AHtwotk by Josephine Klerks
约瑟芬·克勒克斯 (JosephineKlerks) 的 AHtwotk
AHtwotk by Josephine Klerks
约瑟芬·克勒克斯 (JosephineKlerks) 的 AHtwotk
The Herbal Astrology Oracle is an introduction to the mystical art of astrological herbalism and how to use it as a form of divination,Whatever your intentions are for seeking a deeper inner knowing, this oracle is a bridge to explore the supernatural gifts of plants and how to apply their personalities to everyday alchemy.
草药占星术 Oracle 介绍了astr逻辑草药学的神秘艺术以及如何将其用作占卜形式,无论您的意图是什么,寻找一个deeper内在认知,这个神谕是探索植物超自然天赋以及如何将它们的个性应用到日常炼金术中的桥梁。
Although the path of herbalism and magic is rooted in ancient healing systems,it is an intensely personal path that is unique to each and every prac- titioner,This oracle deck goes beyond the surface of herbalism,into the symbolic worlds of nature— offering a gateway into the secret life of plants and planets.
In many healing traditions,human beings are perceived as microcosms of the universe,suf- fused with the same forces that control the cos- mos.Humans are imagined to be a part of the unbroken whole,a singular relational continuum expressing itself within and without.Great sages, witches,shamans,and medicine people across the world had access to celestial knowing and used it to understand healing,the power of cycles,nature, divination,alchemy,and astrology.The foundation
of astrological herbalism is rooted in understanding how planetary archetypes correspond to nature as well as the organs and systems of the body.
占星学草药学植根于理解行星原型如何与自然以及 BOdy 的器官和系统相对应。
The correlation of plants to planets has existed since time immemorial,Herbs and dis-eases have been classified and described energetically in terms of astrological symbolism in many ancient cultures, such as Babylon,Sumeria,ancient Egypt,India, and more.In fact,our understanding of the princi- ples of diagnosis and treatment according to occult science were initially considered an essential part of the study of medicine.Hippocrates,considered the father of modern medicine,classified dis-eases based on astrological phenomena,using plane- tary archetypes in deciphering how to heal various illnesses,
植物与行星的相关性自古以来就存在,在许多古代文化中,草药和疾病被根据占星术的象征意义进行了有力的分类和描述,如巴比伦、苏美尔、古埃及、India 等等。事实上,我们对根据OCR SCience诊断和治疗原则的理解最初被认为是医学研究的基本部分。希波克拉底被认为是现代医学之父,他根据占星现象,使用平面原型对 dis-eases 进行分类在破译如何治愈各种疾病时,
During Hippocrates's life,correspondences between herbs and planets were already being studied and utilized,and they have only continued to expand through the centuries.Famous herbalist,physician, and astrologer Nicholas Culepeper further devel oped highly esoteric writings on astrology and herbal confgurations.Today,Culepeper is practically the definitive source on the subject,His masterful books cover topics ranging from herbal energetics and med- ical astrology to the astrology of healing and disease, allin great depth.Prior to the discovery ofthe planets
在希波克拉底的一生中,草药和行星之间的对应关系已经被研究和利用,并且它们只是在几个世纪中继续扩展。著名草药学家、物理学家和占星家尼古拉斯·库莱佩珀 (Nicholas Culepeper) 继续她的发展,撰写了关于占星术和草药组合的高度深奥的著作。今天,Culepeper几乎是该主题的权威来源,他的杰作涵盖了从草药能量学和医学占星术到占星术治疗和疾病的主题,非常深入。在发现行星之前
Uranus,Neptune,and Pluto,astrology was based solely on the seven visible planets,also known as the “trans-Saturnial”planetary influences.
Today,many of us seek to reclaim the sense of connectedness that existed universally in ancient cultures,when human fate was wholly entwined with nature,The world was seen as a symbiotic entity in which all living organisms interacted and supported each other,from the innermost cellular level to the outermost cosmological level.
今天,我们中的许多人都在寻求恢复在古代文化中普遍存在的联系感,当人类的 f.与自然完全交织在一起,世界被视为一个共生实体,从最内层的 cellular水平到最外层的宇宙学水平,所有生物体都相互作用并相互支持。
The call for plant medicine in today's culture is a symbol of humanity returning to its source,A pro- found rebirth is in process,and the role of the plant kingdom is increasing in significance.An essential bridge is being rebuilt between humans and nature, allowing us to access the realm of the transcendent
and the land of the luminous.Plant medicines aren't just here to provide us nourishment,shelter,and protection from pathologies—they're here for a much larger purpose.They are here to bring us back to the original consciousness that prevailed on earth for millennia.Herbalism is the medicine of belong- ing,a gateway through which we keep alive a very sacred aspect to our source.
Some of the plants within the deck are toxic, poisonous,or psychedelic.Do not ingest any of the poisonous herbs except if prepared by an experi- enced practitioner,shaman,curandero,or trained herbalist.Some plants may be harmful to preg- nant women or those with particular disorders or diseases,and can potentially counteract pharma- ceutical drugs,so keep all of this in mind and seek professional and qualifed advice.Remember that working with plants isn't just about ingesting them. You may also create ritual tools,fower and herb essences,environmental essences,or simply medi- tate with the plant to be able to experience the pow- erful healing energy it contributes to our reality.
甲板上的一些植物是有毒的、有毒的或迷幻的。不要摄入任何有毒草药,除非由经验丰富的医生、萨满、curandero 或训练有素的草药师准备。一些植物可能对孕妇或患有特殊疾病或疾病的人有害,并可能对制药药物,因此请牢记所有问题并寻求专业和合格的建议。请记住,与植物打交道不仅仅是摄入它们。您还可以制作仪式工具、草本精华、环境环境,或者简单地与植物进行冥想,以便能够体验它所贡献的强大治愈能量我们的现实。
For thousands of years,herbal charms,talis- mans,and ritual objects have been used for ceremo- nial protection and magic—often as altar objects to reaffirm healing intentions and assist shamans within their healing practice,There are many ways to use herbs in the creation of ritual objects,and I invite you to really tune into what you sense and
几千年来,草药护身符、ta lis-mans 和仪式物品一直被用于疗灵保护和魔法——通常作为祭坛物品来重申治愈意图并协助萨满在他们的治疗实践中,有很多方法可以在制作仪式物品时使用草药,而我在 vite你真的要调整你对D 的感觉
feel when invoking herbs in your practice.Classic talismans are woven into pouches that can be worn, carried,or made into wands,necklaces,and more. Wands can be used in smoke-cleansing rituals, such as“smudging”in Native American traditions or“limpias”in Central-South American traditions. The practice of using smoke from herbs,Howers, barks,and resins to bless,protect,and sanctify objects,spaces,people,and animals is ancient and is another key way to engage with herbal allies.
The Herbal
Astrology Oracle
占星术 Oracle
Oracle cards are useful divinatory tools for self-reflection.They assist us in metabolizing sub- tle information and archetypes through a deeply intuitive and creative process.Every archetype is a multilayered experience that offers a potential to further comprehend the great mystery of nature. The experience transmitted and received is very personal and allows your voice to be the authority when interpreting the magic expressed within a spread.The spiritual meanings of the herbs within this deck are channeled interpretations,offering you an invitation into the visionary experience that came through my vessel.The information is not nec- essarily conclusive;much ofit is inspired by ancient knowing found in many mythical stories that have survived over hundreds or thousands of years.
Before entering a reading,create a sacred space to focus your energy.This can happen anywhere and at any time,Take a comfortable seated position,
and begin by clearing your mind and taking 3 to 6 deep breaths.You may burn a plant ally of choice to perform smoke cleansing on yourself and the deck, You may also gather a select few altar items,such as:rocks,crystals,leaves,pictures ofloved ones,art, essential oils,or any kind of ritual tool that speaks to your soul.
首先清理思绪并进行3到6 次深呼吸。你可以烧掉一个选择的植物盟友,对你自己和你的朋友进行烟雾净化,你也可以收集一些精选的祭坛物品,如:岩石、水晶、树叶、亲人的照片、艺术品、精油,或任何一种与您的灵魂对话的仪式工具。
Once you feel centered,close your eyes,shuf- fHe the cards,and state your intention either in your mind or out loud.Choose one of the spreads within this book or your own intuitive spread and speak your intention clearly as you select each card.It is important that you always remain focused on your intention.
Once you feel ready,spread the cards from left to right.Scan the cards with your mind's eye.When you feel/see the card you want to select,pull it out of the deck with your left hand and place it face up directly in front ofyou,Each time you choose a card, state your intention,and scan the cards again,using your lefthand to select the card.
Upright—meaning cards drawn right-side up— and reversed—meaning cards drawn upside down. Within every guidance section you will find both
balanced and imbalanced attributes to that one arche- type.They are not separated one from the other,as it is important that we recognize the vast potential held within each archetype and its energetic signature, Read the guidance with an open heart,and take what really speaks to you,All archetypes contain multiple faces which are not based on “good”or“bad,”rather the dichotomy simply reveals the range of the poten- tial expressions of an energy.Think of above and below,light and dark,open and closed,and expressed and unexpressed.In a reading,whether the card is upright or reversed,evaluate both positions,and listen to how the energy speaks to you in your life situation.
balanced 和 unbalanced 属性分配给那个RCHE 类型。它们彼此之间没有分开,因为重要的是我们要认识到每个原型中所蕴含的巨大潜力及其充满活力的特征,以开放的心态阅读指南,并采取什么真的对你说,所有的原型都包含多个面孔,这些面孔不是基于“好”或“坏”的,而是二分法简单地揭示了能量的潜在表达范围。想上与下,光明与黑暗,开与闭d,表达与未表达。在阅读中,无论卡片是直立的还是倒置的,都要评估这两个位置,并 listen了解能量如何在您的生活环境中与您对话。
Each plant is categorized under a main astro- logical ruler which you'll find listed frst in the guidebook entry and represented by the larger sym- bol to the left side of the top of each card.There are multifaceted aspects to each plant however,there- fore you'll often find one or two other planetary ref- erences that are also key aspects due to its medicinal qualities,doctrine of signatures,and more.
每种植物都归类在一个主要的占星学标尺下,您可以在指南条目中找到该标尺的第 1 个,并由较大的 ed 表示sym-bol 添加到每张卡片顶部的左侧。然而,每种植物都有多方面的方面,因此您通常会发现一两个其他行星参考,由于其药用价值,这些参考也是关键方面品质、签名原则等等。
药轮的红衣主教 CROss
The Medicine Wheel symbolizes the cycles of life,the forever evolving transformations and lessons that we endure and embrace as we journey through life.The path for us earthlings is based on the understanding that we stand on every place on the Medicine Wheel at all times,and every direc- tion contains sacred essence energy that must be honored as we navigate the cycles of life.The car- dinal directions are archetypal energies,portals within life and soul,that exist as elemental spirits that guide us.
1,Center:The sacred heart represents your
energetic signature in the present moment.
The center embodies your core signature,the signature of your heart.It contains the seeds for every spoke of the Medicine Wheel and indicateshow your spiritual and physical
realities are coming together to present the current version of you,
2.South:The South reflects the past,childhood, where it all began.The card within this
placement asks you about key patterns from the past that must be released and evolved.
placement 询问您 about过去必须发布和发展的关键模式。
What past pains or patterns are still lingering that must be surrendered?Are there hidden
talents that must be evolved from stories of the past?How can you express and heal your inner child?
3.West:The West leads us to our personal
truth,goals,desires,and manifestations.This card symbolizes the solution to a current
challenge or what we must let go of to move forward.Ask yourself;What in my life
currently is in the death phase?How can I support myself as I let go and surrender that which no longer serves my evolution?
4.North:North signals the place of ancestral
4.北:北表示ancestral 的位置
guidance,the North Star,the place of wise
counsel.The North reminds you to listen
carefully and humbly to the elders and energies that are guiding you.From a place of gratitude and openness,ask yourself:Am I listening
carefully to my highest self?What subtle signs have Ireceived?What lessons and synchronicities are continuously coming through my life that I must reflect upon and apply?
5.East:The East is the golden doorway of the heavens,the place of divine transmission,
transformation,and illumination.The East is the sphere of the angels,the etheric core
where we alchemize with Spirit.The energy of the East is where we envision our future
self and receive psychic insight,inspiration, and divine messages.The East invites you to keenly observe yourself from a third-person perspective.Observe yourself through the
mirror of the great Spirit,and ask;What
synchronicities,confrmations,and divine
gifts have I received lately that further define my divine purpose?
This is the daily spread that allows for a quick mirror to analyze the present.It indicates the gen- eral direction your life is presently taking,how your emotional body is supporting the journey,and how your mind is keeping you on track or not.This spread can be used for a quick review about a major decision,and insight on the general direction in which you or the situation at hand is headed.
这是所有人都应该为一面 quick 镜子来分析现在而付出的代价。它表明您目前的生活总体方向,您的情绪如何支持旅程,以及您的思想如何让您走上正轨。此传播可用于快速回顾重大决策,并深入了解您或手头情况的大致方向。
1.Body:External Reality (Sun/Saturn)
Your physical environment and how you are with others.
Your state of mind and your feelings around the present situation.
3.Soul:Higher Self,Guidance,and Energy(Jupiter/Neptune)
The direction your soul and true purpose
The relationship spread can be used as a form to assess the powers and challenges ofa relationship that you have.This spread can be used to diagnose a relationship with a friend,family member,col- league,spouse,or partner of any kind.When shuf- fing and choosing the cards,be sure to invoke the energy of the other.State their name and energy in your heart as you shuHle with a clear intention.The spread will be divided into two columns,and you will begin by choosing one for you,then one for the other,and so on.
关系传播可以用作评估您拥有的关系船的力量和挑战的一种形式。这种传播可用于诊断与朋友、家人、同事、配偶或任何类型的伴侣的关系。当 shuf-fing 和选择卡片时,一定要调用对方的能量。在心中说出你的名字和能量,以明确的意图进行嘶吼。传播将分为两个列ns,您将首先为您选择一个,然后一个用于另一个,依此类推。
2 |
4 |
6 |
Soul Signature
Emotional/Mental Beliefs
Physical Expressions; Actions,Behaviors
1/2.Soul Signaturet You:Who they are to you on a soul level,The soul signature represents your soul contract within your relationship.
1/2.Soul Signaturet You:他们在灵魂层面上对你来说是谁,灵魂签名代表了你在你们关系中的灵魂契约。
Them:Who you are to them on a soul level.
3/4.Mental-Emotional:You:Emotional and
mental feelings you have for them.
Them:Emotional and mental feelings they have for you,including your passions,
reactions,and potential triggers.
behaviors you bring to the relationship.
Them:Actions,qualities,and behaviors you provide to them
The Moon spread can assist you in know- ing the depths of the emotional and psychic body. These are important questions to refect upon to get
to know the current weather within the emotional body and assess hidden gifts that remain untapped, fears that create challenges,your intimate way of receiving and giving love,and how you transmit and receive healing from others.Carefully select a card and focus on the meaning of each position before
了解情绪体内的当前天气,并评估尚未开发的隐藏礼物、带来挑战的恐惧、你接受和给予爱的亲密方式,以及你如何传递它和 从他人那里接受医治。仔细选择一张卡片,并专注于each position 之前的含义
you select the card and ask the question.Breathe and enter into a state of meditation to invoke your highest selffor this spread.
3 | 4 |
1.Who are you in this moment in time? 2.What is your current challenge?
3.What are your hidden gifts?
4.What is your current greatest fear?
5.What is your love language?How do you
give and receive love?
6.What is your healing ability?
—Purity —
Calendula officinalis
Upright:innocence,childlike joy,humility,purity, new beginnings,trusting in life,vitality
Reversed:broken innocence,lack mindset,inability to access manifestation,resistance to new beginnings Astrological Ruler:Sun
Historically,Calendula was known as“poor man's saffron,”as it was used to add color and favor to foods in place of the more expensive spice.Calen- dula petals are also added to salads and used as a dye for fabric and hair.
历史上,金盏花被称为“穷人的藏红花”,因为它被用来代替更昂贵的香料,为食物添加藏红花和青睐。Calen-dula 花瓣也被添加到沙拉中,并用作织物和头发的染料。
From infusions to extracts to ointments,folk medicine healers in Europe prepared a wide array
从输液到提取物再到软膏,欧洲的 fol k医学治疗师准备了各种各样的
of healing remedies and foods with Calendula. Its petals were used to induce menstrual fow, produce sweat during fevers,and cure jaundice. Nineteenth-Century physicians used Calendula to treat viruses,stomach ulcers,liver issues,and skin infections,Traditionally,because of its astringent and anti-inflammatory powers,it was also used externally to treat burns,bruises,and wounds,and to help stop bleeding.
金盏花的治疗药物和食物。它的花瓣用于催经、发热时出汗和治疗黄疸。19 世纪的physicians使用金盏花来治疗病毒、胃部疾病、肝脏问题和皮肤感染,传统上,由于其收敛和抗炎能力,它被也外用治疗烧伤、瘀伤和伤口,并帮助止血。
Guidance: Calendula resembles the Sun,a radiant, bright yellow or orange fower.It grows easily and spreads its joyful self across gardens,symbolizing the gesture of universal abundance.Solar herbs are those that neutralize poison and air in the recuperation of vital forces.Calendulas gentle and abundant power remind us of the realms of light.To be allowed entry within these angelic realms requires childlike inno- cence and humility.Don't allow pain from the past to disable your ability to dream a new life.Calendu- la represents the pure impulse to create,vitality,and creativity needed to step into a new journey.The radiance of Calendula is a super-conductor;be very aware and selective with your intentions when using her energy within a ritual,as she greatly amplifes your intentions,
指导:金盏花类似于太阳,是一种光芒四射的、明亮的黄色或橙色的花朵。它生长得很快,在花园里散布着欢乐的花朵,象征着普遍丰富的姿态。太阳草药是那些在恢复生命力时中和毒物和空气的草药。金盏花温和而丰富的力量让我们想起了光明的领域。要被允许进入这些天使的领域,需要 childlike 的纯真和谦卑。不要让过去的痛苦使您无法梦想新生活。Calendu-la 代表了进入新时代所需的纯粹创作冲动、活力和创造力。金盏花的光芒是一种超导体;在仪式中使用她的能量时,要非常注意和选择性地使用你的意图,因为她极大地放大了你的意图,
Radiance —
Hypericum perforatum
Upright: joy,warmth,resilience,happiness,undet- standing,manifestation,spiritual power,protection Reversed:unhappiness,avoidance,running away, escape,not walking your truth
Astrological Ruler:Sun
Saint-John's-Wort,like the Sun cardin the tarot, represents feelings of protection,optimism,fuIfll- ment,prosperity,success,and the dawn that follows the darkest of nights.The Sun is the source of all the life on our planet,and it represents life energy itself.
The Latin name Hypericum means “to place above the altar”and perforatum means“perforation,” a reference to the holes in the plant's leaves.Used since ancient times as a protective plant against witchcraft,demonic entities,or psychic energy, Saint-John's-Wort was often used in exorcism rit uals when demons were eradicated from possessed spaces and people.
拉丁文名称Hypericum的意思是“放置在祭坛上方”,perforatum 的意思是“穿孔”,指的是植物叶子上的孔。自古以来,圣约翰草就被用作抵御巫术、恶魔实体或精神能量的保护植物,当恶魔被根除时,圣约翰草经常被用于驱魔来自占有的空间和人。
Saint-John's-Wort is the epitome of a Solar herb;it blossoms around the peak of Midsummer
Saint-John's-Wort 是Solar草本植物的缩影;它在仲夏节的高峰期开花
day embodying resilience,vitality,and longevity.Its power is such that itis believed to be effective in pro- tecting a home against lightning,fres,and severe storms,One of the common customs was to burn the herb in the fireplace and let the pungent smoke permeate the space to ward off evil and enhance protection,
The ancients believed this precious ally to be one of the greatest gifts to humanity due to the plethora of healing benefits it contains.For many centuries Saint-John's-Wort has been used as a remedy against depression,anxiety,melancholy, viruses,wound healing,pain relief,spiritual protec- tion,and more.
古人认为th是珍贵的盟友,是给人类最伟大的礼物之一,因为它包含大量的治疗益处。 几个世纪以来,圣约翰草一直被用作治疗抑郁症、焦虑、忧郁症、病毒、伤口愈合、缓解疼痛、精神的药物保护等等。
Guidance: The Midsummer Goddess celebrates the multifaceted elements of life in a state ofjoyous abun- dance,reminding us that the wellspring of true wealth and healing is within.Saint-John's-Wort is here to re- mind you to cultivate practices deep within yourself to experience this enlightening truth,Avoidance and distraction from this great knowing are unconscious habits that build up and manifest as scarcity,fear,and low moods that inhibit you from walking your truth. Saint-John's-Wort grants us the spiritual courage of fre needed to navigate the death of the old self.
指导:仲夏女神以欢乐的丰富舞蹈状态庆祝生活的多面元素,提醒我们真正财富和治愈的源泉就在内在。Saint-John's-Wort 在这里提醒您,要深深地培养自己内心的修行,以体验这个开悟的真理,逃避和分散对这种伟大知识的注意力是无意识的习惯,它们会积累并表现为匮乏、恐惧和低落的情绪阻碍你走出自己的真相。Saint-John's-Wort 赋予我们驾驭旧我死亡所需的精神勇气。
Ancient Memory —
古老的记忆 —
Rosmarinus officinalis
Upright:remembrance,ancient memory,
multidimensional sight,recollection,commitment, loyalty to a vision
Reversed:nostalgia,longing,disassociation due to trauma,induced amnesia,resurfacing of past emo- tions,confusion
Astrological Ruler:Sun,Mercury
Rosemary has been used medicinally dating back to the ancient Greeks and Romans in 500 B.C.Dried sprigs of Rosemary even showed up in Egyptian tombs as early as 3000 B.C.The ancients were well acquainted with this hardy shrub,which had a reputation for strengthening the mind and memory.It became the symbol for fidelity for new lovers during wedding ceremonies and was used in religious rites and at funerals.During weddings it was entwined in the wreath worn by the bride and dipped in scented water to bless the union as a sym- bol of the sacred moment and eternal loyalty.
迷迭香的药用价值可以追溯到公元前 500 年的古希腊人和罗马人,迷迭香的干枝甚至早在公元前 3000 年就出现在埃及的坟墓中。古人对这种耐寒的灌木非常熟悉,它以增强思想和记忆力而闻名。它成为新恋人在婚礼上忠诚的象征,并被用于宗教仪式和葬礼。During婚礼它缠绕在新娘佩戴的花圈中,并浸入香味水中以祝福结合,作为神圣时刻和永恒的象征忠诚。
Even today Rosemary is used to improve mem- ory.Legend has it that the Virgin Mary,Mother of Jesus,as she fed from Egypt,sheltered next to a Rosemary bush.She threw her cape onto the bush and the white Howers turned blue.Since then,this precious herb has been called the“Rose of Mary.”
即使在今天,迷迭香也被用来改善内存。传说耶稣的母亲 VirginMary 从埃及喂食时,躲在迷迭香灌木丛旁边。她把斗篷扔到灌木丛上,白色的Howers变成了蓝色。从那时起,这种珍贵的草药就被称为“玛丽玫瑰”。
Guidance: Ruled by both Mercury,the planet of the mind,and the Sun,the planet representative of our base Ego and Super Ego.Rosemary embodies this holy connection,the mind of the ego to the Super Ego,the higher mind.This card signifies past feelings and emotions are resurfacing from deep within;you may find yourself remembering and accessing ances- tral memory that resides within your DNA.Rose- mary assists us in healing through multidimensional sight,reminding us to use the power of vision to see beyond the constructs of everyday life.Don't disas- sociate or get consumed by the veil that broadcasts emotional imbalance.Call upon Rosemary as a guid- ing light to see beyond the veil of confusion,and stay committed to the vision that moves you.
指导:由心灵之星水星和太阳共同统治,太阳是我们的基本自我和超我代表的行星。神圣的联系,自我的思想与超级自我,更高的思想。这张牌意味着过去的感受和情绪从内心深处重新浮出水面;您可能会发现自己在重新挖掘和访问存在于您 DNA 中的祖先记忆。Rose-mary通过多维视觉帮助我们治愈,提醒我们利用视觉的力量去看得更远日常生活的结构。不要与社会分道扬镳,也不要被传播情绪失衡的面纱所吞噬。Call on Rosemary 作为指引之光,让您看穿困惑的面纱,并致力于实现感动您的愿景。
Protection —
保护 —
Ruta graveolens
Upright; psychic shield,auric protection,angelic
wisdom,banisher of darkness,restoration of vitality Reversed:spirit possession,parasitic energies,anger, self-criticism,judgment,self-hatred
Astrological Ruler:Sun,Pluto
Rue is known as the“Herb of Grace”or the “Blessed Herb,”In Spanish it is known as ruda,and in Greek,it is reuo,which means“to set free.”Rue is considered a powerful and protective plant with a long and detailed historical use in both medicine and ceremonial rituals.Early physicians consid- ered Rue a vital remedy against plagues,pestilence, and poison.
Rue被称为“Grac e 的草药”或“受祝福的草药”,在西班牙语中被称为ruda,在希腊语中被称为 reuo,意思是“释放”。芸香被认为是一种强大而有益的植物,在医学和仪式中有着悠久而详细的历史用途。早期的医生认为 Rue是对抗瘟疫、瘟疫和毒药的重要药物。
During the Middle Ages,Rue was hung in doorways and windows to ward off the evil eye, hexes,and malevolent spirits.Some of its primary uses in ancient Greek and Roman medicine was to stimulate menstrual fow,improve eyesight,allevi- ate nerves,and relieve rheumatism.Priests were said
to dip Rue in holy water to bless people and their
将 Rue 浸入圣水中,以祝福Ess 人民和他们的
homes,Many would wear bunches around their necks to ward offevil spells and curses.Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were said to consume the fresh tops to improve eyesight and increase creativ- ity when immersed in their art,
家里,很多人会在脖子上戴上一束束,以抵御邪恶的咒语和诅咒。据说里奥·纳尔多·达·芬奇(Leo nardo da Vinci) 和米开朗基罗 (Michelangelo) 在沉浸在他们的艺术中时,会食用新鲜的上衣来改善视力和增加创造力。
Although Rue is considered to be native to the Mediterranean,it has been found in historical accounts among the Maya,Aztec,and Indigenous peoples of North America (who also practiced the tradition of planting Rue by doorways to bring blessings and protect against evil eye).
