这是用户在 2025-1-3 21:59 为 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/word/ 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?


专业论文写作 概论


Ø 专业论文分类:报告论文、研究论文、课程论文、学位论文(学位论文)等。
Ø 专业论文分类:报告论文、研究论文、课程论文、学位论文(学位论文)等。

O 准备专业论文的方法:寻找好主意,寻找主题,考虑受众和目的,从头脑风暴转向起草、编辑和提炼
O 准备专业论文的方法:寻找好主意,寻找主题,考虑受众和目的,从头脑风暴转向起草、编辑和提炼

O 专业论文写作风格:习惯性和奇特的语言使用方式,正式与非正式的表达方式,专业与非专业论文写作
O 专业论文写作风格:习惯性和奇特的语言使用方式,正式与非正式的表达方式,专业与非专业论文写作

O 特别注意:专业论文的语言表示
O 特别注意:专业论文的语言表示


1. 专业论文的分类
1. 专业论文的分类




专业论文永远不能以随机¹格式编写,而应该以特定的格式编写。该格式将使论文成为一个完整的整体从标题的位置到页边距的宽度,以及用于承认从其他来源提取的材料或他人提供的帮助的符号。 论文的写作过程可以帮助初学者学习如何使用图书馆资源并熟悉所有学者都同意在他们的论文中采用的格式。
专业论文永远不能以随机¹格式编写,而应该以特定的格式编写。该格式将使论文成为一个完整的整体从标题的位置到页边距的宽度,以及用于承认从其他来源提取的材料或他人提供的帮助的符号。 论文的写作过程可以帮助初学者学习如何使用图书馆资源并熟悉所有学者都同意在他们的论文中采用的格式。


大专院校或者其他研究机构分配的专业论文一般分为以下四种类型:(1)报告论文;(2) 研究论文;(3) 课程论文,以及 (4) 论文(dissertation)。
大专院校或者其他研究机构分配的专业论文一般分为以下四种类型:(1)报告论文;(2) 研究论文;(3) 课程论文,以及 (4) 论文(dissertation)。

1) 报告纸³
1) 报告纸³


2) 研究论文⁴
2) 研究论文⁴



专业论文写作概论 ·3·
专业论文写作概论 ·3·


3) 课程论文
3) 课程论文


4) 论文⁶(Dissertation⁷)
4) 论文⁶(Dissertation⁷)


与报告论文不同,论文对一个问题采取明确的立场。论文是作者或演讲者愿意反对或捍卫的命题或观点。因此,用于论证批准某个事件的论文将是论文。写论文需要作者做出判断、评估证据和构建逻辑论点,而写报告论文则不需要。 在提交论文或学位论文之前,硕士或博士课程的候选人必须完成所有必要的考试。一般来说,学位论文是一篇冗长而正式的论文,8 尤其是由大学或研究机构的硕士或博士学位候选人撰写的论文。博士论文代表了对知识建构的原创性贡献,是对研究问题的更详细的研究比硕士或硕士学位的要求更详细。
与报告论文不同,论文对一个问题采取明确的立场。论文是作者或演讲者愿意反对或捍卫的命题或观点。因此,用于论证批准某个事件的论文将是论文。写论文需要作者做出判断、评估证据和构建逻辑论点,而写报告论文则不需要。 在提交论文或学位论文之前,硕士或博士课程的候选人必须完成所有必要的考试。一般来说,学位论文是一篇冗长而正式的论文,8 尤其是由大学或研究机构的硕士或博士学位候选人撰写的论文。博士论文代表了对知识建构的原创性贡献,是对研究问题的更详细的研究比硕士或硕士学位的要求更详细。




1. 随机:没有任何计划、目标或模式
1. 随机:没有任何计划、目标或模式

2. authenticate:证明(某事)是真实的
2. authenticate:证明(某事)是真实的

3. 报告论文:报告论文是指在报纸或杂志上发表或通过广播或电视
3. 报告论文:报告论文是指在报纸或杂志上发表或通过广播或电视广播的对某些特定主题或问题的描述。

4. 研究论文:它也被称为图书馆论文或论文,指的是正式的、相当长的和有据可查的文章,旨在探索、讨论、分析并最终找到关于某个事实或理论问题的新观点和结果。
4. 研究论文:它也被称为图书馆论文或论文,指的是正式的、相当长的和有据可查的文章,旨在探索、讨论、分析并最终找到关于某个事实或理论问题的新观点和结果。

5. 学期论文:是指学校或大学课程中代表学生在特定学期内取得的成就或成就的主要作业,也称为课程论文。
5. 学期论文:是指学校或大学课程中代表学生在特定学期内取得的成就或成就的主要作业,也称为课程论文。

6. 论文:论文作为一个术语可能具有不同的含义。在这部分文本中,论文是指一种想法或理论,它被表达为表明其作者对某些特定问题的立场或信念的陈述。然而,论文一词也可以用来暗示与学位论文具有同等价值或正式性的研究论文,尽管其形式通常可能比论文或学位论文更简短或不详尽。当 thesis 被用来代替 dissertation 时,它会给听众或读者一种非正式的感觉。
6. 论文:论文作为一个术语可能具有不同的含义。在这部分文本中,论文是指一种想法或理论,它被表达为表明其作者对某些特定问题的立场或信念的陈述。然而,论文一词也可以用来暗示与学位论文具有同等价值或正式性的研究论文,尽管其形式通常可能比论文或学位论文更简短或不详尽。当 thesis 被用来代替 dissertation 时,它会给听众或读者一种非正式的感觉。

7. 学位论文:该术语通常是指关于特定主题的长篇报告或演讲,尤其是为大学硕士或博士学位而写的论文。
7. 学位论文:该术语通常是指关于特定主题的长篇报告或演讲,尤其是为大学硕士或博士学位而写的论文。

8. 论文:研究特定主题的严肃书籍或文章
8. 论文:研究特定主题的严肃书籍或文章

2. 专业论文的准备方法
2. 专业论文的准备方法


1) 寻找好主意
1) 寻找好主意


专业论文写作概论 ·5·
专业论文写作概论 ·5·


2) 寻找主题
2) 寻找主题

一旦构思出来,就应该对其进行分析、补充,最后经过漫长的批判性阅读和彻底的重新考虑后整理出来。通常,可以按照五个一般规则制定并最终决定一个合适的主题。(1) 应为作者可触及的主题,并能在指定或建议的时限内完成。过于雄心勃勃的话题往往会导致时间和精力的浪费。2) 它应该是对专业或一般经济或科学发展具有实用价值的话题。有些主题在实践中可能具有很大的意义,尽管它们从表面上看可能根本没有相关性。(3) 该主题应为该主题提供足够的材料和文件,无论是通过阅读还是调查。研究工作本质上是发现和创造。为了在他的工作中找到新的东西,作者必须根据与给定主题相关的所有现有材料和文件得出结论。否则,他的结论就没有根据。(4) 如果他的研究是在自然界中进行实验和调查,那么应该经得起理论和实验的检验,因为科学要求彻底、准确和客观。(5) 它应该是一个没有作者个人偏见或偏好的话题,即使它可能是一个人文性质的话题。例如,像 Albert Einstein — My favorite Scientist 这样的主题可以成为一般论文的好主题,但不是研究领域客观处理的主题。仅出于上述和许多其他原因,开始漫长的研究过程之前仔细选择主题是值得的。
一旦构思出来,就应该对其进行分析、补充,最后经过漫长的批判性阅读和彻底的重新考虑后整理出来。通常,可以按照五个一般规则制定并最终决定一个合适的主题。(1) 应为作者可触及的主题,并能在指定或建议的时限内完成。过于雄心勃勃的话题往往会导致时间和精力的浪费。2) 它应该是对专业或一般经济或科学发展具有实用价值的话题。有些主题在实践中可能具有很大的意义,尽管它们从表面上看可能根本没有相关性。(3) 该主题应为该主题提供足够的材料和文件,无论是通过阅读还是调查。研究工作本质上是发现和创造。为了在他的工作中找到新的东西,作者必须根据与给定主题相关的所有现有材料和文件得出结论。否则,他的结论就没有根据。(4) 如果他的研究是在自然界中进行实验和调查,那么应该经得起理论和实验的检验,因为科学要求彻底、准确和客观。(5) 它应该是一个没有作者个人偏见或偏好的话题,即使它可能是一个人文性质的话题。例如,像 Albert Einstein — My favorite Scientist 这样的主题可以成为一般论文的好主题,但不是研究领域客观处理的主题。 仅出于上述和许多其他原因,开始漫长的研究过程之前仔细选择主题是值得的。

