Retrieval Practice 检索实践
Paving pathways in the memory maze
What is retrieval practice? What make is effective, and why it is not as common as we hope?
Evidence, explanations, examples , considerations towards applications and examples of practice in various classrooms.
Retrieval practice is a strategy to rehearse already learned information by trying to recall it from memory, or to actively locate the piece of information in one's mind. It is based on what is known as “The Testing Effect” – the findings that future long-term memory performance is enhanced for materials practiced by testing when compared to rehearsal. Unfortunately, tests have an unfavorable reputation: they are associated with assessment, performance measurement, and many students and former students tend not to like them because of the consequences that they often bear. In retrieval practice we use tests as an effective way to PRACTICE.
复述练习是一种策略,通过尝试从记忆中回忆起已学过的信息,或在脑海中主动找到该信息,对其进行复述。它的理论基础是所谓的 "测试效应"--与预演相比,通过测试练习的材料在未来的长期记忆中表现更佳。不幸的是,测试的名声并不好:它们与评估、成绩衡量联系在一起,许多学生和以前的学生往往不喜欢它们,因为它们往往会带来一些后果。在检索练习中 ,我们将测试作为一种有效的练习方式。
Retrieval practice is a strategy to rehearse already learned information by trying to recall it from memory, or to actively locate the piece of information in one's mind. When applied effectively it allows learners to identify gaps in their knowledge and actively resolve them. Therefore, it’s a crucial stage of a meaningful learning process that allows learners to use the knowledge they have acquired in any relevant future situation. It is based on what is known as “The Testing Effect” – an established series of findings from cognitive psychology that shows enhancement of long-term memory performance after practicing by using retrieval as compared to rote rehearsal. One barrier to using retrieval practice is the unfavorable reputation of Tests: they are associated with assessment, performance measurement, and most students would avoid them if they could, because of the consequences that they often bear. In retrieval practice, we use positive aspects of tests as an effective way to practice, which in turn may improve performance in high-stakes tests and even reduce anxiety. More importantly, retrieval practice has every potential to improve performance not just in high-stakes tests, but when the information is needed in the much longer term.
检索练习是一种策略,通过尝试从记忆中回忆起已学过的信息,或在脑海中主动定位该信息,从而对已学过的信息进行演练。如果运用得当,它能让学习者发现自己知识中的不足,并积极加以解决。因此,它是有意义学习过程中的一个关键阶段,能让学习者在未来任何相关情境中使用所学知识。 它的基础是所谓的 "测试效应"--认知心理学的一系列研究结果表明,与死记硬背的排练相比,使用检索法进行练习后,长期记忆的表现会得到增强。 使用检索练习的一个障碍是测试的负面声誉:它们与评估、成绩衡量联系在一起,如果可以,大多数学生都会回避它们,因为它们往往会带来一些后果。在检索练习中, 我们将测验的积极方面作为一种有效的 练习 方式 ,这反过来可能会提高在高风险测验中的表现,甚至减少焦虑。更重要的是,检索练习不仅有可能提高高考成绩,而且在需要更长期的信息时也有可能提高成绩。
Retrieval Practice – the evidence
Retrieval practice has made it to the top of a list of the most effective evidence-based learning strategies1, and it was demonstrated to be effective for learners across ages and learning materials.
检索练习 已跻身最有效的循证学习策略 之列1 ,并被证明对不同年龄和学习材料的学习者都有效。
Retrieval practice is often compared to strategies like re-reading or re-studying. It would probably not surprise you that re-reading is a very common way of practice among students, and it is often recommended by teachers as well. Re-reading the book or the notes seems perfectly reasonable: we are re-exposing ourselves to previously learned material in order to stabilize its representation in our minds. We can actually feel the benefit as we are practicing this method of rehearsal. Interestingly, however, this method was found to be ineffective. More accurately, re-reading may be effective for the short-term (defined loosely between minutes and a few days), but on longer time scales it is almost entirely ineffective. The major difference between re-reading and retrieval practice is that when re-reading, the information is presented to the learners in its whole from an external source, while with retrieval the learners are searching the information in their own mind, following just a cue.
