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 Tropical Fruit Pineapple Industry: Cost-Benefit Analysis and Financial Transparency

  Planner Table of Contents

 I. Project overview

  1.  Project Background
  2.  Purpose and significance of the project
  3.  Project Scope and Objectives

 II. Analysis of the current state of the industry

  1.  Overview of the Global Pollock Industry
  2.  Development history of the domestic drop-rope industry
  3.  Status of domestic spinach industry
  •  Planted area and production
 I. Distribution of major producing areas
  •  Variety and quality status
 I Market and Consumption Trends

 III. Market analysis and forecasting

  1.  Analysis of domestic and international market demand
  2.  Consumer Preferences and Market Segmentation
  3.  Competitive environment and major competitors
  4.  Market Trend Forecast
 IV. Cost-benefit analysis
  1.  Planting cost analysis
 I Land costs
 Cost of a seedling and fertilizer
  •  labor cost
  1.  Processing and distribution cost analysis
  2.  Sales and Marketing Cost Analysis
  3.  Integrated cost-benefit assessment
 V. Strategies for improving financial transparency
  1.  Financial management system construction
  2.  Financial reporting and auditing system
  3.  Publicity and disclosure of financial information
  4.  Investor Relations Management

 VI. Risk assessment and response

  1.  Market risks and countermeasures
  2.  Technology risks and responses
  3.  Policy and Regulatory Risks and Responses
  4.  Financial risk and countermeasures

 VII. Implementation plan and timetable

  1.  Short-term action plan (1-2 years)
  2.  Medium-term action plan (3-5 years)
  3.  Long-term action plan (more than 5 years)
  4.  Key milestones and timelines

 VIII. Investment and financing plan

  1.  Analysis of investment requirements
  2.  Financing Channels and Strategies
  3.  Return on investment forecasting and analysis

 IX. Sustainable development and social responsibility

  1.  Environmental protection and ecological planting
  2.  Social Responsibility and Industrial Poverty Alleviation
  3.  Long-term sustainable development strategy

 x. conclusions and recommendations

  1.  Project feasibility and prospects
  2.  Policy recommendations and industry guidance
  3.  Investment Recommendations and Market Strategies

 I. Project overview

 1. Project background

As a representative of tropical fruits, pineapple has an important economic value and market status in the world, especially in tropical regions. As one of the major pineapple producers, China has favorable climate conditions and broad market potential. However, in the face of the increasingly fierce competition in the international market and the improvement of consumers' demand for quality, China's pineapple industry urgently needs to enhance its competitiveness and sustainable development through cost-benefit analysis and financial transparency.

 2. Purpose and significance of the project

Purpose: This project aims to analyze the cost structure of the pineapple industry, explore strategies to reduce costs and improve industrial efficiency, and establish a more transparent and standardized financial management system to enhance the confidence of investors and consumers and promote the healthy development of the industry.

Significance: The project is not only of great significance in improving the economic efficiency of China's pineapple industry, but also helps to promote the modernization of agriculture, enhance the profitability of farmers, promote the development of the regional economy, and at the same time responds to the national strategic plan of upgrading the agricultural industry and revitalizing the countryside.
  1.  Project Scope and Objectives

Scope: The project covers the entire chain of the pineapple industry, including cultivation, processing, distribution, marketing and related services and support activities.


Cost-benefit analysis: Completing a comprehensive analysis of the costs of each segment of the pineapple industry and identifying potential areas for cost savings. Financial Transparency Enhancement: Establish standardized financial management processes, and achieve standardized and regular disclosure of financial reports. Risk management: assess potential risks in the development of the industry and formulate corresponding risk management and response measures.

Enhancement of market competitiveness: Enhance the market competitiveness of the pineapple industry through cost control and quality improvement.

Sustainable development: Ensure that industrial development is integrated with environmental protection and promote the long-term sustainable development of the industry.

Social Responsibility: Realize social responsibility by driving local economic growth and improving the living standard of farmers through industrial development.

 II. Analysis of the current state of the industry

  1.  Overview of the global pineapple industry

As the third largest tropical fruit in the world, pineapple has a wide cultivation and consumption base worldwide. The global pineapple industry is mainly concentrated in Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Brazil and other countries, which have become the main supply areas of pineapple in the world due to their favorable climatic conditions and low production costs. With the development of global trade, pineapple and its processed products are circulated more and more frequently around the world, and the market demand continues to grow.

 2. Development history of the domestic pineapple industry

China's pineapple industry started late, but after years of development, it has formed a certain industrial scale. Especially since the reform and opening up, with the development of market economy and the adjustment of agricultural structure, pineapple industry has been developed rapidly. The planting area has been expanding, the varieties have been enriched, the industrial chain has been gradually improved, and the market consumption has been increasing year by year.
  1.  Status of domestic pineapple industry

 - Planted area and production

In 2021, China's pineapple production was 1.886 million tons, and in 2022, it is expected to produce about 2 million tons. China's pineapple production

The amount of pineapple production accounts for of the global total, showing the huge scale of China's pineapple industry.

 - Distribution of major production areas

The main production areas of pineapple in China are concentrated in Guangdong, Hainan, Yunnan, Guangxi and Fujian provinces and regions. Among them, the pineapple production in Guangdong Province accounts for of the national total production, Hainan Province accounts for , Yunnan Province accounts for , and the production in Guangxi and Fujian is less.

 - Variety and quality status

Currently, the main pineapple variety in China is "Bali", which accounts for about 76% of the total planted area. The planted area of other varieties, such as "Tainong 16", "Tainong 17" and "Golden Pineapple", is also increasing year by year. Nevertheless, the variety structure is relatively single, and the market competitiveness of some varieties needs to be improved.

 - Market and consumer trends

Pineapple consumption is based on fresh fruit, and processed products such as juice, dried fruit, jam and canned food also have a certain market share. With the increase of consumers' demand for healthy food, the demand for high quality pineapple and its processed products is on the rise. In addition, the rise of e-commerce platforms has provided new channels for pineapple sales, and the market consumption pattern is becoming more and more diversified.

 III. Market analysis and forecasting

  1.  Analysis of domestic and international market demand

 Analysis of international market demand

Global Cultivation and Distribution: Pineapple is cultivated in about 90 countries and regions around the world, mainly in the tropical and subtropical areas between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Cancer.

Major producers: Costa Rica, the Philippines, and Thailand are major producers of pineapples, with Costa Rica exporting $1 million worth of pineapples to the world in 2021.

