786 ( 68%68 \% female) participants completed the study in their undergraduate psychology tutorials; M_(age)=\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{age}}= 19.1. Participants were randomly allocated to one of three experimental conditions. 786 名( 68%68 \% 女性)参与者在本科心理学教程中完成了研究; M_(age)=\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{age}}= 19.1. 参与者被随机分配到三种实验条件之一。
Materials and Procedure 材料和程序
Need for Cognition Measure. Participants completed an 18 item version of the ‘Need for Cognition’ measure (Cacioppo, Petty & Kao, 1984, see Appendix A). 需要认知测量。参与者完成了18个项目的“需要认知”测量(Cacioppo, Petty & Kao, 1984, 见附录A)。
Reading. Participants were next shown an approximately 250 word page of text on one of three topics: 读数。接下来向参与者展示大约 250 字的文本页面,内容涉及以下三个主题之一:
Awareness of rips : Consisted of a description of the importance of rips when swimming in Australia and what to do if caught in one. The passage was written by ChatGPT with the prompt: "Can you please write me an approximately 250 word explanation of the importance of being aware of rips on beaches in Australia. Please also include advice on what a person should do if they are caught in a rip. " 对激流的认识 :包括描述在澳大利亚游泳时激流的重要性以及如果被困住该怎么办。这段话是由 ChatGPT 写的,提示是:“你能不能给我写一篇大约 250 字的解释,说明注意澳大利亚海滩上裂缝的重要性。请还包括有关一个人如果陷入困境应该怎么做的建议。"
Fundamental attribution error: Consisted of a description of the concept from social psychology. This was written by ChatGPT with the prompt “can you please write me an approximately 250 word explanation of the fundamental attribution error”. 基本归因错误:包括对社会心理学概念的描述。这是由 ChatGPT 编写的,提示“您能否请给我写一份大约 250 字的基本归因错误的解释”。
Personal circumstances prompt: A fictional passge designed to persuade, this was created by ChatGPT with the prompt: “Alby is a heroin addict who became addicted to heroin at a young age as a response to an impoverished and abusive upbringing. As an addict in his twenties he turns to non-violent crime such a break-ins and car theft to pay for his addiction. Can you please write an approximately 250 word piece attempting to persuade the reader that we should pay more attention to a person’s personal circumstances before judging them as a person.” 个人情况提示:一个旨在说服的虚构密码,这是由 ChatGPT 创建的,提示是:“阿尔比是一个海洛因成瘾者,她在很小的时候就对海洛因上瘾,作为对贫困和虐待成长的回应。作为一个 20 多岁的瘾君子,他转向非暴力犯罪,如闯入和汽车盗窃来支付他的毒瘾。您能否写一篇大约 250 字的文章,试图说服读者,在评判一个人之前,我们应该更多地关注一个人的个人情况。
The arrow/next button did not appear until after one minute had elapsed to encourage participants to actually read the text and not skip it. See Appendix B for the complete passages. 箭头/下一步按钮直到一分钟后才出现,以鼓励参与者实际阅读文本而不是跳过它。有关完整段落,请参阅附录 B。
Planetary explanations 行星解释
Participants read brief descriptions of two ‘alien/hypothetical’ planets, and were asked to comment on what they thought were the reasons for the disparities. One explanation was an ‘inherent/internal’ type explanation, e.g. “Maybe the Blarks have a lot more money because the Blarks are smarter, or are better workers than the Orps are, or there’s something else about them that makes them get a lot of money.” The other explanation was an ‘extrinsic/external’ type explanation, e.g. “Maybe the Blarks have a lot more money than the Orps because of things that happened a long time ago, like maybe the Blarks won a war, or they found gold, or something else happened that made them get a lot of money.” Participants rated each statement separately on a 9-point scale ranging from 1=1= ‘really not right’ to 9 ‘really right’. 参与者阅读了两颗“外星/假想”行星的简要描述,并被要求评论他们认为造成差异的原因。一种解释是“固有/内在”类型的解释,例如“也许 Blarks 有更多的钱,因为 Blarks 更聪明,或者比 Orps 更优秀,或者他们有其他东西让他们赚了很多钱。另一种解释是“外在/外在”类型的解释,例如“也许 Blarks 比 Orps 有更多的钱,因为很久以前发生的事情,比如也许 Blarks 赢得了一场战争,或者他们找到了黄金,或者发生了其他事情让他们赚了很多钱。参与者以 9 分制对每项陈述分别进行评分,范围从 1=1= “真的不对”到 9 分“真的对”。
Political attitudes 政治态度
After each planetary example, there was a measure of conservatism consisting of four 在每个行星的例子之后,都有一个由四个组成的保守主义措施