Guidance:Rue is said to be the herb of angels,grant- ing us the ability to channel the angelic realms.It emanates golden energy,like a Lion,powerfully pro- tecting and pouring in light into any space that it in- habits.Resilient like the wide array of Solar herbs, it grows generously and abundantly,thriving in all kinds of terrain,demonstrating its strong life force and vitality.Rue has landed in your cards today to re- mind you to protect your aura from lurking and pos- sessive spirits that might be consuming your energy. Don't allow parasitic negativity to darken your feld, which can create perpetual states of self-criticism, self-doubt,or self-hatred.Call upon Rues power to shield your body with angelic forces and restore radi- ance,vitality,and love in your atmosphere.
指导:芸香据说是天使的草药,赋予我们引导天使领域的能力。它散发着金色的能量,就像一只狮子,有力地将光芒注入它所居住的任何空间。像各种各样的太阳草药一样坚韧不拔,生长得慷慨而丰富,在各种地形中生长,展示了它的强大生命力和活力。Rue 今天登陆了你的卡,提醒你保护你的光环不被潜伏的d 积极的精神所困扰,这可能会消耗你的能量。不要让寄生的消极情绪让你的内心变得黑暗,这会造成永恒的自我批评、自我怀疑或自我憎恨的状态。召唤Rues力量,用 Ange lic 力量保护你的身体,恢复你大气中的光彩、活力和爱。
—Intuition —
—直觉 —
Nymphaea caerulea
Nymphaeacaerulea (花莲花)
Upright intuitive knowing,unearthing the subcon- scious,meeting the guardians of mystery,dream-
Reversed:suppressed intuition,disbelief,discon- nection,moodiness,lack of inspiration,hidden
intentions,blockage of psychic powers
Astrological Ruler:Sun,Moon
The sacred and mystical Blue Lotus,regarded as the“Flower of Enlightenment,”is an ethnobo- tanical treasure that has been recorded in ancient scriptures as a heal-all and is revered as an ancestral fower in mythological creation stories.Blue Lotus is a water lily,best known for its powers ofeuphoria, intuition,rejuvenation,and aphrodisia.
Blue Lotus was associated with the Egyptian Sun god Ra,the ruler and bringer of light.It was used in religious rites and ceremonies led by sha- manic priests to induce a trance state so one could commune with the gods.It was also used in funer- ary ceremonies after the death ofaloved one,as Blue
蓝莲花与埃及太阳神 Ra 有关,Ra 是l ight 的统治者和带来者。它被用于由萨满祭司领导的宗教仪式和仪式中,以诱导一种恍惚状态,以便人们可以与神交流s.It 也被用于爱人去世后的葬礼仪式,如 Blue
Lotus is said to assist the soul in entering the light, The ancient Maya also revered the Blue Lotus and other water lilies and referred to it in Nahuatl as quetzalaxochiacatl,meaning “precious water flower.”
Blue Lotus,although revered as the fower of the Sun,embodies both Solar and Lunar elements chemically.It contains a natural anti-spasmodic and relaxant called nucifera (Moon),along with apor- phine,which produces a sense of euphoria and bliss (Sun).These alkaloids,among other medicinal com- ponents,bring about pain relief,stress relief,and a lucid awareness.
BlueLotus 虽然被尊为太阳的源头,但在化学上同时体现了 Solar和Lunar元素。它含有一种称为核仁 (Moon) 的天然抗痉挛和松弛剂,以及apor-phine,可产生欣快感和幸福感 (Sun)。这些生物碱与其他药用成分一起,可以缓解疼痛、缓解压力和清醒意识。
Guidance: The Blue Lotus is a direct doorway,a mediator,into the world of the gods.The perfected balance that it bestows us assists us in bridging and refining the divine connection between the heart and brain.Blue Lotus today is assisting you in widening the portals of your intuitive powers,granting you ac- cess to the realms of inner knowledge held within the great mystery.Remember,the Lotus rises from the depths of muddy waters,untouched and impecca- ble,to blossom into majestic beauty.Don't allow the muddy waters of the blossoming process to suppress your intuition and belief in yourself.Trust the pro- cess,and believe in the mystery.Listen deeply to the guardians of mystery as you unfold from darkness.
导引:蓝莲花是通往众神世界的直接门户,是中介。它赋予我们的完美平衡帮助我们弥合和完善心灵和大脑之间的神圣联系。今天的蓝莲花正在协助您拓宽直觉力量的门户,让您进入大奥秘中所拥有的内在知识领域。请记住,Lotus从泥水深处升起,未受破坏且无可挑剔,绽放出雄伟的美丽。不要让绽放过程的浑水压制你的直觉和对自己的信念。Trustpro-cess,并相信 mystery。当你从黑暗中展开时,深入聆听神秘的守护者。
—Blessing —
—祝福 —
Salvia apiana
Upright:blessing,purification,invocation,sacred gift,spiritual cleansing,reassembling emotional body,mystical sight
Reversed: unable to receive,emotional narcissism, escapism,invalidation,inner division,lack of will- power,unhappiness
Astrological Ruler:Moon,Jupiter
The genus name Salvia comes from Latin salvare,meaning “to save”—an apt name for this powerful and protective herb.Various species of Sage can be found throughout the world,and this card embodies the spirit of this precious and ancient plant.
属名 Salvia 来自拉丁语salvare,意思是“拯救”——这是这种强大而有保护性的草药的恰当名称。世界各地都可以找到各种鼠尾草,这张牌体现了这种珍贵而古老的精神植物。
First Nations peoples and Native Americans have used Sage ceremonially for thousands of years for inner and outer purification.Sage is regarded
几千年来,原住民和美洲原住民一直在仪式上使用鼠尾草进行内部和外部净化。Sage 被视为
as a panacea and employed as a medicine to heal against many ills.It's also used as an offering in sweat lodges,wrapped around sacred objects,and placed in medicine pouches,and Sage is one of the primary herbs for“smudging.”Smudging is a sacred ritual practiced among Native Americans.It is sim- ilar to the smoke limpias practiced in Central-South American traditions,where smoke is“brushed” along the body with the hands,feathers,or ritual objects,to bless,purify,and invoke ancestral spirits.
作为灵丹妙药,用作治疗许多疾病的药物。它也被用作汗水小屋的供品,包裹在圣物上,并放在药袋中,鼠尾草是“smudgi ng”的主要草药之一。涂抹是土著 Americans.It 的一种神圣仪式,类似于中南美洲传统中实行的烟雾 limpias,在烟雾中,烟雾沿着身体“刷”上手、羽毛或仪式物品,以祝福、净化和唤起祖先的灵魂。
In ancient Egypt,Sage was used as a rem- edy for diseases and epidemics like the plague.In Pharaonic tombs,it was used as one of the main ingredients in embalming,as it was considered an essential herb for entrance to the afterlife.The ancient Romans regarded it as a holy plant,and prior to picking it,they would enact a ceremony to ask its permission.A special knife was used to col- lect its leaves and stems.
Like herbs ruled by the Moon,Sage is a vibra- tionally powerful plant that deeply infuences the electromagnetic feld,The moon houses our intu- ition and emotions,and Lunar herbs greatly affect the tides of our subconscious mind,our emotions and psyche.Herbs of the Moon also rule the gut, and Sage is one of those allies that not only sharpens
就像月亮统治的草药一样,鼠尾草是一种具有强烈振动能力的植物,它深深地影响着电磁场,月亮容纳了我们的直觉和情感,而 Lunar草药极大地影响了我们潜意识、情绪和心理的潮汐。月亮的草药也统治着肠道,而 Sage 是那些不磨砺的盟友之一
our gut feeling and intuitive gateways,it also heals the gastrointestinal tract.
Guidance:Sage,like the Moon card in the tarot,is the great portal to the river of life.The silver light of Sage grants us the power ofinsight while we navigate the darkest hours.The Lunar powers of Sage remind us to look inward to receive visionary insight from Spirit.Donit get overly consumed by the emotional interplay,allow it to pass like the clouds.Draw upon the inner reserves of your psyche to navigate darkness and become keenly aware of what is causing inner disturbances,fear,and unhappiness.The initiation you are undergoing,although unfamiliar,is a great blessing.Feel yourself cease and reassemble as you break illusions to unearth hidden truths,Surrender, don't stand in your own way.Allow the silvery white light of Sage to shatter illusions as you undergo a great awakening.
—Metamorphosis —
—蜕变 —
Tabebuia impetiginosa
Upright;discovery through darkness,transcendence of the known,unearthing fear,nonconformity,
breaking cycles
Reversed:ignorance,conventionality,fear of failure, resisting growth,stuck in limiting beliefs
Astrological Ruler;Moon,Pluto
Pau d'Arco—commonly known as taheebo or lapacho—is one of the most beautiful trees on earth.With over a hundred varieties,this tree has been used medicinally among many tribal peoples throughout Central and South America.
Most commonly the inner lining of the bark was boiled for a long period oftime,then consumed as a dark,coffee-like tea.Pau d'Arco has many medicinal qualities that fall under the Moon and Pluto's dominion,such as being a blood tonic and a daily tonic for strength,and also being employed for digestive imbalances,menstrual irregularities, malaria,anemia,colds,fus,fungal infections,respi- ratory problems,arthritis,cancer,and a lot more.
The Incas and other groups predating them were known to use Pau d'Arco as a panacea.Tribes living thousands of miles apart have employed it for the same medicinal purposes for hundreds,if not thousands,of years.Many tribes used its wood to make hunting bows,utensils,and all sorts of tools, believing that it provided great blessings of strength and resilience.Guarani,Tupi,and other Indigenous tribes called it“El árbol de Yvága,”which translates to “the tree of heaven”in Guarani.The Milky Way was known as the road to Yvága,
众所周知,印加人和他们之前的 gr oups使用Paud'Arco作为灵丹妙药。相距数千英里的部落将其用于相同的药用目的已有数百年,甚至数千年。许多部落用它的木材制作狩猎弓、utensils 和各种工具,相信它提供了力量和韧性的巨大祝福。瓜拉尼人、图皮人和其他土著部落称其为“Elárbolde Yvága”,在瓜拉尼语中翻译为“天堂之树”。被称为通往 Yvága 的道路,
Guidance: Lapacho is one of the great protectors of the sacred,and she is welcoming you in.Archetypal- ly,Pau dArco embodies one of the faces of the dark goddess in her mighty splendor.The Dark Goddess is multifaceted,challenging belief systems,frailties, weaknesses,and testing our strength.Like Pluto, Lapacho demands you rebel against the ignorance of the old self and learned paradigms that inhibit the splendor of your self-expression.Her mighty darkness provides the tools to rebuild ourselves anew,trigger- ing instant metamorphosis.Dont fear the unknown nature of mystery;the cosmic womb,in its darkness, births all hidden potentials into existence.Trust and step in,you are being guided,
指导:Lapacho是神圣的伟大保护者之一,她就是我们要带你进来的。原型是 PaudArco 在她强大的光彩中体现了黑暗女神的一张面孔。黑暗女神是多面的,挑战信仰体系、脆弱的纽带、弱点,并考验我们的力量。像冥王星一样,拉帕乔要求你反抗旧自我的无知,并学习抑制你自我表达光彩的范式。她强大的黑暗提供了重建自我的工具,触发了瞬间的蜕变。不要去感受神秘的未知本质;宇宙子宫,在它的黑暗中,孕育了所有隐藏的潜力。信任并介入,你正在被 guided,
—Trust —
—信任 —
Calliandra angustifolia
Upright;self-love,heart retrieval,ultimate state of receivership,gratitude,receptivity,compassion
Reversed: separation,grief,broken heart,lack of self-worth,unable to receive love,sadness
Astrological Ruler:Moon,Neptune
In the Shipibo tradition,Bobinsana is a highly respected master teacher that contains a pleth- ora of medicinal benefits for the body,mind,and spirit.Native to the Amazon basin,many call the herb“sirenita”or“mermaid.”Beautiful paintings found in the Amazon among shamans depict her as a goddess—a deeply creative feminine spirit, who has masterful healing abilities.Sirenita de los Rios assists us in healing wounds of the heart;past relationships,grief,loss,sadness,abuse,and melan- choly.Bobinsana is often prescribed by a curandero or healer to heal wounds from childhood,for soul retrieval,or to heal a stunted soul (susto)that left fragments ofitselfin a painful past.
在Shipibo传统中,B obinsana是一位备受尊敬的大师级教师,它包含对身体、心灵和精神。原产于亚马逊盆地,许多草本植物“sirenita”或“mermaid”。在亚马逊萨满巫师中发现的美丽画作将她描绘成一位女神——一位极具创造力的女性精神,具有精湛的治愈能力。Sirenita de losRios帮助我们治愈心灵的伤口;过去的关系、悲伤、失落、悲伤、虐待和忧郁。Bobinsana 通常由curandero或治疗师开具处方,用于治愈童年的伤口,用于取回灵魂,或治愈留下碎片的发育迟缓的灵魂ofitself 在痛苦的过去。
Whether used as a single plant during specifc shamanic cleanses(dietas)for purification and spiri- tual awakening or brewed as a tea,Bobinsana assists in deeply amplifying heart energy to experience the transcendent power of love,empathy,compas- sion,oneness,and freedom from pain.Bobinsana also grants the powers of expansive intuition and lucid dreaming.Many users when ingesting Bobin- sana through dietas or alongside other ceremonial brews experience time differently,as if the barriers between waking life and dreaming get washed away. It is said that these transcendent experiences of love beyond space and time are what allows for miracu- lous heart healing.
无论是在特定的萨满清洁(dietas)中用作单一植物进行净化和精神觉醒,还是作为茶冲泡,Bobinsana都有助于深度放大心脏能量,体验爱、同理心、陪伴的超凡力量。S-sion、合一和免于痛苦。Bobinsana还赋予了广阔的直觉和清醒梦的能力。许多用户在通过dietas或其他仪式酿造摄入 Bobin-sana 时,体验到的时间是不同的,仿佛障碍在清醒的生活和做梦之间 Get Wash aWay 的洗涤。据说,这些超越空间和时间的超然爱情体验是奇迹般治愈心灵的原因。
Guidance: Bobinsana's bright and pink flowers bathe the energy body with the softness of light,awakening the inner pathways to unconditional self-love.Bo- binsana reminds us that love is the highest state of receivership,reminding us not to forget the necessary power of self-love.Bobinsana assists us in rediscov- ering forgotten places within ourselves,retrieving fragments of our heart seeking healing.Ask yourself, wherein my hearts memory can I bring wholeness to?
指导:Bobinsana 明亮粉红色的花朵沐浴着柔和的光芒,唤醒无条件自爱的内在途径。Bo-binsana提醒我们,爱是最高的接收方式,提醒我们不要忘记自爱的必要力量。Bobinsana帮助我们重新发现自己内心被遗忘的地方,找回我们心中的碎片以寻求治愈。问问自己,我可以把整个ss 带到我的心中吗?
Bobinsana medicine is like that of whales and hum- mingbirds,the joyous record keepers of the sacred
that assist us in accessing the reservoirs of the cosmic heart.Sirenita is reminding you to pay close attention to the messages encoded in dreams,synchronicities, and symbols that surround you right now.Through those doorways you can further explore the great mystery of your heart's desire.
帮助我们进入宇宙之心的储库。Sirenita 提醒您密切关注梦中编码的信息、时间性以及此刻围绕着您的符号。通过这些门口,您可以进一步 探索您心中渴望的巨大奥秘。
Inner Peace —
Matricaria chamomilla
Matricaria 洋甘菊
Upright:peace,restoration,softness,purity,graceful power,inner peace,delight,harmony
Reversed:disharmony,emotional distress,excess worry,exhaustion,anxiety
Astrological Ruler:Moon,Sun
The word Chamomile is derived from the Greek chamomaela,meaning “ground apple.”In Spain,it has been called manzanilla,or “little apple,”for hundreds of years—a reference to the plant's refreshing,crisp,apple-like aroma.Chamo- mile fowers are traditionally used in teas,tinctures, and formulas to treat anxiety,insomnia,depression, digestive upset,as an antiseptic,and more.
洋甘菊这个词源自希腊语chamomaela,意思是“磨碎的苹果”。在西班牙,它被称为edmanzanilla,或“小苹果”,已有数百年的历史——指的是这种植物清爽的苹果般的香气。Chamo-mile fowers传统上用于茶、tinctures 和配方中,以治疗焦虑、失眠、抑郁、消化不良、防腐剂等。
Chamomile was regarded as sacred in ancient Egypt and commonly burned as incense as an offer- ing to the Sun god Ra.Ancient Romans and Greeks valued Chamomile for its medicinal properties and used it as a healing beverage and to soothe skin conditions.During the Middle Ages,European doctors frequently prescribed Chamomile syrups
Chamomile 在古埃及被视为神圣的,通常作为香燃烧以祭祀太阳神 Ra.古罗马人和希腊人重视洋甘菊的药用价值并将其用作治疗饮料和舒缓皮肤状况。在中世纪,欧洲医生经常开洋甘菊糖浆
and ointments to treat various ailments,and it was used as a bittering agent in beer.Vikings regarded Chamomile as one of the nine sacred herbs and used it to soothe digestion and as a rinse for their hair to give their braids strength and shine.
Although Chamomile embodies the shining Sun,its medicinal qualities are also aligned to the archetype of the Moon.The Moon rules the gas- trointestinal system,emotional body,and nervous system,On a soul level,Chamomile fowers assist us in releasing stored emotional tension from our stomach,nervous system,and solar plexus.Chamo- mile deeply nurtures our emotional landscape,able to sooth emotional distress and psychic stressors.
虽然洋甘菊的体现与灿烂的太阳相吻合,但其药用品质也与月亮的原型相一致。肠系统、情绪身体和神经系统,在灵魂层面上,洋甘菊帮助我们从胃、神经系统和太阳能中释放储存的情绪紧张丛。Chamo-mile 深入滋养我们的情绪景观,能够舒缓情绪困扰和心理压力源。
Guidance: If you find yourself often triggered and consumed by small stresses,be aware that they ac- cumulate,creating a chronic state of disharmony and fear.Chamomile today is reminding you to not project your fears onto life and others.Allow yourself a state of internal peace and give yourself the greatest love imagined.Chamomile,like Deer energy,instills a contained center of innocence,warmth,and light within us,Deer blesses us with the power of gen- tleness to heal our wounds,and the heart-mind of wounded beings.Dont push hard to“do the work”; it's the gentleness of Spirit that heals all,
指导:如果你发现自己经常被小压力触发和消耗,请注意它们会累积起来,造成一种长期的不和谐和恐惧状态。今天的洋甘菊提醒您不要将恐惧投射到生活和其他事物上。让你的自己处于内心的平静状态,给自己想象中最大的爱。洋甘菊,like 鹿的能量,在我们体内灌输了一个包含的纯真、温暖和光明的中心,鹿赐予我们gen-治愈我们的伤口,并关心受伤的众生。不要强求“做工作”;是圣灵的温柔治愈了一切,
—Psychic Healing —
—心灵疗愈 —
Artemisia vulgaris
Upright:dreamwork,the liminal space,in transition, other realities,clairvoyance,foresight
Reversed:stuck in between,deception,illusions,lost
in the labyrinth,disoriented,confusion Astrological Ruler:Moon,Neptune
All Artemisia family plants are sacred to Arte- mis,the Moon goddess,and Mugwort is closely linked to the fairy realms.Historically,it has been used to protect against evil spirits,parasitic entities, dark energy,and hexes among a variety of cultures.
所有艾蒿家族植物都属于月亮女神 Arte-mis,而 Mugwort则与仙境密切相关。从历史上看,它被用来抵御各种文化中的恶灵、寄生实体、暗能量和妖术。
Mugwort and its extended family are Moon allies that symbolize the mystical workings of our intuition,dreams,and unconscious mind.The silvery light of the Moon illuminates the path to higher consciousness winding through La Selva Subterránea,the underground forest.The Moon represents our emotional body,the shadow self,the underworld,psychic abilities,and the occult.Its dark side can bring on illusions,fear,and feelings of separation and disconnection.Mugwort grants us the strength to work with our shadow and protects
艾蒿及其大家庭是月亮的盟友,象征着我们的直觉、梦想和潜意识的神秘运作。月亮的银色光芒照亮了通往更高意识的道路,蜿蜒穿过地下 f SelvaSubterránea。月亮代表我们的情感身体、影子自我、冥界、通灵能力和神秘学。它的阴暗面会带来幻觉、恐惧和分离和脱节的感觉。艾蒿赋予我们与影子合作的力量并保护
us from the parasitic entities that we might encoun- ter as we dive deep into our psyche.
Mugwort is a resilient plant that grows in conditions where other herbs may be unhappy. This bitter herb was traditionally used as a tonic for stomach and intestinal conditions,including as a parasite cleanser,an aid to weak digestion, and more.The Moon is said to directly govern the stomach,the gut in its entirety,and the regulation of fuid in the body,so it is no coincidence that Arte- misia,the Moon goddess herb,greatly eases chronic stomach and intestinal complaints.
艾蒿是一种有弹性的 plant,生长在其他草药可能不快乐的条件下。这种苦涩的草药被传统地用作胃和肠道疾病的滋补品,包括作为寄生虫清洁剂,帮助虚弱的人消化等等。据说月亮直接控制着胃、整个肠道以及体内的fuid 的调节,因此Arte-Misia,月亮女神草药,大大缓解慢性胃肠不适。
Guidance:Artemis,the Moon goddess,and her wise white Owl meet you as you enter the liminal space between one life phase and the next,Your channel is wide open.She is instructing you on how to draw upon your psychic powers to pass through this test within the realms of shadow.You are not lost.Of tentimes the greatest carity dawns after the darkest hours.Owl medicine asks you to use the powers of keen psychic sight to observe and intuit aspects of your life that may still lay in darkness.Confront that which is unworthy of your devotion,Eradicate de- structive forces.Pay attention to the signs and omens that appear as you navigate the labyrinth of the sub- terranean forest.
指导:月亮女神阿尔忒弥斯和她睿智的白头鹰在你进入一个生命阶段和接下来,您的频道就大开了。她正在指导你如何利用你的精神力量,在阴影的领域内通过这个测试。你没有迷失。 十倍之末,最黑暗的时刻之后会出现黎明。猫头鹰医学要求您使用敏锐的通灵视觉的力量来观察和直觉地发现您生活中可能在黑暗中生病的地方。面对不值得你奉献的事物,根除破坏性力量。注意在地下森林的迷宫中穿行时出现的迹象和预兆。
The Beloyed —
Turnera diffusa
Upright;magnetism,attraction,kindred spirits,
soulmates,relationships,intimacy,sacred play,find- ing the beloved within
Reversed:lust,lack of love,feeling unloved,
separation,projectingunavailability,uninterested, unsatisfed,rigidity
Astrological Ruler:Venus,Pluto
Damiana is native to Central and South Amer- ica,and its use dates back to the ancient Maya and Aztecs.Traditionally,Damiana is a rejuvenating plant,said to restore sexual vitality and strengthen the reproductive system,as well as commonly used for depression and anxiety.
达米阿那原产于 美洲中部和南部,其用途可以追溯到古代玛雅人和阿兹特克人,传统上,达米阿那是一种恢复活力的植物,据说可以恢复性活力和增强生殖系统,也常用于治疗抑郁症和焦虑的 Ty。
In a classic love potion found among the Maya and several Indigenous peoples in Mexico,fresh juice is made from theleaves and fowers of Damiana
在墨西哥 Maya和几个土著人民中发现的经典爱情药水中,新鲜果汁是由 Damiana 的叶子和叶子制成的
and sweetened with sugar cane.Mayan ceremonial drinks used in religious rites often involved Dami- ana and/or Cacao.The Maya also chewed on the leaves or used them as a poultice,and even as a smoke for relaxation and lung cleansing.Their word for Damiana literally meant“asthma broom.”
并用甘蔗加糖。玛雅人在宗教仪式中使用的仪式饮料通常涉及 Dami-ana 和/或可可,玛雅人还咀嚼叶子或将它们用作膏药,甚至作为用于放松和清洁肺部的烟雾。他们说 Damiana 的字面意思是 “哮喘扫帚”。
In folk medicine throughout the Americas Damiana has been identifed as an aphrodisiac, antidepressant,tonic,diuretic,and cough suppres- sant.It was also used to treat menstrual irregular- ities and cramps,constipation,asthma,bronchitis, headaches,stomachaches,gastric ulcers,perfor- mance anxiety,and more.
在整个美洲的民间医学中,达米阿那已被确定为壮阳药、抗抑郁药、滋补剂、利尿剂和 coughsuppres-sant。它还用于治疗月经不调和痉挛、便秘、哮喘、支气管、头痛、胃痛、胃痛、性焦虑等。
Like Damiana,Venus,the planet ofbeauty and art,is said to rule the metamorphosis of cells—their reproduction,enrichment,and transformation—as well as the preservation of the body,thereproduc- tive system,and the harmony between all systems of the body.
Guidance: Damiana represents the universal princi- ple of The Beloved,within relationships and within ourselves.The alchemy of polarity is what were made of,and this integration of opposites is that which births The Beloved.This card represents the journey of coming together and reuniting within oneself,a lover,friend,family member,or any important per-
指导:Damiana 代表了 The Beloved 的普遍原则,在人际关系中,与自己相处。极性的炼金术是由什么组成的,而这种对立面的整合就是诞生 The Beloved 的东西。自己、恋人、朋友、家庭成员或任何我即将发生的事情
son in your life.You are in an important period of making choices and establishing healthy boundaries, especially with those you'd like to deepen and expand, or those that you feel the need to shed or distance yourself from.Damiana reminds us of the impor- tance of shaking offrigidity that often depletes cre- ative reserves and sacred play.If you feel unsatisfed and emotionally unavailable even to those whom you love,take the time to be in solitude and nourish your creative centers.Often separation becomes the basis to reunite once again in a higher frequency.True self- love is the key to lasting relationships with others, and most importantly,with yourself.
