Actions 行动

Work Header 工作页眉

Rating:  评级
Archive Warning:  存档警告:
Category:  类别
Fandoms:  Fandoms:
Relationship:  关系:
Characters:  角色
Additional Tags:  其他标签
Language:  语言
English  英语
Stats: 统计
Published: 已出版:
Updated: 已更新:
Words: 字数
Chapters: 章节:
Comments: 评论:
Kudos: 真不错
Bookmarks: 书签
Hits: 点击数

Red September  红色九月

Chapter 6: I'll Be Your Girl
第 6 章:我会成为你的女孩

Summary: 摘要

“I’ll see you soon.” Alex whispers against his lips, before pressing a soft kiss against them, “Be good.”
"我们很快会再见的"艾丽克丝贴着他的嘴唇轻声说着 然后轻轻地吻了一下他的嘴唇 "乖"


“I should say the same to you.” Henry says, breathless as they pull apart, “Please get rid of that bloody teapot.”


Alex laughs again, loud and open as he nods. His eyes narrow as June makes a sound that vaguely resembles a whip being cracked and he lunges towards her, pulling her into a headlock and ruffles her hair as she squeals and fights against him.


“Alright! You goddamn brute!” She snaps as she manages to pull herself away, “I’m telling mom you’ve turned into a fucking animal.”
"好吧你这该死的畜生!"她一边咆哮一边挣脱自己的束缚 "我要告诉妈妈,你已经变成了一头该死的野兽"


“Fucking animal seems apt.” Nora mutters with a sly smile, but clearly June hears as her face flushes impossibly redder.


“Ew! Stop that. Don’t need to hear about my brother and his…” She glances quickly at Henry before looking away, “fucking.”

Notes: 备注

Hey all! We're back again :)

This chapter is pure smut and fluff to prepare you all for the next one!!

Hope you all enjoy! 希望大家喜欢!
I introduced myself once before but I think I deleted the work that I did in, so I figured I'd go again - my name is Olivia, I'm 25 years old and I am from a small town just outside of Bristol in the UK! I first read RWRB back in 2021 and I have been hooked ever since. I've been writing since I was sixteen but never thought to try ff until now. It's been super fun writing and interacting with you all!!
我之前做过一次自我介绍,但我想我删除了我的作品,所以我想我应该再介绍一次--我叫奥利维亚,今年 25 岁,来自英国布里斯托尔郊外的一个小镇!我第一次读《RWRB》是在 2021 年,从那时起我就迷上了它。我从 16 岁起就开始写作,但直到现在才想到尝试 ff。写作和与大家互动都非常有趣!"!

Anywaysss back to our regularly scheduled programming

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text 章节正文

The next morning begins much like the previous, Henry waking up to find Alex hovering over him with a wicked grin on his face, eyes shimmering as they stare down at him. He looks as though he wants to eat Henry alive and he is very open to letting that happen. Before Henry can even utter a word of greeting, Alex is leaning down, capturing his lips and moving softly, almost reverently.


His hand that isn’t pressed into the mattress strokes gently down Henry’s side, sending goosebumps running through his body where the featherlight touches go. Henry whimpers as Alex’s tongue slides into his mouth, the action pressing them closer together. All he can taste, hear, smell is just pure and unadulterated Alex and he never wants it to stop.


“Good morning, princess.” Alex murmurs as they break apart, pressing another quick kiss to his lips, “Feel like starting the morning with some fun?”


Henry is nodding before the question is even finished, surging upwards to capture Alex’s lips with his own.


“Eager.” Alex says, his voice low, washing over Henry like a beam of sunlight and he wants to sink into the feeling, “I have an idea.”


Henry knows how breathless he sounds as he says, “Which is?”
亨利知道自己在说 "哪个是?"时是多么气喘吁吁。


“Well, one of the most important parts of pleasing your…wife.” Alex’s face shifts into something unreadable, “Is of course, oral pleasure.”


“Like you did for me?”


“Precisely. But of course, the female anatomy is much different.”


Henry is sadly very aware of this fact; he simply nods instead of voicing it.


“But…I have a similar anatomy that you could use in order to…practice.”


