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Hoseok passa um pouco demais de tempo pensando no cum shot perfeito.
Quando ele é o dominante, não há problema. Ele apenas diz para o sub esperar um minuto enquanto pega a câmera. Gosta das reações que isso gera, tanto do seu sub quanto do Chat. Seu amante geralmente cora e se envergonha quase ao ser exposto. O Chat explode, com sininhos e buzinas. Mensagens, dicas e emoticons caros de bocas molhadas e penes vermelhos como chamas.
Hoseok entende o comportamento humano.
Um bottom geralmente se abre, primeiro pelo prazer da sexualidade e depois literalmente com as dedos de Hoseok. Se eles reagirem de forma desajeitada, gemendo e fazendo um espetáculo para a câmera, isso sempre é interessante, ver o fantasma se tornar realidade. Deixe-os alcançar seus sonhos e desmoronar, o efeito era quase como um arco-íris gay. Bottom e Chat em algum tipo de euforia compartilhada, um ritual de paixão para atingir o clímax através de uma performance exibida.
Chat quer se sentir incluído, mas ainda como um voyeur. Um ponto de vista em outro mundo, mas isso é contido por corpos jovens, atraentes e dispostos que irão praticar atos indecentes um com o outro que o observador sonha em ter. Chat deixa uma gorjeta generosa para a cena de Hoseok’s ponta empurrando uma abertura em algum orifício úmido e virgem, carne firme entrando no corpo receptivo em um ato de intimidade suprema. Bottom e Chat são um.
Então, havia a outra face do sexo (ou troca, se você quisesse ser técnico com os títulos).
Cada vez que Hoseok é o Sub, então isso é muito mais difícil de ser profissional. Se o cara é bom e Hoseok é realmente bom, então ele não terá muito a dizer. No entanto, esses caras são raros. Impossível. Então, na maioria das vezes, Hoseok tem que fazer o comando.
Pegue a câmera. Mova-se! Você está bloqueando! Não goze até que eu diga para você. Receba. Você pode foder mais forte do que isso. Se você não conseguir me fazer gozar, então você vai me chupar. Como você gostaria disso, baby? Use sua puta bunda como se fosse para valer.
Hoseok costumava editar esses comentários, um pouco constrangido de que tanta autoridade fosse trazida a tona nele no calor do momento. No entanto, ele percebeu que seu público gostava bastante desses comentários nas suas performances ao vivo, que ele não podia censurar de forma retroativa. Então, ele aprendeu a aceitar a parte mais dominante e autoritária de si mesmo. O perfeccionista. O que luta pelo controle absoluto de tudo. É essa a parte divertida desse trabalho, as partes mais exageradamente irritantes de si mesmo se tornam o kink de alguém.
Hoseok gosta do seu trabalho.
Não muitas pessoas poderiam fazer isso, mas, como a maioria das pessoas sabe, Hoseok ainda é um dançarino e trabalha em um restaurante de lado. Ele não abandonou totalmente sua carreira e paixão, mas encontrou uma maneira fácil de ganhar dinheiro rápido e não se sentia particularmente envergonhado com isso. É por isso que ele se chamava assim - BigGayHobi. Ele não era grande em nada, certamente não era baixo, mas ainda era bastante magro. Ele tinha um tipo corporal neutro que, como resultado, satisfazia o maior número possível de tipos de público. Não, ele se chamava “BigGayHobi” porque não havia nada de vergonhoso em ter sexo gay, e Hoseok estava orgulhoso disso. Levou muito tempo para ele se posicionar a favor de quem ele era.
Dizer que - a anonimidade ainda era importante. Ele se orgulhava de ser gay, mas o mundo ainda não estava pronto para pessoas como ele, especialmente na Coreia do Sul. Ele não queria que sua família soubesse do que ele se envolvia também. Embora eles estivessem bem com ele sendo gay, imagina seu pai nunca mais o encararia nos olhos se visse um clipe dele fazendo deep throat. Então, ele usava uma máscara de dominó, apenas na metade superior do rosto, para poder falar e fazer deep throat. Ele adorava fazer deep throat. Ele recebeu ótomas feedbacks tanto do destinatário quanto do Chat.
Falar enquanto fazia sexo tinha seus prêmios! Ele era um performer, e havia uma certa quantidade de teatralidade e improvisação no trabalho. Embora fosse engraçado, ajudava a estabelecer uma relação profissional e um fator de credibilidade para o espetáculo gay que era o mundo do pornô gay. Além disso, falar para seu público tinha um benefício em termos de durabilidade. Seus pontos de vista eram modestos, dado que ele fazia mais conteúdo “vaginino” - Hoseok não sonharia em fazer coisas duras com estranhos virgens! No entanto, ele tinha um bom público base que gostava de conversar após os vídeos solo e lhe dava bem. Isso era um pouco incomum para a maioria dos criadores de conteúdo, especialmente como ele conseguia fazer tudo isso mudando de posição sexual. Por que não cobrir todas as bases? Normalmente, seria muito difícil construir uma base de seguidores sem um nicho específico, então Hoseok encontrou o seu ao falar com seus fãs e ser um pouco rude com quem ele estava fazendo sexo.
Não era ruim, apenas o suficiente para lembrar de um professor de turma. Rígido, sem rodeios, mas bom de se procurar quando precisava. Sexy, mas acessível.
The somehow appeal of this demeanour always made Hoseok think: huh, I wonder if it’s Daddy or Mommy issues? A bit of both?
He hears the buzz of Chat leaving tips, it all becomes background noise when he’s in the zone.
‘You’re doing so fucking well, yeah just fucking take that, good boy.’
He holds the camera in his hand and with his other hand holds the thigh up of some twink.
He is baby-faced and fresh out of college with a high-pitched whine that doesn’t let up, even though the face mask is dangerously close to folding up his button nose. He is going to make him a lot of money tonight and Hoseok couldn’t help his shit-eating grin. He’s not on camera right now, there’s no need to act cool. He pistons his hips, cock sliding in and out of his virginal hole. Slick, ready, fluttering and tight like a little fist. The nameless lover moans, eyes rolling and absolutely out of it. His dick leaked on his stomach in a slow release, then a couple of spurts all at once.
Hoseok loves his job.
