You can install an extension of your choice in Edge Canary for Android

Microsoft is actively testing extension support for Android in the Edge browser. Until now, you could only choose from a couple of extensions in Edge Canary. However, in Edge Canary version 125.0.2487, you can install any extension from the Microsoft Edge Add-ons by modifying developer settings.
微软正在积极测试 Edge 浏览器在 Android 上的扩展支持。到目前为止,在 Edge Canary 中,您只能从几个扩展中进行选择。然而,在 Edge Canary 版本 125.0.2487 中,您可以通过修改开发者设置安装来自 Microsoft Edge Add-ons 的任何扩展。

It is worth noting that Microsoft Edge stable has also received support for extensions, but it’s hidden behind the experimental flags. If you want to try your favourite desktop extensions on mobile, you should download Edge Canary version 125.0.2487 or newer on your Android phone.
值得注意的是,Microsoft Edge 稳定版也已经支持扩展,但是它被隐藏在实验性标志后面。如果你想在移动设备上尝试你喜爱的桌面扩展,你应该在你的安卓手机上下载 Edge Canary 版本 125.0.2487 或更新版本。

That’s because Edge stable allows you to try only two extensions (Dark mode and AdBlocker) when the “Android extensions” flag is enabled. On the other hand, Edge Canary lets you experiment with several extensions. It is also worth noting that you don’t need to log in to a Microsoft account to use extensions on mobile.
这是因为 Edge 稳定版只允许你在“Android 扩展”标志启用时尝试两个扩展(深色模式和广告拦截器)。另一方面,Edge Canary 让你尝试多个扩展。值得一提的是,在移动设备上使用扩展时,你不需要登录 Microsoft 账户。

After installing the Edge Canary, use these steps to install any extension:
安装 Edge Canary 后,按照以下步骤安装任何扩展:

  1. Launch Edge Canary and open Edge://flags. Search Android Extension, and relaunch the browser.
    启动 Edge Canary 并打开 Edge://flags。搜索 Android 扩展,然后重新启动浏览器。
  2. Tap the hamburger icon in the bottom right corner and open Settings.
  3. Then tap on the About Microsoft Edge option.
    然后点击“关于 Microsoft Edge”选项。

    enable developer options in edge canary android
  4. Go to the bottom of the page and tap on the “Edge Canary Version” five times to enable the Developer option.
    转到页面底部,点击“Edge Canary 版本”五次以启用开发者选项。
  5. Go back to the Settings page. You will see a new option at the bottom to add extensions to the browser.

Since the Microsoft Edge add-on store isn’t available for mobile devices yet, you’ll need an extension ID to add it to Edge Canary for Android via Developer settings:
由于 Microsoft Edge 插件商店尚未适用于移动设备,因此您需要一个扩展程序 ID,通过开发者设置将其添加到 Edge Canary for Android。

  1. Visit the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website and click on any extension you wish to add.
    访问 Microsoft Edge Add-ons 网站,然后单击您希望添加的任何扩展。
  2. Copy the extension ID from the URL. It is mentioned after the last “/” in the URL.
    从 URL 中复制扩展 ID。它在 URL 中的最后一个“/”之后提到。

    extension url copy
  3. Tap on Developer options and select the “Extension install by id” option.
    点击开发者选项,然后选择“通过 ID 安装扩展”选项。
  4. Paste the extension ID you copied from the URL and tap on OK.
    粘贴您从 URL 复制的扩展 ID,并点击“确定”。

    add extensions in edge canary android
  5. Tap on the hamburger icon in the bottom right corner.
  6. Select the Extensions option. The newly added extension will appear in the list.

    use extensions in edge canary android
  7. Tap on an extension from the list to use it on any open tab.

Edge extension support on Android isn’t perfect yet
Android 上的 Edge 扩展支持还不完美

Note that the feature is still in the beta phase, so not all extensions might work as they do on your PC. We tried a screenshot extension, and adding it to the browser wasn’t an issue; it installed successfully.
请注意,该功能仍处于测试阶段,因此并非所有扩展都能像在您的 PC 上那样正常工作。我们尝试了一个截图扩展,并将其添加到浏览器并没有问题;它成功安装了。

Sadly, it encountered a loading loop when we tried to use it from the extensions menu.

extensions loading in edge canary android

Other users, including Reddit user daplugg23, who shared the guide, experienced similar issues with the experimental extensions tool in Edge Canary, but some extensions do work.
其他用户,包括 Reddit 用户 daplugg23,分享了该指南,他们在 Edge Canary 中的实验性扩展工具中遇到了类似问题,但一些扩展确实可以正常工作。

If you’re unlucky, the browser could crash multiple times, or you won’t be able to add them via the Developer options menu.

Microsoft restricts you to a couple of extensions because the feature is half-baked. Earlier, the option was hidden, and you had to tweak a flag to make it appear. You don’t need to go through all that trouble now because extension support is pre-enabled in Edge Canary version 125.0.2487.0.
由于该功能尚未完善,Microsoft 限制您只能使用少数扩展。以前,该选项是隐藏的,您必须调整一个标志才能使其出现。现在您无需再经历所有这些麻烦,因为扩展支持已在 Edge Canary 版本 125.0.2487.0 中预先启用。

Extensions support in Microsoft Edge on Android could be a gamer changer in the browser market.
Microsoft Edge 在 Android 上的扩展支持可能会改变浏览器市场格局。

About The Author

Abhishek Mishra

Abhishek Mishra is a skilled news reporter working at Windows Latest, where he focuses on everything about computing and Windows. With a strong background in computer applications, thanks to his master's degree, Abhishek knows his way around complex tech subjects. His love for reading and his four years in journalism have sharpened his ability to explain tricky tech ideas in easy-to-understand ways. Over his career, he has crafted hundreds of detailed articles for publications like MakeUseof, Tom's Hardware, and more in the pursuit of helping tech enthusiasts.