Protocol 11: SDS-Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and Western blotting
规程 11:SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)和 Western 印迹法
Sample preparation
Label new tubes for the samples.
Transfer the appropriate volume of each sample (volumes calculated in Protocol 10) into the labelled tube and make the two samples to the same volume with RIPA buffer.
将每个样品的适当体积(按步骤 10 计算的体积)转移到贴有标签的试管中,并用 RIPA 缓冲液使两个样品达到相同体积。
Sample 样品 | Volume (μl) 体积(微升) for 20μg protein 用于 20μg 蛋白质 | RIPA Buffer (μl) RIPA 缓冲液(微升) to total volume 20μl 至总体积 20μl | 4X loading dye (μl) to give final concentration of 1X 4X 加载染料(μl),最终浓度为 1X |
| | | |
| | | |
Add 4x Loading buffer to give a final concentration of 1X (4X Loading dye contains the dyes Coomassie G250 and Phenol Red which allow to track the rate of migration of proteins through the gel).
加入 4x 加载缓冲液,使最终浓度为 1X(4X 加载染料含有染料 Coomassie G250 和酚红,可追踪蛋白质在凝胶中的迁移速度)。
Mix well and heat at 95-100oC for 3 minutes in a heat block to denature the proteins.
混合均匀,在 95-100 o C 温度下加热 3 分钟,使蛋白质变性。
Chill on ice.
Make and additional 80μl of 1X Loading dye to put into any empty wells on the gel.
再加入 80 微升 1X 加载染料,放入凝胶上的空孔中。
SDS-PAGE) using the Xcell II Surelock MiniCell and Blot Module (Invitrogen)
使用 Xcell II Surelock MiniCell 和印迹模块(Invitrogen 公司)进行 SDS-PAGE 分析。)
Each bench will have one gel (2 pairs of students will load samples onto the same gel)
每个工作台将有一个凝胶(2 对学生将在同一凝胶上加载样品)
For each gel take 50ml 20X NuPage MOPS running buffer and make up to 1L with distilled water. Mix well.
每块凝胶取 50 毫升 20X NuPage MOPS 运行缓冲液,加蒸馏水至 1 升。混合均匀。
Remove the cassette containing the pre-cast gel from its packaging and pull off the adhesive strip at the bottom of the gel cassette, then take out the comb from the top of the cassette. When doing this take care not to disturb the wells.
Assemble the cassette within the gel tank with the cassette’s tallest side facing outwards. Close the inner chamber using the gel tension wedge. Fill the inner chamber with running buffer so that the buffer level is between the high and low sides of the cassette. (Note: This also gives you the chance to check if the chamber is leaking, if it is leaking, dismantle and reassemble). Add running buffer to the outer chamber until it is roughly three quarters full.
Using gel loading tips/yellow pipet tips, load 10µl protein ladder (Spectra TM Multicolour Broad Range protein ladder 10-260 kiloDaltons (kDa), Thermo Fisher).
使用凝胶装载吸头/黄色移液器吸头,装入 10µl 蛋白梯子(Spectra TM Multicolour Broad Range protein ladder 10-260 kiloDaltons (kDa),Thermo Fisher)。
Load samples (according to samples from left to right:
LD = 1X Loading Dye
LD = 1 倍装载染料
| Group 1 第 1 组 | Group 2 第 2 组 |
Lane 车道 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
| LD | Protein Ladder 蛋白质梯 | Sample 1 样本 1 | Sample 2 样品 2 | LD | LD | LD | Protein Ladder 蛋白质梯 | Sample 1 样本 1 | Sample 1 样本 1 | LD | LD |
Make a note of the location of your samples.
It is important to fill all lanes as this avoids lane distortion during the electrophoresis.
When all the samples have been loaded, attach the lid and turn on the power (you should see bubbles rising from the electrode wire at the bottom of the tank). Run the gel at 200 V until the first dye front is ~0.5cm from the bottom (this usually takes around 1 hour).
装入所有样品后,盖上盖子并接通电源(应该可以看到槽底部的电极丝冒出气泡)。在 200 V 电压下运行凝胶,直到第一个染料前沿距离底部约 0.5 厘米(通常需要 1 小时左右)。
Note: The expected pattern for the protein ladder after electrophoresis:
Disconnect the power supply and remove the gel cassette.
