The War Within Alchemy Specialization Guide

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Welcome to Wowhead's Khaz Algar Alchemy Khaz Algar Alchemy Specializations Guide. Here you'll find information on the new Specializations in The War Within, a few suggested builds for Alchemy Alchemy Specializations, and information regarding Knowledge Points - all updated with the latest information!
Bienvenido a la guía de especializaciones de Khaz Algar Alchemy alquimia de Khaz Algar de Wowhead. Aquí encontrarás información sobre las nuevas especializaciones de The War Within, algunas configuraciones sugeridas para Alchemy las especializaciones de alquimia e información sobre los puntos de conocimiento, ¡todo actualizado con la información más reciente!

Profession Knowledge Points in The War Within
Puntos de conocimiento de la profesión en La guerra interna

Each Profession has its own Specialization Tree. Crafting profession trees focus on learning new recipes, creating items to improve your crafting, and increasing crafting Secondary Skills, which allow players to create better items. Gathering profession trees improve gathering yields, give better chances of collecting rare items, allow gathering while mounted, and even give one gathering profession a small crafting component. Secondary Skills (Fishing and Cooking) do not have specialization trees.
Cada profesión tiene su propio árbol de especializaciones. La creación de árboles de profesión se centra en aprender nuevas recetas, crear objetos para mejorar tu artesanía y aumentar las habilidades secundarias de fabricación, que permiten a los jugadores crear mejores objetos. La recolección de árboles de profesión mejora el rendimiento de la recolección, brinda mejores posibilidades de recolectar objetos raros, permite recolectar mientras se monta e incluso le da a una profesión de recolección un pequeño componente de artesanía. Las habilidades secundarias (pesca y cocina) no tienen árboles de especialización.

Unlocking Specializations requires a minimum skill level of 25 in that profession. Alchemy unlocks its second Specialization at Skill 50, third at Skill 60, and fourth and final Specialization at Skill 70.You use Knowledge Points earned in various ways to unlock various branches of the Specialization tree.
Para desbloquear especializaciones se requiere un nivel de habilidad mínimo de 25 en esa profesión. Alquimia desbloquea su segunda especialización en la habilidad 50, la tercera en la habilidad 60 y la cuarta y última especialización en la habilidad 70.Usas los puntos de conocimiento obtenidos de varias maneras para desbloquear varias ramas del árbol de especialización.

What are Knowledge Points?
¿Qué son los Puntos de Conocimiento?

Knowledge is a currency that you will acquire during The War Within by completing NPC crafting orders, finding Knowledge Point treasures, and utilizing First Craft bonuses. These points can be spent in your profession's Specialization Trees to improve your crafting ability.
El Conocimiento es una moneda que adquirirás durante The War Within completando órdenes de elaboración de NPC, encontrando tesoros de Puntos de Conocimiento y utilizando bonificaciones de Primera Artesanía. Estos puntos se pueden gastar en los árboles de especialización de tu profesión para mejorar tu habilidad de fabricación.

Knowledge Point changes are permanent! Once you use a Knowledge Point and save your changes, you will not be able to adjust it later.
¡Los cambios en los puntos de conocimiento son permanentes! Una vez que utilice un punto de conocimiento y guarde los cambios, no podrá ajustarlo más adelante.

The way you spend Knowledge is very important. While it is possible to learn everything a Specialization has to offer, this system is meant to take a significant time investment to maximize. Because there is no current way to refund Knowledge, choosing starter builds wisely is crucial.
La forma en que gastas el conocimiento es muy importante. Si bien es posible aprender todo lo que una especialización tiene para ofrecer, este sistema está destinado a requerir una inversión de tiempo significativa para maximizarlo. Debido a que actualmente no hay una forma de reembolsar el conocimiento, es crucial elegir sabiamente las configuraciones iniciales.

