Actions 行动

Work Header 工作页眉

Rating:  评级
Archive Warning:  存档警告:
Category:  类别
Fandoms:  Fandoms:
Relationship:  关系:
Characters:  角色
Additional Tags:  其他标签
Language:  语言
English  英语
Stats: 统计
Published: 已出版:
Updated: 已更新:
Words: 字数
Chapters: 章节:
Comments: 评论:
Kudos: 真不错
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Red September  红色九月

Chapter 2: The Loneliest Time
第 2 章:最孤独的时光

Summary: 摘要

“Boys!” Nora’s voice breaks through the haze, making Henry jump back slightly, panting to catch his breath, “Shut up and discuss it in bed.”


“I’m bunking with him ?” He can’t help the incredulous tone in his voice, echoing around the vast space.


“He took you. You’re his responsibility.” Bug chimes cheerily, climbing to her feet and reaching out to grab Nora’s hand, pulling her up alongside, “Goodnight boys.”

Notes: 备注

Thank you so much for all the love on the first chapter!!! I am having so much fun writing this fic oh my god. Hope you enjoy this chapter, we get to meet all the crew:)

Small smut warning on this one but it's minor!

Enjoy!! 请慢用

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text 章节正文


There are moments in a person’s life that determine the course the rest of it will take. For some, it is the moment they get down on one knee to propose, for another it is a discovery that will change history. For Henry, it appears to be the moment the bandits recover from the shock of his sudden statement and promptly burst into a raucous fit of laughter.


He frowns, putting his hands on his hips and trying his best to look menacing, straightening his shoulders and attempting to tower over the two men. Despite drawing up every inch of his height, absolutely making himself taller than both of the men, it seems to have no effect on them. The handsome bandit glances up at him, pausing his laughter, before making eye contact and starting all over again.


“Alright!” Henry snaps, “It’s not that funny!”


The first bandit recovers, tilting his head curiously at Henry, the smile that somehow comes across as warm still in place, “You’re a fascinating one, ain’t ya?”


Both men are holding guns, though not with any real intent. The first bandit’s is in his hand, limp by his left side, while the second bandit’s is currently being used to scratch his temple.


“You asked what would get you the most money.” Henry shrugs, trying to come off as nonchalant but he can feel his pulse in the tips of his fingers, buzzing through his entire body, “And you’re looking at him.”


The second bandit finally stops laughing, wiping the sheen from his forehead and pursing his lips as he stares at Henry head on. The second his eyes land on Henry again, his body warms from head to toe and he wants nothing more than to keep his gaze on him for as long as possible. His head tilts to the side as he regards him and Henry feels oddly exposed, resisting the urge to hide his face in his hands.


“I don’t get it.” He says finally, “What’s the catch?”


“Catch?” "接住了吗?"


The first bandit pipes up, “He has a point. Why would you just offer yourself up? Feels like a trap.”


Henry shrugs, “Maybe I don’t want you to kill my grandmother.”


He knows it’s utterly insane to offer himself up on a silver platter, that these men could turn around and shoot him without even batting an eye. But something deep inside of Henry is telling him to do this, to take the leap and just do something . He thinks of Bea, the fact that she could be out there somewhere, that she would want more for him than this life.


And it’s honestly reason enough to spur him on.


“Ew.” The handsome bandit says, “We don’t kill unless we have to. We’re not monsters.”


“Oh, but you break into an elderly woman’s house, threaten her and try to take everything she holds dear?”
"哦,但你闯进一个老妇人的家 威胁她并试图夺走她珍爱的一切?"


His grandmother is nowhere near that helpless, but it’s the last thing these men need to be aware of at this moment.


“Touché.” The handsome one honest to God winks at him, tipping the brim of his hat and Henry fights the urge to whimper.


He doesn’t want to think about why this is affecting him so much - he should be terrified , begging for mercy from these fearsome men but all he wants to do is to learn more. About one in particular.


“Look,” Henry sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as he realises this has somehow become more hassle than a robbery should, “you have about forty seconds before the sheriff shows up. Take me or leave me.”


Please dear God take me . He hits the small voice in his head with the biggest hammer he can possibly conceive.


The seconds tick past in silence as the three regard each other, the smile still firmly on the first bandit’s face as his eyes flick between Henry and the other bandit. He feels naked, the way the bandit’s eyes are wracking him up and down, clearly considering his offer and something deep inside of Henry is pleading for him to say yes.