Make up 1L of 1X transfer buffer by diluting 50ml 20X stock with 850ml distilled water and 100ml methanol. Mix well.
用 850 毫升蒸馏水和 100 毫升甲醇稀释 50 毫升 20X 原液,配制 1 升 1X 转移缓冲液。混合均匀。
Using the cassette-opening tool, prise apart the cassette to expose the gel. Remove the upper part of the gel containing the wells and notch the bottom corner of the gel where the first lane is.
Fill three plastic trays (large weighing boats) with methanol, distilled water and transfer buffer, respectively.
Place the pre-cut filter papers (2-3) into the transfer buffer.
将预切滤纸 (2-3) 放入转移缓冲液中。
Using forceps, place the PVDF membrane in the methanol to activate the membrane. Once saturated, rinse the membrane several times in the water tray and finally leave to soak in the transfer buffer tray.
用镊子将 PVDF 膜放入甲醇中活化膜。饱和后,将膜在水盘中冲洗几次,最后放在转移缓冲液盘中浸泡。
In another tray, saturate the sponges with transfer buffer, pushing down on the sponges to expel as much air as possible.
Assemble the transfer “sandwich” as shown in the diagram.
如图所示,组装转印 "三明治"。
Place the gel on the filter paper so that the notch is at the bottom right-hand side to allow you to orient the blot (so you know where your samples are).
Place the membrane on top of the gel. Use a clean pipette to roll across the surface to expel any air bubbles (air bubbles will interfere with the transfer of proteins onto the membrane). Take care not to move or damage the membrane. Repeat this step after placing the second filter paper on top of the membrane.
Close the transfer blotting module and place in the gel tank. Pour 1X transfer buffer into the blotting module so that the top of the transfer sandwich is submerged. Gently tap the gel tank on the bench a few times to dislodge any remaining air bubbles.
关闭转移印迹模块并放入凝胶槽中。将 1X 转印缓冲液倒入印迹模块,使其浸没转印夹层的顶部。在工作台上轻轻敲打凝胶槽几下,驱除残留的气泡。
Fill the outer tank with transfer buffer or distilled water for cooling and run at a constant voltage of 40V for 1 hour. While the transfer is running make up 50ml of blocking solution (PBS-T):
向外槽注入转移缓冲液或蒸馏水进行冷却,并在 40V 恒压下运行 1 小时。在转移过程中,配制 50 毫升阻断液(PBS-T):
5% dried milk powder (Marvel)
5% 奶粉(马维尔)
0.1% Tween-20
0.1% 吐温-20
Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)
Each pair will need to make up blocking solution.
Note: Make sure the dried milk is completely dissolved, residual particles can contribute to
background on the membrane.
Detach the tank from the power supply and pour off the running buffer. Dismantle the sandwich and check that the protein markers have transferred onto the membrane.
If there is more than one set of samples on the gel cut the membrane in half just to the left of the protein ladder between the samples so each group has a membrane containing a ladder and their 2 samples, to work with.
如果凝胶上有多组样品,则在样品之间的蛋白质梯子左侧将膜切成两半,这样每组都有一张含有梯子的膜和他们的 2 个样品。
Notch the membranes at the same position of the gel and place in 10ml Ponceau S solution in a tray with the side that was closest to the gel (protein-bound side) is facing upward.
在凝胶的相同位置将膜切口,然后将膜放入 10 毫升的庞考 S 溶液中,最靠近凝胶的一面(与蛋白质结合的一面)朝上。
After a few minutes in Ponceau S, wash thoroughly in distilled water until the background is clear and only protein bands are stained red. Make a note of what you can see and take a photo.
在 Ponceau S 中浸泡几分钟后,用蒸馏水彻底清洗,直到背景清晰,只有蛋白质条带被染成红色。记下您能看到的内容并拍照。
In a clean tray, incubate the membrane in 10ml blocking solution for 1 hour at room temperature with gentle shaking.
