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作业标题任务 3:个人作业综合营销和促销计划

截止日期和时间: 2024 年 6 月7日(星期五),下午 5 点(第 7 周)

我已阅读并理解 TU 双项奖关于作弊、剽窃和串通的规定。我声明此作品为本人原创,不包含任何其他来源的未注明来源的作品。




日期:2024 年 6 月 6 日


巴伐利亚汽车制造公司(通常称为宝马)是一家德国汽车制造公司。 Franz Josef Popp 于 1916 年创立了这家公司(Successstory.com,2012 年)。该公司出色的广告和强大的全球影响力有助于树立其品牌声誉。然而,宝马确实面临着困难,包括市场规模小和债务不断增加。利用市场趋势和消费者兴趣的一种方法是最佳地安排新车型的发布时间和时间(Shastri,A.,2022 年)。另一方面,风险包括全球汽车行业竞争加剧和石油成本不断上涨,这可能会影响买家对高端汽车的需求(Jurevicius,O.,2021 年)。建议宝马利用其优势来克服这些障碍,包括加强其数字营销计划、增加其提供的电动汽车数量以减轻油价上涨的影响,以及加强其财务计划以更好地管理债务。

2.0 简介

宝马总部位于德国巴伐利亚州慕尼黑,是除奥迪和梅赛德斯奔驰之外最受尊重和信赖的汽车制造商之一(Successstory.com,2012 年) 。公司的产品线包括轿车、SUV、摩托车以及电动和混合动力车型等各种高性能汽车。其电动汽车产品组合不断增长,并在自动驾驶技术方面取得了进步。宝马的愿景是“成为最成功和最可持续的个人移动出行高端制造商”,并通过创新和可持续发展引领移动出行的未来(Martin, V.,2023 年) 。公司的使命是“用激发情感的产品打动人们”,同时提供高质量的商品和服务。该公司在汽车行业的竞争中遥遥领先,公司计划在未来加强对数字化转型和电动汽车的投资(宝马,2021 年)

3.0 选择产品线


选定的产品线是宝马的电动车系列,包括宝马 i3、宝马 i4 和宝马 Ix(宝马,2024 年)等车型。这些汽车结合了先进的电动传动系统、尖端技术和豪华设施,吸引了关心环境的买家,是宝马致力于可持续出行的象征。

图 2

4.0 SWOT 分析

4.1 优势

4.1.1 全球影响力

宝马拥有宝马、MINI 和劳斯莱斯三大品牌在国际上产生了重大影响,目前汽车销售范围遍布 150 多个国家。宝马还提供广泛的产品,包括摩托车和飞机发动机(Shastri, A. ,2022) 。这种广泛的覆盖范围使该公司能够进入新市场、降低其受区域经济衰退影响的风险并利用规模经济。由于品牌价值与声誉之间的高度相关性,宝马品牌是汽车行业最知名的品牌之一。宝马的受欢迎程度也导致一些富人选择拥有一辆。全球影响力提升了品牌在全球的知名度和忠诚度,使宝马成为高档汽车市场的家喻户晓的品牌。

4.1.2 广告

宝马以其富有影响力和创造性的营销努力以及吸引广泛消费者的创新促销技巧而闻名。该公司在 Instagram 和 Twitter 等社交媒体网站上拥有大量追随者,他们使用高质量的内容来销售其众多产品(Shastri, A. ,2022) 。他们还将这些平台用于其他目的。除了从传统的电视和平面广告过渡到数字和社交媒体营销外,它们还保证了广泛的曝光和互动。宝马的广告凸显了其汽车的优雅和强大功能,同时巩固了其作为汽车创新先驱的地位。

