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Kaeya finds himself in a peculiar enemies-with-benefits arrangement with his ex-sworn brother, and if he hadn’t experienced it himself, he would have no idea how they somehow got here.
The first time it happened, Kaeya was half-convinced it was a dream his drunken self concocted up as a bizarre way to comfort him. A perverted, secretive fantasy from the deepest vestiges of Kaeya’s mind never meant to be spoken aloud, a pathetic wish for change. And yet Kaeya had actually let his thoughts spill like oil onto water on a random night when everyone had left Angel’s Share except Kaeya—and for reasons Kaeya still can’t discern, Diluc had indulged him. Let Kaeya unzip his trousers and use his hand and mouth till Diluc painted Kaeya’s face white. Gave him a wet rag and once Kaeya cleaned his face off, bid him goodnight and closed the door behind him as if nothing had ever happened.
Maybe it should have ended there. It didn’t.
The second time, Kaeya found him as Darknight Hero prowling the streets of Mondstadt at midnight, and Diluc bought his silence by making Kaeya cry out as he fucked him in an alleyway.
Do you miss me? Kaeya thought but didn’t ask.
When they found themselves alone for a third time, Diluc brought him upstairs to the spare bedroom and rode Kaeya till he saw stars.
Do you still care for me?
The fourth time, Kaeya dragged Diluc back to his apartment because he could not explain that a pretty bird had made him miss Diluc so terribly that he didn’t know what to do with himself.
Please don’t hate me.
For a fifth time, Diluc invited Kaeya over to the Dawn Winery under the pretence of a dinner to placate Adeline’s wishes for reconciliation. They rushed off to the nearest bedroom as soon as dessert was over and all the maids were dismissed.
After that time, Kaeya stopped counting for the sake of his own sanity. He could not bear remembering.
And somehow they’re here again, just a few minutes after Diluc kicked everyone out of the tavern after closing time besides Kaeya, quietly staring at each other as they wait for one of them to finally break and close the distance between them.
This shouldn’t happen. They should not be left alone together when all they will end up doing is hurting each other—whether that be through sex or murder. The only outcome is bloodshed, regret, and tears. But it doesn’t matter anyway. They are fated to find each other again, and again, and again—for better or for worse.
Because wherever Kaeya goes, the ghost of Diluc follows—and it does not really ease Kaeya’s mind to know that he more than likely haunts Diluc too. They have no reprieve from each other.
A year ago, he may have thought he could not affect Diluc any longer, but when your target is as well known as the streets you grew up in, it didn’t take long to extricate an emotion or two out of him. Now, Diluc’s mask of indifference falls down as soon as the two of them are finally alone, and Kaeya does not feel bad for the satisfaction he feels in that.
As if his entire body isn’t thrumming in anticipation, Kaeya lackadaisically spins around on a bar stool to watch Diluc walk to the front door to lock it and dim the lights. There is this precarious moment—not necessarily hesitation because they have long since given up on figuring out how they feel about this newfangled back and forth between them—where Diluc stares at him like he has no idea what to do next. Kaeya wishes it could just be lust that he sees in those ruby-coloured eyes.
Are you scared of me? Kaeya wants to ask when Diluc looks at him like that. Of what I’ve done to you? Of who I’ve become because of you?
Or even the other way around—of who you’ve become, the things you’ve done?
Kaeya never does ask; he simply does the next already well-practised step in their uncanny waltz and hops off the stool to walk over, grabs Diluc’s collar, and kisses the bar owner as hard as he can.
They rarely speak to one another as these rare explosive moments happen. It is all rough and all a game of push and pull. Of crushing lips against lips, because to acknowledge any other sort of pain would rightfully draw them apart yet again. Of pressing bodies unceremoniously against any nearby surface, because like all their conversations, it’s in a grapple of power. Of hands running through mussed-up tresses, forever in their self-made tug-of-war.
“Kaeya.” “凯亚。”
What they do say, is each other’s names—invariably cementing their crimes, coining the wrongness of it all.
Kaeya licks into his mouth, as if he’s searching for a memory Diluc refuses to recognise. Meanwhile, Diluc unbuttons Kaeya’s blouse and shucks off his own coat, long since past caring about the fact they’re stripping in his own bar. More clothing is carelessly tossed onto a nearby table till their torsos are bare, and Kaeya wants to stop and appreciate the pretty freckles smattered across Diluc’s chest. But Kaeya cannot stop the flurried kisses Diluc presses to his lips, and then his jaw, then neck, and he does not even try. Diluc does not drop to his knees, but it’s something akin to that as he lowers himself onto the hardwood floor and his deft fingers immediately go to pull down Kaeya’s waistband. Not as if in worship though—that would be laughable. Diluc doesn’t seem capable of showing any tenderness towards Kaeya, and he would never try.
