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The sins of the father

Chapter 9: Epilogue


Here's a little epilogue that I've written up, this is the conclusion to this story. Thank you to anyone who read/enjoyed this <3

Chapter Text 章节正文

Day 887 第 887 天

Out on the castle grounds, the autumn air is thick with the coming frost. Snowfall would descend upon the kingdom soon, and as such, the castle grounds are being prepared for the change in season. Leaves are being raked and discarded before they'd be buried beneath snow.

At the end of his day, Rin stops his work to examine the fading daylight. The sun would be setting soon and there was no point to raking in the dark, so he rolls his sleeves down to stave off the chill creeping onto his skin. Before heading inside, he quietly watches the sun setting along the horizon. Tonight, it would seem, the sun has decided to paint the sky a luminous red.

He heads inside to bathe and change out of his work clothes. This evening, he's been invited to dine with the king, and so he makes his way off to the king's room to meet with him. When he arrives, he knocks on the door and enters when he's prompted to.

Rin studies what he sees inside. The king is seated at his dining table, which has been set already. There's a pair of silver cloches on either side of the table, silver cutlery, a pair of wine glasses, a red wine bottle, and a vase with some roses as a centre piece.
Rin 仔细观察着室内的景象。国王已坐在餐桌旁,桌上已布置妥当。两侧各有一对银色钟形罩,摆放着银制餐具,一对酒杯,一瓶红酒,以及一个插着玫瑰的花瓶作为中心装饰。

Isagi quietly gestures to the empty chair across from him, and Rin moves to take his place there.
Isagi 轻轻示意对面空着的椅子,Rin 便走过去坐下。

"What's the occasion?" Rin asks, eyeing the dining setup with quiet skepticism.

"No occasion," the king replies nonchalantly, "I simply wish to test my cooking skills for you."

"What need does the king have for such folly?"

"There's much need, actually. Need for me to do something nice for the one I love."

Rin rests his elbow against the dining table and his chin in the palm of that hand, then gazes across the table at Isagi. The king is dressed in simple attire this evening, black silk dress clothes with matching gloves and a red rose brooch fastened to his left lapel. To Rin, he looks magnificent, sitting there as such with the deep red glow of the setting sun outside romanticizing every line of every feature on his face.
Rin 将手肘靠在餐桌边,下巴搁在掌心,然后越过桌子凝视着Isagi。今晚国王穿着简朴的服饰,黑色丝绸礼服搭配同色手套,左翻领上别着一枚红玫瑰胸针。在Rin眼中,他坐在那里,夕阳的深红余晖浪漫地勾勒出他脸上每一道线条,显得格外迷人。

When Isagi removes the cloches and places them aside, he motions for Rin to try the food, which he does.

"How is it?" Isagi asks.
"怎么样?" Isagi 问道。

"Well..." Rin shuffles the food around on his plate with his fork, attempting to find the right words to say without being hurtful. "It's a little... Bland."
"嗯..." Rin 用叉子在盘子里拨弄着食物,试图找到不伤人的恰当词汇。"有点... 淡了。"

"Is that so?" the king replies with a soft chuckle. He cuts a slice of the chicken off with his steak knife and stuffs it into his own mouth.
"是吗?" 国王轻声笑道。他用牛排刀切下一块鸡肉,塞进自己嘴里。

"Ah, so the king isn't a very good cook. I at least wanted to try my hand at it."

Rin shrugs at this and he continues eating despite the food's inadequate seasoning. He'd grown up poor, after all, and had eaten things far more disgusting than the king's bland cooking. The chicken was also dry and the vegetables were a tad overcooked, but he still ate it all, nonetheless.

When the food had been cleared off both their plates, the king uncorks his bottle of wine and pours them each a small serving of it, maybe around four ounces each.

"This is from my personal shelf." The king swirls the blood red liquid in the cup, holding his glass up to his nose to admire the scent of it. He then bobs the glass out between them. "To the changing seasons," he toasts, to which Rin quietly mirrors the tip up of his glass, and they both sip in unison.

"I have a gift for you," the king says, placing his glass back down on the table, then reaches around behind his chair. Rin watches on with mild interest, eyes widening when he sees something bizarre pulled and placed across the king's lap.

