
本报价邀请函中 (88) 的报价参考编号 (88) 及政府就该报价单及本报价单的主题进行的任何相关业务

“Service Provider”

means the person and/or the firm or the organisation whose particulars are set out in Part V-Offer to be Bound.and which has submitted a Quotation in response to the Invitation to Quotation.
指其部分在第 V 部分 - 要约明的约束范围,并已提交报价以回应报价邀请的个人和/或公司或组织

Part I-Interpretation
第一部分 - 解释

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Page 6
引文编号:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) 第 6 页

“Service Team”

means the team of professional personnel of the Contractor who plans,co- ordinates,conducts,and oversees the Services and performs the obligations as set out in set out in Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services.
承包商专业人员团队负责规划、协调、实施和监督服务,并履行第 IV 部分 - 具体说明中规定的义务以及服务时间表


means the services to be provided by the Contractor to the Government as specified in Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services.
承办商按第 IV 部分 - 规格及服务附表所指明向政府提供的服务。

“Total Contract Price”

means the amount specified in Appendix 1-Price Proposal under the heading Total Contract Price”.For the purpose of the Contract,“Total Contract Price means the Total Contract Price accepted by the Government


means the Provision of Services for Visual Arts Teacher Dunhuang Arts and Culture Study Tour (2024) (视覺兿術教師敦煌文化兿術研習團(2024)) specifically dated and designed in this Invitation to Quotation.

“Working day”

means Monday to Friday other than a public holiday or a day on which Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal no.8 or above is hoisted,or a Black Rainstorm Warning Signal or“extreme conditions after super typhoons”announced by the Government is/are in force for any duration between 9:00 a.m.and 12:00 noon in HongKong.

“Working Partners”

means where applicable the Local Partner of the Service Provider /Contractor (as the case maybe).

“Mainland Licence”

means a valid business operating licence for a travel agent(旅行社業務經營許可 )to engage in inbound tourism business(入境旅避業務)in the Mainland,issued by the China National Tourism Administration(中華人民共和國國家旅避局)or Ministry of Culture and Tourism,PRC(中華人民共和國文化和旅遊部)or the competent ministry responsible for tourism administration at the national level or by the competent department for tourism administration at any provisional, autonomous region,municipal or city level in the Mainland.

“Mainland Partner”or“内地

means a holder of a valid Mainland Licence as at the Quotation Closing Date and


which collaborates with the Service Provider /Contractor (as the case may be)in the provisionof the Services in accordance with the terms of the Contract.

2.Unless otherwise expressly stated to the contrary,the following rules of interpretation shall apply:

(a)references to statutes or statutory provisions shall be construed as references to those statutes or statutory provisions as replaced,amended,modified or re-enacted from time to time;and shall include all subordinate legislation made under those statutes;

(b)words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice versa;words importing a gender shall include all other genders;references to any person shall include any individual,firm,body corporate or unincorporate(wherever established orincorporated);
(b)表示单数的词语 应包括复数,反之亦然;表示性别的词语应包括所有其他性别;对任何人的引用包括任何个人、公司、法人团体或非法人组织(无论成立或注册为何处);

(c)headings are inserted for ease of reference only and shall not affect the construction of the Quotation Documents or the Contract;
(c) 插入标题仅为便于参考不应影响报价文件或合同解释;

(d)references to a document shall:

(1)include all schedules,appendices and other materials attached to such document; and
(1) 包括该文件所附的所有附表、附录和其他材料;

(ii)mean the same as from time to time amended or supplemented in accordance with the terms of the Quotation Documents or the Contract;
(ii) 指Accor Dance 不时修订或补充的 Quotat ion 文件或合同条款相同;

Part I-Interpretation
第一部分 - 口译

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Page 7
引文编号:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) 第 7 页

(e)references to“Service Provider”or“Contractor”shall include its permitted assigns, successors,or any persons deriving title under them;
(e) 提及“服务提供商”或“承包商”应包括其允许的受让人、继承人或根据其获得所有权的任何人;

(f)references to“Government”shall include its assigns,successors-in-title and persons deriving title under them,regardless of whether or not any of these persons are mentioned separately in the relevant provisions;

(g)references to a Clause,Sub-clause,Paragraph,Appendix or any other attachment to a document are to a clause,sub-clause,paragraph in or a part,schedule,appendix or attachment to that document;