儿子在你的生活中。你正处于做出选择和建立健康生活的重要时期,尤其是那些你想深化和扩展的人,或者你觉得需要的人摆脱或远离。Damiana提醒我们,摇晃僵化的重要性往往会耗尽创造储备和神圣的游戏。如果您对所爱的人感到不满意并且在情感上无法获得,请花时间独处并滋养您的创意中心。通常,分离成为以 h igher 频率再次团聚的基础。真正的自爱是与他人建立持久关系的关键,最重要的是,与自己建立关系。
— Loye Rosa spp
Upright:union,bliss,unconditional love,merging with“the other,”oneness,nourishment,purity
Reversed: conditional love,secrecy,separation,
disconnection from the sacred
Astrological Ruler:Venus,Moon
In ancient texts in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine,the Rose had a prominent pres- ence,particularly in relation to balancing the emo- tions,relieving the heart of depression and grief, and treating psycho-spiritual imbalances.
The Rose is sacred to Aphrodite,goddess of love and beauty.Since ancient times and across cul- tures,the Rose was associated to love,passion,com- mitment,and lust.The Romans,Greeks,and occult societies suspended Roses from the ceiling at meet- ings that were held in the strictest of confidence,
Roses represent all aspects of the goddess, the all-mighty creatrix:the ability to love,nurture, experience joy,and see beauty in all things.A popu- lar fower that has come to be associated with wed dings and rituals of union,Roses fll vases,are worn
玫瑰代表了女神的所有方面,全能的创造者:爱、养育、体验快乐和看到万物之美的能力。一个流行的 fower 已经与结婚和结合仪式联系在一起,玫瑰花瓶,被佩戴
by participants and guests,and are often strewm about to bring divine blessings to the couple's love
The herbs of Venus are feminine,gentle,reluy- ing,and balancing.Medicinally,Rose has the pooKT to uplift mood,nourish the heart and cardiovxscular system.It makes an excellent uterine tonic that sup- ports fertility and vitality,The antiseptic nature of Rose makes it an excellent remedy for wounds and bruises.It also relieves spasms in the respiratory sys- tem,gut,intestinal tract,and muscles.Rose's medic- inal and energetic qualities resemble the archetypal nature of both Venus and the Moon.
维纳斯的草药是女性化的、温柔的、诱人的和平衡的。在药用上,玫瑰具有提升情绪、滋养心脏和心血管系统的 pooKT 作用。它是一种极好的子宫补品,具有生育能力和活力,玫瑰的防腐性质使其一种极好的RemedY治疗伤口和瘀伤。它还可以缓解呼吸系统、肠道、肠道和肌肉的痉挛。罗斯的药用和能量品质类似于金星和月亮的原型性质。
Guidance: It is time to allow for greater love in your life.Allow the dance of trust and intimacy to heal and open your heart.Like the Rose,you are rising from harsh soil,through the path of thorns and challenges, as you grow and blossom in your spiritual journey.
Look deep into your heart and see where you might need more love and affection.The White Dove re- minds us that through childlike trust,we can navigate the most challenging of pathways with an undertone ofjoy and presence,Remember,you understand how love is the doorway,and through this sacred em- bodiment you are able to birth anything into mani- festation.Let all creativity,all sexual and nurturing connection,be attuned to the vibrational powers of unconditional love.
深入你的内心,看看你在哪里可能需要更多的爱和感情。白鸽再次提醒我们,通过孩子般的信任,我们可以带着快乐和存在感来驾驭最具挑战性的道路,记住,你明白爱是门口,通过这个神圣的 em-bodiment,你能够将任何东西诞生到美甲中。让所有的创造性、所有的性和养育联系,都与无条件的爱的振动力量相协调。
—Strength —
—实力 —
Leonorus cardiaca
Leonorus cardiaca (贲氏狮)
Upright:strength,essence of creation,connecting to
the creatrix within,fertility,birth,creativity,inner trust Reversed:weakness,feeling depleted,unopened
内在的创造者,生育,出生,创造力,inner trust反转:虚弱,感觉耗尽,未打开
heart,disappointment,disconnection from creation, lack of creativity
Astrological Ruler:Venus
The botanical name Leonurus cardiaca comes from the ancient Greek leon for lion and oura for tail,referring to the plant's leaves,which resemble a lion's tail.Cardiaca pertains to the herb's actions on the heart,As a whole,the name translates to “lionhearted,"a term that speaks to Motherwort's action on the physical cardiovascular system and the emotional/spiritual heart.Motherworthas a strong history of use in both Europe and Asia and is asso- ciated with aiding mothers and women,
植物学名称 Leonurus cardiaca 来自古希腊语 leon 的狮子 andoura的尾巴,指的是植物的叶子,它像狮子的尾巴。Cardiaca与草药对心脏的作用有关,整体来说,这个名字翻译过来就是“狮心草”,“这个术语指的是益母草对身体心血管系统和情感/精神心脏的作用。Motherworth作为欧洲和亚洲的悠久使用历史,与援助母亲和妇女有关,
Many cultures have used Motherwort to honor their goddesses of fertility because of the herb's association with Venus and the Moon.It was considered a protective plant,especially useful in spells to guard pregnant women and their unborn
children from envy or evil air.It was often planted around the home or hung from doorways,as it was said to keep away unwanted guests,both physical and supernatural.Motherwort was either smoked or burned to use for smoke cleansing,as it would drive bad spirits out of the house,Many species of Motherwort were used for heart protection and for counter-magic to reverse a curse.
孩子来自嫉妒或邪恶的空气。它通常种植在房屋周围或从门口 hung 种植,因为据说它可以阻止未受伤害的客人,包括身体和超自然的客人。母体要么被熏制,要么被焚烧用于烟雾净化,因为它会把恶灵赶出房子,许多种类的益母草被用来保护心脏和对抗魔法以逆转诅咒。
Japanese folklore tells of a town where the main water source was a stream fed by rainwater trickling through hills of Motherwort.The inhabi- tants of the village drank daily from this stream and were bestowed with extraordinarily long life—up to 130 years old,Ancient Greeks used Motherwort to treat anxiety,depression,heart palpitations,and nervousness in pregnant women,In Traditional Chinese Medicine,Motherwort is used to invigo- rate the blood.
Guidance: Like the radiance of a Lion's heart,Moth- erworts energy builds inner trust and confidence. The lionhearted Motherwort is representative of the beauty we possess when we own the power of our gifts and creativity.The goddess sits centered,as the Lion leans on her in a state of peaceful delight,symboliz- ing the unwavering faith we must keep as we tran- scend old fears.Venus,her planetary ruler,is like a
midwife to our happiness;channeling how we accept and transmit our heart's desires,Find new ways to fa- cilitate creativity that honor and reveal your passions and strength.Devote yourself to the fertility of your gifts and courageously accept your divine destiny.
Midwife for our happiness;引导我们如何接受和传递我们内心的愿望,寻找新的方法来促进创造力,尊重并揭示您的激情和力量。全身心投入到你天赋的丰饶中,勇敢地接受你的神圣命运。
Hibiscus sabdariffa
Upright;nectar,grace,sensuality,beauty,divine feminine,nurturing,creativity,abundance
直立;甘露, 优雅, 性感, 成为傲慢, 神圣的女性, 养育, 创造力, 丰富
Reversed:sadness,insecurity,unhappiness, unworthiness,lack of pleasure,self-doubt Astrological Ruler:Venus,Pluto
反转:悲伤,不确定y,不快乐,不值得,缺乏快乐,自我怀疑 占星尺:金星,冥王星
In ancient Egypt,Hibiscus tea or karkade was commonly used to lower body temperature,as a diuretic,and to treat heart and nerve diseases.In Africa,it was used as a gastrointestinal healer,as it helped with constipation,and liver support.In Hindu mythology Hibiscus is closely associated with the goddess Kali,the dark goddess of death, time,and change.Red Hibiscus fowers are often presented as offerings to Kali,representing divine
在古埃及,芙蓉茶或karkade通常用于降低体温,作为利尿剂,以及治疗心脏和神经疾病。在非洲,它被用作胃肠治疗师,因为它有助于便秘和肝脏支持。在印度神话中,芙蓉与死亡、时间和变化的黑暗女神Kali密切相关。红色的 Hibiscus fowers 通常作为祭品献给 Kali,代表神圣
In Mexico and Central America,it's called for de jamaica and has been used to make healing juices for hundreds of years.Primarily used as a tea and poultice,Hibiscus has been used in beauty ritu- als,particularly as a face wash,as it nourishes and
tightens the skin,Central American midwives have used it during birth and post birth to tighten the uterus and assist with excess bleeding.Due to its astringent properties,a pulp of the leaves helps heal wounds and incisions.
Hibiscus,ruled by Venus,embodies the power of the divine feminine:grace,beauty,creativity,and harmony.Venusian herbs are those that tone the cardiovascular system,reproductive system,the blood,kidneys,thyroid,and parathyroid.Hibiscus dissolves blockages in the first and second energetic centers,opening the channels at the base of the spine,reproductive centers,and lower back.
Guidance;Like Hibiscus,you emanate the essence of Venusian grace.You hold and cradle life.You are the nurturer.Your presence brings renewal and joy to others.Express your creativity to keep attracting this colorful energy back to you.Like the Hummingbird, you are a creature of nectar,a conduit of divine love and joy.Reversed,Hummingbird may represent the inability to see the many blessings you've been given. Donit shy away from your power;you are worthy of it all.Follow the dance of the Hummingbird,journey into your sadness and know that this pain is just a thread within the fabric of joy.
指导;像芙蓉一样,你散发着金星优雅的精髓。你抱着并渴望生活。您是养育者。你的存在为他人带来更新和快乐。表达您的创造力,以不断吸引五彩缤纷的能量回到您身边。就像蜂鸟一样,你是甘露的生物,是神圣的爱和快乐的管道。相反,蜂鸟可能代表无法看到你被赋予的许多祝福。Donit 回避我们的力量;你配得上这一切。跟随蜂鸟的舞蹈,走进你的悲伤,并知道这种痛苦只是快乐结构中的一根线。
—Harmony —
—和谐 —
Achillea millefolium
Upright:equilibrium,balance,discernment,nour- ished psychic shield,divinatory empathy,sensitivity Reversed:imbalance,emotionally drained,lack of boundaries,overly sensitive,self-critical,nearing
Astrological Ruler:Venus
The Latin name for Yarrow comes from the hero of Greek myth,Achilles,who was said to give Yarrow to his soldiers to heal wounds and stanch bleeding during the Trojan war.Embraced back thousands of years in healing pracices including Ayurveda,Tradi-
tional Chinese Medicine,and Native American prac- tices.In Spain a 50,000-year-old Neanderthal skull was found with traces of Yarrow in their teeth.
tionalChinese medicine, andNative America-plices.在西班牙,发现了一个 50,000 年前的尼安德特人头骨,牙齿上有蓍草的痕迹。
Yarrow's historical use as a divinatory flower is extensive.In China,Yarrow stalks are gathered, and the straightest ones are collected for scattering to read the divinatory I Ching.Called Devil's Nettle or Devil's Plaything in European traditions,it was
one of the herbs dedicated to the Evil One and used for divination and spells,
Ruled by Venus,Yarrow is said to provide relief from patterns of disharmony and help cleanse one of unhealthy sorrow or trickling depression.Yarrow embodies harmony,a key concept of Venusian sym- bology.The balancing force represented by Libra— one of Venus's rulers—is as an appropriate metaphor for how harmonizing Yarrowis as a medicine.Venus, as the archetypal manifestation of beauty and aes- thetics,also represents self-love,unity,and empathy.
Guidance:If you're feeling emotionally drained or too sensitive for todays world,its time to set solid bound- aries to regain balance.Use your empathic abilities as grounding chords to your psychic powers and div- inatory skills,Allow your sensitivity to be a flter for what is allowed within your psychic feld—and what isnt.Like the magic of the White Heron,move slowly with precision as you navigate emotional waters.Her- on teaches us the power of self-reflection as a way to transcend judgmental projections and low self-worth. Draw clear boundaries and examine yourself from a detached perspective;dont blame situations or others as a reason to remain stuck.Yarrows white light teach- es us the power of shielding while remaining gentle in the process of self discovery.
指导:如果你对当今世界感到情绪疲惫或过于敏感,那么是时候设定坚实的界限来恢复平衡了。利用你的同理心作为你的通灵能力和占卜技能的基础和弦,让你的敏感度成为一个flterf或你的PsychicFeld 中允许的内容——以及不允许的内容。就像白鹭的魔力一样,在情感的水域中缓慢而精确地移动。Her-on 教会我们自我反省的力量,以此作为超越评判投射和自我价值的一种方式。划定明确的界限,从超然的角度审视自己;不要将situations或其他人归咎于继续卡住的原因。轻盈的蓍草教会了我们屏蔽的力量,同时在自我识别的过程中保持温和。
Upright:state of transition,leaving behind what is familiar,moving toward the unknown,connection to
a higher mind,trusting higher consciousness
Reversed:choosing comfort,lack of trust in the unknown,resistant to change,lack of spontaneity Astrological Ruler:Mercury,Uranus
The large velvet beans of the Mucuna—also called “nescafe”—have been roasted and ground to make a coffee substitute for hundreds of years,but the plant was used in traditional healing remedies for thousands of years before that.In Ayurvedic medicine it's known as kapikacchu and used to treat parasites,stress,anxiety,rheumatic disorders,men- strual issues,diabetes,and even cancer.In India it is considered an aphrodisiac,menstrual promoter, uterine stimulant,nerve tonic,and blood purifier.
Mucuna 的大天鹅绒咖啡豆——也被称为“雀巢咖啡”——已经被烘烤和研磨以替代咖啡数百年,但是在此之前,这种植物被用于传统的治疗疗法已有数千年的历史。在阿育吠陀医学中,它被称为 kapikacchu,您可以治疗寄生虫、压力、焦虑、风湿性疾病、月经问题、糖尿病,甚至癌症。在印度,它被认为是壮阳药、促月经药、子宫兴奋剂、神经滋补剂和血液净化剂。
In Traditional Chinese Medicine and Daoist herbal tradition,Mucuna was categorized as a vital essence(orjing)enhancing herb.Plants that fallinto this category are immensely rejuvenating.Mucuna has a deeply restorative effect on the brain,nervous system,and hormonal systems.It is believed that jingleaks as we age or suffer a lot of stress,but plants like Mucuna replenish it.
在传统中医和道教草药传统中,黧豆被归类为一种增强真精的草药。属于这一类的植物可以极大地恢复活力。黧豆对神经系统、神经系统和荷尔蒙系统具有深度修复作用。据信,随着年龄的增长或承受很大的压力,叽喳会漏出,但像 Mucuna repleni 这样的pla nts 会处理它。
Modern studies have identified Mucuna pru- riens as an alternative treatment for Parkinson's dis- ease.Its naturally occurring high concentration of L-dopa causes the brain to release dopamine,stimu- lating the pituitary gland to produce human growth hormone and raise testosterone levels
现代研究已经确定Mucunapru-riens 是帕金森病的替代疗法。其天然存在的高浓度L-dopa 使大脑释放多巴胺,刺激垂体产生人体生长激素,使睾丸水平升高
Mucuna is ruled both by Mercury and Uranus, as many of its chemical assets stimulate key neu- rotransmitters in the brain,also known as the mol ecules of higher consciousness,It directly ignites the pineal gland,also known as the third eye or the seat of the soul,Mucuna energizes and activates subtle pathways in the body-mind becoming one of nature's greatest consciousness-enhancing plants,
黧豆由水星和天王星共同统治,因为它的许多化学资产刺激大脑中的关键神经递质,也称为mol高等意识的 ecules,它直接点燃松果体,也作为第三只眼睛或灵魂的所在地,Mucuna激活和激活身心中的微妙通路,成为自然界最伟大的途径之一意识增强植物,
Guidance: You may be in a state of transition,about to leave familiar territory and initiate a new journey. Something in your gut is telling you it's time for a shift,to enter a new physical space and/or field of
awareness.The powers of both Mercury and Ura- nus oftentimes appear as spontaneous opportunities out of the blue.This is the power of the higher mind magnetizing opportunities that match your spirits frequency.Don't resist the journey in the name of comfort.The overwhelming rush of emotions that rise before big opportunities is signaling opportuni- ties for growth.While the waters might seem turbu- lent at times,the sea of opportunities ahead will be tranquil.Let go of whatever is holding you back,be it from the past or present,and hold your gaze steadily into your future self.
意识。水星和天星的力量经常突然出现作为自发的机会。这就是与你的 精神频率相匹配的更高思想磁化机会的力量。 不要以舒适的名义抵制旅程。在重大机会面前升起的压倒性情绪是增长机会的信号。虽然海水有时看起来浑浊不堪,但前方的机会之海将是平静的。放下任何阻碍你的东西,无论是过去还是现在,并将你的目光坚定地凝视着未来的自己。
—Higher Consciousness —
—高级意识 —
Centella asiatica
Upright:hermit,solitude,soul searching,
realization,greater knowing,enlightenment Reversed: loneliness,uncertainty,alienation, isolation,confusion,doubt,
realization,greater knowing,enlightenment反转:孤独,不确定,疏离,孤立,困惑,怀疑,
Astrological Ruler:Mercury,Moon
Some plants resemble the parts of the human body they affect—a natural phenomenon called “the doctrine of signatures”—and it proves to be true in the case of Gotu Kola,which is shaped like the human brain.For thousands of years,it has been used in India for focus,cognitive function,and over- all mental performance—creating a harmonizing, healing effect.
一些植物类似于它们所影响的人体部位——一种称为“征象学说“——事实证明,在 GotuKola 的案例中是正确的,它的形状像人的大脑。几千年来,它在印度一直被用于专注、认知功能以及整体心理表现——创造一种和谐、治愈效果。
The Daoist master and herbalist Li Ching- Yuen,who is said to have died at age 256,was a big proponent and student of this plant.It was also used to relax the nervous system,repair nerve trauma, and reduce stress and anxiety.In Ayurveda,Gotu Kola is classified as a rasayana,or a masterful reju- venating herb,due to its ability to restore function
据说去世于256 岁的道教大师和草药清单李清源是这种植物的大力支持者和学生。它还用于放松神经系统,修复神经创伤,减轻压力和焦虑。在 阿育吠陀中,积雪草被归类为rasayana,或一种精湛的回春草药,因为它能够恢复功能
and balance,and nourish many aspects of the body and mind.
Ancient Ayurvedic texts reference the herb's spiritually enhancing properties,due to its balanc- ing effect on the right and left brain producing a heightened state of awareness,Modern science now confrms that Gotu Kola can restore brain cell and nerve function,improve blood circulation,restore digestion,and speed the healing of wounds.
Gotu Kola is ruled by both Mercury and Ura- nus,as it not only increases circulation in the brain, it ignites alertness,concentration,and insightful- ness,Also called the “Herb of Enlightenment,”it powerfully stimulates imagination,promoting lucid awareness and brilliance,which are traits embodied by both Mercury (the conscious mind)and Uranus (the higher self,also known as Atman in Sanskrit).
积雪草由 Mercury和 Ura-nus 共同统治,因为它不仅可以增加大脑的血液循环,还可以激发警觉性、注意力和洞察力,也称为”启蒙之草“,”它有力地激发想象力,促进清醒的意识和才华,这些都是水星(有意识的头脑)和天王星(高我,在梵语中也被称为阿特曼)。
Guidance:Gotu Kola,like the wise Hermit in the tarot,signals the achievement of great wisdom through solitude and trust.You are entering a peri- od of deep inner contemplation.Looking for answers requires solitude and disconnection from the regular casualties of life.Gotu Kola walks through the un- discovered pathways of the subconscious mind with precision,guided by the light of the Northern Star,
指导:积雪草,就像塔罗牌中睿智的隐士一样,通过孤独和信任标志着伟大智慧的成就。你正处于内心深处沉思的边缘。寻找答案需要孤独和与生活中经常的牺牲品的脱节。GotuKola 在 Northern星的光芒的指引下,精确地走过subconscious 心灵未被发现的路径,
You are moving into a new and higher stage of be- ing.If you're experiencing a sense of loneliness or alienation,you are perhaps living a reality where your own deep truths have been denied.This is a time for introspection—a time for rest,meditation, and inner work.Your consciousness is undergoing transmutation.Take the time to study.Invoke your higher consciousness every day through meditation and contemplation.
你正在进入一个新的、更高的be-ing 阶段。如果你正在经历一种孤独感或疏离感,你可能生活在一个你自己深刻的真理被否认的现实中。这是一个内省的时刻——一个反思、冥想和内在工作的时刻。你的意识正在经历嬗变。花时间学习。每天通过冥想和沉思来唤起你的高级意识。
—Leadership —
— 领导团队 —
Hericium erinaceus
Upright:sacred masculine,leadership,ambition, provider,strong willed,spiritual power
Reversed:egotism,vanity,self-interest,lack of inten- tion,forceful,apathy
Astrological Ruler:Mercury,Uranus
Lion's Mane has been used as a food and med- icine for well over 2,000 years in the high mountain regions of Asia,Its nicknames include “bearded tooth”or“pom-pom mushroom.”In Traditional Chinese Medicine it is referred to as Hou Tou Gu or “Monkey Head Mushroom,”and in Japan,it's called
狮鬃菇在亚洲的高山地区已经被用作食品和药物超过2000年了,其昵称包括“胡须牙齿”或“绒球蘑菇”。在传统中医中,它被称为HouTouGu或 “猴头蘑菇”,在日本,它叫做
During China's dynastic periods,Buddhist
monks were said to use Lion's Mane as a nutritive food and in tea to enhance focus and brain power during meditation,In Traditional Chinese Medi- cine,Lion's Mane was used to combat qi (lifeforce) deficiency;nurture the liver,spleen,lung,heart,and kidneys;nourish the gut;and even fight cancer.
据说僧侣将狮人作为营养食品,在茶中以增强冥想时的注意力和脑力,在传统的中医电影中,狮鬃菇被用来对抗气(生命力)缺乏;养肝、脾、肺、心、肾;滋养肠道;甚至与CancEr 战斗。
Modern scientific research has proven that Lion's Mane is a nutrient-dense fungus with many
healing properties,such as stimulating the growth of neurons in the brain and helping with neurolog- ical conditions.Lion's Mane has the ability to assist nerve growth factor,which enables the brain to heal itself,thereby assisting with cognition,memory retention,and mental performance,
The way in which this nutritive fungus is capa- ble of expanding perception and mental skills is attributed to the powers of Mercury.Also known as the messenger of the Gods,Mercury is a great com- municator,representing brilliance,intelligence,and the free fow ofenergy.Lion's Mane is also governed by the Sun,as it's a great provider of vitality,longev- ity,resilience,and adaptability.
这种营养丰富的真菌能够扩展感知和心理技能的方式归功于水银的力量。 水星也被称为众神的使者,是一位伟大的通讯员,代表着才华、智慧,以及能源的自由 fow。狮鬃菇也被太阳覆盖,因为它是生命力、长寿性、韧性和适应性的重要提供者。
Guidance: The Lion is a symbol of power,animus, the primordial essence within the sacred masculine that expresses itself as relentless determination,am- bition,focus,and will.When we meet Lion's Mane, we immediately feel a regal and generous presence. When out of balance,vanity and overconsumption block the fow of love coming in to inspire ambition. Power isn't powerful when you put others,or your- self,down.You are a wielder of raw power and may be destructive if consequences are overlooked.Lead your life from a place of compassionate leadership, and the rest will follow.
指导:狮子是power、animus、神圣男性中的原始本质的象征,它表现为不懈的决心、坚定、专注和意志。当我们遇到狮鬃菇时,我们立即感受到一种富丽堂皇和慷慨的气质。当失去平衡时,虚荣心和过度消费会阻碍爱情的涌入,从而激发雄心壮志。当你贬低他人或你自己时,权力并不强大。你是一个原始的 power 持有者,如果忽视后果,你可能会具有破坏性。从一个富有同情心的领导位置开始你的生活,其余的都会随之而来。
19.TULSI — Wealth
Ocimum sanctum
Ocimum sanctum (圣地)
Upright;true wealth,prosperity,charismatic,viva- cious,luxury,beauty,auspicious
Reversed:naivete,vanity,ignorance,emptiness, immaturity,obsession of the material world
Astrological Ruler:Mercury,Jupiter
Tulsi,also known as Tulasi,is frequently men- tioned as one of the main pillars of herbal medicine in ancient Ayurvedic texts,some dating back to as far as 5000 B.c.It is known as the “Incomparable One,"the“Queen of Herbs,”and the“Mother Med- icine ofNature.”
In the ancient Vedic text,the Bhagavata Purana,the Queen of Herbs is noted as the plant embodiment of Lakshmi,wife of Vishnu and known as goddess of wealth and generosity.In Hindu mythology,Tulsiis regarded as a living gate- way between heaven and earth and believed to be a manifestation of the divine within,Along trade routes from Asia to Europe,Christians used Tulsi
在古老的吠陀文本BhagavataPurana 中,草药女王被认为是 Lakshmi 的植物化身,Lakshmi 的妻子毗湿奴,被称为财富和慷慨女神。在印度神话中,Tulsiis 被视为天地之间的活生生的门户,被认为是内在神圣的化身,在从亚洲到欧洲的贸易路线上,基督教徒使用图尔西语
in rituals and called it“holy basil,”Across cul- tures,Tulsi was regarded as a symbol of divinity and purity.
Found in many Ayurvedic formulas,Tulsi is regarded a rasayana,master plants that assist in longevity and rejuvenation.It has been used to treat intestinal gas,colds,fu,headaches,migraines,anx- iety,weakness,memory enhancement,premature aging,tumors,and much more.
在许多阿育吠陀配方中发现,Tulsi被认为是rasayana,是长寿和恢复活力的主要植物。 它已被用于治疗肠气、感冒、fu、头痛、偏头痛、焦虑、虚弱、记忆力增强、过早衰老、肿瘤等。
With its ability to enhance cerebral circulation and memory,Tulsi greatly embodies the archetype of Mercury,the great communicator who gov- erns our conscious mind,perception,understand ing along with primarily the nervous system,and respiratory system.Tulsi is also ruled by Mercury's polarity,Jupiter,as it's an adaptogenic plant that increases longevity,immunity while having a strong auspicious nature known to boost spiritual abilities.
