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We live in an age of networked economy where business paradigms and traditional notions of marketing and brand building are under scrutiny, though think tanks around the world have earmarked this as the decade of CMOs.
我們生活在一個網絡經濟時代,商業範式和傳統的營銷和品牌建設觀念受到質疑,儘管全球各地的智庫將這一年定為 CMO 的十年。

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《經濟時報》2024 年石油天然氣年度會議暨博覽會

India’s role in global oil and gas markets is expected to expand substantially, with the energy demand projected to double by 2050, fuelled by strong economic and population growth.
預計印度在全球石油和天然氣市場中的角色將大幅擴大,到 2050 年,由於強勁的經濟增長和人口增長,能源需求預計將翻倍。

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Why are Chinese electric cars in EU crosshairs?

Here's why the Chinese electric vehicle market has raised hackles among European policymakers -- and what impact the move could have.
  • Updated On Jul 5, 2024 at 02:22 PM IST
    2024 年 7 月 5 日下午 02:22 更新 IST
Read by: 100 Industry Professionals
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Beijing: The European Union will impose additional provisional duties of up to 38 percent on Chinese electric cars from Friday after concluding manufacturers in China benefited from unfair state support.
北京:歐盟將於星期五對中國電動汽車徵收高達 38%的額外臨時關稅,因為歐盟認為中國製造商受惠於不公平的國家支持。

Here's why the Chinese electric vehicle market has raised hackles among European policymakers -- and what impact the move could have:

- How did China's EV sector get so strong? -

China has spearheaded a targeted industrial strategy to boost its EV sector, pouring vast state funds into domestic firms as well as research and development.

Between 2014 and the end of 2022, the Chinese government said it had spent more than 200 billion yuan ($28 billion) on subsidies and tax breaks for EV purchases alone.
2014 年至 2022 年底,中國政府表示單單在電動車購買上已花費超過 2000 億元(280 億美元)的補貼和減稅。

The approach has given Chinese firms a critical edge in the race to provide cheaper, more efficient EVs over leading European automakers, which have not always enjoyed such state largesse.

They have also been boosted by surging domestic demand: Of all new EVs sold globally in December last year, 69 percent were in China, according to the research firm Rystad Energy.
他們還受到國內需求激增的推動:根據研究公司 Rystad Energy 的數據,去年十二月全球新銷售的電動車中,有 69%在中國。

Exports are soaring. According to the Atlantic Council, Chinese sales of EVs abroad rose 70 percent in 2023, reaching $34.1 billion.
出口量飆升。根據大西洋理事會的報告,2023 年中國對外銷售的電動車增長了 70%,達到 341 億美元。

Almost 40 percent went to the European Union, the largest recipient of Chinese EVs.
近 40%的中國電動車出口到歐盟,是中國電動車的最大出口目的地。

The EU market share of Chinese-made EVs climbed from around three percent to more than 20 percent in the past three years, according to the European Automobile Manufacturers' Association.
中國製造的電動汽車在過去三年中的歐盟市場份額從約 3%上升至超過 20%,根據歐洲汽車製造商協會。

continued below
- Who are the key players? -
- 關鍵人物是誰? -

The overwhelming market leader from China is BYD, which this year posted record annual profits for 2023 and says it aims to be among the top five car companies in Europe.
中國壟斷市場的領導者是比亞迪(BYD),今年實現了 2023 年的歷史性年度利潤,並表示其目標是成為歐洲前五大汽車公司之一。

Last year, it became the first manufacturer to pass the five million milestone in terms of hybrids and all-electric vehicles produced, cumulatively -- crowning itself as "the world's leading manufacturer of new energy vehicles".
去年,它成為第一家在混合動力和全電動車生產方面突破五百萬里程碑的製造商,累計生產量 -- 成為“全球領先的新能源汽車製造商”。

Among the other top Chinese EV makers exporting to Europe are SAIC, MG Motor and Polestar -- owned by Volvo and its Chinese parent firm Geely -- according to state media.
根據官方媒體報導,另外一些主要的中國電動車製造商出口到歐洲的有上汽、MG 汽車和極星,極星是富豪和其中國母公司吉利旗下的品牌。

- Why is the EU worried? -
- 歐盟為什麼擔心? -

The surge in exports has allowed Chinese firms to rapidly increase their share of the EU market for EVs.