在一个干净的托盘中,将膜放入 10 毫升封闭液中,室温下轻轻摇晃 1 小时。
Using the protein ladder for guidance cut across the membrane at the 70kD mark:
使用蛋白质梯子作为引导,在 70kD 刻度处横切膜:
The top section of the membrane will be used to probe for Collagen 1. Notch the top left-hand corner of the membranes, this will help in the orientation of the lanes. The lower half of the membrane will be used to probe for GAPDH (as a loading control).
膜的上半部分将用于检测胶原蛋白 1。在膜的左上角开一个缺口,这将有助于确定泳道的方向。膜的下半部分将用于检测 GAPDH(作为负载对照)。
Antibody incubation and visualisation
Carefully place the membranes in clean trays so that the protein-bound side (ie the side that was against the gel) is facing upwards. Dilute each primary antibody in 10ml blocking solution at the appropriate dilution and add to the membrane. Make sure the trays are labelled with your initials and the antibody details.
小心地将膜放入干净的托盘中,使蛋白结合面(即靠凝胶的一面)朝上。用适当稀释度的 10m 封闭液稀释每种一抗,并将其加入膜中。确保托盘上标有您的姓名首字母和抗体详细信息。
Incubate the membranes overnight at 4°C with constant rocking. Note: Keep the rest of the blocking solution at 4oC as you will need it tomorrow.
将膜在 4°C 下培养过夜,并不断摇动。注意:将剩余的封闭液保存在 4oC 温度下,因为明天会用到。
Bring trays back to room temperature, discard the primary antibody solution and wash membranes 3 x 5 mins with PBS-T, with constant rocking.
将托盘放回室温,弃去一抗溶液,用 PBS-T 洗膜 3 x 5 分钟,并不断摇动。
After the last wash dilute, the appropriate secondary antibody with blocking solution.
Incubate with the secondary antibody for 1 hour at room temperature, with constant rocking.
室温下与二抗孵育 1 小时,并不断摇动。
Wash membranes 5x 5 minutes each with PBS-T.
用 PBS-T 洗膜 5 次,每次 5 分钟。
Gently drain off excess PBS-T by touching one corner of the membrane to a paper towel and reassemble the cut membranes on a piece of transparency film/clingfilm.
用纸巾轻轻擦拭膜的一角,沥去多余的 PBS-T,然后将剪下的膜重新装在透明胶片/保鲜膜上。
Apply the visualisation reagent 1-Step Ultra-TMB-Blotting Solution (Thermo Fisher Scientific) to cover the membrane. TMB (3,3’,5,5’-tetramethylbenzidine) reacts with the Horse Radish Peroxidase (HRP) conjugated to the secondary antibody to produce an insoluble dark blue precipitate.
使用可视化试剂 1-Step Ultra-TMB 印迹溶液(赛默飞世尔科技公司)覆盖膜。TMB(3,3',5,5'-四甲基联苯胺)与与二抗结合的马萝卜过氧化物酶(HRP)反应,产生不溶性深蓝色沉淀。
Carefully monitor colour development. Stop the reaction by rinsing the membrane 3 times in distilled water. Note 1: The fully coloured bands develop within 5-30 mins but timing should be monitored as the development time depends on the amount of antigen and antibody used.
仔细观察显色情况。用蒸馏水冲洗膜 3 次,停止反应。注 1:显色条带在 5-30 分钟内完全显色,但由于显色时间取决于抗原和抗体的用量,因此应监测显色时间。
Note 2: Antibody binding can also be detected using a chemiluminescent substrate rather than a chromogenic one. Visualisation of chemiluminescence requires a specialised imaging system (eg. iBright 1500, Thermo Fisher Scientific).
注 2:也可使用化学发光底物而非显色底物检测抗体结合。化学发光的可视化需要专门的成像系统(如 iBright 1500,Thermo Fisher Scientific)。
Take a picture of the membrane.
Estimate the size of any signals you can detect by comparison with the molecular weight markers.
Western blot signals can be quantitated using the publicly-available software ImageJ (Appendix 3). Signals are normalised to the housekeeping/constitutively expressed protein to control to differences in protein loading.
Western 印迹信号可使用公开发行的软件 ImageJ(附录 3)进行量化。将信号归一化为维持/连续表达蛋白,以控制蛋白载量的差异。