Henry fears he resembles an owl as he stares at Alex, wide eyed. The other man is smiling softly at him, something behind his eyes that Henry can’t quite make out.


“I…what if I am terrible?” He wants nothing more than to do whatever this entails, especially if it means he can make Alex feel even a fraction as good as the other man makes him feel.


“Oh, baby.” Alex presses their lips together briefly before pulling back, “I promise you, that no matter what you do, it will be amazing .”


“Are you sure?” "你确定吗?"


“Of course. And this is only if you want to, sweetheart. There is zero pressure here.”


It surprises Henry just how badly he does want it, to feel Alex fall apart beneath his tongue, writhing into the bedroll and panting his name. The thought makes his cock twitch beneath the sheet.


Alex, clearly feeling the movement, smirks, trailing a finger down his chest, “Are you sure?”


“Yes.” Henry says without hesitation, “Please. I want that.”


Alex nods, something akin to determination crossing his face as he climbs off of Henry, making him whimper at the loss of warm skin pressed against his own. He watches in awe as Alex grabs a pillow, lying it on the bedroll before lying down, his hips pressed into it. Henry gapes, breath catching in his chest at the sight of Alex entirely naked and splayed out, just for him.


Alex glances over his shoulder at Henry’s frozen frame and crooks a finger in invitation, “Come on, baby. I’m all yours.”


The words relight the fire within Henry as he crawls towards him, settling himself between the backs of Alex’s legs, smoothing his hands down the expanse of bare skin, starting at his shoulders and ending at the tops of his thighs. He can hear Alex suck in a sharp breath at the sensation. He moves closer, straining his ears so that he doesn’t miss a single reaction Alex has to anything he does. He wants to memorise it, let it wash over him so he can keep it with him when he can no longer have it on the daily.


He leans forward, trailing his lips across the back of Alex’s neck and relishing the shudder it elicits from him. He presses a firm kiss there before moving down to his shoulder blades, letting his tongue trace the concaves of his skin. Alex hisses something incomprehensible as Henry sinks his teeth into his side, soothing the burn with his tongue. He spends a considerate amount of time on the dimples that lie on the small of Alex’s back, digging his thumbs into the rivets as he kisses the skin between them.


When he reaches the rounded globes of Alex’s ass he can’t help but sink his teeth into the plush skin of his left cheek, feeling Alex’s hips jerk into the pillow as he does.


Baby .” He whines, sounding almost pleading as his body twitches, “ Please .”


Henry takes pity on him as he moves his body downward, propping himself up on his elbows as he finds himself face to face with something he has never done before. He is terrified, his hands trembling as he reaches forward, hand brushing Alex’s ass.


“Mm.” Alex moans softly, “That’s it.”


The words send a wave of calm over Henry as he shifts his face closer. He knows that Alex will tell him if he does something entirely off course, and that knowledge is enough to make him spread Alex’s cheeks, his tongue delving in and brushing gently against the puckered hole.


Holy fuck !” Alex snaps, his hips jerking down and Henry has to hold on tight to not lose his grip, “Do that again, fucking hell, please do that again.” He’s panting, his words rapid and barely comprehensible as he shoves his face into the sheet.


Henry does as he’s told, trailing his tongue up and down, familiarising himself with the body beneath him. It tastes different than what he expected, but he’s definitely not complaining. It’s sweat, warmth and pure Alex. He continues to swipe his tongue up and down, using Alex’s sounds to guide him to know when he’s doing the right thing. When he points his tongue, spearing it into Alex’s hole and lightly penetrating, the other man lets out a howl loud enough to wake up the rest of the camp.


“Keep going .” Alex pants as Henry pulls back slightly, wriggling his hips enticingly, “ Fuck me with your tongue, princess.”


And Henry, as always, is helpless to resist. His hands are fully holding Alex’s cheeks apart as his face is practically buried between them, his tongue rapidly moving back and forth as he tries to drag the moans and howls from Alex’s throat. Alex seems to be loosened from the work of his tongue and he can’t help but probe again, delving his tongue further in until Alex clenches around it as he howls, hips jerking rapidly. His body trembles and quakes as Alex practically sobs. 