4.1.3 多元化收入来源

宝马的收入来源多种多样,这减少了对任何一个市场的依赖。由于地理多样化可以抵消一个地方的发展和另一个地方的增长,因此有助于稳定公司的财务业绩。宝马在质量和设计方面也处于领先地位,其产品组合极其多样化。此外,这使宝马能够利用新兴市场前景,并根据当地市场动态和消费者倾向调整其方法。与大多数竞争对手不同,宝马的收入主要不是来自本土市场或其他几个重要地区。中国是宝马的主要收入和汽车销售来源;2015 年,该公司在中国销售了 464,000 多辆汽车和摩托车,带来了 158.56 亿欧元的销售额Jurevicius,O.,2021 年)

4.2 弱点

4.2.1 市场规模有限

宝马的主要市场是豪华车,豪华车在整个汽车市场中所占份额相对较小。就销售和盈利能力而言,该公司主要依赖中国、美国和德国(admin , 2023)。宝马的目标市场比大众市场品牌要小,因为它迎合的是上层阶级客户。正因为如此,宝马的市场规模很小,这使其容易受到经济衰退的影响,经济衰退通常会导致消费者最初减少购买豪华车。此外,许多潜在客户可能会发现宝马昂贵的汽车令人反感,这可能会阻碍该公司在消费者购买力较低的发展中国家的扩张。这使得它更容易受到经济衰退的影响,因为在全球 COVID-19 大流行等困难时期,奢侈品通常会首先受到打击(admin , 2023)。

4.2.2 债务水平

BMW 是一家专注于生产高端汽车的豪华汽车制造商(admin , 2023)。为了保持高质量的产品,BMW 不得不增加使用的成本,甚至提高成本的质量,以满足消费者群体的要求和偏好。但高昂的成本也让 BMW 负债累累。BMW的债务水平因此上升,主要是由于在新产品发布、基础设施扩建和技术开发方面的大量投资。尽管这些支出对于公司未来的增长是必要的,但它们也导致了更多的债务,这使其财务资源面临风险(Brandon Gaille , 2021) 。BMW 的信用评分可能会受到高负债水平的影响,这也可能提高借贷价格并限制可用资金。在这种情况下,审慎的财务管理是必要的,以保证企业能够偿还债务并继续为创新和市场扩张提供资金。

4.2.3 安全级别和起诉

宝马因其制造标准和安全措施而被多次起诉。这些法律诉讼可能会使该品牌遭受经济处罚和声誉损害。除了和解和法律费用等直接费用外,产品安全和制造缺陷诉讼通常还会产生间接成本,例如召回、保修索赔和因消费者信心受损而导致的销售损失。宝马最近支付了 9200 万美元,以解决与正时皮带故障有关的全球集体诉讼(Brandon Gaille,2021 年)。被宝马起诉不仅会降低其自身声誉,还会分散潜在客户的购物欲望,消费者可能会担心他们购买的产品是否具有潜在危险,甚至会危及他们的生命。为了减轻未来的法律风险并保持品牌的完整性,宝马需要加强其质量控制协议并保证遵守安全法规,以解决这些问题。

4.3 机遇

4.3.1 自动驾驶技术


4.3.2 合作伙伴

人形机器人公司 Figure 宣布已与宝马制造公司合作,将其机器人用于该汽车制造商的美国工厂(KRYSTAL , H. ,2024)宝马可以与人形机器人联盟分享开发新技术、商品和服务的知识、资源和专业知识,并将公司的技术整合到汽车等产品中。宝马可以利用协同优势,获得新技术,并通过建立战略联盟和伙伴关系渗透尚未开发的市场。宝马可以通过与专门从事自动驾驶或电动汽车基础设施等领域的 IT 公司合作,改善其产品供应和竞争优势。与其他汽车制造商或邻近行业企业的合作还可以鼓励资源共享和创新,从而节省成本并创造新的收入来源( Brandon Gaille , 2021)

