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Education Bureau

Government Secretariat,Government of the HongKong Special Administrative Region

The People's Republic of China

Our Ref.: (88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78)
我们的参考: (88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78)



Your Ref.:



28 September 2024

Director (or equivalent)

China Travel Service (HK)Ltd

Room 605,6/F,South Seas Centre,
海中心 6 楼 605 室

Tower 2,75 Mody Road,Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
九龙尖沙地道 75 座 2 号

Dear sir/madam,

Invitation to Quotation-

Pr ovision of Services forVisual Arts Teacher Dunhuang Arts and Culture Study Tour (2024) (視覺兿術教師敦煌文化兿術研習團(2024))

You are invited to provide a quotation for the captioned services (the Services). Quotation documents including Schedule of Services,Terms of Quotation and Conditions of Contract are attached for your reference.

If your organisation is interested in offering a quotation,sealed quotation, IN DUPLICATE,must be clearly marked with the following information:
如果您的组织 有兴趣提供报价,请盖章的报价单,一式两份,必须清楚地标明以下信息:

(a) Quotation Reference No.:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78)
(a) 报价参考编号:88)INEDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78)

(b) Subject of the Quotation: Provision of Services for Visual Arts Teacher Dunhuang Arts and Culture Study Tour (2024)


(c) Quotation Closing Time and Date: 9:00 a.m.on 19 September 2024 (Thursday)
(c) 截标时间及日期:2024 年 9 月 1 日至 9 日(星期四)上午 9:00

On theoutside of the envelope,please affix the Quotation Label provided.The quotation must be deposited in the Quotation Box situated at the following address before 9:00 a.m.on 19 September 2024(Quotation Closing Date):
请在envelope 的外面贴上提供的报价单标签报价单必须2024 年 9 月 19上午9:00 报价截止日期)放入位于以下地址的报价箱:

The Chairman,Quotation Opening Team,Education Bureau
教育局引文公开组 主席

Education Bureau Enquiry Counter

15/F.,Wu Chung House
胡忠大厦 15 楼

213 Queen's Road East,Wan Chai,HongKong
香港黄斌湾皇后大道东 213


You should submit all required documents as specified in Appendix 4-Checklist for Quotation Submission.You should affix the Appendix 3-Quotation Label of the Quotation Documents on the envelope (cutting out unnecessary part as appropriate).
按照附录 4-报价提交清单中规定的所有必要文件提交。 您应在网站上贴上附录 3-报价文件的报价标签。LOPE(根据需要剪掉不必要的部分)。

Please kindly note that quotation submitted by facsimile will not be accepted. Late quotation will not be considered.
请注意以传真方式提交的名额被接受。 逾期报价将不予考虑。

AQuotation Briefing Session will be held onlinevia Zoom at 11:00 a.m.on 6 September 2024 (Friday).Each Service Provider can register tworepresentatives for the briefing session. For registration,please complete and return the Reply Slip in Annex B via email to the Curriculum Development Officer (Visual Arts)3 at cdova3@edb.gov.hk before 12:00 noon on
AQuotation 简报会将于 2024 年 9 月6 日(星期五)上午 11:00通过 Zoom 在线举行。每个服务提供商可以注册两名代表参加简介会如欲报名,请填妥附件B的回条,并电邮至课程发展主任(视觉艺术)3(cdova3@edb.gov)。香港中午 12:00 前

5 September 2024(Thursday).
2024 年 9 月 5 日(星期四)。

Any enquiries concerning the Invitation to Quotation shall be made in writing and reach Arts Education Section,Curriculum DevelopmentInstitute,Room W325,3/F,West Block,EDB Kowloon Tong Education Services,19 Suffolk Road,Kowloon,Hong Kong or byfax(Fax No.: 23368510)at least three working days prior to the Quotation Closing Time.

Yours sincerely,

SAc 1cu sze-wing

Curriculum Development Officer(Visual Arts)

九龍沙福道19號教育局九龍塘教育服務中心西座 W325 室課程發展處爇術教育组

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Page 1

The Government of the HongKong Special Administrative Region EDUCATION BUREAU


Quotation Reference No:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78
报价参考编号:(88)IN EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78

Provision of Services for Visual Arts Teacher Dunhuang Arts and Culture Study Tour (2024)


This Invitation to Quotation consists of the following documents:

Title of Quotation Documents Page

Cover Invitation to Quotation 1
封面邀请函 Quotation 1

Part I Interpretation 2

Part I Terms of Quotation 9

(Including Instructions on Lodging of Quotation and other essential documents the Service Provider must submit)

Part II Conditions of Contract 28
第 II 部分合同条件 28

Part IV Specifications and Schedule of Services 53
第 IV 部分 规格和服务时间表 53

Part V Offer to be Bound 68

Part VI Non-collusive Quotation Certificate 70
第六部分非合谋法定证明书 70

Part VII Statement of Compliance 73
第七部分C遵守声明 73

Part VIII Information Schedule 74
第 VIII 部分资料附表 74

Appendices Appendix 1 Price Proposal 77
附录 附录1 价格建议77

Appendix 2 Proposed Service Team and Experience 78
附录 2 建议的服务 Team和经验78

Appendix3 Quotation Label 79
附录 3 引文实验室el79

Appendix 4 Checklist for Quotation Submission 80
附录 4 提交 Quotation清单 80

Lodging of Quotation¹

A Quotation in response to the Invitation of Quotation shall be made in original writing,in ink or typescript, and originally signed and sealed (company chop,if required),certified true copies as necessary and submitted in duplicate by hand delivery,before 9:00 a.m.(Hong Kong time)on 19 September 2024 (Thursday)in a sealed plain envelope with all required documents²and affixed Quotation label³to:
配额邀请的报价应原件墨水打字稿制作原件签名盖章(如果需要公司注册),必要时认证真实副本提交2024 年 9 月 19 日(星期四)上午 9:00香港时间)前,以密封的普通信封形式交付副本,所有文件²并d报价单³至:

Supplies Section Quotation Box
Supplies Section Quotation Box (箱体供应科)

Education Bureau Enquiry Counter
教育局 查询 Counter

15/F,Wu Chung House,213 Queen's Road East Wan Chai,HongKong

Do not disclose the identity of the Service Provider on the sealed plain envelope
● 请勿在密封的普通信封上透露服务提供商的身份

● Late Quotations will not be accepted.
● 逾期报价将不被接受。

You must also read Clause 2.of Part II and Appendix 4 for detailed instructions on lodging of Quotation.
您还必须阅读第 II 部分第 2..条和附录 4 以了解有关提交报价详细说明

2 Refer to Clause 2.of Part II-Terms of Quotationand Appendix 4-Checklist for Quotation Submission.
2 请参阅II 部分 - 报价条款和附录 4-CHE列表的报价提交

3 Refer to Appendix3-Quotation Label.
3 请参阅附录 3-Quotation 标签。

Cover-Invitation to Quotation
封面 - 报价邀请

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Page 2
引文编号:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) 第 2 页

第一部分 - 解释

In the documents issued by the Government in connection with this Invitation to Quotation and the Contract that is made pursuant to this Invitation to Quotation,unless otherwise defined or the context otherwise requires:

1.The following expressions shall bear the same meanings as set out below:
1. 以下解释应具有与以下相同的含义


means an appendix attached to the Quotation Documents

“Arts Education Section”

means the Arts Education Section of the Curriculum Development Institute of the Education Bureau of the Government of the HongKong Special Administrative Region

“Companies Ordinance”

means Chapter 622 ofthe Laws of HongKong and includes the former Companies Ordinance which has the meaning assigned to it in section 2 of the Companies Ordinance(Cap.622).
指香港法例第 622 章包括公司条例,其涵义见公司条例》(第 622 章)第 2

“Completed Mainland Education Tour”

Means a teachers'tour to the Mainland with main purpose on education professional development,study or education,and have been implemented and completed before the Quotation Closing Time.

“Conditions of Contract”

means all the Conditions of Contract set out in Part Ⅲ-Conditions of Contract
III.部分 - 合同条件中规定的所有条件

“Confidentia Information”

means all the materials,data and information which may come to the Contractor's knowledge in connection with,incidental to or in the course of carrying out of the Services,recommendations,advice or tests made,given or undertaken by the Contractor in connection with the performance of its obligations hereunder,any other information and data which the Govemment considers secret,confidential or commercially sensitive.


means the agreement made between the Government and the Contractor pursuant to the Invitation to Quotation,and reference to the terms thereof shall include:
指政府与承建商之间根据 Quotatio n 的邀请而达成的协议,其条款应包括:

(a)the Quotation Documents,completed,modified or expanded as necessary or appropriate to include the terms accepted by the Government and the Contractor

(b)the“Price Proposal”submitted by the Contractor;
(b) 承包商提交的“价格建议书”;

(c)the“Offer To Be Bound”submitted by the Contractor;and
(c) 承包商提交的“约束要约”;和

(d)the letter of acceptance issued by the Government to the Contractor pursuant to Clause 10.ofPart IⅡI-Terms of Quotation.
(d)政府根据第 III.I 部分 - 配额条款第 10.10向承包商签发的验收

“Contract Period”

means,subject to early termination of extension provided for in the Contract: (a)the period specified in Clause 1.of Part IⅢI-Conditions of Contract;or
是指,在合同规定的延期提前终止的前提下(a) IIII.I部分 - 合同条件第 1.. 条规定的期限;或

(b)ifno suchperiod specified in Part ⅢI-Conditions of Contract,the period from the date on which theContract is constituted in accordance with Clause 10.of Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation to the date on which the Contractor has fully discharged all its obligations under the Contract (both dates inclusive).

“Contract Price”

means the actual amount calculated in accordance with Clause 7 of Part IⅢ- Conditions of Contract,which is payable by the Government to the Contractor under the Contract for the full and proper performance by the Contractor of its obligations under the Contract.

Part I-Interpretation
第一部分 - 解释

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Page 3
报价参考:(88)inEDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) 3


means the Service Provider whose Quotation is accepted by the Government.

Cultural Sights

means any cultural sight,museum,heritage site,exhibition,memorial place, educational facilities,park or alike related to visual arts and /or culture as set out in Part IV-Specifications and Schedule ofServices
指第 IV 部分 - 规范和服务附录中规定的任何文化景点、博物馆、遗产地、展览、纪念场所、教育设施、公园或类似事物,与视觉艺术/或文化有关


means all materials of whatsoever nature (tangible or intangible)designed, developed,prepared,produced or created by the Contractor,being the work product and /or services required to be produced/furnished under the Contract

“EDB”or“Education Bureau

means the Education Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Essential Requirements

means the requirements specified in the Quotation Documents which are identified as an essential requirement or a requirement in relation to which it is stated in the Quotation Documents that the non-compliance by a Quotation or a Service Provider as at the Quotation Closing Time will lead to that Quotation or Service Provider not being considered further(or the Quotation or Service Provider being disqualified).
指 Quotation Documents 中规定的要求,这些要求被确定基本要求报价文件相关要求,报价文件中声明不符合报价服务提供商在报价截止时间将导致报价服务提供商不再被进一步考虑(或报价服务提供商被取消资格)。

Force Majeure Event


(a)any outbreak of war,hostilities(whether war be declared or not),invasion, acts of foreign enemies,rebellion,military or usurped power,revolution affecting Hong Kong or the PRC,overthrow(whether by external or internal means)of the Government and /or the Government of the PRC,civil war riot,civil disturbances,fire if not caused or contributed to by the Contractor, its related persons or any employee or agent or ex-employee or ex-agent thereof,civil commotion and acts ofGod;or

(b)anyevent which is not caused or contributed to by,and isbeyond the control of,the Contractor,or any employee or agent or ex-employee or ex-agent of the Contractor and none of them can prevent the consequences of such event from happening;

(c)anysupervening epidemic outbreak affecting HongKong and/or Dunhuang;
(c) 任何影响香港及/或敦湖的流行病爆发;

and which,in any case of(a),(b)or(c)above,materially prevents the performance of the duties and obligations of any Party hereunder;for the avoidance of doubt, any change of law and regulation of whichever jurisdiction shall not be treated as a Force Majeure Event
并且,在任何 (a)、(b) 或 (c)above 的情况下,为生疑问任何法律变更,严重阻止任何一方履行本协议项下的职责义务以及 任何司法管辖区法规均不应被视为不可抗力事件

Good Industry Practice

means the standards,practices,methods and procedures conforming to law and the degree of skill and care,diligence,prudence and foresight which would reasonably and ordinarily be expected from a skilled and experienced person or body engaged in a similar type of undertaking under the same or similar circumstances


means the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China(PRC).

第一部分 - 解释

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Page 4
引文编号:(88)inEDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) 4




(a)the Permanent Secretary for Education;or

(b)any officer of the Government specified by the Permanent Secretary for Education for the purposes of the Contract;or

(c)any other officer authorised by the officer referred to in (b)for the purposes of the Contract,including but not limited to the officers of the Arts Education Section of the Curriculum Development Institute of the Education Bureau


means Dunhuang, or 敦煌市 of the People's Republic of China,and nearby places with no more than 2 hours of coach ride in normal driving speed under normal traffic condition.
中华人民共和国敦煌市敦煌市及其附近地方正常交通条件下,以正常驾驶速度乘坐长途汽车不超过 2 小时

HK Dollar”,“HK$” HongKong

means the HongKong Dollar,the lawful currency ofHongKong. means the HongKong Special Administrative Region of the PRC

“Inspecting Officer”

means the officer appointed bythe Government Representative for the purpose of inspecting the Services performed in pursuance of the Contract;

“Intellectual Property Rights”

means patents,trademarks,service marks,trade names,design rights,copyright, domain names,database rights,rights in know-how,new inventions,designs, processes,and other intellectual property rights of whatever nature and wheresoever arising,whether now known or created in the future,in each case whether registered or unregistered,and include applications for the grant of any such rights.


means this Interpretation section

“Invitation to Quotation”

means this Invitation to Quotation for the provision of the Services to the Government on the terms and conditions set out in the Quotation Documents,with quotation reference number as((88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78)for the Provision of Services for Visual Arts Teacher Dunhuang Arts and Culture Study Tour (2024)(视覺兿術教師敦煌文化兿術研習图(2024)).


means the Itinerary specifically designed for this Tour,as set out in Part IV- Specifications and schedule of services,or thereafter any updates by the EDB in accordance with the conditions and details set out in Part IV-Specifications and schedule of services.
第四部分- 规格及服务时间表等为特别设计的行程,或教育根据所列的条件及详情而作出的任何更新在第 IV 部分- 特定离子和服务时间表


means travel agent's licence granted under Section 11 of the Travel Agents Ordinance (Cap.218)
根据旅行代理商条例》(第 218 章第 11 条批给旅行代理商牌照

“Licensed Travel Agent”

means a local travel agent which is a holder of a valid Licence

“Licensed Outbound Tour Escort”

means the person who is a holder ofa valid tour escort pass issued by the Travel Industry Council of HongKong.


means any part of China other than HongKong,Macau and Taiwan.

第一部分 - 解释

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Page 5
引文编号:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) 第 5 页


means any and all works and materials (including their drafts and uncompleted versions)developed,written or prepared by the Contractor,its employees,agents or sub-contractors in relation to the Services(whether individually or collectively or jointly with the Government)including without limitation,any reports, summaries,photos and videos taken,models,questionnaires,analyses,papers, documents,records,plans,drawings,formula,tables,charts,data or information collected,compiled,produced or created by the Contractor in relation to the Services recorded orstored by whatever means;

“Non-collusive Quotation Certificate”

means a document known as such and in the form attached to the Quotation Documents for completion and submission by the Service Provider as part of its Quotation under Clause 22.(b)of Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation
已知此类文件并位于报价文件附件,供服务提供商作为其报价的一部分填写和提交第 22 条.(b)第三部分 -报价条款

“Original Quotation Closing Date”

means the date specified in Part I-Lodging of Quotation as the latest date before which Quotations must be deposited with the Government,regardless ofwhether the date has been extended subsequently;
指第一部分 - 提交报价单中规定的日期,报价单必须存入政府注册处的最日期,无论该日期随后是否被延长;


Means an EDB officer or a school teacher who undertakes the Tour.

“PRC”or“People's RepublicChina'

means the People's Republic of China,or 中華人民共和國.

“Protected Information”


(a)personal or other data relating to aParticipant or EDB Nominee;or
(a)参与者 EDB 候选人有关的个人或其他数据;或

(b)any other information which is confidential by express classification or by necessary implication;

in each case furnished by or on behalf of the Government or which is received by the Contractor or comes to the Contractor's knowledge in connection with the Contract including but not limited to the terms and conditions of the Contract.


means an offer to provide the Services as submitted by a Service Provider in response to the Invitation to Quotation

“Quotation Closing Date”

means the date of the Quotation Closing Time

“Quotation Closing Time”

means the time on the date specified in Clause 3.(a)of Part Ⅱ-Terms of Quotation as the latest date and time before which Quotations must be deposited with the Govermment,and as such date and time as may be extended in accordance with Clause 3.(b)of Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation.
第 3 条中规定的日期的时间。a)第二部分 -报价条款 作为报价必须与政府的最晚日期和时间,以及根据第 3 条可延长的日期和时间。b)第三部分 - 报价条款

“Quotation Documents”

means the documents issued by the Government for the purpose of the Invitation to Quotation,and all documents it contained,with quotation reference number as (88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78)for the Provision of Services for Visual Arts Teacher Dunhuang Arts and Culture Study Tour (2024)(视覺兿術教師敦煌文化 兿術研習圉(2024)).

“Quotation Reference Number"or“Quotation Reference No.”

Means the quotation reference number of (88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78)of this Invitation toQuotation and any relevant business by the Governmentregarding such Quotation and the subject of this Quotation
本报价邀请函中 (88) 的报价参考编号 (88) 及政府就该报价单及本报价单的主题进行的任何相关业务

“Service Provider”

means the person and/or the firm or the organisation whose particulars are set out in Part V-Offer to be Bound.and which has submitted a Quotation in response to the Invitation to Quotation.
指其部分在第 V 部分 - 要约明的约束范围,并已提交报价以回应报价邀请的个人和/或公司或组织

Part I-Interpretation
第一部分 - 解释

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Page 6
引文编号:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) 第 6 页

“Service Team”

means the team of professional personnel of the Contractor who plans,co- ordinates,conducts,and oversees the Services and performs the obligations as set out in set out in Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services.
承包商专业人员团队负责规划、协调、实施和监督服务,并履行第 IV 部分 - 具体说明中规定的义务以及服务时间表


means the services to be provided by the Contractor to the Government as specified in Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services.
承办商按第 IV 部分 - 规格及服务附表所指明向政府提供的服务。

“Total Contract Price”

means the amount specified in Appendix 1-Price Proposal under the heading Total Contract Price”.For the purpose of the Contract,“Total Contract Price means the Total Contract Price accepted by the Government


means the Provision of Services for Visual Arts Teacher Dunhuang Arts and Culture Study Tour (2024) (视覺兿術教師敦煌文化兿術研習團(2024)) specifically dated and designed in this Invitation to Quotation.

“Working day”

means Monday to Friday other than a public holiday or a day on which Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal no.8 or above is hoisted,or a Black Rainstorm Warning Signal or“extreme conditions after super typhoons”announced by the Government is/are in force for any duration between 9:00 a.m.and 12:00 noon in HongKong.

“Working Partners”

means where applicable the Local Partner of the Service Provider /Contractor (as the case maybe).

“Mainland Licence”

means a valid business operating licence for a travel agent(旅行社業務經營許可 )to engage in inbound tourism business(入境旅避業務)in the Mainland,issued by the China National Tourism Administration(中華人民共和國國家旅避局)or Ministry of Culture and Tourism,PRC(中華人民共和國文化和旅遊部)or the competent ministry responsible for tourism administration at the national level or by the competent department for tourism administration at any provisional, autonomous region,municipal or city level in the Mainland.

“Mainland Partner”or“内地

means a holder of a valid Mainland Licence as at the Quotation Closing Date and


which collaborates with the Service Provider /Contractor (as the case may be)in the provisionof the Services in accordance with the terms of the Contract.

2.Unless otherwise expressly stated to the contrary,the following rules of interpretation shall apply:

(a)references to statutes or statutory provisions shall be construed as references to those statutes or statutory provisions as replaced,amended,modified or re-enacted from time to time;and shall include all subordinate legislation made under those statutes;

(b)words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice versa;words importing a gender shall include all other genders;references to any person shall include any individual,firm,body corporate or unincorporate(wherever established orincorporated);
(b)表示单数的词语 应包括复数,反之亦然;表示性别的词语应包括所有其他性别;对任何人的引用包括任何个人、公司、法人团体或非法人组织(无论成立或注册为何处);

(c)headings are inserted for ease of reference only and shall not affect the construction of the Quotation Documents or the Contract;
(c) 插入标题仅为便于参考不应影响报价文件或合同解释;

(d)references to a document shall:

(1)include all schedules,appendices and other materials attached to such document; and
(1) 包括该文件所附的所有附表、附录和其他材料;

(ii)mean the same as from time to time amended or supplemented in accordance with the terms of the Quotation Documents or the Contract;
(ii) 指Accor Dance 不时修订或补充的 Quotat ion 文件或合同条款相同;

Part I-Interpretation
第一部分 - 口译

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Page 7
引文编号:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) 第 7 页

(e)references to“Service Provider”or“Contractor”shall include its permitted assigns, successors,or any persons deriving title under them;
(e) 提及“服务提供商”或“承包商”应包括其允许的受让人、继承人或根据其获得所有权的任何人;

(f)references to“Government”shall include its assigns,successors-in-title and persons deriving title under them,regardless of whether or not any of these persons are mentioned separately in the relevant provisions;

(g)references to a Clause,Sub-clause,Paragraph,Appendix or any other attachment to a document are to a clause,sub-clause,paragraph in or a part,schedule,appendix or attachment to that document;

(h)references to“law”and“regulation”shall include any constitutional provisions,treaties, conventions,ordinances,subsidiary legislation,orders,rules and regulations having the force of law and rules of civil and common law and equity;

(i)any word or expression to which a specific meaning has been attached in any part of the Quotation Documents shall bear such meaning whenever it appears in the same and other parts of the Quotation Documents;

(j)a time of a day shall be construed as a reference to HongKong time; (k)references to“normal business hours”mean 9:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m.;

(1)references to a day mean a calendar day;

(m)references to a month or a monthly period mean a calendar month;

(n)any negative obligation imposed on any party shall be construed as if it were also an obligation not to permitor suffer the act orthing in question,and any positive obligation imposed on any party shall be construed as if it were also an obligation to procure that the act or thing in question be done;

(o)any act,default,neglect or omission of any employee,licensee,agent or sub-contractor of the Contractor shall be deemed to be the act,default,neglect or omission of the Contractor;

(p)words importing the whole shall be treated as including a reference to any part of the whole;

(q)the expressions“include”and“including”shall be construed without limitation to the words following;

(r)words and expressions extend to their grammatical variations and cognate expressions where those words and expressions are defined in the Quotation Documents or by reference to any other definition;

(s)references towritinginclude typewriting,printing,lithography,photography, facsimile and the printed out version of a communication by electronic mail and other modes of representing and reproducing words in a legible form;and
(s) 提及文字包括打字、印刷、平版印刷、摄影、传真和通过电子邮件和其他清晰形式表示和复制文字的通信的打印版本;和

(t)where a general obligation in the Quotation Documents or the Contract is followed by more specific obligations,the general obligation shall not be construed restrictively by reference to the specific obligations or deemed to be fully performed by reason only that the specific obligations have been performed.

3.Nothing in the Contract shall be taken to restrict,derogate from or otherwise interfere with anypower orduty,or the exercise or performance of any power or duty conferred or imposed by or under any law uponthe Government or any person in the service of the Government.

Part I-Interpretation
第一部分 - 解释

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4.All rights and powers of the Government under the Contract may be exercised by the Government Representative.If any provision of the Contract provides for a determination of any matter by the Government or the Government Representative,the determination made by the Government or the Government Representative (as the case may be)shall,in the absence of manifest error,be final and conclusive.

5.Unless otherwiseprovided for in the Quotation Documents,all quotations and payments shall be made in HongKong dollars

6.Section or clause headings to any provision,schedule,appendix and other attachments of this document are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not in any way vary,limit or extend the interpretation of this document

7.Reference to any enactment,order,regulation or other similar instrument shall be construed as a reference to the enactment,order,regulation or instrument as amendedby anysubsequent enactment,order,regulation or instrument.
7. 凡提及任何成文法则、命令、规例或其他类似文书,应解释任何后续成文法则、命令、规例或机构修订成文法则、命令、法规文书

8.The expression“Cap.”means a Chapter of the Laws of Hong Kong.

第一部分 - 解释

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第三部分 - 报价条款

(Including instructions on lodging of Quotation

and other essential documents the Service Provider must submit)

1. Invitation to Quotation

(a)Unless otherwise specified in the Quotation Documents,Service Providers are invited for the provision of all of the Services subject to and in accordance with the Quotation Documents.

(b)A Service Provider shall read the Quotation Documents carefully prior to submitting a Quotation and ensure that it understands all requirements of the Quotation Documents.

(c)A Service Provider shall obtain such independent advice from its own advisers as it considers appropriate.

(d)A Service Provider shall check the numbers of pages of the Quotation Documents.If it finds any missing or indistinct pages,it shall inform the Government Representative immediately so that the same can be rectified.

(e)A Service Provider will be regarded to be thoroughly conversant with all aspects of the Quotation Documents (including the Contract)and in general to have obtained all necessary information of any circumstances which may influence or affect its Quotation or its performance of the Contract.The Government does not assume any liability in respect ofany errors or mistakes made by a Service Provider or any neglect orfailure of the Service Provider to obtain any information or clarification relating to the provision of the Services to the Government in accordance with the Contract.

(f)No error,mistake,neglect or failure by a Service Provider shall affect any provision of the Quotation Documents (including the Contract)or relieve the Service Provider from any of its obligations or liabilities under the Quotation Documents (including the Contract). For the avoidance of doubt,a successful Service Provider shall not be entitled to any additional payment,compensation or allowance by reason of any such error,mistake,neglect or failure.Ifa Service Provider is awarded the Contract,it shall not be excused from any liability under the Contract as a consequence of any misinterpretation by it of any matter or fact relating to the Quotation Documents or the Contract.

(g)Information,statistics and forecasts set out in the Quotation Documents are provided for a Service Provider's reference only.The Government does not warrant or represent that the information,statistics and forecasts are complete,true or accurate.The Government does not bind itself to adhere to such information,statistics and forecasts.

(h)Without prejudice to sub-clause(g)above,the estimated requirement of the Services specified in the Schedule of Services (if any)is/are estimate(s)of the Services that may be required by the Government.They are given for a Service Provider'sreference only and are not figures to which the Government binds itselfto adhere.The Government's actual requirements may vary depending on the actual need of EDB and the successful Service Provider must accept any increase or decrease of the stated estimates.
(h)在不影响上述第 (g) 项的情况下,服务(如有)中规定的服务需求政府:它们仅供服务提供商参考,不是政府约束自己遵守的数字政府的实际需求或会因教育局的实际需要而有所不同成功的服务提供者必须接受上述估计的任何增加或减少

(i)By submitting a Quotation,a Service Provider will be regarded to have agreed to all terms and conditions set out in the Quotation Documents.

Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation
第三部分 - 报价条款

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2. Quotation Preparation and Submission
2. 报价准备提交


(a)The Quotation relates to the execution of all of the Services.
(a) 报价单涉及所有服务的执行

(b)No Service Provider may propose any counter-proposal to any part of the Quotation Documents.Any counter-proposal from a Service Provider in contravention of this prohibition will be ignored.The Government reserves the right to disqualify any Service Provider who submits a Quotation that directly or indirectly attempts to preclude or limit the effect of this prohibition.
(b)任何服务提供商均不得报价文件的任何部分提出任何反提案禁止将被IGNOR 禁止。如果服务提供商提交的报价直接或间接试图排除或限制此禁令的效力,政府保留取消资格的权利

(c)Save in accordance with Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation of the Quotation Documents,a Service Provider must not alter any provision of the Quotation Documents.

(d)A Quotation must be completed in either English or Chinese and in accordance with other requirements of the Quotation Documents.The Government will not consider a Quotation that is completed in anyother language.

(e)A Service Provider shall submit its completed Quotation together with all information and documents required under the Quotation Documents or relevant to its Quotation in accordance with the terms of the Quotation Documents.A Quotation not so submitted (for example,a Quotation submitted by email or fax)will not be considered.