“Coming. Fuck . Don’t stop, don’t stop, please don’t fucking stop, baby.”


Henry works him through the aftershocks as Alex’s body trembles beneath his tongue, clenching tightly around his tongue until he collapses, panting into the sheet.


When Alex doesn’t move from his position, limbs splayed wildly, Henry hesitates, trailing a palm down the sweaty expanse of his back.


“Are you okay?” His voice sounds painfully vulnerable, despite everything that just happened.


“No.” Alex’s voice is muffled, “I think I’m dead.” He squeaks as Henry pokes a finger into his ribs, arm flying out and grabbing Henry’s arm without moving his head, yanking him down alongside him. “How are you fucking real?”


“Stop it.” Henry flushes, hiding his face in Alex’s neck as the other man turns on his side to face him.


Never . Christ, that tongue . Are you sure you’ve never done this before sweetheart?” Before Henry can protest, Alex cups his cheek and pulls him into a soft kiss, “God.” He presses their foreheads together, murmuring something under his breath that Henry can’t hear, but he can feel the warmth of the words.


Henry can’t stop himself from smiling, especially as Alex eagerly returns the favour.



By the time Pez has had his fill of teasing them for being so loud, they have begun the final leg of the first part of their journey. Henry can see the small town in the horizon as Alex speeds up, leaving the other two horses in the dust. He feels he will never get used to the feeling of wind whipping in his hair under a hot summer sun, each time is equally as thrilling to him.


“Well, Hazza.” Pez grins as they climb down from their horses, tying them to neighbouring posts near the outskirts, “Welcome to your first outlaw town experience.”


“Thrilling.” Henry says dryly as he looks at what is simply a very normal town, “What are we here for?”


“We need to stock up.” June says, grabbing her satchel and swinging it around her neck, “Alcohol for you boys. Food. Definitely more water.”


“And to get rid of some of this shit.” Nora says, before wincing, turning to face Henry, “Sorry.”


Henry shrugs, feeling absolutely nothing about it, “It’s all shit. Good riddance to it.”


Alex barks out a warm laugh, straightening his hat on his head and sending Henry a warm smile, “Right attitude, princess. Right, shall we divide and conquer?”


“Me and you can go barter.” June says to Alex, “I don’t trust Pez to do it.”


“Valid!” Pez says, “I dibs Henry.”


“And I will go with you two so you don’t traumatise the poor boy.” Nora says with an exaggerated sigh.


Henry fights his expression to make sure it doesn’t reflect his disappointment and when he meets Alex’s gaze, he’s surprised to see similar feelings reflected on his own. He leans down, brim of his hat covering both of their faces.


“I’ll see you soon.” Alex whispers against his lips, before pressing a soft kiss against them, “Be good.”
"我们很快会再见的"艾丽克丝贴着他的嘴唇轻声说着 然后轻轻地吻了一下他的嘴唇 "乖"


“I should say the same to you.” Henry says, breathless as they pull apart, “Please get rid of that bloody teapot.”


Alex laughs again, loud and open as he nods. His eyes narrow as June makes a sound that vaguely resembles a whip being cracked and he lunges towards her, pulling her into a headlock and ruffles her hair as she squeals and fights against him.


“Alright! You goddamn brute!” She snaps as she manages to pull herself away, “I’m telling mom you’ve turned into a fucking animal.”
"好吧你这该死的畜生!"她一边咆哮一边挣脱自己的束缚 "我要告诉妈妈,你已经变成了一头该死的野兽"


“Fucking animal seems apt.” Nora mutters with a sly smile, but clearly June hears as her face flushes impossibly redder.


“Ew! Stop that. Don’t need to hear about my brother and his…” She glances quickly at Henry before looking away, “fucking.”


Brother ? Henry stares at the pair of them and wonders how he didn’t figure it out any sooner. He feels slightly foolish, particularly for being jealous of his sister .


“Right, we’ll hunt down some water and refill these. And find somewhere to shack up for the night?” Pez says cheerily and the group nods in agreement.


