Dedicated to the Memory of 謹此紀念
Pierre Delescluse (1900-1975)
Orchestre National de France 法國國家管弦樂團
Orchestre de la Suisse Romande 瑞士羅曼德管弦樂團
Boston Symphony Orchestra 波士頓交響樂團
Double bass precursor, innovator, talented artist and dedicated teacher 低音大提琴的先驅、創新者、才華洋溢的藝術家和盡心盡力的老師 10//12//200010 / 12 / 2000
Acknowledgments 鳴謝
I would especially like to thank Lynn MORREL from Seattle for the accuracy of her translation, Clelia GOLDINGS from Boston for her help, kindness and good advice, and my wife Marlies KUSTERS from the Netherlands who translated most of the German material used in this book. 我特別要感謝來自西雅圖的 Lynn MORREL,感謝她翻譯的準確性;來自波士頓的 Clelia GOLDINGS,感謝她的幫助、親切和好的建議;以及來自荷蘭的我的妻子 Marlies KUSTERS,她翻譯了本書所使用的大部分德文資料。
I am also obliged to Michel LABOUR, brought up in Durban, Republic of South Africa for kindly accepting to proof-read part of the manuscript. In the U.S. Christopher Brown and Duane Rosengard have also greatly helped me polish up the manuscript. 我也要感謝在南非共和國德班長大的 Michel LABOUR,他欣然接受校對部分手稿。在美國的 Christopher Brown 和 Duane Rosengard 也幫了我許多忙。
Last but not least, I am indebted to David WALTER for generously providing me with a number of his excellent articles on the double bass. 最後,我要感謝 David WALTER 慷慨地為我提供他許多關於低音大提琴的優秀文章。
One has only to note the lack of documentation presently devoted to the history of the double bass, in order to appreciate the true value and interest of the “History of the double bass” written by my friend Paul Brun. 只要注意到目前專門研究低音大提琴歷史的文獻不足,就能體會到我的朋友 Paul Brun 所撰寫的「低音大提琴歷史」的真正價值與趣味。
Because of its technical and scientific aspect, this book gives essential and long awaited information to bass players, permitting them to better know their instrument and its evolution throughout the centuries. 由於其技術性和科學性,這本書為貝斯演奏者提供了期待已久的重要資訊,使他們能夠更好地瞭解自己的樂器以及它在幾個世紀以來的演變。
I recommend this book not only to bassists, but also to music lovers, musicologists, orchestra conductors, historians, and instrument makers. 我不僅推薦這本書給低音結他手,也推薦給音樂愛好者、音樂學家、樂團指揮、歷史學家和樂器製造商。
“A history of the double bass” is written in a well-structured, explicit manner. Although certain passages will be more interesting to specialists, the entire work remains accessible to the layman since the author summarizes each chapter clearly and draws conclusions everyone can understand. 「低音大提琴史 」的撰寫方式結構清晰、明確。雖然某些段落對專家而言較為有趣,但由於作者清楚總結每一章的內容,並得出每個人都能理解的結論,因此整部作品對於門外漢而言仍是易懂的。
It is interesting to note that Paul Brun does not limit his study to the instrument itself but enriches it by also speaking about the bow and the instrumentalist. Since its beginning, the bow has always been the cause of controversy between those who favor one technique or the other. As for the biographical chapter, it allows the reader to know better some of those who contributed to the ascension of this instrument by giving it titles of nobility. 有趣的是,保羅‧布魯並沒有將他的研究僅限於樂器本身,而是同時談到琴弓與樂器演奏者,豐富了他的研究。從一開始,琴弓就一直是那些傾向於一種或另一種技巧的人之間爭論的原因。至於人物傳記的章節,則讓讀者更了解一些賦予這把樂器貴族稱號,並為其昇華做出貢獻的人。
In the name of all my bass friends, I wish to express my gratitude to Paul Brun who, thanks to his erudition and painstaking research, has offered us a precious reference work and a book of high quality. 我謹以我所有低音結他朋友的名義,向 Paul Brun 表示感謝,感謝他的博學和艱苦的研究,為我們提供了一本珍貴的參考著作和高品質的書籍。
Chapter Page 章節 頁數
Acknowledgments … 4 鳴謝 ... 4
Preface by Jean-Marc ROLLEZ. … 5 Jean-Marc ROLLEZ 的序言。... 5
Contents … 7 目錄 ... 7 … 9 … 18 ... 9 ... 18
Chapter I Historical development … 19 第一章 歷史發展...... 19
Chapter notes … 39 章節說明 ... 39
馀住 Chapter II Variations in playing standards … 41 餘住 Chapter II Variations in Playing Standards ... 41
Chapter notes … 64 章節說明 ... 64
Chapter III Variations in size … 67
Chapter notes … 84 章節說明 ... 84
Chapter IV Tuning … 87 第四章 調校 ... 87
Chapter notes … 119 章節說明 ... 119
Chapter V The 16 -foot double bass, past and present … 123 第五章 16 呎低音大提琴的過去與現在...... 123
Chapter notes … 144 章節說明 ... 144
Chapter VI Bowing techniques … 147
Chapter notes … 157 章節說明 ... 157
Chapter VII Biographical … 159 第七章 傳記...... 159
Bibliography … 181 參考書目 ... 181
List of illustrations … 192 插圖清單 ... 192
Index of names … 194 名稱索引 ... 194
Pictures credit … 199 圖片來源 ... 199
Introduction 簡介
The development of the double bass is linked to two facets of musical history: the changing configuration of the violin family and the evolution of the orchestral ensemble. 低音提琴的發展與音樂史的兩個層面息息相關:小提琴家族結構的變化和管弦樂團的演變。
As a member of the violin family, the double bass shares fully in its history, development and technique. Its uniqueness, however, stems from its evolving musical function in the orchestra which has brought about a number of significant changes. 身為小提琴家族的一員,低音大提琴與小提琴的歷史、發展和技術完全相同。然而,它的獨特之處在於其在管弦樂團中不斷演變的音樂功能,並帶來了許多重大的改變。
Each successive stage in the history of the double bass has required the instrument to adapt to new musical and technical demands; playing techniques and even quality of sound have varied accordingly. The fruit of three centuries of technical progress, the double bass has progressively been subjected to modifications in shape and fittings which differentiate it from its model and point of departure, the violin. To a lesser degree, the other members of the violin family have also participated in this process of modification and adaptation. The modern terms for these instruments are given below: 低音大提琴歷史上的每個階段都要求樂器適應新的音樂和技術需求;演奏技巧甚至音質也相應地發生變化。作為三個世紀以來技術進步的成果,低音大提琴在形狀和配件上的改變,使其有別於其原型和出發點--小提琴。在較小的程度上,小提琴家族的其他成員也參與了這個修改和適應的過程。以下是這些樂器的現代術語:
Inside of a double bass: made in the same way and with the same 低音大提琴的內部:以相同的方式製作,並使用相同的材料。
materials as a violin. 作為小提琴的材料。
Although made in the same way and of similar materials as the violin, each member of the family has its distinguishing characteristics. According to Christopher Bunting, for example, a glance at the cello immediately reveals its family relationship with the violin and the viola; but, upon closer examination, important differences become apparent: 雖然製作方式和材料與小提琴相同,但家族中的每個成員都有其獨特之處。Christopher Bunting 指出,舉例來說,只要看一眼大提琴,就能立即看出它與小提琴和中提琴的家族關係;但如果仔細觀察,就會發現重要的差異:
“The proportions of length and breadth are approximately maintained, but the depth is increased in order to provide an enclosed volume sufficient to give the necessary resonance to the lower notes. The height of the bridge is proportionally greater, and its curvature is different to accord with the different tension-spectrum of the strings. Briefly, the differences follow three rules: volumes increase cubically, areas by squares and lengths linearly.” ^(1){ }^{1} "長度和寬度的比例大致維持不變,但深度有所增加,以提供足夠的封閉音量,讓低音產生必要的共鳴。琴橋的高度按比例增加,其曲度也有所不同,以配合不同張力的琴弦。簡而言之,這些差異遵循三個規則:體積以立方方式增加,面積以平方方式增加,長度以線性方式增加。 ^(1){ }^{1}
In other words, “the body of air inside the cello must be equally scientifically proportioned to the depth of tone it is destined to produce, and as the correct capacity would too greatly enlarge the outline, if made in the proportions of a violin, the difficulty is obviated by giving the instrument an increased depth. Therefore, it is a great pity that many writers have loosely stated (doubtless with the best intentions) that ‘the proportions of the fiddle, the tenor, the bass and the double bass should all be identical with one another’.” ^(2){ }^{2} The three other members of the violin family are thus made smaller proportionally, for convenience, than if modelled on the ideal measurements of the violin. The above mentioned differences between the viola, cello and violin ought necessarily to be amplified in the double bass. The size of this instrument should not be so excessive that it would cause the musician to contort himself physically when playing: we shall see that exceptional modifications were indeed required to adapt it to the morphology of the instrumentalists. 換句話說,「大提琴內部的氣體必須與它注定要產生的音色深度呈現同樣科學化的比例,由於正確的容量如果以小提琴的比例來製作,會使輪廓過度擴大,因此藉由增加樂器的深度就可以解決這個難題。因此,許多作家鬆散地說「提琴、次中音、低音提琴和低音大提琴的比例應該彼此相同」(無疑是出於好意),這是非常可惜的"。 ^(2){ }^{2} 因此,為了方便起見,小提琴家族的其他三個成員在比例上都比以小提琴的理想尺寸為藍本時小。上述中提琴、大提琴與小提琴之間的差異,在低音大提琴上必然會被放大。這種樂器的尺寸不應過大,以免造成演奏者在演奏時的身體扭曲:我們將會看到,為了使其符合樂器演奏者的形態,確實需要進行特殊的修改。
These changes are as follows: 這些變更如下:
A - Tuning changes A - 調校變更
The spread of the fingers when stopping on the double bass is obviously proportional to the size of the instrument; in the first position, the index and the little finger (first and fourth fingers) barely suffice to cover one whole-tone interval! Thus, if we compare an identical interval played on the violin and the double bass, we find that what can be done with no change of position on the violin requires the bassist to make a shift of ten positions, a good 40cm^(3)40 \mathrm{~cm} \mathbf{}^{3} 在低音大提琴上停止時,手指的張開度顯然與樂器的大小成正比;在第一個位置時,食指和小指(第一和第四指)勉強足以覆蓋一個全音程!因此,如果我們比較用小提琴和低音大提琴演奏一個相同的音程,我們會發現在小提琴上無須改變位置就可以完成的演奏,需要低音大提琴手做十個位置的移動,這是一個很好的 40cm^(3)40 \mathrm{~cm} \mathbf{}^{3} 。
Like the other members of the violin family, the first double basses were long tuned in fifths. In 1828, French bass player E.L.Gelinck made the following remarks concerning the shortcomings of this tuning which was used in France at the time: 與小提琴家族的其他成員一樣,最早的低音大提琴也是以五度為長調。1828 年,法國低音大提琴演奏家 E.L.Gelinck 就當時法國使用的這種調音方式的缺點發表了以下意見:
"There is half a tone for each two inches of distance, and consequently eight inches for the third and ten for the fourth; thus, as will be understood it is almost impossible, in a rapid movement, to bridge such a space with the hand giving to each note the suitable degree of pressure ^('')^(4){ }^{\prime \prime}{ }^{4} "每兩英吋的距離就有半個音,因此第三個音是八英吋,第四個音是十英吋;因此,就像我們所了解的,在快速的移動中,幾乎不可能用手給予每個音符適當程度的壓力來銜接這樣的空間。
This difficulty explains why players abandoned the tuning in fifths during the 19th century, at which time the practice of simplification of parts was no longer tolerated. The tuning in fifths obliged to perform “unheard-of acrobatics”, with the left hand moving about constantly on the fingerboard ^(**){ }^{*} thus rendering the performance “uncertain and incoherent”. ^(5){ }^{5} 這個難題解釋了為什麼演奏家在十九世紀捨棄了五度調音,因為當時已不再容許簡化聲部的做法。 ^(**){ }^{*} 因此,五度調音迫使演奏者進行 「前所未聞的雜技」,左手在指板上不停地移動,從而使演奏變得 「不確定、不連貫」。 ^(5){ }^{5}
In 19th century France, conductors had to slow the tempo of the Scherzo of Beethoven’s fifth symphony in order to give the bass players more time to cope with their awkward tuning. ^(6){ }^{6} The closer tuning by fourths, a necessity in view of the large spaces to be bridged in fingering, is better suited to the length of the fingerboard in that it reduces left-hand movements. This greater ease of performance earned the preference of musicians, as the hand could reach a larger succession of notes without unnecessary efforts. 在十九世紀的法國,指揮家不得不放慢貝多芬第五交響曲的諧謔曲的速度,好讓低音提琴手有更多時間來應付他們笨拙的調音。 ^(6){ }^{6} 由於指法上需要彌補很大的空間,因此必須採用更接近四度的調音方式,這種方式更適合指板的長度,因為它可以減少左手的動作。這種更容易演奏的方式贏得了音樂家們的喜愛,因為手可以在不費力的情況下達到更多的連續音符。
B - Alterations in the body. B - 身體的改變。
The violin model long prevailed for the construction of double basses; in this respect, for example, most 19th century French double bass top tables are perfect large scale reproductions of Stradivari violins. It is generally believed among instrument-makers that the best sound comes from an overall contour that is similar to that of the violin or cello. However, reaching the upper register is extremely difficult with a violin- or cello-shaped bass. In February 1911, Towry Piper stated in “The Strad” magazine that "double basses of cello shape have 長期以來,低音大提琴的製作都是以小提琴為藍本;在這方面,舉例來說,大多數十九世紀的法國低音大提琴面板都是斯特拉迪瓦里小提琴的完美大型複製品。製琴師普遍認為,最好的聲音來自與小提琴或大提琴相似的整體輪廓。然而,以小提琴或大提琴形狀的低音結他來達到高音域是非常困難的。1911 年 2 月,Towry Piper 在「The Strad」雜誌中指出:「大提琴形狀的低音大提琴具有以下特點
This fact might explain Johann Mattheson’s edifying statement that playing the double bass was “labour fit for a horse”. 約翰‧馬特森 (Johann Mattheson) 曾說,彈奏低音大提琴是「適合馬匹的勞動」。
frequently been made, but do not seem to have found much favor, the reason being that a cello-shaped bass is, for most players, a very awkward and fearsome beast to handle, owing to the absence of sloping shoulders and to the swell of the form" ^('')^(7){ }^{\prime \prime}{ }^{7}
This sort of instrument posed no problem as long as bassists hesitated to venture further than d or f_(1)\mathrm{f}_{1}, but when these limits were pushed back, two basic modifications had to be made in the conception of the higher part of the body. - Today, most basses are built with sloping shoulders so as to make it easier to reach the higher positions. This sloping of the shoulders was accentuated at the beginning of our century when Edouard Nanny found himself confronted with the solo part of “L’enfant et les sortilèges”. As the instrument’s size kept him from reaching the higher-register notes written by Maurice Ravel, he decided to have his bass cut to the so-called cutaway or steeply sloping shoulders, and was soon followed in this by miany players. 只要低音大提琴手不願意嘗試超過 d 或 f_(1)\mathrm{f}_{1} 的位置,這類樂器就不會有任何問題,但是當這些極限被推回時,就必須在身體較高位置的構想上做兩項基本的修改。- 今天,大多數的低音大提琴都有傾斜的肩部,以便更容易達到較高的位置。在本世紀初,當 Edouard Nanny 發現自己面臨《L'enfant et les sortilèges》的獨奏部分時,肩部的傾斜變得更加突出。由於樂器的尺寸使他無法達到 Maurice Ravel 所寫的高音區音符,因此他決定將低音提琴切割成所謂的切面或陡峭的斜肩,很快就有許多演奏家跟隨他的做法。
The same quest for greater ease of performance led to the curvature of the back toward the base of the neck and the consequent reduction of the ribs in the upper part of the bass, as an excessive thickness of the instrument’s body at the musician’s chest level made playing very difficult, especially in the higher positions. F.A. Echlin reported in “The Strad” magazine that “a few old basses were made without any slope in the back and were very awkward to play, so they have been rebuilt with the slope”…^(**)^{*} 同樣地,為了追求演奏上的簡便性,貝斯的背板向琴頸底部彎曲,並隨之減少了上半部的肋骨,因為琴身在樂手胸部的厚度過大,使得演奏變得非常困難,尤其是在較高的位置。F.A. Echlin 在 "The Strad 「雜誌中報導:」一些舊的低音大提琴在製作時,琴背並沒有任何斜度,彈奏起來非常彆扭,因此在重建時加入了斜度"... ^(**)^{*} 。
Because of these modifications in its shape, the double bass has sometimes been called a hybrid instrument. But the changes were dictated by utility, and they have in no way harmed its characteristic timbre. Indeed, modern acoustics have decisively shown that, in spite of what one might expect, the shape of the body does not play a decisive role in the resonance of string instruments. In fact, resonance depends far more on the structure of the instrument and on the material used - spruce for the top, maple for the back, ribs and neck - than on the outline. ^(9){ }^{9} Viols, for example, are found in an extraordinary variety of shapes, including some very near approaches to the violin form; but what is more extraordinary is how little this factor appears to influence the tone. 由於形狀的改變,低音大提琴有時被稱為混合樂器。但這些改變都是為了實用性,而且絕對沒有損害其特有的音色。事實上,現代聲學已經明確指出,儘管人們可能會預期,但琴身的形狀對弦樂器的共鳴並沒有決定性的影響。事實上,共鳴遠比外形更取決於樂器的結構和所使用的材料 - 雲杉作為面板,楓木作為背板、肋板和琴頸。 ^(9){ }^{9} 舉例來說,小提琴的形狀非常多樣化,包括一些非常接近小提琴的形狀;但更奇特的是,這個因素對音色的影響似乎非常小。
According to Robert Donington, a much more crucial matter is the thickness of 根據 Robert Donington 的說法,更關鍵的問題在於厚度。
The problem of flat versus carved (also called round, swelled or arched) backs is an altogether different matter. Flat backs are easier to build and cheaper in terms of material, but are of ten plagued with maintenance problems. Carved backs are more difficult to fashion, but they are less affected by temperature changes, as they can expand and contract with relative freedom. 平背板與雕花背板(也稱為圓背板、脹背板或拱形背板)是完全不同的問題。平背較容易製作,材料也較便宜,但卻有保養的問題。雕花靠背較難製作,但受溫度變化的影響較小,因為它們可以相對自由地膨脹和收縮。
the wood at different points; ^(10){ }^{10} also, the archings on all the oldest English viols were quite different from the ones on instruments of the violin family. On viols, there was no groove at all around the edge in which the purfling is placed. Lengthwise, between top and bottom blocks, the arching was absolutely convex, which made it tremendously strong. The oldest viols had no wooden linings: linen linings were the order of the day, freedom of response being then considered so vital. For additional lightness, the neck of viols were often made of linden, with a simple ebony veneer. ^(10){ }^{10} 此外,所有最古老的英國提琴上的拱形飾紋與小提琴家族樂器上的飾紋截然不同。在中提琴上,放置鑲邊的邊緣完全沒有溝槽。從長度來看,在上塊和下塊之間,拱形飾板是絕對凸起的,這使得它非常堅固。最古老的提琴沒有木質的襯裡:亞麻布襯裡是當時的主流,因為反應的自由度在當時被認為是非常重要的。為了增加輕盈感,提琴的琴頸通常以椴木製成,再加上簡單的黑檀木飾面。
A lack of understanding of the fundamental differences in the stucture and construction of these two distinct instrumental families led the first inexperienced instrument-makers of the 20th century revival of ancient music to .“make viols which were simply violins and cellos with a different outline”."1 In the 18th century, one could also find viols constructed like cellos, but which any estate lawyer of the time would have recognized as viois. . Conversely, some instruments having a more or less pronounced viol outline are nevertheless true double bass violins. 由於不了解這兩種不同樂器在結構與構造上的根本差異,導致二十世紀復興古樂的第一批經驗不足的製琴師............ 「製作的小提琴,只是小提琴與大提琴不同的輪廓 」1。相反地,有些具有或多或少明顯中提琴輪廓的樂器卻是真正的低音大提琴。
The design of an instrument depends mainly on its tension and thicknesses as well as on its fittings and adjustments. The double bass, which follows the cello in all these essentials, is therefore fully entitled to being called a true member of the violin family. 樂器的設計主要取決於它的張力和厚度,以及它的配件和調整。低音大提琴在所有這些要件上都與大提琴相同,因此完全有資格被稱為小提琴家族的真正成員。
C - Development and perfecting of new accessories. C - 新配件的開發與完善。
The requirements made on the double bass over the course of its existence have also necessitated other adaptations involving its accessories. Such improvements, which have progressively enabled the double bass to assume an indispensable role in orchestral music, have also contributed to its differentiation from the other instruments of the violin family. 在低音大提琴存在的過程中,對它的要求也使得它的配件有必要進行其他的改良。這些改良使低音大提琴逐漸在管弦樂中擔當不可或缺的角色,也使它有別於小提琴家族的其他樂器。
The adjustable height bridge, for example, allows playing in optimal conditions even in very rigorous climates, reducing dependency on the phenomena of contraction and expansion of the instrument’s body. 例如,可調整高度的琴橋,即使在非常嚴苛的氣候條件下,也能以最佳狀態演奏,減少對琴身收縮及膨脹現象的依賴。
The end pin, which adjusts the instrument’s height to the height and position of the player, was not adopted until the 20th century. It replaces the button still to be found on old instruments gathering dust in the attics and back rooms of 尾銷可以根據演奏者的身高和位置調整樂器的高度,直到 20 世紀才被採用。它取代了舊式樂器上的按鈕,這種按鈕至今仍在閣樓和密室中積滿灰塵。
See inventory of the estate drawn subsequent to the decease of Miss Jeanne Zeltener, May 12, 1770: “Two viols in cello-form, estimated 24 pounds” ^(12){ }^{12}. 請參閱 Jeanne Zeltener 小姐逝世後的遺產清單,1770 年 5 月 12 日:「兩把大提琴形狀的小提琴,估價 24 磅」 ^(12){ }^{12} 。
Adjustable-height bridge. 可調整高度的橋板。
some musical societies. 一些音樂社團。
The tuning mechanism has been the object of much experimentation. The enormous tension of double bass strings makes tuning by the sole means of friction-held pegs very difficult. The earliest bassists therefore made use of a large iron key which served as a lever, thus making possible a somewhat approximate tuning. This key is illustrated by Michael Praetorius (1571-1621) and by Michel Corrette in his treatise on the double bass (1781). 調音裝置一直是許多實驗的目標。低音大提琴弦的張力極大,因此僅靠摩擦固定栓來調音非常困難。因此,最早的低音大提琴手使用了一個大鐵鑰,作為槓桿,從而實現了近似的調音。Michael Praetorius (1571-1621) 和 Michel Corrette 在他的低音大提琴論文中 (1781) 對這種鑰匙進行了說明。
However, the tension of the strings is so strong in the case of the double bass that the pegs tended to loosen and give way under this system, thus ruining the intonation. The solution adopted by the Germans was a cogwheel and catch mechanism (the so-called ratchet and pawl device) similar to that used in watches. This was not perfect, either, and Praetorius expressed reservations concerning the precision of such a device: for, if a single tooth was released in one or the other direction, the string instantly rose or descended by as much as two commas, which was obviously far too imprecise for ensemble playing. ^(13){ }^{13} 然而,低音大提琴的琴弦張力非常大,在這種系統下,琴釘容易鬆脫,從而破壞音調。德國人採用的解決方案是類似於手錶的齒輪和棘爪裝置(所謂的棘輪和棘爪裝置)。這也不是完美的,Praetorius 對於這種裝置的精確度表示保留:因為如果單個齒向一個或另一個方向釋放,琴弦會立即上升或下降兩個逗點之多,這對於合奏來說顯然太不精確了。 ^(13){ }^{13}
A Mittenwald double bass from the early 18th century, now housed in the Basel Museum in Switzerland, is still fitted with this mechanism. Chronicles of the period explain that the tuning of these instruments was such an enormous undertaking that the special 18 世紀早期的 Mittenwald 低音大提琴,現藏於瑞士的巴塞爾博物館,仍然裝有這種裝置。當時的歷史記載指出,為這些樂器調音是一項艱鉅的工作,因此必須使用特殊的調音器。
nionter. Les chevilles help of luthiers was required on location before each performance ^(14){ }^{14}. ......。Les chevilles 在每次演出前都需要製琴師到場幫忙 ^(14){ }^{14} 。
It was not until the 1770 's* that a decisive solution was found, when Karl Ludwig Bachmann (1748-1809), a viola player at the Berlin court and part-time luthier, had the brilliant idea of replacing the catch by a wormscrew. ^(15){ }^{15} Here was an astute juxtaposition of two elements that had been know and in use for 直到 1770 年代*,柏林宮廷的中提琴演奏家兼製琴師卡爾-路德維希-巴赫曼(Karl Ludwig Bachmann,1748-1809 年)發現了一個絕妙的主意,用蝸牛螺絲取代了夾板,才找到了決定性的解決方案。 ^(15){ }^{15} 將兩種已知的元素巧妙的並置在一起。
In 1764, however, the following surprising advertisement appeared in the Parisian journal “Annonces,Affiches et Avis divers”: “Fine double bass with screws, case and fittings for the price of 240 pounds”. 然而在 1764 年,巴黎雜誌「Annonces,Affiches et Avis divers」刊登了以下令人驚訝的廣告:「精美低音大提琴,附螺絲、琴盒及配件,售價 240 磅」。
centuries. Its advantages were a perfect precision and stability as well as a very helpful gearing down of the string tension. 幾個世紀。它的優點是完美的精確度和穩定性,以及非常有用的琴弦張力齒輪。
Strings can hardly be regarded as accessories, so vital is their role in the acoustical system of the instrument. The earliest bassists used thick, uncovered sheep’s gut strings which were plagued with continual pitch distortions caused by the insufficient twist of their threads. With advances in the technology of string twisting, the strings became more elastic and the pitch distortion was considerably reduced. 琴弦很難被視為配件,因為它們在樂器的聲學系統中扮演著如此重要的角色。最早的低音大提琴手使用的是厚而無蓋的羊腸弦,由於弦線的捻度不足,導致音高持續失真。隨著捻弦技術的進步,琴弦變得更有彈性,音高失真也大大減少。
In the second half of the 17th century, the invention of wound strings (also called overspun or covered strings) allowed an increase in the linear mass of the strings (mass per unit length) while retaining their elasticity: the total mass of the material creates the low pitch, but only 在十七世紀下半葉,繞線琴弦(也稱為過紡琴弦或包覆琴弦)的發明使得琴弦的線性質量(每單位長度的質量)增加,同時保留了彈性:材料的總質量創造了低音,但只有
Seventeenth century cogwheel and catch tuning mechanism the elasticity of the core governs the pitch distortion. Overwound strings had the twofold advantage of being much finer and shorter than uncovered gut strings. ^(16){ }^{16} 十七世紀的齒輪和捕捉調音機制,弦芯的彈性控制了音高的失真。Overwound 琴弦有兩項優點:比無襯墊的內襯琴弦更細、更短。 ^(16){ }^{16}
The choice of a right gauge was a particularly delicate one; if the strings were too thick, they responded to the bow much less readily and produced a sound which was heavy and generally inaccurate in intonation. If they were too thin, they gave a weak tone and tended to flap against the fingerboard. ^(17){ }^{17} An old rule, laid down by classical makers and players, had therefore to be followed: 選擇合適的琴弦規格是一個特別微妙的問題;如果琴弦太粗,它們對弓子的反應就會變得不那麼容易,產生的聲音也會變得沉重,音調通常也會不準確。如果琴弦太細,音色就會變弱,而且容易與指板摩擦。 ^(17){ }^{17} 因此,古典製琴師和演奏家們制定了一個古老的規則,必須遵守:
"The thickness of the strings should be in proportion to the thickness of the belly and back of the bass; the age and the density of the wood should also be considered ^('').^(18){ }^{\prime \prime} .{ }^{18} "琴弦的厚度應該與低音大提琴腹部和背部的厚度成正比;還應該考慮木材的年齡和密度 ^('').^(18){ }^{\prime \prime} .{ }^{18} 。
Thin strings were preferred for chamber music and solos because of their ease of playing, but for orchestral music, medium strings were employed because of their combination of greater sonority and agility. What was particularly important in these matters was that they should be well proportioned with regard to each other. As this selection had to be made by the performers themselves, a good deal of care and judgment was needed on their part. 在室樂和獨奏曲中,細弦因其易於演奏而受到青睞,但在管弦樂中,中弦因其兼具較強的音色和靈活性而受到青睞。尤其重要的是,它們之間的比例要恰到好處。由於這種選擇必須由演奏者自己做出,因此他們需要非常謹慎並做出正確的判斷。
Today’s metal strings (aluminum covered steel or nylon strings) are far superior in durability and dependability to gut strings. They are less affected by temperature changes, stay in tune better and are always thinner. It was in the 1930’s, following ten years of research, that Pierre Delescluse developed the first complete sets of aluminum covered strings for double bass. These strings, manufactured in collaboration with a firm in Markneukirchen (D.D.R.), won the admiration of Serge Koussevitzky, who introduced them to the Boston Symphony Orchestra when he hired their inventor for the double bass section. 現今的金屬弦(鋁包鋼弦或尼龍弦)在耐用性和可靠性方面遠遠優於羊腸弦。它們受溫度變化的影響較小,能更好地保持音調,而且總是更細。1930 年代,經過十年的研究,Pierre Delescluse 開發出第一套完整的鋁包鋼低音大提琴弦線。這些琴弦是與 Markneukirchen (D.D.R.) 的一家公司合作製造的,贏得了 Serge Koussevitzky 的賞識,並在波士頓交響樂團聘請其發明者擔任低音提琴聲部時,將這些琴弦介紹給波士頓交響樂團。
Today, metal strings are manufactured for both orchestral and solo playing, the ‘solo’ being a lighter gauge string intended to be tuned up one whole step, or more. Some bassists, in fact, play 今天,金屬弦製造出來既可以用於管弦樂演奏,也可以用於獨奏,「獨奏」是指規格較輕的琴弦,可以調高整整一個音階,甚至更多。事實上,有些低音結他手會彈奏
Badmann (Earl Iudivig) Sronigl. Sccus. Rammermafilus ullo Jefins Flumentmader su Berlin Feit oem Gabre 176s, geb. bajeldft; ift ein guter Solizertfieler auf oer Bratide und ertidete in Jagr 1770-mit kenfe Eenoa gemeinfayaflid das Berliner Liebbaberconjert, trovon er aber das mals nur Dekonom roar:. Seit Eens das Tode aber, fubte er felbiges mis Der Bioline, dodi toie man fagt, eben nidit gum befters, felbit an. Badmann (Earl Iudivig) Sronigl.Rammermafilus ullo Jefins Flumentmader on Berlin Feit oem Gabre 176s, geb. bajeldft; ift ein guter Solizertfieler auf oer Bratide und ertidete in Jagr 1770-mit kenfe Eenoa gemeinfayaflid das Berliner Liebbaberconjert, trovon er aber das mals nur Dekonom roar:.Seit Eens das Tode aber, fubte er felbiges mis Der Bioline, dodi toie man fagt, eben nidit gum befters, felbit an.
Slebrecera Beyfal bat er find als Eseigeninftrumentmader ertoorber. Befonders Outd Ferme berfertigten fads. nell Suratideninftrumente und burd Feine (Effindung; wélde br um 1778 am Sontraviolon anfradte; sermisself meldrer er - Dee unbequemilidfert der 2sirbelfimmung, Durds Sdirauber oben am J̌alie, weldue burd cilieit Eleinen Bd! iffel die Baiten auf ein Scaar fimmen, abgefolfen gat. Slebrecera Beyfal bat er find als Eseigeninftrumentmader ertoorber.nell Suratideninftrumente und burd Feine (Effindung; wélde br um 1778 am Sontraviolon anfradte; sermisself meldrer er - Dee unbequemilidfert der 2sirbelfimmung, Durds Sdirauber oben am J̌alie, weldue burd cilieit Eleinen Bd!iffel die Baiten auf ein Scaar fimmen, abgefolfen gat.
Entry “Bachmann”, from 項目 'Bachmann',來自
Gerber’s dictionnary (1790) Gerber 字典 (1790)
orchestral pitch (E A d g), either to relieve the pressure exerted on the top of the instrument, or simply in order to play with more ease. The sound produced in this case is less bright and powerful than with orchestra strings at normal pitch, but the instrument can then vibrate more freely because of the resulting reduction of the pressure on the soundboard. 管弦樂音高 (E A d g),可以減輕對樂器頂部施加的壓力,或只是為了更輕鬆地演奏。在這種情況下,所產生的聲音不如管弦樂弦線在正常音高時那麼明亮有力,但由於音板上的壓力減少,樂器可以更自由地振動。
The terminology used over the centuries for the double bass, and particularly the term ‘violone’, is especially puzzling to the historical researcher. Until the end of the 18th century, the word ‘double bass’ was rarely used, whereas, ‘violone’ was 幾個世紀以來,低音大提琴所使用的術語,尤其是「violone」一詞,尤其讓歷史研究者感到困惑。直到 18 世紀末,「低音大提琴 」這個詞都很少被使用,而 "violone 「則是 」低音大提琴 "的代名詞。
employed indiscriminately to designate all of the large instruments of both the viol and the violin family. ^(19){ }^{19} Nikolaus Harnoncourt rightly points out that, to confuse matters even further, some 17th century German writers used the term ‘violone’ only for the six-stringed double bass viol. ^(20){ }^{20} One can only agree with this author when he deplores the use of the same terminology by a number of contemporary writers: this confusing word has become devoid of meaning and a less ambiguous vocabulary should henceforth be preferred if we do not want to ^(19){ }^{19} "violone "一詞被不加選擇地用於稱呼中提琴和小提琴家族的所有大型樂器。 ^(19){ }^{19} 尼古拉斯-哈農庫特 (Nikolaus Harnoncourt) 正確地指出,為了使問題更加混亂,一些 17 世紀的德國作家只將「violone」一詞用於六弦低音提琴。 ^(20){ }^{20} 當這位作者對許多當代作家使用相同的術語感到惋惜時,我們只能同意他的看法:這個混亂的詞彙已經變得毫無意義,從今以後如果我們不想
complicate investigations further. 使調查進一步複雜化。
In France, the terms most frequently used for the double bass were ‘Large Bass Violin’ (Grande Basse de Violon), ‘Big Bass Violin’ (Grosse Basse de Violon), ‘Octava Bass Violin’ (Basse de Violon à l’Octave), and a few other variations on this model. 在法國,低音大提琴最常用的術語是「大低音小提琴」(Grande Basse de Violon)、「大低音小提琴」(Grosse Basse de Violon)、「八度低音小提琴」(Basse de Violon à l'Octave),以及這個模式的一些其他變體。
A double bass by Wilhelm Azan, Aix en Provence, 1605. Wilhelm Azan 的低音大提琴,1605 年,普羅旺斯地區艾克斯。
Overall length: 197 cm . 總長度: 197 公分 .
Body length: 123 cm . 身長:123 公分 .
Length of strings: 100,5cm100,5 \mathrm{~cm}. 字串長度: 100,5cm100,5 \mathrm{~cm} 。
Carved back 雕花背板
Chapter notes 章節說明
Bunting, Christopher: “The violoncello”, Musical instruments through the ages, (ed. by A. Baines), London, 1961. Bunting, Christopher:《大提琴》,《歷代樂器》,(A. Baines 編輯),倫敦,1961 年。
2 . Ed. Heron-Allen: Violin making as it was and is, London, 1885. 2 .Ed. Heron-Allen: 小提琴製作的過去與現在,倫敦,1885 年。
3 . Vondrak, A.: “The tuning of the double bass”, The Strad, Feb.-Jul. 1911. 3 .Vondrak, A.: 'The tuning of the double bass', The Strad, Feb.-Jul.1911.
4 . Gelinck: “Remarks on the double bass”, The harmonicon, Dec. 1829. Also: La Revue Musicale, 1828. 4 .Gelinck:「低音大提琴評論」,The harmonicon,1829 年 12 月。另:La Revue Musicale,1828 年。
5 . Nanny, Edouard: cited in. ‘Mustque pour contrebasse’, ed. Leduc, Paris. 5 .Nanny, Edouard: cited in.Mustque pour contrebasse》,Leduc 編,巴黎。
6 . Fétis, François-Joseph: “Concerning W. Hause’s method”, La Revue Musicale, Febr.Jul. 1828. 6 .Fétis, François-Joseph: 'Concerning W. Hause's method', La Revue Musicale, Febr.Jul.Hause's method",La Revue Musicale,Febr.Jul.1828.
7 . Piper, Towry: “Concerning double basses”, The Strad, Febr. Jul. 1911. 7 .Piper, Towry: 'Concerning double basses', The Strad, Febr.1911.
8 . Echlin, F.A.: “The multiform double bass”, The Strad, Jul. 1956. 8 .Echlin, F.A.: 'The multiform double bass', The Strad, Jul.1956.
9 . Pracontal, Michel de: “Le violon: une perfection rebelle a tout progrès”, Science et vie, n^(@)737n^{\circ} 737, Feb. 1979. 9 .Pracontal, Michel de: 'Le violon: une perfection rebelle a tout progrès', Science et vie, n^(@)737n^{\circ} 737 , Feb. 1979.
10. Donington, Robert: “James Talbot’s Manuscript”, the Galpin Society Journal, III, 1950. 10.Donington、Robert:《James Talbot 的手稿》,《Galpin Society Journal》,III,1950 年。
11. Baines, Francis: “Francis Baines talks to Dietrich Kessler on making viols”, Early Music, Oct. 1978, vol 6, n^(@)4n^{\circ} 4. 11. Francis Baines:「Francis Baines 與 Dietrich Kessler 談製作中提琴」,《早期音樂》,1978 年 10 月,第 6 冊, n^(@)4n^{\circ} 4 。
12. Milliot, Sylvette: Documents inédits sur les luthiers parisiens du 18^(@)18^{\circ} siècle, Paris, 1970.
13. Praetorius, Michael: Syntagma Musicum, II, Wolfenbütel, 1619. 13.Praetorius, Michael: Syntagma Musicum, II, Wolfenbütel, 1619.
14. Weckerlin, J.B.: “Notice sur la contrebasse”, Bulletin de la société des compositeurs, n^(@)5\mathrm{n}^{\circ} 5 à 8, 1863-1870. 14. Weckerlin, J.B.: 'Notice sur la contrebasse', Bulletin de la société des compositeurs, n^(@)5\mathrm{n}^{\circ} 5 à 8, 1863-1870.
15. Gerber, Ernst Ludwig: Historisch Biographisches Lexicon der Tonkünstler, Leipzig, 1790-92. Gerber, Ernst Ludwig: Historisch Biographisches Lexicon der Tonkünstler, Leipzig, 1790-92.
16. Abbot, Djildat and Segerman, Ephraim: “Gut strings”, Early Music, n^(@)n^{\circ} 4, Oct. 1976. Abbot, Djildat and Segerman, Ephraim: 'Gut strings', Early Music, n^(@)n^{\circ} 4, Oct. 1976.
17. Verrimst: Méthode de contre-basse à 4 cordes, Paris, c. 1865. Verrimst: Méthode de contre-basse à 4 cordes, Paris, c. 1865.
18. Echlin, F.A.: “Diversiform Double Bass bows and techniques”, The Strad, Dec. 1938. Echlin,F.A.:《Diversiform Double Bass bows and techniques》,The Strad,1938 年 12 月。
19. Brun, Paul: Histoire des contrebasses à cordes, Paris, 1982. Brun, Paul: Histoire des contrebasses à cordes, Paris, 1982.
20. Harnoncourt, Nikolaus: Le dialogue musical, Paris, 1985.
Until the Renaissance, western composers remained chiefly interested in vocal music; but at the end of the 15 th century, there began a remarkably fertile period in the fabrication of musical instruments and their experimentation. It was at this time that the pioneers of instrumental music began to group the instruments by families, which were originally based on the voices of the vocal quartet, but were soon liberated from this model. While the normal range was limited to only three octaves in the Middle Ages, by the Renaissance these boundaries had been pushed back and two additional octaves had become available to composers and performers. Before the end of the 16 th century, there had evolved such extended instrumental families as the viola da gámba (or viol), which embraced a range from treble to sub-contra-bass, and those of the lute, lira, oboe, trumpet etc., which possessed their treble, tenor, bass and even sometimes double-bass voices. It is obviously not the aim of this book to retrace the development of all string and wind instrument of contra-bass range, but rather to focus on only one of them, the largest member of the violin family, currently called the string (double) bass. 直到文藝復興時期,西方作曲家仍主要對聲樂感興趣;但到了 15 世紀末,樂器的製造和實驗開始了一個異常豐富的時期。也就是在這個時期,樂器音樂的先驅開始將樂器按樂種分類,樂種最初以聲樂四重奏的聲部為基礎,但很快就從這種模式中解放出來。在中世紀,一般的音域僅限於三個八度,但到了文藝復興時期,這些界限已被推倒,作曲家和演奏家可以使用多兩個八度的音域。在 16 世紀末之前,樂器家族已經擴大,例如中提琴 (viola da gámba),其音域從高音到次低音,而琉特琴 (lute)、里拉琴 (lira)、雙簧管 (oboe)、小號 (trumpet) 等,則擁有高音、次中音、低音,甚至有時是雙低音的音域。本書的目的顯然不是要追溯所有低音大提琴弦樂器與管樂器的發展,而是只集中討論其中一種,也就是小提琴家族中最大的成員,目前稱為弦(低音大提琴)低音大提琴。
The history of the double bass begins, then, in the first half of the 16th century, with the creation of the instrumental family based on the violin. This family was at the time quite different from the one we know today: aside from the fact that it counted instruments which have long since disappeared, the dimensions of the basses had not yet been standardized, and it was possible to find instruments of all possible sizes, ranging from small cellos to giant-sized versions of the double bass. 低音大提琴的歷史始於 16 世紀上半葉,以小提琴為基礎的樂器家族創立。當時的樂器家族與今日的樂器家族大相逕庭:除了包含早已消失的樂器之外,低音大提琴的尺寸也尚未統一,因此可以找到各種尺寸的樂器,從小型的大提琴到巨型的低音大提琴。
It was thanks to the voluminous tone which made them so well-adapted to dance music and outdoor concerts that these instruments soon began to enjoy a rise in popularity; their use was contrasted with that of the "reposeful instruments meant for serious and tranquil pleasures ^(11){ }^{11} such as the lute, the viol and the harpsichord. 由於音色豐滿,非常適合舞樂和戶外音樂會,這些樂器很快就開始流行起來;它們的使用與 「寧靜的樂器 」形成了對比,「寧靜的樂器 」是為了嚴肅和寧靜的愉悅 ^(11){ }^{11} ,如長笛,小提琴和大鍵琴。
Every level of society, from peasants to princes, called upon the services of violinists, who were considered as mere servants at the bottom of the social ladder. In contrast, music was only a pastime for most violists who were “gentlemen”, sheltered from financial difficulties. 社會各階層,從農民到王公,都需要小提琴家的服務,他們被視為社會最底層的僕人。相比之下,音樂對於大部分身為「紳士」的小提琴家來說,只是一種消遣,可以避免經濟上的困難。
As early as the 16 th century, the French Valois Kings, acquired the habit of 早在 16 世紀,法國的瓦羅亞國王就養成了騎馬的習慣。
recruiting the capital’s finest violinists to play for the royal balls. The figure opposite portrays just such a Ball at the King’s court around the 1580’s. One notes that the band is composed of violins held at the breast, which was 招募首都最優秀的小提琴家為皇室舞會演奏。對圖描繪的正是 1580 年代左右國王宮廷的一次舞會。我們注意到,樂隊是由胸前的小提琴組成的,這是
Above: fragment of a 17 th century 上圖:17 世紀的
German engraving 德國雕刻
Left: ball at the court of the 左: 球場上的
French Valois kings, ca 1580 法國瓦羅亞國王,約 1580 年
century that French instrument-makers found a way of thrusting the neck back at an angle, which would allow the use of a higher bridge and thus improve the bow clearance as well as the volume of sound, thanks to the increased tension of the instrument. 在 19 世紀,法國的樂器製造商發現了將琴頸向後推進一個角度的方法,這樣就可以使用較高的琴橋,從而改善琴弓的間隙以及音量,這要歸功於樂器張力的增加。
The player uses the palm-up bow grip, which was considered the best way to bow all instruments too large to be held overarm ^(3){ }^{3} such as the viols but also the bass (now cello) and the double bass violin. Prior to the 18th century, one seldom finds low-pitched instruments of the violin family bowed palm-down like the violin itself. 演奏者使用掌心向上的握弓方式,這種握弓方式被認為是所有過大而無法上臂握弓的樂器的最佳握弓方式 ^(3){ }^{3} ,例如中提琴、低音提琴(現在的大提琴)和低音大提琴。在十八世紀以前,我們很少看到小提琴家族中的低音域樂器像小提琴本身一樣是掌心向下的握弓方式。
customary usage at the time, and a double bass. Its bridge is placed very low in relation to the sound-holes in order to increase the vibrating length of the strings; this extra length was necessary to minimize the continual pitch distortions caused by the poor quality of the strings, a technological problem which was to be solved progressively with the introduction of maximum-twist bass strings and later with the invention of overspun strings prior to the 1660’s. ^(2){ }^{2} 低音大提琴是當時的慣用樂器。為了增加琴弦的振動長度,它的琴橋與音孔的距離非常低;這種額外的長度對於減少因琴弦品質不佳所造成的持續音高失真是必要的,這個技術問題隨著最大捻度低音琴弦的問世,以及後來 1660 年代之前超旋琴弦的發明而逐漸解決。 ^(2){ }^{2}
The neck of this double bass is set upright and has no backward angle in relation to the main soundboard plane (angle of neck to body). It was not until the beginning of the 17 th 這種低音大提琴的琴頸是直立的,與主音板平面(琴頸與琴身的角度)沒有向後的角度。直到十七世紀初,這種低音大提琴才開始出現。
Figure p. 17 shows a double bass of about the same period, now housed in the Paris Conservatory Museum. It originates from Aix-en-Provence and is dated 1605; its violin-like shape is similar to the previously mentioned double bass. The back is carved, the shoulders are perpendicular to the neck and the ribs are of uniform depth. 圖 17 所示的是同一時期的低音大提琴,現藏於巴黎音樂學院博物館。它來自普羅旺斯地區的艾克斯,年代為 1605 年;其小提琴般的形狀與之前提到的低音大提琴類似。琴背有雕刻,琴肩垂直於琴頸,肋骨的深度均勻。
In 1626, the musicians playing the different instruments of the violin family at the King’s court were brought together in an ensemble sometimes called the “Grande Bande” but better known as the “Twenty four violins of the King”. The composition of this string ensemble in five parts is known to us: six violins played the treble part; the intermediate voices (the so-called fill-in parts) were played by twelve instruments which included four “haute-contres”, four “tailles” and four “quintes de violon”. Six basses played the thorough bass (basso continuo). Within this section, a second bass, tuned a fifth lower than the others, provided reinforcement for special occasions. ^(4){ }^{4} 1626年,在國王的宮廷中,演奏小提琴家族不同樂器的樂師們聚集在一起,組成了一個有時被稱為 "Grande Bande 「的樂團,但更為人所知的是 」國王的二十四把小提琴"。我們知道這個弦樂合奏由五個聲部組成:六把小提琴演奏高音聲部;中間聲部(所謂的補位聲部)由十二把樂器演奏,包括四把 "haute-contres「、四把 」tailles 「和四把 」quintes de violon"。六位低音提琴演奏徹底的低音(連續低音)。在這一節中,第二低音提琴的音調比其他低五度,在特殊場合提供增強。 ^(4){ }^{4}
The modern orchestra was born when, for one of these occasions, the Twenty four violinists and the various wind instrumentalists of the court (the so-called “Douze Grands Hautbois”) were brought together to perform operas and light music. There is every reason to believe that the double bass was part of these larger orchestral forces, as the double bass was then reputed to lending depth and vigour to the overall sonority of the larger ensembles of the time. ^(25){ }^{25} As was the case with the trumpet and the kettle drums, the use of the double bass in ordinary concerts was avoided, but the same instruments were sought for the added brilliance they conferred to important or solemn performances, being the most powerful voices then available. All three instruments joined in the tuttis where the double bass produced, according to French musical lexicographer Sebastien de Brossard (1655-1730), “a very charming effect”. This conception of 現代管弦樂團的誕生,是因為在其中一個場合中,二十四位小提琴家和宮廷中的各種管樂演奏家(即所謂的 "Douze Grands Hautbois")聚集在一起演奏歌劇和輕樂。我們完全有理由相信低音大提琴是這些大型管弦樂團的一部分,因為低音大提琴在當時被認為能為大型樂團的整體音色增添深度與活力。 ^(25){ }^{25} 與小號和響鼓的情況一樣,低音大提琴在一般的音樂會中被避免使用,但在重要或莊嚴的演出中,低音大提琴作為當時最有力的聲音,卻能為演出增添光彩。根據法國音樂詞彙學家 Sebastien de Brossard (1655-1730) 的說法,所有這三種樂器都加入了 "tuttis「,其中低音大提琴產生了 」非常迷人的效果"。這種概念
YIOLONE. C’eft nôtre Baffe de Violon, ou pour micux dire, c’eft me Double Baffe, doni le corps &e le manche font à peu prés deux fois plus grands que ceux de la Baffe de Viblon. à l’ordinaire; dont les Chordes font aufi à peu prés plus longues & . plus groffes deux fois que celles de la Baffe de Violon, & le sun par confequent eft une ofare plus bas que celuy des riajois de Violon ordinaires. Cela fait un efter tout charmant dans les accompaninemens & dans les grands Chocurs, & je fuis fors furpris que l’ufage n’on foit pas plus frequent en France. YIOLONE.C'eft nôtre Baffe de Violon, ou pour micux dire, c'eft me Double Baffe, doni le corps &e le manche font à peu prés deux fois plus grands que ceux de la Baffe de Viblon.......比 Violon Baffe 的大兩倍,而太陽也因此比普通的 Violon 裏亞茹瓦的更低。Cela fait un efter tout charmant dans les accompaninemens & dans les grands Chocurs, & je fuis fors furpris que l'ufage n'on foit pas plus frequent en France.
Entry "violone" from Brossard's dictionnary (1702).
the role of the double bass was to enjoy a long life at the Paris Opera where the full section was long called up on Fridays only, the day of "le beau 低音大提琴的角色在巴黎歌劇院長期享有盛名。
the role of the double bass was to enjoy a long life at the Paris Opera where the full section was long called up on Fridays only, the day of “le beau monde”. ^(**){ }^{*} 低音大提琴的角色在巴黎歌劇院長期享有盛名,該團長期只在週五,即 "le beau monde"(美好世界)之日召開全團演出。 ^(**){ }^{*}
The thick and vigorous sound of the double bass, considered so desirable today, proved then to be its greatest limitation and restrained its use in the orchestras of the time: 低音大提琴厚重而有力的音色在今天被認為是非常理想的,但在當時卻被證明是最大的限制,並限制了它在管弦樂團中的使用:
" The double bass is used only for important concerts with many instruments and voices; otherwise, the depth and power of its tones would overwhelm the harmony; but it produces a lovely effect when the number and variety of the other inṣtruments prevent it from becoming too dominant. ^(7){ }^{7} "低音提琴只用於有許多樂器和聲部的重要音樂會;否則,其音色的深度和強度會壓倒和聲;但當其他樂器的數量和多樣性防止它變得太主要時,它會產生很好的效果。 ^(7){ }^{7}
As one might expect, the majesty of the double bass was well suited to church performances where it was used to back the vocals and to reinforce the organ. Indeed, 17th century authors often advocated the use of the double bass there, as it “brightened the harmony with its pleasing resonance and imparted a marvelous ornament”. (Praetorius) 正如我們所預期的,低音大提琴的威嚴非常適合教堂演奏,用來伴奏人聲和強化管風琴。事實上,十七世紀的作家經常提倡使用低音提琴,因為它 「以其悅耳的共鳴使和聲更加明亮,並帶來奇妙的裝飾效果」(Praetorius)。(Praetorius)
In 1647, the Belgian violin maker Peeter Borbon built a double bass for the Antwerp cathedral where the instrument remained in use until 1925. It was then bequeathed to the local musical instruments museum where it can still be seen today. Another double bass by the same Flemish craftsman and dated 1668 is now to be found in Brussels (p.40) Its shape is that of an oversize violin and it has a carved back. 1647 年,比利時小提琴製造商 Peeter Borbon 為安特衛普大教堂製造了一把低音大提琴,這把琴一直使用到 1925 年。之後,它被遺贈給當地的樂器博物館,至今仍可看到它。另一把由同一佛蘭芒工匠製作、日期為 1668 年的低音大提琴現在可在布魯塞爾找到(第 40 頁),它的形狀是一把特大號的小提琴,背部有雕刻。
The use of the double bass to back choirs and maintain their pitch was continued until the beginning of our century and was exported to the United States, where both double basses and cellos were made for that purpose. The best known maker of instruments intended for church music in the U.S. was Deacon Abraham Prescott (1789-1858), who practised his craft in New-England during the first half of the 19 th century. His large three-stringed double basses ( 4//44 / 4 model) were very short necked and square shouldered; their form posed no problem for the accompaniment of hymn tunes, for which it was rarely necessary to exceed the first positions(see also p24). These instruments are made of maple with spruce or pine tops and have brass patent heads. ^(8){ }^{8} 使用低音大提琴來支持唱詩班並保持音準的做法,一直延續到本世紀初,並出口到美國,美國的低音大提琴和大提琴都是為此目的而製造的。美國最著名的教堂音樂樂器製造商是 Deacon Abraham Prescott (1789-1858),他在 19 世紀上半期在紐英格蘭從事他的工藝。他的大型三弦低音大提琴( 4//44 / 4 型)琴頸非常短,琴肩為方形;其形狀對於讚美詩曲的伴奏沒有任何問題,因為讚美詩曲的伴奏很少需要超越第一位置(另參閱第24頁)。這些樂器以楓木製成,杉木或松木為面板,有銅製的專利琴頭。 ^(8){ }^{8}
According to Cyprien Desmarais, Louis XIV, the Sun King (1661-1715), was the first member of French royalty to bring the complete violin family to his chapel for religious service. The same author informs us that Jean-Baptiste Lully was in the 1860’s. 根據 Cyprien Desmarais 的說法,太陽王路易十四 (1661-1715) 是第一位將完整的小提琴家族帶到他的小教堂進行宗教儀式的法國皇室成員。同一作者告知我們,讓-巴蒂斯特-呂利 (Jean-Baptiste Lully) 在 1860 年代。
Jan Joseph Horemans (1682-1759): Le galant concert (deta11). Jan Joseph Horemans (1682-1759):Le galant concert (deta11).
responsible for acquiring the instruments from Médard, a violin-maker from Eastern France, who inlaid his works with the arms of France and of Navarre. ^(9){ }^{9} 負責向來自法國東部的小提琴製造商 Médard 購買樂器,Médard 在他的作品上鑲嵌了法國和納瓦爾的徽章。 ^(9){ }^{9}
A François Médard double bass made in Paris in 1700 was auctioned off there on June 24, 1924. This instrument, which in the 19th century had belonged to Achille Gouffe (see chapter VII), had a carved back decorated with an inlaid black oval shield picturing a Fleur-de-Lys (the emblem of the french Kings) and a scroll sculpted in the shape of a faun’s head. ^(10){ }^{10} 1924 年 6 月 24 日,在巴黎拍賣會上拍賣了一把 François Médard 於 1700 年製作的低音大提琴。這件樂器在十九世紀時曾屬於 Achille Gouffe(見第七章),其雕刻背板裝飾有鑲嵌的黑色橢圓形盾牌,盾牌上繪有 Fleur-de-Lys(法國國王的徽章)和雕刻成小鹿頭形狀的捲軸。 ^(10){ }^{10}
Two years after the death of cardinal Mazarin, a double bass player was appointed to the newly-organized music of the Chapel Royal; we have his name from the account book kept by court administrator L. Trabouillet: 馬沙林紅衣主教逝世兩年後,一位低音提琴演奏家被任命到新組織的皇家禮拜堂演奏音樂;我們從法院管理人 L. Trabouillet 的帳簿中得知他的名字:
It was not before the end of the century, however, that the double bass was admitted into european opera orchestras. According to Roger North, the double bass was introduced to London theaters around the 1690’s, and Warnecke writes that it was accepted into the Operas of Naples and Vienna in 1700.^(12)1700 .{ }^{12} Similarly, the double bass joined the Paris Opera in 1699^(13)1699{ }^{13} when Michel Pignolet de Montéclair (1667-1737, see chapter VII), just returning from Italy with “a very good double bass from Naples” ^(14){ }^{14} (perhaps a Gagliano) was offered a position there. Curiously enough, the admission of the double bass to the Paris Opera, largely owing to its new-found ability to reinforce the larger instrumental ensembles of the late 17 th century, seems to have gone unnoticed by the commentators of the time. 然而,直到世紀末,低音大提琴才被歐洲歌劇管弦樂團所接受。根據 Roger North 的說法,低音大提琴大約在 1690 年代被引入倫敦的劇院,而 Warnecke 則寫道,低音大提琴在 1700.^(12)1700 .{ }^{12} 年被那不勒斯與維也納的歌劇院所接受。同樣地,低音大提琴也在 1699^(13)1699{ }^{13} 年加入巴黎歌劇院,當時 Michel Pignolet de Montéclair(1667-1737 年,見第七章)剛從義大利回來,並帶著 「那不勒斯非常好的低音大提琴」 ^(14){ }^{14} (也許是 Gagliano 的作品)。奇怪的是,低音大提琴能夠進入巴黎歌劇院,主要是因為它在 17 世紀後期能夠加強較大型的樂器合奏,但當時的評論家似乎並未注意到這一點。
Composers, however, soon realized that the expressive possibilities of its subterranean tones (down to 16^(')C16^{\prime} \mathrm{C} ) could lead to some interesting figurative effects: in fact, imitations of natural phenomena such as storm, thunder and earthquakes were just then coming into fashion. The prototype of the musical storm seems to be the tempest scene of Alcyone by Marin Marais ( V,4V, 4 ), following which, as Brossard remarked, " a prodigious quantity of others were produced, not only in operas but also in cantatas and even in church music." 15 然而,作曲家很快就意識到,其地下音調(低至 16^(')C16^{\prime} \mathrm{C} )的表現力可以產生一些有趣的具象效果:事實上,模仿自然現象,如風暴、雷聲和地震,在當時剛剛開始流行。音樂暴風雨的原型似乎是 Marin Marais 的《Alcyone》( V,4V, 4 )中的暴風雨場景,正如 Brossard 所說:「在這之後,不僅在歌劇中,也在大合唱中,甚至在教堂音樂中,都出現了數量驚人的其他作品。15
In this scene, “a deep and ominous rumbling merging with the high notes of the flutes and the other instruments rendered all the horror of a tossing sea and howling winds.” 16 在這個場景中,「深沉而不祥的隆隆聲與長笛及其他樂器的高音融合在一起,渲染出翻騰的大海和呼嘯的狂風的所有恐怖氣氛」。16
It made such an impression on the musical world that the double bass was thereafter considered indispensable for all other tempest scenes, but also for all evocations of magicians, demons etc., in operas as well as in smaller chamber 它給音樂界留下了深刻的印象,從此之後,低音提琴被認為是所有其他暴風雨場景中不可或缺的樂器,同時也是歌劇和小型室內樂中所有喚起魔術師、惡魔等場景的樂器。
The storm scene from Marin Marais’ Alcyone (1706) Marin Marais 的《Alcyone》(1706 年)中的風暴場景
works. 作品。
Even so, this newfound favor with musicians and the public, which prompted writers to require the double bass a little more frequently in their scores, really cannot be considered as determinant for the use of the double bass in France, as most of the time it “unfortunately remained silent” ^(17){ }^{17} aside from these figurative effects. 儘管如此,音樂家和大眾對低音大提琴的新興喜好,促使作家在樂譜中更多地使用低音大提琴,但這並不能視為低音大提琴在法國使用的決定因素,因為除了這些具象效果之外,低音大提琴大多數時候「不幸地保持沉默」 ^(17){ }^{17} 。
In fact, its role remained negligible until French music freed itself from the conservatism of Lully to allow the stimulating effects of rich foreign influences, particularly those coming from Germany and Italy. Their contribution was vital to the birth and diffusion of the new musical aesthetics of the second half of the 18th century. These influences led to the development of modern orchestration and, from 1760 onward, progressively induced the suppression in France of the continuo bass and the disappearance of the older instruments of accompaniment. 事實上,在法國音樂擺脫魯利 (Lully) 的保守主義,讓豐富的外來影響 (尤其是來自德國和義大利的影響) 發揮刺激作用之前,它的作用仍然微不足道。他們的貢獻對於 18 世紀下半葉新音樂美學的誕生與傳播至關重要。這些影響促成了現代管弦樂的發展,並從 1760 年起,逐步促使連續低音在法國受到壓制,舊式伴奏樂器也逐漸消失。
With their departure, the harmonic and rhythmic support of the orchestra naturally devolved upon the string quartet which could then begin its unprecedented development. It was only from this point onward in the formation and perfecting of the modern orchestra that the need for the double bass became strongly evident. 隨著他們的離開,管弦樂團的和聲與節奏支援自然而然地落在了弦樂四重奏身上,而弦樂四重奏也開始了其前所未有的發展。在現代管弦樂團的形成和完善過程中,對低音提琴的需求從這一點開始才變得明顯。
The importance of this turning point in the history of the double bass is underscored by the publication of growing numbers of works thoroughly describing it. Johann Joachim Quantz (1697-1773), a talented flautist and teacher of Frederick II of Prussia, published his “Versuch einer Amweisung die Flüte traversière spielen” in 1752; a complete section of this work deals with the four string double bass in current tuning (E A dg, called Large Bass Violin in the French edition of the book). The double bass method of Michel Corrette (1781) as well as several dictionaries and the Encyclopedia of Denis Diderot (publ. 17511780) provide further information as to the instrument’s use and tuning. ^(18){ }^{18} The latter classifies the various types of extant double basses in the violin family section. 越來越多徹底描述低音大提琴的作品出版,突顯出低音大提琴歷史上這個轉捩點的重要性。Johann Joachim Quantz (1697-1773),一位天才的長笛演奏家,也是普魯士腓特烈二世的老師,於 1752 年出版了他的《Versuch einer Amweisung die Flüte traversière spielen》;這本著作中有完整的一節是關於目前調音的四弦低音提琴(E A dg,法文版稱為 Large Bass Violin)。Michel Corrette 的低音大提琴演奏法 (1781) 以及多本字典和 Denis Diderot 的百科全書 (17511780 出版) 提供了更多關於樂器使用和調音的資訊。 ^(18){ }^{18} 後者將現存的各種低音大提琴分類在小提琴家族部分。
The musical landscape familiar to Johann-Sebastian Bach was quite different, as he clearly had several types of double basses at his disposal: some of them seem to have been violins and others violas da gamba. Contemporary written evidence of the time* clearly show that these two types of instruments were known and used in German speaking countries. One of them, alternately called “Violone” or “Violone Grosso”, was fitted with four strings and tuned in fifths an octave below 約翰‧薩巴斯蒂安‧巴赫所熟悉的音樂風景相當不同,因為他顯然有數種低音大提琴可供使用:其中一些似乎是小提琴,另一些則是中提琴da gamba。當時當代的書面證據*清楚顯示,這兩種樂器在德語國家都很有名且被使用。其中一種樂器,又稱為「Violone」或「Violone Grosso」,配有四根弦,以低八度的五分音調音。
Stössel, 1737; Barnickel, 1737; Eisel, 1738; etc… Stössel, 1737; Barnickel, 1737; Eisel, 1738; 等等...
the cello (C G d a). The other, called “Violone” by some and “Contrabass da Gamba” by others, had six strings tuned in fourths with a central third as with the other viols (D G c e a d’). Another type of German six-stringed double bass or “violone” tuned G c f a d’ g ’ is also mentioned by James Talbot in 1697. 大提琴 (C G d a)。另一種則有人稱之為「Violone」,也有人稱之為「Contrabass da Gamba」,六根弦以四度調音,中央的三度則與其他中提琴一樣(D G c e a d')。James Talbot 在 1697 年也提到了另一種德國六弦低音大提琴或「violone」,其調音為 G c f a d' g '。
Frederick II of Prussia (1712-1786) playing a flute concerto. 普魯士的腓特烈二世 (Frederick II,1712-1786) 吹奏長笛協奏曲。
Until the end of the 18th century, the backbone of music was the continuo accompaniment, which for a long time was played by various plucked string instruments such as the lute, the theorbo or the harp, but was subsequently entrusted by preference to all three continuo instruments of the string section ( the so-called trio of soloists): cello, double bass and harpsichord, the latter often played by the leader (concertmaster) or the composer himself. A few of the finest instrumentalists gathered around this nucleus were responsible for those parts requiring the most precision and finesse. Together, the continuo group and a few other instruments played by soloists formed the Small Choir, or Concertino. 直到十八世紀末,音樂的骨幹一直是連奏伴奏,長期以來都是由各種彈撥弦樂器,如琵琶、豎琴或豎琴來演奏,但後來優先交由弦樂組中的三種連奏樂器 (所謂的獨奏三重奏):大提琴、低音提琴和大鍵琴來演奏,後者通常由領奏 (concertmaster) 或作曲家本人來演奏。幾位最優秀的樂器演奏家圍繞著這個核心,負責演奏最需要精準與細膩的部分。連奏組和獨奏者演奏的其他幾件樂器共同組成小合唱團,或稱為 Concertino。
The remaining available musicians were grouped together in the “Great Choir”, or “Concerto Grosso”. The double bass was or was not a.part of the Small Choir, according to the epoch and local performing traditions. We have seen that in France Jean-Baptiste Lully used the double bass only when larger instrumental force were involved, but that the double bass made its entry into the Small Choir at the Paris Opera at the end of the 17th century (1699). 其餘可用的音樂家則集中在「大合唱團」,或稱「大協奏曲」。低音大提琴是否為小合唱團的一部分,視當時的時代與當地的演奏傳統而定。在法國,讓-巴蒂斯特-盧利 (Jean-Baptiste Lully) 只在有較大型樂器參與時才使用低音提琴,但低音提琴在 17 世紀末 (1699 年) 已進入巴黎歌劇院的小合唱團。
Constitution of the small Choir of the Paris Opera, 1704-1754. 巴黎歌劇院小合唱團章程,1704-1754。
Those accompanists used to improvise from a common bass part above which were added figures which were a shorthand for the required chord: they read directly from the harpsichordist’s copy. The part could be taken by a cello, a double bass, or both of these, in which case the first stood to the right and the other to the left of the harpsichord player. By 1733, the cello and the double bass were undisputably the favored pair of continuo instruments in France. In the middle of the 18th century, the harpsichord of the Paris Opera was assisted by three cellos and one double bass, all of which played the same bass line. ^(19){ }^{19} Many Italian orchestras employed two harpsichords, each of them backed by its own group of bass instruments (see p100). Quantz considered that in large ensembles, and especially in orchestras where one player could not see and hear all of the others, the double bass player and the cellist formed the point of balance which served to maintain correct timing: the task of this rhythmic and harmonic nucleus was to fill the harmony as well as to assist the concertmaster in conveying the beat and in steadying the ensemble. 這些伴奏者習慣從共同的低音聲部即興伴奏,而在低音聲部的上方會加上一些數字,這些數字是所需和弦的速記:他們直接從大鍵琴手的副本中讀出。這個部分可以由大提琴、低音提琴或兩者同時演奏,在這種情況下,前者站在大鍵琴演奏者的右邊,後者站在大鍵琴演奏者的左邊。到 1733 年,大提琴和低音提琴無可爭議地成為法國最受歡迎的連奏樂器。在 18 世紀中葉,巴黎歌劇院的大鍵琴由三把大提琴和一把低音提琴協助演奏,它們都演奏相同的低音。 ^(19){ }^{19} 許多義大利管弦樂團使用兩架大鍵琴,每架大鍵琴都有自己的低音樂器群做後盾(請參閱第 100 頁)。Quantz 認為在大型樂團中,尤其是在一位樂手無法看見或聽見所有其他樂手的樂團中,低音提琴手與大提琴手形成平衡點,以維持正確的時間:這個節奏與和聲核心的任務是填滿和聲,以及協助協奏曲長傳達節拍與穩定樂團。
In Paris in 1767, according to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the unfortunate custom prevailed among concertmasters of marking the beat by means of a rod loudly striking the floor; elsewhere, foot-stamping or tapping the desk with a bow to steady insecure ensembles was by no means rare. In 1878, French conductor Edouard Deldevez voiced his confusion about this deplorable custom: 根據讓-雅克-盧梭 (Jean-Jacques Rousseau) 的說法,1767 年在巴黎,樂團首席之間盛行一種不幸的習俗,就是用一根棒子大聲敲擊地板來標記拍子;在其他地方,用腳踩或用弓敲擊桌面來穩定不穩定的樂團也絕非罕見。1878 年,法國指揮家 Edouard Deldevez 對這種可悲的習俗表示困惑:
“The barbarous usage of foot-stamping or desk-tapping with a bow to indicate for example an attack, is unfortunately the only way to get the necessary attention, chiefly in opera music. By which other means could one avoid complete "用腳踩或用弓敲桌子來表示攻擊等野蠻的用法,不幸地是唯一能引起必要注意的方法,主要是在歌劇音樂中。還有什麼其他方法可以避免完全
disorder, steady a routed personnel, anticipate an impending cacophony or an abominable disaster?” ^(20){ }^{20} 失序,穩定潰散的人員,預見即將發生的喧鬧或可惡的災難?" ^(20){ }^{20}
The bassists proved to be excellent assistants to the concertmaster in this task by heavily articulating the changes of harmony at the down beats and providing the foundations for the harmonic progressions that it underpinned. Such shared responsibility was linked to the importance given to the Basso Continuo, which allowed bassists to improvise from the common bass part. With its disappearance, there ensued a transitional period when double bass players were allowed not to play all of the written notes but to select only those which they considered best suited to the situation: these musicians were known as ‘simplifiers’ (see chapt. III). 事實證明,低音結他手在這項任務中是協奏曲長的優秀助手,他們在下行拍子中大量闡述和聲的變化,並為和聲的進行提供基礎。這種共同的責任與 Basso Continuo 的重要性有關,它允許低音結他手在共同的低音聲部中即興演奏。隨著它的消失,低音提琴演奏家被允許不演奏所有的譜上音符,而只選擇他們認為最適合的音符:這些音樂家被稱為「簡化者」(見第三章)。
When, in 1794, Italian virtuoso Domenico Dragonetti was appointed to the Italian Opera housed in the King’s Theatre of London, it was in the function of double bass at the harpsichord; in this role, he shared a stand with the principal cellist Robert Lindley. Both musicians read out of the same desk and were seated directly in front of Sir Michael Costa, the conductor. 1794 年,義大利演奏家 Domenico Dragonetti 被任命為倫敦國王劇院 (King's Theatre) 的義大利歌劇院 (Italian Opera) 的大鍵琴低音提琴演奏家;在這個角色中,他與首席大提琴家 Robert Lindley 共用一個演奏台。這兩位音樂家在同一張桌子上讀音,並坐在指揮家 Michael Costa 爵士的正前方。
Conflicts inevitably resulted between the various sources of direction when either one of them felt entitled (whether rightly or not) to take charge, as shows an article about Dragonetti issued in the “Musical World”, May 12, 1837: 正如 1837 年 5 月 12 日《音樂世界》(Musical World) 上刊登的一篇關於 Dragonetti 的文章所示,當任何一方認為自己有權(無論是否正確)掌管樂團時,不同的指揮者之間難免會產生衝突:
“Although he has been accused of leading the orchestra, or in the estimation of some leaders, of mis-leading (for no man in that situation approves of public correction), it must be acknowledged that he has upon various occasions, by his promptitude and decision, brought back a whole band who ‘like sheep had gone astray’.” "雖然他被指責領導樂團,或在某些領導者的估計中,他被指責領導失當(因為在那種情況下,沒有一個人會認同公開糾正),但必須承認的是,他曾在不同場合,以他的迅速和果斷,帶回一整支「像羊一樣誤入歧途」的樂團"。
We know in this connection that Dragonetti was famed for his volume of tone. This tone he owed to his instrument, a double bass strung with only three gut strings tuned by fourths and set up with a very high bridge which held the strings at a distance from the fingerboard.* 在這方面,我們知道 Dragonetti 以音量大而聞名。他的樂器是低音大提琴,只有三根以四度調音的內襯弦,琴橋非常高,讓琴弦與指板保持一定的距離。
For greater effectiveness, a new instrumental arrangement was devised in which the double basses were scattered throughout the space occupied by the orchestra; this distribution allowed all the musicians to hear the bass part which was supposed to back and steady the entire ensemble. In this regard, Jean-Jacques Rousseau cited the example of the King of Poland’s orchestra in Dresden, which 為了達到更大的效果,我們設計了一種新的樂器排列方式,將低音提琴分散在樂團所佔據的整個空間中;這種分佈方式讓所有樂手都能聽到低音提琴聲部,而低音提琴聲部應該是整個樂團的後盾和穩定器。在這方面,Jean-Jacques Rousseau 引用了波蘭國王在德勒斯登的管弦樂團為例,該樂團
included three desks each shared by a cellist and a double bass.* 包括三張桌子,每張桌子由一位大提琴手和一位低音大提琴手共用。
Fig. 1. 圖 1.
