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Red Culture Bilingual Reader

目 录

Hunan Red People

1. A great man of a generation - Mao Zedong

2. Founding Father - Liu Shaoqi

3. Horizontal knife - Peng Dehuai

4.戎马一生-贺 龙
4. Rong Ma Sheng-He Long

5. The legendary god of war - Su Yu

6. Political and industrial giants - Luo Ronghuan

7. Women Heroes - Xiang Jingyu

8. Warrior of the country - Ren Bishi

9. Sun Wind Bone - Yang Kaihui

10. Marshal without title - Teng Daiyuan

Hunan Red Story

1. Four famous uprisings in Hunan and Hunan generals

2. Hunan Passage: The Red Army's eight heroes jumped off the cliff at the slope boundary

3. Father-son love hidden in the closet

4. Ren Bi's "three fears" and "camel spirit"

5. Peng Dehuai and Zhaoshan "General Crossing"

6. Su Yu's blue-gray casual clothes

7. A bamboo bowl sends affection

8. The "heirloom" left by Marshal Luo Ronghuan to his children

9. 她是“老革命”,却不做高官甘当“园丁”
9. She is an "old revolutionary", but she is not a high-ranking official and is willing to be a "gardener"

10. Chen Yunfeng, the revolutionary mother praised by Chairman Mao

Hunan Red Spirit

1. Shaoshan spirit

2. The spirit of channel transfer

3. The revolutionary spirit of the Pingjiang Uprising

4. The spirit of the Autumn Harvest Uprising

5. Lei Feng spirit

6. Half quilt spirit

7. Break the spirit of inscription

Hunan Red Ruins

1. Mao Zedong's former residence: the hometown of the great man - Shaoshan Chong

2. Yuelu Mountain Red Education Base: A Yuelu Mountain, half of modern history

3. Zhijiang Anti-Japanese War Surrender Memorial Site: Eight years of beacon fire from Lugou,

A piece of paper fell to Zhijiang

4. Pingjiang Uprising Memorial Hall: A thunderclap fueled the "spark"

5. Hengyang Anti-Japanese War Memorial City: China's only "Anti-Japanese War Memorial City"

6. Passage to transfer troops: The Red Army walked out of the pocket formation

7. Nanyue Martyrs' Shrine: Hengshan is fortunate to bury the bones of the faithful, and the souls of millions of martyrs return

第一章 湖南红色人物
Chapter 1 Hunan Red People

A great man of a generation - Mao Zedong

Mao Zedong (December 26, 1893 - September 9, 1976), the name Runzhi, pen name Ziren. A native of Xiangtan, Hunan. He was one of the founders of the Communist Party of China and the main founder and leader of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the People's Republic of China. From 1949 to 1976, Mao Zedong served as the supreme leader of the People's Republic of China and was the first chairman of the People's Republic of China. His contributions to the development of Marxism-Leninism, military theory, and the theoretical contributions to the Communist Party are known as Mao Zedong Thought. Mao Zedong is regarded as one of the most important figures in modern world history, and Time magazine named him one of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century.

Portrait of Mao Zedong

A new China was created

People's Republic of China: Comrade Mao Zedong and his comrades-in-arms led the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people to win the victory of the revolution and establish New China after a long and arduous struggle, experienced many setbacks and defeats, overcame thousands of difficulties and dangers, turned the tide at several critical moments, saved the revolution with surprise victory, and finally won the victory of the revolution and founded New China.

The People's Republic of China was

An advanced party was built

Communist Party of China: In modern times, in order to save the country and the people and change the tragic fate of old China, countless people with lofty ideals and various political forces have put forward their own proposals for saving the country, some reformist and some more radical. But none of these propositions worked, and none of them solved China's problems. As soon as the Communist Party of China (CPC), which takes Marxism-Leninism as its guiding ideology, was founded, the situation began to undergo fundamental changes. As Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out: "Since the establishment of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese revolution has taken on a completely new look. "Comrade Mao Zedong made the greatest contribution not only because he participated in the founding of the Communist Party of China and was one of the founders of the party, but more importantly, because he was based on the principles of Marx, especially Lenin
In close connection with the reality of China's revolutionary struggle, a complete set of party building theories of the Communist Party of China has been formed.

A people's army has been created

Chinese People's Liberation Army: Comrade Mao Zedong spent most of his life building and cultivating this army. From the reorganization of Sanwan and the decision to establish the party branch in the company, the formulation of the three major disciplines and the six points of attention, to the Gutian Conference's decision to sum up the experience of more than two years of army building and make it clear that the Red Army is an armed group that carries out revolutionary political tasks, the Red Army has been wiped out of the influence of the old-style army, completely built on the basis of Marxism-Leninism, and the entire Red Army has become a real people's army, and Comrade Mao Zedong's army building line has basically taken shape. Later, through the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the People's Liberation War, Comrade Mao Zedong's thinking on army building was constantly enriched and developed.

A scientific theory was created

Mao Zedong Thought: Comrade Mao Zedong creatively applied Marxism, an advanced scientific theory originating in Europe, to China, a large economically and culturally backward country in the East where peasants account for the vast majority of the population, closely integrated with China's reality, and absorbed the essence of Chinese civilization, founded Mao Zedong Thought, and opened up the road of Sinicization of Marxism. This theory has grown on the soil of China and has been deeply rooted in this land. It has the characteristics of thoroughness, profundity, rigor, and practicality, has strong persuasive power, and embodies the fresh and lively Chinese style and style that the Chinese people like to see. This theory has cultivated generation after generation of Chinese Communists. When this theory is grasped by the broad masses of the people, it will become a tremendous material force for transforming and building China.

Founding Father - Liu Shaoqi

Liu Shaoqi (November 24, 1898-November 12, 1969), born in Ningxiang County, Hunan Province, was a great Marxist, a great proletarian revolutionary, politician, theoretician, one of the main leaders of the party and the state, the founding father of the People's Republic of China, and an important member of the party's first generation of central leadership with Comrade Mao Zedong as the core.

Portrait of Liu Shaoqi

Comrade Liu Shaoqi is a well-known leader and principal leader of the workers' movement led by our party and an outstanding representative of the party's correct line in the work in the white areas.

In the early years of the founding of the Party and during the Great Revolution, he participated in leading the Anyuan workers' movement, the general strike in Hong Kong and Guangdong, and the struggle of the workers in Wuhan to regain the British Concession. After the defeat of the Great Revolution, Comrade Liu Shaoqi insisted on fighting in Shanghai, Beiping, Tianjin, Harbin and other places shrouded in the White Terror. He persisted in proceeding from reality, thinking independently, being good at carrying out work creatively, and waging a resolute struggle against the "leftist" mistakes within the party.

Comrade Liu Shaoqi was tactful and calm in the struggle against the enemy and took a firm stand. He was arrested twice by the reactionary ruling class, both of which remained steadfast and unyielding. At the critical juncture of the revolution, he always did not shy away from hardships and dangers, went to the most difficult places, and carried the heaviest burdens.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Liu Shaoqi was elected vice chairman of the Central People's Government. He played an important role in formulating the country's political, economic, cultural, educational, and foreign policies. In 1950, at the second session of the First National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, he delivered the Report on the Issue of Land Reform.

In 1954, at the first session of the First National People's Congress, he made a report on the draft constitution of the People's Republic of China and was elected chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.

In September 1956, he made a political report on behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China at the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which set the direction for the development of the socialist cause and party building in the new period. At the First Plenary Session of the Eighth CPC Central Committee, he was elected vice chairman of the CPC Central Committee.

In April 1959, he was elected President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the National Defense Commission at the first session of the Second National People's Congress. In the early 60s, when China's economy experienced serious difficulties, Liu Shaoqi conducted a great deal of investigation and study and participated in the formulation of a series of important policies and measures, which enabled the national economy to recover and develop. From 1963 to 1966, he successively visited Indonesia, Burma, Cambodia, Vietnam, North Korea, Pakistan, Afghanistan and other countries.

Comrade Liu Shaoqi has waged unremitting struggles for the consolidation and development of the party, the victory of the new democratic revolution, the victory of the socialist revolution and socialist construction, and the development of the anti-imperialist, anti-colonial, and international communist movements, and has made immortal achievements, winning the love and respect of the whole party, the whole army, and the people of all nationalities throughout the country.

Horizontal knife immediately - Peng Dehuai

彭德怀(1898年10月24日-1974年11月29日),名清宗,后改德怀,小名伢子,湖南湘潭人,湖南陆军军官讲武堂毕业,军事家、开国元勋,元帅军衔。 1928年加入中国共产党,曾与毛泽东、朱德等共同开辟江西根据地。抗日战争中任八路军副总司令,发动百团大战。第二次国共内战时期,任中共中央军委副主席兼总参谋长,攻占西北五省。新中国成立后,任中央人民政府人民革命军事委员会副主席、西北军政委员会主席。
Peng Dehuai (October 24, 1898-November 29, 1974), known as Qingzong, later changed to Dehuai, nicknamed Zhong Yanzi, a native of Xiangtan, Hunan, graduated from the Hunan Army Martial Arts Hall, a military strategist, a founding father, and the rank of marshal. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1928 and worked with Mao Zedong and Zhu De to open up the Jiangxi base area. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he served as the deputy commander-in-chief of the Eighth Route Army and launched the Battle of the Hundred Regiments. During the Second Kuomintang-Communist Civil War, he served as Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China and Chief of General Staff, and captured five northwestern provinces. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as vice chairman of the People's Revolutionary Military Commission of the Central People's Government and chairman of the Northwest Military and Political Commission.

Portrait of Peng Dehuai

In July 1928, Peng Dehuai, Teng Daiyuan, and Huang Gongluo led their troops to launch the Pingjiang Uprising, established the Fifth Army of the Red Army, and served as the commander.

In November 1931, Peng Dehuai was appointed vice chairman of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission. He participated in and commanded the first, second, and third anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaigns, and he was one of the main commanders of the front line in all the anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaigns in the Central Soviet Region. During the fifth anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign, he gradually realized the harm of "leftist" adventurism and seriously criticized the erroneous military command.

1935年1月,彭德怀参加遵义会议,拥护毛泽东的正确主张。红一、红四方面军会合后,同张国焘的反党分裂活动进行了坚决斗争。11月任西北革命军事委员会副主席、红军第一方面军司令员,参与指挥了直罗镇战役。 1936年,彭德怀被补选为中共中央政治局委员,先后任抗日先锋军司令员、西北野战军司令员兼政治委员,参加指挥了东征和西征。抗日战争时期,任八路军副总指挥(第十八集团军副总司令),协助朱德指挥八路军深入敌后,开展游击战争,开辟华北抗日根据地。
In January 1935, Peng Dehuai attended the Zunyi Conference and supported Mao Zedong's correct ideas. After the 1st and 4th Front Armies of the Red Army converged, they waged a resolute struggle against Zhang Guotao's anti-party separatist activities. In November, he was appointed vice chairman of the Northwest Revolutionary Military Committee and commander of the First Front Army of the Red Army, and participated in the command of the Battle of Zhiluozhen. In 1936, Peng Dehuai was by-elected as a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and successively served as the commander of the Anti-Japanese Vanguard Army, the commander and political commissar of the Northwest Field Army, and participated in and commanded the Eastern and Western Expeditions. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he served as the deputy commander-in-chief of the Eighth Route Army (deputy commander-in-chief of the 18th Group Army), and assisted Zhu De in commanding the Eighth Route Army to go deep behind enemy lines, carry out guerrilla warfare, and open up anti-Japanese base areas in North China.

1940年秋,彭德怀在华北组织发动百团大战,使日本侵略军受到沉重打击。1943年9月回延安,协助毛泽东、朱德指挥华北敌后抗战。 解放战争时期,放弃延安后,指挥3万部队在陕北与敌23万人周旋作战,连战皆捷,挫败国民党军对陕北的重点进攻,扭转了西北战局,有力地配合了人民解放军在其他战场的作战。在战略决战阶段,率部解放了西北五省。 1950年10月,彭德怀出任中国人民志愿军司令员兼政治委员,指挥中国人民志愿军赴朝鲜作战。经过著名的五次战役,粉碎了美军对朝鲜北部的进攻,迫使美国在停战协定上签字。
In the autumn of 1940, Peng Dehuai organized and launched the Battle of 100 Regiments in North China, which dealt a heavy blow to the Japanese invading army. In September 1943, he returned to Yan'an and assisted Mao Zedong and Zhu De in commanding the War of Resistance behind enemy lines in North China. During the War of Liberation, after abandoning Yan'an, he commanded 30,000 troops to fight against the enemy's 230,000 troops in northern Shaanxi, winning successive battles, thwarting the Kuomintang army's key offensive in northern Shaanxi, turning the tide of the war in the northwest, and effectively cooperating with the operations of the People's Liberation Army in other battlefields. In the stage of strategic decisive battle, he led his troops to liberate the five northwestern provinces. In October 1950, Peng Dehuai became the commander and political commissar of the Chinese People's Volunteers, commanding the Chinese People's Volunteers to fight in Korea. After the famous five battles, the American offensive in northern Korea was crushed, forcing the United States to sign the armistice agreement.

After 1954, Peng Dehuai served as vice premier of the State Council, minister of national defense, and vice chairman of the National Defense Commission; with great courage, he led the reform of the army's organizational structure and major systems, improved weapons and equipment, organized technical arms, set up various types of military schools and research institutes, carried out regular military and political training, established a first-line national defense and city building system, and promoted the People's Liberation Army to realize the historic transformation of the PLA from a single branch of the armed forces to a combined army of various services and arms on the basis of maintaining its fine traditions. He has made outstanding contributions to the modernization and regularization of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

Rong Ma Life-He Long

贺龙(1896年3月22日-1969年6月9日),原名贺文常, 字云卿。 湖南桑植人。伟大的无产阶级革命家、军事家,中国人民解放军的创始人和主要领导者之一。 他在半个多世纪的革命斗争生涯中,为中国的旧民主主义革命、新民主主义革命、社会主义革命和建设,出了重要贡献,建立了不朽功勋。
He Long (March 22, 1896 - June 9, 1969), formerly known as He Wenchang, was Yunqing. Hunan Sangzhi people. A great proletarian revolutionary, military strategist, one of the founders and main leaders of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. In his career of revolutionary struggle of more than half a century, he made important contributions to China's old democratic revolution, new democratic revolution, and socialist revolution and construction, and made immortal meritorious contributions.