Henry glances over his shoulder as they walk away to see Alex looking back at him. The other man flushes an endearing shade of red at being caught, sending Henry a wink before turning back. Henry pointedly ignores the sound of June gagging in the distance.


“We frequent this town quite a bit.” Pez explains as they fill up their water canisters from a nearby hose, “It’s a nice place. Small enough that people don’t really care who we are.”


“Yeah,” Nora says, “There’s also-”


“Pez?” A chipper voice chimes to their right.

All three of their heads whip around to see a gaggle of women outside a neighbouring building, each in brightly coloured dresses and makeup-covered faces. They’re beautiful, lounging against the building as though trying to invite patrons in. Henry wonders if this is the saloon. The woman that spoke to Pez steps forward, beckoning him closer.


Henry gathers the remaining canisters and lingers slightly behind Nora and Pez as they make their way over.


“Joy!” Pez says cheerfully, “So lovely to see you. Radiant as ever.” He grabs one of her hands and lays a soft kiss to the back of her palm.


“Did you come to pay us a visit?” Another girl pipes up from behind, a bare leg poking out from beneath her dress. Her eyes are sultry, a plush lip held between her teeth.

Oh . Henry may not be well versed in these things, but men have always talked. And he knows a brothel when he sees one.
亨利也许不精通这些 但男人总是会说话的而且他看到妓院就知道是什么地方


“Not this time, I’m afraid.” Pez says, and a chorus of ‘ Aw’ sounds, “We’re just passing through.”


“And what about Alex?” One of the girls pipes up eagerly, clasping her hands together, “Is he coming?”


Henry feels his heart sink as he stares at her. She’s beautiful, raven black hair and bright green eyes that dart between the three of them as she awaits her answer. She’s in a sea blue dress that accentuates her curves and serves to remind Henry that she is the polar opposite of him. This is Alex’s type - not Henry. And the thoughts of this makes everything come crashing down around him and he suddenly, for the first time, wants to go home .


“No, he’s uh…” Nora stifles a laugh, “Occupied.” The chorus of ‘ Aw’ sounds again, “Lovely to see you all but we must be off.”


Henry remains silent as Pez loops an arm through his, tugging him forward. He keeps in stride but his mind is entirely elsewhere, only able to picture Alex arm in arm with the woman, grinning at her, calling her baby as she blushes prettily. The fact that he can picture it with perfect clarity makes him feel impossibly worse because it makes sense .


“Don’t let it get to you.” Pez murmurs in his ear and Henry feels nothing but shame at the fact that everyone knows exactly how he feels.


He feels like a child that everyone is tiptoeing around and he doesn’t know how to make it stop. He doesn’t come back to reality until they’re in the inn, Pez asking for available rooms.
他觉得自己像个孩子,每个人都蹑手蹑脚,而他却不知道该如何阻止。直到他们来到客栈,Pez 询问是否有空房间时,他才回到现实中来。


“We need two-” "我们需要两个"


“Three.” Henry cuts in quickly, making Pez raise a sharp eyebrow.


“Henry-” 亨利


“Please.” He says, refusing to glance at the pitying look on Nora’s face, “I just want one night alone.”
"求你了"他说,拒绝看诺拉脸上怜悯的表情 "我只想一个人过一晚"


Pez’s face remains stern, but as he turns back to the innkeeper he says, “Three rooms please.”


Henry tosses his only belongings - his water and whiskey canisters - onto his bed before rejoining Pez and Nora downstairs in the saloon, half empty beers in front of them. Pez hails the barmaid and orders a round for the three of them and Henry downs his own in seconds, making Pez look at him with concern.


“Are you sure you’re alright?”


Henry nods robotically, “Yes. Another drink?”


He gets through three before Alex and June arrive, yet he doesn’t feel drunk. He doesn’t feel anything except burning shame running through him. Maybe he’s overreacting - Alex can’t help who he was with before but the thoughts of him being with someone that is the exact opposite of everything Henry represents just makes him feel like this is all a big joke.


“Hey, sweetheart.” Alex presses a kiss to the top of his head as he sinks into the seat beside him, slinging an arm across the back of his chair, “Fun day with the bandits?”