It confuses Kaeya, that a man so hell-bent on hating him kisses him so much, kisses him as if Kaeya is noxious, addictive air he cannot forgo. But it is just another way of using Kaeya, and Kaeya is a self-aware fool who will give in each time. How can he not? He doesn’t know when the last time will be. He doesn’t know if Diluc will grow tired of him and toss him away like a dandelion after you’ve blown away all the seeds. So he clings on, determined to prove himself useful, crawling back to Diluc every time Diluc offers him an opening.
Is it love that brings him back each time? Is it obsession? Masochism? Detestation? Kaeya fears he will never know. It doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things when he’s getting a smidgen of what he can pretend is affection later.
In the back of Kaeya’s mind, he wishes it were not so convoluted. The naive, childish part of him wants the saccharine; he wants gentility and ease reminiscent of their long bygone past. There is nothing uncomplicated about this exchange, but it is better than nothing at all.
And at the very least, Diluc likes to suck him off before he fucks Kaeya, and he does a damn good job of it too.
Ha, picture that, Diluc liking anything relating to Kaeya at all. No wonder he’s such a quick-shot when Diluc gags on his cock and looks as though he really does want for Kaeya to feel immense pleasure.
Well. Kaeya knows that he does want this with him. This is all supposedly voluntary, and if one of them were to ever revoke their consent, their wishes would be respected immediately—they may be cruel to each other, but to retraumatize is a step too far.
But is it really uncoerced, when they continually helplessly orbit each other, as the stars and moons do in Teyvat’s fake sky? Is there any escape from Diluc’s beguiling eyes, his perpetually warm hands, his wicked tongue? Kaeya hasn’t found it yet. He’s not sure if he wants to look for it at all.
“Diluc…” Kaeya whines the name of the man sucking his soul out of his dick as he takes Kaeya as far as he can down his throat. Even here, Diluc likes to prove that he’s better. Kaeya doesn’t care much for competition in this case, not when he feels that he’s getting close. He gives Diluc’s now loose and messy ponytail a tug in warning, and when Diluc looks up into his eyes and simply nods, he lets go, watching as Diluc struggles only the slightest bit to swallow everything down. They’ve practised quite a bit by now, and Diluc is a fast learner.
When Diluc pulls away and stands up, wiping his mouth with the back of his arm even though he didn’t dribble a single drop of Kaeya’s spend, his breathing is heavy and ragged. He presents his fingers to Kaeya’s mouth, and obedient in a way Kaeya never is anywhere or with anyone else, Kaeya sucks on them immediately, tonguing each crease and crevice. Once Diluc is seemingly satisfied with how wet his fingers have become with Kaeya’s saliva, he demands in a hoarse voice, “Turn around and bend over.”
It’s not right, Kaeya knows, to posture himself in front of a man who has only been capable of enacting pain on him in recent years. If their exchanges could be classified as a relationship at all, it would be a lurid, toxic one. But Kaeya only feels impossibly good when he feels the heat of Diluc’s fingers scissoring him open, because if there’s anything that can soothe a tortured soul such as Kaeya’s, it is the one who wrecked him in the first place.
Kaeya can pretend it is like medicine being injected into his body as Diluc splits him open with his cock. He can act as if the slow but short-lived pace is a silent apology. He can try to believe that this is the only way Diluc knows how to talk to him.
Diluc’s teeth nip at the bare, vulnerable tan skin of Kaeya’s nape as he looms over him, pressing that scarred, broad chest to Kaeya’s equally as marked back. Obscene, squelchy sounds that would make even the likes of Rosaria blush fill the room, and yet Kaeya makes no effort to hide his moans, to tamper down the hums coming from Diluc’s own throat. The walls are soundproof, and he’s a sinner anyway. He’s too tired to care. What’s the point of pretending like this can be anything else than it is? Like they can be anything else but enemies stuck with each other forever, tied to the name spelt on the gravestone of a loving father?
They were not enemies once; it is what binds them together besides this deplorable, ineluctable attraction. But it is hard to dig deep and find relics of that softness underneath the violent way Diluc pounds into him from behind, his fingertips branding themselves into the sides of Kaeya’s waist as Kaeya’s hands latch onto the other edge of the table for dear life.