Portrait of He Long

He Long was born in a poor peasant family in Hongjiaguan, Sangzhi County, he was bold by nature, heroic and strong, and had outstanding courage, but due to his poor family background, he dropped out of school to work in agriculture after three years of private school. When he was 14 years old, he followed his eldest brother-in-law Gu Jiting to Xiangchuan and Hubei to sell salt and cotton, and was bullied by the powerful, so he was determined to make friends and fight all over the world.

In 1913, He Long joined the "Elders' Association" and became the leading elder, and in 1914, he was introduced by Chen Tunan to join the Chinese Revolutionary Party. In 1915, in response to Cai's uprising, he was arrested when he was sent to Yuanling for military transport. After being rescued from prison, in March of the following year, He Long launched the "Two Kitchen Knives Revolution" incident that shocked the whole country. Subsequently, Sang Zhi was established to fight against Yuan Minjun, and he was promoted to the commander-in-chief, and since then he has officially walked towards his life as a horse.

From 1920 to 1923, He Long successively served as the captain of the echelon of the Lin Xiuhai Department of the Jingguo Army in Xiangxi, the captain of the second detachment of the 13th District of Hunan to suppress bandits, the commander of the garrison brigade of the eastern Sichuan frontier army, and the commander of the 9th mixed brigade of the Sichuan army. In 1924, he led his troops from Sichuan to Hunan and served as the commander of the 1st Division of the Coalition Army. In 1926, He Long responded to the declaration of the Northern Expedition of the Guangdong National Government, entered Hunan from Guizhou, and served as the commander of the 6th Division of the 8th Army of the National Revolutionary Army and the guard of Xiangxi Town.

In 1927, He Long went east to Wuhan, stationed in Echeng for reorganization, served as the commander of the independent 15th Division, from April to May of that year, led the "Second Northern Expedition", went out of Henan, Lianke Xiaoyao Town, Xuchang, occupied Kaifeng, and severely damaged the Feng Army, known as the Northern Expedition "Steel Army", and was promoted to the commander of the 20th Army in June. After Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Jingwei rebelled one after another, He Long waved his army to "go eastward" to crusade against Chiang Kai-shek, and on August 1, he launched and led the Nanchang Uprising as the commander-in-chief of the rebel army. In the same year, he was introduced by Zhou Yiqun and others in Ruijin and joined the Communist Party of China.

After a series of arduous struggles against "encirclement and suppression", in the spring of 1934, He Long led his troops to Sangzhi, Yongshun and other places, entered Guizhou in May, and established the Qiandong Special Economic Zone. In November, he won a great victory of 100,000 square meters in Yongshun and annihilated two enemy brigades. In December of the same year, he founded the Hunan-Hubei-Sichuan-Guizhou Base Area, and served as chairman of the Revolutionary Committee, the Military Commission Branch, and the commander of the provincial military district.

During the Liberation War, He Long served as the commander of the Northwest Military Region, the principal of the Northwest Military and Political Cadre School, and the second secretary of the Northwest Bureau of the Communist Party of China. In order to defend the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border Region, he was responsible for the logistics support of the northwest battlefield and the construction of base areas, organized a large-scale counteroffensive of the People's Liberation Army, and made immortal contributions to the establishment of the People's Republic. In September 1955, he was awarded the rank of Marshal of the People's Republic of China.

The legendary god of war - Su Yu

Su Yu (August 10, 1907 - February 5, 1984), known as Su Duozhen and Zhiyu since childhood, was born in Hunan. China's outstanding proletarian revolutionary, outstanding military strategist, senior general of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and the first of the ten major generals of the People's Republic of China.

Portrait of Su Yu

In 1926, he joined the Chinese Communist Youth League. In May 1927, he joined the 24th Division of the National Revolutionary Army with Ye Ting as the division commander and served as the squad leader of the teaching team. In June of the same year, he was transferred to the Communist Party of China. Participated in the Nanchang Uprising and
Uprising. He served as company commander, battalion commander, detachment commander, division commander, chief of staff of the First Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and chief of staff of the Seventh Army Corps. From July 1934, he participated in the command of the Red Army's anti-Japanese advance team in the north, transferred to Fujian, Zhejiang, Anhui and Jiangxi, and served as the commander of the advance division and the commander of the Fujian-Zhejiang Military Region
"Encirclement and suppression", when it lost contact with the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, persisted in an extremely arduous guerrilla war for three years. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he served as the deputy commander of the 2nd detachment of the New Fourth Army, the commander of the advance detachment, and the deputy commander of the Jiangnan Command and the Northern Jiangsu Command of the New Fourth Army. Assisted Chen Yi in opening up anti-Japanese base areas in Jiangnan and northern Jiangsu, and participated in the command of Huangqiao and other battles. After the Southern Anhui Incident, he served as the 1st of the New Fourth Army
师长(后兼政治委员)、苏中军区司令员兼政治委员、苏中区党委书记,领导苏中军民挫败日伪军频繁的“扫荡”、“清乡”,坚持和巩固了苏中抗日民主根据地。1944年底任苏浙军区司令员兼政治委员 、
The division commander (later concurrently concurrently the political commissar), the commander and political commissar of the Soviet-Chinese Military Region, and the secretary of the party committee of the Soviet-Chinese Military Region, led the Soviet-Chinese military and civilians to thwart the frequent "sweeps" and "township clearances" of the Japanese puppet army, and upheld and consolidated the Soviet-Chinese anti-Japanese democratic base areas. At the end of 1944, he served as the commander and political commissar of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Military Region.
Secretary of the Party Committee of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Districts
。 After Japan's surrender, he served as deputy commander of the Central China Military Region and commander of the Central China Field Army. In 1946, together with Tan Zhenlin, he commanded the Soviet-Chinese campaign. After the Shandong and Central China Field Armies joined divisions, they participated in the command of the Subei and Lunan campaigns. In January 1947, he served as the deputy commander of the East China Field Army, and under the leadership of Chen Yi, he was responsible for the command of the campaign, and carried out Laiwu and Mengliang
and other battles. Later, he and Chen Yi commanded the outer line corps of the East China Field Army, and Liu (Bocheng)
(Xiaoping), Chen(
)谢(富治)大军密切协同,挺进中原。陈毅到中原局和中原军区工作期间,他任华东野战军代司令员、代政治委员,指挥了豫东战役 。同年9月,组织指挥济南战役。11月起,任中共淮海前线总前委成员,参与指挥淮海战役,直接指挥华东野战军作战。1949年1月,任第三野战军副司令员,参与指挥渡江战役,组织指挥上海战役。南京、上海解放后,兼任华东军政委员会副主席。
Xie (Fuzhi) army closely coordinated and advanced into the Central Plains. During Chen Yi's work in the Central Plains Bureau and the Central Plains Military Region, he served as acting commander and acting political commissar of the East China Field Army and commanded the Eastern Henan Campaign. In September of the same year, he organized and commanded the Jinan Campaign. Since November, he has served as a member of the General Front Committee of the Huaihai Front of the Communist Party of China, participated in the command of the Huaihai Campaign, and directly commanded the East China Field Army. In January 1949, he served as the deputy commander of the Third Field Army, participated in the command of the Yangtze River Crossing Campaign, and organized and commanded the Shanghai Campaign. After the liberation of Nanjing and Shanghai, he concurrently served as vice chairman of the East China Military and Political Commission.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as deputy commander of the East China Military Region and the Third Field Army, deputy chief of the general staff and chief of the general staff of the People's Liberation Army, vice minister of national defense, vice president and first political commissar of the Academy of Military Sciences, and member of the Standing Committee of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China. In 1955, he was awarded the rank of General and the Order of August 1 of the First Class, the Order of Independence and Freedom of the First Class, and the Order of Liberation of the First Class.


Political and industrial giant-Luo Ronghuan

Luo Ronghuan (November 26, 1902 - December 16, 1963), formerly known as Luo Shenzhen, the word Yahuai, the name Zongren. Born in Nanwan Village, Hanshui Township, Hengshan County, Hunan Province (now Ronghuan Town, Hengdong County). After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Luo Ronghuan served as the chief procurator of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and a member of the Political and Legal Committee of the Government Affairs Yuan. The founding father of the People's Republic of China and one of the top ten marshals of China.

Portrait of Luo Ronghuan

Luo Ronghuan devoted his main energies to the political and ideological work of our army, and from a party representative to the director of the General Political Department, he successively held leading posts in political work at all levels, and made tremendous contributions to the formation and development of our army's political work.

From August 20, 1927, when he organized the Tongcheng Autumn Harvest Rebellion and served as the party representative of the Peasant Self-Defense Army, Luo Ronghuan began his political career in the revolutionary army. During the Jinggangshan period, Luo Ronghuan successively served as a party representative of the company, battalion, and regiment, director of the military political department, acting military political commissar, inspector of the General Political Department, and director of the mobilization department.

Luo Ronghuan grasped the true meaning of political and ideological work from the beginning of his appointment as a party representative, and he insisted on gaining their trust by setting an example and caring for the fighters, and then doing their work in a targeted manner according to the existing problems. He understands that only by leading by example can he gain the admiration of others, and only by caring for his subordinates can he gain the trust of his subordinates. Words are only convincing when they gain admiration and trust. During the Jinggangshan period, the company or battalion of which Luo Ronghuan served as the party representative was the most combat-effective combat unit. His successful experience was affirmed and promoted by Mao Zedong.

Luo Ronghuan brought the concept of democracy and equality into political and ideological work, forbade beating and scolding soldiers, and adhered to democratic life, all of which became an important part of the "Resolution of the Gutian Conference," a programmatic document for our army's political and ideological work.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he served as the director of the Political Department of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army, mobilizing the masses in the border area of Hebei and Shanxi to establish an anti-Japanese base area. In the struggle to open up anti-Japanese base areas, he carried forward the fine tradition of political work during the Jinggangshan period, and expanded the political and ideological work of the troops to the work and struggle of propagating the masses, mobilizing the masses, arming the masses, and leading the masses to resist Japan. Wherever he took the troops, he carried out the mass work. In this way, the troops were expanded, the base areas were created and expanded, and the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression was won continuously.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Luo Ronghuan was appointed as the second political commissar of the Northeast People's Autonomous Army, and soon became the deputy political commissar of the Northeast Democratic Anti-Japanese Allied Army. During the period of presiding over the political work of our army in Northeast China, Luo Ronghuan discovered and popularized the education of "complaining about grievances" in a timely manner, and wrote an article entitled "The Direction of Education in the Army" to popularize the experience of complaining about grievances. The vast majority of our army's cadres and fighters come from the bottom of society, and this form of education has successfully aroused the hatred of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of officers and men for the Kuomintang and their enthusiasm for annihilating the Kuomintang army.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Luo Ronghuan served as the first director of the General Political Department. He led the cadres of the organs to draft and issue the "Political Work Instructions on the Reorganization and Demobilization of the Troops," thus ensuring the smooth progress of the demobilization of 1.5 million armed people.

The spirit of loving the people and serving the people and being strict with self-discipline has made Luo Ronghuan have few obstacles in doing ideological work, and he has become a great master of ideological and political work.

Women Heroes - Xiang Jingyu

Xiang Jingyu (1895~1928), female, formerly known as Xiang Junxian, was born in 1895 in Lipu County, Hunan. Tujia, one of the founders and early leaders of the Communist Party of China, was an outstanding communist fighter, a loyal proletarian revolutionary, and a pioneer and leader of the Chinese women's movement.

Portrait of the police

At the age of 8, she entered a new primary school co-founded by her eldest brother, which was the first for girls to enter the school in the local area. In 1912, she was admitted to the Hunan Provincial No. 1 Girls' Normal School, and later transferred to Zhounan Girls' School. During this period, she changed her name to Xiang Jingyu to show her vigilance and resistance to feudal forces.

In 1916, after graduating, Xiang Jingyu returned to his hometown to run a school with the ideal of "education to save the country". With the efforts of this "talent in the field of female education", the "although it is a succession, it is tantamount to a new creation" of the Pupu Girls' School has taken on a new look, and the atmosphere of the remote mountain town of Lipu has gradually changed.

After the news of the May Fourth Movement reached Lipu, Xiang led the teachers and students of the school to march and demonstrate on the streets to propagate the truth of anti-imperialism and national salvation. In the autumn of 1919, she joined the Xinmin Society founded by Mao Zedong and Cai Hesen, and later initiated the organization of the Hunan Women's Work-Study Society with Cai Chang and others, and went to France for work-study at the end of that year.

After arriving in France, Xiang Jingyu assiduously studied Marxist works word by word, and gradually grew into a staunch Marxist. At the beginning of 1922, Xiang returned to Shanghai and soon officially joined the Communist Party of China. In May 1924, the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to establish the Central Women's Department, and Xiang Jingyu served as the minister, becoming the first women's minister of the Communist Party of China. She often went out to work with the masses of women workers, guiding them to unite and declare war on oppression. Under her leadership, in 1924, the women's movement in the Zhabei Silk Factory and the Nanyang Tobacco Factory in Shanghai won a final victory. At the same time, she published a large number of articles on women's emancipation in newspapers and periodicals such as the Guide, the Women's Weekly, and the Women's Daily. She also proposed the establishment of the "Women's Liberation Association," which organized the vast numbers of women workers, peasant women, and revolutionary intellectual women, and rapidly developed throughout the country, with as many as 300,000 members. After several years of hard work, China's women's movement has flourished and is thriving.

In October 1925, Xiang went to the Soviet Union to study at the Eastern Workers' Communist University in Moscow, and returned to China in the spring of 1927 and came to Wuhan according to the organizational arrangement, where he was responsible for the work of the labor movement and youth. After the counter-revolutionary coup d'état of July 15, Xiang Jingyu remained in Wuhan and continued to stand with the workers, develop underground organizations, educate the working masses, and preserve and develop revolutionary forces in the suffocating white terror.

In March 1928, due to the betrayal of a traitor, Xiang Gongyu was unfortunately arrested. In prison, the enemy tortured her three times, but she did not receive the slightest confession. She firmly said: "I died for the cause of the party, it is a supreme honor!" The enemy, who had nothing to do, escorted her to the execution ground on May 1. On the way, she sang "The Internationale" and shouted to the crowds on both sides of the street: "Revolutionaries cannot be killed, and the days of reactionaries will not be too long!" The brutal enemy punched and kicked her, shoved stones into her mouth, and strangled her cheeks with belts, but she always held her head high, showing the iron and righteousness of a communist.