 I. Analysis of domestic market demand

Planting area and production: China's pineapple planting area of about 1 million mu, production of about 1.65 million tons, Guangdong Province and Hainan Province is the main pineapple production area, the two provinces accounted for of the total national production.

Consumption: Domestic pineapple consumption is mainly fresh fruit, and processed products include juice, dried fruit, jam and canned food. 2014-2018, domestic pineapple consumption increased from 1.34 million tons to 1.66 million tons, with an average annual growth rate of .

Market polarization: There is an oversupply and undersupply in the domestic market, the price of traditional "Bali" pineapple fluctuates greatly, while the price of "Tainung" series is more stable.

Import growth: domestic pineapple consumption continues to grow, the supply of high-quality pineapple is insufficient, leading to rapid growth in import trade, the main source of imports for the Philippines.

Brands and varieties: domestic market demand for pineapple varieties gradually diversified, golden pineapple, Tainung and other varieties of consumption growth is obvious, Bali pineapple prices may continue to fluctuate at a low level.
  1.  Development history of domestic pineapple industry

Cultivation area and production: China's pineapple cultivation area is about 1 million mu, and the production is about 1.65 million tons, accounting for about 7% of the world total. Guangdong Province and Hainan Province are the main pineapple production areas, and the two provinces account for of the total national production.

Variety structure: The main variety is "Bali", which accounts for about of the total pineapple area in China. However, the area planted with high-quality varieties such as "Tainung 16", "Tainung 17" and "Golden Pineapple" has been increasing year by year.

Consumption Market: Domestic pineapple consumption is mainly based on fresh fruit, and processed products include juice, dried fruit, jam and canned food. Consumption increased from 1.34 million tons in 2014 to 1.66 million tons in 2018, showing a trend of average annual growth .

Market polarization: The domestic market is characterized by oversupply and undersupply, leading to price fluctuations. The traditional "Bali" pineapple wholesale market price is around 1-1.2 Yuan/catty, while the "Tainong" series wholesale market price is around 2-2.5 Yuan/catty. Processing industry: The development of pineapple processing industry is slow, mainly due to resource and cost constraints. Pineapple waste recycling and other deep-processing industries.

  It has the potential to be used in future markets.

International trade: pineapple international trade to fresh fruit imports, imports of faster growth, the main source of imports of the Philippines.

Problems of the industry: The main problems faced by the industry include a single variety structure, an unsound planting technology research and promotion system, and a low level of processing and planting mechanization.

Policy Recommendations: Policy recommendations include optimizing variety structure, standardizing planting techniques, upgrading pineapple quality, optimizing regional public branding, guiding pineapple industry informatization and mechanization, and making good use of "two resources and two markets".

Industrial poverty alleviation: The pineapple industry plays a role in poverty alleviation, adopting the business model of "Company + Base + Farmers", relying on the industry to realize an increase in income.
  1.  Competitive environment and major competitors

 Global Competitive Environment.

Pineapples are grown in about 90 countries and regions around the world, creating a diverse and competitive market environment.

Major pineapple producing countries include China, Thailand, Philippines, Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil and India. China

 Competitive Environment.

China's pineapple industry is developing steadily. In 2021, China's pineapple production was 1.886 million tons, accounting for of the global pineapple production. China's pineapple industry is mainly located in the provinces of Guangdong, Hainan, Yunnan, Guangxi and Fujian, with Guangdong and Hainan accounting for more than of the total national production.

 Key Competitors.

In the international market, China, Thailand and the Philippines are the major competitors for pineapple production.

Thailand and the Philippines, with their mature pineapple industry and brand advantages, have become important market competitors.

Central American countries such as Mexico and Costa Rica have also become important players in the global pineapple market due to their favorable climatic conditions.

 Competitive Strategy.

China's pineapple industry has adopted a variety of strategies to enhance its competitiveness, including variety optimization, planting technology standardization, quality improvement, branding, information technology and mechanization guidance.

 Market barriers and degree of competition.

The pineapple market is seasonal and cyclical, while market barriers, including market entry and growth thresholds, affect the entry of new competitors.

The market concentration analysis shows the degree of competition and the market influence of major players in the China pineapple market.

 Market Opportunities and Challenges.

China's pineapple industry faces opportunities to improve quality, optimize variety structure, enhance brand influence and expand domestic and international markets. At the same time, it is also facing challenges such as the risk of cost growth, the risk of labor shortage and price competition in the international market.
  1.  Market Trend Forecast

Production and planting area: It is expected that the planting area of pineapple in China will remain stable at around 1 million mu, with the main planting areas focusing on the two dominant regions of Hainan and Guangdong. In 2021, the production of pineapple in China was 1.886 million tons, accounting for of the global pineapple production, and it is expected that the production in 2022 will be around 2 million tons.

Variety optimization: Although Bali varieties are still dominant, the acreage of quality varieties such as the Tainung series is expected to expand each year, and these changes are likely to be led by enterprises and cooperatives.

Consumption Trend: Pineapple consumption is expected to continue to be based on fresh fruit, but with the increase in consumer demand for health food, deep-processed products such as juices, dried fruits, jams and canned products also have a certain market potential.

Market Price: Pineapple market price may fluctuate seasonally, but the overall trend is stable to decreasing, especially for Bali varieties. High-quality pineapples such as the Tainung series may maintain a more stable market price.

Processing and distribution: The pineapple processing industry has been developing slowly, mainly due to resource and cost constraints. It is expected that pineapple consumption in the future will still be based on fresh fruit.

The main focus is on pineapple waste recycling, but further processing industries such as pineapple waste recycling are expected to be promoted.

Import and export situation: international trade of pineapple is mainly based on the import of fresh fruits, with a rapid growth in import volume, and the main import source country is the Philippines. The main export target country is Russia, and canned pineapple is mainly exported to the United States.

Competition and Market Risks: The domestic market is likely to continue to polarize, with high quality varieties such as Golden Pineapple and Tainan growing significantly in consumption, while traditional Bali varieties may face price volatility and market pressure.

Policy and Investment Recommendations: Policy recommendations include optimizing variety structure, upgrading pineapple quality, guiding industry informationization and mechanization, and utilizing international resources and markets. The investment strategy planning report may include specific analysis of the pineapple industry's development environment and market operation status, as well as assessment of future investment opportunities and risks.