凭借其增强大脑循环和记忆的能力,图尔西极大地体现了水星的原型,水星是伟大的沟通者,它支配着我们的意识,感知,理解主要是神经系统和呼吸系统。图尔西 (Tulsi) 受水星的极性木星 (Jupiter) 的支配,因为它是一种适应原植物,可以延长寿命、免疫力,并具有强大的吉祥性质,可以增强精神能力。
Guidance:The TulasiGoddess sits proudly facingher beautiful Peacock,symbolizing heaven on Earth.She raises her arms with grace,aiming them like wands to catalyze magic and wealth.The fountain is centered between the Goddess and the Peacock,representing the wellspring created between Earth,the manifest world,and Heaven,the spirit world,Peacock embod
ies the medicine of auspiciousness,magic,and beauty, reminding us that we are the living gateway to the greatest of mysteries.Tulsi is here today to teach that the key to Jupiter's doorway (abundance and wis- dom)is to live,create,and communicate from a place of wonder,innocence,and impeccability(Mercury), rather than doubt and confusion.Don't be fooled by material possessions or the vanity often worshipped in the material world.Tune into deeper realities that abound around you;be spontaneous and celebrate your temple just as you are.
Ies 是 AuspIciousness、Magic 和 Beauty 的良药,提醒我们是通往最伟大奥秘的活生生的门户。图尔西今天在这里教导木星之门(丰富和智慧)的关键是在一个地方生活、创造和交流惊奇、纯真和无可挑剔(水星),而不是怀疑和融合。不要被物质财富或物质世界中经常崇拜的虚荣心所迷惑。收听您周围比比皆是的现实;自发地庆祝你的寺庙,就像你自己一样。
—Weaver —
—韦弗 —
Lavandula officinalis
Upright:weaver of potential,new beginnings,
intuitive intellect,contemplative phase,emotional fulfllment,walking in alignment
Reversed:unsettled spirit,unable to see possibility, lack mentality,untrusting,overly critical
Astrological Ruler:Mercury
Lavender use has been documented for well
over 2,500 years.Its name is derived from the Latin verb lavare—which means,“to wash,”In ancient Egypt Lavender was often used for cleans- ing,perfumery,embalming,and mummification.It was used to cleanse the body,and energetically to cleanse the spirit.In Tutankhamun's tomb,jars of healing salves were found,containing Lavender and other herbs like Blue Lotus.These sacred unguents were used by royal families and high priests as per- fume and healing oils,
超过 2,500 年。它的name源自拉丁语动词 lavare——意思是“洗涤”,在古埃及,薰衣草经常用于清洁、香水、防腐和木乃伊化。它被用来净化身体,并充满活力地净化精神。在图坦卡蒙的坟墓中,发现了几罐治疗药膏,里面装着薰衣草和其他草药,如蓝莲花,这些神圣的药膏被皇室和大祭司用作熏香和治疗油。
Ancient Greeks and Romans learned much from Egyptians regarding the healing powers of perfumes and medicinal scents,Greek physicians
recommended that the breasts be anointed in Lav- ender oil as it was said to be the seat of the heart, Dioscorides,a Greek military physician,noted Lav- ender was a great medicine used internally to relieve headaches,indigestion,menstrual cramps,upset stomach,and sore throats;externally,it was used as an antiseptic,to assist with burns or treat skin ailments,
建议用 Lav-ender 油涂抹乳房,因为据说它是心脏的所在地,Dioscorides希腊军医指出,Lav-ender 是一种很好的药物,可以内服,以缓解头痛、消化不良、月经来潮、胃部不适和喉咙痛;外用,用作防腐剂,用于治疗烧伤或治疗皮肤病,
During Medieval times and the Renaissance, women would often massage their breasts with Lav- ender to alleviate pain and increase breast milk,and it was also used as a medicinal perfume and topi- cally to ward offinfection and heal wounds.
在中世纪和文艺复兴时期,女性经常用 Lav-ender 按摩乳房以减轻疼痛并增加母乳,它也被用作药用PerfumE和Topi-Cally 抵御感染并治愈伤口。
Medicinally,Lavender is a nervine,a nervous system relaxant,that can assist in calming,induce sleep,improve memory,relieve pain,and boost the mood.The mere inhalation of it stimulates mental processes,focuses energy,brings about lucidity, alleviates stress,and improves memory.
Lavender is said to be ruled by the constella- tion Virgo and planet Mercury—the messenger,the connector and communicator.Mercury represents the bright intelligence and all matters involving the mind and conscious perception.Lavender embodies Mercury's energy as it opens the mental channels,
据说薰衣草由处女座和水星掌管——水星是信使、连接器和通讯器。水星r代表明亮的智力和所有涉及心灵和意识感知的事物。Lavender 体现了水星的能量,因为它打开了心灵通道,
fne-tunes and refines mental processes,and liber- ates communication and comprehension.
fne 调整和完善心理过程,解放交流和理解。
Guidance: Lavender is much like the medicine of Spider,a master communicator that organizes,re- fines,and systematizes many elements in life.Lav- ender's medicine provides us the power of discipline and focused energy,key elements to enable aligned manifestation.Spider is here today to remind you that when you're not communicating from a higher alignment,we quickly become entangled,overly crit- ical,and even block the fow of creativity and healing communication.Connect to the energy of the spiral to journey deep into your shadows,and allow this self-organizing system to facilitate higher alignment to your foundation when needed.Use the gifts of communication such as music,poetry,art,and dance to nurture creativity as you weave your life,
指导:薰衣草很像蜘蛛的良药,一个组织、再提炼、系统化生活中许多元素的沟通大师。Lav-ender 的医学为我们提供了discipline和集中能量的力量,这是实现一致表现的关键要素。Spider今天在这里提醒您,当您没有从正确的对齐方式进行交流时,我们很快就会陷入纠结、过度批评,甚至阻碍创造力和治愈性沟通。连接到螺旋的能量,深入你的阴影,让这个自组织系统促进与你的基础更加对齐需要时。在编织生活时,使用音乐、诗歌尝试、艺术和舞蹈等交流的天赋来培养创造力,
—Action —
— 行动 —
Urtica dioica
Upright:direct action,ferce protector,leadership, strength,power,in pursuit of truth,dominance
Reversed:impatience,hot tempered,frustration, overwhelm,crusader,reckless
Astrological Ruler:Mars,Pluto
Nettle perfectly embodies Mars's attributes: when touched its aggressive leaves cause irritation, stimulation,and increased blood circulation.Nettle is rich in iron,selenium,magnesium,chlorophyll, calcium,silica,and vitamins A,C,E,and K,While Nettle is not necessarily a heating plant,it is stimu- lating.Its sting feels hot at the touch and yet it helps to modulate infammation throughout the body.
荨麻完美地体现了火星的特性:当触摸它时,它侵略性的叶子会引起刺激、刺激和促进血液循环。荨麻富含铁、硒、镁、叶绿素、钙、二氧化硅和维生素 A、C、E、A和 K,虽然荨麻不一定是一种加热植物,但它具有刺激性。它的刺痛摸起来很热,但它有助于调节身体的羞耻感。
Used to treat pain from arthritis in ancient Egypt,people would whack themselves with bun dles of Nettles to treat rheumatism,lethargy,and
cholera,It's thought that Nettles cause the body to release an antihistamine response that reduces infammation and swelling,alleviating pain related to rheumatism and arthritis.The famous ancient Greek physician Hippocrates used Nettles in over 60 different remedies.Throughout the Middle Ages Nettles were used to treat shingles,sinus ailments, and constipation.
霍乱,人们认为荨麻会导致身体释放抗组胺反应t帽子减少感染和肿胀,缓解与风湿病和关节炎有关的 pain。著名的古希腊医生希波克拉底在60种不同的疗法中使用了荨麻。在整个中世纪,荨麻被用于治疗带状疱疹、鼻窦疾病和便秘。
In Norse myth,Nettles are associated with Thor,the god of thunder,and with Loki,the trick- ster god whose magical fishing net was made from Nettles.Thick stands of Nettles signal that there are fairy dwellings close byin Celticfolklore,and the Nettle's sting wards off fairy mischief,black magic, and sorcery.The Anglo-Saxon held nine herbs as the most sacred,and their “Nine Herbs Charm,” recorded in the 10th century,featured Nettles as a protective ally against“elf-shot”—a mysterious pain in humans or animals caused by the arrows of the jealous elves.Nettle also protected against “Hying venom”—a form of black magic believed at the time to be one of the primary causes of illness,
Guidance: Warrior Mars is a representation of our will to survive,protect,pursue,and act.Physically,the elemental fire within Nettle activates to purify and
strengthen.Emotionally and mentally,it directs am bition,sharpens intellect,and ignites leadership.On a spiritual level,Nettle has the power of Snake med- icine,granting us the power of fire to transmute and protect.Nettle medicine teaches you on a personal level to be strong,protective,and able to handle life in its complexity.You meet difficulties with patience and confdence.This allows for emotional maturity and avoids frustration.Don't withdraw your energy in the face of discomfort.If you have drawn this card today,there is a need within you to transmute some
action,thought,or desire.Release the outer skin of your present identity and draw upon the powers of fre to lead and act.
行动、思想或欲望。释放你当前身份的外表,利用 fre 的力量来领导和行动。
22.JERGON SACHA —Transfiguration —
Dracontium loretense
Upright:unforeseen change,breakdown,transfig- uration,poison transmuted,evil neutralized,rising from the ashes
Reversed:crisis,destruction,black magic,bad intentions,sorcery,poison,being made humble Astrological Ruler:Mars,Pluto
Jergón Sacha is a“signature plant,”as its Indig- enous uses directly mirror its appearance.Its mot- tled coloring calls to mind a poisonous snake native to the Amazon,and local villages use the starchy root as an anti-venom.In Peru and Ecuador,the snake and plant are both called jergón sacha or fer- de-lance,In Brazil the snake is named jararaca and the plant,erva-jararaca,which translates to “snake herb,”
JergónSacha 是一种“标志性植物”,因为它的 Indig-enous 用途直接反映了它的外观。它斑驳的颜色让人想起一种原产于亚马逊的毒蛇,当地村庄使用淀粉根作为抗毒血清。在秘鲁和厄瓜多尔,蛇和植物被称为jergón sacha 或fer-de-lance,在巴西,蛇被命名为Jararaca 和植物, Erva-Jararaca,翻译为“蛇草”,
In the Amazon,the bloody resin of this plant is used in many rituals of protection against all spiritual sicknesses—bilis (bile/rage),hechizos (hexes),mal de ojo (evil eye),mal aire (evil wind), and envidia (envy)—and protection against brujos
在亚马逊,这种植物的血腥树脂被用于许多保护所有精神疾病的仪式——bilIS(胆汁/愤怒)、Hechizos(六角形)、Mal de Ojo(邪恶之眼)、MalAire(EVil Wind)和 Envidia(嫉妒)——以及针对 Brujos 的保护
malvados (black magic sorcerers).Considered a neu- tralizer of the highest order,Jergón Sacha converts any intended harm or intense evil into benevo- lent energy.
Malvados(黑魔法巫师)。JergónSacha 被认为是最高级别的 neu-tralizer,它将任何有意的伤害或强烈的邪恶转化为仁慈的能量。
Indigenous tribes in Guyana have employed it as an antidote for stingray wounds,spider bites, and poison dart/arrow wounds.Other Indigenous cultures believe that beating the legs and feet with the leaves ofJergón Sacha acts as a snake repellent.
圭亚那的土著部落将其用作黄貂鱼伤口、吹毛虫咬伤和毒镖/箭伤的解毒剂。其他土著文化认为,用JergónSacha 的叶子敲打腿和脚起到驱蛇的作用。
In addition to being an anti-venom,the pow- dered tuber is used as an anti-viral,for asthma, lung infammation,whooping cough,parasites,and menstrual disorders.Baths of Jergón Sacha were also common for those with gout,arthritic pain, and similar imbalances.Jergón Sacha's staggering power to neutralize the strongest ofknown poisons, and protect the body from vigorous viruses,is some of the many reasons it falls under Mars's and Plu- to's rulership.Both planetary bodies,like Jergón Sacha,overwhelm and activate to transform,ignit- ing both destruction and resurrection,literally and archetypally.
除了作为抗毒血清外,这种强大的块茎还被用作抗病毒药物,用于治疗哮喘、肺病、百日咳、寄生虫和月经紊乱。JergónSacha 浴对于患有痛风、ar thriticpain 和类似失衡的人来说也很常见。Jergón Sacha 具有惊人的能力,可以中和已知最强的毒物,并保护身体免受强病毒的侵害,这是它属于众多原因的一部分Mars和Plu-to 的统治权。两个计划体,如JergónSacha,都压倒并激活以转变,点燃毁灭和复活,无论是字面上还是原型上。
Guidance:Watch your back!Jergón Sacha represents radical change and breakdown.This card can mean that someone or something is harming your energy.
指导:小心你的背影!JergónSacha 代表着彻底的变化和崩溃。这张牌可能意味着某人或某事正在损害你的能量。
If this applies to you,remember that the darkest of energies that bring crisis or unforeseen changes can be transmuted into benevolence.Even the strongest of poisons can be medicine.The frst step in neutral- izing is recognition.The second step is removing fear and insecurity,and the third step is reconstruction of the self.Examine your life from a third-person per- spective.Draw upon universal forces to transmute the environment,people,or situations that are de- pleting your life force.
23.MILK THISTLE Peaceful Warrior —
23.牛奶口和平战士 —
Silybum marianum
Upright:peaceful warrior,shield,truth keeper, shelter,sanctuary,safekeeping,justice
Reversed:agressiveness,harsh,impulsive,competi- tive,self-sabotage,overdoing it,gossip
Astrological Ruler:Mars,Moon
Native to the Mediterranean,the Greek physi- cian and botanist Dioscorides was the frst to write down Milk Thistle's healing properties in the 1st century A.D.Milk Thistle was a remedy for diseases of melancholy,assisted in the production of breast milk,and acted as a powerful anti-infammatory for the liver and gallbladder.Milk Thistle's characteris- tic violet-fuchsia fowers and white-veined leaves are said to embody the Virgin Marys milk.
原产于地中海的希腊物理学家和植物学家Dioscorides是第一个写下奶蓟草治疗特性的人在公元 1 世纪,奶蓟草是治疗忧郁症的药物,有助于产生母乳,并具有强大的对肝脏和胆囊有抗臭作用。据说奶蓟草特有的紫红色花序和白纹叶子体现了圣母玛利亚的牛奶。
There are many magic rituals associated with this protective fower.Traditionally,fowers were thrown into the fire to deflect lightning,and gar- ments were woven with Thistle fbers to protect the wearer from any spells,Dolls,puppets,and mag- ical tools were often stuffed with Thistle to break
有许多神奇的仪式与这个保护性 foter 相关。传统上,将 fowers 扔进火中以抵御ct 闪电,并用蓟花 fbers编织 gar-ments以保护佩戴者免受任何法术、玩偶、木偶和魔法的伤害工具经常塞满蓟以打破
negative,depressive spells;melancholy;and evil hexes.In Europe,witches would make large vats of Thistle to call in the spirits.A bowl of Thistle tea in a room is said to revitalize energy,bring strength, and renew the spirits.Thistle was often planted in entryways to ward off thieves or parasitic energy.
消极、抑郁的发作;忧郁;和邪恶的 Hexes。在欧洲,女巫会制作大桶的蓟花来召唤灵魂。据说在房间里喝一碗蓟茶可以恢复活力,带来活力,焕发精神。蓟通常种植在入口处,以抵御thieves 或寄生能量。
Milk Thistle embodies the spirit of the fierce badger,as it's an aggressive healer known to rid the body of disease,poison,and toxic substances.Many Native American traditions associate Badger medi- cine with powerful medicine women,as badgers are some of the great protectors of Earth's medicine. Badgers act quickly and efficiently in a crisis,and they do not panic,Embodying the primal warrior elements of Mars,Badgers fearlessly find the means and courage to protect what's theirs,regardless of the consequences.Milk Thistle also falls under the Moon's rulership as it's a galactagogue,meaning it assists in milk production,along with assisting the entire gastrointestinal system.
奶蓟草体现了凶猛的獾的精神,因为它是一种众所周知的侵略性治疗师,可以清除体内的疾病、毒药和有毒物质。许多美洲原住民传统将 Badger medi-cine 与强大的女药师联系在一起,因为 Badger 是地球医学的伟大保护者之一。獾在危机中迅速而有效地行动,而且他们并不惊慌,体现了火星的原始战士元素,獾无所畏惧地寻找方法和勇于保护The Esir,不计后果。奶蓟草也属于月亮的统治,因为它是一种催乳剂,这意味着它有助于产奶,同时协助整个胃肠道系统。
Guidance; Milk Thistle dispels the damaging and destructive thoughts that can induce an endless loop of self-sabotage.Abandon insecurity,gossip,and fear- based protection strategies that enable frustration or a false sense of growth,Do not waste your time trying to control what cannot be controlled.Like a peace-
指导;MilkThistle消除了 c an 诱发无休止的自我破坏循环的破坏性和破坏性想法。放弃不安全感、八卦、基于恐惧的保护策略,这些策略会让人感到沮丧或产生虚假的增长感,不要浪费时间试图控制无法控制的事情。Likeapeace-
ful warrior,set your boundaries frmly and fearlessly. Like Badger,Milk Thistle shakes up systems that hin- der innovation and halts patterns and behaviors that stunt growth.Know that what you are not changing, you are choosing.
Ful Warrior,勇敢无畏地设定你的界限。与 Badger 一样,Milk Thistle 撼动了阻碍创新的系统,并停止了阻碍增长的模式和行为。要知道,你没有改变的,你正在选择。
24.TOBACCO —Offering —
24.烟草—供奉 —
Nicotiana tabacum,Nicotiana rusticum
Nicotiana tabacum,Nicotiana rusticum
Upright:power,ofrenda(offering),divine gift,invoca- tion,respect,deep alignment with will and purpose Reversed:illusion of power,power-hungry,lack of
respect,inner confict,addiction,stuck in habits,fear of failure
Astrological Ruler:Mars,Pluto
Tobacco is used among Indigenous groups across the Americas as an offering to the gods for smoke cleansing,as an offering to the spirits,as a sacred smoke at council meetings,and as a ceremo- nial juice during vision quests,Widely used by sha- mans in the Amazon called tabaqueros,Tobacco is considered a planta maestra (teacher/master plant). These plants are key to protective spirits,and import- ant allies and guides in the healing of humanity.
In pre-Columbian North America,differ- ent tribes used Tobacco ceremonially;the main difference between them and Central and South American tribes is that they smoked Tobacco
through a pipe.Various Indigenous peoples from the Americas used Tobacco for healing a wide range of ailments such as earaches,snake bites,cuts and burns,respiratory diseases,fever,convulsions,ner- vous issues,urinary complaints,skin diseases,and parasites.Many traditions hold that Tobacco is a protective spirit,given to humanity to enable com- munication with the spirit world.
Tobacco is one of the ultimate ofrendas,or sacred offerings,to the spirit world.It has been placed on altars and traded among different societ- ies for hundreds of years.It has been used by many Indigenous peoples as a symbolic token for sealing peace among tribes.Across time,tobacco has been most commonly used as a smoke,but it can also be used as a strong purgative and an anti-infamma- tory,which further mirrors its Mars energetics.
Guidance:The gods of power are here to serve,and they demand loving respect.Tobacco reminds us to utilize power compassionately;how we use and di- rect this power determines the quality of life.Offer your actions as a divine gift,selfessly and in service to the sacred.Grandfather Tobacco's protective and powerful energy lovingly opens the doorway to the spirit world to those who ask with humility and re-
指导:权力之神是她要侍奉的,他们要求爱的尊重。烟草提醒我们要富有同情心地利用权力;我们如何使用和纠正这种能力决定了生活质量。将您的行动作为神圣的礼物,自我奉献并为神圣服务。烟草爷爷的保护和强大的能量充满爱心地为那些以谦卑和重新 -
spect.Don't allow the illusions of power to ignite
spect 的不要让权力的幻觉点燃
destructive behaviors or propel you toward addictive
Unicaria tomentosa
Upright:rewriting the story,connecting to heritage, belonging,worthiness,safety,connecting to your
origins,DNA purification
Reversed:feeling displaced,disconnection from
heritage,dark behaviors,wounding,shame,regret, rejection,loneliness
Astrological Ruler:Mars,Pluto
Called una de gato in Spanish,Cat's Claw has been used medicinally by Central and South Amer- ican tribes for at least 2,000 years.The Ashaninka tribe in central Peru has the longest recorded his- tory with the plant,using it to treat asthma,infam- mations of the urinary tract,arthritis,bone pain, recovery from childbirth,and cancer.Other Peru- vian Indigenous tribes use it to treat diabetes,hem- orrhages,menstrual irregularity,fevers,viruses, tumors,internal cleansing,and balancing the body.
Cat's Claw 在西班牙语中被称为 una de gato,已被中美洲和南美洲部落用于药用至少2,000年。秘鲁中部的 Ashaninka部落拥有与这种植物合作时间最长的记录,用它来治疗哮喘、尿路感染、关节炎、骨痛、分娩恢复和癌症。其他秘鲁土著部落用它来治疗糖尿病、出血、月经不调、发烧、病毒、肿瘤、内部清洁、以及平衡身体。
Modern scientifc research has confrmed its effectiveness in treating asthma,upper respiratory infections,viral infections,wounds,environmental toxicity,poisoning,and so much more,
A powerful immune stimulant,Cat's Claw is ruled by the archetypal energy of Mars and its higher octave,Pluto.It ignites many essential bio- logical processes in the immune system,remedying many infammatory diseases,while rebalancing the body through purification (Mars)and renewal (Pluto).Like Mars,it stimulates to regulate,it con- fronts to purify,and it initiates to heal.Herbs ruled by Mars are usually hot,stimulating,and dry.
猫爪草是一种强大的免疫刺激剂,由火星的原型能量及其更高的八度音程冥王星统治,它点燃了许多本质l生物逻辑过程在免疫系统中,治疗许多有害疾病,同时通过净化(火星)和更新(冥王星)来重新平衡身体。就像火星一样,它刺激调节,对抗净化,开始治愈。火星统治的 H erbs通常是热的、刺激的和dry。
Guidance:Cat's Claw powerfully protects our sacred essence,our blood,and our DNA,Like the Black Panther,it is regarded as one of the mighty protectors of the sacred ways of the forest.Cat's Claw is here today to help remove blockages,wounding,or trau- ma.Energetically Cats Claw clears ancestral trauma, deeply assisting our healing as we rewrite our story.
指导:猫爪有力地保护着我们的神圣本质、我们的血液和我们的DNA,就像黑豹一样,它被认为是黑豹的强大保护者之一。森林的神圣方式。猫爪今天在这里帮助去除阻塞、受伤或trau-马。Energetically Cats Claw 清除了祖先的创伤,在我们重写故事时深度协助我们的 h ealing。
Like the energy of Black Panther,it roams through darkness with courage and curiosity to assist us in ac- cessingthe hidden light of truth.This is a reminder to take this time to befriend the silence of the dark void. Channel the gifts that your ancestors have provided. Know that your path is loved and supported by life.
Cordyceps sinensis,Cordyceps militaris
冬虫夏草 Cordycepsmilitaris
Upright:energy,renewal,soaring to new heights, opportunity,activation,resurrection
Reversed: reconnect to spirit,resistance to death, forgotten your power,weakness
Astrological Ruler:Jupiter,Pluto,Mars
Originally described 2,000 years ago in Tradi- tional Chinese Medicine and Tibetan medicine as an exotic caterpillar fungus or winter worm,Cordy- ceps is a parasitic fungus that grows out of the head of mummified caterpillars,insects,and many kinds of larva.It has been gathered at high altitudes,pri- marily in Nepal and Tibet.
冬虫夏草最初在 2,000 年前的传统中医和藏医中被描述为一种外来的虫草或冬虫,是一种从木乃伊头部长出的寄生真菌毛毛虫、昆虫和许多种类的幼虫。它主要在尼泊尔和西藏的高海拔地区采集。
So far there are over 1,000 recognized species of Cordyceps,as many as there are different hosts on which it grows.The first peoples to discover the many benefits of Cordyceps initially observed
到目前为止,有超过1,000 种公认的冬虫夏草物种,它与它生长的不同宿主一样多。最早发现冬虫夏草许多好处的民族最初观察到
animals eating the wild fungus and growing strong in the process.Farmers and herders either dried the fungus to make a tonic tea or cooked it with meat in traditional Tibetan dishes.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine it has been used as a heal-all for centuries to treat fatigue,weak ness,sickness,low sex drive,kidney conditions,and heart disease.Now modern Chinese medical hospi tals use cultivated forms of Ophiocordyceps sinensis alongside pharmaceuticals as atreatment for cancer and tumors,
在传统中医icine 中,它已被用作治疗疲劳、虚弱、疾病、性欲低下、肾脏疾病的百病和心脏病。现在,现代中医医院使用栽培形式的冬虫夏草和药物来治疗癌症和肿瘤,
Monks have long revered Cordyceps as a lon- gevity mushroom and utilized it to boost endurance and enhance lung capacity.Thousands of years later, studies now confrm that it indeed slows the effects of aging and stress,helping to keep the body free from disease.
长期以来,僧侣们一直将Cordyceps视为一种 lon-gevity 蘑菇,并利用它来增强耐力和增强肺活量。几千年后,现在的研究证实,它确实可以减缓衰老和压力的影响,帮助身体摆脱疾病。
Ruled by the wise,stimulating,and expan- sive powers of Jupiter,Cordyceps provides a jovial energy,a sense of renewal,resilience,and accom- plishment.Jupiter's herbs are amplifiers,joyful and mood-enhancing herbs thatinspire positive feelings.