3) 考虑受众和目的
3) 考虑受众和目的




4) 从头脑风暴转向起草
4) 从头脑风暴转向起草



5) 编辑和完善
5) 编辑和完善

按照大纲准备完成研究论文的写作时。 作者必须记住,即使他是一位非常熟练的作者,他也必须进行大量的修改。在大多数情况下,修订工作会一直持续到提交论文的最后一刻。建议将论文从总体布局修改为语言使用中的微小遗漏和事故²。由于修改很繁琐,因此有必要强调最终稿件要从头到尾进行检查和校对³,以确保作者所做的更改不需要在其他地方进行额外的修改。在某一时刻的许多改进使得有必要改变之前或之后的事情。也。 最后一项任务总是要执行;仔细检查整篇论文
按照大纲准备完成研究论文的写作时。 作者必须记住,即使他是一位非常熟练的作者,他也必须进行大量的修改。在大多数情况下,修订工作会一直持续到提交论文的最后一刻。建议将论文从总体布局修改为语言使用中的微小遗漏和事故²。由于修改很繁琐,因此有必要强调最终稿件要从头到尾进行检查和校对³,以确保作者所做的更改不需要在其他地方进行额外的修改。在某一时刻的许多改进使得有必要改变之前或之后的事情。也。 最后一项任务总是要执行;仔细检查整篇论文

专业论文写作概述 ·
专业论文写作概述 ·



1. replenish: to fill up again, to put new supplies into
1. replenish:再次加满,放入新的补给品

2. omissions and mishaps: Omissions mean something that is omitted or neglected(疏漏 ); mishaps refers to something that is undesirable(不幸的事故).
2. 遗漏和事故:遗漏是指被遗漏或忽视的事情(疏漏);mishaps 是指不受欢迎的事情(不幸的事故)。

3. proofread: to read and correct the printer's proofs of (a book, etc.)校对(书刊等出版物的校样)
3. 校对:阅读和更正(一本书等)的印刷校样。校对(书刊等出版物的校样)

4. scrutiny: very careful study or observation
4. 审查:非常仔细的研究或观察

3. Styles of Professional Papers Writing
3. 专业论文写作风格

1) Ways of Using Language: Habitual and/ or Peculiar
1) 语言使用方式:习惯性和/或奇特的

The word“style” has several meanings: it may refer to a writer's habitual or peculiar way of using language, for example, the lean and economical style of Ernest Miller Hemingway (1898—1961), the famous American writer; or the prevalent features of the language of a certain period, say, the features of English language in the age of Shakespeare(1564—1616). It may also refer to the characteristic aspects of the language of a certain type of writing. We, therefore, agree to the saying by Jonathan Swift (1667—1745) that“Proper words in proper places make the true definition of a style.”
“风格”一词有几种含义:它可能是指作家习惯性或奇特的语言使用方式,例如,美国著名作家欧内斯特·米勒·海明威(Ernest Miller Hemingway,1898—1961 年)精简而经济的风格;或某个时期语言的普遍特征,例如莎士比亚(1564—1616 年)时代的英语特征。它也可以指某种类型写作的语言的特征方面。因此,我们同意乔纳森·斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift,1667—1745)的一句话,即“在适当的地方使用适当的词语,才是风格的真正定义。

To exhaust the subject of style would be impossible even in a book length treatment. Our discussion of style will be confined to the characteristic aspects of the language in formal writing, especially in professional paper writing.

2) Ways of Expression: Formal vs. Informal
2) 表达方式:正式与非正式

In general, all writings can be categorized into two main groups: formal and


informal. The former prefers to utilize an informal tone, colloquial language, and the writer will always speak in the first person, as in letters, diaries, stories and novels, etc.. whereas the latter, on the contrary, is a more serious approach to a subject of great importance, and the writer will employ a formal tone and avoid all colloquial expressions. Professional paper writing belongs to the latter, and is actually a kind of formal writing.
便。前者喜欢使用非正式的语气、口语作者总是用第一人称说话,如在信件、日记、故事和小说等中。而后者相反,对非常重要的主题采取更严肃的方法,作者会采用正式的语气,避免所有口语表达。 专业论文写作属于后者,其实就是一种正规的写作。

As we mentioned previously, research papers are aimed at displaying the author's research results, or rather, reporting findings in a national or international professional magazine or journal. The desired effect of publishing a research paper is secured, however, not so much by aiming at formality' as by avoiding noticeable informality. To achieve this effect, the author has to relate everything to his readers in a clear-cut manner objectively and systematically by ruling out slang or dialectic expressions or colloqui alisms² or informal contractions. The formality and impersonality prevail to such an extent in a formal research paper that little, if any, use is made of the first and second persons“T” and“you”. And“we” is used only when it means the origination in which both the reader and the writer are included.
正如我们之前提到的,研究论文旨在展示作者的研究成果,或者更确切地说,在国内或国际专业杂志或期刊上报告研究结果。然而,发表研究论文的预期效果不是通过以形式为目标,而是通过避免明显的非正式 为了达到这种效果,作者必须以客观和系统的方式将所有内容与他的读者联系起来,排除俚语或辩证法表达或口语化²或非正式的缩略语。正式和非人格化在正式的研究论文中占主导地位,以至于很少使用第一人称和第二人称“T”和“你”。并且“我们”仅在表示同时包含读者和作者的起源时使用。

Another point is that, in spite of the strong objection to using colloquialisms, it is necessary to point out, too, that the readers would also be made to feel bored to see too many“the writers”, “the authors”, “they” as the subject of the sentences. Anyway. formal style is not the unique feature for research paper writings. The fact is that they can only show the surface and that they might sometimes unavoidably present both significant and non-significant facts with equal emphasis.
另一点是,尽管强烈反对使用口语,但有必要指出,如果看到太多的“作者”、“作者”、“他们”作为句子的主语,读者也会感到无聊。无论如何。 正式的风格并不是研究论文写作的独特之处。事实是,它们只能显示表面,并且它们有时可能不可避免地同等的重点呈现重要和非重要的事实。

Generally speaking, formal writing sets an unusually high value on objectivity.meticulous³ accuracy and restraint.⁴ It is directed to the reader's mind and makes little effort to appeal to his emotions. Its purposes are utilitarian,’ and it is usually intended for readers who already have, to some degree, a special interest in the subject matter or even their experienced colleagues in the same field. Consequently, though it sets a high value on interest, it does not try to be so colorful and entertaining that it runs the risk of becoming flashy⁶ and flowery.

3) Ways of Writing: Professional vs. Non-professional
3) 写作方式:专业与非专业

A professional paper deals with the study of some objective facts or problems、and the conclusion that is drawn should be based on relevant data, not on personal likes and dislikes. This is particularly important in any kind of scientific inquiry, and it should

General Introduction to Professional Paper Writing 9
专业论文写作一般介绍 9

not matter who is conducting the experiment or investigation. Being impersonal and free from emotional factors is one of the important features of professional writing. The need to be formal comes from the fact that science reflects objective facts, and is free from bias and prejudice. The need for objectivity becomes a matter of special concern whenever a research or an investigation touches upon human actions or attitudes. The focus of professional writing is upon the data and upon the analysis of the data. For example, instead of writing:
无论谁在进行实验或调查。没有人情味和不受情感因素的影响是专业写作的重要特征之一。 需要正式是因为科学反映了客观事实,并且没有偏见和偏见。 每当研究或调查涉及人类的行为或态度时,对客观性的需求就成为一个特别关注的问题。 专业写作的重点是数据和数据分析。例如,不要编写:

I carried out an experiment to investigate the effect of light on plant growth.

It would be more conventional to say:

An experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of light on plant growth.

