Class StdDraw 类 StdDraw

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ActionListener, KeyListener, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, EventListener

    public final class StdDraw
    extends Object
    implements ActionListener, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, KeyListener
    The StdDraw class provides static methods for creating drawings with your programs. It uses a simple graphics model that allows you to create drawings consisting of points, lines, squares, circles, and other geometric shapes in a window on your computer and to save the drawings to a file.
    StdDraw 类提供了用于创建程序图形的静态方法。它使用一种简单的图形模型,允许您在计算机窗口中创建由点、线、方块、圆形和其他几何形状组成的图形,并将图形保存到文件中。

    Standard drawing also includes facilities for text, color, pictures, and animation, along with user interaction via the keyboard and mouse.

    Getting started. To use this class, you must have StdDraw.class in your Java classpath. If you used our autoinstaller, you should be all set. Otherwise, either download stdlib.jar and add to your Java classpath or download and put a copy in your working directory.
    开始。要使用这个类,你必须在你的 Java 类路径中有 StdDraw.class 。如果你使用了我们的自动安装程序,你应该已经准备就绪了。否则,要么下载 stdlib.jar 并添加到你的 Java 类路径中,要么下载 并将副本放入你的工作目录。

    Now, cut-and-paste the following short program into your editor:

       public class TestStdDraw {
           public static void main(String[] args) {
               StdDraw.point(0.5, 0.5);
               StdDraw.line(0.2, 0.2, 0.8, 0.2);
    If you compile and execute the program, you should see a window appear with a thick magenta line and a blue point. This program illustrates the two main types of methods in standard drawing—methods that draw geometric shapes and methods that control drawing parameters.

    The methods StdDraw.line() and StdDraw.point() draw lines and points; the methods StdDraw.setPenRadius() and StdDraw.setPenColor() control the line thickness and color.
    方法 StdDraw.line()StdDraw.point() 绘制线条和点;方法 StdDraw.setPenRadius()StdDraw.setPenColor() 控制线条的粗细和颜色。

    Points and lines. You can draw points and line segments with the following methods:

    The x- and y-coordinates must be in the drawing area (between 0 and 1 and by default) or the points and lines will not be visible.
    x 和 y 坐标必须在绘图区域内(默认值为 0 到 1 之间),否则点和线将不可见。

    Squares, circles, rectangles, and ellipses. You can draw squares, circles, rectangles, and ellipses using the following methods:

    All of these methods take as arguments the location and size of the shape. The location is always specified by the x- and y-coordinates of its center. The size of a circle is specified by its radius and the size of an ellipse is specified by the lengths of its semi-major and semi-minor axes. The size of a square or rectangle is specified by its half-width or half-height.
    所有这些方法都需要将形状的位置和大小作为参数。位置总是由其中心的 x 和 y 坐标指定。圆的大小由其半径指定,椭圆的大小由其半长轴和半短轴的长度指定。正方形或矩形的大小由其半宽度或半高度指定。

    The convention for drawing squares and rectangles is parallel to those for drawing circles and ellipses, but may be unexpected to the uninitiated.

    The methods above trace outlines of the given shapes. The following methods draw filled versions:

    Circular arcs. You can draw circular arcs with the following method:

    The arc is from the circle centered at (x, y) of the specified radius. The arc extends from angle1 to angle2. By convention, the angles are polar (counterclockwise angle from the x-axis) and represented in degrees. For example, StdDraw.arc(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 90) draws the arc of the unit circle from 3 o'clock (0 degrees) to 12 o'clock (90 degrees).
    该弧来自于以 (x, y) 为中心、指定半径的圆。该弧从 angle1 延伸到 angle2。根据惯例,角度为极坐标(从 x 轴逆时针测量的角度),以度数表示。例如, StdDraw.arc(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 90) 绘制从 3 点钟方向(0 度)到 12 点钟方向(90 度)的单位圆弧。

    Polygons. You can draw polygons with the following methods:

    The points in the polygon are (x[i], y[i]). For example, the following code fragment draws a filled diamond with vertices (0.1, 0.2), (0.2, 0.3), (0.3, 0.2), and (0.2, 0.1):
    多边形中的点是 ( x[i] , y[i] )。例如,以下代码片段绘制了一个填充的菱形,顶点为 (0.1, 0.2)、(0.2, 0.3)、(0.3, 0.2) 和 (0.2, 0.1):

       double[] x = { 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.2 };
       double[] y = { 0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1 };
       StdDraw.filledPolygon(x, y);

    Pen size. The pen is circular, so that when you set the pen radius to r and draw a point, you get a circle of radius r. Also, lines are of thickness 2r and have rounded ends. The default pen radius is 0.002 and is not affected by coordinate scaling.
    笔尖大小。笔是圆形的,所以当你将笔的半径设置为 r 并画一个点时,你会得到一个半径为 r 的圆。此外,线条的厚度为 2r,并且两端是圆角的。默认的笔半径为 0.002,并不受坐标缩放的影响。

    This default pen radius is about 1/500 the width of the default canvas, so that if you draw 200 points equally spaced along a horizontal or vertical line, you will be able to see individual circles, but if you draw 250 such points, the result will look like a line.
    此默认笔径约为默认画布宽度的 1/500,因此如果沿水平或垂直线绘制 200 个等距点,您将能够看到单独的圆圈,但如果绘制 250 个这样的点,结果将看起来像一条线。

    For example, StdDraw.setPenRadius(0.01) makes the thickness of the lines and the size of the points to be five times the 0.002 default. To draw points with the minimum possible radius (one pixel on typical displays), set the pen radius to 0.0.
    例如, StdDraw.setPenRadius(0.01) 使线条的粗细和点的大小是默认值 0.002 的五倍。要绘制具有最小可能半径的点(在典型显示器上为一个像素),将笔半径设置为 0.0。

    Pen color. All geometric shapes (such as points, lines, and circles) are drawn using the current pen color. By default, it is black. You can change the pen color with the following methods:

    The first method allows you to specify colors using the RGB color system. This color picker is a convenient way to find a desired color.
    第一种方法允许您使用 RGB 颜色系统指定颜色。这个颜色选择器是查找所需颜色的便捷方式。

    The second method allows you to specify colors using the Color data type, which is defined in Java's java.awt package. Standard drawing defines a number of predefined colors including BLACK, WHITE, RED, GREEN, and BLUE. For example, StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.RED) sets the pen color to red.
    第二种方法允许您使用在 Java 的` java.awt `包中定义的` Color `数据类型来指定颜色。标准绘图定义了许多预定义颜色,包括` BLACK `,` WHITE `,` RED `,` GREEN `和` BLUE `。例如,` StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.RED) `将笔的颜色设置为红色。

    Window title. By default, the standard drawing window title is "Standard Draw". You can change the title with the following method:

    This sets the standard drawing window title to the specified string.

    Canvas size. By default, all drawing takes places in a 512-by-512 canvas. The canvas does not include the window title or window border. You can change the size of the canvas with the following method:
    画布大小。默认情况下,所有绘图都发生在一个 512x512 的画布上。 画布不包括窗口标题或窗口边框。 您可以使用以下方法更改画布大小:

    This sets the canvas size to be width-by-height pixels. It also clears the current drawing using the default background color (white). Ordinarily, this method is called only once, at the very beginning of a program. For example, StdDraw.setCanvasSize(800, 800) sets the canvas size to be 800-by-800 pixels.
    这将画布大小设置为宽度×高度像素。它还使用默认背景颜色(白色)清除当前绘图。通常情况下,此方法仅在程序开始时调用一次。例如, StdDraw.setCanvasSize(800, 800) 将画布大小设置为 800×800 像素。

    Canvas scale and coordinate system. By default, all drawing takes places in the unit square, with (0, 0) at lower left and (1, 1) at upper right. You can change the default coordinate system with the following methods:
    画布比例和坐标系统。默认情况下,所有绘图发生在单位正方形内,左下角为(0, 0),右上角为(1, 1)。您可以使用以下方法更改默认坐标系统:

    The arguments are the coordinates of the minimum and maximum x- or y-coordinates that will appear in the canvas. For example, if you wish to use the default coordinate system but leave a small margin, you can call StdDraw.setScale(-.05, 1.05).
    参数是画布中将出现的最小和最大 x 或 y 坐标的坐标。例如,如果您希望使用默认坐标系但留下一小部分空白,您可以调用 StdDraw.setScale(-.05, 1.05)