Hoseok receives a lot of requests, his only rule ( other than no creeps ) is that he never repeats a guest.
This has a lot of appeal, people look forward to the new guests and their “archetype”. He wasn’t picky, liking different shapes and sizes, and any age that wasn’t gross. The athlete. The gamer. The bodybuilder. The mathlete. The salaryman. He received a surprising number of requests for him to top someone for the first time. This was quite flattering (if a little scary) that a lot of people felt that making a porno was a good payout for a safe first time rather than taking a risk in a club with a total stranger. Even if BigGayHobi wore a mask, a lot of people trusted his big friendly smile.
He had a loyal fanbase and no shortage of partners for live streams and videos. However, if he was being completely honest, he felt a little bit painted into a corner. Not many people wanted to top for their first time, and a lot of requests he received to do so always felt a lot weirder and gross so he ignored them for the most part. Therefore, the opportunity he had to get fucked felt few and far between. Normally, his opportunities boiled down to riding virgins who couldn’t bottom due to discomfort or medical issues. That surprisingly was no fun. They came way too quickly and Hoseok had to fake enjoyment. Moaning exaggeratingly and furiously beating himself off before the cock inside of him becomes too limp to be functional.
He dreams of the day he finally gets a good cock, and an owner who knows what to do with it.
It was also why he was livestreaming this particular video - self-care!
He was on his hands and knees, rocking back onto a dildo he mounted to the wall while he tried to read out comments.
‘Early? No, you’re not shithead.’ Hoseok laughed, his thighs shaking and he arched his back so the audience could see his ass, ‘Chat, tell him that he should have been here forty minutes ago if he wanted to be early.’
He read out another message.
‘You make it look so easy, Hobi-hyung! I have had plenty of practice, sweetheart.’
It came from one of his regulars, Vante95. He regularly left Hoseok tips and left at least one comment on every video. Hoseok noted him because he managed to someone sound sexy, but not creepy. It was a delicate art and he appreciated sponsors who actually seemed normal. Too bad he never DM’d.
‘Chat, I’m not going to cum like this…’ Hoseok sighed, slumping down on his hands and staring down the camera with intentionally pouty lips, ‘I wish I had some help right now, my other toys are all the way across the room.’
The chat went crazy, a tip came through “buy yourself something pretty ;)” and more ploys to fuck him, however, his eyes narrowed in on one particular username.
Vante95: You left your vibrator plugged in, Hobi-hyung
Hoseok couldn’t hold back his smile, feeling embarrassed and caught out, especially now that others noticed too.
‘Huh, my vibrator?’ Hoseok led the dildo flop out of his ass so he could shuffle up the bed, ‘I left it charging for a reason, so it wouldn’t go dead on me at the worst moment. Chat, I think I’m about ready to cum, what do you think?’
The chat moved a little too quickly for him to pay attention.
When he turned his toy on, he found it hard to focus his vision anyway. His monologuing was rough around the edges, a little desperate and very needy. Quando ele ligou o brinquedo, achou difícil focar sua visão de qualquer maneira. Seu monólogo era áspero, um pouco desesperado e muito carente.
XxX Forum
Topic: Favourite Gay Male Camboys 2024 page 2Tópico: Camboys gays favoritos 2024 página 2
[Moderator]: Voting for your favourite camboys of the last month is now in! Please see the ranking below: [Moderador]: A votação em seus camboys favoritos do mês passado já chegou! Por favor, veja o ranking abaixo:
[ #1 ] BigGayHobi - 26.3%
After a guest session, Hoseok does not linger for long with the chat, especially as the numbers start to drop. He only does this for solo lives, where he doesn't need to provide aftercare. Solo lives cumdown left only the typical stragglers behind who want to chat normally and ask him questions about his day. At this point, he also typically “closes” the stream, so nobody else can come in, expect a show, or act weird. Party over, come talk about music, and sex toys, or get out! Depois de uma sessão de convidado, Hoseok não se demora muito no bate-papo, especialmente quando os números começam a cair. Ele só faz isso para vidas solo, onde não precisa fornecer cuidados posteriores. Solo vive cumdown deixou apenas os típicos retardatários para trás que querem conversar normalmente e fazer perguntas sobre seu dia. Nesse ponto, ele também normalmente "fecha" a transmissão, para que ninguém mais possa entrar, esperar um show ou agir de forma estranha. Festa, venha falar sobre música e brinquedos sexuais, ou saia!
‘Vante95 says I look tired’
Hoseok yawned then, a little exaggerated but surprised by a hidden fatigue.
XxXuser78: I yawned too!
‘Yawns are contagious just so you know.’ Hoseok remarked, ‘You can’t tell me I’m tired and not expect me to feel tired.’
Vante95: I’m sorry, hyung
Hoseok smiled, always bemused by some of his younger fans who liked to call him hyung. It was cute if a little over-familiar. It was better than Oppa, at least.
‘Hobi-hyung should go clean up and rest, I hope you rest too, goodnight babies.’
He blew kisses at the camera, a weird mix of aegyo he started doing when he first started to blend in with the other types of camboys. Then it became ironic and satirical, and then suddenly it was natural and he couldn’t stop doing it. (Help!)
He showered, then came back to clean up his mess and climb naked into bed.
It always felt a little weird, filming from his own home. That’s for solo stuff only, or some partnering with a friend who is currently busy in the military. He usually filmed in hotels as he didn’t trust strangers. He was ‘Hobi-hyung’ to them, not the man named Jung Hoseok, and he had to be careful never to let those two cross over in any capacity.
Hoseok shouldn’t have been surprised when checking his DM’’s - he gets all kinds on every hour of the day, but the one on top made him jolt.
Vante95: [1 unread message]
Vante95 messaged him for the first time!
Hoseok bit his lip, feeling his stomach flip a little in excitement. Which was a funny feeling to get from a fan. It might have been the intrigue of it all. He has had brand new accounts recently subscribed with no tips and no comments try to hit him up. So, a regular actually had him enthralled. When he opened up the message, he rolled over and clapped excitedly.
Vante95: This might be a bit forward, I have been thinking about this for a long time, but don’t know how to phrase it. Are you still looking for guests?