Unlearning the profession and then re-acquiring it will not reset or refund spent Knowledge Points. You will get back everything you'd learned through Specialization, as well as any unspent points, although you'll still return to Skill (1) and have to re-learn any recipes.
Desaprender la profesión y volver a adquirirla no se restablecerá ni reembolsará los puntos de conocimiento gastados. Recuperarás todo lo que habías aprendido a través de la especialización, así como los puntos no gastados, aunque aún volverás a la habilidad (1) y tendrás que volver a aprender las recetas.
While Players will eventually be able to completely max out their Specializations on a given Profession, early on in The War Within Crafters will have to choose what they want to focus on primarily. Alchemy Alchemy has a few basic options, which over time can grow into powerhouse Specializations focused on Consumables and Transmutations.
Si bien los jugadores eventualmente podrán maximizar por completo sus especializaciones en una profesión determinada, al principio de La guerra interna, los artesanos tendrán que elegir en qué quieren concentrarse principalmente. Alchemy La alquimia tiene algunas opciones básicas, que con el tiempo pueden convertirse en especializaciones poderosas centradas en consumibles y transmutaciones.

In this guide, we'll cover two possible Alchemy Alchemy Specialization Builds:
En esta guía, hablaremos de dos posibles Alchemy configuraciones de especialización en alquimia:
  • Consumable Specialization - Focusing on Phials, Flasks, and Potions
    Especialización en consumibles: se centra en frascos, frascos y pociones.
  • Transmutation Specialization - Focusing on Transmutes and Daily Cooldowns
    Especialización en transmutación: se centra en las transmutaciones y los tiempos de reutilización diarios.
You may notice that some builds use more Knowledge Points than others - while there will be an initial burst of Knowledge for Alchemists after utilizing the First Craft bonus, things will settle down and points will become scarcer. If you choose a Specialization Build and "finish" it, feel free to start on another!
Es posible que notes que algunas configuraciones usan más puntos de conocimiento que otras: si bien habrá una explosión inicial de conocimiento para los alquimistas después de utilizar la bonificación de la Primera Artesanía, las cosas se calmarán y los puntos se volverán más escasos. Si eliges una configuración de especialización y la "terminas", ¡no dudes en empezar con otra!

Consumables Alchemy Build
Consumibles Construcción de alquimia

When Players think of Alchemy Alchemy, many times they think of Potions, Flasks, and Cauldrons. In and out of combat, Potions can heal you, turn you invisible, raise your speed, and raise your stats, and Flasks provide long-lasting buffs that are important to any group play environment. Phials have now been added to the fray in The War Within, providing a new long-lasting twist on Flasks - instead of buffing combat stats, Phials will focus on Profession stats, allowing for better crafts. This Build assumes that Alchemists will want to prioritize Wild Experimentation to uncover as many recipes as possible and focus on crafting the highest quality consumables they can in the greatest amounts.
Cuando los jugadores piensan en Alchemy alquimia, muchas veces piensan en pociones, frascos y calderos. Dentro y fuera del combate, las pociones pueden curarte, volverte invisible, aumentar tu velocidad y aumentar tus estadísticas, y los frascos proporcionan beneficios duraderos que son importantes para cualquier entorno de juego en grupo. Ahora se han añadido ampollas a la refriega en The War Within, lo que proporciona un nuevo giro duradero a los frascos: en lugar de mejorar las estadísticas de combate, las ampollas se centrarán en las estadísticas de profesión, lo que permitirá mejores artesanías. Esta configuración supone que los alquimistas querrán priorizar la experimentación salvaje para descubrir tantas recetas como sea posible y centrarse en crear consumibles de la más alta calidad que puedan en las mayores cantidades.

As with all The War Within Specialization Builds, this Build focuses on one aspect of a profession's crafting capabilities. Given that Specializations intertwine with each other, you will reach a natural stopping point where adding additional Knowledge points no longer directly benefits the Specialization you are committed to; at that point, you will begin working towards a new Specialization build slightly ahead of the curve due to general skills being learned prior.
Al igual que con todas las configuraciones de especialización de Guerra interna, esta configuración se centra en un aspecto de las capacidades de fabricación de una profesión. Dado que las especializaciones se entrelazan entre sí, llegarás a un punto de parada natural en el que añadir puntos de conocimiento adicionales ya no beneficia directamente a la especialización con la que estás comprometido; en ese momento, comenzarás a trabajar en una nueva configuración de especialización un poco más adelante debido a las habilidades generales que se aprendieron antes.