    These methods change the coordinate system for subsequent drawing commands; they do not affect previous drawings. These methods do not change the canvas size; so, if the x- and y-scales are different, squares will become rectangles and circles will become ellipses.
    这些方法改变后续绘图命令的坐标系统;它们不会影响之前的绘图。这些方法不会改变画布大小;因此,如果 x 轴和 y 轴的比例不同,正方形将变成矩形,圆形将变成椭圆。

    Text. You can use the following methods to annotate your drawings with text:

    The first two methods write the specified text in the current font, centered at (x, y). The second method allows you to rotate the text. The last two methods either left- or right-align the text at (x, y).
    前两种方法会以当前字体在坐标点 (x, y) 处居中显示指定文本。第二种方法允许您旋转文本。最后两种方法会将文本在坐标点 (x, y) 处左对齐或右对齐。

    The default font is a Sans Serif font with point size 16. You can use the following method to change the font:
    默认字体为无衬线字体,字号为 16。您可以使用以下方法更改字体:

    To specify the font, you use the Font data type, which is defined in Java's java.awt package. This allows you to choose the face, size, and style of the font. For example, the following code fragment sets the font to Arial Bold, 60 point. The import statement allows you to refer to Font directly, without needing the fully qualified name java.awt.Font.
    要指定字体,您可以使用 Font 数据类型,该数据类型在 Java 的 java.awt 包中定义。这使您能够选择字体的类型、大小和样式。例如,以下代码片段将字体设置为 Arial Bold,60 磅。 import 语句允许您直接引用 Font ,而不需要完整限定名 java.awt.Font

       import java.awt.Font;
       Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 60);
       StdDraw.text(0.5, 0.5, "Hello, World");

    Images. You can use the following methods to add images to your drawings:

    These methods draw the specified image, centered at (x, y). The image must be in a supported file format (typically JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, and BMP). The image will display at its native size, independent of the coordinate system.
    这些方法在点(x,y)处绘制指定的图像。图像必须是支持的文件格式(通常为 JPEG,PNG,GIF,TIFF 和 BMP)。图像将以其原始大小显示,与坐标系无关。

    Optionally, you can rotate the image a specified number of degrees counterclockwise or rescale it to fit snugly inside a bounding box.

    Saving to a file. You can save your image to a file using the File → Save menu option. You can also save a file programmatically using the following method:

    You can save the drawing to a file in a supported file format (typically JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, and BMP).
    您可以将绘图保存为支持的文件格式(通常为 JPEG、PNG、GIF、TIFF 和 BMP 格式)的文件。

    File formats. The StdDraw class supports reading and writing images to any of the file formats supported by javax.imageio (typically JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, and BMP). The file extensions corresponding to JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, and BMP, are .jpg, .png, .gif, .tif, and .bmp, respectively.
    文件格式。 StdDraw 类支持读取和写入到任何 javax.imageio 支持的文件格式(通常是 JPEG、PNG、GIF、TIFF 和 BMP)。对应于 JPEG、PNG、GIF、TIFF 和 BMP 的文件扩展名分别为 .jpg.png.gif.tif.bmp

    We recommend using PNG for drawing that consist solely of geometric shapes and JPEG for drawings that contains pictures. The JPEG file format does not support transparent backgrounds.
    我们建议使用 PNG 来绘制仅包含几何形状的图形,而使用 JPEG 来绘制包含图片的图形。JPEG 文件格式不支持透明背景。

    Clearing the canvas. To clear the entire drawing canvas, you can use the following methods:

    The first method clears the canvas to the default background color (white); the second method allows you to specify the background color. For example, StdDraw.clear(StdDraw.LIGHT_GRAY) clears the canvas to a shade of gray. To make the background transparent, call StdDraw.clear(StdDraw.TRANSPARENT).
    第一种方法将画布清除到默认背景颜色(白色);第二种方法允许您指定背景颜色。例如, StdDraw.clear(StdDraw.LIGHT_GRAY) 将画布清除为灰色。要使背景透明,请调用 StdDraw.clear(StdDraw.TRANSPARENT)

    Computer animations and double buffering. Double buffering is one of the most powerful features of standard drawing, enabling computer animations. The following methods control the way in which objects are drawn:

    By default, double buffering is disabled, which means that as soon as you call a drawing method—such as point() or line()—the results appear on the screen.
    默认情况下,双缓冲是禁用的,这意味着一旦您调用绘图方法,比如 point()line() ,结果就会立即显示在屏幕上。

    When double buffering is enabled by calling enableDoubleBuffering(), all drawing takes place on the offscreen canvas. The offscreen canvas is not displayed. Only when you call show() does your drawing get copied from the offscreen canvas to the onscreen canvas, where it is displayed in the standard drawing window.
    当通过调用 enableDoubleBuffering() 启用双缓冲时,所有绘图都在离屏画布上进行。离屏画布不会显示。只有当您调用 show() 时,您的绘图才会从离屏画布复制到屏幕画布,然后在标准绘图窗口中显示。

    You can think of double buffering as collecting all of the lines, points, shapes, and text that you tell it to draw, and then drawing them all simultaneously, upon request.

    The most important use of double buffering is to produce computer animations, creating the illusion of motion by rapidly displaying static drawings. To produce an animation, repeat the following four steps:

    • Clear the offscreen canvas.
    • Draw objects on the offscreen canvas.
    • Copy the offscreen canvas to the onscreen canvas.
    • Wait for a short while.

    The clear(), show(), and pause(int t) methods support the first, third, and fourth of these steps, respectively.
    clear()show()pause(int t) 方法分别支持这些步骤中的第一、第三和第四步。

    For example, this code fragment animates two balls moving in a circle.

       StdDraw.setScale(-2.0, +2.0);
       for (double t = 0.0; true; t += 0.02) {
           double x = Math.sin(t);
           double y = Math.cos(t);
           StdDraw.filledCircle(x, y, 0.1);
           StdDraw.filledCircle(-x, -y, 0.1);
    Without double buffering, the balls would flicker as they move.

    Keyboard and mouse inputs. Standard drawing has very basic support for keyboard and mouse input. It is much less powerful than most user interface libraries provide, but also much simpler. You can use the following methods to intercept mouse events:

    The first method tells you whether a mouse button is currently being pressed. The last two methods tells you the x- and y-coordinates of the mouse's current position, using the same coordinate system as the canvas (the unit square, by default). You should use these methods in an animation loop that waits a short while before trying to poll the mouse for its current state.
    第一种方法告诉您当前是否按下了鼠标按钮。最后两种方法提供鼠标当前位置的 x 和 y 坐标,使用与画布相同的坐标系统(默认是单位正方形)。您应该在一个动画循环中使用这些方法,该循环在尝试获取鼠标当前状态之前等待一段时间。

    You can use the following methods to intercept keyboard events:

    If the user types lots of keys, they will be saved in a list until you process them. The first method tells you whether the user has typed a key (that your program has not yet processed).

    The second method returns the next key that the user typed (that your program has not yet processed) and removes it from the list of saved keystrokes. The third method tells you whether a key is currently being pressed.

    Accessing control parameters. You can use the following methods to access the current pen color, pen radius, and font:

    These methods are useful when you want to temporarily change a control parameter and, later, reset it back to its original value.

    Corner cases. Here are some corner cases.