Distribultion: de l’orchestre ite l’oper’ra de Dreate. Distribultion: de l'orchestre ite l'oper'ra de Dreate.
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Seating plan of the Orescen Opera, Rousseau: “dictionnary”, 1768. Orescen 歌劇院的座位圖,盧梭:「字典」,1768 年。
Fig p. 32 illustrates the lay-out of the King’s orchestra at the Grand Theater of Versailles in 1773: the cellos of the Great Choir are placed to the right and left of the orchestra, with four double basses situated in the four corners of the orchestra pit. Other illustrations in this book show the baroque arrangement of the basses around the harpsichord, an arrangement which lasted until the complete disappearance of the thorough bass. At that time began the development of the ‘Beethovian’ orchestra, in which the conductor was more and more expected to direct orchestral concerts without an instrument in his hands. It was roughly during the first thirty years of the 19th century that the modern practice of conducting with a baton superseded the old style of direction by the joint efforts of concertmaster and keyboard/bass-double bass players. 第 32 頁的插圖展示了 1773 年凡爾賽大劇院的國王管弦樂團的佈局:大合唱團的大提琴被放置在樂團的左右兩側,四架低音大提琴則分佈在樂池的四個角落。這本書中的其他插圖展示了巴洛克時期低音大提琴圍繞大鍵琴的排列方式,這種排列方式一直持續到徹底的低音大提琴完全消失為止。從那時起,「貝多芬式」樂團開始發展,越來越多的人期望指揮家在沒有樂器在手的情況下指揮管弦樂音樂會。大約在十九世紀的前三十年,現代的指揮棒指揮方式取代了舊式的由首席與鍵盤手/低音提琴手共同指揮的方式。
The very traditional English and a few others retained this dispositon long after most of the other European countries had given it up. In 1832, sir Michael Costa was appointed Maestro al cembalo at the King’s Theatre, London. Nine years earlier, François Joseph Fétis had expressed his amazement at the outdated usage 非常傳統的英國人和少數其他國家的人在大多數其他歐洲國家捨棄這種演奏方式之後很長一段時間仍保留著這種演奏方式。1832 年,Michael Costa 爵士被任命為倫敦 King's Theatre 的 cembalo 大師。九年前,François Joseph Fétis 曾對這種過時的用法表示驚訝
Two of these pairs played with harpsichords placed at strategic points within the orchestra. 其中兩對樂手使用大鍵琴演奏,而大鍵琴則放置在樂團中的戰略位置。
of having a conductor at the piano, which had been preserved at the Philharmonic Concerts. ^(21){ }^{21} This person would typically pound out piano chords, in no way required by the composers, in overtures as well as in symphonies. It was the Belgian musicologist’s opinion that such rattling performances produced an altogether deplorable effect. Still, the great Giovanni Bottesini himself obtained as late as 1846 an appointment at the Theater Tacon, Havana, both as principal double bass and as Maestro al piano. ^(21){ }^{21} 這位指揮通常會在序曲和交響曲中敲出作曲家完全沒有要求的鋼琴和弦。在比利時音樂學家看來,這種嘎然而止的演奏產生了完全令人惋惜的效果。然而,偉大的 Giovanni Bottesini 本人早在 1846 年就在哈瓦那的 Tacon 劇院獲得任命,擔任首席低音提琴和鋼琴大師。
Seating plan of the Grand Theater in Versailles, 1773. 凡爾賽大劇院的座位圖,1773 年。
Until well into the 19th century, the lay-out of an orchestra was entrusted to its director, and his skill in this field, good or bad, was either admired or censured. Toward the middle of the 19th century, the orchestra of the Societé des concerts du Conservatoire (now the Orchestre de Paris) directed by FrançoisAntoine Habeneck (1781-1849), still kept the old tradition of scattering the cellos and basses throughout the orchestra, as described by Rousseau a hundred years earlier. ^(22){ }^{22} 直到十九世紀,管弦樂團的佈局一直由指揮負責,而指揮在這方面的技巧,無論好壞,都會受到讚賞或譴責。到了十九世紀中葉,由 FrançoisAntoine Habeneck (1781-1849) 所指揮的 Societé des concerts du Conservatoire 樂團 (即現在的 Orchestre de Paris 樂團),仍保留著一百年前 Rousseau 所描述的將大提琴與低音提琴分散在樂團中的古老傳統。 ^(22){ }^{22}
In 1844, Hector Berlioz considered it impossible to indicate the best possible grouping for performers in a theater or concert hall, as the form and arrangement of their interior would inevitably influence the choises that were made. He nevertheless recommended a double row of cellos and basses behind the orchestra. ^(23){ }^{23} 1844 年,Hector Berlioz 認為不可能指出劇院或音樂廳中演奏者的最佳組合,因為其內部的形式和安排將不可避免地影響所做的選擇。然而,他建議在管弦樂團後方配置雙排大提琴和低音提琴。 ^(23){ }^{23}
In 1881, when the Boston Symphony Orchestra was founded, Berlioz’ seating plan was adopted for the basses: four bassists were placed on the right side of the orchestra and four on the left side behind an equal number of cellists. One bassist stood alone with his cello stand partner in the very back of the ensemble 1881 年,當 Boston Symphony Orchestra 成立時,Berlioz 採用了低音提琴的座位設計:四位低音提琴手被安排在樂團的右側,四位在左側,後面是同等數量的大提琴手。一位低音大提琴手獨自站在樂團的最後,而他的大提琴伴則站在樂團的最後。
and far away from all the others. 並遠離所有其他人。
With the development of conducting technique in the 19th century, important advances were made in the precision of the baton. The scattering of the basses throughout the space occupied by the orchestra then proved unnecessary and even harmful to the general quality of sound; for this reason, the cellos and double basses were then grouped into two distinct sections. 隨著 19 世紀指揮技術的發展,指揮棒的精確度也有了重大進步。當時,低音提琴分散在樂團所佔的整個空間中被證明是不必要的,甚至對整體音質有害;因此,大提琴和低音提琴被分成兩個不同的區域。
Seating plan of the Paris Opera Orchestra in 1810. 1810 年巴黎歌劇院管弦樂團的座位圖。
Fétis draws attention to an unexpected disposition of English orchestras, that of placing the double bass section in front of the orchestra and lower than the other instruments. Fétis 提請大家注意英國管弦樂團的一個意想不到的安排,就是將低音提琴聲部置於樂團的前方,並且低於其他樂器。
Proportion of the double basses to the other strings in symphony orchestras, from the 18th century to modern times. 從 18 世紀到現代,交響樂團中低音大提琴與其他弦樂的比例。
The composition of the orchestra which Handel found at the Haymarket theater on his arrival in London in 1770 is quite surprising with regard to modern criteria. Its string section consisted of 6 first and 5 second violins, 2 violas, 6 cellos and only 1 double bass, plus 1 harpsichord. However, there appears to have Handel 於 1770 年抵達倫敦時,在 Haymarket 劇院所發現的管弦樂團的組成,以現代標準來看是相當令人驚訝的。它的弦樂組包括 6 把第一小提琴和 5 把第二小提琴、2 把中提琴、6 把大提琴和 1 把低音提琴,以及 1 把大鍵琴。然而,似乎有
been a redistribution in the balance of the lower string parts, for Pierre-Jacques Fougeroux describes in 1728 the same orchestra as having 28 violins, 3 cellos and 2 basses. The reduction in cellos was thus compensated for by an increased from 1 to 2 double basses. ^(24){ }^{24} 在 1728 年,Pierre-Jacques Fougeroux 描述同一樂團有 28 把小提琴、3 把大提琴和 2 把低音大提琴。因此,大提琴的減少是由低音提琴從 1 個增加到 2 個所彌補。 ^(24){ }^{24}
Seating plan of the Conservatory Society Orchestra in 1828. 1828 年 Conservatory Society 樂團的座位圖。
Such was not the case in the orchestra of the Paris Opera which in 1758 was composed of 16 violins, 6 violas and 8 cellos in the Great Choir, plus 3 cellos and 1 bass in the Small Choir. Rousseau deplored this excess of cellos and remarked that, of all European orchestras, that of the French capital, although one of the largest, produced the smallest impression. In his opinion, the reasons for this were easy to understand: there were not enough double basses and too many cellos producing sounds which smothered the melody and tired the audience: 1758 年,巴黎歌劇院的樂團由 16 把小提琴、6 把中提琴和大合唱團中的 8 把大提琴,以及小合唱團中的 3 把大提琴和 1 把低音提琴組成。Rousseau 對於大提琴數量過多表示遺憾,並指出在歐洲所有的管弦樂團中,法國首都的管弦樂團雖然是最大的樂團之一,但給人的印象卻是最小的。在他看來,原因很容易理解:低音提琴數量不足,大提琴數量過多,產生的聲音掩蓋了旋律,使觀眾感到疲憊:
“Imagine an endless din of instruments without melody, a listless and perpetual snoring of the basses; the most dismal and tiring thing I have heard in my life”. ^(25){ }^{25} 想像一下,沒有旋律的樂器喧囂不休,低音提琴無精打采,永遠在打鼾;這是我一生中聽過最凄慘、最令人疲憊的聲音。 ^(25){ }^{25}
The same remark could have been made concerning all the ensembles playing in the French capital, as the notion then prevailed that, in any case, the music of 在法國首都演奏的所有樂團都可以有同樣的評論,因為當時普遍的觀念是,無論如何,法國的音樂都是搖滾樂。
The seating plan according to the instructions left by Hector Berlioz in 1844. 根據 Hector Berlioz 於 1844 年留下的指示所繪製的座位表。
Above: Philharmonic Society Orchestra seating plan of 1846 Next page: The Boston Symphony Orchestra in 1882. 上頁:1846 年 Philharmonic Society 樂團座位圖 下頁:1882 年的波士頓交響樂團。
L.A. Jullien conducting on November 7, 1846. L.A. Jullien 於 1846 年 11 月 7 日主持。
the bass part could not be overdone. The priority given to cellos was excessive everywhere, as the following chart will show: 低音部分不能過分。如下圖所示,大提琴的優先地位在各處都過分突出:
Orchestra Violins Violas Cellos D B Date
Royal" 17 4 10 3 1761
Opera" 13+11 4 10 4 1775| Orchestra | Violins | Violas | Cellos | D B | Date |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Chapel <br> Royal | 17 | 4 | 10 | 3 | 1761 |
| Concert <br> Spirituel <br> Opera | $13+11$ | 4 | 10 | 4 | 1775 |
We learn from François Raguenet toward the beginning of the 18 th century that the archlutes, theorbos and bass violins of the Italians were twice as large as those used in France, and their volume of sound consequently twice as powerful. ^(26){ }^{26} 我們從十八世紀初的 François Raguenet 身上得知,義大利人的大長琴、theorbos 和低音小提琴比法國的大兩倍,因此音量也比法國的大兩倍。 ^(26){ }^{26}
One and a half centuries later, Hector Berlioz was critical of this peculiarity of Italian orchestras. He frowned upon the use of double basses as the only bass instruments in an ensemble, with cellos being considered•only as superfluous 一個半世紀之後,Hector Berlioz 對義大利樂團的這種特殊性提出了批判。他不贊成使用低音提琴作為樂團中唯一的低音樂器,大提琴只被視為多餘的樂器。
luxuries: 奢侈品:
“The cellos sing beautifully, but there are very few of them; the system invariably adopted in Italy of using fewer cellos than double basses can not be justified even by the type of music presently played by Italian orchestras.” ^(27){ }^{27} ^(27){ }^{27} 「大提琴的歌聲很美,但大提琴的數量很少;義大利總是採用大提琴的數量少於低音提琴的制度,即使以義大利管弦樂團目前演奏的音樂類型來看,這也是說不通的」。 ^(27){ }^{27}
In 1773, the orchestra of Naples employed 5 double basses for only 2 cellos. If we can believe a letter from Leopold Mozart dated September 7, 1770, the same proportions were to be found in the orchestra of Milan: 2 cellos for 6 double basses ^(28){ }^{28} 1773 年,那不勒斯的管絃樂團只用了 2 把大提琴,卻用了 5 把低音提琴。如果我們相信 Leopold Mozart 1770 年 9 月 7 日的一封信,那麼在米蘭的管絃樂團中也可以找到相同的比例:2 張大提琴對 6 張低音大提琴 ^(28){ }^{28} 。
The Austro-German usages were seemingly codified by Quantz. His recommendations were as follows: 德奧的用法似乎是由 Quantz 編纂的。他的建議如下:
"- With 4 violins, use 1 cello, 1 viola and 1 moderate-size double bass. "- 有 4 把小提琴時,使用 1 把大提琴、1 把中提琴和 1 把中等大小的低音提琴。
12 violins require violas, 3 cellos and another double bass somewhat larger than the first." 12 把小提琴需要中提琴、3 把大提琴和另一把比第一把大一些的低音提琴"。
Some orchestras, however, apparently did not follow these suggestions. In 1772, for example, the orchestra of Stuggart employed 3 cellos and 5 double basses, while that of Wurtenberg counted 4 cellos and 3 double basses. ^(29){ }^{29} 然而,有些樂團顯然沒有遵循這些建議。例如,在 1772 年,Stuggart 的樂團使用了 3 把大提琴和 5 把低音提琴,而 Wurtenberg 的樂團則使用了 4 把大提琴和 3 把低音提琴。 ^(29){ }^{29}
The letters of W.A. Mozart give us a valuable idea as to his point of view on this subject; his favored orchestra would comprise 16 violins, 6 cellos, 10 double basses and 2 each of the wind instruments. ^(30){ }^{30} 莫札特 (W.A. Mozart) 的信件讓我們了解到他對這個問題的看法;他喜歡的樂團由 16 把小提琴、6 把大提琴、10 把低音大提琴和各兩把管樂器組成。 ^(30){ }^{30}
Modern orchestras usually make use of fewer double basses than cellos, although composers such as Lavignac ^(31){ }^{31} and Rimsky-Korsakov ^(32){ }^{32}, among others, are willing to allow an equal number of each. This age-old issue remain unsettled today, the real question being of course whether the double bass part should be limited to that of a background for the other basses or whether, on the contrary, the characteristic tones of the double bass should be advantaged to set off the lower register of the bass part. We learn from Claude Debussy that the double bass section of Serge Koussevitzky’s private orchestra in Russia had acquired an unexpected prominence. According to the French composer, it was truly this foundation, alternately solid, tumultuous and evanescent, that allowed the free and uninhibited expression of every possible orchestral gradation. ^(33){ }^{33} 現代管弦樂團使用的低音提琴通常少於大提琴,儘管 Lavignac ^(31){ }^{31} 和 Rimsky-Korsakov ^(32){ }^{32} 等作曲家願意讓低音提琴的數量與大提琴相等。這個歷史悠久的問題至今仍未解決,真正的問題當然是低音提琴聲部是否只應該被限制為其他低音提琴聲部的背景,還是相反地,低音提琴特有的音色應該被利用來襯托低音提琴聲部的低音域。我們從 Claude Debussy 的口中得知,Serge Koussevitzky 在俄羅斯的私人樂團中,低音提琴聲部獲得了意想不到的突出地位。根據這位法國作曲家的說法,正是這個交替著堅實、喧嘩和飄渺的基礎,讓管弦樂的每一個可能的層次都得以自由而無拘束地表達。 ^(33){ }^{33}
David Walter raised the question of the proportion of basses to the other strings in 1978 with Argentine composer Alberto Ginastera (1916-1983): “Oh, that is an old administrator’s error, he said, they think the bass is strong because it is large. Not so. There should be ten basses if there are ten cellos, surely.” 34 David Walter 在 1978 年與阿根廷作曲家 Alberto Ginastera (1916-1983) 一起提出低音提琴與其他弦線的比例問題:「哦,那是老管理者的錯誤,他說,他們認為低音提琴很強,因為它很大。並非如此。如果有十個大提琴,就應該有十個低音大提琴。34
As for cello-player Mstislas Rostropovitch, he would like to see orchestras become more open to a larger number of cellos and double basses, which should in his opinion be represented in equal proportions. 至於大提琴演奏家 Mstislas Rostropovitch,他希望看到管弦樂團對更多的大提琴和低音大提琴更加開放,他認為兩者的比例應該相同。
Chapter notes 章節說明
1 . Pure, Michel de: Idées des spectacles anciens et nouveaux, Paris, 1668. 1 .Pure, Michel de:Idées des spectacles anciens et nouveaux, Paris, 1668.
2 . Abbot, Djilda and Segerman, Ephraïm: “Gut strings”, Early Music, n04, Oct. 1976. 2 .Abbot, Djilda and Segerman, Ephraïm: 'Gut strings', Early Music, n04, Oct. 1976.
3. Diderot, Denis: Encyclopédie méthodique… 1751-1780. 3.Diderot, Denis: Encyclopédie méthodique... 1751-1780.
4 . Mersenne, Marin: Harmonie Universelle, Paris, 1636. 4 .Mersenne、Marin:Harmonie Universelle,巴黎,1636 年。
5. Muffat, Georg: “La manière de jouer les Airs de Ballet sur les Violons selon de génie de Feu M. Baptiste de Lully”, Preface to Florilegum Secundum, Passau, 1698. Muffat, Georg: "La manière de jouer les Airs de Ballet sur les Violons selon de génie de Feu M. Baptiste de Lully", Preface to Florilegum Secundum, Passau, 1698.
6 . Weckerlin, J.B.: “Notice sur la Contre-basse”, Chronique musicale, 1875. 6 .Weckerlin, J.B.: 'Notice sur la Contre-basse',Chronique musicale,1875 年。
7 . Lacombe: Dictionnaire portatif des Beaux-Arts, 1752. 7 .Lacombe: Dictionnaire portatif des Beaux-Arts, 1752.
8. Hall, Edward: “Notes on Abraham Prescott”, I.S.B. Magazine, vol 10, n^(@)n^{\circ} 3, Spring, 1984. 8. Hall, Edward: 'Notes on Abraham Prescott', I.S.B. Magazine, vol 10, n^(@)n^{\circ} 3, Spring, 1984.
Shain, Steve: “The c. 1825 Abraham Prescott double bass”, I.S.B. Magazine, vol 10, n^(@)3n^{\circ} 3, Spring 1984. Shain, Steve:「The c. 1825 Abraham Prescott double bass」,I.S.B. Magazine,vol 10, n^(@)3n^{\circ} 3 ,Spring 1984。
Desmarais, Cyprien: Archéologie du violon… Paris, 1836. Desmarais, Cyprien: Archéologie du violon... Paris, 1836.
Jacquot, Albert: La lutherie lorraine et française, Paris, 1912.
Trabouillet, L.: Etat de la France, year 1702.
Warnecke, Friedrich: Ad Infinitum, der Kontrabass, Hamburg, 1909. Warnecke,Friedrich:Ad Infinitum,der Kontrabass,漢堡,1909 年。
Détail de la régie actuel (sic) de l’Académie Royale de Musique… en 1738, MS, Bibliothèque de l’Opéra, Paris. Détail de la régie actuel (sic) de l'Académie Royale de Musique... en 1738, MS, Bibliothèque de l'Opéra, Paris.
Milliot, Sylvette: Documents inédit sur les luthiers parisiens au 18^(@)18^{\circ} siècle, Paris, 1970.
Brossard, Sébastien de: Dictionnaire de musique, Paris, 1703. Brossard, Sébastien de:Dictionnaire de musique,巴黎,1703 年。
Clément, abbé de la Porte: Anecdotes dramatiques, 1775.
Corrette, Michel: Méthodes pour apprendre à jouer de la Contre-Basse à 3, à 4 et à 5 cordes, Paris, 1781.
Diderot, Denis: “Table du rapport de l’étendue des voix et des instruments de musique comparés au clavecin”, Plate XXIL, Encyclopédie, Paris, 1750-80. Diderot, Denis:「Table du rapport de l'étendue des voix et des instruments de musique comparés au clavecin」,Plate XXIL,Encyclopédie,Paris,1750-80。
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: Dictionnaire de musique, Paris, 1768.
Deldevez: L’art du chef d’orchestre. Deldevez: L'art du chef d'orchestre.
Fétis, François Joseph: “On the state of music in London”, The Harmonicon, 1829. Fétis、François Joseph:《論倫敦的音樂狀況》,The Harmonicon,1829 年。
Elwart, Antoine: Histoire de la Société des Concerts du Conservatoire, Paris, 1860.
Berlioz, Hector: Grand traité d’orchestration et d’instrumentation modernes, Paris, 1844. Berlioz, Hector:Grand traité d'orchestration et d'instrumentation modernes,巴黎,1844 年。
Burrows, Donald: “Handel’s London theatre orchestra”, Early Music, Aug. 1985. Burrows, Donald:「Handel 的倫敦劇院管弦樂團」,《早期音樂》,1985 年 8 月。
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: Le lettre sur la musique française, 1753.
Raguenet, François: Parallèle des Italiens et des français… Paris, 1702. Raguenet, François: Parallèle des Italiens et des français... 巴黎,1702 年。
Berlioz, Hector: Mémoires, I, Paris c. 1831.
Galeazzi, Francesco: Elementi teorico-pratici, Rome, 1791.
Burney, Charles: The present state of music in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Provinces, London, 1775.
Walter, David: “Rostropovitch and the double bass”, I.S.B. Magazine, vol 3, n^(@)4n^{\circ} 4, Spring 1977. Walter, David:「Rostropovitch 與低音提琴」,I.S.B. Magazine,第 3 卷, n^(@)4n^{\circ} 4 ,1977 年春。
A double bass by Peeter Borbon, Brussels 1668. Peeter Borbon 於 1668 年在布魯塞爾創作的低音大提琴。
Overall length: 175 cm 總長度:175 公分
Body length: 105 cm 機身長度:105 公分
Length of strings: 95.5 cm 琴弦長度:95.5 公分
Carved back 雕花背板
II。Variations in playing standards 二、演奏標準的變化
Until not so long ago, it was widely believed that “nothing resembling a school of playing existed for the double bass well into the 19th century”, that “from time to time a great virtuoso appeared, and then ensued a period in which no one made any special mark in that direction”, ^(1){ }^{1} but we now know of the development of an outstanding school of double bass playing in the Vienna area in the second half of the 19th century. We shall see that improvements in standards have not depended solely on a dedicated handful of isolated virtuosos, but that generations of talented teachers have worked to lay the foundations of modern-day mastery of the instrument. 直到不久之前,人們還廣泛地認為 「直到 19 世紀都沒有任何類似低音大提琴演奏流派的存在」,「不時會出現一位偉大的演奏家,接下來的一段時期卻沒有人在這個方向上做出任何特別的貢獻」, ^(1){ }^{1} 但我們現在知道,在 19 世紀下半葉,維也納地區發展了一個傑出的低音大提琴演奏流派。我們將會看到,水準的提升並不是單靠少數個別演奏家的努力,而是幾代有天分的教師努力奠定了現代樂器精湛演奏的基礎。
Still, one must acknowledge that double bass players were not always appreciated by music-lovers in the past. Following a musical tour of Italy in 1773, the Englishman Charles Burney concluded that the double bass was so badly played there that it was no more musical than a hammerstroke! ^(2){ }^{2} Nor in France could the principles laid down by Michel Corrette be said to reflect a high level of musical standards. Not only did this author advise bassists to beat time with the foot while playing, he also suggested that ivory markers be set alongside the fingerboard of their instrument to serve as guides for the intonation. ^(3){ }^{3} 然而,我們必須承認,低音提琴演奏家在過去並不總是受到音樂愛好者的讚賞。1773 年,英國人 Charles Burney 在意大利進行音樂之旅後得出結論,低音提琴在當地演奏得非常糟糕,其音樂性甚至不如擊槌! ^(2){ }^{2} 在法國,Michel Corrette 定下的原則也不能說反映了高水平的音樂標準。這位作者不僅建議貝斯手在演奏時用腳打拍子,還建議在樂器的指板旁設置象牙標記,作為音調的指引。 ^(3){ }^{3}
For beginning double bass players, another approach consisted of fitting the neck of the instrument with gut frets* similar to those used on viols. Martin Agricola recommended this procedure for “kleine Geigen”, or violins, in 1528: 對於初學低音大提琴的演奏者而言,另一種方法是在琴頸上裝上類似中提琴上使用的直腸音格*。Martin Agricola 於 1528 年建議「kleine Geigen」(或稱小提琴)採用此方法:
“Playing without frets is difficult and requires careful studies, but you may learn with frets at first and then, if you like, they can be cut off with a knife”. ^(4){ }^{4} 「沒有音格的演奏是很困難的,需要仔細研究,但一開始你可以用音格來學習,然後,如果你喜歡的話,可以用小刀把音格切掉」。 ^(4){ }^{4}
Until the 18th century, the best violin teachers (Hans Gerle, 1532; John Playford, 1654; James Talbot, 1699; etc.) continued to advise the use of frets to ensure correct intonation by beginners. Corrette himself recommended their use on the double bass to help beginners play in tune, providing an illustration of a double bass fitted with seven of these accessories. 直到十八世紀,最優秀的小提琴教師(Hans Gerle,1532 年;John Playford,1654 年;James Talbot,1699 年等)仍繼續建議初學者使用音格來確保正確的音調。Corrette 本人也建議在低音大提琴上使用音格板來幫助初學者拉出正確的音調,並提供了一張裝有七個音格板配件的低音大提琴圖解。
Double bassists long avoided playing the lowest and highest tones their instruments afforded, because they felt that the lower tones sounded indistinctly 低音大提琴手長期避免演奏樂器所能提供的最低和最高音調,因為他們覺得較低的音調聽起來模糊不清。
Frets were generally made of pieces of glued gut tied round the neck at intervals, so as to form ridges on the fingerboard. 音格通常是由一塊塊黏合的內襯在琴頸上,每隔一段時間綁一圈,以便在指板上形成脊線。
while the higher tones were too difficult to play. ^(5){ }^{5} They consequently settled for a rather narrow register such as that employed in Prague in 1701:6 ^(5){ }^{5} 他們因此選擇了相當狹窄的音域,例如 1701 年在布拉格使用的音域。 ^(5){ }^{5} 因此,他們選擇了相當狹窄的音域,例如 1701 年在布拉格使用的音域:6
Half a century later, Quantz complained that few double bass players could be found who were capable of going further than gg on their instrument. ^(7){ }^{7} The double bass, too often badly played, long remained a victim of the unfavorable preconceptions of musicians, and in 1702 Sébastien de Brossard lamented a surprisingly restricted use of the double bass in the larger orchestras of the time. ^(8){ }^{8} He was joined in this by Quantz who similarly felt that the double bass, when well played, deserved a larger place than was given to it. 半個世紀之後,Quantz 抱怨很少有低音大提琴手能夠在樂器上走得比 gg 更遠。 ^(7){ }^{7} 低音大提琴經常被演奏得很糟糕,長期以來一直是音樂家不利成見的犧牲品。1702年,Sébastien de Brossard 對當時大型管弦樂團中低音大提琴的使用受到驚人的限制感到惋惜。 ^(8){ }^{8} Quantz和他一樣,也認為低音提琴只要演奏得好,理應獲得比現在更大的地位。
In 1828, Wenzel Hause (1764-1845), a professor of the double bass in Prague, justifiably complained that very few bassists could be found who were capable of realizing the full potential of their instrument. According to him, this could be blamed on the fact that they very rarely went to the trouble of thoroughly learning their instrument’s technique and simply relied on their musical judgment to guide their playing. ^(9){ }^{9} 1828 年,布拉格的低音大提琴教授 Wenzel Hause(1764-1845 年)有理由抱怨,很少有低音提琴演奏家能夠充分發揮其樂器的潛力。根據他的說法,這應歸咎於他們很少花心思去徹底學習樂器的技巧,而只是依賴他們的音樂判斷來指導他們的演奏。 ^(9){ }^{9}
One must concede, however, that for a long while the very recruitment of bass players followed unexpected criteria. Bonifacio Asioli (1769-1832), an Italian theoretician and composer, attributed the generally low musical standards among double bass players to several causes: 然而,我們必須承認,在很長的一段時間裡,低音提琴演奏家的招募遵循了出乎意料的標準。Bonifacio Asioli (1769-1832),一位義大利理論家和作曲家,將低音提琴演奏家普遍較低的音樂水準歸咎於幾個原因:
the absence of any instruction book, 沒有任何說明書、
the lack of incentive to choose the double bass, neglected as it was by those believing themselves capable of a greater success with a less awkward instrument, 低音大提琴缺乏選擇的誘因,因為它被那些認為自己有能力在較不笨拙的樂器上取得更大成功的人所忽視、
the frustration of the bass players over their subordinate position in the orchestra and over the lack of recognition of their skill by the audience, 低音提琴演奏者對於他們在樂團中的從屬地位以及觀眾對於他們的技巧缺乏認同的挫敗感、
the lack of foresight of the less competent music directors and teachers, public as well as private, who suggested that their least gifted students take up the double bass. ^(10){ }^{10} 無論是公立還是私立學校,那些能力較低的音樂指導和教師都缺乏遠見,建議他們資質最差的學生學習低音提琴。 ^(10){ }^{10}
The double bass long remained the ‘lame duck’ of the music schools. The virtuosos Giovanni Bottesini and Serge Koussevitzky both took up the study of the double bass because it was the only instrument they could afford, as double bass students were then ultimately offered a scholarship intended to stimulate applications. 低音提琴長期以來都是音樂學院的 「跛腳鴨」。演奏家 Giovanni Bottesini 和 Serge Koussevitzky 學習低音提琴都是因為這是他們唯一負擔得起的樂器,因為當時低音提琴學生最終會獲得獎學金,以刺激報名。
The very absence of any instruction book undertaking a rational approach to 沒有任何教導書可以讓我們以理性的方式來處理這些問題。
the instrument’s study greatly delayed any technical improvement. Aside from the Method by Michel Corrette (1781), which hardly deserves any interest from a practical point of view, bass players had little to rely on until the publication of treatises by Wenzel Hause, Bonifacio Asioli and Johann Hindle, toward the beginning of the 19th century, put an end to this deficiency. Prior to that time, the majority of bassists, greatly lacking in skill, simplified their part. 貝斯樂器的研究大大延遲了技術上的進步。除了 Michel Corrette (1781) 所著的《Method》(從實用的角度來看,這本書幾乎不值得一提)之外,低音提琴演奏家幾乎沒有任何可以依賴的東西,直到 19 世紀初,Wenzel Hause、Bonifacio Asioli 和 Johann Hindle 的論文相繼出版,才終結了這一缺陷。在此之前,大多數的低音大提琴手都因技術不足而將其樂部簡化。
Because the double bass sounds an octave below its written notes, pre-19th century composers did not have to go to the trouble of providing a specific part for this instrument, writing only one part for all of the low-pitched instruments of the orchestra, eight and sixteen foot alike. This part was intended for the most frequently used instruments such as the cello and the bassoon, and some passages that did not fit the mechanism of the double bass had to be simplified. This task was left to the bassists on the pretext that they were used to doing it! As recently as the beginning of the 19th century, double bass parts were written separately only when they featured some special intention or design of the composer. 由於低音大提琴的發聲比其書寫的音符低一個八度,因此十九世紀以前的作曲家不必大費周章地為這種樂器提供特定的聲部,他們只需為管弦樂團中所有的低音樂器寫一個聲部,八尺和十六尺的都一樣。這個聲部是為大提琴和巴松管等最常使用的樂器而設,一些不適合低音提琴機制的段落必須加以簡化。這項任務交由低音大提琴手來完成,藉口是他們已經習以為常!近至 19 世紀初,低音提琴聲部只有在作曲家有特殊意圖或設計時,才會單獨編寫。
The common unison part sometimes went higher than the bassists were capable of taking their instrument. In this case, they used their open strings and simply played the awkward notes down the octave. Quantz disapproved of such a clumsy interruption of the melodic line and advised bassists to play the whole passage an octave lower instead. In any case, so as to better set off the high-pitched phrases, the double bass was supposed to keep silent when tenor keys occurred. Similarly, it was widely accepted that the small, or tasteful, ornaments in a musical score were not to be played by the double bass. 常見的單音部分有時候會高於低音結他手的樂器能力。在這種情況下,低音結他手會使用他們的開弦,並簡單地將突兀的音符往下拉一個八度。Quantz 不贊成這樣笨拙地打斷旋律線,並建議低音提琴手將整個樂段彈低八度。無論如何,為了更好地襯托出高音域的樂句,低音提琴應該在出現男高音音鍵時保持沉默。同樣地,人們普遍認為樂譜中的細小或有品味的裝飾音不能由低音大提琴來演奏。
Corrette felt that those who tried to play all of the notes only made a nuisance of themselves; on the other hand, since several musicians each simplifying his part as he saw fit could also lead to general bedlam, this author consequently advised bass players to limit themselves to playing the harmonic root. With regard to the execution of rapid passages, he recommended that they only play the first of a group of even notes and the first note on each beat when a run occurred. ^(11){ }^{11} Similarly, Quantz explained that, if a passage occurred which the bassist was not able to play distinctly on account of great speed, he might, out of a group of two or three eighth notes, choose to play only the first, third or last note. Quantz illustrates his point as follows (the notes of the simplified bass part are written with downward stems, as was then customary usage): ^(12){ }^{12} Corrette 認為那些嘗試演奏所有音符的人,只會為自己帶來麻煩;另一方面,由於幾位樂手各自簡化他認為合適的部分,也可能會導致整體的混亂,因此這位作者建議低音結他手僅限於演奏和聲根音。至於快速樂段的演奏,他建議他們只演奏偶數音符中的第一個音符,以及發生跑音時每一拍的第一個音符。 ^(11){ }^{11} 同樣地,Quantz 解釋說,如果低音結他手因為速度太快而無法彈奏出清晰的段落,他可以在一組兩個或三個八分音符中,選擇只彈奏第一個、第三個或最後一個音符。Quantz 以下列方式說明他的觀點 (簡化低音聲部的音符是以向下的豎線書寫,這是當時的習慣用法): ^(12){ }^{12} .
The simplification of double bass parts according to Quantz (1752) 根據 Quantz (1752) 對低音提琴聲部的簡化
Still, with the exception of the very rapid passages which not everyone could be expected to play flawlessly, bassists were expected to play all of the notes. The least scrupulous among them did not apply this principle and too often chose the easier way. Hector Berlioz strongly reproved the conduct of the laziest or least skillful bassists who would simplify difficult passages without even trying to play all of the notes. ^(13){ }^{13} As for the other, more conscientious, bass players, Berlioz considered that, in any case, no two musicians ever had the same ideas as to the importance of the different notes in the same passage. Even when they had some knowledge of composition, and this was not always the case, they rarely agreed on the same simplification of the part. The Leipzig Allgemeine Musicalisches Zeitung for 1816 is more specific with regard to this important issue, giving the following example: 然而,除了並非每個人都能完美無瑕地彈奏出非常快速的樂段之外,貝斯手都必須彈奏出所有的音符。他們中最不嚴謹的人卻沒有遵守這個原則,而常常選擇較容易的方式。柏遼茲(Hector Berlioz)強烈譴責最懶惰或技巧最差的低音提琴手,他們甚至不試著彈奏所有音符,就將困難的段落簡化。 ^(13){ }^{13} 至於其他較為認真的低音提琴演奏家,柏遼茲認為,無論如何,沒有兩位音樂家會對同一段落中不同音符的重要性有相同的想法。即使他們對作曲有一定的認識(但這並非經常如此),他們也很少能在相同的簡化部分上達成一致。1816 年的《萊比錫音樂報》 (Leipzig Allgemeine Musicalisches Zeitung) 對於這個重要的問題有更明確的說明,並舉出以下的例子:
“It can easily happen that one (of the bassists) plays every other sixteenth note, which he believes to be the principal notes, and consequently plays a G# on the fourth eighth note. The other one, however, has noticed the chord of A major which started the bass line, giving the G# a mere value of passing note, and confidently plays a A over the G# of the first one and the cellist”. ^(14){ }^{14} "很容易發生的情況是,其中一位 (低音結他手) 每隔一個十六分音符就彈一次,他認為那是主音,結果在第四個八分音符上彈了一個 G#。然而,另一位注意到 A 大調和弦是低音的起始音,因此 G# 的音值僅為經過音,並自信地在第一位與大提琴手的 G# 上彈出 A。 ^(14){ }^{14} 。
The result, for Berlioz, was a dreadful state of confusion and disorder: 對 Berlioz 來說,結果是一種可怕的混亂和無序狀態:
“This buzzing chaos (that of the simplifying bassists), full of odd noises and hideous grumblings, was completed and further augmented by the other double bass players, more zealous or more confident in their skillfulness, who wore themselves out in useless efforts to play every note of the written passage”. ^(15){ }^{15} "這種嗡嗡作響的混亂(簡化貝斯手的混亂),充滿了奇怪的噪音和可怕的怨言,由其他貝斯手完成並進一步擴大,他們更熱衷於或更自信於自己的技巧,他們在無用的努力中累得筋疲力盡,以演奏所寫段落的每個音符。 ^(15){ }^{15}
This unfortunate custom was linked to the use of the double bass tuned in fifths, three- and four-stringers alike, and disappeared with its rejection in favor 這個不幸的習俗與低音大提琴使用五度調音有關,三弦與四弦的低音大提琴都是如此。
of the instrument in modern fourth tuning. For a while, both German and French orchestras employed mixed double bass sections (Berlioz wrote in approval of these) in which the powerful three-stringer tuned in fifths heavily stressed changes of harmony while the more nimble four-stringer in modern tuning played all of the notes. But the Germans soon ousted the basses in fifth tuning and retained only the easier, more practical instruments that we know today. In contrast, the French bassist, who kept the other type of double bass well into the 19th century, at the same time carried on what had by then become an obsolescent method. A text dated 1828 skillfully pleaded for this out-dated practice: 在這段期間,德國與法國的管弦樂團都採用了混合低音提琴聲部(Berlioz 在其著作中表示同意)。有一陣子,德國與法國的管弦樂團都採用了混合低音提琴聲部 (Berlioz 曾寫信稱讚),其中強而有力的五度調三弦樂手強調和聲的變化,而較靈巧的四度調四弦樂手則演奏所有的音符。但德國人很快就摒棄了五度調音的低音大提琴,只保留了我們今天所知的較容易、較實用的樂器。相反地,法國的低音大提琴手將另一種低音大提琴一直保留到十九世紀,同時也延續了當時已經過時的演奏方法。1828 年的一篇文章巧妙地為這種過時的做法辯護:
“Their skill with the instrument is altogether different from that of foreign double bass players. French bassists play with strength, precision and exactitude all of the notes written for the bass/double bass part… To these high playing standards, the double bassists of whom I have just spoken add another talent which, in our opinion, raises the proper manner of playing the double bass to the summits of excellence: that of, in some cases, playing only the notes which best set off the mass of the orchestra. These harmonizing double bassists and even composers are more familiar with the effect of their instrument than many authors and opera composers and thus, because of the habit and talent they have of judging the general effect made by the orchestra in which they play, they know that if, in a fast movement, they played all of the notes belonging to the same chord, this multitude of low tones would only result in a muffled noise producing an indistinct overall effect”.16 "他們的演奏技巧與外國的低音提琴演奏家完全不同。法國的低音提琴演奏家能有力、精準、準確地演奏低音提琴/低音大提琴聲部的所有音符......除了這些高水準的演奏之外,我剛才提到的低音提琴演奏家還具有另一種才能,在我們看來,這種才能將低音提琴的正確演奏方式提升到了卓越的頂峰:在某些情況下,他們只演奏最能襯托樂團整體的音符。這些和聲低音提琴演奏家甚至作曲家比許多作家和歌劇作曲家更熟悉他們樂器的效果,因此,由於他們有判斷他們演奏的樂團所產生的整體效果的習慣和天賦,他們知道,如果在快速的樂章中,他們演奏屬於同一和弦的所有音符,那麼這些眾多的低音只會造成一種嘈雜的噪音,產生模糊不清的整體效果"。
The solution to this problem, already thought out by Corrette in the previous century, was of course to give each bass player a written simplified bass part: “When several bass players are employed in an orchestra, each of them should be given the same simplified part on which the principal notes of the chords would be indicated; the effect would thus be more beautiful and more correct”. ^(17){ }^{17} 科雷特 (Corrette) 在上一世紀已經想出解決這個問題的方法,當然是讓每位低音提琴演奏者都有一個書面的簡化低音聲部:「當樂團中有幾位低音提琴演奏者時,應該讓他們每人都有相同的簡化聲部,並在上面標示和弦的主音;這樣效果會更美麗、更正確」。 ^(17){ }^{17}
In 1807, G. Weber complained that it had become fashionable among composers to overload the bass parts and to write passages that were hardly within the capacity of a few violin players. Because of this, he thought, bass players had no other choice than simplify their part: 1807 年,G. Weber 抱怨說,作曲家之間已經習慣將低音聲部寫得太重,而且寫出的段落幾乎不在幾個小提琴手的能力範圍之內。他認為,正因如此,低音提琴演奏者除了簡化他們的聲部之外,別無選擇:
“Would it not be justified to solve this indisputable problem? This would be easy if the composers went more often to the trouble of separating the double bass voice from that of the cello into two different parts, thus of writing clearly the notes that are to be played in the passage. In case one or the other player thought himself sufficiently capable, he could join in the passage (the use of the "要解決這個無可爭議的問題,難道不是理所當然的事嗎?如果作曲家多花點心思,將低音提琴的聲部與大提琴的聲部分為兩個不同的部分,並清楚地寫出在樂段中要演奏的音符,這就很容易解決這個問題。如果其中一位演奏者或另一位演奏者認為自己有足夠的能力,他可以加入樂段(使用低音大提琴)。
tenor key would be a sign that this was not allowed). On the other hand, the weaker of the cello players could in all cases play the lightened double bass voice and thus prove more efficient than when they spoil a passage which they are unable to simplify”. ^(18){ }^{18} 在大提琴演奏中,低音大提琴的演奏者可以在任何情況下都能演奏出輕鬆的低音大提琴聲部,這比他們在無法簡化的樂段中破壞樂章更有效率。)另一方面,大提琴演奏者中的弱者在任何情況下都能演奏出輕化的低音提琴聲部,因此證明比他們破壞無法簡化的段落時更有效率'。 ^(18){ }^{18}
Berlioz was one of the first in France to take a public stand against the simplification of parts. Like G. Weber, he did not criticize the musicians who practiced it and blamed instead those composers who wrote for the heaviest of instruments passages so fast that they were already difficult to play on the much lighter cello. Berlioz considered that no bass player could be expected to play every note distinctly unless composers went to the trouble of writing playable parts for this instrument. Respect for the score was thus closely linked to the composer’s understanding of the possibilities of the instrument: 柏遼茲是法國第一批公開反對簡化聲部的人。像 G. Weber 一樣,他沒有批評實行簡化的音樂家,反而責怪那些作曲家為最重的樂器寫出太快的段落,以至於在輕得多的大提琴上已經很難演奏。柏遼茲認為,除非作曲家費盡心思為低音提琴寫出可演奏的部分,否則無法期望低音提琴手能清楚地演奏每個音符。因此,對樂譜的尊重與作曲家對樂器可能性的理解息息相關:
“When the fault is on the composer’s side, it is the composer himself, and the listeners, who bear the consequenses, and the player is in no way answerable”. ^(19){ }^{19} 當錯誤出在作曲家一方時,是作曲家本人和聽眾要承擔後果,而演奏者是無須負責的。 ^(19){ }^{19}
This was apparently not the opinion of French conductor Charles-Marie Widor who condemned the simplifiers on the ground that “these people did not deserve to be called artists; they were no more than water carriers”…^(20)^{20} 這顯然不是法國指揮家 Charles-Marie Widor 的看法,他譴責簡化派,理由是「這些人不配被稱為藝術家;他們不過是運水員」... ^(20)^{20}^(20)^{20}。
In all fairness to the bassists of the time, it should be noted that the fifth tuning which they used was entirely detrimental to virtuosity, as it greatly increased the number of shiftings. Besides, musicians were long required by their employers to play several different instruments, a condition which obviously impeded any development of virtuosity. Lute player Pierre Chabanceau de la Barre, for example, was hired in 1663 at the King’s Chapel in France to play both the theorbo and the Large Bass Violin ^(21){ }^{21}. Similarly, Quantz practiced a number of instruments, among them the double bass, before ultimately settling on the transverse flute. On November 7, 1723, the churchwardens of St Jacob’s church in Antwerp hired a first violin. It was expected that by the end of his contract he would be able to play, according to needs, the tenor viol, the oboe, the flute, the cello, and the double bass, no less! 為了對當時的低音結他手公平起見,我們應該注意到他們所使用的五度調音完全不利於演奏技巧,因為這大大增加了移調的次數。此外,樂手們長期被雇主要求演奏多種不同的樂器,這顯然妨礙了演奏技巧的發展。例如,魯特琴演奏家 Pierre Chabanceau de la Barre 於 1663 年受聘於法國國王教堂,同時演奏低音大提琴與大低音小提琴 ^(21){ }^{21} 。同樣地,昆茨也練習了多種樂器,其中包括低音大提琴,最後才決定使用橫笛。1723 年 11 月 7 日,安特衛普 St Jacob 教堂的監督聘請了第一把小提琴。預計在合約結束時,他將可根據需要演奏次中音提琴、雙簧管、長笛、大提琴,以及低音提琴,不遑多讓!
J.S. Bach himself envied the “musicians of Dresden, who were well paid by the King and who were only required to play one instrument each”. Might there not be a relationship between this fact and the special mention made by Quantz of the Dresden Orchestra, which “employed several excellent performers on the cello, bassoon and double bass” ? J.S.巴赫自己也很羨慕「德勒斯登的音樂家,國王給他們高薪,而且他們每人只需要演奏一種樂器」。Quantz 特別提到德勒斯登樂團「雇用了幾位優秀的大提琴、低音管和低音提琴演奏家」,這與此是否有關係?
However, a noteworthy, though short lived phenomenon was taking place at about the same time in Austria… This unprecedented musical development would later come to be known as the Golden Age of. Virtuosity. 然而,與此同時,在奧地利也出現了一個值得注意的現象,雖然為時不長......這個前所未有的音樂發展,後來被稱為黃金時代。美德。
The Golden Age of Virtuosity 美德的黃金時代
David Walter, the well khown player and teacher of New York city, explains in one of his articles the remarkable consequenses of the purchase of a microfilm machine by the Deutsches Landesbibliothek in Schwerin (D.D.R.) in the mid-1950’s. Suddenly, it was possible to descend into the uncatalogued archives to bring to light manuscripts that had effectively been buried there for nearly two centuries. A treasure trove of double bass music appeared, reams of material which covered seven typewritten catalogue pages. Included were eighteen concertos, five sonatas, six cassations, quartets, trios and duos, all featuring the double bass in solo capacity, by Johann-Matthias Sperger (1750-1812), Haydn’s solo-bassist at the Esterhàzy estate; three concertos and two sonatas by Karl Ditters von Dittersdork (1739-1799), two concertos by Wenzl Pichl (1741-1805), and a concerto by Johann Baptist Vanhal (1739-1813). As early as 1745, Georg Matthias Mann had written a Partita for violin and double bass which contained some of the difficulties which a later century was to find “insurmountable”. Mozart’s friend and publisher Frantz Anton Hoffmeister presented bassists with three concertos, three quartets (with the double bass as ‘erste Geige’) and a similar trio and quintet. It was apparent from even a superficial examination of these works that the bass had been held in esteem and that virtuoso performances was a commonplace in early Classical Austrian music. ^(22){ }^{22} 大衛-沃爾特(David Walter)是紐約市知名的演奏家和教師,他在一篇文章中解釋了上世紀 50 年代中期施維林德意志國立圖書館(D.D.R. Deutsches Landesbibliothek in Schwerin)購買微縮膠卷機所帶來的非凡後果。突然之間,我們有可能進入未編檔的檔案庫,讓埋藏了近兩個世紀的手稿重見天日。一個低音大提琴音樂的寶庫出現了,成疊的資料覆蓋了七頁打字機打出的目錄。其中包括海頓在 Esterhàzy 莊園的低音提琴獨奏家 Johann-Matthias Sperger(1750-1812 年)所作的 18 首協奏曲、5 首奏鳴曲、6 首 cassation、四重奏、三重奏和二重奏,全部都是低音提琴獨奏;Karl Ditters von Dittersdork(1739-1799 年)所作的 3 首協奏曲和 2 首奏鳴曲、Wenzl Pichl(1741-1805 年)所作的 2 首協奏曲,以及 Johann Baptist Vanhal(1739-1813 年)所作的 1 首協奏曲。早在 1745 年,Georg Matthias Mann 就為小提琴與低音提琴寫了一首帕蒂塔,其中包含了一些後來世紀認為「無法克服」的難題。莫扎特的朋友兼出版商 Frantz Anton Hoffmeister 向低音提琴演奏家提供了三首協奏曲、三首四重奏(低音提琴作為「erste Geige」)以及類似的三重奏和五重奏。即使只是淺顯地審視這些作品,也可看出低音提琴曾受到推崇,而精湛的演奏技巧在早期奧地利古典音樂中屢見不鮮。 ^(22){ }^{22}
Considering the quantity of compositions for solo double bass and the high level of development substanciated by the concentration of outstanding bass players in and around Vienna in the second half of the 18th century, Adolf Meier concluded that a genuine virtuoso school of bass playing was thriving there at the time. The Viennese had evolved a fingering technique similar to that which we know today and far superior to that of their foreign contemporaries (Corrette, Petri, etc.). They even introduced the thumb position between the years 1766-68. For Meier, the unity of this school is confirmed by the very particular style of composition coming from the region, always based on the same concept of playing technique which presupposed a special five string double bass to be found only in that part of Austria. ^(23){ }^{23} Fitted with a fifth string giving easy access to the high register, the Viennese violone was tuned upwards from FF (occasionally EE or GG, and sometimes without the lowest string) in a series of thirds with one perfect fourth in the middle, known as the third-fourth or Viennese solo tuning: F A df# a. Aside from its use in solo and concertante music, the violone eventually came to be adopted in orchestras where it ousted the basses in standard E A dg tuning: a 考慮到低音大提琴獨奏作品的數量,以及 18 世紀下半葉維也納及其周邊地區傑出低音大提琴演奏家集中的高水平發展,Adolf Meier 得出結論:當時維也納有一個真正的低音大提琴演奏流派正在蓬勃發展。維也納低音大提琴演奏家的指法與我們今天所知的指法類似,並且遠遠優於他們同時代的外國演奏家(Corrette、Petri 等)。他們甚至在 1766-68 年間引入了拇指位置。對 Meier 來說,這個流派的統一性由該地區非常特殊的作曲風格所證實,而這些作曲風格始終基於相同的演奏技巧概念,這種概念預設了只有在奧地利該地區才能找到的特殊五弦低音大提琴。 ^(23){ }^{23} 維也納中提琴裝有第五弦,可輕易進入高音區,從 FF (偶爾為 EE 或 GG ,有時也不使用最低弦)起,以一系列的三度音階向上調音,中間為一個完全四度音階,稱為第三-四度音階或維也納獨奏調音:F A df# a。除了用於獨奏和協奏曲之外,中提琴最終也被管弦樂團所採用,取代了低音大提琴的標準 E A dg 調:a
review of the Allgemeine Musicalisches Zeitung reports the use of five fivestringed double basses in 1800 at the Italian Opera in Vienna. ^(24){ }^{24} Allgemeine Musicalisches Zeitung 的評論報導 1800 年在維也納的義大利歌劇院使用了五個五弦低音大提琴。 ^(24){ }^{24}
The violones used in Vienna were very similar to each other with regard to their size. Their average measurements were as follows: ^(25){ }^{25} 維也納使用的中提琴在尺寸上非常相似。它們的平均尺寸如下: ^(25){ }^{25}
Overall length (without end pin) : 196 cm 總長度(不含端梢):196 公分
Body length : 112 cm 機身長度: 112 公分
Width of upper bouts : 48 cm 上圍寬度:48 公分
Width of lower bouts : 63,5cm63,5 \mathrm{~cm} 下方陣列的寬度: 63,5cm63,5 \mathrm{~cm} 。
Vibrating length of strings : 108 cm 琴弦振動長度:108 公分
The viol. shape the Viennese violones differentiated them from similar instruments built in the Tyrol or in Italy at the same period: sloping shoulders were favored because they were considered more practical than the violin and cello form. More often than not, their back was flat and slanted in its upper section; the curvature of the bridge and fingerboard was not as pronounced as that of the later double basses. Viennese violones were built between 1729 and 1830 by such luthiers as Anton Posch (1677-1742), Johann Christoph Leidolf, Martin Fichtt, Johann Georg Thir, Mathias Thir, Sebastian Dalinger, Joseph Stadlmann, Michael Ignaz Stadlmann, Martin Stoss, Jacob Stör, etc. It is known that Joseph and M.I. Stadlmann as well as Mathias Thir provided instruments, accessories and repair service to Esterhàzy during Haydn’s tenure there. 維也納中提琴的外形有別於同時期在蒂羅爾或義大利製造的同類樂器:傾斜的琴肩較受歡迎,因為它們被認為比小提琴和大提琴的外形更為實用。它們的琴背通常是平的,上半部則是斜的;琴橋與指板的弧度不像後來的低音大提琴那麼明顯。1729 年至 1830 年間,Anton Posch (1677-1742)、Johann Christoph Leidolf、Martin Fichtt、Johann Georg Thir、Mathias Thir、Sebastian Dalinger、Joseph Stadlmann、Michael Ignaz Stadlmann、Martin Stoss、Jacob Stör 等製琴師製造了維也納中提琴。據了解,海頓在 Esterhàzy 任職期間,Joseph Stadlmann、M.I. Stadlmann 以及 Mathias Thir 曾提供樂器、配件與維修服務給 Esterhàzy。
The works conceived for their mechanism were based on triadism and profusely made use of chords and arpeggios which were easily obtainable upon them. The main drawback of such a system was that it limited composers to writing in the very few keys that suited it most, D major, A major, GG major and BB minor. Sometimes, to facilitate the playing of the accompanying crude woodwinds and natural (valveless) brass instruments, the bassists tuned their instruments up a half step. A number of concertos by Dittersdorf, Kozeluch, Hoffmeister, Vanhal, as well as eleven of Sperger’s eighteen double bass concertos, for example, are in the key of Eb major, but the bassist fingers and reads his part in the key of D major, as the written pitch is half a step below concert pitch* (see chapt. V, solo scordatura). 為其機制所構想的作品是以三和弦為基礎,並大量運用和弦與琶音,而這些和弦與琶音是很容易就能取得的。這種系統的主要缺點是,它限制了作曲家在極少數最適合它的調上進行創作,如 D 大調、A 大調、 GG 大調和 BB 小調。有時候,為了方便演奏伴奏的粗木管樂器和自然(無音閥)銅管樂器,低音提琴手會將他們的樂器調高半個音階。例如,Dittersdorf、Kozeluch、Hoffmeister、Vanhal 的多首協奏曲,以及 Sperger 的 18 首低音提琴協奏曲中的 11 首,都是 Eb 大調,但低音提琴手的手指和讀音部分卻是 D 大調,因為譜上的音高比協奏曲的音高低半個音階* (見第五章,獨奏和聲)。
The playing of the Viennese violone was further facilitated by the addition of five to seven frets set on the neck at each half step. This arrangement, 在每個半音階的琴頸上增加五到七個音格,更方便了維也納中提琴的演奏。這樣的安排、
Above: A four string fretted double 上圖:四弦雙音簧
bass (Hindle, 1850) 男低音 (Hindle, 1850)
traditionally used on the viols, was made indispensable by the use of strings especially designed for solo performances (they were of sheep’s gut, and the two lowest were normally wound). These were of better quality and much thinner than those used in orchestral performances, thus allowing for more accuracy in intonation, but they had the drawback of flapping against the fingerboard if they were not held away from it by some means. Not only did this interfere with their vibrations, it also caused them to produce a muffled and indistinct sound that was accompanied by a buzzing noise. 傳統上用於中提琴上的琴弦,因使用專為獨奏而設計的琴弦而變得不可或缺(這些琴弦是羊腸弦,最低的兩根通常是上弦的)。這些琴弦的品質較佳,而且比管弦樂團演奏中使用的琴弦細得多,因此音調更為準確,但它們也有缺點,就是如果不使用某些方法使它們遠離指板,它們就會拍打指板。這不僅會干擾它們的振動,還會使它們產生低沉而模糊的聲音,並伴有嗡嗡的噪音。
When it was objected that the frets obstructed to the differentiation of minor semitones, Quantz answered that this was not as disadvantageous to the double bass as to the violoncello, because it was not as readily noticed in the low tones of the double bass as in the higher sounds on other instruments.* 當有人反對音格會妨礙小半音的區分時,Quantz 回答說,這對低音大提琴來說並不如對大提琴那麼不利,因為低音大提琴的低音不像其他樂器的高音那麼容易被注意到*。
Frets were considered by some to be superfluous and even harmful to the double bass; but Quantz remarked that their opinion was refuted by the very number of skilled artists capable of using these instruments to fullest advantage. Indeed, he went as far as to assert that frets were an absolute necessety for the production of a clear and focused tone. 有些人認為低音大提琴上的音格是多餘的,甚至是有害的;但 Quantz 卻說,他們的觀點被許多能充分運用這些樂器的熟練藝術家所反駁。事實上,他甚至斷言,要製造出清晰而集中的音色,琴弦是絕對必要的。
In the 1830’s, after the disappearance of violones, frets survived and were kept 在 19 世紀 30 年代,中提琴消失之後,音格得以保存,並被保留下來。
In the chapter specifically concerning the cellist, he consequently advised the player of a fretted instrument to stop the strings a little lower down the frets and to press the fingers harder on the strings when flatted notes occurred, in order to correctly render the onecomma difference in intonation occurring between flat and sharp notes. 在專門關於大提琴手的章節中,他因此建議有譜樂器的演奏者將琴弦停在稍低的音格處,並在出現平音時將手指更用力地按在琴弦上,以正確呈現出平音與尖音之間一個小調的音調差異。
on the four-stringed instruments which followed. This explains their presence on the neck of Bologna native Antonio Dall’Occa’s (1763-1846) four-stringed double bass and on Viennese virtuoso Johann Hindle’s (1792-1861) instrument. Significantly, the latter published in Vienna a method for the four string type of double bass tuned F A dg and fitted with seven frets. 後來的四弦樂器上。這也解釋了為什麼它們會出現在博洛尼亞人 Antonio Dall'Occa (1763-1846) 的四弦低音大提琴琴頸上,以及維也納演奏家 Johann Hindle (1792-1861) 的樂器上。值得注意的是,後者在維也納出版了四弦低音大提琴的演奏法,調音為 F A dg,並配有七個音格。
Because he believed that 20th century “double bass players, with few exceptions, play out of tune and thus spoil the orchestra”, Arnold Dolmetsch thought it most desirable that the Arnold Dolmetsch 認為 20 世紀的「低音提琴演奏家,除了少數例外,都會演奏走音,因而破壞樂團」,因此他認為最可取的是
A. Dall’Occa, 1763-1846 modern double bass should regain its lost frets. He asserted that they “would give clearness to many rapid passages which at present only make a rumbling noise” and consequently concluded that “a conductor with enough power and determination to force his double bass players to fret their instruments would deserve the thanks of all; but he would have a hard fight with his men, whose principal ambition is to emulate the violoncellists just as the latter imitate the violinists”.26* A.Dall'Occa,1763-1846 現代低音大提琴應該重拾失去的音格。他堅稱,「它們會使許多快速的樂段變得清晰,而現在這些樂段只會發出隆隆的噪音」,並因此得出結論,「一個有足夠能力和決心迫使他的低音提琴演奏家為他們的樂器上弦的指揮家將值得所有人的感謝;但他將會與他的樂手們有一場艱苦的鬥爭,因為他們的主要志向是模仿大提琴手,就像後者模仿小提琴手一樣」。
Although Quantz also strongly advocated the use of frets, he considered that the instrument itself produced a better result when strung with four strings (tuned to the current orchestra pitch) rather than five. If the fifth string was to be in correct ratio to the others, it would in his opinion be thinner than the fourth; however, the tone it produced was then much weaker in proportion to the others, and Quantz felt that this excessive difference was unacceptable for the double bass as for the violoncello or the violin, for which the addition of the fifth string would have been likewise unfavorable. 雖然 Quantz 也強烈主張使用五根弦,但他認為樂器本身使用四根弦(調整至目前管弦樂團的音高)而非五根弦會產生更好的效果。如果第五根弦與其他弦的比例正確,他認為第五根弦會比第四根弦更薄;然而,第五根弦所產生的音色與其他弦相比會弱很多,Quantz 認為這種過大的差異對低音大提琴來說是無法接受的,就像對大提琴或小提琴來說,增加第五根弦也同樣是不利的。
Similarly Leopold Mozart, while praising the clarity and ease of playing of the five-stringed fretted violone, criticized a tendency to touch an unwanted string 同樣地,Leopold Mozart 讚揚五弦有紋中提琴的清晰度和易於演奏,但也批評了碰觸不想要的琴弦的傾向。
while bowing, particularly during loud passages, due to the fact that the strings were considerably thinner and were placed closer together than on three- and four-stringed instruments. In spite of this minor technical reservation, however, he clearly wrote in approval of this instrument when he stated that “one can also perform difficult passages more easily on such a bass, and I have heard concertos, trios, solos and so forth, performed on one of these with great beauty”. ^(27){ }^{27} 在弓法上,特別是在大音量的演奏時,由於弦線比三弦與四弦的樂器要細得多,而且擺放的距離也比較近。儘管在技術上有這些小保留,但他在信中對此樂器表示肯定,他說:「在這樣的低音大提琴上可以更輕鬆地演奏高難度的樂段,我聽過在這樣的樂器上演奏協奏曲、三重奏、獨奏等等,都非常優美」。 ^(27){ }^{27}
The first accounts of the development of the solo violone come to us from various provincial Court Chapels such as Esterhàz, Grosswardein, Pressburg and Salzburg. A comparison of the first two editions of Leopold Mozart’s ‘Grundliche Violinschule’ shows that the beginnings of his interest in the solo double bass as such can apparently be situated between 1756 and 1769. According to James Webster, the instrument was introduced in Vienna near the end of the 1770’s for use in ‘concertante’ music. Concerning the double bass in chamber music, this author states that “the solo double bass flourished not only in concerti and concertante ensemble, but also as the bass instrument in chamber music. A substantial number of early Classical Viennese chamber works specify the double bass: a violin duet by J.C. Mann and a viola duet by Dittersdorf; six Dittersdorf ‘Quintets (1782) for two violins, viola, two horns ‘at libitum’, cello and ‘Contrabasso’, a Dittersdorf Serenade for Two horns and strings, the bass part specified as ‘Violone’; an early trio and string quartet by Holzbauer; a Gassmann oboe trio, and a Vanhal quintet for violin, viola, two horns and Violone’. Albrechtsberger often specified the double bass in his early, secular chamber music, including a trio for two violas and ‘Violone’ (1756), a string quartet (1760), a flute quartet (1761), a viola trio (1767) and another trio for flute, viola d’amore and ‘Violone’ (1773). Wagenseil provides an unusual scoring: a set of six ‘Suites de pièces’ for three celli and ‘Contrabasso’, one of which, dated 1764, is preserved in autograph”. ^(28){ }^{28} 關於中提琴獨奏的發展,最早的記載來自於各省的宮廷小教堂,例如 Esterhàz、Grosswardein、Pressburg 和 Salzburg。比較 Leopold Mozart 的「Grundliche Violinschule」的前兩版,可以發現他對獨奏低音提琴的興趣開始於 1756 至 1769 年間。根據詹姆斯‧韋伯斯特 (James Webster) 的說法,低音提琴是在 1770 年代末期被引入維也納,用於演奏「協奏曲」。關於室樂中的低音大提琴,這位作者指出:「低音大提琴獨奏不僅在協奏曲與協奏曲合奏中發揚光大,也在室樂中擔任低音樂器。大量早期古典維也納室樂作品都使用低音提琴:J.C. Mann 的小提琴二重奏和中提琴二重奏。Mann 的小提琴二重奏和 Dittersdorf 的中提琴二重奏;六首 Dittersdorf 的「五重奏 (1782),為兩把小提琴、中提琴、兩把「隨意」號、大提琴和「低音大提琴」而作;一首 Dittersdorf 的「雙號與弦樂小夜曲」,低音聲部指定為「Violone」;一首 Holzbauer 的早期三重奏和弦樂四重奏;一首 Gassmann 的雙雙簧管三重奏,以及一首 Vanhal 的五重奏,為小提琴、中提琴、兩把號和「Violone」而作。Albrechtsberger 在其早期的世俗室內樂作品中經常指定使用低音提琴,包括兩把中提琴與「Violone」的三重奏 (1756)、弦樂四重奏 (1760)、長笛四重奏 (1761)、中提琴三重奏 (1767) 以及另一首長笛、中提琴與「Violone」的三重奏 (1773)。Wagenseil 提供了不尋常的樂譜:一套六首為三把大提琴與「Contrabasso」而作的「Suites de pièces」,其中一首的日期為 1764 年,並保存有親筆簽名」。 ^(28){ }^{28} 。
H. Klein cites the diary of a Benedictine monk, Beda Georg Hubner, of Saint Peter monastery, who reported on the musical custom of Salzburg before Mozart’s time. Hubner reveals that a double bass virtuoso performed in 1766 at the court of archbishop Hieronymus. This musician “played on the bass not only as rapidly, but also as high as the best violinist couild on his little violin, which is truly amazing”. ^(29){ }^{29} H. Klein 引用了聖彼得 (Saint Peter) 修道院的本篤會修士 Beda Georg Hubner 的日記,他報告了莫扎特之前薩爾茲堡的音樂習俗。Hubner 透露一位低音大提琴演奏家於 1766 年在 Hieronymus 大主教的宮廷演出。這位音樂家「在低音大提琴上的演奏不僅速度快,而且高度也不亞於最好的小提琴家在他的小提琴上的演奏,這真是令人驚訝」。 ^(29){ }^{29} 。
In his biography of Viennese virtuoso Johann Matthias Sperger, Klaus Trumpf notes that six bassists were frequently mentioned in the newspapers of the time. These were Joseph Kämpfer, J.B. Lasser; J. Mannl, I. •Woschitka, Friedrich Klaus Trumpf 在他的維也納演奏家 Johann Matthias Sperger 傳記中指出,當時的報紙經常提到六位低音大提琴家。他們是 Joseph Kämpfer、J.B. Lasser、J. Mannl、I.-Woschitka, Friedrich
Pischelberger (1741-1813), for whom Haydn wrote his lost double bass concerto, and his disciple J.M. Sperger (1750-1812). ^(30){ }^{30} Pischelberger (1741-1813),海頓為他寫了失傳的低音提琴協奏曲,以及他的弟子 J.M. Sperger (1750-1812)。 ^(30){ }^{30}
The other Germanic countries were inevitably influenced by this abundance of Austrian virtuosos. Thus in Coblenz in 1775, the extremely severe Charles Burney could only avow his respect for “the most extraordinary performer on the double-bass at this court who plays solos on it, even worth hearing”. ^(31**){ }^{31 *} 其他日耳曼國家也不可避免地受到大量奧地利演奏家的影響。因此,1775 年在 Coblenz,極度嚴厲的 Charles Burney 只能對「這個宮廷中最出色的低音大提琴演奏家,他的獨奏甚至值得一聽」表示敬意。 ^(31**){ }^{31 *} 。
The earliest concertos for double bass to come down to us, those of Dittersdorf and Wenzl Pichl (1741-1805), date from the 1760’s. Dittersdorf also composed pieces for concertante double bass and viola. Other similar works were written by Vanhal, Anton Zimmerman (1741-1781), the composer and publisher Frantz Anton Hoffmeister (1754-1812), Sperger and, of course, W.A. Mozart. In March 1791, the latter composed the famous aria “Per Questa Bella Mano” (Köchel 612), premiered by Pischelberger and Frantz Xavier Gerl, a bass singer. 最早的低音大提琴協奏曲是 Dittersdorf 和 Wenzl Pichl (1741-1805) 在 1760 年代創作的。Dittersdorf 也曾創作低音提琴與中提琴協奏曲。其他類似的作品還有 Vanhal、Anton Zimmerman (1741-1781)、作曲家兼出版商 Frantz Anton Hoffmeister (1754-1812)、Sperger,當然還有 W.A. Mozart。1791 年 3 月,後者創作了著名的詠嘆調《Per Questa Bella Mano》(Köchel 612),由 Pischelberger 和男低音歌手 Frantz Xavier Gerl 首演。
Joseph Haydn wrote solo passages for the double bass in five symphonies from the beginning of the 1760’s ( n^(@)6,7,8,31\mathrm{n}^{\circ} 6,7,8,31, and 72), in the Divertimento Hob II, 2, between 1761 and 1762, and in the “Farewell Symphony” (1772). He also composed a “Concerto per il Violone” (Hob VII, 1) in 1763. 約瑟夫‧海頓 (Joseph Haydn) 在 1760 年代初的五首交響曲 ( n^(@)6,7,8,31\mathrm{n}^{\circ} 6,7,8,31 , 和 72) 中、1761 至 1762 年間的《嬉游曲》(Divertimento Hob II, 2) 中,以及《告別交響曲》(Farewell Symphony) (1772) 中,都有低音提琴的獨奏段落。他還在 1763 年創作了「Concerto per il Violone」 (Hob VII, 1)。
The existence of this concerto, the manuscript of which was long in the possession of Prince Esterhàzy and was later lost, is known to us through his catalogue of themes which give the first few bars: 這首協奏曲的手稿長期由 Esterhàzy 王子擁有,後來遺失了,我們是透過他的主題目錄得知這首協奏曲的存在,而他的主題目錄則提供了這首協奏曲的前幾小格:
The pronounced style of this school of playing developed during the Viennese Classical period is unfortunately what let to its downfall. The third-fourth tuning, which allowed for dazzling virtuoso effects in a few given keys, forbade modulations in the course of a piece. This was no drawback so long as the tonal possibilities of the orchestra were in any case limited because of the use of rather crude wind instruments, but when they were improved and could thus satisfactorily play in any given key, the limitations of the Viennese tuning could no longer be accepted. For lack of versatility, the “terzviolon” was incapable of meeting the requirements of the new, Romantic current, and so disappeared from the forefront. Whereas Leopold Mozart had paid tribute to the Viennese violone in 在維也納經典時期發展起來的這一演奏流派的明顯風格不幸地導致了它的衰落。三度-四度的調式允許在幾個指定的調上展現令人眼花繚亂的演奏效果,但卻禁止在樂曲的演奏過程中進行變調。但當管弦樂器經過改良,可以在任何特定的調上演奏出令人滿意的效果時,維也納調式的限制就無法再被接受了。由於缺乏多功能性,"terzviolon "無法滿足浪漫主義新時代的要求,因此從前線消失。莫札特(Leopold Mozart)曾在他的作品中向維也納中提琴致敬。
This remarkable figure was most likely Ignaz Woschitka, qualified by C. Schubart (1739-1796) as the greatest bassist of his time, but whose contract with the Wurtenberg court had been cancelled owing to “incompatibility”. 舒巴特 (C. Schubart,1739-1796 年) 認為他是當時最偉大的低音大提琴家,但他與 Wurtenberg 宮廷的合約卻因為「不協調」而被取消。
1788, this instruments had by the first decades of the 19th century given way to three- and four-stringed double basses.* In the last years of the 18th century, all five double basses employed by the Italian Opera Orchestra housed in the Kärntnertortheater in Vienna were five-stringers, but when C. Schubart reported in 1806 the continued use for solo work and in trios of a five-stringed sometimes fretted double bass, he significantly mentioned the more common use of the three-stringer in the orchestra. ^(32){ }^{32} 在十八世紀的最後幾年,維也納 Kärntnertortheater 的義大利歌劇院管絃樂團所使用的五把低音大提琴都是五弦低音提琴,但當 C. Schubart 在 1806 年報告獨奏與三重奏仍使用五弦低音提琴時,他特別提到三弦低音提琴在管絃樂團中更為普遍。舒巴特 (C. Schubart) 在 1806 年報告獨奏與三重奏中持續使用五弦低音提琴時,他特別提到樂團中更常使用的三弦低音提琴。 ^(32){ }^{32}
After the death of Sperger in 1812, the Golden Age of the Vienna school of virtuosity came to an end. The review of a concert given in Prague in 1828 by Johann’ Hindle is one of the last testimonies concerning the Viennese school. The Harmonicon magazine informs us that for this concert Hindle played a fretted four-stringer, the pitch of which was raised a half tone higher than usual. It is also worth noting that Hindle did not hold his bow palm-upwards, but “used the same style of bowing as on the violoncello”. Significantly, when Bottesini appeared as a soloist in Vienna in 1840, a reviewer stated that he played with distinction, “as far as one would call the double bass a solo instrument”! 1812 年 Sperger 去世後,維也納演奏流派的黃金時代結束了。1828 年,Johann' Hindle 在布拉格舉辦了一場音樂會,該音樂會的評論是維也納樂派最後的見證之一。Harmonicon 雜誌告訴我們,在這場音樂會中,Hindle 演奏的是四弦琴,音調比平常高出半音。值得注意的是,Hindle 並沒有將弓子掌心向上,而是 「使用與大提琴相同的弓法」。值得注意的是,當 Bottesini 於 1840 年在維也納擔任獨奏時,一位評論家表示他的演奏非常出色,「就低音大提琴這種獨奏樂器而言」!
