1. 图书的印制成本加运费:
1. Book Printing Cost & Shipping:
根据印厂(LEO)的最新报价(9 月 23 日):报价单也一并发送您。
According to the latest quotation from the printing house (LEO) (September 23): The quotation will also be sent to you.
Ming 调整为平装、去掉拉页、保持原开本(285×280mm)的情况下,图书的印制成本和运费参见如下:
In the case of Ming adjusting to paperback, removing the pull page, and keeping the original format (285×280mm), the printing cost and shipping cost of the book are as follows:
交货地点 DDU to Grantham。
Place of delivery DDU to Grantham.
(运费有效期:自 2024 年 9 月 23 日(所报运条款之日)起 7 天)
(Shipping fee validity: 7 days from September 23, 2024 (the date of the quoted shipping conditions))
500 册,平装印制费用为 2 美元 / 册,运费 1.09 美元 / 册;
500 copies, paperback printing costs $2/copy, shipping costs $1.09/book;
750 册:平装印制费用为 1.52 美元 / 册,运费 0.71 美元 / 册;
750 copies: $1.52 per copy for paperback, $0.71 per copy for shipping;
1000 册,平装印制费用为 1.26 美元 / 册,运费 0.54 美元 / 册。
1000 copies, paperback printing costs $1.26/book, shipping costs $0.54/book.
若改为 250×254mm 的开本,则每本可再节省 0.07 美元。
Switching to a 250×254mm format saves an additional $0.07 per copy.
请注意:运费有效期仅为报价日期起 7 天内有效。
Please note: Shipping rates are only valid for 7 days from the quote date.
The printing part needs to be ordered by the British side and the printing factory, and Rongxin does not participate: this price is a reference price to assist in estimation.
2. 图书的预付版税及图档费:
2. Prepaid royalties and image fees for books:
一般情况下:图档费为 500 美元,作为优惠:荣信收取 100 美元;
In general, the image fee is $500, as a discount: Rongxin charges $100;
预付版税:一般情况下:买方按照首印量提报价格:如果按照 7% 的版税率:1000 册印量,8.99 英镑 / 本售价(根据英国实际情况调整)。
Royalty prepaid: Generally: Buyer quotes price based on first printing: If at 7% royalty rate: 1000 copies printed, £8.99 / copy price (adjusted for United Kingdom).
1000×7%×8.99=629.3 英镑:根据合同约定:作者获得 90% 收益,即 566.37 英镑,荣信 10% 收益,即 62.9 英镑。作为优惠:若作者方只要 10% 的收益:即 62.9 英镑,那么为方便合同流程(因为合同已经约定作者收益为 90%,若改成 10% 则需要重签补充协议等:较为麻烦):建议英方按照 100 册预付提报。即 100×7%×8.99=62.9 英镑,作者 90% 即 56.61 英镑,荣信 6.29 英镑。
1000×7%×8.99=£629.3: According to the contract: the author receives 90% of the income, i.e. £566.37, and Rongxin receives 10% of the income, i.e. £62.9. As a prefer: if the author only needs 10% of the income: that is, 62.9 pounds, then in order to facilitate the contract process (because the contract already stipulates that the author's income is 90%, if it is changed to 10%, you need to re-sign the supplementary agreement, etc.: it is more troublesome): it is recommended that the British side prepay according to 100 copies. i.e. 100×7%×8.99=£62.9, author's 90% £56.61, and Rongxin £6.29.
还有一种更省成本的 —— 即作者方直接授权英方无需通过荣信。根据合同约定,荣信为作者的版权代理方:但非独家:作者也可以直接授权英方出版。作者可以直接与英方洽谈预付版税(更少)和图档费(甚至可以没有)。
There is also a more cost-effective - that is, the author directly authorizes the British side without going through Rongxin. According to the contract, Rongxin is the author's copyright agent: but not exclusively: the author can also directly authorize the British side to publish. Authors can negotiate directly with the UK for prepaid royalties (less) and image fees (or even without).