    • Drawing an object outside (or partly outside) the canvas is permitted. However, only the part of the object that appears inside the canvas will be visible.
    • Due to floating-point issues, an object drawn with an x- or y-coordinate that is way outside the canvas (such as the line segment from (0.5, –10^308) to (0.5, 10^308) may not be visible even in the part of the canvas where it should be.
      由于浮点数问题,一个在画布之外的 x 或 y 坐标绘制的对象(例如,从 (0.5, –10^308) 到 (0.5, 10^308) 的线段)即使在应该显示的画布部分也可能不可见。
    • Any method that is passed a null argument will throw an IllegalArgumentException.
      任何传递 null 参数的方法都会抛出一个 IllegalArgumentException
    • Any method that is passed a Double.NaN, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY argument will throw an IllegalArgumentException.
      任何传递 Double.NaNDouble.POSITIVE_INFINITYDouble.NEGATIVE_INFINITY 参数的方法都会抛出 IllegalArgumentException

    Performance tricks. Standard drawing is capable of drawing large amounts of data. Here are a few tricks and tips:

    • Use double buffering for static drawing with a large number of objects. That is, call enableDoubleBuffering() before the sequence of drawing commands and call show() afterwards. Incrementally displaying a complex drawing while it is being created can be intolerably inefficient on many computer systems.
      使用双缓冲技术绘制大量对象的静态图形。即,在绘制命令序列之前调用 enableDoubleBuffering() ,并在之后调用 show() 。在创建复杂图形时逐步显示图形可能会在许多计算机系统上效率极低。
    • When drawing computer animations, call show() only once per frame, not after drawing each individual object.
      在绘制计算机动画时,每帧仅调用一次 show() ,而不是在绘制每个单独对象后调用。
    • If you call picture() multiple times with the same filename, Java will cache the image, so you do not incur the cost of reading from a file each time.
      如果您多次使用相同的文件名调用 picture() ,Java 会缓存图像,因此您不会每次都产生从文件中读取的开销。

    Known bugs and issues.

    • The picture() methods may not draw the portion of the image that is inside the canvas if the center point (x, y) is outside the canvas. This bug appears only on some systems.
      使用 picture() 方法可能无法绘制图像在画布内部的部分,如果中心点(x,y)在画布外部。这个错误只在某些系统上出现。

    Reference. For additional documentation, see Section 1.5 of Computer Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
    参考文献。有关更多文档,请参见罗伯特·塞奇威克和凯文·韦恩所著《计算机科学:跨学科方法》第 1.5 节。

    Author: 作者:
    Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne
    Robert Sedgewick,Kevin Wayne
    • Field Summary 字段摘要

      Fields 领域 
      Modifier and Type 修饰符和类型 Field 领域 Description 描述
      static Color AQUA
      The color aqua (0, 255, 255).
      蔚蓝色(0, 255, 255)。
      static Color BLACK
      The color black (0, 0, 0).
      颜色黑色 (0, 0, 0)。
      static Color BLUE
      The color blue (0, 0, 255).
      static Color BOOK_BLUE
      The shade of blue used in Introduction to Programming in Java.
      《Java 程序设计导论》中使用的蓝色阴影。
      static Color BOOK_LIGHT_BLUE
      The shade of light blue used in Introduction to Programming in Java.
      引入 Java 编程中的浅蓝色调。
      static Color BOOK_RED
      The shade of red used in Algorithms, 4th edition.
      《算法(第 4 版)》中使用的红色阴影。
      static Color CYAN
      The color cyan (0, 255, 255).
      青色(0, 255, 255)。
      static Color DARK_GRAY
      The color dark gray (64, 64, 64).
      深灰色(64, 64, 64)。
      static Color FUSCIA
      The color fuscia (255, 0, 255).
      颜色品红(255, 0, 255)。
      static Color GRAY
      The color gray (128, 128, 128).
      static Color GREEN
      The color green (0, 128, 0).
      绿色 (0, 128, 0)。
      static Color LIGHT_GRAY
      The color light gray (192, 192, 192).
      颜色浅灰色 (192, 192, 192)。
      static Color LIME
      The color lime (0, 255, 0).
      颜色酸橙(0, 255, 0)。
      static Color MAGENTA
      The color magenta (255, 0, 255).
      品红色(255, 0, 255)。
      static Color MAROON
      The color maroon (128, 0, 0).
      褐红色 (128, 0, 0)。
      static Color NAVY
      The color navy (0, 0, 128).
      深海蓝色(0, 0, 128)。
      static Color OLIVE
      The color olive (128, 128, 0).
      橄榄色(128, 128, 0)。
      static Color ORANGE
      The color orange (255, 200, 0).
      橙色 (255, 200, 0)。
      static Color PINK
      The color pink (255, 175, 175).
      粉色 (255, 175, 175)。
      static Color PRINCETON_ORANGE
      The shade of orange used in Princeton University's identity.
      static Color PURPLE
      The color purple (128, 0, 128).
      紫色 (128, 0, 128)。
      static Color RED
      The color red (255, 0, 0).
      红色 (255, 0, 0)。
      static Color SILVER
      The color silver (192, 192, 192).
      银色(192, 192, 192)。
      static Color TEAL
      The color teal (0, 128, 128).
      颜色青色(0, 128, 128)。
      static Color TRANSPARENT
      A 100% transparent color, for a transparent background.
      一个 100%透明的颜色,用于透明背景。
      static Color WHITE
      The color white (255, 255, 255).
      白色 (255, 255, 255)。
      static Color YELLOW
      The color yellow (255, 255, 0).
      黄色(255, 255, 0)。
    • Method Summary 方法摘要