The country's warriors are unequaled - when Ren Bi

Ren Bishi (April 30, 1904 - October 27, 1950), known as Peiguo, No. Er Nan, was a native of Tangjiaqiao, Shutang Township, Xiangyin County, Hunan Province (now Miluo City), the founding father of the People's Republic of China, and one of the main leaders of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.

Portrait of Ren Bishi

In August 1920, he joined the Chinese Socialist Youth League. He joined the Communist Party of China in early 1922. In July 1925, he was appointed General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League. In May 1927, he was elected as a member of the Central Committee at the Fifth National Congress of the Communist Party of China. After the breakdown of the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, on August 7, 1927, he attended the emergency meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held in Hankou, actively advocated the agrarian revolution, and was elected as a member of the Political Bureau of the Provisional Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. In 1928, he was re-elected as a member of the Central Committee at the Sixth National Congress of the Communist Party of China. In 1931, he was elected as a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee at the Fourth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. In November 1935, he led the Red Second and Red Sixth Army Corps on the Long March, firmly supporting the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China represented by Mao Zedong, fighting against Zhang Guotao's separatist behavior, and urging the three main forces of the Red Army to join forces in victory. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he served as a member of the North China Branch of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China and director of the Political Department of the Eighth Route Army. In March 1938, on behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, he went to Moscow to systematically report to the Comintern on the situation of China's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the work and tasks of the Communist Party of China, and expounded the anti-Japanese national united front represented by Mao Zedong, which won the understanding and support of the Comintern. After returning to China in March 1940, he joined the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. In September 1941, he was appointed Secretary-General of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, assisted Mao Zedong in leading the rectification and large-scale production movement, and was entrusted by the Central Committee to preside over the drafting of the "Resolution on Several Historical Issues". In March 1943, he formed the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee headed by Mao Zedong with Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi. In 1945, he was elected as a member of the Political Bureau and a member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee at the First Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. After 1946, he fought in the north and south with Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, assisted Mao Zedong in commanding the National Liberation War, formulated the land policy of the Communist Party of China and carried out land reform. At the beginning of 1949, he guided the establishment of the Chinese New Democratic Youth League and was elected as the honorary chairman of the Central Committee of the League.

Ren Bishi adheres to the principle of "if you can insist on walking 100 steps, you should not take 99 steps" for his career and work, and has been working for a long time. He died in Beijing on October 27, 1950 at the age of 46. Comrade Ye Jianying appraised very pertinently: "He is the camel of our party and the camel of the Chinese people, carrying a heavy burden and walking a long and arduous road, without rest, without enjoyment, without any personal calculation. He was an outstanding communist, the best member of our party, and a model for us. ”

The sun is blazing - Yang Kaihui

Yang Kaihui (November 6, 1901 – November 14, 1930), known as Xia, was a native of Bancang, Changsha, Hunan Province (now Kaihui Town, Changsha County), an advocate and practitioner of the Chinese women's liberation movement.

Portrait of Yang Kaihui

In 1920, Yang Kaihui married Mao Zedong and became revolutionary partners. For seven years after her marriage, she carried out revolutionary work while raising her children. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1922. In April 1923, he accompanied Mao Zedong to Shanghai to work with the Party Central Committee, and organized a night school for female workers with Xiang Jingyu. In 1925, he returned to Shaoshan with Mao Zedong to carry out the peasant movement.

After the defeat of the Great Revolution, Mao Zedong led the Autumn Harvest Uprising in accordance with the instructions of the Party's 87th Conference, and Yang Kaihui took the child back to Changsha Bancang to carry out the underground struggle. In fact, Mao Zedong, who was far away in Jinggangshan, didn't miss his wife. He once sent people to Changsha to investigate, but when he learned that Yang Kaihui had been killed by the enemy, Mao Zedong believed it and was very sad. In fact, in order to better cover Yang Kaihui, the local people deliberately spread the news that Yang Kaihui was dead to confuse the enemy.

In November 1929, just two months before Yang Kaihui wrote this letter to Mao Zedong, Mao Zedong learned that Yang Kaihui was still alive and immediately wrote to Li Lishan, who worked in the Political Bureau of the Central Committee in Shanghai, to ask for Yang Kaihui's mailing address. At that time, Hunan's intra-party communication line was seriously damaged, and the situation in Qingtai Township, where Yang Kaihui was located, was also very serious.

In October 1930, Yang Kaihui was arrested, and the enemy forced Mao Zedong to ask where he was going, asking her to publicly announce that she had broken off the relationship with Mao Zedong. Yang Kaihui said firmly: "Sacrifice my small, succeed me big, and want me and Mao Zedong to break off the relationship between husband and wife, unless the sea is dry and rotten!" ”

In the end, unfortunately on November 14, 1930, Yang Kaihui, who was only 29 years old, bravely died in the literacy ridge outside Liuyang Gate in Changsha. For the sake of revolutionary faith, Yang Kaihui was unswerving to the death.

Before her death, she said: "I am not sorry to die, I hope that the Runzhi Revolution will succeed as soon as possible." A month later, Mao Zedong learned the news of Yang Kaihui's death and wrote the words "Kaihui's death, a hundred bodies cannot be redeemed", extremely sad and guilty.

"Once the sea was difficult to turn into water, except for Wushan is not a cloud", no matter when, Mao Zedong did not forget to miss Yang Kaihui.

In 1957, Mao Zedong once said bitterly in "Butterfly Loves Flowers: Answer to Li Shuyi": "I am arrogant, Yang Jun loses willows". The word "proud" reveals Mao Zedong's infinite thoughts and praise for Yang Kaihui. She left the world with an immortal "proud Yang" spirit......

Marshal without title - Teng Daiyuan

滕代远1904年11月2日-1974年12月1日)苗族, 湖南麻阳人。曾用名唐大光、李光。早年在湖南省常德第二师范读书时,参与领导进步学生运动。1924年加入中国社会主义青年团,1925年转入中国共产党。
Teng Daiyuan (November 2, 1904 – December 1, 1974), Miao nationality, from Mayang, Hunan. He used to be known as Tang Daguang and Li Guang. In his early years, when he was studying at Changde No. 2 Normal School in Hunan Province, he participated in leading the progressive student movement. He joined the Chinese Socialist Youth League in 1924 and transferred to the Communist Party of China in 1925.

Portrait of Teng Daiyuan

During the First Civil Revolutionary War, he successively served as the secretary of the Changsha Suburban Committee of the Communist Party of China and the chairman of the Agricultural Association; Member of the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and Chairman of the Hunan Farmers' Association.

During the Second Civil Revolutionary War, he successively served as secretary of the Liling County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, secretary of the Xiangdong Special Committee, and secretary of the Hunan-Hubei-Jiangxi Border Special Committee.
In July 1928, he co-organized and led the Pingjiang Uprising with Peng Dehuai and was the leader of the Pingjiang Uprising. The Fifth Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was established, and he served as the representative of the military party and the party representative of the 13th Division. In December of the same year, he led his troops to Jinggangshan to join the Red Fourth Army led by Mao Zedong and Zhu De, served as the deputy party representative of the Red Fourth Army, participated in and led the defense of Jinggangshan, and was one of the founders of the Jinggangshan Revolutionary Base Area. The Red Fifth Army and the Red Eighth Army expanded
After being organized into the Red Third Army, he served as the political commissar of the regiment; After the merger of the Red First Army and the Third Army to form the Red First Army, he served as the deputy general political commissar of the Red First Army and the political commissar of the Red Third Army Corps; He participated in the first, third, and fourth anti-"encirclement and suppression" operations. In November 1931 and February 1934, he was elected as a member of the First and Second Central Government Executive Committee of the Chinese Soviet Republic. In July 1933, he served as the political commissar of the Eastern Army with Peng Dehuai as commander.
Led the troops into the Eastern Crusade of Fujian
For his outstanding military achievements, he was awarded the second-class Red Star Medal by the Central Revolutionary Military Commission; In February 1934, he was transferred to the head of the General Mobilization and Armed Forces Department of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission, and in July of the same year, he was appointed by the Central Committee to attend the Seventh Congress of the Communist International in Moscow, the Soviet Union, and then entered the Lenin School to study military affairs, and returned to China in 1937 as the representative of the Central Committee and the Eighth Route Army in Xinjiang.

During the Anti-Japanese War, he served as the chief of staff of the Central Military Commission; In the winter of 1939, he went to the northwest of Shanxi Province to command the anti-recalcitrant struggle; In 1940, he served as the vice president of the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University and the secretary of the Military and Political Committee, and a member of the Northern Bureau of the Communist Party of China; In August 1942, he served as Chief of Staff and Director of Intelligence of the Forward Headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Eighth Route Army, and member of the Standing Committee of the Northern Bureau of the Communist Party of China.

During the Liberation War, he served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong, and Henan Central Bureau, the first deputy commander of the Military Region and the president of the Military and Political University; Served as the military adviser of the CPC delegation of the Executive Department of the Beiping Military Mediation Office; Member and Standing Committee member of the North China Bureau of the Communist Party of China, member of the North China People's Government, second deputy commander of the North China Military Region; In January 1949, he was appointed Minister of the Ministry of Railways of the Central Military Commission, Commander and Political Commissar of the Railway Corps.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as a member of the Political Council of the Central People's Government, a member of the Finance and Economic Affairs and National Defense Commission, and the first Minister of Railways and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group. In January 1965, he was appointed Vice Chairman of the Fourth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He served as a member of the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Comrade Teng Daiyuan was a proletarian revolutionary of the older generation of our party, the early founder of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and a senior commander of the Chinese People's Liberation Army; he was the founder of the people's railway cause and the railway soldiers; he devoted his whole life to the restoration and construction of the new Chinese railway, and to the cause of liberation and communism of the Chinese people!

Chapter 2 The Red Story of Hunan

Four famous uprisings in Hunan and Hunan generals

In the history of the development of the people's army under the leadership of our party, a large number of Hunan revolutionaries, politicians, and military strategists have emerged, and they have Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, Ren Bishi, Peng Dehuai, He Long, Luo Ronghuan, Lin Boqu, Li Lisan, Li Fuchun, Tao Zhu, and so on as the main representatives, and they have played a pivotal role in the history of the party and the army, and their contributions are indispensable. Especially in the people's army, the founding generals of Hunan nationality account for a large proportion, why is this? We have to mention the four armed uprisings in Hunan during the agrarian revolution.

The reason why there are many military figures of Hunan nationality in the people's army under the leadership of the CPC can be simply summed up in three points: First, the influence of the revolutionary spirit of the Hunan people who dare to be the first in the world and the cultural character of the heroic spirit of shedding blood without shedding tears, which have been formed in modern times. The second is the influence of progressive ideas. During the Great Revolution, the workers' and peasants' movement in Hunan was very active, and it was one of the most vibrant provinces in the country at that time. The spread of Marxism-Leninism laid the ideological foundation for many Hunan generals. The third is the impact of four famous uprisings in Hunan (also known as "riots" at the time).

秋收起义纪念馆 里仁学校
Autumn Harvest Uprising Memorial Hall Liren School

Autumn Harvest Uprising: The Autumn Harvest Uprising on the Hunan and Jiangxi borders, a famous armed uprising held on September 9, 1927 by Mao Zedong in eastern Hunan and western Jiangxi led by the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army (i.e., the Red Army). After the reorganization of Sanwan, the rebel troops arrived in the Jinggangshan area and established the Jinggangshan Revolutionary Base Area. The founding generals of Hunan who participated in the Autumn Harvest Uprising included 1 marshal, 1 general, 2 generals, 7 lieutenant generals, and 5 major generals. There are also senior generals such as He Changgong and Yang Lisan.

Some comrades who participated in the Autumn Harvest Uprising took a group photo in Yan'an

Southern Hunan Uprising: In January 1928, Zhu De and Chen Yi led the remnants of the Nanchang Rebel Army of more than 2,000 people to launch a large-scale armed uprising in the southern Hunan region. The rebel army was renamed the "First Division of the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army", with Zhu De as the division commander, Chen Yi as the party representative, and Wang Erzhuo as the chief of staff. Among the founding generals of Hunan who participated in the Southern Hunan Uprising, there were 2 generals, 4 generals, 8 lieutenant generals, and 5 major generals.

Sangzhi Uprising: On April 2, 1928, the Sangzhi Uprising led by He Long, Zhou Yiqun, He Jinzhai and others was officially launched, and the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army annihilated the defense forces defending the city in one fell swoop, seized the county seat, and then established the Sangzhi County Revolutionary Committee. In June, the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army grew to more than 1,500 people and began the struggle to create a revolutionary base area in Hunan-Hubei. There were 14 founding generals from Hunan who participated in the Sangzhi Uprising, including 1 marshal, 1 general, 6 lieutenant generals, and 6 major generals.

Pingjiang Uprising: Including the "March Uprising" and the "July Uprising". On March 16, 1928, the Pingjiang County Committee of the Communist Party of China organized the famous "March Siege of the City", in which nearly 200,000 peasants surrounded and attacked the county seat of Pingjiang. In late July, Peng Dehuai, Teng Daiyuan, Huang Gongluo, Deng Ping and other leaders launched the famous Pingjiang Uprising, occupied Pingjiang County, and established the Red Fifth Army. Peng Dehuai was the army commander, Teng Daiyuan was the party representative, and Deng Ping was the chief of staff. There were more than 50 founding generals from Hunan who participated in the Pingjiang Uprising, including 1 marshal, 1 general, 6 generals, 10 lieutenant generals, and more than 30 major generals

Hunan Passage: The Red Army's eight heroes jumped off the cliff at the slope boundary

At the boundary of the small water and the big slope of the passage, there stands a majestic monument. Here are quietly buried more than thirty young Red Army soldiers. Eight of them fought to the end and jumped off the cliff heroically......

Monument to the Battle of Little Water

1934年9月15 日,国民党湘军李觉部55旅占领大坡界主峰,对正在通过大坡界山脚下的红六军团十八师发动突然袭击,将十八师截为两段。情况危急,红军立即做出反应:命令52团某排30余人担任掩护,以保证主力部队顺利突围。为了吸引敌人注意,掩护部队迅速抢占了大坡界另一高地,向敌人猛烈开火。敌人一时摸不清虚实,以为红军增援部队赶到,便将火力集中对准了掩护部队。
On September 15, 1934, the 55th Brigade of Li Juebu of the Kuomintang Hunan Army occupied the main peak of Dapojie and launched a surprise attack on the 18th Division of the Red Sixth Army Corps, which was passing through the foot of Dapojie Mountain, and cut the 18th Division into two sections. The situation was critical, and the Red Army immediately reacted: more than 30 people from a platoon of the 52nd Regiment were ordered to act as cover to ensure a smooth breakthrough of the main forces. In order to attract the attention of the enemy, the covering troops quickly seized another high ground on the Dapo boundary and opened heavy fire on the enemy. The enemy was momentarily confused, and thinking that the Red Army reinforcements had arrived, concentrated his fire on the covering troops.

