ADI hosting WHO: Rehabilitation and dementia; global, national and personal perspectives
ADI 主辦世界衛生組織:復健和失智症;全球、國家和個人觀點
ADI 很高興地宣布,它將與世界衛生組織 (WHO) 於格林威治標準時間 2025 年 1 月 21 日下午 13:00 共同舉辦關於康復和癡呆症:全球、國家和個人觀點的網路研討會。 癡呆症診斷後的康復可能是一種有效的方法,可以使個人盡可能長時間地保持獨立。它還確保他們仍然是治療和護理決策的核心。 ADI 和世界衛生組織將共同從個人、國家和全球角度探討康復問題,世界衛生組織的代表將分享他們為癡呆症患者提供的一攬子康復幹預措施。 此網路研討會將由以下人員主辦: Chris Lynch,ADI 副執行長兼政策與傳播總監;Katrin Seeher 博士,世界衛生組織心理健康與藥物使用部心理健康專家 小組成員將包括: Alexandra Rauch 博士 PT、MPH、PhD、世界衛生組織非傳染性疾病、復健與殘疾 (NCD) 司復健專家 Yun-Hee Jeon 教授 BHSc(護理)、明尼蘇達州、博士,雪梨大學護理與助產學院。 伊萊恩‧亨特 (Elaine Hunter) 教授,蘇格蘭阿茲海默症國家聯合健康專業顧問 Jennifer Bute 博士,病患權益倡導者 人工智慧翻譯將提供 60 多種語言版本。南非荷蘭語、阿爾巴尼亞語、阿拉伯語、亞美尼亞語、孟加拉語、保加利亞語、粵語、加泰隆尼亞語、中文(簡體)、中文(繁體)、克羅埃西亞語、捷克語、丹麥語、荷蘭語、英語、愛沙尼亞語、芬蘭語、法語、喬治亞語、德語、希臘語、古吉拉特語、希伯來語、印地語、匈牙利語、冰島語、印尼語(印尼語)、愛爾蘭語、義大利語、日語、卡納達語、韓語、拉脫維亞語、立陶宛語、馬其頓語、馬來語、馬耳他語、挪威語、波斯語、波蘭語、葡萄牙語、旁遮普語、羅馬尼亞語、俄語、塞爾維亞語、斯洛伐克語、斯洛維尼亞語、西班牙語、斯瓦希里語、瑞典語、他加祿語、泰米爾語、泰語、土耳其語、烏克蘭語、烏爾都語、越南語和威爾斯語。

Chris Lynch 克里斯·林奇
Deputy CEO and Director of Policy and Communications·Alzheimer's Disease International
阿茲海默症國際副執行長兼政策與傳播總監Dr Katrin Seeher 卡特琳·西赫博士
Mental Health Specialist (Brain health)·Department of Mental Health and Substance Use, World Health Organization, Geneva
心理健康專家(腦健康) ·世界衛生組織心理健康與藥物使用司,日內瓦Originally trained as a psychologist, Katrin has been working with people with neurological disorders such as dementia and their families for almost 20 years. In her current role at WHO’s Brain health unit, Katrin is responsible for the implementation of the global action plan on the public health response to dementia 2017-2025 and leads the unit’s work on brain health measurement across the life course.
Katrin 最初是一名心理學家,近 20 年來一直與癡呆症等神經系統疾病患者及其家人一起工作。 號 號 Katrin 目前在世衛組織腦健康部門負責實施 2017-2025 年癡呆症公共衛生應對全球行動計劃,並領導該部門在整個生命週期的腦健康測量工作。Dr Alexandra Rauch 亞歷珊卓·勞赫博士
Rehabilitation Programme·Department of Noncommunicable Diseases, Rehabilitation & Disability (NCD), World Health Organisation
復健計畫·世界衛生組織非傳染性疾病、復健與殘疾 (NCD) 司Originally trained as a physiotherapist and public health expert, and after working in clinical practice and training of physiotherapists for more than 15 years, Alexandra has been working in research and projects related to strengthening rehabilitation globally. In her current role at WHO’s Rehabilitation Programme, Alexandra is responsible for the implementation of the WHO Package of interventions for rehabilitation and for the development of Standards for quality rehabilitation services. Furthermore, she leads projects related to the costing of rehabilitation packages and integration of rehabilitation into Universal Health Coverage.
Alexandra 最初接受的是物理治療師和公共衛生專家的培訓,在從事臨床實踐和物理治療師培訓超過 15 年後,一直致力於全球與加強復健相關的研究和計畫。 亞歷山德拉目前在世衛組織復健規劃中擔任職務,負責實施世衛組織復健幹預一攬子計畫並制定優質復健服務標準。此外,她還領導與康復方案成本核算以及將康復納入全民健康覆蓋相關的項目。Professor Yun-Hee Jeon 全允熙教授
Susan and Isaac Wakil Professor of Healthy Ageing·Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, The University of Sydney.
雪梨大學護理與助產學院蘇珊與艾薩克‧瓦基爾健康老化教授。Trained as a registered nurse in both South Korea and Australia, Yun-Hee has dedicated the past 25 years to improving the health and wellbeing of older people in care through research and education. Her work spans evidence-building to knowledge translation in person-centred dementia care, rehabilitation, workforce development in long term care. Yun-Hee has contributed to numerous national and international dementia-related initiatives including recent WHO’s Package of Interventions for Rehabilitation (Dementia) and WHO mhGAP update (Dementia module). She was recognised as the UN Healthy Ageing 50.
Yun-Hee 在韓國和澳洲接受過註冊護理師培訓,過去 25 年來一直致力於透過研究和教育改善護理長者的健康和福祉。她的工作涵蓋以人為本的癡呆症護理、康復、長期護理勞動力發展方面的證據建立和知識轉化。 Yun-Hee 為許多國家和國際癡呆症相關舉措做出了貢獻,包括最近的世衛組織康復幹預一攬子計劃(癡呆症)和世衛組織 mhGAP 更新(癡呆症模組)。她被評為聯合國健康老化 50 人。Professor Elaine Hunter 伊萊恩·亨特教授
National Allied Health Professions Consultant·Alzheimer Scotland
Chris is responsible for ADI’s policy, communications and publications strategies alongside his position as Deputy CEO. Chris represents ADI at meetings and conferences, including at the WHO and UN. Chris has over 25 years experience in communications, marketing, business development, policy, publications and events, working in the private, public and not for profit sectors. On the director team at Alzheimer Scotland, Chris had responsibility for Communications, External Affairs, Marketing, Membership, Events, International liaison and Digital strategy, plus key fundraising activity. With a passion for digital communication and transformation, he became a Scottish Government Digital Champion in 2016. Chris has run his own marketing and business development consultancy, Future Marketing, as well as a successful hospitality business. His pro-bono work includes start up and third sector business advice.
查看更多 看更多Chris 在擔任副執行長的同時,也負責 ADI 的政策、溝通和出版策略。 Chris 代表 ADI 出席各種會議,包括世界衛生組織和聯合國。 Chris 在傳播、行銷、業務開發、政策、出版物和活動方面擁有超過 25 年的經驗,曾在私營、公共和非營利部門工作。在蘇格蘭阿茲海默症的董事團隊中,克里斯負責溝通、對外事務、行銷、會員、活動、國際聯絡和數位策略,以及關鍵的籌款活動。 憑藉對數位通訊和轉型的熱情,他於 2016 年成為蘇格蘭政府數位冠軍。他的無償工作包括創業和第三部門商業建議。