      All Methods 所有方法 Static Methods 静态方法 Instance Methods 实例方法 Concrete Methods 具体方法 
      Modifier and Type 修改器和类型 Method 方法 Description 描述
      void actionPerformed​(ActionEvent event)
      This method cannot be called directly.
      static void arc​(double x, double y, double radius, double angle1, double angle2)
      Draws a circular arc of the specified radius, centered at (x, y), from angle1 to angle2 (in degrees).
      绘制以(x, y)为中心,从角度 angle1 到 angle2(以度为单位)的指定半径的圆弧。
      static void circle​(double x, double y, double radius)
      Draws a circle of the specified radius, centered at (x, y).
      绘制一个以 (x, y) 为中心、指定半径的圆。
      static void clear()
      Clears the screen using the default background color (white).
      static void clear​(Color color)
      Clears the screen using the specified background color.
      static void close()
      Closes the standard drawing window.
      static void disableDoubleBuffering()
      Disables double buffering.
      static void ellipse​(double x, double y, double semiMajorAxis, double semiMinorAxis)
      Draws an ellipse with the specified semimajor and semiminor axes, centered at (x, y).
      在指定的半长轴和半短轴处绘制椭圆,以点 (x, y) 为中心。
      static void enableDoubleBuffering()
      Enables double buffering.
      static void filledCircle​(double x, double y, double radius)
      Draws a filled circle of the specified radius, centered at (x, y).
      绘制一个以 (x, y) 为中心、指定半径的填充圆。
      static void filledEllipse​(double x, double y, double semiMajorAxis, double semiMinorAxis)
      Draws a filled ellipse with the specified semimajor and semiminor axes, centered at (x, y).
      在指定半长轴和半短轴的情况下以坐标 (x, y) 为中心绘制一个填充椭圆。
      static void filledPolygon​(double[] x, double[] y)
      Draws a filled polygon with the vertices (x0, y0), (x1, y1), ..., (xn–1, yn–1).
      绘制一个填充的多边形,顶点为 (x0, y0), (x1, y1), ..., (xn–1, yn–1)。
      static void filledRectangle​(double x, double y, double halfWidth, double halfHeight)
      Draws a filled rectangle of the specified size, centered at (x, y).
      绘制一个指定大小的填充矩形,中心位于 (x, y)。
      static void filledSquare​(double x, double y, double halfLength)
      Draws a filled square of the specified size, centered at (x, y).
      static Color getBackgroundColor()
      Returns the current background color.
      static Font getFont()
      Returns the current font.
      static Color getPenColor()
      Returns the current pen color.
      static double getPenRadius()
      Returns the current pen radius.
      static boolean hasNextKeyTyped()
      Returns true if the user has typed a key (that has not yet been processed).
      如果用户已经键入了一个尚未处理的键,则返回 true。
      static boolean isKeyPressed​(int keycode)
      Returns true if the given key is being pressed.
      返回 true,如果给定的键正在被按下。
      static boolean isMousePressed()
      Returns true if the mouse is being pressed.
      如果鼠标正在被按下,则返回 true。
      void keyPressed​(KeyEvent event)
      This method cannot be called directly.
      void keyReleased​(KeyEvent event)
      This method cannot be called directly.
      void keyTyped​(KeyEvent event)
      This method cannot be called directly.
      static void line​(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1)
      Draws a line segment between (x0, y0) and (x1, y1).
      static void main​(String[] args)
      Test client. 测试客户端。
      void mouseClicked​(MouseEvent event)
      This method cannot be called directly.
      void mouseDragged​(MouseEvent event)
      This method cannot be called directly.
      void mouseEntered​(MouseEvent event)
      This method cannot be called directly.
      void mouseExited​(MouseEvent event)
      This method cannot be called directly.
      void mouseMoved​(MouseEvent event)
      This method cannot be called directly.
      void mousePressed​(MouseEvent event)
      This method cannot be called directly.
      void mouseReleased​(MouseEvent event)
      This method cannot be called directly.
      static double mouseX()
      Returns the x-coordinate of the mouse.
      返回鼠标的 x 坐标。
      static double mouseY()
      Returns the y-coordinate of the mouse.
      返回鼠标的 y 坐标。
      static char nextKeyTyped()
      Returns the next key that was typed by the user (that your program has not already processed).
      static void pause​(int t)
      Pauses for t milliseconds.
      暂停 t 毫秒。
      static void picture​(double x, double y, String filename)
      Draws the specified image centered at (x, y).
      在(x, y)处绘制指定的图像。
      static void picture​(double x, double y, String filename, double degrees)
      Draws the specified image centered at (x, y), rotated given number of degrees.
      在指定角度旋转给定数量的图像,以 (x, y) 为中心绘制。
      static void picture​(double x, double y, String filename, double scaledWidth, double scaledHeight)
      Draws the specified image centered at (x, y), rescaled to the specified bounding box.
      绘制指定的图像,使其居中显示在 (x, y) 处,并按指定的边界框进行重新缩放。
      static void picture​(double x, double y, String filename, double scaledWidth, double scaledHeight, double degrees)
      Draws the specified image centered at (x, y), rotated given number of degrees, and rescaled to the specified bounding box.
      static void point​(double x, double y)
      Draws a point centered at (x, y).
      static void polygon​(double[] x, double[] y)
      Draws a polygon with the vertices (x0, y0), (x1, y1), ..., (xn–1, yn–1).
      static void rectangle​(double x, double y, double halfWidth, double halfHeight)
      Draws a rectangle of the specified size, centered at (x, y).
      static void save​(String filename)
      Saves the drawing to a file in a supported file format (typically JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, and BMP).
      将绘图保存为支持的文件格式(通常是 JPEG、PNG、GIF、TIFF 和 BMP)的文件中。
      static void setCanvasSize()
      Sets the canvas (drawing area) to be 512-by-512 pixels.
      将画布(绘图区域)设置为 512x512 像素。
      static void setCanvasSize​(int canvasWidth, int canvasHeight)
      Sets the canvas (drawing area) to be width-by-height pixels.
      static void setFont()
      Sets the font to the default font (sans serif, 16 point).
      将字体设置为默认字体(无衬线,16 磅)。
      static void setFont​(Font font)
      Sets the font to the specified value.
      static void setPenColor()
      Sets the pen color to the default color (black).
      static void setPenColor​(int red, int green, int blue)
      Sets the pen color to the specified RGB color.
      将笔颜色设置为指定的 RGB 颜色。
      static void setPenColor​(Color color)
      Sets the pen color to the specified color.
      static void setPenRadius()
      Sets the pen size to the default size (0.002).
      static void setPenRadius​(double radius)
      Sets the radius of the pen to the specified size.
      static void setScale()
      Sets both the x-scale and y-scale to the default range (between 0.0 and 1.0).
      将 x 轴和 y 轴的刻度设置为默认范围(在 0.0 和 1.0 之间)。
      static void setScale​(double min, double max)
      Sets both the x-scale and y-scale to the (same) specified range.
      将 x 轴和 y 轴的刻度设置为(相同的)指定范围。
      static void setTitle​(String title)
      Sets the title of the standard drawing window to the specified string.
      static void setVisible​(boolean isVisible)
      Makes the drawing window visible or invisible.
      static void setXscale()
      Sets the x-scale to the default range (between 0.0 and 1.0).
      将 x 轴刻度设置为默认范围(介于 0.0 和 1.0 之间)。
      static void setXscale​(double min, double max)
      Sets the x-scale to the specified range.
      将 x 轴范围设置为指定范围。
      static void setYscale()
      Sets the y-scale to the default range (between 0.0 and 1.0).
      将 y 轴比例设置为默认范围(0.0 到 1.0 之间)。
      static void setYscale​(double min, double max)
      Sets the y-scale to the specified range.
      将 y 轴的刻度设置为指定范围。
      static void show()
      Copies offscreen buffer to onscreen buffer.
      static void square​(double x, double y, double halfLength)
      Draws a square of the specified size, centered at (x, y).
      绘制一个指定大小的正方形,中心位于 (x, y)。
      static void text​(double x, double y, String text)
      Writes the given text string in the current font, centered at (x, y).
      在当前字体下,以(x, y)为中心写入给定的文本字符串。
      static void text​(double x, double y, String text, double degrees)
      Writes the given text string in the current font, centered at (x, y) and rotated by the specified number of degrees.
      在当前字体中以指定的度数将给定文本字符串居中写在坐标点 (x, y) 处并旋转。
      static void textLeft​(double x, double y, String text)
      Writes the given text string in the current font, left-aligned at (x, y).
      在当前位置(x, y)以当前字体左对齐写入给定文本字符串。
      static void textRight​(double x, double y, String text)
      Writes the given text string in the current font, right-aligned at (x, y).
      在当前字体下,以右对齐方式在坐标 (x, y) 处写入给定的文本字符串。
    • Field Detail 字段详细信息

      • AQUA 水产学

        public static final Color AQUA
        The color aqua (0, 255, 255).
        颜色青色 (0, 255, 255)。
      • BLACK 黑色

        public static final Color BLACK
        The color black (0, 0, 0).
        黑色(0, 0, 0)。
      • BLUE 蓝色

        public static final Color BLUE
        The color blue (0, 0, 255).
        蓝色 (0, 0, 255)。
      • CYAN 青色

        public static final Color CYAN
        The color cyan (0, 255, 255).
        青色(0, 255, 255)。
      • FUSCIA FUSCIA 达到 2598 年!

        public static final Color FUSCIA
        The color fuscia (255, 0, 255).
        品红(255, 0, 255)。
      • DARK_GRAY 深灰

        public static final Color DARK_GRAY
        The color dark gray (64, 64, 64).
        颜色深灰色 (64, 64, 64)。
      • GRAY 灰色

        public static final Color GRAY
        The color gray (128, 128, 128).
        灰色(128, 128, 128)。
      • GREEN 绿色

        public static final Color GREEN
        The color green (0, 128, 0).
        颜色绿色(0, 128, 0)。
      • LIGHT_GRAY 浅灰色

        public static final Color LIGHT_GRAY
        The color light gray (192, 192, 192).
        颜色是浅灰色 (192, 192, 192)。
      • LIME 石灰

        public static final Color LIME
        The color lime (0, 255, 0).
        颜色酸橙色 (0, 255, 0)。
      • MAGENTA 品红

        public static final Color MAGENTA
        The color magenta (255, 0, 255).
        品红色(255, 0, 255)。
      • MAROON 褐红色

        public static final Color MAROON
        The color maroon (128, 0, 0).
        颜色褐红色(128, 0, 0)。
      • NAVY 海军

        public static final Color NAVY
        The color navy (0, 0, 128).
      • OLIVE 橄榄

        public static final Color OLIVE
        The color olive (128, 128, 0).
        橄榄绿 (128, 128, 0)。
      • ORANGE 橙色

        public static final Color ORANGE
        The color orange (255, 200, 0).
      • PINK 粉色

        public static final Color PINK
        The color pink (255, 175, 175).
        粉色 (255, 175, 175)。
      • PURPLE 紫色

        public static final Color PURPLE
        The color purple (128, 0, 128).
        紫色 (128, 0, 128)。
      • RED 红色

        public static final Color RED
        The color red (255, 0, 0).
        红色(255, 0, 0)。
      • SILVER 

        public static final Color SILVER
        The color silver (192, 192, 192).
        颜色银色(192, 192, 192)。
      • TEAL

        public static final Color TEAL
        The color teal (0, 128, 128).
        颜色青绿色 (0, 128, 128)。
      • WHITE 白色

        public static final Color WHITE
        The color white (255, 255, 255).
      • YELLOW 黄色

        public static final Color YELLOW
        The color yellow (255, 255, 0).
      • TRANSPARENT 透明

        public static final Color TRANSPARENT
        A 100% transparent color, for a transparent background.
        一种 100%透明的颜色,适用于透明背景。
      • BOOK_BLUE 书籍_蓝色