The battle was extremely fierce, and the Red Army fighters struggled to support and repelled the enemy's attacks again and again. Li Jue saw that he could not attack the front for a long time, so he changed his tactics and ordered the enemy army to outflank from both flanks of the Dapo boundary, flank the covering troops on both sides, and surround them with regiments. The situation is becoming more and more unfavorable, and the enemy's encirclement is shrinking smaller and smaller. In order to buy more time for the main forces to break through and divert the encirclement, the Red Army soldiers were determined to live and die with the position, and fought desperately with the enemy in front and rear.

Bullets rained down on them, and comrades fell in the rain of bullets. One, two, three...... After more than three hours of fighting, most of the commanders and fighters died heroically, and the remaining eight Red Army soldiers still fought stubbornly. When the bullets ran out, they were stoned, and finally, the stones were gone......

More than three hundred enemies rushed forward and cut off their retreat. The enemy howls frantically: "Catch alive, catch alive!" ”

Oil painting of the passage of the Red Sixth Army's westward expedition

In front of him, there are approaching enemy troops, and behind him, there are cliffs dozens of meters high. Eight Red Army soldiers swore to death and were not taken prisoner. They smashed their guns, sorted out their clothes and hats, looked at the direction of the main force breaking through, and helped each other towards the cliff.

They chanted "Long live the Red Army!" resolutely jumped from a cliff more than 50 meters high.

The peaks were overshadowed, and the heavens and the earth were moved. Six of the eight heroes who jumped off the cliff died on the spot, and two were seriously injured. One of them was a teenager. He broke his legs, and his flesh was blurred. The enemy lured him down: if he told him where the army was going, not only would he not kill him, but he could also heal his wounds and give him ten pieces of silver to go home. The little Red Army motioned for the enemy to come closer, and took advantage of the opponent's inattention to bite off half of his ear. In a fit of rage, the enemy pierced the little Red Army in the abdomen with a bayonet and brutally ended the young man's life. Another Red Army, tormented to the point of dying by the enemy, still firmly said: I am a Communist Party member and would rather die than tell the secrets of the Party. In the end, the murderous enemy cut off his head.

When the local people went to the bottom of the cliff to bury the bodies of the Red Army, the scene was terrible: some of their heads were broken, and their brains flowed out; Some of their faces were covered with blood and were unrecognizable; There was also a Red Army soldier who was hung from a tree with a branch piercing his chest...... The heroic and unyielding eight heroes on the Dapo Realm died heroically, but they didn't even leave a name. Qingshan buries the bones of the faithful everywhere, why should the horse leather shroud be returned. The heroic eight heroes and more than 20 comrades-in-arms have since been buried in the Dapo Realm.

With the passage of time, the battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke is now a verdant place. In October 1991, the Tongdao County Party Committee and the county government built the Xiaoshui Battle Chronicle in Dapo Boundary

Monument. On the monument, the six characters inscribed by General Xiao Ke are "the spirit of the Red Army lives forever".

Shining in the sun, silently telling everyone who came to pay their respects, that period of eternity

History that cannot be forgotten.

Father-son relationship hidden in the closet

In October 1950, U.S. imperialism brought the war to the banks of the Yalu River. Chairman Mao called on the people of the whole country to resist US aggression and aid Korea and defend their homes and the country. Mao Anying took the initiative to apply to join the Chinese People's Volunteer Army and resolutely asked to join the Korean War. When many comrades in Zhongnanhai persuaded Chairman Mao to come forward to stop him, the answer he received was: "Who will go if he doesn't go"!

34 days after entering the Korean War, Anying died on the Korean battlefield, and Mr. Peng personally sent a telegram to Premier Zhou to explain the situation. Because Chairman Mao was ill at the time, half a month later, Premier Zhou told Chairman Mao the sad news, and the chairman held back his tears and was silent for a long time, then lit a cigarette and said in a slightly trembling voice: "War, there will always be sacrifices." On the battlefield in Korea, aren't the children of thousands of ordinary people also struggling and dying? I don't regret it, I am the leader of this country, when the country is in danger, I don't send my own son to defend the country, so whose son will I send? All night, Chairman Mao sat on the sofa and did not get up, just smoked cigarettes one after another, stoically accepted the fact that his son would never come back, and endured the endless pain of losing his loved ones alone.

Mao Anying's tomb

When someone suggested that Anying's tomb be moved back to China, Chairman Mao said: "No need, where the Communists died, they should be buried." He rejected this kindness, and wrote the following verse on the telegram: Qingshan buries the bones of the faithful everywhere, why should the body be returned by the horse leather.

In 1990, when the Central Security Bureau was cleaning up Chairman Mao's relics, it accidentally found a small cabinet, which contained several pieces of Comrade Mao Anying's clothes, including shirts, socks, towels and a military cap. Later, I learned that these items were treasured by Chairman Mao without the help of all the staff around him.

In fact, according to the local customs of Shaoshan, after the death of a family member, things related to the deceased are generally burned, and there is no habit of keeping relics. But Chairman Mao hid from everyone and quietly treasured his son's relics by his side, which was 26 years.

A father who treats his son's towels and socks as treasures really doesn't want his son back? Did he ever take out these clothes one by one and touch them gently in the dead of night, and were they also soaked in the tears of the chairman? We dare not delve into these questions, and we can't bear to think about them.

When Anying's clothes were presented to everyone again, 40 years had passed since Mao Anying's sacrifice, and 14 years had passed since Chairman Mao's death. An old father's thoughts of his departed child were silently pressed under the wardrobe for nearly half a century. In the face of these clothes, we can't help but sigh: how unfortunate these clothes are, the lingering family affection they carry, and there is no chance to be carefully read by their owners; How fortunate these clothes are, they let us once again feel Chairman Mao's deep love for the country and the people and the deep fatherly love for his son, how long and deep.

Ren Bi's "Three Fears" and "Camel Spirit"

At the time of Ren Bi, the calendar of his life was full of "three fears": one was afraid of less work, two was afraid of troublesome people, and three was afraid of using more money. The style of "three fears" embodies the spiritual realm of Communist Party members who are selfless, distinguish between public and private, and forget selfishness.

The "three fears" of Ren Bi in the memorial hall

Ren Bi was the youngest of the five secretaries of the Central Committee, but his long-term overwork, coupled with two arrests and punishments, severely damaged his body.

A photo of Ren Bi when he was in Xibaipo

This photo is a photo taken by Ren Bi when he was in Xibaipo, he was only 44 years old, his face was swollen, at this time the doctor advised him to stay in bed more, not to attend the meeting, but he said: "How many years, how many generations of our Chinese nation has been bound by feudalism and enslaved by imperialism, now the national victory is just around the corner, we must quickly win the national victory, the establishment of a new China, how many things need to be done urgently, can I lie down?" ”

Together with Zhou Enlai and Zhu De, Ren Bishi assisted Mao Zedong in commanding the three major battles of Liaoshen, Huaihai and Pingjin, realizing "the smallest command headquarters and commanding the world's largest people's war." But at the time of the founding ceremony, he could not climb the Tiananmen Tower due to physical reasons, and could only listen to the founding ceremony through the radio, which should be the biggest regret in his heart.

In November 1949, Ren Bishi went to the Soviet Union for medical treatment. On May 17, 1950, Ren Bishi ended his treatment in the Soviet Union, and as soon as he returned, he attended the Third Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee, and then wrote to the Secretariat of the Central Committee, requesting that part of his work be resumed. Mao Zedong instructed: "No more than four hours a day, in charge of the Organization Department and the Youth Committee." But even so, he still worked more than eight hours a day while he was sick. In Ren Bishi's heart, he just wants to do his best to work a little more and a little more for this new China that is in ruins.

After the outbreak of the Korean War, Ren Bishi often returned to his office after a meeting and stayed up late to read the war report and study the war situation. On October 24, Ren Bishi worked until late at night. The hour hand pointed to twelve o'clock, and he reached out and flipped the calendar to October 25, and with great difficulty, he moved the papers and materials to the bed and lay down with difficulty. And this lay, but never woke up. In this way, the 46-year-old Ren Bishi finished his short but great life with infinite loyalty and love for the party and the people.

Comrade Ren Bishi's tireless efforts to shoulder heavy responsibilities is a manifestation of his "fear of less work". Let's talk about "two afraid of trouble": after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he lived in Jingshan East Street, Beijing, with a small house next to the road, and his office was only two or three meters away from the road, and his voice was noisy. In order to take care of his work and rest, the organization wants to move him. When he learned that he had to move an institution in order to move him, he resolutely refused to let him move. "Three fears of spending too much money": After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the central government equipped Ren Bishi with a Soviet-made "Jim 150" special car. He always told the staff: to do things together, to use the car less often, to save gas. Later, the organization was ready to repair his house, but he was firmly opposed. He believes that under the circumstances when the great cause of the country is starting up and the people's lives are very difficult, not a penny should be spent.

Ren Bishi has devoted himself to the revolution for 30 years and has held many important positions, especially as the red "big steward" of the party and organs. Ye Jianying once said: "He is the camel of our party, the camel of the Chinese people, carrying a heavy burden, walking a long and arduous road, without rest, without enjoyment, without any personal calculation." He is an outstanding communist, the best member of our party, and a model for us! ”

Scenario restoration: Pingjiang Uprising pledge

It can be said that these four uprisings are an important practical basis for cultivating revolutionary generals of Hunan origin in the people's army. Since then, many peasants, workers, soldiers, and students in Hunan have embarked on the road of revolution, and have grown into high-ranking generals after being born and dying. More than half of the senior Hunan generals came out of these four uprisings. Of the 36 Chinese People's Liberation Army military members, 12 took part in the four uprisings in Hunan. The four famous uprisings in Hunan laid the foundation for our party to take the road of "encircling the cities from the countryside and seizing power by armed force", and also provided a stage for many Hunan revolutionary generals to display their military talents!

Peng Dehuai and Zhaoshan "General Crossing"

At the junction of Changsha, Xiangtan and Zhuzhou in Hunan Province, there is a Zhaoshan Mountain, and there is an ancient temple of Zhaoyang on the mountain. Descend from the ancient temple of Zhaoyang, go down along the ancient granite road to the north, on the bank of the Xiangjiang River, according to the signs, it can be known that this is the general crossing, because Peng Dehuai crossed the river from here and got the name.

"General Crossing"

In the autumn of 1921, Peng Dehuai served in the 11th Company of the 3rd Battalion of the 6th Regiment of the 3rd Brigade of the 2nd Division of the Hunan Army, and the troops were stationed in Zhuzikou, Nanxian County. At that time, Ou Shengqin, the local tax director and director of the embankment bureau, was a landlord bully with the backing of a warlord, relying on his power to oppress the people and do many evils.

Peng Dehuai sent three members of the poverty relief team, including Wang Shaonan and Wei Benrong, led by Jiang Ziqing, to secretly execute Ou Shengqin. Soon, the 6th Regiment was transferred to the Lukou She area, which was 70 kilometers away from Changsha City, and because Ou Shengqin's death was reported, Yuan Zhi, the commander of the 6th Regiment, was ordered by Zhao Hengti to arrest Peng Dehuai. On the way to Changsha, Peng Dehuai escaped with the help of several well-meaning soldiers.

He recorded in his self-report: I ran all the way, and came to the bank of the Xiangjiang River in Yijiawan in the middle of the night, there was a thin fog, and I saw a small boat. The sister-in-law was mending the net, and the old man was packing up. Uncle Zunsheng is convenient, and the old man asks with a smile where to go? I said, "If you want to cross the river, you don't have half a penny on you." The old man said, "Come on the boat, send you across the river, I don't want your money!"

Peng Dehuai asked the other party's name, and knew that the old man's name was Luo Sixty Old Mansion, and there was only one daughter in the family. The old man asked, "Where did the gentleman come from and where is he going?" Peng Dehuai said: "I am not a gentleman, I am a poor man." The old man looked at him and shook his head, and Peng Dehuai told him in detail about the reason, and after the ship arrived on the west bank, "I will give him the undershirt, and he will not want it anyway." I jumped ashore, threw my undershirt on the boat and said, "Let's keep it as a souvenir when we meet each other!" ”

The section of the river where the "General Crossing" is located

After Peng Dehuai jumped off the boat of Luo Sixty, he hurried away overnight. The sky was about to break, and he came to Guo Deyun's house by the river of Bazong Baxian Bridge in Xiangtan City. Guo Deyun was the squad leader when Peng Dehuai enlisted in the army, he served as a soldier in the Hunan Army in the late Qing Dynasty, participated in the Xinhai Revolution, and had a sense of justice. Peng Dehuai respected him very much. At this time, Peng Dehuai had a home and could not return, so he came to him. Guo Deyun saw Peng Dehuai coming late at night, he was in a hurry, asked the reason, and hurriedly led Peng Dehuai to the back room of the small building to hide.

In 1930, when the Red Army occupied Changsha, Peng Dehuai deliberately went to the shore of Zhaoshan in Yijiawan Town to find Luo Liuliu, and gave him part of the confiscated grain of the local tyrants. But Luo Sixty still didn't know Peng Dehuai's true identity in the end.

Su Yu's blue-gray casual clothes

In the Comrade Su Yu Memorial Hall, there is a set of gray civilian clothes that have been washed white and gray, and the true color can hardly be seen. It is inconspicuous among the many relics of Comrade Su Yu, but it has accompanied Comrade Su Yu for more than 30 spring and autumn periods.