“Fine.” The handsome bandit says eventually, shrugging.


Hardly .” "几乎没有。


“What, Pez?” He throws his hands up, exasperated tone in his voice, “He clearly has some fucking issues to work through and if we can make money from it why shouldn’t we?”


“I don’t have issues .” Henry scoffs, folding his arms.


“You offered yourself up for ransom to two men who you believed were eager to kill. Forgive me for thinking there’s something screwy going on in there.” He drawls, making a twirling motion with his finger at the side of his head and raising an eyebrow.
"你把自己交给两个人赎金" "而你认为这两个人很想杀了你" "You offered yourself up for ransom to two men who you believed were eager to kill.请原谅我觉得这里面肯定有蹊跷。"他说着,用手指在头侧做了一个旋转的动作,并挑了挑眉毛。


“Right then!” The first bandit - Pez - announces, tucking his gun into his waistband, “Shall we be off?”


The handsome bandit nods, “Right. Fine. Let’s go, princess. Pez, get the girls.”


“My favourite thing to do.” Pez throws him a wink before turning on his heels and dashing into the hall, “My loves, it’s go time!”


For a moment, it’s just Henry and the handsome bandit, who is making no moves to leave the room. Instead, he turns to Henry, fixing him with a firm look that matches the sombre frown on his face.


“Are you sure about this?” He asks, “There’s no going back.”


Henry nods, resolute, “A deal’s a deal.”


A small smile spreads across his lips and he nods back, “Alright then, Henry . Welcome to the wild side.”


Henry will think about what all this means later.


His eyes dart to the dining room table, the handsome bandit whose name he still doesn’t know following his gaze. There’s something oddly thrilling about being alone with him, in a way that confuses him. A smile spreads across Henry’s lips as his eyes fall on something, walking forward and grabbing it, tucking it under his arm.


“We can also take this.” He notes, nodding towards it in the crook of his arm, “This teapot would be worth a pretty penny.”


“I like you already.” The bandit grins before turning and walking out of the room, as though expecting Henry to automatically follow.


He does. 他是这么说的。


In the hallway, Pez is standing with two women, arms waving wildly, gun still in hand, as he gestures back towards the dining room. Their arms are linked while their free hands hold bulging satchels with what Henry can only assume are his grandmother’s most precious possessions. He wonders if they managed to get any of her plates - she never resisted the urge to drone on about her wondrous plates and how they had been gifted to her by Anna McHarrington the Third.


Their heads whip around in practised unison to face them, the first woman, tall, dark curly hair and a curled smirk while the other is smaller, daintier with a soft face that seems almost timid as she looks at him.


“Shit,” The first woman says, eyes wide as she stares at him, “he wasn’t kidding.”


“Well,” The other woman says, eyes curious, “I suppose we best be off?” It’s phrased more as a question but everyone nods in assent.


Henry isn’t fully convinced that he didn’t die twenty minutes ago, shoved into a storm of bullets by his grandmother, wherever she may be now. He feels guilty that he doesn’t feel guilt for leaving her - she has Phillip, after all.


“We need to go,” Pez says, eyes darting to the window where flames can be seen in the distance, “Horses are out back.”


“We need another horse.” Handsome no-name swears, “We can’t fit all of us and the bags on two.”
"我们需要另一匹马"无名帅哥发誓说 "两匹马装不下我们所有人和行李"


“I have a horse.” Henry says quietly, but no one seems to hear him.


“Me and my ladies would happily squish upon a singular horse-”


“Oh come off it, Pez. We did not think this through, fucking hell-”


“What if we go-”


“Drag the boy-” "把孩子拖走"


“I have a goddamned horse!” Henry snaps, the litany of voices around him coming to a complete standstill at his words.


“Oh.” "哦"


“Well why didn’t you say so babes!” Pez practically beams, turning to throw an arm across his shoulders, squeezing gently, “You are the gift that keeps on giving.”


Henry, despite the high levels of stress in his system, can’t help but smile at the other man.


“Right. Pez, take the girls and the horses and start heading south. We’ll get the horse and follow.” The bandit says firmly, ignoring the look that one of the women throws him, one that reeks of disapproval.


“I don’t think-” "我不认为......"


“Ah ah, I’m in charge!” He says, almost petulantly as he sticks his tongue out at her, waving her off, “Go. I’m serious. No point in us all getting caught.”


Alex snatches the teapot from the crook of Henry’s arm and passes it to Pez, who shoves it into his bag. He vaguely wonders if he will ever see it again.


