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gram was to be mastered, and in both cases the ability to carry out the program effectively went beyond knowledge of the part of the program that could be readily formulated. We began to use the term theory of intervention and finally theory of action to replace the terms skill and strategy.
The administrative trainees, we concluded, needed to learn new theories of action in order to increase their effectiveness in school reform. This formulation counterbalanced the prevailing emphasis in groups or encounter groups on affective experiences alone, which are often powerful to participants but do not help them state what they have learned, teach it to others, or subject their experience to conscious criticism as they apply it to later experiences.
我们得出的结论是,行政培训生需要学习新的行动理论,以提高他们在学校改革中的有效性。这种表述抵消了 群体或遭遇群体中普遍强调的情感体验,这些情感体验通常对参与者来说很有力量,但不能帮助他们陈述他们所学到的东西,将其传授给他人,或者在将他们的经验应用于以后的经历时对他们的经验进行有意识的批评。
We thought the trouble people have in learning new theories of action may stem not so much from the inherent difficulty of the new theories as from existing theories people have that already determine practice. We called these operational theories of action theories-in-use to distinguish them from the espoused theories that are used to describe and justify behavior. We wondered whether the difficulty in learning new theories of action is related to a disposition to protect the old theories-in-use.
We found that most people tend to be unaware of how their attitudes affect their behavior and also unaware of the negative impact of their behavior on others. Their theories-in-use help them remain blind to the actual degree of their ineffectiveness. For example, in many of the cases observed we found that an individual perceives another individual as having a theory-in-use that is incongruent with 's espoused theory. But 's theory-in-use prohibits his calling attention to this incongruity. may withhold this information either out of fear (if has more power) or out of what society has taught him to conceive of as diplomacy and tact. Blindness to incongruity between espoused theory and theoryin-use may be culturally as well as individually caused and maintained. In such cases, reeducation has to begin with an attempt to specify the patterns of existing theories-in-use.
我们发现,大多数人往往没有意识到他们的态度如何影响他们的行为,也没有意识到他们的行为对他人的负面影响。他们使用的理论帮助他们对自己的无效性的实际程度视而不见。例如,在观察到的许多案例中,我们发现一个人 认为另一个人 使用的理论与 所支持的理论不一致。但是 ,他的理论使用禁止他引起人们对这种不协调的注意。 可能会出于恐惧(如果 拥有更大的权力)或出于社会教给他的外交和机智而隐瞒这些信息。对所拥护的理论和使用中的理论之间的不协调视而不见可能是文化上的,也可能是个人造成的和维持的。在这种情况下,再教育必须从尝试指定现有理论的使用模式开始。
These ideas shaped the questions that have led to the structure of this book. Part One answers the following questions: What are theories of action and theories-in-use? What do they describe? What is their status? How are they related to other kinds of theories? What kinds of knowledge do they represent? For the reader who wants to understand the genesis of our ideas, this part is fundamental.
Part Two deals with these questions: What are the specific theories-in-use that determine our efforts at intervention? How do they vary from person to person and from situation to situation? Do they display relatively constant patterns? If so, how do these patterns influence effectiveness in intervention? For readers particularly concerned with both ineffective and effective interpersonal and professional behavior, this part will be of most interest.
In Part Three, we discuss strategies and environments for learning: How do we learn new theories of action? What are the conditions under which we are most likely to learn to apply the patterns of theories of action that enable us to be effective at intervention? And how can these ideas be related both to professional education and to the diagnosis of prevailing theories of action that now inhibit effective professional practice? For educators concerned with the professional and social effectiveness of their students, this part should prove valuable.
Our tentative answers to these questions apply to broader issues than school reform and the preparation of school administrators. They can help to build effective interaction of every sort and to clarify the fundamental social issues underlying the redesign of professional education. Several important, comprehensive studies have treated the reform of professional education (Cope and Zacharias, 1966; Mayhew, 1970, 1971; Carnegie Commission on Higher Education, 1970; Gorden and Howell, 1959). We do not review these studies in the following pages but want to note here their relationship to our position. There is a remarkable degree of agreement on the major reforms these studies propose. They include shortening the time required to obtain a degree, making the curriculum more flexible so that students may have more choices and fewer required courses, adding courses in the behavioral and informationcomputer sciences, and reaffirming the importance of the clinical experience in many professional programs. Little in our theoretical framework or empirical research is directly related to these points.
我们对这些问题的初步回答适用于更广泛的问题,而不是学校改革和学校管理人员的准备。它们可以帮助建立各种有效的互动,并澄清重新设计专业教育的基本社会问题。几项重要的综合研究都涉及职业教育的改革(Cope和Zacharias,1966年;Mayhew,1970 年,1971 年;卡内基高等教育委员会,1970年;Gorden 和 Howell,1959 年)。我们不会在以下几页中回顾这些研究,但要在这里指出它们与我们的立场的关系。对于这些研究提出的重大改革,人们达成了相当程度的一致。它们包括缩短获得学位所需的时间,使课程更加灵活,以便学生可以有更多的选择和更少的必修课程,增加行为和信息计算机科学课程,并重申临床经验在许多专业课程中的重要性。在我们的理论框架或实证研究中,几乎没有与这些观点直接相关的内容。
Most of the recommendations of these studies came from examining such factors as the need for the professions, students' demands for. relevance, great potential contributions from other fields, or soaring costs of education. Our recommendations for professional education are based on the theory of practice we describe; they neither contradict nor, with the exception of the clinical experience, expand the recommendations of these learned councils. We discuss the general characteristics of effectiveness in any kind of intervention, what constitutes effective professional practice, and what specific measures professional schools can take to increase effectiveness in the areas of student training, curriculum design, clinical practice, and continuing education for practitioners, among others.
The value of our perspective is that it does not base the design of professional education on such factors as the demands of society, the cost of education, and the students' changing demands. Important as these factors may be, they are external to the essential nature of professional education and derive not from a view of effective practice but from a view of the demands to be made on that practice by various special-interest groups.
Several forces in society and education have helped to erode the barriers against thinking systematically about professional practice and against integrating thought and action. The turmoil of the 1960 s accelerated the pressure for problem-oriented research, and several intellectual thrusts developed momentum in different fields. For example, the image of human nature began to be reformulated. The Freudian concept of libidinal man, propelled by sexual urges, was slowly modified to view man as also motivated by a sense of competence and a need to be effective. Moreover, we now see that one source of human energy is psychological success with challenging opportunities; thus, effectiveness may be connected with psychological health.
As the concept of human nature became more competenceoriented, it also became more active. Man not only is a result of genetic and environmental factors but is also responsible for the ways he uses his endowments and for the world he creates.