The gray civilian clothes worn by Su Yu

In July 1949, Comrade Su Yu served as mayor of Nanjing and director of the Nanjing Military Control Commission, and concurrently served as local and military work. Considering that it was inconvenient to wear military uniforms during local inspections, Cai Changfeng, director of the Logistics Department of the East China Military Region, was going to make a set of civilian clothes for Comrade Su Yu, and he said to Comrade Su Yu: "You are now the mayor of a city, and you should make you a wool suit to wear." When Comrade Su Yu heard this, he refused repeatedly: "No! Why do you want to make wool? Isn't it okay to make a set of cloth? As soon as I entered the city, I paid attention to not being dressed well, and the masses of the people did not look at me as the mayor to see if I was dressed well, but to see whether I did my job well and whether I served them. If you have to make wool, then you wear it, I won't wear it anyway, please care more about me from work in the future. ”

At the insistence of Comrade Su Yu, Minister Cai made him a blue-gray khaki tunic suit. Comrade Su Yu wore this suit to meet with the people of Nanjing, and went to factories, schools, and shops to investigate and study. Later, Comrade Su Yu was transferred to the Central Army and appointed deputy chief of general staff, and he wore this suit from Nanjing to Beijing, and even the brim of his hat was torn, and the clothes changed from the original blue-gray to gray-white, and he was still reluctant to throw them away, so he wore them like this for nearly 30 years.

Comrade Su Yu's tunic

There is a saying in China: three years for the new, three years for the old, and another three years for sewing and mending. But three or three years add up to only nine years, and it's hard to imagine that Su Yu can wear a very ordinary casual dress for nearly 30 years. At that time, Comrade Su Yu was already the mayor of a city, and with his status, even if the country's economy was in difficulty at that time, there was still no problem with spending on clothing. If Comrade Su Yu likes the style and fabric of this suit very much, he can also propose to make a new one, and such a request is definitely not too much. However, according to the memories of the staff around him, Comrade Su Yu always said: "Clothes, just clean and tidy!" There are too many clothes, but you have to think about what to wear every day, which is a headache! ”

Comrade Su Yu fought all his life and made great achievements. On the battlefield where bullets and bullets rained, he was born and died, commanding the storm, with the heroic spirit of "taking the head of a general in a million army"; After the basic victory of the War of Liberation, he lived in the land of gold dust of the Six Dynasties, was spotless, had a clean breeze on his sleeves, regarded himself as a drop in the sea, and was self-disciplined as an ordinary soldier, and consistently maintained his true qualities as a public servant of the people, and was a model of arduous struggle.

A bamboo bowl sends affection

In the old man's house of Qiu Shengbiao in Huluyan Village, Xianzhangtang Township, Hunan Province, a special bamboo bowl is kept. This bamboo bowl is 12 cm in diameter and 13 cm high, and there are two circles carved next to each other near the mouth of the bowl, and the appearance of the bamboo bowl is decorated with shallow patterns, leaving two eyelets about 4 cm apart in the middle of the bamboo bowl, which is convenient to hang with rope perforations and easy to carry. According to the old man, this is a bamboo bowl from Jiangxi, which was left by a Red Army soldier of the 34th Red Division during the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army's Long March to Huluyan Ferry. For more than 80 years, Qiu Shengbiao's family has regarded this bamboo bowl as a treasure, and protective measures such as moisture-proof and moth-proof have been in place. What kind of story does a bamboo bowl have?

Bamboo bowls left behind by the Red Army

Huluyan Village in Daoxian County is located on the Tuoshui River, a tributary of the upper reaches of Xiaoshui. The east side of Tuoshui is a high ridge, the Gaoling Mountain is steep, and the cliffs are close to the river. There are two adjacent openings on the cliff cliff that resemble gourds, and the village is named gourd rock.

History is turbulent, and time has come to 1934. In August, under the leadership of Ren Bishi, Xiao Ke, and Wang Zhen, the Red Sixth Army Corps set out from Jiangxi to the west as the advance team of the Red Army's Long March, and entered Daoxian County. The vanguard of more than 1,000 people of the Red Sixth Army crossed Xiaoshui from Huluyan relatively smoothly. In November, the Central Organ of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, the column of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission and part of the army rushed to cross Xiaoshui from Huluyan. This crossing of Xiaoshui can be described as 100,000 urgent! Because Chiang Kai-shek had already judged that the Central Red Army "must follow the old path of Xiao Bandit (Xiao Ke) along the Wuling Mountains, pass through Xing'an (Xing'an) and Quanzhou (Quanzhou), and its actions must be swift so as not to invade the north, and both and only cover its flanks with one section." Chiang Kai-shek sent a telegram to He Jian "on the elimination of the Central Red Army in Hunan and the areas east of Lishui". At the same time, the Kuomintang mobilized 400,000 troops and set up pocket formations for the Red Army that had entered the narrow strip of the Xiaoshui and Xiangjiang rivers, intending to wipe out the Red Army in the area east of the Xiangjiang River and prevent the Red Army from crossing the Xiangjiang River. The Red Army entered southern Hunan from Jiangxi, and the Kuomintang Li Yunjie's 27th Army pursued the Central Red Army like a mad dog. In this transition to Huluyan, Li Yunjie's 27th Army was only less than 20 kilometers away from the "Red Star Column", and the Red 34th Division struggled to take on the task of being the rear of the palace, and the "Red Star Column" rushed to cross Xiaoshui from Huluyan, which brooked no delay.

Due to the anti-communist propaganda of the Kuomintang, all the ferries on both sides of the Xiaoshui River were forced to hide. The Red Army was a poor man's army, and the common people spontaneously propped up the ferry, unloaded the door panels, bed boards, and contributed timber to help the Red Army erect pontoon bridges. In this transition to Xiaoshui, there is a farmer named Qiu Jiaru who is very active and hardworking. He looked at a Red Army soldier standing next to his ferry with a large bamboo tube around his waist and was very interested. The Red Army soldier picked up the bamboo tube and told him: "This is the bamboo bowl that our Red Army soldiers used for marching, which is made of green bamboo in Jinggang Mountain." Qiu Jiaru said: "The bamboo in Jinggang Mountain is so big, my bamboo pole used to support the ferry cannot be compared with the bamboo in Jinggang Mountain." ”

In this transition, there were a large number of people, and pontoons and ferries were used together, because the Red Army had to race against time. In this transition, the people started to cross the river from midnight until dawn. The army and the people were of one mind, and the Red Army crossed the Xiaoshui relatively smoothly. The soldiers of the Red 34th Division finally crossed, and then set up an ambush to block the pursuing enemy. The Red Army was very grateful to the people of Huluyan for their help, and the soldier of the 34th Red Division who carried a bamboo bowl on his waist was moved by Qiu Jiaru's spirit of supporting the ferry all night to help the Red Army cross the Xiaoshui, and insisted on giving his bamboo bowl to Qiu Jiaru as a souvenir.

The Red Army rushed non-stop to Huangjia and Chai Tang to rendezvous. Qiu Jiaru, who returned home, was reprimanded by his family for the bamboo bowl, saying that he should not accept the bamboo bowl of the Red Army soldiers, who did not have a bowl and were inconvenient to eat and drink. Qiu Jiaru explained that the Red Army soldiers insisted on sending it, but he still felt guilty.

In this way, the bowl was left in the Qiu family. Every time they saw this bamboo bowl, the family would think of the thin Red Army soldier and worry about him. Whether the Red Army soldier crossed the Xiangjiang River and whether he successfully arrived in Yan'an, every time he thought of the Red Army soldier, Lao Qiu's heart was very uncomfortable. When Lao Qiu was dying, he handed over the bamboo bowl to his juniors, and repeatedly told his juniors to keep this bamboo bowl, just because the Red Army soldier had said a word: We will come back! Lao Qiu's descendants, remember the entrustment, the world has protected the bamboo bowl, more than 80 years, the Red Army soldier has never returned. The bamboo bowl has been left in Huluyan for more than 80 years, and the Lao Qiu family has guarded it for more than 80 years. Time has passed, the beacon years printed on the bamboo bowl, and the sound of the waves at the Huluyan ferry is still so clear.

The "heirloom" left by Marshal Luo Ronghuan to his children

Luo Ronghuan was one of the top ten founding marshals of New China, and he fulfilled his duties all his life and was known as a "master of political work". In family life, Luo Ronghuan, as a senior cadre of the party, leads by example, takes the lead everywhere, and takes the lead in establishing a good family style. He not only set strict demands on himself and did not engage in specialization, but also taught his family members and staff members to be honest people and do honest things, to be absolutely loyal to the party, to serve the people at all times, and to resist the idea of privilege.

Mr. and Mrs. Luo Ronghuan are in Shandong with their two children

Luo Ronghuan is a loving father, but he never dotes on his children. He believes that the children of high-ranking cadres should be set all the more strict, otherwise the children of high-ranking cadres' families are prone to have a sense of superiority, and if this sense of superiority is not overcome in time, it will develop into a tendency of specialization and thus separate themselves from the masses. Therefore, Luo Ronghuan often told his children: "The children of revolutionary cadres should not be separated from the masses, should not have a sense of superiority, and should mingle with the children of workers and peasants." You must not have the idea of relying on your father and mother, but rely on your own ability to eat. ”

Luo Ronghuan attaches great importance to the education of his children. When his son Luo Dongjin and sister Luo Nan went to primary school, because the school was far away from home, the siblings usually lived on the school and only took the bus home on Saturdays. Once, when school was late, the family sent a car to pick them up. After Luo Ronghuan learned about this, he gathered the whole family together and said solemnly: "In the future, it is absolutely forbidden to use a car to pick up and drop off children." The car is for me to work in the organization, not to transport you to school, and you have already enjoyed a lot of treatment that you should not enjoy, and if you don't realize it, it will be bad, and it will hurt you. He told the staff: "It's a workout to let them take the bus!" "Later, when the siblings came home from school, they didn't catch the bus, so they walked home, and they didn't get home until late. The family was a little anxious and worried about what would happen to the child on the road. At this time, the two children entered the house sweating profusely and covered in dust. Luo Ronghuan understood at a glance, praised them happily, and said: "Okay, good, you are doing the right thing, young people should always exercise themselves and not be afraid of hardship." Don't engage in specialization in life, don't blindly pursue a comfortable life, and covet enjoyment. Today, you can't take the car and walk back, you are not afraid of hardship, you are not afraid of tiredness, this spirit must be carried forward, and it must be preserved for a long time. ”

In 1958, Luo Dongjin, who was in high school, signed up for voluntary labor in the construction of the Ming Tombs Reservoir. He was positive and was praised by his superiors. Luo Ronghuan was very relieved when he heard this. When he came home and saw his son's frayed shoulders, he encouraged, "This is just the beginning." The shoulders of the working people have been ground into calluses. Don't be intimidated by hardships, and you should take part in labor more actively in the future. "Under the earnest teaching of his father, Luo Dong
In 1959, he was admitted to the Harbin Military Engineering College. Before his son left home, Luo Ronghuan told him earnestly: "I agree with you to study in the military industry because I hope that you will receive a strict military education in military academies, so that you can make faster progress in politics and make a little contribution to China's national defense construction and do something useful for the people in the future." And it's not about you
Official, come out and show your majesty. He also said, "At present, our science and technology are still very backward, and if we are backward, we will be beaten, so you must have high ambition and make some achievements for the country." Then, he took out a pen and wrote a few lines on the paper, so that Luo Dongjin could take it with him and always remember: the combination of studying major and studying politics. Politics is a way to set the direction, and if you sail without a direction, you will go astray. Keep in close contact with your classmates and collaborate with each other to improve together. Be wary of being aloof and arrogant, and don't be inferior or unconfident. Observe military discipline and cultivate a fearless spirit. During his time at school, Luo Dong
The leader of the party group in the class usually has a lot of activities and a lot of study pressure, so it is inevitable that he will be impatient at work. Luo Ronghuan is very concerned about the growth of his children, and he will write to him when he has time, reminding and admonishing his son from time to time: "Don't just use slogans to demand others, that will only separate yourself from the masses and make you an empty revolutionary, but you should influence others with practical actions." Luo Dongjin kept his father's teachings in mind and worked hard to get rid of his impatience. There was a holiday,
Luo Dongjin took the train
When he went home, he voluntarily gave up his seat to an old man, and he stood in the aisle for a day and a night, and then fell ill when he got home. After Luo Ronghuan learned what happened, he praised his son and said, "You did the right thing!" It's good to be able to endure hardship. We're your age, how can we have a train. ”

多年以后,孩子们回忆起父亲的点滴教诲仍十分感激,罗东进说:“爸爸给我烙印最深的,还是他自己的模范行为。”罗荣桓的一言 一行如春风化雨,无声地浸润着孩子们的成长。
Years later, the children are still very grateful when they recall their father's teachings, and Luo Dongjin said: "What imprinted me the most deeply on my father was his own exemplary behavior. Luo Ronghuan's words and deeds are like spring breeze and rain, silently infiltrating the growth of children.

Luo Ronghuan has practiced it for decades, and the revolutionary style of being loyal to the party, strictly demanding his children, being an honest person, and doing honest things is the "heirloom" of our party that will never fade, and it is the huge spiritual wealth left to our descendants, which still shines today.

She is an "old revolutionary", but she is not a high-ranking official and is willing to be a "gardener"

On the road to realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, there are many revolutionary pioneers in the women's circles. During the revolutionary years, a woman born in the ancient town of Zhijiang, Hunan, persisted in the underground struggle of our party for a long time and made outstanding contributions to the revolution. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, she was invited by the central government to serve three times, but she declined three times and was willing to become a "gardener" in the education garden. Who is this lesbian? Let's find out.

Wang Yizhi data map

Wang Yizhi, formerly known as Yang Daicheng, was born in 1901 in a small mountain village called Yangjiacun in Zhijiang. At the age of 14, her mother died early and her father rejected her, so she left home to study and was admitted to the Provincial No. 2 Women's Normal School.

In 1919, after the outbreak of the May Fourth Movement, Wang Yizhi and a dozen female classmates formed the National Salvation League, and they cut out their aspirations together, and soon she grew from an ordinary student to a student leader in the May Fourth Movement. Because of her excellent performance, she also joined the Communist Party soon after, and married Zhang Tailei, an important leader of our party in the early days. In 1938, shortly after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Wang Yizhi came to Shanghai, and under the leadership of the party organization, she also served as the "red female agent" of three underground radio stations to receive and transmit secret telegrams, constantly transmitting important information to Yan'an, and contributing to the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.

In 1942, one of the three secret radio stations was exposed, and Wang Yizhi disregarded his personal safety and transferred the other two radio stations in time, reserving a channel for the organization to transmit information. After that, Wang Yizhi moved to Chongqing, the capital of the company at that time, and continued to pass on information to the organization. Especially during the War of Liberation, Wang Yizhi's intelligence work reduced a lot of losses for our party.

Before and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the CPC Central Committee highly praised Wang Yizhi's work history of carrying out underground struggles under the White Terror for more than 20 years. In 1949, the leaders consulted her, hoping that she could lead the work of women in the central government. However, Wang Yizhi politely refused, saying: "I want to be with the children, I just want to be a middle school principal." After that, she served as the principal of Wusong Middle School in Shanghai, and has been deeply involved in the field of education for a long time.

