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by James Brooks Jessup 詹姆斯-布鲁克斯-杰瑟普
This dissertation is a social history of the urban community of lay Buddhist elites, known as “householders,” that vigorously pursued a mission of Buddhist activism in Shanghai during the first half of the twentieth century. The Shanghai householders were capitalists, doctors, lawyers, intellectuals and party members who chose to make a formal commitment to Buddhism and its goals of salvation yet retained their status as regular members of society with families and careers. They comprised the largest and most influential of the elite lay Buddhist communities that sprang up in cities across China during the Republican era. This study analyzes the social significance of the Shanghai householder community as it transitioned through a series of social and political upheavals from its emergence in the 1920s to its eventual demise amidst the transition to socialism in 1956. I argue that throughout these years Buddhist activism constituted an arena of civic culture in which urban elites were able to establish a durable source of moral authority and social legitimacy.
这篇论文是一部关于二十世纪上半叶在上海积极开展佛教活动的城市佛教精英(被称为 "在家居士")群体的社会史。上海的在家居士包括资本家、医生、律师、知识分子和党员,他们选择对佛教及其救世目标做出正式的承诺,同时又保留了作为有家庭和事业的普通社会成员的身份。他们是民国时期在中国各城市兴起的最大、最有影响力的精英俗家佛教团体。本研究分析了上海在家居士群体从 20 世纪 20 年代兴起到 1956 年社会主义过渡时期最终消亡的一系列社会和政治动荡过程中的社会意义。我认为,在这些年中,佛教活动构成了一个公民文化的舞台,城市精英能够在其中建立持久的道德权威和社会合法性。
The Press as a Medium for Change: Periodical Publications and the Shaping of Modern Chinese Buddhism
Lianghao Lu, PhD University of Pittsburgh, 2019
陆良豪,匹兹堡大学博士,2019 年

Through the lens of Buddhist periodicals, this dissertation argues that the modernization of Chinese Buddhism was shaped by debates, polemics, and communications via the periodical press, resulting in a multifaceted modernity discourse that allowed a progressive vision to coexist with a conservative one. Despite recent scholarship on the adaptation and transformation of Buddhism in Republican China, insufficient attention has been paid to the mediating role of Buddhist periodicals. This has led to a skewed historical view in which the reform discourse initiated by Taixu is seen as even more dominant than it actually was. By identifying seven periodicals from both conservative and progressive camps of Buddhists, this dissertation contends that the reform camp’s successful employment of the new medium of periodicals resulted in the dominance of both its own position and its modernization rhetoric.
By exploring, however, periodicals published by the conservative camp led by Dixian and Yinguang, I illustrate that the conservative camp also produced periodicals for the purpose of propagating particular Buddhist teachings to a targeted audience. In order to show the dynamics of the Buddhist periodical press, this dissertation explores several themes: the relationship between Buddhism and science; the discussion of Buddhism and the state; concrete practices concerning the temple expropriation campaign; and the exposition of Buddhist asceticism and vegetarianism. Buddhist

periodicals not only propagated arguments of elite leaders, but also included many ordinary contributors who had similar concerns and who ruminated on these themes. These authors are the main disseminators and agitators whose texts directly influenced the Buddhist community.
Furthermore, this dissertation discusses the often-neglected writings on Buddhist asceticism and vegetarianism in these periodicals. By doing so, it shows the fluid boundary between the reform and conservative orientations-the reform camp valued ascetic practices that showed Buddhist faith and countered charges of corruption, while the conservative camp was willing to absorb modern interpretationsto renew the vegetarian tradition. Overall, this dissertation shows that modern Chinese Buddhism was shaped by two camps and the periodicals they produced.