在木星的智慧、刺激和广阔的力量的支配下,冬虫夏草提供了一种快乐的能量、一种更新、韧性和陪伴的感觉。Jupiter 的草药是放大器,令人愉悦和增强情绪的草药,可激发积极的感觉。
Guidance;It's time to soar to new heights,Energy is available to manifest your greatest dreams.Passion is in alignment with knowledge.Energy is in alignment with matter.Like the great Eagle,you are blessed with
指导;是时候划桨到新的高度了,能量可以实现您最美好的梦想。激情与知识是一致的。Energy 与物质一致。就像伟大的鹰一样,你有幸拥有
the connection to the Divine,You have an innate abil- ity to live in the realm of spirit,yet remain connected and balanced within the realms of Earth.From the height of the clouds where the great Spirit dwells,the great Eagle mirrors your ability to observe with ex- pansive awareness and achieve great sight beyond the mundane.Eagle and Cordyceps represent the cour- age to channel the higher mind,ether,the realm of illumination,and higher consciousness.If you have been walking in the shadows,you are being asked to reconnect with the element of ether,the Divine,and
your higher mind.Heal your broken wings with love and seek a higher ground to observe the greatness of what you're made of.
—Retreat —
—撤退 —
Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma applanatum
灵芝,Ganoderma applanatum
Upright:retreat,recovery,meditation,hibernation, spiritual contemplation,replenishment of spirit
Reversed:silence,recovery,time to pause,overstim- ulation,stress,deterioration,nearing burnout
Astrological Rule:Jupiter,Sun
Called lingzhi in Chinese,Reishi represents immortality and is considered the “herb of spiri- tual potency,"meaning success,well-being,divine power,and longevity.
Said to have been discovered in 396 B.c.in the Changbai Mountains of China by Daoist monks,it is one of the oldest mushrooms used in medicine.It has long been called an anti-aging mushroom and powerful Shen tonic,a category of medicines that “nourish the spirit,”
据说于 396 年由道教僧侣 B.c.in 中国长白山发现,是最古老的药用蘑菇之一。长期以来,它一直被称为抗衰老蘑菇和强效神补品,是一类“滋养精神,”
In China's oldest materia medica—The Herbal Classic,written around about 200 C.E,—Reishi held first place above ginseng.The text says Reishi helps stabilize qi in the head and assists in mental
在中国最古老的本草学——《草本经》中,大约写于公元 200 年左右,灵芝排在人参之上。文中说灵芝有助于稳定头部的气并有助于精神
activities,tonifies the spleen,increases wisdom,and improves memory.Long-term consumption will lighten the body,increase vitality,and delay aging for years.
Reishi's borderline miraculous properties are being researched,verifying ancient knowledge, including how the mushroom profoundly relaxes the nervous system,calms the mind,and induces a state of relaxed focus.One of the many reasons spiritual seekers consume this mushroom is for the spiritual experience it unlocks when in meditation. Recent studies have also demonstrated measurable life-extending properties,as well as Reishi's ability to activate brain neurons and increase nerve growth factor levels in cells.
Reishi powerfully infuences our main spiri tual centers:the endocrine,nervous,and hormonal systems.Hormones powerfully impact our percep- tion,mood,sleep-wake cycles,ability to bond with others,and awareness of reality.They activate the nervous system,which is also directly related to igniting mystical experiences.
Reishi is ruled by Jupiter,the “guru of plan- ets,"the one that dictates how we derive wisdom and access to the mysteries of life.Jupiter has a vast quantity of spirit-enhancing herbs that are often
used in meditation and to induce altered states of meditation,like Reishi.
Guidance: Pause.Its time for renewal.If you feel overwhelmed or mentally overloaded,it's time to re- treat.Take the time to recuperate and recharge,and personal growth will follow.Overstimulation and in- decision lead to a sense of weakness,imprisonment, and a feeling that you are evading death,Like Bear, hibernate or rest before you take on the next proj- ect or challenge.Many Native American tribes have called this space of inner contemplation the Dream Lodge,a place to witness death and see beyond the confines of physical reality by visiting the dreamtime, Create the space to be in silence and calm the internet chatter.Reflection is key to the path of self-mastery.
指导:暂停。现在是更新的时候了。如果您感到不知所措或精神超负荷,那么是时候重新治疗了。花时间休养和充电,个人成长就会随之而来。过度刺激和优柔寡断会导致虚弱感,不安,以及感觉自己在逃避死亡,就像熊一样,冬眠或者在您接受下一个Proj-ect 或挑战之前休息一下。许多美洲原住民部落将这个内心沉思的空间称为DreamLodge,一个见证死亡并超越通过访问梦境时间,创造安静的空间,平息互联网的喋喋不休。反思是自我掌控之路的关键。
28.ELDER Wisdom —
28.老智慧 —
Sambucus nigra,Sambucus canadensis
Upright:rising from the underworld,release,letting go,major transformation,higher wisdom,new
perceptions,awakening to the truth
Reversed: stagnancy,sorrow,resistance to transfor- mation,immoral,not applying lessons,not widening the known,not cultivating wisdom,decay,negativity Astrological Ruler:Jupiter,Pluto
Also known as the“Queen of Faeries”or the “Queen of the Underworld,”Elder is steeped in folklore and legend across many cultures.This tree is a symbol of sorrow,death,and deep magic.In Scandinavia,the tree is inhabited by a spirit called Hyldemöer (or Elder Mother),who will punish you if you touch the tree or chop it down without prop- erly thanking her,In the Bible,the cross on which Jesus was crucifed was said to be made from the wood of a giant Elder tree,and a remorseful Judas hung himself from an old Elder tree.
In the Middle Ages,Elder was used as protec- tion against witches,evil spirits,and underworldly entities.In Celtic tradition the Elder is associated
with Samhain,a time of year to honor death,new beginnings,and transformation,It has been used since ancient times as a blood cleanser,anti-viral, anti-infammatory,used for the kidneys,liver,and digestive system.It is also used as a respiratory aid to prevent or recover from colds and flu.
与Samhain 一起,一年中纪念death、新的开始和转变的时候,它自古以来就被用作 血液清洁剂,抗病毒,抗臭名昭著,用于肾脏、肝脏和消化系统。它也被用作呼吸辅助剂,以预防感冒和流感或从中恢复。
Astrologically,since Elder encompasses the piercing duality of life and death,along with super- natural properties,it falls under the general ruler- ship of Pluto,To properly reap its medicine requires wisdom,and ifimproperly used it may cause death. When its wisdom is properly harvested,its strong protective action on the immune system also greatly embodies Jupiter's archetype.
从占星学上讲,由于接骨木包含了 life 和死亡的刺耳二元性,以及超自然的特性,它属于冥王星,要正确地收获它的药剂需要智慧,如果使用不当可能会导致de-ath。当它的智慧被适当地收获时,它对免疫系统的强大保护作用也极大地体现了木星的原型。
Guidance:Elder signals the end of a phase in life,as well as the beginning of a major cycle.The Queen of the Underworld reminds us of the symbolic death that visits us often as we progress through our phys- ical and metaphysical growth.Elder reminds us of the blooming we experience when we simply allow our old self to decompose.In giving new life,the old one needs to be torn apart and allowed to die.Dont resist it,Elder is a wise guardian,assisting us as we step through the doorways of darkness.Allow your- self to be consumed by her mighty presence,as the dark mother protects our spirit as it goes through the cycles of transformation,
指导:接骨木标志着人生某个阶段的结束,以及一个主要周期的开始。冥界女王提醒我们,随着我们在身体和形而上学的成长中,象征性的死亡经常拜访我们。Elder提醒我们,当我们暗示允许旧自我分解时,我们所经历的绽放。在赋予新生命的过程中,需要将old 一 - 被撕裂并让其死亡。不要抗拒,长老是一位睿智的守护者,在我们踏入黑暗之门时协助我们。让你的自我被她强大的存在所吞噬,因为黑暗的母亲在经历转变的循环时保护我们的灵魂,
Grace —
Schisandra chinensis
Upright:inner beauty,inspirations,euphoria, visions,supernatural powers,synergy
moderation,navigate the middle road Astrological Ruler:Jupiter,Venus
In Traditional Chinese Medicine Havors are seen as energetic symbols within a plant,demon- strating its distinct healing traits.Schisandra berry contains all fve Havors—sweet,bitter,salty,sour, and pungent—directly signaling its all-encompass- ing and highly medicinal nature and earning it the name Wu Wei Zi or “fve-favored berry.”
在传统中医中,Havors被视为植物内充满活力的象征,展示了其独特的治愈特性。五味子浆果包含所有fveHavors——sweet、bitter、salt、sour 和 spicent——直接表明其包罗万象和高度药用的性质,并为其赢得了Wu Wei Zi 或“fve-favored berry”的名字。
Perfectly yin-yang balanced,Schisandra nur- tures all 5 elements—wood,fre,earth,metal,and water—and enters all 12 energy channels or merid- ians of the human body.As the symbol of longev- ity and beauty,even suggesting the ability to attain immortality,Schisandra is pictured often in ancient Chinese art.Considered a panacea,it increases energy,prolongs life without aging,benefits the
完美的阴阳平衡,五味子滋养所有5种元素——木、法、土、金和水——并进入所有12 个能量通道或经络人体。五味子作为长寿和美丽的象征,甚至具有达到无我境的能力,在古代中国艺术中经常出现。被认为是灵丹妙药,它增加能量,延长寿命而不衰老,有益于
mind,supports the eyes,acts as an anti-infam- matory,helps against radiation,protects from nervous system toxicity,cleanses heavy metal tox- icity,supports adrenal function,supports the lungs, benefts sexual function,balances hormones,and protects the skin.
Schisandra is ruled by Jupiter,and it has an all-encompassing,longevity enhancing,and expan- sive medicinal nature.The way it embraces all 5 elements,all 12 energetic channels,and all favors provides longevity to every organ system and har- monizes all polarities—also a signature of Venus.
五味子由木星统治,具有包罗万象、延寿、药用广泛的性质。它包含所有5种元素、所有 12 个能量通道和所有恩惠的方式为每个器官系统提供了长寿,并协调了所有极性——这也是金星的标志。
Guidance:Like the Temperance card in the tarot,the goddess holds a cup of water,representing the sub- conscious,as she crosses over a stream of water,rep- resenting the conscious mind.Schisandras medicine teaches us about the high alchemy of beauty,grace, and the harmony of dualities.Like the medicine of Swan,Schisandra is here today to remind you of the grace within balance,patience,and moderation.You are being invited to allow life force to fow through you without force or resistance.Follow your visions, and pay close attention to the subtle language in your body and surroundings.If you feel out of orbit or aloof,make time to ground.Grounding will only fa- cilitate your development to a higher consciousness,
指导:就像塔罗牌中的蛋彩牌一样,女神拿着一杯水,代表潜意识,当她越过一条水流时,rep-怨恨有意识的 Mind.五味子医学教我们关于美丽、优雅和二元性和谐的高级炼金术。就像天鹅的药一样,五味子今天在这里提醒您平衡、耐心和节制中的优雅。你被邀请让生命力在没有力量或抵抗的情况下向你袭来。跟随你的愿景,密切关注你身体和周围环境中的微妙语言。如果您觉得自己不在轨道上或冷漠,请抽出时间停飞。G四舍五入只会促进你向更高的意识发展,
—Destiny 一
Echinacea angustifolia,
紫锥菊 /
Echinacea purpurea,Echinacea pallida
紫锥菊,Echinacea pallida
Upright:wheel of change,life cycles,destiny,bigger vision,fortune,fate
Reversed:karma,clinging to control,unwelcome
change,cycles of suffering,a change is due Astrological Ruler:Jupiter,Pluto
Many Native American people consider Echi- nacea to be a protective spirit medicine,and some of the root is often included in medicine pouches worn around the hip or neck.The Navajo consider Echi- nacea to be a life medicine,one of the 40 ceremonial plants used for specifc healing rituals.
许多美洲原住民认为 Echi-nacea 是一种保护性 spirit 药物,其中一些根经常包含在戴在臀部或脖子上的 me dicine 袋中。纳瓦霍人认为Echi-nacea 是一种生命药物,是用于特定治疗仪式的 40 种仪式植物之一。
On the Great Plains,Echinacea washes and poultices are favored to dress wounds,stanch infec- tion,as provide pain relief for sore or torn muscles. The seeds and roots of the variety known as pale purple cornflower were popularly used in a decoc- tion to cure colds and Hus,reduce fevers,soothe burns and boils,and treat arthritis and rheumatism. Many Native American tribes also called it“snake
在大平原上,紫锥菊a洗涤剂和d膏药被用来包扎伤口,止住感染,为疼痛或撕裂提供疼痛缓解肌肉。淡紫色矢车菊品种的种子和根被广泛用于装饰中,以治疗感冒和 Hus,退烧,舒缓烧伤和疖子,治疗关节炎和风湿病。许多美洲原住民部落也称它为“蛇”
root,"as it was used as an anti-venom for rattle- snakebites,
In sweat lodge ceremonies,the roots were chewed to assistin purifcation and adaptation,and to ease pain.The plant was strewn across hot coals to add to the steam and was said to help participants withstand the heat.The Omaha Native American tribe would coat their hands in macerated Echi- nacea root so that they could take hot food out of boiling pots without being burned by the heat,To this day,Echinacea is used prominently worldwide, and proven effective in fghting infections and com- bating colds,fus,and upper respiratory infections,
在汗水小屋仪式中,咀嚼根部以帮助净化和适应,并缓解疼痛。该工厂散布在热煤上以增加蒸汽,据说可以帮助参与者抵御高温。奥马哈美洲原住民部落会在浸渍的Echi-nacea 根上涂上他们的手,这样他们就可以把热食带出去煮沸的锅而不被高温灼伤,直到今天,紫锥菊在世界范围内被广泛使用,并被证明对治疗感染和治疗感冒、和上呼吸道感染,
Echinacea primarily tackles the liver,the blood,and stimulation of the immune system,all of which falls under Jupiter's rulership.Jupiter herbs like Echinacea have a powerful ability to prevent the damaging effects of stress on the organs,enabling deep protection on a multi-organ level.
Guidance: The Snake eating its tail,the ouroboros,is the wheel of change,resembling the cycles of life and death,The Sun and Moon orbit and spin the wheel of change,representing our Earthly domain.The Echi- nacea sprouting in the center represents evolutionary consciousness,unbound by the confnes of destiny.
指导:蛇的尾巴,衔尾蛇,是变化之轮,类似于生与死的循环,太阳和月亮围绕变化之轮旋转,代表我们的地球领域。在中心发芽的 Echi-nacea 代表进化意识,不受destiny 的束缚。
Like the Wheel of Fortune,this card may signal a twist of fate,a time where something in life shifts us and reorients us elsewhere.Echinacea has shown up in your cards today to remind you that the universe is always in motion,and nothing is by accident.The key to see through the cycles of destiny is to remain centered and fuid,fowing with the course of life.The illusive judgments of“good”and“bad”only limits the vision of the great understanding.Step back and ob- serve the great vision at play,and be unbound by the passing infuences.
在命运之轮上,这张牌可能预示着命运的转折,一个生活中的某些事情改变我们并将我们重新定位到其他地方的时刻。紫锥菊今天出现在你的卡片上,提醒你宇宙总是在运动的,没有什么是偶然的。看穿命运轮回的关键是保持中心和自由,与生命的进程相伴。 “好”和“坏”的虚幻判断只会限制对伟大理解的视野。退后一步,观察正在发挥作用的伟大愿景,并不受转瞬即逝的影响的束缚。
Cannabis sativa
Upright:detachment,deep contemplation,freedom from pain-body,inner calm,immunity
Reversed: numb,disassociation,neglect,chronic pain,not seeing a way out,trapped,unsettled
Astrological Ruler:Saturn,Neptune
Cannabis is one of the oldest-known psycho- tropic herbs.The frst recorded use of Cannabis is from 8000 B.C.,in an ancient village in Taiwan, where Indigenous groups used hemp fibers in their fabrics,pottery,rope,and even their shoes,not rely- ing on animal skins or even silk for clothing.
大麻是已知最古老的精神药物之一。最早记录使用 Cannabis是在公元前 8000 年,在台湾的一个古老村庄,那里的土著群体在他们的织物、陶器、绳索甚至鞋子中使用麻纤维,不依赖动物皮甚至丝绸服装。
In 4000 B.C.,in the Chinese village of Pan-po, hemp was considered to be one of the “five grains” of China,and thus a major food crop.In the Chi- nese Materia Medica from 2737 B.c.hemp was
公元前 4000 年,在中国的盘坡村,大麻被认为是中国的“五谷”之一,因此是一种主要的粮食作物。在公元前2737年的中医本草中,大麻是
recognized for its ability to treat over 100 medical issues,including gout,malaria,and rheumatism.
因其能够治疗100多种医学问题而获得认可,包括痛风、疟疾和风湿性 M。
The medicinal use of Marijuana features heavily in Hindu religious texts.In the Vedas,for example,written between 2000 B.C,and 1400 B.C., Cannabis was considered a sacrament of Shiva, described as a "source of happiness,"a“joy giver," and a“bringer of freedom”that was compassion- ately given to humans by the gods to relieve them of anxiety and help them achieve delight as well as fearlessness,
大麻的药用在印度教宗教文本中占有重要地位。例如,在公元前 2000 年至公元前 1400 年之间写成的《吠陀经》中,大麻被认为是湿婆的圣物,被描述为“幸福的源泉”、“喜悦”给予者,“和”自由的带来者“,这是众神赐予人类的慈悲,以缓解他们的焦虑并帮助他们获得快乐如无畏,
Cannabis's many uses fall mostly under Saturn and Neptune's rulership,with a strong Piscean undertone.Since it is a musculoskeletal relaxant,anti-inflammatory,and pain reliever it is a great ally for those seeking to soften the rough edges of Saturn's impact.Its mood enhancing, anti-anxiety,anti-infammatory,and psychotropic properties belong to the realms of Neptune,and therefore Pisces.
大麻的许多用途主要在土星和海王星的统治下,具有强烈的双鱼座色彩。由于it 是一种肌肉骨骼松弛剂、抗炎药和止痛药,因此它是那些人的好盟友寻求软化土星撞击的粗糙边缘。它的情绪增强、抗焦虑、抗耻辱和精神药物特性属于海王星的领域,并且因此双鱼座。
Guidance: Saturn is said to be the Lord of Time and Space,the Lord of Karma.Although often called the“Great Malefic,”Saturn is much more than what we experience in third-dimensional reality.The space-time continuum is a system that encompasses
third-dimensional reality as we know it,said to be ruled by Saturn.Yet the transcendence of this real- ity is freedom from Saturn,depicted by its polarity, Neptune.When the Angels of time and space are respected (Saturn),they bless us with freedom and the ability to transcend (Neptune)the cycles of the pain-body.If you feel restless,anxious,trapped in your own body,or have trouble sleeping,Cannabis is here to remind you to cultivate inner calm.Breathe deeply,go for a walk in nature,immerse yourself in meditation,take naps,and creatively cultivate prac- tices that soften the unsettled aspects of your being. Don't succumb to quick-fix solutions when it comes to decompressing,as it often leads to self-neglect and disassociation.Tune deeply into the energetics of this ancient ally and learn to transcend the cycles of self-induced pain.
我们所知道的三维现实,据说是由土星统治的。当时间和空间的天使受到尊重时(土星),他们保佑我们自由和超越(海王星)痛苦体循环的能力。如果您感到不安、焦虑、被困在自己的身体里,或者没有睡过觉,Cannabis 在这里提醒您培养内心的平静。深呼吸,在大自然中散步,沉浸在冥想中,小睡一会儿,并创造性地培养练习,以缓和不安的方面你的存在。在解压时,不要屈服于快速解决方案,因为 it 经常会导致自我忽视和解离。深入了解这个古老盟友的能量学,并学会 t解决自我诱发的痛苦循环。
—Completion —
- 完成 -
Symphytum officinale
Upright:achievement,completion of cycle,success,
closure,completion oflongjourney,wholeness,mending Reversed:making the same mistakes,lack of closure, feeling incomplete,emptiness
Astrological Ruler:Saturn
Comfrey,also known as boneset or knit bone,has been cultivated for its healing properties since 400 B,C.E.It was used by the ancient Greeks, Romans,Celts,and many more to heal broken bones,bind wounds,and stop heavy bleeding.
紫草,也被称为骨打或针织骨,自公元前 400 年以来一直因其治疗特性而被种植,它被古希腊人、罗马人、凯尔特人和更多人用来治疗骨折、包扎伤口和 STOP 大量出血。
Symphytum comes from the Greek words symphyo,meaning “to grow together,”and pbyton, meaning “plant.”Comfrey comes from the Latin confrmare,which also means "to grow together."The Greek historian Herodotus recommended Comfrey to stop severe bleeding,internally and externally. Later Greeks used it to heal lung problems.
Symphytum来自希腊语symphyo,意思是“一起生长”,以及 pbyton,意思是“植物”。Comfrey来自拉丁语confrmare,也意味着“共同成长”。希腊历史学家希罗多德建议紫草止住内部和外部的严重出血。后来希腊人用它来治疗肺部问题。
Farmers value Comfrey;it was grown as a food for people and livestock and produced valuable fer- tilizer for the garden.The plant was also used as a food during the Irish Potato Famine in the 1840s,
Farmers value Comfrey;它被种植为人类和生活的food,并为 garde n.该植物在 1840 年代爱尔兰马铃薯饥荒期间也被用作食物,
though it's recommended to not eat too much of it because ofits impact on the liver.
Ruled by Saturn,Comfrey promotes the heal ing of the skin and musculoskeletal system.The roots and leaves stimulate cell proliferation and promote bone and wound healing.Saturnian herbs are those said to relieve the body and mind from karma,assisting with shielding,endurance,resto- ration,and repair.Saturn grants wisdom through challenges.Like Saturn,Comfrey heals the general musculoskeletal system.
Guidance: Comfrey represents wholeness,comple- tion,and closure of a great cycle,The wreath symbol- izes a cycle,containing the energy of the past,present, and future,hovering over the clouds to note how the foundation of all cycles are grounded in mystery. Comfrey majestically grows in the center,representing the axis mundi,the sacred heart,the sacred will that pulses the great mystery.Comfrey has appeared today to signal that a great cycle is nearing completion.Stay aligned as you continue to prune and heal the garden of the self.Look closely into repeated patterns,per- sons,or situation that keep showing up in your life. Draw upon Comfreys power to mend and fnd whole- ness in lessons and patterns that need closure,
指导:紫草代表着一个伟大周期的整体、完整和结束,花环 symbel 化了一个循环,包含了过去、现在和未来的能量,盘旋在云层上,以注意到所有周期的基础是如何建立在神秘之上的。紫草庄严地生长在中心,代表着世界轴心,神圣的心脏,脉动伟大神秘的神圣意志。Comfrey 今天似乎发出信号,一个伟大的循环e即将完成。在你继续修剪和治愈自我的花园时保持一致。仔细研究不断出现在您的生活中的 repepated模式、per-sons 或情况。利用 Comfreys 的力量来修复和发现需要结束的课程和模式的完整性,
Arnica montana,Arnica cardifolia
Upright:loyalty,commitment,perseverance,teacher, stability,companionship,community,unique path
Reversed:individualist,finding your own way,lone wolf,overly independent,avoiding confrontation
Astrological Ruler:Saturn
Also known as mountain daisy,wolf's bane, leopard's bane,and mountain tobacco,Arnica grows abundantly in alpine meadows in Europe and North America.Several Native American tribes including the Catulsa used the roots of Arnica cardifolia,or heart-leaf Arnica,to prepare a pain-relieving tea. European remedies date back to the 16th century, when Arnica was used to treat black eyes,sprains, and contusions.
山金车也被称为山菊、狼的克星、豹的克星和山烟,在欧洲和北美的高山草甸中大量生长。包括 Catulsa 在内的几个美洲原住民部落使用Arnicacardifolia 或心叶山金车的根来制备一种缓解疼痛的茶。欧洲的疗法可以追溯到16世纪,当时山金车被用于治疗黑眼圈、扭伤和挫伤。
Arnica preparations have been extensively found in Russian folk medicine,where it was used as an external treatment for wounds,black eyes, sprains,contusions,uterine hemorrhages,heart and artery issues,and numerous other applications.
Partly because ingestion is shown to cause severe liver damage and internal bleeding,topical applications have proven to be most effective in assisting in tissue regeneration,Arnica stimulates a great amount of blood fow,allowing it to rapidly relieve pain and swelling,and aid in healing bruises and hematomas.
The first written record of Arnica appears in the Middle Ages,where it is referred to as “alisma.” Back then it was used for many of the same reasons that we use it today.Old tales describe how Arnica was planted at the corners of felds during the sum- mer solstice,to protect from evil feld spirits.Direct contact with these spirits was associated with sick- ness and bad luck,Other folk tales describe the use of Arnica on and around the solstice when it bloomed,and using the plants to trap corn wolf,rye wolf,and grain wolf spirits,preventing them from leaving until the grain was ready for harvest.
Arnica's extraordinary pain-relieving,wound, and bone healing properties fall under Saturn's rulership,Energetically,Arnica embodies Sat- urn by supporting our energy to heal and mend after trauma.
Guidance:Arnica has long been associated with
指导:山金车长期以来一直与 Wolf
狼 medicine,symbolizing loyalty,leadership,com-
医药,象征忠诚,领导,com- munity,intuition,and instinctual intelligence.
munity、intuition 和 instintual intelligence。Wolf,
狼 like Arnica,teaches us how
就像山金车一样,教我们如何 to become resilient teach-
成为有弹性的教师 ers so that we experience greater knowing,and he
ers 这样我们才能体验到更伟大的认知,而他lp
低优先级 others as they seek t
其他人因为他们寻求 their own path,When Arnica
继承人自己的路,当山金车 grows in the wild,it is found in
生长在野外,发现于unique and mystical
独特而神秘 patches,showing us its unique form of
patches,向我们展示它独特的 manifestation
表现 and growth.Like Wolf,it does not f
和增长。像 Wolf 一样,它不会 follow established
OLLOW 成立 pathways,it finds its own way,off
途径,它找到自己的路,关 the beaten path,de-
人迹罕至的地方,de- fying patterns of
fying 模式 habit.Draw upon the p
习惯。在 p 上绘图ower of
欠 your
你 tribe to discover the power
Tribe 发现力量 of
之 co-creative support.
共同创意支持。 Holding your unique power within a community fur-
在社区中保持您的独特力量 ther empowers your vision and ca
THER 增强您的视野和 CApacity.Like a Wolf,
帕西。像狼一样, be fiercely loyal to your tribe,while also upholding
对你的部落非常忠诚,同时也要维护 your unique talent.