questions. Two related to participant’s tolerance of existing inequality, e.g. “How important do you think having a more equal distribution of wealth is for society on Planet Grag?”; and two related to attitudes about needing a societal change, e.g. “How much of priority should it be to change the way things are (e.g., laws, policies) on Planet Grag?”. (see Appendix C for a complete record of the content). 问题。其中两个与参与者对现有不平等的容忍度有关,例如:“您认为在 Planet Grag 上实现更平等的财富分配对社会有多重要?还有两个与需要社会变革的态度有关,例如“改变 Planet Grag 上的事情(例如,法律、政策)应该优先考虑多少?(有关内容的完整记录,请参阅附录 C)。
Appendix A: Need for Cognition Measure 附录 A:认知测量的必要性
<need for cognition measure, * are reverse scored> <需要认知测量,* 是反向评分>
I would prefer complex to simple problems. 我更喜欢复杂的问题而不是简单的问题。
2 I like to have the responsibility of handling a situation that requires a lot of thinking. 2 我喜欢承担处理需要大量思考的情况的责任。
3 Thinking is not my idea of fun.* 3 思考不是我的乐趣。
4 I would rather do something that requires little thought than something that is sure to challenge my thinking abilities.* 4 我宁愿做一些不需要思考的事情,也不愿做一些肯定会挑战我思考能力的事情。
5 I try to anticipate and avoid situations where there is likely chance I will have to think in depth about something.* 5 我尽量预测并避免我可能需要深入思考某事的情况。
6 I find satisfaction in deliberating hard and for long hours. 6 我从努力和长时间的思考中找到满足感。
7 I only think as hard as I have to.* 7 我只想尽我所能地思考。
8 I prefer to think about small, daily projects to long-term ones.* 8 我更喜欢考虑小型的日常项目,而不是长期的项目。
9 I like tasks that require little thought once I’ve learned them.* 9 我喜欢那些一旦学会就不需要思考的任务。
IO The idea of relying on thought to make my way to the top appeals to me. IO:依靠思想登上顶峰的想法很吸引我。
I I I really enjoy a task that involves coming up with new solutions to problems. 我我我真的很喜欢一项涉及为问题提出新解决方案的任务。
12 Learning new ways to think doesn’t excite me very much.* 12 学习新的思考方式并不会让我很兴奋。
13 I prefer my life to be filled with puzzles that I must solve. 13 我宁愿我的生活充满我必须解决的谜题。
14 The notion of thinking abstractly is appealing to me. 14 抽象思考的概念很吸引我。
15 I would prefer a task that is intellectual, difficult. and important to one that is somewhat important but does not require much thought. 15 我更喜欢一项智力性、困难的任务。对于一个有点重要但不需要太多思考的人来说,它很重要。
16 I feel relief rather than satisfaction after completing a task that required a lot of mental effort.* 16 完成一项需要大量脑力才能完成的任务后,我感到如释重负,而不是满足感。
17 It’s enough for me that something gets the job done; I don’t care how or why it works.* 17 对我来说,有些事情能完成工作就足够了;我不在乎它是如何工作的或为什么工作。
18 I usually end up deliberating about issues even when they do not affect me personally. 18 我通常会仔细考虑一些问题,即使它们对我个人没有影响。
For each 对于每个
uncharacteristic of
uncharacteristic of
me| Extremely |
| :--- |
| uncharacteristic of |
| me |
uncharacteristic of
uncharacteristic of
me| somewhat |
| :--- |
| uncharacteristic of |
| me |
uncertain 不确定性
characteristic of me
characteristic of me| somewhat |
| :--- |
| characteristic of me |
characteristic of me
characteristic of me| extremely |
| :--- |
| characteristic of me |
1 2 3 4 5
uncharacteristic of
me" "somewhat
uncharacteristic of
me" uncertain "somewhat
characteristic of me" "extremely
characteristic of me"| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Extremely <br> uncharacteristic of <br> me | somewhat <br> uncharacteristic of <br> me | uncertain | somewhat <br> characteristic of me | extremely <br> characteristic of me |
Appendix B: Readings 附录 B:读数
Awareness of rips 对裂缝的认识
Raising awareness about rip currents through educational campaigns, signage, and public outreach is essential for promoting beach safety in Australia. By understanding the risks associated with rips and knowing how to respond if caught in one, beachgoers can enjoy the coastline safely while minimizing the potential for accidents and tragedies. 通过教育活动、标牌和公共宣传提高对激流的认识对于促进澳大利亚的海滩安全至关重要。通过了解与激流相关的风险并知道在被困时如何应对,海滩游客可以安全地享受海岸线,同时最大限度地减少事故和悲剧的可能性。
