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Passage One

In the centuries that followed, the Christian monks taught the barbarian tribes the value of rule by law in contrast lo their earlier perspective, which had no concept of a territorial state or of justice based on a code of laws. The monasteries provided schools during these centuries. These were the only schools in Western Europe during the Middle Ages. By the 11th and 12th centuries the universities were beginning to develop. The University of Bologna was particularly famous d for the revived study of ancient Roman law.
在随后的几个世纪里,基督教僧侣向野蛮部落传授了法治的价值,这与他们早期的观点形成鲜明对比,后者没有领土国家或基于法典的正义概念。在这些世纪里,修道院提供了学校。这些是中世纪西欧唯一的学校。到了 11 th 世纪 th 和 12 世纪,大学开始发展。博洛尼亚大学以复兴古罗马法研究而闻名。

Another significant step in the development of the idea of rule by law took place with the signing of The Magna Charta in 1215 AD. During the Renaissance The Code of Justinian was rediscovered in the West. However, it included the concept that the one who makes the law is above the law. Thus it supported the absolute right of the king to rule as he pleased. However, when King John of England attempted to use this code of laws as the basis for his ruling by decree, his nobles revolted and forced him to sign The Magna Charta which protected their feudal rights. Here was one more bit of progress in the direction toward rule by law.
公元 1215 年签署《大宪章》后,法治思想发展的另一个重要步骤发生了。在文艺复兴时期,《查士丁尼法典》在西方被重新发现。但是,它包括制定法律的人凌驾于法律之上的概念。因此,它支持国王随心所欲地统治的绝对权利。然而,当英格兰国王约翰试图使用这部法典作为他通过法令进行统治的基础时,他的贵族们反抗并强迫他签署保护他们封建权利的《大宪章》。这是在走向法治方面又取得了一点进展。

Passage Two

One major change in modern Western culture is the loss of the transcendent. No major civilization in human history has ever before risen or existed without a deep sense of the transcendent, in whatever terms the transcendent was conceived. Whether people believed in gods or fate or some philosophical system, there was always something inexplicable and beyond the reach of ordinary experience which provided a background for ordinary life and a basis for ethical values and decisions.

As a result, Western culture has been increasingly secularized. The dominance of theology during the Middle Ages has given way to the modern conception that economics and business, politics and international relations, education and research, the media and communications. Psychology, philosophy and all the other disciplines of the modern university can only be properly understood and practiced if God is left entirely out of consideration. The West now lives in a thoroughly secularized culture.Religion has been pushed off to one side. It is tolerated, but only if it is kept within the boundaries of personal life and does not intrude into the public arena.

Passage Three

During many centuries the architects struggled with this problem of constructing a building that was large enough, The Roman tradition taught them how to build heavy stone walls with very small windows lest the walls lose their strength. On the top of this they then placed a heavy stone roof. But in the twelfth century, after the beginning of the Crusades, when the architects had seen the pointed arches of the Mohammedan builders, the western builders discovered new style which inspired them to make the sort of building which the intense religious life of those days demanded. And then they developed this strange style upon which the Italians bestowed the contemptuous name of Gothic or barbaric. They achieved their purpose by inventing a vaulted roof which was supported by ribs. But such a roof, if it became too heavy. To overcome this difficulty, certain French architects then began to re-enforce the walls with heavy masses of stone against which the walls could lean while they supported the roof. And to assure the further safety of the roof they supported the ribs of the roof by so-called “flying buttresses”.

Passage Four

By the middle of the eighteenth century the music of Europe was in full swing. Then there came forward a man who was greater than all others, a simple organist by the name of Johann Sebastian Bach. In his compositions for every known instrument, from comic songs and popular dances to the most stately of sacred hymns, he laid the foundation for the modern music. When he died in 1750 he was succeeded by Mozart, who created musical fabrics of sheer loveliness which remind us of lace that has been woven out of harmony and rhythm. Then came Ludwig van Beethoven, the most tragic of men, who brought modern orchestra, yet heard none of his greatest compositions because he was deaf, as the result of a cold contracted during his years of poverty.
到十八世纪中叶,欧洲的音乐如火如荼。然后出现了一个比其他人更伟大的人,一个名叫约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫的普通管风琴家。在他为每一种已知乐器创作的作品中,从喜剧歌曲和流行舞蹈到最庄严的神圣赞美诗,他为现代音乐奠定了基础。当他于1750年去世时,莫扎特接替了他,他创造了纯粹可爱的音乐面料,让我们想起了由和谐和节奏编织而成的蕾丝。然后是路德维希·范·贝多芬(Ludwig van Beethoven),他带来了现代管弦乐队,却没有听到他最伟大的作品,因为他在贫困的岁月里患上了感冒,因此耳聋。

Beethoven lived through the period of the French Revolution. Full of hope for a new and glorious day, he had dedicated one of his symphonies to Napoleon. But he lived to regret the hour. When he died in 1827, Napoleon was gone, so was the French Revolution, but the steam engine had come and was filling the world with a sound that had nothing in common with the dreams of The Third Symphony.