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Can You Guess Which Brands Republicans and Democrats Love?

Research shows that everything from your cereal to your sneakers can lean red or blue

The Wall Street Journal
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America’s partisan divide has found its way into your supermarket aisle, closet and even your smartphone. It is stirring inside the cocktail you choose and powering the car you drive. 

For some companies, this is the result of a marketing strategy that evokes conservative or liberal ideas and images. For others, it is the result of having locations or distribution in a particular geographic area, such as heavily blue cities or red small towns.

A Wall Street Journal analysis of data from the consumer research firm MRI-Simmons found that many mainstream brands and items have a customer base that leans Republican or Democratic.
《华尔街日报》对消费者研究公司 MRI-Simmons 的数据分析发现,许多主流品牌和产品的顾客群体偏向共和党或民主党。

Place the items or brands where you think they belong on the scale under each section, ranging from “Heavily Democratic” to “Heavily Republican,” then lock in your answers.

Women’s clothing 女装

The label on your dress offers a clue about political leanings.

Dolce & Gabbana 杜嘉班纳
Liz Claiborne 莉兹·克莱伯恩
Ralph Lauren 拉尔夫·劳伦
Wrangler 兰格勒
Drag and drop the products to where you think they belong along the political spectrum
Heavily Democratic
Moderately Democratic
Mildly Democratic
Even 甚至
Mildly Republican
Moderately Republican
Heavily Republican

The leftward tilt in women’s clothing is best explained by the gender divide in politics. Polling shows that women tend to lean Democratic. That gap is particularly pronounced among younger women.

Breakfast 早餐

A bowl of cereal or a plate of bacon and eggs might not seem political, but how people start their day can be revealing.

Frosted Mini-Wheats 霜冻迷你麦圈
Frosted Flakes 霜冻麦片
Lactaid 来得氏
Store Brand Milk 商店品牌牛奶
Hormel Black Label Bacon 荷美尔黑牌培根
Jennie-O Turkey Bacon 詹妮-O 火鸡培根
Drag and drop the products to where you think they belong along the political spectrum
Heavily Democratic
Moderately Democratic
Mildly Democratic
Even 甚至
Mildly Republican
Moderately Republican
Heavily Republican

Research by Purdue University’s College of Agriculture found that consumers who identify as liberal value the environmental impact and social responsibility of their food more than others. Those who identify as conservative emphasize affordability, nutrition and taste, Purdue found. When it comes to bacon, the researchers found that liberal consumers appear more likely than conservatives to limit pork consumption as a result of animal-welfare concerns.

Men’s clothing 男装

Is George Clooney the only Democrat who favors Armani suits?

Armani 阿玛尼
Brooks Brothers 布鲁克斯兄弟
Carhartt 卡哈特
The Gap 盖普
Drag and drop the products to where you think they belong along the political spectrum
Heavily Democratic
Moderately Democratic
Mildly Democratic
Even 甚至
Mildly Republican
Moderately Republican
Heavily Republican

Differences in styling help explain some of the political divides seen in men’s clothing, where the starched country-club looks of Brooks Brothers draw a disproportionate share of Republicans. The popularity of Carhartt, the workingman-clothing company, lines up with the GOP’s increasing lock on noncollege voters. That makes Democratic Sen. John Fetterman of Pennsylvania, known for striding through the Senate halls wearing the brand’s hoodies, a partisan outlier in its customer base.
样式的差异有助于解释男装中出现的一些政治分歧,布鲁克斯兄弟僵硬的乡村俱乐部风格吸引了过多的共和党人。 卡哈特(Carhartt)的受欢迎程度,这是一家为工人制作服装的公司,与共和党对非大学选民的日益控制相吻合。这使得宾夕法尼亚州的民主党参议员约翰·费特曼(John Fetterman)成为该品牌顾客群中的一个例外,他因穿着该品牌的卫衣行走在参议院大厅而闻名。

Cars 汽车

There are few purchases more connected to a person’s image than a car.

Ford 福特
Jeep 吉普车
Tesla 特斯拉
Cadillac 凯迪拉克
Porsche 保时捷
Mercedes 梅赛德斯
Drag and drop the products to where you think they belong along the political spectrum
Heavily Democratic
Moderately Democratic
Mildly Democratic
Even 甚至
Mildly Republican
Moderately Republican
Heavily Republican

Electric cars have the strongest partisan tilt as climate change is a bigger concern for left-leaning voters. That gives Democrats who own Teslas an uncomfortable alignment with Elon Musk, who recently began working to elect Donald Trump

Athletic shoes 运动鞋

What’s on your feet might be a sneaky way to decipher partisanship.