The EU has now concluded that Chinese manufacturers benefited from "unfair subsidisation, which is causing a threat of economic injury" to European automakers.

But there is also dissent within the EU -- Germany, a major trade partner whose car market is heavily reliant on China, warned tariffs would harm German companies.

The EU will now impose provisional duties between 20 and 38 percent on top of the current 10 percent tariff on Chinese electric cars.
歐盟現在將對中國電動汽車目前的 10%關稅徵收 20%至 38%的臨時關稅。

Definitive duties will take effect in November for a period of five years, pending a vote by the EU's 27 states.
明確的關稅將於 11 月生效,為期五年,待歐盟 27 個成員國投票通過。

- How has Beijing reacted? -

Beijing has yet to react but a Chinese trade group condemned the bloc's "protectionism".

China has already bared its teeth however, kickstarting an anti-dumping investigation into pork imports from the EU, threatening Spanish exports.

In January, China launched an anti-dumping investigation into brandy imported from the EU, in a move seen as targeting France, which had pushed for the commission's probe.

Beijing said in June it "reserves the right" to file a case with the World Trade Organization over the EU tariffs.

- How have car manufacturers reacted? -

Since the EU's move will impact all Chinese-made electric cars, Tesla's Model 3, the electric Mini, and the Volvo EX40 are also among the vehicles that will face higher duties.
由於歐盟的舉措將影響所有中國製造的電動汽車,特斯拉的 Model 3、電動 Mini 和沃爾沃 EX40 也將面臨更高的關稅。

A Tesla spokesperson said prices for the Model 3 -- the number three in electric car sales in Europe -- should increase "in the short term".
特斯拉發言人表示,歐洲電動車銷售排名第三的 Model 3 價格應該會在短期內上漲。

China's electric car makers Nio and XPeng told AFP they had no plans to quit the European market after the announcement.

Meanwhile, MG France said it already imported 2,600 electric vehicles from China that have cleared customs.
與此同時,MG 法國表示已從中國進口了 2600 輛已通過海關的電動車。

- What impact will the tariffs have? -
- 關稅將會有什麼影響? -

Germany's Kiel Institute for the World Economy, alongside Austrian institutes, predicted the higher taxes will reduce vehicle imports from China by 42 percent.
德國基爾世界經濟研究所與奧地利研究機構預測,更高的稅收將使中國汽車進口減少 42%。

Electric car prices could rise by an average of 0.3 to 0.9 percent in the EU, they added.
電動車價格可能在歐盟上漲平均 0.3 至 0.9%。

Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the China Passenger Car Association, said costs for Chinese exporters of EVs and EU consumers would increase, and the duties would also hit the bloc's energy conservation and green development goals.

  • Published On Jul 5, 2024 at 02:18 PM IST
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View: Indian banks know climate is their biggest threat

​​ While they downplayed the usual concerns — asset quality, interest rate risk, capital outflows — one particular threat loomed larger than ever before: climate change.
  • Updated On Jul 5, 2024 at 02:15 PM IST
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Twice a year, the Reserve Bank of India reviews the stability of the country’s financial system. Its latest report made for good headlines: The proportion of loans that have gone sour is at a multiyear low, and likely to decline further.

But buried in the report is a warning from the very institutions the central bank is charged with regulating. Market participants responded to a survey asking what they saw as the biggest contributors to systemic risk.

While they downplayed the usual concerns — asset quality, interest rate risk, capital outflows — one particular threat loomed larger than ever before: climate change. In fact, respondents named it for the first time as the greatest source of systemic risk to the Indian financial system.

They’re not wrong to worry. It isn’t just that India, according to the Network for Greening the Financial System, will see sharply lower growth unless temperature rises are controlled. That growth will be more variable and subject to sharper shocks, including those from weird weather and delayed monsoons. This worries the country’s financial arteries; so does the uncertain fate of sectors such as construction, cement and energy, to which they are deeply exposed.

