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Company ProfileBasic information about the organization, its offerings, and competitive setMarket Segmentation & TargetingWho is your target audience?What influences their buying decisions?Situation & Company AnalysisSWOT analysis or PEST analysisPositioning and DifferentiationWhat do you want to be known for?--List of competitive advantages, positioning recommendations, and how to convince the market you are different and betterMarketing MixHow will you impact your target market?This question is addressed by the strategic recommendations around each of the 4Ps
公司简介有关组织、其产品和竞争设置的基本信息市场细分和定位谁是您的目标受众?是什么影响了他们的购买决定?情况和公司分析SWOT分析或PEST分析定位和差异化你想以什么而闻名?--竞争优势列表,定位建议,以及如何说服市场你与众不同和更好营销组合你将如何影响你的目标市场?围绕每个 4P 的战略建议都解决了这个问题

Marketing Mix: Product StrategyWhat are you offering to your target market?Description of the product or service being marketed and recommended improvements to fit the needs of target segmentsMarketing Mix: Pricing StrategyHow are you pricing the offering?Recommendations on pricing strategy and why this approach makes senseMarketing Mix: Place – Distribution StrategyHow are you distributing the offering?Recommendations on distribution strategy and channel partners to improve the availability of your offering, and explanations of why this approach makes senseMarketing Mix: Promotion StrategyWhat marketing campaign(s) are you running?Overview of marketing strategy, objectives, messaging, and tactical approach for marketing campaign(s) to reach your target audiencesMeasurement and KPIsHow will you measure the impact you’re making?Identification of key performance indicators (KPIs) and other metrics to monitor effectiveness of marketing campaign activities and provide clues about when to adjust course.Action PlanWhat will it take to make this happen?A detailed, step-by-step plan about what needs to happen, when, and who’s responsible for each step to execute the marketing campaign.Risk FactorsWhat are the risks of this approach?Discussion of any significant risks or threats associated with this plan and contingency plans for addressing them
营销组合:产品策略您为目标市场提供什么?对所营销的产品或服务的描述以及为满足目标细分市场的需求而建议的改进营销组合:定价策略您如何为产品定价?关于定价策略的建议以及为什么这种方法有意义营销组合:地点 - 分销策略您如何分配产品?关于分销策略和渠道合作伙伴的建议,以提高产品的可用性,并解释为什么这种方法是有意义的营销组合:促销策略您正在开展哪些营销活动?营销策略、目标、信息传递和营销活动的战术方法概述,以接触目标受众衡量和 KPI您将如何衡量您正在产生的影响?确定关键绩效指标 (KPI) 和其他指标,以监控营销活动的有效性,并提供有关何时调整路线的线索。行动计划需要什么才能实现这一目标?一个详细的分步计划,说明需要发生什么、何时以及谁负责执行营销活动的每个步骤。风险因素这种方法有哪些风险?讨论与本计划相关的任何重大风险或威胁以及应对这些风险或威胁的应急计划