From this point on, Viennese luthiers interrupted the tradition of violone making, although the four-stringers that superseded them still retained their shape and general dimensions.** 從此,維也納的制琴家中斷了中提琴製作的傳統,儘管取而代之的四弦中提琴仍然保留了其形狀和一般尺寸。
Not until recently has the old Viennese solo tuning with five strings reappeared in the performances of some soloists mindful of historical verity, wishing to revive the particular range of sonority available to the Viennese tuning system: in Czechoslovakia, professor Moloslav Gadjos, of Kromorizi Conservatory, has now adopted the old tuning for the performance of 18th century compositions. 直到最近,五根弦的舊維也納式獨奏調式才重新出現在一些獨奏家的演奏中,這些獨奏家注重歷史的真實性,希望恢復維也納式調式系統的特殊音域:在捷克斯洛伐克,Kromorizi Conservatory 的 Moloslav Gadjos 教授現在採用舊調式演奏 18 世紀的作品。
The general decline in instrumental technique in the 19th century is reflected in Koch’s judgment of the “serious and heavy” nature of the double bass which forbade all aspirations to virtuosity at the risk of quickly appearing ridiculous. ^(33){ }^{33} When A.C. White played a solo at Hereford (England) shortly before 1887, the audience was at first inclined to laugh at the ponderous sounds and the contortions that he went through, and it is only when he arrived at the slow 19 世紀樂器技術的普遍衰退,反映在 Koch 對低音提琴「嚴肅而沉重」性質的判斷上,低音提琴禁止所有對技巧的追求,以免很快顯得可笑。 ^(33){ }^{33} 1887年前不久,A.C. White在赫里福德(英國)演奏獨奏時,觀眾起初傾向於嘲笑他所發出的沉悶聲音和所做的扭曲動作,直到他演奏到慢板時,觀眾才恍然大悟。
movement that they understood that it had not been intended as a comic performance. ^(34){ }^{34} From then on, a negative image of the double bass was to prevail, that of an instrument which decidedly did “not inspire trust”, ^(35){ }^{35} and such sobriquets as “Bull fiddle” and “Doghouse” were subsequently applied to it. ^(34){ }^{34} 從那時起,低音大提琴的負面形象就開始盛行,那是一種絕對 「無法讓人信任 」的樂器, ^(35){ }^{35} 而 「公牛提琴 」和 「狗屋 」等綽號也隨後應用在低音大提琴上。
It was during this period that several keyboard mechanisms for double bass were developed, with the aim of “reducing the length and difficulty of the studies required for this instrument as well as of improving the intonation”. ^(36){ }^{36} 正是在這段期間,多種低音大提琴的鍵盤裝置被開發出來,目的是「減少這種樂器所需的學習時間和難度,以及改善音調」。 ^(36){ }^{36}
With the length of his studies thus brought to a strict minimum, any amateur musician would supposedly be capable of playing the double bass part in musical ensembles. Such especially-fitted instruments are known to have been present in Corbigny (France) in 1838 and in Adolphe Sax’s possession in 1842. Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume exhibited one (the octobasse) at the Exposition Universelle de Paris in 1855, as did Father Laborde at the Exposition Universelle in 1867; this last instrument was a one-stringed keyboard double bass intended for the backing of church choirs. 由於學習時間被嚴格縮短,任何業餘音樂家都應該有能力在樂團中演奏低音提琴聲部。據悉,1838 年在法國的 Corbigny(科比尼)以及 1842 年在 Adolphe Sax(阿道夫-薩克斯)手中都曾出現過此類特製的樂器。Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume 在 1855 年的巴黎世博會上展出了一件(octobasse),Laborde 神父也在 1867 年的世博會上展出了一件(octobasse);後一件樂器是單弦鍵盤低音大提琴,用於教堂唱詩班的伴奏。
In 1850, Brillet, an instrument-maker from Lyons, carved a deep groove in the neck of a double bass and fitted it with a mechanism of ten mobile keys. Rather than being pressed against the fingerboard as usual, the strings on this instrument were pushed away from it. 1850 年,來自里昂的樂器製造商 Brillet 在低音大提琴的琴頸上雕刻了一條深槽,並安裝了一個由十個活動琴鍵組成的裝置。這款樂器的琴弦不是像往常一樣壓在指板上,而是被推離指板。
Louis Duvivier, an organ builder of Nevers, took out a patent ( n^(@)225565n^{\circ} 225565 ) on november 10,1882 , for an apparatus consisting of a thirty seven-note detachable keyboard mounted on the neck of two-, three-, or four-stringed double basses. Strangely enough, the keyboard simultaneously sounded a set of reed stops (activated by a foot-bellows) in unison with the bass. The result no doubt lacked a certain finesse. Louis Duvivier,一位來自 Nevers 的管風琴製造商,於 1882 年 11 月 10 日取得了一項專利 ( n^(@)225565n^{\circ} 225565 ) ,專利內容為一台裝置在二弦、三弦或四弦低音大提琴琴頸上的 37 音可拆式鍵盤。奇怪的是,鍵盤與低音大提琴同時響起一組簧片(由腳管啟動)。結果無疑是缺乏了某種細膩的感覺。
The situation in 19th century Italy was similarly discouraging and, according to Berlioz, Italian musicians were quite nonplussed when asked to play a piece for which their three open strings could not be used. ^(37){ }^{37} 十九世紀義大利的情況也同樣令人氣餒,據 Berlioz 所說,當義大利音樂家被要求演奏一首不能使用三根開弦的樂曲時,他們會感到非常困惑。 ^(37){ }^{37}
Around 1828, Wenzel Hause expressed astonishment that very few musicians could be found who were able to bring out the full capacities of the bass, in spite of its absolute necessity. ^(38){ }^{38} As for French musicians, they received the following rather paradoxical words of praise from bass player Durier: 1828 年左右,Wenzel Hause 對於儘管低音提琴是絕對必要的,但卻很少有音樂家能夠充分發揮低音提琴的能力表示驚訝。 ^(38){ }^{38} 至於法國音樂家,他們從低音提琴演奏家 Durier 收到以下相當矛盾的讚美之詞:
“The mechanism of the double bass has evolved to a high degree of perfection; one could even cite several artists skillful enough to play solos”. ^(39){ }^{39} 「低音大提琴的機制已發展到高度完美的境界;甚至可以舉出幾位技藝高超的藝術家來演奏獨奏」。 ^(39){ }^{39}
Dragonetti’s influence slowed the decline of the English school of double bass by several decades; but by 1887, A.C. White, professor at the Royal Academy of Music and at several other institutions, complained that he did not have a single Dragonetti 的影響力延緩了英國低音大提琴流派的衰落幾十年;但到了 1887 年,皇家音樂學院和其他幾所學院的教授 A.C. White 抱怨他沒有一個
Keyboard mechanism for double bass by 8 rillet (patent 1850). 8 rillet 的低音大提琴鍵盤裝置(1850 年專利)。
pupil at any of them. At that time, many bass players once again believed that no instruction was required to enable them to play in an orchestra. Many that he saw did not know how to hold the bass, how to finger or how to draw the bow across the strings properly so as to produce a pure tone. In Dragonetti’s time, the double bass had been a most popular instrument among amateurs in London. Consequently, it fetched high prices; but thirty years later its value plunged once again, to the great regret of White who lamented that, in orchestras, one could find double basses which might have been made by a village carpenter. ^(40){ }^{40} 的學生。當時,許多低音提琴演奏家再次相信不需要任何指導就能在樂團中演奏。他所見過的許多人都不知道如何握低音大提琴、如何用手指或如何正確地將弓子拉過琴弦,以產生純淨的音色。在 Dragonetti 的年代,低音大提琴在倫敦的業餘樂手中是最流行的樂器。但三十年後,低音大提琴的價格再次暴跌,令懷特感到非常遺憾,他感嘆道,在管弦樂團中,人們可以找到可能是由鄉村木匠製作的低音大提琴。 ^(40){ }^{40}
Clearly, the bassists of the time were no longer capable of correctly playing works that had caused no problems to preceding generations. 很明顯,當時的低音結他手已經無法正確演奏前幾代人都沒有問題的作品。
Faced with such widespread incompetence, music publishers found it natural to attribute to the repertoire of the cello works which had become inaccessible to all but a tiny handful of double bass players. In 1906, it was publicly suggested that “henceforth in the chạmber music of Mozart and his contemporaries…the bass part should not be played by a double bass”. ^(41){ }^{41} 面對如此普遍的無能,音樂出版商自然而然地將除了極少數低音大提琴演奏家之外,所有演奏家都無法演奏的作品歸入大提琴曲目。1906 年,有人公開建議「從今以後,在莫札特及其同時代的弦樂作品中......低音聲部不應該由低音提琴來演奏」。 ^(41){ }^{41} 。
Among the countless transcriptions for the cello of music originally written for the double bass was the famous Aria “Per Questa Bella Mano”, written on March 8, 1791 by W.A. Mozart for a bass singer and a double bass. We know today that this piece was not an isolated example in Viennese musical production, as similar works by Sperger and Peter von Winter (1734-1825) have also been found. Dragonetti himself, during his first visit to Vienna in 1799, played an adaptation of the Leporello Register Aria from Don Giovanni. Towards the end of the 19th century, John Reynolds went so far as to hypothesize that the Mozart Aria had originally been written for the Bass Viol. This allowed him, in all good conscience, to conclude that “no bass player need blush that he is unable to give a satisfactory rendering of the work” !^(42)!^{42} 在無數原本為低音大提琴所寫的音樂轉錄到大提琴的作品中,有一首著名的詠嘆調「Per Questa Bella Mano」,是 W.A. Mozart 於 1791 年 3 月 8 日為低音歌手與低音大提琴所寫。今天我們知道,這首曲子在維也納的音樂創作中並非孤例,因為 Sperger 和 Peter von Winter (1734-1825) 的類似作品也已被發現。德拉戈奈蒂 (Dragonetti) 本人在 1799 年首次訪問維也納期間,演奏了改編自 Don Giovanni 的 Leporello Register Aria。在十九世紀末,約翰‧雷諾斯 (John Reynolds) 甚至假設莫扎特的詠嘆調原本是為低音提琴而寫。這讓他憑良知得出結論:「低音提琴演奏者不需要為自己無法令人滿意地演繹作品而臉紅」 !^(42)!^{42} 。
His conclusion was proved wrong in 1929 by Max Dauthage in a supplement to the third number of the short-lived review “Der Kontrabass”, and it continues to be refuted today by the many artists who perform this piece to the great satisfaction of its public. 他的結論在 1929 年被 Max Dauthage 在短命樂評《Der Kontrabass》第三期的增刊中證明是錯誤的,而且至今仍被許多演奏這首曲子的藝術家所反駁,令公眾非常滿意。
A number of conductors also joined in the pilloring of the double bass that took place during the last century. François Habeneck of the Paris Conservatory, for example, never allowed the double basses to play at the beginning of the scherzo in Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, explaining that they did not produce a “good effect”. “A lesson for Beethoven”, remarked Hector Berlioz, sarcastic as ever, and he pointed out that when Frantz Liszt conducted this symphony, the scherzo was played “as Beethoven wrote it, without cutting out the double basses 許多指揮家也加入了上世紀對低音大提琴的詆毀行列。例如,巴黎音樂學院的 François Habeneck 從不允許低音大提琴在貝多芬第五交響曲的回旋曲開始時演奏,理由是低音大提琴不能產生「良好的效果」。赫克托‧柏辽兹(Hector Berlioz)一如既往地讽刺道:「贝多芬的教训」,他指出弗朗茨‧李斯特(Frantz Liszt)在指挥这首交响曲时,「按照贝多芬的写法 」演奏了慢板,「没有删掉低音提琴」。
at the beginning”, as had long been the case at the Paris Conservatory. ^(43){ }^{43} 從一開始",巴黎音樂學院長期以來都是如此。 ^(43){ }^{43}
At the gigantic concert organized in 1844 for the Exposition des Produits de l’Energie, the French composer took it upon himself to re-establish the double basses in this movement, which oddly reminded him of the frolics of an exhilarated elephant. ^(44){ }^{44} The results were surprising: 在 1844 年為能源產品博覽會 (Exposition des Produits de l'Energie) 所舉辦的大型音樂會上,法國作曲家自告奮勇地在這首樂章中重新使用低音大提琴,這讓他奇怪地聯想到興奮的大象在嬉戲。 ^(44){ }^{44} 結果令人驚訝:
“I asked the musicians for only two rehearsals, one sectional and the other general. When we came to the scherzo passage of Beethoven’s Symphony in CC minor, we heard something resembling the grunting of fifty terrified pigs, such were the faultiness in the intonation and the incoherence in this passage. Little by little, however, it improved; the ensemble came together and the phrase appeared in all its wild ruggedness”. ^(45){ }^{45} "我要求樂手們只排練兩次,一次是分組排練,另一次是整體排練。當我們排練到貝多芬的 CC 小調交響曲的諧謔段落時,我們聽到的聲音就像五十頭受驚的豬在哼哼,音調上的錯誤和不連貫在這個段落中是如此明顯。然而,漸漸地,情況有所改善;合奏漸趨一致,樂句以其粗獷野性展現出來"。 ^(45){ }^{45} 。
Two years later, Wagner’s historical performance of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony in Dresden gave the Master an opportunity of following suit. The double basses were again entrusted with the Recitative, but no fewer than twelve rehearsals were necessary before Wagner was satisfied. 兩年後,瓦格納 (Wagner) 在德勒斯登 (Dresden) 演出貝多芬 (Beethoven) 的第九交響曲 (Ninth Symphony),讓大師有機會效法。低音大提琴再次被委以吟誦的任務,但在瓦格納感到滿意之前,至少需要進行十二次排練。
The stern demands of Berlioz and Wagner for the double bass had the advantage of emphasizing the importance of rigorous teaching setting much more serious objectives for musicians than those of the school of simplifiers. Berlioz regretted in his time that many bass players continued, out of neglect or doubt as to their ability to overcome some difficulties, to simplify their part. He believed that, although the school of simplifiers had been well respected fourty years earlier, the time for its demise had arrived: double bass parts from earlier times, being very simple from the outset, should certainly not be further impoverished. He felt that those from modern scores were, it is true, a bit more difficult; but with only rare exceptions they contained no unplayable parts, because composers, having mastered their art, took care to write the parts just as they should be played. He consequently advised young conductors to arm themselves with the necessary authority to compel lazy bassists to acquire a decent level of proficiency and to dismiss incompetent musicians: conductors had everything to gain by ridding themselves of performers lacking the rudiments of professionalism. Berlioz 和 Wagner 對低音提琴的嚴格要求,強調了嚴謹教學的重要性,為音樂家們設定了比簡化派更嚴肅的目標。Berlioz 對於許多低音提琴演奏家因為疏忽或懷疑自己是否有能力克服某些困難,而繼續簡化他們的聲部感到遺憾。他認為,儘管簡化派在四十年前備受推崇,但現在已經到了該消亡的時候:早期的低音提琴聲部從一開始就非常簡單,當然不應該再進一步簡化。他認為現代樂譜中的低音提琴聲部確實比較困難,但除了極少數的例外,這些樂譜中並沒有無法演奏的聲部,因為作曲家在掌握了他們的藝術之後,會小心地將聲部寫成他們應該演奏的樣子。因此,他建議年輕的指揮家們用必要的權力來強化自己,迫使懶惰的低音提琴演奏家達到一定的水準,並辭退不稱職的音樂家:指揮家們可以從缺乏基本專業素養的演奏家身上獲得一切。
Nonetheless, it was during this period of technical decline that the foundations of modern instrumental technique, linked with the four-stringed double bass in fourth tuning, were laid. The publication of treatises by Hindle, Hause, Gregoria, Asioli, Gouffe, Verrimst and others constituted the beginning of a response to the demands of an unsatisfactory situation. 儘管如此,正是在這段技術衰退期間,奠定了現代樂器技術的基礎,並與四弦低音提琴的四度調音相結合。由 Hindle、Hause、Gregoria、Asioli、Gouffe、Verrimst 等人所發表的論文,構成了回應不理想狀況需求的開始。
With the appearance of these works, steps were taken for the training of instrumentalists capable of performing the more difficult, newly written pieces. To 隨著這些作品的出現,人們開始訓練能夠演奏較高難度、新創作樂曲的樂器演奏家。對於
this end, music schools were founded everywhere. The Paris Conservatory of Music came first in this series. It opened in April 1784 under the name of Royal School of Music and was reorganized during the Revolution (August 1795), when it became the National Institute: ^(46){ }^{46} the double bass class was suppressed in 1798, then re-established twenty nine years later (July 1, 1827). ^(47){ }^{47} The Conservatories of Milan and Naples were established in 1808, that of Prague in 1811. The Royal Academy of Music was founded in London in 1822, the Conservatory of Brussels in 1832, that of Leipzig in 1843, that of Barcelona in 1844 and that of Vienna in 1851. 為此,各地的音樂學校相繼成立。巴黎音樂學院是這一系列中的第一所。 ^(46){ }^{46} 1798年,低音提琴班被取消,二十九年後(1827年7月1日)又重新成立。 ^(47){ }^{47} 米蘭和那不勒斯的音樂學院成立於 1808 年,布拉格的音樂學院成立於 1811 年。皇家音樂學院於 1822 年在倫敦成立,布魯塞爾音樂學院於 1832 年成立,萊比錫音樂學院於 1843 年成立,巴塞隆納音樂學院於 1844 年成立,維也納音樂學院於 1851 年成立。
Over the years, these institutions laid the foundations of our present-day double bass Renaissance, a period of explosive development similar to that of the other string instruments in the 19th century. 多年來,這些機構為我們今天的低音大提琴文藝復興奠定了基礎,這段爆炸性的發展時期與 19 世紀其他弦樂器的發展時期相似。
The double bass Renaissance. 低音大提琴的文藝復興。
Gary Karr and Ludwig Streicher are credited with launching and giving direction to the present-day double bass revival. Also prominent in this respect is Bertram Turetzky who dedicated his life to winning the position as a solo instrument that the double bass so rightly deserves. He has commissioned and performed well over three-hundred new pieces which have changed the way the bass is played and composed for. This revival movement has already projected a new image of the bass as the most versatile and colorful of the string instruments. Gary Karr 和 Ludwig Streicher 是當今低音大提琴復興的發起人和指導者。Bertram Turetzky 也是這方面的佼佼者,他畢生致力於贏得低音大提琴作為獨奏樂器應有的地位。他委聘並演奏了三百多首新作品,改變了低音大提琴的演奏與作曲方式。這場復興運動已經將低音提琴塑造成弦樂器中最多才多藝、多姿多彩的新形象。
According to David Walter, the new situation of the bass has become dramatically evident in recent years through the appearance of bassists as regular features of musical life. Recordings by double bass artists have appeared in the last fifteen years in surprising numbers. At the same time, there has been an enormous expansion of the literature for double bass in the years since Paul Hindemith’s Sonata and Gunther Schuller’s Quartet for Basses (both dated 1947) ushered in a New Age. Bertram Turetzky remarks that there are many bassists composers today who write highly crafted music exquisitely fashioned for the double bass. Among those known in Europe are Barry Guy (U.K), Joëlle Léandre, Philippe Drogoz and François Rabbath (France), Paul Breuer and Erich Hartmann (West-Germany), Fernando Grillo (Italy) and Teppo Hauta-aho (Finland). In America, the names Frank Proto, Alvin Brehm, John Deak, Joseph Julian, John Voight, Armand Russell, Charles Mingus, Mel Graves, Thomas Frederickson, Eldon Obrecht, Charles Hoag, Stuart Sankey and David Walter come to mind. ^(48){ }^{48} David Walter 認為,近年來,貝斯演奏家成為音樂生活的常客,使貝斯的新形勢顯得格外明顯。過去十五年來,低音提琴演奏家錄製的唱片數量驚人。與此同時,自從 Paul Hindemith 的 Sonata 和 Gunther Schuller 的 Quartet for Basses (兩首作品均於 1947 年出版) 帶來了一個新時代之後,低音提琴的文學作品也有了巨大的發展。Bertram Turetzky 指出,今日有許多低音提琴作曲家為低音提琴寫出精雕細琢的音樂。在歐洲,著名的有 Barry Guy (英國)、Joëlle Léandre、Philippe Drogoz 及 François Rabbath (法國)、Paul Breuer 及 Erich Hartmann (西德)、Fernando Grillo (義大利) 及 Teppo Hauta-aho (芬蘭)。在美國,Frank Proto、Alvin Brehm、John Deak、Joseph Julian、John Voight、Armand Russell、Charles Mingus、Mel Graves、Thomas Frederickson、Eldon Obrecht、Charles Hoag、Stuart Sankey 和 David Walter 等名字浮現在腦海中。 ^(48){ }^{48}
Not only has there been a mushrooming of contemporary and Avant-Garde 不僅當代與前衛藝術如雨後春筍般出現
compositions, but there has also been an explosion of reprints of double bass works from the Classical period (publishers include Doblinger, Hofmeister, Liben and Yorke among the most enterprising). Other facets of the new status achieved by the double bass are the first attempts made by Gary Karr in 1967 to establish an “International Institute for String Bass” in Madison (Wisconsin) which published seventeen booklets called “Bass Sound Post”, and two issues of a magazine titled “Probas” before disappearing in 1972. Also noteworthy are the scholarly “Double Bass Notes” edited by Lucas Drew, the publication of books about the history of the double bass, the formation in 1974 of the “International Society of Bassists” founded by Barry Green, Lucas Drew and others. ^(49){ }^{49} 但古典時期的低音大提琴作品重印本也激增(出版商包括 Doblinger、Hofmeister、Liben 和 Yorke 等最有魄力的出版商)。低音大提琴新地位的其他方面包括 Gary Karr 於 1967 年首次嘗試在威斯康辛州麥迪遜市成立「國際低音大提琴協會」,該協會出版了 17 本名為「低音大提琴音效報」的小冊子,以及兩期名為「Probas」的雜誌,之後在 1972 年消失。此外,值得一提的還有 Lucas Drew 編輯的學術性「低音大提琴筆記」、出版有關低音大提琴歷史的書籍,以及在 1974 年成立由 Barry Green、Lucas Drew 等人所創立的「國際低音大提琴家協會」。 ^(49){ }^{49}
The Society is dedicated to stimulating public interest, improving performance standards and providing an organization for musicians specializing in the teaching, learning, performing, repairing, making, researching and enjoyment of the double bass. It also sponsors bass conventions for professional and amateur players and provides a magazine included in the subscription price which makes scholarly articles and current news available to 1400 members in 42 countries. 該協會致力於激發大眾興趣、提高演奏水準,並為專門從事低音大提琴的教學、學習、演奏、維修、製作、研究和欣賞的音樂家提供一個組織。它還贊助專業和業餘演奏家的低音提琴大會,並提供一份包含在訂閱價格中的雜誌,向 42 個國家的 1400 名會員提供學術文章和最新消息。
Stimulated by the accomplishments of the International Society of Bassists, many Eastern and Western countries are radically revising their conception of the double bass, perfecting its mechanism and organizing numerous short courses and summer schools which enjoy increasing success: Cincinnati (U.S.A.) (until 1980), Isle of Man (G.B.), Sienna, Sermonetta (Italy), Narvik (Norway), etc. The summer schools organized by the I.S.B. included an intensive four-week course covering every aspect of the double bass, including electric bass, symphonic bass, jazz and other activities as well. In France, Jean-Marc Rollez, professor at the Paris Conservatory, has since 1980 organized a double bass Festival in Firminy and Avignon that invites the most important international teachers, representing a great diversity of schools. The annual sessions of this Festival constitute a veritable hot-house of new talents and are attended by dozens of artists, amateurs as well as professionals, wishing to exchange ideas and perfect their technique. 在國際低音大提琴家協會成就的刺激下,許多東西方國家徹底修正他們對低音大提琴的概念,完善其機制,並舉辦了許多短期課程和暑期學校,獲得越來越多的成功:辛辛那提(美國)(直到1980年)、馬恩島(G.B.)、西耶那、塞莫內塔(義大利)、納爾維克(挪威)等。I.S.B.舉辦的暑期班包括為期四周的密集課程,內容涵蓋低音大提琴的各個層面,包括電低音、交響低音、爵士樂以及其他活動。在法國,巴黎音樂學院教授 Jean-Marc Rollez 自 1980 年起便在 Firminy 和 Avignon 舉辦低音提琴節,邀請最重要的國際教師,代表多樣化的學校。每年的低音大提琴節是名副其實的新秀熱門場所,有數十位藝術家、業餘演奏家及專業演奏家參加,希望藉此交流意見及完善演奏技巧。
International double bass competitions, vital for the continuing development of the instrument and non-existent only a quarter of a century ago, are now flourishing almost everywhere. At least six can be listed here: those of Reims (France), Kromeritz (Czechoslovakia), Munich (West-Germany), Markneukirchen (D.D.R.), Rome (Italy) and Geneva (Switzerland), which actually came first in the field of double bass olympics in 1969, thanks to the faith and dedication of Pierre Delescluse. 國際低音大提琴比賽對於低音大提琴的持續發展至關重要,但僅在四分之一世紀前還不存在,現在幾乎在各地蓬勃發展。這裡至少可以列出六個:Reims (法國)、Kromeritz (捷克斯洛伐克)、Munich (西德)、Markneukirchen (德國)、Rome (義大利) 和 Geneva (瑞士)。
David Walter, who observed some of these competitions as a juror, praises the David Walter 曾以評審身份觀察過其中一些比賽,他稱讚道
sensationally high level of playing achieved: “Technical achievements transcended musicality at times but, on the whole, the playing was of a caliber that would have been considered inconceivable a generation ago”. ^(50){ }^{50} 轟動的高水準演奏:「技術成就有時超越了音樂性,但整體而言,演奏的水準在一代人之前是難以想像的」。 ^(50){ }^{50} 。
The realization that the double bass deserved the same early training by players as the other strings led Pierre Delescluse in the 1950’s to use full-sized cellos tuned to the bass strings which he called “cellobasses”. He encouraged students to take up the bass from the age of eight; one of them, Gabin Lauridon, has now become principal bassist with the “Orchestre National de France”. 在 1950 年代,Pierre Delescluse 意識到低音提琴與其他弦樂一樣,需要演奏家在早期接受相同的訓練,於是他使用全尺寸的大提琴,以低音弦調音,稱之為「大提琴」。他鼓勵學生從八歲開始學習低音提琴,其中一位學生 Gabin Lauridon 如今已成為「法國國家管弦樂團」的首席低音提琴演奏家。
In Britain, the Yorke Mini-Bass project was conceived by Rodney Slatford in 1983 to provide bass training for children at an early age, with the aid of Rolland-style or/and Suzuki-style methods. By the end of 1986, nearly 200 children had begun to learn the double bass, using especially designed and appropriately sized equipment. 在英國,Rodney Slatford 於 1983 年構思了 Yorke Mini-Bass 計畫,藉由 Rolland 式或/和 Suzuki 式的方法,為年幼的兒童提供低音大提琴訓練。截至 1986 年底,已有近 200 名兒童開始使用特別設計且大小合適的設備學習低音提琴。
It was soon discovered that, as far as its application to the double bass is concerned, the Suzuki method is only of limited value. It primarily involves the learning of melodies and does not develop an intuitive sense of rhythm and phrasing, two qualities of crucial importance to bass players. The Rolland method also has its drawbacks: it progresses too quickly and leaves many problems unsolved. Both of these methods, then, have to be adapted to the double bass. ^(51){ }^{51} 不久之後,人們發現就低音大提琴的應用而言,鈴木演奏法的價值有限。它主要涉及旋律的學習,並沒有培養對節奏和樂句的直覺感覺,而這兩種特質對低音提琴演奏者來說是至關重要的。Rolland 方法也有其缺點:進度太快,而且有許多問題尚未解決。因此,這兩種方法都必須適用於低音大提琴。 ^(51){ }^{51}
The announcement of proposals to introduce teaching on one-fourth-size double basses for young children met with enthusiastic response throughout the musical world, with considerable interest coming from France and Scandinavia. 為年幼兒童引進四分之一尺寸低音大提琴教學的提案一經宣佈,即在音樂界引起熱烈迴響,其中法國與斯堪的納維亞國家對此相當感興趣。
Since 1973, Eva Brauninger has had the opportunity to organize and develop a Suzuki program in the public schools of Des Moines, Iowa. The children begin the study of the double bass between the ages of seven and nine years. From the beginning, she has found the basic Suzuki concepts of learning to be most successful, and in 1984 she published a Suzuki bass book in four parts. ^(52){ }^{52} This enthusiasm for teaching bass to young children is shared by an increasing number of pedagogues, for example Patricia Brine who has been active in this field since 1978 in Edmonton ^(53){ }^{53}, and George Vance who, in 1984, initiated an experimental project in Washington D.C. to apply the Suzuki method to double bass instruction from the age of five. In Los Angeles, David H. Young also works with twelvesixteen year olds. ^(54){ }^{54} 自 1973 年起,Eva Brauninger 有機會在愛荷華州得梅因市的公立學校組織和發展鈴木課程。孩子們從 7 到 9 歲開始學習低音提琴。從一開始,她就發現基本的鈴木學習概念是最成功的。1984 年,她出版了一本分四個部分的鈴木低音大提琴書。 ^(52){ }^{52} 越來越多的教學家也對幼兒低音提琴教學抱有同樣的熱情,例如,Patricia Brine 自 1978 年起就在埃德蒙頓活躍於這一領域 ^(53){ }^{53} ,George Vance 於 1984 年在華盛頓特區發起了一項實驗計劃,將鈴木教學法應用於從五歲開始的低音提琴教學。在洛杉磯,David H. Young 也為十二歲至十六歲的青少年教學。 ^(54){ }^{54}
“Clearly, there is a second revolution in bass playing under way, one which will bring the training of beginners into the twentieth century as the first revolution created modern virtuosity”. 55 "很明顯,低音提琴演奏正在進行第二次革命,這次革命將把初學者的訓練帶進二十世紀,就像第一次革命創造了現代的精湛演奏技巧一樣。55
According to Jeff Bradetich, “the large number of international bass activities Jeff Bradetich 表示,「大量的國際低音提琴活動
that are taking place throughout the world attest to the fact that there exist an ever growing demand for the sharing of pedagogy and performance on the double bass. This need is not only being met with an increasing expertise, but with an enthusiasm that is literally contagious”. ^(56){ }^{56} 在世界各地舉行的低音大提琴會議證明了一個事實,那就是對於低音大提琴教學與演奏分享的需求與日俱增。這種需求不僅以日益增長的專業知識來滿足,而且還以一種實際上會傳染的熱情來滿足"。 ^(56){ }^{56}
People have now come to realize that, of all the bowed instruments, it may have the largest potential for variation of timbre and the greatest tone color range. 現在人們逐漸意識到,在所有弓弦樂器中,它可能擁有最大的音色變化潛力和最大的音色範圍。
At the threshold of the 21st century, the double bass has an exciting future ahead! 在 21 世紀的門檻上,低音大提琴將有一個令人振奮的未來!
Chapter notes 章節說明
Stenton, David: The (string) double bass, Evanston, 1965.
2 . Burney, Charles: The present state of music in France and Italy, London, 1773. 2 .Burney、Charles:《法國與義大利的音樂現況》,倫敦,1773 年。
3 . Corrette, Michel: Méthodes pour apprendre à jouer de la contre-basse à 3, à 4 et à 5 cordes, Paris, 1781. 3 .Corrette, Michel: Méthodes pour apprendre à jouer de la contre-basse à 3, à 4 et à 5 cordes, Paris, 1781.
4 . Agricola, Marti: Musica Instrumentalis Deudsch, Wittenberg, 1528. 4 .Agricola, Marti: Musica Instrumentalis Deudsch, Wittenberg, 1528.
5 . Kastner, George: Traité général d’instrumentation, Paris, 1837. 5 .Kastner, George:Traité général d'instrumentation,巴黎,1837 年。
6 . Janowka, Thomas Balthazar: Clavis as thesaurum magnae artis musicae, Prague, 1701. 6 .Janowka,Thomas Balthazar:Clavis as thesaurum magnae artis musicae,布拉格,1701 年。
7 . Quantz, Johann Joachim: Essai d’une méthode pour apprendre à jouer de la flûte traversière, Berlin, 1752. 7 .Quantz, Johann Joachim: Essai d'une méthode pour apprendre à jouer de la flûte traversière, Berlin, 1752.
8 . Brossard, Sébastien de: Dictionnaire de musique, Paris, 1703. 8 .Brossard, Sébastien de:Dictionnaire de musique, Paris, 1703.
9 . Hause, Wenzeslas: Méthode complète de contre-basse, Paris, c. 1828. 9 .Hause, Wenzeslas: Méthode complète de contre-basse,巴黎,約 1828 年。
10. Asoli, Bonifacio: Elemente per il contrabbasso, Milano, 1823. 10. Asoli, Bonifacio: Elemente per il contrabbasso, 米蘭,1823 年。
11. Corrette: op. cit. 11.正確:同上。
12. Quantz: op. cit. 12. Quantz: 同前。
13. Berlioz, Hector: Grand traité d’orchestration et d’instrumentation modernes, Paris, 1844. Berlioz, Hector: Grand traité d'orchestration et d'instrumentation modernes, Paris, 1844.
14. “Kritik der Bass-Instrumente”, 1 - Violon. Allgemeine Musicalisches Zeitung, n^(@)41n^{\circ} 41, Leipzig, Oct. 1916. Kritik der Bass-Instrumente, 1 - Violon.Allgemeine Musicalisches Zeitung》, n^(@)41n^{\circ} 41 ,萊比錫,1916 年 10 月。
15. Berlioz: op. cit. 15.柏遼茲:前引書。
16. Perne: Revue Musicale, 1828, t. II, p. 495. 16. Perne: Revue Musicale, 1828, t. II, p. 495.II, p. 495.
17. Corrette: op. cit. 17.正確:同上。
18. Weber, G.: “Praktische Bemerkungen”, Amz, nº52, Leipzig 23, Sept. 1807. Weber,G.:「Praktische Bemerkungen」,Amz,nº52,萊比錫 23,1807 年 9 月。
19. Berlioz: op. cit. 19.柏遼茲:前引書。
20. Widor, Ch. M.: Technique de J’orchestre moderne, Paris, 1904. 20. Widor, Ch. M.: Technique de J'orchestre moderne, Paris, 1904.
21. Trabouillet, L.: Etat de la France, year 1702. Trabouillet, L.: Etat de la France, year 1702.
22. Walter, David: “Do you hold it under your shin?”, Music Magazine, Sept.-Oct. 1980. 22.Walter,David:"Do you hold it under your shin?",《音樂雜誌》,1980 年 9 月至 10 月。
23. Meier, Adolf: Konzertante Musik für Kontrabass in der Wiener Klassik, Mainz, 1969. Meier、Adolf:Konzertante Musik für Kontrabass in der Wiener Klassik,Mainz,1969 年。
24. Amz. 1800-1801, III, p. 42. 24.Amz.1800-1801, III, p. 42。
25. Meier, Adolf: “Die Wiener Kontrabass und Seine Spieltechnik in der Zeit der Wiener Klassik”, Kontrabass und Bassfunktion, Innsbruck, 1986. Meier, Adolf:「Die Wiener Kontrabass und Seine Spieltechnik in der Zeit der Wiener Klassik」,Kontrabass und Bassfunktion,Innsbruck,1986 年。
26. Dolmetsch, Arnold: The interpretation of the music of the i7th and 18 th centuries, London, c. 1915. 26.Dolmetsch, Arnold: The interpretation of the music of the i7th and 18th centuries, London, c. 1915.
27. Mozart, Leopold: Versuch einer Gründliche Violinschule, Augsburg, 1756-1787. 27.莫扎特,利奧波爾德:Versuch einer Gründliche Violinschule,奧格斯堡,1756-1787。
28. Webster, James: “Violoncello and Double Bass in the chamber music of Haydn and his Viennese contemporaries, 1750-1800”, Journal of the American Musicological Society, Fall 1976. 28.Webster, James:《1750-1800 年海頓及其維也納同代人室內樂中的大提琴與低音大提琴》,《美國音樂學會期刊》,1976 年秋季。
29. Klein, H.: Festschrift A. Orel, cited in Alfred Planyavsky: "Mozarts Arie mit obligato Kontrabass, I.S.B., vol 2, n^(@)4n^{\circ} 4, Spring 1976. Klein, H.: Festschrift A. Orel, cited in Alfred Planyavsky: "Mozarts Arie mit obligato Kontrabass, I.S.B., vol 2, n^(@)4n^{\circ} 4 , Spring 1976.
30. Trumpf, Klaus: “Johann Sperger”, I.S.B. Annual Journal, Spring 1975. 30.Trumpf, Klaus:「Johann Sperger」,I.S.B. Annual Journal,1975 年春。
31. Burney, Charles: The present state of music in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Provinces, London, 1775. Burney,Charles:《德國、荷蘭和聯合省的音樂現況》,倫敦,1775 年。
32. Schubart, Christian F.: Ideen zu einer Aesthetic der Tonkunst, 1806. 32.Schubart, Christian F.: Ideen zu einer Aesthetic der Tonkunst, 1806.
33. Koch, Heinrich Christian: Musicalisches Lexicon, Frankfurt, 1802. 33.Koch、Heinrich Christian:《Musicalisches Lexicon》,法蘭克福,1802 年。
34. White, Adolphus C.: “The Double Bass”, Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association, London, 1887. 34.White, Adolphus C.: 'The Double Bass', Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association, London, 1887.
35. Debussy, Claude: Monsieur croche et autres Érits, Paris, 1971. 35.Debussy,Claude:Monsieur croche et autres Érits,巴黎,1971 年。
36. Brillet, Patent, 1850, Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle, 26 bis rue de Leningrad, Paris Cedex, FRANCE. 36.Brillet, Patent, 1850, Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle, 26 bis rue de Leningrad, Paris Cedex, FRANCE.
37. Berlioz, Hector: Mémoires, Paris, 1870. 37.Berlioz, Hector: Mémoires, Paris, 1870.
38. Hause: op. cit. 38.Hause: op.
39. Durier: Méthode complète de contre-basse, Paris, n.d… 39.Durier: Méthode complète de contre-basse,巴黎,未注明日期。
40. White: op. cit. White: 同前。
41. Daffner, H.: “Was bedeutet ‘Basso’ in Mozarts Kammermusik?”, Die Musik, 1906, vol 6,n^(@)56, n^{\circ} 5. 41.Daffner, H.: "Was bedeutet 'Basso' in Mozarts Kammermusik?", Die Musik, 1906, vol 6,n^(@)56, n^{\circ} 5 .
42. Reynolds, John: “A double bass mystery. An obligato accompaniment to a song by Mozart”, A scrap book for the use of students of the Double Bass, London, c. 1900. 42.Reynolds,John:《低音大提琴之謎。莫扎特一曲的必備伴奏",供低音大提琴學生使用的剪貼簿,倫敦,約 1900 年。
43. Berlioz, Hector: A travers chants, Paris, 1862. 43.Berlioz, Hector: A travers chants, Paris, 1862.
44. Berlioz, Hector: Mémoires, I, Paris, 1870. 44.Berlioz, Hector: Mémoires, I, Paris, 1870.
45. Berlioz: ibid. 45.Berlioz: ibid.
46. Martinet, A.: Histoire anecdotique du Conservatoire, Paris, n.d… 46.Martinet, A.: Histoire anecdote du Conservatoire, Paris, n.d..
47. Pierre, Constant: Le Conservatoire Niational de Musique et de Déclamation, Paris, 1900. 47.Pierre, Constant:Le Conservatoire Niational de Musique et de Déclamation,巴黎,1900 年。
48. Turetzky, Bertram: “New works of John Voight”, I.S.B. Magazine, vol VIII, n^(@)1n^{\circ} 1, Fall 1981. 48.Turetzky, Bertram: 'New works of John Voight', I.S.B. Magazine, vol VIII, n^(@)1n^{\circ} 1 , Fall 1981.
49. Walter, David: “The double bass Renaissance”, American String Teacher, vol XXII, n^(@)n^{\circ} 2. 49.Walter、David:《低音提琴的文藝復興》,《美國弦樂教師》,第二十二卷, n^(@)n^{\circ} 2。
50. Walter, David: “Double bass forum, The Instrumental competition”, American String teacher. Walter, David:「低音大提琴論壇,樂器比賽」,美國弦樂教師。
51. Slatford, Rodney and Pettitt, Stephen: The bottom line, London, 1985. 51.Slatford, Rodney and Pettitt, Stephen: The bottom line, London, 1985.
52. Brauninger, Eva: “Integrating the Bass into the total Suzuki program”, I.S.B. Magazine, vol XII, n^(@)3n^{\circ} 3, Spring 1986. 52.Brauninger, Eva: 'Integrating the Bass into the total Suzuki program', I.S.B. Magazine, vol XII, n^(@)3n^{\circ} 3 , Spring 1986.
53. Brine, Patricia: “Starting them young in Edmonton”, I.S.8. Magazine, vol XIII, n^(@)n^{\circ} 2, Winter 1987. 53.Brine, Patricia: 'Starting them young in Edmonton', I.S.8. Magazine, vol XIII, n^(@)n^{\circ} 2, Winter 1987.Magazine, vol XIII, n^(@)n^{\circ} 2, Winter 1987.
54. Young, David H.: “Suzuki-type program in Los-Angeles”, I.S.8. Magazine, val XIII, n^(@)2n^{\circ} 2, Winter 1987. 54.Young, David H.: 'Suzuki-type programme in Los-Angeles', I.S.8. Magazine, val XIII, n^(@)2n^{\circ} 2 , Winter 1987.Magazine, Val XIII, n^(@)2n^{\circ} 2 , Winter 1987.
55. Vance, George: “Suzuki Bass - The second Revolution”, I.S.8. Magazine, vol XII, no 1, Fall 1985. 55.Vance, George:「Suzuki Bass - The second Revolution」,I.S.8.Magazine, vol XII, no 1, Fall 1985.
56. Bradetich, Jeff: “Directors focus”, I.S.B. Magazine, vol XIII, n^(@)n^{\circ} 3, Spring 1987. 56.Bradetich, Jeff: 'Directors focus', I.S.B. Magazine, vol XIII, n^(@)n^{\circ} 3, Spring 1987.
III - Variations in size III - 尺寸變化
A page from I. Btlle’s “Gli strumenti ad arco…” 從 I.Btlle 的 「弦樂器......」
The string quartet as we know it today is the result of a long process of evolution and selection which retained only those members of the violin family that where considered well-adapted to particulars requirements. 我們今天所知的弦樂四重奏,是經過長時間的進化與選擇,只保留小提琴家族中那些被認為非常適應特定需求的成員的結果。
Among the instruments which fell into disuse, none is so much regretted as the true tenor violin, which formerly played one of the three inner voices in the earlier string ensembles. Subsequent to the invention of overwound strings, which allowed the bass instruments to be brought down in size in the 1660 's, the Italians also discarded the unwieldy Bass Violin and adopted a smaller and more manageable model of this instrument - it was tuned a step higher - which they called violoncello (small violone). According to Michel Corrette, this new instrument was introduced to France in the 1710’s. ^(1){ }^{1} Other instruments were also lost in the course of the centuries, such as the small, or chamber, bass and the giant double bass which simply disappeared from the musical stage. 在漸漸廢棄的樂器中,最令人遺憾的莫過於真正的次中音小提琴,它曾在早期的弦樂合奏中扮演三個內聲部之一。1660 年代,超纏弦的發明使得低音小提琴的尺寸得以縮小,之後,義大利人也拋棄了笨重的低音小提琴,並採用了更小、更易於管理的型號 - 調音更高一級 - 他們稱之為小提琴 (violoncello)。根據 Michel Corrette 的說法,這種新樂器於 1710 年代傳入法國。 ^(1){ }^{1} 其他樂器也在幾個世紀的過程中消失了,例如小型低音大提琴或室內低音大提琴,以及從音樂舞台上消失的巨型低音大提琴。
The application of Pythagorus’ monochord theory would in fact require a stop of 66 cm for the tenor and of 70 cm for the cello (these calculations are based on the vibrating length of string of a Stradivari instrument, i.e. a violin of 33 cm and a viola of 35 cm ). The double bass, tuned an octave lower than the cello, 事實上,運用 Pythagorus 的單弦理論,次中音的停止點需要 66 公分,大提琴則需要 70 公分(這是根據 Stradivari 樂器的振弦長度計算出來的,也就是小提琴 33 公分,中提琴 35 公分)。低音提琴的調音比大提琴低一個八度、
would thus have a theoretical stop of 140cm!^(**)140 \mathrm{~cm}!^{*} 因此,理論上會有一個 140cm!^(**)140 \mathrm{~cm}!^{*} 的停止點。
Following twelve years of research in the early 1900’s, the Frenchmen Leo and Leon Sir built a series of violins based on the principles which should theoretically govern the elaboration of a complete and homogeneous family of string instruments, including two different double basses. ^(2){ }^{2} 法國人 Leo 和 Leon Sir 在 20 世紀初經過 12 年的研究後,根據理論上應當闡述的原則製作了一系列小提琴,其中包括兩種不同的低音大提琴。 ^(2){ }^{2}
More recently, Carleen M. Hutchins constructed another family of instruments once again taking the violin as unity, but studying the problem from the point of view of wood resonance in relation to the volume of air which is enclosed within the instrument. The eight theoretical instruments resulting from her reasoning are as follows (with, in parenthesis, their ratio to the violin): 最近,Carleen M. Hutchins 再次以小提琴為統一體,建立了另一個樂器系列,但她是從木頭共鳴與樂器內部空氣體積的關係來研究這個問題。由她的推理所得出的八種理論性的樂器如下 (括號中為它們與小提琴的比例):
Consistent acoustical theory would therefore require the contrabass violin to be six times larger than the violin. In fact, Mrs Hutchins’ contrabass was made “only” 210 cm overall, with a string length reduced well within conventional bass measure, at 110 cm , so that a player of moderate height could play it without trouble, except when he reached into the higher positions near the bridge. Mrs Hutchins nevertheless remarked that, for sheer size and weight, it is hard to hold through a ten-hour recording session as one bassist did. ^(3){ }^{3} 因此,根據一致的聲學理論,低音大提琴必須比小提琴大六倍。事實上,Hutchins 夫人的低音大提琴整體「只有」210 公分,琴弦長度也縮短至傳統低音大提琴的 110 公分,因此身高適中的演奏者也能輕鬆演奏,除非他將手移到靠近琴橋的較高位置。然而,Hutchins 夫人表示,就其尺寸與重量而言,要像一位低音大提琴手一樣,在長達 10 小時的錄音過程中堅持演奏是很難的。 ^(3){ }^{3}
Such large instruments and even larger ones were in fact often built in the past. The were known in Italy as “contrabassi dopii”, or contra-double-basses. Owing to their impressive dimensions, these instruments could not always be played by a single performer; in such cases, it was necessary either to employ two players for each instrument, or to fit the instrument with a special mechanism enabling it to be played by a single musician: this mechanism could serve either to replace the left hand of the musician (keyboards), or to assist the 事實上,這樣的大型樂器甚至更大的樂器在過去也經常製造。這些樂器在義大利被稱為「contrabassi dopii」,也就是雙低音大提琴。由於尺寸龐大,這些樂器並非總能由一位演奏者演奏;在這種情況下,必須為每件樂器僱用兩位演奏者,或為樂器安裝特殊裝置,使其能由一位樂手演奏:這種裝置可取代樂手的左手(鍵盤),或協助演奏者演奏。
motion of the bow in some way. Such extraordinary creations were generally meant to be featured as special attractions in exceptional concerts performed by very large orchestras. 這些非凡的創作通常是為了在大型管弦樂團所演奏的特別音樂會中,作為特別的表演項目。這種非凡的創作通常是為了在大型管弦樂團演出的特別音樂會中,作為特別的表演項目。
F.A. Hadland wrote in favor of these instruments in “The Strad” magazine n^(@)n^{\circ} 429. According to him, the possibility of getting a contra-double bass for use in some music stood on a different footing from the employment of whistles, tamtams, and the other “extras” which is sometimes resorted to and which is, properly speaking, outside a musical scheme. He felt that, by extending the bass compass, we should be aiming at legitimate musical effects, and that there was no reason why the orchestra should not have the deepest diapason for occasional employment, as a complete organ generally has a 32 -foot stop. F.A. Hadland 曾在《The Strad》雜誌 n^(@)n^{\circ} 429 中支持這些樂器。他認為,在某些音樂中使用反雙低音大提琴的可能性,與使用哨子、塔姆琴和其他 「額外 」樂器的做法不同,後者有時會被採用,但正確來說,卻在音樂計劃之外。他認為,透過擴大低音的範圍,我們應該以合法的音樂效果為目標,而且管弦樂團沒有理由不偶爾使用最深的二重音,因為完整的管風琴一般都有 32 英尺的音檔。
Aside from those instruments especially designated as giant violas da gamba, there followed from the early 1600’s to the present day an uninterrupted succession of giant double basses of more or less obvious genealogical descendance. 除了那些被特別指定為巨型中提琴的樂器之外,從 1600 年代早期到現在,巨型低音大提琴的繼承從未間斷,或多或少都有明顯的血統。
From a chronicle of the Haiden family, we learn that sometimes around 1600 a certain Hans Haiden built an extra-large string bass (eine überhaus Grosse Basse Geigen) featuring a long neck and a keyboard allowing the player to stop the strings on the neck. ^(4){ }^{4} 從 Haiden 家族的年表中,我們得知有時在 1600 年左右,某位 Hans Haiden 製造了一種超大型的弦低音提琴 (eine überhaus Grosse Basse Geigen),其特色在於琴頸較長,並設有鍵盤,可讓演奏者在琴頸上停住琴弦。 ^(4){ }^{4}
Edmond Neukomm describes an astonishing concert given in 1615 in Dresden. It Edmond Neukomm 描述了 1615 年在德勒斯登舉行的一場令人震驚的音樂會。它
David Horine standing next
to the Grand Bass of the
American maker John Geyer.
Next page:
The Giant: this flat
backed instrument belonged to
Dragonetti's collection
Authentic except for the more
recent fingerboard and scroll
Overall length: 247 cm.
Body length: 173 cm.
Body width: }106\textrm{cm}
included an enormous double bass which made its entry in a cart pulled by eight mules. This leviathan of stringed instruments had been measured by the citizens of Dresden: it was nearly three meters high. During rehearsals, spectators admired the acrobatics engaged in by Rapodsky, the bassist, during the execution of the difficult passages on this gigantic instrument. A ladder had been set up beside its neck, and it was a pleasure to watch the virtuoso climbing up and down its rungs while his hands gave life to a bass as severe as it was sonorous. But this instrument apparently was not sufficient. To reinforce it, a cable four inches thick had been stretched between the arms of a windmill, and this cable was made to vibrate by two musicians of the Duke’s Chapel using a carpenter’s saw, the teeth of which had previously been filed down. ^(5){ }^{5} 其中包括一個巨大的低音大提琴,它是由八頭騾子拉著一輛車進場的。德累斯顿市民曾测量过这个弦乐器中的巨无霸:它有将近三米高。在綵排期間,觀眾們都很欣賞低音提琴手 Rapodsky 在這個巨大的樂器上演奏高難度樂段時的雜技表現。樂器的頸部旁邊架起了梯子,觀賞這位演奏家在梯子上爬上爬下,同時用雙手演奏出嚴厲而響亮的低音,實在是一種享受。但這個工具顯然是不夠的。公爵禮拜堂的兩位樂師使用木匠鋸(鋸齒已被銼削)使這條纜線振動。 ^(5){ }^{5}
Guiseppe Zocchi: The concerto. Guiseppe Zocchi:音樂會。
Dragonetti’s instrumental collection included a double bass known in GreatBritain as “The Giant”. This instrument, today housed in the Victoria and Albert Museum (London) as a 17 th century Italian double bass, has a flat back sloping in toward the base of the neck. Its dimensions are altogether imposing: 247 cm in overall length with a body length of 175 cm and a width of 106 cm . The Duke of Leinster, who inherited this instrument on the death of the Italian virtuoso, willingly lent it to the organizers of the Mammouth Concerts so frequently given during the 19th century. Adam Carse informs us that for one of these concerts, held on an unprecedented scale of grandeur, a monster bass drum, the largest ever constructed, was brought in; this drum reinforced the thunder of the “Monstre Contra Basso”, the latter being manipulated by two sturdy players. ^(6){ }^{6} According to Raymond Elgar, the late Gerard Hoffnung had in mind to use this Dragonetti 的樂器收藏包括一把在英國被稱為「巨人」的低音大提琴。這把樂器現藏於維多利亞與亞伯特博物館 (倫敦),是 17 世紀的義大利低音大提琴,琴背平坦,向琴頸底部傾斜。它的尺寸非常壯觀:全長 247 公分,琴身長 175 公分,寬 106 公分。Leinster 公爵在這位義大利演奏家逝世後繼承了這把樂器,並願意將它借給 19 世紀經常舉辦 Mammouth Concerts 的主辦者。Adam Carse 告訴我們,其中一場音樂會的規模空前宏大,還帶來了有史以來最大的低音鼓;這面鼓強化了「Monstre Contra Basso」的雷聲,後者由兩名健碩的演奏者操控。 ^(6){ }^{6} 據Raymond Elgar所說,已故的Gerard Hoffnung曾打算使用這台鼓。
instrument for one of his orchestral concerts of weird instruments, but the high cost of repairing it, to make it playable once again, rendered this impossible. ^(7){ }^{7} ^(7){ }^{7}
A double bass of slightly less considerable dimensions is currently to be seen in the instrumental collection of the Florence Conservatory (Italy). Built in the city in 1715 by Bartolomeo Cristofori (the inventor of the piano), it is 213 cm high overall with a body length of 126 cm . Unlike Dragonetti’s giant bass, this instrument is violin-shaped, with a carved back sloping in its upper section. Originally fitted with four strings, it was turned into a five-stringed instrument in 1904 by the italian violin-maker Valentino De-Zorzi (1873-1916). 目前在佛羅倫斯音樂學院 (義大利) 的樂器收藏中,有一把尺寸稍遜的低音大提琴。它由 Bartolomeo Cristofori(鋼琴的發明者)於 1715 年在佛羅倫斯製造,總高 213 公分,琴身長 126 公分。與 Dragonetti 的巨型低音大提琴不同,此樂器呈小提琴形狀,上半部的雕刻背板呈傾斜狀。它原本裝有四根弦,1904 年由義大利小提琴製造商 Valentino De-Zorzi (1873-1916) 改裝成五根弦的樂器。
Laurent Grillet writes that "Duke Wilhelm Mauritz of Sax-Merseburg, who lived during the first half of the last century, had such a passion for double basses that in his Merseburg castle a hall was entirely furnished with these instruments. A mammouth double bass sat enthroned in the center and, to play upon it, one had to climb quite a high ladder ^('').^(8){ }^{\prime \prime} .{ }^{8} Laurent Grillet 曾寫道:「生活在上世紀上半葉的 Sax-Merseburg 公爵 Wilhelm Mauritz 對低音大提琴情有獨鍾,在他的 Merseburg 城堡中,有一間大廳完全是用低音大提琴裝潢而成。中央擺放著一把大口低音大提琴,要在上面演奏,必須爬上很高的梯子 ^('').^(8){ }^{\prime \prime} .{ }^{8} 。
Such instruments were undoubtedly much in demand. In 1784, a certain Gariboldie tried to have one of them sent from Italy for the festivities in honor of the memory of Handel taking place in London that year. ^(9){ }^{9} This instrument was to back the organ of the Canterbury cathedral, especially brought to the capital for the occasion, as well as a double bassoon, double bass kettle-drums, and a double bass sackbut (neither the instrument nor a player of it could easily be found). The concert was to take place in Westminster cathedral and to bring together 360 musicians, including 15 double bass players. But, as Charles Burney makes no mention of the instrument in his report of the performance, one must conclude that it never reached its destination in time. ^(10){ }^{10} 這樣的樂器無疑是非常搶手的。1784 年,某位加里波爾迪 (Gariboldie) 嘗試從義大利運送一把這樣的樂器,用於該年在倫敦舉行的紀念亨德爾 (Handel) 的慶祝活動。 ^(9){ }^{9} 這件樂器是為了支援坎特伯雷大教堂的管風琴(特別為此場合帶到首都),以及低音大管、低音大鼓和低音小鼓(這件樂器和演奏者都不容易找到)。音樂會原定在威斯敏斯特大教堂 (Westminster cathedral) 舉行,共有 360 位音樂家參加,其中包括 15 位低音大提琴演奏家。但是,由於 Charles Burney 在他的演奏報告中沒有提到這把樂器,因此我們必須得出結論,這把樂器從未及時到達目的地。 ^(10){ }^{10}
In 1787, because he disliked being outdone by Gariboldie’s instrument, King George III ordered a bass of extra-large size from violin maker William Forster II. The order stipulated that Forster was to do everything to prevent anyone from exceeding it. ^(11){ }^{11} 1787 年,喬治三世因為不喜歡被 Gariboldie 的樂器比下去,於是向小提琴製造商 William Forster II 訂製了一把超大尺寸的低音大提琴。命令中規定 Forster 必須盡一切努力防止任何人超越它。 ^(11){ }^{11}
In Leicester in 1786, William Gardiner saw a double bass which was of such a height that a hole had to be cut in the ceiling and the help of an assistant was necessary to tune it from the room above. He had brought with him a double bass player, Mr Boyce, who, with one stroke of the huge bow, so shook the premises that fears were voiced about the safety of the building. “Let it come down”, cried the owner, who cared nothing for the risk of the house collapsing, so overjoyed was he to think that the instrument he had made was capable of yielding such a tone. He looked upon Boyce in amazement, for he treated the monster with such ease and sport that the carpenter thought that Gardiner had 1786 年,William Gardiner 在萊斯特看到一個低音大提琴,它的高度必須在天花板上鑿一個洞,而且必須有一個助手從上面的房間幫它調音。他還帶來了一位低音提琴演奏家 Boyce 先生,他一揮動巨大的琴弓,就搖晃了整個房子,以至於有人擔心建築物的安全。房子的主人喊道:「讓它下來吧」,他對房子倒塌的風險毫不在意,想到自己製作的樂器竟然能發出如此美妙的音色,他欣喜若狂。他驚訝地看著 Boyce,因為他如此輕鬆自在地對待這個怪物,以至於木匠以為 Gardiner 已經......
brought him the devil in disguise. ^(12){ }^{12} 為他帶來了魔鬼的偽裝。 ^(12){ }^{12}
On returning to London, Boyce also ordered a large bass to be made. Though not enormous, this instrument, completed in 1789, was larger than the 1787 bass. It was used in public performances in 1791 and was said to have out-bellowed all the other double basses. 回到倫敦後,Boyce 還訂製了一把大型低音大提琴。1789 年完成的這把樂器雖然不是很大,卻比 1787 年的低音大。它於 1791 年用於公開演奏,據說比其他低音大提琴都要響亮。
Adrien de la Fage mentions an instrument used during the great celebrations of the French Revolution; it was played with the hands, but its height was such that not even the tallest man could reach the neck without climbing onto a chair. When the King eventually succeeded in returning to power, the new authorities, being wary of demonstrations by the populace, hastened to stow away this cumbersome and embarassing symbol in the shops of the “Menu-Plaisirs” of the King (an outbuilding of the music conservatory), where it long remained before disappearing from view forever. ^(13){ }^{13} Adrien de la Fage 提到在法國大革命的盛大慶典中使用的一種樂器;這種樂器是用手來演奏的,但它的高度非常高,即使是最高的人不爬到椅子上也無法觸及它的頸部。當國王終於成功重掌大權時,新當權者為了提防人民的示威游行,趕緊將這件笨重又令人尷尬的象徵物藏在國王的 "Menu-Plaisirs "商店(音樂學院的一個外圍建築物)中,並在那裡放置了很久,直到它永遠從人們的視線中消失。 ^(13){ }^{13}
In 1830, a gigantic double bass was built in Vienna, the dimensions of which, according to the Marquis of Pontecoulant, were “wonderful”; this instrument had five mechanically bowed strings. ^(14){ }^{14} 1830 年,維也納製造了一個巨大的低音大提琴,據 Pontecoulant 侯爵所說,它的尺寸非常「奇妙」;這個樂器有五根機械弓弦。 ^(14){ }^{14}
In 1864, a certain Dubois ordered the construction of an Octobass fitted with a special wheel mechanism near the bridge and under the strings. ^(15){ }^{15} 1864 年,某位 Dubois 訂製了一把 Octobass,在琴橋附近和琴弦下方裝有特殊的輪子裝置。 ^(15){ }^{15}
In Cincinnati in 1889, the American maker John Geyer built a four string grand bass 450 cm high and tuned an octave lower than today’s standard instruments. As no mechanism facilitated its playing, two musicians were needed; one held the bow while the other, standing on a ladder or a special platform, stopped the strings on the fingerboard. It soon became evident that this bass was not a practical instrument and it quickly came to be considered as little more than a curiosity. 1889 年,美國製琴師 John Geyer 在辛辛那提製造了一把四弦低音大提琴,高 450 公分,調音比現今的標準樂器低八度。由於沒有任何方便演奏的裝置,因此需要兩位樂手:一個人握住琴弓,另一個人站在梯子或特殊的平台上,在指板上停住琴弦。不久之後,這種低音結他顯然不是一種實用的樂器,它很快就被視為一種奇物。
In 1905, the Chicago Opera Company ordered a giant double bass from the German maker Otto Roth of Markneukirchen. This instrument which weighed 70 kg measured, according to Isaia Billè, 420 cm of overall length for a body length of 175 cm , a bridge of 34 cm and a tailpiece of 70 cm . This instrument was illustrated in the “Scena Illustrata” for the year 1906. Inaccessible to unguided human playing, this mastodon was operated by an electric bow and its strings stopped by mechanical felt-tipped fingers similar to those used on piano hammers. It was somehow coupled with an ordinary double bass by means of a device enabling the instrumentalist to simultaneously play both instruments while actually manipulating only the smaller one. Billè states that this huge bass produced a truly terrifying effect in the dramatic passages. ^(16){ }^{16} 1905 年,芝加哥歌劇團向德國 Markneukirchen 的製造商 Otto Roth 訂購了一把巨型低音大提琴。根據 Isaia Billè 的說法,這把重達 70 公斤的樂器全長 420 公分,琴身長 175 公分,琴橋長 34 公分,尾板長 70 公分。此樂器的圖片刊登在 1906 年的「Scena Illustrata」上。人類無法在無人指導的情況下彈奏,這隻乳齒獸由電動琴弓操作,琴弦則由類似鋼琴琴槌的機械氈尖手指停止。它與普通的低音大提琴之間有一個裝置,可以讓演奏者同時演奏這兩種樂器,但實際上只操控較小的那一種。Billè 表示,這把巨大的低音提琴在戲劇性的段落中產生了真正可怕的效果。 ^(16){ }^{16}
This amazing contrivance was not the only one of its sort, as one of Bille’s 這個驚人的設計並不是唯一的同類型設計,Bille 的一個
colleagues, Romolo Cucchi, once came across a similar remote-controlled double bass which was displayed in 1902 in a Padua shop. This double bass was played by means of a mechanism linking it to an organ, the pedals of which it reinforced. ^(17){ }^{17} 1902 年,Romolo Cucchi 的同事在帕多瓦的一家商店裡發現了一款類似的遙控低音大提琴。這款低音大提琴的演奏方式是透過機械裝置與管風琴連結,管風琴的踏板則是由它強化的。 ^(17){ }^{17}
A very large double bass was displayed in the early 1920’s in Carl Fisher’s music publishing building in Cooper Square, New-York City. “The Strad” magazine n^(@)429n^{\circ} 429 published a photograph of this four-stringed instrument, the dimensions of which were as follows: 1920 年代早期,在紐約市庫伯廣場 Carl Fisher 的音樂出版大樓裡,曾展示過一把非常大的低音大提琴。"The Strad》雜誌 n^(@)429n^{\circ} 429 刊登了這張四弦樂器的照片,其尺寸如下:
Full height 全高
:112//3: 112 / 3 feet :112//3: 112 / 3 腳
Weight 重量
:: about 150 lb :: 約 150 磅
(c.68(\mathrm{c} .68
Body 身體
:82in: 82 \mathrm{in}. long :82in: 82 \mathrm{in} .long
Width at lower end 下端寬度
:54in: 54 \mathrm{in}.
Width at upper end 上端寬度
:41in: 41 \mathrm{in}.
Depth 深度
:14in: 14 \mathrm{in}.
