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When We Find Earth 2.0, What’s Next?
找到地球 2.0 后,下一步该怎么办?

We’re looking for another Earth. But how likely is it that we’ll find a duplicate of home?

Distant habitable planet. View from orbit of deep space planet

An illustration of an Earth-size exoplanet.

Aaron Alien/Alamy Stock Photo

地球大小的系外行星插图。Aaron Alien/Alamy Stock Photo

When I write or give public talks about exoplanets—alien worlds orbiting other stars—­the most common question I’m asked is, “When will we find another Earth?”

It’s a good question. As we’re learning, space is filled with a great many wildly differing worlds, and it’s natural to wonder whether there’s an Earth 2.0 out there or whether they’re all truly, well, alien.
这是个好问题。正如我们所了解到的那样,太空中充满了许多千差万别的世界,我们自然会怀疑是否存在地球 2.0,或者它们是否真的都是外星人。

Our galaxy, the Milky Way, harbors hundreds of billions of stars. A recent census of local stars shows that planets occur at least as often as stars, so there could be trillions of planets in our galaxy alone. Of course, realistically, that doesn’t mean every star has a planet; rather some don’t have any, and others have teeming solar systems.

Exoplanets come in a dizzying variety of types, some incredibly bizarre: planets as big as Jupiter but skimming so close to their host stars’ surfaces that the scorching heat strips away their atmosphere, turning them into mega comets; worlds bigger than Earth but smaller than Neptune, which are the most common kind of exoplanet seen despite our solar system’s lack of one; and planets where it might rain molten iron. Oddballs abound.

And, yes, the list includes many Earth-size worlds. Of the 5,500 or so exoplanets found to date, about 100 are close in size to our home planet. But there’s more to Earth than just its size.
是的,这份名单包括了许多地球大小的世界。在迄今为止发现的约 5500 颗系外行星中,约有 100 颗与我们的地球大小相近。但地球的魅力不仅仅在于它的大小。

If you’re looking for an exact replica—say, with Earth’s size, mass and composition, as well as breathable air and drinkable water—those odds look pretty long. Planetary formation involves a lot of random variables that affect how a planet forms and evolves over time. Even small changes can lead to dramatically differentplanetary evolution, and many of these variables interact. For example, a planet a little bit warmer than Earth—perhaps orbiting a hotter star or closer to a cooler star—could wind up with a runaway greenhouse effect that boils its oceans and eventually heats its desiccated surface to the melting point of lead. There but for the grace of Venus go we.

As we’re experiencing now, even a relatively small change in atmospheric carbon dioxide can have profound effects on the global environment. This factor alone probably won’t make Earth uninhabitable, but the changes are happening rap­idly enough that they’re making things decidedly uncomfortable.

On top of that, Earth hasn’t always been Earth-like as we understand it. For two billion years our world lacked what we would consider a breathable atmosphere, and it was only through a catastrophic environmental change that free oxygen became available. It’s also possible that our planet went through at least one period of total glaciation, the hypothetical “snowball Earth” era. Although this last idea is controversial, it’s clear that for long periods Earth was not the clement home we now know.
除此之外,地球并不总是我们所理解的地球。在 20 亿年的时间里,我们的世界缺乏我们认为可以呼吸的大气层,只有通过一场灾难性的环境变化,我们才获得了自由氧气。我们的星球也有可能至少经历过一次冰川期,即假想的 "雪球地球 "时代。虽然最后一个观点还存在争议,但很显然,地球在很长一段时间里并不是我们现在所知道的美好家园。

Moreover, there’s growing consensus in the scientific community around the idea that Mars was once more habitable than its current thin atmosphere and dry surface would imply. Several billion years ago it might have been more like Earth is now than Earth was then. Perhaps even Venus—now a decently convincing version of hell—could have once been habitable.


NASA’s MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN) mission acquired stunning views of Mars in ultraviolet images taken at points along our neighboring planet’s orbit around the Sun.