(f)The Quotation shall be completed in original writing,in ink or typescript and
(f) 报价单应以原笔、墨水 打字稿完成,并且

submitted in duplicate in accordance with the Quotation Documents. (g)The Government may not consider a Quotation if:
根据报价文件式两份提交(g) 在下列情况下,政府不得提供报价单:

i. false,inaccurate or incorrect information is given in the Quotation;
i. 报价单给出虚假、不准确或不正确的格式;

ii.complete information (including descriptive literature,catalogues and any other document required under any provision of the Quotation Documents)is not given with the Quotation;and

iii.any particulars or data requested for in the Quotation Documents is not furnished in full in the Quotation.

(h)When completing the Quotation Documents (including Part V-Offer to be Bound,Part VI-Non-collusive Quotation Certificate and Part VII-Statement of Compliance),a Service Provider shall ensure that the name of the Service Provider is the same as the name shown in:
(h) 在填写报价文件时(包括第 V部分 - 要约第 d、第 VI 部分- 非串通报价证明VII部分 - 合规声明),服务提供商应确保Service Provider 与中显示的名称相同

i.the Certificate of Incorporation of the Service Provider or if there is a change of name of the Service Provider since the date of its Certificate of Incorporation,the latest Certificate ofChange of Name ofthe Service Provider;or

ii.the corresponding certificate which the Service Provider is a statutory corporation established under the laws of HongKong,in which case the Service Provider shall advise in its Quotation the relevant ordinance under which it was established.

(i)A Service Provider shall submit the following essential documents before the Quotation Closing Time,all signed by the Service Provider /an authorised signatory for and on behalf of the Service Provider,together with company chop (if
(i) 服务供货商截止报价时间提交以下重要文件,所有文件均由服务供货商/代表服务供货商/授权签字人签署供应商公司印章如果

required and applicable),duly completed with accurate information,in duplicate: i. Part V-Offer To Be Bound;
必需且适用),填妥并附有准确信息,副本te:i.Part V-要约约束;

Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation

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ii.Part VI-Non-collusive Quotation Certificate; iii.Part VII-Statement of Compliance;
ii.第六部分 - 非列报价证明书;.第七部分 - 合规声明;

iv.Part VIII-Information Schedule v. Appendix1-Price Proposal;
iv.第八部分 - 信息时间表v.附录 1 - 价格建议;

vi.Appendix2-Proposed Service Team and Experience;
.附录 2 - 建议的服务团队和经验;

vii. Appendix3-Quotation Label(for affixing to the sealed plain envelope.Read instruction carefully.);and
七。附录 3 - 报价单标签(用于密封的普通信封上。仔细阅读说明。一个nd

viii.Appendix4-Checklist for Quotation Submission.
viii.附录 4-Checklist用于报价提交。

Do not disclose the identity of the Service Provider on the outside of the envelope.

Failure to submit any of the above essential documents before the Quotation Closing Time will render a Quotation invalid and not to be further considered.

Apart from those essential documents mentioned in sub-clause 2.(i)above,a Service Provider shall submit, before the Quotation Closing Time, the following evidence / documentary proof in certified true copy of its compliance with the essential requirements set out in Clause 4.(a)below to the satisfaction of the Government Representative in duplicate:
除了第 2 小节中提到的重要文件外。i)以上,服务提供商应在报价截止时间之前提交以下证据/文件证明以及其符合基本要求的经认证的真实副本在 4.( 条中列出a)以下式两份政府代表满意

ix.copy of avalid travel agent's Licence of the Service Provider; x. Business Registration Certificate ofthe Service Provider;
ix.服务提供商的有效TRAVEL代理许可证副本;十。 服务提供商的商业登记证;

xi.copy of a valid tour escort pass issued by the Travel Industry Council of Hong
习.香港旅游业议会发出的有效领队 PASS 副本

Kong of the Licensed Outbound Tour Escort assignedby the Service Provider.
持牌外游领队Kong 由服务提供商指派

xii.copies of Certificateof Incorporation, Memorandum and Articles of Association (if any),Certificate ofchange of Name (if any)of the Service Provider(unless the Service Provider is a statutory corporation establishedunder the laws of HongKong in which case the Service Provider shall advise in its Quotation the relevant ordinance under which it was established);
xii. 公司注册证书组织章程大纲及章程细则如有)、服务名称变更证明书(如有)副本供应商除非服务提供商是根据香港法律成立的法定公司在这种情况下服务提供商在其报价注明成立时所依据相关条例);

xii.copy of the Mainland Partner's valid Mainland Licence;
xii.内地合伙人的有效 马内陆许可证副本;

xiv. copy ofrelevant documents(e.g.board resolutions of the Service Provider if it is a company) showing that the authorised person(s)who sign(s)PartV-Offer to be Bound has /have the authority to sign it for and on behalf of the Service Provider;
十四。相关文件副本(例如服务提供商的董事会决议,如果服务提供商是一家公司),显示授权人签署第 V 部分-要约具有/有权签署部分以及代表服务提供商;

xv.copy of the latest annual return filed with the Companies Registry and all subsequent filings since the latest annual return orthe equivalent documents;and

xvi.any otherdocuments,if applicable,as required under Clause 24.ofPart Ⅱ-Terms of Quotation.
xvi.根据第 II 部分第 24.条- 报价条款的要求的任何其他文件(如适用)。

Execution and Submission of Quotations regarding Part V-Offer to be Bound
执行和提交有关第 V 部分 - 要约受约束的报价

(j)A Quotation submitted will be regarded to have submitted by a Service Provider or authorized to have been submitted by a Service Provider (as the case may be)if the submitted PartV-Offerto be Bound is signed in the following applicable manner:
(j)提交的报价将被视为服务提供商提交已授权由服务提供商提交(作为case可以)如果提交的 PartV - Binding Piece以下适用方式签署

i.ifthe Service Provider is a sole proprietorship,the Service Provider signing the Quotation in the name of the Service Provider (or of the sole proprietorship),or a

Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation
第三部分 - 报价条款

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person authorised by the Service Provider signing the Quotation for and on behalf of the Service Provider;

ii.ifthe Service Provideris apartnership,one or more partner(s)of the Service Provider signing in the name of the partnership (and in the case of limited partnership,that partnermust be a general partner);or aperson authorised by the partnership,signing the Quotation for and on behalf of the Service Provider;or
ii.如果服务提供商是合作伙伴,或服务提供商的一个或多个合作伙伴合伙企业的名义签署在这种情况下 合伙人必须是普通合伙人的有限合伙企业);由合伙企业授权代表服务提供商签署报价的人;

iii.if the Service Provider is a body corporate,one or more persons who are duly authorised by the Service Provider signing the Quotation for and on behalf of the Service Provider.

iv.If a Service Provider is an institution,it should fill in the name of the institution in paragraph 5 of Part V-Offer to be Bound and the location of the institution in paragraph 6 of Part V-Offer to be Bound.It should also fill in all other paragraphs in Part V-Offer to be Bound and insert “Not Applicable”where appropriate.It shall also be signed by one or more persons who are duly authorised by the Service Provider signing the Quotation for and on behalf of the Service Provider.
iv.如服务提供者机构,其第V-要约5填写机构名称,以受约束d 第 V 部分- 要约6机构所在地 - Bound.It亦应填写第 V 部分 - 要约所有其他段落绑定插入“不适用”(如果合适)。报价单还应由一名或多名服务提供商正式授权的人签署,并代表服务提供商签署报价

v. A Service Provider must have legal capacity to enter into contract with the Government in its own name.Failure to comply with this requirement shall render a Quotation invalid and the Quotation will not be considered further.

vi.A faculty,school,department,college,institute,language centre,research centre, training centre,skill centre and other kinds ofcentre,unit or organisation established by an institution and which is not incorporated under the Companies Ordinance (Cap.622)or the former Companies Ordinance as defined by section 2(1)of Companies Ordinance (Cap.622)or under other overseas legislation shall not submita Quotation in its own name.
vi.由机构设立公司注册成立学院、学校、部门、学院、研究所、语言中心、建筑中心、培训中心、技能中心及其他类型的中心、单位或组织条例第 622 章)或公司条例》(第 622 章2(1)o规定的前公司条例)或其他海外机构不得自行提交报价名字。

3. Lodging of Quotation

(a)All Quotations must be deposited in the manner as prescribed in the Instructions on Lodging of Quotation on the front page of the Quotation Documents before 9:00 a.m. on the quotation closing date. Late Quotations will not be considered. The Quotations must be delivered to Supplies Section Quotation Box situated at Education Bureau Enquiry Counter,15/F,Wu Chung House,213 Queen's Road East,Wan Chai,Hong Kong, before 9:00 a.m.(Hong Kong time)on 19 September 2024 (Thursday)(i.e.Quotation Closing Time).All submission shall be placed in a sealed plain envelope (without disclosing the identity of the Service Provider)with Appendix 3-Quotation Label affixed at the cover page(Attn:The Chairman,Quotation Opening Team,the Arts Education Section of the Education Bureau).
(a)所有报价单必须按照报价 报价截止上午 9:00之前的文件。 逾期报价将不考虑。报价单必须于香港时间上午9:00送交位于香港湾仔皇后大道213号胡忠大厦15楼教育查询处的物料供应部配额2024 年 9 月 1 日至 9 日(星期四)(即配额截止时间)。所有提交的作品必须放在密封的普通信封中( 透露服务提供商的身份)和附录 3 -封面上贴有报价标签(收件人:主席,报价开放团队艺术)教育教育)。

(b)In case Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 or above is hoisted,or a Black Rainstorm Warning Signal or“extreme conditions after super typhoons”announced by the Government is/are in force for any duration between 7:00 a.m.and 9:00 a.m.on the date specified on the front page of the Quotation Documents,the latest date and time before which Quotations are to be deposited at the quotation box referred to in sub-clause (a) above will be extended to 9:00 a.m.on the following working day.
(b)政府公布的或以上热带气旋警告信号黑色暴雨警告信号或「超强台风后的极端情况两者之间的任何期间内仍然有效报价文件首页指定的日期上午 7:00 和上午 9:00报价单存入上述第 (a) 所述的报价框延长至下一个工作日的上午9:00

4. Essential Requirements and Proposed Service Team
4. 基本要求建议的服务团队

(a)Quotations will be checked against the following essential requirements.Quotations that fail to meet ANYof the essential requirements,subject to the discretion of the EDB

Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation

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will NOT be considered further.Only those Quotations conforming to ALL the essential requirements will be considered further.
不再进一步考虑。只有那些符合所有基本要求的 Quotations 才会被进一步考虑。

i. All requirements set out in Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services are essential requirements,unless explicitly specified.The Service Provider should declarecompliance with the requirements in PartVII-Statement ofCompliance
i. 除非明确规定,否则第 IV 部分 - 规范和服务时间表中规定的所有要求均为基本要求。服务提供者应声明符合第七部分 - 合规声明

ii.The Service Provider must be a body corporate inHongKong(i.e.either a company incorporated under the Companies Ordinance ora statutorycorporation established under the laws ofHongKong).

ii.The Service Provider must be a Licensed Travel Agent in HongKong. (b) Service Team proposed by the Contractor
ii服务供货商必须香港持牌旅行代理商 (b) 承办商建议的服务团队

The proposed Service Team nominated by the Service Provider in Appendix 2- Proposed Service Team shall meet the following essential requirements. Further work regarding the Tour and proposed Itinerary for the Service Team are specified in Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services.
服务提供商在附录 2提名拟议服务团队 - 建议的服务团队sh均满足以下基本要求。有关旅行和服务团队拟议行程进一步工作第 IV 部分 - 规格和服务时间表中指定

The Service Team shall have at least 2 members for two following roles listed in sub- clause (b)i &ii,unless the conditions in sub-clause (b)ii.beloware fully met and to the satisfaction of the EDB
服务团队须至少有 2 名成员担任 (b)i 及 ii 的两个后续角色,除非完全符合以下 b)ii.款的条件,并令教育局满意

i. 1 Licensed Travel Agent manager or similar personnel shall be provided;and ii. 1 Licensed Outbound Tour Escortshall be provided.
我。 应提供 1 名持证Trave l 代理经理或类似人员;和我。 应提供 1名持证和导游

iii.If the manager and Outbound Tour Escort shall be the same person as assigned by the Contractor,the Contractor should ensure all service requirements in Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services and OtherRequirements are met, and no contradiction to any part of this Quotation Documents as well as the Contract.
iii.如果经理和外出领队为承包商指派的同一人,则承运商确保满足第 IV 部分 - 服务规格和服务表及其他要求中的所有服务要求并且报价文件合同的任何部分均不矛盾

5. Quotations to Remain Open
5.向 Remain Open 报价

(a)A Quotation once submitted by a Service Provider will be binding on the Service Provider

(b)Service Providers'Quotations shall remainopen for not less than 90 days after the Quotation Closing Time(“Quotation Validity Period”).If before the Quotation Validity Period their Quotations are withdrawn,they are advised that due noticewill be taken of their action and this may well prejudice their future standing as a Government service provider.
(b)服务供应商的报价应在报价截止时间少于90 天(“报价有效期”)保持开放。如果在报价有效期之前撤回他们的报价,他们被通知将适当地通知他们的行动,这很可能会损害他们作为政府服务提供商的未来地位

6. Price Quoted

(a)The prices, including unit price per Participant and Total Contract Price,to be quotedby ServiceProviders must ONLY be shown in Appendix 1-Price Proposal and are to be shown in HongKong dollars.Such prices shall be net prices allowing for all trade and cash discounts.The prices shall cover all expenses incidental to the due and proper performance of the Contract by the Contractor.
(a) 服务供应商要求的价格,包括名参与者统一价格合同总价,必须仅在附录1 - 价格建议书中显示,并以港币显示。此类价格应为允许所有贸易现金折扣价格。价格包括承包商适当履行合同的所有附带费用

(b)The charging rates quoted by the Service Provider must remain valid and fixed throughout the duration of the Contract. No request for price variation will be considered during the continuance of the Contract.

(c)A Service Provider shall make sure that all prices quoted in its Quotation are accurate beforeit submits the Quotation.The Service Provider shall be bound by the Quotation

Part IⅡ-Terms ofQuotation

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prices quoted in its Quotation if the Quotation is accepted by the Government. Under no circumstances will the Government be obliged to accept any request for price adjustment on any ground (including any mistake made in prices quoted).

(d)Without prejudice to thegenerality of Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation,the Government may require a Service Provider who in the opinion of the Government has submitted an unreasonably low price to justify and demonstrate to the reasonable satisfaction of the Government that such a Service Provider is capable of carrying out and completing the Contract.The Government may reject the Service Provider if the Service Provider fails to so justify and demonstrate to the Government's satisfaction.

7. Seeking of Clarification

In the event that the Government Representative determines that clarification of any part of a Quotation or submission of any missing document or information is necessary,it may,but shall not be obliged to,request the Service Provider concerned to make the necessary clarification,or submit the missing document or information.Each Service Provider shall thereafter within 3 working days or such period as specified in the request submit such clarification or information. Quotations may not be considered if complete information is not provided as required by the deadline. As an alternative to seeking clarification or submission,the Government may,at its discretion,proceed to evaluate the Quotation on an as is basis.

8. Quotation Evaluation
8. 报价评估

Without prejudice to other rights and powers of the Government not to consider a Quotation under other applicable provisions in the Quotation Documents,the evaluation of Quotations will be conducted as follows:
在不损害政府根据报价文件的其他适用条文不考虑报价的其他权利和权力的情况下,对 Quotations的评估将按以下方式进行

(a) Completeness Check and Screening of Compliance with the Essential Requirements
(a) 完整性检查筛选是否符合 Essential要求

A Quotation will first be checked for completeness.Further request for clarification or submission of missing documents or information may be made,but strictly in accordance with Clause 7.above.If a Service Provider fails to submit any of the information/documents as stipulated in Clause 2.(i)above before the Quotation Closing Time,its Quotationwill notbe further considered.The Quotation will then be checked against the essential requirements set out in Clause 4.(a)above.Only the Quotation conforming to the essential requirements will be evaluated further.
首先检查Quotation完整性。可以进一步要求澄清提交缺失 的文件或信息,但必须严格遵守上述第 7.7 条。如果服务提供商未能提交第 2 条中规定的任何信息/文件i) 在报价截止时间之前,其报价将不再被进一步考虑。然后,将根据第 4 条中规定的基本要求检查报价单。a)以上。只有符合基本要求的报价才会被进一步评估。

(b) Price Assessment
(b) 价格评估

The Quotation that complied with all the essential requirements as set out in Clause 4. above will be assessed based on the submitted Appendix 1-Price Proposal.Subject to all the terms and conditions set out in the Quotation Documents,the conforming Quotation which has submitted the lowest Total Contract Price will usually be awarded with the Contract.
符合第 4 条中规定的所有基本要求的报价单。以上将根据提交的附录 1-价格建议进行评估,根据报价文件中规定的所有条款和条件符合要求的报价提交的合同总最低通常会与合同一起授予

9. Basis of Acceptance

Quotations will be considered on an overall basis.Incomplete or non-conforming offer will not be considered.Partial quotations will not be considered.A Quotation shall not be regarded to have been accepted by the Government unless Clause 10.(a)below is proceeded completely.unless the Government issues to the successful Service Provider an acceptance in writing and send it by either post or facsimile transmission.
报价将根据a n overall basi s s.不完整或不合格的报价将不予考虑。部分引用予考虑。除非10 条,否则报价单不应被视为已被政府接受(a)除非政府书面形式向成功的服务提供商发出书面接收书,并通过邮寄或传真发送。

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10. Acceptance

(a)The successful Service Provider will receive as an indication of acceptance a letter of acceptance from the Government Representative. Upon the issue of such letter of acceptance,a binding Contract will be deemed to have been constituted between the Government and the successful Service Provider.

(b)A copy of each of the documents constituting the Contract will subsequently be dispatched to the successful Service Provider for record.Service Providers who do not receive any notification within the Quotation Validity Period shall assume that their Quotations have not been accepted.

(c)A binding Contract between the Government and the successful Service Provider is only constituted:
(c) 政府与成功的Serv ice 提供商之间具有约束力的合同构成:

i. if the Quotation Acceptance is sent by post,at the time of posting;or
i. 如果报价接受是通过邮寄方式发送的,则在邮寄g ;或

ii.if the Quotation Acceptance is transmitted by facsimile,at the time when a transmission report is generated by the Government's facsimile machine, confirming that the Quotation Acceptance has been transmitted to the aforementioned facsimile number.
ii. 如报价接受书是在政府的传真生成传送报告传真方式传送的,确认报价接受传送上述传真号码。

(d)All letter(s)and relevant documents includingbut not limitedto those mentioned in sub-
(d)所有信件和相关文件,包括但不限于 sub- 中提及的那些

clauses(a)and (b)shall be sent to the successful Service Provider's address or facsimile number (as the case may be)specified in Appendix 1-Price Proposal.
第 (a) 和 (b) 条应发送至附录1 - 价格建议l 中指定的成功服务提供商的地址传真号码(视情况而定)。

11. Offers to be Binding

All parts of the Quotation submitted and offered by the Service Provider,if accepted by the Government,will be binding on the Service Provider.

12. Negotiation

(a)The Government reserves the right to negotiate with any Service Provider the terms of the Service Provider's Quotation and conditions of the Contract.
(a) 政府有权就服务供应商的报价单条款及合约条件与任何服务供应商进行协商

(b)Negotiations will normally be conducted only with the Service Provider whose Quotation complies with all the essential requirements and is in the sole opinion of the Government the most advantageous to the Government.Where there is no Quotation (despite having complied with all the essential requirements)is so considered by the Government orwhere the most advantageous Quotation cannot be determined until after any counter-proposals have been resolved or withdrawn,the Government reserves the right to hold negotiations also with the other Service Providers.
(b)通常报价符合所有基本要求且政府认为政府最有利的服务供应商进行谈判。报价(尽管已遵守所有基本要求由政府如此考虑,或者在任何反提案解决或撤回之前无法确定最有利的报价,Gove rnment 保留其他服务提供商。

13. Saving
13. 保存

(a)The Government is not bound to accept the lowest or any Quotation,and reserves the right to cancel the Invitation to Quotation without cause.
(a)政府不一定接受最低或任何报价,并保留无理由取消 Quotati 邀请的权利

(b)Upon cancellation of the Invitation to Quotation,the Government reserves the right to re-issue the Invitation to Quotation (on such terms and conditions as it considers fit),or directly appoint another contractor to take up the Services (through whatsoever and howsoever means),or to itself undertake the Services internally within the Government.

(c)The Government reservesthe right to accept all or any part of any Quotation at any time within the Quotation Validity Period under Clause 5.
(c)政府有权第 5 条规定的报价有效期内随时接受任何报价单的全部或部分

(d)The Government may elect at its sole option to reject any of the Quotations,if in its opinion,the Service Provider is incapable of undertaking or fulfilling the Contract.

Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation
第三部分 - 报价条款

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(e)All information,statistics,forecasts and projections provided by the Government in connection with the Invitation to Quotation (including those set out in the Quotation Documents)(collectively“Information”)are for reference only. The Government gives no warranty,representation or undertaking as to their accuracy,reliability or completeness.The Government accepts no liability whatsoever for (i)the accuracy, completeness or reliability or otherwise of any such Information;(ii)any claim,legal proceeding,liability,loss (including any direct or indirect loss,and any loss of revenue, profit,business,contract or anticipated savings)or damage (including any direct, special,indirect or consequential damage of any nature whatsoever);and (iii)any increased costs and expenses,which any Service Provider or any other person may sustain or incur,arising from its reliance on any Information.
(e)政府报价邀请提供的所有资料、统计数字、预测推测(包括所列的资料)n报价文件)(统称“信息”)仅供参考政府对其准确性、可靠性完整性不作任何保证、申述或承诺。政府不会就以下事项承担任何责任(i)任何该等资料的准确性、完整性可靠性或其他方面;(ii) 任何索赔、法律程序、责任、损失(包括任何直接或间接损失,以及任何收入、利润、业务、合同或预期储蓄的损失)或 损害(包括任何直接、特殊、间接任何性质的间接损害);以及 (iii)任何服务提供商或任何其他依赖任何Inform可能承受产生的任何增加的成本费用

14. Supplementary Information/Quotation Addendum

All supplementary information or quotation addendum tothe Invitation to Quotation will be provided in writing by the Government and forwarded to all prospective Service Providers who have registered with the Government when obtaining a copy of the Quotation Documents.

15. New Information
15. 新信息

A Service Provider shall inform the Government in writing immediately of any factor which might affect its ability to meet any requirements of the Quotation Documents.The Government reserves the right not to consider a Service Provider's Quotation further if the Service Provider's continued ability to meet such requirements is in doubt.

16. Documents of Unsuccessful Service Providers

The Government may destroy all documents submitted by unsuccessful Service Providers three months after the date the Contract has been awarded.

17. Personal Data Provided

(a)All personal data provided in a Quotation will be used by the Government for the purposes of the Invitation to Quotation and all other purposes arising from or incidental to it (including for the purposes of quotation evaluation,the award of the Contract and resolution of any dispute arising from the Invitation to Quotation).
(a) 政府会使用报价单内提供的所有个人资料,以作邀请报价及因报价单附带而产生的所有其他用途(包括报价评估颁奖合同的合同以及因报价邀请引起的任何争议的解决)。

(b)By submitting a Quotation,a Service Provider is regarded to have agreed to,and to have obtained from each individual whose personal data is provided in the Quotation,his consent for the disclosure,use and further disclosure by the Government ofthe personal data for the purposes set out in sub-clause(a)above.
(b)通过提交报价服务提供商被视为每个个人数据的个人提供已获得个人数据报价单中提供同意政府出于文第 (a) 项。

(c)An individual to whom personal data belongs and a person authorised by him in writing has the right of access and correction with respect to the individual's personal data as provided for in Sections 18 and 22 and Principle 6 of Schedule 1 to the Personal Data (Privacy)Ordinance(Cap.486).The right of access includes the right to obtain a copy of the individual's personal data provided in the Quotation

(d)Enquiries concerning the personal datacollected by means of the Invitation to Quotation, including the making of access and corrections,shall be addressed to the Personal Data Privacy Officer of EDB

18. Consent to Disclosure

(a)The Government may disclose,whenever it considers appropriate,to the public or upon request by any member of the public(which may have been a Service Provider)without any further reference to or consent from the successful Service Provider or any other

Part II-Terms of Quotation
第二部分 -报价条款

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Service Provider,particulars of the Services to be provided by the successful Service Provider,the date of the award,the name andaddress of the successful Service Provider and the Total Contract Price.

(b)Nothing in sub-clause (a)above shall prejudice the Government's power to disclose whenever it considers appropriate information of any nature whatsoever(whether or not specified in sub-clause (a))if the disclosure is made under any one of the following circumstances:

i.the disclosure of any information to any public officer or public body,as defined in the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap.1)or any other person employed,used or engaged by the Government (including agents,advisers, contractors and consultants);
i.释义及通则条例》(第 1 章)所定义的任何职人员公共机构,或受雇、使用或聘用的任何其他人披露任何资料政府(包括农业顾问、承包商顾问);

ii.the disclosure of any information already known to the recipient; iii.the disclosure of any information which is public knowledge;

iv.the disclosure of any information in circumstances where such disclosure is required pursuant to any law of Hong Kong,or an order of a court of Hong Kong or a court or tribunal with competent jurisdiction;or

v.without prejudice to the power of the Government under sub-clause (a)above,to the extent the information relates to a Service Provider,with the prior written consent of that Service Provider
v.在不影响政府根据上述 (a) 项赋予的权力的情况下,在信息与服务提供商相关的范围内,经服务提供商事先书面同意

19. Contractors'Performance Monitoring
19. 承建商绩效监测

If a Service Provider is awarded the Contract,its subsequent performance will be monitored and may be taken into account when its future offers for other tenders /quotations exercises are evaluated.

20. Cancellation of Quotation

Without prejudice to the Government's right to cancel the Invitation to Quotation at its absolute discretion or for public interest reasons,where there are changesof requirement after the QuotationClosing Time foroperational or whateverreasons,the Government is not bound to accept any conformingQuotation and reserves the right to cancel the Invitation to Quotation.

21. Cost of Quotation

A Service Provider shall submit its Quotation at its own cost and expense.The Government shall not be liable for any costs and expenses whatsoever incurred by a Service Provider in connection withthe preparation or submission of its Quotation,including all costs and expenses relating to (a)communication or negotiations with or providing presentation or demonstration to the Government,(b)site visits or surveys made by the Service Provider,and (c)presenting the Service Provider's reference sites and equipmentto the Government Representative during the site visits,whether before or after the Quotation Closing Time.
服务提供商提交报价政府概不负责服务供应商编制或提交报价招致的任何费用开支。包括与政府沟通谈判向政府提供演示示范有关的所有成本和费用,(b) 实地考察调查由服务提供商制作,以及 (c) 在实地考察期间政府代表展示服务提供商的参考站点和设备,无论是在报价截止之前还是之后时间。

22. Warranty against Collusion

(a)The Service Provider mustensure that theQuotation is prepared without anyagreement, arrangement,communication,understanding,promise or undertaking with any other person (except as provided in paragraph 3 of Part IV-Non-collusive Quotation Certificate referred to in sub-clause (b)below),regarding,amongst other things,price, quotation submission procedure or any terms of the Quotation.Bid-riggingis inherently anti-competitive and is considered serious anti-competitive conduct underthe
(a)服务供应商必须确保报价单编制是在没有任何其他达成任何协议、安排、沟通、协商、承诺承诺的情况下准备的。除非下文 (b) 所指第 IV 部分 - 非合谋报价证明书第 3 另有规定),涉及价格、报价提交程序或问题的任何条款。围标本质上是反竞争的,根据

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Competition Ordinance (Cap.619).Service Providers who engage in bid-rigging conduct may be liable for the imposition of pecuniary penalties and other sanctions under the Competition Ordinance.
《竞争条例》(第 619 章)。参与围标行为的服务供应商可能根据《竞争条例》承担罚款及其他制裁责任。

(b)The Service Provider shall complete and submit to the Government a Non-collusive Quotation Certificate (in the form set out in Part VI-Non-collusive Quotation Certificate)as part of its Quotation.