Bridge 橋樑
:13in: 13 \mathrm{in}. high :13in: 13 \mathrm{in} . 高
Full height :112//3 feet (355 cm)
Weight : about 150 lb (c.68 kg)
Body :82in. long (208 cm)
Width at lower end :54in. (137 cm)
Width at upper end :41in. (104 cm)
Depth :14in. (35,5 cm)
Bridge :13in. high (33 cm)
Bridge :12in. broad (30,5 cm)
Fingerboard :661//2in. (169 cm)
Bow :42inlong. (106,5 cm)| Full height | $: 112 / 3$ feet | $(355$ | $\mathrm{cm})$ |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Weight | $:$ about 150 lb | $(\mathrm{c} .68$ | $\mathrm{kg})$ |
| Body | $: 82 \mathrm{in}$. long | $(208$ | $\mathrm{cm})$ |
| Width at lower end | $: 54 \mathrm{in}$. | $(137$ | $\mathrm{cm})$ |
| Width at upper end | $: 41 \mathrm{in}$. | $(104$ | $\mathrm{cm})$ |
| Depth | $: 14 \mathrm{in}$. | $(35,5$ | $\mathrm{cm})$ |
| Bridge | $: 13 \mathrm{in}$. high | $(33$ | $\mathrm{cm})$ |
| Bridge | $: 12 \mathrm{in}$. broad | $(30,5$ | $\mathrm{cm})$ |
| Fingerboard | $: 661 / 2 \mathrm{in}$. | $(169$ | $\mathrm{cm})$ |
| Bow | $: 42 \mathrm{in} long$. | $(106,5$ | $\mathrm{cm})$ |
It is worth noting that one of the largest basses ever reported in America was made in 1924 by Arthur K. Ferris of Ironia, New-Jersey. It weighted 590 kg and was 426 cm high with a body width of 243 cm . According to the Guiness book of records for 1981, Mr Ferris claimed to have built this instrument upon the order of the Archangel Gabriel. ^(18){ }^{18} 值得注意的是,美國有史以來最大的低音大提琴之一,是由來自新澤西州 Ironia 的 Arthur K. Ferris 於 1924 年製造。它重 590 公斤,高 426 公分,琴身寬 243 公分。根據 1981 年的吉尼斯記錄,Ferris 先生聲稱他是奉大天使 Gabriel 之命製造這台樂器的。 ^(18){ }^{18}
Many bass players have had the opportunity of seeing the Octobass given to the Paris Conservatory by its maker Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume and subsequently housed in the museum of that institution. Significantly, Vuillaume was rewarded at the Paris Exposition of 許多低音大提琴演奏家都有機會看到製造者 Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume 贈送給巴黎音樂學院的 Octobass,該琴後來被收藏在該學院的博物館中。值得注意的是,Vuillaume 在 2010 年的巴黎博覽會上獲得了獎項。 1843 for his research on the fabrication of violas and double basses according 1843 年,因其對中提琴和低音大提琴製作的研究,而被頒發獎項。
to scientific principles of acoustics. His first Octobass, which was built in 1849, was followed two years later by an improved version. 聲學的科學原理。他的第一支 Octobass 於 1849 年製成,兩年後又推出改良版。
The dimensions of this instrument are impósing: 這款樂器的尺寸非常驚人:
The stize of the Octobass required the use of a special mechanism. By means of hand and foot levers, seven leather-padded metal bars or digits could be brought to bear on the three strings to stop them, so that the player in each of the seven positions of the digits always had the control of three degrees, of which the second was the fifth and the third the octave of the other, the strings being tuned Cgcc^(**)\mathrm{Cgc} \mathrm{c}^{*}. This system of levers was fixed on the side of the instrument, and they were worked alternately with the aid of seven pedals. For convenience, the tuning screws were set into the tailpiece. Octobass 的音調需要使用特殊的機制。藉由手部和腳部的槓桿,七根鑲有皮革的金屬條或指板可以壓住三根弦,使其停止,因此演奏者在指板的七個位置上,總能控制三個音度,其中第二個音度為五度,第三個音度為另一個音度的八度,弦的調音為 Cgcc^(**)\mathrm{Cgc} \mathrm{c}^{*} 。這套槓桿系統固定在樂器的側面,借助七個踏板交替工作。為了方便起見,調音螺絲安裝在尾板上。
There was obviously no question of doubling the cello part down the octave with such a clumsy instrument; it could only be used to back the orchestra with low notes especially written for the occasion. Such bass parts, moreover, were clearly better-suited to solemn or even mournful works than to the purely brilliant pieces for which the instrument was sometimes employed. With its three strings, the Octobass had the following compass: 這樣笨拙的樂器顯然無法將大提琴聲部向下八度加倍;它只能用來為樂團伴奏,演奏特別為此場合編寫的低音。此外,這種低音聲部顯然更適合演奏莊嚴甚至哀傷的作品,而不適合演奏純粹絢麗的樂曲。八低音大提琴有三條弦,音域如下:
It therefore descended only four notes below the compass of a standard double bass, down to the five-stringed bass low C , giving 64 vibrations per second. We see that Vuillaume’s aim in designing this instrument was not so much to extend the range of the deeper register available in the orchestra as to gain a richer, fuller, bass voice that could be heard even in the largest gatherings. The newspapers of the time mention another feature of the Octobass - the appeal of its soft and mysterious harmonics, utterly unexpected from a monstrous double bass of such a huge size. 因此,它只比標準低音大提琴低四個音,直到五弦低音 C,每秒振動 64 次。我們可以看出,Vuillaume 設計此樂器的目的,並不在於擴大管弦樂團中較低音域的音域,而是要獲得更豐富、更飽滿的低音,即使在最大型的聚會中也能聽到。當時的報紙提到 Octobass 的另一項特色 - 柔和而神秘的和聲魅力,完全出乎如此巨大的低音大提琴的意料之外。
Hector Berlioz, who was enthusiastic about this leviathan of instruments, did Hector Berlioz 熱衷於這一樂器巨獸,他曾
not hesitate to include it in his ideal orchestra which he conceived on a scale altogether worthy of the Octobass: this orchestra would count no fewer than 467 instruments, including 120 violins, 40 violas, 45 cellos, 18 three-stringed basses tuned by fifths, 15 four-stringed basses tuned by fourths, four Octobasses, and so on. 他毫不猶豫地將其納入他理想中的管弦樂團中,他所構思的樂團規模完全配得上八度低音大提琴:這個管弦樂團將有不少於 467 件樂器,包括 120 把小提琴、40 把中提琴、45 把大提琴、18 把以五度調音的三弦低音大提琴、15 把以四度調音的四弦低音大提琴、4 把八度低音大提琴等等。
“This instrument”, he wrote,“produces sounds of a remarkable strength and beauty, full and rich, with no harshness. It would have an admirable effect in a grand orchestra; and every festival orchestra with more than 150 musicians should have at least three of them.” 19 他寫道:「這件樂器」,"所發出的聲音具有非凡的力度和美感,飽滿而豐富,沒有刺耳的聲音。它在大型管弦樂團中會有令人讚嘆的效果;每個擁有超過 150 名樂手的節慶管弦樂團都應該至少擁有三架"。19
But in spite of such eminent support and of awards.received at the Exposition Universelle in 1855, and in spite of a ruinously expensive tour in England in 1850-1851 (ten thousand gold francs at the time) where it was taken for Louis Jullien’s concert tour, the Octobass was rapidly to fall into oblivion. In 1867, Jules Gallay, seeking an explanation for its disappearance, acknowledged that Vuillaume’s experiment had been more original than successful. ^(20){ }^{20} The two known specimens of the Octobass have since then been laid to rest in instrumental collections, one in the Paris Conservatory of Music and the other, a former possession of the last Czar of Russia, in the instrumental collection of the “Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde”, in Vienna. 然而,儘管得到了如此傑出的支持,並在 1855 年的世界博覽會上獲得了獎項,儘管 1850-1851 年在英國進行了一次昂貴的巡迴演出(當時的費用高達 10,000 金法郎),並將其用於 Louis Jullien 的巡迴演奏會,Octobass 卻迅速被人遺忘。1867 年,朱爾斯-加萊 (Jules Gallay) 在尋找其消失的原因時,承認 Vuillaume 的實驗原創多於成功。 ^(20){ }^{20} 兩支已知的八度低音大提琴樣本自此被收藏於樂器收藏館,其中一支收藏於巴黎音樂學院,另一支則是俄羅斯末代沙皇的舊物,收藏於維也納的「Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde」樂器收藏館。
The creators of the violin family soon realized that an instrument such as the double bass could not be constructed solely according to theoretical principles, but that it must result from a compromise taking into account the morphology of the musician who had to play it. While some persisted in developing a variety of contrivances meant to “assist the movement of the left hand or that of the hand holding the bow”,21 others more realistically limited their ambitions to the building of double basses to be employed by artists having “arms long enough to play on them”. ^(22){ }^{22} But even these smaller instruments, as we have seen in the Introduction, required special shaping to render them less awkward for playing. 小提琴家族的創造者很快就意識到,像低音大提琴這樣的樂器不可能僅僅根據理論原則來構造,而是必須考慮到演奏者的形態而折衷的結果。 ^(22){ }^{22} 但即使是這些較小的樂器,正如我們在引言中所看到的,也需要特別的塑形,才能使它們在演奏時不那麼笨拙。
If the bass instruments of the violin family were to be truly ‘playable’ by a single unaided musician, then it was necessary to shorten their strings.* This necessity was further enforced when it was observed that the thinner strings on the very large basses could seldom withstand the excessive distances between nut 如果小提琴家族中的低音樂器要讓單獨的音樂家能夠真正「演奏」,就必須縮短它們的琴弦*。
Such, of course, is not the case for mechanical instruments such as the piano; long strings present no difficulty for a pianist, as it is the hammers of the instrument which cause the strings to vibrate and the divisions of the keyboard need not be modificated to facilitate the playing 當然,鋼琴等機械樂器的情況並非如此;對鋼琴家而言,長琴弦不會造成任何困難,因為是樂器的琴鎚導致琴弦震動,而且鍵盤的分割不需要為了方便彈奏而修改。
and bridge (Praetorius). 和橋(Praetorius)。
On the other hand, detractors of oversized double basses have always been present to point out that the tone of such instruments was muffled and poorly focused. This is why Quantz, among others, felt that the ideal double bass should be of moderate size. ^(23){ }^{23} 另一方面,對於過大的低音大提琴,一直都有貶低者指出這類樂器的音色渾濁且重心不夠集中。因此,Quantz 等人認為理想的低音大提琴應該大小適中。 ^(23){ }^{23}
The tradition of giant double basses, so solidly anchored in the musical customs of the past, is no longer perpetuated. No modern violin-maker would dream of assuming the enormous task of building one, and none of the instruments described above is presently in use. Most of them have been destroyed; only their accessories are sometimes to be found as trophies in public places such as the Bass Viol Shop in Cincinnati, where the neck of Geyer’s Grand . Bass hangs on display as a conversation piece. Others, such as Vuillaume’s Octobass, are exhibited in instrumental collections as sad reminders of our grand pretensions. 巨型低音大提琴的傳統在過去的音樂風俗中根深蒂固,但現在已不再延續。沒有一個現代的小提琴製造商會願意承擔製造巨型低音大提琴的艱鉅任務,而上述的樂器目前也沒有一件在使用中。大部分的小提琴都已被摧毀,只有它們的配件有時候會被當作戰利品放在公共場所,例如辛辛那提的 Bass Viol Shop,Geyer 的 Grand .低音大提琴的琴頸懸掛展示,成為談資。其他的,例如 Vuillaume 的 Octobass,則在器樂收藏中展出,悲哀地提醒人們我們的自命不凡。
Miniature copies of these instruments are sometimes exhibited beside them, relics of former musical custom: small double basses, once called chamber basses, bassettes, bierbasses, half violones, German basses and, more recently, high solo or piccolo basses.* 這些樂器的微型複製品有時會在旁邊展出,是以前音樂習俗的遺物:小型低音大提琴,曾被稱為室內低音大提琴、低音大提琴、比耶低音大提琴、半中提琴、德國低音大提琴,以及最近的高獨奏低音大提琴或短笛低音大提琴。
Chamber (double) basses 室內(低音大提琴
A chamber bass is a small double bass which should not be mistaken for the baroque bass violin, an instrument somewhat larger than the present-day cello, which it preceded in time and the average stop of which was 71-78cm71-78 \mathrm{~cm}. 室內低音大提琴是一種小型的低音大提琴,不應誤以為是巴洛克時期的低音小提琴,這種樂器比現在的大提琴大一些,在時間上早於大提琴,其平均音檔為 71-78cm71-78 \mathrm{~cm} 。
The distinction between large cellos and small double basses proper was unstable and consequently sometimes difficult to make. One must consider the luthier’s intentions, as evidenced by the shape and the fittings of the instrument: sloping shoulders, three strings only (on 19th century instruments) and the presence of a tuning mechanisms being sure clues to the identification of a small double bass. 大型大提琴與小型低音大提琴之間的區別並不穩定,因此有時很難區別。我們必須從樂器的形狀與裝置來考量製琴師的意圖:斜肩、僅三根弦(19 世紀的樂器)以及調音裝置的存在,都是鑑定小型低音大提琴的可靠線索。
Charles Labro explains the curious term Bierbass which was sometimes applied to the smallest of the double basses: this easily transportable instrument was particularly used by the musicians who played in the beer- and dance-halls of the time. ^(24){ }^{24} Such a little bass was ideal for open-air performances, as it solved mobility problems, particularly when handles where built into it or when it was pierced with holes meant to receive carrying straps. Charles Labro 解釋了 Bierbass 這個奇特的名詞,它有時被用於最小的低音大提琴:這種易於攜帶的樂器特別為當時在啤酒館和舞廳演奏的音樂家所使用。 ^(24){ }^{24} 這種小型低音大提琴是露天演奏的理想選擇,因為它解決了行動上的問題,特別是當琴身上有把手,或琴身上有穿孔,可以綁上提帶時。
Jazz bassist Ron Carter coined that term. 爵士樂貝斯手 Ron Carter 創造了這個名詞。
The range of the true chamber bass normally descended a fourth below that of the cello and it was tuned in fifths, as was appropriate for a member of the violin family: 真正的室內低音大提琴的音域通常比大提琴低一個四度,並且以五度調音,這對小提琴家族的成員來說是合適的:
The first recorded evidence of this tuning dates back to Anathase Kircher’s “Musurgia Universalis” (1650) where it was used in connection with an instrument called the ‘violone’. The museum of the Nice Conservatory (France) houses such a Basso di Camera made by Carlo Guiseppe Testore in Milan in 1696. This instrument is only 146 cm high and has a body length of 85 cm . Still in its original condition, it is fitted with four friction-held pegs. French violin makers also built small double basses. The Museum of The Hague (The Netherlands) houses a small three-stringed bass of the same type built in Mirecourt at the end of the 18th century: 144 cm high, its body is 86 cm long and the vibrating length of its strings is 86,5cm86,5 \mathrm{~cm}. It is equipped with a tuning mechanism. 有關這種調音方式的最早記錄可追溯至 Anathase Kircher 的《Musurgia Universalis》(1650 年),其中將其與一種稱為「violone」的樂器相關。尼斯音樂學院 (Nice Conservatory) 的博物館 (法國) 收藏了 Carlo Guiseppe Testore 於 1696 年在米蘭製作的 Basso di Camera。這把琴高僅 146 公分,琴身長 85 公分。它仍然保持原來的狀態,裝有四個摩擦固定栓。法國小提琴製造商也製造小型低音大提琴。海牙博物館(荷蘭)收藏了一把 18 世紀末在 Mirecourt 製造的同類型小型三弦低音提琴:高 144 公分,琴身長 86 公分,琴弦的振動長度為 86,5cm86,5 \mathrm{~cm} 。它配備了調音裝置。
Venetian musicians of the late 18th century of ten played in the city streets for hand-outs. Domenico Dragonetti, in particular, acquired fame in his native town when he accompanied the reputed singer Brigida Bandi-Giorgi (1759-1806) on a Basso di Camera. Several pictorial documents showing such open-air musicians 18 世紀末期的威尼斯音樂家在城市街道上演奏,以換取施舍。尤其是 Domenico Dragonetti,當他用 Basso di Camera 為著名歌手 Brigida Bandi-Giorgi (1759-1806) 伴奏時,他在自己的故鄉名聲大噪。有幾張圖片文件展示了這類露天音樂家
Above: 以上:
J. Berka: J. Berka:
an invitation to the ball, 舞會邀請函
Prague, 布拉格
end of 18 th century 18世紀末
Left: 左邊
The Leipzig Thomasschule in 1729. 1729 年,萊比錫托馬斯學校。
have come down to us and are illustrated in this book. 傳到我們這裡,並在這本書中加以說明。
In 1844, the Englishman Thomas Hancock announced the introduction in England of a small double bass meant for chamber music: its body was 91,5cm91,5 \mathrm{~cm} long and its stop was 79 cm . As with the other double basses of the time, it was fitted with only three strings tuned in fifths, GdaG d a. 1844 年,英國人 Thomas Hancock 宣佈在英國推出一款專門用於室內樂的小型低音大提琴:它的琴身長 91,5cm91,5 \mathrm{~cm} ,止音區長 79 公分。與當時的其他低音大提琴一樣,它只裝有三根五度調音的弦 GdaG d a 。
Because there is such a great spread between the registers of the cello and of the double bass, the disappearance of these small basses left a gap in the violin family. A number of works especially written for the chamber bass cannot be played on the larger basses used today. In an article published in the review of the Albrechtsberger International Society, E. Paul stated that this composer’s chamber music contains numerous double bass parts which are destroyed textually when performed on today’s double basses. In order to eliminate “the discrepancy in voicing which results from the fact that the smaller double bass no longer exists”, he recommended that “the part be played preferably by a second cello”. ^(25){ }^{25} 由於大提琴與低音提琴的音域差異極大,這些小型低音提琴的消失在小提琴家族中留下了一個缺口。許多特別為室內低音大提琴所寫的作品,都無法在現今使用的大型低音大提琴上演奏。E. Paul 在一篇發表於 Albrechtsberger International Society 評論的文章中指出,這位作曲家的室內樂作品包含許多低音提琴聲部,當使用現今的低音提琴演奏時,這些聲部在文字上就會被破壞。為了消除 「因小型低音大提琴不復存在而造成的音色差異」,他建議 「這部分最好由第二把大提琴來演奏」。 ^(25){ }^{25} 。
Since the disappearance of the chamber bass, efforts to bring it to life again have been made. In an article published in “The Strad” magazine (Febr. 1988), Eric Bloomfield described a Basso di Camera which is once again used in chamber music “where its modest yet correctly sounding tone provides excellent balance”. In his conclusion, he wondered if, “perhaps the time is now right for modern copies of this elegant yet robust specimen of the luthier’s art to grace our domestic music-making”. 自從室內低音大提琴消失之後,人們一直在努力讓它再次活躍起來。在《The Strad》雜誌(1988 年 2 月)上發表的一篇文章中,Eric Bloomfield 描述了一種再次用於室內樂的室內低音提琴,「其溫和而正確的音色提供了極佳的平衡」。在結論中,他想知道「也許現在是時候讓這個優雅而堅固的製琴師藝術標本的現代複製品為我們的家庭音樂創作增添光彩了」。
At the beginning of our century Leo and Leon Sir built a double quintet of string instruments based on the principles that should in theory lead to the conception of a complete and homogeneous family of musical instruments. With no prior historical investigations, their approach led them to re-invent the chamber bass which they called a ‘sous-basse’ or ‘first contrabass’.* 在本世紀初,Leo 和 Leon Sir 基於理論上可以構想出一個完整且同質的樂器家族的原則,製作了雙弦樂器五重奏。在沒有事先進行歷史調查的情況下,他們重新發明了室內低音大提琴,並將其稱為 "sous-basse 「或 」第一低音大提琴"。
“If, taking into consideration the role that every instrument is intended to play in the ensemble and in view of which it was especially built, it is advisable to establish a very clear distinction between cellos and double basses, it is certainly among the latter that the ‘sous-basse’ must be classified. It certainly sounds in a double bass tone of voice, but it is not the deep and cavernous voice of the true double bass. It is an intermediate voice, clear and pure, slightly coppery in the low tones, full and round in the medium register… Its volume of sound, which greatly exceeds that of the cello, definitely lacks the enormous power of the double bass” ^('26){ }^{\prime 26} 如果考慮到每種樂器在合奏時所扮演的角色,以及其特別的構造,我們應該在大提琴與低音提琴之間建立一個非常明確的區別,那麼 "sous-basse "肯定是屬於低音提琴的一種。它的音色當然是低音大提琴的音色,但卻不是真正低音大提琴深沉而空洞的聲音。它是一種中間音色,清澈而純淨,低音略帶銅色,中音域則飽滿而圓潤......它的音量遠遠超過大提琴,但絕對缺乏低音大提琴的巨大力量' ^('26){ }^{\prime 26} 。
Body length: 90 cm ; string length: 85 cm . 本體長度:90 cm;琴弦長度:85 cm .
Similar instruments known as High solo basses, whose string length ranges from 80 to 102 cm (most common measurements 99-100cm99-100 \mathrm{~cm} ) are being built today. The pitch of these instruments tuned in fourths may be raised from a tone to a fourth higher than usual. They have a cello type sound, but more brilliant and penetrating. Such instruments are increasingly in demand because of their convenience for studio work and for recital performances. This has compelled the organizers of international competitions to take steps against excessively small instruments: a regulation in Geneva is that the strings must be 102 cm minimum. 類似的樂器被稱為高獨奏低音大提琴,其琴弦長度從 80 到 102 公分不等(最常見的測量 99-100cm99-100 \mathrm{~cm} )。這些以四度調音的樂器的音高可能會比平常高出一個音到一個四度。它們具有大提琴的音色,但更明亮、更有穿透力。由於方便錄音室工作和獨奏會演出,這類樂器的需求日益增加。這迫使國際比賽的主辦單位採取措施,避免過小的樂器:日內瓦的一項規定是,琴弦必須至少長 102 公分。
Some teachers, convinced of the necessity of the same early training on the double bass as with other string instruments, have encouraged luthiers to build instruments especially devised for children. 有些教師深信低音大提琴的早期訓練必須與其他弦樂一樣,因此鼓勵製琴師為兒童製作特別設計的樂器。
As early as the 1950 's, Pierre Delescluse taught the double bass to young children on cellos fitted as double basses which he called ‘cellobasses’. 早在 1950 年代,Pierre Delescluse 就用裝在低音大提琴上的大提琴(他稱之為「大提琴低音大提琴」)來教小孩子低音提琴。
This did not prove entirely satisfactory, as a bass in cello form is very awkward to handle (see Introduction). 事實證明這並不完全令人滿意,因為大提琴形態的低音提琴非常難於操作(見引言)。
Since then, great progress has been made with the building of miniature 1//41 / 4 size basses which may have a vibrating length of strings of barely 69 cm ! The West-German manufacturer Pirastro now commercializes 1//41 / 4 size strings in the correct length and gauge 從那時起,微型 1//41 / 4 低音大提琴的製造取得了長足的進步,其振弦長度僅為 69 cm!西德製造商 Pirastro 現已將 1//41 / 4 尺寸的琴弦以正確的長度和規格商品化。
In Mirecourt (France), the “Atelier du Val d’Arol” makes top quality scaled down instruments designed for teaching purposes in three sizes: 在 Mirecourt(法國),「Atelier du Val d'Arol」製造了三種尺寸的頂級縮比樂器,專門用於教學用途: {:[" Petit Elfe ",:77","5cm],[" Petit Page ",:88","8cm],[" Petit Prince ",:90","0cm]:}\begin{array}{ll}\text { Petit Elfe } & : 77,5 \mathrm{~cm} \\ \text { Petit Page } & : 88,8 \mathrm{~cm} \\ \text { Petit Prince } & : 90,0 \mathrm{~cm}\end{array}
Bows in all sizes from the 1//101 / 10 on up are also being made in England by Roy Collins. Roy Collins 也在英國製造 1//101 / 10 以上各種尺寸的琴弓。
Today’s double basses for adults are the result of a compromise leading to the construction of three different-sized instruments, depending whether a deep tone or virtuoso playing is to be favored. As a rule, the more voluminous the tone of the double bass and the deeper its range, the better it is for the orchestra, but at the same time the more difficult the instrument is to handle. Luthier Frederick C. Lyman Jr. considers that “a common mistake is to build an extra-large bass without considering that someone will have to play it and to move it about”. ^(27){ }^{27} The unwieldy full size, or 4//44 / 4 bass, may range from 108 up to 112 cm of open 現今的成人低音大提琴是折衷的結果,根據是否偏好深沉的音色或精湛的演奏,製造出三種不同尺寸的樂器。一般而言,低音大提琴的音色越豐厚、音域越深,就越適合管弦樂團演奏,但同時也越難操作。Luthier Frederick C.Luthier Frederick C. Lyman Jr.認為「一個常見的錯誤就是製造一個特大的低音大提琴,卻沒有考慮到有人必須演奏它並移動它。 ^(27){ }^{27} 笨重的全尺寸,或 4//44 / 4 低音大提琴,可能從108到112公分的開口。
string.* The size known as 3//43 / 4 is commonly preferred, even for general orchestral 一般而言, 3//43 / 4 的大小較為可取,即使是一般的管弦樂曲也是如此。
High quality basses for children made by Atelier du Val d’Arol, Mirecourt Atelier du Val d'Arol, Mirecourt 製造的高品質兒童低音大提琴
(France) (法國)
use; its vibrating length of string is comprised between 104 and 108 cm . 使用;其振動弦長度介於 104 和 108 cm 之間。
Musicians have long taken advantage of the variety in double basses and used different instruments according to the pieces to be performed and the number of instrumentalists playing in the ensemble. Viennese virtuoso Johann Sperger, for instance, used two basses, one for solo performance and the other for orchestral playing. For chamber music, the smaller basses were always preferred to the larger ones. In 1752, Quantz recommended the use of a medium-sized bass in small ensembles with the addition of a second, slightly larger one, when the number of performers increased. ^(28){ }^{28} 長久以來,音樂家們利用低音大提琴的多樣性,根據演奏的曲目以及合奏樂團中演奏樂器的數量,使用不同的樂器。例如,維也納演奏家 Johann Sperger 使用兩把低音大提琴,一把用於獨奏,另一把用於管弦樂演奏。對於室內樂,較小的低音大提琴總是比較受青睞。1752 年,Quantz 建議在小型樂團中使用中型低音大提琴,當演奏人數增加時,再增加第二把稍大的低音大提琴。 ^(28){ }^{28}
In 1909, German bass historian Friedrich Warnecke advised composers to write for a tripartite double bass section that was supposed to satisfactorily cover the entire range required of the double bass, from sub-contra pitches to the cello register: 1909 年,德國低音提琴史學家 Friedrich Warnecke 建議作曲家為三方低音提琴聲部寫作,這應該能滿意地涵蓋整個低音提琴所需的音域,從次中音音域到大提琴音域:
Italian virtuoso Francesco Petracchi plays on a 1847 Gaëtano Rossi double bass, the stop of which is 111 cm ! 義大利演奏家 Francesco Petracchi 使用 1847 年的 Gaëtano Rossi 低音大提琴演奏,其止音位為 111 公分!
F. Warnecke’s tripartite F. Warnecke 的三方
double bass section. 低音大提琴聲部
The dimensions of the instruments naturally had to be adapted to these three different registers. The bass in current tuning did not have to be altered, but the low-pitched bass had to be made proportionately larger. 樂器的尺寸自然也必須適應這三個不同的音域。目前調音的低音無需改變,但低音必須按比例加大。
In contrast, the bariton bass, which was fitted with shorter and thinner strings, had to be made in smaller dimensions, and in the process became more convenient for solo performance. 相比之下,巴里頓低音大提琴配備了更短更細的琴弦,因此必須製作更小的尺寸,而在此過程中也更方便獨奏。
It is only since the end of the 19th century that technological progress in the fabrication of strings has made it possible to reach the very low register using relatively short strings. Before then, any effort to extend the compass of the double bass inevitably led to the construction of gigantic instruments with very long and thin strings; such instruments were unfortunately too unpractical to win the favor of musicians. 直到 19 世紀末,製造弦線的技術進步才使得使用相對較短的弦線來達到極低的音域成為可能。在此之前,任何擴大低音大提琴音域的努力,都不可避免地會導致製造出帶有細長琴弦的巨大樂器;不幸的是,這種樂器太不實用,無法贏得音樂家的青睞。
The designers of such instruments also faced the mechanical problem of making it possible for the musician to bow and finger simultaneously: a notable difference between theoretical and practical size proved necessary. Over the centuries, the process of selection has eliminated those instruments the most poorly adapted to human morphology and musical requirements, in favor of intermediate-size instruments of optimal proportions, manageability and adaptability for modern technical requirements. The current state of affairs, however, is not lacking in complexity. Today’s practice of employing three different double bass models leads to a frequent enough dilemma: one can find instruments with string length varying by as much as 10-15cm10-15 \mathrm{~cm}, which obviously causes intonation problems to the musicians who use them. 這些樂器的設計者也面臨一個機械上的問題,就是要讓音樂家可以同時用弓子和手指演奏:理論尺寸和實際尺寸之間的顯著差異被證明是必要的。幾個世紀以來,經過選擇的過程,那些最不適應人體形態與音樂需求的樂器被淘汰,取而代之的是具有最佳比例、易於管理與適應現代技術需求的中等尺寸樂器。然而,目前的狀況並不缺乏複雜性。現今使用三種不同型號低音大提琴的做法,導致了一個經常出現的困境:一種樂器的琴弦長度差異可高達 10-15cm10-15 \mathrm{~cm} ,這明顯會對使用這些樂器的音樂家造成音調問題。
This situation is nevertheless destined to persist as long as we have not conceived an instrument that is both easy to handle and capable of satisfactorily covering the range between the 32 -foot and the 8 -foot registers. 然而,只要我們還沒構想出一種既容易操作又能滿意地涵蓋 32 呎與 8 呎音域範圍的樂器,這種情況就注定會持續下去。
But is such an instrument truly possible ? 但這樣的儀器真的可能嗎?
Chapter notes 章節說明
1 . Corrette, Michel: Méthode théorique et pratlque pour apprendre en peu de temps le violoncelle en sa perfection, Paris, 1741. 1 .Corrette, Michel: Méthode théorique et pratlque pour apprendre en peu de temps le violoncelle en sa perfection, Paris, 1741.
2 . Hyard, Eugène: Instrumentation et orchestration, Paris, 1922. 2 .Hyard, Eugène: Instrumentation et orchestration, Paris, 1922.
3. Hutchins, Carleen Maley (edited by): Musical acoustics, Stroudsburg (Penn.), 1976. Hutchins, Carleen Maley (編輯):音樂聲學,Stroudsburg (賓州),1976 年。
4 . Marcuse, Syby1: A survey of musical instruments, London, 1975. 4 .Marcuse, Syby1:樂器調查,倫敦,1975 年。
5 . Neukomm, Edmond: “Un concert monstre”, La chronique musicale, n^(@)37,Jul.11875n^{\circ} 37, \mathrm{Jul} .11875, tome VII. 5 .Neukomm, Edmond: 'Un concert monstre', La chronique musicale, n^(@)37,Jul.11875n^{\circ} 37, \mathrm{Jul} .11875 , tome VII.
6 . Carse, Adam: The life of Jullien, London, 1946. 6 .Carse, Adam:《朱利安的一生》,倫敦,1946 年。
7 . Elgar, Raymond: Introduction to the double bass, St-Leonard-on-sea, 1971. 7 .Elgar,Raymond:低音提琴入門,St-Leonard-on-sea,1971 年。
8. Grillet, Laurent: Les ancêtres du violon et du violoncelle, Paris, 1901. 8.Grillet、Laurent:《Les ancêtres du violon et du violoncelle》,巴黎,1901 年。
9. Elgar: op. cit. 9. Elgar: 同前。
10. Burney, Charles: An account of the musical performances in Westminster Abbey and the Pantheon, London, 1784. 10.Burney,Charles:An account of the musical performances in the Westminster Abbey and the Pantheon,倫敦,1784 年。
11. Sandy W. and Forster, S.A.: The history of the violin and other instruments played with the bow, London, 1864.
12. Gardiner, William: Music and friends, London. 12.Gardiner,William:《音樂與朋友》,倫敦。
13. Fage, Adrien de la: Quinze visites à l’exposition universelle de 1855, Paris, 1856. 13. Fage, Adrien de la:Quinze visites à l'exposition universelle de 1855, Paris, 1856.
14. Pontecoulant, Louis Adolphe de: La musique à l’exposition universelle de 1855. Paris, 1856. 14. Pontecoulant, Louis Adolphe de:La musique à l'exposition universelle de 1855.巴黎,1856 年。
15. Pontecoulant, Louis Adolphe de: ibid.
16. Billè, Isaia: Gli strumenti ad arco e i Loro cultori, Rome, 1928. 16. Billè,Isaia:Gli strumenti ad arco e i Loro cultori,羅馬,1928 年。
17. Billè, Isaia: ibid. 17. Billé, Isaiah: ibid.
18. Guiness book of records, 1981. 18.吉尼斯記錄大全,1981 年。
19. Berlioz, Hector: Grand traité d’instrumentation et d’orchestration modernes, Paris, 1844. Berlioz, Hector: Grand traité d'instrumentation et d'orchestration modernes, Paris, 1844.
20. Gallay, Jules: Les instruments à archet à l’exposition universelle de 1867. Paris, 1867. 20. Gallay, Jules: Les instruments à archet à l'exposition universelle de 1867.巴黎,1867 年。
21. Mersenne, Marin: Harmonie Universelle, Paris, 1836. Mersenne、Marin:Harmonie Universelle,巴黎,1836 年。
22. Mersenne, Marin: ibid. Mersenne、Marin:同上。
23. Quantz, Johann Joachim: Essai d’une méthode pour apprendre à jouer de la flûte traversière, Berlin, 1752. 23.Quantz, Johann Joachim: Essai d'une méthode pour apprendre à jouer de la flûte traversière, Berlin, 1752.
24. Labro, Charles: Méthode de contrebasse, Paris, 1860. 24.Labro, Charles: Méthode de contrebasse, Paris, 1860.
25. cited in Alfred Planyavsky: Geschichte des Kontrabass, Tutzing, 1970. 25. 引自 Alfred Planyavsky:Geschichte des Kontrabass,Tutzing,1970。
26. Hyard: op. cit. 26.Hyard: op.
27. Lyman Jr., Frederick C.: “What about building your own bass,”, I.S.B. Magazine, vol 5, n^(@)3,1979n^{\circ} 3,1979. 27.Lyman Jr., Frederick C.: 'What about building your own bass,', I.S.B. Magazine, vol 5, n^(@)3,1979n^{\circ} 3,1979 .
28. Quantz: op. cit. 28.Quantz: op.
Orazio “il Gentileschi” Lomi: Saint Cecilia playing the lute Orazio 'il Gentileschi' Lomi:聖塞西莉亞彈奏琵琶
IV. The tuning of the double bass IV.低音大提琴的調音
Today’s musicians cannot readily imagine the diversity that has existed in the tuning of the double bass over the last centuries. This variety has resulted in great dilemmas for composers and performers, as the simplest instrumental part written for one type of double bass may be unplayable on a differently tuned instrument. 今天的音樂家無法想像過去幾個世紀低音大提琴調音的多樣性。這種多樣性為作曲家和演奏家帶來了極大的難題,因為為某種低音大提琴編寫的最簡單的樂器部分,在不同調音的樂器上可能無法演奏。
A musician’s choice of tuning reflected an aesthetics stance corresponding to different goals. In the 19th century, for instance, the Germans favored the E A d g tuning for its depth of tone, whereas the Italians preferred the brighter A dg tuning and the French adopted the fifth tuning GdG d a for its powerful sound.* 音樂家對調音的選擇,反映出與不同目標相對應的美學立場。例如在 19 世紀,德國人喜歡 E A d g 調,因為它的音色有深度,而義大利人則喜歡明亮的 A dg 調,法國人採用五度調 GdG d a 則是因為它的音色強而有力*。
This diversity has sometimes be put to good advantage: in the 18th century, three-, four- and five-stringed basses co-existed in perfect harmony, each with its particular tuning and each playing a complementary role in the orchestra. Austrian five-stringed solo basses, for example, were poorly adapted to accompaniment; for this purpose, three-stringed basses tuned in fifths were preferred because of their greater weight of tone. 這種多樣性有時會發揮其優勢:在十八世紀,三弦、四弦和五弦低音大提琴完美和諧共存,每種大提琴都有其特定的調音,並在管弦樂團中發揮互補作用。舉例來說,奧地利的五弦獨奏低音大提琴不適合伴奏;為此,以五度調音的三弦低音大提琴因其音色較為厚重而受到青睞。
A study of double bass tuning would be difficult to understand without a preliminary analysis of the number of strings fitted on this instrument at different periods in its history. This chapter will therefore begin by showing how the versatile four-stringed bass gradually came to eliminate the other types, owing to its greater adaptability to changes in musical aesthetics: although attempts are periodically made to revive three- and solo five-stringed basses, they are in all likelihood doomed to failure. Following this analysis, we shall look at the evolution of the tuning procedure in the various European countries from the 18th century up to the present. Finally, a brief description shall be given of the different scordaturas used with the double bass. 如果不初步分析低音大提琴在不同歷史時期的弦數,就很難理解低音大提琴的調音。因此,本章將首先說明通用的四弦低音大提琴如何因其更能適應音樂美學的變化而逐漸淘汰其他類型的低音大提琴:雖然有人定期嘗試恢復三弦和獨奏五弦低音大提琴,但這些嘗試很可能注定失敗。在此分析之後,我們將探討十八世紀至今歐洲各國調音程序的演變。最後,我們將簡單介紹低音大提琴所使用的不同音階。
In this book, the adopted designation of the notes is as follows, it being understood that they sound an octave lower than written, as is customary with the double bass, which is the only transposing string instrument. 在這本書中,所採用的音符名稱如下,但不言而喻的是,這些音符的音色比書寫的低八度,這是低音提琴的慣例,也是唯一可轉換音色的弦樂器。
Over time, musicians came to fit the instruments of the violin family with four strings, which, as scientists will confirm today, is the most adequate number. Their trial and error method naturally led them to experiment with three- and five-stringed instruments - the more so as, in the latter’s case, the addition of a high string could make for poor technical standards which limited the players to the first, lower positions. 隨著時間的推移,音樂家們開始為小提琴家族的樂器裝上四根弦,科學家們今天已經證實,這是最合適的弦數。他們屢試屢誤的方法自然而然地引導他們嘗試使用三弦和五弦的樂器 - 尤其是在後者的情況下,增加一根高弦可能會使演奏者的技術水準變得很差,這就限制了演奏者只能在第一排較低的位置上演奏。
In 1636, Father Mersenne attempted to determine whether a fifth string should be added to members of the violin family: 1636 年,Mersenne 神甫嘗試決定是否要在小提琴家族成員中加入第五弦:
“Violins might be fitted with five strings, which would perhaps lead (players) to abandon the ordinary four-stringed instruments… It would not be altogether unreasonable to add a fifth string so as to provide sufficient range for all styles of playing. However, as each instrument is appreciated proportionally to its ability to yield a maximum of variety with a minimum of strings, and as we rarely play on other than the first and second strings of the treble violin, the fifth string is therefore unnecessary, and one can even play adequately with three strings”.’ "小提琴可以裝上五根弦,這或許會導致(演奏者)放棄普通的四弦小提琴......增加第五根弦以便為所有演奏風格提供足夠的音域並非完全不合理。然而,由於每種樂器都能以最少的琴弦演奏出最多的變化,而我們很少使用高音小提琴的第一和第二根琴弦以外的其他琴弦演奏,因此第五根琴弦是不必要的,人們甚至可以使用三根琴弦演奏出充分的樂曲"。
Three-stringed violins were quite familiar to 16 th century musicians; according to George Hart, ^(2){ }^{2} Andrea Amati made instruments of this type, which Cerone mentions as late as 1613.^(3)1613 .{ }^{3} 三弦小提琴對於 16 世紀的音樂家來說相當熟悉;根據 George Hart 的說法, ^(2){ }^{2} Andrea Amati 製作了這種型式的樂器,Cerone 最晚在 1613.^(3)1613 .{ }^{3} 中也有提到。
Three-stringed large bass violins were made in the early 17th century, and the visual arts often provide us with illustrations of these, such as Dirk van Hals’ “Festmahl in einem Saal”. Van der Straeten also mentions a 17th century threestringed cello in the William Heyer Museum in Cologne. ^(4){ }^{4} 三弦大低音小提琴在 17 世紀早期就已經製造出來了,視覺藝術經常為我們提供有關的插圖,例如 Dirk van Hals 的「Festmahl in einem Saal」。Van der Straeten 也提到科隆 William Heyer 博物館收藏的一把 17 世紀的三弦大提琴。 ^(4){ }^{4}
Five-stringed violins were also used for a time. In 1581, Balthazarini and his violinists played the Ballet comique de la Reine with five-stringed violins. A painting in the Louvre Museum attributed to Lionnelle Spada (1576-1620) shows one of these instruments, and their use in France was confirmed by Bourdelot in 1725.^(5)1725 .{ }^{5} We learn from Ed. Heron-Allen that in the 19th century, five-stringed violins were frequently to be found among the curiosities on a violin dealer’s walls. ^(6){ }^{6} 五弦小提琴也曾使用過一段時間。1581 年,Balthazarini 和他的小提琴手在 Ballet comique de la Reine 中使用五弦小提琴演奏。 1725.^(5)1725 .{ }^{5} 我們從Ed. Heron-Allen那裡得知,在19世紀,五弦小提琴經常出現在小提琴經銷商牆壁上的古玩中。 ^(6){ }^{6}
Five string cellos seem to have found much favor in the Paris Opera Orchestra at the beginning of the 18th century. They were tuned in fifths with an additional surimposed fourth, C G d a d’. Contemporary commentators such as Johann Mattheson, Leopold Mozart, or James Grassineau were also familiar with five- and even six-stringed cellos: 五弦大提琴似乎在十八世紀初的巴黎歌劇院管絃樂團中很受歡迎。五弦大提琴的音調為五度,並附加一個四度,即 C G d a d'。當代的評論家如 Johann Mattheson、Leopold Mozart 或 James Grassineau 也熟悉五弦甚至六弦大提琴:
“Violincello (sic) of the Italians, is properly what we call the bass violin with four strings, sometimes even five or six, but those are not common, the first being the most used among us.” ^(7){ }^{7} 「義大利人的 Violincello (原文如此),就是我們所說的低音小提琴,有四條弦,有時甚至有五或六條弦,但這些都不常見,第一條弦是我們最常用的」。 ^(7){ }^{7}
This goes to show that six string double basses of the violin family may very well have coexisted with eight-foot basses (cellos) fitted with an identical number of strings. Although no written record sheds light in this regard, various illustrations lend support to this hypothesis (see fig p. 82). Further evidence is provided by Majer’s following description: 這顯示小提琴家族的六弦低音大提琴很可能與配備相同數量琴弦的八英尺低音大提琴(大提琴)並存。儘管沒有書面記錄可以說明這一點,但各種插圖都支持這個假設 (見圖 82 頁)。Majer 的以下描述提供了進一步的證據:
“The brummende violone, in French known as the Bass Violin…always has six strings…” 8 "brummende violone,法文稱為低音小提琴......總是有六根弦......' 8
a) The five string (solo) double bass a) 五弦(獨奏)低音大提琴
Up to the early 19th century, a special type of five string double bass was played as a solo instrument. This instrument should not be confused with the five string orchestral double bass contrived in the late 19th century to cover the sixteen-foot range. While the fifth string of the latter is low C , the extra string of the solo bass is a high string pitched two octaves higher, in E A d g c’ tuning. The use of the five-stringer culminated during the second half of the 18th century in Austria where an outstanding virtuoso school used this instrument to fullest advantage after adopting a permanent scordatura known as the third-fourth 直到十九世紀初,有一種特殊的五弦低音大提琴被用作獨奏樂器。這種樂器不應與 19 世紀後期為了涵蓋 16 英尺音域而設計的五弦管弦樂低音大提琴混淆。後者的第五弦是低音 C,而獨奏低音大提琴多出的一條弦是高兩個八度的高音弦,音調為 E A d g c'。五弦樂器的使用在十八世紀下半葉的奧地利達到頂峰,在奧地利,一個傑出的演奏流派在採用了一種稱為第三-第四弦的永久性弦法之後,將這種樂器的優勢發揮到極致。
tuning (see chapter II, The Golden Age of Virtuosity). From the beginning of the 19th century, the five string bass was replaced with three- and four-stringed instruments. Its use was noted as late as 1833 in Italy and in 1837, although less. frequently, in Germany. 調音(請參閱第二章「美德的黃金時代」)。從十九世紀初開始,五弦低音大提琴被三弦和四弦的樂器所取代。直到 1833 年才在義大利出現,1837 年在德國也有使用,但較不常見。
Modern acoustic theory would seem to vindicate Quantz’ judgment that the use of five string basses contributed to the regression of the instrument. ^(9){ }^{9} For Lucien Greilsamer, an odd number of strings is unfavorable to the production of sound; the equilibrium established between the two right and left strings is destroyed when a fifth string is added, owing to the resulting difficulty in creating a fulcrum (i.e. a nodal point) at the center of the soundboard. ^(10){ }^{10} 現代聲學理論似乎證明了 Quantz 的判斷,即使用五根弦的低音提琴會導致樂器的退步。 ^(9){ }^{9} 對 Lucien Greilsamer 而言,奇數弦不利於聲音的產生;當加入第五根弦時,左右兩根弦之間所建立的平衡就會被破壞,因為這樣很難在音板中心建立支點 (即結點)。 ^(10){ }^{10}
According to Roger and Max Millant, attempts are now being made to reintroduce this once-forgotten instrument: 據 Roger 和 Max Millant 所說,現在正嘗試重新引入這種一度被遺忘的樂器:
“In America and in Germany musicians are experimenting with the addition of a fifth string in c^(')c^{\prime}, i.e. one fourth interval above the gg string, which would facilitate the playing of complicated and rapid passages on the higher part of the fingerboard. But this innovation has little chance of succeeding.” ^(11){ }^{11} "在美國和德國,音樂家們正在嘗試在 c^(')c^{\prime} 中增加第五根弦,也就是在 gg 弦的上方增加一個四度音程,這樣可以方便在指板的較高處演奏複雜而快速的樂段。但這種創新成功的機會不大。 ^(11){ }^{11}
In the 1960’s, some dance band bassists fitted their instrument with a high c^(')\mathrm{c}^{\prime} string, which enabled pizzicato stunts up into the cello register with ease. According to bass historian Raymond Elgar, the tone suffered in consequense and the player obtained weak upper notes that sounded like an insipid cello. ^(12){ }^{12} 在 1960 年代,有些舞蹈樂團的低音結他手在樂器上裝上了高音弦 c^(')\mathrm{c}^{\prime} ,這樣就可以輕鬆地將撥奏技巧提升到大提琴的音域。根據低音結他歷史學家 Raymond Elgar 的說法,音色會因此受到影響,演奏者會得到較弱的高音,聽起來就像一把平淡無味的大提琴。 ^(12){ }^{12}
The five-stringer in fourth tuning (EA d gc^(')\mathrm{g} \mathrm{c}^{\prime} ) is also used by a few orchestral musicians such as Clifford Spohr, principal double bass with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, who makes use of the c^(')\mathrm{c}^{\prime} string to facilitate the playing of difficult passages such as the following: ^(13){ }^{13} 少數管弦樂演奏家也會使用四度調音的五弦琴 (EA d gc^(')\mathrm{g} \mathrm{c}^{\prime} ),例如 Dallas Syphony Orchestra 樂團的首席低音大提琴 Clifford Spohr,他會使用 c^(')\mathrm{c}^{\prime} 琴弦來方便演奏困難的樂段,例如以下樂段: ^(13){ }^{13}
Symphony n^(@)40n^{\circ} 40 in GG minor, 4 th movement, by W.A Mozart. n^(@)40n^{\circ} 40GG 小調交響曲,第 4 樂章,W.A. Mozart 作曲。
b) The four string double bass b) 四弦低音大提琴
This instrument has long been in use in France: the Ballroom musicians of Henri III’s court of around 1580 played a four string bass (see p. 19). In Paris in 1663, Simon Bongard made a four-stringer. On January 25, 1758, during the inventory of the possessions of instrument-maker Guersan, six sets of strings for four-stringed double basses were counted in his shop. ^(14){ }^{14} In 1781, the four string 這種樂器在法國使用已久:約 1580 年亨利三世 (Henri III) 宮廷中的舞廳樂師演奏的就是四弦低音大提琴 (見第 19 頁)。1663 年在巴黎,Simon Bongard 製作了一把四弦低音大提琴。1758 年 1 月 25 日,在清點樂器製造商 Guersan 的財產時,在他的店裡點算出六套四弦低音大提琴的琴弦。 ^(14){ }^{14} 在 1781 年,四弦低音大提琴的製作完成。
double bass was still the most frequently used type of bass in France, and Corrette informs us that the double bass was “ordinarily” fitted with four strings in fourth tuning (see below). It is this instrument which can be seen on old 在法國,低音大提琴仍是最常使用的低音大提琴類型,Corrette 告訴我們,低音大提琴「通常」裝有四根弦,為四度調音(見下圖)。這種樂器可以在古老的
The tuning of the 調整
double bass 低音大提琴
according to Michel 根據 Michel
Corrette (1781). 已更正 (1781)。
Ina contri-liuose est mantée ardinairim: de 4 carides de quarte en quarte, Sol, Re, Ina contri-liuose est mantée ardinairim: de 4 carides de quarte en quarte, Sol, Re、 Au Trolun; il y a deo Huviciend quil la muntent ite sing cordes d’autres qui n’en mettent que trois, Mais l’aseund ir quatre est le mailleur et le pluw aive. Au Trolun; il y a deo Huviciend quil la muntent ite sing cordes d'autres qui n'en mettent que trois, Mais l'aseund ir quatre est le mailleur et le pluw aive.
engravings and in some instrumental museums. The following double basses are all in their original condition and fitted with four strings: 雕刻和一些樂器博物館中。以下低音大提琴均為原始狀態,並配有四根弦:
a double bass made by Simon Bongard, in 1663. Paris, Musee des Arts et Métiers (entered the collection before 1849). Simon Bongard 於 1663 年製作的低音大提琴。巴黎,Musee des Arts et Métiers(1849 年前入藏)。
a double bass, maker unknown, from the early 18th century. The Hague, Municipal Museum. 低音大提琴,製造商不明,18 世紀初。海牙,市立博物館。
a double bass made by Peeter Borbon in 1668. Instrumental Museum, Brussels. Peeter Borbon 於 1668 年製作的低音大提琴。布魯塞爾樂器博物館。
a double bass made by Edigius Snoek in 1734. Instrumental Museum, Brussels. Edigius Snoek 於 1734 年製作的低音大提琴。布魯塞爾樂器博物館。
From the late 18th century, the four string double bass lost favor with a number of musicians who were no longer satisfied with the poorly focused tones of the fourth string. This string, which was wound with copper threads, required for acoustical reasons that the third string should be similarly 從 18 世紀末開始,四弦低音大提琴失去了許多音樂家的青睞,他們不再滿足於第四根弦的音色不集中。這種以銅線纏繞的琴弦,基於聲學上的理由,要求第三根琴弦也必須同樣以銅線纏繞。
manufactured; this was an important added handicap, as the tonal quality of wound strings was at the time greatly inferior to that of strings made of gut alone. This seemed reason enough to justify the rejection of the four-stringer by most European artists. The Germanic countries were an exception. Koch wrote that the Germans preferred this instrument for all types of playing because it possessed three additional low notes and was easier to play that the French three-stringer tuned in fifths. ^(15){ }^{15} The course of events was to prove him right. 在當時,纏繞式琴弦的音色品質遠遜於單純以羊毛製成的琴弦。這似乎有足夠的理由讓大多數歐洲藝術家拒絕使用四弦琴。但日耳曼國家是個例外。科赫 (Koch) 寫道,日耳曼人在各種類型的演奏中都偏好這種樂器,因為它擁有三個額外的低音,而且比以五度調音的法國三弦樂器更容易演奏。 ^(15){ }^{15} 事實證明他是對的。
c) The three string double bass c) 三弦低音大提琴
Evidence concerning the tuning of the double bass prior to the second half of the 18th century is extremely rare. We know, however, that following the introduction of the true cello in C G d a tuning, the same tuning an octave lower was adopted for the double bass violin. The three string double bass was born when bassists eliminated their low string which, for lack of sufficient tension, was poorly focused in sound and lacked dash and attack. The effects on a soundboard thus relieved of part of the string pressure were remarkable: there resulted an increased intensity of volume, the tone was suddenly brighter and more penetrating. In addition, the instrument could then be played with more ease: not only could the remaining strings be made to vibrate more freely, but their reduced number allowed for a much easier clearance of the bow on each of them. 有關 18 世紀下半葉之前低音大提琴調音的證據極為罕見。然而,我們知道在 C G d a 調的真大提琴問世之後,低八度的低音提琴也採用了相同的調音。三弦低音大提琴的誕生,是因為低音提琴手取消了低音弦,因為低音弦缺乏足夠的張力,聲音的重心不夠集中,缺乏衝勁和攻擊力。三弦低音提琴的誕生,是因為低音提琴手取消了低音弦,因為低音弦缺乏足夠的張力,聲音不集中,缺乏衝勁和攻擊力。此外,樂器也可以更輕鬆地演奏:不僅剩餘的琴弦可以更自由地振動,而且它們的數量也減少了,讓琴弓更容易在每根琴弦上移動。
The Curt Sachs instrumental museum in Berlin houses an interesting three string bass in violin form, apparently in original state, made by Antonio della Costa in Treviso in 1757. This instrument of very fine workmanship is 196 cm high overall. 柏林的 Curt Sachs 樂器博物館收藏了一把有趣的小提琴型三弦低音大提琴,顯然是由 Antonio della Costa 於 1757 年在特雷維索製作的原始狀態。這把製作精良的樂器總高 196 公分。
We learn from a certain Schubert (Leipzig Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung, Dec 1803) that the removal of the lowest string and the subsequent tuning of the instrument in fifths were considered as good means for improving the poor sound of factory-made instruments from Neukirchen, Kligenthal and Mittenwald when they were played-out. He nevertheless stressed that this was only a last resource, definitely to be avoided on well-made instruments with a full, strong and distinct sound. 我們從某位舒伯特 (Leipzig Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung, 1803 年 12 月) 的著作中得知,移除最低音的琴弦,然後以五度調音,被認為是改善諾伊基興 (Neukirchen)、克利根塔尔 (Kligenthal) 和米滕瓦德 (Mittenwald) 等地出廠的樂器在拋光時音色不佳的好方法。然而,他強調這只是最後的方法,對於製作精良、音色飽滿、強而有力且獨特的樂器而言,絕對應該避免。
At the end of the 18th century, the three string bass was also tuned in fourths, A d g; and from then on, three-stringed basses were favored in Italy, Spain, France and England, whether in fourth or in fifth tuning. This turn of events was further accentuated in the 19th century, when musical trends tended 18 世紀末,三弦低音大提琴也開始使用四度調音,即 A d g;從此之後,無論是四度調音或五度調音,三弦低音大提琴在義大利、西班牙、法國和英國都受到青睞。這種轉變在十九世紀更加明顯,當時的音樂趨勢是
towards power and brilliancy of tone. The story about Dragonetti is well known: during his stay at the Saint Guistina monastery at Padua, he once brought the monks running out of their cells in the middle of the night: he had been testing the power of his newly-acquired three-string Gasparo da Salo bass by imitating the rolling of thunder! Likewise, Dragonetti was famous throughout Europe for the exceptional volume of tone which enabled him to steady an entire orchestra. 趨向於音色的力量和亮度。德拉戈奈蒂的故事廣為人知:他在帕多瓦的 Saint Guistina 修道院逗留期間,有一次半夜三更,他帶著僧侶們跑出囚室:他在模仿雷聲滾動,測試他新買的三弦 Gasparo da Salo 低音提琴的力量!同樣地,Dragonetti 也因其非凡的音量而聞名於整個歐洲,這使他能夠穩定整個管弦樂團。
By 1659, Christopher Simpson had established that the volume of sound of stringed instruments is inversely proportional to the number of their strings. ^(16){ }^{16} Giovanni Bottesini undertook to prove the same principle in his defense of the “true double bass”, the one which, “for ease of playing as well as clarity and fullness of tone must only possess three strings”. According to Bottesini, the quality of tone suffered as the number of strings increased: 1659 年,Christopher Simpson 確定弦樂器的音量與弦的數量成反比。 ^(16){ }^{16} Giovanni Bottesini 在為 「真正的低音大提琴 」辯護時,證明了相同的原理,即 「為了方便演奏以及音色的清晰和飽滿,低音大提琴必須只有三根弦」。根據 Bottesini 的說法,弦的數量越多,音色的品質就越差:
“The question had for some years seemed to me of sufficient importance to induce me to experiment upon the effect of the fourth string on the best double basses that passed through my hands… The result was always the same and always bad - all those instruments without exception lost with the fourth string that clear and sonorous quality so necessary, especially in the low tones. We are led to this conclusion: that it is much better to sacrifice a few low notes to the perfect quality of tone and volume of sound of the double bass, than to sacrifice those qualities to the slight advantage of four lower notes obtained by the addition of a string.” ^(17){ }^{17} "幾年來,這個問題對我來說似乎非常重要,促使我去實驗第四根弦對我手中最好的低音大提琴的影響......結果總是相同的,而且總是不好的--所有這些樂器無一例外地都因為第四根弦而失去了所需的清晰響亮的音質,尤其是在低音方面。我們得出這樣的結論:為了低音大提琴完美的音質和音量而犧牲幾個低音,總比為了增加一根弦所獲得的四個低音的輕微優勢而犧牲這些品質要好得多。 ^(17){ }^{17}
American luthier Charles Traeger made the same experiment some years ago, when he restored a French Plumerel double bass for the Metropolitan Museum of Arts in New-York city. Having returned it from a four string state back to its original condition with the use of gut strings, he was absolutely amazed at the beauty, clarity and power of the tone of this instrument. ^(18){ }^{18} 幾年前,美國製琴師 Charles Traeger 在為紐約大都會藝術博物館修復一把法國 Plumerel 低音大提琴時,做了同樣的實驗。在使用羊腸弦將其從四弦狀態回復到原始狀態之後,他對這把樂器的音色之美、清晰度和力量感到絕對驚訝。 ^(18){ }^{18}
Modern acoustics teaches us that both a lighter pressure on the soundboard (top plate) through the bridge and the loosening of the bridge itself account for such a surprising change: “It seems worth while to consider the loudness of a violin supplied with different number of strings. If a tone is produced on one string and it begins to make the bridge move, the vibrations which it creates are opposed by the strong forces also acting on the bridge, contributed by the other strings”. ^(19){ }^{19} 現代音響學告訴我們,音板(頂板)通過琴橋所承受的較輕壓力以及琴橋本身的鬆動都是造成這種令人驚訝的變化的原因:"似乎值得考慮一下裝有不同數量琴弦的小提琴的音量。如果在一根弦上產生一個音調,並且它開始使琴橋移動,那麼它所產生的振動就會被同樣作用在琴橋上由其他弦所產生的強大力量所抵消"。 ^(19){ }^{19}
Throughout the entire period of co-existence of three-, four- and fivestringed basses, the most dedicated artists continued to experiment with the various possibilities offered by these different instruments. Joseph Kämpfer, for example, began with a four string bass, changed to the five string type and later 在三弦、四弦和五弦低音大提琴並存的整個時期,最有熱忱的藝術家持續嘗試這些不同樂器所提供的各種可能性。舉例來說,Joseph Kämpfer一開始使用四弦低音大提琴,後來改用五弦低音大提琴,之後又改用六弦低音大提琴。
returned to the four-stringer. Domenico Dragonetti also experimented in this field throughout his life and tried out various methods of tuning and stringing his instrument: before settling on the three string type that he played until his death, he had tried both four and five string versions at one time or another. ^(20){ }^{20} Domenico Dragonetti 一生中也在這個領域進行實驗,嘗試了各種不同的調音和上弦方法:在定型為三弦樂器之前,他曾嘗試過四弦樂器,直到去世。Domenico Dragonetti 一輩子也在這個領域進行實驗,嘗試各種不同的調音與上弦方式:在定型為他生前所彈奏的三弦類型之前,他曾經嘗試過四弦與五弦的版本。 ^(20){ }^{20}
Adopted by the greatest virtuosos of the time, the three string bass was the most common instrument to be used in the 19th century, and many method books were written to teach its mechanism (Asioli, Mengoli, Mortari, Goddon, White etc.). 三弦低音大提琴被當時最偉大的演奏家所採用,是十九世紀最常使用的樂器,許多方法書籍都是為了教授其機械原理(Asioli、Mengoli、Mortari、Goddon、White 等)。
Gradually, however, disagreement arose as to the legitimacy of the use of the three-stringer. In 1829, Gelinck criticized the choice of the three string bass, asserting that it contributed to the decline of the instrument. ^(21){ }^{21} Hector Berlioz in his Memoirs also came out strongly in favor of the four-stringer which he called “the true double bass”. 22 然而,漸漸地,對於使用三弦低音大提琴的合法性出現了分歧。1829 年,Gelinck 抨擊三弦低音提琴的選擇,認為它造成了樂器的式微。 ^(21){ }^{21} Hector Berlioz 在其《回憶錄》中也強烈支持四弦低音大提琴,並稱其為「真正的低音大提琴」。22
Players became involved in lengthy debates about the three-stringer. The controversy brought to light some of the problems faced by musicians of the time. It was claimed by a few that by increasing the number of strings, one also increased the movements of the wrist in bowing. Others, put off by the awkward fifth tuning, answered that this slight drawback was largely compensated for by the closer intervals of the German tuning with four strings (E A dg), which allowed for better intonation and greater ease of playing. ^(23){ }^{23} The reply to this was that the tone was necessarily weaker on the fourth string, which lacked the power of the others, and that, anyway, it was always possible to tune the third, bottom string, to lower pitches… 演奏家們對三弦琴進行了長時間的爭論。這場爭論揭露了當時音樂家所面對的一些問題。一些人聲稱,增加了弦的數量,也就增加了弓法中手腕的動作。另一些人則對笨拙的五度調音感到不滿,他們回答說,德國式的四弦調音(E A dg)音程較近,音準較佳,演奏起來也較為容易,因此可以彌補這一小小的缺點。 ^(23){ }^{23} 對此的回答是,第四根弦的音色必然較弱,因為它缺乏其他弦的力量,而且,無論如何,總有可能將第三根弦,也就是最下面的那根弦,調到較低的音高...
Composers finally decided the issue when they insisted on the importance of the E string in balancing the increased power and upward tendency of orchestral music. While accepting the inevitability of these changes, Giovanni Bottesini nevertheless allowed some disappointment to show in his double bass method: 當作曲家堅持 E 弦在平衡管弦樂增加的力量和向上的趨勢時,他們最終決定了這個問題。儘管 Giovanni Bottesini 接受了這些改變的必然性,但仍讓他的低音提琴演奏法顯得有些失望:
“No one who is acquainted with the nature of the double bass can deny that the extra string has been added for the sole purpose of giving a few additional lower notes to the instrument. This is doubtless of some importance to the composer, and is to a certain extent useful, particularly in sustained notes”. ^(24){ }^{24} "熟悉低音大提琴特性的人都不會否認,添加額外的琴弦的唯一目的就是為樂器提供一些額外的低音。這無疑對作曲家有一定的重要性,而且在某種程度上是有用的,尤其是在延音方面。 ^(24){ }^{24}
These facts led some French bassists to try a new, hybrid tuning procedure, in which the EE string was added to the fifth tuning: E G d e ^(25){ }^{25} 這些事實促使一些法國低音結他手嘗試一種新的混合調音程序,在第五調中加入 EE 琴弦:E G d e ^(25){ }^{25} 。
In all likelihood, this irrationally-tuned instrument appeared only briefly and soon gave way to the German tuning procedure in fourth throughout. 這種不合理調音的樂器很可能只出現了很短的時間,很快就讓位給德國的調音程序,而且一直維持在第四級。
Reintroduced to France beginning in the 1830’s, the four-stringer made a comeback in Italy in the second half of the century (about 1860, according to 從 19 世紀 30 年代開始,四弦琴被重新引入法國,並在本世紀下半葉在義大利復興(約在 1860 年,根據《義大利音樂史》)。
Warnecke), and still later in Britain where Dragonetti’s followers failed to appreciate the new German bass which they criticized for its drawling character and for its absence of “dash and attack” (A.’.C. White, 1887). Warnecke),以及後來在英國,Dragonetti 的追隨者未能欣賞到新的德國低音,他們批評這種低音牽強,缺乏「衝勁與攻擊力」(A. 'C. White,1887 年)。
In 1895, however, Charles Mc Lean reported the introduction of the E string in the U.S., which had “become a necessity to balance the increased power and upward tenancy of the orchestra; though the fourth string mounted on the bridge rather impedes execution, the four string double bass is in our time ousting the three-stringed double bass”. ^(26){ }^{26} 然而,在 1895 年,Charles Mc Lean 報導了 E 弦在美國的引進,它已經成為「平衡管弦樂團增加的力量和向上的張力的必需品;雖然第四根弦安裝在琴橋上會妨礙演奏,但在我們的時代,四弦低音大提琴正在取代三弦低音大提琴」。 ^(26){ }^{26}
An article in a 1911 issue of “The Strad” magazine informs us that the threestringed double basses, though long the favorite instruments in England, were becoming more and more scarce, owing to the requirements of composers who wrote passages which were unplayable on them because of their low notes. Rodney Slatford, in fact, reports that not until the 1920’s was the additional E string expected of most English professional players. ^(27){ }^{27} In the United-States, mixed bass sections were still to be found in 1917: 1911年出版的《The Strad》雜誌中的一篇文章告訴我們,三弦低音大提琴雖然長期以來一直是英國人最喜歡的樂器,但由於作曲家的要求,三弦低音大提琴的低音段無法演奏,因此三弦低音大提琴變得越來越少。事實上,Rodney Slatford 報告指出,直到 1920 年代,大部分英國職業演奏家才開始使用額外的 E 琴弦。 ^(27){ }^{27} 在美國,混合低音聲部在1917年仍然存在:
“…if we look at the row of double basses in the orchestra, we will notice that some of the men are playing on instruments with three strings and others with instruments with four strings, but the work they have to do is practically the same”. 28 「......如果我們看看樂團中的一排低音大提琴,就會發現有些人使用的是三根弦的樂器,有些人使用的是四根弦的樂器,但他們要做的工作實際上是一樣的」。28
This situation was in no way uncommon in European orchestras. For a long while, on the contrary, the very use of these two types of basses led some conductors to draw upon the strengths of each instrument within a single section. ^(**){ }^{*} 這種情況在歐洲樂團中並不少見。相反地,長期以來,由於使用這兩種低音提琴,有些指揮家會在單一樂團中發揮每種樂器的優點。 ^(**){ }^{*}
In 1844, Hector Berlioz wrote in favor of mixed bass sections, which he claimed sounded better because of the resulting addition of open notes. Likewise, the use of double basses with different systems of stringing and tuning was recommended by Ebenezer Prout, who stated that the best effect in the orchestra was obtained when there was an approximately equal proportion of both kinds of basses. He also added that, since in the matter of tuning every player did what seemed right in his own eyes (tuning in fourths, in fifths, detuning the low string or supressing it altogether etc.), composers need not trouble themselves with considerations as to open strings, as in the writing for the violin: ^(29){ }^{29} the different systems of tuning made it possible for an extremely easy part for some players to be quite unplayable for others. such authorities as Hector Berlioz in France, Richard Strauss in Germany and sir August Thomas Manns in Britain. 1844 年,Hector Berlioz 寫文支持混合低音提琴聲部,他聲稱混合低音提琴聲部因為增加了開放音而聽起來更好。同樣地,Ebenezer Prout 也建議使用不同弦線與調音系統的低音提琴,他指出,當兩種低音提琴的比例大致相等時,樂團才能獲得最佳效果。他還補充說,由於在調音問題上,每位演奏者都會做自己認為正確的事 (四度調音、五度調音、低音弦失調或完全壓低低音弦等),因此作曲家不需要為此煩惱。 ^(29){ }^{29} 不同的調音系統使得對某些演奏者來說極為容易的部分,對其他演奏者來說卻遙不可及。
By the end of the century, however, it was generally admitted that, where “a good class of music” had to be performed, the bass with four strings was preferable, as many bass parts ran too low for the three-stringed instrument; but, for dance music, the latter was considered more advantageous because it was “more powerful and sonorous”. ^(30){ }^{30} These qualities also made this instrument far better suited to ‘Kantilene’ than the German four-stringer, ^(31){ }^{31} which is why it was used by soloists long after the latter had been abandoned by section players. In the 1920’s, American bassist of Spanish origin Anton Torello still played a three-stringed instrument in concert performances* but nowadays Italian musician Enzo Ferraris would seem to be the last to keep up the tradition. ^(30){ }^{30} 這些特質也讓這件樂器比德國四弦樂器更適合演奏「Kantilene」, ^(31){ }^{31} 這也是為什麼當四弦樂器被樂團樂手拋棄之後,它仍被獨奏家使用很久的原因。在二十世紀二十年代,美國西班牙裔低音大提琴家 Anton Torello 仍在音樂會演奏中使用三弦樂器*,但現今義大利音樂家 Enzo Ferraris 似乎是最後一位保持此傳統的人。
d) The five string orchestral double bass d) 五弦樂團低音大提琴
The few lower notes gained by the addition of the fourth string were soon revealed to be insufficient in depth, as many passages in the orchestra repertory merely double the cello an octave lower, down to sixteen-foot CC. The very same arguments used some decades earlier in favor of the four-stringer were then applied in favor of a yet lower type of double bass which had still to be developed. In 1844, Hector Berlioz had already remarked that the absence of the fourth string "at every moment upset the outline of the best designed bass parts, requiring for these few notes a disgracious and unseemly leap to the higher octave ^('3).^(32){ }^{\prime 3} .{ }^{32} By the end of the 19th century, this also applied to the absence of low C: five-stringed basses were then adopted for this purpose. In 1904, CharlesMarie Widor advocated the use of this instrument together with the threestringer: 在管弦樂的曲目中,有許多段落只是將大提琴的音低八度加倍,低至十六呎 CC 。幾十年前支持四弦大提琴的論據,當時也被用來支持尚待發展的低音大提琴類型。1844 年,Hector Berlioz 已經指出,沒有第四根弦「每時每刻都會打亂最優秀設計的低音聲部的輪廓,需要為了這幾個音符而失禮地跳到較高的八度 ^('3).^(32){ }^{\prime 3} .{ }^{32} 到了 19 世紀末,這也適用於低音 C 的缺失:五弦低音大提琴也因此被採用。1904 年,Charles-Marie Widor 提倡將這種樂器與三弦琴一起使用:
"Formerly, it had only three strings…today, virtuosos still prefer this classic type of instrument for solo playing. Just as we have ascending and descending French horns, we have solo and section double basses: "以前,它只有三根弦......時至今日,演奏家們仍然偏愛這種用於獨奏的經典類型樂器。就像我們有升法號和降法號一樣,我們也有獨奏和分組低音大提琴:
Solo bass: Gda quadG d a \quad Section bass: C EAd g^(''3)\mathrm{g}^{\prime \prime 3} 僅低音: Gda quadG d a \quad 節低音:C EAd g^(''3)\mathrm{g}^{\prime \prime 3}
Contrary to Widor’s statement, the five-string bass was not immediately accepted in the orchestra, whereas the four-stringer in fourth tuning came to be universally adopted. Nevertheless, today there is a definite surge of interest in the lower-voiced of these instruments, which conductors are demanding ever more insistently. 與 Widor 的說法相反,五弦低音提琴並未立即被管弦樂團所接受,而四弦低音提琴卻被普遍採用。儘管如此,如今樂團對這些低音域樂器的興趣確實大增,指揮家們對這些樂器的要求也越來越嚴格。
A review of a March 1, 1920, Philadelphia Orchestra concert mentions a Gúillami bass with sloping shoulders and only three strings. (This 1767 instrument is now owned by Gary Karr). 1920 年 3 月 1 日 Philadelphia Orchestra 音樂會的一篇評論中提到了一把 Gúillami 低音大提琴,它有傾斜的琴肩,只有三根弦。(這把 1767 年的樂器現為 Gary Karr 所有)。
A - In France. A - 在法國。
Illustrations of double basses from before the 18th century are of little help with regard to the tuning procedures used, as they are never supported by precise contemporary information. Mersenne’s statement, for example, concerning a ‘second bass’ standing a fifth below the ordinary bass, sheds no light on the tuning and stringing of this instrument. ^(34){ }^{34} 十八世紀以前的低音大提琴插圖對於所使用的調音程序幫助不大,因為它們從來沒有精確的當代資訊支持。例如,梅森 (Mersenne) 聲明「第二低音大提琴」比一般低音大提琴低五度,但對於這種樂器的調音與上弦方式卻沒有任何幫助。 ^(34){ }^{34}
The first reliable reports come from the second half of the 18 th century and mention the use of three-, four-, and five-stringed instruments: 第一份可靠的報導來自 18 世紀下半葉,提到三弦、四弦和五弦樂器的使用:
Fx Be a d’ Fx Be a d'
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FAdg c^(')c^{\prime}
METHODIQUE (1751-1780)
EAdg *
CGda^(****)\mathrm{CGda}{ }^{* *}
FAdf# a^(****)a^{* *}
The above tunings give us a glimpse of the rich instrumental range available at the time of the French Revolution. Even so, they were not all used with equal frequency, n^(@)5\mathrm{n}^{\circ} 5 on the list being considered “the best way of tuning the double bass according to the Germans”, and n^(@)3n^{\circ} 3 and 4 being mentioned only very rarely. The lowest tones of the sixteen-foot register, in evidence in various simplified parts of the first half of the 18th century (see chapter V), seem to have fallen into disuse by the middle of the century, probably because bassists were no longer satisfied with the chronic limitations of the thick, slack and clumsy CC string. From then on, double bass parts rarely exceeded the range of E and often did not descend below FF, a safe precaution at that time to avoid a muffled sound. In 1781, French bass players favored the standard fourth tuning ( n^(@)\mathrm{n}^{\circ} ), which was in Corrette’s opinion “the best and the easiest”. Sometime around 1768, the four double basses of the King’s Chapel (four oversize violins with large, parallel ribs and carved backs, made by Benoit Fleury in 1757) were 上述調音方式讓我們得以一窺法國大革命時期豐富的樂器種類。即使如此,它們的使用頻率也不盡相同,名單上的 n^(@)5\mathrm{n}^{\circ} 5 被認為是 「德國人對低音大提琴的最佳調音方式」,而 n^(@)3n^{\circ} 3 和4則很少被提及。在 18 世紀前半期的各種簡化樂曲中 (見第五章),十六呎音區的最低音似乎到了本世紀中葉就不再使用了,這可能是因為低音大提琴手不再滿足於 CC 弦粗、鬆弛、笨拙的長期限制。從那時起,低音大提琴的聲部很少超過 E 的音域,而且通常不會降到 FF 以下,這是當時為了避免聲音渾濁而採取的安全預防措施。1781 年,法國低音提琴演奏家偏愛標準的四度調音 ( n^(@)\mathrm{n}^{\circ} ),Corrette 認為這是「最好、最簡單」的調音。大約在 1768 年左右,國王小教堂的四把低音大提琴(四把超大型小提琴,具有平行的大肋骨和雕刻背板,由 Benoit Fleury 於 1757 年製作)被改裝為低音大提琴。
tuned in this way. ^(35){ }^{35} 以這種方式調整。 ^(35){ }^{35}
With the disappearance of the ‘Basso Continuo’, however, a new type of orchestral combination evolved in which the number of players was increased in the string section, thus allowing for a greater tone-weight than had previously been the case. Within this section, the four-stringer in E A dg tuning was felt to possess insufficient brilliancy and weight of tone to supply adequate backing, in contrast to the three-stringer in fifth tuning which perfectly filled the new requirements and soon superseded it. By 1827, the four string bass was no longer being played in France, except in a few orchestras in Paris, and when Luigi Cherubini reinstated a double bass class at the Conservatory, his choice for the three-stringer was in no way challenged. 然而,隨著「連奏低音大提琴」的消失,一種新的管弦樂組合逐漸形成,弦樂組中的演奏者人數增加,因此音色的重量比以前更大。在此部分中,E A dg 調式的四弦樂器被認為沒有足夠的亮度和音色重量,無法提供足夠的伴奏,而五度調式的三弦樂器則完全符合新的要求,並很快取而代之。到了 1827 年,除了巴黎的幾個管弦樂團之外,法國已不再演奏四弦低音大提琴。當 Luigi Cherubini 在音樂學院重新開設低音大提琴班時,他對三弦大提琴的選擇完全沒有受到挑戰。
There was not doubt that the three-stringer was a strong sounding instrument and that the fifth tuning was “more sonorous, ampler in its vibrations and more acoustically perfect” ^(36){ }^{36} than its counterpart. Despite these qualities, however, it offered no facility for the execution of the more rapid and intricate orchestral parts which had to be played at a slower tempo or simplified. Besides, the instruments was strung so tautly and its strings were so thick and so far from the fingerboard that it was truly exhausting to play in ‘forte’ passages and difficult in ‘pianos’ and ‘pianissimos’. ^(37){ }^{37} All of this led performers to develop a distinctive, French school of playing characterized by its energy and strength, if not its finesse. 毫無疑問,三弦琴是一種音色強勁的樂器,而且五度調音比同類樂器 「音色更渾厚、振動更大、聲學上更完美」 ^(36){ }^{36} 。然而,儘管有這些特質,它卻無法演奏較快速且複雜的管弦樂部分,因為這些部分必須以較慢的速度演奏或簡化。此外,該樂器的弦線非常緊湊,琴弦非常粗且距離指板非常遠,以至於在演奏 "forte 「段落時實在令人精疲力竭,而在演奏 」pianos 「和 」pianissimos "時則非常困難。 ^(37){ }^{37} 所有這些都促使演奏家發展出一種獨特的法式演奏流派,其特點是精力充沛、強勁有力,即使不夠細膩。
At the Paris Opera, on Monday, October 9, 1826, Gioachino Rossini conducted his “Siege of Corinth”, a remake of “Mahomet II” which had first been performed in Naples six years before. According to Berlioz, it announced the advent of an instrumental revolution in opera orchestras. For this performance, Rossini demanded a complete section of four string basses tuned in fourths, instruments which were only rarely to be found in the French capital at that time. This performance can be considered as a landmark in the slow process of recognition of this instrument which eventually led musicians to considers the shortcomings of the three-stringer in fifth tuning: “Every note would require a pressure from five to six pounds, in order to yield a tone equally pure with that obtained on open strings. There is half a tone for each two inches of distance, and consequently eight inches for the third and ten for the fourth; thus, as will be understood, it must be almost impossible, in a rapid movement, to bridge such a space with the hand giving to each note the suitable degree of pressure. By restoring the fourth string to the double bass, a third unison is gained, which is found at eight inches in the perfect tuning, and at twelve in that by fifths: thus the hand has four 1826 年 10 月 9 日星期一,在巴黎歌劇院,Gioachino Rossini 指揮了他的《Siege of Corinth》,這是六年前在那不勒斯首演的《Mahomet II》的翻版。據 Berlioz 所說,這場演出宣告了歌劇管絃樂器革命的來臨。為了這場演出,羅西尼 (Rossini) 要求以四度調音的四弦低音大提琴組成一個完整的樂團,而這些樂器在當時的法國首都是很少見的。這場演奏可被視為這件樂器慢慢被認可的里程碑,最終讓音樂家們考慮到五度調音的三弦樂器的缺點:"每個音符都需要五到六磅的壓力,才能產生與開弦樂器同樣純淨的音色。每兩英寸的距離就有半個音,因此第三根弦為八英吋,第四根弦為十英吋;因此,正如我們所理解的,在快速的移動中,用手給予每個音符適當的壓力幾乎是不可能的。將第四根弦還原到低音大提琴上,就可以得到第三個單音,在完美調音中,它的位置是八英吋,而在五度調音中,它的位置是十二英吋:因此,手有四個弦
inches less to bridge in order to take a position”. ^(38){ }^{38} 少吋橋接,以便就位'。 ^(38){ }^{38}
In 1830, Fétis was compelled to acknowledge the superiority of the bass players of the London Philharmonic Society, whose instruments were tuned in fourths; they played with a precision, refinement and force unknown in Paris. Every note was played audibly and on time, the bowing was smooth and well detached: Fétis felt that these qualities were due not only to the excellent school of bowing introduced to England by Dragonetti, but also to the tuning in fourths. ^(39){ }^{39} 1830 年,Fétis 不得不承認倫敦愛樂協會低音提琴演奏家的優越性,因為他們的樂器是以四度調音的;他們的演奏精準、細緻、有力,在巴黎是前所未見的。Fétis認為這些特質不僅歸功於Dragonetti引進英國的優秀弓法流派,也歸功於四度調音。 ^(39){ }^{39}
Berlioz similarly informs us that the double bass was the only string instrument to be better played in Germany than in France, the French school of bowed instruments being at that time far superior to the German one, except for the lowest-pitched among them. Berlioz 同樣告訴我們,低音提琴是唯一在德國比法國演奏得更好的弦樂器,法國的弓弦樂器流派在當時遠遠優於德國,除了其中音調最低的樂器。
Conservatory director Luigi Cherubini finally came to the decision that the four string German bass should replace the three-stringer in the double bass section of the Society of Concerts Orchestra, one of Europe’s most famous institutions, after noticing that the scherzo movement of Beethoven’s C minor symphony sounded better when these instruments were used. Up to that time, it had always been necessary to slow the tempo in this passage because the musicians, hindered by their awkward tuning, were unable to play as the composer had indicated. ^(40){ }^{40} 音樂學院院長 Luigi Cherubini 在注意到貝多芬 C 小調交響曲的諧謔樂章在使用這些樂器時聲音更佳之後,最終決定由四弦德國低音提琴取代歐洲最著名機構之一 Society of Concerts Orchestra 樂團低音提琴聲部的三弦低音提琴。在此之前,在這段樂章中總是需要放慢速度,因為樂手們礙於笨拙的調音,無法按照作曲家的指示演奏。 ^(40){ }^{40}
In 1832, after the death of Chenier, first and last professor of the threestringer in fifth tuning, it was similarly decided that, from then on, only the four string bass in E A d g tuning was to be taught at the Paris Conservatory. 1832 年,在第一位也是最後一位教授五度調三弦琴的教授 Chenier 去世後,巴黎音樂學院同樣決定從此之後只教授 E A d g 調的四弦低音提琴。
In 1840, when the Opera Comique left the old hall at the Place de la Bourse, the conductor seized on the opportunity of the move to provide his double bass section with six four-stringed instruments as replacements for the threestringers that had been used until then. This orchestra was consequently the first in France to be completely provided with four-stringed basses tuned in fourths. ^(41){ }^{41} 1840 年,當 Comique Opera 離開位於 Place de la Bourse 的舊音樂廳時,指揮家抓緊這次搬遷的機會,為他的低音提琴聲部提供了六件四弦樂器,以取代之前一直使用的三弦樂器。這支樂團也因此成為法國第一支完全使用四弦低音提琴的樂團。 ^(41){ }^{41}
In the 1860, the four-stringer was once again the most frequently used instrument in France, although due to a natural reluctance on the part of older players to acquire a new, entirely different technique, a number of performers continued to play the three string bass. In 1877, Ch. Gordon significantly encouraged students still having a three-stringer to tune it like a four string instrument (tuning A dg) in order for them to be prepared to the study of that type of bass. ^(42){ }^{42} 在 19 世紀 60 年代,四弦低音大提琴再次成為法國最常使用的樂器,但由於年長的演奏者天生不願意學習完全不同的新技巧,因此仍有許多演奏者繼續演奏三弦低音大提琴。1877 年,戈登 (Ch. Gordon) 鼓勵仍擁有三弦低音大提琴的學生,將它調成四弦低音大提琴的音調 (調音 A dg),以便為學習這種低音大提琴做好準備。 ^(42){ }^{42}
By the end of the century, though, the tide had definitely turned in favor of the four-stringed bass, which was “to the exclusion of the other, adopted in all the best orchestras and taught in the conservatories”. ^(43){ }^{43}. 但到了世紀末,趨勢已明顯轉向四弦低音大提琴,「所有最好的管弦樂團都採用四弦低音大提琴,音樂學院也教授四弦低音大提琴」。 ^(43){ }^{43} .