As we know, the function of professional papers is to reveal creative research achievements, exchange the latest research information, and further the development of science and technology. The argument will be convincing if it is presented concisely and concretely, and the thoughts and ideas are acceptable when arranged consistently and coherently. (Detailed description and actual examples of this will be given in the sections of Special Attention from Unit Eight to Unit Fourteen.)
众所周知,专业论文的作用是揭示创造性的研究成果,交流最新的研究信息,促进科学技术的发展。如果论点简洁具体地提出,它将具有说服力,并且思想和想法在一致和连贯地安排时是可以接受的。(详细说明和实际示例将在 特别注意部分从第 8 单元到第 14 单元。

In some cases, the subject matter of a discourse restricts the language used so that it becomes fully comprehensible only to people familiar with that particular topic or specialization. Read the following sample abstract and see how well you can understand.


The paper argues that proximity to and remoteness from normalcy of utterance respectively give rise to general and specific implicatures under the jurisdiction of comexture. Conventional implicatures are non-truth-functional、 unpredictable, incalculable, detachable from the sense of expression and hence different from conversational implicatures in general.(Foreign Language Teaching and Research No.2 1997p.80)
本文认为,接近和远离话语的常态分别导致了 comexture 管辖下的一般和特定暗示。 传统的暗示是非真理功能的、不可预测的、不可计算的、与表达意义分离的,因此与一般的对话暗示不同。(外语教学与研究 No.2 1997 p.80)


——《外语教学与研究》1997,第2 期第80 页

Now read another sample abstract:

·10· 研究生英语系列教程·英语论文写作与发表

In this way the distinction between heavy current electrical engineering and light current electrical engineering can be said to have disappeared, but we still have the conceptual difference m that in power engineering the primary concern is to transport energy between distant points in space; while with communications systems the primary objective is to convey, extract and process information in which process considerable amounts of power may be consumed.
这样,大电流电气工程和轻电流电气工程之间的区别可以说已经消失了,但我们仍然存在概念上的差异 m 在电力工程中,主要关注点是在空间中的遥远点之间传输能量;而对于通信系统,主要目标是传输、提取和进程信息,其中进程可能会消耗大量功率。

(Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal No.4 1997p.27)
(中国科技翻译杂志 No.4 1997p.27)



Obviously, it is rather difficult for non-professional readers to get full understanding of all the points in the passage because of the particular topic, the feature of their vocabulary(e. g., unambiguous7implication, high specialization, fixed sense of the word, etc.) and that of their sentence structures(rigorous⁸grammatical structures, unity, etc.).

To some extent, we would say that the English used has its own vocabulary and favorite grammatical patterns which are often a necessary part of professional communication. Just as Firth, a famous British linguist, puts it, “A restricted language serves a circumscribed field of experience or action and can be said to have its own grammar and dictionary.”(Firth, 1957)(一种限定的语言往往服务于一种限定领域的经验或行为,而这种语言可以说有其自身的语法和词汇特征。)
在某种程度上,我们会说所使用的英语有自己的词汇和最喜欢的语法模式,这通常是专业交流的必要组成部分。正如英国著名语言学家 Firth 所说,“受限语言服务于一个限定的经验或行动领域,可以说有自己的语法和词典。(Firth,1957 年)(一种限定的语言往往服务于一种限定领域的经验或行为,而这种语言可以说有其自身的语法和词汇特征。)

Needless to say, to be able to write effective professional papers, it is very important to have an overview of their linguistic features. We will, therefore, pay special attention to the linguistic features, to be more exact, to their vocabulary, sentence structures as well as other writing skills, which will be dealt with in detail in the following units.


1. formality: being formal
1. 正式性:正式

2. colloquialism: informality in language use, especially the use of a language in a familiar or informal conversation 口语化
2. 口语化:语言使用的非正式性,尤其是在熟悉或非正式的对话中使用语言口语化

General Introduction to Professional Paper Writing

3. meticulous: extremely careful
3. 一丝不苟:极其细致

4. restraint: the quality of being restrained 制约, 抑制
4. restraint: 被约束的品质 制约, 抑制

5. utilitarían: made to be useful rather than decorative 实用的
5. utilitarían: Made to be useful instead not decorative 实用的

6. flashy: unpleasantly big, bright 华面不实的
6. 华丽的 ,令人不快的大,亮华面不实的

7. unambiguous: having one possible meaning or interpretation
7. unambiguous:具有一种可能的含义或解释

8. rigorous: careful, thorough and exact
8. 严谨:细致、彻底、准确

Reflections and Practice

I. Work with your partner to discuss the classification of professional papers.
I. 与您的合作伙伴一起讨论专业论文的分类。

II. Summarize your own ways of preparing a professional paper.
II. 总结自己准备专业论文的方法。

Ⅲ. Find a major journal in your field and analyze the requirements and specifications laid down by the Editorial Board of the journal or periodical for submission.

IV. Read the following two passages and try to find out the stylistic features of each.
IV. 阅读以下两段经文,并尝试找出每段经文的文体特征。

The American wife stood at the window looking out. Outside right under their window a cat was crouched under one of the dripping green tables. The cat was trying to make herself so compact that she would not be dripped on.

“I'm going down and get that kitty,” the American wife said.

“I` ll do it.” her husband offered from the bed.

“No, I' ll get it. The poor kitty out trying to keep dry under a table.”

The husband went on reading, lying propped up with the two pillows at the foot of the bed.

“Don't get wet,” he said.

The wife went downstairs and the hotel owner stood up and bowed to her as she passed the office. His desk was at the far end of the office. He was an old man and very tall

—— Excerpt from Cat in the Rain by Ernest Hemingway
—— 节选自欧内斯特·海明威 (Ernest Hemingway) 的《雨中猫》

All the experiments draw on the observations made during the First Global GARP Experiment (FGGE) of 1979, when an intonsive international effort acquired as complete a set of global observations as was ever made before or since. In each set of experiments, forecasts
所有实验都借鉴 1979 年第一次全球 GARP 实验 (FGGE) 期间的观察结果,当时一项国际努力获得了一套与以前或之后所做的一样完整的全球观测。在每组实验中,预测

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were made drawing on all of the observing systems available — satellite temperatures, satellite cloud-track winds, winds and temperatures from commercial aircraft, surface observations(land and ship), and balloon observations. Then new sets of forecasts drew on this maximum system with one or more observing systems deleted from it.

——“Weather Satellites Coming of Age”, Science, Vol.229, July 1995,p.256
——“气象卫星的成熟”,《科学》,第 229 卷,1995 年 7 月,第 256 页

V. Find an original professional paper in a major international journal in your field and briefly analyze its vocabulary, sentence structures as well as its writing style.
V. 在您所在领域的主要国际期刊上找到一篇原创专业论文,并简要分析其词汇、句子结构和写作风格。

VI. Brainstorm ideas for one of the topics below. Then write down the outline for a professional paper on the topic.
VI. 为以下主题之一集思广益。然后写下有关该主题的专业论文的大纲。

(1) Fighting Air Pollution
(1) 对抗空气污染

(2) Pushing Our University Up to the World Level
(2) 将我们的大学推向世界水平

(3) Writing a Professional Paper
(3) 撰写专业论文

Special Attention: Language Representation of Professional Papers

Language issues, undoubtedly, can be the most important points for attention in professional paper writing. Therefore they are specially arranged in the sections on Special Attention in each unit. Included in these sections are specific points such as the basic features of vocabulary and sentence structure of professional papers, the variety of English expressions, as well as ways on how to achieve conciseness, concreteness, coherence, and unity, etc. If you pay special attention to these sections, especially if you study them in combination with the sections of Theme Presentation, you will benefit much from this coursebook, and it would be possible for you to write good professional papers in English and to get them published in international journals.