检索练习常常与重读或重学等策略相提并论。 重读是学生中非常常见的一种练习方式,老师也经常推荐这种方式,这一点你可能不会感到惊讶。重读书本或笔记似乎是完全合理的:我们重新接触以前学过的材料,以稳定其在我们头脑中的表象。在练习这种排练方法时,我们能切实感受到它的好处。但有趣的是,这种方法被发现是无效的。更准确地说,重读可能在短期内有效(大致在几分钟到几天之间),但在更长的时间范围内几乎完全无效。 重读和检索练习的主要区别在于,重读时,信息是由外部来源完整地呈现给学习者的,而检索时,学习者只是根据提示在自己的头脑中搜索信息。
An influential study2 published in the journal Science in 2008 clearly demonstrated this point: Karpicke and Roediger let college students learn 40 words in Swahili and their translation to English. The Experiment included Study phases in which each word appeared next to its translation on a computer screen, and Retrieval phases in which a Swahili word appeared and participants were requested to type the English translation if they could recall it.
2008 年 发表在《 科学 》杂志上 的一项颇具影响力的研究2 清楚地证明了这一点:Karpicke 和 Roediger 让大学生学习 40 个斯瓦希里语单词及其英语翻译。实验包括 学习 阶段和 检索 阶段,在学习阶段 ,电脑屏幕上会出现每个单词及其译文;在 检索 阶段, 电脑屏幕 上会出现一个斯瓦希里语单词,如果参与者能够回忆起该单词,则要求他们键入该单词的英文译文。
These phases repeated alternately 4 times each:
每个阶段交替重复 4 次:
Study1 >>Retrieval1 >>Study2 >>Retrieval2 >> Study3 >> Retrieval3 >>Study4 >> Retrieval4
研究 1 >>Retrieval1 >>Study2 >>Retrieval2 >> 研究 3 >> Retrieval3 >>Study4 >> Retrieval4
All participants were tested on their memory one week later. The goal of the study was to find out which of the study phases, Re-Study or Retrieval contributed more to the long-term performance. To test that the number of words in each phase (study or retrieval) was changed: one group had twice as many Retrieval repetitions than Re-study repetitions, and another group had it the other way around
研究的目的是找出 " 再学习 " 和 "检索 "哪个阶段 对长期成绩的贡献更大。为了测试这一点,我们改变了每个阶段(学习或检索)的单词数量:其中一组的检索重复次数是再学习重复次数的两倍,而另一组则相反。
Which ratio would you choose for your own learning?
You can see the memory performance after one week in that image:
The group that had two-thirds of their study trials in the form of RETRIEVAL, averaged 8o% of the words
有 三分之二的 研究试验是以 RETRIEVAL 的形式进行 的那一组 ,平均有 8% 的单词是以RETRIEVAL 的形式进行的
The group that had two-thirds of their study trials in the form of STUDY, averaged 36% of the words.
三分之二的 研究试验以 STUDY 形式出现 的那一组 ,平均 用词率为36%。
Additional experimental groups (not shown here) demonstrated that any extra STUDY repetitions did not improve the final recall performance for either of these groups and were therefore a waste of learning time.
其他实验组(此处未显示)的结果表明,任何额外的 "STUDY "重复都不会提高这两组学生的最终回忆成绩,因此是在浪费学习时间。
This study proved that testing that induced retrieval is a very effective practice strategy!
这项研究证明, 诱导检索测试 是一种非常有效的 练习 策略!
> The figure is reconstructed on the basis of Karpicke and Roediger, 2008. It is partial and simplified for purposes of clarity. See the original here where you can find the full experimental design (4 groups) .
> 该图是根据 Karpicke 和 Roediger,2008 年的数据重建的。为清晰起见,该图进行了部分简化。 完整的实验设计(4 组)请参见 此处的原文。
Why does retrieval practice work?