Regional Development: The report focuses on the key regions of North, Central, South and East China, analyzing the current status of pineapple industry development and policy trends in each region, as well as factors hindering the development of the pineapple industry in the region.

Competition: Competition among the major players in the market, as well as analysis of market concentration, will influence the competitive landscape of the market in the future.

 IV. Cost-benefit analysis

  1.  Planting cost analysis
  •  land cost

Acquisition of land: If land needs to be purchased, this will be a large one-time expense.

Land Lease: If you choose to lease land, you will need to calculate the annual lease fee.

LAND AMENDMENT: Land suitable for pineapple growth may require specific soil amendments.
  •  Seedling and fertilizer costs

Pineapple seedlings: The cost of purchasing or propagating pineapple seedlings, which may include buying seedlings outright or splitting them from mature plants. Organic fertilizers: Such as compost, animal manure, etc., used to improve soil fertility.

Fertilizers: Including nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers, applied according to the needs of the pineapple growth cycle.
  •  labor cost

Daily management: includes labor costs for field management such as weeding, watering, and fertilizing.
 Planting and harvesting: labor costs for pineapple planting and harvesting.
  •  Equipment and machinery costs
 Agricultural machinery: e.g. tractors, rototillers, automatic sprinkler systems, etc.
 HARVESTING EQUIPMENT: Pineapple harvesting may require special tools or machinery.
 I Transportation and storage costs

Transportation costs: The cost of transporting pineapples from the farm to markets or storage facilities.

Storage Costs: Pineapples may require refrigeration or other storage conditions to maintain freshness prior to sale.
 2 Processed volumes and products.

China's pineapple processing accounted for about 10% of the total production, the main processed products are canned pineapple, indicating that the processing volume is relatively small.

Labor dependency: Pineapple processing is highly dependent on labor, with a fruit utilization rate of about , which increases processing costs.

Distribution of processing plants: Pineapple processing plants are mainly concentrated in Guangdong and Guangxi Provinces, which may be related to the higher production of pineapple in these areas.

Circulation: Pineapple distribution is traditional, mainly relying on traditional channels, e-commerce platform as an emerging marketing channel is gradually developing.

Stocks: Stocks are low, with only a small amount supplied to the restaurant industry for use as a supplementary ingredient after frozen storage, which may mean that most pineapples go directly to the market for fresh sale, reducing the cost of stocking.

Market price fluctuations: Pineapple market price has seasonal cycle fluctuations, affected by weather and market demand, price fluctuations may affect the distribution costs.

Cost and Benefits: Pineapple planting costs vary greatly depending on the land rent, business entity, planting techniques and varieties. New Pineapple

The cost of annual cultivation is about RMB 6,500-8,000/mu, while the cost of continuous cultivation (retaining seedlings) is about RMB 3,400-5200/mu.
  1.  Cost analysis of sales and marketing of pineapples

Distribution channel cost: The distribution of pineapple is mainly categorized into traditional channels and e-commerce platform marketing channels. Traditional channels, as the main distribution method, may involve transportation, warehousing and distribution costs. E-commerce platforms may involve costs such as platform usage fees, online marketing, and logistics and distribution.

Branding costs: In order to enhance the competitiveness of pineapples in the market, pineapple brands need to be built and publicized. This may include advertising, branding activities, participation in exhibitions, etc., all of which will incur certain costs.

Marketing activities: The government and enterprises may organize marketing activities, such as production and marketing matching sessions, inviting professional buyers to visit the market, and providing accommodation concessions, to promote pineapple sales. These activities will incur organizational costs, publicity costs and possible subsidy costs. Cooperation with e-commerce platforms: With the development of e-commerce, pineapple sales are gradually shifting to online. Cooperation with e-commerce platforms may involve platform service fees, online advertising fees, and promotional activities.

Cost of marketing strategies: In order to meet market demand, pineapple marketing has adopted diversified strategies, such as the promotion of fresh-cut pineapples, which involves processing costs, cold-chain logistics costs, as well as related market education and consumer guidance costs.

Optimization of regional public branding: Improvement of pineapple quality through the implementation of a regional pineapple branding project, which may involve the cost of establishing a quality control standard system, publicity costs, etc.

Industry informatization and mechanization: establish pineapple industry informatization service platform and monitoring and early warning system, as well as research and development of pineapple planting and processing machinery, which require preliminary R & D investment and later operation and maintenance costs.

International marketing: For exported pineapples, it is also necessary to consider the costs of international marketing, such as tariffs, international transportation costs, and market research costs.

Market price fluctuations: Market price fluctuations may affect the cost of sales strategies and promotional activities, such as the need to increase promotional efforts when prices are low, thus increasing costs.

Risk management: As a result of increases in cultivation costs and the risk of labor shortages, more resources may need to be invested in risk management and countermeasures, which will also incur costs.
  1.  Comprehensive cost-benefit assessment of pineapple

Planting cost: Pineapple planting cost is affected by factors such as land rent, management body, planting technology and varieties, and varies greatly. The cost of new pineapple planting is about RMB 6,500-8,000/mu, while the cost of continuous cultivation is about RMB 3,400-5200/mu.

Planting yield: Pineapple yield varies greatly from 4000-8000 kg/mu. The commercialization rate of Bali pineapple can reach , and the cost-benefit equilibrium point is about 0.7-1.0 yuan/catty, with a revenue of about 1400 yuan/mu.

Market price: Traditional Bali pineapple wholesale market price is 1-1.2 Yuan/catty, while Tainong series wholesale market price is 2-2.5 Yuan/catty, which is more stable. The fluctuation of market price has a significant impact on growers' income.

Processing and distribution costs: Pineapple processing accounts for about of the total output, the main product is canned pineapple, the processing process is highly dependent on labor, and the fruit utilization rate is about 50%. Distribution is still dominated by traditional channels, while e-commerce platform is developing as a new channel.

Branding: The domestic pineapple industry is dominated by small and scattered growers, and the branding benefit is not fully realized.

Mechanization and standardization: There are difficulties in standardization and mechanization of pineapple planting, affecting planting efficiency and cost control. The promotion of new varieties suitable for processing, storage and transportation, and standardized planting techniques is the key to improve efficiency.

Import and export: China's international trade in pineapple to fresh fruit imports, imports are growing rapidly, the main source of imports for the Philippines.

Policy Recommendations: Policy recommendations include optimizing variety structure, improving pineapple quality, guiding industry informationization and mechanization, and making good use of international resources and markets.