Fundamental attribution error 基本归因错误
The fundamental attribution error (FAE) is a concept in social psychology that refers to the tendency of individuals to overemphasize personal characteristics or dispositions when explaining the behaviour of others, while underemphasizing the influence of situational factors. In other words, when we observe someone’s actions, we often attribute their behaviour to their inherent traits or personality, rather than considering external circumstances that might have influenced their actions. 基本归因错误 (FAE) 是社会心理学中的一个概念,指的是个人在解释他人的行为时倾向于过分强调个人特征或性格,而低估情境因素的影响。换句话说,当我们观察某人的行为时,我们通常会将他们的行为归因于他们的内在特征或个性,而不是考虑可能影响他们行为的外部环境。
This bias in judgment occurs because humans naturally seek to make sense of the world around them and understand why people behave the way they do. In doing so, we often rely on mental shortcuts or heuristics, which can lead to errors in judgment. The FAE can have significant implications in various contexts, such as interpersonal relationships, organizational settings, and even in the criminal justice system. 之所以出现这种判断偏差,是因为人类自然而然地寻求理解周围的世界并理解人们为什么会以这种方式行事。在此过程中,我们经常依赖心理捷径或启发式方法,这可能会导致判断错误。FAE 可以在各种情况下产生重大影响,例如人际关系、组织设置,甚至在刑事司法系统中。
For example, if someone cuts us off in traffic, we might immediately label them as a rude or inconsiderate person without considering that they might be rushing to an emergency or simply made a mistake. Similarly, in the workplace, we might attribute a colleague’s success to their intelligence or hard work, while overlooking the advantages they may have had, such as access to resources or supportive mentors. Understanding the fundamental attribution error is crucial for improving our ability to accurately perceive and interpret others’ behaviours. By being aware of this bias, we can become more empathetic and considerate in our judgments, taking into account both personal characteristics and situational factors that may influence behaviour. This can ultimately lead to better communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution in various social contexts. 例如,如果有人在交通中切断我们,我们可能会立即将他们标记为粗鲁或不体贴的人,而不会考虑到他们可能是急于赶到紧急情况或只是犯了错误。同样,在工作场所,我们可能会将同事的成功归因于他们的智慧或努力工作,而忽略了他们可能拥有的优势,例如获得资源或支持性导师。了解基本的归因错误对于提高我们准确感知和解释他人行为的能力至关重要。通过意识到这种偏见,我们可以在判断时变得更加善解人意和体贴,同时考虑到可能影响行为的个人特征和情境因素。这最终可以在各种社交环境中实现更好的沟通、协作和冲突解决。
Personal circumstances prompt 个人情况提示
Alby’s story serves as a poignant reminder of the critical importance of considering an individual’s personal circumstances before passing judgment. Born into poverty and subjected to abuse from a young age, Alby’s tumultuous upbringing laid the groundwork for his descent into heroin addiction. It’s crucial to recognize that addiction often arises as a coping mechanism in response to trauma and adversity, rather than as a result of inherent moral failing. 阿尔比的故事深刻地提醒我们,在做出判断之前考虑个人的个人情况至关重要。阿尔比出生在贫困家庭,从小就受到虐待,他动荡的成长经历为他陷入海洛因成瘾奠定了基础。重要的是要认识到,成瘾通常是作为应对创伤和逆境的一种应对机制而出现的,而不是作为内在道德失败的结果。
As Alby grappled with the grip of addiction in his twenties, he resorted to non-violent crimes such as break-ins and car theft to sustain his habit. While these actions may be viewed as criminal and morally reprehensible on the surface, a deeper examination reveals the underlying desperation and vulnerability driving Alby’s behavior. His actions were a manifestation of the stark choices presented by his circumstances - a stark choice between feeding his addiction and facing the agony of withdrawal. 当阿尔比在 20 多岁时与毒瘾作斗争时,他诉诸非暴力犯罪,例如闯入和汽车盗窃来维持他的习惯。虽然这些行为表面上可能被视为犯罪和道德上应受谴责,但更深入的研究揭示了驱动 Alby 行为的潜在绝望和脆弱。他的行为体现了他所处的环境所呈现的严酷选择——在满足他的毒瘾和面对戒断的痛苦之间做出严酷的选择。