Linking individual human behavior with the state of the world in which it exists made it possible to ask how the environment affects its creators and led to the realization that this effect depends on how people experience the environment and that how they experience the environment depends on how they construct it. Individuals are ultimately responsible for the impact of the environment because they learn from personally constructed experience.
These views emanating from personality and cognitive psychology joined the various existential philosophies, whose concept of man was also that he was responsible for his destiny and that he should strive to be an originator rather than a pawn, active rather than passive, responsible rather than helpless.
Finally, research on the nature of effective organizations began to show that organizations were frequently in decay. The ineffectiveness, costliness, and deteriorating quality of products and services were found to be based on the fact that organizations were designed originally to ignore human nature, to ignore individuals' feelings and most of their abilities, and to exploit them.
New designs that reduced these forces for organizational decay were based on an image of man as responsible, seeking to be unique, and internally committed to organizations, partly because organizations could make work meaningful and because the new designs enhanced the quality of life in organizations.
In this book we hope to contribute to these intellectual forces. Our theory of action can enhance human activity, responsibility, self-actualization, learning, and effectiveness and make it likely that organizations will begin to decrease the movement toward entropy and increase the forces toward learning and health. We present a view of man actively seeking to master himself and his environment in a way that makes organizations effective. If we are to accomplish these objectives, we must become aware of both espoused theories and the tacit theories that govern behavior.
Understanding how we diagnose and construct our experience, take action, and monitor our behavior while simultaneously achieving our goals is crucial to understanding and enhancing effectiveness. If we learn to behave differently and to make these new behaviors stick, we will begin to create a new world. In this book we

show how new learning environments can be designed to move toward that world.

Acknowledgments 确认

We are indebted to many colleagues and students who, through their criticism and patience, helped us develop our ideas. We wish to thank especially Lee Bolman, Steven Ehrmann, and William Torbert. We also wish to thank Kathryn Hildebrand and Richard Yoder for editorial and typing assistance.
我们感谢许多同事和学生,他们通过他们的批评和耐心,帮助我们发展了我们的想法。我们特别要感谢 Lee Bolman、Steven Ehrmann 和 William Torbert。我们还要感谢凯瑟琳·希尔德布兰德(Kathryn Hildebrand)和理查德·约德(Richard Yoder)的编辑和打字帮助。
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Ghris Argyris July 1974 格里斯·阿吉里斯 1974年7月
Donald A. Schön 唐纳德·舍恩

Contents 内容

Preface 前言


  1. Theories of Action ..... 3
  2. Evaluating Theories of Action ..... 20

    TWO: AGTION ..... 35
    二:AGTION .....35
  3. Diagnosing Theories-in-Use ..... 37
  4. Model I ..... 63
    型号 I .....63
  5. Model II ..... 85
    型号 II .....85
  6. Transition from Model I to Model II ..... 96
  7. Learning Model-II Behavior ..... 110
  8. Issues in Professional Education
  9. Implications for Professional
Competence and Practice 能力与实践
  1. Redesigning Professional Education
Notes 笔记
References 215 参考文献 215
Index 指数
Increasing Professional 提高专业性
Effectiveness 有效性

PART I 第一部分


Chapter 1 第 1 章

Theories of Action 行动理论

ऽ ゙.

Integrating thought with action effectively has plagued philosophers, frustrated social scientists, and eluded professional practitioners for years. It is one of the most prevalent and least understood problems of our age. Universities have shunned it on the ground that effective action was too practical or-the best kiss of death-vocational.
We believe that exciting intellectual problems are related to integrating thought with action. Effective action requires the generation of knowledge that crosses the traditional disciplines of knowledge-with as much competence and rigor as each discipline usually demands. This is a difficult task not only because scholars rarely cross disciplines but also because few scholars are inclined and educated to generate such knowledge. The few hardy souls who plunge into cross-disciplinary waters find that their colleagues view the effort with skepticism.
Indeed, as Havens (1973) shows, scholars in a single profession, psychiatry, in more cases than not fail to understand each other: they protect themselves by forming camps that compete with one another, ignoring the problems of relating theory to practice while defending their necessarily limited views. The old ideal of a

working relationship between research and practice has yet to be realized.
Another important obstacle to the integration of thought and action is the current concept of rigorous research. The technology of rigorous research works best when it does not deal with real-time issues-for example, when scholars take years to study a decision that took several hours to make. This technology of rigorous research is based on diagnostic techniques that ignore or cannot cope with properties of effective action under real-time conditions: data may have to be ignored, feedback from the environment may be unavailable, and self-fulfilling prophecies may need to be accepted-they may, indeed, be the essence of action.
All human beings-not only professional practitioners-need to become competent in taking action and simultaneously reflecting. on this action to learn from it. The following pages provide a conceptual framework for this task by analyzing the theories of action that determine all deliberate human behavior, how these theories are formed, how they come to change, and in what senses they may be considered adequate or inadequate. We use this framework in later chapters to develop a model-model I-of the theories of action that determine the actual behavior of professional practitioners. We then analyze this model from two points of view: the effectiveness of those who hold it and its influence on their ability to learn about their own behavior. We then propose model II, which is more conducive to both effectiveness and learning. Then we consider the problems of transition from model I to model II.
Theories of professional practice are best understood as special cases of the theories of action that determine all deliberate behavior. And whatever else a theory of action may be, it is first a theory. Its most general properties are properties that all theories share, and the most general criteria that apply to it-such as generality, relevance, consistency, completeness, testability, centrality, and simplicity -are criteria that apply to all theories.
专业实践理论最好被理解为决定所有刻意行为的行动理论的特例。无论行动理论是什么,它首先是一种理论。它最一般的属性是所有理论共有的属性,而适用于它的最一般标准——如普遍性、相关性、一致性、完整性、可测试性、中心性和简单性 ——是适用于所有理论的标准。
Theories are theories regardless of their origin: there are practical, common-sense theories as well as academic or scientific theories. A theory is not necessarily accepted, good, or true; it is only a set of interconnected propositions that have the same referent 一the subject of the theory. Their interconnectedness is reflected in the logic of relationships among propositions: change in propositions at one point in the theory entails changes in propositions elsewhere in it.
Theories are vehicles for explanation, prediction, or control. An explanatory theory explains events by setting forth propositions from which these events may be inferred, a predictive theory sets forth propositions from which inferences about future events may be made, and a theory of control describes the conditions under which events of a certain kind may be made to occur. In each case, the theory has an "if . . . then . . ." form.
Theories constructed to explain, predict, or control human behavior are in many ways like other kinds of theories. But insofar as they are about human action-that is, about human behavior that is correctable and subject to deliberation-they have special features.
We can observe deliberate behavior and try to account for it as though it were the behavior of fish or tides-for example, "If population densities exceed an upper limit, people become more aggressive toward one another." Here the "if . . . then . . ." relationship holds between publicly observable phenomena. But we can also regard deliberate human behavior as the consequence of theories of action held by humans, in which case we explain or predict a person's behavior by attributing to him a theory of action. For example, we may attribute to a counselor a theory about the way to handle disruptive students: "It is necessary first to speak to them in their own language and to make it clear that you understand them, then to state the limits of what you will tolerate from them, and only then to try to find out what's bothering them." All such theories of action have the same form: in situation , if you want to achieve consequence , do .
我们可以观察刻意的行为,并试图将其解释为鱼类或潮汐的行为——例如,“如果人口密度超过上限,人们就会变得更具攻击性。这里的“如果......然后......”公开可观察的现象之间的关系成立。但是,我们也可以将刻意的人类行为视为人类所持有的行动理论的结果,在这种情况下,我们通过将行动理论归因于他来解释或预测一个人的行为。例如,我们可以将一个关于如何处理破坏性学生的理论归因于辅导员:“首先有必要用他们自己的语言与他们交谈,并明确表示你理解他们,然后陈述你对他们的容忍度,然后才试图找出困扰他们的原因。所有这些行动理论都有相同的形式:在情境 中,如果你想达到结果 ,就去做
Of course, theories of action do not hold when they are put into such simple form. They depend on a set of stated or unstated assumptions. In the previous instance, we would have to add, for example, ". . . if you can be sincere in speaking the student's own language, if he presents himself as hostile to you in the first instance, if he shows signs of overstepping bounds." A full list of assumptions would contain all the conditions under which you would expect the action to produce the desired result. Such a list would be very long;