The woman looks like she wants to protest but Pez loops his arm through her free one and drags the pair of them away, tossing an encouraging shout over his shoulder as he goes.


“Well,” The bandit turns to him, gun still held in hand, “lead the way, princess.”
"好吧,"匪徒转过身来,手里还握着枪 "带路吧,公主。"


Henry, feeling the flush creep across his skin once more, turns on his heel and heads for the front door, yanking it open and casting a glance over the gate. Rumbling erupts in the distance, voices melding together to create what seems to be a mob.


“Right,” His grip on the door is tight, gaze fixed forward, “We need to run.”


“What?” "什么?"


Run .” Henry hisses, ducking his head and bolting down the steps, across the grass and back out the unlocked gate, not looking back to see if he’s being followed.

He can feel his presence close behind, hear the sound of his feet pounding the ground below. The stables are close in the distance, the roof poking up over the hill and the voices grow closer as they approach the manor. He has no idea if they’ve been spotted, if they can be heard by the angry mob but he doesn’t intend to look back in order to find out. Despite himself, he can feel a breathless laugh blow past his lips as he runs, pumping his arms and legs as hard as he physically can.


“Are you fucking laughing ?”


“No!” He laughs. "不!"他笑了。


He feels… free . The wind in his hair, the grass beneath his feet and the feeling of being alive when he has been nothing but hollow for years. Even if it all ends in seconds, at least he knows what it feels like for a brief moment.


His chest burns as they reach the stable and he takes a moment to lean against the door, hand on his chest as he pants. The bandit stops beside him, wheezing out a long breath before speaking.


“This may have been a mistake.”


“Maybe.” Henry concedes, voice hoarse.


“I can’t bring myself to regret it, though.”


“Good.” "很好"


They make their way into the stables, shrouded in darkness as Henry heads for one specific horse, deep inside, almost hidden in the shadows.


“Hello, boy.” Henry smiles softly as he reaches a hand out.


David sniffs his hand before leaning forward, sniffing precariously before nuzzling into his palm, huffing out a breath.


“Good boy. Wanna go on an adventure?”


As though he understands him, David perks up, tail swishing and head shaking as he amps himself up. It’s not often David gets to leave the stables, to run, much like Henry himself. He’s the runt of the litter, completely ignored by Phillip in favour of the stallions that are brought out each morning. If Henry is to be free, the least David deserves is the opportunity to go alongside him.
大卫好像听懂了他的话,兴奋地摆动尾巴,摇头晃脑。大卫很少有机会离开马厩,像亨利一样奔跑。他是一窝马中最矮小的,菲利普完全忽视了他,只喜欢每天早上牵出来的公马。如果亨利能获得自由 戴维至少应该有机会和他并肩作战


“Really? Him?” "真的吗?他?"


He can see the confusion, David is the smallest by far of all the horses in the stable, his mane not as glossy as the others. But he is the closest thing Henry has had to a friend in the last few years, and he refuses to abandon him at any cost.


“Is there a problem?” He drops his voice low, in the signature Mary-Mountchristen-Windsor fashion.


It seems to have the desired effect as Henry hears a croaked “No.” over his shoulder. He smiles to himself, unhooking David and leading him out of his stall.
这似乎起到了预期的效果,因为亨利从肩膀上听到了一声 "不"。他自嘲地笑了笑,解开大卫的绳索,带他走出马厩。


“This is David.” He turns to face the bandit finally, to see him staring back with a strange look on his face.


“Your horse’s name is David?”


“Yes.” Henry says, “It rather suits him, doesn’t it?”

The bandit mutters something unintelligible under his breath as they leave the stables, and Henry smirks to himself. This is rather fun, all things considered. Once outside, Henry stops David in his tracks and turns to the bandit, raising an eyebrow and gesturing towards the house with a flair.


“You are a very weird hostage.” The bandit says lightly, before hiking himself up onto the horse.


He reaches down, hand extended for Henry’s and it makes him pause.

“What’s your name?”


“What?” "什么?"


“Your name.” Henry repeats, “I don’t make a habit of taking strange men’s hands, you know?”


“Oh, so you just offer yourself up for ransom to the pretty ones?” He laughs.
"哦,所以你就把自己献给那些漂亮的人" "Oh, so you just offer yourself up for ransom to the pretty ones?"他笑了


Yes . Maybe. Not thinking about it.