(c)In the event that a Service Provider is in breach of any of the representations,warranties and /or undertakings in sub-clause (a)above or in the Non-collusive Quotation Certificate submitted by it under sub-clause (b)above,the Government shall be entitled
(c)如果服务提供商违反上述 (a)政府根据上述第(b)提交的非合谋报价证明书有权

to,without compensation to any person or liability on the part of the Government: i. reject the Service Provider's Quotation;

ii.if the Government has accepted the Quotation,withdraw its acceptance of the Service Provider's Quotation;and

iii.if the Government has entered into the Contract with the Service Provider, terminate the Contract under Clause 13.(a)of the Conditions of Contract.

(d)By submitting a Quotation,a Service Provider is regarded to have undertaken to indemnify and keep indemnified the Government against all losses,damages,costs or expenses arising out of or in relation to any breach of any of the representations, warranties and /or undertakings in sub-clause (a)above or in the Non-collusive Quotation Certificate submitted by it under sub-clause (b)above.
(d)服务供应商提交报价单,即表示已承诺所产生的一切损失、损害赔偿、费用开支政府作出弥偿并继续作出弥偿违反上述(a)款或非合谋条款中的陈述、保证及/或承诺的任何Y有关而引致与之有关根据上述第 (b) 提交的报价证明

(e)A breach by a Service Provider of any of the representations,warranties and /or undertakings in sub-clause (a)above or in the Non-collusive Quotation Certificate submitted by it under sub-clause (b)above may prejudice its future standing as a Government contractor or service provider.
(e) 服务供应商违反上文 (a) 款或其根据上文 (b) 款提交的非合谋配额证明书中的任何陈述、保证和/或承诺,可能会损害其作为政府承办商的未来地位,或服务提供者。

(f)The rights of the Government under sub-clauses(c)to (e)above are in addition to and without prejudice to any other rights or remedies available to it against the Service Provider.

23. Warning against Bribery

(a)The offer of an advantage to any Government officer with a view to influencing the award of the Contract is an offence under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap.201).Any such offence committed by a Service Provider or any of its officers (including directors),employees or agents will render its Quotation null and void.
(a)根据《贿赂条例》(第 201 章)。服务提供商或其任何高级职员(包括董事)、员工代理人下任何此类违规行为,将导致其报价无效

(b)The successful Service Provider shall inform its officers,employees(whether permanent or temporary),agents and sub-contractors who are connected with the provision of the Services that the soliciting or accepting of advantages,as defined in the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap.201)is not permitted.The successful Service Provider shall also caution itsofficers (including directors),employees and agents and sub-contractors against soliciting or accepting any excessive hospitality,entertainment or inducement which may impair their impartiality in relation to the selection of its sub-contractors,if any,or the supervision of the work of the sub-contractors once selected
(二)成功的服务供货商应通知其高级职员、雇员(无论是永久或临时)、代理人和与提供服务有关的分包商,不允许索取或接受《防止贿赂条例》(第 201 章)所定义的利益。成功的服务供应商亦应告诫其高级人员(包括董事)、雇员、代理人及分包商,切勿招揽或接受任何过度的款待、款待或诱使,以免影响其在选择分包商(如有)或监督分包商工作时的公正性

24. Company/Business Organisation Status

(a)A Service Provider shall provide the following details /documents relating to itself in Part VIII-Information Schedule:
(a)服务提供商应在VIII 部分 - 信息附表中提供以下与其相关的详细信息/文件

i. name and principal place of business of the Service Provider;
我。 服务提供商的名称主要营业地点;

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ii.length of business experience

iii.shareholders /partners /proprietor of the Service Provider and their percentageof ownership;
iii. 服务提供商的股东/合伙人/所有者及其所有权百分比;

iv.names of the following:managing director and other directors,partners;or sole proprietor;

v.a copy of a valid Business Registration Certificate issued under the Business Registration Ordinance (Cap.310)or documentary evidence showing that the Service Provider is exempted from business registration under the Business Registration Ordinance(Cap.310);or if the Service Provider does not carry on business in Hong Kong,the equivalent document issued by the authority of the place of business of the Service Provider;
v.根据商业登记条例》(第 310 章发出的有效商业登记副本证明该服务证明文件供应商根据商业登记条例》(第 310 章)获豁免商业登记;或如服务供应商不在香港经营业务,则须提供由服务营业当局发出同等文件提供商;

vi.if the Service Provider is a company,its Memorandum (if any)and Articles of Association,Certificate of Incorporation,Certificate of Change of Name (if any); or the equivalent documents issued by the authority of the place of incorporation of the Service Provider if the Service Provider was not incorporated under the Companies Ordinance(Cap.622)(or its predecessor Ordinance);
vi如果服务提供商公司则其组织章程大纲如有公司章程细则、公司注册证书更改姓名如有);服务供应商注册当局签发的同等文件(如服务供应商并非根据《公司条例注册成立)(Ca 第 622 页)(或其前身条例);

vii.if the Service Provider is a company incorporated in Hong Kong or is a registered non-Hong Kong company under the Companies Ordinance (Cap.622),a copy of the latest annual return filedwith the Companies Registry and all subsequentfilings since the latest annual return;or the equivalent documents issued by the authority of the place ofincorporation of the ServiceProvider if the Service Provider was not incorporated or registered under the Companies Ordinance (Cap.622)(or its predecessor Ordinance);
vii.如果服务提供商是一家在香港注册成立的公司,或者公司注册的非香港公司条例(第 622 章),向公司注册处提交的最新周年申报表的副本,以及最近一次周年申报表以来的所有后续申报文件;或服务提供商注册作者出具同等文件(如果服务提供商不是 根据《公司条例》(第 622 章)(或其前身条例)成立或注册为公司;

viii.place and date ofits incorporation or formation;

ix.business profile information of the Service Provider including the number and location of full time/contract employees,core business strategies and strength,and industry expertise;

x.notwithstanding the deeming provision specified in Clause 2.(i)of Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation,a Service Provider shall provide a certified extract board resolution or other documentary evidence acceptable to the Government demonstrating authorisation and approval for the submission of its Quotation.This requirement shall always be applicable to a ServiceProvider which is a company regardless of the mode of submission of Quotation.In the case that a Service Provider is a sole proprietorship or a partnership,documentary evidence acceptable to the Government demonstrating authorisation and approval for the submission of its Quotation shall also be required if the signatory of Part-Offer to be Bound is not the sole proprietor or a partner (or a general partner in the case of a limited partnership)(as the case may be);
x.尽管有第 2 条中规定的推定条款。(i)第 III 部分 -报价条款,服务专业人员提供经认证的摘录决议或其他政府可接受的文件证据证明其提交报价的授权批准。此要求始终适用于服务提供商,无论其是否为公司f报价单的提交方式。如果服务提供商经营或合伙企业,则政府接受证明文件,证明授权批准如果部分要约签署人不是资经营者或合伙人(或普通合伙人有限合伙企业)(视情况而定);

xi.where a Service Provider is not a company,a partnership,or a sole proprietorship, some of the information mentioned in the foregoing sub-clauses of this Clause 24. may not apply and may not be available.Regardless of the mode of submission of its Quotation,the Government reserves the right to request such relevant information and documents in relation to the Service Provider to ascertain the identity of the Service Provider as well as to ensure that the submission of the Quotation has beenduly authorised and approved;and
习.如果服务提供商不是公司、合伙企业或企业,则上述项中提到的一些信息-24 条款可能不适用不可用无论何种方式提交报价,Government 保留要求提供此类相关信息的权利服务提供商相关的文件,以asce rkeep服务提供商的身份并确保提交报价已获得授权批准;和

Part II-Terms ofQuotation

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xii.names and addresses of banks which are prepared to provide references or other relevant financial data which indicate thefinancial viability of the Service Provider.

(b)Ifa Service Provider is incorporated,formed or established outside Hong Kong,a legal opinion in form and substance satisfactory to the Government and issued by a lawyer duly qualified to practise the laws of the place of incorporation,formation or establishment (as the case may be)of the Service Provider and acceptable to the Government may be requested by the Government.The legal opinion,if required, should be made available upon request during the Quotation Validity Period.Upon such request,the Service Provider shall provide such legal opinion covering the following issues and any other issues as may be required by the Government:
(b) IFA服务提供商在香港境外注册成立、成立设立,其形式实质上均符合法律意见政府签发的,并由具有正式资格律师签发,该律师具有执业资格,可以按照服务提供商的注册、成立设立地(视情况而定)的法律执业 并为政府要求政府如有需要应在报价要求提供法律意见有效期:根据此类要求,服务提供商应提供涵盖以下问题政府可能要求的任何其他问题的法律意见:


Service Provider is
rmed or
existing and in good standing under the
the place
authority to
authority 设置为
on the business
is now
proposed Contract.By“validly existing and in good standing”
拟议 Contract.By“有效存在且信誉良好”
,itis meant that
mentioned in any of
the Clause
Part IⅢ-Conditions of
第三部分 - 条件
which has an equivalent effect to any such
event has
event 具有

ii.the Service Provider has the full power,authority and legal capacity to execute and submit its Quotation and to incur the liabilities and perform the obligations under the Quotation Documents;and enter into and execute the Contract and to incur the liabilities and perform the obligations thereunder;

iii.the proposed Contract with the Government will,upon its formation pursuant to Clause 10.of Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation,constitute the legal,valid and binding obligations of the Service Provider in the place of its incorporation,formation or establishment and is enforceable against the Service Provider in accordance with its terms;
iii.根据第三部分-配额条款10条订立后,与政府签订的拟议合同构成服务提供商的法律、有效有约束力义务 注册、成立设立的地点可根据其条款服务提供强制执行;

iv.the submission of its Quotation and the performance of the Contract (if awarded to the Service Provider)have been duly authorised by all necessary corporate action of the Service Provider,and does not violate any provision of any applicable law, regulation or decree of the Service Provider's place of incorporation,formation or establishment,or the Memorandum (if any)and Articles of Association or similar constitutional documents of the Service Provider;

V. no authorisations,consents,approvals are required from any governmental authorities or agencies or other official bodies in the place of incorporation, formation or establishment in connection with the execution and delivery of the Service Provider's Quotation,or the performance by the Service Provider of its obligations under the Quotation Documents and the Contract;
五. 无需获得注册、成立设立的任何政府机构或机构或其他官方机构授权、同意、批准即可执行交付服务提供商配额,或服务提供商履行报价文件合同项下的义务;

vi.the Service Provider's Quotation and the Contract (if awarded to the Service Provider)need not be registered or filed in the place of incorporation,formation or establishment in order to secure their validity and /or priority;

vii.there is no restriction under the laws of the place of the Service Provider's incorporation,formation or establishment affecting the Service Provider's obligations under the Quotation Documents andthe Contract;

vii.the choice of the laws of Hong Kong to govern the Quotation Documents and the Contract is a valid choice oflaws;

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ix.the judgment handed by the courts of Hong Kong after the adjudication of any dispute arising from the Contract will be recognised and given effect to by the courts of the place of incorporation,formation or establishment of the Service Provider;and

X. it is not necessary under the laws of the place of incorporation,formation or establishment of the Service Provider thatthe Government be licensed,qualified or otherwise registered in such place ofincorporation,formation or establishment in order to enable it to enforce its rights under the Quotation Documents and the Contract.
十. 根据服务提供商注册成立地或设立的法律,政府无需获得许可、资格以其他方式在该注册、成立设立注册以使其能够使其报价文件的权利ments合同。

(c)The Government may require a Service Provider to provide,at its own expense, additional legal opinion satisfactory to the Government in all respects issued by a lawyer duly qualified to practise the laws of the place of incorporation,formation or establishment of the Service Provider and acceptable to the Government on any other matters arising from its Quotation.Where the opinion on the question specified in sub- clause (b)ix.above is negative or otherwise subject to qualifications not satisfactory to the Government,theadditional legal opinionshall opine that anyrulingmade by the arbitrator under the arbitration provision set out in sub-clause (d)below will be recognised and given effect to by the courtsof the place of incorporation,formation or establishment ofthe Service Provider(“additional opinion on arbitration”).Together with the additional opinion on arbitation to be provided,the Service Provider shall also be required to provide a confirmation inwriting that in consideration of the award of the Contract,it agrees that Clause 14.of Part III-Conditions of Contract shall be replaced by the arbitration clause in sub-clause(d)below.
(c)政府要求服务提供者提供律师出具的在方面令政府满意的额外法律意见具备正式执业资格,可执行服务供应商成立、成立或设立的法律政府接纳引文引起的其他事项。其中 (b) 中规定的问题的意见ix.以上是否制于政府不具备资格,补充法律意见应认为 根据以下第 (d) 项规定的仲裁条款,仲裁员将由注册成立地的法院承认并生效或服务提供商成立(“仲裁补充意见”)。除了要提供的附加仲裁意见,服务提供商还应提供书面确认表明同意条款 14.III 部分 - 合同条件替换为以下第 (d) 项中的仲裁条款。

(d)Where the opinion on the question specified in clause (b)ix.above is negative or otherwise subject to qualifications not satisfactory to the Government,subject to the obtaining of the additional opinion on arbitration as mentioned in clause (c)above, Clause 14.of Part III-Conditions of Contract shall be deemed deleted and replaced by the following:“Any dispute arising from the Contract shall not be adjudicated by the courts of Hong Kong but shall be adjudicated by arbitration to be held in accordance with the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre Domestic Arbitration Rules prevailing at the time when a notice of arbitration is issued by a Party(“Arbitration Rules“”)except that regardless of whether the Arbitration Rules providing anything to the contrary,unless the Parties otherwise agree in writing:(a)the arbitration hearing must be heldin Hong Kong and that the Arbitration Ordinance(Cap.609)shall apply to thearbitration(including the whole of Schedule 2);and (b)without prejudice to section
(d)凡对上述第(b)ix.条所指明的问题的意见是否定的,或其他原因而受到政府不满意资格限制,则须获得上述 (c) 条、第 14 条所述关于仲裁的补充意见 III 部分 - 合同条款被视为已删除替换为以下内容:“合同引起的任何争议均不得裁决香港法院审理,但根据香港国际仲裁中心一方发出仲裁通知适用的国内仲裁规则(“仲裁规则”),但无论仲裁裁决是否提供任何相反的规定,除非双方另有书面约定:(a)仲裁听证会必须在HongKong举行仲裁条例》(香港法例609)应适用于仲裁(包括整个Schedule2);及(b)在不损害本条的情况下

18(2)of the Arbitration Ordinance,the Government may on its own disclose any information relating to (i)the arbitral proceedings under the arbitration agreement; and (ii)an award made in those arbitral proceedings,under any of the circumstances mentioned in Clauses of Part II-Terms of Quotation
《仲裁条例》第 18(2) 条,政府可自行披露与以下各项有关的任何资料:(i) 根据仲裁协议进行的仲裁程序;及 (ii.) 在第 II 部分 - 报价条款中提及的任何情况下,在这些仲裁程序中作出的裁决

25. Authenticity of Documents Submitted

All documents submitted by a Service Provider to the Government in relation to its Quotation shall be original documents or certified true copies of the original documents.Ifa Service Provider fails to comply with this requirement or fails to provide such verification as the Government may require to prove the authenticity of a document submitted to the Government,theGovernment may not further consider the Quotation.

26. Award of Contract

(a)Subject to the other provisions of the Quotation Documents,the Government will normally award the Contract to the Service Provider which the Government has

Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation
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determined to be capable of fulfilling the terms of the Contract and whose Quotation passes the completeness check,conforms to all the essential requirements stipulated in the Quotation Documents and offers the lowest Estimated Contract Price among all the Quotations.

(b)Each Service Provider acknowledges that the Government may elect at its sole option to accept all or any part of the Service Provider's Quotation.

(c)The Government is not bound to accept the Quotation with the lowest Estimated Contract Price or any Quotation and reserves the right to accept all or any part of any Quotation at any time within the Quotation Validity Period.
(c) 政府不一定接受最低估计合约价格或任何报价保留以下权利在报价有效期内的任何时间接受任何报价的全部或部分

27. Government Discretion

(a)Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Quotation Documents,the Government reserves the right to disqualify a Service Provider on grounds including any one ofthe following:

i. a petition ispresented or a proceeding is commenced which has not been withdrawn any time prior to the Contract award or an order is made or a resolution is passed for the winding up or bankruptcy of the Service Provider or a related person of the Service Provider;
i. 呈请已提出或已提出法律程序,而该申请在反裁决或作出清盘命令决议之前的任何时间均未撤回三星SDS或其相关人士破产;

ii.the Service Provider has made or submitted a false,inaccurate or incomplete statement or representation or a forged document in the Quotation or in any subsequent submission by the Service Provider or communication between the Government and the Service Provider since submission of that Quotation;

iii.in the event of (i)a claim or an allegation by any person,or a ruling or judgment by a court,or decisionby a competent tribunal or arbitration body that anything(s), service(s)or material(s)to be supplied or recommended by the Service Provider in its Quotation infringes any Intellectual Property Rights or any other rights of any person(“IPR infringement”)(and in thecase ofany claim or allegation,it was made any time during a period of seven(7)years preceding the Quotation Closing Date and up to the time of Contract award);or (ii)the Government having grounds to believe there is or will be such IPR infringement;or (ii)an agreement has been entered into whether by the Service Provider or any other person to settle or compromise any claim or allegation about IPR Infringement(regardless of whether on an admission basis or non-admission basis)which agreement is still valid and subsisting at any time during a period of seven (7)years preceding the Quotation Closing Date and up to the time ofContract award;
第三。如果 (i)任何人提出索赔指控,或法院裁决判决,或主管法庭仲裁机构的决定服务供应商在其报价单中提供或推荐的任何事物、服务或材料侵犯任何知识产权或任何其他权利任何人(“知识产权侵权”)(如果出现任何索赔指控,是在报价单发布前(7) 年内的任何时间提出的成交日期直至授予合同的时间);或 (ii)政府理由相信存在会存在此类IPR侵权;或 (ii) 服务提供商或任何其他签订协议,以解决或妥协有关知识产权侵权的任何索赔或指控(无论是否 录取基础非录取基础)该协议有效并在 (7) 年内的任何时间存在在报价截止日期之前f合同授予之时;

iv.any time during the twenty-four(24)months prior to the Quotation Closing Date or between the Quotation Closing Date and the award of the Contract,the Service Provider or a related person of the Service Provider (as defined in sub-clause v.and vi.below and including those who were in such capacity any time within the same period,i.e.,twenty-four(24)months prior to the Quotation Closing Date or between the QuotationClosing Dateand the award ofthe Contract)has committed significant or persistent default(s)or deficienc(ies)in the performance of any requirement or obligation under any other Government contract awarded by the Permanent Secretary for Education regardless ofwhether the default(s)or deficienc(ies)led to the actual termination of the relevant Government contract and regardless of whether such default(s)or deficienc(ies)occurs before or after the termination or expiry of the relevant Government contract,and in the case of the latter,provided that the default(s)or deficienc(ies)relates to any provisions which survive such termination or expiry,and regardless of whether such default(s)or deficienc(ies)
iv.报价截止日二十四 (24) 个月内报价截止合同授予之间的任何时间服务提供商或相关人士服务提供商(定义见下文v.第 vi.小条款,包括在同一时期内任何时间担任 such身份的服务提供商,即、在报价截止日期前二十四 (24) 个月报价截止日期与合同授予之间)h履行任何要求犯下重大持续的违约或不足根据教育局常任秘书长批出的任何其他政府合同下的义务,无论违约或不足是否导致相关政府实际终止合同,无论此类违约或不足之处是否发生在相关政府协议终止到期之前之后,以及后者,前提是违约或缺陷与此类终止到期后继续有效的任何条款有关,并且无论此类违约是否R缺陷

Part II-Terms of Quotation

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has been remedied(“Contract Default(s)”);and the Government Representative in its sole judgment is satisfied that such Contract Default(s)casts a reasonable doubt on the capability of the Service Provider to perform the Contract to be awarded in this Invitation to Quotation;
补救(“ContractDefault(s)”);而政府代表方面判断信纳,该等合约违约是由于服务供应商履行合约的能力产生合理怀疑,以请在此 Invitation to Quotation 中加入;

(i)the Service Provider;or (ii)a related person of the Service Provider;or (ii)a director or management staffof the Service Provider or those of the related person of the Service Provider,has been convicted by the final judgment (i.e.judgment not subject to any appeal to a higher court prior to the Contract award)in respect of one or more serious offences including conviction ofoffences involving bribery,false accounting,corruption,dishonesty or employment handed down any time duringa period of five (5)years preceding the Quotation Closing Date and thereafter up to the time of Contract award
(i) 服务提供商;或 (ii) 服务提供商的关联人士;或 (ii) 服务提供商的董事或管理人员或服务提供商的相关人员,已被最终判决(即在授予合同之前无需向上级法院提出上诉的判决)定罪一项或多项严重罪行,包括涉及贿赂、虚假账目的罪行,在报价截止日期前五 (5) 年内及之后直至授予合同之时的任何时间,贪污、不诚实或雇佣

vi.in the event of the professional misconduct or acts or omissions having been committed during a period of five(5)yearspreceding the Quotation Closing Date and up to the time of Contract award that adversely reflect on the commercial integrity of the Service Provider or a related person of the Service Provider or a director or management staff of the Service Provider or those of the related person of the Service Provider;professional misconduct includes any breach of the Good Industry Practice;or
vi.in报价截止日期前五 (5) 年下专业不当行为作为或不作为合同授予服务提供商或服务的相关人员的商业诚信产生不利影响服务提供商服务提供商董事或管理人员,或服务提供商相关人员董事管理人员;专业不当行为包括任何违反良好行业规范的行为;或

vii.any failure of the Service Provider to pay taxes to the Government during a period offive(5)years precedingthe QuotationClosing Date and upto the time ofContract award.
vii.服务提供商配额截止日期之前的(5) 年合同签订之时未能向政府缴纳税款奖。

The grounds specified in sub-clauses (a)i.to (a)vii.are separate and independent,and shall not be limited by referenceto or inference from the other of them.

(b)For the purposes of sub-clause(a)above,each Service Provider shall provide at the time of submission ofits Quotation (and thereafter up to the time of award in relation to any event occurring between the time of submission and the time of award)all information at least in relation to itself that is reasonably relevant to facilitate the Government's determination as to whether to exercise its right of disqualification,including but not limited to the following:

i. details of any petition or proceeding mentioned in sub-clause (a)i.above;
i. 上述第 (a)i..小中规定的任何申请或程序的详细信息;

ii.details of all infringement claims,allegations,rulings,judgments,decisions or
ii. 所有侵权索赔、指控、裁决、判决、判决的详细信息

settlement agreements as mentioned in sub-clause (a)iii.above;
上文 (a)iii.所述的和解协议;

iii.details of all Contract Default as mentioned in sub-clause(a)iv.above;
iii.上述第 (a)iv. 项所述的所有合同违约详情;

iv.details of conviction as mentioned in sub-clause (a)v.above in Hong Kong,any otherpart of the PRC or any overseas jurisdiction;

v.details of any professional misconduct or act or omission as mentioned in sub- clause(a)vi.above;and
v.上述第 (a)vi..小节中规定的任何专业不当行为或作为或不作为的详细信息;和

vi.details of any failure to pay taxes as mentioned in sub-clause(a)vii.above.

If none of the events as mentioned in Paragraphs sub-clauses(a)i.to (a)vii above has ever occurred within the applicable period as mentioned above,the Service Provider shall providea statement to that effect by completing the relevant part of the“Information Schedule”at the time of submission ofits Quotation.If found missing,the Government reserves the right to seek clarification pursuant to sub-clause (c)below. The information provided by the Service Provider is not conclusive.The Government may
如果上述u 条(a)i.to(a)vii提到的任何事件均未上述适用期限内发生则服务供应商应在提交报价时填写“形成时间表”的相关部分,以此提供一份声明根据以下 (c) 款寻求澄清服务提供商提供的信息并非决定性信息。政府可以

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independently verify the veracity and completeness ofany information provided.In the case of Contract Default,the Government will form an assessment as to whether or not such Contract Default has occurred.

(c)In addition to the information mentioned in sub-clause (c)above,the Government reserves the right (but not obligation)to request from a Service Provider or a related person of the Service Provider or director or management staff of the Service Provider or those of the related person of the Service Provider or other independent sources,such other information that is reasonably relevant to facilitate the Government's determination as to whether to exercise its right of disqualification under sub-clause(a) above.
(c)上述 (c)中提到的信息外,政府保留服务部门索取的权利(但不是义务)提供三星SDS相关人员三星SDS的董事或管理人员,或三星SDS的董事或管理人员服务供应商相关人士或其他独立来源的其他信息,而该等资料有理由与政府决定是否根据文第 (a) 项

(d)If the Service Provider fails to comply with the request made by the Government pursuant to sub-clause(c)above within such time as requiredby the Government,the Government may disqualify the Service Provider pursuant to Clause 28.of Part Ⅱ- Terms of Quotation. If the Service Provider has submitted false,inaccurate or incomplete information,the Government may disqualify the Service Provider pursuant to sub-clause (a)ii.above.
(d)如服务供应商未能政府要求的时间内依从政府根据上述第(c)款提出的要求政府可以根据第 II 部分- 报价条款第 28.a取消服务提供商的资格。如服务供应商提交了虚假、不准确或不完整的资料,政府可根据第(a)ii.ab款取消服务供应商的资格

(e)In providing the information required under sub-clauses (b)and (c)above,the Service Provider may show cause to satisfy the Government in relation to any of the events as mentioned in sub-clause (a)above,even ifit has occurred,it does not cast doubt on the fitness,propriety or capability of the Service Provider to perform the Contract to be awarded inthis Invitation to Quotation.
(e)在提供上述 (b) 和 (c) 小节要求的信息时,服务提供商可以证明有理由使Gove客户对子条款中提到的任何事件感到满意(a)上述情况,即使已经发生,也不构成对服务提供商履行合同授予邀请Quotation.

(f)If the Service Provider is a company,the expression “related person”of the Service Provider includes any one of the following

i. a shareholder (corporate or individual)which directly or indirectly beneficially owns fifty (50)percent or more of the issued share capital of the Service Provider (“majority shareholder”);
i.直接间接实益拥有服务提供商百分之五十 (50)或以上发行股东(公司或个人)(“多数股东“);

ii.a holding company or a subsidiary of the Service Provider;

iii.a holding company or a subsidiary of a majority shareholder (being a company)of the Service Provider;

iv.a company in which a majority shareholder (being an individual)of the Service Provider directly or indirectly beneficially owns fifty (50)percent or more of its issued share capital or controls the composition ofits board of directors.
iv.服务提供商多数股东(作为个人)直接或间接实益拥有已发行股本百分之五十 (50)或以上或控制其董事会组成的公司导演

The expressions “holding company”and“subsidiary”have the meanings given to them inthe Companies Ordinance(Cap.622).
「控权公司」及「附属公司」具有公司条例》(第 622 所赋予涵义

(g)If the Service Provider is a sole proprietor or partnership,the expression“relatedperson” includes any one of the following:
(g) 如果服务提供商资经营者合伙企业,则“关联人”一词包括以下任何一项

i.any partner of the Service Provider (if it is a partnership);

ii.the spouse,parent,child,brother or sister of the Service Provider,and,in deducing such a relationship,an adopted child shall be deemed to be a child both of the natural parents and the adopting parent,and a step child to be a child of both the natural parent and of any stepparent

iii.a company in which the Service Provider or any partner of the Service Provider beneficially directly or indirectly owns fifty(50)percent or more ofits issued share capital or controls the composition of its board of directors
iii.服务提供商或服务提供商的任何合作伙伴直接或间接实益拥有其已发行股本的百分之五十 (50) 或以上或控制其董事会组成的公司

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(h)References to related persons of the Service Provider,directors and management staff of the Service Provider or those of a related person in any of the applicable Sub- paragraph of sub-clauses (a)above include persons who were in such capacity at such time of the event referred to in that Sub-paragraph.
(h) 服务提供商相关人员服务提供商董事管理人员相关人员的参考资料上文第 (a)中任何适用的人包括在该小节所述事件发生时具有此类身份的人

28. Request for Information

(a)In the event that the Government determines that:

i. clarification in relation to any Quotation is necessary;or
i. 有必要对任何报价进行澄清;或

ii.a document or a piece of information,other than the document or information set out in Clause (b)below,is missing from any Quotation,
ii.除下文第 (b)的文件信息,任何报价单中均未包含任何文件或信息

it may,but is not obliged to,request the Service Provider concerned to make the necessary clarification,or submit the required document or information.Each Service Provider shall thereafter within five (5)working days or such other period as specified in the request submit such clarification,information or document in the form required by the Government.A Quotation will not be considered further if complete information or document is not provided asrequired by the deadline as specified in the request,or in the case of clarification,such clarification is not provided by such deadline or is not acceptable to the Government.As an alternative to seeking clarification or further information or document,the Government may not consider the Quotation further or may proceed to evaluate the Quotation on an“as is"”basis.
它可以(但没有义务)要求相关服务提供商进行必要的澄清,或提交所需的文件信息。此后,每个服务提供商应在 (5)个工作日内请求中规定的其他期限内提交此类说明、信息政府要求的form中的文件如果未按要求提供完整的信息或文件,则报价进一步考虑 deadline请求指定,或者在需要澄清的情况下,此类澄清截止日期前提供提供政府可接受。作为寻求澄清进一步信息文件的替代方案,政府可能不会进一步考虑报价可以在“如我”的基础上继续评估报价

(b)The document and information not covered by sub-clause(a)above are: i.price information or quotes required in the Quotation Documents; ii.a signed Part V-Offer to be Bound;and
(b)第(a)项涵盖的文件信息是:i.报价文件要求的价格信息报价;ii.已签署的第 V 部分 -约束要;和

iii.any other document or information in respect of which it is specified in the Quotation Documents that a failure to provide to the Government in a Quotation at the time of submission of the Quotation or by the Quotation Closing Time will result in the Quotation not being considered.