“Something like that.” Henry says cooly, leaning forward so that Alex’s thumb is no longer brushing the skin at the back of his neck, “How was bartering?”


“Good.” Alex says, brow furrowed as he stares at Henry. Henry can’t bring himself to keep looking back, focusing instead on the glass in his hand, “We got a good bit for your candlesticks.”


“That’s nice.” "真不错"


He can feel everyone at the table staring at him, which only serves to make him feel more shameful. Like they all think he’s a foolish child. 


“I’m tired.” He says, standing suddenly and placing his glass on the table, “I’m going to get some rest.”
"我累了"他说,突然站起来,把杯子放在桌上 "我要去休息了"


“I’ll come with you.” Alex begins to get up but Henry shakes his head, unable to look him in the eyes.

“I have my own room. You stay, enjoy your night.”


Alex’s face drops into shock, “Your own - Pez ?”


Pez throws his hands up in an innocent gesture, “I wasn’t going to fight with him. Leave me out of your lover’s quarrel.”


Henry and Alex protest at the same time.

“This isn’t a lover’s quarrel!”


“We are not fighting!” Alex’s eyes flit back to his, wide and seemingly hurt as they stare at him, “Henry?”


“Just have a headache.” He smiles weakly, patting Alex’s shoulder gently and watching as the other man’s face falls entirely, “I’ll see you all in the morning.”


“Night, Hen.” Nora and June chorus in unison, Nora mouthing ‘ You okay?’ at him, to which he nods. Her face settles into a grimace and he knows she doesn’t believe a word he says.
"晚安,母鸡。"诺拉和琼齐声合唱,诺拉对他说 "你还好吗?",他点点头。她的脸变得狰狞,他知道她不相信他说的话。


“Goodnight, my boy.” Pez pats his hand gently, “If I get lonely, do I have your express permission to knock down your door in the middle of the night?”

Henry can’t help but laugh, “Of course.”


Pez sends him a wink and finally Henry makes himself look back at Alex, who looks simply wounded.


“Goodnight, Henry.” Alex says, and Henry doesn’t like how his name sounds coming from his lips anymore, not when he’s come to learn how sweetheart , baby, and princess sound.
"晚安,亨利艾利克斯说,亨利不喜欢自己的名字再从他嘴里说出来了 他已经学会了甜心、宝贝和公主的发音。


Henry nods stiffly in response and turns on his heel before he does something simply insane like start crying or throw himself into Alex’s arms.


He waits until his door closes behind him to let out a frustrated scream, throwing himself onto the bed and letting the pillow muffle the sound. The worst part of it all is that he knows how childish and unreasonable that he’s being - his thing with Alex isn’t going to last , but he’s already so attached. He knows he’s falling in love with him, and the thought is terrifying.


“Henry?”  "亨利?"


He jumps at the sound just outside his bedroom door, punctuated by a soft knock. The thought of ignoring it is tempting, but Alex’s voice is soft and careful and he knows the man has done nothing to warrant his rudeness.


“Henry, please.” "亨利 求你了"


The soft pleading in his voice is enough for Henry to stand up and open the door. Alex is there, hands behind his back as he looks carefully up at him, his eyes impossibly soft in that way that never fails to make Henry melt entirely.


“Hi.” Henry says quietly, watching as Alex shifts awkwardly on his feet.


“Did I do something wrong?” Alex asks and before Henry can say anything he continues, “Because I’m sorry if I did. I didn’t mean to. I thought that we - that we were good.”


“Alex-” "亚历克斯


“Just…what did I do?”


“Nothing.” He says, because it’s true, “You didn’t, Alex. I just thought now that we’re in town you would rather…other company.”


Alex frowns, “Other company? Like who?”


“Like…I don’t know.” He rubs the back of his neck, “There were some women looking for you today. At the uh…the brothel.”


A beat of silence passes between them, Alex’s mouth open and shutting a few times as he stares incredulously at Henry.


“Why the fuck would I want that?” 


“I don’t know.” Henry says again, “I thought that was what you wanted.”


“But why? What have I done that leads you to believe I want anything like that?” Alex seems genuinely baffled, his hands still clasped firmly behind his back, “What kind of person do you think I am?”