        public static final Color BOOK_BLUE
        The shade of blue used in Introduction to Programming in Java. It is Pantone 300U. The RGB values are approximately (9, 90, 166).
        在 Java 编程导论中使用的蓝色阴影。这是 Pantone 300U。RGB 值大约为(9, 90, 166)。
      • BOOK_LIGHT_BLUE 书籍_浅蓝色

        public static final Color BOOK_LIGHT_BLUE
        The shade of light blue used in Introduction to Programming in Java. The RGB values are approximately (103, 198, 243).
        在《Java 编程导论》中使用的浅蓝色的色调。RGB 值大约为(103,198,243)。
      • BOOK_RED 书籍_红色

        public static final Color BOOK_RED
        The shade of red used in Algorithms, 4th edition. It is Pantone 1805U. The RGB values are approximately (150, 35, 31).
        算法导论(第 4 版)中使用的红色阴影。这是 Pantone 1805U。RGB 值大约为(150,35,31)。
      • PRINCETON_ORANGE 普林斯顿_橙

        public static final Color PRINCETON_ORANGE
        The shade of orange used in Princeton University's identity. It is PMS 158. The RGB values are approximately (245, 128, 37).
        普林斯顿大学标识中使用的橙色色调。它是 PMS 158。RGB 值约为(245, 128, 37)。
    • Method Detail 方法详细信息

      • setVisible

        public static void setVisible​(boolean isVisible)
        Makes the drawing window visible or invisible.
        Parameters: 参数:
        isVisible - if true, makes the drawing window visible, otherwise hides the drawing window.
        isVisible - 如果 true ,则使绘图窗口可见,否则隐藏绘图窗口。
      • setCanvasSize 设置画布大小

        public static void setCanvasSize()
        Sets the canvas (drawing area) to be 512-by-512 pixels. This also clears the current drawing using the default background color (white). Ordinarily, this method is called once, at the very beginning of a program.
        设置画布(绘图区)为 512x512 像素。这也使用默认背景色(白色)清除当前绘图。通常,在程序的最开始调用此方法一次。
      • setCanvasSize setCanvasSize 画布设置大小

        public static void setCanvasSize​(int canvasWidth,
                                         int canvasHeight)
        Sets the canvas (drawing area) to be width-by-height pixels. This also clears the current drawing using the default background color (white). Ordinarily, this method is called once, at the very beginning of a program.
        Parameters: 参数:
        canvasWidth - the width as a number of pixels
        canvasWidth - 作为像素的宽度
        canvasHeight - the height as a number of pixels
        canvasHeight - 以像素为单位的高度
        Throws: 扔:
        IllegalArgumentException - unless both canvasWidth and canvasHeight are positive
        IllegalArgumentException - 除非 canvasWidthcanvasHeight 都为正数
      • close 关闭

        public static void close()
        Closes the standard drawing window. This allows the client program to terminate instead of requiring the user to close the standard drawing window manually. Drawing after calling this method will restore the previous window state.
      • setTitle 设置标题

        public static void setTitle​(String title)
        Sets the title of the standard drawing window to the specified string.
        Parameters: 参数:
        title - the title  title - 标题
        Throws: 扔掷:
        IllegalArgumentException - if title is null
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 titlenull
      • setXscale setXscale setScaleX

        public static void setXscale()
        Sets the x-scale to the default range (between 0.0 and 1.0).
        将 x 轴的刻度设置为默认范围(介于 0.0 和 1.0 之间)。
      • setYscale setYscale 设置 Y 轴范围

        public static void setYscale()
        Sets the y-scale to the default range (between 0.0 and 1.0).
        将 y 轴比例设置为默认范围(介于 0.0 和 1.0 之间)。
      • setScale setScale setScale

        public static void setScale()
        Sets both the x-scale and y-scale to the default range (between 0.0 and 1.0).
        将 x 轴和 y 轴的比例设置为默认范围(介于 0.0 和 1.0 之间)。
      • setXscale setXscale setScaleX

        public static void setXscale​(double min,
                                     double max)
        Sets the x-scale to the specified range.
        将 x 轴比例尺设置为指定范围。
        Parameters: 参数:
        min - the minimum value of the x-scale
        min - x 尺度的最小值
        max - the maximum value of the x-scale
        max - x 轴比例尺的最大值
        Throws: 抛出异常:
        IllegalArgumentException - if (max == min)  IllegalArgumentException - 如果 (max == min)
        IllegalArgumentException - if either min or max is either NaN or infinite
        如果 minmax 为 NaN 或无穷大, IllegalArgumentException
      • setYscale 设置 Y 轴刻度

        public static void setYscale​(double min,
                                     double max)
        Sets the y-scale to the specified range.
        设置 y 轴比例尺为指定范围。
        Parameters: 参数:
        min - the minimum value of the y-scale
        min - y 轴的最小值
        max - the maximum value of the y-scale
        max - y 轴的最大值
        Throws: 投掷:
        IllegalArgumentException - if (max == min)  IllegalArgumentException - 如果 (max == min)
        IllegalArgumentException - if either min or max is either NaN or infinite
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 minmax 中任一为 NaN 或无穷大
      • setScale setScale setScale

        public static void setScale​(double min,
                                    double max)
        Sets both the x-scale and y-scale to the (same) specified range.
        将 x 轴和 y 轴的尺度设置为(相同的)指定范围。
        Parameters: 参数:
        min - the minimum value of the x- and y-scales
        min - x 轴和 y 轴刻度的最小值
        max - the maximum value of the x- and y-scales
        max - x 轴和 y 轴比例尺的最大值
        Throws: 投掷:
        IllegalArgumentException - if (max == min)  IllegalArgumentException - 如果 (max == min)
        IllegalArgumentException - if either min or max is either NaN or infinite
        如果 minmax 是 NaN 或无限,则 IllegalArgumentException
      • clear 清晰

        public static void clear()
        Clears the screen using the default background color (white).
      • clear 清晰

        public static void clear​(Color color)
        Clears the screen using the specified background color. To make the background transparent, use StdDraw.TRANSPARENT.
        使用指定的背景颜色清除屏幕。要使背景透明,请使用 StdDraw.TRANSPARENT
        Parameters: 参数:
        color - the color to make the background
        color - 用于设置背景颜色的属性
        Throws: 投掷:
        IllegalArgumentException - if color is null
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 colornull
      • getPenRadius

        public static double getPenRadius()
        Returns the current pen radius.
        Returns: 收益:
        the current value of the pen radius
      • setPenRadius 设置笔尖半径

        public static void setPenRadius()
        Sets the pen size to the default size (0.002). The pen is circular, so that lines have rounded ends, and when you set the pen radius and draw a point, you get a circle of the specified radius. The pen radius is not affected by coordinate scaling.
      • setPenRadius

        public static void setPenRadius​(double radius)
        Sets the radius of the pen to the specified size. The pen is circular, so that lines have rounded ends, and when you set the pen radius and draw a point, you get a circle of the specified radius. The pen radius is not affected by coordinate scaling.
        Parameters: 参数:
        radius - the radius of the pen
        radius - 钢笔的半径
        Throws: 投掷:
        IllegalArgumentException - if radius is negative, NaN, or infinite
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 radius 为负数、NaN(非数字值)或无穷大
      • getPenColor 获取笔颜色

        public static Color getPenColor()
        Returns the current pen color.
        Returns: 回报:
        the current pen color
      • getBackgroundColor 获取背景颜色

        public static Color getBackgroundColor()
        Returns the current background color.
        Returns: 返回:
        the current background color
      • setPenColor 设置笔颜色

        public static void setPenColor()
        Sets the pen color to the default color (black).
      • setPenColor 设置画笔颜色

        public static void setPenColor​(Color color)
        Sets the pen color to the specified color.