美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的MAVEN(火星大气与挥发物演化)任务在火星绕太阳轨道沿线各点拍摄的紫外线图像中获得了火星的迷人景色。NASA/LASP/CU Boulder

Even the very notion of habitability is fuzzier than you might think. There are icy moons in the outer solar system that have oceans of water under their frozen surfaces, as well as other conditions potentially conducive for life. Eternal darkness in temperatures just above freezing may not sound like Eden, but it could be paradise for life that evolved there.
就连 "宜居性 "这个概念本身也比你想象的要模糊。外太阳系有一些冰冷的卫星,其冰冻的表面下有海洋,还有其他可能有利于生命的条件。温度刚刚超过冰点的永恒黑暗听起来可能不像伊甸园,但对于在那里进化的生命来说,它可能是天堂。

All this is to say we don’t think we’ve found a planet orbiting another star that’s just like Earth. For one thing, we don’t know enough about the atmospheres and chemical compositions of these worlds to say whether they’re Earth-like. Of the 100 Earth-size exoplanets mentioned earlier, only three also have roughly Earth’s mass and receive about the same amount of light and heat from their host star. Three. That’s a tiny fraction, but to be fair, our current discovery methods are better at finding big, hot planets. Small, mild ones like our own are far tougher to spot.

But methods improve all the time, and we may not have to wait too much longer for astronomers to announce they’ve found an Earth analogue among the stars. When we do, what then?

It’s not like we can go there. There’s no USS Enterprise we can use to warp over to the nearest Earth 2.0, and without faster-than-light travel, it would be a long trip. Even the fastest spaceship ever launched would take the better part of a millennium to get to the nearest star system, Proxima Centauri (which does actually host an Earth-size planet that might—might—be within our range of acceptability). Better pack a lunch.
我们又不能去那里我们没有企业号宇宙飞船可以用来翘曲到最近的地球 2.0,如果没有超光速旅行,那将是一次漫长的旅行。即使是史上最快的宇宙飞船,也要花上大半个千年的时间才能到达最近的恒星系统--比邻半人马座(那里确实有一颗地球大小的行星,也许--也许--在我们的接受范围之内)。最好带上午餐。

So many sci-fi movies tell us we need to evacuate Earth that it’s a trope. This idea is far more fi than sci, though; humanity increases its number by more than 70 million people every year. You’d need to launch 2,000 SpaceX Starships every day just to keep up with that increase, even ignoring the less than helpful travel times. Easing population pressure via interstellar immigration is a nonstarter.
许多科幻电影都告诉我们,我们需要撤离地球,这已经成了一个套路。不过,这个想法远比科幻更科幻;人类每年增加 7000 多万人。即使不考虑不太有用的旅行时间,每天也需要发射 2000 艘 SpaceX 星际飞船才能跟上这一增长速度。通过星际移民来缓解人口压力是不可能的。

Establishing a settlement is a tall order, too. We don’t even really know how to do this in low-Earth orbit, on the moon or on Mars. We’re a long, long way from being able to set up shop on an alien Earth even if we could easily get to one.

When I’m asked about Earth 2.0, the implicit part of the question is whether we can travel to it and live there. Simply put, we can’t. So why look if we can’t go?
当我被问及地球 2.0 时,问题的隐含部分就是我们能否前往地球并在那里生活。简单地说,我们不能。既然不能去,为什么还要看呢?

Because—to paraphrase a possibly apocryphal answer to a similar question—it’s probably there. We look because we want to know.

Searching for an Earth clone isn’t the point of exoplanetary science—except it really kind of is. Scientifically speaking, we look for other planets because we want to understand how they form, how conditions change their physical properties, and how they differ from or mirror the planets in our own solar system.

But emotionally, we yearn to see another pale blue dot somewhere out in the depths of space, to know that somewhere, sometime, conditions were just so to replicate—or at least resemble—those with which we are so familiar. Certainly, just knowing it’s out there would profoundly change the way we see the universe and our place in it. Such a discovery would also help us understand Earth better.

It may also help us answer the most fundamental question humans have ever had: How did we get here? For millennia this question has inspired speculation, myth, religion and philosophy. With a distant blue-white world hovering in the eyepiece, it becomes science. Knowable. And then we can, perhaps, indulge ourselves further. If we find another habitable world, we can dare to crack open the door for the next Big Question: Are we alone?

This is an opinion and analysis article, and the views expressed by the author or authors are not necessarily those of Scientific American.