"That's..." “那是……”

"What do you think it is, Rin?"

Rin stares at the thing and bites his lip irritably.
Rin 盯着那东西,烦躁地咬了咬嘴唇。

It appears to be a sheathed sword.

Isagi takes up the weapon in his hands. He walks around the side of the table, where he kneels in a majestic stance with the sword slightly outstretched between the two of them.
Isagi 握起手中的武器。他绕到桌子一侧,以一种威严的姿态跪下,剑尖微微伸展在他们两人之间。

"Take it," he says. “拿去吧,”他说。

"The king would be a damn fool to place a sword back in my hands," Rin says obstinately, "And I would be even more of one to take it from him."
“国王要是把剑重新交到我手里,那他就是个十足的傻瓜,”Rin 固执地说,“而我若是从他那里接过剑,那就更是个傻瓜了。”

"Take it." Isagi's voice is peppered with insistence.

Rin hesitates and moves his gaze down to stare bitterly at the thing he'd sworn he'd never touch again. He then outstretches his hand to grasp it and take it from the king. He's startled when he finds there's a soft metallic sound rattling inside the sheath, and the object is far too light to be a sword.

"Of course, I'd expected you to say something like that, Rin," the king says, still on his knees. "I was only teasing you."

A suspicious side-eye is shot down to the kneeling king briefly before Rin grips the hilt and cracks the blade from its sheath. Well, it wasn't a blade at all, it would seem.

Dangling from the hilt of the sword, attached by a thin silver clasp, there's a gold chain. No blade. When he pulls it further up and out, Rin finds the king's gift. He touches it gently with curious fingertips... A gold pendant. It would appear, a locket.

King Isagi still watches as Rin clicks the locket open. The inside of it is empty, save for one thing:

A fingerprint, which had been placed against a piece of parchment, is fixed on one side of it. The other side is empty.

"The fingerprint is mine," Isagi explains, "Imprinted on that parchment there, with my own blood. A piece of me to carry around with you wherever you go."

Rin lowers the locket to gaze down a Isagi, who's still kneeling at his feet, a soft smile making its way onto his lips.

"May I?" Isagi extends his hand out between them. Rin takes a moment to look back at the locket clutched in his own hand before he closes it and drops it into the king's outstretched palm.
"我可以吗?" Isagi 在他们之间伸出手。Rin 先是一瞥自己手中紧握的项链盒,随后合上它,轻轻放入国王摊开的掌心。

The king then stands and quietly walks back around, behind Rin. The locket drops onto his chest and the clasp is fastened by Isagi's hands, securing it around Rin's neck. He then makes his way back around and onto his knee, in the very same place and pose he'd just been in.
国王随即起身,悄然绕回,站在 Rin 身后。项链盒落在他的胸前,Isagi 的手指灵巧地扣上搭扣,将其固定在 Rin 的颈间。接着,他重新绕回原位,单膝跪地,保持着与刚才完全相同的姿态。

"I hope you wear that every day and think of me, even on the days when I'm busy, when I'm not here, or on days when you feel lonely..." he takes one of Rin's hands and cups it in his own, "I hope it always reminds you of how much you mean to me, and I hope it helps you remember that I'll never leave your side." Then, his face drops to face the floor ever so slightly, an action that shows the humility behind the king's gesture.
"我希望你每天都能佩戴它,想起我,哪怕在我忙碌、不在你身边,或是你感到孤单的日子里……" 他握住 Rin 的一只手,轻轻包裹在自己的手中,"愿它时刻提醒你,你对我有多么重要,愿它帮你铭记,我永远不会离开你的身边。" 随后,他的脸微微垂向地面,这一举动流露出国王此举背后的谦卑。

"And I hope... You never leave me."
"我希望... 你永远不会离开我。"

Rin is startled by the gift the king has given him, but he's more surprised by something else.
Rin 被国王赠予的礼物吓了一跳,但更让他惊讶的是别的事情。

Behind that intimidating yet regal and stoic vise the king had donned, he was still the same person inside. A person who craved love and affection deeply. One who was lonely, and had fallen in love with the one person in the world who'd shown him that his life was worth protecting.

The sentiment was almost enough to bring tears to Rin's eyes. Almost.