B - Tuning in Italy B - 在義大利調音
Although very few reports have come down to us concerning the tuning of the double bass prior to the 19th century, it can be established that three-, four-, and five-stringed instruments were in use there. The Vienna instrumental museum exhibits a fine specimen of the three string variety: in perfect condition, it is dated 1704 and was made in Padua. A five string instrument of the Brescian school dating from the late 16 th century is housed in the Instrumental Museum of Geneva and another specimen of this type made in Venice in 1683 by Pietro Zenatto is to be seen in Brussels. 雖然在十九世紀以前,我們很少聽到關於低音大提琴調音的報導,但可以確定的是,三弦、四弦和五弦的樂器都曾在當地使用。維也納的樂器博物館展示了一把三弦樂器的精美樣品:它保存完好,製造於帕多瓦,日期為 1704 年。日內瓦的樂器博物館收藏了一件 16 世紀晚期的布列斯特流派五弦樂器,而在布魯塞爾則可以看到另一件由 Pietro Zenatto 於 1683 年在威尼斯製作的此類樂器。
P.D. Olivero. Inaugural performance at the Royal Opera house in Turin, december 26, 1740. Detail. P.D. Olivero。1740 年 12 月 26 日,都靈皇家歌劇院的開幕演出。詳細內容。
The four-string double bass in C G d a tuning probably originated in Italy; however, the conditions of use of this instrument and its influence on the notation of parts will be dealt with in the next chapter. C G d a 調式的四弦低音大提琴可能起源於義大利;然而,這種樂器的使用條件及其對樂部記號的影響將在下一章中討論。
By the last years of the 17 th century, the fourth tuning alternative was already firmly established among performers, but the low string was too slack and some adaptations had to be made with regard to the lower notes which did not emerge with sufficient definition: 到了 17 世紀的最後幾年,第四種調音方式已經在演奏者中穩定下來,但是低音弦線過於鬆弛,因此必須對低音進行一些調整,因為低音的清晰度不夠:
"Strings and tuning of the double bass or violone which is tuned in fourths, except for the bass string which, if it were (so tuned), would be too thick. It "低音大提琴或中提琴的琴弦和調音,低音大提琴或中提琴以四度調音,但低音提琴弦除外,如果(如此調音),低音提琴弦就會太粗。它
should be tuned to EE, but because it cannot reach EE it has to be tuned to G^('').^(44)G^{\prime \prime} .{ }^{44} 應該調整為 EE ,但因為它無法達到 EE ,所以必須調整為 G^('').^(44)G^{\prime \prime} .{ }^{44} 。
There is no way of knowing to what extend this scordatura was employed in Italian orchestras, especially as various sources from the second half of the 18th century describe a double bass in E A dg tuning.* In all probability, the use of the E string was very limited and was progressively dispensed with altogether. This new tuning procedure eventually came to predominate in Italy, as the Italians believed it to be perfectly adapted to the accompaniment of opera music: 我們無從得知意大利管弦樂團在多大程度上採用了這種弦律,尤其是 18 世紀下半葉的各種資料都描述了 E A dg 調式的低音提琴*。這種新的調音方式最終在義大利成為主流,因為義大利人相信這種調音方式非常適合用於歌劇伴奏:
Guiseppe Andreoli (1757-1830), a father of the Italian school of playing, adopted this tuning and taught its technique at the Milan Conservatory. Similarly, Domenico Dragonetti and Giovanni Bottesini had both settled on this tuning, although the latter especially made use of the so-called ’ DD ’ tuning, in which the pitch of the instrument is raised a whole-step. The four string double bass was by that time only rarely used: 義大利演奏流派之父 Guiseppe Andreoli (1757-1830) 採用了這種調式,並在米蘭音樂學院教授其技巧。同樣地,Domenico Dragonetti 和 Giovanni Bottesini 也都採用了這種調音方式,不過後者特別使用所謂的「 DD 」調音方式,將樂器的音高提高一個整級。四弦低音大提琴在當時已很少使用:
“The compass of this instrument comprises 13 notes or 12 degrees containing 10 whole-tones, all of which are obtained with its three strings, which are tuned in fourths. There are four-stringed double basses, but the three-stringed instrument is the most commonly employed, and good instrumentalists know how to compensate for (the absence of) the fourth string”. 45 "這種樂器的音域包括 13 個音符或 12 度,其中包含 10 個全音,所有的音都是由三根以四度調音的弦所組成。也有四弦的低音大提琴,但最常使用的是三弦樂器,而且優秀的樂手知道如何補償(缺少)第四根弦。45
It is well known among bass players that the absence of low notes on the instrument can only be made up for by transposing the part up an octave, which unfortunately weakens the orchestral foundations. 在低音提琴演奏者中,眾所皆知低音提琴沒有低音的缺點,只能透過將樂器移調高八度來彌補,但不幸的是,這樣會削弱管弦樂的基礎。
Although the Italian tuning allowed for greater ease of playing in difficult passages, it was greatly inadequate in the lower register, as it could not even reach GG as did the French tuning and even stood a fourth higher than the German E A dg standard tuning. The Germans criticized the obstination and lack of foresight of the musicians who used the so-called Italian three-stringer, an instrument which could not even play a regular scale of GG major (fig 1) without turning it upside down (fig 2 or 3 ): ^(46){ }^{46} 儘管義大利式的調音在演奏難度較高的樂段時較為容易,但在低音域卻有很大的不足,因為它甚至無法像法式調音一樣達到 GG ,甚至比德國的E A dg標準調音還要高四度。德國人批判那些使用所謂義大利三弦琴的音樂家們的固執與缺乏遠見,這種樂器甚至無法在不顛倒音階的情況下彈出 GG 大調(圖 1)的正規音階(圖 2 或圖 3): ^(46){ }^{46} 。
Vincenzo Panerai: Principi di musica theorico-pratici… Florence 1750, and Anonymous: Principi di musica nei quali oltre le antiche…Florence 1770. Vincenzo Panerai: Principi di musica theorico-pratici... Florence 1750,以及 Anonymous: Principi di musica nei quali oltre le antiche... Florence 1770。
Bass players Rossi and Anglois nonetheless wrote in favor of this system: 貝斯演奏家 Rossi 和 Anglois 仍寫信贊成這個系統:
“Each of these systems has its advantages and drawbacks. At first sight, the German system appears to be the best, for it combines a wide range of notes with ease of playing. However, in very forceful playing, a large number of strings makes it difficult to avoid touching a neighboring string while bowing, and this is contrary to one of the essential qualities of the double bass: its power of tone. Free of this drawback, the French system nevertheless presents difficulties in fingering, and it is almost impossible to play three consecutive whole-tones without shifting. Moreover, the interval of a fifth separating the strings leads to an excessive disparity in their caliber, which detracts from a good balance of tone. The Italian system, with a narrower compass, possesses the twofold advantage of ease of playing and power of tone”.47 "這些系統各有優缺點。乍看之下,德國的系統似乎是最好的,因為它結合了廣泛的音域和演奏的簡便性。然而,在非常強力的演奏中,大量的琴弦使得在拉弦時很難避免觸碰相鄰的琴弦,這與低音大提琴的基本特質之一:音色的力量是相違背的。儘管沒有這個缺點,法式系統在指法上仍有困難,幾乎不可能在不移調的情況下演奏三個連續的全音。此外,弦與弦之間相隔的五度音程會導致弦的音量差距過大,影響音色的平衡。義大利系統的弦距較窄,具有易於演奏和音色強勁的雙重優點"。
Naturally enough, the French disapproved of the Italian’s choice of simplifying the mechanism of the instrument at the cost of its depth of sound: 很自然地,法國人不贊成意大利人選擇簡化樂器的機械結構,而犧牲其音色的深度:
“Outside of Italy, the double bass is tuned in fifths upward from G. The Italian manner has no other advantage than that of making the difficult, fast passages, easier to play”. ^(48){ }^{48} "在義大利之外,低音大提琴的調音是從 G 往上五度。義大利的方式除了讓困難的快速段落更容易演奏之外,沒有其他優點。 ^(48){ }^{48} 。
Although it was admitted that, thanks to their easier tuning, Italian bassists generally produced a very good effect, some commentators regretted the absence of low tones which necessarily disfigured the bass line: 儘管義大利低音提琴演奏家的調音方式較為簡易,一般都能達到很好的效果,但有些評論家對於低音的缺失感到遺憾,因為低音必然會破壞低音的線條:
“With this paltry range, the orchestra sounds like an organ without pedals, and the most beautiful passages are in this way disfigured and mutilated. Had Haydn written his ‘Creation’ in Italy, he certainly would not have depicted the rising of the moon as he did, because the Italian tuning produces an opposite effect”.49 "有了這個微不足道的音域,樂團聽起來就像一架沒有踏板的管風琴,而最美麗的段落也因此被毀容和肢解。如果海頓在義大利寫下《創世記》,他肯定不會像這樣描繪月亮升起的場景,因為義大利的調音產生了相反的效果"。
This was contested by Rossi and Anglois, who maintained that Haydn would in no way have been hampered by the absence of G, thanks to a system devised in Turin by bassists who detuned the third string down to G. This mixture of fifth and fourth ( G d g ) was later introduced to France and, more often, to England; Brulon advocated its use in his, double bass method: Rossi 和 Anglois 對此提出異議,他們認為海頓絕不會因為缺少 G 而受到妨礙,這要歸功於都靈的低音大提琴手所設計的系統,他們將三號弦調低至 G。這種五度與四度的混合音(G d g)後來被引進法國,更常被引進英國;Brulon 在他的低音大提琴演奏法中提倡使用這種混合音:
"The three-string double bass tuned in fourths loses a note in the low register; "以四度調音的三弦低音大提琴在低音區會失去一個音符;
in order to solve this problem, one may use the Italian tuning procedure and set the strings in the following order: Gdg^('').^(50)G d g^{\prime \prime} .{ }^{50} 為了解決這個問題,可以使用義大利調音程序,並按以下順序設定琴弦: Gdg^('').^(50)G d g^{\prime \prime} .{ }^{50}
This Italian scordatura 這種義大利的 scordatura
was employed often enough in Italy to be mentioned here. Dragonetti occasionally detuned his low string to GG or even F#F \# for the performance of pieces such as Weber’s Freischütz. ^(51){ }^{51} 在義大利經常被使用,在此不得不提。Dragonetti偶爾會將他的低音弦解調至 GG ,甚至 F#F \# ,以演奏韋伯的《Freischütz》等樂曲。 ^(51){ }^{51} 。
Similarly, Salvatore Carlin points out in his book that the works of Gaëtano Donizetti (1797-1848) and Vincenzo Bellini (1801-1835) contain significant low pitches which descend to GG. Nevertheless, this may also be evidence of the use of the French fifth tuning G d a, reported in Italy by George Kastner in 1837, Hector Berlioz in 1878, and the “Dictionnary of musical terms” in 1884. In any event, it was in no way a favorite tuning procedure in Italy: 同樣地,Salvatore Carlin 在他的書中指出,Gaëtano Donizetti (1797-1848) 和 Vincenzo Bellini (1801-1835) 的作品中包含顯著的低音,這些低音降到 GG 。儘管如此,這也可能是使用法式五度調音 G d a 的證據,George Kastner 於 1837 年、Hector Berlioz 於 1878 年、'Dictionnary of musical terms' 於 1884 年都曾在義大利報導過。無論如何,這絕對不是意大利人最喜歡的調音程序:
“The tuning in fifths which is to be found in some countries is absurd. It leads to hardness of sound and continual shifting, which makes playing difficult, uncertain and incoherent” ^(52){ }^{52} "有些國家採用的五度調音是非常荒謬的。它會導致聲音變硬和不斷變調,使演奏變得困難、不確定和不連貫" ^(52){ }^{52} 。
Reintroduction of the four string double bass in Italy 意大利重新引入四弦低音大提琴
The four string double bass was very rarely used in Italy until the second half of the 19th century. Yet, the Italians could not ignore the orchestral evolution which led France to follow the Austro-German countries in the admission of this instrument. 直到十九世紀下半葉,四弦低音大提琴在義大利都很少被使用。然而,義大利人無法忽視管弦樂的演進,這使得法國也跟隨德奧國家採用這種樂器。
According to Warnecke, the fourth string was first introduced to Italian conservatories in the 1860’s. ^(53){ }^{53} This change, however, was opposed by a number of bass players who came out publicly against it. On the other hand, an article calling for the adoption of the fourth tuning was published in ‘La Scena’, a Venetian journal, on April 28, 1870. The following text could be read under the title “Petition to the Maestro performers and conductors of the Italian orchestras”: 根據 Warnecke 的說法,意大利的音樂學院在 1860 年代首次引入第四弦。 ^(53){ }^{53} 然而,這項改變遭到許多低音提琴演奏家的反對,他們公開表示反對。另一方面,1870 年 4 月 28 日,威尼斯期刊《La Scena》刊登了一篇呼籲採用第四調音的文章。以下文字可以在 "Petition to the Maestro performers and conductors of the Italian orchestras "的標題下閱讀:
The undersigned, a German citizen, wishing to establish himself in Italy, humbly adresses your Lordships, in the hope that they will consent to grant him the right to citizenship in this fine country. The request that I have the honor of addressing to your Lordship today has already been made by myself at other times, when customs, not yet corrected as at present by relaxed relations with other countries, despotically prevailed here. I experienced the distress (and your country had the misfortune) of seeing my request rejected mercilessly. And do you know what was said to justify this refusal? Some claimed that, owing to my depth 下面的署名者是一位德國公民,希望在意大利定居,謹向各位閣下致辭,希望各位閣下會同意給予他在這個美好國家的公民權。今天我有幸向貴國提出的請求,我本人在其他時期也曾提出過,當時這裡的習俗(尚未像現在一樣因與其他國家放鬆關係而得到糾正)還很專制。我看到我的請求被無情的拒絕,我經歷了痛苦(您的國家也很不幸)。你知道他們是怎麼說的嗎?有些人聲稱,由於我的深度
of tone, I was untunable. Untunable! Where were the ears of those who spoke in such a fashion! I confess that, more than once, I felt my tongue burning and ready to release a well-deserved epigram!..Others said that, to make room for me, my three sisters would become somewhat lean and that, for this reason, the voice of mother double bass would lose its power of tone. This last reason hasn’t much weight, as all the other bowed instruments have four strings and not three and as the thickness of the strings must be adjusted in proportion to the instrument. And I, having a good memory, recall hearing Maestros of universal fame asserting that the voice of the ladies double bass would, on the contrary, acquire with my help a mellower and weightier tone. 的音調,我無法調諧。無法調諧!以這種方式說話的人的耳朵都長到哪裡去了!......其他人說,為了給我騰出空間,我的三個姐妹會變得有些瘦弱,因此,女低音的聲音會失去其音色的力量。最後一個理由並沒有多大的分量,因為所有其他的弓弦樂器都有四根弦,而不是三根,而且弦的粗細必須根據樂器的比例來調整。我的記憶力很好,還記得曾聽過世界知名的大師斷言,女低音大提琴的聲音在我的幫助下,反而會變得更溫柔、更有份量。
Signed: the fourth string". 簽名:第四弦'。
It is difficult to evaluate the effect of this lampoon on the course of events. It is to be supposed, however, that only a very slow and gradual process had been set into motion: the more progressive bass players of ‘La Scala’ did not obtain the adoption of the four string double bass as a complement to the three string type until the Milan congress of 1881. Shortly afterwards, Guiseppe Verdi reinforced the new position of the German bass by writing the famous solo part of Othello, based on the dramatic effect that only the fourth string can produce (1887). ^(54){ }^{54} From that point on, the low string was definitively accepted in Italian orchestras. 我們很難評估這篇諷刺文章對事件發展的影響。然而,可以推測的是,這只是一個非常緩慢且循序漸進的過程:「斯卡拉」(La Scala)中較為進步的低音提琴演奏家直到 1881 年的米蘭大會才獲得採用四弦低音提琴作為三弦低音提琴的補充。不久之後,威爾第 (Guiseppe Verdi) 以第四弦才能產生的戲劇效果為基礎,創作了《奧賽羅》中著名的獨奏部分 (1887),鞏固了德國低音大提琴的新地位。 ^(54){ }^{54} 自此,低音弦在義大利管弦樂團中被明確地接受。
As was the case in neighboring countries, the momentum caused by the recovery of the low range was not easily to be stopped, and a number of performers next moved in favor of the introduction of a fifth string. In his ‘Nuovo Metodo’, Isaia Billè stated his position on the “necessity of the five string double bass”: 正如鄰近國家的情況一樣,低音區的復甦所帶來的動力並不容易被阻止,許多演奏家接著都贊成引入第五弦。Isaia Billè在他的 "Nuovo Metodo 「中表明了他對 」五弦低音大提琴必要性 "的立場:
“No instrument…has undergone so many changes in the mode of tuning as the double bass. When it seemed that the question had been resolved by the reestablishment of the double bass with four strings, new and compelling orchestral necessities force us nowadays to add a fifth low string in order to obtain deep sounds… The great development in orchestral techniques, which manifested itself and grew apace at the end of the last century and still continues, revealed the need of very deep and low sounds which, even today, the double bass lacks, notwithstanding the re-introduced fourth string. Considering that the double bass is very difficult to play when the tuning is changed from fourth to fifth in order "沒有一種樂器......像低音大提琴一樣,在調音方式上經歷了如此多的變化。當低音大提琴重新使用四根弦時,似乎問題已經解決了,但如今新的、強迫性的管弦樂需求迫使我們增加第五根低音弦,以獲得深沉的音色......管弦樂技術的巨大發展,在上世紀末顯現出來,並迅速發展,現在仍在繼續,這顯示了對非常深沉和低沉音色的需求,即使在今天,低音大提琴仍然缺乏這種音色,儘管重新使用了第四根弦。當低音大提琴的調音從第四弦變為第五弦時,就很難演奏了。
to leave it with four strings* (although the instrument tuned with the tones CC G dd a is more sonorous, ampler in its vibration and more perfect in its acoustic and didactic proceedings), owing to the numerous changes of position, and seeing that in Belgium, Germany and also in Italy, at the Scala theater, a fifth string was added in order to obtain the deep notes which are lacking in the present double bass, I decided for the latter system” ^(55){ }^{55} 儘管以 CC G dd a 調音的樂器更為悅耳、震動更大、聲學和說教程序也更為完美),由於位置的多次變更,以及看到在比利時、德國和義大利的斯卡拉劇院,為了獲得目前低音大提琴所缺乏的深沉音符,需要添加第五根弦,我決定採用後者系統" ^(55){ }^{55} 。
C - Tuning in England C - 英格蘭調音
As everywhere else in Europe, three-, four-, and five-stringed double basses co-existed in England in the second half of the 18th century. In 1775, John Hawkins mentioned the use of three- and four-stringed instruments, although he did not comment on their tuning. An anonymous contemporary engraving pictures a five string double bass played ‘pizzicatto’ in an orchestra conducted by Handel. 和歐洲其他地方一樣,18 世紀下半葉的英國,三弦、四弦和五弦低音大提琴並存。1775 年,John Hawkins 提到了三弦和四弦樂器的使用,但他沒有對它們的調音作出評論。一幅匿名的當代雕版畫中,Handel 指揮的管弦樂團中使用五弦低音大提琴演奏「pizzicatto」。
Double basse in C G d a tuning are mentioned by Joseph Gehot in 1791^(56)1791^{56} and Thomas Busby in 1802.57 This method, however, was already losing ground at that time and was being replaced by the A quad d quad gA \quad d \quad g tuning procedure. Both of these tunings originated in Italy. C G d a 調法的低音大提琴,Joseph Gehot 在 1791^(56)1791^{56} 及 Thomas Busby 在 1802 年都有提及。57 然而,這種方法在當時已逐漸失傳,並被 A quad d quad gA \quad d \quad g 調音程序所取代。這兩種調音方法都源自義大利。
Throughout the 19th century, the A d gg tuning remained most popular among English players, despite an occasional use of the French system in G d a. Because of the inadequacy of the fourth tuning in the low register when three strings only are employed, players had to detune their low string down to G , “or even lower”, whenever the need arose. A number of bassists decide to permanently retain this GdgG \mathrm{~d} g Italian 在十九世紀,A d gg 調在英國演奏家中仍是最流行的,儘管偶爾也會使用法式的 G d a 調。由於在低音區僅使用三根弦時,第四弦的調音並不足夠,因此演奏者在需要時,必須將低音弦降到G,「甚至更低」。許多低音結他手決定永久保留這個 GdgG \mathrm{~d} g 義大利音調。
Eighteenth century performance of an 十八世紀的表演
oratorio in England scordatura which is described by Wm Goddon in his bass method. Wm Goddon 在他的低音方法中描述了英格蘭清唱劇中的 scordatura。
The tuning in fourths is technically more favorable than the tuning in fifths, but it narrows the compass of the instrument when an identical number of strings is used. 四度調音在技術上比五度調音更為有利,但當使用相同數量的琴弦時,它會縮小樂器的範圍。
On April 4, 1887, Adolphus C. White claimed the distinction of having been among the first in England to tune his A string to GG in order to gain an extra whole-tone interval: 1887 年 4 月 4 日,Adolphus C.White 聲稱自己是英國第一批將 A 琴弦調至 GG 以獲得一個額外的全音程的人:
“I was among the first to tune my A string to G, gaining something by that; but, as time went on, and we had so much modern German and French music to play -Berlioz, Wagner, Brahms, and others following in the wake- I found it necessary to alter my system in order to fulfil my engagement at the Richter Concerts and add an additional string; and now that I have done so, I like it very much and find it very effective at times. But when I got a German strung bass to see what I could do on it, I found that the strings were so close together that when I played with any force, they rattled and produced anything but musical sounds. I therefore consulted Boulangier, the excellent maker in Frith street, Soho, and he carried out my wishes to full extent, and I think that the result is in every way satisfactory: the bridge I had made very much broader, so that the distances between the strings should be the same as they were on the threestringed bass, giving plenty of room for vibration; the neck I had necessarily made larger in proportion. I can therefore play with as much force on my four strings as I could on three. When I had added the fourth string, I found that EE was not deep enough, as frequently in Beethoven’s symphonies we find passages written down to EbE b, as in the Eroica symphony, and in the Choral symphony to DD often; again, in the Pastorale symphony we find even double CC, this being the lowest note on the violoncello. I imagine Beethoven left it to the basses to do the best they could with it, and all they could do was to invert the passage and play it an octave higher. As this was the only instance I know of where the double CC was required, I decided to make DD my lowest note and, when the CC was required, to let the string down… Thus my bass stands tuned DGdc; the double DD being a very fine note, having the vibration of its octave in addition to its own sound” ^('58){ }^{\prime 58} "我是第一批將 A 琴弦調到 G 琴弦的人,也因此獲得了一些好處;但隨著時間的推移,我們有許多現代的德國和法國音樂要演奏 - 貝遼茲、瓦格納、勃拉姆斯和其他音樂家也跟著來了 - 我發現有必要改變我的系統,以履行我在 Richter Concerts 上的約定,並增加一條琴弦;現在我已經這樣做了,我非常喜歡它,並發現它有時非常有效。但當我買了一把德國弦的低音大提琴,想看看能用它演奏出什麼效果時,我發現琴弦之間的距離太近了,當我用力演奏時,琴弦會發出嘎吱嘎吱的聲音,而不是音樂的聲音。因此,我向蘇豪區弗里斯街的優秀製琴師 Boulangier 諮詢,他完全實現了我的願望,而且我認為結果在各方面都令人滿意:我將琴橋做得更寬,這樣弦與弦之間的距離就與三弦低音大提琴上的距離相同,為振動提供了充足的空間;琴頸則必須按比例做得更大。因此,我可以在四根弦上彈奏出和三根弦一樣的力度。當我加上第四根弦時,我發現 EE 不夠深,因為在貝多芬的交響曲中,我們經常發現有段落被寫成 EbE b ,就像在 Eroica 交響曲中一樣,而在合唱交響曲中也經常被寫成 DD ;同樣地,在 Pastorale 交響曲中,我們甚至發現有雙重 CC ,這是大提琴的最低音。我猜想貝多芬會讓低音大提琴盡其所能,而他們所能做的就是將這個段落反轉,演奏高八度的音。 由於這是我所知道的唯一需要雙音 CC 的情況,我決定將 DD 做為我的最低音,而當需要 CC 時,則將弦放低......因此我的低音結他調為 DGdc;雙音 DD 是一個非常細緻的音,除了本身的聲音之外,還有其八度的振動' ^('58){ }^{\prime 58} 。
White’s influence on London bass players led many of them to take up the four-stringer as well, even when they choose to follow the standard German tuning procedure in E A dg: Prout informs us that this system was introduced shortly before 1876.^(59)1876 .{ }^{59} Even so, basses tuned in this manner were only very gradually accepted in English orchestras, and it is not until the 1920’s that they definitively replaced the three-stringer. White對倫敦低音大提琴手的影響,讓許多低音大提琴手也開始使用四弦大提琴,即使他們選擇遵循德國標準的E A dg調音程序:Prout告訴我們,這個系統是在 1876.^(59)1876 .{ }^{59} 前不久才被引進的,即使如此,以這種方式調音的低音大提琴也只是逐漸被英國樂團所接受,直到1920年代才確實取代三弦大提琴。
Nowadays, following a period in which they favored the use of a CC extension mechanism, the British seem to be slowly moving towards the use of five string basses of German make. ^(60){ }^{60} 如今,英國人在經過一段喜歡使用 CC 延伸裝置的時期之後,似乎逐漸轉向使用德國製造的五弦低音大提琴。 ^(60){ }^{60}
D - Tuning in the Austro-German countries D - 德奧國家的調音
The evolution of the tuning procedure in the Austro-German countries stands quite apart from any other European tradition. Because of their continual use of today’s standard fourth tuning, these countries can be considered as forerunners in the field of instrumental music. Far ahead of the others, they experienced a prophetic insight that, in spite of chronic technological problems with the EE string, the true range of the double bass was in the sixteen-foot register, far below A or G. 德奧國家在調音程序上的演進與其他歐洲傳統截然不同。由於他們持續使用今日標準的四度調音,這些國家可被視為器樂領域的先驅。儘管在 EE 弦方面長期存在技術問題,但低音大提琴的真正音域在 16 英尺音區,遠低於 A 或 G。
On the other hand, a Golden Age of Virtuosity evolved in early classical Austrian music when a new type of double bass was devised and a tuning procedure typical of that area was adopted to its special needs. The so-called third-fourth tuning is in fact a scordatura of the EAdgc^(')tuningalready\mathrm{EA} \mathrm{d} \mathrm{g} \mathrm{c'} \mathrm{tuning} \mathrm{already} mentioned in 1619 by Michael Praetorius in connection with a “'Gross bass viol de gamba” and which became stabilized in the middle of the 18 th century. 另一方面,在早期的奧地利古典音樂中,出現了一種新的低音大提琴類型,並根據其特殊需求採用了該地區典型的調音程序,從而演變出一個美德的黃金時代。所謂的三度-四度調音,其實是 Michael Praetorius 在 1619 年提到「Gross bass viol de gamba」時所採用的 EAdgc^(')tuningalready\mathrm{EA} \mathrm{d} \mathrm{g} \mathrm{c'} \mathrm{tuning} \mathrm{already} scordatura,並在 18 世紀中葉穩定下來。
Because of a poorly adapted technology of gut twisting and winding, the pitch of the E string did not meet practical requirements. Tuned as it was, the E string responded poorly and lacked sufficient definiteness, while the high c’ string was far too long and thin to withstand the tension, and too often snapped. To counteract these problems, the tension of the low string was gradually increased and that of the high string diminished. In 1677, J.J. Prinner mentioned the F A d f#b\mathrm{f} \# \mathrm{~b} scordatura, ^(61){ }^{61} a very near approach to the established FAdf\mathrm{F} A \mathrm{df} # a tuning already described twenty years earlier by James Talbot for his double bass viol. ^(62){ }^{62} 由於絞線和繞線技術的不完善,E弦的音高無法滿足實際的要求。在調音時,E弦的反應很差,缺乏足夠的清晰度,而高音c'弦太長太細,無法承受張力,而且經常斷裂。為了解決這些問題,低音弦的張力逐漸增加,而高音弦的張力則逐漸減少。在 1677 年,J.J. Prinner 提到 F A d f#b\mathrm{f} \# \mathrm{~b} scordatura, ^(61){ }^{61} 非常接近既定的 FAdf\mathrm{F} A \mathrm{df} # 調音,早在二十年前 James Talbot 已經描述過他的低音提琴。 ^(62){ }^{62} 。
| EA d g c'
Praetorius - 1619
Corrette - 1781, Kobrich - 1787
Prinner - }167
Talbot - 1697, etc.
This tuning procedure, however, was discontinued with the passing of the Vienna classics with which it was ultimately associated. The last reports concerning it come to us from C. Nicolai in 1816^(63)1816^{63} and George Kastner in 183764: it was at that time used only “very rarely”. In the mid-19th century, a teacher at the Crakow Conservatory wrote of having seen five string double basses in third-fourth tuning, but he considered them merely as exceptions unworthy of interest. ^(65){ }^{65} 然而,隨著維也納經典的逝去,這種調音方法也被終止了。最後的報導來自C. Nicolai在 1816^(63)1816^{63} 和George Kastner在1837年64:當時它只被「極少使用」。在十九世紀中葉,克拉科夫音樂學院的一位老師寫道,他曾見過採用三度-四度調音的五弦低音大提琴,但他認為那只是不值得關注的例外。 ^(65){ }^{65}
Charles Labro ^(66){ }^{66} and Albert Jacquot ^(67){ }^{67} incidentally refer to five-stringers as Charles Labro ^(66){ }^{66} 和 Albert Jacquot ^(67){ }^{67} 順便把五弦琴稱為
late as 1860 and 1886, but these can in now way be considered as faithful reports of late 19 th century musical practices. On the contrary, the solo bass was then as good as forgotten: since many pieces composed for this instrument could no longer be played with the standard tuning, it was often assumed that they had been written for the bass viol or the cello. Several works belonging to the double bass repertoire, such as Mozart’s Aria ‘Per Questa Bella Mano’, were then all but forgotten: 但這些作品絕對不能被視為十九世紀末音樂實踐的忠實報告。相反地,低音提琴獨奏在當時就像被遺忘了一樣:由於許多為低音提琴所創作的作品已無法以標準的調音方式演奏,因此通常會被認為是為低音中提琴或大提琴所寫。一些屬於低音大提琴曲目的作品,例如莫扎特的詠嘆調「Per Questa Bella Mano」,在當時幾乎被遺忘:
“The question is, how are we to tune the double-bass in order to produce the written notes? and also, at what pitch are they to be played? If precisely in the treble cleff, as written, they will be found extremely difficult, if not impracticable. If an octave lower than written, the difficulty is not much less, and the effect by no means good. In fact, look at this work in any way, it is not double bass music…Certainly, if (Bottesini) found it unplayable in the original form, there are not many men alive likely to dispute his verdict…There is every reason to suppose that this accompaniment was really written for a viola da gamba, or such obsolete instrument”. ^(68){ }^{68} "問題是,我們該如何調整低音大提琴的音調,才能彈奏出所寫的音符?如果準確地按照所寫的高音五度來演奏,即使不是不可行,也會發現非常困難。如果比譜上的音低一個八度,難度也不會低多少,而且效果也不會好。事實上,從任何角度來看這部作品,它都不是低音提琴音樂......當然,如果 (Bottesini) 認為它的原版無法演奏,也沒有多少人會反駁他的判斷......我們完全有理由推測,這部伴奏曲實際上是為中提琴或這種過時的樂器而寫的。 ^(68){ }^{68} 。
The “German” double bass 德國」低音大提琴
The continued use of the four-stringer in fourth tuning as well as its widespread acceptance in Germany earned for today’s standard instrument the title of “German” bass so frequently to be found in 18th and 19th centuries musical literature. The fourth tuning is mentioned by a long series of commentators of German culture: Speer (1697), Janowka (1715), Eisel (1738) etc. We have selected a number of reports which demonstrate its steady popularity among German players: 在德國,四弦低音大提琴持續使用第四調,並廣泛被接受,因此在 18 及 19 世紀的音樂文獻中,今天的標準樂器被冠以「德國」低音大提琴的稱號。一連串的德國文化評論家都提到了第四調:Speer (1697)、Janowka (1715)、Eisel (1738) 等。我們挑選了一些報告來證明它在德國演奏家中的穩定性:
1752, Quantz (French edition): “We speak here of the four string instrument tuned in fourths EAd g, which the Germans call the Contra-Violon”. 1752 年,Quantz (法文版):「我們在此說的是四弦琴,音調為四度 EAd g,德國人稱之為 Contra-Violon」。
1756-1787, Leopold Mozart: “It is most often fitted with four strings”. 1802, Koch: 1756-1787,Leopold Mozart:「它最常裝上四根弦」。1802, Koch:
"Nowadays,it is most often provided with four strings, EAdg^('')E A d g^{\prime \prime}. "現在,最常提供的是四個字串, EAdg^('')E A d g^{\prime \prime} 。
1816, Lichtenthal: 1816, Lichtenthal:
1837, Kastner: 1837, Kastner:
"German double basses, which generally have four strings, are tuned in opposite fashion to the violin, EAd g^('')\mathrm{g}^{\prime \prime}. "德國低音大提琴一般有四根弦,調音方式與小提琴相反,EAd g^('')\mathrm{g}^{\prime \prime} 。
“Four string double basses, which have been adopted almost everywhere in Germany…”. "四弦低音大提琴,在德國幾乎處處採用...'。
In 1839, the Leipzig ‘Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung’ attributed to this tuning the superiority of German bassists to their French counterparts who used the awkward fifth tuning. The latter eventually adopted the German system, both for its ease of playing and because the lower notes it offered came to be required by the development of larger symphony orchestras. 1839 年,萊比錫的《Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung》將德國低音大提琴手優於使用笨拙五度調音的法國低音大提琴手歸功於這種調音方式。後者最終採用了德國系統,一來是因為它容易演奏,二來是因為大型交響樂團的發展需要它所提供的低音。
Beginning in the years 1756-1787, the three string double bass made a rather modest appearance in Germany. Unknown to Quantz and Leopold Mozart in the mid-18th century, it is mentioned in an addition to the 1787 edition of the ‘Violinschüle’: 從 1756-1787 年開始,三弦低音大提琴在德國出現的機會不多。在 18 世紀中葉,Quantz 和 Leopold Mozart 都不知道三弦低音大提琴的存在,但在 1787 年版的《Violinschüle》中,卻有提及:
“It is most commonly fitted with four strings,- occasionally with only three (1787 addition)-; the largest ones, however, may have five”. 69 它最常裝有四根弦,偶爾只有三根(1787 年新增);然而,最大的可能有五根。69
We know from Schubart that the three-stringer began to be more frequently played around 1785, although four- and five-stringers were considered indispensable for solo performance. ^(70){ }^{70} Yet, this instrument was not to enjoy any lasting popularity in a country where the fifth tuning was regarded as “the most blamable” alternative and where the fourth tuning was generally preferred for four stringed instruments. ^(71){ }^{71} 我們從舒巴特 (Schubart) 處得知,三弦琴在 1785 年左右開始更常被演奏,雖然四弦和五弦琴被認為是獨奏不可或缺的樂器。 ^(70){ }^{70} 然而,在五弦調被視為「最可責備」的選擇,以及四弦樂器普遍偏好四弦調的國家,這種樂器並未受到長久的歡迎。 ^(71){ }^{71}
In contrast to their neighbors, the Germans have always been concerned with the necessity of reaching the sixteen-foot register. A text dated 1816, which remains valid today, sets forth Dr C. Nicolai’s observations: 與鄰國不同的是,德國人一直關注達到 16 英尺註冊的必要性。1816 年的一篇文字至今仍然有效,其中闡述了 C. Nicolai 博士的觀點:
“I think that this instrument should be pitched as low as possible, because its place is in the low register. Therefore, a good quality instrument of reasonable size with a relatively long neck should, in my opinion and that of others, have its lowest string tuned down to contra-D”. (D A d g) ^(72){ }^{72} "我認為這把樂器的音調應該越低越好,因為它的位置在低音域。因此,在我和其他人看來,一把尺寸合理、琴頸相對較長的優質樂器,其最低的弦應該調低到反D。(D A d g) ^(72){ }^{72} 。
Toward the end of the century, research in this field led German bassists to try out a number of other possibilities. They include the tuning down of the instrument one-fourth below orchestral tuning ( B_(1)B_{1} E A d), the invention of various types of extension mechanisms, and the creation of a five string orchestral bass. These explorations will be dealt with in the next chapter. 在本世紀末期,這個領域的研究促使德國低音大提琴家嘗試許多其他的可能性。其中包括將樂器的調音降低至管弦樂調音的四分之一( B_(1)B_{1} E A d),發明各種類型的延伸裝置,以及創造出五根弦的管弦樂低音大提琴。這些探索將在下一章中討論。
A scordatura is the temporary tuning of one or more strings differently than usually accepted for the instrument. 顫音(scordatura)是指一種或多種弦的臨時調音與通常樂器的調音不同。
This deliberate detuning has been employed on every member of the violin family, the violin proper, the viola, the cello and the double bass. However, because of its size and pitch, the need to use scordaturas was more dramaticaly felt with the double bass than with any other member of the family. 小提琴家族的每一個成員,包括小提琴本體、中提琴、大提琴和低音提琴,都採用了這種刻意的解調方式。然而,由於低音大提琴的尺寸和音高,它比其他任何家族成員都更需要使用音準調節器。
Still, with the exception of the Viennese variation of the EAdg c’ tuning, scordatura has always been considered a makeshift solution, and has been used much less frequently than the two basic tunings in fourths and in fifths. 然而,除了 EAdg c' 調的維也納變奏之外,弦樂調式一直被視為臨時的解決方案,使用的頻率遠低於四度和五度這兩種基本調式。
Scordatura has been used with the double bass for three different purposes: 低音大提琴使用 Scordatura 有三種不同的目的:
A - To obtain more distinct sounds when playing on the lowest string: the comfort scordaturas. A - 在最低音的琴弦上演奏時,獲得更清晰的聲音:舒適的 scordaturas。
B - To extend the range of the instrument by tuning the low string down or the high string up: the range extending scordaturas. B - 將低弦調低或高弦調高,以擴大樂器的音域:音域擴展的 scordaturas。
C - To improve the tone color of the instrument by changing the tension of all the strings: the solo scordaturas. C - 透過改變所有琴弦的張力來改善樂器的音色:獨奏的 scordaturas。
A - The comfort scordaturas A - 舒適的 scordaturas
As long as no bottom string could be manufactured that satisfactorily reached its theoretical pitch of C or E , musicians were tempted to raise it so as to obtain sufficient tautness for a full tone. In 1694, Fra Bartolomeo Bismantova explained that the normal tuning of the double bas was in fourths throughout, but that a string tuned to E would have to be too thick. Because no bottom string could adequately reach this pitch, it had to be tuned to GG ( GG A d g tuning). Viennese virtuoso Johann Hindle also commented on this subject: 只要無法製造出令人滿意地達到 C 或 E 的理論音高的底弦,音樂家們就會想方設法提高它的音高,以獲得足夠的張力來演奏出完整的音色。1694 年,Fra Bartolomeo Bismantova 解釋說,雙低音大提琴的正常調音是以四度為單位,但調到 E 音的琴弦必須太粗。因為沒有一根底弦能充分達到這個音高,所以必須調成 GG ( GG A d g 調)。維也納演奏家約翰-辛德 (Johann Hindle) 也評論過這個問題:
"The open strings are tuned FF A d g. Some people do not understand why I tune the first one to FF, since the low string is usually tuned to EE. It cannot be denied that low EE produces a good effect in Adagios and Pianos, but the instrument has to be designed for that purpose. Double basses with a strong, clear tone in the low register are rarely to be found. One rarely finds strings which can reach contra-E: most of the time, they are slack and have an indistinct tone. For this reason, bassists cannot tune it and the result is that, in attempting to reach this low note, one diminishes the string’s volume of sound rather than improving it. Since, in any case, the use of low EE is very infrequent, and because one often comes upon low FF, I favor tuning it to FF. The string, being consequently tauter, gives a fuller tone development, and thus can be tuned more easily by ear. The open AA string can also be bridged more easily, as the notes FF, "開弦的音調為 FF A d g。有些人不明白我為什麼要把第一根弦調成 FF ,因為低音弦通常是調成 EE 的。無可否認,低音 EE 在 Adagios 和 Pianos 中能產生很好的效果,但樂器必須為此目的而設計。低音區中具有強而有力、清晰音色的低音大提琴很少見。我們很少能找到可以達到contra-E的琴弦:大多數時候,它們都是鬆弛的,而且音色模糊不清。因此,低音結他手無法對其進行調音,其結果是,在嘗試達到這個低音的過程中,弦的音量非但沒有改善,反而降低了。無論如何,低音 EE 的使用頻率很低,而低音 FF 又經常出現,因此我傾向於將它調到 FF 。這根弦因此較為繃緊,音色發展較為飽滿,因此可以更容易地用耳朵來調音。開弦 AA 琴弦也更容易橋接,就像 FF 琴弦一樣、
F#, GG and G#G \# can be played without leaving the first position." ^(73){ }^{73}. F#、 GG 和 G#G \# 可以在不離開第一位置的情況下演奏。 ^(73){ }^{73} .
These considerations were taken into account in the development of the following scordaturas: 在制定下列 Scordaturas 時,已將這些考慮因素納入考量:
-G d a
F G d a Laborde, 1780; Schubert, 1804.
E G d a Schubert, 1804; Berlioz, 1844; Lavoix, 1878.
D G d a
CG d a
A d g uarr\uparrow
G A d g Bismantova, 164; Janowka, 1715; Petri, 1782; G A d g Bismantova,164;Janowka,1715;Petri,1782; uarr\uparrow
F A d g
Janowka, 1715; Petri, 1782; Albrechtsberger, 1790; Janowka, 1715; Petri, 1782; Albrechtsberger, 1790; uarr\uparrow
Nicolai, 1816; Kastenr, 1837; Hindle, 1860. Nicolai, 1816; Kastenr, 1837; Hindle, 1860。
E A d g
F#A d g c’ Anglois. 1837. F#A d g c' Anglois。1837. uarr\uparrow
F A d g c’ Corrette*, 1781; Kobrich, 1787; Albrechsberger, 1790. F A d g c' Corrette*, 1781; Kobrich, 1787; Albrechsberger, 1790。 uarr\uparrow
EA d g c’ EA d g c'
Alberchtsberger, 1790; Nicolai, 1816. Alberchtsberger, 1790; Nicolai, 1816。
G A d g c’ G A d g c' uarr\uparrow
Corrette mentions this tuning a full step higher, an evidence of early solo scordatura. Corrette 提到此調音高了整整一個音階,這是早期獨奏 scordatura 的證據。
- A d f# a
G A d f# a Talbot, 1697; etc. .
F A d f# a
This type of scordatura naturally disappeared after the 1870 's, when covered strings came into general use, allowing for a heavier low string. 19 世紀 70 年代後,覆蓋式琴弦開始普遍使用,使得低音弦變得更重,這類型的 scordatura 自然也就消失了。
B - Range extending scordaturas B - 範圍擴展的 scordaturas
The opposite procedure was advocated by theoreticians who, like C. Nicolai, felt that the true furction of the double bass was to play in the lowest register. H.C. Koch, for instance, reported on the practice of tuning “the E string one toneinterval lower, i.e. to DD, in order to gain two lower notes”. ^(74){ }^{74} At the beginning of our century, Max Poike criticized the prevalent usage among German bassists of keeping the E string continuously tuned down to CC, which necessarily resulted in technical impossibilities in rapid passages. ^(75){ }^{75} Besides, it became apparent that tuning an EE string below DD was impractical, as a proper tone development cannot be produced with a string whose tension has been reduced to the point of flabbiness. The following scordaturas resulted from these practices: 與此相反的理論家,如C.Nicolai 一樣,認為低音大提琴的真正功能是在最低音域演奏。舉例來說,H.C. Koch 報導了一種做法,將 E 琴弦調低一個音程,也就是 DD ,以獲得兩個較低的音符。 ^(74){ }^{74} 在本世紀初,Max Poike批評德國低音大提琴手普遍將E弦持續調低至 CC 的做法,這必然導致快速樂段的技術上的不可能。 ^(75){ }^{75} 此外,把 EE 弦調到 DD 以下顯然是不切實際的,因為張力降低到鬆軟程度的琴弦不可能產生適當的音色發展。以下是這些做法的結果:
E A d g
Eb A d g Kastner, 1839; Weckerlin, 1875
D A d g Koch, 1802; Nicolai, 1816; Kastner, 1837; Weckerlin 1875; Tom-
C A d g Poike, 1912; Billè, 1928.
C G d g Billè, 1928; Echlin, 1938.
E A d g_c'
Eb A d g c' Laborde, 1780.
- A d g c'
- G d g c' Laborde, 1780; Paul W. Simon, 1979. }\mp@subsup{}{}{76
The exceptional volume of sound of the three string bass came from a much lighter load on the bridge, but the absence of low notes was also a hindrance which often had to be made up for, particularly in the larger orchestras. Prior to Othello, for instance, the instructions “Abbassare il La al Sol” was often to be found in Verdi’s operas, an illustration of the composer’s concern for the inadequacy of the Italian A dg tuning. Dragonetti also allegedly tuned his low string down to GG or even F # in the first two parts of “Softly sighs”, from the Freischütz, and it is reported that English bassists similarly detuned when they played the scherzo movement in Beethoven’s C minor symphony. 三弦低音提琴的特殊音量來自於橋板上更輕的負荷,但低音的缺失也是一個障礙,經常需要彌補,尤其是在大型管弦樂團中。例如,在《奧賽羅》之前,威爾第的歌劇中經常出現「Abbassare il A al G」的指示,這說明作曲家對義大利 A dg 調音不足的關注。據說,Dragonetti 在演奏 Freischütz 中的「輕輕地嘆息」的前兩部分時,也將低音弦調低至 GG 甚至 F #,而據報導,英國的低音提琴演奏家在演奏貝多芬的 C 小調交響曲中的回旋曲時,也同樣將弦調調低。
-G d g Italian scordatura, very frequently used in
\downarrow and England
- F#d g White, 1887.
- etc.
EA(d)(g)C^(')rarrAdgC^(')quad" Fétis, 1827; Gelinck, 1828; Javureck, 1841; "_\underline{\mathrm{E} A \mathrm{~d} \mathrm{~g} \mathrm{C}^{\prime} \rightarrow \mathrm{A} \mathrm{d} \mathrm{g} \mathrm{C}^{\prime} \quad \text { Fétis, 1827; Gelinck, 1828; Javureck, 1841; }} darr\downarrow
Hause, 1844; Elgar, 1860. Hause, 1844; Elgar, 1860。
G d g C’ Laborde, 1780; Encyclopédia Britiannica, 1835; G d g C' Laborde,1780 年;Encyclopédia Britiannica,1835 年; darr\downarrow
Elgar, 1960. Elgar,1960 年。
F d g c’ Elgar, 1960. F d g c' Elgar,1960 年。 darr\downarrow
- d g c’ Louis Anglois, 1837. - d g c' Louis Anglois,1837 年。
G d a darr darr darr\downarrow \downarrow \downarrow
F c g Speer, 1697; Nicolai, 1816. F c g Speer, 1697; Nicolai, 1816。
In the last years of the 19th century, a particular school of double bass playing which took full advantage of the scordatura technique developed in England. In John Reynold’s “Scrap book for the use of students of the double bass”, the author illustrates the use of a complex combination of the EAdg tuning and of the then popular Italian GdgG \mathrm{dg} scordatura, as he believed that “the importance of being able to play freely with the strings tuned in fourths or in fifths should not be overlooked.” ^(77){ }^{77} According to the pieces to be played, the performer was supposed to tune as follows: 在十九世紀的最後幾年,英國發展了一個特殊的低音大提琴演奏流派,它充分利用了scordatura技巧。在 John Reynold 的 "Scrap book for the use of the students of the double bass 「中,作者展示了 EAdg 調音與當時流行的義大利 GdgG \mathrm{dg} scordatura 的複雜結合使用,因為他認為 」能夠自由演奏四度或五度調音的琴弦的重要性不容忽視"。 ^(77){ }^{77} 根據演奏的曲目,演奏者應該按照以下方式調音:
A d g darr\downarrow EAdgE A d g darr\downarrow -Gdg-G d g
E G d g darr\downarrow
D G d g
Example (tuning D G d g): 範例 (調音 D G d g):
3rd & 4th G.D. 第 3 及第 4 G.D.
Example (tuning E G d g): 範例 (調音 E G d g):
3rd String G 第三弦 G
From 6th symphony, Pastorale, Beethoven. 選自貝多芬第六交響曲《牧歌》。
Raising of the high string 升高高弦
The high string may sometimes be raised above normal pitch in order to facilitate access to the upper positions. Warren Benfield, for example, remarks that he “likes to play the solo of the Mahler first symphony with the G string tuned up a tone”. ^(78){ }^{78} 有時候,為了方便演奏高音位置,高音琴弦可能會調高至正常音高以上。例如,Warren Benfield 說他 「喜歡在演奏 Mahler 第一交響曲的獨奏時將 G 琴弦調高一個音」。 ^(78){ }^{78}
Depending on the number of strings, the following scordaturas were used: 根據弦的數量,使用了以下的 scordaturas:
A d a Engel, 1870. A d a Engel,1870 年。
E A d a
W. Benfield, 1975. ^(78){ }^{78} W. Benfield,1975 年。 ^(78){ }^{78} 。 uarr\uparrow
A d g
EAd g
Experiment in that field could also resulted in the addition of an extra string, as the following example will show: “Musicians who tune the three-stringed double bass by fourths will make AA their lowest string, dd the middle and gg the upper. It will be seen that by this tuning, the harmony loses two low and two high sounds, and that by adding a fourth string above the gg, which would give c^(')c^{\prime}, five additional notes would be obtained without the hand changing its position”.(tuning A dg c’, Gelinck 1829). 在這個領域中的實驗也可能導致增加一條額外的弦,就像下面的例子所顯示的:"音樂家對三弦低音大提琴進行四度調音時,會將 AA 設定為最低弦, dd 設定為中弦, gg 設定為上弦。我們可以看到,這樣的調音方式會使和聲失去兩個低音和兩個高音,而在 gg 的上方加上第四根弦,也就是 c^(')c^{\prime} ,就可以得到五個額外的音符,而手不需要改變位置"(調音 A dg c',Gelinck 1829)。
C - The solo scordatura C - 唯一的鍵盤
The solo scordatura consists of raising ALL the strings from a step to a fourth above normal pitch. Double bass scores can be either notated at sounding pitch or, more commonly, at orchestral tuning pitch: the double bass then becomes a transposing instrument. The most commonly used solo scordatura on the bass is the so-called “D” tuning, or whole-step scordatura, pitched one full step higher than the usual orchestra tuning ( E A d g). 低音大提琴的獨奏音階是將所有的弦線從高於正常音高一個音階提升到四個音階。低音大提琴的樂譜既可以用音高來記譜,也可以用管弦樂團的調音音高來記譜。低音大提琴最常用的獨奏音階是所謂的「D」調,或稱全音階音階,音高比一般管弦樂團的調音(E A d g)高出一個音階。
In the Adelaïde violin concerto, Mozart employs the device of tuning each string one half step higher. Similar to it is the ‘Sinfonie concertante’ in Eb major for violin and viola, also by Mozart. In this composition, it is the viola player who must raise each of his strings one half step. According to Berlioz, the great Paganini was able to "set off the timbre of the solo violin and give it dominance by tuning its strings half a step higher than those of orchestra violins, which allowed him to play in the bright keys of DD and AA, while the orchestra accompanied him in the less sonorous keys of EbE b and Bb^('').^(79)B b^{\prime \prime} .{ }^{79} 在《Adelaïde》小提琴協奏曲中,莫札特採用了每根弦調高半音階的方法。與此類似的還有莫扎特為小提琴和中提琴創作的 Eb 大調「小提琴協奏曲」。在這部作品中,中提琴演奏者必須將每根琴弦升高半級。根據 Berlioz 的說法,偉大的 Paganini 能夠 "透過將獨奏小提琴的弦調得比管弦樂團的小提琴高半個音階,來襯托獨奏小提琴的音色,並賦予其主導地位,這使得他能夠在 DD 和 AA 的明亮音調中演奏,而管弦樂團則在 EbE b 和 Bb^('').^(79)B b^{\prime \prime} .{ }^{79} 的較不響亮的音調中為他伴奏。
The original intention of double bass solo scordatura was to compensate the use of special, very thin gut,strings, that were employed by soloists. When they were too thick, the old gut strings produced a sound which was heavy, difficult 低音大提琴獨奏 Scordatura 的原意是為了補償獨奏者使用特殊的、非常細的羊腸弦。當它們太厚時,舊式的羊腸弦就會產生沉重、難以演奏的聲音。
to start, and generally inaccurate in intonation. But, if they were too thin, they suffered from a weak tone and tended to flap against the fingerboard. ^(80){ }^{80} A higher tension alleviated the annoyance of a buzzing sound and lent additional brightness to the tone, helping it to stand out in the musical texture. It also rendered a faster string-to-bow response which allowed for a clearer and more articulate execution of the faster, ‘bravura’, passages which would have sounded “mushy” with orchestral tuning. For these reasons, the solo scordatura was long considered indispensable in concert performances.* 但如果太薄,音色就會變弱,而且容易搖晃指板。但是,如果太薄的話,音色就會變弱,而且容易與指板摩擦。 ^(80){ }^{80} 較高的張力可以減輕嗡嗡聲的煩惱,並賦予音色額外的亮度,使其在音樂質感中更加突出。它也提供了更快的琴弦對弓子的反應,讓較快的、「誇張 」的樂段聽起來更清晰、更鮮明,而管弦樂的調音則會讓這些樂段聽起來 「糊塗」。基於這些原因,獨奏弦樂器長期以來被視為音樂會演奏中不可或缺的工具。
“To ensure this (that the student becomes a soloist), the player should use thinner strings than are ordinarily used, and also tune the instrument at least one tone higher, in order to increase its sonorousness” ^(81){ }^{81} 「為了確保這一點(學生成為獨奏者),演奏者應使用比通常使用的更細的琴弦,同時至少將樂器調高一個音,以增加其音色」 ^(81){ }^{81} 。
The following solo scordaturas were typical of the past: 以下的獨奏 Scordaturas 是過去的典型:
Corrette, 1781. 已更正,1781 年。
Fx B e a d^(') Corrette, 1781.
uarr uarr uarr uarr uarr
F A d g c^(') | | Fx | B | e | a | $d^{\prime}$ | Corrette, 1781. |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| | $\uparrow$ | $\uparrow$ | $\uparrow$ | $\uparrow$ | $\uparrow$ | |
| | F | A | d | g | $c^{\prime}$ | |
(F#) Bb Eb g bb Dittersdorf, Hoffmeister, Vanhal, (F#) Bb Eb g bb Dittersdorf, Hoffmeister, Vanhal、
Recently, steel strings and modern scientific technology have dramatically altered the situation, as solo and orchestral strings are now equally taut. 最近,鋼弦和現代科學技術大大改變了這種情況,獨奏和管弦樂的弦線現在同樣緊繃。
According to Rodney Slatford, “since aluminum-covered steel or nylon core strings have replaced their thick gut predecessors, it is arguable whether the practice of scordatura tuning is still necessary”. ^(82){ }^{82} 根據 Rodney Slatford 的說法,「由於鋁包鋼弦或尼龍芯弦已經取代了以前的粗羊毛弦,因此是否仍有必要使用 scordatura 調音是值得爭論的」。 ^(82){ }^{82}
For this reason, a number of contemporary composers now write for orchestral tuning only. On the other hand, this hardly simplifies matters for the choice of one’s recital program, as a substantial proportion of the repertory is written in " D " tuning. Lucas Drew points out that “unless the recital is all orchestral tuning or all solo tuning, one is faced with using two basses or retuning during the program. The disadvantages of both are obvious”. ^(83){ }^{83} 因此,許多當代作曲家現在只寫管弦樂調的作品。另一方面,這也難以簡化獨奏會曲目的選擇,因為有相當大的曲目是以 D 調來寫成的。Lucas Drew 指出:"除非獨奏會全部採用管弦樂調或獨奏調,否則在演奏過程中就必須使用兩種低音或重新調音。兩者的缺點都很明顯。 ^(83){ }^{83}
A solution to this problem would be to have parts available in both tunings, in order for each player to chose what is best for his situation. For several years, it 解決這個問題的方法是提供兩種調音的樂曲,讓每位演奏者選擇最適合自己情況的調音。幾年來
With a notable exception, however: Dragonetti, who used thick gut strings set up at a distance from the fingerboard, apparently never used solo scordatura. 然而,有一個明顯的例外:Dragonetti 使用的是與指板有一定距離的粗羊肚弦,顯然從未使用獨奏的 scordatura。
has indeed been possible to get such piano parts, each in a different key and sold in one cover, from Frank Proto’s Liben music publishers in the United States and from Rodney Slatford’s Yorke Editions in Britain. 在美國的 Frank Proto「s Liben 音樂出版社和英國的 Rodney Slatford」s Yorke Editions 出版社,確實可以買到這樣的鋼琴零件,每個零件都有不同的調子,並以一個封面出售。
Opinions, however, are divided on the issue of orchestra versus solo tuning, as the choice between them has become a matter of taste. According to Gary Karr, the difference is eminently audible: 然而,在管弦樂團與獨奏的調音問題上,眾說紛紜,因為兩者之間的選擇已成為品味的問題。Gary Karr 認為,兩者的差異顯而易見:
“The solo strings produce higher overtones (with the same fundamentals as orchestra strings), thus projecting a brighter sound than orchestra strings. The brighter sound travels faster and cuts through any kind of accompaniment, a fact which, in my opinion, renders solo strings more desirable for solo playing”. ^(84){ }^{84} "獨奏弦樂會產生更高的泛音(與樂團弦樂的基本原理相同),因此會比樂團弦樂發出更明亮的聲音。更明亮的聲音傳得更快,能穿透任何伴奏,在我看來,獨奏弦樂更適合獨奏"。 ^(84){ }^{84}
In France, Jean-Marc Rollez favors the dark, warm, orchestral-string color, as opposed to Yoan Goilav who feels ill at ease with it. Ludwig Streicher, who advocates solo tuning, came up with the following idea some years ago: 在法國,Jean-Marc Rollez 偏好深色、溫暖、管弦樂的弦線色彩,而 Yoan Goilav 則對此感到不自在。提倡獨奏調音的 Ludwig Streicher 在幾年前提出了以下的想法:
“The transition from violin to viola and from viola to cello is very smooth. In contrast, there is a gaping abyss between cello and double bass. In order to span this chasm, the orchestral double bass should be tuned BeB e a, and as the lowest string E. ^(**){ }^{*} The realization of this idea would require that all future bass player study the instrument with this tuning right from the beginning (a new school!)”. ^(85){ }^{85} "從小提琴到中提琴以及從中提琴到大提琴的轉換非常流暢。相比之下,大提琴與低音提琴之間卻有一道鴻溝。 ^(**){ }^{*} 要實現這個想法,需要所有未來的低音提琴演奏家從一開始就以這種調音方式學習樂器(一個新的學派!)'。 ^(85){ }^{85}
This observation sheds light on one of the double bass’ more important contradictions. By the sole means of the mid-sized instrument that has come down to us, we are attempting to make up for the disappearance of a series of once available basses, which ranged from the small chamber basses to the giants of the past. 這一觀察揭示了低音大提琴最重要的矛盾之一。藉由傳承給我們的中型樂器,我們試圖彌補一系列曾經消失的低音大提琴,從小型室內低音大提琴到過去的巨型低音大提琴。
Once again, the question of the true identity of the bass is raised: “Do we want the bass to sound one way in the orchestra, another way in the chamber ensemble, another way in the recital program, and still another way in the soloconcerto with orchestra?”. ^(86){ }^{86} 低音提琴的真正身份問題再次被提出:「我們是否希望低音提琴在管弦樂團中以一種方式發聲,在室內樂團中以另一種方式發聲,在獨奏會中以另一種方式發聲,而在與管弦樂團的獨奏音樂會中又以另一種方式發聲? ^(86){ }^{86}
Two basic procedures have essentially been used for the double bass in the course of its historical development: the tuning in fifths ( C GdaC \operatorname{Gda}, or GdaG d a ), characteristic of the violin family, and the tuning in fourths (EAdg c’, EAd gg, or AdgA \mathrm{~d} g ). 在低音大提琴的歷史發展過程中,基本上使用了兩種基本程序:小提琴家族特有的五度調音 ( C GdaC \operatorname{Gda} 或 GdaG d a ) 和四度調音 (EAdg c', EAd gg 或 AdgA \mathrm{~d} g ) 。
According to Praetorius, early 17th century German bass players already favored the latter procedure. The tuning in fourths seems almost to be a natural empirical 根據 Praetorius 的說法,十七世紀早期的德國低音提琴演奏家已經偏好後一種程序。四度調音幾乎是一種自然的經驗。
law, because it considerably reduces left-hand movement. Each enlargement of this tuning interval necessarily results in increased shifting. It is worth noting here that, in the late 17th century, Bismantova stated that the rules for playing the double bass in E A d g tuning were the same as those for the violin. 定律,因為它大大減少了左手的移動。這個調音間隔的每一次擴大,都必然導致移調的增加。值得注意的是,在 17 世紀末,比斯曼托瓦 (Bismantova) 指出低音大提琴在 E A d g 調式下的演奏規則與小提琴相同。
For various and contradictory reasons, players have sometimes resorted to the scordatura of their tuning, primarily with regard to their lowest string: they have either tuned it up, in order to obtain a clearer sound, or down, so as to gain an extension of the range of the instrument and thus meet the requirements of composers in search of ever deeper orchestral foundations. The existence of numerous methods of stringing and tuning the bass led to great confusion, as music written for one system did not necessarily suit the others. This state of anarchy came to an end with the disappearance of the fifth tuning, near the beginning of this century. 基於各種相互矛盾的原因,演奏者有時在調音上會採用 「弦調」(scordatura)的方法,主要是針對最低音的琴弦:他們或將其調高,以獲得更清晰的音色;或將其調低,以獲得樂器音域的延伸,從而滿足作曲家尋求更深的管弦樂基礎的要求。由於低音大提琴的上弦與調音方法眾多,因此造成了極大的混亂,因為為一種系統所寫的音樂不一定適合其他系統。在本世紀初,隨著第五種調音方式的消失,這種無政府的狀態終於結束。
The current practice of employing solo scordaturas in addition to the basic tuning can scarcely be avoided, considering that half of the solo repertory is published for one tuning, and half for the other. The choice, when it can be made, has now become a matter of aesthetics taste. 考慮到一半的獨奏曲目是以一種調式出版的,而另一半則是以另一種調式出版的,因此目前除了基本調式之外,還採用獨奏和絃的做法幾乎是無法避免的。當可以做出選擇時,現在已變成美學品味的問題。
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4 . Straeten, Edmond van der: A history of the violoncello, the viola da gamba. Their precursors and collateral instruments, London, 1914. 4 .Straeten,Edmond van der:《大提琴、中提琴與古帕的歷史》,倫敦,1914 年。它們的前身和附屬樂器,倫敦,1914 年。
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13. Spohr, Clifford: “Different strokes”, I.S.8. vol XII, nº 1, Fall 1985. 13.Spohr, Clifford: 'Different strokes', I.S.8. vol XII, no 1, Fall 1985.
14. Milliot, Sylvette: Documents inédits sur les luthiers parisiens du 18^(@)18^{\circ} siècle, Paris, 1970.
15. Koch, Heinrich Christian: Musicalisches Lexicon, Frankfurt, 1865. 15. Koch, Heinrich Christian: Musicalisches Lexicon, Frankfurt, 1865。
16. Simpson, Christopher: The division violist, London, 1659. 16.Simpson, Christopher: The division violist,倫敦,1659 年。
17. Bottesini, Giovanni: Grande méthode complète de contrebasse, Paris, 1878. Bottesini,Giovanni:Grande méthode complète de contrebasse,巴黎,1878 年。
18. Traeger, Charles: “Member’s forum”, I.S.B. vol IX, n ^(@){ }^{\circ} 2, Winter 1983, p. 39. Traeger, Charles: 'Member's forum', I.S.B. vol IX, n ^(@){ }^{\circ} 2, Winter 1983, p. 39.
19. Saunders, F.A.: “Recent works on violins”, Musical acoustics, ed. by C.M. Hutchins, Stroudsburg (Penn.), 1976. 19.Saunders,F.A.:「近期小提琴作品」,《音樂聲學》,C.M. Hutchins 編,Stroudsburg (賓州),1976 年。
20. White, A.C.: “The double bass”, Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association, London, 1887. White, A.C.:《低音提琴》,《皇家音樂協會會議記錄》,倫敦,1887 年。
21. Gelinck: “Remarks on the double bass”, The Harmonicon, Dec. 1829. 21. Gelinck:「低音大提琴評論」,The Harmonicon,1829 年 12 月。
22. Berlioz, Hector: Mémoires, Paris, 1870.
23. Fétis, F.J.: Revue Musicale, Febr. Jul. 1828, p. 550. 23.Fétis, F.J.: Revue Musicale, Febr.1828, p. 550.
24. Bottesini: op. cit. 24.Bottesini: 同前。
25. Lavoix, H., fils: Histoire de l’instrumentation, Paris, 1878. 25.Lavoix, H., fils: Histoire de l'instrumentation, Paris, 1878.
26. McLean, Charles: On some causes of the change of tone color in the most modern orchestras, Cincinnati, 1895. 26.McLean,Charles:On some causes of the change of tone color in the most modern orchestras,Cincinnati,1895 年。
27. Slatford, Rodney: “Double bass”. The New Grove Dictionnary of Music and Musicians, vol 5, p. 587, London, 1980. 27.Slatford, Rodney:「低音大提琴」。The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, vol 5, p. 587, London, 1980。
28. Singleton, Esther: The orchestra and its instruments, New York, 1917. 28.Singleton, Esther: The orchestra and its instruments, New York, 1917.
29. Prout, Ebenezer: Technique of instrumentation, London, 1876. 29.Prout, Ebenezer:儀器技術,倫敦,1876 年。
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31. Strauss, Richard: Instrumentationslehre von H. Berlioz, 1905. 31.Strauss, Richard: Instrumentationslehre von H. Berlioz, 1905.
32. Berlioz. Hector: Grand traité d’orchestration et d’instrumentation modernes, Paris, 1844. 32.Berlioz.Hector: Grand traité d'orchestration et d'instrumentation modernes, Paris, 1844.
33. Widor, Charles Marie: Technique de l’orchestre moderne, 1904. 33.Widor, Charles Marie: Technique de l'orchestre moderne, 1904.
34. Mersenne: op. cit. 34.Mersenne: op.
35. Gelinck: op. cit. 35.Gelinck: 同前。
36. Billè, Isaia: Nuovo metodo, 1922. 36.Billè, Isaiah: New Method, 1922.
37. Perne: Revue Musicale, 1828, p. 495. 37.Perne: Revue Musicale, 1828, p. 495。
38. Gelinck: op. cit. 38.Gelinck: 同前。
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42. Gordon, Ch.: Méthode de contre-basse à 3 ou 4 cordes, 1877. 42.Gordon, Ch.: Méthode de contre-basse à 3 ou 4 cordes, 1877.
43. Gevaert, François: Traité général d’instrumentation, Liège, 1885. 43.Gevaert, François: Traité général d'instrumentation, Liège, 1885.
44. Bismantova: Compendio Musicale, 1677. 44.Bismantova: Compendio Musicale, 1677.
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51. White: op. cit. 51.White: op.
52. Bottesinbi: up. cit. 52.Bottesinbi: up. cit.
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59. Prout: op. cit. 59.Prout: op.
60. Sack, Joe: “London debut of five-string basses”, Orchestra World. April 1980. 60.Sack, Joe:「五弦低音大提琴的倫敦首演」,Orchestra World。1980 年 4 月。
61. Prinner, J.J.: Musicalischer Schliss1, 1677. 61.Prinner, J.J.: Musicalischer Schliss1, 1677.
62. Talbot, James: “Musica, 1697”, The Galpin Society Journal, III, 1950 (James Talbot manuscript). 62.Talbot, James: 'Music, 1697', The Galpin Society Journal, III, 1950 (James Talbot 手稿)。
63. Nicolai, Dr. C.: “Das spiel auf dem Contrabass”, Amz, n^(@)16n^{\circ} 16, Leipzig, 1816. 63.Nicolai, Dr. C.: 'Das spiel auf dem Contrabass', Amz, n^(@)16n^{\circ} 16 , Leipzig, 1816.
