Behavioral, psychological, or biological dysfunctions that are unexpected in their cultural context and associated with present distress and/or impairment in functioning, or increased risk of suffering, death, pain, or impairment 行為、心理或生物功能障礙在其文化背景中是意外的,並與當前的痛苦和/或功能障礙相關,或增加了遭受痛苦、死亡、疼痛或功能障礙的風險
The Science of Psychopathology 心理病理學的科學
Psychopathology: Scientific study of psychological dysfunction 心理病理學:心理功能障礙的科學研究
Mental health professionals 心理健康專業人士
The Ph.D.: Clinical and counseling psychologist (trained in research and delivering treatment) 博士:臨床與諮詢心理學家(受過研究和提供治療的訓練)
The Psy.D.: Clinical and counseling “Doctor of Psychology” (trained in delivering treatment) 心理學博士(Psy.D.):臨床與諮詢的“心理學博士”(接受過治療提供的訓練)
M.D.: Psychiatrist 醫學博士:精神科醫生
Psychiatric nurses 精神科護理人員
LICSW: Licensed clinical social worker (trained in delivering treatment) LICSW:持牌臨床社會工作者(接受過治療提供的訓練)
The Scientist-Practitioner 科學家-實踐者
Practice (treatment delivery) and research mutually influence each other 實踐(治療提供)和研究相互影響
Episodic, time-limited, or chronic course 情節性、時間有限或慢性病程
Prognosis 預後
Good vs. guarded 好與防備
Consider age of onset, which may shape presentation 考慮發病年齡,這可能影響表現
Causation, Treatment and Outcome 因果關係、治療與結果
Etiology 病因學
What contributes to the development of psychopathology? 什麼因素促進了心理病理學的發展?
Treatment development 治療開發
How can we help alleviate psychological suffering? 我們如何能幫助減輕心理痛苦?
Includes pharmacological, psychosocial, and/or combined treatments 包括藥物治療、心理社會治療和/或綜合治療
Historical Conceptions of Abnormal Behavior (slide 1 of 2) 歷史上對異常行為的概念 (幻燈片 1/2)
Major psychological disorders have existed across time and cultures 主要的心理障礙在不同的時代和文化中一直存在
Perceived causes and treatment of abnormal behavior varied widely, depending on context 感知到的異常行為的原因和治療因情境而異,差異很大
Historical Conceptions of Abnormal Behavior (slide 2 of 2) 歷史上對異常行為的概念 (幻燈片 2/2)
Three dominant traditions have existed in the past to explain abnormal behavior 過去有三種主要的傳統用來解釋異常行為
Supernatural 超自然
Biological 生物的
Psychological 心理的
The Supernatural Tradition (slide 1 of 3) 超自然傳統(幻燈片 1/3)
Deviant behavior as a battle of 偏差行為作為一場戰鬥
“Good” vs. “Evil” 「善」與「惡」
Believed to be caused by demonic possession, witchcraft, sorcery 被認為是由於惡魔附身、巫術、魔法所引起的
Treatments included exorcism, torture, religious services 治療包括驅魔、酷刑、宗教儀式
The Supernatural Tradition (slide 2 of 3) 超自然傳統(幻燈片 2 之 3)
“Stress and melancholy” = anxiety and depression “壓力和憂鬱” = 焦慮和抑鬱
Competing view that coexisted with supernatural tradition: “insanity” is caused by emotional stress, not supernatural forces 與超自然傳統共存的競爭觀點: “精神失常”是由情緒壓力引起的,而非超自然力量
People learn associations between neutral stimuli and stimuli that already have meaning (unconditioned stimuli) 人們學習中性刺激與已經具有意義的刺激(無條件刺激)之間的聯繫
Conditioning explains the acquisition of some fears 條件反射解釋了某些恐懼的獲得
The Behavioral Model (slide 2 of 3) 行為模型(第 2 張幻燈片,共 3 張)
Classical conditioning - concepts 古典條件反射 - 概念
Stimulus generalization 刺激泛化
Start to respond in the same way to similar stimuli. E.g., a child taught to fear the color red (because it is paired with a loud, scary noise) may also fear the color orange 開始以相同的方式對類似的刺激作出反應。例如,一個被教導害怕紅色的孩子(因為它與響亮、可怕的噪音相伴)也可能害怕橙色。
Extinction 滅絕
When the conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented without the unconditioned stimulus, the association is weakened. 當條件刺激反覆出現而沒有無條件刺激時,聯結會減弱。
The Behavioral Model (slide 3 of 3) 行為模型(第 3 幻燈片,共 3 幻燈片)
*\cdot John B. Watson (1878-1958) 約翰·B·華生(1878-1958)
Believed that psychology should be as scientific and objective as possible 相信心理學應該盡可能科學和客觀
“Little Albert” experiment: Baby Albert was taught to fear a white rat when it was repeatedly paired with a loud noise (classsical conditioning) “小阿爾伯特”實驗:嬰兒阿爾伯特在白鼠與大聲噪音反覆配對時被教導去害怕白鼠(古典條件反射)
Mary Cover Jones (1897-1987) 瑪麗·卡佛·瓊斯(1897-1987)
One of the first to treat phobias with exposure and extinction of learned association 最早使用暴露療法和消除學習聯結來治療恐懼症的專家之一
The Behavioral Model - Operant Conditioning 行為模型 - 操作性條件反射
E.L. Thorndike (1874-1949) E.L. 索恩代克 (1874-1949)
Law of effect: Behavior will repeated more often if it is followed by good consequences and less often if it is followed by bad consequences 效果法則:如果行為後有良好的結果,則該行為會更頻繁地重複;如果行為後有不良的結果,則該行為會較少重複
B.F. Skinner (1904-1990) B.F. 斯金納 (1904-1990)
Behavior “operates” on environment and is managed by consequences (rewards and punishments) 行為「運作」於環境中,並由後果(獎勵和懲罰)來管理
Behavior “shaping”: New behavior can be learned by reinforcing successive approximations 行為「塑造」:透過強化逐步接近的方式,可以學習新的行為
The Beginnings of Behavior Therapy 行為療法的起源
Behavior therapy: Creating new associations by practicing new behavioral habits, and/or reinforcing useful behaviors with positive consequences 行為療法:通過練習新的行為習慣來創造新的聯結,和/或用正面後果來強化有用的行為
Behavior therapy tends to be time-limited and direct 行為療法通常是時間有限且直接的
Strong evidence supporting the efficacy of behavior therapies 強有力的證據支持行為療法的有效性 *\cdot Example: Joseph Wolpe (1915-1997) *\cdot 例子:約瑟夫·沃爾佩(1915-1997)
Systematic desensitization: Individuals gradually exposed to fears (usually through imagination) while practicing relaxation exercises 系統性脫敏:個體逐漸接觸恐懼(通常透過想像)同時練習放鬆練習
The Present: The Scientific Method and an Integrative Approach 當前:科學方法與整合性方法
Defining and studying psychopathology 定義和研究心理病理學
Requires a broad approach 需要廣泛的方法
Multiple, interactive influences 多重互動影響
Biological, psychological, social factors 生物、心理、社會因素
Scientific emphasis continues to be very important 科學重視仍然非常重要
The supernatural tradition no longer has a place in a science of abnormal behavior 超自然的傳統在異常行為的科學中已不再有立足之地
Advances in neuroscience and cognitive and behavioral science will add to our knowledge 神經科學以及認知和行為科學的進展將增進我們的知識