Risk Analysis: Cost growth risk and labor shortage risk are the main issues facing the pineapple industry.

Prospect: It is expected that the pineapple planting area will remain stable, and the variety structure will be gradually optimized.

 V. Strategies for improving financial transparency

  1.  Financial management system construction

The establishment of a comprehensive and efficient financial management system is the basis for enhancing financial transparency. The system should include, but not be limited to, the following.

Standardized accounting processes: Establishment of uniform accounting policies and procedures to ensure that all financial activities are recorded and reported in accordance with established rules.

Internal control system: Establish internal control mechanisms, including approval process, authority setting, supervision and inspection, etc., to prevent financial fraud and errors.

Training of finance staff: Regular training of finance staff to enhance their professional competence and knowledge of the latest financial rules.
  1.  Financial reporting and auditing system

Regular Financial Reporting: Prepare and submit financial statements on a regular basis, including balance sheets, income statements and cash flow statements. Independent Audit: An independent third-party auditor is hired to conduct annual audits to ensure the authenticity and reliability of financial reports.

Tax Compliance: Ensure that all tax declarations and payments comply with national tax laws to avoid tax risks.
  1.  Publicity and disclosure of financial information

Information disclosure policy: Develop a transparent financial information disclosure policy that specifies the scope, content and frequency of disclosure.

Disclosure Channels: Financial information is disclosed to the public and investors through the company's website, press conferences, and annual reports.

Stakeholder communication: Establish a regular communication mechanism with stakeholders such as investors, consumers, suppliers, etc. to provide necessary financial information.

 4. Investor relations management

Investor Relations Strategy: Develop a clear investor relations management strategy to enhance investors' understanding of and trust in the company's financial condition.

Investor Meetings: Regular investor meetings, including annual general meetings and quarterly results presentations, are held to communicate the company's financial status and development plans in a timely manner.

Crisis communication: In the face of market volatility or unfavorable theories, communicate with investors in a timely manner to explain the situation and take steps to stabilize market confidence.

 VI. Risk assessment and response

  1.  Market Risks and Responses.

Risks: The pineapple market is characterized by a combination of oversupply and undersupply, resulting in high price volatility. Competition in the international market is fierce, especially from the Philippines and other ASEAN countries, which puts pressure on the domestic market.

Countermeasures: Diversify market channels and develop new sales modes such as e-commerce platforms. Implement brand strategy, improve the quality of pineapple, establish and promote regional public brand. Adjust the variety structure, develop diversified planting, and reduce the market risk.
  1.  Technology Risks and Responses.

Risks: Inadequate planting technology research and promotion system, insufficient supply of processing industry, low level of mechanization, affecting the overall competitiveness of the industry. Countermeasures: Strengthen technology research and development, and promote high-yield and high-quality pineapple planting technology. Encourage the use of modern agricultural machinery to improve planting efficiency. Increase the research and development of pineapple deep-processing technology to enhance the added value of products.
  1.  Policy and Regulatory Risks and Responses.

Risks: Domestic and foreign policy changes may affect the pineapple industry's import and export trade, such as tariff adjustments and trade barriers.

Countermeasures: Pay close attention to domestic and foreign policy trends and adjust market strategies in time. Utilize policy advantages such as free trade agreements to expand export markets. Strengthen communication with governmental departments to seek policy support and subsidies.
  1.  Financial Risks and Responses.

Risks: Rising planting costs, especially land rent, fertilizers, pesticides, labor and other costs, and fluctuations in market prices, affecting farmers' willingness to plant and the profitability of the industry.

Countermeasures: Establish risk funds to provide price protection and income insurance for farmers. Promote the cooperative model to realize large-scale operation and reduce unit costs. Strengthen financial management and risk control to improve the efficiency of capital utilization.

 VII. Implementation plan and timetable

  1.  Short-term action plan (1-2 years)

 I. Short-term action plan for cost-benefit analysis

  1.  Data Collection and Research (Year 1)
 first quarter (of financial year)
 Design a data collection template and research questionnaire.

Establish contact with pineapple growers, processors, and sellers, and initiate research.
 second quarter (of financial year)
 Completed field research in major pineapple-producing areas to collect cost data.

Analyze market data and forecast pineapple prices for the coming year .
 third quarter (of financial year)

Compile and analyze research data to form a preliminary cost-benefit analysis report.
 fourth quarter (of financial year)
 Based on the results of the report, a preliminary cost containment strategy will be developed.
  1.  Implementation of Cost Control and Efficiency Improvement Strategies (Year 2)
 first quarter (of financial year)
 Discuss cost control strategies with key players in each segment of the chain.

Identify and implement the first cost-control measures, such as optimizing cultivation techniques and improving processing efficiency.
 second quarter (of financial year)
 Monitor the effectiveness of cost control measures and adjust strategies.
 Started exploring new sales channels and markets to improve sales effectiveness.
 third quarter (of financial year)

Conduct a midterm assessment of cost containment and efficiency gains to summarize lessons learned.
 Based on the results of the evaluation, adjust the strategy and continue to implement it.
 fourth quarter (of financial year)

Completion of the annual summary of cost control and efficiency improvement strategies, and development of the next year's plan.

 I. Short-term action plan on financial transparency

  1. Financial Disclosure System and Platform Development (Year 1)
 first quarter (of financial year)

Formulation of financial disclosure system and norms, clear disclosure content, frequency and channels.

Starting to build a financial disclosure platform, such as an official website or a dedicated APP.
 second quarter (of financial year)
  Completion of the initial set-up and testing of the financial disclosure platform.

Train financial officers at all stages of the pineapple chain in the financial disclosure system.
 third quarter (of financial year)
 Began publishing financial information on the pineapple industry on the Financial Disclosure Platform.
 Gather user feedback and optimize platform functionality and user experience.
 fourth quarter (of financial year)

Evaluate the effectiveness of the financial disclosure platform and draw lessons learned.

  1. Establishment of internal control and audit mechanisms (2nd year)
 first quarter (of financial year)

Strengthen the internal control of each link in the pineapple industry chain, and formulate detailed financial operation procedures and norms.
 Establishment of a financial audit mechanism to determine the periodicity and content of audits.
 second quarter (of financial year)

Commencement of regular financial audits to ensure the veracity and accuracy of financial data.