in fact, you could never be sure you had completed it. A full schema for a theory of action, then, would be as follows: in situation , if you want to achieve consequence , under assumptions , do .
事实上,你永远无法确定你已经完成了它。那么,一个行动理论的完整图式是这样的:在情境 中,如果你想实现结果 ,在假设下 ,做
From the subjective view, my theory of action is normative for me; that is, it states what I ought to do if I wish to achieve certain results. It is a theory of control. But someone else may explain my behavior by attributing to me a theory of action that accounts for the deliberate behavior he observes. In this sense, theories of action are also explanatory and predictive. We explain or predict a person's deliberate behavior by attributing theories of action to him. A theory of action is a theory of deliberate human behavior, which is for the agent a theory of control but which, when attributed to the agent, also serves to explain or predict his behavior.
从主观的角度来看,我的行动理论对我来说是规范性的;也就是说,它说明了如果我希望取得某些结果,我应该做什么。这是一种控制理论。但其他人可能会解释我的行为,将一种解释他观察到的故意行为的行动理论归因于我。从这个意义上说,行动理论也是解释性和预测性的。我们通过将行动理论归因于他来解释或预测一个人的故意行为。 行动理论是一种关于有意识的人类行为的理论,对于代理人来说,这是一种控制理论,但当归因于代理人时,它也有助于解释或预测他的行为。
We have defined theory of action in terms of a particular situation, , and a particular consequence, , intended in that situation. We need now to relate theories of action to theories of practice. A practice is a sequence of actions undertaken by a person to serve others, who are considered clients. Each action in the sequence of actions repeats some aspects of other actions in the sequence, but each action is in some way unique. In medicine, for example, a typical sequence would be a diagnostic work-up, treatment of acute illness, a well-baby visit, chronic care, and consultation.
我们根据特定情况 和特定后果 来定义行动理论。我们现在需要将行动理论与实践理论联系起来。实践是一个人为服务他人(被视为客户)而采取的一系列行动。操作序列中的每个操作都重复序列中其他操作的某些方面,但每个操作在某种程度上都是唯一的。例如,在医学上,典型的顺序是诊断性检查、急性疾病治疗、婴儿健康检查、慢性护理和咨询。
A theory of practice, then, consists of a set of interrelated theories of action that specify for the situations of the practice the actions that will, under the relevant assumptions, yield intended consequences. Theories of practice usually contain theories of intervention-that is, theories of action aimed at enhancing effectiveness; these may be differentiated according to the roles in which intervention is attempted--for example, consulting and teaching.
因此,实践理论由一组相互关联的行动理论组成,这些理论为实践的情况指定了在相关假设下将产生预期后果的行动。 实践理论通常包含干预理论,即旨在提高有效性的行动理论;这些可以根据尝试干预的角色来区分,例如咨询和教学。
The rest of Chapter One discusses theories of action because one cannot understand theories of practice without understanding the theories of action on which they rest.

Theories-in-Use 应用理论

When someone is asked how he would behave under certain circumstances, the answer he usually gives is his espoused theory of action for that situation. This is the theory of action to which he gives allegiance, and which, upon request, he communicates to others. However, the theory that actually governs his actions is his theory-in-use, which may or may not be compatible with his espoused theory; furthermore, the individual may or may not be aware of the incompatibility of the two theories.
当有人被问及他在某些情况下会如何表现时,他通常给出的答案是他所支持的针对这种情况的行动理论。这是他效忠的行动理论,并根据要求向他人传达。然而,真正支配他行为的理论是他的理论, 它可能与他所拥护的理论相容,也可能不相容;此外,个人可能意识到也可能没有意识到这两种理论的不相容性。
We cannot learn what someone's theory-in-use is simply by asking him. We must construct his theory-in-use from observations of his behavior. In this sense, constructs of theories-in-use are like scientific hypotheses; the constructs may be inaccurate representations of the behavior they claim to describe.
When you know what to do in a given situation in order to achieve an intended consequence, you know what the theory-in-use for that situation is. You know the nature of the consequence to be attained, you know the action appropriate in the situation to attain it, and you know the assumptions contained in the theory.
Theories-in-use, however their assumptions may differ, do all include assumptions about self, others, the situation, and the connections among action, consequence, and situation. In the example of the counselor and the disruptive student, the counselor's theoryin-use may have contained the following assumptions: (1) the counselor can speak the student's language; (2) the student will recognize the sincerity of the counselor as he speaks the student's language and will tend to trust the counselor as a result; (3) the school is a place in which the counselor will be permitted to interact with the student alone and to establish a personal relationship with the student; and (4) the student will be more disposed to alter his behavior if he comes to trust the counselor than if he does not. The counselor's theory-in-use may be said to contain these assumptions, whether or not he can state them, if a change in his beliefs about one or more of them were to lead him to change his view of the actions appropriate in the situation.
If theories of action can be attributed to all people who show deliberate behavior, then the scope of the knowledge exhibited in theories of action is immense. Theories-in-use include knowledge about the behavior of physical objects, the making and use of artifacts, the marketplace, organizations, and every other domain of human activity. In other words, the full set of assumptions about