Instead, his hand raises and grabs his steak knife from the table beside him.

"The king's fear is foolish," Rin starts, gaze moving down to meet with Isagi's, who was moving back up to meet with his. "It's idiocy. Has he forgotten why I'm here in the first place? Why I'm still here?"

When he raises the knife and presses it against the pad of his left thumb, Isagi's gaze flickers and retreats down to the bead of blood that wells there.

"Rin, what are you—" "Rin,你在做什么——"

"Answer. Have you forgotten?"

The king bites his lower lip and rips his blue eyes off the sight of the blood, then travels them back to meet with Rin's blue-greens.

"I... Don't know what to say. I'm not sure the point you're trying to make."

"Of course you don't." Rin snaps, and Isagi flinches a little at the sudden rise in intensity.
"你当然不懂。" Rin厉声说道,Isagi因这突如其来的强烈语气微微一颤。

Rin shoves out of the chair, blood oozing out from the cut on his finger, dripping onto the floor as he moves. He leans forward, then down, and kneels so he's right there in front of king Isagi.
Rin 猛地从椅子上站起,手指上的伤口渗出血来,随着他的移动滴落在地板上。他向前倾身,然后跪下,正好跪在国王Isagi面前。

"Your grace is still far too foolish," Rin says quietly. "There is no longer a blade in my hand, but it makes no difference, Yoichi."

Rin's clean hand lulls up off the floor. It tenderly reaches for the back of Isagi's head, combing through locks of his soft midnight hair. The soothing gesture is betrayed by his next action. He pulls back to expose Isagi's neck, eyes moving down to examine the scar he'd placed there all those long days in the past. The mark he'd left on the king for everyone around them to see.

Rin moves the weeping bloody thumb up. It's pressed against one end of the king's neck. He then glides it across, over white scar tissue, listening as the king's breath hitches. A red line is made over top of the scar, only longer and thicker, extending end-to-end across Isagi's neck. Rin stares at it bitterly. Disgusted with it, but also satisfied.
Rin 将那只流血的拇指抬起,按在国王颈侧的一端。随后,他沿着白色的疤痕组织滑过,聆听着国王呼吸的骤停。一道更长更粗的红线覆盖在疤痕之上,横贯 Isagi 的脖颈。Rin 苦涩地凝视着,既感到厌恶,又感到满足。

"You never get to forget. Not ever again." He leans in closer to intimately address the king now, so close he can see the other man's arterial pulse pumping along his neck.
"你永远无法忘记,再也不会了。" 他贴近国王,亲密地低语,近到能看见对方脖颈上动脉的跳动。

"Your life belongs to me, Isagi Yoichi."
"你的生命属于我,Isagi Yoichi。"

Nervous laughter chokes from Isagi's dry throat. Without a moment of wasted time, his own free hand shoots up to snatch the same steak knife Rin had marred himself with moments earlier.

"And they say romance is dead," the king replies quietly, lips cracking into a grin. He then jabs his own opposing thumb with the steak knife.

The pair's hands lock, blending their blood. The wetness squeezes their skin together, liquid life pooling into their palms and coating the floor beneath them. Their thumbs slide and flit, padding in unison, pressing their wounds together, whispering an unspoken vow.

As the sun outside finally dips below the horizon, their lips meet. Bathed in the crimson luminescence that reflects their bloody, mirrored destinies, now pacted together, they seal their undying love with the finality of a kiss.


King Isagi Yoichi's reign lasted for many long and prosperous years. The man's rule grew increasingly more calm with his diligent efforts at restoring peace.

Yoichi made every diplomatic effort to restore the lands that had been conquered by the tyrant king. Those lands were war-torn, the earth beneath them scorched and barren, and they were primarily housed by sick and starving people. The crown, though it's deficit grew to increasingly unfavorable depths because of Yoichi's ceaseless charity work, made every effort at restoring some level of peace, prosperity, and health to these lands before they were returned to their rightful kingdoms.

When Yoichi was finally given the chance to fully turn all his efforts onto his own suffering kingdom, he started out small. By this time the crown's deficit was staggering. In order to give himself the time and resources to recover, he turned his sights on healing the economy, first.