“You owe me nothing, Alex.” He tries to keep his voice level, to keep the tears at bay, “You can do what you want.”
"你不欠我什么,亚历克斯"他努力让自己的声音保持平缓 让泪水止不住 "你可以做你想做的事"


“I just want you.” Alex says softly, his voice choked and Henry can feel his heart pound in his chest as they stare at each other, “I don’t know what I’ve done to give you any other impression and I know you’re not sticking around, that you have a wife and a home to get back to and maybe I’ve done this all ass fucking backwards but…I thought we had a good thing going for now.”


For now , it hurts more than it should.


“We do, I just…” He sighs, feeling more stupid than he ever has, “The girl we saw. She’s the exact opposite of me, Alex, and I thought maybe that I was just…convenient.” 


“You are the complete opposite of convenient.” Alex says softly, his expression gentle and Henry wants to throw himself into his arms, “And you can’t compare yourself to someone I slept with to scratch an itch. You’re more than that, you know that don’t you?”


Henry’s silence seems to be answer enough.


“Here.” He suddenly whips his hands out from behind his back to show a single long stemmed rose that he holds out to him, “This is yours.”


Henry’s eyes widen, “Mine?”


Alex nods, a small smile landing on his face, “I traded it. For you. I thought you might like it.”


He takes the rose with shaky hands, bringing it up to his nose and taking a deep inhale. The smell is rich and floral, lighting up his senses.


“It’s beautiful.” He says with a shaky smile, “I’m sorry.”


Alex looks at him, shaking his head fondly, “Don’t be. I’m sorry if anything I did made you feel this way.”


“You didn’t. I just…I am so out of my depth here, Alex.” He can feel the tears begin to fall, “You’re so you and I guess I just don’t understand what you’re doing with me.”


“Funny,” Alex says as he steps forward, brushing away Henry’s tear with his thumb, “I think the exact same thing about you.”


He leans in, pressing a barely there kiss to Henry’s lips before pulling back, leaving Henry cold.


“Goodnight, Henry.” He says with a soft smile, “I’ll see you in the morning.”
"晚安,亨利"他微笑着说 明早见


“Wait.” His hand reaches out, grasping the collar of Alex’s shirt and tugging him over the threshold of the room, “Stay? Please?”


“No.” Alex says and Henry feels his heart sink beneath the floorboards, “Come back to my room, my bed’s bigger.”
"不"艾利克斯说,亨利感觉自己的心沉到了地板下 "回我房间吧,我的床更大"


Henry snorts out a teary laugh and nods, holding the rose close to his chest as Alex picks up his meagre belongings from his bed. Their free hands intertwine and Alex giddily drags him down the hall towards his own room, closing the door behind him and tossing the canisters into the pile of his own belongings.


Henry places the rose gingerly on the table, tracing its petals with the tip of his finger before turning back to Alex, who is looking at him warmly, a soft smile on his face. He is bathed in candlelight, more beautiful than Henry has ever seen him and he knows one thing with painful certainty.


“Alex,” He breathes, wracking his brain from books that he’s read for the correct words, “will you…make love to me?”


“Baby,” Alex rasps, voice sinking into Henry’s bones, “are you sure?”


“Please. Show me?” It’s an excuse, he knows damn well that it is. But he just wants to feel close to Alex, closer than he ever has with another human being.
"求你了给我看看?"这是个借口,他很清楚这是个借口但他只想和艾丽克丝更亲近 比以前和别人更亲近


“Of course, baby.” Alex steps forward, winding an arm around Henry’s waist, his free hand cupping his cheek. He leans in and kisses him impossibly softly, their lips sliding together, “I got you.”

He feels impossibly cherished as Alex leans in, pressing their foreheads together and murmurs soft words that wash over Henry entirely, warming him from the inside out.


“You are so beautiful.” He breathes, nuzzling their noses together, “Thank you for letting me be with you.”
"你是如此美丽"他喘着气,将两人的鼻子轻吻在一起 "谢谢你让我和你在一起"


Henry laughs wetly, “I should be the one thanking you.”


Alex presses a fingertip to his lips, “Absolutely not.”