When attempting to retrieve a memory, we invest deliberate effort in reconstructing the pathway to the stored information, by reactivating a sequence of neural networks that are required in order to bring the information to mind. This pathway is represented in a simplified model on the right panel using the model that was introduced in the previous pages.
在试图找回记忆时,我们会有意识地努力重建通往存储信息的路径,重新激活一连串神经网络,这些神经网络是将信息带入脑海所必需的。右侧面板中的简化模型使用了 前几页介绍的模型来表示这一路径 。
When restudying the focus is on the information that is already presented, and by that bypassing the pathway leading to it (left image).
在 重新学习时 ,重点放在已经呈现的信息上,从而绕过通往信息的路径(左图)。
When practicing by retrieval the entire pathway is rehearsed, not just the end-goal. It is obvious that our ultimate goal is to be able to retrieve the knowledge voluntarily, not just recognize it, and hence practicing this ability is the way to go. ( unfortunately, this is not always in line with our intuition, as restudying is easier and immediately rewarding...)
It is like navigating to a familiar destination
an analogy would be navigation to a familiar place: knowing the way is as important as knowing the destination (in a traditional, no GPS situation). If you don’t know how to arrive at a place you are dependent on someone else that would lead you to or “land” you at the correct location. By learning to navigate by yourself, and preferably from multiple starting points you gain ownership of the information and independence in using it.
打个比方,在一个熟悉的地方导航:(在没有全球定位系统的传统情况下)知道路线和知道目的地同样重要。如果你不知道如何到达一个地方,你就会依赖别人把你带到或 "降落 "到正确的地点。通过学习自己导航,最好是从多个起点出发,你就获得了信息的所有权和使用信息的独立性。
Retrieval practice is a more effortful task, but the effort is the reason it works. It is interesting to note that the concept of rehearsal is intuitive to most learners; we usually appreciate the importance of practice in acquiring mastery. Yet, learners often disregard the question:
“What to rehearse?” "排练什么?"
Rehearsing the learned information is straightforward, easier, and more rewarding so it is often the intuitive choice. However, if the end goal is to be able to retrieve the information and use it whenever required, it becomes clear that we need to rehearse just that: the act of retrieving information and using it.
How to make Retrieval Practice effective?
The first guideline is to make retrieval practice EFFORTFUL –our mind should work hard, reconstructing partially deconstructed pathways. If it is too easy, it means that nothing was reconstructed, and nothing was added. The straightforward way to make retrieval practice effective is to space the study repetitions over time.
第一条准则是让检索练习变得 有效 --我们的大脑应该努力工作,重建部分解构的路径。如果太容易,就意味着什么也没有重建,什么也没有增加。使检索练习有效的直接方法是在一段时间内间隔重复学习。Another important point is to make retrieval practice MEANINGFUL, that is to build our retrieval pathways of associations that we are familiar with the relations between them, as was explained on the previous page. This idea is related to the technique known as elaborative interrogation. This idea combines two key principles of long-term memory organization: meaningful connections to other pieces of knowledge and reconstruction by retrieval. another practical way to combine them is by reconstructing concept maps from memory3
另一个要点是使检索练习有意义,即建立我们的检索联想路径,使我们熟悉它们之间的关系,这一点在上一页已经解释过了。这一想法与 "详细询问"(elaborative interrogation)技术有关。这一想法结合了长期记忆组织的两个关键原则:与其他知识片段的有意义联系和通过检索进行重构。.FEEDBACK that follows a retrieval attempt will improve learning. One benefit is correcting misconceptions and misunderstanding, another is reinforcing correct responses. As for the latter, delayed feedback may prove more beneficial than an immediate one. It is also recommended that following the feedback the learners are able to retrieve the correct answer independently at least once. A related idea is to use the retrieved (and verified) information as a basis for a NEW LEARNING, in other words, retrieve and add something new.