human behavior that function in theories-in-use constitutes a psychology of everyday life. All propositions about the structure and operation of society, about the culture, about the design and construction of artifacts, about the physical world--insofar as they function as assumptions in theories-in-use-constitute a sociology, an anthropology, an engineering science, a physics of everyday life. In this sense, everyone is his own psychologist, sociologist, anthropologist, engineer, and physicist.
The psychology, physics, or sociology of everyday life may differ from contemporary formal psychology, physics, or sociology; the sciences of everyday life may have more in common with the formal psychology of a generation ago, or they may contain the seeds of the sciences of tomorrow. In the course of intellectual history, much formal academic knowledge has emerged through making explicit the informal knowledge of everyday life.
The same is true of the knowledge involved in professional practice. There is a theory-in-use of building design (for architects), a theory-in-use of the diagnosis and treatment of disease (for physicians)', and a theory-in-use of the planning of cities (for urban planners). There have been a few attempts to make these theories explicit. Scott (1969) outlines what he calls the practice theories of workers in agencies for the blind. He distinguishes between espoused theories of action and theories-in-use and points out that they tend to be inconsistent. The espoused theories hold that the blind are potentially independent, that agencies for the blind function to help the blind realize that potential. The theories-in-use, however, assume that the blind are basically dependent on the agencies, that it is a function of the agencies to sustain the dependence through continuing service, and that the function of a blind person is to adapt to life in an agency setting.
Clearly, specifying the knowledge contained in our theoriesin-use would mean codifying the entire body of informal beliefs relevant to deliberate human behavior.
Levels. Each person has many theories-in-use-one for every kind of situation in which he more or less regularly finds himself. We will call each of these a microtheory, although a person's theories-in-use are not independent atoms of theory. One's microtheories are related to one another through similarities of content

Theories of Action 行动理论

and through their logic. As with any complex body of knowledge, a person's theories-in-use may be organized in a variety of ways.
Some theories-in-use have a hierarchical structure, which becomes clear as we consider, for example, how general the counselor we discussed earlier feels his assumptions are. For example, does he feel that by speaking a student's language, the student will trust him more readily, or does he generalize this to mean that all students will trust him more readily if he speaks their language? Or does he generalize even further that anyone will trust him more readily if he speaks their language? How far the counselor generalizes this assumption can be established inductively by observing his behavior in similar situations and noting the range of situations in which he appears to operate on similar assumptions.
To what extent is the assumption part of an organized theory? For example, does the counselor have a theory of the conditions under which trust comes to be established in which this assumption figures as a component? This question too may be tested, roughly as above.
A person often holds different and incompatible theories-inuse for situations that appear to an outside observer to be alike. The school counselor, for example, may behave in one way with boys, in another way with girls, and in still another way with members of a group different from his own, although he may behave consistently with each type of student. In this case, he may be said to have a higher-order theory that governs his use of the different subtheoriesin-use according to the type of student involved.
, the structure of theories-in-use can be determined by their common assumptions. Such an assumption might be, "People will react less defensively when they are less anxious." The resulting structure will not necessarily be hierarchical.
Tacit knowledge. In what sense do we have or know theories-in-use? What is their status? We can consider this question in terms of existence, inference, and learning.
The problem of existence may be stated as follows. How do we know a person's theories-in-use exist if we cannot state them? Although we argue that theories-in-use are manifested by behavior, sometimes we say that a theory-in-use exists even though the behavior that ought to manifest it does not appear; we say that a

person intends to do , but something happens to prevent him from doing it. If, then, we say that he has a theory-in-use that he cannot state and according to which, at least in some instances, he does not behave, in what sense does the theory-in-use exist?
人打算做 ,但发生了一些事情阻止他去做。那么,如果我们说他有一个他无法陈述的理论,并且至少在某些情况下,他没有根据这个理论行事,那么这个使用的理论在什么意义上存在呢?
There is the related problem of inference. What are the ground rules for inferring theories-in-use from behavior? If the manifesting behavior does not, in some instances, appear, how can we infer the theories-in-use?
There is the problem of learning. How can we change an existing theory-in-use or learn a new theory-in-use when we cannot state what is to be changed or learned?
These problems are at least as old as Plato's dialogue, the Meno. The history of attention to this topic leaves us with three main options.
  1. We know only what we can state. If we adopt this view, we lose the distinction between espoused theory and theory-in-use; this view contradicts the general finding that people's behavior is often incompatible with the theories of action they espouse.
  2. We know only what is manifested by behavior; theories-inuse are only constructs designed to account for patterns of behavior. This view leaves us unable to account for those situations in which people fail to behave according to their theories-in-use and yet may still properly be said to hold theories-in-use ('see von Wright, 1972). A person begins an action according to his theory-in-use, but he cannot complete the action: the inhibiting factor may be externalhe stumbles or is immobilized by someone else-or it may be internal-he is blocked by some unconscious wish or fear, he is overcome with emotion, he forgets, or he has a stroke. In addition, his behavior may show a conflict of theories-in-use; he may do nothing in the situation, which might be evidence for the existence of his conflicting theories-in-use.
    我们只知道行为所表现的是什么;理论只是旨在解释行为模式的结构。这种观点使我们无法解释那些人们未能按照他们使用的理论行事的情况,但仍然可以正确地说他们持有正在使用的理论(参见von Wright,1972)。一个人根据他的理论开始一个动作,但他无法完成这个动作:抑制因素可能是外在的他绊倒或被别人固定住——也可能是内在的——他被某种无意识的愿望或恐惧所阻挡,他被情绪所克服,他忘记了,或者他中风了。此外,他的行为可能表现出使用理论的冲突;在这种情况下,他可能什么都不做,这可能是他使用中相互矛盾的理论存在的证据。
  3. We know more than we can tell and more than our behavior consistently shows. This is implicit knowledge, or tacit knowledge, as Polanyi (1967) calls it. Tacit knowledge is what we display when we recognize one face from thousands without being able to say how we do so, when we demonstrate a skill for which we cannot state an explicit program, or when we experience the intimation of a discovery we cannot put into words. Polanyi's concept offers a useful perspective on the problems of existence, inference, and learning as they apply to theories-in-use. If we know our theories-in-use tacitly, they exist even when we cannot state them and when we are somehow prevented from behaving according to them. When we formulate our theories-in-use, we are making explicit what we already know tacitly; we can test our explicit knowledge against our tacit knowledge just as the scientist can test his explicit hypothesis against his intimations. When we learn to put an espoused theory of action to use, we reverse the process. Instead of inferring explicit theory from the tacit knowledge our behavior shows, we make explicit theory tacit--that is, we internalize it.
    我们知道的比我们能说的要多,也比我们的行为一贯表现出来要多。这就是隐性知识,或隐性知识,正如波兰尼(1967)所说的那样。隐性知识是当我们从成千上万的面孔中认出一张面孔而无法说出我们是如何做到的时,当我们展示一种我们无法说出明确程序的技能时,或者当我们体验到我们无法用语言表达的发现的暗示时,我们所展示的。波兰尼的概念为存在、推理和学习问题提供了一个有用的视角,因为它们适用于使用中的理论。 如果我们心照不宣地知道我们的理论,即使我们不能陈述它们,或者当我们以某种方式被阻止按照它们行事时,它们也存在。当我们制定我们的理论时,我们是在明确我们已经默认的东西;我们可以用我们的隐性知识来检验我们的显性知识,就像科学家可以用他的暗示来检验他的显性假设一样。当我们学会使用一种所拥护的行动理论时,我们就会颠倒过来。我们不是从我们的行为所表现出的隐性知识中推断出显性理论,而是使显性理论成为隐性理论——也就是说,我们将其内化。
Consider the analogy of grammar and speech. Just as we may be unable to describe the grammatical rules that determine how we speak, or even recognize that we know them, we may be similarly unable to describe or even to recognize our theories-in-use. Our actual speech exhibits rules and differentiations more subtle than proposed grammars can account for. Inquirers are constantly trying to push their theories of grammar toward more perfect approximations of the grammars that actually govern speech. The task is complicated by the instability of actual grammars. This is also true of the relationship between our theories-in-use and the constructed theories designed to make them explicit.
Each person has a grammar that governs his own speech, but these grammars are broadly shared among members of a society. Theories-in-use exhibit a similar resemblance; Chapter Four presents evidence that versions of the same model of theories-in-use result from similar upbringing within a culture. Significantly, philosophers of language now debate the status of knowledge of linguistic universals and principles of grammar that natural speakers of the language exhibit but cannot state.
Inferring explicit theories of action from observed behavior has problems comparable to inferring principles of grammar from observed speech. The task is to devise progressively more adequate constructions of theories-in-use that account for regularities of behavior, deviations due to external or internal inhibitions, and behavioral manifestations of inconsistent theories-in-use. When a person tries to construct his own theories-in-use, his evidence includes his behavior, the intimations of his tacit knowledge, and his ability to