Knowledge Point Breakdown

  • Initial Choice - Fantastic Flasks Fantastic Flasks vs Potent Potions Potent Potions: The first decision players will make is whether to specialize in Potions or Flasks and Phials first. Given the low amount of investment needed in the Potent Potions Potent Potions tree, we recommend this first, however, it is the user's choice. This guide will assume Potent Potions Potent Potions is the first selected Specialization.
  • 0-15 Potent Potions Potent Potions - We really want to get to our sub-specialization as quickly as possible due to the incredible strength of Multicraft when it comes to creating consumables. We'll fill out the rest of this specialization node soon, but the priority is unlocking Bulk Production Bulk Production as fast as we can.
  • 15-40 Bulk Production Bulk Production - We want to completely fill out this sub-specialization for two reasons. The first is that each skill point invested translates directly to +1 Multicraft (never mind bonuses at designated thresholds). The second is the new Potion Spillover mechanic, granting even more Multicraft when crafting in bulk. This will pay incredible dividends to those focused on creating many potions in one sitting.
  • 40-55 Potent Potions Potent Potions - We're returning to Potent Potions Potent Potions to finish off this node now, earning the recipe for Algari Potion Cauldron Algari Potion Cauldron in the process. This is the first fully completed Specialization tree for us, and it will allow us to have our footing in the market early on.
  • 55-65 Fantastic Flasks Fantastic Flasks - Next, we'll establish our foothold in Flasks and Phials the same way. Begin by spending 10 points here to unlock the first sub-specialization, once more targeting that Multicraft node.
  • 65-90 Bulk Production Bulk Production - Sharing a name with the Potion specialization of the same name, this Bulk Production Bulk Production node is actually even better, making each Knowledge Point equal to a whopping +5 Multicraft. Max this out immediately - it counts for both Flasks and Phials, so if you don't want to focus on Phials right away, you can still get the boost!
  • 90-110 Fantastic Flasks Fantastic Flasks - Back to our parent node, we're finishing this off for the extra Skill we'll receive.
  • 110-160 Alchemical Mastery Alchemical Mastery - It may seem odd to focus entirely on Alchemical Mastery Alchemical Mastery in one go, but the reason behind this is simple: the bonuses from this node apply to all crafts, not just one type, meaning we're triple-dipping for Potions, Flasks, and Phials. This will be a huge boost to our crafting capabilities and will greatly boost the quality of our finished products.
  • 140-385 Remaining Herb and Phial Specializations - At this point, it is the user's choice on how they wish to proceed. If you'd like to get a bit more Multicraft specifically for Phial crafts, then put the immediate next 25 Knowledge Points into Profession Phials Profession Phials, but otherwise you can begin adding points to specific Herb Specializations. Each of these focuses on one particular herb material used in crafting, and will improve outcomes for crafts utilizing that herb in the recipe. If nothing else, we recommend putting 20 Knowledge Points into Mycobloom Lore Mycobloom Lore early, to reduce the risk of failure while experimenting with this herb.
Alchemical Mastery
Master your ability to experiment with the various flora found in Khaz Algar.
Conocimiento necesario: 385
[Alchemy Level]: 0
Blessing Blossom Lore
Fantastic Flasks
Master the arts of flask and phial-crafting using techniques found in Khaz Algar.
Conocimiento necesario: 385
[Alchemy Level]: 0
Profession Phials
Potent Potions
Master the subtle art of potion-making via techniques from Khaz Algar.
Conocimiento necesario: 385
[Alchemy Level]: 0
Potent Potions
Master the art of transmuting materials into other substances.
Conocimiento necesario: 385
[Alchemy Level]: 0

Transmutation Alchemy Build

Transmutations have long been part of Alchemy Alchemy, and that close connection is being explored deeply in The War Within. With a new mechanic in Thaumaturgy being introduced, the overall familiarity with Transmutations remains, however fun new aspects have been introduced - including a pinnacle craft to transmute Blasphemite Blasphemite, a valuable gem that will have implications for Alchemist's interactions with Jewelcrafters.
Las transmutaciones han sido durante mucho tiempo parte de Alchemy la alquimia, y esa estrecha conexión se está explorando profundamente en The War Within. Con la introducción de una nueva mecánica en Taumaturgia, la familiaridad general con las transmutaciones se mantiene, sin embargo, se han introducido nuevos aspectos divertidos, incluida una artesanía cumbre para transmutar Blasphemite Blasfemia, una gema valiosa que tendrá implicaciones para las interacciones de Alchemist con los joyeros.

