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EDUC70140 Educational Technology and Communication
EDUC70140 教育技术与传播

Museum field trip, week 8: field notes and guide

NOTES — please read these first

This document is a model of how you might complete the field trip notes for the museum visit. As at other points where we provide ‘model answers’ it is worth saying a few words about the intentions in doing so. Please take the following information into account if you use this file.

This is intended as the ‘exemplary’ version. Look at it in combination with the ‘non-exemplar’ file which suggests a less useful way of going about the same task. Also read the in-text comments. The italicised text is mine.

The notes were prepared before, during and after a visit to the Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester (see www.whitworth.manchester.ac.uk) in July 20181, by Drew and his 15-year-old son Joe. The Whitworth is not one of the field trip venues, so was used deliberately here, to avoid suggesting that what follows are ‘correct’ answers to questions you are being posed about a particular museum.
这些笔记是德鲁 (Drew) 和他 15 岁的儿子乔 (Joe)于 2018 年 7 月1访问曼彻斯特惠特沃斯美术馆(参见www.whitworth.manchester.ac.uk )之前、期间和之后准备的。惠特沃斯不是实地考察的地点之一,因此这里故意使用的,以避免暗示以下内容是针对特定博物馆提出的问题的“正确”答案

Everyone will interpret their visit and these questions differently. The point about the name of the museum, for example, is obviously (almost) unique to this context but shows you how your reactions and expectations may be highly subjective. That is the point: when you complete this task yourself, write down how you think and feel.

  1. By the time you get to read and use this document some or all of the exhibitions mentioned in it will have closed, so some things referred to below will no longer be appearing on the web site. Remember these notes are a record of what information was available at the time
    † 当您阅读和使用本文件时,其中提到的部分或全部展览将关闭,因此下面提到的某些内容将不再出现在网站上。请记住,这些注释记录了当时可用的信息

Field notes (for all museums, including online-only ones)

1.1 Before the visit
1.1 参观前

WRITE NOTES ON THE FOLLOWING PRIOR TO YOUR VISIT. Try to offer detail rather than just a few brief words. Remember, what you write now will be fuel for later reflection both in your synchronous session and the third discussion activity.

The point of these questions is to bring out the values and assumptions that you are bringing to your visit: assumptions about the subject matter of the museum, about what a museum generally is, what this particular museum might do. [See, as usual, the good and bad model documents.]
这些问题的目的是提出您在参观时所携带的价值观和假设:关于博物馆主题的假设,关于博物馆的一般含义,关于这个特定博物馆可能做什么的假设。 [像往常一样,查看好的和坏的模型文档。]

If you have visited the museum before — you can still answer these questions, but reflect on how your prior knowledge of it affects your answers.

— Does the subject matter of the museum interest you? Which aspects do, or do not, interest you?
— 您对博物馆的主题感兴趣吗?您对哪些方面感兴趣或不感兴趣?

I don’t mind going to art galleries but my interest in art is pretty general. I have certainly enjoyed visiting some big, famous galleries (like the Prado or Chicago Art Institute etc) but with smaller galleries there usually has to be some particular exhibition I am interested in. I am more interested in photography and video art than painting or sculpture.

I like that the museum shares my name. However this does make it slightly embarrassing that I have never been. So I’m also visiting out of curiosity. The fact that I will have Joe with me might mean I have to work on getting him interested. That it shares his name as well (obviously) is one way of convincing him it’s worth a couple of hours of his time.
我喜欢博物馆与我同名。然而,这确实让我有点尴尬,因为我从来没有去过。所以我也是抱着好奇的心态来参观的。事实上,和我在一起可能意味着我必须努力让他感兴趣。 (显然)它也与他同名,这是说服他值得花几个小时时间的一种方式。

— What do you expect to see in the museum in terms of its content, that is, exhibits, displays, etc?
— 您希望在博物馆的内容方面看到什么,即展品、展示

It’s an art gallery so I expect to see many works of art from diverse creators (as opposed to just one big one, say, like the Sistine Chapel). They will be displayed in ways that inform me of, at least, who the artist was: possibly there will be some additional information on what the work is about, what it depicts, but this might not be provided for every work. Or, it might be provided in ways that cover a group of works in the same room.

Most art galleries I’ve been to are divided into rooms or other spaces that each have some kind of theme. Often you are suggested to move through these rooms in a certain order, though not usually restricted to doing so.

The web site tells me there several special exhibitions on at the moment. Some look boring. “`Exchanges” which has works from several artists in it and one for the artist Alison Wilding. I don’t really get what the description of “Exchanges” online is telling me about what I’ll see. I can find out that Wilding is a sculptor but not much more than that.
该网站告诉我目前有几个特别展览。有些看起来很无聊。 “交换”里面有几位艺术家的作品,其中一幅是艺术家艾莉森·威尔丁的作品。我真的不明白网上“交换”的描述告诉我我将看到什么。我可以发现威尔丁是一位雕塑家,但仅此而已。

I definitely want to see the Goya exhibition though. The Goya pictures I saw in the Prado in Madrid were weird and disturbing. I would like to find out more about this artist.