They undress in silence, Henry feeling positively giddy each time he looks up to see Alex’s eyes trained intently on him, trailing down his chest and waist. He feels wanted , needed almost and the feeling does more for him than any amount of beer could.


When they’re entirely undressed, Alex leads Henry to the bed, laying him down and climbing up next to him, hovering over him. He presses a soft kiss to Henry’s forehead, smiling widely at him.


“I can’t stop smiling at you.” He says, shaking his head fondly, “What have you done to me?”
"我无法停止对你微笑"他说,深情地摇了摇头 "你对我做了什么?"


“Probably similar to what you’ve done to me.”


Alex reaches forward, brandishing a small jar that he unscrews and dips his fingers into.


“This may feel a bit uncomfortable. If it gets too much, please tell me.” Henry nods at the stern look on Alex’s face.


Alex settles further down on the bed, throwing Henry’s legs over his shoulders as he moves between his legs. His clean hand trails across his calf, leaving goosebumps behind in its wake. The hand covered in oil delves lower, directly between his legs and tracing down the crook of his ass. He gasps as one finger breaches him, incredibly slow as it makes his way in.


His body stiffens of its own accord and he feels Alex’s free hand rub soothing circles against his hip bone.


“Relax, baby.” He murmurs, “Let me in.”
"放松 宝贝"他喃喃地说:"让我进去"


The words make his body loosen up and Alex’s finger slides all the way in, making him gasp loudly. The sensation is unfamiliar, uncomfortable but not painful, like a muffled thing stuck inside of him. He lets out a moan as Alex begins to move his finger, opening him up gently. Before long, all feelings of discomfort are entirely gone, leaving only warmth inside of him and the familiar sparks licking their way up his spine.


“Another.” He breathes, one of his hands flying down to wrap into Alex’s curls, “Please, love.”


Alex grunts in response, sliding in a second finger alongside the first, crooking them gently when it’s all the way in, making Henry’s leg kick out.


“Christ!” "上帝啊!"


“That’s the spot.” Alex murmurs with an adorable smile, moving his fingers with perfect precision, hitting that spot again.


Henry clenches his eyes shut as stars burst behind his eyelids.


“Is that enough?” He pants, “I won’t - ugh - last.”
"够了吗?"他的裤子,"我不会 - 唉 - 最后。"


“One more, baby. Have to make sure you’re prepared.” As if to punctuate his words, Alex slides in a third finger.


He feels completely full in the best way possible, his hips swivelling down to get Alex’s fingers further inside him, trying to get him to hit that spot again. He whines as the pads of Alex’s fingers push against it, making heat coil in his gut.
他感觉以最好的方式完全饱满起来,他的臀部向下摆动,让亚历克斯的手指进一步进入他的体内,试图让他再次刺激那个地方。当亚历克斯的指尖抵住他的穴位时,他发出了 "呜呜 "的声音,这让他的肠道里热浪滚滚。


“Okay.” Alex pulls back, dragging his fingers slowly out and making Henry whine at the loss, feeling far too empty, “I’m sorry, baby. Are you feeling okay?”


“Yeah. Yes. Please. I need…I… please .” 
"是的 - 是的 - Yeah.Yes.求你了我需要...我...求你了."


“I got you.” Alex murmurs as he shifts up the bed, reaching into the jar again and using it to slick himself up, “I’ll go slow, okay?”


Henry nods desperately, linking his arms around Alex’s shoulders and pulling him closer, “I need you.”


“You have me.” Alex breathes, pressing into Henry as he seals their lips with a kiss.


If Alex’s fingers made him full, his cock was entirely splitting him open. He moans obscenely at the first push, the sound being swallowed up by Alex’s lips on his, his tongue slipping into his mouth. Henry whines into his mouth, pulling him closer as Alex pushes in further, inch by inch.


“God, baby,” Alex sounds positively wrecked, panting against his lips, “You feel fucking perfect .”
"天啊,宝贝,"艾丽克丝的声音听起来很激动 靠着他的嘴唇喘息着,"你的感觉太完美了。"


Henry whines at the praise, breath leaving him entirely as Alex finally pushes all the way in, bottoming out.