XxX Forum
Topic: BigGayHobi, Part 23, Page 15
[Xeno94kT]: where do you this Hobi-hyung is from? I’m thinking somewhere south
[KawaRider]: [ reply to Zeno94kT ] definitely, I have a friend from [removed by moderator] and he sounds exactly like him. I think he lives in Seoul, he likes to talk about restaurants in [removed by moderator].
[Xeno94kT]: [ reply to KawaRider ] Imagine running into Hobi-hyung and not know it was him while eating
[BoraEcho7]: [ reply to Xeno94kT ] I would say hi-hyung! And he would probably ignore me and wonder why some ahjussi is talking to him
[Xeno94kT]: [ reply to BoraEcho7 ] Ah yes, no matter your age, you must call hobi-hyung by his title!
[TechSage41]: I am a forty-two-year-old male, married with kids and closeted, and Hobi is still my hyung
[BoraEcho7]: [ reply to TechSafe41 ] you get it!
[N3X7ral]: [removed by moderator]
[Xeno94kT]: Wait, how old is hobi-hyung? I’m university-age, but I thought he was finished studying?
[KawaRider]: [ reply to Xeno94kT ] I don’t think he’s been to university, he says he works in hospitality (makes sense) and he did his military training. He looks super young but is definitely older!
[Xeno94kT]: [ reply to KawaRider ] wow! hobi-hyung is so mysterious!
It took a few days of back and forth, and Hoseok always established a meeting in person beforehand to find out whether the person was a creep, or not. This is also why he is sitting in a coffee shop and waiting for Vante95 to appear.
BigGayHobi: I’m wearing a Snoopy hoodie fyi in case you don’t recognise my face
BigGayHobi: it also gives you a chance to run away (tbh I wouldn’t be offended)
Vante95 sent him back a thumbs up. In the meantime, Hoseok conjured up an idea of the guy in his head. Thoughtful sounding, but generally responding with a quirky kind of brevity, or in a bit of a word salad. He could be a bit weedy, a bit small with glasses. That could be cute. Or, chubby and a bit awkward, that might be an interesting dynamic. Vante95 could be anyone!
He somehow just never expected who came over and placed a hand on the chair.
A tall man, broad. He looks fresh out of the military with cropped hair awkwardly growing out. His blue jeans and beige sweater look a little tight on him. Awkward in his own skin but very fucking handsome regardless.
‘Sorry, I’m expecting someone.’ Hoseok told him, expecting him to drag the chair to another table.
The man’s wide eyes were a soft brown, his features full and somehow pointedly direct yet puppyish at the same time in how the edges mellowed. His voice was deep, honey-sweet and low:
Hoseok always felt that lurch, whenever someone used his persona name in real life. It never felt normal. Still, seeing the guy before him say it, he suddenly didn’t quite mind.
Ele assentiu levemente, parecendo bastante constrangido. Um flush particular subiu por seu pescoço musculoso e ele tentou não sorrir, mas falhou. Seus bochechos eram suaves, seus lábios se curvando de forma semelhante à desorganizada que encantava Hoseok. Ele tinha cílios longos e finos em olhos grandes e uma grande nariz com um arco alto. Impactante. Mesmo a pele morena do homem, que via muito sol, tinha uma suave luminosidade, mesmo com a barba por fazer no queixo e na parte superior do lábio. Bonito de fato.
‘É um nome bobo… Vante…’ ele sussurrou. ‘Sim, sou eu.’
‘Gostei… Vante…’ disse Hoseok, ‘Fica bem em você. Quero dizer, agora consigo associar um rosto a esses comentários encantadores.’
Hoseok se perguntou se estava sendo muito gentil às vezes, essa atitude dava às pessoas uma impressão errada e podia parecer muito sedutora. Eu quero dizer, ele só queria se divertir com esse cara, não queria levá-lo a engano.
Quer dizer, eu aprecio conversar com uma pessoa real. Hoseok sorriu: — Não só alguém cujo primeiro comentário não for expressar o desejo… de… você sabe… meter o pau na minha boca.
Ele se interrompeu no final, balbuciando as palavras para ele, mas ainda assim deixou o homem com a boca aberta, bastante surpreso e corando furiosamente. Definitivamente gay, e definitivamente um fã.
‘Eu… tendo deixar isso para a continuação…’ Vante sorriu, ele tinha um jeito engraçado de falar, suas palavras tinham uma pronúncia lenta e hesitante nas bordas e ele não mantinha contato visual por mais de um segundo de cada vez, ‘Honestamente, eu não tenho certeza das regras de etiqueta… de algo assim...’
Você pode começar sentando-se. Hoseok indicou a cadeira com sua grande mão (putz! ), "Isso não é uma entrevista de emprego. Apesar do que as pessoas dizem sobre mim, eu não sou mean na vida real. Não sou muito mean, na verdade."
Vante sorriu, ainda evitando seu olhar. Ele bateu as mãos no assento antes de puxá-lo e se sentar. Ele se deslocou para frente, com as mãos entre as coxas e uma larga e quadrada sorriso esticando suas bochechas.
'Estou nervoso.'
'Por que, amor?'
Oh, outra corada. Cílios longos piscando. Ele gostava disso.
Vante lambera os lábios, tomando o nome doce com um sorriso novamente, dizendo com todo o empenho:
'Eu nunca conheci ninguém famoso antes.'
Hoseok riu, alto, o que fez Vante rir ainda mais, se é que isso o deixava menos à vontade.
'Eu não sou famoso de uma maneira que importa.' Hoseok explicou, 'Eu não sou uma celebridade.'
Ainda assim, você… wow… Vante parecia brilhar, olhando para ele com olhos de manhwa grandes, "Você é ainda mais bonito na vida real!"
Hoseok se sentiu flertado e não sabia como responder. Ele imaginou uma resposta como "Vante, você é muito bonito para estar mandando mensagens para estrelas pornôs!", um pouco desencorajadora. Talvez sua audiência fosse ainda mais linda? Solteira, e algumas até em relacionamentos…? Isso ficou ainda mais estranho de pensar. Vante poderia ser apenas uma pessoa estranha.
'Estou na carreira errada?', ele brincou em vez disso.
Vante apoiou a barba nas mãos e cantarolou, sorrindo gentilmente.
'Não, você é natural.'