“It’s Alex.” He supplies, wiggling his fingers as he reaches for Henry’s hand, “C’mon, I can hear them all freaking out over there.”

Henry smiles, sliding his hand into Alex’s and allowing him to hike him up onto the horse. He flops down, arms immediately flying around Alex’s waist to steady himself, before realising what he’s doing and pulls back. The infernal flush of his cheeks is back, stronger than ever and he’s thankful that Alex has his back to him.


“Hold on tight, princess.” Alex says, and Henry enjoys the way his name sounds in his head, “It’s gonna be a bumpy ride.”
"抓紧了 小公主"亚历克斯说,亨利很享受他的名字在脑中的发音 "这将是一段颠簸的旅程"


Slowly, Henry winds his arms around Alex’s waist, keeping them loose and their midsections an appropriate distance apart. He has never been this close to another man, or even another person really. Alex kicks at David’s sides and the horse bolts, straight down the hill they had just climbed and back towards the village. At the downward turn Henry yelps, body slamming against Alex’s and his arms tighten instinctually, holding on for dear life as Alex weaves through the grass like he was born for this.


His hat remains firmly perched on his head, not even budging in the harsh winds.


Henry buries his face in Alex’s back, arms tightening impossibly more around his waist as he allows the warmth of the other man to envelop him, hoping it’s enough to keep him atop the horse.


Alex shouts something over his shoulder but it’s lost to the wind and Henry can’t bring himself to raise his head to ask what it was.


He hears shouts in the distance, angry in their tone but their words illegible and he realises they may have been spotted. Alex doesn’t seem deterred, leaning forward and urging David further, faster. A gunshot sounds and Henry jumps out of his skin, fingers digging into his own forearms where they rest wrapped around Alex’s stomach.


It’s the most dangerous situation he has ever been in yet he feels impossibly safe wrapped around the bandit. The shouts seem to fade in the distance the longer they ride but Alex doesn’t slow until a long time after, David snuffling as he tries to catch his breath as they slow to a more doable trod.


Henry leans back, chest heaving as though he had been the one running.


“Alright there, princess?” Alex says, still facing forward.


From his vantage point, Henry has a perfect view of the way Alex’s shoulders stretch in his shirt, his long toned neck leading to a pointed chin and sharp jaw that he can see from the side. His curls are spilling out of his hat and he resists the urge to reach forward and wind one of them around his pointer finger.


Despite his best efforts, Henry has never managed to think of any woman in such a fashion, and he doesn’t want to think about why it comes so easy with Alex.


“Just fine.” He replies eventually, gaze fixed on an errant curl, “Nice riding.”


“Haven’t heard that one in a while.” Alex snorts like he’s made a joke, but Henry doesn’t understand what it could be.


“Where are we going?”


“Would you even know if I told you?”


Henry stays silent which seems to be enough for Alex.


“We’re almost to the camp.” Alex says after a lengthy silence, “We can set up there for the night. The rest should have it set up.”


Henry nods, though Alex can’t see him.


His mind is a flurry of strange emotions and a yearning he can’t quite understand what for. But above all else there’s the realisation that he isn’t home anymore, that he’s free . He’s kidnapped yet he’s freer than he has ever been.


In the near distance, tents become visible and Alex slows David to a complete stop as they pull up alongside them.


“Holy fuck you actually did it!” The brasher of the two women hollers as Alex hops off of the horse.


He doesn’t respond, turning to face Henry, hand held out to help him down, eyes shining with mirth. Henry rolls his eyes in response, ignoring the hand and getting himself down in a well-practised manner, landing squarely on two feet. Alex’s hand hovers midair for a moment, mouth open as he stares at Henry, before dropping it.


“Right.” He says, “Yes, Nora. I’m shocked you doubted us.”
"对"他说 "是的 诺拉我很震惊你怀疑我们。"


“Alex!” The other woman dashes towards him, winding her arms around her neck and holding him close in a way that screams familiarity.


It makes Henry’s eyes look anywhere but at them.


“I’m sorry, Bug. All safe now, promise.” He grins at her as they pull apart, reaching up with the arm that isn’t around her waist to ruffle her hair affectionately, “And we have our prize.”


“Cheers.” Henry says dryly, reaching up to pet David, simply to have something to do with his hands other than hang limply by his sides.


“I like him.” Pez sidles up beside him, once again wrapping an arm around his shoulder like it’s just a thing they do and Henry can’t help the wave of affection that washes over him, “I like you.”


“Weirdly enough, I like you too.”