        There are a number predefined pen colors, such as StdDraw.BLACK, StdDraw.WHITE, StdDraw.RED, StdDraw.GREEN, and StdDraw.BLUE.
        有一些预定义的笔颜色,例如 StdDraw.BLACKStdDraw.WHITEStdDraw.REDStdDraw.GREENStdDraw.BLUE

        Parameters: 参数:
        color - the color to make the pen
        color - 制作钢笔的颜色
        Throws: 抛出异常:
        IllegalArgumentException - if color is null
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 colornull
      • setPenColor 设置画笔颜色

        public static void setPenColor​(int red,
                                       int green,
                                       int blue)
        Sets the pen color to the specified RGB color.
        设置笔的颜色为指定的 RGB 颜色。
        Parameters: 参数:
        red - the amount of red (between 0 and 255)
        red - 红色的数量(在 0 和 255 之间)
        green - the amount of green (between 0 and 255)
        green - 绿色的量(介于 0 和 255 之间)
        blue - the amount of blue (between 0 and 255)
        blue - 蓝色的数量(介于 0 和 255 之间)
        Throws: 投掷:
        IllegalArgumentException - if red, green, or blue is outside its prescribed range
        如果 redgreenblue 超出了规定范围 IllegalArgumentException
      • getFont 获取字体

        public static Font getFont()
        Returns the current font.
        Returns: 返回:
        the current font 当前字体
      • setFont setFont 设置字体

        public static void setFont()
        Sets the font to the default font (sans serif, 16 point).
        将字体设置为默认字体(无衬线字体,16 磅)。
      • setFont 设置字体

        public static void setFont​(Font font)
        Sets the font to the specified value.
        Parameters: 参数:
        font - the font  font - 字体
        Throws: 投掷:
        IllegalArgumentException - if font is null
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 fontnull
      • line 线

        public static void line​(double x0,
                                double y0,
                                double x1,
                                double y1)
        Draws a line segment between (x0, y0) and (x1, y1).
        Parameters: 参数:
        x0 - the x-coordinate of one endpoint
        x0 - 一个端点的 x 坐标
        y0 - the y-coordinate of one endpoint
        y0 - 一个端点的 y 坐标
        x1 - the x-coordinate of the other endpoint
        x1 - 另一个端点的 x 坐标
        y1 - the y-coordinate of the other endpoint
        y1 - 另一端点的 y 坐标
        Throws: 抛出异常:
        IllegalArgumentException - if any coordinate is either NaN or infinite
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果任何坐标是 NaN 或无穷大
      • point 

        public static void point​(double x,
                                 double y)
        Draws a point centered at (x, y). The point is a filled circle whose radius is equal to the pen radius. To draw a single-pixel point, first set the pen radius to 0.
        绘制以(x,y)为中心的点。该点是一个填充圆,其半径等于画笔半径。要绘制单像素点,请先将画笔半径设置为 0。
        Parameters: 参数:
        x - the x-coordinate of the point
        x - 点的 x 坐标
        y - the y-coordinate of the point
        y - 该点的 y 坐标
        Throws: 投掷:
        IllegalArgumentException - if either x or y is either NaN or infinite
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 xy 为 NaN 或无穷大
      • circle 圆形

        public static void circle​(double x,
                                  double y,
                                  double radius)
        Draws a circle of the specified radius, centered at (x, y).
        绘制一个以 (x, y) 为中心、指定半径的圆。
        Parameters: 参数:
        x - the x-coordinate of the center of the circle
        x - 圆心的 x 坐标
        y - the y-coordinate of the center of the circle
        y - 圆的中心的 y 坐标
        radius - the radius of the circle
        radius - 圆的半径
        Throws: 投掷:
        IllegalArgumentException - if radius is negative
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 radius 为负
        IllegalArgumentException - if any argument is either NaN or infinite
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果任何参数是 NaN 或无限的
      • filledCircle 填充圆形

        public static void filledCircle​(double x,
                                        double y,
                                        double radius)
        Draws a filled circle of the specified radius, centered at (x, y).
        绘制一个指定半径的填充圆,中心位于 (x, y) 处。
        Parameters: 参数:
        x - the x-coordinate of the center of the circle
        x - 圆心的 x 坐标
        y - the y-coordinate of the center of the circle
        y - 圆心的 y 坐标
        radius - the radius of the circle
        radius - 圆的半径
        Throws: 抛出异常:
        IllegalArgumentException - if radius is negative
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 radius 是负数
        IllegalArgumentException - if any argument is either NaN or infinite
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果任何参数是 NaN 或无穷大
      • ellipse 椭圆

        public static void ellipse​(double x,
                                   double y,
                                   double semiMajorAxis,
                                   double semiMinorAxis)
        Draws an ellipse with the specified semimajor and semiminor axes, centered at (x, y).
        绘制一个以 (x, y) 为中心,指定的半主轴和半次轴的椭圆。
        Parameters: 参数:
        x - the x-coordinate of the center of the ellipse
        x - 椭圆中心的 x 坐标
        y - the y-coordinate of the center of the ellipse
        y - 椭圆中心的纵坐标
        semiMajorAxis - is the semimajor axis of the ellipse
        semiMajorAxis - 是椭圆的半长轴
        semiMinorAxis - is the semiminor axis of the ellipse
        semiMinorAxis - 是椭圆的半短轴
        Throws: 抛出异常:
        IllegalArgumentException - if either semiMajorAxis or semiMinorAxis is negative
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 semiMajorAxissemiMinorAxis 为负
        IllegalArgumentException - if any argument is either NaN or infinite
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果任何参数是 NaN 或无穷大
      • filledEllipse 填充椭圆

        public static void filledEllipse​(double x,
                                         double y,
                                         double semiMajorAxis,
                                         double semiMinorAxis)
        Draws a filled ellipse with the specified semimajor and semiminor axes, centered at (x, y).
        Parameters: 参数:
        x - the x-coordinate of the center of the ellipse
        x - 椭圆的中心的 x 坐标
        y - the y-coordinate of the center of the ellipse
        y - 椭圆中心的 y 坐标
        semiMajorAxis - is the semimajor axis of the ellipse
        semiMajorAxis - 是椭圆的半主轴
        semiMinorAxis - is the semiminor axis of the ellipse
        semiMinorAxis - 是椭圆的半短轴
        Throws: 抛出异常:
        IllegalArgumentException - if either semiMajorAxis or semiMinorAxis is negative
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 semiMajorAxissemiMinorAxis 其中一个为负数
        IllegalArgumentException - if any argument is either NaN or infinite
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果任何参数是 NaN 或无穷大
      • arc 弧形

        public static void arc​(double x,
                               double y,
                               double radius,
                               double angle1,
                               double angle2)
        Draws a circular arc of the specified radius, centered at (x, y), from angle1 to angle2 (in degrees).
        绘制一个以 (x, y) 为中心、半径为指定值的圆弧,从角度 angle1 绕至角度 angle2(以度为单位)。
        Parameters: 参数:
        x - the x-coordinate of the center of the circle
        x - 圆心的 x 坐标
        y - the y-coordinate of the center of the circle
        y - 圆心的纵坐标
        radius - the radius of the circle
        radius - 圆的半径
        angle1 - the starting angle. 0 would mean an arc beginning at 3 o'clock.
        angle1 - 起始角度。0 表示弧从 3 点钟位置开始。
        angle2 - the angle at the end of the arc. For example, if you want a 90 degree arc, then angle2 should be angle1 + 90.
        angle2 - 弧线末端的角度。例如,如果您想要一个 90 度的弧线,那么 angle2 应该是 angle1 + 90。
        Throws: 甩:
        IllegalArgumentException - if radius is negative
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 radius 是负数
        IllegalArgumentException - if any argument is either NaN or infinite
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果任何参数是 NaN 或无穷大
      • square 平方

        public static void square​(double x,
                                  double y,
                                  double halfLength)
        Draws a square of the specified size, centered at (x, y).
        绘制一个指定大小的正方形,中心位于 (x, y) 处。
        Parameters: 参数:
        x - the x-coordinate of the center of the square
        x - 正方形中心的 x 坐标
        y - the y-coordinate of the center of the square
        y - 正方形中心的 y 坐标
        halfLength - one half the length of any side of the square
        halfLength - 正方形任一边长的一半
        Throws: 投掷:
        IllegalArgumentException - if halfLength is negative
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 halfLength 是负数
        IllegalArgumentException - if any argument is either NaN or infinite
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果任何参数为 NaN 或无限
      • filledSquare 填充的正方形