Hoseok imaginou que se outra pessoa dissesse aquilo, ficaria ofendido, mas Vante fez parecer sexy.
Geralmente, nesse ponto da conversa, seus supostos convidados estavam suando constrangimento. Movendo as pernas e olhando ao redor como se todo o café da manhã soubesse do que eles estavam planejando. Enquanto Vante tinha uma timidez nele, havia também uma espécie de confiança silenciosa que Hoseok gostava, mas também suspeitava.
'Você não é virgem, né?'
Isso finalmente fez Vante corar um pouco, os olhos piscando para longe e de volta novamente. Ele deu de ombros, depois assentiu, lambeu os lábios, e os olhos piscaram para longe, ficando fixos em uma fenda no vidro.
Quando Hoseok fez aquela pergunta, ele assumiu que descobriria sua mentira, mas em vez disso, ficou interessado na honestidade aberta. E, especialmente, para um cara tão bonito quanto ele era.
'Wow.' Hoseok se recostou, 'Qual a sua idade?'
Eu acabei de completar trinta anos. — disse o homem. — Sou gay, se explicar.
Ele era tão bonito que Hoseok ainda não conseguia acreditar.
Muitos homens gays perdem suas virgindades no ensino médio, ainda mais antes dos 30 anos.
Eu só… não tenho.
'É surpreendente.'
'Por que?'
Hoseok estendeu a mão para ele.
‘Vou começar com o rosto ou o corpo?’
Vante se distraiu arranhando as unhas.
Eu estava no exército.
"Tínhamos todos servido no exército." Hoseok apontou. Ele perdeu o condicionamento físico, mas a imensa memória muscular ainda estava em suas mãos, sabendo como recarregar um revólver em poucos segundos. Você não pode esquecer essas coisas.
Acabei com o corpo especial de tarefas especiais, e foi uma forma de me distrair. Eu deixei isso… Estou tentando encontrar um novo trabalho no momento… me descobrir…
Evitando o sofrimento, Hoseok se envolveu na declaração anterior.
Você trabalhou nas forças especiais? Hoseok jogou a colher no café, "Quer dizer, faz sentido, você é tão bem-sucedido, mas…"
'Mas, o que?'
'Você não é policial, né?' Hoseok se inclinou para frente no assento, 'Eu ainda não admiti nada, por sinal, e não vou admitir.'
Vante pelo menos teve senso de parecer constrangido.
'Eu não sou policial, e concluí meu serviço.' ele insistiu, 'Não acredito em tudo o que nosso governo nos faz acreditar. Eu só gosto de ajudar pessoas. Trabalhei duro, mas foi apenas uma distração no final do dia. Eu me sentia que isso tirava um pouco da pressão de por que não estava namorando.'
'Ok…' Hoseok relaxou um pouco mais, percebendo pela tonalidade de Vante que ele não era do tipo alfa, 'Você já teve experiência em relacionamentos?'
'Não, estou muito nervoso… Eu sinto que preciso de um empurrão.'
‘Não que você tenha que perder a virgindade ou ter sexo, mas por que me procurou para fazer isso?’
‘Eu nunca realmente descobri tudo sobre as coisas do namoro e da sexualidade. Não até mesmo sei por onde começar.’ Vante explicou, ‘Eu não sabia como abordar homens. Eu só…encontrei conteúdo online e acabei encontrando você e…você parecia um cara legal.’
Hoseok geralmente ouvia que seu discurso ensolarado na vida real era o melhor serviço ao cliente que ele podia oferecer. Os hóspedes basicamente deixavam avaliações positivas online e muitos ainda são fãs ativos do seu conteúdo, alguns ainda o contatam com conversas leves, abordagens constrangedoras ou boas histórias sobre encontrar um namorado e/ou ter relações sexuais. Ele apenas não sempre sabia se a bondade se traduzia bem além de seu esquema de personagem.
'Oh, fico aliviado em ter encontrado você ao menos.' Hoseok sorriu, mesmo assim, 'Eu não mordo, a menos que você queira que eu morda.'
Nesse momento, Vante sorriu novamente. Não havia mais aquele cara endurecido e afiado pela militarismo. Hoseok viu o que estava por baixo: um garoto tímido por dentro, que todo mundo ia adorar.
Hoseok reservou uma suite no hotel, a mesma que vinha usando há alguns anos e que, por duas temporadas, ignorava um homem gay desfilando com um cortejo de homens constrangidos e corados. Ele é discreto, gentil com o staff e sempre limpa bem antes de sair. Hoseok está convencido de que sua suite passaria uma inspeção de luz ultravioleta.
Ele chega primeiro, como de costume, dando-se tempo para montar as câmeras, os acessórios e permitir tempo para se lavar. Ele havia se mudado para uma robe quando, finalmente, ouviu um bater na porta.
Ele responde com um gesto dramático, feliz em ver um rosto familiar ou uma parte dele. Vante já usava uma máscara facial. Um boné cobria seu rosto e uma jaqueta pesada decorada com gotas de chuva que o homem limpou com um gesto casual.
‘Bem, entre.’
Hoseok deu um passo de lado para deixar o homem entrar. Ele era mais largo do que se lembrava e um pouco mais alto desde sua única e primeira vez se encontrarem. Isso geralmente preocupava Hoseok, mas Vante dava-lhe boas vibrações e sua intuição era normalmente boa. Hoseok não tinha um amigo de confiança para compartilhar sua localização e datas, então tinha que usar sua inteligência em situações como essa. No entanto, o pior pesadelo de Hoseok era ligar para a polícia. Ele não queria ir para a prisão por produzir material pornográfico ou pior, por exploração sexual. As leis sul-coreanas não eram amigáveis para trabalhadores sexuais, muito menos para trabalhadores sexuais gays.
Então, Vante também havia sido das forças especiais, e aqui ele estava. Isso o fazia se perguntar quantos homens no governo, polícia ou exército queriam tão desesperadamente o que Hoseok podia oferecer. Vergonha era uma coisa triste e perigosa. Hoseok não sentia vergonha, mas temia aqueles que sentia e o perigo que eles poderiam causar.
‘Just so you know, you can back out of this at any time.’ Hoseok informed him, ‘I’m a professional, but that goes for me too, not that I have ever had to do so. This is clean and safe, we’re just having a bit of fun.’