“Alright.” Alex barks, pulling away from ‘Bug’ completely, “Can we get settled? I’m fucking exhausted.”
"好吧。"亚历克斯吠叫着,完全从 "虫子 "身边拉开距离,"我们能安顿下来吗?我他妈累死了。"


In the short time since they had arrived, Pez and the girls had set up three towering tents, a blazing fire in the centre of them all. It looked oddly homely for a group of bandits.


Two horses are next to the tents, one completely white with a black circle around its eye, the other a deep chestnut brown with a luscious mane. David whinnies as Nora strokes his back gently, cooing to him as she leads him towards the other two horses. Henry watches carefully as the horses stare each other down before David seems to find what he’s looking for and settles in alongside them.


Henry wishes it was that easy for him to make friends.


“You need to eat.” Alex says to Henry, eyes darting to the arm around his shoulder before returning to his face.


“Mm,” Pez’s voice is directly in his ear, closer than Henry would consider appropriate for a complete stranger, “Food.”


His voice tickles Henry, the vibrations making him squirm, which only serves to make Pez bark out a laugh, using the arm around his shoulder to drag him towards the fire. When he glances over his shoulder, Nora and Alex are standing close together, a dark look on his face as he mutters something to her. Nora waves him off with a roll of her eyes before practically yanking him by the arm towards the rest of them.


Pez unceremoniously shoves Henry to the ground, sidling beside him and grabbing a nearby twig, using it to poke at the fire like a child, giggling happily to himself.


“You’re odd.” Henry comments fondly, which only makes Pez’s smile widen.


“Thanks babes!” "谢谢宝贝们!"


Henry finds that he quite likes Pez.


“So,” Bug says as they all gather around the fire, Henry wedged between Pez and Alex who flopped down by his side, their knees pressed together despite the vast space Alex has on his other side, “what’s your story, Henry? Why’d you decide to get yourself kidnapped?”


Henry shrugs, gaze focused on the fire, “There’s nothing there for me.”


“Ominous.” Alex says, taking a long swig from a flask before offering it to him, which he declines.


“I just…I needed an escape. Even just for a short while. You seemed like an opportunity so I took it.” Henry sighs, “It may seem foolish to you but I just wanted to do something with my life.”


“It’s not all the glitz and glamour that we make it out to be.” Pez says, which makes Nora snort loudly, “But damn if it isn’t fun.”


“That’s all I ask. Call it my ransom. Show me some fun, you can send my grandmother notice in whatever town we go to, then you can ship me back.” He says it with a bravado he knows deep down he doesn’t truly possess.
"这就是我的要求。就当是我的赎金吧给我找点乐子,不管我们去哪个小镇 你都可以给我祖母发个通知 然后把我运回来"他说这话的时候充满了豪气,他知道自己内心深处并不真正拥有这种豪气。


He knows he won’t want to go back. But a deal is a deal, and he will take this for as long as he can.


“Oh, princess.” He can hear Alex’s grin at his side, “We will show you fun, alright.” He waggles the flask under Henry’s nose again, “Ever drink whiskey?”
"哦,公主"他能听到亚历克斯在他身边咧嘴一笑:"我们会给你带来乐趣的,好吗。"他又在亨利鼻子下晃了晃酒瓶 "喝过威士忌吗?"


The most Henry has had is a brandy in Jessica’s father’s study under his watchful eye or a glass of wine at dinner alongside his grandmother. Never enough to have any sort of an effect on him, just enough to make his mouth taste disgusting.


“No.” He eyes the flask distastefully, “Do I want to?”


Alex snorts, and Henry can see the smile growing on his face out of the corner of his eye, but he keeps his gaze firmly on the flask, “You said you wanted fun. This is a good start.”


Everyone else remains silent around them as Henry regards the flask. He sighs, taking it from Alex’s grasp and unscrewing the top, taking a long swig of the liquid. It instantly burns on the way down, making him cough, but he’s surprised at the aftertaste that remains; smooth and smokey.


“Not bad.” He chokes out, passing it back to Alex, who takes his own swig.


“There’s more where that came from, princess.” Alex winks at him and Henry snaps his head back towards the fire and hopes the heat is enough reason to explain the pinkening of his cheeks.


Pez snorts, “Right. A lot to unpack there.”


Henry looks at him curiously but Pez waves him off.