在尝试检索之后给予反馈,可以提高学习效果。 这样做的好处之一是纠正错误概念和误解,另一个好处是强化正确的回答。就后者而言,延迟反馈可能比即时反馈更有益处。 此外,还建议在反馈之后,学习者至少能够独立检索一次正确答案。与此相关的一个想法是,将检索到的(并经过验证的)信息作为 新学习的基础 ,换句话说,检索并添加新的内容。Retrieval practice should be effortful but not impossible; it is a tricky balance to provide sufficient SUPPORT to the learners. Retrieval practice was shown to work even with younger children, but it may require more structure and support, you can read more about it here. Students at different ages and stages of the learning (novices or advanced) would benefit from different retrieval activities (e.g. fill in the blanks, multiple-choice questions, or open questions). Older students may find motivation and support by understanding why retrieval works, what are the benefits, and what is the pedagogical rationale of different learning activities – read more about the contribution of information and modeling here.
检索练习应该是费力的,但并非不可能;要 为学习者 提供足够 的支持,这是一个棘手的平衡 问题。事实证明,检索练习即使对年龄较小的儿童也有效,但它可能需要更多的结构和支持,您可以 在这里 阅读更多相关信息 。处于不同年龄和学习阶段的学生(新手或进阶者)会从不同的检索活动(如填空题、选择题或开放题)中受益。年龄较大的学生可以通过了解检索为何有效、有哪些益处以及不同学习活动的教学原理来找到动力和支持-- 点击此处了解更多有关信息和建模的贡献。One last thing to keep in mind is that retrieval practice is indeed PRACTICE, it should follow an initial learning stage (see the visual road map at the bottom of this page)
最后要牢记的一点是,检索练习确实是一种 练习,它应遵循初始学习阶段(参见 本页底部的可视化路线图 )。
To put all the above together for a simple recommendation – it is possibly most beneficial to use retrieval practice to probe previously learned relevant information such that it is practiced and also active in students' minds as the basis for new learning.
Examples from different classrooms
Retrieval practice is highly effective and it is spreading as a teaching approach, however, it is important to note two major challenges: one issue is the unfavorable reputation of tests, which usually influence older students’ (and sometimes teachers’) willingness to use tests for learning. The other barrier is the fact that retrieval practice is harder to engage in, it is not always successful, and it challenges learners to face their knowledge gaps and mistakes. It is therefore important to frame retrieval practice as a learning activity, with positive approach and consequences. The way we address the activity (e.g. quiz vs. review), how we frame it (e.g. surprise quiz vs. morning review routine), the stakes (high vs. low or none), and how much room we leave for making mistakes and correcting them are essential factors. In this blog you can see an example of a simple class activity that also develops students’ meta-cognitive skills.
检索练习非常有效,作为一种教学方法正在推广,但必须注意到两大挑战:一个问题是考试的名声不好,这通常会影响高年级学生(有时也会影响教师)使用考试进行学习的意愿。另一个障碍是,检索练习较难进行,而且并不总是成功的,它对学习者面对自己的知识差距和错误提出了挑战。因此,必须把检索练习作为一种学习 活动,并采取积极的方法和结果。我们开展活动的方式(如测验与复习)、框架(如突击测验与晨间例行复习)、风险(高与低或无),以及为犯错和改正错误留出的余地都是至关重要的因素。在 本博客中 ,您可以看到一个简单的课堂活动示例,它也能培养学生的元认知能力。
It is noteworthy that explanations of retrieval importance may be valuable in some settings but they are certainly not enough, because when students are left to choose by themselves, they often choose the easier way – i.e re-reading (it is human nature to choose easy and immediately-rewarding pathways). It is therefore highly recommended to build retrieval practice activities into the learning ROUTINE in the classroom, rather than suggesting that students will use it at home by themselves. It is sometimes challenging to make time for a questionnaire or review during lessons, but it is probably worthwhile: you may find this example from secondary history teacher, and this detailed application from a higher-education psychology professor very informative, compelling and applicable.