—ShapeShifting —
—变形 —
Mitragynia speciosa
Mitragyniaspeciosa (特异米氏菌)
Upright:subconscious healing,synchronizing inner and outer worlds,shapeshifting,time travel,tran-
scendence of illusion
幻觉的 scendence
Reversed: obsessive thoughts,illusionary façade, addiction,self-abandonment,unable to grow,
Astrological Ruler:Saturn,Neptune
The Indigenous peoples of Southeast Asia have valued the power of this rainforest tree for thousands of years and have used it as a poultice to treat wounds,as well as treatment for a variety of symptoms,including stress,pain,fatigue,and fever. Like Coca leaves in the South American highlands, fresh leaves from the Mitragynia tree are chewed for energy and stamina throughout the day.Mitragy- nia was revered among monks in Asia,as it assisted them during long periods of meditation by provid- ing focused attention and positive energy.
几千年来,东南亚的土著人民一直珍视这种热带雨林树木的力量,并将其用作膏药治疗伤口,以及治疗各种症状,包括压力、疼痛、疲劳和发烧。就像南美洲高地的古柯叶一样,Mitragynia 树的新鲜叶子在整个day.在亚洲的僧侣中受到推崇,因为它通过提供集中的注意力和正能量来帮助他们长时间的冥想。
As early as the 19th century,“Kratom”became well known as an opium substitute,and quickly
早在19 世纪,“卡痛叶”就作为鸦片替代品而广为人知,并很快
became a curative treatment for withdrawal from opium addiction,It became more popularized in the West due to Mitragynia's use in Thailand,Malay- sia,and surrounding areas,helping those with mor- phine dependance.
成为戒断鸦片成瘾的治疗方法,由于Mitragynia在泰国、马来西亚和周边地区的使用,它在西方变得更加流行领域,帮助那些有mor-phine 依赖的人。
Mitragynia embodies elements of both Saturn and Neptune,as it profoundly relieves and decom- presses the musculoskeletal system,while granting a freeing and euphoric feeling to the body-mind. Usedin the right amounts,it can greatly assist those with addiction(Neptune).
Guidance: The balanced side of Mitragynia rep- resents the ability to shapeshift and adapt across realities.Like the Dragonfy,Mitragynia grants us the power to break through the illusionary façade we often accept as reality,providing us the freedom from pain in order to break through limiting illu- sions.Dragonfly,like Mitragynia,help us initiate subconscious healing from the trauma experienced from endless cycles of pain and suffering.Dragonfly medicine invites us to seek out the parts of our habits that have gone unchanged,unnoticed,and stagnant, Ask yourself,have I tended to the changes I've been wanting to make?Don't get lost in the labyrinths of self-doubt.Break free from illusive belief systems that hold back your transformation.
指导:Mitragynia的平衡面代表对塑造转变和适应现实的能力感到不满。就像Dragonfy 一样,Mitragynia赋予我们突破我们通常接受为现实的幻觉外表的力量,为我们提供自由痛苦是为了突破限制性的幻觉。蜻蜓,就像 Mitragynia 一样,帮助我们从无休止的痛苦和苦难循环所经历的创伤中开始潜意识愈合。Dragonflymedicine 邀请我们寻找我们习惯中保持不变、未被注意和静止的部分,问问自己,我是否倾向于我一直想做出的改变?不要迷失在自我怀疑的迷宫中。摆脱阻碍您转型的虚幻谎言系统。
—Patience —
—耐心 —
Equisetum arvense
Upright:endurance,steady focus,period of
gestation,trust the process,heightened sensitivity Reversed:challenge,stubbornness,hardship,
feelings of loss,impatience
Astrological Ruler:Saturn,Venus
Whenever you cross paths with a Horsetail, you are looking at a member of the sole-surviving genus of a once great lineage.Prehistoric Horsetail is said to have been giant compared to the remain- ing species that exist today.This primitive plant is a descendant of large trees from the Paleozoic era, about 375 to 600 million years ago.These plants
每当你与马尾鹦鹉相遇时,你看到的是一个曾经伟大的血统的唯一幸存属的成员。据说史前马尾鱼与今天存在的剩余物种相比是巨大的。这种原始植物是大约375至6亿年前的 Paleozoic时代的大树的后代。这些平台
emerged from primordial swamps over a hun- dred million years—long before dinosaurs walked on Earth!
从原始的 Swam PS 中出现,超过了几百万年——早在恐龙在地球上行走之前!
All cultures to which Horsetail was native used it as a food and medicine,often cooking it like a vegetable or chewing it raw in the springtime. Horsetail strengthens connective tissues such as skin,hair,nails,bones,teeth,cartilage,ligaments,
and even mucus membranes.In ancient times it was referred to as a“bone mender,”as it was used to help heal broken bones,fractures,and osteoporosis.
Horsetail is ruled by Saturn,as strength- ening the skeletal system and connective tissues, and promoting wound healing,hair growth,skin protection,and bone strength are all in the ringed planet's domain.Saturn also corresponds with the processing of minerals within the body,particularly the kidneys,which Horsetail also nourishes.Arche- typally,Saturn provides us protection,shielding, courage,endurance,patience,self-control,and the blessing of challenge.Saturn,known as Cronus in Greek,is the lord of time and viewed as a destruc- tive,all-devouring force,Yet Saturn isn't as malev- olent as it is portrayed to be,as its energy teaches us self-mastery—the power we are granted once we overcome the cycles of pain and suffering.
马尾以瓮为主,增强骨骼系统和结缔组织,促进伤口愈合,促进头发生长,皮肤保护和骨骼强度都在环状行星的领域内。土星还与体内矿物质的加工相对应,尤其是肾脏,马尾也滋养肾脏。一般来说,土星为我们提供保护、保护、勇气、耐力、耐心、自我控制和挑战的祝福。Saturn,在希腊语中被称为Cronus,是时间之主,被视为一种毁灭性的、吞噬一切的力量,但Saturn 并不像它所描绘的那样邪恶成为,因为它的能量使我们自我掌握——一旦我们克服了痛苦和苦难的循环,我们就会被赋予的力量。
Guidance:Horsetail teaches us of the power that lies within patience,and the endurance gained through the hidden blessings of challenges.There is some- thing good in all seeming failures.And although that might not be clear in the moment,time will reveal it.Trust the process.Remember that stubbornness and willfulness are counterproductive to loosening
指导:马尾告诉我们耐心的力量,以及通过挑战的隐藏祝福获得的耐力。所有看似的 fai 诱饵中都有一些好东西。尽管目前可能还不清楚,但时间会揭示它。相信过程。请记住,固执和任性会适得其反
knots.Instead,like the medicine of Horse,ground to Earths energy and adapt to changes and hardships on the journey.Horse medicine provides us heightened sensitivity and the purity of trust,essential tools to have as we navigate life's journey.Invoke the strength of Horse as a power animal when you need increased psychic sensitivity and intuition.
—Foresight —
—远见卓识 —
Erythroxylum coca
Upright:supernatural powers,ability to see uni- versal truth,genius,spiritual guidance,brilliance, integrity,impeccability
Reversed:disbelief,disconnected from source,rejec- tion of innate powers,egocentric,megalomania
Astrological Ruler:Uranus,Venus
Commonly chewed to stimulate capacity, energy,and abilities,Coca—also known as Mama Coca or Cocamama—was an important plant in the culture and religion of the Incas and other tribal peoples nearby in the Lake Titicaca region of South America,The Incan goddess Chasca was linked to Venus and depicted holding sprigs of Coca,embodying the power and fruitfulness of love.Places where Coca grew were considered sanc- tuaries where all humans should worship the gods.
古柯(也称为MamaCoca或Cocamama)通常被咀嚼以刺激能力、能量和能力,是 10 月文化和宗教中的重要植物印加人和南美洲的的喀喀湖地区附近的其他部落民族,印加女神查斯卡与金星和神灵有关。cted holding sprigs ofCoca,体现了爱的力量和果实。古柯生长的地方被认为是所有人都应该向神灵致敬的圣地。
Priests tossed leaves of Coca into the air for divina- tion,worship,and to ask permission from entities of the cardinal directions.Coca was considered so sacred that the shamans never consulted the oracle without first chewing Coca leaves and entering into a trance with its spirit.When consulting the ora- cle,they often threw the leaves on the ground with powerful intention,to then analyze the divinatory meaning,much like the yarrow with the I-Ching.
For thousands of years,the Qero,among many other tribes in the Andes,have ingested Coca to increase their energy to work and general vitality. Coca allows them to walk long distances without food and live more easily in high altitudes.They are very aware of the many curative properties of Coca and use it in poultices,salves,compresses,and teas.
数以千计的人,Qero 和安第斯山脉的许多其他部落一起,摄入了古柯来增加他们的工作能量和活力。古柯使它们可以在没有食物的情况下长途行走,并且更容易在高海拔地区生活。他们非常了解古柯的许多治疗作用,并将其用于膏药、药膏、敷料和茶。
Coca is ruled by Uranus,as it is one of nature's greatestenergizers and stimulants.It moves through the body like electricity,pulsating and nourishing the nervous system.Being a mental stimulant that activates extrasensory perception,great clarity,and the genius within,it is also a trademark for Uranian plants,Uranian (and Aquarian)plants like Coca profoundly stimulate the imagination,attuning us to our ability to surrender to spontaneity and the insightfulness of the present moment.
Guidance: The mighty Jaguar is the spirit animal to many great medicine peoples in the rainforest.The Jaguar has been regarded as one of the ferce protectors of the sacred and seen as a bridge to the upper worlds, or messenger from the realms of Spirit.Coca's light- ning-like energy has appeared today signaling the piercing clarity,foresight,and power you have avail- able to you right now.Jaguar's spirit rewards you as you as you stay true to your integrity in moments where you could easily give it away.Don't reject innate gifts you were born with;cultivate them and dont shy away from their magnificent power.The power of Jaguar is that of the greatest Shaman,able to assist in soul work and journeying to retrieve aspects of your power that have been forgotten or remained latent.
指导:强大的美洲虎是热带雨林中许多伟大医学民族的精神动物。美洲虎被视为神圣的保护者之一,被视为通往上层世界的桥梁,或来自精神领域的信使。表明您现在所能获得的敏锐的清晰度、远见和力量。Jaguar 的精神会奖励您,因为您在可以轻松放弃的时刻忠于自己的诚信。不要拒绝你与生俱来的天赋;培养他们,不要羞于欣赏他们强大的力量。Jaguar 的力量是最伟大的萨满的力量,能够协助灵魂工作和旅行以找回我们被遗忘或仍然潜伏的力量方面。
Wisdom —
智慧书 —
Rhodiola rosea
Upright:magic,wisdom keeper,purity,higher con- sciousness,clarity,intuitive intellect,enchantment
Reversed:overly analytical,unenchanted,unable to express thoughts,emotional blockage,self-absorbed Astrological Ruler:Uranus,Mercury
反转:过度分析,不着迷,无法表达想法,情绪阻塞,自我陶醉 占星尺:天王星,水星
For centuries,Rhodiola or “golden root”has been used in Russian and Scandinavian traditional medicine.Many studies have been published on this root,as it has been used to increase physical endur- ance,longevity,energy,productivity,and resis- tance to high altitude sickness,and to treat fatigue, depression,anemia,impotence,gastrointestinal
ailments,infections,and nervous system disorders.
In Asia,it is called“Plateau Ginseng,”and Tibetans consider Rhodiola root to be a sacred herb.It has been used by the Tibetan and other Himalayan peoples as a tonic herb,while Hima- layan Buddhist monks use the herb to enhance their spiritual power and increase concentration,mental capacity,memory,and endurance.
The Vikings used the aromatic roots of Rhodi- ola to fght infections and increase sexual prowess and sensual appetite and enhance fertility.The Inu- piat,and other Alaska Natives,used it as a medicine and food,made tea from the Howers or the four-to fve-year-old roots,and used the leaves and stems in salad and even sauerkraut.
维京人使用Rhodi-ola 的芳香根来预防感染,提高性能力和性欲,并提高生育能力。因努皮亚特人和其他阿拉斯加原住民将其用作药物和食物,用Howers或4 到5 年树龄的根制成茶,并使用叶子和沙拉甚至酸菜中的茎。
To this day,mountain villagers in Siberia use a bouquet of the sought-after roots prior to mar- riage to enhance loyalty,birth of healthy children, and increase fertility.Chinese emperors would send group expeditions to Siberia to harvest wild golden roots,as they knew it was the Siberian people's secret to staying strong and vibrant through the harshest of conditions.
Rhodiola,ruled by Uranus and Mercury,has the energetic signature of the elusive Unicorn— embodying the elements of intelligence,purity, ferce intuition,mastery,and wisdom.Unicorns are gatekeepers—ancient protectors of the forest.Like Uranus,your genius brings lightning-like brilliance to the moment,insight without bias,and intellect founded on intuition and grounded with the power of truth.On the contrary,this can signify a time of mental or emotional blockage,disconnection to divinity,intellect without intuition,and emotional immaturity.
由天王星和水星统治的红景天,具有难以捉摸的独角兽的活力特征——体现了勤奋、纯洁、直觉、精通和智慧。独角兽是守门人——森林的古老保护者。就像天王星一样,你的天才为当下带来了闪电般的光彩,没有偏见的洞察力,以及建立在直觉基础上并带有力量的智慧 真理的 r。相反,这可能意味着精神或情感阻塞、与神性脱节、智力没有直觉和情感不成熟。
Guidance:The Unicorn is known as the great protec- tor of the forest.Like Rhodiola,some Unicorns are said to live near high mountains to this day,nourish- ing and protecting the wise and ancient forests left. Rhodiola is in your cards today to remind you that you are intelligence embodied;intuitive,articulate, and knowledgeable,You exude mastery,wisdom,pu- rity,authority,and wisdom.Emotions do not cloud your judgment.Your actions are measured carefully and intuitively,as you contain ancient codes on the ways of Heaven and Earth.The subtle essence of the Unicorn resides in the third eye.If Unicorn medicine comes to you,your sense of wise creativity and alive- ness will deepen.Don't neglect your medicine.Honor your natural gifts.Stand tall.Own your medicine and who you are becoming.
指导:独角兽被称为森林的伟大保护者。像 Rhodiola 一样,据说一些独角兽至今仍生活在高处,滋养和保护聪明和古老的人森林离开了。Rhodiola今天出现在你的卡片上,提醒你你是智慧的化身;直觉敏锐、口齿伶俐、知识渊博,你散发着精通、智慧、智慧、智慧、权威和智慧。情绪不会蒙蔽你的判断。你的行为是仔细和直觉衡量的,因为你包含了天地之路上的古老鳕鱼。独角兽的微妙本质在于第三只眼。如果独角兽药来到你身边,你的智慧、创造力和活力会加深。不要忽视你的药物。尊重您的天赋。站得高。拥有你的药物和你正在成为的人。
38.CACAO —Initiation —
Theobroma cacao
Upright:initiation,spiritual test,revelation,access to the cosmic heart,divine love,light beings,chan- neling languages of light
Reversed:broken wings,self dis-trust,lack of self- love,step out of your own way
Astrological Ruler:Uranus,Venus
As empires rose and fell through time,all Mesoamerican civilizations,starting with the Mayo-Chinchipe 5,500 years ago,coveted Cacao for its nutritional power and supernatural properties. Cacao was also a pillar of their economies and an integral part of religious rites,appearing as a key ele- ment in many spiritual ceremonies,death rites,and sacrifices,
随着帝国的兴衰,所有中美洲文明,从5,500 年前的 Mayo-Chinchipe 开始,都因其营养能力和超自然特性而觊觎可可。可可也是他们经济的支柱和宗教仪式不可或缺的一部分,在许多精神仪式、死亡仪式和祭祀中作为 key ele-ment 出现。
In the Mayan creation story,Popol Vuh,gods created humans out of foods,including Cacao,and in another Mayan myth,their god Kukulkan,or “Feathered Serpent,”brought Cacao to the people. The Aztecs have a similar story wherein their god, Quetzalcoatl,came from the sky to give them Cacao.
在玛雅创世故事 PopolVuh 中,众神用食物创造了人类,包括可可,在另一个玛雅神话中,他们的神Kukulkan,或“羽蛇”,将可可带到人们面前。阿兹特克人有一个类似的故事,他们的神 Quetzalcoatl 从天而降,给了他们可可。
In a 1552 Aztec book ofherbal medicine called the Badianus Codex,Cacao fowers are noted to treat fatigue.In the Florentine Codex from 1590, prescriptions of Cacao beans,maize,and the herb tlacoxochitl (Calliandra anomala)are used to allevi- ate fever,shortness of breath,and faintness of heart. There have been over 100 uses found in historical texts,all of which correspond with Uranus's healing energetics,The plant helps the nervous system of exhausted patients,improves weakness and mental fatigue,simulates the kidneys,and helps with diges- tion and elimination,In addition to Cacao beans, preparations of Cacao bark,Cacao butter or oil, leaves,and fowers have been used to treat burns, bowel dysfunction,cuts,and skin irritations.
在 1552 年的阿兹特克草药书中,称为 Badianus Codex,指出可可可以治疗疲劳。在1590 年的佛罗伦萨手抄本中,可可豆、玉米和草药 tlacoxochitl (Calliandra anomala) 的处方是缓解发烧的、呼吸急促和心昏。在历史文献中发现了100多种用途,所有这些用途都与天王星的治疗 energetics,该植物帮助疲惫患者的神经系统,改善虚弱和精神疲劳,模拟肾脏,并有助于挖掘和消除,在除可可豆外,还使用了可可树皮、可可脂或可可油、叶子和可可豆的制剂来处理burns、肠功能障碍、割伤和皮肤i诊断。
Guidance:Quetzal has fown into your cards today symbolizing initiation.The sky gods are speaking and bathing your soul in liquid light as you traverse a se- ries of spiritual tests,The Quetzal is considered one of the highest divine apparitions as it is associated to the snake god Quetzalcoatl,the feathered serpent. Like Cacao,both are considered precious heaven- ly gifts from the sky gods.These divine apparitions today are asking you to deeply tune into the cosmic heart.Let it move you.Open yourself to receive the holy gifts provided and listen carefully to the light
language pouring through them.Keep elevating your frequency rooted in unconditional love.Step out of your own way,and allow your heart to blossom. Know that through this divine love,we experience the cosmic heart,the gateway to spirit.
语言从他们身上涌出。继续提升你的频率,植根于无条件的爱。走出自己的路,让你的心绽放。 要知道,通过这种神圣的爱,我们体验到宇宙之心,通往精神的门户。
—Breakthrough —
— 突破 —
Ginkgo biloba
Upright:the dawn of a new mind,new ideas,vision- ary thinking,mental clarity,resilience
Reversed;overthinking,clouded judgment,mental despair,weighted down by collective darkness
Astrological Ruler:Mars,Uranus
Once common in North America and Europe, Ginkgos were said to have disappeared from North America 7 million years ago,and from Europe 3 million years ago.They were thought to be extinct, only to be found growing in Chinese monasteries, where monks had been cultivating the trees since at least A.D.1100,They are now considered to be one of the oldest living tree species in the world,with fossils dating over 200 million years old.
银杏曾经在北美洲和欧洲很常见,据说银杏出现在 700 万年前的北美和300 万年前的欧洲。他们被认为已经灭绝,只在中国的寺院中被发现生长,至少从公元 1100 年开始,僧侣们就一直在修炼 trees,他们 现在被认为是世界上现存最古老的树种之一,化石的历史超过 2 亿年。
The leaves were traditionally brewed as a tea for gastrointestinal disorders,heart problems,and cognitive issues.The fruit was applied directly on skin and fungalinfections,and was helpfulin reliev- ing breast tissue inflammation,like mastitis.To this day,the nuts are a delicacy in East Asian cuisine,
and are consumedin small amounts toasted or fried. They are also used medicinally to relieve breathing problems,asthma,and bronchitis.
Ginkgo has withstood millions of years of challenges symbolizing strength,resilience,and sur- vival,Archetypally,Mars represents strength,cour- age,endurance,survival,action,and primal energy, all characteristics that Ginkgo has embodied across time.Like the transmitter ofhigher energy,Uranus, Ginkgo is stimulating,an initiator of action,and an invigorating source to the mind,
Guidance: The sword of truth held by the hand of God rises from the clouds,signaling a moment of
breakthrough.This double-edged sword is encir-
cled by a golden crown,symbolizing the victory of
transcendence over illusion.Both Ginkgo and Raven are ancient guardians of Earth,both symbolizing
the strength and resilience required to protect the
ethereal realm,the source of magic.If Gingko has
appeared in your spread today,you are about to
experience a total breakthrough,a revolutionary
change in consciousness.Bring the light of dawn to the ongoing cycles of darkness within yourself,or
those experienced on Earth;stay dynamic and fuid, and don't allow negativity to cloud your judgment.
40.GINSENG —Magician —
40.人参—魔术师 —
Panax ginseng,Panax quinquefolius
Upright;master manifestor,boundless energy, potential,resourcefulness,expansion
直立;高超的manifestor,无边无际,潜力,足智多谋,expa nsion
Reversed:untapped talent,lack of action,opportu- nities missed,disbelief of innate powers
Astrological Ruler:Uranus,Jupiter
Ginseng provides longevity and creative energy within each person.The shape of the root resembles a human fgure,symbolic of its deeply restorative effect on the body-mind.
人参为每个人提供长寿和创造力。根的形状类似于人类的 fgure,象征着它对身心的深度恢复作用。
Ginseng is likely the most studied herb in modern-day research,but long before North Amer- ica was colonized,Native American peoples used Ginseng in medicine.Midewiwin,a group of Ojibwe spiritual leaders skilled in medicine,used the root for pain relief and digestive troubles,to calm the spirit,and as a poultice to stanch bleeding.
人参可能是现代研究中研究最多的草药,但在北美洲被殖民之前很久,美洲原住民就使用医学上的人参。Midewiwin 是一群精通医学的Ojibwe 精神领袖,他们使用根来缓解疼痛和消化问题,以镇静精神,并作为止血的膏药。
The Meskwaki people of the Great Lakes region have used Ginseng as an aphrodisiac and a panacea.In China,the hotter and more stimulating variety—Panax ginseng—has long been one of the
五大湖地区的 Meskwaki人将人参用作phrodisiam和灵丹妙药。在中国,更辣、更刺激的品种——人参——长期以来一直是
most important herbs in traditional medicine.It is considered a life-prolonging cure-all.
Like Uranus,Ginseng's medicinal abilities are like a lightning bolt of pure life energy to the nervous system,reviving our innermost recesses. Jupiter's infuence allows it to strengthen our vital- ity,immune system,and general life force.As a pri- mary adaptogen,it has strong regulatory effects on our hormonal and endocrine systems,being a tonic herb that greatly calms and harmonizes the spirit, another trait Ginseng gets from Jupiter.
与天王星一样,人参的药用能力就像一道闪电,将纯净的生命能量注入神经系统,使我们最深处的凹处恢复活力。木星的影响使其能够增强我们的生命力、免疫系统和一般生命力。作为一种原始适应原,它对我们的荷尔蒙和内分泌系统有很强的调节作用,是一种滋补草药。极大地镇定和调和了精神,这是人参从Jupiter 那里得到的另一个特点。
Guidance:Ginseng,like the Magician in the Tarot, embodies the wizardry and brilliance.You are a mas- ter manifestor and now is the time to sow the seeds of your dreams to bring your intentions to fruition.
The tools,skills,and wisdom youve gathered have led you to this moment.Ginseng's unique signature trait reminds you to keep a clear vision consistently,unmo- tivated by ego(status,money,and vanity),to manifest a deeply powerful and creative light in alignment to your Higher Self,Reversed Ginseng reminds you not to fall into the trap of empty intentions,just because of the obsessive focus on the end result,Deeply listen and realize to the wizard within,and act solely with inten- tion and for the greater good.
41.POPPY —Dream —
41.POPPY—梦想 —
Papaver somniferum
Upright:mystery of dreamtime,the great unknown, breaking addictive habits,releasing unhealthy rela- tionships,aligning to new intentions
Reversed:lost in the labyrinth,confusion as to what is real,materialism,addiction,unintentionality,
Astrological Ruler:Neptune,Saturn
The earliest references to Poppies are found in the ancient land of Sumer,located in what is now Iraq and Kuwait.Sumerians grew Poppies all the way back in 3400 B.C.E,and cultivated the plant for both its medicinal and recreational use as opium, calling it hul gil or “the joy plant.”
最早提到罂粟花是在古老的苏美尔土地上发现的,位于现在的伊拉克和科威特。苏美尔人早在公元前 3400 年就种植了罂粟花.E,并将这种植物作为鸦片用于药用和娱乐用途,称其为 hul gil 或“thejoy plant”。
The euphoria-inducing plant quickly became a staple of cross-continent trading.It first gained influence in Assyria and ancient Egypt.Eventually,
it was one of the most important and profitable products being transported on the famous Silk Road across much of Asia.Civilizations rose and fell,but Poppy remained in many traditions.By the early 1800s,this unassuming fower led to mass addiction and the Opium Wars.
它是著名的丝绸之路上运输的最重要和最有利可图的产品之一,横跨亚洲大部分地区。保留了许多传统。到 1800 年代初,这个不起眼的冒险导致了大规模成瘾和鸦片战争。
In 1806,morphine was isolated from the Poppy and named for the Greek god of sleep,Mor- pheus,because of its sleep-inducing properties.It was hailed as a godsend,with its extraordinary abil- ity to numb any pain,no matter how severe.Next came codeine,another powerful pain reliever.Phar- maceutical companies began to manufacture heroin from Poppies.It was indeed a popular medicine for a long time before its addictive properties were brought to light.Now it's listed as one of the most
1806 年,吗啡从罂粟中分离出来,并以希腊的 sleep 神 Mor-pheus 命名,因为它具有诱导睡眠的特性。它被誉为天赐之物,具有非凡的能力,可以麻痹任何痛苦,无论多么严重。接下来是可待因,另一种强大的止痛药。制药公司开始生产 heroinPoppies.It在其成瘾特性被曝光之前确实是一种流行的药物很长一段时间。现在它被列为最
harmful drugs in the world,eventhough to this day its raw material is used to manufacture dozens of pharmaceutical drugs.