(h)references to“law”and“regulation”shall include any constitutional provisions,treaties, conventions,ordinances,subsidiary legislation,orders,rules and regulations having the force of law and rules of civil and common law and equity;

(i)any word or expression to which a specific meaning has been attached in any part of the Quotation Documents shall bear such meaning whenever it appears in the same and other parts of the Quotation Documents;

(j)a time of a day shall be construed as a reference to HongKong time; (k)references to“normal business hours”mean 9:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m.;

(1)references to a day mean a calendar day;

(m)references to a month or a monthly period mean a calendar month;

(n)any negative obligation imposed on any party shall be construed as if it were also an obligation not to permitor suffer the act orthing in question,and any positive obligation imposed on any party shall be construed as if it were also an obligation to procure that the act or thing in question be done;

(o)any act,default,neglect or omission of any employee,licensee,agent or sub-contractor of the Contractor shall be deemed to be the act,default,neglect or omission of the Contractor;

(p)words importing the whole shall be treated as including a reference to any part of the whole;

(q)the expressions“include”and“including”shall be construed without limitation to the words following;

(r)words and expressions extend to their grammatical variations and cognate expressions where those words and expressions are defined in the Quotation Documents or by reference to any other definition;

(s)references towritinginclude typewriting,printing,lithography,photography, facsimile and the printed out version of a communication by electronic mail and other modes of representing and reproducing words in a legible form;and
(s) 提及文字包括打字、印刷、平版印刷、摄影、传真和通过电子邮件和其他清晰形式表示和复制文字的通信的打印版本;和

(t)where a general obligation in the Quotation Documents or the Contract is followed by more specific obligations,the general obligation shall not be construed restrictively by reference to the specific obligations or deemed to be fully performed by reason only that the specific obligations have been performed.

3.Nothing in the Contract shall be taken to restrict,derogate from or otherwise interfere with anypower orduty,or the exercise or performance of any power or duty conferred or imposed by or under any law uponthe Government or any person in the service of the Government.

Part I-Interpretation
第一部分 - 解释

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4.All rights and powers of the Government under the Contract may be exercised by the Government Representative.If any provision of the Contract provides for a determination of any matter by the Government or the Government Representative,the determination made by the Government or the Government Representative (as the case may be)shall,in the absence of manifest error,be final and conclusive.

5.Unless otherwiseprovided for in the Quotation Documents,all quotations and payments shall be made in HongKong dollars

6.Section or clause headings to any provision,schedule,appendix and other attachments of this document are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not in any way vary,limit or extend the interpretation of this document

7.Reference to any enactment,order,regulation or other similar instrument shall be construed as a reference to the enactment,order,regulation or instrument as amendedby anysubsequent enactment,order,regulation or instrument.
7. 凡提及任何成文法则、命令、规例或其他类似文书,应解释任何后续成文法则、命令、规例或机构修订成文法则、命令、法规文书

8.The expression“Cap.”means a Chapter of the Laws of Hong Kong.

第一部分 - 解释

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第三部分 - 报价条款

(Including instructions on lodging of Quotation

and other essential documents the Service Provider must submit)

1. Invitation to Quotation

(a)Unless otherwise specified in the Quotation Documents,Service Providers are invited for the provision of all of the Services subject to and in accordance with the Quotation Documents.

(b)A Service Provider shall read the Quotation Documents carefully prior to submitting a Quotation and ensure that it understands all requirements of the Quotation Documents.

(c)A Service Provider shall obtain such independent advice from its own advisers as it considers appropriate.

(d)A Service Provider shall check the numbers of pages of the Quotation Documents.If it finds any missing or indistinct pages,it shall inform the Government Representative immediately so that the same can be rectified.

(e)A Service Provider will be regarded to be thoroughly conversant with all aspects of the Quotation Documents (including the Contract)and in general to have obtained all necessary information of any circumstances which may influence or affect its Quotation or its performance of the Contract.The Government does not assume any liability in respect ofany errors or mistakes made by a Service Provider or any neglect orfailure of the Service Provider to obtain any information or clarification relating to the provision of the Services to the Government in accordance with the Contract.

