[21A] Standard Operating Procedures for Solid Inspection [21A] SOP for Solids
Prepared by
January 27, 2023
Development of Sector D
Quality Department
Review Unit
Reviewed by
This level of abundance
Reviewed Date
2023. 11.27
Approved by
Chen, Ya
Approved Date
2023^(')11272023^{\prime} 1127
Effective Date
December 01, 2023
Review before
November 30, 2026
[21A]固体检验标准操作规程 [21A]固体SOP
制定人Prepared by 包 2023年1月27日 制定部门D partment 质量部
审核部门Review Unit QA QC
审核人Reviewed by 每们 这级丰
审核日期Reviewed Date 2023. 11.27
批准人Approved by 陈,䞍 批准日期Approved Date 2023^(')1127
生效日期Effective Date 2023年12月01日 再审阅日期Review before 2026年11月30日
分发部门Distribution QA,QC | [21A]固体检验标准操作规程 [21A]固体SOP | | | | | |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| 制定人Prepared by | 包 | 2023年1月27日 | 制定部门D | partment | 质量部 |
| 审核部门Review Unit | QA | | QC | | |
| 审核人Reviewed by | 每们 | | 这级丰 | | |
| 审核日期Reviewed Date | 2023. 11.27 | | | | |
| 批准人Approved by | 陈,䞍 | 批准日期Approved Date | | $2023^{\prime} 1127$ | |
| 生效日期Effective Date | 2023年12月01日 | 再审阅日期Review before | | 2026年11月30日 | |
| 分发部门Distribution | QA,QC | | | | |
1.1. Visual inspection under natural light should be yellowish-white to white crystal powder. 2. IDENTIFICATION 2.1. The peak time of the main peak should be consistent with that of the standard
3.1. Take 1.0 g of the test sample, accurate to 0.0001 g, and use Karl Fischer reagent according to CMC-SOP-QC-014-02 "Karl Fischer Water Determination Standard Operating Procedures".
3.2. Calculation formula: moisture ( %\% ). =VxxF//m//10=\mathrm{V} \times \mathrm{F} / \mathrm{m} / 10 where m: weight of the test sample (g) V: Karl Fischer reagent consumption volume (mL) F: Water equivalent (mg//mL)(\mathrm{mg} / \mathrm{mL})
4. ASSAY AND RELATED COMPOUNDS 4.1. Solution preparation method 4.1.1. Diluent: mobile phase AA
4.1.2. Tryptonol stock solution: weigh 25 mg of tryptonol in 25 ml, dissolve it with dilution and set volume.
4.1.3. System suitability solution: Weigh 20 mg of [21] working standard into a 50 ml volumetric flask, then add 0.1 ml of trypin stock solution, dissolve with dilution and set volume.
4.1.4. Sample solution: Weigh 20 mg of sample into a 50 ml volumetric flask, dissolve it with diluent and set volume.
4.1.5. Control solution: Weigh 20 mg of [21] working standard into a 50 ml volumetric flask, dissolve with diluent and set volume. 4.2. Chromatographic conditions and operating procedures 4.2.1. Chromatographic conditions:
- Flow phase A: 6 ml phosphoric acid was added to 670 ml of water, mixed well, filtered with a 0.45 um filter membrane, and then 330 ml of methanol was added. - Mobile phase B: methanol.
- Inject 1 needle of blank solution, 1 needle of system suitability solution, 3 needles of control solution, 2 needles of sample solution, and 1 needle of control solution, and operate according to CMC-SOP-QC-014-04 "Standard Operating Procedures for High Performance Liquid Chromatography", and record chromatograms.
- Requires the resolution of the tryptol in the solution for system suitability to [21 >= 5.0\geqslant 5.0 ]. 4.3. Calculation method:
4.3.1.[21] The formula for calculating the content is as follows: Au=Ru**W_(S)**A_(s)//R_(s)WuA u=R u * W_{S} * A_{s} / R_{s} W u where: As: content of working standard \%;
Peak area of [21] of the Ru sample solution; Wu: sample weight mg; Rs: peak area of [21] in control solution; Ws: working standard weight mg;
4.3.2. Impurity calculation methods
- Phenylhydrazine hydrochloride: percentage xx3.94,3.94\times 3.94,3.94 of area is the correction factor for phenylhydrazine hydrochloride
-o-methylphenylhydrazine hydrochloride: percentage xx3.74,3.74\times 3.74,3.74 of area is the correction factor for o-methylphenylhydrazine hydrochloride
-o-ethylaniline: percentage xx4.34,4.34\times 4.34,4.34 of area is the correction factor for o-ethylaniline
-o-ethylphenylhydrazine hydrochloride: percentage xx4.53,4.53\times 4.53,4.53 of area is the correction factor for o-ethylphenylhydrazine hydrochloride
- Tryptonol: Percentage xx0.83,0.83\times 0.83,0.83 of area is the correction factor for tryptonol
-7-Methyltryptonol:Area xx0.81,0.81\times 0.81,0.81 percentage is the correction factor for 7-methyltryptonol
- Any other single impurities are calculated using the area normalization method and related calculation methods:
- The total impurities are the sum of the impurities, if the impurities have a correction factor, the correction factor needs to be added for calculation
- In the chromatogram, phenylhydrazine hydrochloride, o-methylphenylhydrazine hydrochloride, o-ethylphenylhydrazine hydrochloride, o-ethylaniline, tryptohydrol 7-methyltryptonol has retention times of RRT 0.16, 0.21, 0.26, 0.35, 0.68, 0.86 relative to the main peak