Title, Author/

Affiliation and


Topical Highlights

◯ Title: general functions, linguistic features, writing requirements
◯ 标题:通用功能、语言特性、写作要求

O Author/ Affiliation: general functions, linguistic features, writing requirements
O 作者/单位:一般功能、语言特征、写作要求

◯ Keywords: general functions, linguistic features, writing requirements
◯ 关键词:通用功能、语言特性、写作要求

○ Special Attention: vocabulary (I)— typically professionalized terms, specifically concentrated meaning, Latin and Greek words
○ 特别注意:词汇 (I)— 典型的专业术语,特别是集中含义、拉丁语和希腊语单词

Theme Presentation

1. Title: General Functions/ Linguistic Features/ Writing Requirements
1. 标题:通用功能/语言特性/写作要求

If we regard a paper as a commodity, then, the title is its brand. The similarity of the relation between a title and the paper to that of a name and the person is obvious. However, the analogy between these two pairs does not reveal the function of a title entirely, because a title usually means more than a name to the person. A title can be vividly described as the“Abstract of an Abstract.”
如果我们将纸张视为商品,那么标题就是它的品牌。 标题和论文之间的关系与姓名和人之间的关系相似性是显而易见的。 然而,这两对之间的类比并不能完全揭示头衔的功能,因为头衔对人来说通常比名字更重要。标题可以生动地描述为“Abstract of an Abstract”。

1) General Functions
1) 一般功能

(1) Generalizing the Text
(1) 概括文本

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A title should summarize the central idea of the paper concisely and correctly. It must be consistent with the contents of the document, and be highly representative of the central idea of the paper. By glancing at the title, the reader will immediately know, incorporating with the abstract, what is mainly dealt with in the paper. Therefore, the title should distinguish the paper from other treatments of the same general subject so as to strengthen the influence of the paper in a given field.

(2) Attracting the Reader
(2) 吸引读者

An interesting title may draw particular attention among professionals, for only when readers are interested in the title will they decide to read the whole paper. Therefore, a less attractive title will cause the loss of a large number of readers of the paper. Ideally, the title should be such that, by reading it, any professional reader can see whether the paper is worth reading at all.
一个有趣的标题可能会引起专业人士的特别关注,因为只有当读者对标题感兴趣时,他们才会决定阅读整篇论文。 因此,一个不那么吸引人的标题会导致论文的大量读者流失。理想情况下,标题应该是这样的,通过阅读它,任何专业读者都可以看出这篇论文是否值得阅读。

(3) Facilitating the Retrieval¹
(3) 方便检索¹

A good title can help the reader in his search for information. During the process of paper retrieval the title is always the first piece of information the reader acquires. So. a title serves as an important index of information retrieval to meet the needs of extensive paper communication and information dissemination.²
一个好的标题可以帮助读者搜索信息。在论文检索过程中,标题始终是读者获得的第一条信息。 因此,标题是信息检索的重要索引,可以满足广泛的纸张通信和信息传播的需要。²

2) Linguistic Features
2) 语言特征

(1) Using More Nouns, Noun Phrases and Gerunds
(1) 使用更多的名词、名词短语和动名词

The words or phrases used in a title are very often nouns, noun phrases or gerunds, nominalization, which usually are keywords for the paper, having the ability to sum up the whole text. For example, we may easily find such titles as Database Logic, Growth Mechanism of Whiskers and Treatment for Defect Removal, Writing and Publishing Professional Papers, etc.
标题中使用的单词或短语通常是名词、名词短语或动名词,名词化,通常是论文的关键词,具有总结整篇文章的能力。例如,我们可以很容易地找到 Database Logic、Growth Mechanism of Whiskers 和 Treatment for Defect Removal、Writing and Publishing Professional Papers 等标题。

(2) Using an Incomplete Sentence
(2) 使用不完整的句子

A title is just a label or appellation³ of the paper, reflecting the main idea of the contents, so even when there is a need to give a title in the form of a sentence, it does not need to be a complete sentence.

3) Writing Requirements
3) 写作要求

(1) Be Brief and Concise
(1) 简洁明了

The title of a paper should be concise and succinct. “Generally, a title is composed

Title, Author/ Affiliation and Keywords ·15·
标题、作者/单位和关键词 ·15·

of no more than twenty words. It is advisable to avoid such a title of thirty-two words as the one in the British Journal of Microscopi es⁵ of Royal Society: On the addition to the method of microscopic research by a new way of producing color-contrast between an object and its background or between definite parts of the object itself, which may be shortened as A new way of producing color-contrast in microscopic examination.
不超过 20 个字。建议避免使用像英国皇家学会《英国显微镜杂志》中那样的 32 个字的标题:关于通过一种在物体与其背景之间或物体本身的确定部分之间产生颜色对比的新方法添加到显微研究方法中,可以缩短为在显微镜检查中产生颜色对比的新方法。

If a title is too long, it would be difficult for readers to catch the meaning of the content and remember it. If the writer fails to state his idea clearly in a few words, he can use a subtitle, for example, International Communication Pragmatics⁶——A New Branch of Learning of Language. To be brief and concise, professional papers seldom use such decorative locutions’ as“on the...”, “regarding...”, “investigation on...”, “the method of...”, “some thoughts on...”, “a research of...”, which lead to redundaney. Of course, the title must be long enough to describe the content of the paper too short a title, sometimes, may bring about confusion.
如果标题太长,读者将很难抓住内容的含义并记住它。如果作者不能用几句话清楚地表达他的想法,他可以使用一个副标题,例如,国际交流语用学⁶——语言学习的新分支。简而言之,专业论文很少使用诸如“on the...”、“about...”、“investigation on...”、“the method of...”、“some thoughts on...”、“a research of...”之类的装饰性词语,这导致了 redundaney。 当然,标题必须足够长,才能描述论文的内容,标题太短,有时,可能会带来混淆。

(2) Be Specific
(2) 具体

In preparing the title of a paper, a general and abstract title should be avoided. For example, such a title as Computer Retrieval will be regarded as too general and global, vague and empty, telling the reader nothing specific. It would be better to change the title into something like Computer Retrieval on Literature of Physics, or Computer Retrieval on International Conference Information, according to the content of the paper. Similarly, the title Using of Barkhausen Signal in Plain Steel may, according to its contents, be changed into An Application of Fourier Transform on Barkhausen⁸ Emission Signal Analysis. The above revised titles can greatly highlight the emphasis and particularity of the work.
在准备论文标题时,应避免笼统和抽象的标题。例如,像 Computer Retrieval 这样的标题会被认为过于笼统和笼统、模糊和空洞,没有告诉读者任何具体的东西。根据论文内容,最好将标题改成 Computer Retrieval on Literature of Physics 或 Computer Retrieval on International Conference Information。同样,根据其内容,标题 Using of Barkhausen Signal in Plain Steel 可以更改为 An Application of Fourier Transform on Barkhausen⁸ Emission Signal Analysis。以上修改后的标题可以极大地突出作品的重点和特殊性。

(3) Avoid Question Titles
(3) 避免使用题目

A question title means a complete sentence in the question form. Such titles are usually not used in an academic paper (especially in natural sciences), because they always include some redundant question words and marks, for example, “Is there...?”“When does...?”“Should the...?”“Is it ...?” and so on. What is worse, such a title creates inconvenience for information retrieval. If your title really contains an interrogation, you may adopt the form of“question word + infinitive”, for example, Essential Steps for Writing a Title Page: How to Prepare the Title, Authors/ Affiliations and Keywords.
问题标题是指问题表单中的完整句子。这样的标题通常不会在学术论文中使用(尤其是在自然科学中),因为它们总是包含一些多余的问词和标记,例如,“Is there ...?”“什么时候......?”应该......?“”是......“等等。更糟糕的是,这样的标题给信息检索带来了不便。如果你的标题确实包含询问你可以采用“疑问词 + 不定式”的形式,例如,写扉页的基本步骤:如何准备标题、作者/单位和关键词。

(4) Being Unified
(4) 统一

The parallel parts of a title should be grammatically symmetrical. That is to say,

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nouns should be matched with nouns, gerunds with gerunds, etc. In general, nouns and gerunds should not be mixed in a given title. For instance, the title The Treatment of Bonding and Eutecticum of Steel should be changed into Bonding and Eutecticuming Steel;’ and the title The Design and Preparing of Si₃N₄ should be replaced by The Design and Preparation of Si₃N₄-
名词应与名词匹配,动名词应与动名词匹配,等等。一般来说,名词和动名词不应该在给定的标题中混合。例如,标题 The Treatment of Bonding and Eutecticum of Steel 应改为 Bonding and Eutecticum Steel;' 标题 The Design and Preparation of Si₃N₄ 应改为 The Design and Preparation of Si₃N₄-

(5) Being Standard
(5) 标准

In general, nonstandard abbreviations and symbols, and/ or any terms or phraseology intelligible only to the specialist should be avoided, because the use of them could be inimical¹⁰ to efficient information retrieval.