The results of the audits are analyzed to identify potential problems and propose measures for improvement.
 third quarter (of financial year)

Based on the audit results, adjust the internal control measures and optimize the financial operation process.
 Enhance communication and cooperation with auditing organizations to improve the effectiveness of audits.
 fourth quarter (of financial year)

Summarize the establishment and implementation of the internal control and audit mechanism and formulate a plan for the next year.

The short-term action plan is intended to provide a solid foundation for cost-benefit analysis and financial transparency in the tropical fruit pineapple industry and to pave the way for future long-term development. Continuous monitoring and improvement will ensure that the short-term action plan is implemented smoothly and effectively.
  1.  Medium-term action plan (3-5 years)

 Scale expansion and structural optimization of one industry

  1. Expansion of planted area and optimization of varieties (years 3-4)

Identify target expansion areas based on market demand and cost-benefit analysis.

Select quality pineapple varieties adapted to local climate and soil conditions for promotion.

Collaborate with local governments and farmers to promote the steady expansion of pineapple cultivation.

Provide technical support and training in planting to ensure yield and quality in newly planted areas.
  1.  Improvement of industrial chain and value-added promotion (Year 4-5)

Strengthen the research and development of pineapple processing technology, and introduce more pineapple processing products with market competitiveness. Expand pineapple sales channels, including online platforms, hypermarkets and export markets.

Establish pineapple industry consortium, integrate the resources of planting, processing, sales and other links to improve the overall efficiency. Promote pineapple cultural tourism, combine pineapple planting bases to develop tourism agriculture, and enhance the added value of the industry.

 I. Financial management and risk control

  1.  Financial regularization and transparency (years 3-5)

Continuously optimize the financial disclosure platform and mechanism to ensure timely, accurate and comprehensive disclosure of financial information on the pineapple industry.

Strengthen cooperation with financial institutions to promote financial innovation and financing facilitation in the pineapple industry.

  1. Risk Control and Response Mechanism Development ( )


Identify the main risks facing the pineapple industry, such as market volatility, climate change, pests and diseases.
 Establishment of risk early warning and response mechanisms and risk contingency plans.

Risk early warning and response mechanisms are regularly evaluated and improved to ensure their effectiveness.

Strengthen cooperation with insurance organizations and explore insurance products and services suitable for the pineapple industry.

 Technology Innovation and Talent Cultivation

  1. Technology development and diffusion (years 3-5)

Increase investment in research and development of pineapple planting and processing technologies, and introduce and cultivate new varieties and technologies.

Establish a technology promotion system to popularize advanced and applicable technologies to pineapple growers and processing enterprises.
  1.  Talent development and introduction (years 4-5)

Enhance education and training in pineapple industry related specialties to cultivate more professionals.

Organize pineapple industry forums and exchanges to attract external talent and intellectual resources.

Establishing a pineapple industry talent pool to provide stable talent support for industry development.

Strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the international pineapple industry and introduce international advanced experience and technology.

Through the implementation of the medium-term action plan, it is expected that the pineapple industry will achieve an overall improvement in scale expansion, structural optimization, standardization of financial management, effective risk control, as well as technological innovation and talent cultivation. This will lay a solid foundation for the long-term and stable development of the pineapple industry and promote the industry to a higher level.
  1.  Long-term action plan (more than 5 years)

 Internationalization and Branding

  1.  International market development and cooperation (years 6-8)

In-depth study of the international pineapple market, to understand the consumption habits and market demand of different countries and regions.

Establishing cooperative relationships with international pineapple industry organizations and participating in international pineapple industry exchanges and cooperation activities.

Expand pineapple export channels, establish stable export trade relations, and increase the share of pineapple in the international market.

Introducing foreign advanced pineapple planting and processing technology to enhance the competitiveness of the domestic pineapple industry.

  1. Branding and Promotion (Years 8-10)

Develop a pineapple branding plan that defines the brand's positioning, image and communication strategy.

Increase brand publicity, the use of media, advertising, Internet marketing and other channels to enhance brand awareness.

Promoting pineapple branding activities, such as organizing pineapple cultural festivals and participating in international agricultural exhibitions.

Strengthen the interaction and communication with consumers, and enhance consumer recognition and loyalty to the pineapple brand.

 --Sustainable industrial development and environmental protection

  1.  Green cultivation and ecological conservation (years 6-10)

Promote green planting techniques, reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and improve the quality and safety of pineapples.

Strengthen the ecological protection and environmental management of pineapple growing areas to ensure the sustainable development of the industry.
 Subsequent years

Continuously optimize the green planting technology, strengthen the ecological protection measures, to ensure that the pineapple industry's ecological environment continues to be healthy.
  1.  Circular economy and resource utilization (years 8-10)

To study and promote the circular economy model of the pineapple industry, so as to achieve efficient utilization of resources and minimization of waste.

Explore ways to reuse pineapple waste, such as making organic fertilizer and bioenergy.
 Ninth to tenth years

Deepen the practical application of circular economy model, improve the system of resource utilization and waste treatment, and promote the green transformation of pineapple industry.

 One by one science and technology innovation and industrial upgrading

  1.  High-tech R&D and Application (Years 6-10)

Increase the research and development of high technology in pineapple planting and processing, such as gene editing and intelligent agricultural equipment.

Applying high technology to all aspects of the pineapple industry improves production efficiency, reduces costs and improves product quality.
  1.  Industrial upgrading and restructuring (Year 10+)

According to the market demand and technology development trend, adjust the structure and layout of pineapple industry in time.

Promote the pineapple industry to high-end, intelligent, green direction, enhance the overall competitiveness of the industry.

Through the implementation of the long-term action plan, it is expected that the pineapple industry will achieve the goals of internationalization, brand building, sustainable development, scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading. This will lay a solid foundation for the long-term and stable development of the pineapple industry and promote the industry to a higher level, providing more quality, safe and healthy pineapple products for global consumers.
  1.  Key milestones and timelines

 I I Industrial expansion and infrastructure (years 1-3)

Timeline: Year 1
 Milestone: Initial establishment of the planting base

Complete land selection and soil improvement to ensure a suitable environment for planting.
 Introduction and breeding of pineapple varieties adapted to local climatic conditions.

Timeline: Year 2
 Milestone: Initial planting scale

Complete seedling cultivation and planting to ensure healthy plant growth.
 Initial irrigation and fertilizer management plans were initiated.

Timeline: Year 3
 Milestone: Improved infrastructure
 Completion of infrastructure such as irrigation systems, roads and warehouses.
 Establish an effective pest control system.