construct imaginative experiments that indicate what he would do under various circumstances. The outside observer may also find ways to make use of the agent's intimations and imaginative experiments but must beware of the tendency to confuse espoused theories with theories-in-use. His inquiry will be facilitated by the presumption that the agent has tacit knowledge of his theories-in-use that may be elicited in various ways.

Skills and Theories-in-use

Professionals and professional educators-indeed, practitioners of all sorts-often speak of practicing and learning skills as though these activities were of an entirely different sort than learning a theory or learning to apply a theory. This viewpoint suggests that skill learning and theory learning are different kinds of activities; it suggests further that theory learning may be appropriately undertaken in one kind of place (school) and skill learning in another (work)'.
Skills are dimensions of the ability to behave effectively in situations of action. Skill is a hybrid term that refers both to a property of concrete behavior and to a property of theories of action. Skills of all kinds-diving, writing, consultation-depend on certain features of the actor's concrete behavior. If he consistently fails to behave according to his skills, we do not attribute the skills to him. Skills also can be generalized from one situation to another. We may construct the explicit program represented by a skill just as we may construct the theory-in-use manifested by a practitioner's behavior. However, the programs manifested by skills are enormously complex. The informational content of the program corresponding to the skill of bicycle riding runs to four hundred pages and is still incomplete. The program corresponding to a skill is a theory-in-use of great informational content. Learning a theory of action so as to become competent in professional practice does not consist of learning to recite the theory; the theory of action has not been learned in the most important sense unless it can be put into practice.
Learning to put a theory of action into practice and learning a skill are similar processes, just as making one's theory-in-use explicit is like making explicit the program manifested by a skill.

Hence, considering the process of learning a skill may illuminate the process of learning new theories-in-use.
Let us consider the skill of bicycle riding. Suppose that we put the entire program into a student's hands and that he studies the program so that he can repeat it and can state what the program says to do in various circumstances. This ability to repeat the program does not constitute learning the skill for three reasons.
  1. There is an information gap between the program and the concrete performance of riding a bicycle; that is, the program never gives a complete description of the concrete performance. However, it is misleading to say that the problem is merely to fill the gap. From a before-the-fact perspective, filling the gap involves problem-solving. When a medical student learns the symptoms of a range of diseases and begins to apply his knowledge or acquire diagnostic skill, the linking of symptom and disease is not a simple matching process. Often the patient's symptoms seem ambiguous to the student. He must screen his array of symptom/disease concepts, narrowing them to reasonable possibilities. He goes through a series of inferences, observations, and tests, all of which fill the information gap between the diagnostic program he has learned and his recognition of the patient's disease.
  2. Riding a bicycle requires smooth, uninterrupted sequences of responses. If we interrupt this flow of activity by attending to the particulars of what we are doing or by looping back through the explicit program, we may fall off the bicycle. This is true not merely because of considerations of timing (the learner must compensate for an imbalance immediately, not a few seconds later) but because these sequences depend for their performance on Gestalt qualities that we lose if we attend to the particulars of the explicit program. Thus, learning to ride requires both learning the program and learning to internalize the program. Then one can give appropriate responses on cue without having to make explicit reference to the program. Knowledge of the program must be made tacit; one cannot replace tacit with explicit knowledge.
  3. Some of the performances indicated by the program may require changes in sensory competence, muscular strength, physical dexterity, or feeling, none of which is achieved through learning the program for riding a bicycle. For example the program does not