        public static void filledSquare​(double x,
                                        double y,
                                        double halfLength)
        Draws a filled square of the specified size, centered at (x, y).
        绘制一个指定大小的填充正方形,中心位于 (x, y)。
        Parameters: 参数:
        x - the x-coordinate of the center of the square
        x - 正方形中心的 x 坐标
        y - the y-coordinate of the center of the square
        y - 正方形中心的 y 坐标
        halfLength - one half the length of any side of the square
        halfLength - 正方形任一边长的一半
        Throws: 投掷:
        IllegalArgumentException - if halfLength is negative
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 halfLength 为负
        IllegalArgumentException - if any argument is either NaN or infinite
        如果任何参数是 NaN 或无限
      • rectangle 矩形

        public static void rectangle​(double x,
                                     double y,
                                     double halfWidth,
                                     double halfHeight)
        Draws a rectangle of the specified size, centered at (x, y).
        绘制一个指定大小的矩形,中心位于 (x, y)。
        Parameters: 参数:
        x - the x-coordinate of the center of the rectangle
        x - 矩形中心的 x 坐标
        y - the y-coordinate of the center of the rectangle
        y - 矩形中心的 y 坐标
        halfWidth - one half the width of the rectangle
        halfWidth - 长方形的一半宽度
        halfHeight - one half the height of the rectangle
        halfHeight - 矩形高度的一半
        Throws: 投掷:
        IllegalArgumentException - if either halfWidth or halfHeight is negative
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 halfWidthhalfHeight 为负数
        IllegalArgumentException - if any argument is either NaN or infinite
        如果任何参数是 NaN 或无穷大
      • filledRectangle 填充矩形

        public static void filledRectangle​(double x,
                                           double y,
                                           double halfWidth,
                                           double halfHeight)
        Draws a filled rectangle of the specified size, centered at (x, y).
        绘制一个指定大小的已填充矩形,以 (x, y) 为中心。
        Parameters: 参数:
        x - the x-coordinate of the center of the rectangle
        x - 矩形中心的 x 坐标
        y - the y-coordinate of the center of the rectangle
        y - 矩形中心的 y 坐标
        halfWidth - one half the width of the rectangle
        halfWidth - 矩形宽度的一半
        halfHeight - one half the height of the rectangle
        halfHeight - 矩形高度的一半
        Throws: 投掷:
        IllegalArgumentException - if either halfWidth or halfHeight is negative
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 halfWidthhalfHeight 为负
        IllegalArgumentException - if any argument is either NaN or infinite
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果任何参数为 NaN 或无穷大
      • polygon 多边形

        public static void polygon​(double[] x,
                                   double[] y)
        Draws a polygon with the vertices (x0, y0), (x1, y1), ..., (xn–1, yn–1).
        Parameters: 参数:
        x - an array of all the x-coordinates of the polygon
        x - 多边形所有 x 坐标的数组
        y - an array of all the y-coordinates of the polygon
        y - 多边形所有 y 坐标的数组
        Throws: 抛掷:
        IllegalArgumentException - unless x[] and y[] are of the same length
        IllegalArgumentException - 除非 x[]y[] 的长度相同
        IllegalArgumentException - if any coordinate is either NaN or infinite
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果任何坐标是 NaN 或者无穷大
        IllegalArgumentException - if either x[] or y[] is null
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 x[]y[] 中的任一项是 null
      • filledPolygon 填充多边形

        public static void filledPolygon​(double[] x,
                                         double[] y)
        Draws a filled polygon with the vertices (x0, y0), (x1, y1), ..., (xn–1, yn–1).
        绘制一个填充的多边形,顶点为 (x0, y0), (x1, y1), ..., (xn–1, yn–1)。
        Parameters: 参数:
        x - an array of all the x-coordinates of the polygon
        x - 多边形所有 x 坐标的数组
        y - an array of all the y-coordinates of the polygon
        y - 多边形所有 y 坐标的数组
        Throws: 投掷:
        IllegalArgumentException - unless x[] and y[] are of the same length
        IllegalArgumentException - 除非 x[]y[] 的长度相同
        IllegalArgumentException - if any coordinate is either NaN or infinite
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果任何坐标是 NaN 或无穷大
        IllegalArgumentException - if either x[] or y[] is null
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 x[]y[]null
      • picture 图片

        public static void picture​(double x,
                                   double y,
                                   String filename)
        Draws the specified image centered at (x, y). The supported image formats are typically JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, and BMP. As an optimization, the picture is cached, so there is no performance penalty for redrawing the same image multiple times (e.g., in an animation).
        在指定位置(x,y)居中绘制图像。支持的图像格式通常为 JPEG、PNG、GIF、TIFF 和 BMP。为了优化,图片会被缓存,因此多次重绘相同图像时不会有性能惩罚(例如在动画中)。

        However, if you change the picture file after drawing it, subsequent calls will draw the original picture.
        Parameters: 参数:
        x - the center x-coordinate of the image
        x - 图像的中心 x 坐标
        y - the center y-coordinate of the image
        y - 图像的中心 y 坐标
        filename - the name of the image/picture, e.g., "ball.gif"
        filename - 图像/图片的名称,例如,“ball.gif”
        Throws: 投掷:
        IllegalArgumentException - if the image filename is invalid
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果图像文件名无效
        IllegalArgumentException - if either x or y is either NaN or infinite
        如果 xy 是 NaN 或无穷大, IllegalArgumentException
      • picture 图片

        public static void picture​(double x,
                                   double y,
                                   String filename,
                                   double degrees)
        Draws the specified image centered at (x, y), rotated given number of degrees. The supported image formats are typically JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, and BMP.
        以给定的度数旋转指定的图像以(x, y)为中心。通常支持的图像格式包括 JPEG、PNG、GIF、TIFF 和 BMP。
        Parameters: 参数:
        x - the center x-coordinate of the image
        x - 图像的中心 x 坐标
        y - the center y-coordinate of the image
        y - 图像的中心 y 坐标
        filename - the name of the image/picture, e.g., "ball.gif"
        filename - 图像/图片的名称,例如:“ball.gif”
        degrees - is the number of degrees to rotate counterclockwise
        degrees - 是逆时针旋转的角度数
        Throws: 抛出异常:
        IllegalArgumentException - if the image filename is invalid
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果图像文件名无效
        IllegalArgumentException - if x, y, degrees is NaN or infinite
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 xydegrees 是 NaN 或无穷大
        IllegalArgumentException - if filename is null
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 filenamenull
      • picture 图片

        public static void picture​(double x,
                                   double y,
                                   String filename,
                                   double scaledWidth,
                                   double scaledHeight)
        Draws the specified image centered at (x, y), rescaled to the specified bounding box. The supported image formats are typically JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, and BMP.
        在指定的边界框内,绘制居中于 (x, y) 的指定图像,并进行缩放。支持的图像格式通常包括 JPEG、PNG、GIF、TIFF 和 BMP。
        Parameters: 参数:
        x - the center x-coordinate of the image
        x - 图像的中心 x 坐标
        y - the center y-coordinate of the image
        y - 图像的中心 y 坐标
        filename - the name of the image/picture, e.g., "ball.gif"
        filename - 图像/图片的名称,例如 "ball.gif"
        scaledWidth - the width of the scaled image (in screen coordinates)
        scaledWidth - 缩放图像的宽度(以屏幕坐标表示)
        scaledHeight - the height of the scaled image (in screen coordinates)
        scaledHeight - 缩放后图像的高度(以屏幕坐标为单位)
        Throws: 投掷:
        IllegalArgumentException - if either scaledWidth or scaledHeight is negative
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 scaledWidthscaledHeight 为负数
        IllegalArgumentException - if the image filename is invalid
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果图片文件名无效
        IllegalArgumentException - if x or y is either NaN or infinite
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 xy 是 NaN 或无穷大
        IllegalArgumentException - if filename is null
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 filenamenull
      • picture 图片