(c)Service Providers should also note that the Government will not consider any clarification or information submitted by a Service Provider after the Quotation Closing Time irrespective of whether or not the clarification or information is submitted at the invitation of the Government if the Government considers that such clarification or information would alter the Service Provider's Quotation in substance or give the Service Provider an advantage over the other Service Providers.

29. Environmental Protection

(a)Service Providers are requested to minimise the impact of their activities on the environment.

(b)The Government recommends that the following environment-friendly measures be adopted in the preparation of documents relating to a Quotation and the future performance of the Contract

i.all documents shall be printed on both sides and on recycled paper.Paper that exceeds 80 gsm shall not be used for the text;
I.所有文件均须双面打印,并打印在复印纸上。文本不得使用超过80 gsm纸张;

ii.use of plastic laminates,glossy covers or double covers shall be avoided as far as possible.Ifart board paper has to be used as document covers,recyclable non- glossy paper shall be used;and

Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation

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iii.single line spacing shall be used and excessive space in the margins and in between paragraphs shall be avoided

30. Opt out of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods

The Sale of Goods (United Nations Convention)Ordinance(Cap.641)has commenced on
《货物销售(联合国公约)条例》(第 641 章)已于

1 Dec 2022,and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods(“CISG”)was implemented. In accordance with Article 6 of the CISG,the provisions of the CISG shall not apply tothis Invitation to Quotation and nor any Quotation submitted by a Service Provider in response to this Invitation to Quotation.
2022 年 12 月 1《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》(“CISG”)实施。根据CISG第 6CISG 的规定不适用于本报价邀请函,也不适用于服务提供商为此提交的任何报价报价邀请。

31. Service Provider's Commitment
31. 服务提供商的承诺

(a)All Quotations,information and responses from a Service Provider must be submitted in writing.Each of them is the representation of the Service Provider and will,if accepted by the Government,be incorporated into and made part of the Contract in such manner as the Government considers appropriate.
(a)服务提供商的所有报价、信息和回复必须书面形式提交,每一份都是服务的代表提供者如果被政府接受,将政府认为适当的方式纳入 C 并成为 C吸引的一部分

(b)The Government reserves the right not to consider a Service Provider that directly or indirectly attempts to preclude or limit the effect of the requirement stated in sub-clause (a)above.
(b)政府保留考虑直接间接试图排除或限制第 (a) 所述要求效力的服务提供商的权利以上。

32. Complaints about Quotation Process or Contract Award
32.关于报价 P过程或合同授予的投诉

The quotation process is subject to internal monitoring to ensure that the relevant contract is awardedproperly and fairly.AnyService Provider who feels that its Quotation has not been fairly evaluated may write to the Permanent Secretary for Education who will personally examine the complaint and refer it to the senior management of EDB for consideration if the complaint relates to the quotation system or procedures followed.The Service Provider shall lodge the complaint within 3 months afterthe award of Contract.
报价过程受到内部监督,以确保相关合同得到适当公平的授予。任何服务提供商如果认为报价没有得到公平评估可以信给教育任秘书长后者亲自审查投诉,如果投诉涉及报价系统或所遵循的程序,请转介教育局高级管理层考虑。服务提供商应在合同授予3 个月内提出投诉

33. Service Provider's Enquiries

(a)Any enquiries from the Service Provider concerning the Quotation Documents up to the date of lodging its Quotation with the Government shall be made in writing and sent to:

Arts Education Section

Room W325,3/F West Block
西 3 楼 W325 室

Education Bureau Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre

19 Suffolk Road,Kowloon Tong,Kowloon (Attn:CDO(VA)3)
九龙沙福 19(Attn:CDO(VA)3)

Facsimile No.:23368510

no later than three(3)working days before the Quotation Closing Date.
报价截止日期三 (3) 个工作日

For enquiries only.Do not submit Quotation to this address.

(b)After lodging a Quotation with the Government,the Service Provider shall not attempt to initiate any further contact,whether direct or indirect,with the Government on its Quotation or the Quotation Documents.The Government shall have the sole right to initiate any such further contact and all such contacts and any replies of the Service Provider thereto shall be in writing or formally documented in writing.

(c)Unless otherwise expressly stated by the Government in writing,a statement made by the Government (whether oral or written)in response to any enquiry made by a prospective Service Provider shall be for information only.No such statement shall constitute a representation or warranty by the Government of any nature whatsoever (whether express or implied),and no invitation is made by the Government to any
(c)除非政府另有明确书面说明,否则政府回应任何查询作出陈述(无论是口头还是书面)由潜在服务提供商提供仅供参考。此类 声明构成政府任何性质陈述保证(无论是明示的还是暗示的),并且任何邀请均不构成总督t任何

Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation

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Service Provider or prospective Service Provider to rely on such statement.No such statement shall form part of the Quotation Documents or alter,negate or constitute a waiver of any provision of the Quotation Documents

Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation
第三部分 - 报价条款

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第二部分 -合同条件

1. Contract Period

The duration of the Contract shall be for the period from such date as stated by the Government in the letter of acceptance until the completion by the Contractor of all its contractual obligations under the Contract.

2. Contractor's Obligations

The Contractor shall,during the Contract Period,

(a)provide the Services in accordance with the stipulations of Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services;
(a)根据第 IV 部分- 规范和服务时间表的规定提供服务;

(b)comply and ensure the compliance with all applicable laws,regulations and bylaws in the provision of the Services in HongKong and inthe places where the Tour takes place;
(b) 在香港及旅行团举行地提供服务时遵守并确保遵守所有适用的法律、法规附则;

(c)comply with all directives,guidelines and instructions issued by the Government Representative in relation to the Services from time to time.
(c) 遵守政府代表不时就服务发出的所有指示、指引指示

3. Total Servicesand Variation
3. 总服务和变动

(a)The Services to be performed under the Contract shall be as laid down in Part IV- Specifications and Schedule of Services and Part III-Conditions of Contract and shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Government Representative
(一)根据合同提供的服务应按照第 IV 部分 - 服务规格和时间表以及第 III 部分 - 合同条件的规定进行,并应使政府代表满意

(b)The Contractor shall not extend the Services beyond the requirements specified in Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services and Part ⅢI-Conditions of Contract except as directed in writing by the Government Representative;but the Government Representative may,subject to the provision hereinafter contained,at any time during the Contract Period by notice in writing direct the Contractor to alter,amend,omit,add to,or otherwise vary any of the Services and /or the Contract Period,and the Contractor shall carry out such variations,and be bound by the same conditions,so far as are applicable,as though the said variations were stated in Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services and Part Ⅲ-Conditions of Contract.
(b)签约人不得服务扩展到超出IV 部分 - 服务规范时间表以及 III 条第 I - 条件 中规定的要求之外合同除非政府代表书面指示;但政府代表可以在合同期限内的任何时间,通过书面通知直接签约人更改、修改、省略、添加或以其他方式更改任何服务和/或合同期限,签约人应执行此类更改,并受相同条件的约束,只要适用,如同上述变更在IV 部分 - 规范和服务时间表以及III.-合同条件

(c)Where a variation has been made to the Contract the amount tobe added to or deducted from the price payable to the Contractor for the Services under Clause 7 below in accordance with that variation shall be determined in accordance with the rates specified in the Price Proposal so far as the same may be applicable and where rates are not contained in Appendix 1-Price Proposal,or are not applicable,such amount shall be such sum as is reasonable in the circumstances.
(c)如果合同变更则从应付根据 Clause7 提供的服务承包商应根据该变更按照价格建议中规定的费率确定只要同样可能适用如果费率包含在附录 1 - 价格建议中,或不适用,则该金额应当时情况下合理的金额

(d)Subject to the provisions of the Contract,no waiver,cancellation,alteration or amendment of or to the provisions of the Contract shall be valid unless made by an instrument in writing and duly signed by the Contractor and the Government.

4. Contractor's Warranties and Undertakings

(a)The Contractor warrants,represents and undertakes that:
(a) 承包商保证、声明并承诺

i. the Contractor and its Working Partners and its sub-contractors,and their employees and agents shall have the necessary training,skill,experience,
i. 承包商及其工作伙伴及其分包商,以及他们的雇员和代理人应具备必要的培训、技能、经验、

Part ⅢI-Conditions ofContract
第三部分I -合同条件

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qualifications and expertiseto provide the Services on the terms and conditions as set out in the Contract;

ii.the Contractor shall carry out the Services with all due diligence and in a timely, safe,proper,skillful and workmanlike manner;

iii.the Services shall conform in all respects to Part IV-Specifications and Schedule ofServices and conditions under the Contract;
iii.服务应在所有方面符合IV 项规范和服务时间表以及合同项下的条件;

iv.it shall not employ any illegal workers to carry out its obligations under the Contract;
iv.it 不得雇佣任何非法工人履行合同规定的义务;

v.the Contractor has full power,capacity and authority to enter intothe Contract and to perform its obligations under the Contract;

vi.the Contract constitutes valid,legally binding obligations of the Contractor enforceable in accordance with its terms;

vii.all authorisations,approvals,consents,licences,exemptions and other requirements ofany governmental,administrative or other authority or body in any relevant jurisdiction which are required to authorise the Contractor to execute, deliver and perform the Contractor's obligations under the Contract (including where its procedures so require,the consent of its parent company)have been duly and unconditionally obtained and are in full force and effect and the use of the Services by the Government will not contravene any applicable laws;
vii.任何有关司法管辖区的任何政府、行政或其他机构团体须予授权的所有授权、批准、同意、许可、豁免及其他规定承包人履行交付履行承包人在合同项下的义务(包括在其程序要求的情况下,经其母公司的同意)具有 been正式无条件获得具有完全效力作用并且政府对服务的使用不会违反任何申请法律;

vii.all information supplied,and statementsand representations made by or onbehalf of the Contractor in or in relationto its Quotation and the Contract are true,accurate and complete;

ix.no claim is being made and no litigation,arbitration or administrative proceeding is presently in progress,or to the best of the Contractor's knowledge and belief, pending or threatened against it or any of its assets which will or might have a material adverse effect on its ability toperform its obligations under the Contract;

x.it is not subject to any contractual obligation,compliance with which is likely to have a material adverse effect on its ability to perform its obligations under the Contract;

xi.no proceedings or other steps have been taken or not discharged(nor to the best of its knowledge,are threatened)for the winding up or bankruptcy of the Contractor or for its dissolution or for the appointment of a receiver,administrative receiver, liquidator,manager,administrator or similar office in relation to any of the Contractor's assets or revenue;

xii.itowns,has obtained and is able to obtain,valid licences for allIntellectual Property Rights that arenecessary for the performance of its obligations under the Contract

xiii.ithas not done or omitted to do anything which could have a material adverse effect

on its assets,financial condition or position as an ongoing business concern or on its ability to fulfil its obligations under the Contract;and

xiv.no Intellectual Property Rights of any third party will be infringed as a result ofthe provision of the Services and shall indemnify the Government against any loss or
xiv.no 提供服务所致侵犯任何第三方知识产权任何loss

Part III-Conditions ofContract
第三部分 -条件

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damage which the Government may sustain or incur as a result of any allegation of or claim for infringement of the Intellectual Property Rights ofany party arising from or in any way related to the Contractor's provision of the Services.

(b)The warranties,representations and undertakings,expressed or implied,contained in sub-clause(a)above and other provisions of the Contract(collectively,“Warranties”and each,a“Warranty”)shall be true without limitation in time,save that in case of any Warranty expressed to be effective during the Contract Period,it shall be true on each day of the Contract Period as ifit is repeated on each such day.
(b)上述第(a)项合同的其他条款(统称为“保证”和每个“保证”)中包含的明示暗示保证、陈述承诺应是真实的,无限制。n 在时间上,除了任何保证明确表示合同期内有效外,在合同期间的每一只要我合适,它都是真实的在每个这样的日子重复

(c)Each of the Warranties shall be separate and independent and without prejudice to any other Warranty,and shall not be limited by reference to or inference from any other Warranty or any other provision of the Contract.
(c) 每项保证均应是独立独立的且不影响任何其他保证,且不应以下条件的限制或从任何其他保证或合同的任何其他条款推断

(d)Unless otherwise expressly excluded from or provided to the contrary in the Contract, the rights,duties and liabilities imposed on a service provider and the rights conferred onthe party contracting with the service provider under the Supply of Services (Implied Terms)Ordinance(Cap.457)apply to bind the Contractor and the Government respectively.
(d) 除非合同中另有明确排除另有相反规定,否则服务施加的权利、义务责任供应商根据《提供服务(隐含条款)条例》(第 457 章)赋予服务供应商订立合约的一方的权利,分别对承办商及政府具有约束力。

5. Change of Itineraries and Working Partners

(a)The Contractor shall not make or allow to be made any change in the itineraries of the Tour save with the prior written approval of the Government Representative.

(b)The Contractor shall not change any of its Working Partners without the prior written approval of the Government Representative

6. Rescheduling or Cancellation of Tour

(a)The Contractor shall formulate and submit a contingency and fallback plan within 14 days after the award of the Contract.Should any bad weather or adverse condition listed below occur in Hong Kong,or similar condition in the Mainland,causing cancellation/deferral of partial of all of the Tour,in consultation with the Government Representative.Compensation shall be arranged within 180 days as far as possible, unless explicitly exempted by the Government Representative.Only if deemed not feasible by the Government Representative,shall the Tour becancelled.Prior approval
(a)承包商应在授予合同14天内制定提交应急后备计划香港出现恶劣天气不利情况,或内地发生类似情况,导致部分取消/延期 除非政府代表明确豁免,否则赔偿应在180 天内尽可能安排政府代表,应给您取消。事先批准

from the Government Representative is required for any changes to the arrangement. i.when the Red or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued;
对安排进行任何更改都需要 THE Government Representativei. 当红色黑色暴雨警告信号发出时;

ii. when Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal pre-No.8/No.8 or above is issued;
ii. 当 8 号/8 号或以上的热带气旋警告发出时;

iii.when“extreme conditions after super typhoons”announced by the Government are in force;

iv.when suspension of classes of Schools in the Mainland due to any unstable factors affecting the roads and traffic conditions has been announced by the Government Representative within 14 days before departure of the Tour;or
iv.政府宣布内地学校影响道路和交通状况不稳定因素而停时旅行出发前 14 天内代表;或

v.any other circumstances which the Government Representative,at its absolute discretion,considers that it is unsafe and /or not suitable to proceed with the Tour and that rescheduling is necessary.

Part II-Conditions of Contract
第二部分 - 合同条件

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vi.spread of communicable disease or illness or injuries of Participants;

vii.adverse factors affecting the roads and traffic or change of schedule in coach;and vii.any other emergencies.

(b)Under no circumstances shall anyParticipant be made to pay for any costs arising from or in relation to the rescheduling of the Tour under this Clause.

(c)In the case of Cancellation of the Tour if rescheduling is deemed not feasible by the Government Representative,without prejudice to anything contained in sub-clause (a) above and subject to the Government being satisfied,and at the discretion of the Government,on evidence and documents submitted by the Contractor that the Contractor has incurred or suffered irrecoverable costs or expenses arising from or in relation to cancellation of the Tour under sub-clause (a)above,the Government will reimburse the Contractor of such costs,with a ceiling of no more than 30%of the Total Contract Price.
(c)在取消旅行的情况下如果政府代表认为rescheduling不可,但不影响任何事情于上第(a)前提是政府信纳并政府酌情权根据承建商提交的证据文件,确保承办商取消Tour产生遭受无法追回CO. O 或 费用上述第 (a) 政府承包商偿还此类费用上限不超过合同金额30%e.

7. Payment of the Contract Price

(a)Subject to the Contractor performing the Services hereunder to the satisfaction ofthe Government andthe provisions of the Contract,the Government shall pay the Contractor in consideration of the performance of the Services after the last day of the Tour as specified in Part IV.
(a)承包商履行本协议项下服务满足政府和合同规定的前提下,政府应向承包商支付履行服务的对价第 IV 部分规定的旅行最后一天之后

(b)Notwithstanding any provision in the Contract,unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Government,in respect of any Services provided to the Government,the Government shall not have any obligation to pay the Contractor any Contract Price for such Services unless and until the Services have been accepted by the Government. The Government shall pay the Contractorthe Contract Price within thirty (30)days after the stated in sub-clause (a)above,or within thirty (30)days after the receipt of the invoice from the Contractor(which has included all necessary deductions,set-off and withholding),whicheveris the later.
(b)尽管合同有任何规定,除非政府另有书面同意,否则就政府提供的任何服务政府没有任何义务n 向承包商支付此类服务的任何合同款,除非政府接受这些服务政府应在上述 (a) 小节规定的三十 (30) 天内,或在收到承包商发票后三十 (30) 天内向承包商支付合同 P大米(包括h包括所有必要的扣除、抵销预扣),以迟到r 为准。

(c)The Contract Price is inclusive of all charges for provision of Services.Subject to sub- clause 1 above and save as otherwise expressly provided for in the Contract,the Contractor shall not be entitled to any adjustment in the Contract Price for any reason (including foreign exchange fluctuations).

(d)The Contractor shall invoice the Government for payment of the Contract Price.The Contractor shall deliver to the Government an invoice setting out the particulars of the Services provided,the Order number (if any),the Quotation Reference Number,the amount of Contract Price payable for the Services and such other information as the Government Representative may require from time to time.

(e)All correspondence concerning payments shall be forwarded to

Arts Education Section,Education Bureau W325,3/F,West Block
教育艺术教育 西 W325,3/F

19 Suffolk Road,Kowloon Tong,Kowloon (Attn.:CDO(VA)3)


Otherwise advised by the Government.The Government shall not be held responsible for any delay in payment ifinvoices and correspondence are not properly addressed.

Part II-Conditions of Contract
第二部分 - 合同条件

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(a)The Participant shall not be liable for any payment arising from his /her withdrawal from the Tour for any reason accepted by the EDB,and without prejudice to such,the Government shall not be liable for any payment arising from the withdrawal by any Participant from the Tour.

(b)Notwithstanding any provision of the Contract,the Government is entitled to withhold payment of all or any part of the Contract Price and any other sum payable by the Government to the Contractor under the Contract if:

i.the Contractor fails to observe or perform any provision of the Contract;

ii.the Government disputes on any reasonable ground its obligation to pay the amount in question;

ii.the Government has reasonable grounds to believe that the Contractor is or will be

liable to the Government underany provision of the Contract for the loss or damage suffered by the Government;or

iv.withholding of payment is required by any applicable law
iv. 任何适用法律要求预扣付款

(c)No payment made by the Government under the Contract shall prejudice or carry any implication whatsoeveron any rights or cause of actionwhich has accrued or may accrue, or any remedy available,to the Government in respect of any breach of the Contract by the Contractor.

(d)The Government shall not be held responsible or liable for any delay in payment and no interest or other surcharge or any other payment howsoever described shall be charged to the Government due to (i)invoices not having been issued in accordance with this Clause 7,or (ii)the amount billed in the invoices not having been duly calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Contract (including without limitation not having taken into account all applicable deductions,set-off or withholding),or (ii)the Contractor disputing any deductions or set-off or withholding made by the Government pursuant to the Contract,or (iv)any invoice or correspondence being improperly addressed contrary to the requirements stipulated in the Contract.Each invoice shall include all deductions,set-off and withholding which may be made pursuant to the terms of the Contract and shall show the net amount payable.If the Contractor does not render an invoice charging a correctly stated net amount due to its failure to take into account all appropriate deductions,set-offor withholding or otherwise,the Government may,but is not obliged to,pay the net amount which duly takes into account all appropriate deductions,set-off and withholding.
(d)政府不对任何延迟付款负责承担任何责任,也不得收取利息或其他附加费或任何其他付款,无论其方式如何 (i)有按照第 7 条发出发票, (ii)发票上记帐的金额而向政府收费未按照合同条款进行适当计算(包括但不限于未考虑所有适用的扣除、抵销或预扣),或 (ii) 承包商对任何扣除或抵或预扣马提出异议政府根据合同,或 (iv) 任何发票或信件地址违反合同规定的要求。每张发票e包括根据合同条款可能进行的所有扣除、抵销和预扣并应显示应付金额。如果承包商由于未能考虑所有适当的扣除额,设定预扣或其他方式政府可以但没有义务支付,该适当考虑了所有适当的扣除额、抵销和持有。

8. Protected Information
8. 受保护的信息

(a)The Contractor shall and shall procure that its Working Partners shall: i. keep all Protected Information confidential;
(a)承包商促使合作伙伴i. 对所有“受保护的信息”保密;

ii.not divulge or communicate to any person or persons any of the Protected Information except with the Government Representative's express consent in writing;and

iii.not use or be allowed to use the Protected Information for any purpose other than that of carrying out the provisions of this Contract

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(b)The Contractor shall and shall procure that its Working Partners shall take all precautionary measures to preserve the integrity of all Protected Information and to prevent any corruption,disclosure or loss of the same.

(c)Any disclosure or misuse of any Protected Information by the Contractor,its Working Partners or any of their employees or agents shall be deemed to be the default of the Contractor.

(d)The Contractor agrees and undertakes to fully indemnify the Government in respect of all losses,liabilities,claims,actions,proceedings,demands,costs,charges or expenses arisingout of or in connection with any claims in respect of the Protected Information which claims would not have arisen but for some act,omission,neglect or default onthe part of the Contractor or any of the Contractor's employees or agents or its Working Partners.

(e)The Contractor shall befully aware of its obligations as a government contractor under the Official SecretsOrdinance(Cap.521).Without limitation,the Contractor must not, without lawful authority,as defined in Cap.521,disclose any information relating to security,intelligence,defence or international relations,or any information the disclosure of which results in thecommission of an offence,facilitates an escape from legal custody or the doing of any other act prejudicialto the safekeeping of persons in legal custody,or impedes the prevention or detection of offencesor the apprehensionor prosecution of suspected offenders,and which is or has been in its possession by virtue of its position as a government contractor
(五)承建商应充分了解其作为政府承建商在《官方机密条例》(第 521 章)下的责任。承包人不得在未经第 521 章所定义的合法授权的情况下,披露任何与安全、情报、国防或国际关系有关的信息,或任何披露导致犯罪的信息,促进逃脱合法监护或做出任何其他损害合法监护人员安全的行为,或阻碍预防或侦查犯罪行为,或逮捕或起诉犯罪嫌疑人,以及凭借其作为政府承包商的地位而拥有或曾经拥有的犯罪行为

(f)The Contractor shall and shall procure that its Working Partners shall observe the legal obligations under the Personal Data (Privacy)Ordinance(Cap.486),in particular,Data Protection Principles 2,3 and 4 with regard to duration of retention,use and security of the personal data contained in the documents.
(f)承办商促使工作伙伴遵守个人资料(私隐)条例》(第 486 章)下的法律义务,在特别是数据保护原则2、34关于文档中包含的个人数据保留、使用和安全性

(g)The obligations on the part of the Contractor under this Clause shallcontinue in full force and effect notwithstanding any termination orthe expiryof this Contract.

9. Assignment

The Contractor shall not,without the prior writtenconsentof the Government Representative, assign or otherwise transfer the Contract,or any part share or interest therein,and the performance of the Contract by the Contractor shall be personal to it

10. Set-off

Wherethe Contractor has incurred anyliability to the Government,whether at law orin equity and whether such liability is liquidated or unliquidated,the Government may set off,whether at law or in equity,the amount of such liability against any sum then due or which at any time thereafter may become due from the Governmentto theContractor underthe Contract or any other contracts.

11. Liability and Indemnities

(a)Neither the Government nor any of its employees or agents shall be under any liability whatsoever for or in respect of:

i.any loss of or damage to any of the Contractor's property or that of its employees or agents however caused (whether by any Negligence of the Government orany

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of its employees or agents or otherwise);or

ii.any injury to or death of the Contractor's employees or agents,save and except any such injury or death caused by the Negligence of the Government or any of its employees or agents.

(b)Without prejudice to any other provision of the Contract,the Contractor shall indemnify each of the Government and its employees and agents (each an“Indemnified Person”) against:

i. any and all claims(whether or not successful,compromised,settled,withdrawn or discontinued,in whole or in part),actions,investigations,demands,proceedings or judgments,joint or several,threatened,brought or established against an Indemnified Person(“Claims”);and
i. 任何及所有索赔(无论是否成功、妥协、和解、撤回终止、全部或部分)、诉讼、调查、要求、法律程序或判决、连带或个别、威胁、提起或确立受弥偿人士的索赔(“索赔”);和

ii.any and all liabilities,losses,damages,costs,charges or expenses (including (i)all legal fees and other awards,costs,payments,charges and expenses and (ii)any loss or damage sustained by or any injury to or death of any person in consequence of any Negligence ofthe Contractor or any ofits employees,sub-contractors or agents) which an Indemnified Person may pay or incur as a result of or in relation to any Claims,which in any case arise directly or indirectly in connection with,out of or in relation to:

(1)the performance or breach ofany provisions of the Contractby the Contractor, its employees,agents or sub-contractors;

(ii)the negligence,recklessness,tortious acts or wilful omission of the Contractor, its employees,agents or sub-contractors;

(iii)any default,unauthorised act or wilful misconduct of the Contractor,its employees,agents or sub-contractor(s);

(iv)any claim that the use or possession of the materials infringes the Intellectual Property Rights of any person;or

(v)the non-compliance by the Contractor,its employees,agents or sub- contractor(s)with any applicable law,or regulation,order or requirement of any government agency or authority.

(c)The indemnity under sub-clause (b)above shall not apply to any injury or death caused by the Negligence of an Indemnified Person
(三)上述 (b) 款规定的赔偿不适用于因受偿人的疏忽造成的任何伤害或死亡

(d)In the event of any person suffering any injury or death in the course of or arising out of the Contract and whether there be a claim for compensation or not,the Contractor shall verbally inform the Government Representative as early as practicable and deliver to the Government a written report within 7 working days after the occurrence of the injury or death,or on an earlier date specified by the Government Representative.
(d)如果任何人合同过程中合同引起的伤害死亡以及是否有特定目的无论是否赔偿承建商尽早口头通知政府代表,并在受伤死亡发生后 7 个工作日内向政府提交书面报告,或在政府代表指定的较早日期

(e)For the purposes of this Clause,“Negligence”shall have the same meaning as that assigned to it in section 2(1)of the Control of Exemption Clauses Ordinance(Cap.71).

(1)The indemnities,payment and compensation given in pursuance of the Contract by the Contractor shall not be affected or reduced by reason of any failure or omission of the Government in enforcing any of the terms and conditions of the Contract

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12. Termination of Contract

(a)The Government shall be entitled to forthwith terminate the Contract if the Contractor:

i.persistently or flagrantly fails to carryout the whole or any part of the Services in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Contract;or

ii.is in breach of a fundamental term of the Contract;or iii.abandons the Contract in whole or in part;or

iv.goes into liquidation;or a petition has been filed for the winding up of the Contractor otherwise than for the purpose of a solvent reconstruction or amalgamation previously approved bythe Government Representative in writing; or the Contractor has become insolvent or make any composition or arrangement with creditors;or areceiver has been appointed in respect of any part of the business or assets of the Contractor;or

v.shall or purports to assign,transfer,sub-contract or otherwise dispose of all or any of its rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the Government Representative.