Vante nodded.
‘Fun.’ he agreed, his words muffled by the mask and gingerly rested his backpack on the ground. ‘I didn’t know what to bring.’
‘Just your pretty self.’
‘I m-mean…I didn’t know what to do…’
True. Hoseok should have prepared him better. While he usually washes, shaves and preps before each encounter regardless of his plans to top or bottom (just in case!) he assumed that Vante would know what he wanted.
Você... preparou?
‘Tá, não tem problema-’
‘Eu não me importo de ser o bottom, mas’ Vante tropeçou nas palavras, ‘eu só não sei o que fazer ’
Hoseok tentou não suspirar. Bebês gays sempre eram tão incômodos, não sabendo o que queriam e nem sabendo como lavar suas bundas. Hoje não tinha nenhuma bunda para boca, de qualquer forma.
‘Eu tenho tempo.’ Hoseok sentou-se no sofá e cruzou as pernas, ‘A água quente está na banheira.’
‘Você quer dizer…’
‘Você quer que eu faça por você?’
‘Não… não, obrigado.’ Vante ficou com as faces vermelhas como beterraba. O tipo de confiança silenciosa que Hoseok havia suposto quando os dois se conheceram havia desaparecido e, mais uma vez, ele foi lembrado de que, tecnicamente, estava no trabalho. Considere isso como a indução de novos funcionários e este é o mais novo, exceto que Hoseok infelizmente tinha um novo interno a cada turno.
‘How about this…’ Hoseok smiled, in the hope of making him feel a little more comfortable, ‘I will stay out here and tell you what to do. You call me if you need a little help. Okay?’
Vante stole away into the bathroom and Hoseok heard the shower already running within the minute, he had stripped off his clothes. Meanwhile, he rummaged in his bag for the hygiene products he kept for situations like this. Then he knocked on the door.
‘Sweetheart, I have something for you whenever you’re ready.’
Vante turned off the shower and appeared at the door with a towel around his waist.
He was so sexy, his body sculpted to perfection, yet he took the douche and lube from Hoseok’s hand with an ungainly hand. The flush went down his chest as Hoseok explained the process of pushing the water in, but not too much, holding it then letting it go. Then repeat the process until the water is clear.
‘Any questions?’
Vante looked about ready to die - was he really ready to show his hole to the internet?
‘I don’t think so.’ he mumbled.
‘Good. I’m just here on the other side, baby.’
‘Okay, thank you Hobi-hyung.’
So polite and dignified, a true gentleman who will properly clean his ass. It would practically be romantic only that they will not see each other again after tonight.
Hoseok sat and scrolled on his phone.
He wished he factored in the douching time to his schedule, otherwise, he would have brought a book. However, that was inappropriate for company time after all. Ha, ha.
Eventually, Vante knocked on the door from the bathroom like Hoseok was the one in a private room, bless his soul.
‘Yes, sweetheart?’
‘I think I’m finished.’ Vante said, ‘It took a while to…get it up there…but it looks clear.’
Good enough.
‘Cool.’ Hoseok stood up, tossing his phone on the seat, ‘How did it feel?’
‘A little weird…’ Vante admitted, ‘A little too much. Is it supposed to feel good?’
‘Some people like it, some people find it a means to an end.’ Hoseok strode over and touched his arm, ‘How are you?’
He touched him softly to the inner part of his arm trailing down to his wrist. The pad of his finger traced the raised vein there, the smooth and defined muscle under golden skin. He noticed goosebumps from the cold air and an awkward twist in Vante’s lips as he continued to look like he was dying inside.
‘I’m not sure honestly.’ he mumbled, ‘I’m excited, and I’m nervous.’
‘That sounds normal.’ Hoseok assured, ‘You can tell me when it gets too much, you know my safe word, don’t you?’
‘Roses.’ Vante said crisply, warmly and without a beat in reply.
It made Hoseok smile and goosebumps broke down his arm too.
He repressed the urge to shiver and smiled at Vante.
‘We will take things slow.’ he told him, ‘I have some ideas before we begin, would you like to hear them?’
Hoseok guided the man through his ideas for the shoot.
He wanted to tie his wrists together with ribbon and slowly stretch him open while playing with his prostrate. If he can take it, and only if he can take it, then Hoseok will fuck him.
‘Sound good?’
Vante nodded.
‘What about handcuffs?’
‘I…didn’t bring them with me today.’ Hoseok looked at him funny, ‘Why handcuffs?’
‘I dunno, it just feels more restricting.’
He must watch other streamers too, Hoseok hasn’t done anything like that in a long time.
‘Look, if you take something from today that you like, by all means, try it with a partner you trust.’ Hoseok told him, ‘However, I wouldn’t want to carry handcuffs to a sexual encounter with a stranger. I mean, that could be dangerous for you, or for me.’
‘Oh, of course.’
‘Ribbons are also cute and pretty.’ Hoseok pulled it from his bag with a flourish, ‘You will look pretty in pink.’
‘Will I?’
Vante seemed cheered up by that.
Hoseok was finding him quite cute, which was dangerous. He decided that now that Vante was warmed up, he had to switch back to work mode.
‘Great, now time to strip!’
Vante turned beet red again and clutched the fold of his damp towel around his waist.
Hoseok decided to go first, undoing the ties on his robe and letting it drop.
Vante’s mouth dropped open too.
‘Oh, wow.’
Hoseok did a demonstrative cutsie spin. He was very proud of his body and knew he was sexy. While he had long limbs and lean muscle that made him athletic, his slender hips and tight ass complimented the blank panties he wore. It was a brand he liked, the gusset deep enough for him to slot his cock into. His audience liked that he wore it, regardless if he was the one on top or bottom. With his black domino mask, he was easily identifiable in any video reposted.
‘Nothing new here.’ Hoseok grinned, ‘What about you sexy?’
Vante gingerly undid his towel and let it slip. It was Hoseok’s turn to gawk.
‘Sorry, I probably should have shaved.’
‘That’s not a problem.’ Hoseok promptly closed his mouth and tried his best to avoid gazing directly at Vante’s sizable cock, ‘Not. A. Problem.’