Industry Chain Improvement and Market Expansion (Years 4-6)

Timeline: Year 4
 Milestone: Initial integration of the industrial chain
 Establishment of an integrated industrial chain of pineapple planting, processing and marketing.
 Started to explore pineapple deep processing products, such as dried pineapple, pineapple juice, etc..

Timeline: Year 5
 Milestone: Market Expansion and Branding
 Establishment of a sales network in major consumer regions to increase market share.
 Launching brand building work to enhance product awareness and reputation.

Timeline: Year 6
 Milestone: Initial opening up of international markets
 Started research on international market demand and access standards.
 Establishment of initial cooperation with international pineapple industry organizations.
 I. Science, technology and innovation for sustainable development (years 7-10)

Timeline: Year 7
 Milestone: Establishment of a science, technology and innovation system

Establishing a scientific and technological innovation system for the pineapple industry and strengthening cooperation with universities and research institutes.
 Beginning to develop and apply new cultivation and processing technologies.

Timeline: Year 8
 Milestone: Green Farming and Ecological Conservation
 Fully promote green planting techniques and reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
 Strengthening ecological protection and environmental governance.

Timeline: Year 9
 Milestone: Initial formation of circular economy model
 Explore and practice the circular economy model of the pineapple industry.
 Began utilizing pineapple waste for resource reuse.

Timeline: Year 10
 Milestone: sustainable development strategy established
 Develop a strategy for the long-term sustainable development of the pineapple industry.

To realize the coordinated development of the pineapple industry in terms of economic, social and environmental benefits.

 Industrial upgrading and internationalization (10th year or more)

Starting from the 10th year, the pineapple industry will enter a new stage of industrial upgrading and internationalization. Through continuous optimization of industrial structure, improvement of product quality and value-added, and strengthening of international cooperation and exchanges, the pineapple industry will be pushed to a higher level and achieve comprehensive upgrading and international development.

These key milestones and time nodes are set to ensure the orderly implementation of the pineapple industry's long-term development plan and the successful realization of its goals. By defining the specific objectives and tasks at each stage, the pineapple industry can be better guided and promoted to develop in a sustainable and healthy manner.

 VIII. Investment and financing plan

 1. Analysis of investment needs

The investment needs of the pineapple industry mainly include land, equipment, labor and marketing. In terms of land, it is necessary to choose suitable land for pineapple growth and make corresponding soil improvement; in terms of equipment, it is necessary to purchase irrigation equipment and agricultural machinery to improve production efficiency; in terms of labor, it is necessary to hire a certain number of workers for planting, picking, etc.; in terms of market promotion, it is necessary to invest in brand publicity, channel expansion and other activities.

From the perspective of investment return, pineapple industry has certain investment potential. As people's attention to healthy diet continues to increase, the demand for pineapple and other tropical fruits is also gradually increasing. At the same time, with the development of e-commerce platform, pineapple sales channels are also being broadened, providing more opportunities for the development of the industry.

However, investors also need to be aware of the market and natural risks faced by the pineapple industry. Before investing, they should conduct sufficient market research and risk assessment, and formulate reasonable investment plans and risk control measures.

 2. Financing channels and strategies

 Endogenous financing.

This refers to enterprises utilizing their own accumulated capital for investment and development. For start-up pineapple industry enterprises, they can accumulate capital by economizing on expenses and improving operational efficiency, which can be used for expanding the scale of cultivation and upgrading processing technology. Bank Loan.

Pineapple industry enterprises can apply for loans from commercial banks to meet their financial needs. Depending on the creditworthiness and repayment ability of the enterprise, the bank will provide loan products with different amounts and terms.
 Government support funds.

In order to support the development of pineapple industry, the government may set up special funds or provide subsidies. Enterprises should pay attention to the relevant policies.

  Actively apply for support funds to reduce financing costs.
 Equity Financing.

Raise funds by selling equity in the company to investors. This is suitable for large-scale pineapple industry enterprises with high growth potential. Equity financing can not only bring in capital, but also bring in strategic investors to enhance the competitiveness of the enterprise. Bond financing.

Enterprises issue bonds to raise funds through the bond market. This method requires enterprises to have high credit ratings and debt-servicing capacity, but relatively speaking, the cost of financing is low.
 Supply Chain Finance.

Utilizing the cooperative relationship between the upstream and downstream of the pineapple industry chain, funds are raised through accounts receivable financing and prepaid accounts financing. This helps to strengthen the cooperation among all parties in the industry chain and improve the efficiency of capital utilization.
 Cooperation and joint ventures.

Cooperation or joint venture with other enterprises or individuals to jointly invest in pineapple industry projects. This way can share the risk, share resources, and realize mutual benefit and win-win situation.

When developing a financing strategy, pineapple industry companies need to consider the following.

Define capital requirements: Determine the scale, purpose and duration of the required capital, so as to select appropriate financing channels. Evaluate the market environment: Understand the industry development trend, competitive situation and potential investors, in order to provide a basis for the development of financing strategy.

Risk management: In the process of financing, attention should be paid to risk control to ensure the sound development of the enterprise. For example, through diversified financing channels, reasonable arrangement of repayment plans and other ways to reduce financing risks.

In conclusion, pineapple industry enterprises should combine their own actual situation and market environment, flexible choice of financing channels and strategies, to provide financial support for the sustainable development of enterprises.
  1.  Return on investment forecasting and analysis

First of all, from the perspective of market demand, pineapple as a tropical fruit, because of its unique taste, rich in nutrients and loved by consumers. With the improvement of living standards, people's pursuit of healthy diet is increasing, the demand for pineapple and other fruits is expected to continue to grow. This provides a broad market space for investment in the pineapple industry.

Secondly, production costs are a key factor affecting return on investment. Pineapple production costs include land rental fees, seed and fertilizer costs, labor costs, irrigation and drainage facilities, and harvesting and marketing costs. With advances in agricultural technology and improved management efficiency, these costs are expected to be effectively controlled, thereby increasing the return on investment.

In terms of selling price, the price of pineapple is affected by a variety of factors such as market supply and demand, seasonal factors and quality differences. Generally speaking, pineapples with good quality and unique taste are more competitive in the market and can obtain higher selling prices. Therefore, investors should focus on variety improvement and quality enhancement to improve the competitiveness of the product in the market.