Whether all the first letters of the principal words in a title should be capitalized or not, may depend upon the specific requirements set forth by the journal to which your manuscript is to be submitted.

Sample Analysis

Title 1 Reduction of Motion Artifacts Using a Two-frequency Impedance Plethysmograph and Adaptive Filtering'I
标题 1 使用双频阻抗体积描记器和自适应滤波减少运动伪影

Analysis: This is a good title. Being concise and easy to understand, it functions prefectly, with a small number of words to introduce the main content of the paper. Besides, the title conforms to the writing requirements stated above.

Title 2 A new frequency domain speech scrambling system which does not require frame synchronization¹²
标题 2 不需要帧同步的新型频域语音加扰系统¹²

Analysis: This seems a poor title. It is not concise, for it contains a subordinate clause, which is usually not encouraged. A more concise version could be:A New Frequency Domain Speech Scrambling System Not Requiring Frame Synchronization

Title 3 Effects of Acute Changes in Canine LV-Chamber Volume and Shape on Accuracy of Impedance Catheter Estimates of LV-Chamber Volume
标题 3 犬 LV 腔室体积和形状急性变化对阻抗导管估计 LV 腔室体积准确性的影响

Analysis: Again, this is not a satisfied title. First, it seems a bit too long. Second, the abbreviated word“LV” is unfavorably used in the title, which may hinder the reader from immediate and correct understanding of its specific meaning,

Title, Author/ Affiliation and Keywords 17·
标题、作者/单位和关键词 17·

especially when the title appears separately in the title indexing. Third, the same expression“LV-Chamber Volume” is used twice in the same title.
尤其是当标题单独出现在标题索引中时。第三,相同的表达式“LV-Chamber Volume”在同一标题中使用了两次。


1. retrieval:(technical term) a process of getting information back from a computer system 检索
1. 检索:(技术术语)从计算机系统取回信息的过程 检索

2. dissemination: the action or process of distribution of information or knowledge to more people or organizations 传播
2. 传播:将信息或知识分发给更多人或组织的行为或过程 传播

3. appellation:(fml.)a name or title
3. 产区名称:(fml.)名称或标题

4. succinct: clearly expressed in a few words
4. 简洁:用几句话清楚地表达出来

5. microscopies: the technology for displaying very fine or extremely small things 显微技术
5. microscopyies: the technology for display very fine or extremely small things 显微技术

6. pragmatics: the study of the way language is used 语用学
6. Pragmatics: The study of the way language is used (语用学)

7. locution:(fml.)a way of speaking
7. 语言:(fml.)一种说话方式

8. Fourier… Barkhausen: 均为人名
8. 傅里叶...Barkhausen: 均为人名

9. Boriding and Eutecticuming Steel:《钢的硼化与晶化处理》
9. Borides and Eutecticuming Steel:《钢的硼化与晶化处理》

10. inimical: very unfavorable (to)
10. inimical:非常不利 (to)

11. Two-frequency Impedance Plethysmograph and Adaptive Filtering: 双频阻抗体积描图仪及适应性滤波
11. Two-frequency Impedance Plethysmograph and Adaptive Filtering: 双频阻抗体积描图仪及适应性滤波

12. synchronization: the action or function to make two things or phenomena occur exactly at the same time
12. 同步:使两个事物或现象完全同时发生的动作或函数

2. Author/ Affiliation: General Functions/ Linguistic Features/ Writing Requirements
2. 作者/单位: 一般功能/ 语言特征/ 写作要求

1) General Functions
1) 一般功能

(1) Bearing Author's Responsibility
(1) 承担作者的责任

Definitely, the author(s) must perform the entire work of paper writing in person and be responsible for the content of the paper. That means if any consequence should arise from the publication of the paper, the author(s) should take it, without affecting the other members of the research team or people other than the author(s).

(2) Facilitating Retrieval and Correspondence
(2) 方便检索和通信

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The names of author(s) and institutional affiliations¹ are usually used as author indexing, designed in the information referencing network. Readers can correspond with the author, according to the affiliation.
作者姓名和机构隶属关系¹ 通常用作作者索引,在信息引用网络中设计。读者可以根据隶属关系与作者通信。

(3) Heightening Celebrity
(3) 提升名人

The publication of a research paper is regarded as a norm for valuing the professional level of the researcher and/ or the academic institution concerned. Therefore this section should be written clearly so as to publish the paper in a given international journal.

The affiliation has two main functions. The first function is to facilitate correspondence; the second, to bring the reputation gained through the publication of the paper to the author's institution and his country.

2) Linguistic Features
2) 语言特征

Rules of Spelling

The name of a Chinese author is preferably spelt in accordance with the Chinese pinyin,

Nowadays, a two-character name is quite popular among the Chinese authors, for example, Zhang Ming, Wang Wei, Li Ning, Zhao Bin, et al, which often leads to difficulty for Westerners to pronounce the name, especially the family name, because they customarily take the last name as the family name. Under such circumstances, all the letters of the family name are preferably capitalized so as to distinguish the family name from the given or personal name. For example, the above names can be rewritten as ZHANG Ming, WANG Wei, LI Ning, and ZHAO Bin.
如今,两个字的名字在中国作家中相当流行,例如张明、王伟、李宁、赵斌等,这往往导致西方人难以发音,尤其是姓氏,因为他们习惯于以姓氏作为姓氏。在这种情况下,姓氏的所有字母最好大写,以便将姓氏与名字或个人姓名区分开来。例如,上述姓名可以改写为 ZHANG Ming、WANG Wei、LI Ning 和 ZHAO Bin。

Besides, use no abbreviations in the section of affiliation. Give adequate postal address, including ZIP or other postal codes and the name of the country.

3) Writing Requirements
3) 写作要求

(1) Printing Format Unified
(1) 统一打印格式

If a writer intends to send his paper to an international journal, he should prepare his name and affiliation according to the specific requirements of the journal. To be exact, the format and the printing style, as well as all the other aspects should be unified and standardized.
如果作者打算将他的论文投递给国际期刊,他应该根据期刊的具体要求准备他的姓名和单位。 准确地说,格式和打印样式,以及所有其他方面都应该统一和标准化。

(2) Number of Authors
(2) 作者人数

In general, it is advised that the number of authors should not be over four. In case
一般来说,建议作者人数不应超过 4 人。倘

Title, Author/ Affiliation and Keywords ·19·
标题、作者/单位和关键词 ·19·

of real need, it is advisable to use“et al.”² after the principal authors. Too many authors listed may lead to inconvenience in author indexing.
真正需要的,建议使用“et al.”² 在主要作者之后。列出的作者过多可能会导致作者索引不便。

(3) Professional Title Omitted
(3) 省略了职称

The professional title, administrative rank or academic degree such as“Professor”,“President”, “Chief Manager”, “Doctor”, etc. are preferably omitted before the name of an author.

If there must be a title included, it can be put together with the affiliation. For example:

Xin Qinghua

Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, Tsinghua University Beijing 100084; the People's Republic of China
清华大学外语系教授 北京 100084; 中华人民共和国

(4) Address)
(4) 地址)

The institutional affiliation (an employer) should be written from the smaller unit to the larger ones, just as those written on an envelope. In case you are in a foreign country pursuing advanced study, you are advised to write your present address and your permanent address at home when you send your paper for publication.

For multiple authors or multiple affiliations, follow the instructions given by the editor of the journal to which your paper is submitted.