64. Kastner, George: Traité général d’instrumentation, Paris, 1830. 64.Kastner, George:Traité général d'instrumentation,巴黎,1830 年。
65. Hartman, George: Méthode de contrebasse à 3 et 4 cordes, Paris, 1854. 65.Hartman、George:Méthode de contrebasse à 3 et 4 cordes,巴黎,1854 年。
66. Labro: op. cit. 66.Labro: op.
67. Jacquot, Albert: Dictonnaire des instruments de musique, Paris, 1886. Jacquot, Albert: Dictonnaire des instruments de musique, Paris, 1886.
68. Reynolds, John: A scrap book for the use of students of the double bass, London, n.d. 68.Reynolds, John: A scrap book for the use of students of the double bass, London, n.d.。
69. Mozart, Leopold: Versuch einer gründlichen Violinschule, Augsburg, 1756-1787. 69.Mozart,Leopold:Versuch einer gründlichen Violinschule,Augsburg,1756-1787。
70. Schubart, Chr. F.: Ideen zu einer Aesthetic der Tonkunst, Vienna, 1806. 70.Schubart, Chr. F.: Ideen zu einer Aesthetic der Tonkunst, Vienna, 1806.
71. Froelich, Joseph: Vollständige theoretish-praktische Music-Schule, Bonn, 1810 . 71.Froelich, Joseph: Vollständige theoretish-praktische Music-Schule, Bonn, 1810 .
72. Nicolai: op. cit. 72.Nicolai: op.
73. Hindle, Johann: Der Contrabass Lehrer, Vienna, 1850. 73.Hindle,Johann:Der Contrabass Lehrer,維也納,1850 年。
74. Koch: op. cit. 74.Koch: 同前。
75. Poike, Max: Orchester studien aus Richard Strauss, Berlin-Paris, 1912. 75.Poike, Max: Orchester studien aus Richard Strauss, Berlin-Paris, 1912.
76. Simons, 'Paul William: “Philosopher…Singer…Shaman…Bassist”, I.S.B. Newsletter, vol 5, n^(@)4n^{\circ} 4, Spring 1979. 76.Simons, 'Paul William: "Philosopher...Singer...Shaman...Bassist", I.S.B. Newsletter, vol 5, n^(@)4n^{\circ} 4 , Spring 1979.
77. Reynolds: op. cit. 77.Reynolds: 同前。
78. Benfield, Warren: “Orchestra versus solo tuning, A forum”, I.S.B. Annual Journal, vol 1, n^(@)4n^{\circ} 4, Spring 1975. 78.Benfield、Warren:《樂團與獨奏調音,一個論壇》,《I.S.B.年刊》,第1卷, n^(@)4n^{\circ} 4 ,1975年春。
79. Berlioz, Hector: Les soirées de l’orchestre, Paris, 1852. 79.Berlioz, Hector: Les soirées de l'orchestre, Paris, 1852.
80. Verrimst: Méthode de contre-basse à 4 cordes, Paris, c. 1865. 80.Verrimst:Méthode de contre-basse à 4 cordes,巴黎,約 1865 年。
81. Hegner, Ludwig: Kontrabasskole, Copenhagen, 1896. 81.Hegner, Ludwig: Kontrabasskole, Copenhagen, 1896.
82. Slatford: op. cit. 82.Slatford: 同前。
83. Drew, Lucas: “Orchestra versus solo tuning, A forum”, I.S.B. Annual Journal, vol 1, n^(@)4n^{\circ} 4, Spring 1975. 83.Drew、Lucas:《樂團與獨奏調音,一個論壇》,《I.S.B.年刊》,第1卷, n^(@)4n^{\circ} 4 ,1975年春。
84. Karr: op. cit. 84.Karr: op.
85. Streicher: op. cit. 85.Streicher: 同前。
86. Green: op. cit. 86.Green: op.
V. The sixteen-foot double bass. past and present V.十六呎低音大提琴的過去與現在
Respect for the composer’s intentions is fundamental in musical interpretation. It requires, however, a deep understanding of the context in which the music was written, and particularly of the instrumental range available at each stage of the development of musical art. 尊重作曲家的意圖是音樂詮釋的根本。然而,這需要深入瞭解音樂的創作背景,尤其是音樂藝術發展每個階段的樂器範圍。
In this respect, the ambiguity of musical notation has given rise to a length debate: did there exist, prior to Wagner’s time, a low-pitched double bass that descended to sixteen-foot C ? 在這方面,音樂記號的含糊不清引起了長時間的爭論:在瓦格納時代之前,是否存在一種低音降到 16 英尺 C 的低音提琴?
In this chapter, we shall try to clarify a situation which holds many implications for the interpretation by modern double bass sections of the orchestral works of past centuries. 在本章中,我們將嘗試闡明一種情況,它對於現代低音提琴聲部詮釋過去幾個世紀的管弦樂作品具有許多影響。
The literature which has come down to us makes it fairly easy to understand and analyse the development of technical and stylistic requirements for most western musical instruments. Orchestral double bass parts, unfortunately, are not as explicit as the others, and they can rarely be used as evidence of the double bass range. In 19th-century music, they are often indistinguishable from the cello part, being separated from it only when they feature some special intention or design of the composer. 根據流傳下來的文獻,我們可以相當容易地了解和分析大多數西方樂器在技術和風格要求上的發展。不幸的是,管弦樂低音提琴聲部不像其他樂器那麼明確,而且很少能用來作為低音提琴音域的證據。在 19 世紀的音樂中,它們往往與大提琴聲部無法區分,只有在它們具有作曲家的某些特殊意圖或設計時,才會與大提琴聲部區分開來。
The situation was even more confusing in the 18th century, when the bass part was not written uniquely for the string basses (cellos and double basses), but "was intended for all instruments of the bass register and for all those whose function included playing the bass of the music ^('')^(1){ }^{\prime \prime}{ }^{1} : cello, bassoon, harpsichord, etc. 十八世紀的情況更為混亂,當時低音聲部並非專為弦樂低音(大提琴和低音提琴)而寫,而是 「為所有低音音域的樂器以及所有其功能包括演奏樂曲低音的樂器 ^('')^(1){ }^{\prime \prime}{ }^{1} :大提琴、巴松管、羽管鍵琴等而設」。
Our knowledge of the double bass range is thus closely linked to the progress made in the separation of the double bass part from that of other bass instruments. 因此,我們對低音大提琴音域的認識,與低音大提琴聲部與其他低音樂器聲部分離的進展息息相關。
In the Brandenburg Concertos, Johann-Sebastian Bach fortunately left us an entirely separated double bass part. Its study is especially instructive; we find that for the first, second and third Concertos, Bach was writing for a double bass of contra-C range, whereas for the fourth and fifth Concertos the lowest note required was a DD, as can be seen in several instances where the part is transposed up an octave. The double bass even drops to sub-contra B in the sixth 在勃蘭登堡協奏曲中,巴赫幸運地為我們留下了完全獨立的低音提琴聲部。我們發現,在第一、第二和第三首協奏曲中,巴赫是為反C音域的低音提琴而寫,而在第四和第五首協奏曲中,所需的最低音是 DD ,這可從該聲部被移調高八度的幾個例子中看出。在第六首協奏曲中,低音大提琴的音域甚至降到了次 B 級。
Concerto, a probable effect of scordatura tuning. 協奏曲,可能是 scordatura 調音的效果。
The codified use of the simplification of parts also proves very helpful to our investigations and sometimes demonstrates the use of the contra-octave. In this brief excerpt from the Presto movement of the original score of Antoine Mahaut’s second symphony, dated 1754, the top line concerns the harpsichord and cello part, while the lower line, intended solely for a double bas, reveals significant low pitches: ^(2){ }^{2} 簡化聲部的編纂使用也證明對我們的調查非常有幫助,有時也展示了反八度音的使用。在這段摘錄自 1754 年 Antoine Mahaut 第二交響曲原始樂譜 Presto 樂章的簡短片段中,上行涉及大鍵琴與大提琴聲部,而下行則純粹是為雙低音而設,揭示出顯著的低音: ^(2){ }^{2} 。
Presto movement from Antoine Mahaut’s second symphony (1754). Antoine Mahaut 第二交響曲 (1754) 的前奏樂章。
Some surviving handwritten parts from the 18th-century operas of Jean-Philippe Rameau even dip down to sixteen-foot CC : 一些現存的 Jean-Philippe Rameau 十八世紀歌劇的手寫樂段甚至低至 16 英尺 CC :
A page from the orchestral double bass part for the overture to Rameau’s “Les Fetes d’Hébé” (1739). Rameau 的《Les Fetes d'Hébé》(1739)序曲管弦樂低音提琴聲部中的一頁。
Overture to Rameau’s opera “Les Boréades” (1764). Rameau 的歌劇《Les Boréades》(1764 年)序曲。
H.C. Robbins-Landon, carried out an exhaustive analysis of the works of Joseph Haydn which is highly useful to our investigation. He notes that the separation of H.C. Robbins-Landon 對 Joseph Haydn 的作品進行了詳盡的分析,這對我們的研究非常有用。他指出
the bassoons and the violoncelli from the contrabassi, and the trumpets from the horns, is developed in Haydn’s mature instrumentation. A thorough study of the bass parts allows him to conclude that “in Haydn’s time the lowest string was the sixteen-foot CC, whereas our four-stringed basses reach only EE, a third above. Happily, modern orchestras now employ several five-stringed double basses containing the additional sixteen-foot CC which is required in almost every work by Haydn, including those of the London period”. ^(3){ }^{3} 在海頓的成熟樂器中,低音管和大提琴來自低音大提琴,小號來自圓號。透過對低音提琴聲部的深入研究,他得出以下結論:「在海頓的時代,最低的琴弦是 16 呎的 CC ,而我們的四弦低音提琴只能達到 EE ,高出三分之一。令人高興的是,現代管弦樂團現在採用了多種五弦低音大提琴,其中包含海頓幾乎每部作品(包括倫敦時期的作品)都需要的額外 16 英尺 CC 。 ^(3){ }^{3}
The separation of the double bass part from that of the cello, timidly and sporadically undertaken in the first part of the 18th century, was further developped and more freely exploited by Beethoven. According to Hans Kunitz, these changes were nourished by the continually expanding polyphony of the orchestra movement and by the transcription of separate double bass parts. The same factors were to lead Richard Wagner to additional progress along the same lines, and resulted in the modern style of composing in the scores of Richard Strauss. ^(4){ }^{4} 低音提琴聲部與大提琴聲部的分離,在十八世紀前半期只是膽怯地零星進行,到貝多芬時則進一步發展,並且更自由地運用。根據漢斯‧庫尼茲 (Hans Kunitz) 的說法,這些變化是由管弦樂運動中不斷擴大的復調以及低音提琴聲部的轉錄所滋養出來的。同樣的因素也引領理查德‧瓦格納 (Richard Wagner) 沿著相同的路線取得進步,並在理查德‧施特勞斯 (Richard Strauss) 的樂譜中形成現代作曲風格。 ^(4){ }^{4}
In 1844, Hector Berlioz remarked that in many passages of Beethoven’s works, one finds notes too low for the double bass to attain. ^(5){ }^{5} He deduced from this that Beethoven had been writing for orchestras that included double basses which could reach the CC an octave below the cello, and which had since disappeared. The following examples were given as a demonstration: 1844 年,Hector Berlioz 評論說,在貝多芬作品的許多段落中,我們會發現低音提琴無法達到的低音。 ^(5){ }^{5} 他由此推斷,貝多芬曾為樂團寫作,而樂團中的低音提琴可以達到比大提琴低八度的 CC 音調,但這種低音提琴已不復見。以下舉例說明:
L. van Beethoven, 6th symphony, 3rd movement. L. van Beethoven,第六交響曲,第三樂章。
L. van Beethoven, Fidelio, Act II.
Since then, almost every work dealing with orchestration and instrumentation has referred to this hypothesis, but no definitive conclusion has ever been reached: 自此之後,幾乎所有處理管弦樂與配器的作品都提到這個假設,但卻從未得出任何定論:
“Beethoven’s scores, which take this instrument down to low CC (for example in the Storm of the Pastorale symphony), might lead us to conclude that at the time double basses were fitted so as to actually sound the low contra-C, an hypothesis accepted by Berlioz in his treatise on instrumentation and, according to him, by a few other specialized writers”. ^(6){ }^{6} "貝多芬的樂譜中,將這種樂器的音調降到低音 CC (例如在《牧歌》交響曲的《風雨》中),這可能會讓我們得出這樣的結論:當時低音大提琴的裝配,實際上是為了發出低音反C的音,Berlioz在他的樂器論文中接受了這個假設,而根據他的說法,其他幾位專業作家也接受了這個假設。 ^(6){ }^{6}
In 1885, Gevaert voiced the same concerns in his own treatise on instrumentation: 1885 年,Gevaert 在他自己的樂器論文中也表達了同樣的關注:
"With most composers prior to 1830, double bass parts often reach EE and can drop down as far as C, so that present-day bassists must transpose all or part of some passages :נp the octave. For example: "大部分 1830 年以前的作曲家,低音大提琴聲部通常會達到 EE ,甚至可以低至 C,因此現今的低音大提琴手必須將某些段落的全部或部分移調至八度。例如
ff Sempre ff 永遠
Beethoven, IXth symphony. 貝多芬,第九交響曲。
This can only be played nowadays in the following manner: 現在只能以下列方式播放:
As this happened frequently, and in places where the cello and the double bass each has its separate part, one must suppose that the double bass’s four strings were tuned in fifths at the time, as were those of the cello".? 由於這種情況經常發生,而且在大提琴和低音大提琴各自有獨立部分的地方,我們必須假設低音大提琴的四根弦當時是以五度調音,就像大提琴的弦一樣。
This enigma was somewhat casually dealt with by Widor, who in 1906 denied the existence of low pitched double basses in the 18th century. His arguments were only superficially plausible: 1906 年,Widor 否認了 18 世紀低音低音提琴的存在。他的論點只是表面上的可信:
“The illustrious Master was perhaps familiar with the low EE that we have today, but not with the sixteen-foot CC that is only appearing. He wrote just one "傑出的大師或許熟悉我們今天的低 EE ,但不熟悉才出現的十六英尺 CC 。他只寫了一個
part for the cellos, a part that was played to the best of their limited abilities by the double bassists, who simplified it each time they were confronted with a difficult passage. The low C’s in the beginning of the fifth symphony’s Finale were played as they are today, an octave above. What arguments this subject has aroused! The existence of this fourth string was believed in for a long while. If it ever really existed, we should find in our museums ten, twenty or thirty specimens of this type of four string double bass, side by side with Bach’s little trumpet, whereas in reality none of this type is to be found in any collection. Did they all simply volatilize at one and the same time? Is such an argument acceptable? Although instruments from the time of Louis XIII and Louis XIV are everywhere to be found, can it be that we do not have a double bass dating from 1815 or 1820?” 8 在第五交響曲「終曲」的開頭,大提琴的低音 C 是像今天一樣演奏,高出八度。第五交響曲終曲開頭的低音 C 就像今天一樣,高出八度。這個主題引起了多大的爭論!這第四根弦的存在被相信了很久。如果它真的存在過,我們應該可以在博物館裡找到十、二十或三十個這種四弦低音大提琴的樣品,與巴赫的小號並列,但實際上在任何收藏中都找不到這種類型的低音大提琴。難道它們都是在同一時間揮發的嗎?這種說法可以接受嗎?雖然路易十三和路易十四時期的樂器隨處可見,難道我們沒有 1815 或 1820 年的低音大提琴嗎?
Even today, no definitive answer to this question has been found, and theoreticians remain as divided as they were a hundred years ago. Thus, James Webster stated in 1976 that “Landon’s sweeping and unsupported assertions that in Haydn’s time the lowest string was the sixteen-foot C…must be unequivocally rejected”. ^(9){ }^{9} 時至今日,這個問題仍未找到明確的答案,理論家仍像一百年前一樣意見分歧。因此,James Webster 在 1976 年表示,「Landon 一概而論且毫無根據地斷言,在海頓的時代,最低的弦是 16 英尺的 C 弦......必須被毫不含糊地否定」。 ^(9){ }^{9} 。
This ambiguity is all the more regrettable as, with our present-day ability to attain the sixteen-foot range (to be dealt with further on), it is once again within our reach to play the notes as they were written, in the contra-octave. 這種含糊不清的情況更令人感到遺憾,因為以我們現今的能力,已經可以達到十六呎的音域(將會進一步討論),我們再次有能力以反八度的方式來演奏所寫的音符。
The penchant of former-day musicians for building giant double basses, intended to sound the sixteen-foot register - and deeper - has been dealt with in chapter III. However, we shall now endeavour to demonstrate that another type of low-pitched instrument was more commonly used: the four string double bass tuned an octave below the cello - C G d a. 前世的音樂家們喜歡製造巨大的低音大提琴,用來演奏十六呎音域或更深的音域,這一點在第三章中已經談過。然而,我們現在要嘗試證明另一種低音樂器更常被使用:比大提琴低八度的四弦低音提琴 - C G d a。
The four string double bass tuned in fifths 以五度調音的四弦低音大提琴
Along with four and five string double basses tuned in fourths, 18th century musicians were acquainted with a double bass tuned an octave below the cello. Although it is not rare, contemporary written evidence is seldom explicit enough as to the number of strings or the tuning of the instrument to be truly informative. In 1740, for instance, James Grassineau wrote that the “violono” was a four string instrument which sounded “an octave deeper than the violoncello”…^(10)^{10} Nor is Leopold Mozart’s statement: “because the Violone is much bigger than the Violoncello, it is tuned a whole octave lower” ^(11){ }^{11} of much help to our investigation. Although Mózart may have meant that the double bass was in C 除了以四度調音的四弦和五弦低音大提琴之外,18 世紀的音樂家還熟識一種比大提琴低八度的低音大提琴。儘管這種低音大提琴並不罕見,但當代的書面證據卻很少能明確指出樂器的弦數或調音,因此無法提供真正的資訊。例如,在 1740 年,James Grassineau 寫到「violono」是四弦樂器,其音色「比大提琴深八度」...... ^(10)^{10} Leopold Mozart 的聲明:「因為 Violone 比 Violoncello 大得多,所以它的調音低了整整八度」 ^(11){ }^{11} 對我們的調查也沒有多大幫助。雖然 Mózart 的意思可能是低音大提琴在 C
G d a tuning, he may also have been referring simply to the customary practice of octave sound combination, a function which is traditionally assumed by ALL double basses, whether of the three-, four-, or, five-string type. G d a 調音,他也可能只是指八度音組合的習慣做法,這是所有低音大提琴的傳統功能,不論是三弦、四弦或五弦型式。
With this in mind, only the less ambiguous descriptions have been retained for our demonstration. In spite of this rigorous process of elimination, however, it can be established without a reasonable doubt that the sixteen-foot CC was employed in Italy (Encyclopédie Méthodique, 1767; Principi di Musica, 1770; Galeazzi, 1791), in the Germanic countries (Stössel, 1737; Eisel, 1738; Nicolai, 1813), in France (Francoeur, 1813) and in England (Gehot, 1791; Busby, 1791). Here, for instance, is an entry in Busby’s dictionary of music: ^(12){ }^{12} 有鑒於此,我們只保留了不太含糊的描述來進行展示。然而,儘管經過這個嚴格的剔除過程,我們還是可以毫無疑問地確定,十六呎的 CC 在意大利(Encyclopédie Méthodique,1767;Principi di Musica,1770;Galeazzi,1791)、日耳曼國家(Stössel,1737;Eisel,1738;Nicolai,1813)、法國(Francoeur,1813)和英國(Gehot,1791;Busby,1791)都有使用。例如,這裡是 Busby 的音樂詞典中的一個條目: ^(12){ }^{12} 。
Doulle-Bass, or lälunio. a large, deeptonad bafs intrument, extending in general to: double C downwards, and reaching in alcent to the treble-cliff note, or higher. The cicale of the Double-13ajs is cqually pertiest with that of the Violoncello, but its notes are ar octave lower thars they are written. Doulle-Bass,或 lälunio。一種大型、深沉的樂器,一般延伸至:雙 C 向下,並達到高音階音符,或更高。Double-13ajs 的旋律與大提琴的旋律大致相同,但其音符比書寫的低八度。
C or, by most, in fourths throughout. ^(16){ }^{16} These points are confirmed and further developped in Eisel’s “Musicus Autodidactus” (1738). ^(17){ }^{17} ^(16){ }^{16} 這些觀點在Eisel的《Musicus Autodidactus》(1738)中得到了確認和進一步的發展。 ^(16){ }^{16} 這些觀點在 Eisel 的《Musicus Autodidactus》(1738) 中得到確認和進一步的發展。 ^(17){ }^{17}
In France in 1780, Laborde ^(18){ }^{18} described a F G d a tuning (a scordatura of the C G d a tuning), and in 1813 LouisJoseph Francoeur remarked that the double bass was tuned an octave below the cello. ^(19){ }^{19} 在 1780 年的法國,Laborde ^(18){ }^{18} 描述了一種 F G d a 的調音 (C G d a 調音的音階),而在 1813 年,LouisJoseph Francoeur 說低音提琴的調音比大提琴低一個八度。 ^(19){ }^{19}
Bassists began to turn away from this tuning in the 1790’s, when Joseph Gehot (see figure left) mentioned that this method “seemed to lose ground”. 20 Indeed, Francesco Galeazzi stated the following year that, apart from the tuning by fourths, the tuning an octave below the cello was also used, either with all four strings (C G d a), or with three strings only ( G d a). ^(21){ }^{21} 低音大提琴手在1790年代開始摒棄這種調音方式,當時Joseph Gehot(見左圖)提到這種方法「似乎失去了地位」20。20 事實上,Francesco Galeazzi 在翌年表示,除了四度調音之外,也使用比大提琴低八度的調音方式,或是四根弦都使用(C G d a),或是只有三根弦使用(G d a)。 ^(21){ }^{21}
The disappearance of the fourth string has perplexed many bassists. It was hypothesized by some that, at a time when there were no double bass players, cellists had to take up this instrument; they supposedly tuned it in the same way as the cello, but eliminated the lowest string because it responded to the bow much less readily than on the cello. The facts, however, are much simpler: string technology of the time simply did not allow the making of a C string that could produce clear and definite sounds: 第四根弦的消失令很多低音提琴演奏家感到困惑。有人假設,在沒有低音大提琴手的年代,大提琴手不得不接手這件樂器;據說他們以與大提琴相同的方式調音,但取消了最低音的那根弦,因為它對弓子的反應遠比大提琴來得遲鈍。然而,事實卻簡單得多:當時的琴弦技術根本無法製造出能夠發出清晰明確聲音的 C 琴弦:
"The double bass stands an octave below the cello, but as the CC string would produce almost no sound and would be difficult to play, it is removed and we have an instrument fitted with only three strings, Gda^('').^(22)G d a^{\prime \prime} .{ }^{22} "低音大提琴比大提琴低一個八度,但由於 CC 琴弦幾乎不會發出任何聲音,而且難以演奏,因此將其移除,我們就有了一把只裝有三根琴弦的樂器, Gda^('').^(22)G d a^{\prime \prime} .{ }^{22} 。
“In this way the last string, being too low, is eliminated, so that the instrument is now fitted with only three strings” ^(23){ }^{23} 「如此一來,最後一條太低的弦就被消除了,因此樂器現在只有三條弦」 ^(23){ }^{23} 。
The removal of the fourth string as well as the adoption of the tuning in fourths were unfortunately detrimental to the music written for the sixteen-foot four-stringer, as both these instruments (in E A d g and in G d a tunings)) were unable to remain an octave below the cellos. Generations of 移除第四弦以及採用四度調音,不幸的是不利於為十六呎四弦樂器所寫的音樂,因為這兩種樂器(E A d g 和 G d a 調)都無法保持比大提琴低一個八度。一代又一代的
bassists have learnt to transpose up an octave those pitches exceeding their lowest boundaries, trusting, no doubt, that the change of octave matters little at such low pitches. It produces, however, a different effect from the one intended by the composer, even when noticed only by attentive and discerning ears: the leap made in the midst of a musical phrase in order to change octaves may, as Walter Piston points out, result in serious disfigurement of the musical idea. Raymond Elgar similarly points out that “a passage inverted and turned upside down, making a sort of harlequinade in the middle of a symphony, is very absurd” ^('24){ }^{\prime 24} 貝斯手已學會將超過最低界限的音高轉換一個八度,毫無疑問地,他們相信在如此低的音高上,八度的變化並不重要。然而,這會產生與作曲家原意不同的效果,即使只有細心的耳朵才會注意到:正如 Walter Piston 指出,為了轉換八度音而在樂句中間進行的躍進,可能會導致音樂意念的嚴重毀損。Raymond Elgar 也同樣指出,「在交響曲中間倒轉、顛倒的樂段,形成一種 harlequinade,是非常荒謬的」 ^('24){ }^{\prime 24} 。
In 1810, Joseph Froelich advised bassists to avoid a disjunct bass line when inverting octaves, by preparing for it several notes beforehand, and to do the same for the return to normal pitch. ^(25)He{ }^{25} \mathrm{He} urged them to maintain the integrity of the musical phrase by avoiding abrupt octave changes, giving the following examples: don’t play play 1810 年,Joseph Froelich 建議低音提琴演奏者在倒八度時,要避免低音線的不連貫,方法是事先準備好幾個音符,在回到正常音高時也要這樣做。 ^(25)He{ }^{25} \mathrm{He} 敦促他們避免突然的八度轉換,以維持樂句的完整性,並舉出以下例子:不要彈奏
A correct bass line, by Joseph Froelich (1810). 正確的低音線,Joseph Froelich (1810)。
The main drawback to octave transposition is that it detracts from the customary practice of octave sound combination. As the double bass sounds an octave below its written notes, it consequently plays the cello part down an octave; the two parallel lines should in principle never meet, unless this is the composer’s intention. 八度轉調的主要缺點在於它減損了八度音色組合的習慣做法。由於低音提琴的發聲比其書寫的音符低一個八度,因此大提琴聲部的發聲也隨之低一個八度;除非作曲家有意為之,否則這兩條平行線原則上絕不應該相遇。
19th century composers greatly regretted the loss of the sixteen-foot register for basses which could then (in the best of cases) descend no further than E. Their resulting predicament is especially apparent in the works of Johannes Brahms, as can be seen in the following examples: 19 世紀的作曲家對於低音大提琴失去 16 呎音域感到非常遺憾,因為低音大提琴當時(在最好的情況下)只能降到 E 級以下:
Johannes Brahms, Symphony n^(@)2n^{\circ} 2, 1 st movement. Johannes Brahms, Symphony n^(@)2n^{\circ} 2 , 1st movement.
Johannes Brahms, Symphony n^(@)n^{\circ} 2, 1st movement.
Johannes Brahms, Piano concerto n^(@)2n^{\circ} 2 in 8b8 b major. Johannes Brahms, n^(@)2n^{\circ} 28b8 b 大調鋼琴協奏曲。
While Brahms resigned himself to the limitations on the downward reach of the double basses, he would have preferred them to play in the sixteen-foot register: in the manuscript arrangements Brahms made for four-hand piano of his symphonic works, the double bass parts complete their statements and often descend to low C. According to Theron McClure, there are a number of instances where Brahms does not take the sixteen-foot bass line below the EE in octaves beneath the cellos in these manuscripts. These occur in two types of situations: 雖然勃拉姆斯認同低音大提琴下行的限制,但他更希望低音大提琴能在十六呎音域演奏:在勃拉姆斯為交響樂作品的四手鋼琴編曲手稿中,低音大提琴聲部完成其陳述,並經常下行到低C。根據 Theron McClure 的說法,在這些手稿中,有許多 Brahms 並未在大提琴下方八度的 EE 以下採取十六呎低音行的情況。這些情況有兩種:
During quiet moments and during diminuendos, when the addition of bottom weight would interfere with the effect of diminuendo. 在安靜的時刻和減音時,如果增加底部重量會干擾減音的效果。
During woodwind passages, where the deep contra tones would not balance well with the woodwinds. 在木管樂段中,深沉的禁忌音色無法與木管樂平衡。
The study of these manuscript versions of the symphonies of Johannes Brahms led Theron McClure to conclude that bassists may in good conscience drop below written EE when musical considerations suggest such digressions from the printed score. ^(26){ }^{26} 對這些手稿版本的布拉姆斯 (Johannes Brahms) 交響曲進行研究後,Theron McClure 得出結論:當音樂考量建議低音提琴演奏者從印刷樂譜中離題時,他們可以憑良心將低音提琴演奏降到譜面上的 EE 以下。 ^(26){ }^{26}
In his excerpts of the orchestral works of Brahms, Oscar Zimmerman reaches a similar conclusion and advises bassists to play the lower notes (below E) whenever they have the possibility. ^(27){ }^{27} Oscar Zimmerman 在他的 Brahms 管弦樂作品選段中,也得出類似的結論,並建議低音提琴手只要有機會,就彈奏低音(E 以下)。 ^(27){ }^{27}
Re-introduction of the sixteen-foot C 重新引入十六呎長的 C
Although the need for the sixteen-foot octave, was strongly felt by orchestral composers, they were prevented by technological problems from requiring such low pitches, as the E string proved inadequate when tuned to D , or lower. Neither a careful winding of the strings, nor the use of a variety of different metals in their cover would overcome the formidable drawback of a weak and indistinct tone. Not until 1871, according to A. Vondrak, was a somewhat satisfactory result obtained with overwound string. This important advance allowed composers to explore the possibilities it afforded and to use them to full advantage: from then on, orchestras could again join the piano and the organ in their lower register. In order to prevent transposition of the low tones up an octave and to eliminate any possible ambiguity, composers wrote the instructions: “not to be transposed up an octave”, or “Five string basses only”. Another possibility was to write a special double bass part intended for both the basses in EAdgtuning and those capable of somehow reaching lower pitches. An example of this is to be found in Mussorgsky-Ravel’s “Pictures at an exhibition”: 雖然管弦樂作曲家強烈感受到十六尺八度音的需求,但由於技術上的問題,他們無法要求如此低的音高,因為 E 琴弦在調到 D 或更低的音高時,已證明是不夠的。無論是細心的繞弦,或是在弦蓋上使用各種不同的金屬,都無法克服音色微弱且模糊不清的嚴重缺點。直到 1871 年,根據 A.Vondrak 指出,直到 1871 年,覆繞式琴弦才取得了令人滿意的效果。這項重要的進展讓作曲家得以探索它所提供的可能性,並充分加以利用:從此之後,管弦樂團可以再次與鋼琴和管風琴一起演奏低音區的樂曲。為了防止低音移調到八度,並消除任何可能的歧義,作曲家寫下說明:「不可移調到八度」,或 「僅限五弦低音」。另一種可能性是寫一個特別的低音大提琴聲部,既適用於 EAdgtuning 中的低音大提琴,也適用於能夠以某種方式達到較低音域的低音大提琴。Mussorgsky-Ravel 的《Pictures at an exhibition》中就有這樣的例子:
Mussorgsky-Ravel: Pictures at an exhibition.
Because there was a growing recognition of the need to extend the double bass compass in the sixteen-foot register, a number of means were subsequently conceived to produce the notes demanded by composers: 由於人們逐漸意識到需要擴大低音大提琴在 16 呎音域的範圍,因此後來構思了許多方法來產生作曲家所要求的音符:
A - Scordatura of the bottom string to lower pitches, A - 底弦的 Scordatura 到較低的音高、
B - Re-introduction of the fifth tuning, B - 重新引入第五調、
C - Tuning of the double bass a fourth lower, C - 低音大提琴的調音,低四度、
D - Introduction of the five string orchestral double bass, D - 引進五弦樂團低音大提琴、
E - Contra C extension approaches. E - Contra C 延伸方式。
A - Scordatura of the bottom string to lower pitches A - 底弦的弦線變化至較低的音高
This was the simplest solution and the one most in keeping with double bass traditions; it consisted of manually detuning the E string by means of the tuning mechanism. In the introduction to “Das Rheingold”, Richard Wagner has half the basses tuned down to Eb . This note is sustained for a long 136 bars pedal point, 這是最簡單的解決方法,也是最符合低音大提琴傳統的方法;它包括利用調音裝置來手動將 E 琴弦變調。在《Das Rheingold》的引子中,Richard Wagner 將半數的低音提琴調低至 Eb。這個音符持續了長達 136 小節的踏板點、
doubled in the upper octave by the other half of the double bass section. Wagner also has two double basses tuned to C# in the second act of “Tristan und Isolde”. 另一半低音大提琴聲部在高八度加倍。瓦格納在「Tristan und Isolde」的第二幕中,也有兩個低音提琴調為 C#。
In the third movement of his “Deutsches Requiem”, Johannes Brahms directs that “Einige Kontrabässen stimmen die E seite nach D um”. Double bassists follow similar instructions in the third movement of S. Rachmaninov’s E minor symphony, where he has them "Muta EE in D^('')D^{\prime \prime}. In the third piece of his work for children “Ma mère l’Oye”, entitled “Laideronette, impératrice des pagodes”, Maurice Ravel asks bassists to “descendre le Mi au Ré”, and, later, to “remonter le Ré au Mi”; this must be done during a convenient few bars rest at some point in the performance. 在「德意志安魂曲」第三樂章中,Johannes Brahms 指示「Einige Kontrabässen stimmen die E seite nach D um」。拉赫曼尼諾夫 (S. Rachmaninov) 的 E 小調交響曲第三樂章中,低音提琴手也遵循類似的指示,他讓低音提琴手「Muta EE in D^('')D^{\prime \prime} 」。在 Ma mère l'Oye 的第三首兒童作品「Laideronette, impératrice des pagodes」中,Maurice Ravel 要求低音提琴演奏者「descowerre le Mi au Ré」,之後又要求他們「remonter le Ré au Mi」;這必須在演奏中的某個小節休息時完成。
In the early 1900’s, some musicians, according to Max Poike, made the “daring” mistake of keeping the E string continuously tuned down to C . This practice, he felt, led to the impossibility of solving technical difficulties in rapid passages and some notes, which had to be played in higher positions than usual, sounded out of tune. ^(28){ }^{28} Moreover, tuning to such a low pitch as C was risky because of the lack of consistency if the E string was not heavy enough and, if it was, the proportions to the others were wrong. In 1956, A. Vondrak mentioned another drawback caused by the constant de-tuning and re-tuning: that of the consequent difficulty of keeping the instrument in tune. 據 Max Poike 所說,在 20 世紀初,一些音樂家犯了一個 「大膽 」的錯誤,就是將 E 弦持續調低至 C。他認為,這種做法導致無法解決快速樂段中的技術難題,而且有些音符必須在比平常更高的位置演奏,聽起來就會走音。 ^(28){ }^{28} 此外,將音高調到像 C 這樣的低音域是有風險的,因為如果 E 弦不夠重,就會缺乏一致性,如果重了,與其他弦的比例就會錯誤。1956 年,A. Vondrak 提到了另一個因不斷調音和重新調音而造成的弊端:即很難保持樂器的音準。
He came to the conclusion that the changes in fingering required by scordatura could cause insurmountable problems for musicians who where not accustomed to the technique. Because of this, he feared that scordatura “must belong to a future generation, one being educated to it from the start”. 29 他得出的結論是,對於不習慣此技術的音樂家而言,和弦樂所需的指法變化可能會造成無法克服的問題。正因如此,他擔心弦樂「必須屬於下一代,從一開始就接受教育」。29
This is not yet the case, not because of problems caused by fingering, but rather because detuning in the midst of a performance remains a tricky job, although it is more easily accomplished with the tuning mechanism than it would with the friction-held pegs of other instruments. In 1971, however, John Mancini, a New-York bassist, patented an original devise answering the need for rapid and silent changes of tuning. 但現在的情況並非如此,不是因為指法的問題,而是因為在演奏過程中調音仍是一件棘手的工作,儘管使用調音裝置比使用其他樂器的摩擦式音栓更容易完成。然而在 1971 年,紐約的低音結他手 John Mancini 申請了一項獨創的專利,以滿足快速且無聲變調的需求。
His device uses a special rotating cam which changes the tension and consequently the pitch of the E string. When the cam is at its highest point, the string is tuned to E. Conversely, when the cam is rotated down, the string tension is reduced and the pitch is changed to low C. Since the cam does not alter the length of the string, the E string always lies in the groove of the nut, permitting normal fingering of the string in either tuning position. 他的裝置使用特殊的旋轉凸輪,可改變張力,進而改變 E 琴弦的音高。當凸輪處於最高點時,琴弦的音調為 E。相反,當凸輪向下旋轉時,琴弦張力降低,音調變為低 C。由於凸輪不會改變琴弦的長度,因此E弦始終位於螺母的凹槽中,無論在哪個調音位置,都可以正常地使用指法來彈奏琴弦。
When it came out, this contrivance was installed on only a few instruments before the untimely illness of its inventor caused the project to be abandoned. 這種裝置推出後,只安裝在幾台儀器上,就因為發明者的早逝而放棄。
John Mancini’s scordatura device John Mancini 的 scordatura 裝置
Recently, however, his son Michael Mancini has begun marketing the device, under the trade mark THE MANCEE. 不過,最近他的兒子 Michael Mancini 開始以 THE MANCEE 的商標行銷該裝置。
THE MANCEE has many advantages: it requires little modification of the scroll, it is quiet, and it permits normal fingering of the string. It also seems to require very few adjustments once fitted. MANCEE 有許多優點:它幾乎不需要對捲軸進行任何改動,它很安靜,並且允許正常的指法。一旦安裝好之後,似乎也不需要太多的調整。
B - Re-introduction of the fifth tuning B - 重新引入第五調音
Fifth tuning would be both logical and rational, were it not for the resulting fingering difficulties which had already caused its rejection at about the end of the 18th century. It was tested again in 1895 by Viseur, a professor at the Paris Conservatory. Although he succeeded in convincing several other bass players to take up this system of tuning, it was once again abandoned soon after his death. In Germany, pianomaker and double bass player Gustav Bushman attempted to reintroduce the bass in fifth tuning. In spite of encouragement by Wagner, Von BUllow and Nikish, he had to give it up because of fingering problems. 如果不是因為指法上的困難,五度調音在十八世紀末就已經被摒棄了,那麼五度調音是既合乎邏輯又合理的。1895 年,巴黎音樂學院的教授 Viseur 再次測試五度調音。雖然他成功說服了其他幾位低音提琴演奏家採用這種調音方式,但在他去世後不久,這種調音方式再次被廢棄。在德國,鋼琴製作人兼低音提琴演奏家 Gustav Bushman 嘗試將低音提琴重新採用五度調音。儘管得到 Wagner、Von BUllow 及 Nikish 的鼓勵,他還是因為指法問題而不得不放棄。
The technical difficulties linked with the fifth tuning are of less importance for jazz musicians, who have no printed part to follow. This is why it is sometimes used by jazz bassists, such as the American Red Mitchell, who explains in a Newsletter of the International Society of Bassists that he finally settled on this system because it seemed the most natural solution to the problem of obtaining low CC without the awkwardness of an extension or a five-string instrument. According to him, the fifth tuning makes it easier to play certain double stops such as tenths at the expanse of losing some ease of playing in the smaller intervals (seconds and thirds in particular). Scale passages tend to be played up the strings, and this tuning facilitates open positions triads. ^(30){ }^{30} 對於爵士樂手來說,五度調音的技術難度並不是那麼重要,因為他們沒有印刷的部分可以遵循。這就是為什麼爵士低音結他手有時會使用五度調音,例如美國的 Red Mitchell,他在國際低音結他手協會的簡訊中解釋說:他最終選擇了五度調音,因為這似乎是最自然的解決方法,既能獲得低音 CC ,又不會有延音或五弦樂器的彆扭感。根據他的看法,五度調音可以讓某些雙音階的演奏變得更容易,例如十度,但卻失去了一些較小音程(尤其是二度和三度)演奏的便利性。音階的段落傾向於在弦上演奏,這種調音方式有助於開放位置的三和弦。 ^(30){ }^{30}
Italian virtuoso Isaia Bille found this system “more sonorous, ampler in its vibrations and more perfect in its acoustic and didactic proceeding” than the E A d gg type of bass. He rejected its use, however, owing to the frequent left-hand shiftings it caused. ^(31){ }^{31} 義大利演奏家 Isaia Bille 認為此系統比 E A d gg 型低音大提琴「更有聲音,振動更大,在聲學和說教方面更完美」。然而,他拒絕使用這種低音結他,因為它會造成頻繁的左手移位。 ^(31){ }^{31}
C - Tuning of the double bass a fourth lower C - 低音大提琴的調音低四度
In “Thus spoke Zarathustra”, Richard Strauss asks the bassists to drop down to 32 -foot B. In order to reach this pitch, some bassists in the past tuned their instrument down a fourth lower than the standard orchestral tuning. This possibility had been considered as early as 1844 by W. Hause, who suggested in the third section of his bass method the use of a large bass tuned B_(1)EAdB_{1} E A d. 在《查拉圖斯特拉如是說》中,理查‧施特勞斯 (Richard Strauss) 要求貝斯手降到 32 -foot B。為了達到這個音高,過去有些低音大提琴手將樂器的音調比標準管弦樂調低四分之一。早在 1844 年,W. Hause 就曾考慮過這個可能性,他在其低音提琴演奏法的第三部分中,建議使用調音為 B_(1)EAdB_{1} E A d 的大低音提琴。
The idea was taken up again in 1909 by Friedrich Warnecke who advised composers to require double basses tuned to different pitches, though always in fourth tuning. He believed that, with the current E A d g tuning, the simultaneous employment of a low-pitched bass in B_(1)EA\mathrm{B}_{1} \mathrm{EA} d tuning would allow bassists to meet modern orchestral requirements without the help of extension mechanisms or the practice of scordatura that were, in his opinion, detrimental to the quality of sound and to the character of the double bass. Since a bass player’s aim should be to reach sub-contra pitches with a full and pleasing sound, he also wrote in favor of a three string bass tuned to B_(1)EAB_{1} E A which was supposed to produce a nobler and more voluminous sound. ^(32){ }^{32} 1909 年,Friedrich Warnecke 再次提出這個想法,他建議作曲家需要不同音高的低音提琴,但一定要使用四度調音。他認為,在目前的 E A d g 調式下,同時使用 B_(1)EA\mathrm{B}_{1} \mathrm{EA} d 調式的低音低音提琴,將可讓低音提琴演奏家滿足現代管弦樂的要求,而無需借助延伸裝置或他認為不利於低音提琴音質與特性的音階練習(scordatura)。由於低音提琴演奏家的目標應該是以飽滿悅耳的音色達到次高音,因此他也寫信贊成將低音提琴三弦調至 B_(1)EAB_{1} E A ,認為這樣可以產生更高尚、更豐富的音色。 ^(32){ }^{32}
His proposal apparently let to concrete results, as an article published by the International Society of Bassists mentions three orchestras that have in fact used the B_(1)B_{1} E A d tuning: those of Hamburg, Frankfurt and Israël. In 1944, according to A. Vondrak, the sole double bass in the Israël orchestra to be thus tuned had to interrupt its playing when the five other basses went into the upper register, and resume it when the music came down again. ^(33){ }^{33} 他的提議顯然得到了具體的結果,國際低音提琴家協會發表的一篇文章中提到,有三個管弦樂團實際上使用了 B_(1)B_{1} E A d調音:漢堡、法蘭克福和以色列的管弦樂團。1944年,根據A.Vondrak 指出,1944 年,Israël 樂團中唯一使用這種調音方式的低音提琴,必須在其他五位低音提琴進入高音區時中斷演奏,並在音樂再次降下時恢復演奏。 ^(33){ }^{33}
It soon became apparent that this tuning procedure was plagued by a chronic inability to reach the middle register with ease and comfort. In Beethoven’s Fifth symphony, for example, a double bass in B_(1)\mathrm{B}_{1} E A d tuning would either have to remain silent during the entire Scherzo passage, or to come in intermittently. Both of these possibilities would seem shocking to a conductor wishing to obtain the best results from his double bass section, as such a division would result in an unbalanced sonority. 不久之後,我們發現這種調音方式長期以來都無法輕鬆舒適地達到中音域。例如,在貝多芬的第五交響曲中,使用 B_(1)\mathrm{B}_{1} E A d 調的低音大提琴要麼在整個 Scherzo 段落中保持沉默,要麼間歇性地進入。對於希望低音大提琴聲部達到最佳效果的指揮家而言,這兩種可能性似乎都很令人震驚,因為這樣的分割會造成不平衡的音色。
D - Introduction of the five string orchestral double bass D - 引進五弦樂團低音大提琴
Up to modern times, musicians managed to secure a few extra notes in the 16and 32 -foot registers by means of gigantic instruments with very long strings. In 1619, Praetorius reported the construction of two very large four-stringed violas da gamba sub-bass in D E A d g tuning. ^(34){ }^{34} According to Sybyl Marcuse, these 一直到近代,音樂家們都是透過擁有極長琴弦的大型樂器,在 16 和 32 呎音域中取得一些額外的音符。1619 年,Praetorius 報導了兩把非常大的 D E A d g 調四弦低音大提琴。 ^(34){ }^{34} 根據 Sybyl Marcuse 的說法,這兩把中提琴的音域非常大。
instruments were 225 cm high, with a body length of 173cm.^(35)173 \mathrm{~cm} .{ }^{35} 儀器高 225 公分,體長為 173cm.^(35)173 \mathrm{~cm} .{ }^{35} 。
In 1882, Henri Kling wrote that a certain Carl Otho, from the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra, had added a fifth string in order to descend to low C, and that Hans von Bülow had used such instruments in his cycle of Beethoven performances. ^(**36){ }^{* 36} 1882年,Henri Kling寫道,萊比錫Gewandhaus樂團的Carl Otho曾加了第五根弦,以便降到低C,而Hans von Bülow在他的貝多芬演奏週期中也曾使用過這種樂器。 ^(**36){ }^{* 36}
This innovation, however, was not entirely successful, as the fifth string interfered somewhat with playing, and as the curve of the fingerboard, as well as that of the bridge, could not be made ample enough to allow all five strings to vibrate in all directions without touching other strings or the fingerboard. If, for instance, a player was required to play: 然而,這項創新並不完全成功,因為第五根弦會對演奏造成一些干擾,而且指板和琴橋的弧度也不足以讓所有五根弦在不碰觸其他弦或指板的情況下向所有方向振動。舉例來說,如果演奏者需要演奏:
A five-string double bass 五弦低音大提琴
by Patrick Charton 作者:Patrick Charton
it was almost impossible to avoid touching the A and C strings with the bow. 幾乎不可能避免用弓子觸碰 A 和 C 琴弦。
Problems with the strings and the curve of the neck and bridge were not the only obstacles to the creation of a five string bass. The extra pressure exerted on the soundboard required its underside to be strengthened with four tension bars made of “four strips of white deal, curved to an elliptical figure, passing parallel from end to end on the inside of the belly” (Ellis, 1895). ^(37){ }^{37} But these tension bars had the drawback of weighing down the structure of the instrument. As results were not entirely satisfactory, the use of five string basses was postponed for several more years: in 1893, it was still seldom to be encountered. In the 琴弦、琴頸與琴橋曲線的問題並不是製作五弦低音大提琴的唯一障礙。在音板上施加的額外壓力,需要用四根拉力桿來強化音板的底部,拉力桿是由 「四條白色的木條,彎成橢圓形,從腹部內側的一端平行地穿過」(Ellis, 1895)。 ^(37){ }^{37} 但這些拉力桿的缺點是會拖累樂器的結構。由於效果並不完全令人滿意,五弦低音大提琴的使用又延遲了幾年:到了 1893 年,仍然很少見到五弦低音大提琴。在
The second issue of the I.S.B. Newsletter contains a 1882 photograph of Willy Krause, principal double bass of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. He is shown with a five string double bass (see Historical spotlight, vol n^(@)2\mathrm{n}^{\circ} 2 ). 第二期的 I.S.B. Newsletter 中有一張 1882 年的照片,照片中的人是柏林愛樂樂團的首席低音提琴演奏家 Willy Krause。照片中的他使用的是五弦低音大提琴(請參閱歷史焦點,卷 n^(@)2\mathrm{n}^{\circ} 2 )。
early 20th century, Auguste Tolbecque mentioned the efforts of French makers Gand and Bernardel to produce a satisfactory low-pitched double bass: 20 世紀初,Auguste Tolbecque 提到法國製琴師 Gand 與 Bernardel 為製作令人滿意的低音域低音大提琴所付出的努力:
“The range of the largest orchestras is less deep than that of the smallest organ of accompaniment, which reaches the sixteen-foot CC. The skilled makers of whom I was just speaking were struck by this shortcoming and contrived a five string double bass capable of dropping down to Bb… This remarkable result was obtained by MM Gand and Bernardel, with the technical assistance of Mr Lyon; with only a normal string length, they have succeeded in producing a sound as full as could be wished for. Let us hope that the double bass will someday reach CC, and that its use will extend the range of the orchestra into the low register”. ^(38){ }^{38} "最大的管弦樂團的音域不如最小的伴奏管風琴深,它的音域達到十六英尺 CC 。我剛才所說的那些技術高超的製造者被這個缺點所震撼,他們設計了一種能夠降到降B調的五弦低音大提琴......MM Gand和Bernardel在Lyon先生的技術協助下取得了這個非凡的成果;只用了一般的琴弦長度,他們就成功地製造出了如願以償的豐滿音色。我們希望低音提琴有朝一日也能達到 CC 的境界,並希望它的使用能將管弦樂團的音域擴展到低音區。 ^(38){ }^{38}
On November 6, 1905, Adolphe Soyer played a five string bass at the Paris Opera for the performance of Weber’s “Freischütz”. At about the same time, the orchestra of the Republican Guard also possessed a five-stringer. 1905 年 11 月 6 日,Adolphe Soyer 在巴黎歌劇院演奏 Weber 的《Freischütz》時使用了五弦低音提琴。大約在同一時間,共和國衛隊的管弦樂團也擁有五弦琴。
Meanwhile, Edouard Nanny continued to perfect this instrument and to advocate its use: like the Italian bassist Isaia Billè, he advised the study of the five-stringer in his double bass methods. 與此同時,Edouard Nanny 繼續完善此樂器,並提倡使用此樂器:如同義大利低音提琴家 Isaia Billè,他建議在他的低音提琴演奏法中學習五弦琴。
The fifth string of this instrument is now tuned either to B_(A)B_{A} or to CC, depending on whether players wish to follow a rigid succession of fourths or to keep with the cellos to the point of matching open strings. This, however, is a matter of personal taste, as the 32 -foot B_(1)B_{1} is rarely required. Prior to World War II, double basses were tuned to CC in the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra and to B_(1)B_{1} in the Amsterdam Concertgebow Orchestra. 此樂器的第五弦現在可以調成 B_(A)B_{A} 或 CC ,這取決於演奏者是否希望遵循硬性的四度連續,或是與大提琴保持一致,以配合開弦。然而,這只是個人品味的問題,因為很少需要 32 -foot B_(1)B_{1} 。第二次世界大戰之前,柏林愛樂管弦樂團的低音提琴調音為 CC ,阿姆斯特丹 Concertgebow 樂團的低音提琴調音為 B_(1)B_{1} 。
Opposition to the five string double bass 反對五弦低音大提琴
The five string double bass was not at all popular among bass players when it first appeared, owing to the fact that its body had to be made correspondingly larger to favor low pitches, and that a marked deterioration of tone quality and responsiveness resulted from the heavy fifth string weighing down the bridge and the soundboard. According to instrument-maker Frederick Lyman, “a larger bass can require more playing effort and responds more slowly, especially in the upper register, because there is more wood to be set in vibration” ^(39){ }^{39}. Charles Traeger believes that a variety of factors can impair the quality of sound of a five string bass: “First the neck and fingerboard have to be made wider to accommodate the extra string. This impedes the ability of the neck to vibrate when the bass is being played…Second, more pressure is added to the top by the fifth string, impeding the top’s ability to vibrate. And, finally, the extra wide 五弦低音大提琴剛出現的時候,並沒有受到低音大提琴演奏者的青睞,原因是它的琴身必須相應的變大,以利於低音域的演奏,而且沉重的第五弦會拖累琴橋和音板,導致音質和反應能力明顯下降。根據樂器製造商 Frederick Lyman 的說法,「較大的低音結他可能需要更大的彈奏力度,反應也較慢,尤其是在高音區,因為有更多的木頭需要振動」。Charles Traeger 認為有多種因素會影響五弦貝斯的音質:「首先,琴頸與指板必須做得更寬以容納額外的琴弦。這會妨礙貝斯演奏時琴頸的振動能力......其次,第五弦會對面板造成更大的壓力,妨礙面板的振動能力。最後,超寬的
bridge has more mass, which actually acts as a mute to the bridge”. ^(40){ }^{40} 橋樑的質量更大,實際上對橋樑起到了消音的作用'。 ^(40){ }^{40}
These drawbacks explain the reluctance of some players to use a five string bass. Their opinion has been voiced by Raymond Elgar, who finds that the orchestral five string bass produces rumblings that are both unnecessary and beyond the ear’s proper comprehension. According to Elgar, confusion remains in many minds whether anything is lost by the orchestral player doubling up an octave; he thus approves of conductors who “wisely” do not insist on their bassists trying to produce these unnatural rumblings. Reasoning that, from a scientific point of view, the five string bass is as unnatural as was the three string type, and that its smaller relations the violin and cello are quite similar in their principles of construction, he asks why a four string bass should not be built on the same principles. ^(41){ }^{41} 這些缺點解釋了為何有些演奏家不願意使用五弦低音大提琴。Raymond Elgar 就曾發表過自己的看法,他認為管弦樂的五弦低音提琴所產生的隆隆聲既沒有必要,也超出了耳朵的正常理解能力。Elgar 認為,許多人對於管弦樂演奏家加倍一個八度是否會造成任何損失感到困惑;因此,他贊同指揮家「明智地」不堅持讓低音提琴演奏家製造這些不自然的隆隆聲。從科學的觀點來看,五弦低音提琴與三弦低音提琴一樣不自然,而小提琴與大提琴的結構原理與五弦低音提琴相當類似。 ^(41){ }^{41}
Even so, despite much discussion of these ideas, the slow and steady advancement of the five string bass seems inevitable, as its extra low notes impart a new dignity to passages where the lowest line moves in parallel octaves with the cello. 儘管如此,儘管對這些想法有許多討論,五弦低音提琴緩慢而穩定的進步似乎是不可避免的,因為其額外的低音為最低音線與大提琴平行八度移動的段落賦予了新的尊嚴。
Prior to the 1940’s, the few five string double basses in use in Britain did not enjoy any great popularity there. The Amsterdam Concertgebow Orchestra and the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra each had seven five-stringers in a section of nine double basses. The latter currently possesses only low-pitched basses, and the number following its example is steadily rising in Europe. Since 1980, the London Symphony Orchestra has included four Pöllmann five-stringers, and the London Philharmonic Orchestra has had eight. This makes this orchestra’s double bass section the first in Britain to entirely go over to five string basses. 在 1940 年代之前,英國使用的少數五弦低音大提琴在當地並不流行。Amsterdam Concertgebow Orchestra 和 Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra 各擁有七位五弦低音大提琴手,組成九位低音大提琴手的樂團。後者目前只擁有低音域的低音大提琴,而在歐洲,效法它的數量正在穩步上升。自 1980 年起,倫敦交響樂團已包括四位 Pöllmann 五弦手,而倫敦愛樂樂團也有八位。這使得本樂團的低音提琴聲部成為英國第一個完全改用五弦低音提琴的聲部。
According to Günther Krahmer (Pöllmann bass-maker), the 3//43 / 4 size with sloping shoulders has proved very popular, as their clear and sonorous tone appeals to bassists; the sloping shoulders, which give the instrument an old-fashioned gamba look, have a very modern practical value. They facilitate playing in the upper register, which is frequently required in today’s music for the double bass. ^(42){ }^{42} 根據 Günther Krahmer(Pöllmann 低音大提琴製造商)的說法, 3//43 / 4 斜肩的尺寸已證明非常受歡迎,因為它們清澈響亮的音色吸引了低音大提琴手;斜肩賦予樂器老式的甘巴外觀,卻具有非常現代的實用價值。它們方便演奏高音區,而在現今的低音提琴音樂中,高音區是經常需要的。 ^(42){ }^{42}
The author of these lines, who has been playing a Pöllmann double bass for ten years, finds this instrument very comfortable and pleasant to play on. Rapid passages in the lower register present no difficulty, although they would be impossible to play using any other system: 這篇文章的作者使用 Pöllmann 低音大提琴已有十年之久,他認為這把樂器演奏起來非常舒適愉快。低音區的快速樂段沒有任何困難,儘管使用任何其他系統都無法演奏這些樂段:
Overture to the opera “Der Freischütz”, C.M. von Weber. 歌劇《Der Freischütz》序曲,C.M. von Weber。
For several years, Luc Muselet, bass-maker in Lille (France), has commercialized a five string bass that is at least as satisfactory as a Pöllmann instrument. His astonishing results are attained by means of a very precise vaulting of the top which enables it to bear the extra weight of the fifth string without thickening the wood. The bass bar of this instrument is naturally longer and stronger than with four-stringers, but it is the fitting technique which is most vital: the angle of the neck must be very precisely adjusted so as to obtain optimum string pressure on the soundboard via the bridge. 幾年來,法國里爾的低音大提琴製造商 Luc Muselet 在市場上推出了一款五弦低音大提琴,它至少與 Pöllmann 樂器一樣令人滿意。他的驚人成果是透過非常精確的頂部拱頂技術達成的,這使得頂部能夠承受第五弦的額外重量,而不會使木材變厚。這種樂器的低音橫桿自然比四弦琴更長、更結實,但最重要的還是裝配技術:琴頸的角度必須非常精確地調整,以便通過琴橋在音板上獲得最佳的琴弦壓力。
E - Contra C extension approaches E - Contra C 延伸方式
The construction of five string basses became only possible when makers learned to produce low-pitched strings of the same length as with standard basses. Before that time, all efforts to satisfactorily gain a few extra notes in the lower register proved futile. In 1856, Adrien de la Fage wrote of the difficulties met with merely to obtain the contra D, a whole step below standard E: 只有當製琴師學會製作與標準低音大提琴相同長度的低音琴弦時,五弦低音大提琴的製作才變得可能。在此之前,所有為了在低音域增加幾個額外音符的努力都是徒勞無功的。1856 年,Adrien de la Fage 寫道,僅僅為了得到比標準 E 低一級的 D 音,就遇到了重重困難:
“One cannot ignore the fact that the string which gives this EE is too short for such a pitch, and that any means employed to remedy this defect can only palliate it, without ever entirely correcting it. In vain do we wind this string with special care, in vain do we cover it with different metals to balance the sound: we manage only to thicken the string, and never to lengthen it”. ^(43){ }^{43} "我們不能忽視的事實是,對於這樣的音高而言,賦予 EE 的琴弦太短了,而且任何彌補這個缺陷的方法都只能緩和它,而無法完全矯正它。我們用特別的謹慎來繞這根弦是徒勞無功的,我們用不同的金屬來平衡聲音也是徒勞無功的:我們只能加粗這根弦,而無法加長它。 ^(43){ }^{43}
In 1880, Bruno Keyl, principal double bass at the Dresden Opera and Conservatory professor in the same town, reached a similar conclusion and had the idea of lengthening the E string by means of a mechanical contrivance attached to the scroll. He had this device made by an opera stage-hand named Carl Pittrich. In the following years, three of the eight double basses in this orchestra were fitted with extension mechanisms. ^(44){ }^{44} Seventeen years later, Max Poike, principal bass with the Berlin State Opera and member of the Royal Chapel, perfected a similar and 1880 年,德累斯顿歌剧院的首席低音提琴演奏家 Bruno Keyl 和同城的音乐学院教授得出了类似的结论,并产生了通过在卷轴上安装机械装置来延长 E 弦的想法。他請一位名叫 Carl Pittrich 的歌劇舞台操作員製作了這個裝置。在接下來的幾年中,樂團的八個低音大提琴中有三個都裝上了延長裝置。 ^(44){ }^{44} 十七年後,柏林國家歌劇院首席男低音及皇家禮拜堂成員 Max Poike 完善了類似裝置。
apparently more effective device in collaboration with maker Ludwig Glaesel Jr of Markneukirchen. 顯然是與 Markneukirchen 的製造商 Ludwig Glaesel Jr 合作的更有效裝置。
This contrivance requires only the ordinary four strings of the double bass, and only the EE string is taken down to contra CC on an arm acting as an extension of the fingerboard upward, past the pegbox. On this device, all notes below FF are stopped by means of keys: 這種裝置只需要低音大提琴的普通四根弦,而且只需要將 EE 琴弦取下,將 CC 裝在作為指板向上延伸的臂上,越過音栓盒。在此裝置上,所有低於 FF 的音符都會透過琴鍵停止:
“Under ordinary circumstances, the key of ’ EE ’ is closed and acts as nut for the ’ EE ’ string, which can be easily effected by a pressure of the thumb upon the fixing lever. If the player, while performing, should require a note lower than ’ EE ', he simply opens the ’ EE ’ key, and the note is immediately sounded. This can be done without any noise by pressing down the ’ EE ’ key with the first, and the ’ Eb ’ with the second finger. This will counteract the effect of the fixing lever mechanically. In rapid passages, it will be found sufficient to press the key of the note demanded. If, however, notes of the extending mechanism should be of long duration, it will be found advisable to press all the keys of the notes below the one wanted”. ^(45){ }^{45} "在一般情況下,' EE 「鍵是閉合的,作為」 EE '弦的螺母,只需用拇指按壓固定桿即可輕鬆實現。如果演奏者在演奏時需要一個比' EE 「更低的音,他只需打開」 EE '鍵,該音就會立即響起。用第一個手指按下 ' EE 「 鍵,用第二個手指按下 」 Eb ' 鍵,就可以做到沒有任何噪音。這樣可以機械地抵消固定桿的作用。在快速的段落中,按下所需音符的鍵就足夠了。然而,如果延伸裝置的音符持續時間較長,則最好按下所需音符下方的所有音鍵。 ^(45){ }^{45}
The Fawcett E string Fawcett E 琴弦
extension mechanism 伸展機制
This device, introduced to German orchestras in 1899, was not as successful as had been hoped. The system has, in fact, been adopted and perfected primarily in Anglo-Saxon countries. George Fawcett, an amateur double bass player who worked at the Royal Aeronautical Establishment at Farnborough, has improved this mechanism. He had a brother, Harold Fawcett - who has only recently retired from one of the London orchestras - who had been using one of the original German extensions. The latter asked if Georges could improve upon the German design by making one which functioned the correct way round, i.e. as one fingered 這種裝置於 1899 年引進德國管弦樂團,但並不如預期般成功。事實上,這套系統主要是在盎格魯薩克遜國家被採用和完善。George Fawcett 是一位業餘低音提琴演奏家,曾在法恩伯勒的皇家航空機構工作,他對此機制進行了改進。他有個兄弟 Harold Fawcett - 最近才從倫敦的一個樂團退休 - 一直在使用德國原廠的一個擴充裝置。後者詢問 Georges 是否可以在德國設計的基礎上進行改進,製造出一個能以正確方式運作的裝置,即 指法。
the notes went up in semi tones instead of down as on the German extension. After some thought and experimenting, he came up with the design which now bears his name. He made it entirely by himself, and since its creation in 1961 has 在德國的延長線上,音符是以半音階的方式上揚,而不是以半音階的方式下揚。經過一番思考和實驗後,他想出了以自己名字命名的設計。這款笛子完全由他親手製作,自 1961 年問世以來,他已經
provided over a hundred of them, mostly, of course, for English bass players, but also for many other bassists around the world. After his death in 1987, English bass maker Ronald Prentice contacted his widow and obtained permission to carry on making the extensions. 他為英國低音結他手提供了一百多支擴音器,當然,大部分是為英國低音結他手,但也為世界各地許多其他低音結他手提供。在他於 1987 年逝世後,英國的低音大提琴製造商 Ronald Prentice 聯絡了他的遺孀,並獲得繼續製造延伸管的許可。
Mr Prentice has made minor alterations to the design, the main one being the fitting of a pulley wheel at the top of the ‘fingerboard’ to allow the string to be taken back to the Estring tuner via a hole drilled through the scroll, thus making it possible to tune the string accurately without having to resort to a fine tuner on the tailpiece.* Should it be necessary to remove the extension at any time, it is a simple matter for a violin maker to plug the hole in the scroll and touch in the varnish. In recent times, Ronald Prentice has been in Reykjavik fitting the double basses of the Iceland Symphony Orchestra with his ’ EE ’ string extensions. Prentice先生在設計上做了一些小的改動,主要是在 「指板 」的頂端裝上了一個滑輪,讓琴弦可以通過一個鑽穿捲軸的小孔回到Estring調音器,這樣就可以準確地調音,而無需借助尾板上的微調裝置。最近,Ronald Prentice在Reykjavik為冰島交響樂團的低音大提琴裝上了他的" EE "琴弦延長器。
When these extensions finally began to be widely known in the 1970’s, they achieved an enormous popularity, and they are now very common in the U.S. ^(****){ }^{* *} This popularity has waned somewhat during recent years, the reason being that, however useful the devices are, they also have several disadvantages: ^(****){ }^{* *} 近幾年來,這種普及程度有所減弱,原因是無論這些裝置有多麼有用,它們也有幾個缺點:
although they take the bottom string down to CC, there are occasions when the B_(1)B_{1} would be useful. 儘管它們會將底層字串下移到 CC ,但在某些情況下, B_(1)B_{1} 會很有用。
they have keys for the notes C# and D#, and while these are very useful for playing long pedal notes (which, admittedly, is all they are used for most of the time), playing them at any other speed can be sometimes noisy, if the mechanism is not properly maintained. 它們有 C# 和 D# 兩個音鍵,雖然這些音鍵對於彈奏長踏板音非常有用(誠然,它們大部分時間都是用來彈奏長踏板音的),但如果裝置維護不當,以任何其他速度彈奏有時可能會產生噪音。
the fitting of the mechanism disfigures the scroll and damages the instrument when a part of it has to be cut away, as is usually the case. It also adds a great deal of weight to the top of the instruments, and this has two negative consequenses: it harms the sound of the bass and strains the neck. If the neck is not strong enough to bear the additional pressure, it warps forward, pulling the strings higher off the fingerboard. 裝置機械裝置會毀損捲軸,並在需要切割部分捲軸時損壞樂器,通常就是這種情況。此外,這也會增加樂器頂部的重量,造成兩種負面後果:損害低音提琴的音色,並對琴頸造成壓力。如果琴頸的強度不足以承受額外的壓力,它就會向前扭曲,將琴弦拉離指板更高的位置。
For all these reasons, a growing number of English professionals are abandoning this device in favor of the five string bass. 基於以上種種原因,越來越多的英國專業演奏家捨棄這種裝置,改用五弦低音大提琴。
It is true that this invention has been the object. of severe criticism from its 這項發明從一開始就受到了嚴厲的批評。
This alteration was suggested to Mr. Prentice by Thomas Martin, of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra. 這項改動是由伯明罕市交響樂團的 Thomas Martin 向 Prentice 先生建議的。
** However, both principal bassists in Chicago and Los Angeles use an orchestral five string bass. ** 不過,芝加哥和洛杉磯的首席低音大提琴手都使用管弦樂團的五弦低音大提琴。
beginning: 開始:
“Two men, Pittrich towards the end of the 19th century, and Poike in 1920 or 21, claim to be the inventors of the unhapplest ‘improvement’ of all times: the CC. mechanism. Which of the two it really was doesn’t matter, I don’t care to know, for it should be forgotten entirely. It is not more than a disturbing stop-gap, injuring power and timbre of tone, unfit in technical as well as musical respects” ^(46){ }^{46} 有兩個人,一個是 19 世紀末的 Pittrich,另一個是 1920 年或 21 年的 Poike,自稱是所有時代中最令人不快的「改良」的發明者: CC 機械。這兩個人到底是誰並不重要,我也不想知道,因為這應該完全被遺忘。它只是一個令人不安的權宜之計,損害了音色的力量和音色,在技術和音樂方面都不適合" ^(46){ }^{46} 。
Friedrich Warnecke similarly disapproved of this device. He stated that, since a string cannot be lengthened without being thickened at the same time, one must consequently use either too weak a C when the string is lengthened, or too strong an EE when it is not. ^(47){ }^{47} Friedrich Warnecke 也同樣不贊成這種方法。他指出,由於琴弦在加長的同時不可能不被加粗,因此當琴弦被加長時,必須使用太弱的 C,而當琴弦沒有被加長時,又必須使用太強的 EE 。 ^(47){ }^{47}
A fingered CC extension device 指型 CC 延伸裝置
by John Michael Smith 作者:John Michael Smith
The opinion of New-York bass-maker Charles Traeger is that all metal C extensions, no matter how well they work, have a harmful effect upon both the sound of the bass (particularly in the lowest register) and its playability, because the weight of the metal hinders the motion of the neck. For this reason, he favors another type of CC extension which has only a fingerboard and a thumb rest to facilitate playing. According to Mr Traeger, this non-metallic type of extension is so light that it does not detract from the natural sound of the bass. He maintains that this type of extension enables vibratos, glissandos, or almost any other desired effects, because the extension fingerboard is completely under the player’s control. Furthermore, it has the advantage of absolutely noiseless operation and rapidity of playing. ^(48){ }^{48} 紐約低音結他製造商Charles Traeger認為,所有金屬C型擴展器,無論它們有多好用,都會對低音結他的聲音(尤其是最低音域)和演奏性造成有害的影響,因為金屬的重量會阻礙琴頸的活動。因此,他偏好另一種 CC 延長器,這種延長器只有指板和拇指托,方便演奏。根據 Traeger 先生的說法,這種非金屬類型的延伸件非常輕,不會影響低音結他的自然音色。他堅稱,由於延伸指板完全在演奏者的控制之下,因此這種類型的延伸指板可以實現震音、滑音或幾乎任何其他想要的效果。此外,它還有絕對無聲的操作和快速演奏的優點。 ^(48){ }^{48}
However, fingered CC extensions also enjoy only limited popularity. Raymond Nicholson-Newton is among those who urge all teachers, professors and pedagogues, to dissuade their students or any one else from using or operating a double bass to which an extension mechanism has been fitted. He would advise orchestral managers to grant auditions only to bassists prepared to play upon a five string bass. ^(49){ }^{49} 然而,指型延伸裝置也只受到有限的歡迎。Raymond Nicholson-Newton 敦促所有的老師、教授和教師,不要讓他們的學生或任何人使用或操作安裝了延伸裝置的低音大提琴。他建議管弦樂團經理只讓準備好使用五弦貝斯演奏的貝斯手參加試演。 ^(49){ }^{49}
Admittedly, the problem of the low-pitched double bass has never found a fully satisfactory solution. The tuning in fifths, which is the most logical among them and the one that comes first to mind, has some tempting advantages: its use would avoid the grafting of an unsightly attachment to the bass and it would be in keeping with the tradition of the violin family. It would also help silence the voices claiming that the double bass is little more than a coarsened viol that “seems on the road to recovering some of its lost strings”. ^(50){ }^{50} 誠然,低音域低音大提琴的問題從未找到完全令人滿意的解決方案。五度調音是其中最符合邏輯的一種,也是最先想到的一種,它有一些誘人的優點:使用它可以避免在低音大提琴上嫁接難看的附件,而且它也符合小提琴家族的傳統。這也有助於平息那些聲稱低音大提琴只是一把 「似乎正在恢復一些失去的琴弦 」的粗糙中提琴的聲音。 ^(50){ }^{50} 。
Instrumental art is an empirical art which is not to be simplified by any theory: the tuning in fifths is unfortunately quite unsuited to the span of the hand when a written bass part has to be followed. For these reasons, the fourthtuning, although it reduces the range of the open strings, is the only possible choice for the double bass. The various alternatives described above are no more than compromises intended to win back the few extra low notes lost in the process. They should be viewed as such by performers wishing to extend the compass of their instrument. 樂器藝術是一門經驗性的藝術,不能被任何理論所簡化:不幸的是,當寫作低音聲部時,五度音調很不適合手的跨度。基於這些原因,四度調音雖然減少了開放弦的音域,但卻是低音大提琴唯一可能的選擇。以上所描述的各種替代方案,不過是為了贏回在過程中失去的幾個額外低音而做出的妥協。希望擴大樂器音域的演奏者應該這樣看待它們。
Chapter notes 章節說明
1 . Carse, Adam: The orchestra in the 18th century, 1940. 1 .Carse, Adam: The orchestra in the 18th century, 1940.
2 . Mahaut, Antoine: Oeuvre II (Second symphony), 1754, Bibl. Nat. 2 .Mahaut, Antoine: Oeuvre II (Second symphony), 1754, Bibl. Nat.
3. Robbins-Landon, H.C.: The symphontes of Joseph Haydn, London, 1955. 3.Robbins-Landon, H.C.: The symphontes of Joseph Haydn, 倫敦,1955 年。
4 . Kunitz, Hans: “Violoncello. Kontrabass”. Die Instrumentation, n^(@)n^{\circ} 13, Leipzig, 1961. 4 .Kunitz,Hans:'大提琴。Kontrabass'.Die Instrumentation, n^(@)n^{\circ} 13, Leipzig, 1961.