The tyrant king's thirst for blood had viciously seeped into every crack of his own broken kingdom, and this was no exception. So much gold had been funneled into bolstering the kingdom's military, including purchasing ships, foreign weapons, troops, and materials, the deficit the crown had made its way into was already so deep by the time Yoichi took his place on his father's throne.

It was risky, and there certainly wasn't a lack of bloodshed in these endeavors, but the clever and benevolent king Yoichi did his best to garner peace between his own kingdom and those that his father had antagonize. This took many long years, but once he'd finally, at least mostly, succeeded in doing this, he siphoned the gold from selling numerous materials of war into lessening the crown's deficit. At the same time, he put a small amount of gold towards opening medical clinics, restoring fertility to barren farmlands, and opening up trade lines between neighboring kingdoms that were previously closed off by his father. These things, over time, fostered health among the common people and slowly began to bolster the kingdom's economy.

King Yoichi's moral principles remained iron-clad and he always kept the needs of the common people first. Those who bowed before him in the throne room did find him intimidating, however. The rumors about him always indicated that his heart was kind, yet when one would look upon him atop his throne, they would always see the touch of the night to his demeanor.

Knight-King Isagi kept up with his intimidating personage. Though he always wore armor, kept a sword at his hip and his attack bird on his shoulder, he truly never resorted to violent methods unless there was reason to do so. He did eventually hire king's guard back into his service, though he was extremely picky about those he did bring into the castle. The application process was rigorous and during the entire expanse of his reign, there were only 11 people who came and went from his service in the king's guard.
骑士王Isagi始终保持着他那令人敬畏的威严形象。尽管他总是身披铠甲,腰间佩剑,肩上还站着一只攻击性的鸟,但他真正动用暴力手段的情况极为罕见,除非有充分的理由。最终,他重新招募了国王的卫队,但对于那些被允许进入城堡的人选,他极为挑剔。申请过程异常严格,在他统治的漫长岁月里,仅有 11 人曾在国王卫队中来去。

With time, the pitch black attire was interrupted by one single blot of red: a red rose that King Isagi would fasten to the left side of his lapel. The red rose, the symbol of romance, the flower of love. There wasn't a single flower that could sway a person's heart more swiftly than a red rose. There were many a suitor that approached the king in his long reign, some of them beautiful and rich with highly favorable prospects in a political marriage.

Though the king didn't discourage any of the women who advanced on him, he'd always turn every single one of them down in the same way. He'd kneel before them, kiss their hand gently, and give them a single red rose, uttering the same mysterious phrase to them before sending them home: The king's life is not his to give away, my lady. You see, it already belongs to another.

In the duration of his long reign, king Isagi Yoichi did not take a wife, and this meant he did not bare any children to pass on his name. In the realm of royalty, this was certainly an oddity. Yoichi's father would certainly be turning in his grave if he knew of this decision. Not that Yoichi himself cared at all for his father's happiness.
在漫长的统治期间,国王Isagi Yoichi未曾娶妻,这意味着他没有子嗣来传承他的名号。在王室领域,这无疑是个异数。Yoichi的父亲若知晓这一决定,定会在九泉之下不得安宁。不过Yoichi本人对此毫不在意。

The king's statement regarding this was that he simply did not wish for the name Isagi to be a generational one. He'd added there was already a boy in his service whom he was training to replace him as king, the boy was clever, kind, and would make a wonderful ruler. A young boy named Shinra. Though the nobles certainly voiced their unwelcomed opinions on this, king Isagi ignored them.
关于此事,国王的声明是他并不希望Isagi这个名号成为世代相传的符号。他还透露,自己已在培养一个侍从少年接替他的王位,那孩子聪明、善良,将成为一位杰出的统治者。这个少年名叫 Shinra。尽管贵族们对此表达了不满,国王Isagi却置若罔闻。

Though never spoken about, those few that worked in his service knew there was another reason for the king's disinterest in taking a wife, too. They knew there was only one who the king dedicated his life to.

Sometimes they could be seen on the castle grounds, walking together, admiring cherry or apple blossoms. Perhaps at other times, picking fruit from those trees. King Isagi was never happier, his laughter louder, nor his smile brighter, than when he was out on the castle grounds enjoying the company of the one he loved.