    teach the learner to avoid fear, although it may indicate that there is no reason for it; nevertheless, the learner may feel fear, even to an immobilizing extent.
Practicing a skill may consist of allowing the learner to overcome his fear by progressive familiarization with the performance. The learning situation may be designed so he can perform components of the performance in a relatively risk-free situation (training wheels)' and increase the riskiness of his performances as he builds confidence. One can type skills by their learning conditions: those that require special conditions of strength, dexterity, sensory awareness, or feeling and those that do not; those that are readily broken up into components and those that are not; those that may be slowed down and still be performed effectively and those that may not; and so on.
These comments about learning a skill apply also to learning to behave according to a new theory of action. In both processes, it is essential to practice, to develop and draw on tacit knowledge, and to be in a learning situation that permits a reinforcing cycle of feeling and performance to begin.
It does not follow that a new skill can be learned only by first learning its program, or that one can learn a new theory-in-use only by first learning its explicit verbal formulation. On the contrary, much learning takes place through imitation without any verbal intervention. Learning may also take place as one person criticizes the performances of another, telling him what changes he should make without trying to formulate the theory of action corresponding to the peformance. (Indeed, the teacher may not know the explicit theory of action but still be able to detect deviations from correct performance.) The teacher may help the student link components of behavior already in his repertoire, or the teacher may put the student into situations that require a performance much like one he already knows.
What, then, is the advantage of explicitly stating the theories-in-use we already hold? If unstated theories-in-use appear to enable the agent to perform effectively, there may be no advantage. But if the agent is performing ineffectively and does not know why or if others are aware of his ineffectiveness and he is not, explicitly stating his theory-in-use allows conscious criticism. The agent's efforts to defend his tacit theory-in-use may prevent his learning to behave differently; he may not be willing to behave differently until he has examined his theory-in-use explicitly and compared it with alternatives. He may be unable to test his theory-in-use until he has made it explicit. And he may be severely impaired in his efforts to teach his theory-in-use to others until he has made it explicit.

Roles Played by Theories-in-Use

Theories-in-use are means for getting what we want. They specify strategies for resolving conflicts, making a living, closing a deal, organizing a neighborhood--indeed, for every kind of intended consequence.
Theories-in-use are also means for maintaining certain kinds of constancy. Certain governing variables interest us (for example, energy expended, anxiety, time spent with others), and we try to keep the values of these variables within the range acceptable to us. Our theories-in-use specify which variables we are interested in (as opposed to the constants in our environment about which we can do nothing) and thereby set boundaries to action. Within these boundaries, theories-in-use provide the programs by which the variables may be managed.
When we say that we pursue a certain end or get what we want, we focus on a single variable and speak of a certain sequence of action concerning that variable exclusively. However, we act within a field of governing variables, all of which are affected by our behavior, all of which we strive to keep within an acceptable range. Instead of actions being related to ends on a one-to-one basis, any given action may affect many variables; all of them are ends in the sense that all behavior is shaped so as to keep all variables within an acceptable range. At any moment, one variable may be more interesting than others and move to the foreground of our attention, but the other variables affected by the action cannot be ignored; they may be considered constraints on our efforts to manipulate foreground variables. That is, whatever we do to manipulate foreground variables, we cannot allow one of the other variables out of its acceptable range. In this sense, formulating and selecting actions is a design problem analogous to the problems of architectural

and engineering design, which require achieving desired values of a range of related variables, not just one variable. The actions we take never have only the intended consequence; in the design of behavior, we are continually engaged in attempting to mitigate the unintended consequences of our actions on background variables.
Some actions do not affect all governing variables, and some governing variables are not relevant to each action. However, certain governing variables (for example, level of anxiety, vitality, or self-esteem) seem to be at stake in virtually every action, constraining the directions that action may take. These variables may suddenly achieve the status of foreground ends if some action of ours has inadvertently taken them out of their acceptable ranges.
A governing variable ranges within its acceptable limits, only occasionally rising above or falling below them. When one begins to focus on a new variable, it may initially be above or below these limits. It takes time to bring the new variable within acceptable limits (consider bringing someone back to health or establishing a relationship of trust). In setting oneself an objective in relation to that variable, one sets some requisite pattern of movement into the acceptable range (the objective function). Furthermore, both old and new variables require maintenance in order to keep them within limits; the design problem must not only be solved but stay solved. Once within acceptable range, the new variable joins the other governing variables that make up a person's field of constancy -the set of governing variables that must all be kept constant within their acceptable ranges.
控制变量在其可接受的范围内,只是偶尔高于或低于它们。当人们开始关注一个新变量时,它最初可能高于或低于这些限制。将新变量控制在可接受的范围内需要时间(考虑让某人恢复健康或建立信任关系)。在为自己设定一个与该变量相关的目标时,人们会将一些必要的运动模式设置到可接受的范围内(目标函数)。此外,新旧变量都需要维护,以使其保持在限制范围内;设计问题不仅要解决,而且要保持解决。一旦在可接受的范围内,新变量就会加入构成一个人恒定域的其他控制变量 - 一组控制变量,这些变量都必须在其可接受的范围内保持恒定。
Theories-in-use maintain a person's field of constancy. They specify the governing variables and their critical relationships to one another-for example, which variables have priority. They specify the acceptable ranges for these variables and the objective functions for new governing variables. They describe the techniques and strategies of design by which objective functions may be achieved and constancies maintained.
Theories-in-use are the means of maintaining specific constancies, but they also come to be valued in their own right for the constancy of the world-picture they provide. The inherent variability of the behavioral world gives us more information than we can han- dle, so we value a stable world-picture, being predictable, and being able to predict. We work at maintaining the constancy of our theories-in-use.
The two orders of constancy-both of governing variables and of the world picture which theories-in-use provide-generate a special conflict. When our theories-in-use prove ineffective in maintaining the constancy of our governing variables, we may find it necessary to change our theories-in-use. But we try to avoid such change because we wish to keep our theories-in-use constant. Forced to choose between getting what we want and maintaining secondorder constancy, we may choose not to get what we want.

Theories-in-Use as Theories of the Artificial

The stars are indifferent to our opinion of them, and the tides are independent of our theories about them. Human behavior, however, is directly influenced by our actions and therefore by our theories of action. The behavioral world is an artifact of our theories-in-use.
Theories of the behavioral world are, in Simon's (1969) phrase, theories of the artificial. Many of the constants of the behavioral world are accidental-in the sense that they are created by human convention and continued by human choice-rather than inherent in the nature of the universe.
用西蒙(Simon,1969)的话来说, 行为世界的理论是人工的理论。行为世界的许多常数都是偶然的——从某种意义上说,它们是由人类的惯例创造的,并由人类的选择延续——而不是宇宙的本质所固有的。
Moreover, each person lives in a behavioral world of his own -a world made up of his own behavior in interaction with the bebehavior of others. Each person's behavioral world is therefore artificial not only in the sense that it consists of artifacts of human convention but in the sense that it is shaped and influenced by one's own action and by one's theories of the behavioral world as they influence action. The relationship between theory-in-use and action is special. Here, the action not only applies and tests the theory but also shapes the behavioral world the theory is about. We are familiar with this phenomenon in its pejorative connotations, as in the example of the teacher whose belief in the stupidity of his students results in the students' behaving stupidly. But the usual conclusions of