Guidance:Poppy's piercing dual nature and history are closely representative to that of The Devil card in the Tarot.The Devil represents the darkness of material obsession,addiction,and pursuit of false ideals for the sake of vanity and personal gain.The constructs of this reality(Saturn)have enabled a con-
指导:Poppy 的 piercing 双重性质和历史与塔罗牌中的恶魔牌非常相似。魔鬼代表着物质痴迷、成瘾和为了虚荣和个人利益而对虚假理想的追求的黑暗。这个现实(土星)的构造使一个 con-
torted darkness that does not belong to the soul sig- nature of this divine fower (Neptune).Look deeper through the lens of her beauty to find that she em- bodies the mystical magic of the dreamtime,the place of unbound potential where we regenerate daily and commune with the Divine.Be aware that excess and abuse of mystical powers or substances means that you'll likely end up lost in her dark labyrinth.Break the temptation and addiction to thought patterns and experiences that lead to escapism and empty in- tentions and align to the light found within the mys- tical darkness found in the dreamtime.
不属于这个神圣的 fower(海王星)的灵魂 sig-nature 的扭曲黑暗。通过她美丽的镜头更深入地观察,发现她体现了梦幻时光的神秘魔力,一个充满无限潜力的地方,我们每天都在这里再生并与超越和滥用的 Divine.Be 意识交流神秘的力量或物质意味着你最终很可能会迷失在她的黑暗迷宫中。打破对导致逃避现实和空虚的模式和体验的诱惑和成瘾,并与在梦境中发现的神秘黑暗中的光明保持一致。
Amanita muscaria
Upright:conduit,channel,bridger of realities,
connection to higher power,celebration,coming home,family,awakening
Reversed:a lack of belonging,disconnected from source,family healing,unhappiness,ungrounded Astrological Ruler:Neptune,Pluto,Mercury
Commonly known as Fly Agaric or Fly Ama- nita,this plant has been used in folk medicine since at least 6000 B.C.E.,making it one of the earliest recorded entheogens—hallucinogenic plant medi- cines used for religious and shamanic purposes.In Central European folk traditions,Fly Agaric is per- ceived as a gateway to the world of nymphs,fairies, dwarfs,and hobgoblins.In almost every tradition it is connected to the afterworld,and to a deepening of sexuality.
这种植物通常被称为 Fly Agaric 或 Fly Ama-nita,至少从公元前 6000 年开始就被用于民间医学,使其成为最早记录的致幻剂之一——致幻植物药剂用于宗教和萨满教目的。在中欧民间传统中,Fly Agaric被视为通往仙女、仙女、侏儒和大地精的门户。在几乎所有的传统中,它都与来世和性行为有关。
The ritual use of Fly Agaric is connected to the shamanic rites found in Siberia and central Asia.Among the Koryak people,the shaman would ceremonially ingest Fly Agaric,enter a trancelike
Fly Agaric的仪式使用与西伯利亚和中亚发现的萨满仪式有关。在Koryak人中,萨满会仪式性地摄入FlyAgaric,进入恍惚状态
state,and cross the gateway to the other worlds, after which others would join him by consuming his urine to experience the psychoactive effects.
Reindeer love this red-capped mushroom,and once they eat them,they behave drunkenly,twitch, make strange noises,and run aimlessly.This led to the custom of tribal peoples collecting and ingest- ing reindeer urine as a safer way of taking this hallucinogen.
Although Amanita is considered a deadly poison,the tradition of consuming this mushroom for enjoyment,as an aphrodisiac,or for medici- nal properties is still common.Amanita was used medicinally to treat bites of venomous snakes, joint ailments,mental imbalances,and psycholog- ical fatigue.
Since Amanita has been a medicine used ritu- alistically for divination,extra-sensory perception, channeling,and deep rooted healing,it greatly embodies Neptune's and Mercury's archetype.
Guidance:Your channel is open.Earth spirits cele- brate you as you come back home.You feel one with Nature,and all her offspring,your extended family. You can clearly see through the veil,and your gift of profound insight is now at hand.You are here to be a bridge for the children of the Earth,a conduit of
safety and healing energy for the newer generations. Embody the medicine of children;laugh,sing,and play,spreading joy in the world,regardless of your age.If you feel disconnected,breathe.Focus on re- leasing old breath by emptying your lungs with long exhales.Explore by connecting to Natures cycles and co-create with your chosen family to regain a sense of belonging.
新一代的安全和治愈能量。体现儿童之药;欢笑、唱歌、玩耍,不分年龄,在世界上传播欢乐。如果你感到与世隔绝,就呼吸。专注于通过长时间呼气排空肺部来重新释放旧气。通过连接到 Natures Cycles 进行探索,并与您选择的家庭共同创造归属感。
Surrender —
投降 —
Passiflora incarnata
Upright;sacrifice,surrender,choosing growth,trust- ing discernment,rituals of letting go
Reversed:deception,misguided intentions,deceiv- ing opportunities,unexpected halt,bad judgment Astrological Ruler:Neptune,Moon
Passionfower,a precious botanical native to Central and South America,was named for the Pas- sion of Christ—referring to his suffering and death by Roman Catholic priests in the 1500s.It was also called“la for de las cinca llagas”or“the fower of the fve wounds,"referring to Christ's stigmata.The five petals and five petal-like sepals of this fower repre- sent the 10 apostles,who remained faithful to Jesus throughout the Passion.The circle of hairlike rays above the petals represents Jesus's crown of thorns. Since its introduction into European herbal medicine,Passionfower has been used as an anti- spasmodic,hypnotic,anodyne,anxiolytic,sedative, and nervous system tonic.The leaf tea became pop- ular in North American medicine in the mid-1800s
Passionfower 是一种原产于中美洲和南美洲的珍贵植物,以基督的 Pas-sion 命名——在 1500 年代罗马天主教牧师中指的是 h是痛苦和死亡。它也被称为“la for de las cinca llagas”或“五处伤口的fower”,指的是基督的圣痕。这个花瓣的五片花瓣和五片花瓣状的 sepals 代表了 10 位使徒,他们在整个受难期间都对耶稣保持忠诚。自从它被引入欧洲草药以来,Passionfower 一直被用作nti-痉挛、催眠、安详、抗焦虑、镇静和神经系统补品。叶茶于1800 年代中期在北美医学中流行起来
for similar uses as those in South American tradi- tions.Passionflower tranquilizes edgy nerves and helps with insomnia,mood disorders,headaches, colic,migraines,menstrual cramps,diarrhea,neu- ralgia,eye disorders,epilepsy and convulsions,and muscle spasms and pain.
To this day Passionfower is used by many sha- mans in Horal baths to calm and cleanse the spirit. Passionfower is considered a bridge to“Christ con- sciousness,"which assists in direct communication with the mythical voice within.It was also used as an incense to alter the energy of spaces that were stressed,traumatized,or disrupted.Passionfower is ruled by the mighty powers of Neptune,the planet of spiritual realization,religious experiences, the spirit world,and maya,the great illusion.
直到今天,许多萨满在 Horal 浴中都使用 Passionfower 来镇静和净化精神。Passionfower 被认为是“Christcon-sciousness”的 b ridge,它有助于与神话般的声音直接交流,其中也使用了n.It作为一炷香,改变受压、受创伤或被破坏的空间的能量。Passionfower由海王星的强大力量统治,海王星是精神实现、宗教体验、精神世界的行星,以及 maya,即 great幻觉。
Guidance:Passionfower symbolizes surrender,sac- rifice,and the crucifxion of the ego.Passionfower resembles the need to sacrifce in order to make space and move forward.The all-seeing double headed Owl symbolizes the great understanding perceived from both sides,whether it be upside down or in- side out,and bestows Goddess Passionfower with unseen truths as she performs rituals for letting go. Owl is symbolic of discernment and able to light up
指导:Passionfower象征着surrender、sac-rifice 和e go 的十字架。Passionfower类似于 sac rifce 的需要,以便腾出空间并向前发展。无所不知的双头猫头鹰象征着从两侧感知到的巨大基础,无论是起伏还是内侧向外,并赋予GoddessPassionfower拥有看不见的真相,因为 she 执行放手的仪式。猫头鹰象征着洞察力,是照亮的象征
what needs to be seen.Passionfower today might re- fect the need to suspend actions that aren't aligned to your spiritual path.Are there certain decisions or action you've made that you must sacrifce in order to reassess your direction?Honor your intuition.It's okay if projects or original ideas come to an unex- pected halt.Discernment is key to experience greater truth and opportunities.
需要看到的。Passionfower today 可能会再次证明需要暂停与您的精神道路不一致的行为。你是否做出了某些决定或行动,为了重新评估你的方向而牺牲了?尊重你的学费。如果项目或原创想法突然停止,那也没关系。辨别力是体验更大真理和机会的关键。
—Acceptance —
- 接纳 -
Valeriana officinalis
Valeriana officinal是
Upright:order,loosening,acceptance,embracing imperfection,persistence,fow
criticism,perfectionist,self-judgment Astrological Ruler:Neptune
Ancient physicians referred to this plant as “Phu”due to the pungency of its smell,referenced in texts as “smelly old socks.”While other names of the plant,such as“all heal”and “cut finger,”are common,the Latin origin of Valerian's name comes from valere,meaning “to be strong and healthy.”
古代医生将这种植物称为“Phu”,因为它的气味刺鼻,在文本中称为“臭旧袜子。虽然植物的其他名称,如“allheal”和“cutfinger”很常见,但拉丁语Valerian 的名字来源于valere,意思是“强壮和健康”。
In medieval Sweden,Valerian was sometimes placed in the wedding clothes of the groom to ward off the "envy"of the elves and protect the marriage. It was said to be used by witches to protect and unbind those who were the target of evil spells.
在中世纪的瑞典,缬草有时会被放在新郎的婚纱中,以抵御 精灵并保护婚姻。据说女巫用它来保护和解开那些成为邪恶咒语目标的人。
The Nordic goddess Hertha put Valerian on her riding crop,causing the stag she rode to increase in power and speed.In combination with the bri- dle of hops,Valerian is suspected to have helped
北欧女神赫特a将Valerian放在她的马蹄上,导致她骑的 st ag 增加力量和速度。结合啤酒花的 bri-dle ,Valerian被怀疑有帮助
facilitate the journey between realms,the liminal space often inhabited by witches or between wak- ing and sleeping life.Both the Greeks and Celts used Valerian to ward off evil,traditionally hanging it in bunches around windows to repel spirits and protect the home from lightning.They also used it to consecrate ritual tools,promote peace,provide purifcation,break hexes,and enhance stability and happiness.A growing number of clinical trials now show how various types of Valerian improve sleep quality,and alleviate insomnia,exhaustion,fatigue, and pain.
促进ReAlms(女巫经常居住的阈限空间)之间或 Wak-ing 和Sleeping Life 之间的旅程。希腊人和凯尔特人都使用缬草来驱邪,传统上将其成束挂在周围,以驱除邪灵并保护房屋免受闪电的伤害。他们还用它来供奉仪式工具,促进和平,提供净化,打破妖术,增强稳定性和幸福感。现在越来越多的临床试验表明,各种类型的缬草如何改善睡眠质量,并缓解失眠、疲惫、疲劳和疼痛。
Valerian resembles Neptune's archetype,as the herb powerfully greatly relaxes the body and mind to experience deep states of rest,sleep,and even access to other worlds.Neptune is the planet of dreams,other realms,the subconscious mind,the psychic mind,imagination,and a fundamental con- nection to spirituality.Valerian assists us in aban- doning the story that keeps us bound to one reality, allowing us access beyond our physical body,into a greater,mystical reality.
缬草类似于海王星的原型,因为这种草药能极大地放松大脑和心灵,以深入体验休息、睡眠,甚至进入其他世界的状态。海王星是梦、其他领域、潜意识、通灵思想、想象力和与灵性的根本联系。瓦莱里安 (Valerian) 帮助我们摆脱了将我们束缚在现实中的故事,让我们超越了我们的身体,进入了一个更伟大、更神秘的现实。
Guidance: Valerian supports us by widening our trigger points and helping us to zoom out of a situ- ation that might be overloading you with anxiety or
stress.Remember,go easy on yourself,and dont push yourself too hard to meet goals.Valerian remedies the internal parts of ourselves that can embody Mouse energy,when were overly analytical,and judgmental, in high trigger mode.The message here is to take measure.Although your foundation can be estab- lished with great order,there is a certain amount of fow needed in order to enjoy creativity and growth. Dont exhaust yourself in the details;embrace your imperfections.
强调。记住,对自己的 f 放轻松,不要强迫自己太努力来实现目标。缬草可以修复我们内部可以体现老鼠能量的部分,当过度分析和判断时,处于高触发模式。这里的混乱时代需要有分寸。虽然您的基础可以井然有序地建立,但为了享受创造力和成长,还需要一定的off。不要在细节上筋疲力尽;拥抱你的不完美。
—Sensuality —
—感性 —
Mandragora officinarum
Upright:sensuality,discovering new forms of
intimacy,finding the inner beloved,expression of healthy sexuality,abundance
Reversed:blocked sensuality,shame around sexuali- ty,creative energy misdirected,unchanneled desire Astrological Ruler:Neptune,Venus
Known as Satan's apple,devil's apple,and man's root,Mandrake is one of the most famous mystical aphrodisiac plants.In ancient times,the dried root was soaked in wine and enjoyed as a love potion—and was believed to be a cure for infertility in women.Native to the Mediterranean,the roots of this unusual plant look identical to a little human. Also called“love apples”in the Old Testament of the Bible,the golden-yellow fruit of the Mandrake can cause intoxicating sexual desire.
曼德拉草被称为撒旦的苹果、魔鬼的苹果和人的根,是最著名的神秘壮阳植物之一。在古代,将干根浸泡在 wine 中,作为爱情药水享用——人们认为可以治愈女性不孕症。这种不寻常的植物原产于地中海,其根部看起来与小人类一模一样。在圣经的旧约中也被称为“爱苹果”,曼德拉草的金黄色果实可以引起令人陶醉的性欲。
According to the Kabbalah,Mandrake was the symbol for becoming one,and the text alludes to it being used in secret mystical rites in ancient Israel.In ancient Egypt,Mandrake fruit and wine
根据卡巴拉,曼德拉草是合而为一的象征,文本暗示它被用于秘密的神秘古埃及 Israel.In 仪式,Mand耙果和葡萄酒
were used as love offerings during courtship and consumed as aphrodisiacs.Mandrake is the embod- iment of Hathor,the Egyptian goddess of love and fertility.
Mandrake wasalso used in ancient Greece as a love potion and for ceremonial love rituals.Like in ancient Egypt,the aphrodisiac root was associated with the goddess of love,Aphrodite.Medicinally, it was used as a narcotic to relieve anxiety,depres- sion,insomnia,pain,colic,stomach ulcers,and constipation.
Mandrake 在古希腊也被用作爱情药水和仪式爱情 rituals。就像在古埃及一样,阿佛洛狄斯根与爱神阿佛洛狄忒有关,在药用上,它被用作麻醉剂来缓解焦虑、抑郁、失眠、疼痛、绞痛、胃溃疡和便秘。
Although Mandrake has a strong masculine signature,it's nature is much like those of Venus and Neptune.Mandrake powerfully shifts the body into a higher state of love bliss under the infuence of Neptune,as well as Venus's lusty and sensual energy.
Guidance: Mandrake is here to ask you to find new forms of intimacy.Ask yourself,what inspires bliss, joy,and passion in my life?Notice how you relax into fow and more easily attract what you need and desire when you focus on energy givers,such as joy.Man- drake is here to assist you in liberating unchanneled creativity and sensuality,releasing energy from the sacral center,and activating your pleasure centers to
指导:曼德拉草在这里请求您寻找新的亲密形式。问问自己,是什么激发了我生活中的幸福、快乐和激情?注意当你专注于能量提供者(例如j oy)时,你是如何将 ax 转化为fow 并更容易地吸引你需要和渴望的东西的。Man-drake 在这里帮助您解放未被引导的创造力和性感,从骶骨中心释放能量,并激活您的快乐中枢
experience a higher form of love.Dont allow unwor- thiness,fear of rejection,and inhibition of pleasure to stop you from experiencing higher love.Focus on giving your gifts to the world with overwhelming pas- sion and opening up to receive fully and fearlessly.
Death —
死亡 —
Brugmansia sanguinea,
血红布鲁格曼 /
Brugmansia suaveolens
Upright:breakdown,cathartic transformation,
rising from the ashes,elimination,death,shedding the old
Reversed:ignoring the call,mental and emotional crisis,illusion,shattered,refusing reality
Astrological Ruler:Pluto,Mars
Angel's Trumpets have an intoxicating scent and fowers that resemble angelic horns aimed downward,symbolizing the call of the angels to humanity.Plants in the Brugmansia genus and rel- atives like Daturas have a rich history of use among shamans and magic practitioners,eventhough they are poisonous.
天使的小号具有令人陶醉的scent和 fowers,类似于向下瞄准的天使horns,象征着天使的召唤对人类。Brugmansia属的植物和曼陀罗等相关植物在萨满和魔法练习者中有着丰富的使用历史,尽管它们是有毒的。
Some South American Indigenous groups, like the Kamsa,Jivaro,and Ingano,initiate their
一些南美Indigenous群体,如Kamsa、Jivaro 和Ingano,发起了 t继承人
children at a young age into the path of curander- ismo—becoming a healer—by ingesting Angel's Trumpet during a Hower ceremony.Jivaro boys who walk the shamanic path are given the medicine at the age of six to acquire an external-vision-produc- ing soul that lets them communicate with ancestors called arutam wakani.Boys and their fathers go on long pilgrimages to sacred waterfalls,where they engage in sacred bathing,fasting,and drinking of tobacco water.Then the Angel's Trumpet juice is ingested to effect contact with the supernatural during which the arutam wakani appear as jaguars and anacondas and enter the boys'bodies.
孩子们在很小的时候就走上了 curander-ismo 的道路——成为一名治疗师——在Hower 仪式上摄入天使的号角。走萨满教之路的 Jivaro 男孩在 6 岁时被给予药物,以获得产生外部视觉的灵魂,使他们能够与称为 arutam wakani 的祖先交流。男孩和他们的父亲去神圣的瀑布进行漫长的朝圣,在那里他们进行神圣的沐浴、斋戒和喝烟草水。然后摄入天使的喇叭汁以与超态接触,在此期间,arutam wakani 以美洲虎和蟒蛇的形式出现并进入男孩的身体。
Curanderos—healers—within many traditions incorporate Angel's Trumpet into master plant brews like Ayahuasca to enhance astral traveling and the spiritual experience.Other cultures around the world,including in Tibet,have also used these important poisonous plants within their practice. Many caution against the thoughtless use of Brug- mansia and Datura,which can be severely toxic and cause the kind of strong hallucinations and delirium that only experienced shamans should use for divi- nation and healing.
在许多传统中,Curanderos - 治疗师 -将 Angel's Trumpet加入Ayahuasca等主要植物酿造中,以增强星光旅行和精神体验。世界各地的其他文化,包括西藏t,也在他们的实践中使用了这些重要的有毒物质。许多人警告不要少用Brug-mansia 和 Datura,它们可能具有严重毒性并导致那种只有经验丰富的萨满才应该用于divi-nation 和治疗的强烈 haluciations 和谵妄。
Guidance;Angel's Trumpet signals a time of cathar- sis or death,A deep emotional breakdown is due or near,You may feel lost in your own emotional de- spait,depression,shame,or unworthiness,but know the angels of discernment and darkness are here to support you.Coming eye to eye with the darkest feelings within yourself catalyzes the greatest awak- ening.Deeply pause,let go of control,and witness the broken pieces within yourself with loving awareness. The medicine of the Bat symbolizes the need for a ritualistic death of relations,situations,or aspects of life.Bat,like Angel's Trumpet,signals catharsis and rebirth,signaling literal or metaphysical death of old patterns and worn-out habits.Understand that you can re-construct at any time,regardless of how shat- tered you might feel.
指导;Angel'sTrumpet预示着宣泄或死亡的时刻,深度的情绪崩溃即将到来,你可能会感到迷失在你的ow 中n情绪低落、抑郁、羞耻或不配,但要知道辨别和黑暗的天使是随时为您提供支持。与你内心最黑暗的情感相接,会催化最大的觉醒。深深地停顿,放开控制,以爱的意识见证自己内心的碎片。Bat的药象征着需要对关系、情况或生活的各个方面进行仪式性的死亡。蝙蝠,就像天使的小号一样,si gnals宣泄和重生,标志着旧模式和陈旧习惯的字面或形而上学的死亡。要明白你可以随时重新构建,无论你可能收取多少费用。
47.SKULLCAP Stillness
Scutellaria lateriflora,Scutellaria baicalensis
黄芩 Scutellarialateriflora,Scutellariabaicalensis
Upright:stillness after the storm,let go of control, trust in life,surrender to the divine plan,break open Reversed:breakdown,fright,post-traumatic stress disorder,unable to move on,broken
正直:暴风雨后的静止,放开控制,相信生命,臣服于神圣的计划,打破反转:崩溃,恐惧,post - 创伤性压力混乱,无法继续前进,破碎
Astrological Ruler:Pluto,Saturn
Skullcap's genus name,Scutellaria,comes from the Latin scutella,meaning a small dish or tray.This describes the shape of the calyx at the base of the fowers,which resembles a miniature skull.
黄芩的属名 Scutellaria 来自拉丁语scutella,意思是small盘子或托盘。这描述了花萼基部的形状,类似于一个微型头骨。
In Traditional Chinese Medicine,the roots of the species Scutellaria baicalensis have been widely used for more than 2,000 years to treat cancer,lung and respiratory infections,colds,bacterial pneu- monia,liver imbalances,hypertension,insomnia, infammation,and diarrhea.
在中医中,黄芩属(Scutellaria baicalensis)的根已被广泛用于治疗癌症、肺部和呼吸道感染、感冒、细菌性肺病、肝脏失衡、高血压、失眠、失眠和腹泻。
The Cherokee and other North American tribal peoples used Skullcap to ceremonially ini- tiate young girls into womanhood.The Cherokee created decoctions of the roots to treat breast pain, menstrual pain,kidney problems,and to stimulate
the reproductive system post birth.The Iroquois used an infusion of the powdered roots to prevent smallpox and to keep the throat clear.During the 19th and 20th centuries,the Eclectic physicians prescribed Skullcap for nervousness,exhaustion, muscular spasms,heart disorders,hysteria,uncon- trollable muscular tremors,and convulsions.
出生后的生殖系统。易洛魁人使用粉末状根的输液来预防天花并保持喉咙清洁。在19 世纪和20世纪,不拘一格的医生为紧张、疲惫、肌肉痉挛、心脏病、歇斯底里、不可抗拒的肌肉开了 Skullcap 处方震颤和抽搐。
Spiritually,Skullcap is used to bind oaths and consecrate commitments.It is a useful ally in initia- tion rituals,imprinting the vows made to oneself or between lovers.Skullcap is ruled by Pluto,the arche- type representing our will and power,which ties our relationships to our inner authority and leadership.
Guidance: The storm has passed,You've just weath-
ered or are weathering a storm.Ground deeply into the present moment.If you feel fear,find consolation in stillness as it re-adapts.The medicine of Scorpion embodies the stillness of darkness,and it assists by accepting sudden change with ease and calm.If you're feeling exhausted,drained,or depleted,this is the time to pause,and withdraw to your cave,You're in the process of rebuilding after the storm.Don't rush, reflect.Take the time to birth a new structure that supports a new version of yourself,
—Community 一
Piper methysticum
Upright:celebration,kinship with tribe,community,
friendship,union,finding your chosen family
Reversed:separation,seriousness,not wanting to connect with others,loneliness
Astrological Ruler;Pluto,Moon
Kava in Tongan means“bitter,”and in Hawai- ian it's called 'awa.Legend has it that Kava was brought over to the islands by the gods Kane and Kanaloa from their ancestral Polynesia.Kava was known as the drink of the gods and honored across the Pacifc Islands.
卡瓦在汤加语中的意思是“苦涩的”,在夏威夷语中它被称为“awa”。传说卡瓦是凯恩神和卡纳罗亚神从他们的祖先波利尼西亚带到岛上的。被称为众神的饮料,在太平洋群岛 (Pacifc Islands) 受到尊敬。
Kava is believed to first have originated in northern Vanatu thousands of years ago.Consider- ing the plant lacks seeds or a means to self-propa- gate,it is believed that it was tended to by the gods until the first Indigenous people arrived.Kava tea was regarded as a blessing and poured onto shrines, then later drunk by the kabuna,or spiritual leader of the ceremony.It was considered holy and only given to those of high rank,but eventually it became
more widely accessible,and to this day it is drunkin ceremony to bring the community together.
Sometimes called“the intoxicating pepper,” the effects of Kava are a curious combination of deep relaxation alongside stimulation to the central ner- vous system.Kava is relaxing to muscles and damp- ens pain,while increasing the fow ofthoughts.Kava can greatly increase mental clarity;ease depression, confusion,and sorrow;and sharpen intuition.Kava directly affects the limbic system,the control center of our emotions,just as the Moon does.
Plutonian herbs like Kava cause deep transfor- mation in our emotional mind.The energy of Pluto is that of regeneration,allowing us to decompress from accumulated emotions through the volcanic power of catharsis.
Guidance: Kava's energy moves through our ner- vous system like a Butterfly,relaxing,widening,and assisting us in surrendering.Although you might be amid an important moment in your life,remember that you don't have to do it alone.When you widen your circles intentionally,you receive support from the universe,and others to join you on the path.To fully draw upon Butterfly's medicine,it gently invites us to observe our position in the community in this moment.Are you a protector,creator,connector,or
指导:卡瓦的能量像蝴蝶一样在我们的神经系统中移动,放松、扩大并帮助我们投降。尽管您可能正处于人生中的重要时刻,但请记住,您不必独自完成。当你有意识地扩大你的圈子时,你会得到来自宇宙的支持,以及其他人加入你的道路。为了充分利用 Butterfly 的药物,它温和地邀请我们观察我们在此时此刻在社区中的位置。您是保护者、创建者、连接器,还是
visionary?And how does that correlate this moment in your life alongside your personal evolution:egg, caterpillar,cocoon,or butterfy?Oftentimes fnding your purpose within your community and the paral- lels with your inner journey can provide great relief and meaning.