(f)No error,mistake,neglect or failure by a Service Provider shall affect any provision of the Quotation Documents (including the Contract)or relieve the Service Provider from any of its obligations or liabilities under the Quotation Documents (including the Contract). For the avoidance of doubt,a successful Service Provider shall not be entitled to any additional payment,compensation or allowance by reason of any such error,mistake,neglect or failure.Ifa Service Provider is awarded the Contract,it shall not be excused from any liability under the Contract as a consequence of any misinterpretation by it of any matter or fact relating to the Quotation Documents or the Contract.

(g)Information,statistics and forecasts set out in the Quotation Documents are provided for a Service Provider's reference only.The Government does not warrant or represent that the information,statistics and forecasts are complete,true or accurate.The Government does not bind itself to adhere to such information,statistics and forecasts.

(h)Without prejudice to sub-clause(g)above,the estimated requirement of the Services specified in the Schedule of Services (if any)is/are estimate(s)of the Services that may be required by the Government.They are given for a Service Provider'sreference only and are not figures to which the Government binds itselfto adhere.The Government's actual requirements may vary depending on the actual need of EDB and the successful Service Provider must accept any increase or decrease of the stated estimates.
(h)在不影响上述第 (g) 项的情况下,服务(如有)中规定的服务需求政府:它们仅供服务提供商参考,不是政府约束自己遵守的数字政府的实际需求或会因教育局的实际需要而有所不同成功的服务提供者必须接受上述估计的任何增加或减少

(i)By submitting a Quotation,a Service Provider will be regarded to have agreed to all terms and conditions set out in the Quotation Documents.

Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation
第三部分 - 报价条款

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2. Quotation Preparation and Submission
2. 报价准备提交


(a)The Quotation relates to the execution of all of the Services.
(a) 报价单涉及所有服务的执行

(b)No Service Provider may propose any counter-proposal to any part of the Quotation Documents.Any counter-proposal from a Service Provider in contravention of this prohibition will be ignored.The Government reserves the right to disqualify any Service Provider who submits a Quotation that directly or indirectly attempts to preclude or limit the effect of this prohibition.
(b)任何服务提供商均不得报价文件的任何部分提出任何反提案禁止将被IGNOR 禁止。如果服务提供商提交的报价直接或间接试图排除或限制此禁令的效力,政府保留取消资格的权利

(c)Save in accordance with Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation of the Quotation Documents,a Service Provider must not alter any provision of the Quotation Documents.

(d)A Quotation must be completed in either English or Chinese and in accordance with other requirements of the Quotation Documents.The Government will not consider a Quotation that is completed in anyother language.

(e)A Service Provider shall submit its completed Quotation together with all information and documents required under the Quotation Documents or relevant to its Quotation in accordance with the terms of the Quotation Documents.A Quotation not so submitted (for example,a Quotation submitted by email or fax)will not be considered.


(f)The Quotation shall be completed in original writing,in ink or typescript and
(f) 报价单应以原笔、墨水 打字稿完成,并且

submitted in duplicate in accordance with the Quotation Documents. (g)The Government may not consider a Quotation if:
根据报价文件式两份提交(g) 在下列情况下,政府不得提供报价单:

i. false,inaccurate or incorrect information is given in the Quotation;
i. 报价单给出虚假、不准确或不正确的格式;

ii.complete information (including descriptive literature,catalogues and any other document required under any provision of the Quotation Documents)is not given with the Quotation;and

iii.any particulars or data requested for in the Quotation Documents is not furnished in full in the Quotation.

(h)When completing the Quotation Documents (including Part V-Offer to be Bound,Part VI-Non-collusive Quotation Certificate and Part VII-Statement of Compliance),a Service Provider shall ensure that the name of the Service Provider is the same as the name shown in:
(h) 在填写报价文件时(包括第 V部分 - 要约第 d、第 VI 部分- 非串通报价证明VII部分 - 合规声明),服务提供商应确保Service Provider 与中显示的名称相同

i.the Certificate of Incorporation of the Service Provider or if there is a change of name of the Service Provider since the date of its Certificate of Incorporation,the latest Certificate ofChange of Name ofthe Service Provider;or

ii.the corresponding certificate which the Service Provider is a statutory corporation established under the laws of HongKong,in which case the Service Provider shall advise in its Quotation the relevant ordinance under which it was established.