It’s a shame. In another universe, they would have made love, would have cherished each other, had a healthy relationship naturally bloom from years of happily intertwining their souls together. Because you can say what you want about the Diluc of now and the Kaeya of today—but there’s no denying the fact that there is no one who knows either of them as well as each other. Kaeya knows that no one else took such good care of him, no one else who listened as well, who reassured him at every turn, who tried so hard for Kaeya as much as Diluc did—up until he didn’t.
But it was Kaeya’s fault that their relationship was ruptured so suddenly, right? His problems are because of Diluc, and yet they remain because of himself, so he can’t blame Diluc for any of that either.
Even the downright perfect feeling of Diluc’s cock is a problem, because Kaeya knows that everyone he will have, and has had, pales in comparison to the only person Kaeya has ever easily trusted in his entire life.
Gods. What must they look like to others besides two ex-sworn brothers taking their guilt and frustration out on each other? A dull tapestry of distressed fabric, barely hanging onto a wall with loose, fraying threads? A splintered mirror in a cracked frame, bloodied but shimmery shards scattered around? A rusty set of a lock and key, edges so rough and jagged they can only fit together with enough pressure?
Kaeya forgets where he was trying to go with this extended metaphor as Diluc bullies his prostrate and wraps his lithe fingers around Kaeya’s throat. He never squeezes—it’s just a reminder that he could.
Their sex should be so much more vicious. They could be throwing each other around, never stopping to ask for what the other wants, harshly ignoring any overstimulation. It should leave much more than just a few long-lasting bruises and fingerprint marks on Kaeya, should leave Diluc with more than just deep scratches and purpling bite marks. But it’s never that painful, and Diluc never pushes for anything rougher than what they can simply do with hands and teeth and belts, so Kaeya doesn’t ask for more either. Even though he could, for Diluc. Even though he would.
Diluc could so easily kill him here. Kaeya would let him—a last form of penance. But Diluc never does more than threaten, and Kaeya still wonders why. After all, outside of their filthy rendezvouses, all Diluc does is snarl at him in the most restrained gentlemanly way possible and draw his claymore as soon as Kaeya dares to come too close or makes an ill-received joke. Or worse, treats Kaeya as if he never meant anything to him at all.
But maybe he just likes panting curses and Kaeya’s name in the Cavalry Captain’s ear. Maybe he likes trailing his hands up and down Kaeya’s bony spine, feeling the bumpy ridges. Maybe he likes biting down on Kaeya’s shoulders. Maybe he likes rhythmic beats of skin meeting skin. Maybe he likes the expressions Kaeya makes when he pulls his hair back for a heated, desperate kiss that leaves both of them breathless and dazed.
What a confusing man. But he’s Kaeya’s confusing man, and for whatever reasons that are beyond Kaeya, Kaeya is his only dance partner in this sordid dance that they do.
“I’m close.” Diluc mumbles, teeth tugging on the shell of Kaeya’s ear to make sure Kaeya hears him. “Where do you want it?”
“Inside.” Kaeya answers in a throaty gasp, and even though they both know the clean-up is more irksome this way, Diluc always indulges Kaeya when he asks.
And Diluc—kind in the strangest of places—slides his hand to wrap around Kaeya’s cock. Wholly unnecessary for someone who should just be using Kaeya for his body, for his own pleasure.
With a few more trembling, uncoordinated thrusts, Diluc reaches his peak with a gravelly groan, pulling Kaeya’s ass flush to his hips. Kaeya can’t help but reach his own end quickly as he feels Diluc fill him up, moaning at the animalistic satisfaction that spreads throughout his body alongside the delightful shivers of a well-built orgasm.
Archons, Kaeya almost wishes that Diluc didn’t know how to play his body like the taut lines of a lyre. It would make it so much easier to let go.
But it is peaceful in Kaeya’s mind for once. It is quiet, it is sated. Kaeya will not give this up, no matter how embarrassing it feels to give yourself up again and again to a man who once tried to end your life. After all, that same man was once the little boy who brought Kaeya minty bean soup whenever he was sick. That same boy held his hand as they ran through fields of vibrant grass in search of pretty flowers to lay on Diluc’s mother’s gravestone at the cathedral. That same man was a young teenager who trained with him, intending to make the blue-haired teen his second-in-command. Kaeya will never be able to separate that kind boy from the scornful man who returned from Snezhnaya.