值得注意的是,在某些情况下,对检索重要性的解释可能很有价值,但这肯定是不够的,因为如果让学生自己选择,他们往往会选择更简单的方法--即重读(选择简单和立即有回报的途径是人的天性)。因此,强烈建议在 课堂上将检索练习活动纳入学习程序 ,而不是建议学生在家里自己使用。有时,在课堂上抽出时间进行问卷调查或复习是很有挑战性的,但这也许是值得的:你可能会发现 中学历史教师的 这个例子 ,以及 高等教育心理学教授的 这个详细应用 ,都是非常有信息量、有说服力和适用的。
Another good reason to apply retrieval practice in the classroom rather than at home is the ability to make it available for ALL LEARNERS. There are learners who are less inclined to test themselves than others. It can be attributed to their previous learning experience or their self-confidence. When we suggest to learners that they will practice by retrieval independently, we are most likely encouraging only the already inclined students. When retrieval practice is applied in class, as a learning activity and by means that allow everyone to answer individually and discretely, we are actually promoting the learning of all students. The familiar routine of a teacher asking a question, only a few students are volunteering to answer and only one actually speaking is beneficial only for the active student(s), but not for all the rest (even if they were listening). There are many simple methods by which “on the fly” teachers’ questions can support the learning of all the students in the classroom: cold- calling, using student response cards, or personal mini-whiteboards are all simple low-tech examples that can make a huge difference in your classroom. There are also various technological solutions that enable the added value of storing the information for formative purposes, like kahoot!, socrative or notably plickers – that allows individual and discrete, digitally registered answers without the use of students’ personal devices!
在课堂上而不是在家里进行检索练习的另一个很好的理由是,所有的学习者都可以进行检索练习。有些学习者比其他人更不愿意进行自我测试。这可能与他们以前的学习经验或自信心有关。当我们建议学习者独立进行检索练习时,我们很可能只是在鼓励那些已经有这种倾向的学生。如果在课堂上将检索练习作为一种学习活动,并通过让每个人都能单独、谨慎地回答的方式进行,我们实际上是在促进所有学生的学习。我们所熟悉的教师提问、只有少数学生自愿回答、只有一个学生实际发言的常规做法,只对积极发言的学生有益,而对其他所有学生(即使他们在听)则无益。教师的 "即时 "提问有许多简单的方法,可以为课堂上所有学生的学习提供支持:冷场提问、使用 学生回答卡或 个人迷你白板 都是简单的低技术范例,可以为你的课堂带来巨大的变化。此外,还有各种技术解决方案,如 kahoot, 能够为形成性目的存储信息提供附加值 !该系统允许在不使用学生个人设备的情况下, 以数字方式注册个人和离散的答案,如socrative 或显著的 plickers !
Luckily in recent years, more and more teachers learn about retrieval practice, and come up with new and creative ways to use it in their classrooms. The best part is that they share their method, so many other students and teachers can benefit. Here are two last examples of short and focused blogs by two teachers that describe and demonstrate specific ways to encourage retrieval among their students: one is a simple yet sophisticated way to make the most out of multiple-choice questions, and the second is an idea to make sure students engage in retrieval practice of recent as well as older material.
幸运的是,近年来,越来越多的教师了解了检索练习,并想出了在课堂上使用检索练习的创新方法。最重要的是,他们分享了自己的方法,使其他许多学生和教师都能从中受益。下面是两位教师在博客上发表的最后两个简短而有针对性的例子,他们描述并演示了鼓励学生进行检索的具体方法: 一个是充分利用选择题 的简单而复杂的方法, 另一个 是确保学生对新旧材料进行检索练习的方法。
To summarize, retrieval is highly effective as a method of practice, it has a strong continually-growing body of evidence, and most importantly - it can be applied in any classroom to enhance the learning of all students, to close gaps, and supply students with effective learning-tools for the rest of their journey.
Resources & additional information:
The “Learning Scientists” is a website founded by cognitive psychologists Dr. Yana Weinstein and Dr. Megan Sumeracki. It introduces students, parents and teachers to six effective strategies and the research behind them. They have blogs, by both scientists and teachers, podcasts and videos, and even a series of downloadable posters (one for each strategy) the simply and visually demonstrate retrieval practice and other strategies– for the use in classrooms and notebooks.