4.3.3 更具创意的汽车

随着时间的推移,人们对汽车所有权的观念正在发生变化。年轻一代正在寻求更多的财务灵活性。灵活性和价值是这一代年轻客户的主要目标,汽车制造商被迫调整其产品以适应这些新的资产所有权模式。通过在适当的时机发布新车型,宝马可以在市场上变得更具竞争力。通过协调新车型的推出与市场需求周期和消费者偏好,宝马可以优化销售结果并维持消费者兴趣。下一代 1 系将于今年发布,同时发布的还有 iX3,Oliver Zipse 声称后者将于 2025 年上市。X3 将于今年 6 月推出Padeanu, A.,2024 。除了保持品牌的新颖性和吸引力之外,定期升级和推出新车型有助于提升客户忠诚度和回头客。

4.4 威胁

4.4.1 全球汽车市场竞争日趋激烈

在竞争激烈的全球汽车行业中,有许多老牌和新兴竞争对手争夺市场主导地位。宝马面临着梅赛德斯-奔驰、奥迪和特斯拉等竞争对手的严重威胁,这些竞争对手都在不断创新和改进自己的产品(w hatcompetitors.com. , 2023 ) 在选择汽车时,买家还会考虑哪家制造商提供更出色的功能、更实惠的车型或更安全的车辆。宝马要在电动汽车市场上与特斯拉等新兴公司竞争将具有挑战性(Brandon Gaille , 2021) 。全球汽车市场的竞争已经很激烈了,但由于汽车生产过剩、技术快速进步、新参与者的出现以及最大市场的饱和,竞争只会变得更加激烈。

4.4.2 石油价格上涨

据新闻报道,目前 RON95 汽油的零售价为每升 2.05 令吉,而柴油的零售价为每升 2.15 令吉非补贴站的 RON95 汽油市场价格为每升 3.35 令吉,而欧 5 柴油的价格为每升 3.33 令吉The Star,2024 年)油价上涨可能会对传统内燃机汽车市场产生影响,从而降低宝马在这个市场的销量。即使电动汽车阵容不断扩大,该公司仍然很大程度上依赖传统汽车。高油价带来的拥有成本上升可能会推迟潜在购买者并导致他们转而购买更省油的汽车。

4.4.3 政府加大对汽车的监管力度

在全球范围内,政府对排放、燃油效率和安全标准的严格监管正变得越来越普遍。遵守这些法规需要大量投资,并可能导致生产成本增加。汽车法规旨在造福消费者并保护环境,不遵守法规可能会面临巨额罚款和声誉损害(admin,2023 年)。宝马必须不断调整其产品和制造流程以满足这些不断变化的标准。不仅如此,政府对汽车行业的监管还直接影响车辆的外观、零部件的设计、所包含的安全功能以及任何特定车辆的整体性能(Boyle,M.,2021 年)。

5.0 建议(约900字)