“Well, Mr Mysterious,” Pez continues, waggling his eyebrows, “I suppose we should tell you our story.”
"好吧,神秘先生,"佩兹继续说道,挑了挑眉毛, "我想我们应该告诉你我们的故事。"


“Should we be telling our life stories to the person we kidnapped?” Nora pipes up, but Pez shrugs in response.


“Who can he tell? What can they even do? By the time we drop him off, we’ll be long gone.” The words sting slightly, despite the clear truth in them. “So, Hen, my dearest. Our story starts back many moons ago, in a town far from here…”


“Christ,” Bug cuts him off, pinching the bridge of her nose in the same way Henry does when he’s frustrated, “Alex and I left home when we turned eighteen to ‘find ourselves’ and all that. We found Nora in the next town over and then Pez caught one glimpse of her and has been following us around ever since.”


“Hey!” Pez protests before frowning, tilting his head to the side, “Actually no, that is accurate.”
"嘿!"Pez 先是抗议,然后皱起眉头,把头偏向一边,"其实不,那是准确的。"


“And finding yourselves involves ransacking people’s homes and stealing everything they hold dear?” He can’t help the snark that slides into his tone, raising an eyebrow.


“We do what we have to do.” Alex says ominously, taking another swig from his flask, “Don’t judge shit you know nothing about.”


Henry knows he should let it go, but he can’t help but turn to Alex, something uncomfortable settling in his stomach, “I could say the same to you.”


Alex’s jaw drops slightly but says nothing.


“You know nothing about me either. About my family. You just wanted to rob us, which is your prerogative. But God forbid I have negative feelings about that.”
"你对我也一无所知也不了解我的家庭你只是想抢劫我们 这是你的特权但上帝不允许我对此有负面情绪"


“Henry-” 亨利


“There was something mentioned about food? I’ll fetch next to nothing if you’re just lugging my corpse.”


“Here,” Bug passes him a hunk of meat and some bread over the fire, giving him a soft smile as she does. He feels oddly understood, “More where that came from.”


He nods in thanks and sits in silence as the rest pass low chatter across the fire, except for Alex. He remains silent at Henry’s side, sipping away at his flask. Pez brings out his own identical flask, passing it back and forth with Henry, whose sips get bigger each time it’s passed to him.


Warmth floods through him as the whiskey settles in his system. He feels loose and vaguely sleepy as he rests his body against Pez’s. Somewhere distant to himself, he can feel Pez drop a kiss to the top of his head and for a moment, deep in the depths of exhaustion and alcohol, it feels as though Bea is back by his side. And the thought makes him smile.


Bea would love Pez. Bea 会喜欢 Pez 的。


“Right!” Pez nudges Henry gently, jolting him from his haze, “It’s bed time, my dear.”


“Yes.” Henry mumbles, reaching up to wipe his eyes, “Do I get my own tent?”


“Not a chance, princess.” Alex chimes in, his first words spoken in however long, “You could do a runner.”
"不可能,公主"艾利克斯也插话了,这是他这么久以来说的第一句话 "你可以跑跑步"


“Need I remind you that I came here willingly ?”


“You’re still a hostage. Who’s to say you won’t rob us blind and disappear into the night?”
"你还是人质谁能保证你不会把我们抢个精光 然后消失在夜色中?"


“Oh, sorry. Rob you blind of my things?”


“Please. Your grandmother’s things. I doubt you’ve worked a day in your life.”


“Is stealing people’s possessions considered work now?”


Passing barbs, Henry finds himself face to face with Alex, glowering at him and fists clenched by his sides. Alex is looking down at him, eyes narrowed and nostrils flaring. Henry needs to pull back before he does something that gets him killed. Like punch him, or worse, k-


“Boys!” Nora’s voice breaks through the haze, making Henry jump back slightly, panting to catch his breath, “Shut up and discuss it in bed.”


“I’m bunking with him ?” He can’t help the incredulous tone in his voice, echoing around the vast space.


“He took you. You’re his responsibility.” Bug chimes cheerily, climbing to her feet and reaching out to grab Nora’s hand, pulling her up alongside, “Goodnight boys.”


“Night loves!” Pez trills, before turning to face Henry with a wolfish grin, “Think you two can not strangle each other in the night?”


“No.” They grit out in unison, which only serves to make Pez positively light up.
"不"他们异口同声地咬牙切齿,这让 Pez 兴奋不已。


“Excellent! See you in the morning.” He waves happily before tottering off to his own tent, leaving Alex and Henry side by side next to the fire.
"好极了 明早见" "Excellent!明早见。"他高兴地挥挥手,然后摇摇晃晃地走向自己的帐篷,留下亚历克斯和亨利并排在火堆旁。


“I think I liked you better when I thought you were a damsel in distress.” Alex mutters, scuffing at the dirt below with his shoe.