such experiments is that one should avoid self-fulfilling prophecies-as if one could. Every theory-in-use is a self-fulfilling prophecy to some extent.
We construct the reality of our behavioral worlds through the same process by which we construct our theories-in-use. Theorybuilding is reality-building, not only because our theories-in-use help to determine what we perceive of the behavioral world but because our theories-in-use determine our actions, which in turn help to determine the characteristics of the behavioral world, which in turn feed into our theories-in-use. Consequently, every theory-in-use is a way of doing something to others (to one's behavioral world), which in turn does something to oneself. The second-order constancy that we seek in our theories-in-use is also the constancy we seek in our behavioral world.
Accordingly, one must examine theories-in-use not at one cross-sectional instant in time but in the progressively developing interaction between theory-in-use and behavioral world. One cannot judge theories-in-use without also judging the behavioral world created by the theory. And one cannot set about trying to construct a better theory-in-use without also trying to construct the behavioral world that is conducive to the development of that theory-in-use.

Theory-Building as Learning

We have already discussed the similarities between learning a skill and learning to behave according to a theory-in-use. But, in addition, the formation or modification of a theory-in-use is itself a learning process.
We see behavioral learning, in George Kelley's terms, as a hypothetico-deductive process in which behavioral hypotheses are formed, tested, and modified. That is, behavioral learming involves the experience-based modification of some elements of theories-inuse-governing variables, action strategies, or assumptions.
用乔治·凯利(George Kelley)的话来说,我们将行为学习视为一个假设演绎过程,在这个过程中,行为假设被形成、测试和修改。也就是说,行为控制涉及对理论控制变量、行动策略或假设的某些要素进行基于经验的修改。
We can then distinguish two kinds of behavioral learning: we can learn to adopt new action strategies to achieve our governing variables; and we can learn to change our governing variables. This distinction is similar to Ashby's (1952) distinction between single-loop and double-loop learning. Ashby uses the example of a household thermostat. When the household temperature oscillates around a steady temperature, the system may be said to engage in single-loop learning. When the householder intervenes to change the setting of the thermostat, the learning involved is double-loop. ". . . The message which the householder puts into the system by changing the setting is about how the system shall respond to messages of lower order emanating from the thermometer [Bateson, 1958, p. 293]." In the first case, the feedback loop connects the household temperature (as sensed by the thermometer) with the valve controlling the flow of hot air or water. In the second case, the feedback loop connects the household temperature not only with the heating unit but (through the medium of the householder) with the thermostat setting around which the household temperature will oscillate.
然后,我们可以区分两种行为学习:我们可以学习采用新的行动策略来实现我们的控制变量;我们可以学会改变我们的控制变量。这种区别类似于Ashby(1952)对单循环和双循环学习的区分。阿什比以家用恒温器为例。当家庭温度在稳定温度附近振荡时,可以说系统参与了单回路学习。当住户干预以更改恒温器的设置时,所涉及的学习是双循环的。". . .住户通过改变设置向系统输入的信息是关于系统应如何响应温度计发出的低阶信息[Bateson,1958,第293页]。在第一种情况下,反馈回路将家庭温度(由温度计感应)与控制热空气或水流量的阀门连接起来。在第二种情况下,反馈回路不仅将家庭温度与供暖装置连接起来,而且(通过户主的介质)将家庭温度与恒温器设置连接起来,家庭温度将围绕该恒温器振荡。
In the context of theories-in-use, a person engages in singleloop learning, for example, when he learns new techniques for suppressing conflict. He engages in double-loop learning when he learns to be concerned with the surfacing and resolution of conflict rather than with its suppression.
In single-loop learning, we learn to maintain the field of constancy by learning to design actions that satisfy existing governing variables. In double-loop learning, we learn to change the field of constancy itself.
Double-loop learning does not supercede single-loop learning. Single-loop learning enables us to avoid continuing investment in the highly predictable activities that make up the bulk of our lives; but the theory-builder becomes a prisoner of his programs if he allows them to continue unexamined indefinitely. Double-loop learning changes the governing variables (the "settings") of one's programs and causes ripples of change to fan out over one's whole system of theories-in-use.

Chapter 2 第 2 章

Evaluating Theories of Action

To consider the interaction of theories-in-use and their behavioral worlds, we must look at their tendencies rather than at their crosssectional properties at any instant in time. Whether theories-in-use tend to create a behavioral world that constrains or frees the individual depends on answers to the following questions: Are the theoriesin-use and espoused theories internally consistent? Are they congruent? Are they testable? Are they effective? Do we value the worlds they create? The relationships among these criteria are expressed in Figure 1.
要考虑使用中的理论及其行为世界的相互作用,我们必须关注它们的趋势,而不是它们在任何时刻的横截面特性。使用中的理论是否倾向于创造一个约束或解放个人的行为世界,取决于以下问题的答案:使用中的理论和拥护的理论是否内在一致?它们是否一致?它们可以测试吗?它们有效吗?我们珍惜他们创造的世界吗?这些标准之间的关系如图 1 所示。