Jordan 约旦
Under Armour 安德玛
Puma 彪马
Avia 阿维亚
Drag and drop the products to where you think they belong along the political spectrum
Heavily Democratic
Moderately Democratic
Mildly Democratic
Even 甚至
Mildly Republican
Moderately Republican
Heavily Republican

Jordan is among the most iconic shoes produced by Nike, which aligned itself with social-justice causes when it stood with Colin Kaepernick during the NFL kneeling controversy. Under Armour’s CEO once called Trump’s presidency “a real asset for the country.”
乔丹是耐克公司生产的最具代表性的鞋子之一。耐克曾与社会正义事业站到一起,例如在 NFL 下跪争议期间支持科林·卡佩尼克。而安德玛公司的首席执行官曾称特朗普的总统任期是“对国家的真正资产”。

Alcoholic drinks 酒精饮料

The glass (or bottle or can) in your hand at a cocktail party can be a political-party giveaway.

Cosmopolitan 世界主义者
Jack and Coke 杰克和可乐
Gin and Tonic 金酒加汽水
Korbel Champagne 科贝尔香槟
Coors Banquet 库尔斯宴会
Drag and drop the products to where you think they belong along the political spectrum
Heavily Democratic
Moderately Democratic
Mildly Democratic
Even 甚至
Mildly Republican
Moderately Republican
Heavily Republican

Korbel is just one of the champagnes that the survey tested, but all of the bubbly trended Democratic. Coors and other mass-produced domestic beers tended to lean Republican. 
科贝尔只是调查测试的香槟之一,但所有的气泡酒都趋向于民主党。 Coors 和其他大量生产的国产啤酒则趋向于共和党。

Non-alcoholic drinks 无酒精饮料

You don’t need booze for drinks to take on a partisan cast. Sodas and ice teas lean in different ways too.

Diet Pepsi 百事无糖可乐
Diet Coke 零度可乐
Canada Dry Ginger Ale 加拿大干姜啤酒
Snapple 思乐冰
Diet Mountain Dew 无糖山露
Drag and drop the products to where you think they belong along the political spectrum
Heavily Democratic
Moderately Democratic
Mildly Democratic
Mildly Republican
Moderately Republican
Heavily Republican

One of the more consistent findings in the data is that diet soda tends to tilt Republican. Diet Mountain Dew, which the Republican vice-presidential candidate, JD Vance, and his Democratic counterpart, Tim Walz, both recently name-checked, does as well. But when you add sugar, the numbers move a bit. Nearly all ice teas lean Democratic.
数据中一个较为一致的发现是,健怡可乐更倾向于共和党。共和党副总统候选人 JD Vance 和他的民主党对手 Tim Walz 最近都提到了健怡山露,但当你添加糖时,数字会有所移动。几乎所有冰茶都倾向于民主党。

Restaurants 餐馆

Of all the consumer categories here, restaurants might have the biggest number of factors going into their partisan scores—income, age, race, ethnicity, educational attainment. Restaurants have to pick a physical location to set up shop, but before that happens, much research is done to make sure the right audience is targeted.

Cracker Barrel 饼干桶
Dave & Buster's 戴夫和巴斯特斯
Dunkin' 唐恩士
Starbucks 星巴克
Dairy Queen 冰雪皇后
Taco John's 塔可约翰斯
Drag and drop the products to where you think they belong along the political spectrum
Heavily Democratic
Moderately Democratic
Mildly Democratic
Even 甚至
Mildly Republican
Moderately Republican
Heavily Republican

Cracker Barrel’s GOP clientele has as much to do with where those outlets are located—away from city centers and often on interstate highways—as it does their down-home appeal. The same might be said of Dairy Queen, where cheaper prices and suburban/exurban locales might play a role in their rightward tilt. 
克拉克巴雷尔的共和党客户群与其门店位置——远离市中心且常位于州际公路沿线——息息相关,这与其乡村魅力一样重要。类似的情况也出现在冰雪皇后(Dairy Queen),那里更低的价格和郊区/城市外围的位置可能在其右倾上发挥了作用。

It is the opposite for Dunkin’. Despite billing itself as the unpretentious anti-Starbucks, the density of locations in the Northeast and inside urban areas helps explain its blue tinge. Dave & Buster’s blue hue is likely due to age—younger people are its biggest customers. Starbucks, once seen as a liberal brand, has become more middle-of-the-road as it has expanded into exurban and even rural locales. The companies listed declined to comment except for Wrangler, which said it is nonpartisan and committed to serving all customers.  

Methodology 方法论

Survey responses are from a nationally representative sample of 50,000 Americans in which MRI-Simmons assigned each brand an index. The index represents how likely those consumers are to identify as either Republicans or Democrats. The Journal then grouped the brands. Companies with an index of less than 115 went into “Even”; 116 to 130, “Mildly”; 131 to 199, “Moderately”; and 200 and above were classified as “Heavily.” 

Write to Dante Chinni at dante.chinni@wsj.com, Brian Whitton at brian.whitton@wsj.com and Kara Dapena at kara.dapena@wsj.com
请联络但丁•奇尼(Dante Chinni),邮箱:dante.chinni@wsj.com,布莱恩•惠顿(Brian Whitton),邮箱:brian.whitton@wsj.com,以及卡拉•达佩纳(Kara Dapena),邮箱:kara.dapena@wsj.com


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