(5) Internal Units,³ etc.
(5) 内部单位³ 等

The exact internal unit-or too small a unit of the authors should not be written in the section of affiliation, especially those units that are incomprehensible for foreigners, such as“Technical Innovation Group of...”, “Research Office of...”, “Task-force Team of...”, etc. These units are too internal and too small to be understood by foreign readers, and are also difficult for author indexing.(They may be put in the footnote s if necessary.)
作者的确切内部单位或太小的单位不宜写在隶属关系部分,尤其是那些外国人难以理解的单位,如“技术创新组...”、“研究室...”、“工作组组...”等。这些单位太内部、太小,外国读者无法理解,而且也很难进行作者索引。如有必要,可以将它们放在脚注 s 中。


1. affiliation: Close connection (with) or attachment (to). Here the word is used to refer to the institution one works in (工作单位 ).
1. 隶属关系:紧密联系 (with) 或附件 (to)。 这里这个词用来指代一个人工作的机构 (工作单位 )。

2. et al.: The phrase is originated from Latin, et alii (masc.) and et aliae (fem.), meaning“and the others”, or“also in names after.”
2. et al.: 这个短语起源于拉丁语,et alii (masc.) 和 et aliae (fem.),意思是 “和其他人”,或者 “也在名字之后”。

3. internal unit: the concrete unit one works in; that is 具体单位或内部的小单位
3. 内部单元:工作的具体单元;即具体单位或内部的小单位

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3. Keywords: General Functions/ Linguistic Features/ Writing Requirements
3. 关键词:通用功能 / 语言特征 / 写作要求

1) General Functions
1) 一般功能

(1) Easiness of Retrieval
(1) 检索的简便性

As the name implies, keywords are the most important words and phases representative of the theme or subject matter of the paper, and frequently used in a paper. Readers can find out the theme of the paper by looking at the keywords.

(2) Easiness of Highlighting
(2) 高亮的易用性

The function of keywords is to facilitate the information retrieval and accentuate¹ the gist of the paper.

2) Linguistic Features
2) 语言特征

(1) Nominalization
(1) 名词化

Keywords are usually used in the form of nouns, not verbs. For example,“investigation” is used instead of“investigate”;“fabricate” should be replaced by“fabrication”; and“educate” ought to be replaced by“education.”

(2) Limited Number
(2) 数量有限

The number of keywords for a paper should be limited. Four to six keywords are the average. In general, there should be at least 2 and at most 8.
论文的关键字数量是有限的。四到六个关键词是平均值。一般来说,至少应该有 2 个,最多有 8 个。

(3) Designated Choice
(3) 指定选择

The keywords of a paper usually come from the title and/ or the abstract, where the key terms of words and phrases are usually contained.

3) Writing Requirements
3) 写作要求

(1) Using Required Terms
(1) 使用必要条款

The terms of“keywords” should be consistent with the requirements of the journal to which you submit your paper. The section“keywords”, is also variously called“keywords index”, “keywords and phrases”, “indexing terms”, etc.
“关键词”的术语应与您提交论文的期刊的要求一致。“keywords”部分也被称为“keywords index”、“keywords and phrases”、“indexing terms”等。

(2) Placing in Right Location
(2) 放置在正确的位置

Though keywords can be either above or below the abstract of a paper, they are yet, in most cases, placed below the abstract.

(3) Spacing the Keywords
(3) 分隔关键字

Keywords are not necessarily all capitalized, except the first letter of keywords as a

Title, Author/ Affiliation and Keywords ·21·
标题、作者/单位和关键字 ·21·

heading. Use comma (,) or semicolon(;) to separate the words. Larger partition² or space can also be used instead of punctuation. Do not use full stop (.) after the last keyword.
标题。使用逗号 (,) 或分号 (;) 分隔单词。也可以使用更大的分区²或空间来代替标点符号。不要在最后一个关键字后使用句号 (.)。

(4) Adopting Standard Abbreviations, etc.
(4) 采用标准缩写等。

Standard abbreviations are preferred in the section of keywords. All abbreviated words should be in conformity with the ISO norms.³ Since the keywords are often used as indexing to retrieve the paper, they must be intelligible,⁴ at least, by professionals in the field.
在关键字部分首选标准缩写。所有缩写词都应符合 ISO 规范。³ 由于关键字经常用作检索论文的索引,因此它们必须至少被该领域的专业人士理解


1. accentuate: to. stress or emphasize
1. 强调:到。强调或强调

2. partition: separation or spacing
2. 隔断:分隔或间隔

3. ISO norms:ISO, abbreviation of International Standard Organization
3. ISO规范:ISO,国际标准组织的缩写

4. intelligible:(esp. of speech or writing) which can be understood
4. 可理解的(尤其是语音或写作)

Reflections and Practice (1)
反思与实践 (1

I. Work with your partner to discuss the following questions.
I. 与您的伙伴一起讨论以下问题。

1. What are the general functions of a title in a professional paper?
1. 专业论文中标题的一般功能是什么?

2. What are the general writing requirements for the author (s) and affiliation in a professional paper?
2. 专业论文对作者和单位的一般写作要求是什么

3. What is your understanding of the keywords to a paper?
3. 你对论文的关键词有什么理解?

II. Give your comments on the following titles and keywords or revise them if necessary.
II. 对以下标题和关键词发表评论,或在必要时进行修改。

1. Title
1. 标题

l) On Learning Foreign Languages and Cultural Background Teaching
l) 关于学习外语和文化背景教学

2) A Research on the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Applied in th
2) 人工神经网络 (ANN) 的研究应用于

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of Structural Mechanics

3) Developing Computer Internet and the Spread of Culture and Information
3) 计算机互联网的发展和文化信息传播

4) Inputting Cross-cultural Information for More Effective English Teaching by Means of Inputting Cross-cultural Communication in General College English Teaching
4) 在普通大学英语教学,通过输入跨文化交际输入跨文化信息,提高英语教学效率

5) Is Literature Useless in TOEFL?
5) 文学在托福中没有用吗?

6) Innovation and the Materials Revolution
6) 创新和材料革命

7) Phase Equilibria(平衡) Between Fluorothene (聚氯三氟乙烯) and Organic Solvents
7) Fluorothene(聚氯三氟乙烯)和有机溶剂之间的相平衡(平衡)

8) Can the Rate of Wash Load Be Predicted from the Bed Load Function?
8) 可以从 Bed Load 函数预测洗涤负荷率吗?

9) Focusing on the Communicative Skills — Advanced English Communication Course for Non-English Major Postgraduates in Tsinghua University
9) 注重交际技巧 — 清华大学非英语专业研究生高级英语交际课程

10) A Bridge between Two Worlds
10) 两个世界之间的桥梁

2. Keywords
2. 关键词

1) Keywords: English, vocabulary, tendency.
1) 关键词:英语、词汇、倾向。

2) Keywords: Collocation Context Connotation
2) 关键词: 搭配 上下文 内涵

3) Keywords: Five-year plans; economic conditions; industry statistical data; foreign investment; chemical industry
3) 关键词:五年计划;经济状况;行业统计数据; 外商投资;化工行业

4) Keywords: water transfer, system analysis, DSS
4) 关键词:水输送 / 系统分析, DSS

5) Keywords: mass media
5) 关键词:大众传媒

6) Keywords: nuclear waste, nuclear fuel cycle, remediation, bioremediation, citrobacter, heavy metal accumulation, uranium transuranic elements, tecnetium, tributylphosphate, ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid(EDTA)
6) 关键词:核废料, 核燃料循环, 修复, 生物修复, 柠檬酸杆菌, 重金属积累, 铀超铀元素, 构造层, 磷酸三丁酯, 乙二胺四乙酸 (EDTA)

III. Write out the titles and keywords on the basis of the following abstracts.
III. 根据以下摘要写出标题和关键词。

Abstract 1
摘要 1

With the development of multimedia technology, more and more people get information by“reading” computer's screen and it results in a new communication problem. When developing a multimedia presentation program, it is very important to organize the multimedia materials in the way that the“reader” could control the program conveniently, concentrate on the main point quickly and enjoy the presentation easily.

Title, Author/ Affiliation and Keywords ·23·
标题、作者/单位和关键词 ·23·


This paper examines usage of Chinese typography(印刷排版式样) in a selection of recent award-winning advertisements from the Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. It argues that the visual expression of“Chinese,” identity through typography reflects the three distinct cultural contexts in which the advertisements were produced.