Fuck, is it too late to bottom?
‘Good, good...’ Vante mumbled, ‘But, what about…backstairs?’
Hoseok realized he needed some moral support, which was bizarre, didn’t the man know how hot he was? Poor baby, he’s so in the closet he doesn’t know he’s a walking bombshell.
‘Sweetheart, they’re going to be more jealous of me, than you.’ Hoseok took his hands, ‘You’re an absolute catch, don’t forget that. Porn isn’t real life. A lot of guys like it natural. I like it natural. You’re perfect.’
Vante was practically glowing once Hoseok was done with the praise, which was reassuring. He sat prim and gentle at the edge of the bed, despite his size his knees knocked together and his hands went limp as Hoseok carefully tied them together by the wrist. He made a pretty bow, then reached for a second string.
‘May I?’
Vante softly nodded.
Hoseok carefully treaded it around his cock into a second bow.
‘You’re like a little present for me.’ Hoseok smiled at him, ‘I can’t wait to play with you.’
He was pink like the ribbon but looking at Hoseok with such imploring eyes, to reassure him more but also hanging onto every word.
Fuck, he was as pretty as a picture.
That’s all Hoseok could think as he had him lay back with his wrists on his chest and his legs parted, showing off his semi-hard cock, somehow even bigger now and the ribbon straining against it. Hoseok had slipped a brand new pink face mask onto him and it suited him tremendously. The pretty pink contrasted with the fade haircut and taut muscles, a juxtaposition between how manly he was yet so willingly vulnerable for him. It was like a dream come true. Hoseok felt a little bit overwhelmed, shivery with excitement and his own cock straining from within the confines of his panties.
‘Sit up baby, help me pick out the best one for me to post.’
Vante sat up slowly, legs folded beneath him as gently lowered his chin down until it was resting on Hoseok’s shoulder. It was oddly but pleasantly intimate in a platonic manner, even despite the fact they were both naked and about to perform sex upon each other.
‘This one, or this?’ Hoseok flickered between.
Vante chose the second with a little nod, eyes darting. This was the closest Hoseok had been to his face and despite the fact he was wearing a mask, his eyes were so big and expressionate with thick lashes. Hoseok wanted to look longer at his face, but it was better he didn’t.
‘I haven’t gagged you, why are you so quiet?’ Hoseok asked, reaching up and gently touching his ear. It stuck out even more with the elastic pulling at it.
Vante shrugged slightly but seemed embarrassed.
‘You’re shy, or maybe you like this.’ Hoseok fixed the mask a little so that it was smoothened out, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll be doing all the talking, all you have to do is have fun and be your pretty little self.’
Vante liked being called pretty, that was obvious.
He lay quite prim and ready while Hoseok set the camera up.
With a first post beforehand saying to log in to see his latest guests, the photo of Vante in ribbons and a matching pink face mask would certainly pull them in. While a good portion of his core audience liked seeing him fuck young twinks, some like the muscular or beefier types and Vante seemed like a nice mid-way point between a pretty prince, yet sturdy warrior.
Hoseok checked out the domino mask in the mirror and made sure it was on correctly before he started recording the main camera.
‘This camera isn’t live, but it’s better quality.’ Hoseok told him, ‘I usually post a compilation of the best parts online, but you probably know that already. I am going to go live soon and I want you to know that as soon as you say the word ‘Roses’ I am going to stop everything we are doing and switch everything off. Can you nod to say you understand?’
Vante nodded.
‘Good boy.’
Hoseok turned on the web camera and went live.
‘Hello my babies, today I have a very special baby with me today…’
Vante stared up at him with wide eyes as Hoseok straddled his waist and pressed a riding crop along his pectoral.
‘His name is Vante, and he is one of my biggest fans.’ Hoseok spoke, ‘I know this because I can see how active he is on my streams and posts, so today is his lucky day because I am going to spoil him rotten…’
Hoseok ran the riding crop along his chest and watched it make a red line on his skin.
‘He’s really shy and doesn’t like to talk, but that doesn’t mean I can’t make noise out of him. What do you think babies?’
He let the statement linger and heard some notifications of messages and tips coming in already. With the hand out of sight, Hoseok gently caressed Vante’s elbow.
Ready? He mouthed.
Vante nodded.
It was interesting, figuring out how to make Vante hard. Hoseok grabbed the handheld camera for the postvideo, doing a close-up of his cock.
‘I put this pretty bow on him before we began, and it’s already straining, he’s a big one.’ Hoseok praised, pressing a finger into his slit.
Already Vante jolted slightly, bucking his hips up and against Hoseok’s touch.
‘Hm, I’m going slow, letting him relish it.’ Hoseok said, ‘He’s pretty, gay, and wanted to know what it was like to get fucked, and he’s letting me do it. Despite his big cock it’s being absolutely wasted today…’
He promptly smacks Vante’s cock lightly with the crop and hears him whimper.
‘Chat did you hear that? Vante sounds upset. I’m more upset at the wasted potential. Pity.’
Hoseok strokes the crop from the base to the tip of his cock, letting some of the precum gather there.
‘He’s so wet already, I can’t wait to make him weep. I fear it will be too easy for this one, but we’ll see.’
Hoseok removed his crop and leaned forward to let a globule of spit land on his cock, so it was wetter than ever before. The riding crop slid through his drool, wettening his large red cock until it was slick. Vante gasped a little more, his face a little red and a small bit of sweat apparent in the reflective sheen at the centre of his chest. He really was as pretty as a picture.
‘Chat, I wish you could see what I can see, but you won’t until I post this later for my premium members.’ Hoseok spoke, ‘Reserved for special babies who deserve to see a baby as pretty as this one.’
Vante made a sharp inhale of breath, then gasped when Hoseok removed the crop. He probed and expected the crop to come down again.
‘Turn over.’
He was still for a moment, then rather clumsily yet adorably eager moved from his stomach and then onto his hands and knees.
‘This is his first time, so he has yet to learn the perfect form.’ Hoseok spoke out loud, ‘What do I always say, Vante? Head down, ass up, and arch the spine. Chat, as you can see, it sounds easy but it takes some practice. Well, I’m here to teach and Vante is here to learn.’