Wang Yizhi data map

In 1953, the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee sent another letter hoping to transfer her to an important post in the Central Ministry of Education, and Wang Yizhi expressed his willingness to contribute to the education work at the grassroots level. Later, with the needs of the development of education in Beijing, she successively served as the vice principal and principal of the High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University, and in 1955, she served as the principal of 101 School. In 1977, the Party Central Committee sent a letter of invitation to Comrade Wang Yizhi for the third time, again inviting her to work in the central ministries and commissions, but this time she resolutely refused, she said: "I want to leave time for my children, I like the days with children." ”

Until his retirement in 1981, Wang Yizhi worked hard for 30 years as the principal of the middle school and became a well-known educator in New China.

Chen Yunfeng, the revolutionary mother praised by Chairman Mao

"It doesn't matter if you cut off your head, as long as it's true. Killed Xia Minghan, and later generations. This poem and its author, Xia Minghan, can be said to be widely known, but the mother Chen Yunfeng, who raised Xia Minghan and supported him on the revolutionary road, is little known.

Chen Yunfeng was born in 1870 in a feudal bureaucratic family in Hengshan County, Hunan Province (now Pingtian Village, Xialiu Town, Hengdong County). Her father, Chen Jiayan, was a Jinshi during the Qing Dynasty and lived in Hanlin. After the founding of the Republic of China, he served as a member of the third National Assembly of the Republic of China. Chen Jiayan is an upright official, strict law enforcement, and is known as the "iron-faced imperial history".

Chen Yunfeng is the eldest daughter of Chen Jiayan, who was loved by her father since she was a child and taught her to learn traditional Chinese culture. But Chen Yunfeng doesn't like to read those four books and five classics, but he likes to read those historical stories and Wang Fuzhi's books. She was born in a scholarly family, good at poetry, and when she was 18 years old, her father married her to Xia Shaofan, the son of the Hengyang Xia family.

Xia Shaofan is young and promising, young and ambitious, 18 years old, 31 years old by the Guangxu Emperor personally awarded the three products to wear the flower feather, into the title of senior doctor, acting Zigui Zhizhou. Chen Yunfeng was also given the title of Lady of Destiny. Xia Shaofan is different from his father, and his thinking is more progressive. He was sent to Japan to inspect government affairs. This foreign visit greatly broadened Xia Shaofan's horizons, and at the same time he felt that the feudal political system of the late Qing Dynasty was rotten and that a reform movement was necessary.

Chen Yunfeng was deeply influenced by her husband, silently supported her husband's reforms, followed Sun Yat-sen's revolution, and became the forerunner of the Xinhai Revolution. However, there are unforeseen circumstances in the sky, and people have good and bad luck. In 1914, her husband Xia Shaofan died of illness at the age of 45.

The sudden death of her husband did not make Chen Yunfeng depressed, because she still had a lot of children to raise, and her life had to go on. Father-in-law Xia Shiji is the head of the family, and the responsibility of raising grandchildren falls on him and Chen Yunfeng. However, Chen Yunfeng and Xia Shiji had a disagreement on educating children. Xia Shiji was conservative and conformist, and stubbornly stumbled on the idea of "loyalty to the monarch and patriotism", and asked his grandchildren to stumble on the Four Books and Five Classics, in order to glorify their ancestors in the future. Chen Yunfeng is open-minded and asks children to read more storybooks such as "Dream of Red Mansions" and "The Biography of Yue Fei", so as to cultivate children's sense of justice and patriotism. Chen Yunfeng's ideas have subtly influenced her children, who are more likely to choose their mother's education, often against their grandfather.

Heavily influenced by his mother, Shamingham embarked on the path of revolution. In 1917, he was admitted to the mechanical department of Hengyang Provincial No. 3 Industrial School. At school, he actively participated in anti-imperialist and anti-feudal activities, organized demonstrations by classmates, boycotted Japanese goods, and was elected as the head of the Shonan Student Movement Federation, and founded the "Shonan Student Movement Federation Weekly" to spread new ideas. In 1919, when the May Fourth Movement broke out, Xia Minghan organized his classmates to participate in demonstrations and burn Japanese goods. Later, Xia Minghan came to Changsha, the provincial capital, and became acquainted with He Shuheng, Mao Zedong and others, and joined the Communist Party of China, organized the Hunan peasant movement, and developed revolutionary forces.

Statue of Chen Yunfeng

Chen Yunfeng and her father-in-law Xia Shiji have different educational concepts, so she left the Xia family with her children and moved to live outside. Without the help of her father-in-law, Chen Yunfeng sold jewelry to support the children to participate in the revolution. She said to the children: "The ancients said, 'If the Huns are not destroyed, how can they be home.'" 'Go your way, and Mother will not stop you.' ”

His mother understood righteousness, and Shamingham and his younger brothers and sisters were greatly inspired. Chen Yunfeng not only encouraged him spiritually, but also gave him support in life. There are always a group of young people in her family, who are discussing the truth of saving the country and the people, and she is their nanny and responsible for their daily life. Chen Yunfeng slowly transformed from a former Qing lady to a heroic mother and a revolutionary.

Through Xia Minghan's introduction, Chen Yunfeng met He Shuheng, Mao Zedong and others, and was deeply influenced by their ideas and joined the revolution. In 1922, she was elected as a member of the Hengyang County Council, becoming the first female councilor in Hengyang County to participate in politics. She sent all seven of her children to participate in the revolution, and in just two months, four of them became martyrs. Chen Yunfeng endured unbearable grief for ordinary people. However, she turned her grief into strength, continued to uphold the legacy of her children, and actively campaigned for the revolutionary cause of our party. For this great mother, Chairman Mao praised her as "Xia Minghan's good mother".

Chapter 3 The Red Spirit of Hunan

Shaoshan spirit

The soul of the spirit of Shaoshan is firm belief. According to records, during the years of the revolutionary war, 1,598 people in Shaoshan sacrificed their lives for the revolution, and they threw down their heads and shed their blood to dedicate their precious lives for the establishment of New China.

The core of Shaoshan spirit is selfless dedication. When the country was in danger, the revolutionary predecessors of Shaoshan were indifferent to fame and fortune and selfless dedication for the sake of national independence and the happiness of the people. As a great man of the generation who came out of Shaoshan, Comrade Mao Zedong selflessly dedicated his whole life to the motherland and the people he loved, and his six relatives and the first five members of the Shaoshan Special Branch of the Communist Party of China even sacrificed their precious lives for this.

The essence of the spirit of Shaoshan is to dare to be the first. The revolutionary predecessors of Shaoshan took the world as their own responsibility, led the way, and completed the great mission with a lofty sense of responsibility before the tide. They organized the exploited and oppressed peasants to rise up and resist, beat the local tyrants, divided the land, and formed peasant armies, sowing the spark of revolution in the red hot land of Shaoshan. It was precisely because of their spirit of daring to be the first that the Chinese revolution embarked on the correct road under the leadership of Comrade Mao Zedong and won the final victory.

The spirit of Shaoshan is characterized by collective struggle. Soon after the formation of the first KMT-CPC cooperation, Comrade Mao Zedong returned to his hometown to carry out the peasant movement, relying on the "collective struggle", established more than 20 secret peasant associations, and established a strong leadership core Shaoshan Party branch, which laid a firm foundation for the later upsurge of the peasant movement, and also provided scientific guidance for the mass struggle and the liberation of Hunan during the low tide of the revolution later.

Shaoshan spirit

The spirit of Shaoshan is not a regional spirit, but an important part of the red gene and spiritual genealogy of the Chinese Communists, and it is the precious spiritual wealth left by our party to future generations during the revolutionary war years. Whether in the period of revolutionary war or in the period of peaceful construction, it is a powerful ideological driving force for the Chinese people to forge ahead and constantly advance from victory to victory.

The spirit of the passage to the army

In 1934, after the Central Red Army suffered heavy losses in the Battle of Xiangjiang, the direction of the future march affected the hearts of every soldier. In order to prevent the Central Red Army from moving north to join up with the Red Second and Sixth Army Corps, hundreds of thousands of enemy troops had already preemptively entered positions north of the passage, and an even more dangerous crisis was imminent. Will he transfer to Guizhou, where the enemy's military strength is weak, or will he go straight to Xiangxi as originally planned? At the critical juncture, Mao Zedong, in light of the military situation of both the enemy and us, suggested that the Central Red Army abandon its original plan of going north to join the Red Second and Red Sixth Army Corps, and immediately turn west to Guizhou, where the enemy's strength was relatively weak. Ignoring the danger of the total annihilation of the Red Army, "leftist" leaders such as Bogu and Li De insisted on going north to Xiangxi as originally planned to join up with the Second and Sixth Army Corps. This gave rise to a discussion in the top leadership of the Central Committee on the direction of the advance of the Central Red Army. On December 12, the Central Committee temporarily decided to convene an emergency meeting on the territory of the passage to focus on the question of the direction of advance of the strategic transfer of the Red Army.

Comrade Mao Zedong advocated that the troops should abandon their original plans, change their strategic direction, and immediately turn west to Guizhou, where the enemy's strength is weak, and must not go further north! He said vividly: "Why don't we come to avoid the real and make up for it, get rid of the strong enemy in front of us, and go to Guizhou." Why do you have to go for a drill pocket? The road is facing the sky, go to each side! ”

Most of the comrades attending the meeting, including Zhou Enlai, Zhang Wentian, and Wang Jiaxiang, agreed with and supported Mao Zedong's proposal. At half past seven o'clock that night, the Central Revolutionary Military Commission issued a "ten thousand urgent" telegram to the commanders of all army corps and columns to enter Guizhou in the west. On December 13, the Central Red Army moved westward in two ways in the territory of the passage: one way entered Xinchang and Pingcha in Jingxian County (now Jingzhou Miao and Dong Autonomous County), and then marched to Guizhou in two ways; All the way into Hongzhou, Guizhou, advanced to Liping, avoiding the encirclement of the enemy's heavy troops.

Facts have proved that the decision to transfer troops through the channel was the only correct choice for the Central Red Army to get out of the dangerous situation under the circumstances at that time, avoided the devastating fate that the Red Army might suffer as originally planned to go north to Xiangxi, and opened up a way for the party and the Red Army to survive.

The spirit of the passage to the army

In the midst of the storm, Mao Zedong led the Chinese Red Army out of the predicament, found the "channel", and opened the first great turning point in the history of our party - the prelude to the Zunyi Conference...

The "channel to the army" saved the Red Army, the party, and the revolution at a critical juncture, and embodied the spirit of upholding the party's leadership, seeking truth from facts, being independent, democratically centralizing, and having the courage to take responsibility.

The revolutionary spirit of the Pingjiang Uprising

On the evening of July 18, 1928, after learning that the identity of Communist Party member Huang Gongluo had been exposed and that a group of party forces that had been accumulated with great difficulty were in serious danger, Peng Dehuai decisively convened an emergency meeting of the party to discuss with Teng Daiyuan, who had been sent to Pingjiang by the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, and decided to launch an uprising at 1 p.m. on July 22 in the name of soldiers' salaries. After careful preparations, the uprising took place as scheduled. In less than two hours, the rebel troops seized the county seat of Pingjiang, disarmed more than 2,000 reactionary forces in the city, seized more than 1,000 rifles and 1 million rounds of ammunition, and almost wiped out the bullies, gentry, and revolutionary traitors, and rescued all the thousands of revolutionaries imprisoned in prison. On the 24th, the Pingjiang County Workers' and Peasants' and Soldiers' Soviet Government and the Fifth Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army were proclaimed. The newly established Red Fifth Army was headed by Peng Dehuai, with Teng Daiyuan as party representative, and Deng Ping as chief of staff, with three regiments under its jurisdiction and a total of more than 2,500 people.

Pingjiang Uprising (oil painting)

Upholding the party's leadership is the core essence of the revolutionary spirit of the Pingjiang Uprising. From the determination of the uprising on 18 July to the proclamation of the establishment of the Red Fifth Army on 24 July, the party committee with Peng Dehuai as secretary and under the guidance and assistance of Teng Daiyuan, secretary of the Hunan-Hubei-Jiangxi Special Committee dispatched by the Hunan Provincial CPC Committee, successively held six important meetings to exercise dynamic leadership over the entire process of the Pingjiang uprising, which was the fundamental guarantee for the success of the Pingjiang uprising.

The Pingjiang Uprising shook Hunan, Hubei, and Jiangxi and the whole of China, greatly boosting the fighting spirit of the revolutionaries and striking a blow to the arrogance of the reactionaries. It not only promoted the revolutionary struggle on the border between Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi and laid a solid foundation for the establishment of the Hunan-Hubei-Jiangxi revolutionary base area, but also made a major contribution to the defense of the Jinggangshan revolutionary base area. The Red Army units created after the Pingjiang Uprising added a strong force to the Chinese Revolution and are still active in the ranks of the People's Liberation Army today.

The Pingjiang Uprising and Revolution embodied the indomitable firm belief of the Chinese Communists, the pioneering spirit of forging ahead bravely, the dedication and sacrifice that are not afraid of difficulties, and the spirit of unity and struggle of all people.

The spirit of the Autumn Harvest Uprising

1927年蒋介石、汪精卫先后叛变革命,第一次国内革命战争遭到失败。为了挽救革命,19277月中共中央在湖北汉口召开了临时政治局常委会议,决定在共产党力量较强、 工农运动基础较好的湖南、湖北、江西、广东4个省举行秋收暴动,彻底解决农民的土地问题。 192787日中共中央在汉口召开紧急会议(即八七会议),纠正了陈独秀的右倾投降主义路线确定了武装反抗国民党反动派屠杀政策和开展土地革命的总方针。会议决定派毛泽东去湖南改组中共湖南省委和领导秋收起义。
In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Jingwei betrayed the revolution successively, and the first domestic revolutionary war was defeated. In order to save the revolution, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China convened a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provisional Political Bureau in Hankou, Hubei Province, in July 1927, and decided to hold an autumn harvest rebellion in the four provinces of Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, and Guangdong, where the Communist Party was strong and the workers' and peasants' movement had a good foundation, so as to thoroughly solve the land problem of the peasants. On August 7, 1927, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) convened an emergency meeting in Hankou (i.e., the 87 Conference), which corrected Chen Duxiu's right-leaning capitulationist line and determined the general policy of armed resistance against the massacre policy of the Kuomintang reactionaries and the launching of the agrarian revolution. The meeting decided to send Mao Zedong to Hunan to reorganize the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and lead the Autumn Harvest Uprising.