[continued overleaf]

— What do you expect to see in the museum with regard to the technologies or media in use, its layout, design, etc?
— 您希望在博物馆中看到哪些技术或媒体、布局、设计等方面的内容

All I know here is that the Whitworth had a big refurbishment and relaunch a couple of years ago and was supposed to have had substantial investment in its use of technology. Beyond this I know very little. Most of the art galleries I’ve visited before make very limited use of tech

— What do you think you might learn from your visit? (Be as general or as specific as you like)
— 您认为您可以从这次访问中学到什么? (根据您的喜好一般或具体)

Hard to say about specifics. I know the museum is affiliated with the University so from that alone I suppose I expect some kind of educational outcome.

Where there are exhibitions or rooms devoted to particular artists, or artistic movements, I guess I would expect to learn something about this person or group, their background/history, what motivated them, what they were trying to say: as well as seeing examples of the work.

Keen to learn more about Goya particularly.

Then there’s the point about seeing how the gallery uses technology, as it’s not the type of museum which would typically do so.

1.2 During and immediately after your visit
1.2 访问期间和访问结束后立即

WHICHEVER MUSUEM YOU VISIT, try to relate these general points to specific exhibits in a similar way, with photographs if it helps make a point.

These questions will form the basis of discussion in the online sessions and the assessed activity.

— Did the museum meet your expectations? What did match them, what was different?
— 博物馆满足您的期望吗?他们有什么匹配,有什么不同?

There were indeed themed rooms, but no particular order to them. The impression is that the exhibits are all constantly changing and there’s no ‘permanent’ exhibition.

Joe said there was a good variety of different things on display, it was not all ‘samey’.

I expected more tech after what I’d heard about it. Whatever it did win those awards for when it reopened, and I don’t deny it’s an attractive space and nice to wander around in, it wasn’t for its innovative use of technology. There was multimedia, e.g. with the Julien video, but otherwise it was much like any other art gallery I have been to, in other words there was not very much technological presence

— How did you find the atmosphere of the museum? Did it mesh with the content? [For online-only museums, think about the general impression given by the aesthetics of the web site]
— 您觉得博物馆的气氛如何?与内容相符吗? [对于仅在线的博物馆,请考虑网站的美观给人的总体印象]

Felt informal, more so than many art galleries. We could just wander in and out, including through the back door, no guards hassling us about wearing a backpack or taking photos. It didn’t feel as stuffy as some other museums. Quite a few people around, having conversations.

It felt like a place that was encouraging people to drop in and out, rather than make a special point of visiting and spending the whole day there. Maybe that’s a factor of where it’s located, and who its visitors might be. Maybe that’s also why it has constantly changing temporary exhibitions instead of a lot of permanent exhibits.

[continued overleaf]

— Were there any particular exhibits or displays which particularly interested you? Why did they interest you? What did you learn from them specifically, and how did they communicate this?
— 有没有什么特别的展品或展示让您特别感兴趣?他们为什么让你感兴趣?您从他们身上具体学到了什么?他们是如何传达这一点的?

[Try to find at least three specific exhibits here]


Gillian Wearing’s photos. Seven photos all of a woman who had many boyfriends and partners, one taken with each of these, all in bed or other quite intimate situations. Sometimes the photos display affection but others seem like the two people are ignoring each other, or there is a hint of violence. Then each photo is accompanied by a letter from the man in the photo talking about what he thinks of the woman (Theresa). As with the photos these show a range of emotion, one man is very loving and romantic, but a couple of the others are almost hateful, disrespectful certainly of this woman. So all in all it is interesting because it is a way of showing seven different faces of the same person, how different people see her. In a way it’s ‘multimedia’.

Joe liked these – the photos at least. I asked him whether he had read the letters and he said he had read one or two. In a couple the handwriting was almost impossible to read, and he wouldn’t have had the inclination to battle through these I imagine.

This was the most interesting exhibit in the museum because it is the one that made me think the most, and gave me an understanding of what the artist was trying to do. It made me think about some people I’ve known and how they polarise opinion


Video art installation by Isaac Julien: “A Thousand Waves”. This began with some footage and commentary of the disaster on Morecambe Bay in 2006 when 23 Chinese cockle-pickers died after being trapped out on the sands in the rising tide. They were working illegally, and let down by the people who were supposed to be looking after their safery. The film then focused on images of China (in Shanghai, I think) overlaid with people talking as if they were the voices of those who were killed in the accident. There were three screens showing images that were sometimes linked up but other times different.
艾萨克·朱利安的视频艺术装置:“千浪” 。首先是2006 年莫克姆湾灾难的一些镜头和评论,当时 23 名中国拾贝者在涨潮中被困在沙滩上死亡。他们非法工作,并让那些本应保护他们安全的人失望了。影片随后聚焦于中国(我想是在上海)的图像,上面覆盖着人们说话的声音,就好像他们是事故中遇难者的声音一样。三个屏幕显示的图像有时相连,有时又不同。

Joe said – interesting because he had actually heard about it (the news event) and it gave me the same feeling. Emotional connection.
乔说——很有趣,因为他确实听说过这件事(新闻事件) ,这给了我同样的感觉。情感联系。

We didn’t stay until the end as it was too hot (see below) and so I didn’t stay to see if there were some bigger message or scene which drew things together but what we saw was interesting and looked good.