Indian regulators have been slow to respond. It wasn’t until earlier this year that the RBI finally released a draft framework that would require financial institutions to devise and disclose their strategies to mitigate climate-related risk. Even then, the timeline for adopting the new rules was exceedingly generous. For regular Indian banks, they will only fully come into force for the financial year that ends in March 2028.

continued below
What explains the lethargy? Part of the problem is no doubt the bureaucratic inertia that bedevils all policymaking in India. Regulators are scared of stepping on each other’s toes, and on the government’s.

Nobody is sure, for example, who will eventually have the last word on what counts as “green” investment. The securities market regulator moved first to define a taxonomy and a reporting framework for large publicly traded companies. The finance ministry in New Delhi would naturally prefer that any such taxonomy be decided centrally.

An inter-departmental task force, with various regulators and ministries represented, is supposedly working on definitions. But it was set up in 2021, and nothing has as yet been decided.

At the same time, regulators may be too focused on reinventing the wheel. India’s markets are large enough, and its problems pressing enough, that policymakers here generally believe they have little to learn from attempts made elsewhere to solve the same challenges.

This is short-sighted, especially when it comes to financial regulation. Whether a taxonomy or disclosure requirements or climate stress tests, transparent criteria that align with those in use elsewhere are helpful — at least, if you want global investors to understand and trust your standards.

Regulators might be more motivated to push through disclosures and restrictions — such as, for example, tagging specific loans as being at risk in the green transition — if they thought such transparency would attract greater investment.

Unfortunately, Indian policymakers no longer entirely believe promises that a greener financial system will allow the country to access pools of sustainable finance globally. India launched a sovereign green bond in 2023. It didn’t sell at much of a premium and was mostly taken up by domestic investors; interest from foreigners seemed low. The RBI canceled the sale of a second tranche scheduled for this year.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, there may be an unspoken fear of what a more stringent examination of climate risk might reveal.

The RBI released the results of a preliminary set of climate stress tests in 2023. They found that India’s vast network of public sector banks was particularly vulnerable.

While it’s not exactly clear why — more granular tests have been promised but not conducted yet — the fact is that many of India’s banks have lent heavily in the past to the energy sector. Data from last year showed that banks, even in the public sector, are now balking at financing new coal-fired power plants. That suggests they worry they are overexposed to the sector. (Renewables haven’t faced the same problems.)

Five years ago, Indian regulators may have been blissfully unaware that climate change posed macro-economic risks. They no longer have that excuse. The very report that identified climate change as a major problem also listed, in exhaustive detail, how other central banks and regulators are responding. The roadmap is there — India just needs to pick up the pace.
  • Published On Jul 5, 2024 at 02:12 PM IST
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Germany gives apartment-dwellers legal right to solar power

"The right to harvest solar power is thus legally enshrined. This is tangible climate protection and is likely to further increase acceptance of the energy transition," Carsten Kornig, the head of the BSW solar power association, said in a statement.
  • Updated On Jul 5, 2024 at 02:11 PM IST
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BERLIN: Germany's lower house of parliament has passed legal amendments allowing apartment owners and tenants to install solar systems on their balconies, as the country seeks to increase uptake of the energy form.

The reforms, passed late on Thursday, allow what is referred to as a "privileged measure" in rental and property ownership law to allow plug-in solar devices, making it difficult for landlords and apartment-owner associations to block their installation without an exceptional justification.

"The right to harvest solar power is thus legally enshrined. This is tangible climate protection and is likely to further increase acceptance of the energy transition," Carsten Kornig, the head of the BSW solar power association, said in a statement.

The changes are likely to have a particular impact in a country where more than half of the population live in rented accommodation and to help the capital Berlin achieve its goal of covering 80% of energy needs from renewable energy by 2030.

They will apply to systems with a capacity of up to 2,000 watts that are frequently used to reduce households electricity bills, the economy ministry said, adding there would be no immediate need to change electricity meters.

Following the energy price surge that followed Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine and the ending of Germany's dependency on Russian gas, Germany has increasingly turned to renewables.

Demand for balcony solar systems, which typically cost between 500 and 1,500 euros ($541.25 and $1,623.75), surged last year. Some 550,000 devices are in operation, half of which were installed in 2023, data from the BSW solar power association showed.

  • Published On Jul 5, 2024 at 02:06 PM IST
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