5 . Berlioz, Hector: Grand traité d’instrumentation et d’orchestration modernes, Paris, 1844. 5 .Berlioz, Hector:Grand traité d'instrumentation et d'orchestration modernes,巴黎,1844 年。
6 . Lavoix, H.: Histoire de l’instrumentation, Paris, 1878. 6 .Lavoix, H.: Histoire de l'instrumentation, Paris, 1878.
7 . Gevaert: Traité d’instrumentation, Paris, 1863. 7 .Gevaert:Traité d'instrumentation,巴黎,1863 年。
8 . Widor, Charles-Marie: Technique de l’orchestre moderne, 1904. 8 .Widor, Charles-Marie: Technique de l'orchestre moderne, 1904.
9. Webster, James: “Violoncello and double bass in the chamber music of Haydn and his Viennese contemporaries, 1750-1800”. Journal of the American Musicological Society, Fali 1976. 9. Webster, James:《1750-1800 年海頓及其維也納同代人室內樂中的大提琴與低音提琴》。美國音樂學會期刊》,Fali 1976 年。
10. Grassineau, James: A musical dictionnary, London, 1740. 10.Grassineau,James:《音樂字典》,倫敦,1740 年。
11. Mozart, Leopold: Versuch einer gründlichen Violischule, Augsburg, 1756-1787. 莫扎特、利奧波德:《Versuch einer gründlichen Violischule》,奧格斯堡,1756-1787 年。
12. Busby, Thomas: A complete dictionnary of music, London, 1787. 12. Busby, Thomas: A complete dictionarynary of music, London, 1787.
13. Gehot, Joseph: Complete instructions for every musical instrument, London, 1791. Gehot,Joseph:每種樂器的完整說明,倫敦,1791 年。
14. Diderot, Denis: “Table du rapport des voix et des instruments de l’orchestre comparés au clavecin”, Plate XXIL, Encyclopédie, 1767. Diderot,Denis:"Table du rapport des voix et des instruments de l'orchestre comparés au clavecin",Plate XXIL,Encyclopédie,1767。
15. PRINCIPI DI MUSICA nei quali oltre le antiche e solite Regoli vi sono aggiunti altri figuri di note schiarimento de chiavi, scale dei tuoni littura alla francese, scale semplia delle prime regoli del cembalo, violino, viloncello, contrabasso, oboe e flauto, Florence, 1770. 15. PRINCIPLES OF MUSIC(音樂原理),其中除了古老和常見的規則外,還添加了其他音符的數字:音鍵的清音、法式風格的音階、大鍵琴、小提琴、大提琴、低音大提琴、雙簧管和長笛的第一條規則的音階 semplia,佛羅倫斯,1770 年。
16. Stössel, Johann Christoph: Musicalisches Lexicon, Chemnitz, 1737. Stössel, Johann Christoph: Musicalisches Lexicon, Chemnitz, 1737。
17. Eisel, Johann Philip: Musicus autodidacticus, Erfürt, 1738. Eisel,Johann Philip:Musicus autodidacticus,Erfürt,1738 年。
18. Laborde, Jean-Benjamen de: Essai sur la musique ancienne et moderne, Paris, 1780. 18.Laborde, Jean-Benjamen de: Essai sur la musique ancienne et moderne, Paris, 1780.
19. Francoeur, L.J.: Traité général des voix et des instruments d’orchestre, Paris, 1813. Francoeur, L.J.: Traité général des voix et des instruments d'orchestre, Paris, 1813.
20. Gehot: op. cit. 20. Gehot: 同前。
21. Galeazzi, Francesco: Elementi teoretico-pratici, Rome, 1791. Galeazzi, Francesco: Elementi teoretico-pratici, Rome, 1791.
22. Francoeur: op. cit. 22. Francoeur: 同前。
23. Hause, Wenzeslas: Méthode complète de contrebasse, c. 1828. 23.Hause, Wenzeslas: Méthode complète de contrebasse, c. 1828.
24. Elgar, Raymond: More about the double bass, St-Leonard-on Sea, 1963. 24.Elgar, Raymond: More about the double bass, St-Leonard-on Sea, 1963.
25. Froelich, Joseph: Vollständige theoretish-praktische Musik-Schule für alle beym Orchester gebrauchliche wichtigere Instrumente zum Gebrauch für Musik-directoren, Bonn, 1810. 25.Froelich, Joseph: Vollständige theoretish-praktische Musik-Schule für alle beym Orchester gebrauchliche wichtigere Instrumente zum Gebrauch für Musik-directoren, Bonn, 1810.
26. McClure, Theron: “Bottom Brahms”, I.S.B. Annual Journal, Spring 1977. 26.McClure, Theron:「Bottom Brahms」,I.S.B. Annual Journal,1977 年春。
27. Zimmerman, Oscar G.: The complete double bass parts orchestral works of Brahms, New York, 1971.
28. Poike, Max: Orchester studien aus Richard Strauss, Berlin, 1912. 28.Poike, Max: Orchester studien aus Richard Strauss, Berlin, 1912.
29. Vondrak, A.: “The tuning of the double bass”. The Strad, June. Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. 1956. 29.Vondrak, A.: 「低音大提琴的調音」。The Strad,六月。七月、八月、九月、十月。1956 年 8 月、9 月、10 月。
30. Clarck, David: “Fourth Annual I.S.B. School for the double bass”, I.S.B. magazine, Fall 1980, vol 7, n^(@)1n^{\circ} 1. 30.Clarck, David: 'Fourth Annual I.S.B. School for the double bass', I.S.B. magazine, Fall 1980, vol 7, n^(@)1n^{\circ} 1 .
also: Grimes, William F.: The solo vocabulary of jazz bassist Red Mitchell, 另:Grimes, William F.: The solo vocabulary of jazz bassist Red Mitchell、
I.S.B. Bulletin, vol XV, n^(@)3n^{\circ} 3, spring 1989. I.S.B. Bulletin,第 XV 卷, n^(@)3n^{\circ} 3 ,1989 年春。
31. Billè, Isaia: Nuovo metodo per Contrabasso a 4 e 5 corde, 1922. Billè, Isaia: Nuovo metodo per Contrabasso a 4 e 5 corde, 1922.
32. Warnecke, Friedrich: Der Kontrabass, Hamburg, 1909. 32.Warnecke, Friedrich: Der Kontrabass, Hamburg, 1909.
33. Vondrak, A.: op. cit. 33.Vondrak, A.: 同前。
34. Praetorius, Michael: Syntagma musicum, Wolfenbüttel, 1619. 34.Praetorius, Michael: Syntagma musicum, Wolfenbüttel, 1619.
35. Marcuse, Sybyl: Musical instruments; A comprehensive dictionnary, New-York, 1964. 35.Marcuse, Sybyl: Musical instruments; A comprehensive dictionary, New-York, 1964.
36. Kling, Henri: Popülare instrumentationlehre, Hannover, 1882. 36.Kling、Henri:Popülare instrumentationlehre,Hannover,1882。
37. Cited by Marcuse: A survey of musical instruments, London, 1975. 37.引自 Marcuse:《樂器調查》,倫敦,1975 年。
38. Tolbecque, Auguste: L’art du luthier, Niort, 1903. 38.Tolbecque,Auguste:L'art du luthier,Niort,1903 年。
39. Lyman, Frederick: “Options in custom buflt bass design”, I.S.B. magazine, p. 263. 39.Lyman, Frederick:「自訂低音大提琴設計的選項」,I.S.B. 雜誌,第 263 頁。
40. Traeger, Charles: “Member’s forum”, I.S.B. Bulletin, vol IX, n^(@)2n^{\circ} 2, Winter 1983. 40.Traeger, Charles: 'Member's forum', I.S.B. Bulletin, vol IX, n^(@)2n^{\circ} 2 , Winter 1983.
41. Elgar, Raymond: Introduction to the double bass, St-Leonard-on-sea, 1960. 41.Elgar,Raymond:低音提琴入門,St-Leonard-on-sea,1960 年。
42. Sack, Joe: “London debut of five-string basses”, Orchestra world, April 1980. also: I.S.B. Newsletter, vol 7, n^(@)1,1980n^{\circ} 1,1980. 42.Sack, Joe: 'London debut of five-string basses', Orchestra world, April 1980. also: I.S.B. Newsletter, vol 7, n^(@)1,1980n^{\circ} 1,1980 .
43. Fage, Adrien de la: Quinze visites à l’exposition universelle de 1855, Paris, 1856. 43.Fage, Adrien de la:Quinze visites à l'exposition universelle de 1855, Paris, 1856.
44. d’Harcourt, Eugène: La musique actuelle en Allemagne et Autriche-Hongrie, Paris, 1908. 44. D'Harcourt, Eugène: La musique actuelle en Allemagne et Autriche-Hongrie, Paris, 1908.
45. Poike: op. cit. 45.Poike: 同前。
46. Vondrak: op. cit. 46.Vondrak: 同前。
47. Warnecke: op. cit. 47.Warnecke: 同前。
48. Traeger, Charles: “On this and that”, I.S.B. Newsletter, vol 7, n^(@)1n^{\circ} 1, Fall 1980. 48.Traeger, Charles: 'On this and that', I.S.B. Newsletter, vol 7, n^(@)1n^{\circ} 1 , Fall 1980.
49. Nicholson-Newton, Raymond: “The five-string Double Bass and the end of the contra-C mechanism”, I.S.B. magazine, vol IX, no 1, Fall 1982. 49.Nicholson-Newton,Raymond:《五弦低音大提琴與反C機制的終結》,《I.S.B.》雜誌,第九卷,第 1 期,1982 年秋季。
50. Dolmetsch, Arnold: The interpretation of the music of the 17 th and 18 th centuries, London, n.d. 50.Dolmetsch, Arnold: The interpretation of the music of the 17th and 18th centuries, London, n.d.。
VI. Bowing techniques VI.弓法技巧
We have seen in the preceding chapters that the bass has always been subjected to great variations in design, size, and tuning: not too surprisingly, similar variations are also to be found in bow construction and techniques. 我們在前面的章節中已經看到,低音大提琴在設計、尺寸和調音上一直都有很大的變化:不太令人驚訝的是,在琴弓的結構和技巧上也有類似的變化。
Up to the 16th century, the bow was hardly more than a plain arc and its hair was tied directly to the stick at both ends (fig A). The introduction of a wedge 直到 16 世紀,弓子還只是一個普通的弧形,弓毛直接綁在弓桿的兩端(圖 A)。楔形弓的引入
serving to adjust the tension of the hair was the first improvement made to this rather crude contrivance. The invention of the nut, which kept the hair at a distance from the stick, then followed (fig B). The cremaillère was then introduced, which consisted in a piece of notched metal fixed to the back of the stick: “To the then movable nut was added a band of metal which could be hitched over any of these notches, and the tension of the bow thereby regulated at will”. ^(1){ }^{1} 在這個相當粗糙的裝置上,第一個改進就是用來調整毛髮的張力。螺帽的發明讓頭髮與木棒保持一定的距離(圖 B)。cremaillère也被引入,它由一片固定在琴杖背面的有缺口的金属片组成:「在当时可移动的螺母上增加了一条金属带,它可以系在任何一个缺口上,从而随意调节弓子的张力」。 ^(1){ }^{1}
In the 18th century, Parisian bow-maker Tourte senior contrived a screw commanding the advance and retreat of the nut, still in general use today. His son, François Tourte (1747-1835) then discovered in the years 1775-17801775-1780 the 十八世紀時,巴黎的弓匠 Tourte 先生發明了一種螺絲,可以控制螺母的進退,至今仍被廣泛使用。他的兒子 François Tourte (1747-1835) 在 1775-17801775-1780 年間發現了螺絲。
B - Sixteenth century bow B - 十六世紀弓
qualities of stiffness and lightness of Pernambuco wood which makes it best suited for bow manufacture. Following the advice of violin player G. Battista Viotti, he also reversed the shape of the bow which then lost its arc-form and became incurved instead of outcurved. Pernambuco 木材的堅硬與輕盈特質,使其最適合製作琴弓。根據小提琴演奏家 G.Battista Viotti 的建議,他還顛倒了琴弓的形狀,使其失去了弧形,從外彎變成內彎。
Up to the 18th century, two different bowing techniques were used indifferently on all families of stringed instruments. Small instruments like the violin were generally bowed palm-down, or overhand, but all instruments too large to be held overarm were as a rule bowed palm-up, or underhand. 直到十八世紀,在所有的弦樂器家族中,有兩種不同的弓法被無區別地使用。小提琴等小型樂器的弓法通常是掌心向下,或稱為 「上弓」,但所有過大而無法上臂握持的樂器則通常是掌心向上,或稱為 「下弓」。
However, no generalization can be made with regard to these principles, and the visual arts occasionally attest to the use of the overhand technique in cunjunction 然而,對於這些原則,我們無法一概而論,視覺藝術偶爾會證明在陰刻中使用過手技巧。
G.B. Probst
A concert in a palace 宮殿音樂會
Augsburg, ca. 1750 奧格斯堡,約 1750 年
Eighteenth century 十八世紀
French bass player 法國低音結他手
(Laborde, 1780)
with consorts of viols, from treble to double bass. 由高音至低音提琴組成的提琴樂團。
Conversely, the 17 th century flemish painters give ample evidence of the use of the underhand bowing technique with the baroque Bass Violin and early cello. Following the rejection of the unwieldy Bass Violin, Italian cellists also discarded the old underhand bow grip and began bowing overhand, a custom which gradually spread to other countries with the exception of some remote places where the old tradition remained intact. By the last years of the 17th century, the overhand bow grip had already been accepted among French cellists. Georg Muffat informs us that they held the bow as with the violin, squeezing the hair with the thumb and pressing the other fingers on the opposite side of the stick. ^(2){ }^{2} 相反的,十七世紀的佛蘭芒畫家則提供了大量的證據,證明巴洛克時期的低音大提琴與早期的大提琴使用了暗弓的技巧。在摒棄了笨重的低音小提琴之後,義大利的大提琴手也摒棄了舊有的暗弓握法,開始使用反手弓法,除了一些偏遠的地方仍保留著舊有的傳統之外,這個習俗逐漸傳到其他國家。在十七世紀的最後幾年,法國的大提琴家已經接受了反手握弓的方式。Georg Muffat告訴我們,他們握弓的方式和小提琴一樣,用拇指捏住弓毛,其他手指按在琴棒的反面。 ^(2){ }^{2}
Indeed, in 1773 Charles Burney was surprised to see that all the cello players in Padua (Italy) still "held the bow in the old-fashioned way, with the hand under it ". ^(3){ }^{3} 事實上,在 1773 年,Charles Burney 驚訝地發現帕多瓦(義大利)所有的大提琴演奏家仍然「以老式的方式握弓,手放在弓下」。 ^(3){ }^{3} 。
Not surprisingly, some double bass players also adopted the new bowing technique. While Jean-Benjamen Laborde showed a double bass bowed overhand in 1781^(4)1781^{4}, Michel Corrette stated the next year that, in contrast to the cello, the bass bow was held with the fingernails turned upwards so as to produce a more powerful sound. ^(5){ }^{5} Contemporary illustrations also provide evidence that the new overhand 毫不奇怪,一些低音提琴演奏家也採用了新的弓法。 1781^(4)1781^{4} Jean-Benjamen Laborde在 1781^(4)1781^{4}中展示了低音提琴的超手弓法,而Michel Corrette則在第二年指出,與大提琴不同的是,低音提琴的弓子是用指甲往上拉的,這樣可以產生更有力的聲音。 ^(5){ }^{5} 當代的插圖也提供了證據,證明新的超手拉弓
Panel of a late 17 th century buffet, (Grillet, 1901). technique was adopted by bass players not only in France, England and Italy, but also in German speaking countries. Significantly, Filippo Bonanni’s ‘Gabinetto Armonico’(1716) shows no depiction of the underhand bowing technique. When Viennese bass virtuoso Johann Hindle played in Prague in 1828, he also used the same bowing technique as with the cello. ^(6){ }^{6} 十七世紀晚期的自助餐面板,(Grillet, 1901)。低音結他技巧不僅在法國、英國和義大利被低音結他演奏家所採用,在德國也是如此。值得注意的是,Filippo Bonanni的'Gabinetto Armonico'(1716年)並沒有描繪暗弓技巧。1828 年,維也納低音大提琴演奏家約翰-辛德 (Johann Hindle) 在布拉格演奏時,也使用了與大提琴相同的弓法。 ^(6){ }^{6}
Because the violin is held at the shoulder and because the cello and bass are held upright, the string nearer to the performer’s right hand is inverted: the higher string is nearer to the violinist’s bowing hand, but the lower string is closer to the bass player’s right hand. For this reason, opposite bow strokes were long used for the violin and basses: while the strong stroke of the violin is the down bow, the strong stroke of the basses was the up bow. ^(7){ }^{7} 由於小提琴的持弓是在肩上,而大提琴和低音提琴的持弓是直立的,所以靠近演奏者右手的琴弦是反向的:較高的琴弦較靠近小提琴手的持弓手,但較低的琴弦則較靠近低音提琴手的右手。因此,長久以來,小提琴和低音提琴都使用相反的弓法:小提琴的強力弓法是下弓,而低音提琴的強力弓法則是上弓。 ^(7){ }^{7}
A standardization of the violin family techniques took place in the course of the 18th century, when Italian cello players introduced the modern notion of down bow as strong stroke on this instrument. According to Quantz, this new method produced a better effect both in solos and in accompaniment. Because the strong notes require more power and energy than the weak ones, Quantz felt that the lower part of the bow was better suited to playing them than its tip. ^(8){ }^{8} There ensued a period when some cello and bass players used the new technique, while others retained the old system: 小提琴家族技術的標準化發生在十八世紀,當時義大利的大提琴演奏家引進了下弓的現代概念,作為這件樂器的強力弓法。根據Quantz的說法,這種新的方法在獨奏和伴奏中都產生了更好的效果。因為強音比弱音需要更多的力量和能量,Quantz 認為弓子的下半部比弓頭更適合演奏強音。 ^(8){ }^{8} 接下來的一段時間,有些大提琴和低音提琴演奏家使用新的技巧,有些則保留舊的系統:
“The double bass players do not much agree with each other with regard to bow strokes. Indeed, some want, rightly considering the way they hold the bow, to push the bow forward on the long (accented) notes and to draw it backward on the short ones, as used to be done on the old viol and the quinton; in contrast, others assert that the long notes must be drawn backward and the short ones pushed forward, as on the violoncello. In our present times a third, singular party, precludes any rule and plays at random, going where the bow happens to be; I think we may consign these innovators to oblivion”. 9 "低音大提琴演奏者之間對於弓子的運弓方式意見不一。事實上,有些人考慮到他們握弓的方式,希望在演奏長音(重音)時將弓子向前推,而在演奏短音時將弓子向後拉,就像過去在古提琴和昆廷琴上所做的;相反地,有些人則主張長音必須向後拉,而短音則向前推,就像在大提琴上所做的一樣。在我們現今的時代,有第三種人,排除任何規則,隨意演奏,弓子碰巧在哪,就在哪演奏;我想我們可以將這些創新者遺忘了。9
While a large number of bass players adopted the new, overhand technique, the old underhand bow grip was maintained and brought up to date in the Bologna school of double bass playing (fig C.). ^(10){ }^{10} It was ultimately reintroduced to 當大量的低音大提琴手採用新的上弓技巧時,舊的下弓握法在低音大提琴演奏的博洛尼亞學派(Bologna school of double bass playing)(圖C. ^(10){ }^{10} 它最終被重新引入到
C - Bow of the Bologna school C - 博洛尼亞學派之弓
European orchestras at the beginning of the 19th century, when Dragonetti emigrated to England and acquired fame there. Dragonetti played a very short, outcurved bow (fig D), slightly different from that of Bologna; a description of 十九世紀初,Dragonetti移居英國,並在歐洲管弦樂團中成名。德拉戈奈蒂演奏的是一把非常短的外彎弓(圖 D),與博洛尼亞的弓子略有不同。
D - Original Dragonetti bow D - 原創 Dragonetti 蝴蝶結
his underhand grip is to be found in Achille Gouffé’s double bass method: 在 Achille Gouffé 的低音大提琴演奏法中,我們可以找到他的下把式:
“The index and medium fingers must rest on the stick, the ring finger and the small finger between the frog and the stick, with the thumb also resting in the latter. All the power must be transmitted through the two fingers which are resting on the stick. If a piano is to be played, the bow must be mobile and directed without any stiffness: otherwise the lightness, so essential a quality, as well as the function of the wrist and of the forearm would be impaired. One can play more forcefully with this type of bow, but it requires a much longer study”. ^(11){ }^{11} "食指和中指必須放在棍子上,無名指和小指放在青蛙和棍子之間,拇指也放在後者。所有的力量都必須透過靠在琴杖上的兩個手指來傳遞。如果要彈鋼琴,琴弓必須是可移動的,而且方向不能有任何的僵硬:否則就會損害如此重要的輕盈感,以及手腕和前臂的功能。用這種弓子可以演奏得更有力,但需要更長時間的學習"。 ^(11){ }^{11}
In an article issued in 1828, French bass player E.L. Gelinck (a member of the King’s Chapel) wrote in favor of Dragonetti’s underhand bow grip: “I will repeat that a bass string, the tension of which is of the weight of twenty pounds, cannot be compared with that of a double bass, which is of eighty-five pounds. Comparatively speaking, the latter will require four times the power for its vibration. This power does not exist in the ordinary compass of the bow, but is acquired with the system of Mr. Dragonetti. This I shall endeavour to demonstrate physically. The natural position of the hand and arm is shewn in ‘carrying arms’ according to military theory, if I may be allowed the comparison - the arm extended, without stiffness, and the little finger against the seam of the trowsers. In this position, without the assistance of the arm, simply by movement of the wrist, the hand may make a fourth of a turn to the left, or half a fourth to the right - and, by the mode in which Mr. Dragonetti holds his bow, the hand is in its natural position, the fingers even co-operate in supporting the hair on the strings and the wrist has still its fourth of a turn to supply power or a half fourth to raise the bow above the strings. Besides this rotatory movement, the wrist can still move forward and backward - and all without tiring the arm in directing the bow over the strings”. ^(12){ }^{12} 法國低音提琴演奏家 E.L. Gelinck(國王小教堂的成員)在 1828 年發表的一篇文章中,贊成 Dragonetti 的暗握弓法:"我再重申一次,低音提琴弦的張力是 20 磅,無法與低音提琴的張力相比,低音提琴的張力是 85 磅。相對而言,後者需要四倍的力量來振動。這種力量並不存在於普通的弓子上,而是從 Dragonetti 先生的系統中獲得的。這一點我將嘗試以實物來證明。手和手臂的自然位置是根據軍事理論在 「攜帶武器 」中展示的,如果允許我比較的話 - 手臂伸展,沒有僵硬,小指抵住褲子的縫隙。在這個位置上,不需要手臂的協助,只要手腕一動,手就可以向左轉四分之一圈,或向右轉半圈--而且,根據 Dragonetti 先生握弓的方式,手是在自然的位置上,手指甚至可以合作支撐琴弦上的琴毛,手腕仍然可以轉四分之一圈來提供力量,或轉半圈來將弓子提升到琴弦之上。除了這個旋轉的動作之外,手腕仍然可以向前和向後移動,而這一切都不會讓手臂在引導弓子到弦上時感到疲倦。 ^(12){ }^{12}
About the same time François Perne, Paris conservatory director from 1817 to 1822 and corresponding member of that institution, also voiced his objections concerning the French overhand bow grip as compared to Dragonetti’s: 大約在同一時間,巴黎音樂學院從 1817 年到 1822 年的院長,同時也是該學院的通訊成員 François Perne,也對法式的反手握弓法與 Dragonetti 的握弓法提出了反對意見:
"The instrument…is truly tiring to play upon in ‘forte’ passages and difficult in ‘pianos’ and ‘pianissimos’, owing mainly to the way its bow is generally made and to the way it is held by the instrumentalists. Both the length of the bow and the shape of the stick are detrimental to its flexibility, as they result in too much stiffness in the tension of the hair. The shape of the French bow is prejudicial to a vigorous attack of the strings without even facilitating the playing of ‘mezzofortes’ and ‘pianos’…To cut it short, let it suffice to name Mr Dragonetti…and rely on such an indisputable authority ^('').^(13){ }^{\prime \prime} .{ }^{13} 這把樂器......在 「強音 」的段落中演奏真的很累人,而在 「鋼琴 」和 「小鋼琴 」的段落中演奏也很困難,這主要是由於琴弓的製作方式和演奏者握弓的方式所造成的。琴弓的長度和琴棒的形狀都不利於它的彈性,因為它們會造成琴毛的張力過於僵硬。法式琴弓的形狀不利於琴弦的有力演奏,甚至不利於 "mezzofortes 「和 」pianos "的演奏......簡而言之,我們只需要說出Dragonetti先生的名字就足夠了......並依靠這樣一位無可爭議的權威 ^('').^(13){ }^{\prime \prime} .{ }^{13} 。
Luigi Cherubini (Perne’s successor at the Paris Conservatory) also greatly admired “Dragonetti’s prodigious performing talent”. Consequently, when he opened Luigi Cherubini(Perne 在巴黎音樂學院的繼任者)也非常欣賞「Dragonetti 的驚人演奏天賦」。因此,當他開設
a class for double bass in his institution on July 1, 1827, he decided to consult the leading Parisian bass players as well as a few theoreticians and scientistsamong them Perne - about the adeption of Dragonetti’s underhand technique. Perne and Gelinck, as a matter of course, spoke in favor of the adoption of the “Italian”, outcurved bow, but most other players, and mainly the very influential artists of the King’s Chapel, spurned the change.* After some arguing, it was decided that from then on, conservatory students would learn to play underhand, but that the use of the overhand technique would be continued at the King’s Chapel until further notice. ^(14){ }^{14} 1827年7月1日,他在自己的学院里开设了一堂低音提琴课,他决定向巴黎著名的低音提琴演奏家以及一些理论家和科学家(其中包括Perne)请教有关Dragonetti的暗弓技巧的问题。Perne和Gelinck當然贊成採用 「義大利 」外彎弓,但其他大多數演奏家,主要是國王教堂非常有影響力的藝術家,都不願意改變。 ^(14){ }^{14}
Gioacchino Rossini (1792-1868) was subsequently requested to have a bow made in London under Dragonetti’s supervision. This model bow was sent for duplication to conservatory luthier Gand Senior (fig E), but he made so many Gioacchino Rossini (1792-1868)後來要求在Dragonetti的監督下於倫敦製作一把琴弓。這款琴弓的模型被送到音樂學院的制琴家 Gand Senior(圖 E)處複製,但他做了太多的琴弓。
changes to it, suggested by one and another, that it became an entirely different type of bow; while the head-piece still bore some resemblance to Dragonetti’s design, its stick was nearly straight instead of being outcurved (fig F). Moreover, 儘管弓頭仍然與 Dragonetti 的設計有些相似,但它的弓桿幾乎是直的,而不是外彎的(圖 F)。再者,這把弓的彎曲度也比較大、
F - Modified Dragonetti model bow as constructed by Gand Senior F - 由 Gand Senior 製作的改良 Dragonetti 型船首
Gand still continued making an incurved type of bow modelled on that of the cello which came to be known as the French bow (fig G). This type of bow was introduced to Italy in the 1860’s by Carlo Campostrini. ^(****){ }^{* *} The bow was later accepted in Spain and in England. ^(15){ }^{15} It was later improved by Vigneron and ultimately perfected toward 1903 by Thomassin. 根特仍然繼續製作仿照大提琴的彎曲型琴弓,這種琴弓後來被稱為法式琴弓(圖G)。這種琴弓在1860年代由Carlo Campostrini介紹到義大利。 ^(****){ }^{* *} 這種琴弓後來被西班牙和英國所接受。 ^(15){ }^{15} 它後來被Vigneron改良,最後在1903年由Thomassin完善。
G - French type of bow as constructed by Gand Senior G - 由 Ghent Senior 建造的法式弓型
Meanwhile, the English and Belgian bass players considered the new bow improved by Dragonetti as being perfect and kept it long after the virtuoso’s disappearance: its stick was longer and less outcurved than the previous one. It is 與此同時,英國和比利時的低音提琴演奏家認為德拉戈奈蒂所改良的新琴弓是完美的,並在這位演奏家消失之後仍保留了很長的時間:它的琴棒比以前的琴棒更長,外彎也更少。它是
Incidentally, one may speculate whether the French would still be using the “French”, overhand bow hold, had the outcome been different on that occasion. 順帶一提,我們可以推測,如果那一次的結果不同,法國人是否還會使用「法式」的反手握弓。
** A professor of double bass in Florence. Campostrini was also one of the last exponents of the Dragonetti bow in Italy. ** 佛羅倫斯低音提琴教授。Campostrini 也是義大利最後的 Dragonetti 弓法傳播者之一。
only at the beginning of the 20th century that conductor Hans Richter demanded that his players use the French type of bow now in common use in Great-Britain. 直到 20 世紀初,指揮家 Hans Richter 才要求他的演奏家使用目前在大英普遍使用的法式琴弓。
We also know that unsuccessful attemps were made in Switzerland and in Germany at the turn of the century to reintroduce the Dragonetti bow to these countries - for instance the so-called “Dresden bow” devised by Bruno Keyl in this town. ^(16){ }^{16} 我們也知道,在本世紀初,瑞士和德國曾經嘗試重新將 Dragonetti 弓引入這些國家,但並不成功 - 例如 Bruno Keyl 在這個城市設計的所謂「Dresden 弓」。 ^(16){ }^{16}
In 1887, English bass player Adolphus C. White commented on the benefits of the Dragonetti bow grip: 1887年,英國低音提琴演奏家Adolphus C.White 評論了 Dragonetti 琴弓握把的好處:
“Some think that the freedom of the wrist is impaired by holding the bow as we do, but I beg to differ from them. The action of the wrist is as free whether in the downward or in the sideway movement, and the advantage I claim for our bow is the greater amount of force procurable in the fortissimo passages. This percussive attack cannot be and is not so forcible with the straight bow”.17 "有些人認為像我們這樣持弓會影響手腕的自由度,但我不敢苟同。手腕的動作無論是向下或側向的動作都是一樣的自由,而我認為我們的弓子的優點是在強音的段落中可以獲得更大的力度。這種撞擊性的攻擊在直弓上是無法也不可能如此有力的"。
Three musicians, English school of the 18th century. 三位音樂家,十八世紀英國流派。
Thirty five years later, Isaia Billè conceded that the shortness, the (out)curve and the grip of the old bow of the Bologna school were favorable to the production of staccato notes, but he shared with all Italian Orchestra Directors the feeling that this type of bow was less adapted to sustained and slurred notes. ^(18){ }^{18} 三十五年後,Isaia Billè承認,博洛尼亞學派的老式琴弓的短度、(外)彎度和握弓方式對於產生頓挫的音符是有利的,但他與所有的義大利管弦樂團指揮一樣,都認為這種琴弓不太適合用於持續和含糊的音符。 ^(18){ }^{18}
According to Raymond Elgar, the original Dragonetti bow “makes sustaining notes difficult to play, and there is a feeling of lack of control over the bow. In fact, the curling of the third and fourth finger around the frog causes part of the hand to be idle and have no control over the stick at all”. ^(19){ }^{19} 根據 Raymond Elgar 的說法,原版的 Dragonetti 琴弓'使得持續性的音符難以演奏,而且有一種無法控制琴弓的感覺。事實上,三指和四指捲曲在蛙形弓上會造成部分手掌閒置,完全無法控制琴棒"。 ^(19){ }^{19} 。
Eric Halfpenny similarly feels that “the chief defect of Dragonetti’s bow as it is strung and fitted today, is the deep and heavy head and the fact that the hair gives too much under playing pressure, yielding a gutty and rather too ‘open’ Eric Halfpenny 也同樣認為:「Dragonetti 的弓子在現今的上弦與裝配方式下,主要的缺點是弓頭太深太重,而且在演奏壓力下,弓毛會過度鬆散,產生一種內斂且太「開放」的感覺。
tone”. 音調'。
He concedes, however, that “there is no reason to believe that a player of Dragonetti’s caliber and using more suitable fittíngs was unable to procure a magnificent sound with such a bow”. ^(20){ }^{20} 然而,他承認,「沒有理由相信,像Dragonetti這樣的演奏家,使用更合適的弓子,無法用這樣的弓子演奏出華麗的音色」。 ^(20){ }^{20} 。
It is worth noting, however, that the reluctance of French bass players to accept the Dragonetti bow and technique was not “due to the force of habit and to the natural distrust for all kinds of innovation”, as Gelinck bitterly remarked. On the contrary, Parisian bass players were fully aware of the potentials of the French type of bow, which was unfortunately inexpertly made and poorly finished. Up to then, none of the bow-makers established in Mirecourt since the preceding century had felt the need to make double bass bows. Instrumentalists consequently had to apply to luthiers or even to ordinary woodworkers when they wanted a bow made: 然而,值得注意的是,法國低音提琴演奏家不願意接受Dragonetti琴弓和技巧,並不是像Gelinck痛苦地說:「因為習慣的力量和對各種創新的自然不信任」。恰恰相反,巴黎的低音提琴演奏家完全了解法式琴弓的潛力,但可惜的是,法式琴弓的製作並不專業,而且做工也很差。在此之前,自上世紀以來,在Mirecourt建立的琴弓製造廠中,沒有一家認為有必要製作低音大提琴琴弓。因此,樂器演奏家在製作琴弓時,只能向製琴師或甚至是一般的木工申請:
“The infinite variations in the form and dimensions of double bass bows forbid any precise data; they are, moreover, so easy to make that, on seeing any one of them, any woodworker will immediately be able to construct an identical one”. ^(21){ }^{21} 低音提琴弓的形狀和尺寸變化無窮,因此無法提供任何精確的數據;此外,它們非常容易製作,任何木工只要看到其中任何一把,就能立即製作一把相同的弓。 ^(21){ }^{21}
Worse yet, a number of performers considered that the volume of sound was proportional to the weight of the bow; accordingly, they played with as heavy a bow as they could get. Italian bass players Luigi F. Rossi and G. Anglois for instance, asserted that light bows were detrimental to the volume of sound and rendered some rapid passages unplayable. Therefore, they recommended the use of bows made of hard and heavy wood, the hair of which was to be strung as tautly as possible. ^(22){ }^{22} 更糟的是,許多演奏家認為音量與琴弓的重量成正比;因此,他們演奏時會盡量使用較重的琴弓。例如,義大利低音提琴演奏家 Luigi F. Rossi 和 G. Anglois 斷言,輕的琴弓不利於音量的發揮,並使一些快速的樂段無法演奏。因此,他們建議使用硬而重的木頭製成的琴弓,弓毛應儘量繃緊。 ^(22){ }^{22}
In 1896, Danish virtuoso Ludwig Hegner wrote in disapproval of this notion: 1896 年,丹麥演奏家 Ludwig Hegner 曾寫信反對這種觀念:
“Many who play the double-bass think it necessary to use a heavy bow in order to acquire a great tone. This is a mistake, because a light bow, if used correctly, will be sufficient to produce all the tone possible from the instrument, and as the bow is chiefly governed by the wrist (not by the arm), it follows that a light bow, especially in rapid passages, is much to be preferred”. ^(23){ }^{23} "很多演奏低音大提琴的人認為,要想獲得好的音色,就必須使用重弓。這是一個錯誤,因為一把輕的弓子,如果使用得當,就足以讓這把樂器產生所有可能的音色,而且由於弓子主要是由手腕(而不是手臂)來控制的,因此輕的弓子,尤其是在快速的段落中,是非常可取的'。 ^(23){ }^{23}
The length of bass bows could vary as much as their weight. While Bottesini advised a length of 55 cm for orchestral music and 70 cm for solos, ^(24){ }^{24} Isaia Billè favored a stick of 60 to 65 cm for orchestral music and of 70 to 80 cm for solo playing. ^(25){ }^{25} 低音提琴弓的長度可以和重量一樣變化。Bottesini 建議管弦樂使用 55 公分的長度,獨奏使用 70 公分的長度,而 ^(24){ }^{24} Isaia Billè 則喜歡管弦樂使用 60 到 65 公分的長度,獨奏使用 70 到 80 公分的長度。 ^(25){ }^{25}
Toward 1903, French bow-maker Thomassin conceived a bow 67 cm long with a nut 22 mm wide, which weighed only 120 gr . Paris Conservatory professor H . Charpentier rated this new model highly and ordered a number of copies of it to be made. The bows currently used in French orchestras weigh from 120 to 140 gr , 在 1903 年,法國琴弓製造商 Thomassin 構想出一把長 67 公分、螺帽寬 22 公釐、重量只有 120 克的琴弓。巴黎音樂學院教授 H .Charpentier 高度評價這款新型號,並下令製造大量的複製品。目前法國管弦樂團所使用的琴弓重量從 120 克到 140 克不等、
but bows of 130-135gr130-135 \mathrm{gr} are generally favored by performers. Their length varies between 69,5-72cm69,5-72 \mathrm{~cm}, with a nut 26,5mm26,5 \mathrm{~mm} high and 21 to 22 mm wide. 但 130-135gr130-135 \mathrm{gr} 的琴弓通常受到演奏者的青睞。它們的長度在 69,5-72cm69,5-72 \mathrm{~cm} 之間,螺母高 26,5mm26,5 \mathrm{~mm} ,寬 21 到 22 mm。
We have seen that the underhand bow grip was not discarded for the double bass as it was for the cello over the course of the centuries. Despite its oldfashioned appearance, this bow grip now originates a modern type of stroke: as with the “French” technique, the strong stroke is the down bow. 我們已經看到,低音提琴的下弓握法並沒有像大提琴一樣,在幾個世紀的過程中被拋棄。儘管它的外型很老舊,但這種握弓方式現在卻發展出一種現代的運弓方式:就像 「法式 」技巧一樣,強力的運弓方式就是下弓。
Together with the underhand, "a la Dragonetti ^(''){ }^{\prime \prime}, grip, the Germans long retained the old straight type of bow. Frantz Simandl (1840-1912), principal bass player in the Vienna Court Orchestra and professor at the Vienna Conservatory (from 1869) claims the distinction of having been the first to bring the old bow design up to date. The Simandl bow is called by Billè “a mixture of ancient and modern designs” because it possesses both the incurved stick characteristic of modern violin bows and a wide nut which allows the use of the underhand grip. ^(25){ }^{25} Still, we learn from Warnecke that Wilhelm Sturm, of Berlin, also introduced a new design of bow, hardly different from the “French”, incurved model… 德國人保留了舊式的直弓,再加上 "a la Dragonetti" ^(''){ }^{\prime \prime} 的握弓方式。Frantz Simandl (1840-1912),維也納管弦樂團的首席男低音演奏家,也是維也納音樂學院的教授(1869年起),他聲稱自己是第一個將古老的琴弓設計更新的人。Simandl琴弓被Billè稱為 「古代與現代設計的混合體」,因為它同時擁有現代小提琴琴弓特有的彎曲琴桿,以及寬大的螺帽,可以使用手掌下方的握把。 ^(25){ }^{25} 然而,我們還是從Warnecke那裡得知,柏林的Wilhelm Sturm也推出了一種新設計的琴弓,與 「法式 」的彎曲型幾乎沒有什麼不同......
Nowadays, the overhand bow grip is used primarily in France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Latin-America, Great-Britain, the Netherlands and Scandinavia. The underhand grip is used primarily in Germany, Austria and Rumania. EasternEuropean countries, the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A. use both bowing techniques. 現在,握弓法主要在法國、西班牙、葡萄牙、義大利、拉丁美洲、英國、荷蘭和斯堪的納維亞使用。暗握把主要用於德國、奧地利和羅馬尼亞。東歐國家、蘇聯與美國則同時使用這兩種握弓方式。
The so-called Austro-American underhand school of bowing was founded in 1882 when Antonin Dvorak appointed Ludwig Emanuel Manoly (1856-1932), a pupil of Frantz Simandl, as bass teacher at the National Conservatory of Music in NewYork. Following this, Manoly joined the faculty of the New-York Institute of Musical Arts, now the Juilliard School. His pupil and successor, Hermann Reinshagen, then taught Frederick Zimmermann (1906-1967) who is considered as a father of bass teaching in the U.S. The latter taught both Stuart Sankey and David Walter. ^(26){ }^{26} 所謂的美籍奧地利弓法暗弓流派創立於 1882 年,當時德沃夏克 (Antonin Dvorak) 任命弗朗茨-西曼德爾 (Frantz Simandl) 的學生路德維希-伊曼紐-馬諾利 (Ludwig Emanuel Manoly, 1856-1932) 為紐約國家音樂學院的男低音老師。之後,Manoly 加入紐約音樂藝術學院 (New-York Institute of Musical Arts),也就是現在的茱莉亞音樂學院 (Juilliard School)。他的學生和繼任者 Hermann Reinshagen 後來教導 Frederick Zimmermann (1906-1967),後者被視為美國低音提琴教學之父。 ^(26){ }^{26}
The overhand school was introduced to Philadelphia when Spanish born Antonio Torello Ros (1884-1959) was appointed bass teacher at the Curtis Institute in 1926. ^(27){ }^{27} A number of his students, Oscar Zimmerman (1910-1987), Henri Portnoi, Roger Scott and Warren Benfield, among others, are considered prominent teachers of double bass in the United States. 1926 年,西班牙出生的 Antonio Torello Ros (1884-1959) 被任命為 Curtis Institute 的低音大提琴教師時,大提琴流派被引入費城。 ^(27){ }^{27} 他的多位學生,包括 Oscar Zimmerman (1910-1987)、Henri Portnoi、Roger Scott 及 Warren Benfield 等,都被視為美國低音大提琴的傑出教師。
When Philip Sklar entered the N.B.C. Orchestra in 1937, he was compelled by Arturo Toscanini to switch from underhand to overhand bow grip for the sake of uniformity, as all the others played overhand. ^(28){ }^{28} Nowadays, such an attitude is no 當 Philip Sklar 在 1937 年進入 N.B.C. Orchestra 時,他受到 Arturo Toscanini 的強迫,為了統一,他從暗手握弓改成了反手握弓,因為其他人都是反手演奏。 ^(28){ }^{28} 如今,這樣的態度已不再重要。
longer prevalent in the United States, where most orchestras have well balanced mixed double bass sections. 在美國,大多數管弦樂團都有均衡的混合低音提琴聲部。
Still; neither of these grips has been proved superior to the other: both are musical and capable of good as well as bad effect - depending on the player. As a rule, though, the shape of his instrument is immaterial to the overhand player, whereas to the underhand musician, the out-turned corners of the violin type of bass may restrict the bow clearance when playing on the bottom string. Perhaps the most significant difference is that the thumb transmits the most pressure on the underhand grip, whereas the index finger does the same for the overhand grip. ^(29){ }^{29} Because of the position of the hand, the overhand grip allows for greater ease when playing on the lower strings, whereas the underhand grip facilitates high string playing. Consequently, the overhand grip is often favored for orchestral music, while a slight majority of recitalists and recording artists use the underhand bow hold. However, in the hand of a competent musician, both playing techniques give approximately the same results: Dragonetti played underhand and Bottesini played overhand, Gary Karr plays “German” and Francesco Petracchi plays “French” bow… 不過,這兩種握法都沒有被證明比其他握法優勝:兩者都有音樂性,也都有好或壞的效果 - 這取決於演奏者。一般而言,對於雙手握把的演奏者來說,樂器的形狀並不重要,但對於雙手握把的演奏者來說,小提琴型低音結他的外彎角可能會在演奏底弦時限制弓子的空隙。或許最顯著的差別在於拇指在反手握把時傳遞最大的壓力,而食指在正手握把時也是一樣。 ^(29){ }^{29} 由於手的位置不同,反手握把在演奏低弦時更容易,而反手握把在演奏高弦時更容易。因此,在演奏管弦樂時,通常會偏向於用上手握弓法,而演奏家和錄音藝人則有少數使用下手握弓法。然而,在有能力的音樂家手中,這兩種演奏技巧所帶來的效果大致相同:Dragonetti 用暗手握弓,Bottesini 用橫手握弓;Gary Karr 用 「德式 」握弓,Francesco Petracchi 用 「法式 」握弓......
Chapter notes 章節說明
Ed. Heron-Allen: Violin-making as it was and is, London, 1885 Ed. Heron-Allen:《小提琴製作的過去與現在》,倫敦,1885 年。
Muffat, Georg: Preface to Florilegium Secondum, Passau, 1698.
Burney, Charles: The present state of music in France and Italy, London, 1773. Burney、Charles:《法國與義大利的音樂現況》,倫敦,1773 年。
4 . Laborde, Jean-Benjamen: Essai sur la musique ancienne et moderne, Paris, 1780. 4 .Laborde,Jean-Benjamen:Essai sur la musique ancienne et moderne,巴黎,1780 年。
5. Corrette, Michel: Méthodes pour apprendre à jouer de la contre-basse à 3, à 4 et à 5 cordes, Paris, 1781. 5.Corrette, Michel: Méthodes pour apprendre à jouer de la contre-basse à 3, à 4 et à 5 cordes, Paris, 1781.
6 . The Harmonicon, London, 1829. 6 .The Harmonicon,倫敦,1829 年。
7 . Trichet, Pierre: Traité des instruments de musique, c. 1640. 7 .Trichet,Pierre:Traité des instruments de musique,約 1640 年。
8 . Quantz, J.J.: Essai d’une méthode pour apprendre à jouer de la flûte traversière, Berlin, 1752. 8 .Quantz, J.J.: Essai d'une méthode pour apprendre à jouer de la flûte traversière, Berlin, 1752.
9 . Corrette: op. cit. 9 .更正:同上。
10. Billè, Isaia: Gli strumenti ad arco e i Loro cultori, Rome, 1928. Billè,《Isaia:Gli strumenti ad arco e i Loro cultori》,羅馬,1928 年。
11. Gouffé, Achille: Traité sur la contre-basse à 4 cordes, Paris, 1839 Gouffé,Achille:Traité sur la contre-basse à 4 cordes,巴黎,1839年
12. Gelinck: “On the bow of the double bass”, The Harmonicon, London, 1829. Gelinck:《論低音大提琴的琴弓》,The Harmonicon,倫敦,1829 年。
13. Perne: Revue Musicale, t II, 1828, p. 495. 13.Perne: Revue Musicale, t II, 1828, p. 495。
14. Gelinck: op. cit. 14. Gelinck: 同前。
15. Billè: op. cit. 15. Billè:前引書。
16. Warnecke, Friedrich: Ad Infinitum - Der Kontrabass, Hamburg, 1909. Warnecke、Friedrich:Ad Infinitum - Der Kontrabass,漢堡,1909 年。
17. White, Adolphus C.: “The double-bass”, Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association, London, 1887. White, Adolphus C.:《低音大提琴》,《皇家音樂協會會議記錄》,倫敦,1887 年。
18. Billè: op. cit. 18. Billè:前引書。
19. Elgar, Raymond; Introduction to the double bass, St-Leonard-on-sea, 1960. Elgar,Raymond;低音提琴入門,St-Leonard-on-sea,1960。
20. Halfpenny, Eric: “The double bass”, Musical instruments through the ages, ed. by A. Baines, 1961. 20. Halfpenny, Eric:《低音提琴》,《歷代樂器》,A. Baines 編,1961 年。
21. Maugin, J.C.: Manuel du luthier, Paris, 1834, p. 189. Maugin,J.C.:Manuel du luthier,巴黎,1834 年,第 189 頁。
22. Rossi and Anglois: Metodo per il contrabassó d’orchestra, Milan, n.d… 22.Rossi and Anglois: Metodo per il contrabassó d'orchestra, Milan, n.d...
23. Hegner, Ludwig: Kontrabasskole, Copenhagen, 1896. 23.Hegner, Ludwig: Kontrabasskole, Copenhagen, 1896.
24. Bottesini, Giovanni: Grande méthode complète de contre-basse, Paris, 1870. 24.Bottesini, Giovanni: Grande méthode complète de contre-basse, Paris, 1870.
25. Billè: op. cit. 25.Billè: 同前。
26. Scelba, Antony: “Manoly on the double bass”, I.S.B., vol IX, no 3, Spring 1983. 26.Scelba, Antony:《低音提琴上的 Manoly》,I.S.B.,第九卷,第 3 期,1983 年春。
27. Cowan, Joanna: “Anton Torello”, I.S.B., vol XII, n^(@)2n^{\circ} 2, Winter 1986. 27.Cowan, Joanna: 'Anton Torello', I.S.B., vol XII, n^(@)2n^{\circ} 2 , Winter 1986.
28. Sklar, Philip: “Concerning the contrabass”, The Etude, n^(@)n^{\circ} 60, Aug. 1948. 28.Sklar、Philip:「關於低音大提琴」,The Etude, n^(@)n^{\circ} 60,1948 年 8 月。
29. Grodner, Murray:“French bow vs German bow”, American String Teacher, Summer 1963, vol XV,n^(@)3X V, n^{\circ} 3. 29.Grodner, Murray: 'French bow vs German bow', American String Teacher, Summer 1963, vol XV,n^(@)3X V, n^{\circ} 3 .
Domenico Dragonetti
Glovanni Bottesini
VII. Biographical VII.傳記
AKOPOV, Sergei: b. September 7, 1943, he graduated from the Leningrad conservatory under Mikhail Kurbatov, with whom he later followed a postgraduate course. After taking positions in different symphony orchestras in Leningrad, he joined the Mravinsky Orchestra in 1974 and played with this ensemble for a period of 13 years. He was also appointed at the Leningrad conservatory where, for 15 years, he asserted himself as a very successful teacher. Sergei Akopop has also appeared in recital and was termed “knight of the double bass” by a musical reviewer. Since 1987, he has been a member of the Ensemble of Soloists of the Moscow Philharmonic Society. AKOPOV,Sergei:生於 1943 年 9 月 7 日。1943 年 9 月 7 日畢業於列寧格勒音樂學院,師從 Mikhail Kurbatov,後來跟隨 Kurbatov 修讀研究生課程。在列寧格勒不同的交響樂團任職後,他於 1974 年加入 Mravinsky Orchestra,並在該樂團演奏了 13 年。他也曾受聘於列寧格勒音樂學院,在該學院任教 15 年,是一位非常成功的教師。Sergei Akopop 也曾參加獨奏會,並被音樂評論家稱為「低音大提琴騎士」。自 1987 年以來,他一直是莫斯科愛樂協會獨奏家合奏團的成員。
ANDREEV, Leopold: b. Moscow October 11, 1923, he first took up the cello. After World War II, he studied the double bass at the State Musical-Pedagogical Institute, where he graduated in 1951. From 1951 to 1978, he held a position with the Large Symphony Orchestra of the central T.V. and Radio network; in 1966, he was appointed principal bass player. He was the first in the U.S.S.R. to record the E. Tubbin concerto for double bass and orchestra, P. Angerer’s “Gloriatorio”, Bottesini’s “Melody”, as well as pieces for double bass and piano by R. Gliere (the first edition of these pieces, undertaken by the composer on the initiative of double bass player V. Homenko, was based on L. Andreev’s performances). He has also been active in the field of chamber music. Since 1978, L. Andreev has held the position of principal in the double bass section of the U.S.S.R. Bolshoy Theater. He has also held commitments with various Moscow educational institutions and has been a professor of double bass at the Moscow Conservatory since 1975. ANDREEV,Leopold: 生於1923 年 10 月 11 日出生于莫斯科,最初学习大提琴。第二次世界大戰後,他在國家音樂教育學院學習低音提琴,並於 1951 年畢業。1951 年至 1978 年間,他在中央電視廣播網大型交響樂團任職;1966 年,他被任命為首席低音提琴演奏家。他是蘇聯第一位錄製 E. Tubbin 的低音提琴與管弦樂協奏曲、P. Angerer 的「Gloriatorio」、Bottesini 的「Melody」,以及 R. Gliere 的低音提琴與鋼琴作品 (這些作品的第一版,是作曲家在低音提琴演奏家 V. Homenko 的倡議下進行的,以 L. Gliere 的作品為基礎)。Andreev 的演奏)。他也活躍於室內樂領域。自 1978 年起,L. Andreev 擔任蘇聯大劇院低音提琴首席。他也曾在莫斯科多家教育機構任職,並自 1975 年起在莫斯科音樂學院擔任低音提琴教授。
AZARKHIN, Rodion: b. March 22, 1931, he received early training on the cello. In 1954, he graduated from the Leningrad Conservatory in the double bass class of Mikhail Kurbatov and finished a post-graduate course at the Moscow Conservatory in 1961. After taking positions in different opera and symphony orchestras in Leningrad, he won in 1958 the position of co-principal bass player in the U.S.S.R. State Symphony Orchestra, in Moscow. From the late 1950’s on, he has appeared in recital, playing not only original works for the double bass, but also transpositions of his own. His repertoire is vast and eclectic: it includes the AZARKHIN, Rodion:1931 年 3 月 22 日出生。1931 年 3 月 22 日,早期接受大提琴訓練。1954 年,他畢業於列寧格勒音樂學院 Mikhail Kurbatov 的低音提琴班,並於 1961 年完成莫斯科音樂學院的研究生課程。在列寧格勒不同的歌劇與交響樂團任職之後,他於 1958 年贏得莫斯科 U.S.S. State Symphony Orchestra 聯合首席低音提琴演奏家的職位。自 1950 年代後期起,他開始參加獨奏會,不僅演奏低音大提琴的原創作品,也演奏自己的轉調作品。他的演奏曲目廣泛且不拘一格:包括
Dvorak cello concerto, the Rachmaninov cello sonata, various Paganini violin Caprices, different pieces by Shostakovich, Kachaturian and by other Soviet composers. His performances have been broadcast by, the All-Union Radio Network and his records are sold world-wide. R. Azarkhin is the author of articles on the double bass and on double bass playing, as well as the writer and editor of many volumes of bass solo music which include his own transpositions and compositions. Dvorak 大提琴協奏曲、Rachmaninov 大提琴奏鳴曲、多首 Paganini 小提琴隨想曲、Shostakovich、Kachaturian 及其他蘇聯作曲家的不同作品。全聯邦廣播網 (All-Union Radio Network) 播放他的演奏,他的唱片行銷全球。R. Azarkhin 是低音提琴和低音提琴演奏文章的作者,也是多冊低音提琴獨奏音樂的作者和編輯,其中包括他自己的轉調和創作。
BOTTESINI, Giovanni: b. Crema 1821, d. Parma 1889. Born into a musical family, he began studying the violin at the age of five and later sang in choirs and played the kettledrums at the local theater. In 1835, he applied to the Milan Conservatory where a scholarship was offered for the double bass. He finished his instrumental studies two years later (he was then sixteen) and made his solo debut in his hometown in 1840, which led to engagements in Italy and Vienna. In 1846, he left Italy to become a conductor at the Opera House, Havanna, Cuba. His subsequent concert tours as a soloist were widely acclaimed and aroused much astonishment and enthusiasm in America and in Europe. BOTTESINI, Giovanni: b. Crema 1821, d. Parma 1889.克雷馬 1821 年,卒於帕爾馬 1889 年。他出生於音樂世家,五歲開始學習小提琴,後來在合唱團演唱,並在當地劇院打鼓。1835 年,他向米蘭音樂學院申請低音提琴獎學金。兩年後,他完成了樂器課程(當時他 16 歲),並於 1840 年在故鄉首次獨奏,之後在義大利和維也納都有演出。1846 年,他離開意大利,成為古巴哈瓦那歌劇院的指揮家。之後,他以獨奏家的身分巡迴演出,廣受好評,在美國和歐洲引起許多驚奇和熱情。
As a composer, Bottesini can be regarded as one of the last exponents of the Italian school that was bound to the traditions of Bellini and Donizetti. A talented conductor, he was chosen by Verdi to premiere his opera “Ailda” in Cairo. In spite of all these different activities, he never abandoned his instrument which he played until the end of his life. Bottesini was celebrated for the beauty of the tone he drew from his bass and the way he made it sing: he really was the “Paganini of the double bass”. He left behind approximately 18 compositions for the double bass as well as two string quartets, 12 operas, a “Missa da Requiem”, and an oratorio, the “Garden of Olivet”. 身為作曲家,Bottesini 可說是義大利樂派最後的代表人物之一,而義大利樂派與貝利尼 (Bellini) 和多尼采蒂 (Donizetti) 的傳統是密不可分的。作為一位天才指揮家,他被威爾第選為在開羅首演歌劇《Ailda》的指揮。儘管有這麼多不同的活動,他從未放棄他的樂器,直到生命的最後一刻。Bottesini 因其從低音提琴中發掘出的優美音色以及使其歌唱的方式而廣為人知:他是名副其實的「低音提琴界的帕格尼尼 (Paganini)」。他留下了約 18 首低音大提琴作品、兩首弦樂四重奏、12 部歌劇、一齣「安魂曲」(Missa da Requiem)和一齣清唱劇「橄欖園」(Garden of Olivet)。
DRAGONETTI, Domenico, Carlo, Maria: b. Venice 1763, d. London 1846. With almost no help from others, he taught himself the guitar and the violin as a child, later taking up the double bass which he played professionally from the age of 13. It was while playing principal bass at the Ducal Chapel at San Marco’s that he took a year’s leave of absence to go to London. He was then 31. Upon his arrival, he was engaged at the Italian Opera at the King’s Theater, Haymarket, as “double bass at the harpsichord”. He was offered the seat of principal double bass at the Philharmonic Society on its founding in 1813. There, according to the custom of the time, he shared a stand with the principal cello player, the celebrated Robert Lindley. Their fame ultimately spread throughout Europe, as these inseparable friends frequently played together for over half a century not DRAGONETTI、Domenico、Carlo、Maria:b.威尼斯 1763 年,卒於倫敦 1846 年。他自幼自學吉他和小提琴,幾乎不需他人協助,後來學習低音提琴,並從 13 歲開始專業演奏低音提琴。他在聖馬可(San Marco's)的公爵教堂(Ducal Chapel)擔任首席低音提琴時,請了一年假前往倫敦,當時他 31 歲。到達倫敦後,他受聘於 Haymarket 國王劇院的義大利歌劇院,擔任「大鍵琴低音提琴」。1813 年愛樂協會成立時,他被聘為首席低音提琴。根據當時的慣例,他與大提琴首席、著名的 Robert Lindley 共用一個演奏台。由於這對形影不離的好友在半個多世紀中經常一起演奏,他們的名聲最終傳遍了整個歐洲。
only at the Philharmonic Society but also at the Opera of Ancient Concerts, in provincial festivals and in chamber music concerts in Britain. In 1829, F.J. Fétis lamented in the Harmonicon magazine that Dragonetti had never been offered a sufficient inducement to teach at the Royal Academy of Music (London). According to him Anfossi, the music school teacher, was highly respected, but he felt that between him and Dragonetti the distance was immense. Dragonetti was said to be personally acquainted with both Haydn and Beethoven and supposedly gave them both an opportunity to realize the full possibilities of the threestringed double bass tuned in fourths. Beethoven was said at the time to have intended the Recitative passage of his 9th symphony as a solo part for Dragonetti, even though this view has been seriously challenged by some researchers in recent times. 德拉戈奈蒂不僅在愛樂協會演奏,也在古代音樂會歌劇院、省級音樂節和英國室內音樂會演奏。1829 年,F.J. Fétis 在《Harmonicon》雜誌中感嘆,Dragonetti 從未獲得足夠的誘因到皇家音樂學院(倫敦)任教。據他所說,音樂學院的老師 Anfossi 非常受人尊敬,但他覺得他與 Dragonetti 之間的距離非常遙遠。據說,Dragonetti 與海頓和貝多芬都有私交,並給予他們機會,讓他們充分發揮四度調音的三弦低音大提琴的潛能。據說貝多芬當時打算將第九交響曲中的 Recitative 段落作為 Dragonetti 的獨奏部分,儘管近來這一觀點受到一些研究者的嚴重質疑。
In May, 1839, editor Vincent Novello issued a vigorous and emphatic description of his friend’s talent: 1839 年 5 月,編輯 Vincent Novello 針對他朋友的才華發表了一篇強而有力的描述:
“Power, variety, beauty, and delicacy of tone. Vigour and contrast in bowing. Accurate precision in keeping time. Perfection of intonation. Profound judgment in his different mode of accompanying different singers and concert players according to their various characteristic peculiarities of style. Ready tact and promptness in supporting and animating the exertions of those performers who are liable to become nervous. Clear, rapid, and distinct articulation in staccato parts. Even smoothness of legato passages. Firmness and decision in keeping a large band steadily together. Marvelous power of pulling them right if they happen to go wrong. Strict attention to all the pianos, mezzo-pianos, fortes, and fortissimos, and the minutest shades of difference in the gradation of tone in crescendos and diminuendos. Exquisite taste and acute discrimination in finding out the most effective and musician-like notes, and the most refined and beautiful passages in every bass part that he has to perform. Unrivalled talent in being able to execute them in such a manner as to render their beauty prominently evident to the audience”. "音色有力、多變、優美、細緻。弓法的力度和對比。準確的準時性。完美的音調。根據不同歌手和演奏家的風格特點,以不同的方式為他們伴奏,具有深厚的判斷力。對於易於緊張的演奏者,能機敏迅速地提供支援並激發他們的活力。清晰、快速、明確的發聲。連音段落均勻流暢。堅定、果斷地將一大群樂手穩定地維持在一起。當樂團出錯時,能以驚人的力量將它們拉回正軌。嚴格注意所有鋼琴、中音鋼琴、低音鋼琴和高音鋼琴的音色,並在漸強音和漸弱音的音色漸變中注意最細微的差異。精湛的品味和敏銳的辨別力,能找出最有效、最像音樂家的音符,以及他必須演奏的每個低音聲部中最精緻、最優美的段落。無與倫比的才華,能以一種讓觀眾顯而易見的方式來表現它們的美感。
Dragonetti died on April 16, 1846. A large number of his works for the bass can now be found in the British Museum Library, thanks to Vincent Novello who passed on Dragonetti’s musical legacy. Dragonetti 逝世於 1846 年 4 月 16 日。多虧 Vincent Novello 傳承 Dragonetti 的音樂遺產,他的大量低音大提琴作品現在都可以在大英博物館圖書館找到。
GABDULIN, Rustem: b. Moscow August 7, 1944, he graduated from the conservatory of the same town in 1967 and was appointed the next year as soloist with the State Chamber Orchestra of the U.S.S.R. He played many works of the solo repertoire and was featured on radio programs, where he distinguished GABDULIN, Rustem:1944 年 8 月 7 日生於莫斯科。1944 年 8 月 7 日出生于莫斯科,1967 年畢業於同城的音樂學院,第二年被任命為蘇聯國家室樂團的獨奏家。
himself with high performing mastery and elaborate interpretation. He premiered many works of Soviet composers, for example the G. Dmitriev Sonata for double bass and piano, Sonatas by A. Nasedkin, A. Kobliakov, etc… 他以精湛的演奏技巧和細緻的詮釋,為自己的音樂生涯劃下完美的句點。他首演了許多蘇聯作曲家的作品,例如 G. Dmitriev 的低音大提琴與鋼琴奏鳴曲、A. Nasedkin、A. Kobliakov 等人的奏鳴曲。
In 1988, R. Gabdulin released a record which features the Koussevitzky concerto (first recording of this piece in the U.S.S.R), the Bottesini concerto #2 (orchestrated by I. Lapinch), as well as the Fantasy on the theme of “Lucia di Lammermor” (orchestrated by R. Gabdulin), by the same author. 1988 年,R. Gabdulin 發行了一張唱片,收錄了 Koussevitzky 協奏曲 (此樂曲首次在蘇聯錄製)、Bottesini 協奏曲 #2 (I. Lapinch 配器),以及同一作者的「Lucia di Lammermor」主題幻想曲 (R. Gabdulin 配器)。
Since 1975, he has held the position of professor of the double bass at the Moscow Conservatory. He was awarded the title “Artist of Merit” by the Russian Federation. 1975 年起,他在莫斯科音樂學院擔任低音提琴教授一職。他曾被俄羅斯聯邦授予「優秀藝術家」稱號。
GERTOVICH, Iosif, b. 1887, d. 1953, he is one of the U.S.S.R. outstanding virtuosos. As a boy, he received early training on the violin, only taking up the double bass at the age of 15 . He worked in many cities in Russia before entering the Bolshoi Theater Orchestra in 1910. He was to play with this ensemble until the end of his life. In 1922, he was appointed principal double bass player there. GERTOVICH, Iosif, 生於 1887 年,卒於 1953 年,他是蘇聯傑出的演奏家之一。他自幼接受小提琴訓練,15 歲時才開始學習低音提琴。他曾在俄羅斯許多城市工作,1910 年進入 Bolshoi Theater 樂團。他一直在這個樂團演奏,直到生命的最後一刻。1922 年,他被任命為首席低音提琴演奏家。
From 1922 to 1953, he frequently appeared in recital. His programs have featured music written originally for the violin: sonatas by Mozart and Frank, a Romance by Svensen and a Passacaglia by Handel-Halvorsen etc. He premiered in Russia the Bottesini Grand Duo Concertant with violin. His favorite pieces were the Koussevitzky concerto and the “Canzone” from Tchaikovsky’s violin concerto, which he performed with the Bolshoi Theater Orchestra. 從 1922 年到 1953 年,他經常參加獨奏會。他的演奏曲目包括:莫扎特和法蘭克的奏鳴曲、斯文森的浪漫曲和漢德爾-哈爾沃森的帕薩卡裡亞等。他在俄羅斯首演了 Bottesini 與小提琴的 Grand Duo Concertant。他最喜歡的曲目是 Koussevitzky 協奏曲和 Tchaikovsky 小提琴協奏曲中的「Canzone」,他曾與 Bolshoi Theater 樂團合作演出。
For 30 years, he held the position of professor of double bass at the Moscow Conservatory. He has edited some transpositions and a “Romance” for double bass and piano of his own composition. His double-stops studies are very popular among Soviet double bass players. He was awarded the title of “Artist of Merit”. 他在莫斯科音樂學院擔任低音提琴教授一職長達 30 年之久。他編輯了一些轉調曲和一首自己作曲的低音大提琴與鋼琴「羅曼詩」。他的低音大提琴研究在蘇聯低音提琴演奏家中非常流行。他曾獲得「優秀藝術家」的稱號。
GOILAV, Yoan: b. Botosani 1933, he is the descendant of an Armenian family established for centuries in Rumania. His gift for music, revealing itself very early on, was systematically cultivated only after he finished his academic studies. At the age of 20 , Yoan Goilav definitely decided to become a double bass player and entered the Conservatory of Bucarest as Prof. Josif Prunner’s pupil. Prunner was the famous double bass player of the Vienna school, under the great Eduard Madenski. Goilav soon became Prunner’s favorite pupil, and the master saw in him his possible successor. Already at the end of the first year, the talented student was awarded the State Stipend, a high distinction of the Music Faculty. Then, in 1961, he left Rumania. Josif Prunner wrote to his former pupil: “I confess that GOILAV,Yoan:生於。Botosani 1933 年,他是在羅馬尼亞建立了幾個世紀的亞美尼亞家族的後裔。他對音樂的天賦很早就展露無遺,只是在完成學業後才得到有系統的培養。20 歲時,Yoan Goilav 決定成為一名低音提琴演奏家,並進入布加勒斯特音樂學院,成為 Josif Prunner 教授的學生。Prunner 是維也納學派的著名低音提琴演奏家,師承偉大的 Eduard Madenski。Goilav 很快成為 Prunner 最喜歡的學生,大師認為他有可能成為自己的接班人。早在一年級結束時,這位天才學生就獲得了國家獎學金,這是音樂學院的最高榮譽。1961 年,他離開了羅馬尼亞。Josif Prunner 在寫給他以前的學生的信中寫道:"我承認
among the happy events of my long life, the greatest is of having had a pupil like you”. 在我漫長的人生中,最幸福的事莫過於有一個像您這樣的學生。
The stature of the international elite constantly induced Goilav to do his very best. He soon became the dominating figure and the celebrated soloist of the “Ramat Gan Orchestra” in Israël, but he considered himself as one among equals. In 1963, he moved to Switzerland, where he is appreciated as a chamber musician: he is a member of the ‘Ensemble Fauré’. From 1963 to 1985, he taught the double bass in Schaffhausen. In 1985, he was offered the position of professor of double bass at the Basel Conservatory of Music and of permanent guest teacher at the Lausanne Conservatory: in both schools, he teaches classes of virtuosity, chamber music, and history of the double bass. As a teacher, he has also served at the Firminy and Avignon Double Bass Festivals with Jean-Marc Rollez. 國際精英的地位不斷促使 Goilav 竭盡全力。他很快成為伊斯蘭 Ramat Gan Orchestra 樂團的領導人物和著名獨奏家,但他認為自己是平等的。1963 年,他移居瑞士,在那裡,他以室樂演奏家的身分受到讚賞:他是「Ensemble Fauré」的成員。1963 至 1985 年間,他在沙夫豪森教授低音提琴。1985 年,他在巴塞爾音樂學院 (Basel Conservatory of Music) 擔任低音提琴教授,並在洛桑音樂學院 (Lausanne Conservatory) 擔任長期客座教師:在這兩所學院,他都教授演奏技巧、室內音樂和低音提琴史等課程。身為教師,他也曾與 Jean-Marc Rollez 一起在 Firminy 和 Avignon 低音大提琴節擔任教職。
GOUFFE, Achille: b. Pontoise 1804, d. 1874. He was considered the French Bottesini. Intended for the Bar as a youth, Gouffé cut short his studies to dedicate himself to the double bass, an instrument on which he soon excelled. For 35 years, he was principal bass player with the Paris Opera Orchestra and with the Society of Conservatory Concerts Orchestra (now Orchestre de Paris). GOUFFE, Achille: b.Pontoise 1804 年,卒於 1874 年。他被認為是法國的 Bottesini。Gouffé 年輕時曾打算成為大律師,但他縮短了學業生涯,專注於低音大提琴的演奏,並很快精於此樂器。他曾在巴黎歌劇院管絃樂團 (Paris Opera Orchestra) 和音樂學院協會管絃樂團 (Society of Conservatory Concerts Orchestra) (現為 Orchestre de Paris) 擔任首席低音大提琴手長達 35 年之久。
For a period of 40 years, Gouffé was the organizer of public chamber concerts which were held at his home, and which promoted the works of young composers. To these gatherings we owe the important 在長達 40 年的時間裡,Gouffé 主辦了多場室內音樂會,這些音樂會都是在他的家中舉行,旨在推廣年輕作曲家的作品。在這些音樂會中,我們可以看到
production of chamber music works with double bass by George Onslow, Eugene Walckiers and Adolphe Blanc. 製作 George Onslow、Eugene Walckiers 及 Adolphe Blanc 的低音提琴室內樂作品。
A perfectionist by nature, he modified the form of the double bass bridge with such succes that this new model was adopted by the best violin makers and was made on a large scale at Mirecourt. 天性完美主義的他修改了低音大提琴琴橋的形式,並取得了巨大的成功,這種新的模式被最好的小提琴製造商採用,並在 Mirecourt 進行了大規模的生產。
He was among the artists, who reintroduced in France the use of the fourstringed double bass, an instrument which he carried into the Opera. Dissatisfied 他是在法國重新使用四弦低音大提琴的藝術家之一,他將這種樂器帶進了歌劇院。不滿
with the sounds rendered by the lower, fourth string, he developed, in collaboration with the violin maker Auguste Bernardel (1797-1870), a new process of double windng, copper and steel, which was thén universally adopted. In 1854 he undertook the study of Vuillaume’s newly introduced Octobasse. 他與小提琴製造商 Auguste Bernardel (1797-1870) 合作,開發出一種新的銅鋼雙弦製程,此製程在當時已被普遍採用。1854 年,他開始研究 Vuillaume 新推出的 Octobasse。
His campaign in favor of the four-string double bass did not stop there, and, in 1839, he wrote one of the first methods for this instrument the “Traite sur la Contre-Basse à quatre cordes”. His " 45 Etudes" by different composers still constitutes a reference work. He also composed a few pieces for double bass and piano, including a Sicilienne (1855), a Fantaisie (1861), a Fantaisie-Caprice (1862) and a Rondo Fantaisie (1886). 他為四弦低音大提琴所做的努力並不止於此,1839 年,他寫出了第一部低音大提琴演奏法《Traite sur la Contre-Basse à quatre cordes》。他由不同作曲家創作的 "45 Etudes "至今仍是一部參考作品。他也為低音大提琴和鋼琴創作了幾首曲子,包括 Sicilienne (1855)、Fantaisie (1861)、Fantaisie-Caprice (1862) 和 Rondo Fantaisie (1886)。
Perhaps no greater acclaim was given to his abilities, than when Hector Berlioz termed him a “master viruoso” in one of his newspaper articles (Journal des Débats, june 9,1849). Hector Berlioz 在他的一篇報紙文章(Journal des Débats,1849 年 6 月 9 日)中稱讚他為「演奏大師」。
Gouffé had a strong interest in double basses, both old and new. Over the course of his career, he owned an instrument by François Médard, made in Paris in 1700, and an other believed to be an Amati. In 1847, Auguste Bernardel made a copy of the latter which was for a long time used at the Paris Opera before being sold to a bass player from Los Angeles.This copy bears an inscription, which, translated, reads: “Made in Paris in the year 1847 by Bernardel. After the Amati double bass of Mr. Gouffé”. Gouffé 對新舊低音大提琴都有濃厚的興趣。在他的職業生涯中,他擁有一把 François Médard 於 1700 年在巴黎製作的樂器,以及一把據說是 Amati 的樂器。1847 年,Auguste Bernardel 製作了後者的複製品,長期用於巴黎歌劇院,後來賣給了洛杉磯的低音提琴演奏家。此複製品附有題字,翻譯如下:「1847 年於巴黎製造,Bernardel」。
GUTTLER, Wolfgang: b. Kronstadt (Rumania) 1945. Born into a musical family (his mother was a violinist), he first studied the piano and began studying the double bass at the age of 17 in Bucarest with Josif Prunner and Jon Cheptea. In 1965, he undertook a tour in Europe, Middle East and Asia where he played the Bottesini concerto with the Deutsche Streichersolister of Berlin in 10 different towns. In 1973, he was awarded a prize at the International Geneva Competition. His orchestral experiences include Radio Bucarest (1969-1973), Hamburg (19731974) and the Berlin Philharmonic (1975-1985). Since 1985, he has held the position of professor of double bass at the Cologne Music School. He has been a teacher and performer at Weimar (with Todor Tochev), Firminy (with J.M. Rollez), Juilliard school (with David Walter), and in Italy. He is a member of the ‘Trio Basso’, ‘Consortium Musicum’ and of the European Master Orchestra. Over 30 composers have dedicated double bass pieces to Wolfgang Güttler: Jean Françaix (concerto), Hespos, Stuppner, Olah, Hartmann, Michel, Badinski, Ager, Dittrich etc… GUTTLER, Wolfgang: b.1945年出生於 Kronstadt (羅馬尼亞)。出生於音樂世家 (母親是小提琴家),最初學習鋼琴,17 歲時在布加勒斯特隨 Josif Prunner 和 Jon Cheptea 學習低音提琴。1965 年,他在歐洲、中東和亞洲進行巡迴演出,與柏林的 Deutsche Streichersolister 在十個不同的城鎮演奏 Bottesini 協奏曲。1973 年,他在日內瓦國際比賽中獲獎。他的管弦樂團經驗包括布加勒斯特廣播電台 (1969-1973)、漢堡 (19731974) 及柏林愛樂 (1975-1985)。自 1985 年起,他在科隆音樂學院擔任低音提琴教授一職。他曾在 Weimar (與 Todor Tochev 合作)、Firminy (與 J.M. Rollez 合作)、Juilliard 學校 (與 David Walter 合作) 以及義大利擔任教師與演奏家。他是 Trio Basso、Consortium Musicum 及 European Master Orchestra 的成員。超過 30 位作曲家曾將低音提琴作品獻給 Wolfgang Güttler:Jean Françaix (協奏曲)、Hespos、Stuppner、Olah、Hartmann、Michel、Badinski、Ager、Dittrich 等...