学习科学家"是认知心理学家雅娜-温斯坦博士和梅根-苏梅拉基博士创办的一个网站。 它向学生、家长和教师介绍 六种有效的策略 及其背后的研究。 网站 上有科学家和教师的博客、播客和视频,甚至还有一系列可下载的 海报 (每种策略一张),简单直观地展示了检索练习和其他策略,供课堂和笔记本使用。
Specifically about retrieval practice, you can find a collection of teachers’ implementations and a summary of the many benefits of this method.
具体到检索练习,您可以找到 教师实施方案集 ,并总结 这种方法的 诸多益处 。
Retrieval Practice is a website by cognitive psychologist Pooja Agarwal that specifically introduces retrieval practice to teachers, with helpful resources and recommendations for teachers.
检索实践 是认知心理学家 Pooja Agarwal 专门向教师介绍检索实践的网站,为教师提供有用的资源和建议。The book “Make it Stick: The Science of successful Learning” by Brown, Roediger and McDaniel Is a very readable and eye-opening book about research-based effective learning strategies. It uses personal stories and vivid examples to discuss the benefits of retrieval practice among other effective methods.
布朗、罗迪格和麦克丹尼尔合著的《成功学习的科学》(Make it Stick:Brown, Roediger 和 McDaniel 所著的《Make it Stick: The Science of successful Learning》 是一本关于以研究为基础的有效学习策略的书,可读性很强,让人大开眼界。书中使用了个人故事和生动的例子,讨论了检索练习和其他有效方法的益处。
References 参考资料
1 Dunlosky, J. (2013). Strengthening the student toolbox: Study strategies to boost learning. American Educator, 37(3), 12-21 [PDF]
1 Dunlosky, J. (2013)。强化学生工具箱:促进学习的学习策略。 美国教育家》, 37(3),12-21 [PDF] 。
2 Karpicke, J. D., & Roediger, H. L. (2008). The critical importance of retrieval for learning. science, 319(5865), 966-968. [PDF]
2 Karpicke, J. D., & Roediger, H. L. (2008)。检索对学习的至关重要性。 科学, 319(5865),966-968。 [PDF].
3 Blunt, J. R., & Karpicke, J. D. (2014). Learning with retrieval-based concept mapping. Journal of Educational Psychology, 106(3), 849. [PDF]
3 Blunt, J. R., & Karpicke, J. D. (2014)。基于检索的概念图学习。 教育心理学杂志》, 106(3),849。 [PDF][PDF
Referenced Blogs: 参考博客:
How to Create Retrieval Practice Activities for Elementary Students by Megan Sumeracki (formerly Smith) via 'The Learning Scientists'
如何为小学生创建检索练习活动》 ,作者 Megan Sumeracki(原名 Smith),通过 "学习科学家 "网站
Color Coding Recall Attempts to Assess Learning by Blake Harvard via 'The Effortful Educator'
用颜色编码回忆试图评估学习情况,作者 Blake Harvard, 通过 "努力的教育者"
Nothing new, it’s a review – on why I killed my starters by Ben Newmark
没什么新鲜的,只是一篇评论--关于我为什么要杀死我的起动机, 作者:Ben Newmark
Retrieval Practice: The What, Why, and How for Classroom Instruction by Pooja Agarwal via NOBA Blog
检索实践:课堂教学 的 内容、原因和方法》 ,作者 Pooja Agarwal,通过 NOBA 博客
Technique 22: Cold Call via Teach Like a Champion
Students Response Cards via The teacher Toolkit
THE Number 1 Bit of Classroom Kit: Mini-whiteboards by Tom Sherrington via teacherhead
Learn, Teach, Model RETRIEVAL PRACTICE by Tricia Taylor via 'The Learning Scientists'
Retrieval Practice Challenge Grids for the classroom by Kate Jones
Maximizing the Effectiveness of Multiple-Choice Qs by Blake Harvard via 'The Effortful Educator'