✔摘要 3

The Chinese cuisine(烹饪) naming has its specific cultural implications. Its primary motivation is characterized with straightforwardness, as the name of a Chinese dish usually contains four parts: main raw material, subsidiary raw materials, way of cutting and way of cooking. Its literal translation into English generally doesn't cause much misunderstanding. The secondary motivations of Chinese cuisine naming consist of the initiator's name, the animal's name and the plant's name, which are characterized with associativeness. The Chinese cuisine naming after the initiator's involves cultural background knowledge. As an animal's or a plant's name may cause different associations between the Chinese people and the English-speaking people, the cuisine naming after the animal's or a plant's name may give rise to different cultural implications. Its translation into English often forms a cross-language and cross- cultural issue. Recently, with more cultural background knowledge involved, Chinese cuisine naming has tended to become diversified. We should follow the principles of stability and consistency in cuisine naming and its translation.
Chinese cuisine(烹饪) 命名有其特定的文化含义。它的主要动机是直截了当,因为中菜的名字通常包含四个部分:主要原料、辅助原料、切割方式和烹饪方式。它的直译成英文通常不会引起太多误解。中餐命名的次要动机包括发起者的名字、动物的名字和植物的名字,它们具有联想性的特点。以发起者的名字命名中餐涉及文化背景知识。由于动物或植物的名字可能引起中国人和说英语的人之间的不同联想,因此以动物或植物的名字命名的菜系可能会产生不同的文化含义。将其翻译成英文往往是一个跨语言和跨文化的问题。近年来,随着文化背景知识的引入,中餐命名趋于多样化。我们应该遵循菜系命名和翻译的稳定性和一致性原则。


In the 21st century, the most fierce competitions are in the supply of talented people of high quality, not in industry and scientific technology. If, to say, the 20th century is still an era in which“wealth conies from material resource”, then the 21st century is going to be a completely new era in which“wealth comes from human resources.” To transform the“Examination-oriented Education” into the“Quality- oriented Education” is not a partial adjustment of teaching methods, rather, it is a systematic program that involves various concepts such as the change of education thinking, the reform of educational structure and the renovation of teaching methods.
在 21 世纪,最激烈的竞争在于高素质人才的供应,而不是工业和科学技术。如果说 20 世纪仍然是一个“财富来自物质资源”的时代,那么 21 世纪将是一个“财富来自人力资源”的全新时代。把“应试教育”转变为“素质教育”,不是对教学方法的局部调整,而是一个涉及教育思想转变、教育结构改革、教学方法革新等各种概念的系统性规划

✔摘要 5

The global market competition and the development of new technologies have

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brought about challenges to manufacturing engineering. How to adapt the shop floor structure to the advent of the revolution of manufacturing philosophy becomes more and more important. This paper presents a policy based on a production-oriented software platform (POSP) which is supported by a real-time operating system and database. The structure includes four parts: user interface, application management, communication device and real-time database. The design strategy and realization ofPOSP are illustrated. It shows that software platform can provide good flexibility to systems design and reconfiguration.
给制造工程带来了挑战。如何使车间结构适应制造理念革命的到来变得越来越重要。本文提出了一种基于面向生产的软件平台 (POSP) 的策略,该平台由实时操作系统和数据库提供支持。该结构包括四个部分:用户界面、应用程序管理、通信设备和实时数据库。说明了 POSP 的设计策略和实现。它表明软件平台可以为系统设计和重新配置提供良好的灵活性。

Abstract 6
摘要 6

The paper describes the design of the underwater laser communication system. In our system, the light pulse produced by the LD pumped solid laser is modulated by the voice coder in the transmitter and reconvered to voice in the receiver. The peak power of light pulse is 1000Kw at the rate of 16Kb/s.
本文介绍了水下激光通信系统的设计。 在我们的系统中,LD 泵浦固体激光器产生的光脉冲由发射器中的语音编码器调制,并在接收器中重新汇合成语音。 光脉冲的峰值功率为 1000Kw,速率为 16Kb/s。

Abstract 7
摘要 7

In this paper we examine a number of hypotheses stemming from the market microstructure literature. In particular, we use a desegregate survey data base, consisting of the foreign exchange expectations of over 150 forecasters, to construct both aggregate(组合) and desegregate(分解) measures of dispersion. These measures are then used to examine the relationship between volatility, volume and heterogeneity(差量). GARCH modeling techniques are also employed to test a set of hypotheses related to the conditional volatility of exchange rate returns. The tenor of the results described in this paper may be interpreted as supportive of the usefulness of market microstructure concepts in analyzing foreign exchange markets.
在本文中,我们研究了源自市场微观结构文献的许多假设。特别是,我们使用一个由 150 多名预测者的外汇预期组成的 deegregate 调查数据库来构建 aggregate(组合)和 deegregate(分解)离散度的度量。然后使用这些指标来检查波动性、成交量和异质性 (差量) 之间的关系。GARCH 建模技术还用于检验一组与汇率回报的条件波动性相关的假设。 本文描述的结果的主旨可以解释为支持市场微观结构概念在分析外汇市场中的有用性。

Special Attention: Vocabulary (1)
特别注意:词汇 (1)

As discussed in Unit One, the vocabulary of a professional paper has its own specific features. They can be summed up as follows.

Title, Author/ Affiliation and Keywords ·25·
标题、作者/单位和关键词 ·25·

1) Typically Professionalized Terms
1) 典型的专业化术语

The terms or words used in professional papers are typically professionalized. Let's take the word“normal” as an example. Generally, it means“正常的”; but as a mathematical term, it means“法线”; and in the field of chemistry, it is“当量”. Again the word“power”. In electronics, it is rendered as“电源”; in mechanics, “动力”; whereas in mathematics, it is translated as“幕”.
专业论文中使用的术语或词语通常是专业化的。 让我们以 “normal” 这个词为例。一般来说,它的意思是“正常的”;但作为一个数学术语,它的意思是“法线”;而在化学领域,它是“当量”。 再次出现“力量”这个词。在电子学中,它被翻译为“电源”;在力学中,被翻译为“动力”;而在数学中,它被翻译为“幕”。

Even in the same field, the meanings of a word may vary slightly due to its different collocations, for example:

filter 滤波器,滤色器 tramp filter 干扰滤除器

amplitude filter 振辐滤波器 filter paper 滤纸
振幅滤波器 振辐滤波器 filter paper 滤纸

primary filter 基色滤色器

What is more, a great number of professional words and terms can only be understood by the specialists in the fields, e. g., decoder(译码器), photophor(磷光核 ), multi-quantum transition(多量子跃迁 ), Read Only Memory(只读储存器) and conversational implicatures(会话含义 ), etc. Examples like these are too numerous to mention one by one. It can be of help to have the clear awareness of this lexical feature in writing professional papers.

2) Specifically Concentrated Meaning
2) 特别集中的含义

In English, verb phrases made up of“verb+ adv./ prep.” are quite many, but these verb phrases often have more than one meaning. So their meanings are sometimes not easy to determine. In these cases, we often replace a verbal phrase by a single word of a specific meaning. For instance, we use“absorb” to replace“take in” or“take up”, and“discover” to substitute for“find out”, for these single verbs have much more specific and accurate meaning, and appear much more formal and effective in creating an academic atmosphere. Again, the verb“observe” is more specific and accurate than the phrase“look at” in expressing the professional concept of“观察”. Thus, making good use of this feature will be beneficial to writing accurate and concise English.
在英语中,由“verb+ adv./ prep.”组成的动词短语相当多,但这些动词短语通常具有不止一种含义。因此,它们的含义有时不容易确定。在这些情况下,我们通常会用具有特定含义的单个单词替换口头短语。例如,我们用“吸收”来代替“吸收”或“吸收”,用“发现”来代替“发现”,因为这些动词具有更具体、更准确的含义,在营造学术氛围方面显得更加正式和有效。同样,动词“观察”在表达“观察”的专业概念时,比短语“观察”更具体、更准确。因此,善用此功能将有助于写出准确简洁的英语。

Listed below are more examples of words and expressions (on the right side) which are more acceptable in professional writing:
下面列出了更多在专业写作中更容易接受 的单词和表达示例(右侧):

to take up, to take in —— to absorb to push into — to insert

to speed up — to accelerate to increase in amount— to accumulate
to speed up — 加速 to 增加数量 — to accumulate

to behave like — to act as to throw back— to reflect
to beact like — 行为像 throw back— 反思