(b)The Government may immediately terminate the Contract upon the occurrence of any of the following events:
(b) 政府可在发生以下任何事件时立即终止合同:

i.the Contractor has engaged or is engaging in acts or activities that are likely to constitute or cause the occurrence of offences endangering national security or which would otherwise be contrary to the interest of national security;

ii.the continued engagement of the Contractor or the continued performance of the Contract is contrary to the interest of national security;or

ii.the Government reasonably believes that any of the events mentioned above is about to occur.

(c)Where the Contractor,being in breach of a term of the Contract which is capable of being remedied,has failed to remedy the same to the satisfaction of the Government Representative within 14 days after the issuance by the Government Representative to the Contractor ofa writtennotice requiring it to do so,the Government shall be entitled to terminate this Contract upon the expiry of the 14 days'notice.
(c)如果承包商违反了合同能够补救的条款,但未能使政府满意地补救政府代表在政府代表向承建商发出书面通知14 天内,有权在 14 天通知届满后终止本合同

(d)Any termination hereunder shall be without prejudice to any antecedent right and obligation of eitherparty.

(e)Without prejudice to any rights and claims of the Government under the Contract or otherwise at law,the Government shall be entitled to terminate the Contract upon the occurrence of any“Force Majeure Event”.
(e) 在不损害政府根据合约法律赋予的任何权利申索的情况下,政府有权在发生以下情况终止合约任何“不可抗力事件”。

(f)Notwithstanding the foregoing,the Government shall be entitled to terminate the Contract without cause without entitling the Contractor toany compensation whatsoever by giving 1 month's notice in writing to the Contractor.
(f)尽管有上述规定,政府有权无故终止合同,而无需要求承包商获得任何赔偿但必须提前1 个月以书面形式通知承包商。

(g)The Government may also by written notice to the Contractor terminate the Contract immediately upon the occurrence of any of the following events:

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i. a proposal is made for a voluntary arrangement or any other composition,scheme or arrangement with,or assignment for the benefit of,the Contractor's creditors;

ii.if the Contractor is an incorporated body,a shareholders or members meeting is convened for the purpose of considering a resolution that it be wound up or a resolution for its winding-up is passed (other than voluntarily for the purpose of bona fide reconstruction or solvent amalgamation);

iii.a petition is presented for the winding-up or bankruptcy of the Contractor,which is not dismissed within fourteen(14)days after the petition is presented;
iii.为承包商的破产或破产提出申请,该申请在以下日期14 天内被驳回提交请愿书;

iv.the Contractor is or becomes insolvent,or any order is made for the Contractor's bankruptcy

v.an administrator,administrative receiver,receiver or similar officer is appointed over the whole or any part of the Contractor's business or assets

vi.the Contractor suspends or ceases,or threatens to suspend or cease,to carry on all or a substantial part of its business
vi. 签约人暂停或停止,或威胁暂停或停止其全部或大部分业务

vii.the Government reasonably apprehends that any of the events mentioned above is about to occur;or

vii.a Force Majeure Event occurs in such manner entitling the Government to terminate the Contract under Clause 35.(g)of PartⅢ-Conditions of Contract
vii.a 不可抗力事件的发生使政府有权根据第 35 条终止合同。第 III 部分 - 合同条件 (g)

(h)The Government may at any time suspend or terminate the Contract by giving the Contractor seven(7)days prior written notice.
(h) 政府可随时终止或终止合同,但须提前七 (7) 天承建商发出书面通知。

(1)On termination of the Contract for any reason,the Government is under no further obligation to the Contractor under the Contract without thereby releasing the Contractor from any ofits liabilitiesunder the Contract,oraffecting any rights and powers conferred upon the Government by the Contract.
(1)如因任何原因终止合约,政府在不免除承建商在合约项下的任何责任,或不影响任何权限权力,否则概不向承建商及合约承担任何责任由 Contr法案授予政府。

G)The expiry or termination of the Contract shall not affectany accrued rightsor liabilities of either party nor shall it affect the coming into force or the continuance in force of any provision of the Contract which is expressly or by implication intended to come into or continue in force on or after such expiry or termination.

(k)If the Contract is terminated under sub-clauses (a)and (b)above and the Government makes other arrangements for the provision of any Services from any other source,the Government may recover from the Contractor:(a)any amount in excess of the Contract Price incurred by the Government in engaging another contractor to complete the uncompleted Services and all costs and expenses incurred in making the arrangements for the same including conducting quotation for the uncompleted Services;and (b)any additional expenditure incurred by the Government in connection with a default by the

Contractor referred to in sub-clauses (a)and (b)above.If the Contract is so terminated, until the Government has established the final cost of making other arrangements contemplated under this Clause,no further payments shall be payable by the Government to the Contractor for the Services provided by the Contractor prior to termination and in accordance with the Contract for which payment has yet to be made by the Government.
文第 (a) 和 (b) 项提及承包商。如合约终止,政府确定根据本条款作出其他安排的最终费用之前,政府无须再承包商合同终止根据合同提供尚未付款的服务由政府。

(1)On the expiry or termination of the Contract for any reason,the Contractor shall:

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i.immediately return to the Government all documents containing confidential information,personal data and such otherinformation,property and materials in the possession or under the control of the Contractor or any of its sub-contractors and agents,which was obtained or produced in the courseof providing the Services;
i. 立即承办商或任何提供服务过程中获得或产生的参与者和代理人;

ii.assist and co-operate with the Government to ensure an orderly transition of the provision of the Services to such person specified by the Government Representative and/or the completion of any work-in-progress;

ii.within fourteen(14)days of the date of termination compile and submit to the Government a report of all relevant information,facts,data,findings and conclusions in respectof the Services which have been provided up to the effective date of termination;and
ii.在终止之日起十四 (14) 天内,汇编并向政府提交一份报告,其中包含截至生效 终止日期

iv.promptly provide all information concerning the provision of the Serviceswhich may reasonably be requested by the Government for the purposes of adequately understanding the manner in which the Services have been provided or the purpose of allowingthe Government or a replacement contractor to conduct due diligence.

(m)Save as otherwise expressly provided for in the Contract,no compensationwhatsoever (including compensation for any loss or expense arising from any consequential loss or damage,or loss of opportunity,suffered or incurred by the Contractor)shall be payable by the Governmentto the Contractor as a result of any suspension or early termination of the Contract by the Government.
(m) 除合同另有明确规定,不任何赔偿(包括对因任何间接损失而产生的任何损失费用的赔偿)承包商遭受招致损害或机会损失)应由政府支付给 C承包商任何暂停或提前终止而支付给 C 承包商of总督签订的合同

13. Corrupt Gifts
13. 腐败的礼物

(a)If the Contractor or any employee or agent of the Contractor shall be found to have committed an offence under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap.201)or any subsidiary legislation made thereunder or under any law of a similar nature in relation to the Contract orany other Government contracts,the Government Representative may, on behalf of the Government,summarily terminate the Contract,without entitling the Contractor to any compensation therefor.
(a)如果承包商承包商的任何雇员代理人被发现犯有防止贿赂条例》(第 201 章)或根据该条例制定的任何附属法例,或根据合约或任何其他政府有关的类似性质的任何法律订立的附属法例合同中,政府代表可以代表政府立即终止合同,而承包商无权就此获得任何赔偿

(b)The Contractor shall be liable for all expenses necessarily incurred by the Government as the result of the termination of the Contract

14. Disclosure of Information
14. 信息披露

The Contractor hereby irrevocably authorises,consents and agrees thatthe Government may, whenever it considers appropriate or upon request by any person(written or otherwise)and without any further reference to the Contractor,disclose to any person in such form and manner as the Government considers fit:

(a)the Services provided or to be provided by the Contractor;
(a) 承包商提供提供的服务;

(b)the Total Contract Price and any other fees,cost and expense payable to the Contractor pursuant to the Contract;

(c)the price proposal submitted prior to the date of the Contract by the Contractor to the Government in relation to the Services;and

(d)the engagement by the Government of the Contractor under the Contract and the name and address of the Contractor and persons appointed or engaged by the Contractor to

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assist in the performance of the Contract

15. Publicity
15. 宣传

(a)Whether before,during or after the expiry or termination of the Contract Period,the Contractor shall not use the Government's name in any document,publication, advertisement or publicity material withoutthe prior written consent of the Government.
(a) 无论是在合同期满或终止之前、期间或之后承建商不得在任何文件、出版物、广告或宣传材料中使用政府的名称,除非事先得到政府。

(b)Subject to sub-clause (a)above,the Contractor shall submit to the Government Representative for approval all the proposed advertising or other publicity material relating to the Contract,the Services or other services provided or other work done in connection with the Contract wherein the Government's name is mentioned or language used from which a connection with the Government can reasonably be inferred or implied.
(b)除上述 (a) 项另有规定外,承办商将所有拟议的广告或其他宣传材料提交给政府代表批准与合同有关的服务或其他服务提供d与合同相关的其他工作,其中提及政府名称或使用的语言可以合理地推断出与政府联系

(c)Notwithstanding any consent or approval given under sub-clause (a)or (b)above, whenever required by the Government,the Contractor shall remove all advertisement and publicity material relating to the Contract wherein the Government is mentioned or language used from whicha connection with the Government can reasonably be inferred or implied and the Contractor must comply with such request.

16. Governing Law

The Contract shall be subject to and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong in relation to any matters arising out of the Contract

17. Conduct of Sexual Conviction Record Check

(a)The Sexual Conviction Record Check Scheme (hereafter referred to as“SCRC”)was implemented by the Hong Kong Police Force on 1 December 2011 for check of any criminal conviction records against a specified list of sexual offences.The Contractor shall require its employees who will be assigned to work in the Programme and require its Local Partner (if applicable)to demand its employees who will be assigned to work in the Programme to:

i. declare in the job application form and/or other related documents whether they have been convicted of any criminal offence in Hong Kong or elsewhere,and to

provide the details;and ii.undergo the SCRC.
提供详细信息;及ii. 接受性罪行定罪纪录查核。

(b)The Contractor shall seek the consent of its employees who will be assigned to work in the Programme and require its Local Partner (if applicable)to seek the consent of its employees who will be assigned to work in the Programme to pass the information regarding sub-clauses(a)i.and (a)ii.above,including the codes for accessing the results of SCRC and the result of the SCRC,to EDB for Government's consideration of the suitability of the Contractor's or its Local Partner's prospective employees.

(c)The Contractor shall inform its employees and require its Local Partner to inform its employees of the following:

i. it is obligatory for the employees to provide the information required;

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ii.refusing to disclose the required information or intentionally providing false information and/or withholding any material information may render them unsuitable for the post(s);

ii.the information provided by the employees is used by the Government for the consideration of their suitability for the post(s);

iv.any conviction of criminal offence(s)may not necessarily render them unsuitable for the post(s);and

v.the employees have theright to request for access and correction of the information provided by sending a written request to the Contractor.

18. Contracts (Rights of Third Parties)Ordinance

The Parties hereby declare that nothing in this Contract confers or purports to confer on any third party any benefit or any right to enforce any term of this Contract pursuant to the Contracts(Rights of Third Parties)Ordinance(Cap.623).
双方特此声明,本合同中的任何内容均不授予或意图授予任何第三方任何利益执行合同任何条款的任何权利根据合约(第三者权利)条例》(第 623 章)。

19. Costs and Expenses

Save asotherwise expressly provided for in the Contract,the Contractor shall comply with all provisions of the Contract and its obligations under theContract atits own costs and expenses.

20. Order and Provision of Services

(a)Whenever required by the Government by a written ordersigned by the Government Representative(“Order”)specifying:

i.the Services to be provided to the Government;

ii.the date and time for provision of the Services referred to in sub-clause (a)i.;and

ii.the conditions,ifany,applicable to the provision of the Services referred to in sub- clause (a)i,
ii.适用于提供第 i 条第 (a)i 所述服务的条件(如有),

the Contractor shall providetothe Government the Services so specified in the Order in accordance with the Order and the provisions of the Contract.

(b)Ifno date and time for provision of the Services is specified in an Order,the Contractor shall provide the Services specified in the Order within fourteen(14)working days from the date of the Order
(b) 如果订单中没有指定提供服务的日期和时间则签约合作伙伴应在订单之日起十四 (14) 个工作日内提供订单中规定的服务

(c)Time shall be of the essence as regards each provision of the Services specified in an Order
(c) 时间至关重要因为 r 订单中规定的每项服务

(d)Notwithstanding any provision of the Contract,due provision of any Services to the Government shall notbe regarded to have taken place unless and untilsuch Services are accepted by the Government.

21. Inspection

(a)The Services performed shall be subject to inspection and certification by the Inspecting Officer and/or the Government Representative.Upon breach of any term or condition of the Contract by the Contractor,including but not limitedto failureto comply with the

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performance requirements in accordance with the Schedule of Services,the Government shall be entitled to reject unsatisfactory performance of the Services and withhold payment of the Contract Price until the deficiencies or defects have been rectifiedby the Contractor.

(b)In the event that the Contractor,its sub-contractors or any of the Services performed shall fail to complywith any of the requirements of the Contract,or in the event that there is a breach of or non-compliance with any warranty,undertaking or obligation on the part of the Contractor to observe and perform which is capable of remedy,the Government may by notice in writing to the Contractor at any time require the Contractor to make good the defect,deficiency or remedy the breach at its sole costs and expenses within fourteen(14)days or such earlier or later date as may be stipulated by the Government in the notice.
(b)如果承包商、其分包商所执行的任何服务未能遵守任何要求合同或者承包商违反或不遵守任何保证、承诺义务遵守执行h 能够补救的措施,政府可随时以书面通知承办商要求承包商在十四 (14) 天内可能规定的更早更晚的日期内修复缺陷、不足或补救 breac h,费用费用由其自行承担政府在通知中

22. Non-exclusive Contract
22. 排他性合同

Nothing in the Contract shall preclude the Government from procuring any Services from any other person.

23. Government Property

When Government property is issued to the Contractor under the Contract,the Contractor shall be responsible for the due return of all such property.Should any such property be lost or damaged from any cause whatsoever while in the possession or control of the Contractor or his servants,workmen or agents,the Contractor shall pay for the same at total original cost plus twenty percent (20%).A count of the articles or material in the possession of the Contractor may be made at any time by the Government Representative and the Contractor shall render such assistance as is necessary for this purpose.
根据合同向承办商发放政府财产承办商应负责妥善归还所有此类财产。如果承包商或其仆人、工人或代理人在拥有控制期间任何原因导致任何此类财产丢失或损坏,承包商应支付相同的是总原始成本加上百分之二十(20%)。政府代表随时对承包商所拥有的物品或材料进行清点承包商应按原样提供协助 为此目的所必需的

24. Government Premises /Contractor's Premises

(a)The Contractor,shall ensurethat all persons engaged by him in carrying out the Contract keep to such parts of Government premises as are necessary for the due discharge of the Contractor's obligations under the Contract.
(a)承包商应确保执行合同而雇用的所有人员在政府房屋内保持必要的部分。履行承包商根据 Contr法案承担的义务

(b)Wherethe Services are carried out on the Contractor's premises,such premises shall be open to inspection by the Government Representative or Inspecting Officer at all reasonable times.

(c)The safety of any craft,vessel and vehicle used by the Contractor and brought alongside or onto Government premises,piers or wharves,as the case may be,shall be the responsibility of the Contractor,who shall indemnify the Government in respect of any loss or damage to such Government premises,piers or wharves.


Subject to the provisions of the Contract,no waiver,cancellation,alteration or amendment of or to the provisions of the Contract shall be valid unless made by an instrument in writing and duly signed by the Contractor and the Government.

26. Intellectual Property Rights

(a)The Government shall be the exclusive owner of the Materials.All the Intellectual Property Rights in the Materials shall vest in theGovernment at the time theyarecreated.
(a) 政府是该等资料的唯一拥有人,所有该等资料的知识产权在制作时均属政府所有。

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Subjectto sub-clause(c)below,the Contractor warrants that such Materials are original works developed by or onbehalf of the Contractor
在遵守以下第 (c) 项规定的前提下,承包商保证该等材料是由承包商或代表承包商开发的原创作品

(b)The Contractor shall not use or allow to be used directly or indirectly theMaterials except for the performanceof its obligations under the Contract or except with the prior written approval of the Government.“Use”includes any acts restricted by copyright (including reproduction)set out in sections 22 to 29 of the Copyright Ordinance(Cap. 528).
(b)签约人不得直接或间接使用或允许他人使用材料,除非是为了履行合同项下的义务事先书面规定政府的批准。“包括版权条例》(第 528 章)第2229所规定的版权限制的行为(包括复制)。

(c)If materials from other copyright works or Intellectual Property Rights from other sources(except those originating from the Government)are includedin the Materialsor any software and materials are supplied or used by the Contractor in the performance of the Contract and the Intellectual Property Rights are vested ina third party,the Contractor shall identify such materials to the Government and keep the Government informed in writing of such third party materials

(d)The Contractor warrants that:
(d) 承包商保证

i.it has or shall have a valid andcontinuing licence underwhichitis entitled to use or sub-license such third party materials and the third party Intellectual Property Rights for itself and for the Government and its authorised users to use such third party materials;

ii.prior to the use and incorporation of such third party materials,the Contractor shall haveobtained thegrantofallnecessary clearances for itself and for the Government and its authorised users authorising the use of such third party materials for the purposes contemplated under the Contract;
ii. 在使用纳入此类第三方材料之前,签约人自行获得所有必要的授权,并且政府及其授权使用者使用Contract;

ii.the provision of the Services by the Contractor and the use or possessionby the Government and its authorised users of the Materials including the third party materials for any of the purposes contemplated by the Contract doesnotand will not infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of any person;and
ii.承包提供服务以及政府及其授权人员使用或占有该等资料(包括第三方资料)用于C 公司所设想的任何目的不会且不会侵犯任何人的任何知识产权;和

iv.the exercise of any of the rights granted under the Contract by the Government and its authorisedusers willnot infringe any Intellectual Property Rightsof any person.

(e)The Contractor hereby waives and will procure its officers,employees,agents,sub- contractors and all authors concerned to waive all moral rights (whether past,present or future)in respect of the Materials to which they may now or at any time in the future be entitled under the Copyright Ordinance and under any similar law in force from time to time anywhere in the world.Such waiver shall operate in favour of the Government,its authorised users and licensees and shall take effect upon delivery of the relevant Materials.

(1)The Contractor shall at its own costs execute or procure the execution of any further assignments,deeds,licence,documents and instruments anddo or procure the doing of any further things as may be necessary to give full effect to this Clause.

(g)The provisions of this Clause shall survive the expiry or termination of the Contract and shall continuein full force and effect notwithstanding suchexpiry or termination.

27. Conflict of Interest
27. 利益冲突

(a)The Contractor shall during the Contract Period and for three(3)months thereafter:
(a)签约人应在合同期限内三 (3) 个月内

Part III-Conditions of Contract
第三部分 - 合同条件

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i.ensure that it (including each and every employee of the Contractor)and each of its sub-contractors and each of theirrespective employees,officers and agents engaged in the discharge of the obligations hereunder,and each of theirrespective associates and associated persons,shall not undertake any service,task,or job or do anything whatsoever for or on behalf ofany third party (otherthan in the proper performance of the Contract)which conflicts or which may be seen to conflict with the Contractor's duties or obligations under the Contract without the prior written approval of the Government (which approval shall not be unreasonably refused or delayed);and

ii.forthwith notify the Government in writing of all or any facts which may reasonably be considered to give rise to a situation where the financial,professional, commercial,personal or other interests of the Contractor or any of the Contractor's sub-contractors or any of their respective employees,officersand agents deployed for the performance of the Contractor's obligations hereunder or their respective associates or associated persons,conflict or compete,or may be seen to conflict or compete,with the Contractor's duties or obligations under the Contract.

(b)The Contractor shall ensure that each of its associate and associated person,eachof its sub-contractors and each of their respective employees,officers and agents deployed in the performance ofthe Contractor'sobligations hereunder andtheir respective associates and associated persons shall keep themselves informed and inform the Contractor and keep it informed regularly of all facts which may reasonably be considered to give rise to a situation in which the financial,professional,commercial,personal or other interests of such persons,conflict or compete,or may be seen to conflict or compete,with the Contractor's obligations under this Contract.
(b)承包商确保关联关联方、其每个分包商及其各自的为履行承包商在本协议项下的义务部署的员工、高级职员代理人及其各自的关联人员自行保护通知告知Contr行为者,并定期使其了解所有可能被合理认为会导致 此类人员财务、专业、商业、个人或其他利益与承包商的 发生冲突竞争,或可能被视为承包商的 发生冲突竞争992>本合同规定的义务

(c)In the Contract:
(c) 在合同中:

i. “associate”in relation to any person means:
i. “联系人”任何人而言是指:

(i)a relative or partner of that person;or
(i.)perso n 亲属或伴侣;或

(ii)a company one or more of whose directors is in common with one or more of the directors of that person

ii.“associated person”in relation to another person means:

(i)any person who has control,directly or indirectly,over the other; (ii)any person who is controlled,directly or indirectly,by the other;or

(iii)any person who is controlled by,or has control over,a person at or (ii)above; iii.“control”in relation to another person means the power of a person to secure:
(iii)OR(ii)above 的人控制控制任何人;三。control“另一而言是指一个人获得以下权力

(i)by means of the holding of shares or interests or the possession of voting power in or in relation to that or any other person;

(ii)by virtue of powers conferred by any constitution,memorandum or articles of association,partnership,agreement or arrangement (whether legally enforceable or not)affecting that or any other person;or
(ii) 凭借任何组织、组织合伙企业、协议或安排章程、备忘录章程所赋予权力(无论是否具有法律效力)影响或任何其他人;或

(ii)by virtue of holding office as a director in that or any other person;that the

Part II-Conditions of Contract
第二部分 - 合同条件

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affairs of the first-mentioned person are conducted in accordance with the wishes of that other person

iv.“director”means any personoccupying the position of a director by whatever name called and includes a de facto or shadow director;

v.“relativemeans the spouse,parent,child,brother or sister of the relevant person, and,in deducing such a relationship,an adopted child shall be deemed to be a child both of thenatural parents and the adopting parent and a step child to be a child of both the natural parents and the stepparent
v. “亲属”是指相关人员的配偶、父母、子女、兄弟姐妹,在推断这种关系时,被收养的子女应被视为亲生父母和领养父母的子女,继子女应被视为亲生父母和继父母的子女

28. Confidentiality

(a)The Contractor shall treat as proprietary and confidential all information,documents, materials and data (including any personal particulars records and personal data (as defined in the Personal Data(Privacy)Ordinance(Cap.486 of the Laws of Hong Kong)), in whateverformor media,which the Government has for the purposes oforin the course ofperformingthe Contract,supplied,made available or communicated to the Contractor or which may cometo the Contractor's knowledge or be accessible by the Contractor in the course of carrying out the Services and all advices,recommendations,documents, materials and data given by the Contractor to the Government under the Contract (“Confidential Information”).The Contractor's obligations under this Clause 16 shall not extend to any information which was rightfully in the possession of the Contractor prior to the commencementofthe negotiations leading to the Contract or whichisalready in the public knowledge or becomes so at a future date (otherwise than as a result of a breach of this Clause).
(a) 承包商应将所有信息、文件、材料和数据(包括任何个人资料记录个人数据(定义《个人资料私隐条例》(香港法例)香港法例第 486 ))、政府为履行合约之目的拥有的任何形式媒体提供、提供 传达承包商的信息,或者承包商可能知悉的信息,或承包商执行根据合约政府提供的服务所有咨询、推荐、文件、材料和数据(“机密信息”)。承包商在本 Cla使用 16下的义务不应延伸到承包商导致合同的谈判开始之前或公众所知的承包商在未来成为承包商(除非是由于违反本条款)。

(b)Without prejudice to any other provision of the Contract,the Contractor shall indemnify and keep the Government and its authorised users fully and effectively indemnified against any and all actions,damages,costs,claims,demands,expenses (including the fees and disbursements oflawyers,agents and expert witnesses)and any awards and costs which may be agreed to be paid in settlement of any proceedings and liabilities of any nature arising from or incurred by reason of:

i. a breach of confidence (whether under the Contract or general law)by the Contractor or any of its employees,agents or sub-contractors;
我。 承包商或其任何雇员、代理人分包商违反保密责任(无论是根据合同还是一般 法律);

ii.any actions or claims made in respect of information subject to the Personal Data (Privacy)Ordinance,which action and /or claim would not have arisen but for the act,negligence or omission of the Contractor or any of its employees,agents or sub-contractors in connection with the performance of the Contract;and

(c)any act done or omission in the performance of the Contract that contravenes the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Ordinance(Cap.593).

(d)The Contractor shall use the Confidential Information solely for the purposes of the Contract.The Contractor shall not,at any time whether during the Contract Period or after the expiry or termination (howsoeveroccasioned)of the Contract,use (or allow to be used)the Confidential Information for any other purposes without the Government's prior written consent.

(e)The Contractor shall not disclose the Confidential Information to any thirdparties except in confidence tosuchof the Contractor's employees,agentsorsub-contractors who need to know the same for the purposes of the Contract

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(f)The Contractor undertakes to take all necessary measures for the protection of the Confidential Information and to prevent any unauthorised disclosure or leakage of the Confidential Information.
(f) 签约人承诺采取一切必要措施保护机密信息并防止任何未经授权的披露机密信息泄露

(g)The Contractor shall comply with any disclosure restrictions and conditionsof use ofthe Confidential Information as may be stipulated by the Government from time totime.

(h)The Contractor shall ensure that each of its employees,agents,sub-contractors,and any other persons involved in the performance of the Contract are aware of and comply with the provisions of this Clause 16 and the Official Secrets Ordinance(Cap.521).
(h)承包商确保每位员工、代理人、分包商和参与履行合同的任何其他人员了解遵守这些条款16官方机密条例》(第 521 章)。

(i)The Contractor undertakes,if so requested by the Government,to deliver to the Government on such date as specified by the Government,separate confidentiality agreements duly executed by the Contractor and/or each person to whom any Confidential Information is to be disclosed by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract.The Contractor shall not be regarded to have complied with this Clause unless each confidentiality agreement is executed on terms prescribed by the Government.
(i) 承建商承诺,如果政府要求,承建商将在政府指定的日期向政府交付承建商和/或每个人正式签署单独保密协议,以签约人应根据合同披露任何机密信息。签约人不应被视为已遵守规定。除非每份保密协议均按照政府规定的条款执行。

(j)The Contractor further agrees that itwill not at any time whetherby itselfor through any subsidiary or agent use,sell,license,sub-license,create,develop or deal with any Confidential Information otherwise than in accordance with the Contract.
(j)承包商进一步同意其在任何时候都不会自行或通过任何子公司或代理人使用、出售、许可、分许可、创建、开发 交易合同以外的任何机密信息一起使用。

(k)If the Contractor becomes aware ofany breach of confidence by any of its employees, agents or sub-contractors,it shall promptly notify the Government and give the Government all reasonable assistance in connection with any action or proceedings which the Government may take or institute against any such persons.
(k) 如果承包商发现任何雇员代理人分包商违反保密义务应立即通知政府政府可能采取的任何行动或程序政府提供一切合理协助,或对任何该等人士提起诉讼。

(1)The Government may request the Contractor in writing at any time that any Confidential Information disclosed pursuant to the terms of this Clause and any copies,analyses, compilations and extracts thereof whether in hard copies,electronic format or other media be returned,destroyed and /or deleted with a written statement to the effect that upon such return,destruction and /or deletion it has not retained in its possession or under its control,either directly or indirectly,any Confidential Information in whatever form.The Contractor shall comply with any such request from the Government within seven(7)days of receipt of such request
(1)政府可随时以书面形式要求承办商退还、销毁及/或删除根据本条款条款披露的任何机密资料,以及其任何副本、分析、汇编和摘录,不论是印本、电子格式或其他媒体,均须订明在退还、销毁及/或删除后,销毁和/或删除 其未直接或间接保留其拥有或控制的任何形式的任何机密信息。承建商应在收到政府的任何此类请求后七 (7) 天内遵守此类请求

(m)The provisions of this Clause shall survive the expiry or termination of the Contract and shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding such expiry or termination.

29. Probity

(a)The Contractor acknowledges it has been reminded that:

i. dishonesty,theft and corruption on its part or that of its employees,agents or sub- contractors are criminal offences and may lead to prosecution under section 9 of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap.201),sections 17,18D and 19 of the Theft Ordinance(Cap.210)and section 161 of the Crimes Ordinance(Cap.200); and
i. 公司或其员工、代理人包商不诚实、盗窃腐败行为均属刑事犯罪可能导致根据香港法例第201章防止贿赂条例》第9香港法例第210章《盗窃罪条例》第17、18D及19条,以及《刑事罪行条例》第161条提出检控南斯(Cap.200);

ii.the soliciting or accepting of advantages,as defined in the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance is not permitted.