        public static void picture​(double x,
                                   double y,
                                   String filename,
                                   double scaledWidth,
                                   double scaledHeight,
                                   double degrees)
        Draws the specified image centered at (x, y), rotated given number of degrees, and rescaled to the specified bounding box. The supported image formats are typically JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, and BMP.
        在指定位置(x, y)以指定角度旋转,并重新缩放到指定边界框的中心绘制图像。支持的图像格式通常为 JPEG、PNG、GIF、TIFF 和 BMP。
        Parameters: 参数:
        x - the center x-coordinate of the image
        x - 图像的中心 x 坐标
        y - the center y-coordinate of the image
        y - 图像的中心 y 坐标
        filename - the name of the image/picture, e.g., "ball.gif"
        filename - 图像/图片的名称,例如,“ball.gif”
        scaledWidth - the width of the scaled image (in screen coordinates)
        scaledWidth - 缩放图像的宽度(以屏幕坐标表示)
        scaledHeight - the height of the scaled image (in screen coordinates)
        scaledHeight - 缩放图像的高度(以屏幕坐标表示)
        degrees - is the number of degrees to rotate counterclockwise
        degrees - 是逆时针旋转的度数
        Throws: 抛出异常:
        IllegalArgumentException - if either scaledWidth or scaledHeight is negative
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 scaledWidthscaledHeight 为负
        IllegalArgumentException - if the image filename is invalid
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果图像文件名无效
      • text 文本

        public static void text​(double x,
                                double y,
                                String text)
        Writes the given text string in the current font, centered at (x, y).
        Parameters: 参数:
        x - the center x-coordinate of the text
        x - 文本的中心 X 坐标
        y - the center y-coordinate of the text
        y - 文本的中心 y 坐标
        text - the text to write
        text - 要写的文本
        Throws: 投掷:
        IllegalArgumentException - if text is null
        IllegalArgumentException -如果 textnull
        IllegalArgumentException - if x or y is either NaN or infinite
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 xy 是 NaN 或无穷大
      • text I'm sorry, but it seems like you forgot to provide the source text for translation. Please provide the text you would like me to translate into Simplified Chinese

        public static void text​(double x,
                                double y,
                                String text,
                                double degrees)
        Writes the given text string in the current font, centered at (x, y) and rotated by the specified number of degrees.
        在当前字体中心位置(x, y)旋转指定角度后,写出给定的文本字符串。
        Parameters: 参数:
        x - the center x-coordinate of the text
        x - 文本的中心 x 坐标
        y - the center y-coordinate of the text
        y - 文本的中心 y 坐标
        text - the text to write
        text - 要写的文本
        degrees - is the number of degrees to rotate counterclockwise
        degrees - 是逆时针旋转的度数
        Throws: 抛掷:
        IllegalArgumentException - if text is null
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 textnull
        IllegalArgumentException - if x, y, or degrees is either NaN or infinite
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 x , y 或者 degrees 是 NaN(不是数字)或者无穷大
      • textLeft 文本左侧

        public static void textLeft​(double x,
                                    double y,
                                    String text)
        Writes the given text string in the current font, left-aligned at (x, y).
        Parameters: 参数:
        x - the x-coordinate of the text
        x - 文本的 x 坐标
        y - the y-coordinate of the text
        y - 文本的 y 坐标
        text - the text  text - 文本
        Throws: 投掷:
        IllegalArgumentException - if text is null
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 textnull
        IllegalArgumentException - if x or y is either NaN or infinite
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 xy 是 NaN 或无穷大,则
      • textRight 文本右

        public static void textRight​(double x,
                                     double y,
                                     String text)
        Writes the given text string in the current font, right-aligned at (x, y).
        在当前字体下,将给定的文本字符串以右对齐方式写入到位置(x, y)。
        Parameters: 参数:
        x - the x-coordinate of the text
        x - 文本的 x 坐标
        y - the y-coordinate of the text
        y - 文本的 y 坐标
        text - the text to write
        text - 要写的文本
        Throws: 抛出:
        IllegalArgumentException - if text is null
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 textnull
        IllegalArgumentException - if x or y is either NaN or infinite
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 xy 为 NaN 或无穷大
      • pause 暂停

        public static void pause​(int t)
        Pauses for t milliseconds. This method is intended to support computer animations.
        暂停 t 毫秒。该方法旨在支持计算机动画。
        Parameters: 参数:
        t - number of milliseconds
        t - 毫秒数
        Throws: 抛出:
        IllegalArgumentException - if t is negative
        IllegalArgumentException - 如果 t 是负数
      • show 展示

        public static void show()
        Copies offscreen buffer to onscreen buffer. There is no reason to call this method unless double buffering is enabled.
      • enableDoubleBuffering 启用双缓冲

        public static void enableDoubleBuffering()
        Enables double buffering. All subsequent calls to drawing methods such as line(), circle(), and square() will be deferred until the next call to show(). Useful for animations.
        启用双缓冲。对于诸如 line()circle()square() 等绘图方法的所有后续调用都将推迟到下一次 show() 的调用。适用于动画。
      • disableDoubleBuffering 禁用双缓冲

        public static void disableDoubleBuffering()
        Disables double buffering. All subsequent calls to drawing methods such as line(), circle(), and square() will be displayed on screen when called. This is the default.
        禁用双缓冲。随后对绘图方法的所有调用,如 line()circle()square() ,在调用时将显示在屏幕上。这是默认设置。
      • isMousePressed

        public static boolean isMousePressed()
        Returns true if the mouse is being pressed.
        如果鼠标正在被按下,则返回 true。
        Returns: 返回:
        true if the mouse is being pressed; false otherwise
        如果鼠标被按下,则为 true ;否则为 false
      • mouseX 鼠标 X 位置

        public static double mouseX()
        Returns the x-coordinate of the mouse.
        返回鼠标的 x 坐标。
        Returns: 返回:
        the x-coordinate of the mouse
        鼠标的 x 坐标
      • mouseY 鼠标 Y

        public static double mouseY()
        Returns the y-coordinate of the mouse.
        返回鼠标的 y 坐标。
        Returns: 返回:
        y-coordinate of the mouse
        鼠标的 y 坐标
      • hasNextKeyTyped

        public static boolean hasNextKeyTyped()
        Returns true if the user has typed a key (that has not yet been processed).
        如果用户已输入尚未处理的按键,则返回 true。
        Returns: 返回值:
        true if the user has typed a key (that has not yet been processed by nextKeyTyped(); false otherwise
        如果用户输入了一个尚未被 nextKeyTyped() 处理的键,则为 true ;否则为 false
      • nextKeyTyped

        public static char nextKeyTyped()
        Returns the next key that was typed by the user (that your program has not already processed). This method should be preceded by a call to hasNextKeyTyped() to ensure that there is a next key to process. This method returns a Unicode character corresponding to the key typed (such as 'a' or 'A'). It cannot identify action keys (such as F1 and arrow keys) or modifier keys (such as control).
        返回用户输入的下一个键(您的程序尚未处理的)。此方法应在调用 hasNextKeyTyped() 之前,以确保有下一个键可供处理。此方法返回一个与输入的键相对应的 Unicode 字符(例如 'a''A' )。它无法识别动作键(例如 F1 和箭头键)或修饰键(例如控制键)。
        Returns: 返回值:
        the next key typed by the user (that your program has not already processed).
        Throws: 抛出:
        NoSuchElementException - if there is no remaining key
        NoSuchElementException - 如果没有剩余的钥匙
      • isKeyPressed isKeyPressed 按下按键

        public static boolean isKeyPressed​(int keycode)
        Returns true if the given key is being pressed.
        如果按键被按下,则返回 true。

        This method takes the keycode (corresponding to a physical key) as an argument. It can handle action keys (such as F1 and arrow keys) and modifier keys (such as shift and control). See KeyEvent for a description of key codes.
        该方法以按键代码(对应于实际按键)作为参数。它可以处理动作键(如 F1 和箭头键)和修饰键(如 Shift 和 Control)。要查看按键码的描述,请参阅 KeyEvent

        Parameters: 参数:
        keycode - the key to check if it is being pressed
        keycode - 用于检查是否被按下的关键
        Returns: 收益:
        true if keycode is currently being pressed; false otherwise
        如果当前正在按下 keycode ,则为 true ;否则为 false
      • keyTyped 键入的键

        public void keyTyped​(KeyEvent event)
        This method cannot be called directly.
        Specified by: 指定为:
        keyTyped in interface KeyListener 在接口 KeyListener 中的 keyTyped
      • keyPressed 按键被按下

        public void keyPressed​(KeyEvent event)
        This method cannot be called directly.
        Specified by: 指定者:
        keyPressed in interface KeyListener 在接口 KeyListener 中的 keyPressed
      • main 主界面

        public static void main​(String[] args)
        Test client. 测试客户。
        Parameters: 参数:
        args - the command-line arguments
        args - 命令行参数