As with all The War Within Specialization Builds, this Build focuses on one aspect of a profession's crafting capabilities. Given that Specializations intertwine with each other, you will reach a natural stopping point where adding additional Knowledge points no longer directly benefits the Specialization you are committed to; at that point, you will begin working towards a new Specialization build slightly ahead of the curve due to general skills being learned prior.
Al igual que con todas las configuraciones de especialización de Guerra interna, esta configuración se centra en un aspecto de las capacidades de fabricación de una profesión. Dado que las especializaciones se entrelazan entre sí, llegarás a un punto de parada natural en el que añadir puntos de conocimiento adicionales ya no beneficiará directamente a la especialización con la que estás comprometido; en ese momento, comenzarás a trabajar en una nueva configuración de especialización un poco más adelante debido a las habilidades generales que se aprendieron antes.

Knowledge Point Breakdown

  • 0-20 Thaumaturgy Thaumaturgy - You'll start out wanting to put 20 points into Thaumaturgy Thaumaturgy immediately so that we can jump into two sub-specializations at once. We want two because one will select your starting "path," and the other will significantly augment the number of Transmutations you can do almost immediately. For this guide, we will assume your "path" choice is Gleaming Transmutagen Gleaming Transmutagen, as it requires the smallest Knowledge Point investment.
  • 20-20 Gleaming Transmutagen Gleaming Transmutagen and Transmutation Transmutation - We'll be maxing out both of these sub-specializations, but for now, we want to unlock both of them first. Just the act of unlocking - meaning allocating zero Knowledge Points but locking in your sub-specialization choice - will provide two immediate results: we'll increase our maximum Transmutation charges by 2, and we'll be able to begin receiving Gleaming Transmutagen Gleaming Transmutagen as Transmutation by-products.
  • 20-40 Gleaming Transmutagen Gleaming Transmutagen - We now want to max out Gleaming Transmutagen Gleaming Transmutagen as quickly as possible. Our primary goal is to obtain the recipe for Gleaming Glory, which will allow us to transmute Blasphemite Blasphemite.
  • 40-70 Transmutation Transmutation - Our return to Transmutation Transmutation will further increase our Transmutation cap, as well as providing Skill bonuses to our crafts - this node is incredibly valuable!
  • 70-105 Thaumaturgy Thaumaturgy - You'll now want to finish maxing out Thaumaturgy Thaumaturgy, allowing for selection of the final three sub-specializations as well as an overall boost to Transmutation efficiency.
  • 105-180 Ominous Materials Ominous Materials/Volatile Materials Volatile Materials/Mercurial Materials Mercurial Materials - Players can take the remaining three sub-specializations of this tree in any order, as they all provide similar benefits with only minor differences in recipes learned.
  • 180-230 Alchemical Mastery Alchemical Mastery - Finally, we'll want to cap out Alchemical Mastery Alchemical Mastery as the end step of our Transmutation build. Despite fully unlocking the ability to learn all sub-specializations, these do not affect Transmutation, so they can be safely avoided if you're planning to ignore Consumables in favor of the daily cooldowns.
Alchemical Mastery
Master your ability to experiment with the various flora found in Khaz Algar.
Conocimiento necesario: 230
[Alchemy Level]: 0
Blessing Blossom Lore
Fantastic Flasks
Master the arts of flask and phial-crafting using techniques found in Khaz Algar.
Conocimiento necesario: 230
[Alchemy Level]: 0
Fantastic Flasks
Potent Potions
Master the subtle art of potion-making via techniques from Khaz Algar.
Conocimiento necesario: 230
[Alchemy Level]: 0
Potent Potions
Master the art of transmuting materials into other substances.
Conocimiento necesario: 230
[Alchemy Level]: 0

For more Alchemy Alchemy information, take a look at our Alchemy in The War Within Overview as well as our The War Within Alchemy Leveling guides:
Para obtener más Alchemy información sobre la alquimia, echa un vistazo a nuestra descripción general de la alquimia en la guerra interna, así como a nuestras guías de nivelación de la alquimia de la guerra interna:

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