In addition, planting techniques and management efficiency also have a significant impact on the return on investment. The adoption of advanced planting techniques and efficient management practices can improve the yield and quality of pineapples, thereby reducing unit costs and increasing the benefits of investment.

Finally, the competitive situation in the market is also a factor that cannot be ignored to affect the return on investment. In the pineapple industry, the competition between enterprises is mainly reflected in the quality, price, sales channels and other aspects. Investors should pay close attention to market dynamics, and formulate reasonable competitive strategies to cope with market changes.

To summarize, the investment return forecast and analysis of pineapple industry need to consider the market demand, production cost, sales price, planting technology, management efficiency and market competition and other factors. When making investment decisions, investors should fully understand the trends of these factors and formulate reasonable investment strategies to reduce risks and improve investment returns.

However, it should be noted that the future market situation is always full of uncertainty, so the investment return forecast can only provide a general reference range, but can not guarantee the specific investment return. When making investment decisions, investors should fully consider the various risk factors, and develop appropriate risk response measures.

 IX. Sustainable development and social responsibility

 1. Environmental protection and ecological cultivation

Ecological cultivation: Reducing the use of chemical pesticides, protecting soil and water quality, and promoting ecological balance through the use of organic fertilizers and biological control of pests.

Agricultural waste utilization: Pineapple by-products such as leaves, skins and stems can be used for composting or as a feedstock for bio-energy, reducing the environmental impact of the waste.

Soil and water conservation: Pineapple planting can reduce soil erosion and protect the ecosystem through cover crops and terraced planting. Biodiversity: Pineapple planting areas can increase biodiversity by preserving or restoring natural vegetation, providing habitats for wildlife.

Climate adaptation: Pineapple, as a tropical fruit, is sensitive to climate change. By selecting varieties that are adapted to the local climate, the burden on the environment can be reduced.

Sustainable agricultural practices: Promoting sustainable agricultural practices, such as crop rotation and intercropping, can improve soil fertility and reduce negative impacts on the environment.

Education and awareness-raising: Through education and publicity activities, raise public awareness of the relationship between tropical fruit cultivation and environmental protection, and promote the popularization of environmentally friendly agriculture.

Scientific research support: Scientific research organizations support environmental protection by studying the impact of pineapple cultivation on the environment and providing scientific guidance on cultivation and recommendations for improvement.

Policies and regulations: By formulating relevant policies and regulations, such as biosafety regulations, the government protects agricultural production and ecological safety, and at the same time promotes environmental protection.

Through these measures, it is possible to protect and improve the environment while growing pineapples and to realize sustainable agricultural development.
 2. Social responsibility and industrial poverty alleviation

Industrial Poverty Alleviation: Yufeng Village in Jiangchuan Town, Fengkai County, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, once a provincial poverty-stricken village, has successfully transformed itself into a local "Netroots Village" through pineapple cultivation.

Land Use: Yufeng Village has utilized previously unused land and transformed it into a "Sea of Pineapples", which not only improves the efficiency of land use, but also creates employment opportunities for local residents.

Technical training and support: The Poverty Reduction Task Force and the local Party branch introduced pineapple cultivation in Shenwan, and enhanced villagers' cultivation techniques and management capacity through overseas learning and inviting experts to provide guidance.

Production and marketing model innovation: through the establishment of e-commerce service stations and cooperatives, the sales model of "cooperatives + farmers + e-commerce" has been formed, which has effectively broadened the sales channels and increased the income of farmers.

Branding: Shenwan pineapple has become a brand name of Yufeng Village due to its high quality, promoting the local industry's popularity and market competitiveness.

Comprehensive income: The income from pineapple planting in Yufeng Village not only improves the living standard of the villagers, but also radiates the planting in the neighboring villages, forming a regional industry.

Policy support: The opinions issued by the General Office of the State Council mentioned the support for the tropical crop industry, including infrastructure construction and financial support policies, which provides policy guarantee for the development of pineapple and other tropical fruit industries.

International cooperation: Through international cooperation and exchanges, new varieties, technologies and management experience have been introduced to enhance the competitiveness of the domestic tropical fruit industry.

These practices have shown that pineapple, as a tropical fruit, has played a positive role in promoting industrial poverty alleviation, upgrading rural economic development and enhancing agricultural sustainability. Through policy support, technological innovation, branding and market development, the pineapple industry not only improves the living standards of local residents, but also promotes the development of the regional economy.
 3. Investment return forecast and analysis

Overview of pineapple industry: As the third largest tropical fruit in the world, pineapple is mainly planted in Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Fujian and Yunnan provinces in China, of which Guangdong is the largest pineapple producing province in China.

Pineapple industry chain: Pineapple industry chain is relatively simple, the upstream mainly includes labor, land rent, seedling fertilizer, etc., the middle reaches for the growers.

The downstream is categorized into fresh and deep processing. Domestic pineapple is still dominated by retailers, with a low degree of scale. Cost structure: In Hainan Province, for example, the main cost of pineapple is focused on labor, seedling fertilizer and land rent. Large-scale planting can reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Pineapple industry development trend: Pineapple planting and processing industries are showing development trends, but specific investment return forecasts need to take into account market supply and demand, price trends, policy support, technological advances and other factors.

Investment Opportunities and Risks: China's pineapple industry has certain investment opportunities, but also faces market competition, policy, technology, price fluctuations and meteorological disasters and other risks.

Market Size Forecast: 2023-2028 market size of Pineapple industry has been forecasted, but the specific investment returns need to be calculated based on actual market analysis and financial models.

Pineapple Production & Demand: Forecasting and analyzing China's pineapple production and demand has a direct impact on investment returns. Understanding supply and demand is critical to assessing market potential and risk.

Pineapple industry policy environment: Policy support and industry planning play an important role in the development of the pineapple industry, and policy changes may have an impact on investment returns.

Global Market Analysis: The development status and trend of the global tropical fruit plastics market also have an impact on the domestic pineapple industry, and the supply and demand pattern, price analysis and forecast of the global market are important references for investment decisions.

Operational Analysis: Analyze the operations of typical pineapple companies to understand their production capacity, product mix and market performance, which helps to assess the overall profitability and investment potential of the industry.