Autumn Harvest Uprising (oil on canvas)

早在起义发动阶段,毛泽东就被国民党民团抓住并拟押至民团总部处死,幸而机智逃脱。起义爆发初期,三个团先后失利,原定攻打长沙的计划落空,部队由5000多人锐减到1500余人。 配合起义的农民暴动也未能包围长沙,并均遭失败。几支失利部队会合文家市后,在转往罗霄山脉并向 芦溪进发时再遭敌军袭击,总指挥卢德铭壮烈牺牲。直至上井冈山前夕,起义部队还因在遂川大汾镇遭 地主武装突袭而被打散。这一路的挫折对整个队伍是极其严骏的考验,但毛泽东和起义部队一往无前, 终以百折不挠的精神将红旗插上井冈山,并由此走上农村包围城市的中国革命新道路。
As early as the stage of the uprising, Mao Zedong was captured by the Kuomintang militia and was about to be taken to the headquarters of the militia to be executed, but fortunately escaped with wit. In the early days of the uprising, the three regiments were defeated one after another, and the original plan to attack Changsha fell through, and the troops were sharply reduced from more than 5,000 to more than 1,500. The peasant revolt that cooperated with the uprising also failed to encircle Changsha and failed. After several defeated troops joined Wenjia City, they were attacked by the enemy again when they turned to the Luoxiao Mountains and marched towards Luxi, and the commander-in-chief, Lu Deming, died a heroic death. Until the eve of Shangjinggangshan, the rebel forces were broken up by a surprise attack by the landlords' armed forces in Dafen Town, Suichuan. The setbacks along the way were extremely severe tests for the entire team, but Mao Zedong and the rebel troops were indomitable and finally planted the red flag on Jinggangshan with an indomitable spirit, and thus embarked on a new road of Chinese revolution in which the countryside surrounded the cities.

The Autumn Harvest Uprising was a baptism of blood and fire, a test of life and death. Fighting for communism is not only a verbal oath, but also a test of bloodshed and even sacrifice. The Communists represented by Mao Zedong were not afraid of sacrifice and dared to take responsibility with their fearless revolutionary spirit, and they were not only the leaders of the direction of struggle, but also the vanguard of marching and fighting.

Lei Feng spirit

雷锋是中国人民解放军沈阳军区工程兵某部运输连班长。19601月应征入伍, 同年11月加入中国共产党。入伍后,在部队的培养教育下,雷锋不断提高政治觉悟,牢固地树立了 全心全意为人民服务的思想和为共产主义奋斗终身的远大目标,成长为一名伟大的共产主义战士。 1962815日因公殉职。
Lei Feng is the squad leader of a transportation company of an engineering unit of the Shenyang Military Region of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. He was conscripted into the army in January 1960 and joined the Communist Party of China in November of the same year. After joining the army, under the training and education of the army, Lei Feng constantly enhanced his political consciousness, firmly established the idea of serving the people wholeheartedly and the lofty goal of fighting for communism all his life, and grew into a great communist fighter. He died in the line of duty on August 15, 1962.

Learn from Lei Feng and be a pioneer

雷锋人生观最光彩夺目的就是,他正确地解决了全心全意为人民服务的问题。 他把生为人民生,死为人民死作为自己的信条,时刻准备着为党和阶级的最高利益,牺牲个人的 一切,甚至生命。在这样的人生观指导下,雷锋始终保持着昂扬的精神状态和勇往直前的革命干劲, 在平凡的岗位上做出了不平凡的成绩,用生命践行了为共产主义事业毕生奉献的誓言。
The most dazzling thing about Lei Feng's outlook on life is that he correctly solved the problem of "serving the people wholeheartedly." He took "living for the people and dying for the people" as his creed, and "is always ready to sacrifice everything and even his life for the supreme interests of the party and the class." Under the guidance of such an outlook on life, Lei Feng has always maintained a high-spirited state of mind and a revolutionary drive to move forward bravely, made extraordinary achievements in an ordinary post, and fulfilled his oath of dedication to the cause of communism with his life.

在雷锋看来,个人和集体的关系,正像细胞和人的整个身体关系一样。当人的身 体受到损害的时候,身上的细胞不可避免也要受到损害。同样的,我们每个人的幸福也依赖于祖国的 繁荣,如果损害了祖国的利益,我们每个人就得不到幸福!正因为如此,雷锋时时处处都以党、人民 和祖国的利益为重,把帮助别人看作是最大的幸福和快乐,把有限的生命投入到无限的为人民服务中去。
In Lei Feng's view, "the relationship between the individual and the collective is just like the relationship between the cell and the whole body of the person." When the human body is damaged, the cells in the body will inevitably be damaged as well. In the same way, the happiness of each of us also depends on the prosperity of the motherland, and if the interests of the motherland are harmed, each of us will not be happy! It is precisely for this reason that Lei Feng always and everywhere puts the interests of the party, the people, and the motherland first, regards helping others as the greatest happiness and joy, and devotes his limited life to unlimited service to the people.

在生活上,指勤俭节约,吃苦耐劳,艰苦朴素的作风;在学习上,指挤时间刻苦读书的钉子精神;在工作上指把自己的一切献给党的主人翁意识;在为人处事上, 指助人为乐,全心全意为人民服务的崇高品质。
In life, it refers to the style of diligence and thrift, hard-working, hard work and simplicity; In terms of learning, it refers to the nail spirit of squeezing time and studying hard; In work, it refers to dedicating everything to the party's sense of ownership; In dealing with people, it refers to the noble quality of helping others and serving the people wholeheartedly.

Half quilt spirit

In early November 1934, after breaking through the second blockade line of the Kuomintang army, the Central Red Army carried out the first long rest in the territory of Rucheng County in the territory of the Long March for half a month. The Red Army was very disciplined, and the soldiers slept under the eaves and in the open fields, not only did not touch the villagers' things, but also helped the villagers to clean up, carry water, etc. Feeling sorry for these soldiers, Xu Jiexiu, a villager in his 30s, pulled three female Red Army soldiers to live in his home. vacated his 1.2-meter-wide wooden bed, put straw on it, and set up a long bench next to the bed, Xu Jiexiu took his 1-year-old son and the female Red Army, and squeezed into a bed like this. Seeing that there was only a coat and a piece of rotten cotton wool on the simple bed, the female Red Army took out their only marching quilt and covered it horizontally with Xu Jiexiu's mother and son.

临走时,怕徐解秀母子寒冬难熬,3位女红军执意把被子留给她,但徐解秀坚决不同意。推来推去僵持不下,一位女红军索性找来剪刀,把被子剪成两半,留下半条给徐解秀,还留下两句话:红军是共产党领导的人民军队,打敌人是为了老百姓能过上好生活。等革命胜利了, 我们还会回来看您的,送您一床新被子。抱着半条被子,徐解秀含着泪,送了女红军一程又一程。
Before leaving, afraid that Xu Jiexiu's mother and son would have a difficult winter, the three female Red Army soldiers insisted on leaving the quilt to her, but Xu Jiexiu resolutely disagreed. Pushing back and forth to a stalemate, a female Red Army simply found scissors, cut the quilt in half, left half for Xu Jiexiu, and left two sentences: "The Red Army is a people's army led by the Communist Party, and fighting the enemy is so that the people can live a good life." When the revolution is victorious, we will come back to see you and give you a new quilt. Holding half a quilt, Xu Jiexiu tearfully sent the female Red Army one ride after another.

"Half a Quilt" sculpture

江山就是人民,人民就是江山。半条被子的故事既充分彰显中国共产党性质和 宗旨的力量,也深刻说明中国共产党必须紧紧依靠人民来克服困难、赢得胜利。无论时代条件如何变 化,只要我们始终同人民群众风雨同舟、血肉相连、命运与共,充分调动广大人民的积极性、主动性、 创造性,我们的事业就会拥有不竭的力量源泉,就能无往而不胜。
The country is the people, and the people are the country. The story of "Half a Quilt" not only fully demonstrates the strength of the nature and purpose of the Communist Party of China, but also profoundly illustrates that the Communist Party of China must closely rely on the people to overcome difficulties and win victories. No matter how the conditions of the times change, as long as we always stand with the masses of the people through thick and thin, share flesh and blood, share a common destiny, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of the broad masses of the people, our cause will have an inexhaustible source of strength and will be invincible.

Breaking the spirit of inscription

In the spring and summer of 1934, Chen Shuxiang took over as the commander of the 34th Division of the 5th Army Corps of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.

当红三十四师到达湘江东岸时,湘江已经被国民党的军队全部封锁, 无法渡江。红三十四师剩余部队奉中革军委之令,在师长陈树湘的带领下,只能从广西境内翻越都庞岭进入道县,伺机摆脱国民党的追兵,然后在湘南一带打游击,保存革命队伍。 然而,敌众我寡,红三十四师边退边战,沿着都庞岭山脚退入江华境内,又进入道县境内,损失惨重。红三十四师的指战员在湘南的崇山峻岭间几近消亡,少有幸存者。弹尽粮绝之时,师长陈树湘于道县四马桥境内受伤被俘。陈树湘生性刚烈,宁死不降,在石马神庙,他把手 伸进受伤的腹部,绞肠自尽,实现了他为苏维埃中国流尽最后一滴血的誓言。
When the Red 34th Division reached the east bank of the Xiang River, the Xiang River had been completely blocked by the Kuomintang troops and could not cross the river. Under the orders of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission and under the leadership of division commander Chen Shuxiang, the remaining troops of the 34th Red Division could only cross the Dupangling from Guangxi and enter Daoxian, waiting for an opportunity to get rid of the pursuing troops of the Kuomintang, and then fight guerrillas in the southern Hunan area to preserve the revolutionary ranks. However, the enemy was outnumbered, and the Red 34th Division retreated and fought while retreating, retreating along the foot of Dupangling Mountain into the territory of Jianghua, and then entering the territory of Daoxian, suffering heavy losses. The commanders and fighters of the 34th Red Division almost died out among the lofty mountains and mountains of southern Shonan, and there were few survivors. When the ammunition ran out of food, the division commander Chen Shuxiang was wounded and captured in the territory of Sima Bridge in Dao County. At the Shima Temple, Chen Shuxiang put his hand into his wounded abdomen and committed suicide by strangulation, fulfilling his oath of "shedding the last drop of blood for Soviet China."

Broken intestine inscription Chen Shuxiang

陈树湘断肠铭志的英雄壮举,蕴含着丰富的思想内涵,反映了革命英雄主义精神, 体现着鲜明的时代特征,具有巨大的示范引领作用,是留给后代弥足珍贵的精神财富,是激励我们团结一心克服艰难险阻、实现中华民族伟大复兴的强大精神力量。
Chen Shuxiang's heroic feat contains rich ideological connotations, reflects the spirit of revolutionary heroism, embodies the distinctive characteristics of the times, has a tremendous exemplary and leading role, is a precious spiritual wealth left to future generations, and is a powerful spiritual force that inspires us to unite to overcome difficulties and obstacles and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Chapter 4 Red Ruins in Hunan

Mao Zedong's former residence

--- 伟人故里-韶山冲
--- Hometown of the great man - Shaoshan Chong

On December 26, 1893, Mao Zedong was born in an ordinary peasant house on the land of Shaoshan Village, Shaoshan Township, and spent his childhood and adolescence here. This Shanchong farmhouse is the former residence of Comrade Mao Zedong.

Former residence of Comrade Mao Zedong

The former residence of Comrade Mao Zedong sits in the south and faces north, and it is a "concave" shaped building of civil engineering structure. In front of the former residence is the adjacent lotus pond and the south bank pond, and the pond water is clear. Mao Zedong loved swimming all his life, and the South Bank Pond was the best place for him to "practice martial arts" when he was young. In November 1963, when Guo Moruo visited Shaoshan, he pointed to this pond and sighed: "Chairman Mao was a young man who swam in the pond, young people in the Xiangjiang River, and the elderly in the Yangtze River!" ”

The lotus pond in front of the former residence of Comrade Mao Zedong

Mao Zedong lived most of his grandmother's house until he was 8 years old, and when he returned home, he lived, studied, and worked here. From 1911 to 1927, Mao Zedong never broke off contact with Shaoshan, despite his studies abroad and revolution, as he described in his letters to friends. Especially when the revolution encountered new problems, he always returned to his hometown to find answers and carry out revolutionary practice. In February 1921, Mao Zedong and his younger brother Mao Zetan returned to Shaoshan for the Spring Festival, and the family sat around the fire, and Mao Zedong mobilized the whole family to participate in the revolution.

From February to August 1925, Mao Zedong and Yang Kaihui returned to Shaoshan with their sons Anying and Anqing to establish a peasant night school and organize a secret peasant cooperative. In June, in the attic of Mao Zedong's bedroom, one of China's earliest rural party branches, the Shaoshan Special Branch of the Communist Party of China, was founded.

In January 1927, Mao Zedong returned to his hometown to inspect the peasant movement and spent six days in Shaoshan.

In 1961, the State Council of the People's Republic of China announced that the former residence of Mao Zedong was a national key cultural relics protection unit. In July 1997, it was selected as one of the first national patriotic education bases of the Central Propaganda Department.

Yuelu Mountain Red Education Base

--- 一座岳麓山,半部近代史
--- A Yuelu Mountain, half of modern history

In addition to the abundant natural scenery resources, Yuelu Mountain has a very deep cultural precipitation, and it is also a memorial site of the Anti-Japanese War with a concentrated location, large scale and good preservation. Yuelu Mountain played a huge role in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and every grass and tree in the mountain witnessed the heroic scene of the Chinese army in the Battle of Changsha.

Since the thirties of the 20th century, Yuelu Mountain has successively built the Yuewang Pavilion, the Martyrs' Shrine, the 73rd Army Anti-Japanese War Memorial Cemetery, the Tenth Army of the Third Changsha War of Resistance Memorial Monument, the Changsha Battle Monument, the list of fallen soldiers stone fence and so on. There are still trenches, craters and batteries in the mountains, as well as the headquarters of the commander of the Ninth Theater and other ruins, and guns, bullets, pens, seals, telephone microphones and other relics of the Anti-Japanese War have been unearthed. On the occasion of commemorating the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the Management Office of the Lushan Scenic Area completed the comprehensive renovation of the historical sites of the Anti-Japanese War to comfort the souls of the heroes.