49.PSILOCYBIN Commune —
49.裸盖菇素公社 —
Psilocybe cubensis,Psilocybe cyanescens, Psilocybe mexicana
Psilocybecubensis,Psilocybecyanescens,Psilocybe mexicana
Upright;communing with the sacred,connecting to otherworldly energy,remote viewing,regeneration
through union,coming together with a tribe,finding cosmic family
Reversed: disconnection,lacking community,fear of merging with others,lack of interest in connection, soul loss,pain from the past
Astrological Ruler:Pluto,Sun
Mesoamerican cultures,such as the Olmec, Zapotec,Maya,and Aztec,have used Psilocybin in rituals for over 10,000 years.The Aztec refer to Psi- locybin mushrooms as teonanácatl,meaning “fesh of the gods”in Nahuatl.They believed Quetzal- coatl,the feathered serpent and creator deity,placed the mushrooms on Earth as a gift.These sacred vision-inducing mushrooms were and are revered by Indigenous peoples as a gateway to the realm of the gods and a way to receive deep spiritual insight and
中美洲文化,如奥尔梅克人、萨波特克人、玛雅人和阿兹特克人,在仪式中使用裸盖菇素已有10,000 多年的历史。阿兹特克人将Psi-locybin 蘑菇称为 teonanácatl,在纳瓦特尔语中意为“众神的 fesh”。他们相信Quetzal-co atl,长着羽毛的 serpent 和创世神,将蘑菇作为礼物放在 Earth 上。这些神圣的诱导视觉的蘑菇过去和现在都被土著人民尊崇为通往众神领域的门户,也是接受深层精神情感的方式。
inspiration.When Spanish missionaries recorded these practices,they deemed the ceremonies to be devil worship.
Maria Sabina,a renowned Mazatec curand- era,held all-night mushroom veladas (ceremonies) while in a deep trance state to commune with God and heal the sick.She called the mushrooms ninos santos or“holy children.”When she was seven years old,she discovered the magical effects of the mush- rooms.She ate them and found herself in a realm with lots of children,who talked to her and played with her.María would hear a beautiful,supernatu- ral voice that would direct her healing,explain the nature of life,and teach her the language she spoke during the veladas.She called herself the inter- preter,the one who reads this sacred spirit language and transcribes it for others.
玛丽亚·萨宾娜 (Maria Sabina) 是马扎特克时代著名的人,她在深度恍惚状态下通宵举行蘑菇 velad(仪式),与上帝交流并治愈病人。她称这些蘑菇为 ninossantos 或“圣子”。当她七岁时,她发现了mush 房间的神奇效果。她吃了它们,发现自己置身于一个有很多孩子的王国里,他们和她聊天,和她一起玩耍。玛丽亚会听到一个美丽的、超自然的声音,它会引导她,解释生命的本质,并教她他所说的语言维拉达斯。她称自己为 inter-preter,即阅读这个神圣的精神language并为他人转录它的人。
Modern-day research shows that Psilocybin produces substantial improvements in anxiety and depression symptoms,increasing a sense of well-be- ing and overall quality of life.
Guidance: Los Ninos Santos have come to tell you that you have arrived to your place of power.They are beacons of light on Earth,and offer psychic heal- ing on a collective level.Los Ninos Santos are asking
指南:Los NinosSantos 有 come 告诉您,您已经到达了您的权力之地。他们是地球上的灯塔,在集体层面上提供心理治疗。Los NinosSantos 正在询问
you to tune in and commune with the ancestors and powers that be to further develop your power.Psilo- cybin foods our body with light codes,loosening the knots weve volunteered to protect through the jour- ney of life.Don't resist the profound teachings;relax into the higher mind as you commune with its loving awareness.As you fnd home within commune with others and experiences that support you,connect to nature and the extensive community of energies that are lovingly there awaiting your conscious arrival. Commune with the spirits,and channel the wisdom provided with surefooted spontaneity.
你要调和并与祖先和力量交流,以进一步发展你的力量。Psilo-cybin 用轻盈的鳕鱼喂养我们的身体,解开我们自愿在生活的日子里保护的结。不要抗拒深奥的教义; 放松到更高的心智中,当你与它的爱的觉知交流时。当您在与支持您的其他人和体验的交流中安家时,与大自然和广泛的社区建立联系 充满爱意的能量在那里等待着你的意识到来。与神灵交流,并以稳健的自发性引导提供的智慧。
Rebirth —
重生 —
Banisteriopsiscaapi,Psychotria viridis
Banisteriopsiscaapi,Psychotria viridis
Upright;rebirth,mastery,great revelation,discov- ery of higher self,meeting with the creatrix,divine messenger,gifts from spirit,realization,telepathy, transcendence
直立;重生,精通,伟大的启示,高我的启示,与Cre Atrix的会面,神圣的使者,来自SPirite的礼物,实现,心灵感应,超越
Reversed:disbeliefin unseen forces,loss ofidentity, resistance to change,stuck in old patterning,unable to see beyond your experience,shattering of ideals
and desire
Astrological Ruler:Pluto,Jupiter,Neptune
Ayahuasca is an ancient ceremonial brew native to the Amazon,used as a sacred spiritual medicine among many Indigenous peoples within South America.In Kichua,aya means“soul/spirit” and huasca means “vine.”Ayahuasca is primarily made of two key plants,the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and Psychotria viridis,also known as Chacruna, along with other ingredients,which vary depending on the medicine maker and curandero.
死藤水是一种原产于亚马逊的古老仪式酿造,在南美洲的许多土著人民中被用作神圣的精神药物。在Kichua 中,aya的意思是“灵魂/精神”,huasca的意思是“藤蔓”。死藤水主要由两种关键植物组成,Banisteriopsis caapi 藤蔓和Psychotriaviridis,也称为Chacruna,以及其他成分,它们因Medicine Maker 和 Curandero。
The ancient Ayahuasca brew is tradition- ally prepared for curing ills,divination,and as a
diagnostic tool for healing others.It is served by a shaman as sacred songs and dances are performed to honor and invoke the spirits,The brew induces a profound visionary state,igniting supernatural abilities,such as vivid communication with ances- tors,relationships with interdimensional beings, the ability to see into the future,and more,Ama- zonian folk healers have used Ayahuasca primarily to rejuvenate the body and soul,as well as to purge the body of accumulated toxicity as a cellular,gas- trointestinal,and psycho/emotional cleanser.Scien- tiic studies show that Ayahuasca may beneft those dealing with depression and PTSD,
治愈他人的诊断工具。它由萨满服务,表演神圣的歌曲和舞蹈来纪念和召唤灵魂,酿造引起一种深刻的幻觉状态,点燃超自然现象能力,例如与祖先的生动交流、与跨维度生物的关系、预见未来的能力,以及此外,Ama-zonian 民间治疗师主要使用 Ayahuasca来恢复身体和灵魂的活力,以及作为细胞、气体肠道和心理/情绪清洁剂清除体内积累的毒性。科学研究表明,死藤水 马y 有益于那些处理抑郁症和创伤后应激障碍的人,
Shamans connect transdimensionally to the supernatural world,the spirits of nature,and the universe,receiving key information about the universe and specific instructions on how to heal individuals.True shamans are mystics,healers, and divine messengers;they enter portals and ful- fll tasks and duties beyond our third-dimensional understanding.Ayahuasca is regarded as a master plant by shamans,and used as a primary medium, along with other herbs and herbal practices that assist in the process of purification and receiving supernatural skills that allow them to channel divine energy.
萨满与超自然世界、自然之灵和宇宙进行跨维度连接,接收有关宇宙和有关如何治愈个体的具体说明。真正的萨满是神秘主义者、治疗师和神圣的使者;它们进入门户并FUL-FLL 任务和职责超出了我们的三维理解范围。死藤水被萨满巫师重新定义为主要植物,并与其他草药和草药一起用作主要媒介协助净化和接受超自然技能的练习,使他们能够引导神圣能量。
Since Ayahusaca is composed of two sacred plants,each one archetypally contributes its essence to create this perfected elixir;Baniesteriopsis(Nep- tune)is the fertile ground that holds the vision, Charuna (Pluto)is the cathartic experience that broadcasts the visionary state,and the profound wisdom gained is Jupiter's blessing.
由于Ayahusaca由两种神圣的植物组成,每一种植物都原型 c 贡献其精华来创造这种完美的灵丹妙药;Baniesteriopsis(Nep-tune)是承载幻象的沃土,Charuna(冥王星)是广播幻象状态的宣泄体验,而获得的深刻智慧是 Jupiter 的祝福。
Guidance: You are mastering the power of awareness when aligning to a Higher Power.Ayahuascas spirit is here to support your ascension,drawing upon an- cient wisdom embedded in your DNA and the Earth, Allow yourself to be shattered as you travel through the cosmic womb,Ayahuasca catalyzes purification through the cathartic release of the known,only to reveal undiscovered terrain within your soul.You are one with the magnetic brilliance of Source,the intelligence that orchestrates the great mystery.Feel- ing lost in the labyrinth only comes when a loss of intentionality or respect happens.Offer your greatest intentions,sacrifce your needs,enter into the void without expectation,and allow yourself to be con-
指导:当你与更高的力量对齐时,你正在掌握意识的力量.死藤水精神在这里支持你的提升,汲取嵌入你的DNA和地球的古老智慧,让你在宇宙子宫中艰难地旅行时被粉碎,死藤水通过宣泄释放已知的事物来催化 ES 净化,只是为了揭示你灵魂中未被发现的领域。你是一体的,拥有源头的磁性光芒,那种揭开伟大奥秘的智慧。在迷宫中迷失的感觉只有在失去意图或尊重时才会出现。献上你最美好的愿望,牺牲你的需求,无期待地进入虚空,让自己被控制-
sumed by the oceanic consciousness.Remember,dear one,that to heal the world,you must heal yourself. You are the source of love.
由海洋意识总结。亲爱的,要治愈世界,你必须治愈自己。 你是爱的源泉。
A nima Mundi —
Croton lecbleri
Upright;oneness,merging with the divine,access to the world soul,occult knowledge,initiation,univer- sal donor,entry into the great void
直立;合一,与神融合,通向世界灵魂,玄学 KNowledge,启蒙,大学捐赠者,进入大虚空
Reversed:lost in the unknown,dark magic,over- whelm,inner confict,blocked spiritual sight
Astrological Ruler:Black Moon Lilith,Pluto
占星尺:黑月 Lilith,冥王星
Also known as Sangre de Drago or Sangre de Grado in Amazonia and South America,this plant has a long history of Indigenous use in the rainfor- est.The sap itselflooks just like blood,la sangre,and it was often painted on wounds to promote healing and seal them to prevent infection,as well as taken internally to prevent or stop internal bleeding. Indigenous peoples have used itin a myriad of ways: externally for wounds,fractures,hemorrhages,
在亚马逊和南美洲也被称为Sangre de Drago 或SangredeGrado,这种植物在雨季中有着悠久的历史。汁液本身看起来就像血液,la sangre,它经常涂在伤口上以促进愈合和密封以防止感染,以及内服以防止或停止内部出血。土著人民以多种方式使用它:外部用于伤口、骨折、出血、
hemorrhoids,and skin disorders;internally for acid refux,ulcers,and colitis;and as an anti-viral.This crucial and life-saving medicine was and stillis a sta- ple for thousands of tribal peoples.
Physically,Dragon's Blood is the epitome of Plutonian and Scorpionic energy,as both archetyp- ally rule the symbol of blood.Shamans have used Dragon's Blood in spell work,rituals of protection, purifcation,and consecration.In Christian art the dragon was symbolic of evil and sin,yet many other traditions hold that serpent deities like Dragons are benevolent,sharp-eyed dwellers that hold the mys- tery of the great void.
Guidance:Dragons are ancient guardians of the Earth,symbolizing hidden knowledge and auspicious powers of supernatural origin,Dragons are etheric beings that inhabit the deepest pockets of the ethers, and have dominion over the four elements.Dragon's Blood core oozes blood,representing the collective blood,the blood of nature,and serving as a gateway to the anima mundi,the world soul.As you enter the all-seeing portal of the great void,don't shy away from its vastness.Embrace it as you are undergoing this great initiation,Within this awakening,you will discover the unique pattern you contribute to the great tapestry of life,
—Nurture —
—培育 —
Melissa officinalis
Upright:Earth mother,access to the ways of the Earth,planetary guardian,balance of feelings and emotions,nurturance
Reversed:disconnection from the great mother,lack of self-nurturance,wounded inner child,healing the mother archetype
Astrological Ruler;Ceres,Jupiter
Melissa oficinalis is derived from the Greek word melsa,meaning“honeybee,”and it was planted by beekeepers at the Temple of Artemis to keep the sacred Honeybees happy.Both in ancient Greece and Turkey it was believed that planting Lemon Balm near beehives would attract Honey- bees and prevent them from abandoning the hive.
Melissaoficinalis源自希腊语melsa,意思是“蜜蜂”,it是由养蜂人在Artemis 神庙种植的,以使神圣的蜜蜂快乐。 在古希腊和土耳其,人们都认为在蜂箱附近种植柠檬香蜂会吸引Honey-bees 和阻止他们放弃蜂巢。
In the Middle Ages,a sprig of Lemon Balm was said to stanch bleeding.In more recent history, Lemon Balm is used for its relaxing effect on the central nervous system,providing great relief from stress,anxiety,and depressive moods.Scientiic studies have also found that Lemon Balm greatly
eases the negative mood effects from psychologi- cal stress.
缓解心理压力对 MOOD 的负面影响。
Various cultures held the belief that Lemon Balm retained mystical soothing and memory pow- ers.In folklore,it was used to ward off evil and pro- mote good health and happiness.An ancient Arab physician from the 11th century named Avicenna believed Lemon Balm“causeth the mind and heart to become merry,"and he introduced this herb as a cure for depression and anxiety.
各种文化都认为柠檬香蜂草保留了神秘的舒缓和记忆力。在民间传说中,它被用来辟邪,促进身体健康和健康。11世纪一位名叫Avicenna 的古代阿拉伯医生认为柠檬香脂“使思想和心灵变得快乐”。他介绍这个HERB作为治疗抑郁症和焦虑症的良药。
Lemon Balm embodies the archetype of both Jupiter and its feminine counterpart,the asteroid Ceres.Roman goddess Ceres rules health,agricul- ture,nutrition,fertility,our relationship to Mother, the nurturance (or lack thereof)within family rela- tionships,and our ultimate connection to Mother Earth.Ceres describes what we need to feel nur- tured in this life and how we nurture those around us.Like Jupiter,her qualities are jovial,supportive to our sense of well-being and longevity.
柠檬香蜂草体现了木星及其女性女性 c小行星谷神星的原型,罗马女神谷神星掌管健康、农业、营养、生育、我们与母亲的关系、家庭关系中的养育(或缺乏)以及我们与地球母亲的最终联系。在今生感受到滋养,以及我们如何培养周围的人。和木星一样,她的品质是快乐的,支持我们的幸福感和长寿感。
Guidance:Give yourself permission to mother the deepest core of yourself.Listen to your inner child. Retrieve the unconscious parts of your past,for- give yourself,and liberate the inner child that has remained silenced.Lemon Balm assists us in recon-
necting to the gentle power of nurturance.Her soft and gentle touch reminds us to connect to The Great Mother in all her shapes and forms.The medicine of Honeybee is here to serve you,prompting you to ask yourself,where can I soften and receive?How can I access my inner child to access great wholeness? Honeybee symbolizes the magic of nectar,vitality, prosperity,and the great inner and outer wealth that is ahead.
与Nurt Urance 的温柔力量相连。她柔和温柔的触感提醒我们与各种形状和形式的伟大母亲建立联系。eofHoneybee 的医生在这里为您服务,促使您问自己,我可以在哪里软化和接收?我如何能够进入我的内在小孩,以达到整体性?蜜蜂象征着花蜜的魔力、活力、繁荣以及即将到来的巨大内在和外在财富。
Wounded Healer —
Taraxcum officinale
Upright:wounded healer,wounds as tools to awak- en,healingjourney,inner-child healing
Reversed:wounded inner child,inactive,rejected
Astrological Ruler:Chiron,Jupiter
The English word for Dandelion comes from the French dent-de-lion or"lion's teeth,"referring to the spikey,pointed shape of the plant.The French also called this plant pis-en-lit or “pee the bed”due to its diuretic powers.Native Americans used it to treat kidney disease,swelling,skin problems, heartburn,and upset stomach.Traditional Chinese Medicine used it for stomach problems,appendici- tis,breast infammation,and to assist mothers with milk production.In Europe,it has been used to relieve fever,and treat boils,eye problems,diabetes, and diarrhea.
蒲公英的英文单词来自法语 dent-de-lion 或“lion's teeth”,指的是植物的尖刺形状。法国人也称这种植物为 pis-en-lit 或“pee the bed”,因为它具有利尿作用。美洲原住民用它来治疗肾脏疾病、肿胀、皮肤问题、胃灼热和胃部不适。传统中医用它来治疗胃病、阑尾炎、乳房不适,并帮助母亲泌乳。在欧洲,它已被用于退烧、治疗疖子、眼部问题、糖尿病和腹泻。
Dandelion is a survivor.It has an extraor- dinaryability to withstand hardship and thrive in disturbed environments.Dandelion loosens
compacted earth and grows deep tap roots that reju- venate the soil.And this is what it does to body and soul.It assists us in renewing,cleansing,mineraliz- ing,and adapting.In medical astrology,Dandelion is associated with the Sun and Jupiter.It's primar- ily an alterative—herbs that gradually restore the proper function of the body,increasing health and vitality—and bitter herb that works on the liver and gallbladder.
压实土壤并生长 EP主根,使土壤恢复活力。这就是它对身体和灵魂的作用。它帮助我们更新、清洁、矿化和适应。在医学占星术中,Dandelion与太阳和木星有关,它最初是一种替代物——逐渐恢复正常功能的草药的身体,增加健康和活力——以及对生命和胆囊起作用的苦草。
Chiron,also known as the wounded healer,was a wise centaur in Greek mythology who gave up his immortality to save Prometheus after he was acci- dentally pricked by a poison arrow and learned that, despite all his medical knowledge,he would be in pain forever.He ended up landing among the stars as a constellation.Chiron orbits between Saturn and Uranus,symbolically marking the liminal terri- tory between Saturn (the third dimension and con- crete reality)and Uranus (the ffth dimension and
凯龙,也被称为受伤的治疗师,是希腊神话中一位睿智的半人马,在他去世后放弃了自己的不朽以拯救普罗米修斯Acci 被毒箭刺穿,并了解到,尽管他有所有的医疗知识,他将永远处于痛苦之中。他最终以星座的形式降落在群星中。凯龙星在土星和天王星之间运行,象征性地标志着土星之间的临界点(第三dimension和具体现实)和天王星(第 f 维度和
the quantum mind embodying the rainbow bridge between the inner and outer planets).In astrology, Chiron represents our deepest,most tender wounds that are the most difficult to heal,yet it also marks where we hold our greatest gifts.
体现内外平面之间彩虹桥的量子思维ts)。在占星术中,凯龙代表我们最深、最难愈合的伤口,但它也标志着我们持有最伟大的 gif 的地方ts.
Guidance:Dandelion is here to remind you that you can thrive regardless of your circumstances.Take ownership over your wounds,find gratitude in the lessons,dive deep into the depths of your origins,and use your wounding to further define the purpose and healing you are here to transmit and share with the world.Don'tlet your pain define your personality,but draw from it for strength and purpose.Like Chiron, you are born from the seeds of higher order and intel- ligence.Embrace this great healing power you've been given,and go beyond the outlined path.
指导:蒲公英在这里提醒您,无论您的情况如何,您都可以茁壮成长。掌控自己的伤口,在课程中找到感恩之情,深入到自己的内心深处,并利用你的伤痛来进一步定义e你在这里的目的和治愈是为了与世界传播和分享。不要让你的痛苦定义你的个性,而是从中汲取力量和目标。像Chiron 一样,你是从更高层次的种子中诞生的。拥抱你被赋予的这种强大的治愈力量,并超越这条既定的道路。
- 目的 -
Withania somnifera (睡眠云)
占星尺:无第 r个节点,月 亮
For over 4,000 years Ashwagandha has been one of the world's leading adaptogenic herbs,due to its profound ability to restore and rejuvenate the body,mind,and spirit.Ashwagandha means “the smell of a horse”—ashbwa meaning “horse,” and gandha meaning “smell”—and it offers you the strength and stamina of a horse,while nour- ishing the female and male reproductive systems. The Latin species name somnifera means“sleep
4,000 多年来,南非醉茄一直是世界领先的适应原草药之一,因为它具有深厚的能够恢复和恢复身体、思想和精神。 Ashwagandha的意思是“马的气味”——ashbwa的意思是“马”,gandha的意思是“气味”——它为您提供马的力量和耐力,同时改善女性和男性的生殖系统。拉丁物种名称somnifera的意思是“睡眠”
inducing,”emphasizing its relaxing and restorative properties.
In Ayurveda Ashwagandha belongs to a sub- category of herbs called medbya rasayanas—medhya meaning “intellect/mental power”and rasayanas meaning “rejuvenating.”Rasayanas possesses Soma, the ambrosia of immortality.Traditionally,Ashwa- gandha is used to tone,strengthen,and revitalize, energizing and calming simultaneously.It maxi- mizes the body's ability to resist and adapt to stress, enabling the body to reserve and sustain vital energy, and promoting a sound and restful sleep.
在阿育吠陀中,南非醉茄属于草药的一个子类别,称为 medbya rasayanas——medhya的意思是“智力/精神力量”,rasayanas的意思是“恢复活力”。Rasayanas 拥有Soma,不朽的仙境。传统上,Ashwa-gandha 用于调理、强化和振兴,同时为人提供能量和镇静。它最大限度地提高了身体抵抗和适应stress 的能力,使身体能够储备和维持生命能量,促进健康睡眠。
Ashwagandha is ruled both by the Sun and Moon.It is a strengthening,regulating,immune protective,anti-aging,and mood-boosting embodi- ment ofthe energetics of the Solar archetype.At the same time,it provides restful sleep,deep relaxation, nervous system nourishment,and restoration,all of which are embodied by the Lunar archetype.
南非醉茄既受太阳支配,Moon.It 是 S 能量的增强、调节、免疫保护、抗 aging 和提升情绪的体现Olar 原型。同时,它提供安宁的睡眠、深度放松、神经系统滋养和恢复,所有这些都体现在月球原型 pe 中。
The Nodes of the Noon in Ayurvedic astrol- ogy symbolize our karmic trajectory:Rahu,or the North Node,has messages for our future self,our destiny,and what we are learning as a soul in this lifetime.Ketu,or the South Node,contains our karmic inheritance.
阿育吠陀星座学中的正午节点象征着我们的业力轨迹:罗睺,或北交点,为我们未来的自我提供信息,我们的命运,以及我们作为灵魂在今生所学到的东西。Ketu,或南节点,contains ourkarmicinheritance.
指导:南非醉茄,就像北交点一样,萌生我们神圣目的的潜力,在梵语中也被称为佛法。 元素在其中,因为它提供了强大的力量和适应性,但又具有月亮的深层品质,如放松、清醒、并扩展了意识。Ashwagandha提醒我们,没有必要完全了解您的全部目的才能实现它。当你与你的dharma保持一致时,你的内在和外在现实之间没有分离。它变成了一种有凝聚力的表达,因此给人一种完整和完整的感觉。也许你不清楚你想要的结果,所以你的努力感觉没有重点或没有目的。即使你已经失去了对“为什么”的联系,也要对旅程的神秘面纱持开放态度。 保持专注和好玩。继续遵循标志。
Bursera graveolens
正直:来自前世的礼物,激活d或礼物,连接到一个 ncestors,神圣的守护者,神圣的骗子
包括人们在宗教仪式中使用的一种药物,作为中和消极情绪的工具;让身心和空间恢复活力;带来peace、balance 和 good fortune;并与他们的神灵进行更好的螺旋式交流。
Palo Santo's medicinal qualities are very Plu- tonic in nature,as it powerfully cleanses malignant energy,while being highly invocatory and perfect for strong intention setting.Palo Santo has a long history of use as a magic wand that unlocks innate gifts that have lain dormant,inactive,or blocked, like wisdom,intuition,and sight to see into the past and past lives.
PaloSanto 的药用品质非常强,因为它能强效净化恶能,同时具有高度的祈求性和完美性用于强烈的意图设置。PaloSanto有作为魔杖使用的历史,可以解锁处于休眠、不活跃或受阻的先天天赋,如智慧、直觉和叹息t看到过去和前世。
指导:PaloSanto 是一根保护棒,它赋予我们解锁处于休眠、不活跃或bl 困境的先天礼物的能力。PaloSanto 和狐狸一样,作为精神向导在这里为您提供帮助,帮助您在精神世界中导航。TheSechuran (塞丘兰酒店)
狐狸原产于南美洲,栖息在PaloSanto的沙漠森林中寻求庇护,与这些珍贵的树木共生。狐狸象征着来世、隐形和神圣的骗子。PaloSanto中和了黑暗骗子的毒液,并将其毒药炼金;BecoMing神圣的骗子。PaloSanto在这里提醒您激活您休眠的礼物。您是神圣的守护者,走过了许多条路;要知道,你可以用 NEU 语言化最强大的毒药,甚至可以智取最聪明的骗子。
ADRIANA AYALES is a rainforest herbalist, medicine maker,mother,educator,and owner of Anima Mundi Herbals.Adriana started Anima Mundi in Brooklyn,NY,to bring
ADRIANA AYALES 是一位热带雨林herbalist、药物制造商、母亲、教育家和 Anima MundiHerbals 的所有者。带来
ancient remedies to the modern world.Her hearts purpose is to create a true farm-to-pharmacy experience through the art of medicine making,while offering a sustainable system of healing.She was born and raised in Costa Rica and has extensively studied amongst several healing traditions.
Adriana 的照片:River Nicholas + Pboto ofJosephine:Sara Franck