The 4.0 SWOT analysis demonstrates that while BMW is undoubtedly a leader in the automotive sector, there is always room for improvement and fresh thinking. BMW may first step up its digital marketing initiatives. Maintaining BMW's brand awareness and engagement with contemporary consumers requires digital marketing. BMW's global reach and strong advertising capabilities make it a strong candidate for growth in the digital marketing space, where it might attract younger, tech-savvy customers. In addition to raising consumer awareness, having a strong online presence helps the BMW brand become more credible (Paun, G. ,2020) . Customers primarily investigate the companies they wish to purchase from before committing to a purchase, therefore it makes sense that they would look up BMW's advantages online. Of course, creating a thorough content strategy that showcases BMW's innovation, luxury, and sustainability is the first step in enhancing the brand's online visibility. Use captivating forms to highlight car features, customer testimonials, and technology advancements, such as blogs, interactive postings, and videos. Additionally, BMW can boost engagement on social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. Create specialized ad campaigns that make use of social media influencers, and communicate with followers by posting frequently with interactive materials like surveys and Q&A sessions. Furthermore, BMW has the ability to use sophisticated data analytics to tailor marketing strategies. Marketing tactics become more focused and efficient when client data is used to comprehend preferences and behaviors. Retargeting advertisements, tailored offers, and personalized email marketing are a few examples of this (Paun, G. ,2020) . As a result, BMW will experience an increase in customer loyalty and market reach through targeted marketing initiatives, as well as a rise in brand awareness, engagement, conversion rates, and a better bond with younger demographics.
4.0 SWOT 分析表明,虽然宝马无疑是汽车行业的领导者,但总有改进和创新思维的余地。宝马可能会首先加强其数字营销计划。保持宝马的品牌知名度和与当代消费者的互动需要数字营销。宝马的全球影响力和强大的广告能力使其成为数字营销领域增长的有力候选者,它可能会吸引年轻、精通技术的客户。除了提高消费者意识外,拥有强大的在线形象还有助于宝马品牌变得更加可信(Paun, G. 2020)。客户在承诺购买之前主要调查他们希望购买的公司,因此他们在网上查找宝马的优势是有道理的。当然,创建一个全面的内容策略来展示宝马的创新、奢华和可持续性,是提高品牌在线知名度的第一步。使用引人入胜的表单来突出汽车功能、客户推荐和技术进步,例如博客、交互式帖子和视频。此外,宝马可以提高Facebook,LinkedIn,Instagram和Twitter等社交媒体网站的参与度。利用社交媒体影响者创建专门的广告活动,并通过经常发布调查和问答环节等互动材料与关注者进行交流。此外,宝马有能力使用复杂的数据分析来定制营销策略。当使用客户数据来理解偏好和行为时,营销策略变得更加集中和高效。重定向广告、量身定制的优惠和个性化的电子邮件营销就是其中的几个例子(Paun, G. 2020年)因此,宝马将通过有针对性的营销计划提高客户忠诚度和市场覆盖率,以及提高品牌知名度、参与度、转化率以及与年轻人群的联系。

Second, BMW can increase the number of electric cars in its inventory. As fuel costs rise and the level of competitiveness in the global auto industry increases. Renewable energy sources like wind, hydropower, and solar power can fuel electric cars, however producing petrol requires labor-intensive mining and shipping procedures. BMW may meet consumer demand for eco-friendly, fuel-efficient cars and save the environment by lowering the amount of carbon dioxide that conventional cars release if it increases the number of electric vehicles in its inventory (Energysage.com. ,2019). Additionally, by making this move, BMW may be able to maintain its competitiveness with other automakers and increase its portion of the expanding electric vehicle market. Because of this, BMW may decide to introduce a number of new electric cars over the coming years and quicken the development of new electric models by concentrating on developing battery technology, expanding driving range, and boosting safety and performance aspects (Energysage.com. ,2019). It might even back these introductions with a potent advertising effort that highlights the advantages of electric cars, makes sure they reach the general public, and addresses market demands. BMW can also provide alluring incentives like rebates and low-interest financing plans to increase the accessibility of EVs and highlight their long-term fuel and maintenance cost advantages. In addition, BMW might collaborate with regional authorities to develop the infrastructure for charging, ensuring that owners of BMW electric vehicles could quickly and easily access charging stations. BMW will be able to grow its market share in the expanding electric car market and help consumers become less dependent on conventional automobiles by aggressively introducing new electric vehicles.
其次,宝马可以增加其库存中的电动汽车数量。随着燃料成本的上升和全球汽车行业竞争力水平的提高。风能、水力发电和太阳能等可再生能源可以为电动汽车提供燃料,但生产汽油需要劳动密集型的采矿和运输程序。如果宝马增加其库存中的电动汽车数量,它可以满足消费者对环保、节能汽车的需求,并通过降低传统汽车释放的二氧化碳量来拯救环境(Energysage.com. 2019)。此外,通过此举,宝马可能能够保持与其他汽车制造商的竞争力,并增加其在不断扩大的电动汽车市场中的份额。正因为如此,宝马可能会决定在未来几年推出一些新的电动汽车,并通过专注于开发电池技术、扩大续航里程以及提高安全性和性能方面来加快新电动汽车的开发(Energysage.com.2019)。它甚至可能通过强有力的广告努力来支持这些介绍,突出电动汽车的优势,确保它们覆盖公众,并满足市场需求。宝马还可以提供诱人的激励措施,如回扣和低息融资计划,以增加电动汽车的可及性,并突出其长期燃料和维护成本优势。此外,宝马可能会与地区当局合作开发充电基础设施,确保宝马电动汽车的车主能够快速轻松地访问充电站。 宝马将能够在不断扩大的电动汽车市场中扩大其市场份额,并通过积极推出新的电动汽车来帮助消费者减少对传统汽车的依赖。