When considering an investment in the pineapple industry, investors should take the above factors into account and combine them with professional market research, financial analysis and risk assessment to predict investment returns. At the same time, it is recommended to consult professional industry research institutes or investment consultants for more accurate investment analysis and planning advice.

 x. conclusions and recommendations

 1. Project feasibility and prospects

Cultivation Distribution and Production: Pineapple, as one of the fruits with characteristics and advantages in China's tropical and subtropical regions, is mainly distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan, Fujian and other provinces.China's pineapple production in 2019 was 1,733,000 tons, an increase of compared with that of 2018 year-on-year.

Market Development: The pineapple industry has become an important pillar of the rural economy in South China, contributing positively to farmers' income and employment expansion. China is one of the main pineapple producing countries in the world, with the planting area and total output accounting for about and of the global total respectively.

Industry Competition and Market Analysis: Competitive landscape analysis of China's tropical fruit industry, including pineapple, shows that market research, existing product production capacity, product output and sales volume, substitute products, product price, and foreign market research are all important factors to consider.

Investment environment and policy support: National and local policies support the construction of tropical fruit base projects, including industry access policies and technology policies.

Financial and Risk Analysis: The analysis of financial indicators, market forecasts, investment estimates and financing of the project are all important parts of the feasibility study to help assess the economic benefits and risks of the project.

Technology and production: The technical program, production technology, process flow, and selection of main process equipment of the tropical fruit base project construction project are the key to the project construction.

Environmental and Social Impacts: The environmental protection and labor safety of the project are factors that must be considered, including the current state of the environment, the main sources of pollution and pollutants, environmental protection standards, and programs to control the environment.

International Market: China's domestic market has a huge demand for raw fruit juice imports, of which pineapple juice imports are also among the top. Imported raw materials have advantages in quality, price and diversity.

Future Development: The future development of China's tropical fruit industry will focus on improving quality, increasing production, optimizing supply chain management and enhancing market competitiveness.

Risk factors: It should be noted that adverse weather conditions may affect the production of tropical fruits such as pineapples, such as the decline in pineapple production in Costa Rica.

In summary, pineapple, as an important tropical fruit, has a good planting base and development prospects in the Chinese market. The feasibility and successful implementation of the project requires comprehensive consideration of market analysis, policy support, financial evaluation, technical solutions, environmental protection and risk management.
 2. Policy recommendations and industry guidance

Policy support and legal safeguards: The Overall Program for the Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Hainan Free Trade Port provide legal safeguards and policy guidelines for Hainan's tropical fruit agriculture, encouraging the development of efficient agriculture with tropical characteristics.

Science and innovation: The government should promote scientific and technological innovation of tropical fruits, strengthen cooperation with universities and research institutes, set up research and development bases, increase scientific research investment, and cultivate varieties with independent intellectual property rights.

Branding: Through the construction of "Three Products and One Label", quality improvement and brand influence expansion have been strengthened, such as the branding of landmark agricultural products such as Sanya mangoes.

Trade facilitation: Using the "zero tariff" and "low tax rate" policies of the FTIP to promote the development of tropical fruit import trade and processing enterprises, simplify the inspection process of goods entering and leaving the port, and optimize customs clearance procedures.

Industrial Integration: Promote diversified practices such as "Agriculture + Tourism" and "Agriculture + Talent", explore new forms of agriculture, and cultivate new economic growth points.

Marketing: Promote Hainan's unique tropical fruit brands through international conferences and exhibitions, such as the Hainan International Tropical Fruit Industry Expo, to support agricultural development.

Environmental protection: While developing the tropical fruit industry, attention is paid to ecological protection and environmental sustainability to ensure green and efficient agricultural development.

Regional cooperation: Encourage regional cooperation, such as fruit and vegetable trade with Asian countries such as Southeast Asia, to make Sanya an important hub port for fruit and vegetable trade.

Industry guidance: Publish industry reports, providing information on market size, development trends, policy trends, supply and demand of upstream and downstream industry chains, etc. to help enterprises grasp the market dynamics.

Risk management: Focus on the risks and challenges faced by the industry and put forward corresponding countermeasures, such as coping with trade friction and the impact of epidemics. Cultivation of human resources: Strengthen the training of agricultural technicians and managers to improve the professionalism and competitiveness of the whole industry. Financial support: Provide financial support for tropical fruit cultivation enterprises, including tax exemptions, subsidies, etc., in order to reduce the cost of enterprises and increase the enthusiasm of cultivation.

These recommendations and guidelines aim to promote the healthy development of the tropical fruit industry, enhance its competitiveness, and protect the interests of farmers and the sustainable development of agriculture.

 3. Investment Recommendations and Market Strategies

Variety diversification and optimization: China's pineapple varieties have a single structure, dominated by the "Bali" variety, but there is an aging problem. It is recommended to invest in the research and development and promotion of new varieties, especially those high-end varieties that are suitable for processing and resistant to storage and transportation, such as "Tainong No. 16" and "Tainong No. 17".

Branding: As the brand benefit is not reflected, it is recommended to strengthen the pineapple branding and publicity to enhance consumer awareness of the domestic pineapple brand.

Standardized and mechanized planting: Promote the standardization and mechanization of pineapple planting, reduce the reliance on manual labor, and improve production efficiency and product quality.

Processing industry chain development: Due to the slow development of pineapple processing industry, it is recommended to invest in deep processing industry, such as pineapple waste recycling, in order to meet the needs of social development.

Market diversification: The domestic market is polarized in terms of consumption, and it is recommended that attention be paid to the consumption needs of different market levels, especially the demand for high-quality varieties.

International trade: Consider utilizing the climate and land resources of Southeast Asia to develop pineapple cultivation and take advantage of the Belt and Road Initiative to expand international markets.

Informatization service platform: establish an informatization service platform for pineapple industry, strengthen the connection between the main bodies of the industry chain, provide technical and market information, and guide the sales channels such as e-commerce.

Risk management: Watch out for the risk of cost increases and labor shortages, and plan ahead for coping strategies such as increased mechanization and optimized cost structures.

Policy utilization: Utilize national policies, such as pro-poor policies and agricultural subsidies, to support the development of the pineapple industry.

Market Forecast: According to market forecasts, the pineapple market size is expected to grow consistently from 2024 to 2029, investors should focus on this trend and consider market entry and expansion strategies accordingly.

When investors consider investing in the pineapple industry, they should take the above factors into account and combine them with their own resources and market positioning to formulate a set of investment plans and market strategies that meet their own conditions. At the same time, considering the continuous changes in the market and policy environment, investors need to pay close attention to the industry dynamics and adjust their strategies flexibly.