Goya exhibition – Sleep of Reason print particularly – personal resonance both because of remembering the previous exhibition I had seen in the Prado, and remembering that my old PhD supervisor, Ricardo, used this print in his teaching. Seeing as it’s been part of the collection here at the Whitworth all along, probably he saw it or was introduced to it somehow when he was a student at Manchester

[continued overleaf]

— Were there any exhibits that you felt did not really work, and could have been improved? Why? How would you improve them?
— 有没有哪些展品是您觉得不太有效、可以改进的?为什么?你会如何改进它们?

The ‘Wallpaper’ exhibit was rather confusing. Supposedly these were examples of wallpaper that each had a message about attitudes to race and racism. But without getting a copy of the printed booklet that was the exhibition guide it was really hard to discern the point of some of these, e.g. the one featuring Mickey Mouse. And it was unclear whether these were actual examples of wallpaper that one could buy and put up in one’s house, or whether they were ‘works of art’ produced just to be hung in a gallery. At first, I thought the former was the case but eventually I decided the latter.

The exhibition guide was available at the entrance and exit to the gallery but it was very easy to miss. Joe was oblivious to its existence and probably wouldn’t have read it anyway. I wonder why the information about each exhibit was not simply placed next to it via a card on the wall.

In the end, as the messages of these exhibits were rather obscure, I thought this might be a space in the gallery where they could make use of technology. The exhibit could be personalized, find ways to have people share their own stories of prejudice or discrimination perhaps. Some of the exhibits would cause debate and maybe there would be a way of using tech to record people’s reactions to them, via a discussion board (which would have to be moderated).

— Was there anything about the museum in general you felt was below par, and could be improved (not specific exhibits, but general things like its accessibility, layout, perhaps even heating or lighting?).
— 总体而言,您认为博物馆有什么地方低于标准并且可以改进吗(不是特定的展品,而是一般的东西,例如其可达性、布局,甚至可能是供暖或照明?)。

The Isaac Julien room was very hot, so much so that it was uncomfortable to sit in there and in the end we left the film halfway through for this reason, nor did I feel inclined to come back and watch the end (even if I had known when it had started: perhaps some clock would have been helpful). Nowhere else in the museum had this temperature problem. I felt it was such a problem I gave a member of museum staff some feedback on this. (In other words, I complained.)
艾萨克·朱利安的房间很热,坐在那里很不舒服,最后我们因为这个原因中途离开了电影,我也不想再回来看结局(即使我有知道它何时开始:也许一些时钟会有所帮助)。博物馆的其他地方没有出现过这样的温度问题。我觉得这是一个很大的问题,因此我向博物馆工作人员提供了一些反馈。 (换句话说,我抱怨了。)

The interior layout was slightly confusing, although the map did help untangle it.

[continued overleaf]

— What do you think is the core message of the museum? That is, what image(s) of its core subject matter is it trying to present to visitors? How is this message communicated?
— 您认为博物馆的核心信息是什么?也就是说,它试图向访问者展示其核心主题的哪些图像?这个消息是如何传达的?

Don’t know about an image of its subject matter. The collection seemed too eclectic for that.

If there was a single thing that it was trying to project today I’d say ‘baby-‘ or ‘family-friendliness’.

“Playtime” sections, with toys and things like pieces of paper with crayons nearby, were spaced throughout the galleries, even when it seemed a strange juxtaposition e.g. kids sketching and playing surrounded by some of the more macabre Goya prints. There were a lot of very young children around particularly in the café, a lot of buggies in the buggy park. The museum seemed to be making an effort to attract parents to visit.

What, in the end, did you learn from your visit today?

I don’t think there was any single big thing that I learned from or about the art works on display. The ones I mentioned above did provoke an emotional reaction and/or interest for the reasons mentioned.

I learned enough about the museum as a whole to decide that it would not make a suitable field trip for the ETC course. Though there are certain aspects of the museum where technology could help, I think they would be ‘tricksy’ things that the place doesn’t really need. I wondered, for example, about personalising the Gillian Wearing piece, finding a way to use tech to have people upload stories and photos about people they knew. But that would just trivilalise it
我对整个博物馆有了足够的了解,因此决定不适合为 ETC 课程进行实地考察。尽管技术可以在博物馆的某些方面提供帮助,但我认为它们将是这个地方并不真正需要的棘手”东西。例如,我想知道如何个性化Gillian Wearing 的作品,找到一种利用技术让人们上传他们认识的人的故事和照片的方法。但这只会贬低

The ‘Wallpaper’ exhibit is probably where most use of technology could be made. It would need to be carefully handled due to the controversial nature of the exhibits but there is scope here to use technology to have people share their experiences and maybe engage in discussion.