By delving into Alby’s backstory, we gain a fuller understanding of the complexities that shape an individual’s actions. Rather than rushing to condemn him as a criminal, we are compelled to empathize with the adversity he has faced and acknowledge the systemic failures that have contributed to his predicament. Only by recognizing the interplay of personal circumstances and societal factors can we begin to address the root causes of issues such as addiction and crime. 通过深入研究 Alby 的背景故事,我们可以更全面地了解塑造个人行为的复杂性。我们不必急于将他定为罪犯,而是被迫对他所面临的逆境感同身受,并承认导致他陷入困境的系统性失败。只有认识到个人情况和社会因素的相互作用,我们才能开始解决成瘾和犯罪等问题的根本原因。
In essence, Alby’s story underscores the importance of compassion and empathy in our judgments of others. It prompts us to look beyond surface-level actions and consider the broader context in which they occur. By doing so, we can foster a more just and equitable society that seeks to uplift rather than condemn those who have been marginalized by circumstance. 从本质上讲,阿尔比的故事强调了同情心和同理心在我们评判他人时的重要性。它促使我们超越表面的行为,考虑它们发生的更广泛背景。通过这样做,我们可以培养一个更加公正和公平的社会,寻求提升而不是谴责那些因环境而被边缘化的人。
Appendix C : Planetary text and questions 附录 C:行星文本和问题
Now I want to tell you about a planet far far away called Teeku. There are two kinds of people that live on Planet Teeku, the Blarks and the Orps. And you know what? On planet Teeku, the Blarks have a lot more money than the Orps. The Blarks have a lot more money than the Orps. 现在我想告诉你一个很遥远的行星,叫做 Teeku。有两种人生活在 Teeku 星球上,Blarks 和 Orps。你知道吗?在 Teeku 星球上,Blarks 比 Orps 有更多的钱。Blarks 比 Orps 有更多的钱。
Why do you think this is? 你认为这是为什么?
[Inherent question] [固有问题]
Maybe the Blarks have a lot more money because the Blarks are smarter, or are better workers than the Orps are, or there’s something else about them that makes them get a lot of money. 也许 Blarks 有更多的钱,因为 Blarks 更聪明,或者比 Orps 更优秀,或者他们还有其他东西让他们赚了很多钱。 < 9<9-point scale (1=(1= ‘really not right’, 9=9= ‘really right’ ). >) .> < 9<9 -分量表 (1=(1= '真的不对', 9=9= '真的对' ). >) .>
[Extrinsic question] [外在问题]
Maybe the Blarks have a lot more money than the Orps because of things that happened a long time ago, like maybe the Blarks won a war, or they found gold, or something else happened that made them get a lot of money. 也许 Blarks 比 Orps 有更多的钱,因为很久以前发生的事情,比如也许 Blarks 赢得了一场战争,或者他们找到了黄金,或者发生了其他事情让他们赚了很多钱。 < 9<9-point scale (1=(1= ‘really not right’, 9=9= ‘really right’ ). >) .> < 9<9 -分量表 (1=(1= '真的不对', 9=9= '真的对' ). >) .>
<page break> <页面中断>
How negative is your impression of the current inequality between the Blarks and the Orps? 你对 Blarks 和 Orps 之间目前不平等的印象有多负面? < 9<9-point scale ( 1=1= ‘not at all negative’, 9=9= ‘extremely negative’).> < 9<9 -point scale ( 1=1= '一点也不消极', 9=9= '非常消极'>。
How important do you think having a more equal distribution of wealth is for society on Planet Teeku? 您认为在 Planet Teeku 上实现更平等的财富分配对社会有多重要? < 9<9-point scale ( 1=1= ‘not at all important’, 9=9= ‘extremely important’).> < 9<9 -分数等级 ( 1=1= '一点也不重要', 9=9= '极其重要'>
How much of priority should it be to change the way things are (e.g., laws, policies) on Planet Teeku? 改变 Planet Teeku 上的事情方式(例如,法律、政策)应该优先考虑多少? < 9<9-point scale (1=(1= ‘lowest priority’, 9=9= ‘highest priority’).> < 9<9 -point scale (1=(1= '最低优先级', 9=9= '最高优先级').>
How in favour would you be of leaving things on Planet Teeku exactly as they’ve been? 你有多赞成让 Planet Teeku 上的东西保持原样? < 9<9-point scale ( 1=1= ‘strongly in favour’, 9=9= ‘not at all in favour’).> < 9<9 -分数量表 ( 1=1= '非常赞成', 9=9= '完全不赞成').>
<page break> <页面中断>
Now I want to tell you about a planet far far away called Grag. There are two kinds of people that live on Planet Grag, the Joops and the Frips. And you know what? On planet Grag, the Joops always get better grades in school than the Frips. The Joops always get better grades in school than the Frips. 现在我想告诉你一个很遥远的行星,叫做 Grag。生活在 Planet Grag 上有两种人,Joops 和 Frips。你知道吗?在 Grag 星球上,Joops 在学校的成绩总是比 Frips 好。Joops 在学校的成绩总是比 Frips 好。
Why do you think this is? 你认为这是为什么?