“Funny, I liked you more before I knew your name.”


“Whatever.” Alex sighs, “Come on, then.”


“I can sleep out here. Or with Pez.”


“You’d prefer to sleep with Pez?” Alex raises an eyebrow, something indiscernible in his tone.


“Does it matter?” "这重要吗?"


“I guess not,” He sighs, “and no. Because odds are he’ll end up in the girl’s tent in the middle of the night. So you’re with me.”


Henry chooses not to question what that means, he can piece it together well enough.


“Fine.” "好吧"


“Fine.” "好吧"


Fine .” "好吧


Henry hates him. He hates him so fucking badly so why does he want to do something stupid like kiss him -
亨利恨他。他恨他恨得要死 为什么还要做亲吻他这样的蠢事?


Oh no. 哦,不


Oh Christ no. 哦,上帝啊


Suddenly, in the dim light of the fire, hatred blazing in Alex’s eyes, does Henry realise something very important. There’s a reason why, no matter how hard he has tried, to have feelings for Jessica Hampton, or any other woman his grandmother has shoved under his nose. A very apparent reason that is somehow only now hitting him. Something he may not have realised without the copious amounts of whiskey currently washing through his veins.


He wants Alex. He wants Alex so much that it is setting his skin on fire and he has to dig his fingers into the dirt below to stop himself from launching himself at him. He can picture himself now, leaning forward and capturing those full lips with his own, and the thought of that does more for him than the actual feeling of any woman’s lips beneath his own.


This is very bad.


He can practically feel his grandmother’s disapproval from miles away; if she wouldn’t settle for any less than Jessica Hampton, he can’t quite imagine her reaction to a man , let alone a bandit.


“Uh, are you okay?”


Henry jolts back to reality, feeling his skin turn an unexplainable shade of red, “Yes. Sorry. I…lost in thought.”


“Right.” Alex stretches out the vowel awkwardly before clearing his throat, “Bed?”


“Bed.” Henry croaks, climbing to his feet, knees practically knocking together as he trails after Alex.


The tent is roomy enough, set up with a singular bedroll in the corner, just about big enough for two. Three satchels are strewn across the space as well as an unlit candle. The moment the tent flap slides down behind them, they are shrouded in darkness. Henry hears a sharp sound before light floods the tent, Alex dropping two pieces of flint back onto the ground.


“Nice place.” Henry says lightly, trying to dispel the tension in the air, so thick it’s choking him.


Alex snorts, “Thanks.” 亚历克斯嗤之以鼻:"谢谢。"


Henry finds himself staring at the bedroll, big enough to hold them both but meaning they would have to be pressed together, side by side. He isn’t quite sure, with recent revelations, if he’s able to handle it.


Alex stretches his arms above his head and in a downright insane move designed to test Henry’s restraint, whips his shirt off before sitting down on the bedroll to unlace his boots, tossing them aside with little care. If that wasn’t enough, Alex sheds his pants, leaving him in just a pair of briefs that leave very little to the imagination and that goddamn hat atop his head.


Henry can feel his throat closing up as he forces his gaze upward to meet Alex’s eyes, who looks oddly amused. He feels oddly childish under his gaze, like a fawn caught in the trap of a hunter, unable to move. Yet he doesn’t want to.


“Alright there?” "还好吗?"


“Yep.” He forces out, voice strained, throat tightening at the sight before him.


“Awesome. You gonna strip?”


“I suppose that would be wise.” Henry says lowly, pulling off his own shirt before hesitating with his pants.


“Just take them off princess. I don’t bite.” Alex pauses, sending him a wink as he sheds the hat, tossing it to the side, “Unless you want me to.”


Yes, actually, I do , “I’ll pass.”


“Shame.” Alex says, so quietly Henry isn’t sure that it’s not a figment of his imagination, “Real shame.”
"耻辱"亚历克斯说得很小声 亨利不确定这是不是他的想象 "真的很羞耻"


Henry knows it’s best for his sanity not to comment.


Never once in his life has he heard of men with other men, and he does not plan on broaching that topic with Alex. Alex likes to joke and Henry does not want to risk the tentative standing he has with him by doing something extremely stupid - no matter how good it would feel. And God , he knows it would feel good -


“Henry?” "亨利?"