(b)The Contractor shall inform its officers,employees(whether permanent or temporary), agents and sub-contractors that the soliciting or accepting of advantages (as defined in

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the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance)is not permitted.The Contractor shall also caution its officers,employees and agents and sub-contractors against soliciting or accepting any

hospitality,entertainment or inducement which may impair their impartiality in relation to the selection of its sub-contractors,if any,or the supervision of the work of the sub- contractors.

(c)The Government may terminate the Contract immediately if the Contractor or any of its employees,agents and sub-contractors is convicted of an offence under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance,the Theft Ordinance or the Crimes Ordinance.

30. Insurance

(a)The Contractor shall effect and maintain throughout the Contract Period a policy or policies of insurance providing an adequate level of cover in respect of all risks which may be incurred by the Contractor in connection with the performance or attempted performance of its obligations under the Contract,including death,personal injury,loss ofor damage to property or anyother loss.Such insurances shall include cover in respect of any financial loss arising from any advice given or omitted to be given by the Contractor.The insurance company or companies shall be authorised under the Insurance Companies Ordinance (Cap.41).
(a)承包商应在整个合同期内实施并维持一项政策保险单为所有 承包商履行试图履行合同,包括财产身伤害、财产损失或任何其他损失。此类保险包括提供或不提供的任何建议而引起的任何财务损失保险承包商提供。保险公司根据保险公司条例》(第 41 章)授权

(b)Without prejudice to sub-clause (a)above,the Contractor shall effect and maintain employer's liability insurance in respect ofall its employees and other staffin accordance with all applicable legal requirements.
(b)在不影响上述第 (a)的情况下,承包商根据所有适用的法律要求为其所有雇员和其他员工购买雇主责任保险维持雇主责任保险。ements.

(c)The Contractor shall submit to the Government Representative upon award of the Contract copies of the said policy of insurance together with the receiptfor payment of the current premium.Thereafter,the Contractor shall provide the Government with copies of the premium receipts of the policy of insurance within 30 days after the due date for payment of premium
(三)承建商在批给合同时,应向政府代表提交上述保险单的副本以及支付当前保费的收据。其后,承办商须在保费缴付限期后 30 天内,向政府提供保单的保费收据副本

(d)The Contractor shall be responsible for lodging claims with the insurance company and shall notify the insurance company within the time period specified in the policy of the occurrence of any event liable to give rise to a claim.

(e)Ifthe Contractor fails to give effect to or maintain any insurance required under the Contract,the Government may make such alternative arrangements as it considers appropriate to protect its interests and may recover from the Contractor the costs of putting such in place and maintaining such arrangements.
(e) 如果承包商未能实施或维持合同规定的任何保险,政府可以做出认为适当的替代安排,以保护利益并且可以承包商收回实施此类安排和维持此类安排的费用

(f)No provision in any insurance and no amount of insurance covered shall relieve the Contractor of any liability under the Contract.It is the responsibility ofthe Contractorto determine the amount of insurance cover that will be adequate to enable the Contractor to satisfy any liability under the Contract.

(g)The Contractor shall with all due diligence conform to all conditions of the insurance policies effected under the Contract and all reasonable requirements of the insurers in connection with the settlement of claims,the recovery of losses and the prevention of accidents and the Contractor shall bear the consequences of any failure to do so.The Contractor shall bear the cost of all excesses (deductibles),exclusions or limitations applying under the said policies.
(g)承包商一切努力遵守根据合同生效保险的所有条件,以及所有保险公司追讨损失防止 事故签约人承担因未能履行事故造成的后果承包商承担上述政策下适用的所有免赔(免赔额)、排除限制的费用

(h)The Contractor shall cause all sums received by virtue of the insurances taken out by the Contractor under the Contract to be paid to the Government,who shall apply the same

Part III-Conditions of Contract
第三部分 - 合同条件

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towards the discharge of any liability,settlement of any action or claims and/or reinstatement of any property damaged.The Contractor shall make up any deficiency in the amount required for discharging such liability,settling such action or claim and/or reinstatement if any.

31. Process Agent

If the Contractor is not a HongKong resident,the Contractor irrevocably appoints the person whose name and address are set out in Appendix B as its process agent to receive on its behalf service of process of any legal action or proceedings arising out ofor in connection with the Contract in Hong Kong.Service upon the process agent shall be good service upon the Contractor whether ornot it is forwarded to and received by the Contractor.If,for any reason, theprocess agent ceases to be or ceases to be able to act as process agent,or no longer has an address in HongKong,the Contractor herebyagrees to appoint a substitute process agent with an address in Hong Kong acceptable to the Government and to deliver to the Government a copy of the substitute process agent's acceptance of that appointment within thirty(30)days. In the event that the Contractor fails to appoint a substitute process agent,or fails to notify the Government of the name and address for service of that substitute process agent,it shall be effective service for the Government to serve the process upon the last known address in Hong Kong of the last known process agent for the Contractor notified to the Government notwithstanding that such process agent is no longer found at such address or has ceased to act or has ceased to be able to act.
承建商并非香港居民承建商不可撤销地指定附录B 所列的姓名或名称及地址所列之人士其法律程序文件代理人代表接收oforin connection in the Contractin Hong Kong 而引起的任何法律诉讼或程序的传送达Kong.Serviceonthe processagent承包商提供良好的服务无论它是否转发给 Cont ractor 并Contractors 接收。如果由于任何原因,法律程序文件代理人不再或不再能够担任法律程序文件代理人,或不再在香港拥有地址,承包商特此指定一名替代法律程序文件代理人,并地址政府收取通知书并向政府交付代名法律程序文件代理人接受通知书的副本在三十 (30) 天内预约如果承包商没有指定替代法律程序文件代理人,或没有通知政府替代代理人的姓名和送达地址法律程序代理人,政府应香港已知地址提供法律程序服务已通知政府Contr 行为人最后一个已知法律程序代理人Kong,尽管地址或已停止行动或已停止行动。

32. Relationship of the Parties

The Contractor enters into the Contract with the Government as an independent contractor only and nothing in the Contract shall create a contract of employment,a relationship of agency or partnership,or a joint venture between the Government and the Contractor.Unless otherwise expressly provided for in the Contract,neither party is authorised to act in the name of,or on behalf of,or otherwise bind the other Party
承建商仅以独立承建商的身份与政府签订合同,合同中的任何内容均不构成政府与承建商之间的雇佣合同、代理或合伙关系或合资企业,除非合同另有明确规定,否则任何一方均无权以 ofor 的名义行事,或以其他方式约束另一方

33. Assignment and Sub-contracting

(a)Unless otherwise provided forin the Contract,the Contractor shall not,without the prior written consent of the Government,assign,transfer,sub-contract or otherwise dispose ofany ofits interests,rights,benefits or obligations under the Contract.The performance of the Contract by the Contractor shall be personal to it

(b)The Contractor shall submit the proposed sub-contract to the Government for approval. The Government reserves the right to grant permission for sub-contracting and determine the terms and conditions of the sub-contract.A certified copy of the sub- contract shall be deposited with theGovernment within seven(7)days after the effective date of the sub-contract.
(b)承包商拟议的分包合同提交给政府批准政府有权批准分包业务,并决定包合约条款协议分包合同核证副本应在分包合同生效之日起(7) 天内交存政府。

(c)The Contractor shall remain fully liable and shall not be relieved from any of its obligations hereunder by entering into any sub-contract for the performance of any part of the Contract and the Contractor shall be responsible for the acts,defaults or neglect of any sub-contractor,its employees and agents.

34. Vicarious Liability

Any act,default,neglect or omission of any officers,employees,agents or sub-contractors of the Contractorshall be deemed to be the act,default,neglect oromission of the Contractor

Part III-Conditions ofContract
第三部分 - 公司条件

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35. Force Majeure Event

(a)If the Contractor becomes aware of any matterlikely to constitute a Force Majeure Event, the Contractor shall forthwith notify the Government in writing of that matter and all relevant particulars.

(b)After the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event,the Contractor shall verbally notify the Government Representative as early aspracticable and inform in writing within three(3) days of the full particulars of the Force Majeure Event including its nature,extent and likely duration ofits effect on the Contractor'sability to perform its obligation under the Contract.In the event of an occurrence of a Force Majeure Event,the Government may on its own issue a notice to the Contractor noting the occurrence of the Force Majeure Event and requiring the Contractor to suspend all or any of the obligations under the Contract.A notice issued by the Contractor or the Government pursuant to this Clause is hereinafter referred to as theSuspension Notice
(b)在发生不可抗力事件后,承包商尽早口头通知政府代表,并在三 (3) 天内以书面形式通知不可抗力事件的全部详情天数,包括性质、程度及其承包商履约能力的影响可能持续的持续时间 合同规定的义务。如果发生不可抗力事件,政府可自行承建商发出通知,指出不可抗力事件并要求承包商暂停合同项下的所有或任何义务承建商政府根据本条款发出的通知在下文中称为暂停通知

(c)Following the issue of a Suspension Notice by the Contractor or the Government,the Contractor shall keep the Government informed at reasonable intervals,and upon the request of the Government,of:

i.the likely duration of the relevant Force Majeure Event and of its effect on the Contractor's ability to perform its obligations under the Contract;

ii.the actions taken or proposed to be taken by the Contractor to mitigate or minimise the effects of that Force Majeure Event on the Contractor's ability to perform its obligations under the Contract;and

ii.any other matters relevant to that Force Majeure Event or the Contractor's performance affected by that Force Majeure Event.

(d)Tothe extent that the performance of obligationsby the Contractor under the Contract is prevented by aForce Majeure Event,the Contractor'sperformance of such obligations will,subject to sub-clause(e)below,be suspended to that extent from the date the Contractor or the Government gives a Suspension Notice in respect of that Force Majeure Event until the Contractor ceases to be so prevented(“Cessation Date”). Notwithstanding anything in the Contract to the contrary,as soon as the Government issues a Suspension Notice to the Contractor,the Contractor shall forthwith suspendthe
(d) 如果不可力事件阻止了承包商履行合同项下的义务,则根据以下第 (e) 款的规定,拖拉机履行此类义务义务将在承包商或政府就该部队发出悬停通知之日起范围内暂停不可抗力事件,直到承包商不再被阻止(“终止日期”)。 即使合同有任何相反的规定,一旦政府向承包商发出暂停通知承包商立即暂停

performance of the obligations to the extent specified in the Suspension Notice. (e)During the suspension of any obligations under sub-clause(d)above:
暂停通知规定的范围内履行义务(e) 在履行上述第 (d) 项规定的任何义务期间:

i.the Contractor shall use its best endeavours (including incurring any reasonable expenses and re-deploying its manpower and resources)to remove or mitigate the effect of each Force Majeure Event on the Contractor's performance of the obligations under the Contract;
i.签约人应尽最大努力(包括产生任何合理的费用重新部署人力资源)消除减轻每个不可抗力事件承包商履行Contract 项下义务的影响;

ii.the Government may make alternative arrangements for the performance of any suspended obligations,whether by another person or otherwise;and
ii.政府可为履行任何暂停的义务作出其他 安排,不论是否他人履行;

ii.the Contractor shall not be entitled toany cost,fee orcharge or such pro rata portion thereofin respect of the suspended obligations for the suspended period.

(f)As soon as the relevant Force Majeure Event has ended,the Contractor shall forthwith notify the Government of the Cessation Date,or the Government may on its own,after

Part III-Conditions of Contract
第三部分 -合同条件

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consultation with the Contractor,by notice in writing to the Contractor,determine the appropriate Cessation Date.The Contractor shall immediately after the Cessation Date resume performance of the suspended obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions ofthe Contract.In the event of any disagreement between the Government and the Contractor on the appropriate Cessation Date,the Government's decision shall be final inthe absence of manifest error
承建商应立即在停工日期后根据 Contract.In 的条款和条件恢复履行暂停的义务,如果政府与承建商在适当的停工日期上出现任何分歧,政府的决定为最终决定

(g)Should suspension of the performance by the Contractor of its obligations under the Contract persist or be likely to persist as a result of a Force Majeure Event,the Government shall be entitled to extend the Contract for a period of time equivalent to the period of delay caused by a Force Majeure Event or terminate the Contract pursuant toClause 12.ofPart III-Conditions of Contract.
(g)如果承包商强制暂停履行合同义务或可能持续履行合同义务在不可抗力情况下,政府有权合同延长一段相当于不可抗力事件造成的延误时间或终止根据III 部分第 12.12.条款 -合同条件签订合同。

(h)The Contractor shall ensure that provisions similar to this Clause are incorporated in all its contracts with sub-contractors made pursuant to this Contract.

36. Retention ofRecords

The Contractor shall keep and maintain until six(6)years after the expiry of the Contract,or such longer period as may be agreed by the Parties,full and accurate records of the Contract including the Servicesprovided under it,all expenditure reimbursed by the Government,and all payments made by the Government.Ifrequested by the Government,the Contractor shall afford the Government or its representative or authorised person access to the records and to make and retain copies thereof as may be requested by the Government or its representative or authorised person.
承包商完整准确地保存和保养至合同期满后六 (6) 年或双方商定的更长期限合同记录,包括根据合同提供的服务p、政府报销的所有支出以及政府要求承办商允许政府或其代表或获授权人士查阅有关记录,并制作保留政府或其代表或获授权人士可要求提供该等副本

37. Notices

(a)Each notice,demand,invoice,correspondence or other communication given or made under the Contractby a party shall be in writing and delivered or sent to the other party at its postal address,facsimile number or email address set out in Appendix B (or such other postal address,facsimile number or email address as the addressee has by not less than seven(7)working days'prior written notice specified to the other party).
(a一方根据合同发出作出的每项通知、要求、发票、通信或其他通信均应按合同形式送达发送给另一 收件人的邮寄地址、附件B 的手机号码或电子邮件地址(或收件人的其他邮寄地址、传真号码或电子邮件地址至少提前七 (7) 个工作日另一发出书面通知)。

(b)Such notices,demands,invoices,correspondence or other communications shall be addressed as provided in sub-clause (a)above and,if so addressed,shall be deemed to have been duly given or made as follows:

if sent by personal delivery during normal business hours on a working day,upon delivery at the address of the relevant party

ii.if sent by post,four (4)days (for any place in Hong Kong)and seven(7)days (for any place outside Hong Kong)after the date of posting
ii.如以邮递方式寄出,则为投寄日期后四 (4) 天(适用于香港任何地方)和七 (7) 天(适用于香港以外任何地方)

iii.if sent by facsimile during normal business hours on a working day,when despatched with confirmed receipt as evidenced by the transmission report generated at the end of the transmission of such facsimile by the facsimile machine used for such transmission;
iii.如果通过传真发送 during正常工作的正常营业时间,则以年底生成的传输回购证明的确认收据发送时通过用于此类传输的传真传输 such 传真;

iv.if sent by email,when actually received in a form readable by an individual.

38. Entire Agreement

(a)The Contract constitutes the whole agreement between the parties thereto and supersedes
(a) 本合同构成双方之间的完整协议,并取代

Part II-Conditions of Contract
第二部分 - 合同条件

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any previous agreements or arrangements between them relating to the subject matter hereof.The Contractoracknowledges thatin entering into the Contract,ithas not relied on any statements,warranties or representations given or made by the Government.

(b)All of the provisions of the Contract shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding the Completion of the Services (except insofar as those obligations which have been fully performed).

39. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

(a)The Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong.
(a) 本合同香港法律管辖按香港法律解释

(b)The Parties hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong in relation to any matters or dispute arising out of or in connection with or in relation to the Contract.

40. Severability

If any provisionof the Contract is found by any authority or court of competentjurisdiction to be illegal,invalid or unenforceable,such illegality,invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the other provisions of the Contract,all of whichshall remain in full force and effect.

41. Waiver
41. 弃权

(a)No failure,delay,forbearance or indulgence by any Party to the Contract to exercise any right,power or remedy available to it under the Contract or at law or in equity shall operate as a waiver thereof;nor shall any single or partial exercise of the same preclude any other or further exercisethereof or the exercise of any other right,power or remedy. A right or a remedy of each party under the Contract shall be cumulative and not exclusive of any other rights,power or remedies provided by the Contract,at law or in equity.Without limiting the foregoing,no waiver by any Party of any breach by the other Party of any provision hereof shall be deemed to be awaiver of any subsequent breach of that or any other provision hereof

(b)Withoutprejudice to the generality of sub-clause (a)above,any right of termination of the Contract or any other right,power or remedy ofwhatsoever nature conferred upon the Government under the Contract shall be exercisable by it in addition to and without prejudice to any other rights and remedies available to it under the Contract or at law (and,without prejudice to the generality ofthe foregoing,shall not extinguish any right to damages to which the Government may be entitled in respect of the breach of the Contract)and no exercise or failure to exercise a right of termination shall constitute a waiver by the Government of any other right,power or remedy

42. Recovery of Sums Due
42. 追讨到期的 Sums

Where theContractor has incurred any liability to the Government,whether at laworin equity andwhether such liability is liquidated or unliquidated,the Government may set off,whether by way of equitable set off or at common law the amount of such liquidated liability and a reasonable estimate of the amount of any unliquidated liability,against any sum then due or which at any time thereafter may become due from the Government to the Contractor under the Contract or any other contractmade between the Government and the Contractor.
如果承包商对政府承担了任何责任则按法定衡平法计算,无论责任清偿还是未清偿,政府都可以抵销,无论通过衡平法抵销普通计算此类违约责任的金额金额的合理估计政府根据合约或任何其他订立的合约,向承建商支付当时到期在其后任何时间可能到期的任何款项GovernmentContractor 之间。

Part II-Conditions of Contract
第二部分 - 合同条件

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43. Assistance in Legal Proceedings

(a)If and whenever requested to do so by the Government Representative,the Contractor shall provide to the Government all relevant information,documents (including documentation and statements from staff)and other assistance in connection with any inquiry,investigation,arbitration,tribunal hearings or court proceedings in which the Government may become involved or any internal disciplinary hearing of the Government that arises out of or in connection with the Contract or the Contractor's presence at the Government's premises.If requested by the Government,the Contractor shall arrange for relevant staff to give evidence at such inquiries,investigations, arbitrations,hearings or proceedings.
(a)如果政府代表要求承包商政府提供所有相关任何查询、调查、仲裁、仲裁听证会或法院有关的信息、文件(包括文件工作人员的声明)和其他协助政府可能参与的程序,或合同承建商政府处所如果政府要求承建商应安排相关 工作人员在此类查询、调查、仲裁、听证会诉讼中提供证据

(b)Where the Contractor or any employees,agents or contractors of the Contractor become aware of an incident,accident or other matter which may give rise to a claim or legal proceedings by a third party against the Government or the Contractor or in respect of the Contract,it shall notify the Government Representative immediately in writing giving full details of such incident,accident or matter as the Government Representative may require.
(b)当承包商承包商的任何雇员、代理人承包商意识到事件、事故或其他事项时,可能会 第三政府承建商提出申索法律程序本合约而言,第三者须通知政府代表立即以书面形式提供政府代表可能要求的此类事件、附件或事项的全部详细信息

44. Illegal Workers

The Contractor undertakes not to employ illegal workers in the execution of this Contract or any other Government contracts.Should the Contractor be found to have employed illegal workers in breach of this undertaking,the Government Representative may,on behalf of the Government,by notice,terminate this Contract pursuant to Clause 12 of Part IⅢ-Conditions of Contract
承包商承诺在执行本合同或任何其他政府合同时不雇用非法工人。如发现承建商违反本承诺雇用非法劳工,政府代表可代表政府,根据第三部分 - 合约条件 第12条的规定,以通知终止本合约

45. Withholding Tax

Where the Contractor is a non-resident,the Government shall withhold a percentage equivalent to the prevailing Hong Kong profits tax applicable to unincorporated and incorporated business/profession,as may be applicable to the Contractor,of any payments payable to the Contractorby way oflump sum,instalments ordiscounted payments (exclusive of any reimbursement ofexpenses,ifany)in respect of the Services provided in Hong Kong by the non-resident Contractor for the settlement of such profits tax chargeable on the payments.Any balance ofthe sum withheld will be returned to the Contractor without interest within a reasonable time upon final determination and settlement of such tax liabilities.

46. Contracts(Rights of Third Parties)Ordinance

The Parties hereby declare that nothing in this Contract confers or purports to confer on any person not being a Party to this Contract any benefit or any right to enforce any term of this Contract under or pursuant to or for the purposes of the Contracts(Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance(Cap.623).
双方特此声明,本协议中的任何内容不授予或意图授予非本合同一方的任何人任何利益或任何权利根据依据《第三者权利条例》或公约》(第三者权利)条例而订明的本合约的任何条款 623 章)。

47. Order of Precedence

In the event of,and only to the extent of,any conflict or inconsistency between the Clauses of the Contract and any document referred to in those Clauses,the following order of precedence shall be applied,but only in so far as is necessary to resolve that conflict or inconsistency:

(a)Part I-Conditions of Contract;
(一)第一部分 - 合同条件;

Part I-Conditions of Contract
第一部分 - 合约条件

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(b)Part IV-Schedule of Services;and
(b)第四部分 - 服务时间表

(c)any other materialswhich were submitted by the Contractor aspart of its Quotation and attached to the Contract.

48. United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods not applicablc
48. 《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》适用

The Government and the Contractor agree that the provisions of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to thisContract.
政府承包商同意联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的规定适用添加到thisContract 中。

Part II-Conditions of Contract
第二部分 - 合同条件

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This page is intended to be blank.

Part II-Conditions of Contract
第二部分 - 合同条件

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第四部分- 服务规格及时间表

1. Overview of the Services

(a)The Contractor shall provide a package Mainland education tour services named

Provision of Services for Visual Arts Teacher Dunhuang Arts and Culture Study

Tour (2024)(視覺兿術教師敦煌文化兿術研習图(2024)(Tour”).The theme is visual arts education and culture,professional development for primary and secondary school teachers as well as EDB officers.


9 December 2024 to 13 December 2024,5 days 4 nights
2024 年 129日至202412 月 13,5 4


Dunhuang (from and to Hong Kong)


5 EDB officers and 25 teachers,total 30 participants(“the Participants”)


by flight

from and to Hong Kong as well as within Dunhuang


1 same hotel for all Participants
所有参与者 1相同的酒店

1 single room per Participant,i.e.30 single rooms in total
每位参与者 1间单人,即总共 30间单人


Breakfast,lunch and dinner for each day within the Tour

11 meals in total for 5 days 4 nights


Attending theatrical performance(s) Visiting cultural sights

-Attending Mineral PigmentArt(岩彩兿術)workshop(s) Visiting school

Reflection and sharing


Specialist with academic and professional background of the Dunhuang murals(敦煌壁晝).

Specialist with academic and professional background of the Mineral Pigment Art(岩彩兿術)
具有MineralPigmentArt (岩彩画学术专业背景专家

LocalTour Guide

1 Licensed Local Tour Guide of Dunhuang

Service Team

1 Licensed Travel Agent Manager

1 Licensed Outbound Tour Escort


Tour handbook

Pre-Tour briefing Banner

1 tour name card

-1 name badge for each Participant Post-Tour evaluation and report
-每位参与者演后评估报告 1 个

Part IV-Specifications and Schedule ofServices
第 IV 部分 - 规格和服务时间表

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The following proposed Itinerary is arranged in chronological order from top to bottom. Detailed requirements and explanation of each activity are provided. The Itinerary is subject to confirmation by the Government Representative



Meals See 4(b)




Day 1

9 December 2024
9 十二月2024


(Hong Kong/


● Taking flight from Hong Kong to Dunhuang See 4(c) Attending theatrical performance See 2(a)
● 从香港乘飞机到敦4(c)观看戏剧表演2(a)



Day 2

10 December 2024



●Visiting cultural sight(1)See 2(b)

● Attending theatrical talk by Dunhuang Academy See 2(c)
● 参加敦煌研究院的戏剧讲座 2(c)

Visiting cultural sight (2)See 2(b)

Day 3

11 December 2024



● Visiting cultural sight (3)See 2(b) Visiting cultural sight (4)See 2(b)
● 参观文化景点(3)See2(b)参观文化景点(4)See 2(b)

Visiting cultural sight (5)See 2(b)
参观文化景点(5)见 2(b)

Day 4

12 December 2024



● Attending Mineral Pigment Art Workshop See 2(e) ·School visit See 2(①
● 参加矿物颜料艺术作品hop See 2(e)·学校参观2((1)

Visiting cultural sight (6)See 2(b)
参观文化景点(6)见 2(b)

Day 5

13 December 2024


(Dunhuang/ Hong Kong)

●Reflection and sharing See 2(g)

●Taking flight from Dunhuang to Hong Kong See 4(c)
●从敦煌飞往香港的航班 4(c)



2. Theatrical performance,Cultural Sight,Theatrical Talk by Dunhuang Academy,
2. 文艺表演,文化视光,敦煌研究院文艺讲座

Specialist(s),Mineral Pigment Art Workshop,School Visit and Licensed Local Tour Guide

(a) Theatrical performance
(a) 戏剧表演

The Participants will attend together at least 1 show in the evening.The Contractor should explore theatrical performance available in Dunhuang in the evening,in acordance with the Itinerary,and make recommendation as far as possible,and subject to approval by and in consultation with the Government Representative.Proposed Theatrical performances are listed below.
参与者将在晚上参加至少1 场表演搭建商应根据行程安排,探索傍晚的戏剧演出,并尽可能提出建议,并须其批准咨询政府代表。建议的戏剧表演如下

Theatrical performance






Part IV-Specifications and Schedule ofServices
第四部分- 服务规格时间表

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(b) Cultural Sight

For the 6 visits cultural sights,the following sights are proposed.The Contractor should explore the following cultural sights and make recommendations,including alternatives for similar Cultural Sightsbased on his/her experience and real situation of theItinerary and Dunhuang,in consultation with the Government Representative.The Contractor should arrange visits to the 5 High Priority Cultural Sights first as indicated in the table below,and move on to other Cultural Sights on the list,subject the confirmation and decision of the Government Representative
对于 6 次访问的文化景点,建议以下景点。承建商应根据其经验和行程及敦煌的实际情况,探索以下文化景点并提出建议,包括同类文化景点的替代方案,并与政府代表协商。以政府代表的确认和决定为准

Specialist/ Docent

Cultural Sights













數字展示中心 觀赏主题電影









The Outbound Tour Escort/the Contractor shall ensure admission tickets are purchased and/or reserved in advance and any requirements are met for attending performance(s) and visiting Cultural Sights.He /She shall also guide and support the Participants whenever necessary.

The Contractor shall arrange Specialist(專家)and docent(講解員)as specified in the table above for visiting Cultural Sights,as far as possible,or eitherthe Licensed Outbound Tour Escort shall provide guidance during such visits,and stay with the Tour.

(c) Theatrical Talk by Dunhuang Academy(敦煌研究院)
(c) 敦煌研究院DunhuangAcademy) 的戏剧讲座

The Contractor shall liaise with the Dunhuang Academy(敦煌研究院)for arranging a specialist to talk about Dunhuang Arts inthe Academy,and a brief visit to the Academy. The venue of the talk should be equipped with necessary devices,including but not limitedto computer,projector,visual and audio equipment,etc.

(d) Specialist(s)
(d) 专家

The Contractor shall nominate at least 1 specialist who has academic and professional education background of Dunhuang murals(敦煌壁畫).The Specialist will guide the Participants to visit 莫高窟and other Cultural Sights stated in Paragraph 2(b)above.
承建商提名至少1具有敦煌壁学学术和专业教育背景专家专家引导参加者参观莫高窟上述第 2(b) 所述的其他文化景点

Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services
第 IV 部分 - 规格和服务时间表

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(e) Mineral Pigment Art Workshop(岩彩兿術工作坊)

The Contractor shall liaise with a Specialist who has professional background in Mineral Pigment Art to be the instructor of the Mineral Pigment Art Workshop for the Participants, and shall provide a suitable venue equipped with all necessary devices including but not limited to the table,computer,projector,etc.