Thirdly, BMW can form cooperative and strategic alliances. A strategic partnership is an alliance wherein two or more organizations collaborate to accomplish shared objectives and foster mutual development. While maintaining their individuality, the companies collaborate in key areas and split any associated risks and rewards. These alliances are by no means fleeting or temporary collaborations (inTandem. ,2023). Instead, they are long-term obligations requiring a great level of mutual trust, open communication, and dedication. In the current automotive industry, where multinational automakers are facing increased competition and stricter government regulations, strategic alliances can help BMW access new markets, technologies, and resources that will spur innovation and cut costs. Partnerships can also help BMW overcome regulatory obstacles and improve its competitive position. BMW might collaborate with tech firms that focus on artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, and other related fields. This would speed up the development of BMW vehicles with more sophisticated technologies and possibly increase the vehicles' overall safety and convenience . Furthermore, BMW may share resources and costs for research and development by forming partnerships with powerful businesses. This would enable BMW to save a significant amount of money and increase the productivity of creating new platforms. Additionally, BMW will be better equipped to comprehend and satisfy local demand preferences if it collaborates with regional businesses in developing nations. BMW will be able to access cutting-edge concepts and new technology and as a result, broadening its client base and growing its market share (inTandem. ,2023). Naturally, in order to prevent negative things from happening in the future with the cooperation, BMW must also be aware of the partner company's history, reputation, and even a string of excellent communication and commitment, etc., before establishing a relationship.
第三,宝马可以结成合作和战略联盟。战略伙伴关系是两个或多个组织合作实现共同目标并促进共同发展的联盟。在保持个性的同时,两家公司在关键领域进行合作,并分担任何相关的风险和回报。这些联盟绝不是转瞬即逝的或暂时的合作(inTandem.2023)。相反,它们是长期的义务,需要高度的相互信任、开放的沟通和奉献精神。在当前的汽车行业,跨国汽车制造商面临着日益激烈的竞争和更严格的政府监管,战略联盟可以帮助宝马进入新的市场、技术和资源,从而刺激创新并降低成本。合作伙伴关系还可以帮助宝马克服监管障碍,提高其竞争地位。宝马可能会与专注于人工智能、自动驾驶和其他相关领域的科技公司合作。这将加快宝马汽车的开发,并有可能提高车辆的整体安全性和便利性。此外,宝马可以通过与强大的企业建立合作伙伴关系来共享研发资源和成本。这将使宝马能够节省大量资金,并提高创建新平台的生产力。此外,如果宝马与发展中国家的区域企业合作,它将能够更好地理解和满足当地的需求偏好。宝马将能够获得尖端概念和新技术,从而扩大其客户群并增加其市场份额(inTandem. 2023)。 当然,为了防止未来合作出现负面的事情,宝马在建立关系之前,还必须了解合作公司的历史、声誉,甚至一连串优秀的沟通和承诺等。

6.0 Digitalization
6.0 数字化

6.1 Digital Marketing
6.1 数字营销

BMW is capable of putting into practice a thorough digital marketing plan that emphasizes influencer relationships, social media marketing, and mobile marketing. Increase engagement and conversions by customizing marketing efforts to target particular client segments with data analytics. BMW, for instance, may use YouTube and Instagram to deliver customized videos that highlight the attributes and advantages of its electric car models to customers who are concerned about the environment. You may even create a range of content, such as blogs, stories, livestreams, and films that emphasize the attributes of BMW vehicles, new technology, and client endorsements. However, the emphasis remains on producing interesting, top-notch content that highlights BMW's luxury, innovation, and sustainability, as well as tailoring campaigns using sophisticated targeting tools to make sure the appropriate message reaches the right people. By answering questions in real time, holding Q&A sessions, and developing interactive surveys and quizzes, BMW may also actively interact with its fans. This approach will improve conversion rates, reach a wider demographic, raise brand recognition, and deepen BMW's bond with younger, tech-savvy customers.