The 73rd Army Anti-Japanese War Memorial Cemetery

Changsha Battle Monument

The site of the Anti-Japanese War on Yuelu Mountain in Changsha is an important relic in modern Chinese history and an important witness of the Chinese nation's heroic resistance to the Japanese invasion. It was the central revolutionary base during the second period of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and it was also one of the important positions during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Today, it has become a red tourist attraction, attracting countless patriots to visit, remember the martyrs, and deeply feel the heroic feats of the people of that era.

The former site of the victory of the Chinese and the People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the surrender of Zhijiang

——Eight years of beacon fire in Lugou, a piece of paper fell to the Zhijiang River

The site of the victory and surrender of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression is located in Qiliqiao Village, Zhijiang Town, Zhijiang Dong Autonomous County, Hunan Province, and is the place where the Chinese people accept the surrender of the invading Japanese army.

Surrender Ceremony Clubhouse

"Eight years of beacon fire from Lugou, a piece of paper fell to the Zhijiang River." On August 15, 1945, the Japanese government announced its unconditional surrender, on August 18, the Chinese government set up a preparatory office for the Japanese surrender signing ceremony in Zhijiang, Hunan, and on August 21, the Japanese envoy Takeo Imai flew to Zhijiang on behalf of the Japanese government to surrender unconditionally to the Chinese government. From 21 to 23 August, the Chinese Government held a ceremony in Zhijiang to shock China and the rest of the world, and handled the specific terms of the surrender of the Japanese forces invading China. He Yingqin, the plenipotentiary representative of the Chinese Theater of Operations, commanded and deployed the surrender of 16 surrendered areas and 101 disarming points in Zhijiang, and issued 24 memoranda, which is known as the "surrender of Zhijiang" in history. The "surrender of Zhijiang" announced the complete bankruptcy of the Japanese imperialists' dream of destroying China, and wrote the most glorious page in China's modern history of washing away a century of national humiliation and resisting the invasion of foreign enemies.

Memorial of the Anti-Japanese Surrender

In order to commemorate the "surrender of Zhijiang", in 1946, the Chinese government started construction of a memorial square for the surrender of Zhijiang, the surrender site of the Chinese theater of war. In 1985, the People's Government of Zhijiang County reported to the Hunan Provincial People's Government for approval to rebuild and open to the public. In 1995, the exhibition hall to commemorate the victory of the Anti-Japanese War was expanded and built. The Memorial Square of the Surrender is a symbol of the victory of the Chinese in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, mainly including the Memorial Square of the Victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the former site of the surrender of the Chinese Theater (the former site of the Surrender Ceremony of the Chinese Theater, the former site of the General Headquarters of the Chinese Army, the former site of He Yingqin's office), the Exhibition Hall of Historical Materials on the Surrender, the Weapons Exhibition Hall, the Surrender Pavilion and other commemorative structures and a small number of auxiliary buildings.

The surrender memorial is built facing east, implying that Japan came from the east and surrendered to our country. The memorial square is a four-pillar and three-arch archway-style building, built of blue bricks, stuccoed with cement, and the whole body is gray-white. The memorial is 11.52 meters high, 13.37 meters wide and 1.4 meters thick. The main body of the building is resolute and straight, with four pillars topped with inverted mountain-shaped stripes and three arches topped with diamond-shaped stripes. The main body of the building is surrounded by a guardrail in the style of the Republic of China, which is undulating in a corrugated shape and circularly around the main body. The shape of its four pillars and three arches looks like the Chinese character for "bloodshed" and sacrifice, implying that the comprehensive victory of the Chinese people in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression was won by 35 million compatriots with their lives and blood. At the same time, it is also a warning monument. For the shadow of fascism that has not completely dissipated in the world, the Chinese people should always be vigilant and sound the alarm bell! The overall architectural style is solemn and elegant, majestic and solemn.

The Surrender Memorial Square is the only landmark building in the land of China to commemorate the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, and is known as the "Chinese Triumphal Arch", which is one of the six triumphal arches in the world, including Berlin, Paris, Rome, Milan and Pyongyang. This is a historical witness to the victory of the Chinese people's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War, and is a great and immortal historical monument of the Chinese nation. Every year, more than a million tourists from all over the world visit here to remember its history.

Pingjiang Uprising Memorial Hall

--- 一声惊雷,助燃“星星之火”
--- A thunderclap fuels the "spark"

The Pingjiang Uprising Memorial Hall is located in Dongxing Avenue, Chengguan Town, Pingjiang County, Hunan Province, and was established in 1985. It is composed of the former site of the Pingjiang Uprising, the bronze statue square of Peng Dehuai, and the historical exhibition hall. The total area is 27,000 square meters, with a construction area of 8,700 square meters and an exhibition area of 2,500 square meters. It is a "National Key Cultural Relics Protection Unit", "National Patriotism Education Demonstration Base" and "Youth Education Base".

Pingjiang Uprising Memorial Hall

In June 1928, in order to suppress the revolutionary struggle of the people of Pingjiang, the Kuomintang authorities sent the Fifth Division of the Hunan Army to garrison Pingjiang. Peng Dehuai, who served as the head of the First Regiment, with the great courage of a proletarian revolutionary and the selfless and fearless revolutionary spirit, together with Teng Daiyuan, Huang Gongluo and other communists, organized and launched the famous Pingjiang Uprising at Tianyue Academy (the former site of the Pingjiang Uprising) on July 22, 1928. Following the Nanchang Uprising, the Autumn Harvest Uprising, and the Guangzhou Uprising, this was another famous armed uprising led by our party, which established the Pingjiang County Workers' Peasants' and Soldiers' Soviet Government, established the Fifth Army of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and opened up the Hunan-Hubei-Jiangxi Revolutionary Base Area. On July 22, 1930, Peng Dehuai led the Red Third Army to launch and command more than 200,000 Red Army and Red Guards to attack Changsha in the playground of Tianyue Academy. In 1945, Wang Zhen and Wang Shoudao led the "359" Brigade of the Eighth Route Army to the south to reach Pingjiang, and its headquarters was also stationed in Tianyue Academy. In July 1949, the negotiators of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party met for the first time at Tianyue Academy, laying the foundation for the peaceful liberation of Hunan.

Pingjiang Uprising Song

The Pingjiang Uprising was of great significance to the development of the Chinese revolution, as it promoted the development of the revolutionary situation and strengthened the influence and appeal of the Communist Party among the masses.

Hengyang Anti-Japanese War Memorial City

——China's only "Anti-Japanese War Memorial City"

On August 8, 1944, the disgusting Japanese sun flag was planted at the north gate of the once prosperous Hengyang City, and an army entered Hengyang City in despair. They were dressed in tatters, all of them were hungry and yellow-skinned, and if it weren't for the fact that they were carrying a 38 big cover in their hands, they might have been mistaken for beggars. This army was none other than the Japanese army, which had been rampant in China for seven years.....

In the past seven years, they have taken countless cities and towns in China almost every year, and they can capture them in less than a day, which makes the arrogant Japanese look down on the Chinese in their hearts. But there was a city where they fought for forty-seven days, and when they captured a city, they did not hold a revelry, and after the war they themselves admitted that they entered the city crying.

Hengyang Anti-Japanese War Memorial City

Hengyang is located at the intersection of the Guangdong-Hanzhou Railway and the Hunan-Guizhou-Guizhou Railway, and is the gateway and military throat of southwest China. On June 18, 1944, Changsha fell after several general battles

Falling, the iron hooves of the Japanese invaders pointed directly at Hengyang. On June 23, Japan mobilized more than 100,000 troops to attack Hengyang, and the defenders of Hengyang fought back. The Battle of Hengyang lasted 47 days, killing about 20,000 Japanese soldiers and wounding nearly 60,000, breaking the original plan of the Japanese base camp to open the Hunan and Guizhou lines to Yunnan and Burma within 7 days. Our defenders lost more than 16,000 people, and in the end only more than 1,200 remained. The people of Hengyang sacrificed 3,174 people to dig fortifications and transport ammunition, and Hengyang was almost razed to the ground.

The Battle of Hengyang, a battle in which China won more with less

The Battle of Hengyang was an urban offensive and defensive battle with the largest casualties on both sides and the longest head-to-head battle between the Chinese army in the history of China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. The Japanese army won a crushing victory, and the national army inflicted multiple losses on the Japanese army with fewer battles. In view of the tragedy of the Anti-Japanese War in Hengyang, the Nationalist Government officially named Hengyang City as the "Hengyang Anti-Japanese War Memorial City", and Hengyang has since become the only named Anti-Japanese War Memorial City in China. The memorial city is mainly composed of commemorative facilities such as the monument of the Hengyang Anti-Japanese War, the memorial hall, the memorial arch of the Anti-Japanese War, the Pavilion, the Loyal and Brave Pavilion, the Peace Bell, the Anti-Japanese Cultural Wall, and the bronze statue of the Hengyang Defense War.

Passage to transfer troops

—— 红军走出口袋阵
- The Red Army came out of the pockets

Tongdao County is located in the southwest border of Hunan Province, the southernmost tip of Huaihua City, at the junction of Hunan, Guizhou and Guizhou provinces. On December 12, 1934, during the Red Army's Long March in Hunan, the responsible person of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China urgently convened a meeting on the passage and made the decision to "transfer the passage to the army", which saved the party, the Red Army and the Chinese revolution at a critical juncture.

Passage to the Memorial Hall of the Soldiers

After the Battle of Xiangjiang, on December 9, 1934, the Central Red Army soldiers entered the passage in three ways.

On December 10, 1934, the 1st Division of the 1st Army of the Central Red Army and the 1st Division of the Central Red Army fought with the Kuomintang Army at Longwei, which was 1.5 kilometers away from the county seat of the passage.

On December 12, 1934, the head of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held an emergency meeting at Gongcheng Academy, known as the "Passage Conference". The meeting adopted Mao Zedong's correct proposition, abandoned the original plan of going north to Xiangxi to join the Red Second and Sixth Army Corps, and instead transferred troops to the west to Guizhou, successfully smashing the "big pockets" laid by Chiang Kai-shek in the areas of Wugang, Suining, Jingxian, Huitong, Zhijiang, and Qianyang north of the county seat.

Passage to the former site of the conference hall

The Memorial Hall of the Passage to the Soldiers is located next to the Gongcheng Academy, which consists of four parts: the theme exhibition hall, the large statue, the memorial square and the Gongcheng Academy, the former site of the Red Army's Long March Passage Conference. The museum uses more than 300 photos, more than 370 cultural relics and a large number of texts and charts to show the historical facts of the passage meeting and the transfer of troops through the passage, as well as the little-known people and events that happened when the Red Army crossed the passage.

After the Red Army entered the passage, it was strictly disciplined, and the autumn did not commit any crimes, and it was deeply loved by the common people. Liang Lao, a local villager, learned that the Red Army was looking for Shi Ji rice everywhere, so he mobilized his fifth sister-in-law to give the Red Army rice. They worked for five days and five nights in a row, and in those days, Liang's hometown became a food supply station, and the Red Army sent millet and rice, and there was an endless stream.

On September 15, 1935, the 18th Avant-garde Division of the Red Sixth Army and the 55th Brigade of the Kuomintang Hunan Army had a battle in Xiaoshui, Shanmu Bridge, in order to cover the breakthrough of the main force of the Red Army, more than 20 Red Army soldiers bravely sacrificed, and the last remaining 8 Red Army soldiers still held their positions after running out of ammunition and food, in order not to be captured by the enemy, 8 soldiers collectively jumped off the cliff, all died heroically.

Statue of the Eight Martyrs of the Battle of Little Water

The transfer of troops through the channel is the spiritual wealth of the channel, and it is also the practical inspiration left to the world on the Long March. The simple style of seeking truth from facts embodied in the transfer of troops through the passage has become a valuable wealth that has been passed down from generation to generation in the land of the channel.

Nanyue Martyrs' Shrine

——Hengshan is fortunate to bury the bones of the faithful, and the souls of millions of martyrs return

The Martyrs' Shrine, located at the foot of the incense burner peak of Hengshan in Nanyue, was built in 1938 and officially completed in 1943, covering an area of more than 230 acres, it is one of the earliest and largest memorial sites of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression in China, and it is also one of the important memorial sites of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War. The general shrine of the fallen soldiers of the Chinese nation was set up here. It is also the only large-scale cemetery preserved by the National Government in the mainland to commemorate the martyrs of the Anti-Japanese War.

Nanyue Martyrs' Shrine

The Nanyue Martyrs' Shrine is composed of two major parts, the ancestral hall and the cemetery, and its building imitates the form of Nanjing Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, so it is called "Little Zhongshan Mausoleum". The archway, the 77 Memorial Tower, the Memorial Hall, the Anting Battle Monument and the Xiangtang on the central axis of the ancestral hall are built on the mountain, and the momentum is magnificent; The cypresses on both sides stand neatly, like soldiers standing guard for the martyrs in the smoke and rain; The five "cannonballs" symbolizing the Han, Mongolian, Manchu, Hui, Tibetan and other ethnic groups are united and rising up to resist the enemy, pointing directly at the sky, symbolizing the determination of the Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Hui and Tibetan ethnic groups to unite as one, hate the same enemy, and rise up to resist the war; The 276 steps are paved all the way, symbolizing the 276 middle and senior generals who died in the anti-Japanese resistance at that time; Among the pines and cypresses on both sides, there are 19 martyrs' tombs. It is engraved with the history of the Chinese nation's resistance to aggression and courageous struggle, as well as the tremendous sacrifices and indelible historical contributions made by the Chinese people in the world anti-fascist war; it is a symbol of the Chinese nation's unity to resist humiliation and go to national difficulties together; and it is an important link and bridge to unite cross-strait feelings and promote national reunification.


In 1927, when Mao Zedong inspected the peasant movement in Hunan, he said: "There are five mountains in China, and the first to ignite the flame of revolution is Nanyue Hengshan." It is necessary to let the revolutionary beacon fire in Nanyue Hengshan spread to other mountains, and let the revolutionary storm sweep across the whole of China. Through physical objects, pictures, videos, interactive scenes, multimedia and other forms, the exhibition hall comprehensively displays the major historical events that have occurred under the leadership of the Communist Party of China since the founding of the party in the past hundred years, especially the great achievements made by Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Ye Jianying and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation and a large number of revolutionary ancestors in the red hot land of Nanyue. It is also a place of witness to the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and the joint defense against foreign aggression during the Anti-Japanese War.