He blinks back to reality to see Alex clambering into the bedroll, blanket pooling around his waist, waiting for Henry to lie down beside him. With a labouring sigh, Henry pulls down his pants and folds them neatly, placing them in the pile with his shoes and shirt. As he climbs into the bedroll he can feel the warmth radiating from Alex’s skin, enveloping him entirely.


Something below his waist stirs and he’s unsure of what it fully means.


“You alright?” "你还好吗?"


“Mhm.” It pains him to speak, “Just tired.”


“Okay.” A pause, “I’m a light sleeper.”


“Okay?” "好吗?"


“A very light sleeper. Don’t try to pull anything, alright?” Alex stretches his arms above his head, making the muscles in his abdomen twitch and practically glisten in the candlelight.


Henry sighs, “I’m not an idiot, Alex.”


“Just making sure, princess.” Alex fixes him with a smirk as he leans over Henry’s body to blow out the candle.


Henry holds his breath until Alex is at a respectable distance once more, their shoulders pressing in the limited space.

“Goodnight Alex.” He whispers.


“Night, Henry.” "晚安,亨利"


Henry lies awake long after Alex’s breaths have evened out alongside him. He knows logically he could roll out of the bed, dress quietly and climb atop David and ride off into the distance. But he doesn’t; because he doesn’t have a clue where he would be going.


That is the only reason.



Henry is hot, too hot head to toe. His skin is burning, his breath coming out in pants as his back arches, the throbbing below his waist getting more intense with each breath he takes. His briefs are too tight, clenching around his cock and he doesn’t know what to do. Doesn’t know how to fix it.


“Ah.” He whines, reaching down to adjust his boxers and letting out a low moan at the feeling it brings him, the brushing of his palm against himself. It’s an instant relief, though a fleeting one as the intensity comes straight back when he moves his hand away.


He reaches down once more, pressing the heel of his hand firmly into his cock and moans loudly at the sparks it sends through him. It’s exactly what he needs but he needs more . He wants to chase the sensation, let it crash over him like a waterfall then follow it over the edge of the cliff, wherever it will take him.

“Oh, princess.” A low voice croons in his ear, “You are just desperate for it, aren’t you? Let me help you.”


Before he can blink, a harsh hand, calloused and rough, reaches into his briefs, fingers trailing down his abdomen before wrapping around his cock, clenching tightly. He lets out a moan louder than he thought possible, his back arching to chase the sensation. The sparks lick up his spine, sending shockwaves through his system and he fears he might die if the hand stops its movements.


“Yes baby.” The voice continues, beginning to stroke his cock rapidly, dry and scraping yet perfect all the same.


The words light him up inside, making the sparks shoot harder through his body. He thinks that, all sensation taken away, that the words would still be enough to instil this feeling in him.


“Yes, yes, yes, yes.” Henry chants, eyes clenched shut as he thrusts his hips closer to the hand, “Please keep going. Please. Please.”


He doesn’t know what he’s begging for; more? Less? He just wants to ride out this feeling forever, completely foreign to him and unlike anything he has ever experienced. It’s everything.


“You like this? Like the way I stroke your cock?”


Yes .” No words have ever rung as true.


Something deep in his gut coils, like a band threatening to snap, pulling tighter, and tighter and tighter . His hand reaches down, grabbing the wrist that’s halfway into his boxers and holding it in a deathgrip, refusing to let it leave.


“Let go, baby.” The voice murmurs, teeth latching onto his earlobe and sinking into the plush skin, “Say my name.”
"放开我,宝贝"声音喃喃自语,牙齿咬住他的耳垂 陷进毛绒绒的皮肤里 "叫我的名字"


“I…ah…” "我...啊..."


Say my name .”


“Alex!” He groans, legs shaking as the band finally snaps, warmth rushing through his system as a feeling he has never experienced before washes through him.


His eyes snap open to find Alex still snoring loudly by his side, body facing away from him, his own legs shaking and his briefs uncomfortable wet and clinging to his skin. He’s covered in a light sheen of sweat and he sits up, pulling his knees to his chest as he tries to understand what the fuck that dream had meant.


He doesn’t get any more sleep that night.

Notes: 备注

hehehheehehe 嘿嘿嘿嘿
this is so fun 太有趣了

I love cowboy alex so bad. so so bad. so does henry ofc

Things gonna get spicyyyyyy

until next time loves xoxx
下次再见,亲爱的 xoxx