Hoseok in character spoke with ridicule, but he was actually quite impressed by how nicely Vante knelt and most of all the softness of his backside. While muscular elsewhere including down to his glutes, his ass itself had soft but firm buns of steel which were perfect for bottoming. He really was gifted in different departments.
‘I would normally ask you to spread yourself, but your hands are tied.’ Hoseok tutted, ‘Chat, he came today and cleaned his hole for me for the first time. Poor baby is so eager to get fucked.’
He pushed the riding crop into the cleft of his ass to pull it apart. There he could see his dusky hole, still a little bit tender-looking and quite natural. No manscaping or waxing was attempted prior to this encounter and Hoseok kind of admired his naivety and naturalness.
‘Chat, I think this baby deserves a treat, what do you think?’
Hoseok put the handheld camera down. He was not made of hands. Instead, he reached for the lube and poured some onto his fingers.
‘Vante, I have something to give you…’
Hoseok slid a lube-slick finger into his hole up to the first knuckle.
Vante moaned, starting at the intrusion but not pulling away. Good.
‘There you go, just a little bit more…’ Hoseok slid his finger in a little more and felt him clench around it, the moan more drawn out this time and raspier, ‘Good, look how much you have taken already? You’re a natural, sweetheart.’
He began pumping his finger in and out, such a little bit but he was somewhat alarmed yet delighted by Vante’s response. He had lifted his ass and was aiming back at Hoseok’s finger. Chat noticed too, quite active today which was great.
‘Oh, a natural I see.’ Hoseok teased, ‘Shall we move onto level 2 already?’
Vante stilled at that, the muscles in his back tensing when Hoseok pressed the pad of another finger to his hole.
‘Aren’t you up to the challenge?’ Hoseok goaded him, ‘You were acting so cocky and slutty right there, doing so well on my finger. You can’t show out at the beginning and then underperform, sweetheart.’
Vante tipped his head back over his shoulder at him, staring at him with big eyes. Hoseok locked his gaze with him while he softly slid the start of his second in. Vante’s eyes get a little bit bigger in alarm but Hoseok strokes the softness of his ass before reaching up and holding his waist still.
‘Breath, baby, breathe.’ Hoseok tells him, ‘You’re doing so well, I believe in you.’
That little encouragement has him finally relax under Hoseok’s hands and he quickly turns him into putty. The second finger goes in, from the first knuckle to the second and then to the hilt and Hoseok is reaching in and trying to find his prostrate.
He knows he finds it when Vante makes the sluttiest sound known to man. Somewhere caught between a hiccup and a groan, Hoseok is fascinated and wonders how he can elicit such a sound again.
‘Fuck…’ he mumbled to himself, feeling his own cock pressed against his thigh, weeping against the fabric. His mouth drops open and he loses all words, watching the man wall apart on his fingers.
Fuck, he is a natural. He is taking Hoseok’s fingers so well, moaning so much. Hoseok is distantly aware of the Chat going crazy and the fact that he should be talking more, narrating this, but he’s just so… amazed …just so…
He’s not quite sure he’s ever felt this way and it's getting beneath his skin like ants, fucking the man harder with his fingers until the moaning turns into whimpering from overstimulation. Hoseok peeks between his legs and sees his cock hard and pooling cum on his thighs. Vante’s face is red, and a soft mesh of tears on his cheeks.
Hoseok collects himself, pulls his fingers out and strokes his hands on the man’s waist to ground him.
‘Sweetheart, would you like me to fuck you?’ he asks.
Vante nods softly.
‘Can you say it?’ Hoseok asks him, worried that he might be overstimulated.
Vante nods again but beckons him closer. Hoseok realizing he was even more shy than he realized leans down so he can whisper in his ear.
‘Please fuck me.’ he mumbles a low hum. His pink mask is hot and moist against Hoseok’s cheek, his ass arching until it grazes Hoseok’s tight crotch. ‘I want it, hyung.’
‘I’ll help you, baby.’ Hoseok tells him, a bit louder so that the chat knows what they spoke about, ‘I’ll fuck you, Hyung will make you feel good.’
Hoseok rocks back on his heels reaches for the condom and slips it on himself, and with lube. He has a measured and methodical way of doing stuff like this, but right now he feels too moist, and his muscles weak. The panties were a bit too tight right now and cutting off blood flow on his hip, but he couldn’t care.
He kisses the soft blunt tip of cock into Vante’s hole and eases inside while the moans rise in a crescendo as does the chat.
‘Fuck…’ Hoseok mumbled, and he could hear Vante whisper it too.
‘You’re…you…yeah…’ Hoseok doesn’t even have words anymore, he just chases the high that this has given him as he slowly starts fucking his way into the man. Vante is encouraging, the first few thrusts like a hiccup of moans, before Hoseok picks up the pace and then the noise eventually gets high-pitched. The noises Hoseok punched with his hips out of him were so loud, practically pathetic and desperate noises. Borderline helpless but demanding, calling him to chase it faster.
So Hoseok did, not thinking anything until he finished inside the condom, deep within the man’s body. His body rocks against his, hot and flushed against the thick flesh and muscle of his thighs, and the broad slope of his back. Hoseok stares down at his heaving back, the indents of his spine and the tense ripple of his shoulder blades. Even in the comedown, a desire comes slick in his gut and pools like saliva in his mouth. What the fuck?
The chat goes wild still - fuck, they’re live!
He pulls out - perhaps a bit too abruptly. Vante gasps and whimpers. He cries out a little especially as Hoseok - a little too quickly - rolls him onto his back. He flops there and he looks as perfect and pathetic as he sounds. If there was anything that attracted Hoseok more than pretty, buff men, it was pretty, buff men that he has broken down into little pathetic sluts
‘Vante cannot seem to cum on stimulation alone…’ Hoseok noted to the chat again, ‘Therefore, while he likes his hole played with…’ Hoseok shoved his fingers back up his loosened hole and Vante grunted, ‘He stills needs a little help…’
He slips onto his knees and arches his back, letting the panties ride up his ass to the camera as he sucks on the tip of Vante’s cock. The ribbon is a bit in the way of going down too far, but it is enough with the stimulation on the tip of his cock to the fingers thrusting roughly into him that make Vante thrash and cum into Hoseok’s mouth.