“Oh.” Henry exhales, “I… Alex .”


“I know, baby.” Alex presses a kiss to his forehead, “Are you okay?”


He can feel the tears spilling from his eyes. He is so entirely overwhelmed in the best way possible and he never wants it to end.


“I am perfect.” He laughs as the tears fall, “This is…I don’t…”


“I got you.” Alex says again, rocking his hips gently, making Henry grind down in response, “ Fuck . Will I move?”


“Please.” Henry shifts his hips, making Alex groan, “Fuck me.”


“As you wish.” Alex chuckles, leaning in to kiss him again as he thrusts his hips forward.


Henry loses the ability to speak as Alex thrusts into him, over and over, swallowing each one of his moans with his tongue. He has never felt anything even remotely close to this, even in everything they’ve done so far. It feels like everything he has ever wanted, how he was supposed to feel his entire life.


As much as he doesn’t want it to end, he feels the coil in his gut, ready to snap in the way that only Alex can do for him.


“So fucking tight.” Alex punctuates his words with another thrust, “Just for me, baby.”
"真他妈紧"艾利克斯用另一次插入来结束他的话 "只为我,宝贝"


“Yours.” Henry finds himself saying, feeling delirious with pleasure, “All yours, please .”
"你的"亨利发现自己快乐得神魂颠倒 说道:"都是你的,求你了"


Alex’s hips stutter at his words before he’s pressing in faster, harder, until Henry screams, back arching off the bed as he comes all over himself, untouched.


“Fuck!” Alex snaps, “Jesus Christ, baby. You are so fuck . That’s it. I’m right there, fuck, baby, yes .”


Henry shudders at the warmth of Alex finishing inside of him, leaking out against the bedspread. Henry laughs as Alex collapses on top of him, letting out a harsh breath against his neck.


Fuck, baby.” Alex laughs in return, the vibrations from the action running through Henry’s entire body, “You cannot be real. Am I dead? I have to be dead.”


Henry smacks his back with a snort, “Shut up.”


“I’m serious. Sometimes I think that you killed me that night in your house and this has been a very wonderful dream.”
"我是认真的有时我觉得那晚在你家是你杀了我 这真是个美妙的梦"


Henry rubs a soothing hand down Alex’s back, pressing a soft kiss into his curls, “We should get cleaned up.”


“I don’t wanna move.” Alex mutters petulantly, “You’re comfy and warm.” He feels Alex’s cock twitch inside of him and he did not think he could get going that quickly but God does he want to.


Alex, seemingly sensing his thoughts, smirks against his skin and shifts his hips slightly forward, making Henry whine.
亚历克斯似乎察觉到了他的想法,贴着他的皮肤笑了笑,臀部微微前移,逗得亨利 "呜呜 "直叫。


“Already?” He says, pushing himself up so he’s hovering over him with a wicked grin, “Really?”


“Shut up.” Henry says, clenching around Alex, which makes him gulp audibly, “Are you in or not?”
"闭嘴"亨利说着,紧紧搂住艾利克斯 这让他忍不住咽了咽口水 "你到底干不干?"


“Judging by this, I am definitely in .”


“I hate you.” Henry says, his words interrupted by a groan ripped from his lips as Alex thrusts forward.


“Sure you do, princess.” Alex says, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose, “You want me to stop fucking you then?”
"当然,公主"艾利克斯说,在他的鼻尖上亲了一下 "你想让我停止和你做爱吗?"


Henry slaps a hand against Alex’s shoulderblades, digging his nails in, “Don’t you fucking dare stop.”


“Wouldn’t dream of it.”


Henry lies back, losing himself to the absolute pleasure that only Alex can bring him, thoughts of home and his wife long gone out of the window.

Notes: 备注

This fic is fun, just pure fun.

Next chapter is gonna have some ANGST

So be prepared ;) 请做好准备)
And for anyone reading Five Words In My Head, literally made myself anxious trying to rewrite the latest chapter because it was NOT working with me, so leaving it until tomorrow. I promise you won't be waiting long!!!

Until next time xoxx
下次再见 xoxx