Diluc doesn’t move immediately. Sometimes he does, and it leaves Kaeya feeling cold, used, and lonely. But sometimes, if they make it to a bed, he holds Kaeya for more than a few minutes, going so far as to drape the blanket over them both. Kaeya always gets up first though—lest he becomes accustomed to this generosity and starts thinking Diluc will treat him like that outside of their meetings.
Today, Diluc seems content to spend a minute or two motionlessly sprawled on top, and Kaeya closes his eyes and forgives the discomfort he feels from the table underneath them for these precious few moments of serenity.
Diluc’s breathing pattern eventually evens out, and he slowly pulls out, eliciting another subdued whimper out of Kaeya. Kaeya can barely hear the swishes of Diluc’s pants as he pulls them back on over the still-rushing pounding of his heartbeat. Kaeya stays in his bent-over position, not ready to stretch and stand up on his shaky legs just yet, but his eyes fly open and he shrieks when he feels something cold and wet touching his abused hole. He whips his head around to an abashed Diluc holding a rag to his ass.
“Sorry, I should have used hot water.” Diluc mutters, before pressing the rag to Kaeya once again to scoop out the cum he emptied out into the blue-haired man.
“Next time.” Is all Kaeya can say in return, biting his lip, shocked by the earnestness. What a tragedy, when such gestures and apologies would not have seemed so out of the blue just a little over five years ago, and now all it does is give Kaeya a weird sense of discomfort mixed with surprised delight.
When Diluc is done, he continues to be the eccentric man that he is and helps Kaeya stand up. There is yet another tense moment, where Diluc holds Keaya up and they stare into each other's eyes, robbed of any words to say. That is, before Diluc closes his eyes and leans in, pressing the softest, gentlest of kisses to Kaeya’s lips. A kiss that is laced with a terrifying brand of tenderness—a kiss inappropriate to have anything to do with the mangled mess of their current pseudo-relationship.
“What was that for?” Kaeya dares to ask with a bated breath after Diluc pulls back.
What do you see, when you look at me? What makes you stay?
Diluc looks less on edge as Kaeya feels, but he has this faux-air of nonchalance on. “I just wanted to.” He says.
“Oh. Okay.” What else is Kaeya meant to say to that? What is he meant to do in response to the warm, stirring feeling in his chest, the tiniest flickers of dreadful hope?
“Can I kiss you again?” Diluc asks in a quick rush of air, and Kaeya's jaw nearly drops open. For the first time in a long time, Kaeya can see a trace of the young, sweet, honest boy he grew up with.
Hesitantly, Kaeya places his hands on Diluc’s cheeks, no longer so round and squishy but still quick to redden—his face is emanating a blazing heat. Kaeya’s thumb grazes the bottom of one plush, now swollen lip, watching how Diluc responds to his touch. Diluc says nothing in opposition; instead, he slowly snakes his hands up Kaeya’s sides to hold his waist, ghosting the marks he’d just left. He does not pull. He waits.
Kaeya could never really deny him where it mattered. “Of course you can.” He finally replies, and he barely says the last word before Diluc’s lips are on him again—with none of the expected anger behind them. No grief, no vehemence. The kisses only feel so intense because they are completely out of the ordinary. And because Diluc is holding Kaeya as if he’s a recently discovered treasure, kissing him as though he is a spouse welcoming their partner back home, appreciating him instead of just squeezing as much out of Kaeya as he wants. Kaeya lets his body relax, lets his hands caress the sides of Diluc’s face, and lets himself kiss Diluc back without listening to the alarm bells ringing in his head.
This is nothing like their previous kisses. This is nothing like how they usually touch each other. They are never anything so tame, or intimate, or exploratory.
Kaeya pulls away first, careful not to give in to this feeling too quickly, to let his guard drop and have his heart broken yet again. Diluc gives him just a moment before kissing him again, as if he cannot stand to be without Kaeya’s lips. And after finally pulling away from one of those ruinous kisses, Diluc whispers, “Come upstairs with me.”
But maybe they can be different this time around. Maybe more change is okay. Maybe Kaeya isn’t doomed to bear this muted yet relieving pain forever.
Diluc kisses his eyes, lingering on the one with an eyepatch. He holds up a hand and waits.
Maybe—someday, though it can’t be anytime soon—they can bravely love each other in the open.
Only time will tell. For now, though, Kaeya takes Diluc’s proffered hand in his, and follows Diluc upstairs.