The Contractor shall also provide each Participant with a set oftools and materials e.g. Mineral Pigments,drawing papers,paint brushes for all hands-on art activities in the Workshop

(f) School visit

The Contractor shall nominate at least 1 primary or secondary school in 敦煌市to be visited and liaise with the school for arranging the visit,including lesson observation, meeting with art(美術)teachers in accordance with the itinerary as stated in Paragraph 1(b)above.All the Participants will visit the same school together.
承包商指定至少1敦煌市小学中学进行访问,并与学校安排参观,包括观课根据 ParagRaph 所述的行程艺术老师会面1(b) 以上。所有参与者一起参观同一个school

If the scheduled school visit(s)cannot be arranged due to some special reasons,the school visit will be changed to visit the 敦煌畫院or other similar sites subject to the approval of the Government Representative

(g) Licensed Local Tour Guide of Dunhuang

The Contractor shall provide a licensed local tour guide from the time of arrival in Dunhuang until the time of departure from Dunhuang,to ensure the participants'safety and facilitate their learning.The details of the local tour guide's qualification (i.e.,初 級 導遊、中级導遊、高級導遊)as stated on his/her tour guide licence,as well as the name and address of the Mainland Partner of the licensed local tour guide should be provided.

The licensed local tour guide shall stay with the Participants throughout all activities, and deliver clear educational and informative introduction about the place to be visited on coach.

(h)All reflection and sharing shall be held in the hotel meeting room.
(h) 所有反思分享均应在酒店会议室进行

(i)As unexpected situations,including change of itinerary,extreme weather conditions, natural disasters (e.g.earthquake),traffic accidents,spread of communicable disease, illness or injuries of Participants or any other emergencies,the Contractor/the Licensed Outbound Tour Escort should make arrangements to reschedule the activities as far as possible,e.g.rescheduling a visit to a Cultural Sight,subject to the decision and confirmation by the Government Representative.Cancellation of any Theatrical performance,Cultural Sight,Theatrical Talk,workshop or activity without proper substitution of relevant activities should only happen as a last resort after exhaustion of arrangement attempts,and explicitly agreed by the Government Representative.
(i) 因意外情况,包括天气变化、极端天气状况、自然灾害(如地震)、交通事故、传染病传播疾病伤害如遇其他紧急情况,承办商/持牌外游领队自行安排改期活动尽可能,例如重新安排文化景点的访问,但须政府代表决定和确认。取消任何文艺表演、文化景点、文艺讲座、工作坊或活动,如无须再作必要安排,只应在用尽作为最后的手段of安排尝试,并政府代表明确同意

Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services
第 IV 部分 - 规格和服务时间表

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(j)If necessary or demanded by the realistic situation,the Licensed Outbound Tour Escort might be required to liaise or coordinate with relevantMainland Governmentdepartment or authority regarding school visit,Cultural Sights visits as well as attending performance(s),and provide relevant support to the Participants as far as possible.

3. General Quality and Requirements
3. 一般质量和要求

(a)Upon the confirmation of the proposed Itineraryby the Government Representative,the Contractor shall advise fromprofessional perspectives in order to help the Government Representative best achieve the objective and align with such purpose regarding the theme of the Tour.The Contractor shall always consult the Government Representative forany decisions/changes /addition/diminution to the Itinerary,and shall be subject to final decision and confirmation of the Government Representative.

(b) Manpower for the Service Team of the Contractor

The Contractor shall provide 2 members for its Service Team in accordance with Clause 4.ofPart I-Terms of Quotation,unless conditions in sub-clause 4.(b)iv are fully met and to the satisfaction of the Government Representative.On the other hand, within the Contract Period,the Contractor is welcome to provide more than2 members if deemed helpful in achieving the services requirements.
承包商根据I 部分第 4..( 条-报价条款)为其服务团队提供2名成员,除非第 4.(另一方面在合同期内,如果满足以下条件,则欢迎承包商提供 2 名以上的成员被认为有助于实现服务要求

i . 1 Licensed Travel Agent manager or similar personnel shall be provided.
. 1 应提供持牌旅行社经理或类似人员

To make all necessaryarrangements and procurementsfor the Tour,and to ensure all necessary requirements for a Mainland tour are met,to provide support during the Tour as well as the Contract Period, also including but not limited to contingency and legal requirements,in accordance with PartIV-Specifications and
为旅游团进行所有必要的范围和采购并确保满足内地旅游的所有必要要求,在旅游合同期间提供支持以及包括但不限于有事项和法律要求,根据 PartIV - 规范和

Schedule of Services and Other Requirements.He/she shall preferably possess at least 2 years of relevantexperience in organising and supporting similarMainland tours.
服务时间表及其他要求:他/她最好拥有至少 2 年组织和支持类似内地旅行团的相关经验。

ii . 1 Licensed Outbound Tour Escort shall be provided.
.1 持牌出境 T 应提供我们的护送

During the Tour,the Licensed Outbound Tour Escort shall be a holder of a valid tour escort pass issued by the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong.He /She shall be proficient in Putonghua and Cantonese and should remain available in the whole Tour.He/She should have reasonable knowledge and experience in touring and travelling in Dunhuang.He /she is expected to guide and lead the Participants actively, in particular during performance(s),Cultural Sights visit, logistic situation and provide service whenever necessary in accordance with Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services and Other Requirements.He /she shall stay with the Tourthroughout all activities and on coach,and shall live in the same hotel with the Tour.He /she shall preferably possess at least 2 years of relevant experience in tour to Dunhuang or similarexperience in the Mainland
在旅行团期间,持牌外游领队须持有由香港旅游业议会发出的有效领队证,并须精通普通话及粤语,并应于全团期间随时待命。他/她应具备在敦煌旅游的合理知识和经验,并应积极引导及带领参加者。 特别是在演出、文化景点参观、后勤情况以及根据第四部分 - 服务规格、时间表和其他要求在必要时提供服务,他/她应在整个活动中与旅行团同住,并应与旅行团住在同一家酒店,他/她最好具有至少两年的敦煌旅游相关经验或内地类似经验。

ii.The 2 Service Team members should advise from their professional perspective and answer to tour-related requirements and questions specified by the Government

Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services
第 IV 部分 - 规格和服务时间表

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Representative or the Government Representative from time to time,and remain available throughout the Contract Period.

iv.Replacing,adding or changing any Service Team members should obtain prior approval by the Government Representative,while the Government Representative has the right to require the Contractor to replace any Service Team member(s)should any inappropriateness or unprofessional acts regarding services provided are observed by the Government Representative.On the other hand,the Government Representative has the discretion to request the Contractor to change any Service Team member without further explanation.

4. Meals,Accommodation and Transport
4. 膳食、住宿交通

The Contractor/Licensed Outbound Tour Escort shall provide all meals,accommodation and transport for the Participants throughout the 5 days and 4 nights.There will be 11 meals,some in hotel,some not.The 30 Participants will be each living ain single room, i.e.30 rooms in total.The hotel shall provide a meeting room at specific time sessions as indicated in Paragraph 1(b)Itinerary for reflection and sharing.Transport will be by coach,in and out of Dunhuang.
承办商/持牌外游领队须参加者提供 54的所有膳食、住宿交通服务。11顿饭,有些酒店,有些不在。30参与者每人住在单人间,即总共 30个房间酒店按照1 条第 (b)的规定提供会议室。行程安排共享。Transport乘坐长途汽车,进敦煌。

(a) Hotel,Single Rooms and Meeting Room
(a) 酒店、单人会议室

i. For accommodation,the Contractor shall arrange 1 same hotel throughout the 5 days and 4 nights for the Tour,arrange 1 standard room per Participant,i.e.30 single rooms in total. The hotel shall offer reasonable service standard equivalent to a 4-star hotel rating or higher as defined by the National Standard GB/T 14308-2010(旅遊飯店星級的劃分舆評定)of the PRC.The hotel shall possess high standard of hygiene,security and fire safety level in accordance with relevant legislative provisions or regulations of the Mainland
i. 在住宿方面,签约人应在 5 天 4 夜的旅行中安排 1 间相同的酒店,为每位参加者安排 1 间标准间,即总共 30 间单人间。酒店提供相当于中华人民共和国国家标准 GB/T 14308-2010 所定义的 4 星级或更高星级酒店评级的合理服务标准。酒店应根据内地相关法律规定或法规,具备高标准的卫生、保安和消防安全水平

ii.The 30 standard single rooms for the Participants should be non-smoking room, have proper lighting,good air-conditioning and ventilation,with additional internal-operating lock on door for extra security and personal privacy,window with curtain and can view outdoor environment,with connection for internet, television,telephone,lavatory and shower facility,with standard hygiene and catering amenity such as glasses,water boiler,toothbrush,toothpaste,refrigerator, towel,shower gel and shampoo.Safe,paid room catering and laundry services shall be available.

iii. Rooms at the far end of a floor shall be avoided as far as possible.The Licensed Outbound Tour Escort should make room arrangement and allocate rooms to the Participants in consultation with the Government Representative.

iv. The hotel shall be located in area that can minimise travel time as far as possible. If possible,the hotel shall have convenient store or retailer alike within walking distance.
iv. 酒店应位于可以尽可能缩短旅行时间的区域如果可能,酒店应在步行距离设有便利或零售商

v. The hotel should have a meeting room,enough for 30 participants to hold the

Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services
第 IV 部分 - 规格和服务时间表

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reflection sessions.The meeting room should have a projector to project the screen ofcomputer,audio system with microphone and speaker,with good air- conditioning,ventilation and lighting,separated from outside noise and interference.The meeting room should be duly reserved before the Tour according to the Itinerary,subject to finalisation of the Itinerary by the Government Representative after the Contract is awarded

(b) Meals and Food
(b) 膳食和食物

i. All breakfasts shall be arranged at the hotel.Time for breakfast shall be flexible enough to cater for the Tour.
我。所有早餐均需在酒店安排。 早餐时间足够灵活,以满足旅行的需求

ii. The 4 breakfasts shall be provided with drinks,with reasonable diversity as normally expected from common hotel,such as bread platter,hot soup,noodle or congee,common meat such as chicken and pork,steamed flavoured Chinese bun and dim sum,Chinese stirr-fried dishes and vegetables,a few Western styled common breakfast food items including sausage,cheese and ham,hot coffee and tea,juice.
ii. 4 份早餐提供饮料,并应提供 c ommon 酒店通常期望的合理多样性,如面包拼盘、热汤、面条或粥、鸡肉和猪肉等常见肉类、中式蒸面包心,中面包一些西的常见早餐食品,包括香肠、奶酪和火腿、热咖啡茶、果汁。

iii. Lunch and dinner shall be flexibly arranged in hotel or nearby location according to the Itinerary,subject to finalisation of the Itinerary by the Government Representative after the Contract is awarded.Various Chinese styles are preferred for lunch and dinner.Time for lunch and dinner shall be flexible enough to cater forthe Tour.
iii. 午餐和晚餐将根据行程灵活安排酒店附近地点但须视最终确定而定。合同授予政府代表的行程。各种式风格lunch晚餐的首选午餐晚餐的时间足够灵活,以满足旅行的需求

iv. For the 3 lunches and 4 dinners,there shall be a mixed style of meals as far as possible,for example,apart from mainly 粤菜 such as 州菜,客家菜 and 潮州菜,other Chinese cuisines such as 上海菜 and 京菜,where Paragraph(v) below is observed,can also be included.Generally,hot soup commonly referred to daily meat such as chicken,pork,beef or fish as well as common vegetable shall be available for dinner.
iv. 34,尽量采用混合餐点例如,除了粤菜为主外州菜、客家菜潮州菜,其他中国菜系如上海菜京菜,其中遵守以下第 (v) 段,也可以包括在内。一般情况下,晚餐应提供的热鸡肉、猪肉、牛肉或鱼日用肉类以及常见蔬菜。

v. Food being too spicy,very unhealthyor overly high calories etc.shall be avoided. Food being too exotic or generally believed to be not always well-received by most ordinary HongKong people,including animal organ or intestine,lamb or
v. 应避免食物太辣、非常不健康或热量过高大多数普通香港并不总是接受食物包括动物、内脏、羊肉

earthly creatures etc.,shall be avoided.

vi. Participants with food allergy or health condition,if explicitly notified,shall be catered for and avoided for health risk during meals as far as possible
vi. 有食物过敏或健康状况的参与者,如明确没有说明,应尽可能照顾并避免在用餐时存在健康风险

vi.The Licensed Outbound Tour Escort shall ensure as far as possible that food served are of high standard of hygiene, and in accordance with all food and hygiene relevant legislative provisions and regulations of the Mainland.
vi.持牌外游领队尽量确保所提供的食物符合卫生标准nd 符合内地所有与食品及卫生相关的法律规定和法规

Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services
第 IV 部分 - 规格和服务时间表

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(c) Transport

The Contractor shall provide transport in the form of airtickets and coach throughout the Tour, from and to Hong Kong as well as within Dunhuang,i.e.both in-town and out-town transport services in Dunhuang.

i. Air tickets

The Contractor shall provide transportation by direct nonstop flight between Hong Kong and Dunhuang of economy class,all Participants and the Contractor /the Licensed Outbound Tour Escort should take the same flights.

If there is no direct nonstop flight between HongKong and Dunhuang on 9 or/and 13 December,the Contractor should provide evidence to proof the record of the date(s) and propose alternatives subject to the approval of and in consultation with the Government Representative in consideration of the shortest time arrangement.Unless the Government Representative approves otherwise,flights shall be arranged as follows:



Hong Kong to Dunhuang

Between 7:00 a.m.and 2:00 p.m. on 9 December 2024
上午 7:00下午 2:00 之间2024-12-09

Dunhuang to Hong Kong
煌 至 HongKong

Between 1:00 p.m.and 8:00 p.m. on 13 December 2024
2024 年 12 月 13 日下午 1:00 至晚上8:00 之间

ii. The Contractor shall arrange coach with at least 50 seats for flexibility and extra spaces for carrying possible extra resources and materials by the 30 participants throughout the five-day Tour.Coach shall be air-conditioned with sealed toughened glass window with public address (PA)equipment such as microphone and loudspeaker (without unacceptable noise or echo)and of less than 3 years of age.
ii. 在为期五天的旅行中,承包商 30 名参与者安排至少50个座位旅游巴士,以便灵活携带额外的资源和材料oach 应装有空调和密封钢化玻璃,并配有麦克风扬声器公共广播 (PA) 设备没有不可接受的噪音echo年龄小于 3 岁

iii. Coach arranged should be in good condition and good hygiene with reasonable space inside,soft seat with head rest,air-conditioned and well-functioning mechanical condition,and both the driver and the coach shall be in accordance
iii. 教练安排的车厢状况良好卫生良好,内部空间合理枕柔软,装有空调,机械状况良好,司机和教练均应保持一致

with all relevant legal requirements in the Mainland for transportation industry. iv.Detailed requirements of transport for different days of the Tour are listed below.
遵守内地运输业的所有相关法律要求。iv. 旅行中不同日期交通详细要求如下

9 December 2024
9 十二月2024

Travelling from Hong Kong to Dunhuang and
从 香港 前往敦煌

before first arrival at the hotel (i.e.checking-in)on 9 Dec 2024,the coach should have adequate and
2024 年 12 月 9 日首次抵达酒店(即入住)之前,教练提前准备好

proper storage spaces separated from the

passengers³area,enough for 30 people's luggage, assuming 1 large luggage case or 2 small luggage cases for each Participant.
乘客³面积,足够30 人的行李量规,假设每位参与者1 个大行李箱2个小行李

Between 10 and 12 December 2024
2024 年 12 月 10 日至12

The coach can be optional without storage space for luggage of the Participants;and

Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services
第 IV 部分 - 规格和服务时间表

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13 December 2024

After leaving the hotel (i.e.checking-out)and for departure from Dunhuang to Hong Kong,the coach

should have adequate and proper storage spaces separated from the passengers'area,enough for 30 people's luggage,assuming 1 large luggage case or 2 small luggage cases for each Participant
应有足够且适当的存储空间乘客分开足以容纳30人的行李,假设1行李箱每位参与者 2 个小行李

v. Transporttime are subject to finalisation and confirmation of the Itinerary by the Government Representative.
v. 运输时间以政府代表行程的最终确定确认为准。

5. Comprehensive Travel Insurance Policy for 25 teachers
5.25 吨每人综合旅游保险

The Contractor shall procure a comprehensive travel insurance policy for each teacher with the minimum coverage as set out below:

(a)Medical coverage of $300,000
(a) 医疗保险 $300,000

(b)Worldwide Emergency Services including unlimited coverage of emergency evacuation and repatriation
(b) 全球紧急服务,包括无限次紧急疏散和遣返

(c)Accident coverage of $300,000
(c)意外保障 $300,000

(d)Personal liability of $500,000
(d) 个人责任 $500,000

(e)Personal property coverage of$1,000
(e)个人财产保险 $1,000

(f)Trip cancellation coverage of the Unit Price per teacher

The Contractor shall assist the teachers in claiming travel insurance if required.

6. Other Requirements

(a)The Licensed Outbound Tour Escort shall provide mobile data service at 4G/5G speed in Dunhuang for at least 5GB for the Tour,and provide airtime of at least 200 minutes for making or receiving calls to or from HongKong/Mainland,in particular for ad hoc or urgent situation
(a) 持牌外游领队在敦煌提供最少5GB4G/5G高速流动数据服务,并提供最少200分钟的通话时间以作接听电话之用。来自香港/大陆的 o r,特别是紧急情况

(b)The Licensed Outbound Tour Escort shall arrange to provide sufficient bottled water for all 30 Participants,ready in the hotel room and/or the coach.

(c)The Licensed Outbound Tour Escort shall possess simple first-aid kit /hygiene pack hygiene pack mainly for body external application,such as sun screen,mosquito repellent,adhesive plaster.

(d)If necessary or demanded by the real situation,the Licensed Outbound Tour Escort might be required to liaise or coordinate with relevant Mainland Government
(d) 如有需要情况需要持牌外游或须与内地相关政府联络或协调

Part IV-Specifications and Schedule ofServices
第 IV 部分 - 规格和服务时间表

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department or authority regarding meals,Transport and accommodation,and provide relevant support to the Participants as far as possible.

(e) Tour Handbook

i.The Contractor shall prepare a Tour handbook, one hardcopy for each Participant with enough reserves,i.e.at least 35 handbooks, and PDF softcopy for the Government Representative,which each normally comprises 8 to 12 pages in A5 or B5 size in the form and content as specified by the Government Representative after the award of theContract for the Tour
i.签约人应准备一本旅行手册,为每位有足够储备的参加者准备一份纸质版,即至少 35 本手册,以及为政府代表准备一份 PDF 软版,每张通常包括 8 至 12 页的 A5 或 B5 尺寸,格式和内容由政府代表在授予旅行合同后指定

ii.Presentation should be easy-reading,of good quality of printing and visually well- organised.Content includes basic information of the Tour,contact for Licensed Outbound Tour Escort,hotel,transport,emergency service contact,school visit and Cultural Sights visit information,guided question for reflection,space for jotting notes,relevant photos and pictures if necessary etc.The Contractor shall advise from their professional perspective about the scope of content of such Tour handbook,and subject to the final decision of the Government Representative.

iii.The Tour handbook shall be ready with accurate and up-to-date information and delivered before or during the pre-Tour briefing, or at a date confirmed by the Government Representative.The Contractor shall arrange delivery of hardcopies to the Arts Education Section of the Government Representative before or during the pre-Tour briefing,depending on whether the briefing is online or live mode,while send the PDF softcopy to the Government Representative via email or similar method.
iii.旅游手册准备好准确最新的信息并在简报会之前期间交付政府代表确认日期联系安排纸质版交付政府艺术教育参观前简报会之前或期间,根据简报会是在线还是实时模式,同时PDF 软拷贝发送给政府代表通过电子邮件或类似方法。

(d) Pre-Tour briefing
(d) 参观前简报

The Contractor shall conduct a pre-Tour briefing at least two weeks before the Tour,or a date confirmed by the Government Representative,in online or live mode,confirmed by the Government Representative.The objective is to familiarise the 30 Participants with the Tour,better preparing them for achieving the objective of the Tour,also ensuring safety,smoothness and minimise risks of all kinds for the Participants

(e) Banner for photo taking
(e) 拍照横

The Contractor shall design and provide 1 banner for the Tour.The Contractor shall submit the design of the banner for the Government Representative's approval at least 2 weeks before (or a date confirmed by the Government Representative)the departure of the Tour.The size of the banner should not be less than 300 cm×100 cm,or a size confirmed by the Government Representative.
签约人为旅行设计并提供1横幅将横幅设计提交给政府代表的椭圆形至少旅行团出发 2(或政府代表确认日期)大小横额的长度不得少于300厘米×100厘米,或经政府代表确认的尺寸

(f) Post-Tour Report

i.The Contractor shall_prepare and submit to the Government Representative a post- Tour report with content,presentation and format confirmed by the Government Representative,one hard copy for each Participant and enough reserves,i.e.at least 35 post-Tour reports and PDF softcopy for the Government Representative.Such

Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services
第 IV 部分 - 规格和服务时间表

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report normally comprises 8 to 12 A4 pages in the form as specified by the Government Representative after the award of the Contract for the Tour
报告一般包括8至 12A4格式政府代表在批出旅行团合约指定

ii.Some of the content might be extracted from education professional input by the 30 Participants.The Government Representative will liaise with the Contractor for such matters.
ii部分内容可能来自 30 名参与者教育专业人士的意见,政府代表将与承包商就此类事宜联络。

iii.Presentation should be easy-reading,of good quality of printing and visually well- organised.Content include photos and pictures from the Tour.The Contractor shall advise from their professional perspective about the scope of content of such post-Tour report,and subject to the final decision of the Government Representative. iv.The post-Tour report shall be ready within 1 month time after the Tour.The Contractor should deliver these hardcopies to the Arts Education Section of the Government Representative while sending PDF softcopy to the Arts Education

Section of the Government Representative via email or similar methods. (g)The Contractor shall prepare 1 Tour name card in simplified Chinese:
部分Government 代表通过电子邮件或类似方式。(g)签约人准备1 张简体中文的旅游名卡:



for affixing on the windshield obvious position of each coach for every day of the Tour

as well as 30 name badges,with printed name in simplified Chinese and post title:
以及 30 个名牌,带有简体中文的印刷名称和帖子标题:


XXXX 小学副校长

for the 30 Participants with neck strap for each Participant. (h) Administration Preparatory Supportfor the Tour
对于每位参与者的 30 名颈部 str ap 的参与者(h) 行政准备支持 致

The Contractor/the Licensed Outbound Tour Escort shall provide support for and advise to the Government Representative for any administrative needs in order to prepare for the Tour.These might include collecting information regarding Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macau Residents,collecting name and post title for the purpose stated in Paragraph6.(g)above,personal special healthcondition and meal needs ofParticipants regarding religion or food allergy etc.

(i) Photo taking
(i) 拍照

i.During the Tour,the Licensed Outbound Tour Escort shall assist the Participants in taking photos,especially group photos,as far as possible during the Tour in consultation with the Government Representative,unless photo-taking is not allowed in certain restricted situation,which the Government Representative will advise for the situation.

ii.The Contractor /the Licensed Outbound Tour Escort shall confer all the copyright of all these photos and send all the photos with original resolution via email or

Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services
第 IV 部分 - 规格和服务时间表

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similar method to the Government Representative.
与 Government Representative 的方法类似。

ii.These photos shall be deleted from any electronic devices and hardcopy storage, whether personal or belong to the Service Provider's company /business organisation,after the completion delivery ofpost-Tour report stated in Paragraph 6.(f)and conditions in Paragraph 6.(i)ji.above are completed.
ii. 这些照片应在完成后任何电子设备硬拷贝存储中删除无论是个人的还是属于服务提供方的公司/商业组织交付第 6 所述旅行后报告。f) 和 6 中的条件。i)ji.above已完成

(j) Contingency Plan

The Contractor shall formulate and submit on request a contingency plan within 14 days after the award ofthe Contract for the approval of the Government Representative.The contingency plan shall cover any unexpected situations as stated in 6.(a)of Part II- Conditions of Contract and the following items:
承建商应在授予合同14天内制定并按要求提交合同应急计划,以供政府代表批准应急计划应涵盖6.(a)第二部分- 合同条件和以下项目:

i.measures to handle unexpected situations,including change of itinerary,extreme weather conditions,natural disasters(e.g.earthquake),traffic accidents,spread of communicable disease,illness or injuries of Participants or any other emergencies;

ii.arrangements to support any Participant who is forced to stay in the Dunhuang due to any reason,arrange its staff to accompany and give all necessary support to the Participant;
ii. 安排支持任何原因被迫留在敦煌参赛者,安排工作人员陪同并为参与者提供一切必要的支持;

iii.details of mechanism for maintaining close communicationimmediately with the

Government Representative when there are emergency situations;and iv. measures to deal with missing the flights.
出现紧急情况时担任政府代表;以及iv.应对 MissinG 航班措施

Reference should be made to Part III-Conditions of Contract Clause 6.Rescheduling or Cancellation of Tour as well as elaboration on Force Majeure Event.
参考III 部分 -合同条款条款 6.旅行的重新安排或取消以及不可抗力e事件的详细说明。

5. Schedule and Progress of Work by the Contractor

The following proposed Schedule and Progress of Work should be observed by the Contractor, subject to realistic work progress situation as well as requirements and amendment set out by the Government Representative from time to time.During the Contract period,the Contractor and itsassigned Licensed TravelAgent manager or similar personnel,should report to and communicate with the Government Representative about the progress of work from time to time and as requested by the Government Representative.
承办商遵守以下拟议的工作时间表和进度但须遵守实际的工作情况以及政府代表不时提出的要求和修正案。在合同期限内,签约人及其指定的持牌旅行社经理或类似人员 Go 代表报告并与Go代表沟通进度根据政府代表的要求。

Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services
第 IV 部分 - 规格和服务表

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Schedule and Progress of Work


Work /Item/Follow-up
工作 / 项 / 跟进

27 September 2024 or a date confirmed by the
2024 年 9 月 27 日



The Licensed Travel Agent manager or similar personnel as assigned by the Contractor to kick-offrelevant work for the Tour.

To established initial communication with the Government Representative and formulate initial plan for the Services required.

Between the above dates and 1 November 2024,or a period and dates confirmed by the
在上述日期2024 年 11 月 1 日之间,或



Prepare and update the Itinerary.

Procurement of transport,hotel,meal,performance

ticket and ticket to Cultural Sights (if required). Provide relevant and necessary administration support including but not limited to collecting information of

Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macau

Residents,personal health and meal needs of Participants


Based on the Latest Itinerary and requirements specified by the Government Representative,produce a Tour

handbook for the Participants Formulate contingency plan.
参与者手册 制定应急plan.

Discuss with the Government representatives from time to time as required and as necessary.

Prepare the Banner for the Government Representative's confirmation

7 November 2024 or a date confirmed by the
2024 年 11 月 7 日



Conduct a pre-Tour briefing for the Participants

By 13 November 2024 or a date confirmed by the
2024 年 11 月 13 日之前



Finalise the Itinerary with procurement of transport, hotel accommodation,meal,performance ticket,

workshop fee,thematic talk fee,specialist fee,ticket to Cultural Sights (if required)and any relevant items Further enhance the contingency plan.

Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services
第 IV 部分 - 规格和服务时间表

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Page 66

Schedule and Progress of Work



9 December 2024 to
2024 年 12 月 9 日至

13 December 2024

Carry out the Tour,led by the Licensed Outbound Tour Escort assigned by the Contractor in accordance with Part
承建商根据第 Part 指派的持牌出境T我们的陪同人员带领进行旅行

IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services and Other Requirements,subject to finalisation of all details by the Government Representative.

The Licensed Travel Agent manager or similar personnel as assigned by the Contractor to provide necessary support for and remain available for contact by both phone and email or communication software with the Participants throughout the Tour of5 days and 4 nights.
约商指派持牌旅行社经理或类似人员,通过电话、电子邮件或通讯软件提供必要的支持联系参与者一起度过了整个 T 的 5 4 夜。

After 13 December 204
204 年 12 月 13 日之后

Based on the Tour and requirements specified by the Government Representative,produce a post-Tour report.