Internal Consistency 内部一致性

In a very simple sense, internal consistency means the absence of self-contradiction. But in the domain of theory of action, its meaning becomes more complex.
The most important kind of consistency lies not between propositions in the theory ("This man is generous," "This man is stingy")' but among the governing variables of the theory that are
related to assumptions about self, others, and the behavioral setting. For example, a theory of action might require two propositions"Keep people calm" and "Encourage participative government"; if participative government can come about only through heated action, the theory is internally inconsistent, although not logically inconsistent. It is not self-contradictory, as saying a horse is and is not white would be. However, efforts to achieve the governing variables would interfere with one another.
Each of these variables has a range that is acceptable; within that range, there are levels of preference. As long as calmness does not rise to the point of inertness, we may prefer to have things as calm as possible. As long as participation does not rise to the point of anarchy, we may prefer to have as much of it as possible.
If two or more such variables are internally incompatible in a particular context, one cannot achieve as high a level of preference for both of them taken together as one can for each of them taken separately. If we call such a relationship incompatibility, we can reserve the term internal inconsistency for the special case in which one variable will fall out of its acceptable range if the other is brought into the acceptable range.
如果两个或多个这样的变量在特定上下文中内部不相容,那么就无法像单独考虑每个变量那样,对这两个变量的偏好程度尽可能高。 如果我们称这种关系为不相容性,我们可以将术语“内部不一致”保留在特殊情况下,即如果一个变量被带入可接受的范围,另一个变量将超出其可接受的范围。
Whether governing variables are incompatible or internally inconsistent depends on a number of factors.
  1. Other governing variables-for example, variables related to self-protection, courtesy, or protection of others-may limit the means for achieving some variables.
  2. The array of actions envisaged in the theory-in-use may be too narrow. Outside of that array, there may be some means for achieving one variable without dropping the other variable out of its acceptable range.
  3. The acceptable range of each variable may be broadened or narrowed so as to make the two variables more or less incompatible.
  4. The assumptions in the theory-in-use may be altered so as to make the governing variables more or less incompatible. For example, the assumption "People cannot address the problem of selfgovernment without becoming excited" may be absent from theoryin-use but may be valid in the situation; in this case, the agent would find that he cannot reach acceptable levels of both variables, but he would not understand why.
  5. The protagonist may act on his world so as to make it take on characteristics that are either conducive or resistant to the internal consistency of his theory. His behavior may somehow affect people's sense of responsibility in a way that enables participation in self-government without disruption. Or, his behavior may have the opposite effect. Since this behavior is itself a reflection of other aspects of the theory-in-use, theories-in-use may tend to make themselves internally consistent or inconsistent. In the worst case, increasing one's efforts to achieve governing variables decreases one's chance of achieving them; in the best case, increasing one's efforts increases the chance of achieving them.
If two or more governing variables in a theory-in-use are internally inconsistent, then, for given settings of ranges, arrays of strategies, assumptions about the situation, constraining variables, and influences of action on the behavioral world there is no way of falling into the acceptable range for one value without falling out of the acceptable range for the other.
It is important to notice the relationship between internal consistency and constancy. Theory-in-use may be regarded as a program for action designed to keep the values of certain variables constant within acceptable ranges. It is analogous to a computer program for an industrial process that is designed to keep conditions such as temperature and pressure within acceptable limits. The program's internal consistency and the acceptable limits of the variables determine one another. The internal consistency of the theory-in-use conditions the ability of the theory-in-use to achieve the desired constancies; the nature of the desired constancies partly determines the internal consistency of the theory-in-use.

Congruence 一致

Congruence means that one's espoused theory matches his theory-in-use-that is, that one's behavior fits his espoused theory of action. A second (and much-used) meaning of congruence is allowing inner feelings to be expressed in actions: when one feels happy, he acts happy.
These two meanings are complementary and show an integration of one's internal (what one who is aware of my feelings and beliefs would perceive) and external (what an outsider who is aware only of my behavior would perceive) state. Lack of congruence between espoused theory and theory-in-use may precipitate search for a modification of either theory since we tend to value both espoused theory (image of self) and congruence (integration of doing and believing) .
The caricature of a politician shows him advocating what looks like an espoused theory for the benefit of others, feeling no uneasiness over that theory's incongruence with his theory-in-use. Such an individual probably does not believe in the theory he is advocating although he does have an espoused theory that he believes; incongruence between the latter theory and his theory-in-use may very well cause uneasiness and trigger a change in theory.
The degree of congruence varies over time. One's ability to be himself (to be what he believes and feels) may depend on the kind of behavioral world he creates. A behavioral world of low selfdeception, high availability of feelings, and low threat is conducive to congruence; a behavioral world of low self-esteem and high threat is conducive to self-deception and incongruence. If one helps create situations in which others can be congruent, his own congruence is supported.
There is no particular virtue in congruence, alone. An espoused theory that is congruent with an otherwise inadequate theory-in-use is less valuable than an adequate espoused theory that

is incongruent with the inadequate theory-in-use, because then the incongruence can be discovered and provide a stimulus for change. However, given the importance of congruence to a positive sense of self, it is desirable to hold an espoused theory and theory-in-use that tend to become congruent over the long run.

Effectiveness 有效性

A theory-in-use is effective when action according to the theory tends to achieve its governing variables. Accordingly, effectiveness depends on: the governing variables held within the theory; the appropriateness of the strategies advanced by the theory; and the accuracy and adequacy of the assumptions of the theory. A strong criterion of effectiveness would require that governing variables stay in the acceptable range once they have been achieved. Some theories-in-use tend to make themselves less effective over time. For example, if an agent tends to become more effective in ways that reduce the effectiveness of others, he may increase the dependence of others on him and make it more and more difficult for himself to be effective. Long-run effectiveness requires achieving governing variables in a way that makes their future achievement increasingly likely. This may require behavior that increases the effectiveness of others.
Long-run effectiveness requires single and double-loop learning. We cannot be effective over the long run unless we can learn new ways of managing existing governing variables when conditions change. In addition, we cannot be effective unless we can learn new governing variables as they become important.
Note that long-run effectiveness does not necessarily mean that action becomes easier. One may respond to increased effectiveness by addressing himself to new governing variables for which he begins by being less effective; progress in effectiveness may be reflected in the sequence of governing variables one tries to achieve.

Testability 测试

Theories of action are theories of control, like the theories involved in engineering, in clinical medicine, or in agricultural tech- nology. They are testable if one can specify the situation, the desired result, and the action through which the result is to be achieved. Testing consists of evaluating whether the action yields its predicted results. If it does, the theory has been confirmed; if it does not, it has been disconfirmed. This tests the effectiveness of the theory.
Special problems regarding testability stem from two related characteristics of theories of action: theories of action are normative (they set norms of behavior) and they are theories of the artificial (they are about a behavioral world that they help to create). There are three basic problems.
  1. How can one test theories that prescribe action? How can norms or values be tested?
  2. Given that theories-in-use tend to make themselves true in that world, how can they be tested?
  3. In a situation of action (particularly in a stressful situation)', we are required to display the stance of action-that is, confidence, commitment, decisiveness. But in order to test a theory, one must be tentative, experimental, skeptical. How can we, in the same situations, manifest the stance of action and the experimental stance?
Simple prescriptions ("Don't go near the water!") are not testable because they do not predict results, but if . . . then . . . prescriptions ("If you want to avoid catching a cold, stay away from the water in winter!") are testable. Testing may not be straightforward because assumptions, often hidden, accompany such if . . . then . . . prescriptions. It is assumed here, for example, that you will not expose yourself to other risks of catching cold. Only if we make such assumptions explicit and control for them can we interpret the failure or success of the experiment.
A more challenging problem has to do with the testing of norms or values themselves. Can we test governing variables such as "stay healthy"? In one sense, the answer to this question must be no, because governing variables are not if . . . then . . . propositions and make no predictions. But if one looks at the entire range of variables-the entire field of constancy involved in a theory-in-use -it is meaningful to ask whether, over time, these values will become more or less internally consistent, more or less congruent with