Hoseok did not like the taste of cum, but while Vante lays post-orgasm on the bed, Hoseok walks up to the camera and demonstrates up close the cloudy dribble of it falling from his tongue.
He couldn’t help but laugh, inexplicably giddy, as he peaces out and promptly finishes the live.
Once Hoseok turned off the live, the cameras, and with the handheld took one final shot of Vante’s strewn fucked out. He finally turns that off then. He grabs a tissue and spits cum into it. It’s in his mouth, but he’s used to it. He brings his toothbrush always for this reason.
Hoseok picks up Vante’s hand and squeezes it.
‘You were great.’
He thought Vante might be asleep (even possibly dead) but he answered clearly, a sluggish hand rising to tug the saliva-damp mask from his mouth.
‘That was amazing.’ he croaked, ‘You’re so fucking hot.’
Hoseok was used to praise before sex, but he didn’t mind post-sex compliments either.
‘Thank you, baby. I hope I didn’t go too hard.’
‘No…no….’ Vante slowly sat up and winced, ‘My ass does hurt a little now…how long does that last?’
‘It will be a little worse tomorrow, but it should be gone the day after.’
‘Does…it stop hurting over time?’
‘Not really, you just get used to it.’ Hoseok shrugged, ‘Here, stand up, why don’t I run you a bath?’
Aftercare was important for Hoseok. He liked spoiling his partners, especially after working hard. Vante sat in the tub drinking from a bottle of water and munching on snacks.
‘This is great.’ he grinned, a pleasant glow to his cheeks, ‘I never expected this.’
There was a boyish charm to him that made Hoseok helplessly smile.
‘I have to look after you, baby.’ Hoseok cooed, ‘You worked hard.’
Vante tugged at the sleeve of his robe.
‘Come on in.’
Hoseok froze up.
‘Um, I better not.’
‘Why not?’
Hoseok stared into his big eyes and then shrugged.
Yeah, why not?
He slipped off the robe and the too-tight panties, they fell into a bundle. He sat with his back to the other side, but there wasn’t enough space for two grown men.
‘You should turn around, put your back to me.’ Vante said, lifting his arms, ‘That way you will fit.’
He was a lot less shy now and that was screwing with Hoseok’s brain. Indeed, showing your hole to the internet does transform a person.
‘Oh, alright…’
He moved, then sat with Vante at his back.
The man sighed, reached out and had him relax. Hoseok pressed his back to his chest and Vante slung a casual arm around his body. He hummed slightly and drank more water. The bottle in his big hand crunched. It felt very familiar, very casual in a way two friends would lean on each other. Hoseok could rest his weight now and felt comfortable with the steamy water and skin-to-skin contact.
Too comfortable.
The ants got under his skin again and he felt on edge.
‘Actually, I need to get out.’
‘Hm…?’ Vanted hummed, popping the bottle from his mouth.
‘Yeah, sorry.’
Hoseok flung Vante’s arm off of him, stood up and got out. Water dripped on the floor and he hurriedly dried himself then pulled the robe around his body. Vante was silent, just undoing and re-doing the cap on his water bottle, the plastic crackled in his hand.
Out in the main bedroom, he quickly packed his things and changed. It took some time but thankfully he was ready to go by the time Vante emerged. Perhaps he registered the change in the mood because he had a towel around his waist again, clutching it closed in one hand.
‘I…I don’t really know what to do right now.’ he said, staring at Hoseok with a meek expression.
Hoseok didn’t know where to look, the juxtaposition between the silly, friendly guy in the bathtub and the quiet nervousness of Vante was offputting. He realized then that he had overshared his welcome and made it weird.
‘It was great, and you were great…’ Hoseok said, then trailed off seeing the look of hurt and confusion on his face, ‘I hope you got what you needed from this.’
Vante looked at him with a strange expression.
‘Right, like you did.’
Hoseok felt the sting and avoided his eyes again.
‘Please feel free to use the room tonight, it’s already paid for.’
‘Right…’ Vante’s voice was low, ‘Thank you, I appreciate that.’
XxX Forum
Topic: BigGayHobi, Part 24, page 7
[Xeno94kT]: new favourite stream, I have been replaying clips all night
[Hwarang204]: [ reply to Xeno94kT ] totally the guy was so hot, where did Hobi-hyung find him?
[Haneul84]: is he really one of us? He said his name is Vante and it’s driving me crazy, I heard his name before someplace
[BoraBlue19]: probably a friend, or boyfriend, Hobi was really into it
[Hwarang204]: [reply to BoraBlue19 ] You can tell?
[BoraBlue19]: [ reply to Hwarang204 ] good chemistry
[Xeno94kT]: Rant - Hobi broke character about 12 minutes in and at about 26 minutes in, I don’t blame him, I’m so fucking jealous. Vante reminds me of my friend I had a crush on.
[Hwarang204]: is the guy really a virgin? Hobi-hyung usually has them on Fridays, right?
[DalStar25]: [ reply to Hwarang204] I believe it’s his first time getting fucked, but I don’t believe he’s a virgin you can tell he’s fucking handsome even with the mask on
[RosesAkgae]: [ reply to DalStar25] maskfishing is a thing, but I would forgive him being ugly as long as he’s naked and keeps the mask on kekeke
[Hwarang204]: [ reply to DalStar25 ] definitely first time bottoming
[N3X7ral]: Hobi isn’t going to have this guy back again is he? Bastard
[Xeno94kT]: [ reply to N3X7ral ] I’m fucking livid
Hoseok tried to forget about the experience, it was better that way rather than getting stuck in the details. Once he starts reflecting upon his dodgy career and his body count, he gets a panic attack. It was better just to think about these encounters like a business transaction. It doesn’t matter if he found the man attractive. It’s business and that’s all there was to it.
Still, he had no means of forgetting anything, when he was browsing the front page and saw the trending video.
#1 Hot Trending: Messy first-time bottom tries dildo and fails
Something compels him to click and he watches the short video.
It’s standard. Slick dildo, an asshole that is struggling to take it in, but Hoseok is captured by the details.
The thick, tanned thighs. The uncertain and winking hole, the frustrated deep grunts.
The fucking panties.
They’re Hoseok’s panties!
Did Vante steal his fucking underwear?