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to put in — to add to take up and use— to assimilate
to put in — 添加 to take up and use— 同化

to pull towards — to attract to join together — to combine
to pull towards — 吸引 join together — 结合

to be made up of — to be composed of to use up— to consume
to be composed of — 组成 to use up— to consume

to breathe in — to inhale to use up, to finish — to exhaust
吸气 — 吸气 用完 — 耗尽 — 耗尽

to think about — to consider to spread out— to diffuse
想 — 考虑 摊开 — 扩散

to find out— to discover to throw out, to get rid of— to eliminate
找出来——发现 扔掉—— 摆脱—— 消除

to take away— to remove to push away— to repel
To take away— 移除 to push away— 排斥

to pour out over the top — to overflow to get together— to concentrate
倾倒在顶部 — 溢出 聚集 — 集中精力

to hang up — to suspend to pass on — to transmit, to transfer
挂断 — 暂停 传递 — 传输

There are also many other words and phrases which have more specific meanings, for example:“suitable for” is more accurate than“all right for” in expressing“适合于”. Thus, they prove to be more formal and acceptable in professional papers.
还有许多其他词语和短语具有更具体的含义,例如:“suitable for”在表达“适合于”时比“all right for”更准确。 因此,它们在专业论文中被证明更加正式和可接受。

More examples are listed below:

without— in the absence of
without— 在没有

not natural — artificial
非自然 — 人工

to do a sum— to calculate
to do a sum— 计算

to make less, to become less— to decrease

places round about, surroundings—— environment
周围地方、周围环境—— 环境

to do, to act— to behave

to get bigger— to expand
变得更大 — 为了扩展

about, more or less — approximately
about, 或多或少 — 大约

not as good(as)— inferior (to)
不如(as)— 劣(to)

upside down— inverted
Upside Down(倒置)

light from the moon— moonlight
月光 — 月光

sometimes — occasionally
有时 — 偶尔

before this— previously
在此之前 - 以前

a little — slightly
一点 — 稍微

all right for, enough for —— suitable for
都对 for , 够 for —— 适合

better(than)—— superior (to)
better(than)—— superior (to)

without stopping —— unceasingly
不停 —— 不断

to give, to supply—— to provide
给予,供应—— 提供

today, now—— nowadays, at present
今天,现在—— 现在,现在

Title, Author/ Affiliation and Keywords ·27·
标题、作者/单位和关键字 ·27·

to do this—(for this) purpose
执行此操作 - (为此)目的

to carry— to transport
携带— 运输

to do — to achieve
To Do — 实现

to stay alive — to survive
To Stay Alive(活着——为了生存)

in the end— eventually

3) Latin and Greek Words
3) 拉丁语和希腊语单词

Many English words of Greek and Latin origin are still used as part of academic English vocabulary especially in scientific and technical terminology. Words like analysis, formula, symposium, stimulus, focus, antenna, which come from Greek and Latin, are familiar to most of us. It is also a fact that both Greek and Latin words are used as affixes from which quite a few new words can be derived. Such prefixes as micro-, auto-, multi-, and suffixes as - logy, - ion,-graph, etc. can be easily seen in professional papers. Hence, if you get familiar with this feature of word-formation, it will help enlarge your English vocabulary, improve your writing ability.
许多源自希腊语和拉丁语的英语单词仍然被用作学术英语词汇的一部分,尤其是在科学和技术术语中。 分析、公式、研讨会、刺激、焦点、天线等来自希腊语和拉丁语的词,我们大多数人都很熟悉。希腊语和拉丁语单词都被用作词缀,从中可以衍生出相当多的新单词,这也是一个事实。 micro-、auto-、multi- 等前缀以及 - logy、- ion、-graph 等后缀在专业论文中很容易看到。因此,如果你熟悉了这个构词的特点,将有助于扩大你的英语词汇量,提高你的写作能力。

Reflections and Practice (2)
反思与实践 (2)

I. Choose from Column A the verbs similar in meaning to the verb phrases in Column B. Note there are more verbs in Column A.
I. 从 A 列中选择与 B 列中的动词短语含义相似的动词。请注意,A 列中还有更多动词。


1. transmit a/ use up
1. 传输 A/ 用完

2. assimilate b pass on
2. 同化 B 传

3、consume c. get rid of
3、食用 c. 摆脱

4. diffuse d. put off
4. 漫射 D. 推迟

5. transfer e. spread out
5. 转移 E. 展开

6. eliminate f. take in and use
6. 消除 F. 接收和使用

7. suspend
7. 暂停

8. increase
8. 增加

9. exhausted
9. 筋疲力尽

10. Postpone
10. 推迟

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JI. Make the underlined parts of the following sentences more acceptable in professional papers.

1. After a hole was made in a cork, a narrow glass tube was pushed into it and the cork was pushed into the neck of a bottle filled with colored water.
1. 在软木塞上打个洞后,将一根狭窄的玻璃管 推入其中,然后将软木塞 推入装满有色水的瓶子的颈部。

2. A reservoir is nearly always higher than the town to which it sends the water, so that gravity gives the push which carries the water through pipes to houses.
2. 水库几乎总是高于它输送水的城镇,因此重力会推动 水通过管道输送到房屋。

3. Archimedes watched and noticed that the water in his bath overflowed when he got in.
3. 阿基米德观察并注意到他进去时浴缸里的水溢出了。

4. People get natural rubber from rubber trees as a white milky liquid, which is called latex.
4. 人们从橡胶树上获得天然橡胶,是一种白色的乳白色液体,称为乳胶。

5. But by experiment they found out that it is made of two important gases and very small amounts of others.
5. 但通过实验他们发现它由两种重要的气体和极少量的其他气体组成

6. The body then gets rid of this carbon dioxide by breathing out
6. 然后身体通过呼气来排出这些二氧化碳

7. The moon can be said to be like a large mirror which throws back the sun's light to the earth.
7. 月亮可以说就像一面大镜子,将太阳的光芒反射 到地球上。

8. The reason is that the heat at the end of the silver spoon is passed on quickly from one molecule of silver to the next.
8. 原因是银勺末端的热量从一个银分子迅速传递到下一个银分子。

9. As explained previously, electrons travel round the nucleus, just as planets travel round the sun.
9. 如前所述,电子绕原子核运动,就像行星太阳运动一样。

10. The molecules of a substance are in continual motion. They try to spread out.
10. 物质的分子在不断运动。他们试图分散开来。

III. Try to work out the meaning of the given words and supply two or three other examples that you know.
III. 试着弄清楚给定单词的含义,并提供两三个你知道的其他例子。

prefix/ suffix word meaning your examples
prefix/ suffix 表示 您的示例的单词

micro- microclimate
微 - 小气候

hydro- hydrolyze

auto- autonomous
自动 - 自动驾驶

multi- multiversity

-ion absorption

-graph monograph

-logy biology
-logy 生物学

-tude amplitude
-tude 振幅

Abstract (1)
摘要 (1)

Topical Highlights

) General Functions of Abstract: miniaturizing the text, deciding“yes” or“no”, expanding the circulation
Abstract 的一般功能:将文本缩小,决定“是”或“否”,扩大流通

Linguistic Features of Abstract: limited length, categories of abstracts, complete content, formalized structure

O Writing Requirements for Abstract: integrated, concise, consistent, and concentrated
O 摘要写作要求:整合、简洁、一致、集中

O Special Attention: vocabulary (2) — frequent use of compound words, commonly- used contracted words and frequent use of antonyms
O 特别注意:词汇 (2) — 经常使用复合词、常用的缩略词和经常使用反义词

Theme Presentation

1. General Functions of Abstract
1. Abstract 的一般功能

The successful circulation of a professional paper depends to a great extent on its abstract. As a matter of fact of the abstract is usually regarded as the most important component of a professional paper owing to its unique functions.

1) Miniaturizing the Text
1) 将文本微型化

Being the very first part of a professional paper and a self-contained entity, the abstract

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holds a critical role compared with other parts of the whole manuscript. Essentially, an abstract is a condensed statement of the contents of a paper. As a short, concise and highly generalized text, an abstract is viewed as a mini-version or a miniature of the document, summarizing the content of the main body. A well-prepared abstract, which serves as a useful tool in searching for information, enables readers to identify the basic content of a document more quickly and conveniently, to determine its relevance to their interest, and finally to decide whether they need to read the whole document.