7.0 Conclusion
7.0 结论

7.1 Conclude your findings and recommendations.
7.1 总结您的调查结果和建议。

In conclusion, BMW is well-positioned in the premium car market thanks to its wide worldwide reach, potent advertising skills, and variety of revenue streams. Sustained growth will depend on addressing the flaws, such as the small market size and rising debt, and taking advantage of potential in the electric vehicle (EV) and digital marketing sectors. The suggestions to develop strategic alliances, broaden the EV product line, and improve digital marketing are intended to increase BMW's market share and ability to innovate. Putting into practice a thorough social media marketing plan will improve brand exposure and interaction even more, especially with younger, tech-savvy customers. In addition to enhancing BMW's competitive advantage, these tactics will guarantee enduring client loyalty and steady expansion, upholding BMW's position as the market leader.

Total Words :3040
字数总数 :3040

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Appendix B Principles of Marketing (MKT60104)
附录 B 营销原理 (MKT60104)

Individual Assignment: Marking Rubrics (40%)
个人作业:评分标准 (40%)

Name of Student:


Student ID:




Performance levels




Outstanding (80-100%)
优秀 (80-100%)

Mastering (65-75%)
母带处理 (65-75%)

Developing (50-64%)
发展中 (50-64%)

Beginning (0-49%)
开始 (0-49%)




Knowledge: Demonstrate a broad and coherent theoretical and technical knowledge to communicate an understanding relating to the discipline-specific content

Comprehensively and accurately defines and describes major theories and key concepts, and technical knowledge relating to the discipline. This includes describing less known theories and involves appropriately defining or stating concepts that reflect an in-depth understanding of the concepts.

Define and describe major theories and key concepts, and technical knowledge relating to the discipline. This may include less known theories and involves defining or stating concepts that reflect an understanding of the concept with some lack of clarity.

Describe major theories and key

concepts, and technical knowledge relating to the discipline. However, it does not include less known theories and the student defines or states concepts that reflect an

understanding of the

concepts with a significant lack of clarity.

Describe major theories and key concepts, and technical knowledge relating to the discipline. However, it does not include less known theories and the student does not define or state concepts in a way that reflect a basic understanding of the concept




Transfer: Adapt and apply skills, abilities, theories or methodologies gained in one situation to new situations

Adapt and apply, independently, skills,

abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in one situation to new situations to solve difficult problems or explore complex issues in original ways

Adapt and apply, independently, skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in one situation to new situations to solve problems or explore issues.

Adapt and apply, independently, skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in one situation to

new situations to contribute to an understanding of problems or issues.

Uses, in a basic way, skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in one situation to a new situation.




Provide solutions to existing and emerging problems

Develop a comprehensive and consistent plan to solve problems and recognise the consequences of solutions that articulate a reason for choosing a solution

Develop a feasible and consistent plan to solve problems and recognizes the consequences of solutions that articulate a reason for choosing a solution

Develop a feasible plan to solve problems and recognizes some consequences of solutions that articulate a reason for choosing a solution

Develop a plan to solve problems and recognizes few consequences of solutions that articulate a reason for choosing a solution




Creative thinking/ Originality of Ideas

Extend a novel or unique idea, question, format, or product to create new knowledge or knowledge that crosses boundaries

Create a novel or unique idea, question, format or product

Experiment with creating a novel, unique idea, question, format or product

Reformulate a collection of available ideas




Overall Marks: 1-3.9 – Unacceptable; 4-7.9 – Acceptable; 8-10 – Merit
总分:1-3.9 – 不可接受;4-7.9 – 可以;8-10 – 优异


Areas for improvement