Administration support and follow-ups by the


6. Other Conditions of the Services

(a)During the Tour,the Contractor /the Licensed Outbound Tour Escort shall take all necessary measures and precautions to ensure quality and hygiene condition of meal, the safety,living quality,good mental and physical condition as well as reasonable comfort of all Participants regarding accommodation and transport.Food allergy,meal requirement regarding religion,health condition or individual need alike of the Participants,which has been explicitly notified by the Participants or via the Government Representative to the Contractor /the Licensed Outbound Tour Escort,shall be catered for as far as possible.
(a) 在旅行团期间,承包商/持牌外游队应采取一切必要措施和预防措施,以确保餐食的质量和 卫生状况所有参与者的安全、生活质量、良好的状况以及住宿交通的合理舒适度。参与者的食物过敏、宗教、健康状况 个人需求等食物过敏、膳食要求由参与者或通过政府代表明确通知承办商/持牌外游领队尽量获照顾

(b)The Contractor /the Licensed Outbound Tour Escort,the Licensed Local Tour Guide and the driver of the coach shall display professional attitude and good-manner to the Participants,relevant persons in touch during the Tour,in particular staff and relevant
(b) 承办商/持牌外游领队、持牌本地导游旅游巴士司机须活动期间向参加者、相关联络人展示专业的态度及礼貌旅游特别是工作人员和相关人员

persons from schools,Dunhuang Academy(敦煌研究院)and possibly official of the Mainland Government.The Contractor /the Licensed Outbound Tour Escort must ensure that all persons provided for the Tour by the Contractor,if any more other than the required 2 members of the Contractor's Service Team stated in Paragraph 3.(b)above, including the Licensed Outbound Tour Escort and the Licensed Local Tour Guide stated in Paragraph 2.(g),shall be neatly and properly dressed and be keeping their hair tidy and neatly trimmed to reflect credit on the Government.
办商/持牌外游领队必须确保所有人士团提供承包商提供,如果超过第 3 段中规定的 2承包商服务团队成员。b) 包括第2段所述持牌外游领队及持牌本地导游。g) 应穿着整齐,并保持头发整洁和修剪整齐,以反映政府信任

(c)During the Tour,the Contractor/the Licensed Outbound Tour Escort shall deal with any emergency situation that may arise as far as possible and in accordance with the law or any legislative provision or derived regulations of the Mainland

Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services
第 IV 部分 - 规格和服务时间表

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(d)During the Tour and throughout the Contract Period,no selling activities /services l commercial activities of whatever kinds,or activities /interaction not related to the theme and purpose of the Tour shall be provided by the Contractor,its staff and staff of its partners for the Participants,unless explicit prior approval is obtained from the Government Representative.
(d)在旅行期间和整个合同期间,不得销售活动/服务 l 任何形式的商业活动,或主题目的无关的活动/互动旅行承包商、其工作人员及其合作伙伴工作人员为参与者提供,除非事先获得政府代表的明确批准。

(e)The Government Representative has the absolute rights to decide the dates,Itinerary, flight schedule,accommodation as specified above.The Contractor shall fulfil the Government Representative's requirement unless solid justification against is provided with proof and accepted by the Government Representative

Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services
第 IV 部分 - 规格和服务时间表

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第 V 部分-受约束

[To be completed and submitted with the Quotation]

A.All the particulars required below must be provided.

B.Strike out alternatives clearly which are not applicable.

1.I/We having read the Instructions on Lodging of Quotation,the Interpretation,the Terms of Quotation,the Conditions ofContract,the Schedule of Services,this Offer To Be Bound and all the respective appendices and schedules to any of the aforesaid documents (the Quotation Documents”,Ref.:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78),agree:

(a)to be bound by the terms and conditions as stipulated in the Quotation Documents;and

(b)to carry out the whole of the Services which may,during the Contract Period or any extension thereto be required,by or on behalf of the Government to be carried out,at the Price quoted in Appendix 1-Price Proposal,subject to and in accordance with the Quotation Documents.
(b)合同期限内或代表 政府附录 1 - 价格建议书中的报价进行,但须遵守报价文件。

2.I/We do hereby agree to carry out the whole of the Services which may during the Contract Period be required by the Government to be carried out at the price quoted by me/us in the Price Proposal free of all other charges,subject to and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Quotation Documents

3.I/We certify that the particulars given by me/us below,are correct:

(a)The number of my/our company's Business Registration Certificate is
(a)本人/本公司BusinessssRegistration Certificate 号码

(b)The date of expiry of my /our company's Business Registration Certificate is

(c)Iam/We are covered by anEmployees'Compensation Insurance Policy,the particulars of which are as follows

Policy No.: Name of Insurance Company: Period covered by the Policy is from to
保单编号: 保险公司名称: 保单涵盖的期间为

4.I am /We are duly authorised to bind the said institution /organisation /company hereafter mentioned by my /our signature(s).


Iam a partner/We are partners in the firm hereaftermentioned and duly authorized to bind the said firm and the partners therein for the time being.

5.The name of the institution/organisation/company is


Part V-Offer to be Bound
第 V 部分 - 要约受约束

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第 V 部分 - 要约受约束

[To be completed and submitted with the Quotation]

6.The registered office of the company or the location of the institution /organisation is

situated at

Note of HongKong


The namesand residential addresses of the partners of the company are as follows:


(i)Ifa Service Provider is an institution,it shallfllin the name of the institution in Paragraph 5 and the location of the institution in Paragraph 6 of the Part V-Offer to be Bound.It shall also fill in all other paragraphs in the “Offerto be Bound”and insert“NotApplicable”whereappropriate.
(i)如果服务局是一个机构,则应填写5款中的机构名称,并且第 V 部分第 6 款中的机构名称 - 要 Bound.It填写要约受约束”所有其他段落,并在适当的地方插入“NotApplicable”。

(ii)A Service Provider must have legal capacity to enter into contract with the Government in its own name.

(ii)A faculty,school,department,college,institute,language centre,research centre,training centre,skill centre and other kinds of centre,unit or organisation established by an institution and which is not incorporated under the Companies Ordinance(Cap.622 of the Laws of HongKong)or the former Companies Ordinance as defined by section 2(1)of Cap.622 or under other overseas legislation shall not submit Quotationin its own name.
(ii)由机构设立且根据《公司条例》(第622章成立学院、学校、部门、学院、研究所、语言中心、研究中心、培训中心、技能中心以及机构设立的其他类型的中心、单位或组织 s of Hong Kong)或香港法例第622章第2(1)条所界定的前公司条例或其他海外法例不得自己的名义提交报价单。

Company Chop(If applicable)

Signed by the Service Provider/ Signed by an authorised signatory for

and on behalf of the Service Provider

Name of the authorised signatory

(where applicable)

Title of the authorised signatory

(where applicable)


Part V-Offer to be Bound
第 V 部分 - 要约约束

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PART VI-NON-COLLUSIVE QUOTATION CERTIFICATE [To be completed and submitted with the Quotation]
第六部分- 不合谋报价证明[填妥并与报价单一并提交]

To:the Government

Dear Sir/Madam,
尊敬的 J.先生/女士:

Non-collusive Quotation Certificate

1.I/We,(name of the Service Provider) of

(address(es)of the Service Provider(s))

refer to the Government's invitation to quotation for the Contract("Invitation to Quotation”) and my/our Quotation in response to the Invitation to Quotation


2.I/We represent and warrant that in relation to the Invitation to Quotation:

(a) My /Our Quotation was prepared genuinely,independently and made with the
(a) 本人/吾等的报价单是真实、独立地准备的,并由

intention to accept the Contract if awarded;

(b) My /Our Quotation was not prepared with any agreement,arrangement, communication,understanding,promise or undertaking with any person (including any other Service Provider or competitor)regarding:
(b) 本人/吾等报价并无任何人士(包括任何其他服务供货商竞争对手)订立任何协议、安排、通讯、谅解、承诺或承诺阿丁:

i) prices;
i) 价格;

ii) methods,factors or formulas used to calculate prices;
ii) 用于计算价格的方法、因素公式;

iii) an intention or decision to submit,or not submit,any Quotation;

iv) an intention or decision to withdraw any Quotation;

v) the submission of any Quotation that does not conform with the requirements of the Invitation to Quotation
v) 提交的任何报价单不符合报价邀请的要求

vi) the quality,quantity,specifications or delivery particulars of the products or services to which the Invitation to Quotation relates;and
vi) 报价邀请所涉产品或服务的质量、数量、规格交付部分;

vii) the terms of my /our Quotation
vii) 本人/我们的报价条款

and I/we undertake that I/we will not,whether before or after the award of the Contract,enter into or engage in any of the foregoing.

Part VI-Non-collusive Quotation Certificate
第六部分- 非合谋报价证明

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PART VI-NON-COLLUSIVE QUOTATION CERTIFICATE [To be completed and submitted with the Quotation]
第六部分- 不合谋报价证明书[填写并与Quotati一起提交]

3. Paragraph 2.(b)of this certificate shall not apply to agreements,arrangements,
3. 第 2 段。b)本证书不适用于协议、 ArranGements、

communications,understandings,promises or undertakings with:

(a) the Government

(b) a joint venture partner with which I/we have submitted my /our Quotation, and suchjointventure arrangement has already been notified to the Government in my/our Quotation;
(b)本人/吾等提交本人/吾等报价单合资伙伴该合资安排已在本人/吾等的报价单中通知 G主管;

(c) my/our consultants or sub-contractors,provided that the communications are held in strict confidence and limited to the information required to facilitate that particular consultancy arrangement or sub-contract;
(c) 本人/我们的顾问或分包商,前提是该等通讯必须严格保密,并仅限于为促进该特定顾问安排或分包合约所需的资料;

(d) my /our professional advisers,provided that the communications are held in strict confidence andlimited to the information required for the adviser to render their professional advice in relation to my/our Quotation;
(d) 本人/吾等的专业顾问,惟该等通讯严格保密,并仅限于顾问本人/吾等的报价提供专业意见所需的资料;

(e) insurers or brokers for the purpose of obtaining an insurance quote,provided that the communications are held in strict confidence and limited to the information required to facilitate that particular insurance arrangement
(e) 保险公司或经纪人,为获取保险报价,但有关通讯须严格保密,并仅限于为促进该特定保险安排所需的资料

(f banks for the purpose of obtaining financing for the Contract,provided that the communications are held in strict confidence and limited to the information required to facilitate that financing;and

(g) any person other than the Government,provided that the Government has given prior written consent.
(g) 政府以外的任何人,只要政府事先已给予书面同意

Disclosure of subcontracting

4. Without prejudice to other requirements set out in the Quotation Documents concerning sub-contracting arrangement,in particular,the requirement to seek the Government's prior written approval before sub-contracting,I/we understand that I/we are required to disclose all proposed sub-contracting arrangements for the Contract to the Government in my/our Quotation,including those which will be entered into after the Contract is awarded.I/We warrant that I/we have duly disclosed and will continue to disclose such arrangements to the Government.
4. 在不影响Quotation文件中规定的有关安排的其他要求,特别是寻求政府事先书面批准的要求分包之前,本人/吾等明白本人/吾等必须政府包括在授予合同签订的报价。本人/吾等保证本人/吾为披露,并将继续向政府披露该等安排

Consequences of breach or non-compliance

5. I /We understand that in the event of any breach or non-compliance with any
5. 本人/吾等明白出现任何违反或不遵守任何

representations,warranties and/or undertakings in this certificate or in Clause 22.(a)
证书 22 条中的陈述、保证和/或承诺。一)

Part VI-Non-collusive Quotation Certificate
第六部分 - 非合谋报价证明书

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PART VI-NON-COLLUSIVE QUOTATION CERTIFICATE [To be completed and submitted with the Quotation]
第六部分- 不合谋报价证明[填妥并与报价单一并提交]

of Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation,the Government may exercise any of the rights under Clauses 22(c)to 22.(e)of Part I-Terms of Quotation in addition to and without prejudice to any other rights or remedies available to it against me/us.
第 III 部分-报价条款,政府行使第 22(c)至 22 条下的任何权利。e) 第一部分- 报价条款除且不影响可获得的任何其他权利或补救措施外,还适用于我/我们。

6. Under the Competition Ordinance (Cap.619),bid-rigging is serious anti-competitive
6. 根据《竞争条例》(第 619 章),围标属严重反竞争

conduct.I/We understand that the Government may,at its discretion,report all suspected instances ofbid-rigging to the Competition Commission (the“Commission” and provide the Commission with any relevant information,including but not limited to information on my /our Quotation and my /our personal information.
进行。本人/吾等明白,政府可自行决定竞争事务委员会下称「竞委会」)举报所有涉嫌围通投标的情况并向竞委会提供任何相关资料,包括但不限于 有关/我们的Quotati的信息以及/我们的个人信息

Part VI-Non-collusive Quotation Certificate
第六部分- 非合谋报价证明

Signed by the Service Provider/ Signed by an authorised signatory for and on behalf of the Service Provider

Name of the authorised signatory (where applicable)

Title ofthe authorised signatory (where applicable)


Company Chop (If applicable)

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78 Page 73
引用编号:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78 第 73 页

第 VII 部分 - 合规声明

[To be completed and submitted with the Quotation]
[填写并与Quotation 一起提交]

I/We declare that,our compliance with specifications and requirements is as followsi

(*Please put a√where applicable)

I/We confirm that the Services proposed by me/us in my /our Quotation proposal DO comply fully with the requirements in every respect as stipulated in Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation,Part II-Conditions of Contract,Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services and Other Requirements of the Quotation Documents.
本人/吾等确认本人/吾等报价建议书中建议的服务在各方面均完全符合第三部分- 报价条款所规定的要求,第二部分 -合同条件,第四部分- 服务规格和时间表以及报价文件的其他要求

I/We confirm that the Services proposed by me /us in my /our Quotation DO NOT comply fully with the requirements in every respect as stipulated in P Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation,Part III-Conditions of Contract,Part IV-Specifications and Schedule of Services and Other Requirements of the Quotation Documents.
本人/吾等确认本人/吾本人/吾等报价单建议的服务在各方面均不完全符合以下各项规定PPartIII.-报价条款Part III-合同条件Part IV-规格服务时间表及其他报价文件的要求。

Company Chop (If applicable)
公司印章 (如适用

Signed by the Service Provider/ Signed by an authorised signatory for
Service Pro供应商签名/由授权签字人签名

and on behalf of the Service Provider

Name of the authorised signatory

(where applicable)

Title of the authorised signatory

(where applicable)


Part VII-Statement of Compliance
第七部分 - 合规声明

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Page 74
引文编号:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78)74

第 VIII 部分 - 信息时间表

[To be completed and submitted with the Quotation]

1.Information and documents are required under but not limited to Clause 24.of Part II-Terms of Quotation.The Service Provider shall provide the following information /documents regarding your company /business organisation status.
1.服务供应商须提供资料文件但不限于第二部分 - 报价条款24条服务供应商须提供以下资料 /有关您的公司/业务部门组织状态的文件。

2.All attached copies of documents must be certified true copies.


Name of the Service Provider


Principal address of company/business organisation of the Service Provider


Type of business entity of the Service Provider


Sole proprietorship Partnership

Statutory corporation

□ 其他(

(Please put √whichever is /are appropriate,and remarks if necesssary.)


Shareholders /partners /
股东 /partners /

proprietor of the Service

Provider and their percentage of ownership


Length of business experience (in year(s);round down to

month,if necessary)


Names ofthe managing

director /other directors/ partners /sole proprietor
董事 /其他董事/合伙人 /独资经营者

(please indicate their post as in the box to the left)


Place and date of

incorporation or formation


Business profile information of the Service Provider

including the number and

location of full time/contract employees,core business

strategies and strength,and industry expertise

Part VIII-Information Schedule
第八部分- 信息附表

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Page 75
引文编号:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) 第 75 页


第八部分 - 信息时间表

[To be completed and submitted with the Quotation]


Names and addresses of banks which are prepared to provide references or other

relevant financial data which indicate the financial viability of the Service Provider


Copy of a travel agent's licence

● Please attach in duplicate if applicable.
● 如适用,请上一式两份

● Must be valid.See Clause
● 必须有效。参见子句

2. (i)and 2. (j),Clause 24.of
2.(i) 和 2.(j),第24.of

Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation as well as Appendix 4-Checklist
第三部分 -Quotati条款以及附录 4 - Checklist

for Quotation Submission.


Copy of a Business Registration Certificate


Copy of a tour escort pass


Copies of relevant documents(e.g. board

resolutions of the Service Provider if it is a company)that legitmise the authority of the

person(s)who sign(s)Part V-Offer to be Bound
签署第 V-O 部分约束的人


Copies of other relevant documents:

(i) Certificate of Incorporation,(ii)
(i) 公司注册证书,(ii)

Memorandum and Articles of Association,(iii)

annual return filed with the Companies Registry, (iv)Certificate of change of Name etc


Employee's Compensation Insurance Policy

Name of insurer:

Policy no.: Expiry date:


A certified extract board resolution or other documentary evidence acceptable to the

Government demonstrating authorisation and

approval for the submission of its Quotation.

This requirement shall always be applicable to a

Service Provider which is a company.In the case

that a Service Provider is a sole proprietorship or a partnership,documentary evidence acceptable to

the Government demonstrating authorisation and

approval for the submission of its Quotation shall also be required the signatory of the Offer to be


Please attach in duplicate if applicable.

Must be valid.See Clause
必须有效。请参阅 Clause

2. (i)and 2. (j),Clause 24.of Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation as well as Appendix 4.
2.(i) 和 2.(j),第三部分第 2条第 4-报价条款以及附录4。


Mainland Partner“内地合作伙伴” Name:


Telephone No.: Email:
电话号码: 电子邮件:

Part VIII-Information Schedule
第八部分 - 信息附表

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Page 76
引文编号:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78)76


copy of the Mainland Partner's Mainland Licence

Please attach in duplicate if applicable.

● Must be valid.See Clause
● 必须有效。参见子句

2. (i)and 2. (j),Clause 24.of Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation as well as Appendix 4-
2.(i) 和 2.(j),第一部分II.-报价条款24以及附录4-

Checklist for Quotation Submission.

3.Information required under Clause 27.(b)Government Discretion of Part Ⅱ-Terms of Quotation:
3. 27 条b)政府第二部分-报价条款自由裁量权:

(Put a√in either box and provide information in the table ifapplicable.)
(在任一框中输入 a√并在表格e中提供信息(如果适用)。

I/We confirm that none of the events as mentioned in Clause 27.(a)of Part I-Terms ofQuotation has ever occurred.
本人/我们确认 27 条中提到的任何事件均不存在a) 第一部分 - 报价条款


I/We confirm that the following event(s)as mentioned in Clause 27.(a)of Part IⅡ- Terms of Quotation have/has occurred:
本人/吾等确认27条所述以下事件。a)第 III 部分- 报价条款已经/已经发生:


Details of the Event

Company Chop (If applicable)

Signed by the Service Provider / Signed by an authorised signatory for

and on behalf of the Service Provider

Name of the authorised signatory

(where applicable)

Title of the authorised signatory

(where applicable)


Part VIII-Information Schedule
第八部分 - 信息附表

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Page 77
引文编号:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) 第 77 页

[To be completed and submitted with the Quotation] Appendix 1

Price Proposal

1.The Service Provider must propose the Unit Price per Participant (HK$)and the Total Contract Price(HK$)an in the table below.

2.The Contract Price shall be inclusive of all fees,costs,charges and disbursements incurred by the Contractor in the performance ofthe Services.Once the Total Contract Price is accepted by the EDB,under no circumstances will there be any extra payment other than the Total
2.合同价格包括承包商履行服务一旦 EDB 接受总合同价格在任何情况下都不会有任何额外费用,除非总计

Contract Price paid to the Contractor. 3.Write clearly the amount.

The Services

Unit Price per

Participant (HKS)

Total No.of Participants

Price (HK$)

Provision of Services for

Visual ArtsTeacher

Dunhuang Arts and Culture Study Tour(2024)(視覺兿術 教師敦煌文化兿術研習團

(2024))with details specified

in Part IV-Specifications
第 IV 部分- 特异性离子

and Schedule of Services and

Other Requirements,and in

accordance with the

Quotation Documents





EDB officer HK$
教育局主任 HK$



Total Contract Price


CompanyChop(If applicable)

Signed by the Service Provider/ Signed by an authorised signatory for

and on behalf of the Service Provider

Name of the authorised signatory

(where applicable)

Title of the authorised signatory

(where applicable)

Telephone /Fax No:Tel /Fax
电话/传真号码:Tel /Fax



Appendix1-Price Proposal
附录 1 - 价格建议

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Page 78
引文编号:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) 78

[To be completed and submitted with the Quotation] Appendix 2

Proposed Service Team and Experience

Fill in the name,professional qualifications (such as valid tour escort pass)and experiences of the Service Team members of the Service Provider,as specified in Paragraph 3.(b)of Part IV- Specifications and Schedule of Services and Clause 4.(b)of Part II-Terms of Quotation.
填写服务供货商服务团队成员的姓名、专业资格如有效领队证)及经验,如第3所指明。b) 第IV 部分 - 规范和服务时间表以及第 4 条。b) 第 II 部分- 报价条款

Role and Name

of the Service Team members

No.of years

working in

relevant field

Professional Qualifications

(Provide certified true copies of

licence /certificate /pass etc,See Part
licence /certificate /pass 等,见部分

IV3. (b)and Appendix 4(9))
四 3.(b) 和附录4(9))



Licensed Outbound Tour Escort


Other role:


Other role Name:

Company Chop (If applicable)

Signed by the Service Provider/

Signed by an authorised signatory for:

and on behalf of the Service Provider

Name of the authorised signatory

(where applicable)

Title of the authorised signatory

(where applicable)


Appendix 2-Proposed Service Team and Experience
附录2 - 建议的服务团队经验

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Page 79
引文编号:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) 第 79 页

[To be affixed on the outside of the envelope] Appendix 3

Quotation Label To The Chairman,Quotation Opening Team

TheArts Education Section of the Education Bureau



皇后大道 EA 213 号胡忠大厦 15


[Do not disclose the identity of the Service Provider on the outside of the envelope]

Quotation Reference No.:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Closing Date &Time: 9:00 am. on 19 September 2024
报价参考编号 :(88)IN EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) 截止日期及时间:上午 9:00。2024 年 9 月 19





1. This quotation MUST be deposited in the Supplies Section Quotation Box located at the Education Bureau,Enquiry
1. 此报价必须存入位于教育局查询物料供应报价

Counter,15/F,WuChung House,213Queen's Road East,Wan Chai,Hong Kong BEFORE9:00am.(HongKong time)
香港湾仔皇后大道东 213 号梧中大厦 15 楼柜台 BEFORE9:00am.(香港时间)

on the closing date specified

2.Supplier is requested to retum hisher quotationin a SEALED PLAIN ENVELOPE which shal bear no reference to the name of the supplier and be properly sealed.The QUOTATION LABELat the upper portion of this form must be affixed on the envelope

3. Ifa supplier is unable to make an offer,retum of the quotation documents is NOTREQUIRED.However,the lower portion of this form shallbe completedand retumed ina SEALEDPLAIN ENVELOPE withthe QUOTATION LABELafixed on the envelope before the closing date specified.
3. 如果供应商无法提出报价,则不需要提供报价文件。但是,表格下半部分应在截止日期前填写并退回 S EALEDPLAIN 信封,并在信封上贴上 QUOTE LABE Labe指定。

4. Responseto eachquotation invitation,irespective of whetheritis with or withoutanoffer,mustbe put in an individual envelope It is not acceptable to put quotations for more than onequotation invitation inthe sameenvelope
4. 对每个报价邀请的回复,无论是否带有报价,都必须放在单独的环境中私奔放置超过一个报价邀请的报价是不可接受的同一个信封

5.Quotation may be lodged from 8:30am.to 6:00pm fom Monday to Friday,excluding Saturday,Sunday and public holiday.
5.报价可在周一至周五上午 8:30 至下午 6:00 之间提交,周六、周日和公共假期除外。

6. In case TropicalCyclone Waming SignalNo.8 or above is hoisted,or Black Rainstorm Warning Signalor“extreme conditions after super typhoons"announced by the Government islare in force for any duration between 07:00am.and 09:00am.on the quotation closing date,the quotation closingtime will be extended to 09:00am.on the next weekday(ie.except Saturday and Sunday)other than public holiday.
6. 如政府发出八号或以上热带气旋警告信号发出黑色暴雨警告信号或「超强台风后的极端情况报价截止07:00am.至09:00am.之间的任何duratios报价截止时间趋向上午 09:00。下一个工作日(即周六周日除外)公共假期除外。

7. Late quotation will not be considered.


a< ----------

To : The Chairman,Quotation Opening Team
收件人 : 主席,报价开放小组

The Arts Education Section ofthe Education Bureau

[Only return this part if not interested in submitting a Quotation]

With reference to your quotation enquiry (Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78)).Closing Date &Time:
参考您的报价查询 (参考:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78))。截止日期及时间:

9:00 a.m.on 19 September 2024.I regret that I am unable to quote due to the following reasons (Please tick against the box where applicable)
上午 9:002024 年 9 月 19 日。很抱歉,由于以下原因,我无法报价(请在适用的情况下在方框上打勾

The requirement is out of our range ofsupply/services

The required quotation specification cannot be met

The deliveryschedule cannot be met.

The quotation closing date cannot be met.

Temporary out of stock

The quantity required is too small



Name in Block Letters

Name of Company


(Company Chop)

Appendix3-Quotation Label
附录 3 - 报价标签

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Page 80
引文编号:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) 80

[To be completed and submitted with the Quotation]

Appendix 4
附录 4

Checklist for Quotation Submission

1.The Service Provider is requested to check and ensure that all of the following documents and information are accurately input and submitted with its Quotation.

2.The Service Provider must submit to the designated location and address,and inexact method as instructed in Page 1-Invitation to Quotation,Clause 3.of Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation and Appendix 3-Quotation Label.
2.服务供应商必须按照第 1 页 - 报价邀请3.part 中的指示提交指定地点地址,并按照 d 地址III.-报价条款附录3-报价标签。

3.The Service Provider shall take note for Clause 2.of Part IⅡ-Terms of Quotation that failure to submit the documents and information as stipulated therein before the Quotation Closing Time will lead to the Quotation not being considered further.Use the table below and check the boxes to confirm that items specified are duly prepared and included.

4. Do not reproduce other than direct photocopying the original unfilled templates for below(1)-(8)(i.e PartV,Part VI,Part VII,Part VIII,Appendix1,Appendix2,Appendix3 and Appendix 4),when filling- in and submiting these documents.Filling in these documents must be in original writing,in ink or typescript, and originally signed and sealed (company chop,if required)in accordance with Clause 25.of Part II-Terms ofQuotation.Otherwise,the submission of Quotation will be considered as invalid.
4. 请勿复制以下 (1)-(8)未填写的原始模板,除非直接影印 (即第五部分、第六部分、第七部分、第八部分、附录 1、附录 2、Appendix3Appendix 4),在填写提交这些文件时。填写这些文件必须笔、墨水打字稿填写,原件签名盖章如果需要,请盖公司章)。根据第二部分- 报价条款Clause 25.,否则,报价单的任务将被视为无效。

5.For below(9)(i.e.other certified true copies of company / business organisation status related documents),all copies must be Certified True Copied in accordance with Clause 25.of Part Ⅱ-Terms of Quotation.

6.Submit all documents in duplicate.

Quotation Documents /Other Documents You MUST submit

Please check by putting a in the box
请在框中输入a 进行检查

(1)Part V-Offerto be Bound
(1)第五部分- 要约约束

(2)Part VI-Non-Collusive Quotation Certificate
(2)第六部分 - 非合谋报价证明

(3)Part VII-Statement of Compliance
(3)第七部分 -合规声明

(4)Part VIII-Information Schedule
(4)第八部分- 信息附表

(5)Appendix 1-Price Proposal
(5)附录1 - 价格建议书

(6)Appendix2-Proposed Service Team and Experience

(7)Appendix3-Quotation Label

□(for affixing on the envelope only)

(8)Appendix4-Checklist for Quotation Submission

□(this document)

(9)Other certified true copies of company /business organisation status related documents /Licences /

Certificate /Professional Qualification
证书 /专业资格

□ Travel Agent's Licence
□ 旅行代理商牌照

Business Registration Certificate

Tour Escort Pass

Board Resolutions4

Certificate of Incorporation

Mainland Partner's Mainland Licence

Others required documents


Name in Block Letters

Name of Company


(Company Chop)

4 Or any official business document that legitimises the authority of theperson(s)who sign(s)Part V-Offer to be Bound.See Clause 2.(1)xiii.Of Part II-Terms of Quotation for details.
4或任何正式商业文件,使签署第 V 部分 - 要约约束的人的权力合法化。1)十三.II 部分 - 报价条款了解详情。

Appendix 4-Checklist for Quotation Submission
附录 4 - 提交报价清单

Quotation Ref:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) Page 81
引文编号:(88)in EDB(CDAE)/P&S/20/1/3(78) 页码 81