(i)A Service Provider shall submit the following essential documents before the Quotation Closing Time,all signed by the Service Provider /an authorised signatory for and on behalf of the Service Provider,together with company chop (if
(i) 服务供货商截止报价时间提交以下重要文件,所有文件均由服务供货商/代表服务供货商/授权签字人签署供应商公司印章如果

required and applicable),duly completed with accurate information,in duplicate: i. Part V-Offer To Be Bound;
必需且适用),填妥并附有准确信息,副本te:i.Part V-要约约束;

Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation

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ii.Part VI-Non-collusive Quotation Certificate; iii.Part VII-Statement of Compliance;
ii.第六部分 - 非列报价证明书;.第七部分 - 合规声明;

iv.Part VIII-Information Schedule v. Appendix1-Price Proposal;
iv.第八部分 - 信息时间表v.附录 1 - 价格建议;

vi.Appendix2-Proposed Service Team and Experience;
.附录 2 - 建议的服务团队和经验;

vii. Appendix3-Quotation Label(for affixing to the sealed plain envelope.Read instruction carefully.);and
七。附录 3 - 报价单标签(用于密封的普通信封上。仔细阅读说明。一个nd

viii.Appendix4-Checklist for Quotation Submission.
viii.附录 4-Checklist用于报价提交。

Do not disclose the identity of the Service Provider on the outside of the envelope.

Failure to submit any of the above essential documents before the Quotation Closing Time will render a Quotation invalid and not to be further considered.

Apart from those essential documents mentioned in sub-clause 2.(i)above,a Service Provider shall submit, before the Quotation Closing Time, the following evidence / documentary proof in certified true copy of its compliance with the essential requirements set out in Clause 4.(a)below to the satisfaction of the Government Representative in duplicate:
除了第 2 小节中提到的重要文件外。i)以上,服务提供商应在报价截止时间之前提交以下证据/文件证明以及其符合基本要求的经认证的真实副本在 4.( 条中列出a)以下式两份政府代表满意

ix.copy of avalid travel agent's Licence of the Service Provider; x. Business Registration Certificate ofthe Service Provider;
ix.服务提供商的有效TRAVEL代理许可证副本;十。 服务提供商的商业登记证;

xi.copy of a valid tour escort pass issued by the Travel Industry Council of Hong
习.香港旅游业议会发出的有效领队 PASS 副本

Kong of the Licensed Outbound Tour Escort assignedby the Service Provider.
持牌外游领队Kong 由服务提供商指派

xii.copies of Certificateof Incorporation, Memorandum and Articles of Association (if any),Certificate ofchange of Name (if any)of the Service Provider(unless the Service Provider is a statutory corporation establishedunder the laws of HongKong in which case the Service Provider shall advise in its Quotation the relevant ordinance under which it was established);
xii. 公司注册证书组织章程大纲及章程细则如有)、服务名称变更证明书(如有)副本供应商除非服务提供商是根据香港法律成立的法定公司在这种情况下服务提供商在其报价注明成立时所依据相关条例);

xii.copy of the Mainland Partner's valid Mainland Licence;
xii.内地合伙人的有效 马内陆许可证副本;

xiv. copy ofrelevant documents(e.g.board resolutions of the Service Provider if it is a company) showing that the authorised person(s)who sign(s)PartV-Offer to be Bound has /have the authority to sign it for and on behalf of the Service Provider;
十四。相关文件副本(例如服务提供商的董事会决议,如果服务提供商是一家公司),显示授权人签署第 V 部分-要约具有/有权签署部分以及代表服务提供商;

xv.copy of the latest annual return filed with the Companies Registry and all subsequent filings since the latest annual return orthe equivalent documents;and

xvi.any otherdocuments,if applicable,as required under Clause 24.ofPart Ⅱ-Terms of Quotation.
xvi.根据第 II 部分第 24.条- 报价条款的要求的任何其他文件(如适用)。

Execution and Submission of Quotations regarding Part V-Offer to be Bound
执行和提交有关第 V 部分 - 要约受约束的报价

(j)A Quotation submitted will be regarded to have submitted by a Service Provider or authorized to have been submitted by a Service Provider (as the case may be)if the submitted PartV-Offerto be Bound is signed in the following applicable manner:
(j)提交的报价将被视为服务提供商提交已授权由服务提供商提交(作为case可以)如果提交的 PartV - Binding Piece以下适用方式签署

i.ifthe Service Provider is a sole proprietorship,the Service Provider signing the Quotation in the name of the Service Provider (or of the sole proprietorship),or a

Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation
第三部分 - 报价条款

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person authorised by the Service Provider signing the Quotation for and on behalf of the Service Provider;

ii.ifthe Service Provideris apartnership,one or more partner(s)of the Service Provider signing in the name of the partnership (and in the case of limited partnership,that partnermust be a general partner);or aperson authorised by the partnership,signing the Quotation for and on behalf of the Service Provider;or
ii.如果服务提供商是合作伙伴,或服务提供商的一个或多个合作伙伴合伙企业的名义签署在这种情况下 合伙人必须是普通合伙人的有限合伙企业);由合伙企业授权代表服务提供商签署报价的人;

iii.if the Service Provider is a body corporate,one or more persons who are duly authorised by the Service Provider signing the Quotation for and on behalf of the Service Provider.

iv.If a Service Provider is an institution,it should fill in the name of the institution in paragraph 5 of Part V-Offer to be Bound and the location of the institution in paragraph 6 of Part V-Offer to be Bound.It should also fill in all other paragraphs in Part V-Offer to be Bound and insert “Not Applicable”where appropriate.It shall also be signed by one or more persons who are duly authorised by the Service Provider signing the Quotation for and on behalf of the Service Provider.
iv.如服务提供者机构,其第V-要约5填写机构名称,以受约束d 第 V 部分- 要约6机构所在地 - Bound.It亦应填写第 V 部分 - 要约所有其他段落绑定插入“不适用”(如果合适)。报价单还应由一名或多名服务提供商正式授权的人签署,并代表服务提供商签署报价

v. A Service Provider must have legal capacity to enter into contract with the Government in its own name.Failure to comply with this requirement shall render a Quotation invalid and the Quotation will not be considered further.

vi.A faculty,school,department,college,institute,language centre,research centre, training centre,skill centre and other kinds ofcentre,unit or organisation established by an institution and which is not incorporated under the Companies Ordinance (Cap.622)or the former Companies Ordinance as defined by section 2(1)of Companies Ordinance (Cap.622)or under other overseas legislation shall not submita Quotation in its own name.
vi.由机构设立公司注册成立学院、学校、部门、学院、研究所、语言中心、建筑中心、培训中心、技能中心及其他类型的中心、单位或组织条例第 622 章)或公司条例》(第 622 章2(1)o规定的前公司条例)或其他海外机构不得自行提交报价名字。

3. Lodging of Quotation

(a)All Quotations must be deposited in the manner as prescribed in the Instructions on Lodging of Quotation on the front page of the Quotation Documents before 9:00 a.m. on the quotation closing date. Late Quotations will not be considered. The Quotations must be delivered to Supplies Section Quotation Box situated at Education Bureau Enquiry Counter,15/F,Wu Chung House,213 Queen's Road East,Wan Chai,Hong Kong, before 9:00 a.m.(Hong Kong time)on 19 September 2024 (Thursday)(i.e.Quotation Closing Time).All submission shall be placed in a sealed plain envelope (without disclosing the identity of the Service Provider)with Appendix 3-Quotation Label affixed at the cover page(Attn:The Chairman,Quotation Opening Team,the Arts Education Section of the Education Bureau).
(a)所有报价单必须按照报价 报价截止上午 9:00之前的文件。 逾期报价将不考虑。报价单必须于香港时间上午9:00送交位于香港湾仔皇后大道213号胡忠大厦15楼教育查询处的物料供应部配额2024 年 9 月 1 日至 9 日(星期四)(即配额截止时间)。所有提交的作品必须放在密封的普通信封中( 透露服务提供商的身份)和附录 3 -封面上贴有报价标签(收件人:主席,报价开放团队艺术)教育教育)。

(b)In case Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 or above is hoisted,or a Black Rainstorm Warning Signal or“extreme conditions after super typhoons”announced by the Government is/are in force for any duration between 7:00 a.m.and 9:00 a.m.on the date specified on the front page of the Quotation Documents,the latest date and time before which Quotations are to be deposited at the quotation box referred to in sub-clause (a) above will be extended to 9:00 a.m.on the following working day.
(b)政府公布的或以上热带气旋警告信号黑色暴雨警告信号或「超强台风后的极端情况两者之间的任何期间内仍然有效报价文件首页指定的日期上午 7:00 和上午 9:00报价单存入上述第 (a) 所述的报价框延长至下一个工作日的上午9:00