[Inherent question] [固有问题]
Maybe the Joops get better grades in school because the Joops work harder, or ask better questions than the Frips do, or there’s something else about them that makes them get better grades. 也许 Joops 在学校取得更好的成绩是因为 Joops 更努力,或者比 Frips 提出更好的问题,或者他们还有其他事情使他们取得更好的成绩。 < 9<9-point scale ( 1=1= ‘really not right’, 9=9= ‘really right’).> < 9<9 -分数量表 ( 1=1= '真的不对', 9=9= '真的对').>
[Extrinsic question] [外在问题]
Maybe the Joops get better grades than the Frips because their families have more school supplies, like textbooks and computers and other things that help the Joops get better grades. 也许 Joops 的成绩比 Frips 好,因为他们的家庭有更多的学习用品,比如教科书和电脑以及其他可以帮助 Joops 取得更好成绩的东西。 < 9<9-point scale (1=(1= ‘really not right’, 9=9= ‘really right’ ). >) .> < 9<9 -分量表 (1=(1= '真的不对', 9=9= '真的对' ). >) .>
<page break / new section> <分页符/新节>
How negative is your impression of the current inequality between the Joops and the Frips? 您对 Joops 和 Frips 之间目前不平等的印象有多负面? < 9<9-point scale ( 1=1= ‘not at all negative’, 9=9= ‘extremely negative’).> < 9<9 -point scale ( 1=1= '一点也不消极', 9=9= '非常消极'>。
How important do you think having a more equal distribution of wealth is for society on Planet Grag? 您认为在 Planet Grag 上实现更平等的财富分配对社会有多重要? < 9<9-point scale ( 1=1= ‘not at all important’, 9=9= ‘extremely important’).> < 9<9 -分数等级 ( 1=1= '一点也不重要', 9=9= '极其重要'>
How much of priority should it be to change the way things are (e.g., laws, policies) on Planet Grag? 改变 Planet Grag 上的事情方式(例如,法律、政策)应该优先考虑多少? < 9<9-point scale ( 1=1= ‘lowest priority’, 9=9= ‘highest priority’).> < 9<9 -point scale ( 1=1= '最低优先级', 9=9= '最高优先级').>
How in favour would you be of leaving things on Planet Grag exactly as they’ve been? 你怎么会赞成把 Planet Grag 上的东西完全保持原样? < 9<9-point scale ( 1=1= ‘strongly in favour’, 9=9= ‘not at all in favour’).> < 9<9 -分数量表 ( 1=1= '非常赞成', 9=9= '完全不赞成').>
Awareness of rips on Australian beaches is crucial due to their potentially life-threatening nature. Rips are powerful, narrow currents that flow from the shoreline back out to sea, posing a significant risk to swimmers. Australia’s extensive coastline means that rips are common occurrences, making it essential for beachgoers to be educated about their dangers. 由于澳大利亚海滩上的裂缝可能危及生命,因此了解它们至关重要。激流是从海岸线流回大海的强大而狭窄的水流,对游泳者构成重大风险。澳大利亚广阔的海岸线意味着激流很常见,因此必须让海滩游客了解他们的危险。
If caught in a rip, it’s essential to remain calm and avoid panicking. The natural instinct may be to swim against the current back to shore, but this can quickly lead to exhaustion. Instead, swimmers should conserve energy by floating or treading water and signaling for help. It’s crucial not to fight the rip but to swim parallel to the shore to escape its pull. Once out of the rip, swimmers can then make their way back to shore at an angle. 如果陷入困境,必须保持冷静并避免惊慌。自然的本能可能是逆流游回岸边,但这很快就会导致筋疲力尽。相反,游泳者应该通过漂浮或踩水并发出求救信号来节省能量。关键是不要与激流作斗争,而是平行于岸边游泳以逃脱它的拉扯。一旦离开激流,游泳者就可以以一定角度返回岸边。
Additionally, being aware of rip currents can help prevent accidents altogether. Swimmers should always swim between the red and yellow flags, which designate patrolled areas and indicate safer swimming conditions. If unsure about conditions or the presence of rips, it’s best to ask lifeguards for advice or refrain from swimming altogether. 此外,了解激流有助于完全防止事故。游泳者应始终在红旗和黄旗之间游泳,红旗和黄旗表示巡逻区域并指示更安全的游泳条件。如果不确定情况或是否存在裂缝,最好向救生员寻求建议或完全避免游泳。