4. Essential Requirements and Proposed Service Team
4. 基本要求建议的服务团队

(a)Quotations will be checked against the following essential requirements.Quotations that fail to meet ANYof the essential requirements,subject to the discretion of the EDB

Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation

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will NOT be considered further.Only those Quotations conforming to ALL the essential requirements will be considered further.
不再进一步考虑。只有那些符合所有基本要求的 Quotations 才会被进一步考虑。

i. All requirements set out in Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services are essential requirements,unless explicitly specified.The Service Provider should declarecompliance with the requirements in PartVII-Statement ofCompliance
i. 除非明确规定,否则第 IV 部分 - 规范和服务时间表中规定的所有要求均为基本要求。服务提供者应声明符合第七部分 - 合规声明

ii.The Service Provider must be a body corporate inHongKong(i.e.either a company incorporated under the Companies Ordinance ora statutorycorporation established under the laws ofHongKong).

ii.The Service Provider must be a Licensed Travel Agent in HongKong. (b) Service Team proposed by the Contractor
ii服务供货商必须香港持牌旅行代理商 (b) 承办商建议的服务团队

The proposed Service Team nominated by the Service Provider in Appendix 2- Proposed Service Team shall meet the following essential requirements. Further work regarding the Tour and proposed Itinerary for the Service Team are specified in Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services.
服务提供商在附录 2提名拟议服务团队 - 建议的服务团队sh均满足以下基本要求。有关旅行和服务团队拟议行程进一步工作第 IV 部分 - 规格和服务时间表中指定

The Service Team shall have at least 2 members for two following roles listed in sub- clause (b)i &ii,unless the conditions in sub-clause (b)ii.beloware fully met and to the satisfaction of the EDB
服务团队须至少有 2 名成员担任 (b)i 及 ii 的两个后续角色,除非完全符合以下 b)ii.款的条件,并令教育局满意

i. 1 Licensed Travel Agent manager or similar personnel shall be provided;and ii. 1 Licensed Outbound Tour Escortshall be provided.
我。 应提供 1 名持证Trave l 代理经理或类似人员;和我。 应提供 1名持证和导游

iii.If the manager and Outbound Tour Escort shall be the same person as assigned by the Contractor,the Contractor should ensure all service requirements in Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services and OtherRequirements are met, and no contradiction to any part of this Quotation Documents as well as the Contract.
iii.如果经理和外出领队为承包商指派的同一人,则承运商确保满足第 IV 部分 - 服务规格和服务表及其他要求中的所有服务要求并且报价文件合同的任何部分均不矛盾

5. Quotations to Remain Open
5.向 Remain Open 报价

(a)A Quotation once submitted by a Service Provider will be binding on the Service Provider

(b)Service Providers'Quotations shall remainopen for not less than 90 days after the Quotation Closing Time(“Quotation Validity Period”).If before the Quotation Validity Period their Quotations are withdrawn,they are advised that due noticewill be taken of their action and this may well prejudice their future standing as a Government service provider.
(b)服务供应商的报价应在报价截止时间少于90 天(“报价有效期”)保持开放。如果在报价有效期之前撤回他们的报价,他们被通知将适当地通知他们的行动,这很可能会损害他们作为政府服务提供商的未来地位

6. Price Quoted

(a)The prices, including unit price per Participant and Total Contract Price,to be quotedby ServiceProviders must ONLY be shown in Appendix 1-Price Proposal and are to be shown in HongKong dollars.Such prices shall be net prices allowing for all trade and cash discounts.The prices shall cover all expenses incidental to the due and proper performance of the Contract by the Contractor.
(a) 服务供应商要求的价格,包括名参与者统一价格合同总价,必须仅在附录1 - 价格建议书中显示,并以港币显示。此类价格应为允许所有贸易现金折扣价格。价格包括承包商适当履行合同的所有附带费用

(b)The charging rates quoted by the Service Provider must remain valid and fixed throughout the duration of the Contract. No request for price variation will be considered during the continuance of the Contract.