HOMENKO, Vladimir: b. Belorussia 1915, he began studying the double bass in Minsk and graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in 1942. He then entered directly as principal double bass player of the Large Symphony Orchestra of the All-Union Radio and Central T.V. network, a position he was to hold until 1966. HOMENKO, Vladimir: 生於1915 年出生於白俄羅斯,在明斯克開始學習低音提琴,1942 年畢業於莫斯科音樂學院。之後,他直接進入全聯邦廣播與中央電視網大型交響樂團擔任首席低音提琴演奏家,一直到 1966 年。
In 1942, he began holding teaching commitments and has been teaching since 1944 at the State Musical-Pedagogical Institute of Moscow. His research in the field of pedagogy have been very influencial in the U.S.S.R. His editions of pedagogical works and of solo bass music, which comprise many of his own transpositions, have been very sucessful. He is the author of “New fingerings of scales and Arpeggios for the double bass” (1953-1980) and of an extensive didactical contribution in the book “Double Bass” (1974). 1942 年,他開始擔任教職,並自 1944 年起在莫斯科國家音樂教育學院任教。他在教學領域的研究在蘇聯極具影響力。他的教學作品和低音提琴獨奏音樂的版本非常成功,其中包括許多他自己的轉調作品。他是 「低音大提琴音階和琶音的新指法」(1953-1980 年)以及 「低音大提琴」(1974 年)一書中廣泛的教學貢獻的作者。
V. Homenko was awarded the title of Artist of Merit by the Russian Federation. V.Homenko 獲得俄羅斯聯邦頒發的優秀藝術家稱號。
KÄMPFER, Joseph: b. Poszony (Hungary) 1735 , d. ca. 1788. He was a garrison officer in the Emperor of Austria’s army when he decided, out of boredom, to study a musical instrument. He settled on the double bass because he had fewer competitors to fear with this choice. After years of patient practice, he felt he was well prepared enough and resigned his army commission. He then moved to Vienna where he joined the Chapel of Prince Esterhàzy, which had been directed since 1761 by Joseph Haydn. It was probably for Kämpfer that Haydn wrote most of his chamber music as well as the solo part for the symphonies composed during this virtuoso’s stay in Eisenstadt. His presence in Ausburg in 1775 is reported in a letter by Leopold Mozart to his wife. In 1776, he had an instrument especially built for travelling: this double bass could be taken apart and re-assembled by means of 26 screws.* He subsequently undertook tours to Germany and Russia which brought him considerable success and firmly established his reputation as a virtuoso. He stayed in his hometown from 1777 to 1781 and then went on tour again; the success of this tour led to engagements in 1782-83 in London, St Petersburg and Copenhagen. On March 26, 1787, he performed a concerto of his own composition at the famous Parisian ‘Concert Spirituel’. The critical review of this performance in the ‘Mercure de France’ paid tribute to his talent, but the KÄMPFER, Joseph: b.Poszony(匈牙利),1735 年,卒於約 1788 年。他曾在奧地利皇帝的軍隊中擔任駐軍軍官,後來因無聊而決定學習一種樂器。他選擇了低音大提琴,因為這個選擇讓他少了競爭對手的恐懼。經過多年的耐心練習,他認為自己已經準備就緒,於是辭去了軍隊的職務。之後,他搬到維也納,加入自 1761 年起由約瑟夫‧海頓 (Joseph Haydn) 指揮的埃斯特哈希王子小教堂 (Chapel of Prince Esterhàzy)。海頓在艾森斯塔特 (Eisenstadt) 期間所創作的交響曲中,大部分的室內樂以及獨奏部分可能都是為 Kämpfer 而作。Leopold Mozart 在寫給妻子的信中提到,他在 1775 年曾到過奧斯堡。1776 年,他特別為旅行製作了一把樂器:這把低音大提琴可以用 26 顆螺絲拆卸並重新組裝。1777 年到 1781 年間,他一直待在自己的家鄉,之後再度出巡;這次巡迴演出的成功,讓他在 1782-83 年間分別在倫敦、聖彼得堡和哥本哈根演出。1787 年 3 月 26 日,他在巴黎著名的 「精神音樂會 」上演奏了自己創作的協奏曲。法國商報》(Mercure de France)對這場演出的評論讚揚了他的才華,但《法國商報》的評論則指出:"這場演出是他的敗筆。
Because the double bass is such a cumbersome instrument to move about, the need for collapsable instruments has always been felt among mobile musicians. In our present times, Hans Peters, luthier in Arnhem (The Netherlands), commercializes a “travel bass”, the neck of which bolts oút and can be re-erected in a minute or two. 由於低音大提琴是一種移動時非常笨重的樂器,因此移動樂手一直都需要可摺疊的樂器。在現今時代,荷蘭阿納姆 (Arnhem) 的製琴師 Hans Peters 將「旅遊低音大提琴」商品化,其琴頸可以用螺栓固定,並可在一兩分鐘內重新豎起。
instrument itself did not find much favor with the audience: 樂器本身並不受觀眾歡迎:
“Mr Kempfer (sic) played a double bass concerto, an attempt that was more extraordinary than pleasant, without charm for the ears of the listeners. Mr Kempfer seems to have a perfect mastery of his instrument and, if he did not enjoy the most brilliant success, it is the nature of the instrument that should be blamed”. "Kempfer(原文如此)先生演奏了一首低音提琴協奏曲,這次嘗試非同尋常而非令人愉快,對聽眾的耳朵來說毫無魅力可言。Kempfer 先生似乎對他的樂器有著完美的掌握,如果他沒有獲得最輝煌的成功,應該歸咎於樂器的本質'。
KARR, Gary: b. Los Angeles 20-11-1941, he is a seventh-generation bass player who began studying at the age of nine on a small bass ( 1//21 / 2 size) that had been handed down in his family. His grandfather, father, two uncles and three cousins were also bass players. Advanced study with such notable teachers as Herman Reinshagen, principal bassist of the New York Philharmonic under Toscanini and Stuart Sankey at Aspen and Juilliard strengthened his natural abilities. KARR, Gary: b.洛杉磯 20-11-1941,他是第七代低音結他手,九歲開始學習家族傳承的小低音結他( 1//21 / 2 尺寸)。他的祖父、父親、兩位叔叔和三位堂兄弟也都是低音結他手。他曾在 Toscanini 領導的紐約愛樂樂團擔任首席低音大提琴手 Herman Reinshagen,以及在 Aspen 和 Juilliard 學習的 Stuart Sankey 等著名老師的指導下,進一步加強了他的自然能力。
His talent was discovered at the American Federation of Musician’s String Congress in Puerto Rico when a group of thirty teachers gathered outside his hotel room while he was practicing. A subsequent invitation with the Chicago Little Symphony launched his career as a solo bassist in 1961. 他的才華是在波多黎各舉行的美國音樂家聯盟弦樂大會上被發現的,當時他正在練習,一群三十多位老師聚集在他的旅館房間外。其後,芝加哥小交響樂團邀請他參加演出,於 1961 年開啟了他的低音提琴獨奏生涯。
At the Aspen Music Festival, he began an artistic association with mezzosoprano Jennie Tourel. The latter introduced Karr to Leonard Bernstein who engaged him as a guest artist for a nationally telecast ‘Young People’s Concert’ with the New York Philharmonic. Karr also played ‘The Swan’ with Bernstein and the Philharmonic in their recording of Saint-Saëns’ Carnival of the Animals. 在 Aspen 音樂節,他與女中音 Jennie Tourel 開始了藝術合作。後者將 Karr 介紹給 Leonard Bernstein,並邀請他擔任客座藝術家,與紐約愛樂樂團一起參加全國電視廣播的 「青年音樂會」。Karr 也曾在 Bernstein 與愛樂樂團錄制聖桑 (Saint-Saëns) 的「動物嘉年華」 (Carnival of the Animals) 時,與他們一起演奏「天鵝」。
His success on television led to two profiles on CBS’s ‘Camera Three’, appearances on the ‘Bell Telephone Hour’, his own series ‘Gary Karr and His Friends’ on CBC in Canada, and a children’s series called ‘Bass is Beautiful’ on Channel four in the U.K. During his worldwide tours, he has been featured on television programs in Africa, Belgium, the U.K., France, Japan, Norway and Switzerland. In 1985, the BBC released a one-hour film called ‘Amazing Bass’ profiling Mr Karr’s career. To celebrate his 25th anniversary as a solo double bassist, CBS ‘Sunday Morning’ focused a program on Gary Karr during the fall of 1987. 他在電視上的成功讓他在 CBS 的「Camera Three」節目中兩度亮相,並在「Bell Telephone Hour」節目中露面,在加拿大 CBC 播出了他自己的系列節目「Gary Karr and His Friends」,在英國第四頻道播出了名為「Bass is Beautiful」的兒童系列節目。1985 年,BBC 推出了一部一小時的電影《Amazing Bass》,介紹 Karr 先生的職業生涯。為了慶祝他成為獨奏低音大提琴家 25 週年,CBS 在 1987 年秋天的「Sunday Morning」節目中專門報導 Gary Karr。
Mr Karr has held teaching commitments at the Juilliard School, Yale School of Music, Indiana University, North Carolina School of the Arts, University of Wisconsin and the Hartt School of Music. Gary Karr spent two years in the Halifax, Nova Scottia, elementary schools where he taught thirty classes in general music each week. His interest in playing for children also prompted the commission of a work with orchestra for children by Paul Ramsier, 'The Road to Karr 先生曾在茱莉亞音樂學院、耶魯音樂學院、印第安納大學、北卡羅來納藝術學院、威斯康辛大學和哈特音樂學院任教。Gary Karr 曾在新斯科舍省哈利法克斯的小學任教兩年,每週教授三十堂普通音樂課。他對兒童演奏的興趣也促使 Paul Ramsier 委託他為兒童創作管弦樂作品《通往音樂之路》。
Hamelin’, which he has performed with the Toronto Symphony, the Minnesota Orchestra, the St Louis Symphony and has recorded with the Louisville Orchestra. In this work, Mr Karr appears both as soloist and narrator. Hamelin》,他曾與多倫多交響樂團、明尼蘇達樂團、聖路易交響樂團合作演出,並與路易斯維爾樂團合作錄音。在這部作品中,Karr 先生同時擔任獨奏與旁白。
Karr’s repertoire of over 40 works with orchestra includes pieces written for him by Vittorio Giannini, Hans Werner Henze, Wilfred Josephs, Lalo Schifrin, John Downey and Gunther Schuller, among others. He has made more than 20 recordings, including one of the Dvorak cello concerto, transcribed for bass, that among his colleagues is a byword for implausible virtuosity; equally implausibly, it was Karr’s eighth recording to make the Top 10 list in the Orient. Among the hundreds of ensembles with which he has appeared as soloist are the Berlin Symphony, Chicago Symphony, New York Philharmonic, English Chamber Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra, London Philharmonic, and the Toronto Symphony. Karr 與樂團合作的曲目超過 40 首,包括 Vittorio Giannini、Hans Werner Henze、Wilfred Josephs、Lalo Schifrin、John Downey 和 Gunther Schuller 等人為他寫的作品。他錄製了超過 20 張唱片,包括一張轉錄自低音大提琴的德沃夏克大提琴協奏曲,在他的同仁中,這張唱片是令人難以置信的精湛演奏的代名詞;同樣令人難以置信的是,這是卡爾第八次進入東方十大錄音榜。他曾與數百個樂團合作擔任獨奏,其中包括柏林交響樂團、芝加哥交響樂團、紐約愛樂樂團、英國室內樂團、倫敦交響樂團、倫敦愛樂樂團以及多倫多交響樂團。
Recent highlights include a week of concerts and masterclasses in Caracas, Venezuela, whose success led to an immediate re-engagement. Similarly, when Mr Karr premiered Lalo Schifrin 's new concerto in Los Angeles, he was immediately invited to perform and record it with the Paris Philharmonic Orchestra. 最近的亮點包括在委內瑞拉的加拉加斯舉行了一週的音樂會和大師班,其成功讓卡爾先生立即與委內瑞拉再度合作。同樣地,當 Karr 先生在洛杉磯首演 Lalo Schifrin 的新協奏曲時,他立即受邀與巴黎愛樂樂團合作演出並錄製唱片。
With his debut tour of Australia in 1987-88 season, Mr Karr has performed on six continents. His first Australian visit included recitals and appearances with the continent’s major orchestras, and one of the events was the premiere with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra in the Sydney Opera House of a new concerto written for the artist by the American composer John Downey. Mr Karr will be returning to Australia in September-October 1990. 隨著 1987-88 樂季首次澳洲巡迴演出,Karr 先生已在六大洲演出。他的首次澳洲之行包括獨奏會和與澳洲大陸主要樂團的演出,其中一項活動是與悉尼交響樂團在悉尼歌劇院首演美國作曲家 John Downey 為該藝術家創作的新協奏曲。Karr 先生將於 1990 年 9 月至 10 月返回澳洲。
In 1972, Mr Karr formed the Karr-Lewis Duo with the pianist Harmon Lewis. Together, they have concertized in major concert halls the world over. The duo is known, appreciated, and praised for songful legato, controlled and eloquent phrasing, and extraordinary articulation and balance. 1972 年,Karr 先生與鋼琴家 Harmon Lewis 組成 Karr-Lewis 二人樂團。他們曾一起在世界各地的主要音樂廳舉行音樂會。這對二重奏組合以悅耳動聽的音色、控制自如的樂句、非凡的銜接與平衡而聞名、贏得讚賞。
Founder and President-Emeritus of the several thousand member International Society of Bassists, Gary Karr has pioneered the development of new designs for the double bass and innovative playing techniques. He has recently published the first three of five books for teaching double bass to children. Gary Karr 是擁有數千名會員的國際低音大提琴家協會的創辦人和榮休會長,他率先開發了低音大提琴的新設計和創新的演奏技巧。他最近出版了五本兒童低音大提琴教學書籍中的前三本。
His collection of instruments includes a 1611 Amati, formerly owned by Serge Koussevitzky and presented as a gift by Olga Koussevitzky, and a 1767 Guillami which formerly belonged to Torello. These and other fine instruments will someday be owned by the Karr Double bass Foundation, formed in 1983, which will ensure that they will always be played by talented artists at no cost. The foundation has already presented two fine double basses on loan to young artists. 他所收藏的樂器包括曾屬於 Serge Koussevitzky 並由 Olga Koussevitzky 贈送的 1611 Amati,以及曾屬於 Torello 的 1767 Guillami。1983 年成立的 Karr 低音大提琴基金會將擁有這些及其他優良的樂器,以確保有天份的藝術家可免費演奏這些樂器。該基金會已經將兩把優良的低音大提琴借給了年輕的藝術家。
Serge Koussevitzky
Francesco Fetracchi
KOUSSEVITZKY, Serge Alexandrovitch: b. Vishny-Volotchok 1874, d. Boston, Mass. 1951. Enrolled at the Moscow’s Music School at the age of 14, he first wished to study composition and only took the double bass because an open scurcorner\mathrm{sc}\urcorner holarship was available. Under the supervision of Rambusek, he learned the entire five-year program in a period of five months. After just two years of studies, he was able to play a solo in a concert organized by the Conservatory. He obtained his diploma in 1894 and entered directly as principal bass player of the Bolshoy Theater’s Orchestra, where he remained for eleven years. In 1896, he began appearing in recitals in Russia and in Western Europe. In 1909, he assembled a private orchestra of 85 musicians which he took in chartered steamers to towns along the Volga river in 1910, 1912 and 1914. Following the 1917 revolution, he left his country for France and then the United States. In 1924, he took a position as conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra where, for more than a quarter of a century, he asserted himself as the equal of the very greatest conductors. KOUSSEVITZKY, Serge Alexandrovitch: b. Vishny-Volotchok 1874, d. Boston, Mass.Vishny-Volotchok 1874 年,1951 年卒於美國波士頓。14 歲入讀莫斯科音樂學校,最初希望學習作曲,因為有公開的低音提琴課程,所以才選修低音提琴。在 Rambusek 的指導下,他在五個月內學完了整個五年課程。經過短短兩年的學習,他就能夠在音樂學院舉辦的音樂會上獨奏。他於 1894 年取得畢業證書,並直接進入 Bolshoy Theater 樂團擔任首席低音提琴演奏家,一待就是十一年。1896 年,他開始在俄羅斯和西歐舉行獨奏會。1909 年,他成立了一個由 85 位樂手組成的私人樂團,並於 1910、1912 及 1914 年包租汽船前往伏爾加河沿岸的城鎮演出。1917 年革命後,他先後離開祖國前往法國和美國。1924 年,他擔任波士頓交響樂團指揮,在超過四分之一個世紀的時間裡,他宣稱自己與最偉大的指揮家不相上下。
Besides some transcriptions, he has left us several compositions that have enriched the repertoire of the double bass: his famous concerto, written with some help from Reinhold Gliere and premiered in Mos cow in 1905, a ‘Humoresque’, a ‘Chanson Triste’, a ‘Valse Miniature’, an ‘Overture and Passacaglia’ based on a Russian theme (1934). Although he continued to play the double bass until late in life, very few recorded documents remain as testimony to his instrumental art. A recording made in the late 1920’s contained the Eccles sonata, ‘Chanson Triste’ and ‘Valse Miniature’. On the reverse of this record, R.C.A. Victor L.T.C. 1145, is Tchaikovski’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’, as recorded by the Boston Symphony Orchestra under Koussevitzky. 除了一些轉錄作品之外,他還為我們留下了多首豐富低音大提琴曲目的作品:1905 年在 Reinhold Gliere 協助下創作並在 Mos cow 首演的著名協奏曲、"Humoresque"、"Chanson Triste"、"Valse Miniature「、以俄羅斯主題為基礎的 」Overture and Passacaglia"(1934 年)。雖然他直到晚年仍持續演奏低音大提琴,但能見證他的樂器藝術的錄音文件卻寥寥可數。 一張錄音唱片錄製於 1920 年代末期,收錄了 Eccles 奏鳴曲、"Chanson Triste 「和 」Valse Miniature"。在 R.C.A. Victor L.T.C. 1145 這張唱片的背面,則是柴可夫斯基的「羅密歐與茱麗葉」,由 Koussevitzky 領導的波士頓交響樂團所錄製。
LAURIDON, Gabin: b. Argenton-sur-Creuse 1944. At the age of seven he began studying the piano with his mother, a professional pianist, and entered the Limoges Conservatory the following year. In 1954, he met Pierre Delescluse who encouraged him to take up the double bass. From the age of 15 , he attended the Paris Conservatory under Gaston Logerot. Upon graduation, two years later, he joined the Paul Kuentz Chamber Orchestra and performed as a soloist in Europe and the U.S. After leaving this ensemble in 1964, he became a member of the Monte-Carlo National Opera Orchestra and was later appointed principal double bass of the Lille Radio Orchestra. At the age of 23, he became a section member of the ‘Orchestre National de France’, before assuming his present position as LAURIDON, Gabin: b.1944 年出生于 Argenton-sur-Creuse 。七歲時開始跟隨專業鋼琴家母親學習鋼琴,翌年進入利摩日音樂學院。1954 年,他遇到了 Pierre Delescluse,在他的鼓勵下開始學習低音提琴。15 歲時,他進入巴黎音樂學院,師從 Gaston Logerot。兩年後畢業,他加入 Paul Kuentz 室內樂團,並在歐洲和美國擔任獨奏。1964 年離開這個樂團後,他成為蒙特卡洛國家歌劇院樂團的成員,之後又被任命為里爾廣播樂團的首席低音提琴。23 歲時,他成為「法國國家管弦樂團」(Orchestre National de France) 的部門成員,之後擔任目前的職位,即「法國國家管弦樂團」低音大提琴首席。
principal bassist with this orchestra. Gabin Lauridon is also active as a chamber music player and is a member of the ‘Octuor de Paris’. 樂團的首席低音大提琴手。Gabin Lauridon 也活躍於室內樂演奏,是「Octuor de Paris」的成員之一。
LEVINSON, Eugene: born in Kiev (U.S.S.R), he began his musical studies at the age of nine. He graduated from the Leningrad Conservatory where later he also received his doctoral degree and served on the faculty. Mr Levinson was principal bass of the Leningrad Chamber Orchestra for thirteen years and a member of the Leningrad Philharmonic for sixteen years. During this time, he made many solo and ensemble appearances on U.S.S.R. radio and television and released three recordings on Melodia records. In 1977, Mr Levinson became principal bass of the Minnesota Orchestra as well as a featured soloist with the orchestra in many concerts. In 1980, he appeared as soloist with the Oslo Philharmonic and the Copenhagen Symphony Orchestra, and for Oslo radio Mr Levinson gave a solo recital and made a recording with his wife, Gina, as accompanist. In 1982, he performed the Koussevitzky concerto with the Minnesota Orchestra under the direction of Klaus Tennstedt. In 1984, Mr Levinson released his first U.S. recording under the Pro Arte Label, featuring the Franck Sonata in A major and including other works by Shostakovich, Rachmaninov and Tchaikovsky, all transcribed by Mr Levinson for bass. He joined the New York Philharmonic as principal bassist in May 1985, at the outset of the Orchestra’s five-week tour of Europe and Israël. LEVINSON, Eugene:出生於基輔(美國),九歲開始學習音樂。他畢業於列寧格勒音樂學院,後來取得博士學位,並擔任教職。Levinson 先生曾擔任列寧格勒室內樂團首席男低音長達 13 年,並在列寧格勒愛樂樂團任職 16 年。在此期間,他曾多次在蘇聯的電台和電視台獨奏和合奏,並在 Melodia 唱片公司發行了三張唱片。1977 年,Levinson 先生成為明尼蘇達管弦樂團的首席男低音,並在多場音樂會中擔任獨奏。1980 年,他以獨奏家身份與奧斯陸愛樂樂團和哥本哈根交響樂團合作,並為奧斯陸廣播電台演出獨奏會和錄音,由他的妻子 Gina 擔任伴奏。1982 年,他在 Klaus Tennstedt 的指揮下,與明尼蘇達管弦樂團合作演出 Koussevitzky 協奏曲。1984 年,列文森先生在 Pro Arte 標籤下發行了他的第一張美國唱片,收錄了 Franck 的 A 大調奏鳴曲,並包括 Shostakovich、Rachmaninov 和 Tchaikovsky 的其他作品,全部由列文森先生轉錄為男低音。他於 1985 年 5 月加入紐約愛樂樂團擔任首席男低音,當時樂團正在歐洲和以色列進行為期五週的巡迴演出。
In November of 1986, Mr Levinson performed the Koussevitzky concerto with the New York Philharmonic. The recording of this live performance has been released in Feb. 1988. 1986 年 11 月,Levinson 先生與紐約愛樂樂團合作演出 Koussevitzky 協奏曲。這場現場演奏的錄音於 1988 年 2 月發行。
A noted teacher, Mr Levinson is often asked to participate in double bass forums and workshops, both in the U.S. and in Europe. He has been a faculty member of the University of Minnesota and of St Olaf College. He joined the faculty of the Peabody Conservatory in 1983 and the Juilliard faculty in September 1985. He has also been a visiting artist at various music festival and universities. Levinson 先生是一位著名的教師,經常受邀參加美國和歐洲的低音大提琴論壇和工作坊。他曾任教於明尼蘇達大學 (University of Minnesota) 和聖奧拉夫學院 (St Olaf College)。他於 1983 年加入 Peabody Conservatory 教職員行列,並於 1985 年 9 月加入 Juilliard 教職員行列。他也曾在多個音樂節和大學擔任客座藝術家。
MONTAG, Lajos: b. Budapest 1906. Son of musical parents, he began double bass studies at the age of fourteen and received a degree in Fine Arts in 1927 at the Royal Academy of Music, Budapest. His teachers were Bertalan Tintner and Ferenc Schwalm. In 1929, he became a member of the Hungarian Royal Opera, where he worked for 40 years as co-principal. From 1931, he worked in the Conservatory as nominated professor for 53 years. His recitals have taken him to MONTAG, Lajos: b.布達佩斯,1906 年。父母都是音樂家,他十四歲開始學習低音提琴,1927 年在布達佩斯皇家音樂學院取得美術學位。他的老師是 Bertalan Tintner 和 Ferenc Schwalm。1929 年,他成為匈牙利皇家歌劇院的成員,並擔任聯席首席長達 40 年之久。自 1931 年起,他在 Conservatory 擔任提名教授長達 53 年。他的演奏會曾到過
Vienna, Prague, Berlin, Dresden, Weimar, Salzburg, as well as Budapest. 維也納、布拉格、柏林、德勒斯登、魏瑪、薩爾茨堡以及布達佩斯。
His works include a double bass method in 8 volumes, published by the Hungarian Edition Musica Bp. They are available and used almost everywhere in the world. These publications are closely connected with four books of works by Hungarian composers for double bass and piano. Among the favorites are ‘Extrême’ - published four times-, and ‘Mikroconcert’, in four movements - composed in 1955 but not yet published. 他的作品包括由匈牙利版 Musica Bp 出版的 8 卷低音提琴演奏法。這些作品幾乎在世界各地都可以買到和使用。這些出版物與四本匈牙利作曲家的低音提琴與鋼琴作品集密切相關。其中最受歡迎的有「Extrême」(已出版四次),以及「Mikroconcert」(四樂章),創作於 1955 年,但尚未出版。
He has edited, though never published, a major double bass dictionary and a pedagogical dissertation. 他曾編輯一本大型低音大提琴辭典和一篇教學論文,但從未出版。
Wishing to become more closely acquainted with the double bass, he studied instrument-making with renowned luthier Lajos Kovacs (1891-1970) in Budapest and obtained the degree of violin-maker while an Opera Orchestra musician. 為了更深入了解低音大提琴,他在布達佩斯向著名製琴師 Lajos Kovacs (1891-1970) 學習製琴,並在擔任歌劇院管弦樂團音樂家時取得小提琴製作師學位。
He is regularly invited to be on juries in international competitions: Rome (1979), Markneukirchen (1975, 1977, 1979, 1981), etc. Together with Pierre Delescluse, he is responsible for the organization of the first International Double Bass competition that was held in Geneva in 1969. His Master Class at Sion (Switzerland) has continued every year since 1973. Many composers have created works for double bass at Lajos Montag’s request, e.g. Paul Hindemith who wrote his famous Sonata at his suggestion. He also encouraged his brother Vilmos Montag to write a Sonata and three concertos. 他經常受邀擔任國際比賽的評審:羅馬(1979 年)、馬克諾基興(1975 年、1977 年、1979 年、1981 年)等。他與 Pierre Delescluse 共同負責籌辦 1969 年在日內瓦舉行的首屆國際低音大提琴比賽。自 1973 年起,他每年都會在瑞士錫永舉辦大師班。許多作曲家在 Lajos Montag 的要求下創作了低音大提琴作品,例如 Paul Hindemith 在他的建議下寫出了著名的奏鳴曲。他也鼓勵弟弟 Vilmos Montag 寫了一首奏鳴曲和三首協奏曲。
It was a remarkable recital when Lajos Montag played Vilmos Montag’s concertos with orchestra in Salzburg in the presence of Richard Strauss who congratulated him on his performance. 當 Lajos Montag 在薩爾斯堡與管弦樂團一起演奏 Vilmos Montag 的協奏曲時,理查德‧施特勞斯 (Richard Strauss) 當場祝賀他的演出,這是一場非凡的獨奏會。
MONTECLAIR, Michel Pignolet de: b. Andelot 1667, d. St Denis 1737. Composer, music teacher and the first double bass player admitted at the Paris Opera Orchestra. As a child, he was a chorister at the Cathedral of Langres, and he subsequently sang in various other churches. He then entered the service of the Prince of Vaudemont as music master and went to Italy with him. In the closing MONTECLAIR, Michel Pignolet de: b. Andelot 1667, d. St Denis 1737.1667 年出生于 Andelot,1737 年卒于 St Denis。作曲家、音樂教師,也是巴黎歌劇院管絃樂團第一位錄取的低音提琴演奏家。小時候,他是 Langres 大教堂的合唱團團長,隨後在其他多座教堂演唱。之後,他進入沃德蒙王子 (Prince of Vaudemont) 府中擔任音樂大師,並隨王子前往義大利。在結束
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years of the 17th century, he went to live in Paris and took with him a very good double bass from Naples. He joined the Small Choir of the Paris Opera Orchestra in 1699, a position he held for 38 years. The members of the Small Choir were all soloists chosen among the finest performers of the French Capital, and this position attests to the consideration of the musical world for this artist. 17 世紀末,他前往巴黎居住,並從那不勒斯帶了一把非常好的低音大提琴。1699 年,他加入巴黎歌劇院管絃樂團的小合唱團,在這個位置上一待就是 38 年。小合唱團的成員都是從法國首都最優秀的演奏家中挑選出來的獨唱家,這個職位證明了音樂界對這位藝術家的重視。
Montéclair was also a composer. He wrote a ballet, 'Les Festes de l’été (i716), a lyric tragedy, ‘Jephté’ (1752), a ‘Méthode pour apprendre la musique’ (17001737), a ‘Méthode pour apprendre à jouer du violon’ (1720/1736), a ‘Missa di Requiem’ (1736) etc. Montéclair 也是一位作曲家。他寫了芭蕾舞劇《Les Festes de l'été》(1716 年)、抒情悲劇《Jephté》(1752 年)、《音樂學習法》(17001-737 年)、《小提琴演奏學習法》(1720/1736 年)、《安魂曲》(1736 年)等。
NANNY, Edouard: b. Saint-Germain-en-Laye 1872, d. Paris 1943. This pedagogue and virtuoso is considered as the father of double bass technique in France. His orchestral experiences include: Principal bass player of the Paris Symphony Orchestra, of the Concerts Lamoureux and of the Orchestre de l’Opera Comique. In 1919, he was appointed Professor of double bass at the Paris Conservatory, a position which he held with considerable success for 20 years. E. Nanny was famous for his extraordinary performances of pieces originally written for the double bass as well as for the cello. NANNY, Edouard: b.Saint-Germain-en-Laye 1872 年,卒於巴黎 1943 年。這位教育家和演奏家被認為是法國低音提琴技術之父。他的管弦樂經驗包括:巴黎交響樂團、Concerts Lamoureux 及 Orchestre de l'Opera Comique 的首席低音提琴演奏家。1919 年,他被任命為巴黎音樂學院低音提琴教授,在此職位上工作了 20 年,取得了相當大的成就。E.Nanny 以其非凡的演奏聞名於世,他演奏的曲目原來是為低音大提琴和大提琴而寫的。
He is the author of a ‘Berceuse’, a ‘Tarentelle’, ‘Airs Russes’, three ‘Caprices’, and a Concerto in E minor. 他的作品包括一首「貝瑟茲舞曲」、一首「塔倫泰勒舞曲」、「俄羅斯舞曲」、三首「隨想曲」和一首 E 小調協奏曲。
His didactic works are continuing best-sellers and have widely been reprinted. They include a ‘Méthode complète’ in two parts, a transcription of Kreutzer and Fiorillo’s studies, ten ‘Etudes Caprices’, twenty ‘Etudes de virtuosité’, and ‘24 pieces en forme d’études sur les traits de symphonies’. 他的教學作品持續暢銷,並廣泛再版。這些作品包括分為兩部分的《Méthode complète》、Kreutzer 和 Fiorillo 研究曲目的轉錄、十首《隨想曲》、二十首《演奏技巧曲》以及《交響曲特徵研究曲目 24 首》。
POSTA, Frantisek: b. Lany (near Prague) 1919, he first played the violin as a child. He became commited to the double bass in 1934 and enrolled into Prof. Oldrich Sorej’s double bass class at the Prague Conservatory. In recognition of his outstanding talent, he was offered a position with the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra in 1939, while still an undergraduate. In 1945, he was appointed principal bassist with this orchestra, a position he held until his retirement in 1985. In 1953, Posta was appointed professor at the Prague Conservatory. Since the beginning of his personal career as a concert performer, he has promoted the solo double bass, particularly favoring older literature, and has also been active as a chamber music player. POSTA, Frantisek: 生於1919年生於 Lany (布拉格附近),自幼學習小提琴。1934 年,他投身低音提琴演奏,並入讀布拉格音樂學院 Oldrich Sorej 教授的低音提琴班。1939 年,當他還是大學生時,捷克愛樂管弦樂團 (Czech Philharmonic Orchestra) 賞識到他的傑出才能,為他提供了一個職位。1945 年,他被任命為樂團的首席低音大提琴手,直到 1985 年退休。1953 年,Posta 被任命為布拉格音樂學院教授。從他個人音樂會演奏生涯開始,他就致力於推廣低音提琴獨奏,尤其偏愛較古老的文學作品,同時也活躍於室內樂演奏。
He is responsible for the renaissance in Czechoslovakia of the six-stringed double bass viol and likes to play original pieces on the instrument made for him 他是捷克斯洛伐克六弦低音提琴復興的功臣,喜歡用為他量身打造的樂器演奏原創作品。
to old designs by luthier Bohumil Pechar. 以製琴師 Bohumil Pechar 的古老設計為藍本。
Frantisek Posta belongs to the great Czech double bass tradition that includes many first-rank virtuosos and teachers: Vàclav Hause (1764-1847), Josef Hrabé (1816-1870), Frantisèk Simandl (1848-1912), Gustav Laska (1847-1928), Frantisek Cerny (1861-1912), Vojta Kuchynka (1871-1912) and Oldrich Sorej (1891-1953). Frantisek Posta was awarded the Czech title of ‘Artist of Merit’. He plays an instrument made by Giovanni Grancino in Milan in 1693, the top table of which is unusually arched. Frantisek Posta 屬於捷克低音大提琴的偉大傳統,包括許多一流的演奏家和老師:Vàclav Hause (1764-1847)、Josef Hrabé (1816-1870)、Frantisèk Simandl (1848-1912)、Gustav Laska (1847-1928)、Frantisek Cerny (1861-1912)、Vojta Kuchynka (1871-1912) 和 Oldrich Sorej (1891-1953)。Frantisek Posta 曾獲得捷克「優秀藝術家」稱號。他演奏的樂器由 Giovanni Grancino 於 1693 年在米蘭製作,其頂台呈異乎尋常的拱形。
PETRACCHI, Francesco: b. Pistoia (Italy) in 1937, he began studying the double bass at the age of 13 at the Saint Cecilia Conservatory in Rome under Batistelli, a pupil of Annibale Mengoli*. He also studied composition, piano and conducting with F. Ferrara. PETRACCHI,Francesco:1937 年生於義大利皮斯托亞。1937 年生於義大利皮斯托亞 (Pistoia),13 歲開始在羅馬聖塞西莉亞音樂學院學習低音提琴,師從 Annibale Mengoli* 的學生 Batistelli。他也曾跟隨 F. Ferrara 學習作曲、鋼琴與指揮。
Upon graduation in 1956, he was offered the position of professor of double bass at the Conservatories of Bari and Rome. In 1970, he won the State Conservatory Competition. He frequently teaches in many well-known summer schools: the Chigiana Academy, in Sienna, Sermonetta, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Ravella, Rome, Cincinnati, Arvika (Norway), Firminy (France), the Isle of Man etc. He is regularly invited as a panel member in the greatest international competitions such as Geneva, the Isle of Man, Rome. 1956 年畢業後,他獲得巴里和羅馬音樂學院低音提琴教授的職位。1970 年,他贏得國家音樂學院比賽。他經常在許多知名的暑期學校任教:Chigiana 學院、Sienna、Sermonetta、斯德哥爾摩、哥本哈根、Ravella、羅馬、辛辛那提、Arvika (挪威)、Firminy (法國)、馬恩島等。他經常受邀擔任日內瓦、馬恩島、羅馬等國際大賽的評審團成員。
Besides teaching and appearing as a soloist, Petracchi also pursues a composing and conducting career. One of his compositions, ‘A double bass looking for love’, won the Italia Price in 1979. 除了教學和獨奏之外,Petracchi 還從事作曲和指揮工作。他的作品之一「尋找愛情的低音提琴」在 1979 年贏得 Italia Price。
He lives in Rome, where he teaches at the Saint Cecilia Academy. He plays all of the double bass repertoire, though he favors original music. A number of composers wrote double bass pieces for him: Mortari (Duettini for violin and double bass, Elegy and Caprice, Concerto for Francesco Petracchi, Rhapsodie Elegiaque), Nino Rota (Divertimento for double bass and orchestra, Concerto), C. Brero (Dialogue for double bass and wind orchestra), etc. 他現居羅馬,在 Saint Cecilia 學院任教。他演奏所有低音大提琴曲目,但偏愛原創音樂。許多作曲家都為他寫過低音提琴作品:Mortari (小提琴與低音提琴二重奏、輓歌與隨想曲、Francesco Petracchi 協奏曲、Rhapsodie Elegiaque)、Nino Rota (低音提琴與管弦樂團憩息曲、協奏曲)、C. Brero (低音提琴與管弦樂團對話曲),等等。
Francesco Petracchi plays a Gaetano Rossi instrument, the back of which is carved into a single 54 cm wide piece of wood, has a body length of 122 cm . The vibrating length of its strings is 111 cm . Francesco Petracchi 演奏的是 Gaetano Rossi 樂器,其琴背雕刻成一塊 54 公分寬的木頭,琴身長 122 公分 .琴弦的振動長度為 111 公分 .
Annibale Mengoli (1851-1895), a professor in Turin, was a pioneer of the Italian modern school of double bass playing. Annibale Mengoli (1851-1895) 是都靈市的教授,他是義大利現代低音提琴演奏流派的先驅。
RABBATH, François: b. Aleppo (Syria) in 1931, he discovered the double bass at the age of 13 , when one of his brothers brought an instrument home and allowed him to experiment with it. When the family moved to Beirut, Lebanon, in 1945, he found an old copy of Edouard Nanny’s bass method in a tailor shop and with some difficulty, since he read neither music nor French, began to teach himself. After 9 years of work in Beirut, he saved enough money to move to Paris for a year. He was anxious to go to the Paris Conservatory, meet Edouard Nanny and show him what he was able to do with the bass. When he applied at the Conservatory, he was disappointed to learn that Nanny had died in 1947. He was also told that auditions were to be held in three days and that he would never have enough time to learn the required pieces. He asked for the music anyway and returned three days later to finish first among the applicants. However, his stay at the Conservatory was a brief one, since it didn’t take him very long to see that he was not only far ahead of the other students, but of the professors as well. RABBATH,François:1931 年生於阿勒頗 (敘利亞)。他在 13 歲時發現了低音大提琴,當時他的一個兄弟帶了一把樂器回家,並允許他試奏。1945 年,當他全家搬到黎巴嫩的貝魯特時,他在一間裁縫店裡發現了一本 Edouard Nanny 的低音提琴演奏法,由於他既不懂音樂也不懂法文,因此很困難地開始自學。在貝魯特工作了 9 年之後,他存夠了錢搬到巴黎住了一年。他很想去巴黎音樂學院,見到 Edouard Nanny,向他展示自己在低音提琴方面的能力。當他向音樂學院提出申請時,卻失望地得知 Nanny 已於 1947 年去世。他還被告知,試演將在三天內舉行,他根本沒有足夠的時間學習所需的曲目。但他還是要了樂譜,並在三天後回來,在應徵者中取得第一名的成績。然而,他在音樂學院的逗留時間很短,因為他沒花多少時間就發現他不僅遠遠領先其他學生,也遠遠領先教授們。
Around this time, he began to earn his living as accompanist. In 1963, he made his first solo album -Bass Ball- released in the U.S. by Phillips and never made available again after the initial press was sold out. From 1964, he became active composing much music for movies and the theater. At the same time, he started to play solo recitals, first in France, then throughout Europe. In 1971, he performed a recital at the Palais des Sports in Paris, of which an LP was made. His American debut was in Carnegie Hall in 1975. That year, he also recorded another solo LP - Multi Bass. In 1978, he began to work on an extensive three volume method, ‘A new technique for the Contrabass’. A volume of his solo compositions, ‘Solos for the double bassist’, is published by Liben. In July of 1981, he was the soloist of the world premiere performance of Frank Proto’s Concerto n^(@)2\mathrm{n}^{\circ} 2 for double bass and orchestra with the Orchestra of Tivoli, in Copenhagen. He was again the soloist for the American premiere of the work with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra François Rabbath has been a member of the Paris Opera Orchestra since 1980. 大約在這個時候,他開始以伴奏為生。1963 年,他製作了第一張個人專輯《Bass Ball》,由 Phillips 在美國發行,但在首張專輯發行完畢後,就再也沒有發行過。從 1964 年起,他開始活躍於為電影和戲劇作曲。與此同時,他開始舉行個人獨奏會,先是在法國,之後遍佈整個歐洲。1971 年,他在巴黎 Palais des Sports 舉辦了一場獨奏會,並錄製了一張唱片。1975 年,他的美國首演在卡內基音樂廳舉行。同年,他還錄製了另一張個人 LP - Multi Bass。1978 年,他開始著手編寫三卷本的《低音大提琴新技巧》。他的獨奏作品集《低音大提琴手獨奏》由 Liben 出版。1981 年 7 月,他與哥本哈根的 Orchestra of Tivoli 樂團合作,擔任 Frank Proto 的低音大提琴與管弦樂協奏曲 n^(@)2\mathrm{n}^{\circ} 2 世界首演的獨奏。François Rabbath 自 1980 年起成為巴黎歌劇院管弦樂團的成員。
RAKOV, Lev: b.Nijny Novgorod (Gorky) 1926, he was for thirty years principal bass player with the Russian Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra. Since 1975, he has been teaching at the Moscow Conservatory where he directs the double bass class and gives courses on the history of the double bass and on musical interpretation. Many of his students have been prizewinners of Russian and foreign competitions and are now playing in the best orchestras of the Soviet RAKOV, Lev:1926 年生於 Nijny Novgorod (Gorky),曾任俄羅斯廣播電視交響樂團首席低音提琴演奏家 30 年。1975 年起,他在莫斯科音樂學院任教,擔任低音提琴班主任,並教授低音提琴歷史和音樂詮釋課程。他的許多學生都曾在俄羅斯和其他國家的比賽中獲獎,現在都在蘇聯最好的管絃樂團中演奏。
Union. Lev Ravkov has recorded Rossini’s duo for bass and cello as well as his six sonatas for string quartet and Albert Roussel’s duo for double bass and bassoon. 聯盟。Lev Ravkov 曾錄製 Rossini 的低音提琴與大提琴二重奏、六首弦樂四重奏奏鳴曲,以及 Albert Roussel 的低音提琴與巴松管二重奏。
He is also the author of a method for beginners and has transcribed several pieces for bass and piano. He has edited several collections of concert pieces and studies. 他也是初學者演奏法的作者,並為低音大提琴和鋼琴轉錄了多首樂曲。他還編輯了幾本音樂會曲目和研究集。
Lev Ravkov has participated as jury member to many competitions in the Soviet Union as well as to the Reims International Competition in May 1988. Lev Ravkov 曾擔任前蘇聯許多比賽的評審,也曾參加 1988 年 5 月的 Reims International Competition。
ROLLEZ, Jean-Marc: b. Roubaix 1931, he began studying the piano at the age of 9 at the conservatory of this town. After five years, he discovered his true passion, the double bass, which he took up in the same institution. After obtaining a brilliant first prize, he entered the National Conservatory of Music in Paris under J. Delmas-Boussagol and, two years later, ended his studies with a first prize. ROLLEZ, Jean-Marc: b..1931 年出生于 Roubaix,9 歲開始在這個城市的音樂學院學習鋼琴。五年後,他發現了自己真正的熱愛--低音提琴,並在同一所學校開始學習。取得優異的第一名後,他進入巴黎國家音樂學院,師從 J. Delmas-Boussagol,兩年後以第一名的成績結束學業。
He subsequently entered the Orchestre National de l’Opera de Monte Carlo and, at the age of 25 , he won the position of principal double bass player at the Theatre National de l’Opera Comique and then occupied the same post at the Paris Opera. 之後,他進入蒙特卡洛國家歌劇院管弦樂團,25 歲時,他贏得了喜劇院國家歌劇院首席低音提琴演奏家的職位,之後又在巴黎歌劇院擔任同樣的職位。
In conjunction with his orchestral career, Jean-Marc Rollez devotes himself to the development of the technique of the double bass, and especially to that of the bow. After studying the technique of the “German” bow, he compared it with that of the “French” bow and made a synthesis of the two schools. He modified the technique of the “French” bow, using the natural weight of the arm and shoulder as used in the “German” technique: this improves the sound while keeping the flexibility of the “French” bow for phrasing. This new technique sets of the multiple tone colours of the double bass. 在管弦樂事業的同時,Jean-Marc Rollez 致力於低音提琴技巧的發展,尤其是弓子的技巧。在研究了 「德國 」弓法的技巧之後,他將其與 「法國 」弓法進行了比較,並將兩個流派進行了綜合。他修改了 「法式 」琴弓的技巧,使用 「德式 」技巧中使用的手臂和肩膀的自然重量:這樣既改善了音色,又保持了 「法式 」琴弓在樂句中的靈活性。這種新的技巧使低音大提琴擁有多種音色。
His first concerts with orchestra took place in Paris, and were followed by other performances in different French towns and abroad. On november 6, 1977, he gave the first bass recital ever held at the Paris Opera. 他與樂團的第一場音樂會在巴黎舉行,之後又在法國不同城市和國外演出。1977 年 11 月 6 日,他在巴黎歌劇院舉辦了首場男低音獨奏會。
In 1978 he was appointed professor of the Paris Conservatory. His teaching experience has led him to take part in numerous international seminars. He has taught master classes in the U.S.A., Canada, England, Sweden, Switzerland, etc… On april 1989 he was invited to the Tchaikovsky Conservatory of MOscow to give master classes and recitals. Since 1980 Jean-Marc Rollez has directed an international double bass workshop which is now held in Avignon and which hosts many artists from around the world. 1978 年,他被任命為巴黎音樂學院教授。他的教學經驗使他參加了許多國際研討會。他曾在美國、加拿大、英國、瑞典、瑞士等地教授大師班......1989 年 4 月,他受邀前往莫斯科柴可夫斯基音樂學院舉辦大師班和獨奏會。自 1980 年起,Jean-Marc Rollez 開始在阿維尼翁舉辦國際低音大提琴工作坊,接待來自世界各地的藝術家。
Jean-Marc Rollez is the author of a method for the double bass in three volumes. He has made two recordings of the principal works of Bottesini (ARION), and one of those of Misek and Sperger (Pavanne). On his first compact disc, he has recorded the Koussevitzky concerto, the Bottesini F# minor concerto and the concerto of Bogatinev with the orchestra of Monte Carlo (Rem n ^(@)311073{ }^{\circ} 311073 X C D). Jean-Marc Rollez 著有三冊低音大提琴演奏法。他錄製了兩張 Bottesini 主要作品的唱片 (ARION),以及一張 Misek 和 Sperger 作品的唱片 (Pavanne)。在他的第一張鐳射唱片中,他錄製了 Koussevitzky 協奏曲、Bottesini F# minor 協奏曲以及與 Monte Carlo 樂團合作的 Bogatinev 協奏曲 (Rem n ^(@)311073{ }^{\circ} 311073 X C D)。
STOLL, Klaus: b. Rheydt 1943. At the age of 12 he began studying the double bass with his father, principal bassist of the Krefeld Monchengladbach Orchestra from 1947 to 1974. In 1957-60, he attended the Staatliche Hofschule für Musik under Prof. Heinz Detering. While still an undergraduate, he began his orchestral career as section member with the Niederrheinische Sinfoniker where he was to stay from 1959 to 1965. In 1965, he joined the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra and moved up two years later to become principal player. The same year, he started his career as a soloist and he founded with three other members of the orchestra the ‘Philharmonic Bassquartet’: Friedrich Witt, Erich Hartmann and Wolfgang Kohly. Since 1972, he has also played in concerts and recorded duets with Jörg Bauman, solo cellist with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. STOLL, Klaus: b.Rheydt 1943 年。12 歲時開始跟隨他的父親學習低音提琴,他的父親在 1947 年至 1974 年間是 Krefeld Monchengladbach Orchestra 樂團的首席低音提琴演奏家。1957-60 年,他就讀於 Staatliche Hofschule für Musik,師從 Heinz Detering 教授。當他還是大學生的時候,就開始了他的管弦樂生涯,在 Niederrheinische Sinfoniker 擔任樂團組員,並從 1959 年一直待到 1965 年。1965 年,他加入柏林愛樂樂團,兩年後升任首席樂手。同年,他開始了自己的獨奏生涯,並與樂團的其他三位成員成立了「愛樂低音四重奏」:Friedrich Witt、Erich Hartmann 和 Wolfgang Kohly。自 1972 年起,他也與柏林愛樂管弦樂團的大提琴獨奏家 Jörg Bauman 一起在音樂會中演奏並錄製二重奏。
Although the emphasis of Klaus Stoll’s repertoire is the classical music of Germany and Italy, he has so far given premiere performances of over 40 new compositions. He teaches at the Berlin Hochschüle für Musik and is also a painter and an authority on Japanese art. 雖然 Klaus Stoll 的重點曲目是德國和義大利的古典音樂,但迄今他已首演超過 40 首新作品。他在柏林音樂學院 (Berlin Hochschüle für Musik) 任教,同時也是一位畫家和日本藝術的權威。
Klaus Stoll plays a double bass made in 1610 by Paolo Maggini of Brescia. Klaus Stoll 演奏的低音大提琴是由布雷西亞的 Paolo Maggini 於 1610 年製作。
STREICHER, Ludwig: b. Vienna 1920. He studied at the Academy of Music in his native town before gaining his first position as principal bassist in the state orchestra of Cracow (Poland) where he played from 1940 to 1944. STREICHER, Ludwig: b. 1920.1920 年出生于維也納。曾就讀於故鄉的音樂學院,1940 至 1944 年間在波蘭克拉科夫國家管弦樂團擔任首席低音提琴演奏家。
From 1945 to 1973, he was a member of the Vienna Philharmonic and Vienna State Opera Orchestra (1954-1973 as co-principal bassist). 1945 年至 1973 年間,他是維也納愛樂樂團和維也納國家歌劇院樂團的成員(1954 年至 1973 年擔任共同首席低音提琴演奏家)。
Since 1966, Streicher has been teaching at the Hochschule für Musik (former Academy of Music) in Vienna. Every year, between 30 and 40 students enroll in his class. Among them are pupils from all the European countries and also from the U.S.A., South America, Japan and Australia. 自 1966 年以來,Streicher 一直在維也納的 Hochschule für Musik(前音樂學院)任教。每年都有 30 到 40 名學生報名上他的課。其中有來自歐洲各國的學生,也有來自美國、南美、日本和澳洲的學生。
In 1973, Streicher retired from his position in the orchestra of the Vienna Philharmonic and Opera in order to have more time for his students and his solo career. 1973 年,Streicher 從維也納愛樂與歌劇院管絃樂團的職位上退休,以便有更多時間照顧他的學生和他的獨奏生涯。
In 1966, Ludwig Streicher éstablished his career as double bass soloist. Since 1966 年,Ludwig Streicher 開始了他的低音提琴獨奏生涯。自從
then, he has undertaken numerous concert tours throughout Europe, the Middle East and Africa. 之後,他在歐洲、中東和非洲各地多次舉辦巡迴音樂會。
One of the most important events of Streicher’s career and soloist was the concert tour in Japan. In Tokyo alone, he played six concerts (two recitals and four concerts with orchestra) and a live television show. Streicher has taken part at various music festivals, such as the Festival of Salzburg, the Carinthian Summer, Bregenz, “Mai de Versailles”, “Harzburger Musiktage”, “Europäische Wochen” in Passau, “Festival Internacional de Musica y Danza” in Granada and “Festival de Musica da Costa do Estoril”. Streicher 職業生涯和獨奏生涯中最重要的事件之一,就是在日本的巡迴音樂會。僅在東京,他就舉行了六場音樂會(兩場獨奏會和四場與樂團合作的音樂會)以及一場電視直播節目。Streicher 曾參加各種音樂節,例如薩爾斯堡音樂節 (Festival of Salzburg)、卡林森之夏 (Carinthian Summer)、布雷根茨 (Bregenz)、「凡爾賽之夜」 (Mai de Versailles)、「哈爾茨堡音樂節」 (Harzburger Musiktage)、帕紹 (Passau) 的「歐洲音樂節」 (Europäische Wochen)、格拉納達 (Granada) 的「國際音樂與舞蹈節」 (Festival Internacional de Musica y Danza),以及埃斯托利爾 (Estoril) 的「科斯塔音樂節」 (Festival de Musica da Costa do Estoril)。
TORELLO (ROSS), Antonio: b. San Sadurni de Noya 1884, d. U.S.A. 1959. Born into a musical family, he received early training on the flute but gave it up for the double bass, which he took on a scaled down instrument at the age of 10 . His brother Pedro was his only bass teacher; he introduced him to the methods of Charles Labro and Giovanni Bottesini and to the studies of Achille Gouffé, Arturo Canonieri and Annibale Mengoli. He began playing in an orchestra in 1897 and made his solo debut one year later: he was only 14. At the age of 22 , he was appointed principal double bassist with the “Gran Teatro del Liceo” in Barcelona, and professor of the double bass in the Conservatory of the same town. TORELLO (ROSS), Antonio: b. San Sadurni de Noya 1884, d. U.S. A. 1959.San Sadurni de Noya 1884 年,1959 年卒於美國。他出生於音樂世家,早年接受長笛訓練,但後來為了低音大提琴而放棄,10 歲時開始學習低音大提琴。他的哥哥 Pedro 是他唯一的低音大提琴老師;他介紹他學習 Charles Labro 和 Giovanni Bottesini 的方法,以及 Achille Gouffé、Arturo Canonieri 和 Annibale Mengoli 的研究。1897 年,他開始在管弦樂團演奏,一年後首次獨奏,當時他只有 14 歲。22 歲時,他被任命為巴塞隆納「Gran Teatro del Liceo」的首席低音提琴演奏家,並在同城的音樂學院擔任低音提琴教授。
Subsequent concert tours took him to Madrid, Lisbon, Funchal and other towns in his homeland and to France where he was received with considerable acclaim. 隨後,他前往馬德里、里斯本、豐查爾和他祖國的其他城鎮以及法國巡迴舉行音樂會,獲得相當高的評價。
In 1909, he left Spain for New York, and then Boston, where he remained for five years as principal double bassist with the Boston Opera. In 1914, Leopold Stokowski offered him the position of principal bassist with the Philadelphia Orchestra, a position which he was to hold until his retirement in 1948. In 1926, two years after the founding of the Curtis Institute of Music, he was appointed as the school’s first bass teacher. During his 18 year long tenure there, Anton Torello asserted himself as a very successful teacher. He can be considered as the father of the American school of overhand bowing technique. 1909 年,他離開西班牙前往紐約,之後又到波士頓,擔任波士頓歌劇院首席低音大提琴手達五年之久。1914 年,Leopold Stokowski 邀請他擔任 Philadelphia Orchestra 樂團的首席低音大提琴手,直到 1948 年退休。1926 年,在 Curtis 音樂學院成立兩年後,他被任命為該校第一位男低音老師。在長達 18 年的任教期間,Anton Torello 聲稱自己是一位非常成功的教師。他可被視為美國弓法之父。
Apart from some transcriptions, Anton Torello left us compositions of his own for the double bass which were given by his wife to the Curtis Institute in 1964: “Dance Pieces” n^(@)1n^{\circ} 1 and 2 (before 1909), “Fantasy in D” (1909), “Fantasia de Contrabajo con variaziones 'Leanora” (n.d.), “Habanera”, no one, two, three (n.d.), “Polka Caprice” (n.d.), Paso-Doble Garcia Navarro" (1901), and “Suite Andaluza” (n.d.). 除了一些轉錄作品之外,Anton Torello 也為我們留下了他自己為低音大提琴所創作的作品,這些作品是由他的妻子於 1964 年提供給 Curtis Institute 的:"Dance Pieces" n^(@)1n^{\circ} 1 and 2 (before 1909), "Fantasy in D" (1909), "Fantasia de Contrabajo con variaziones 'Leanora'" (n. d.), 'Habanera', no one, two, three (n. d.), 'Polka Caprice' (n. d.), 'Paso-Doble Garcia Navarro' (n. d.), 'Paso-Doble Garcia Navarro' (n. d.).d.), 'Habanera', no one, two, three (n.d.), 'Polka Caprice' (n.d.), Paso-Doble Garcia Navarro' (1901), and 'Suite Andaluza' (n.d.).
TURETZKY, Bertram: b. 1933 Norwich, Connecticut, he started playing the double bass at the age of 15 in Dance and Jazz bands. In 1949, Eugene Sedric, clarinetist with “Fats” Wallers, became Turetzky’s mentor and took him to play with the old swing stars of the period. In 1950, he entered the Hartt School of Music in Hartford, Conn. where he studied with Willis Page (then bassist with the Boston Symphony). There, he discovered pre-Bach music, chamber music, and met some student composers who told him that they would write pieces for double bass if he would play them: this concept of performer/composer collaboration was to become a basic tenet of Turetzky’s musical life. When Page left the B.S.O. for a conducting career, Turetzky began to study bass with Joseph Iadone, a fine bassist who introduced him to theory and early music. Turetzky then made many transcriptions of Medieval and Renaissance music which he performed with his ensemble. His studies with David Walter began in 1958. Walter was clearly the most important bass teacher in his life; a great teacher, inspiration, support, a dear and wonderful friend. TURETZKY, Bertram:1933 年出生于康涅狄格州的 Norwich,15 歲開始在 Dance 和 Jazz 樂團中演奏低音提琴。1949 年,'Fats' Wallers 的單簧管手 Eugene Sedric 成為 Turetzky 的導師,帶他與當時的老搖擺樂明星一起演奏。1950 年,他進入康乃狄克州哈特福德的哈特音樂學院 (Hartt School of Music),師從 Willis Page(當時波士頓交響樂團的低音大提琴手)。在那裡,他發現了巴赫以前的音樂、室內樂,並認識了一些學生作曲家,這些作曲家告訴他,如果他願意演奏,他們會為低音提琴寫曲子:這個演奏家/作曲家合作的概念成為 Turetzky 音樂生活的基本原則。當 Page 離開 B.S.O. 轉而從事指揮工作時,Turetzky 開始跟低音提琴家 Joseph Iadone 學習低音提琴,這位優秀的低音提琴家為他介紹了理論和早期音樂。Turetzky 隨後轉錄了許多中世紀和文藝復興時期的音樂,並與他的樂團一起演奏。他在 1958 年開始跟隨 David Walter 學習。Walter 顯然是他生命中最重要的低音大提琴老師;一位偉大的老師、啟發者、支持者,一位親切的好朋友。
Pieces began to be written for Turetzky in 1959. He made his New York city debut in 1964 with an evening of music written for him by Whittenberg, Donald Erb, Barney Childs etc. The same year, he made his first solo recording: Advance for I. The response was enthusiastic. Solos, recitals, Duo programs with Mrs Turetzky ensued, as well as new recordings. 1959 年開始有人為 Turetzky 寫樂曲。1964 年,他在紐約首演,當晚演奏了 Whittenberg、Donald Erb、Barney Childs 等人為他創作的音樂。同年,他錄製了第一張個人專輯:Advance for I。反應熱烈。之後,他陸續舉辦了獨奏會、演奏會、與 Turetzky 夫人的雙人節目,以及新的錄音。
Bertram Turetzky has a unique place among concert musicians, as he has had a repertoire written especially for him. This repertoire was largely inspired by the extended contemporary technique that he has developed* and by his performances - not government “grants”. This body of works includes music for all genres, as he enjoys programming music of the Baroque and Romantic periods as well as Bertram Turetzky 在音樂會演奏家中擁有獨特的地位,因為他有專門為他編寫的曲目。這套曲目的靈感主要來自他所發展的延伸當代技巧*,以及他的演出 - 而不是政府的「補助」。這套作品包括所有類型的音樂,因為他喜歡編排巴洛克和浪漫時期的音樂,以及
works by composers out of the Jazz tradition such as Charles Mingus, Thelonius Monk and Duke Ellington. He has appeared as a soloist in many parts of the world. In 1968, Mr Turetzky was appointed professor of music at the University of California, San Diego, where he now spends a major part of each year. Charles Mingus、Thelonius Monk 和 Duke Ellington 等爵士樂傳統作曲家的作品。他曾在世界各地擔任獨奏家。1968 年,Turetzky 先生被任命為加州大學聖地牙哥分校的音樂教授。
WALTER, David: His musical career started with violin studies at the age of six and reached its violinistic highpoint with a recital at the age of twelve. His double bass studies with Fred Zimmermann led in rather short order to the post of Principal Bass of the Pittsburgh Symphony. He was invited to join the N.B.C. Symphony and spent the next fifteen years with Arturo Toscanini. His career as a jazz bassist continued throughout this period and included a two-year tenure on N.B.C.'s Tonight Show. When the Symphony was disbanded, he took a leading role in the organization of the Symphony of the Air, serving as Principal Bass and as Chairman of its Board of Directors. He was invited to join Pablo Casals in Puerto Rico and has participated in every Festival Casals since its inception. For a fiveyear period, he served as Bass soloist with the Princeton Chamber Orchestra. WALTER, David:他的音樂生涯從六歲學習小提琴開始,十二歲的獨奏會使他的小提琴演奏達到高峰。他跟隨 Fred Zimmermann 學習低音提琴,很快就成為匹茲堡交響樂團的首席低音提琴。他受邀加入 N.B.C. 交響樂團,並與 Arturo Toscanini 共事十五年。在這段期間,他的爵士樂貝斯演奏生涯持續不斷,包括在 N.B.C. 的 Tonight Show 節目中演出兩年。交響樂團解散後,他在空中交響樂團的組織中擔當領導角色,擔任首席低音大提琴及其董事會主席。他受邀加入波多黎各的 Pablo Casals,並參加了自 Casals 音樂節創辦以來的每屆音樂節。他曾在普林斯頓室內樂團 (Princeton Chamber Orchestra) 擔任低音提琴獨奏長達五年之久。
His intense involvement in the preparation and presentation of contemporary works found him performing with the Bennington Composers Conference, the Columbia Group for Contemporary Music, the series “Music of Our Time” and “Music in the 20th century”. He has presented many premieres at the Composers Forum in New York city. 他積極參與當代作品的準備和展示工作,與 Bennington Composers Conference、Columbia Group for Contemporary Music、"Music of Our Time 「和 」Music in the 20th Century "系列合作演出。他曾在紐約的作曲家論壇 (Composers Forum) 上發表過許多首演作品。
In recent years, he has appeared in recital in many cities and at many universities and Conservatories throughout the United States, Mexico, Canada and Europe. His programs, titled “Three centuries of Double Bass Literature”, have featured music written originally for the Bass, including many works of the late 18th century which have come to light only recently. 近年來,他在美國、墨西哥、加拿大和歐洲的許多城市、大學和音樂學院舉行獨奏會。他的節目以 「低音大提琴文學的三個世紀 」為題,主要演奏原創於低音大提琴的音樂,包括許多最近才被發現的 18 世紀晚期的作品。
He has been teaching Double Bass and Ensemble at the Manhattan School of Music since 1957 and at the Juilliard School since 1969. His teaching efforts were honored by the American String Teachers Association which chose him in 1973 for its prestigious “Artist-Teacher of the Year” award. 他自 1957 年起在曼哈頓音樂學院教授低音提琴和合奏,1969 年起在茱莉亞音樂學院任教。他的教學努力獲得美國弦樂教師協會 (American String Teachers Association) 的表揚,該協會於 1973 年將他選為該協會享有盛名的「年度藝術家教師」獎。
His book, “The Melodious Bass”, is a continuing “best-seller” in American Double Bass literature. His recordings and editions of the standard Bass works have proved to be critical and commercial successes. His articles on Double Bass performances and education have been widely reprinted. His Master Classes at Colleges and Conservatories have been enthusiastically attended. 他的著作《旋律低音大提琴》是美國低音大提琴文學的持續暢銷書。他的錄音作品和標準低音大提琴作品的版本在評論和商業上都獲得了成功。他在低音大提琴演奏和教育方面的文章被廣泛再版。他在學院和音樂學院舉辦的大師班受到熱烈歡迎。
In 1977, he was elected to the Presidency of the International Society of Bassists. 1977 年,他當選為國際低音大提琴家協會主席。
I.S. B^(˙).,quad\dot{B} ., \quad International Society of 8assists.
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also: “Diversiform Double Bass Bows and Technique”. The Strad, Dec 1938, pp. 359362. 又如:"Diversiform Double Bass Bows and Technique",《The Strad》,1938 年 12 月,第 359362 頁。The Strad,1938 年 12 月,第 359362 頁。
also: “The Double Bass. The beginner”, The Strad, 1950, pp. 16-20. 另:《低音大提琴。初學者》,The Strad,1950 年,第 16-20 頁。
also: “The Double Bass. Selection of an instrument and bow”, The Strad, 1950, pp. 54-58. 另:《低音大提琴。樂器與琴弓的選擇",《The Strad》,1950 年,第 54-58 頁。
also: “The double Bass. Accessories, adjustments,etc.”, The Strad, Jul 1950, p. 92. 又如:"低音大提琴。配件、調整等」,The Strad,1950 年 7 月,第 92 頁。
also: “The Double Bass. Нон to practice”, The Strad, pp. 132-134. 《又如:"低音大提琴。Нон to practice》,The Strad,第 132-134 頁。
also: “Double Bass playing”, The Strad, 1952, pp. 368-370. 另:《低音大提琴演奏》,The Strad,1952 年,第 368-370 頁。
also: “Double Bass playing. Left hand technique”, The Strad, 1952, pp. 16-20. 另:《低音提琴演奏。左手技巧",《The Strad》,1952 年,第 16-20 頁。
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ELGAR, Raymond: Introduction to the double bass, St Leonard on sea, 1960-71. ELGAR,Raymond:低音大提琴入門,St Leonard on sea,1960-71。
also: More about the double bass, St Leonard on sea, 1963. 另:更多有關低音大提琴的資訊,St Leonard on sea,1963 年。
also: Looking at the double bass, St Leonard on Sea, 1967. 另:《看低音提琴》,St Leonard on Sea,1967 年。
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FETIS, François-Joseph: Revue Musicale, Febr-Jul. 1828, p, 550. FETIS, François-Joseph: Revue Musicale, Febr-Jul.1828, p, 550.
also: “On the state of music in London” . The Harmonicon, p. 216, 1829. 又如:《論倫敦的音樂狀況》.The Harmonicon》,第 216 頁,1829 年。
also: Les musiciens Belges, Bruxelles n.d… 另:Les musiciens Belges, Bruxelles n.d....
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also: Biographie Universelle des Musiciens, Paris, 1861-1866. 又如:Biographie Universelle des Musiciens,巴黎,1861-1866。
also: Biographie Universelle, Supplément et complément, Paris, 1878-1880. 又如:Biographie Universelle, Supplément et complément, Paris, 1878-1880。
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FINK, Bernhard: Die Geschichte des Kontrabasses und seine Trennung vom Violoncello in der orchestralen Instrumentation; Regensburg, 1974.
also: "History of the double bass and its separation from the Cello in the orchestral instrumentation, I.S.B. Annual Journal, vol 2, n^(@)4n^{\circ} 4, Spring 1976. 又如:「低音大提琴的歷史及其在管弦樂器中與大提琴的分離,I.S.B. Annual Journal,第 2 卷, n^(@)4n^{\circ} 4 ,1976 年春季。
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also: Lettione Seconda pur della prattica de sonare il Violone d’Arco da Tasti, Venice, 1543. 另:Lettione Seconda pur della prattica de sonare il Violone d'Arco da Tasti,威尼斯,1543 年。
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also: Comprehensive catalogue of available literature for the double bass, Bloomington, 1974. 另:低音大提琴可用文學綜合目錄,布魯明頓,1974 年。
also: “French bow vs German bow”, American String teacher, vol XV, n^(@)n^{\circ} 3, Summer 1963. 另:《法國琴弓與德國琴弓》,《美國弦樂教師》,第 XV 卷, n^(@)n^{\circ} 3,1963 年夏季。
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also: “Giant Double Basses”, The Strad, Sept 1914, p. 165. 另:「Giant Double Basses」,The Strad,1914 年 9 月,第 165 頁。
also: “Giant Double Basses”, The Strad, n^(@)n^{\circ} 429, p. 568. 另:《Giant Double Basses》,The Strad, n^(@)n^{\circ} 429,第 568 頁。
HALFPENNY, Eric: “Foundation of finger-technique on the Double Bass”, The Strad, Nov. 1945, pp. 153-154, Jan. 1946, pp. 210-214. HALFPENNY,Eric:「低音大提琴手指技巧的基礎」,The Strad,1945年11月,第153-154頁,1946年1月,第210-214頁。
also: “The Double Bass”, Musical Instruments through the Ages, edited by A. Baines, 1961. 另:《低音大提琴》,《歷代樂器》,A. Baines 編輯,1961 年。
also: “A note on the genealogy of the Double Bass”, The Galpin Society Journal, March 1948. 另:《低音大提琴系譜說明》,《Galpin Society Journal》,1948 年 3 月。
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List of illustrations 插圖清單
Inside of double bass: made in the same way and with the same materials as a 9violin. 低音大提琴內部:製作方式和材料與九小提琴相同。
Adjustable-height bridge. … 14 可調整高度的橋板。... 14
Eighteenth century tuning lever (Corrette, 1781). … 14 十八世紀調音桿 (Corrette, 1781)。... 14
Seventeenth century cogwheel and catch mechanism on a Mittenwald double bass … 15 十七世紀 Mittenwald 低音大提琴上的齒輪和捕捉裝置 ... 15
(Mustcal Instruments Museum, Basel). (巴塞爾 Mustcal 儀器博物館)。
Entry Bachmann, from Gerber’s Dictionnary (1790). … 16 條目 Bachmann,來自 Gerber's Dictionnary (1790)。... 16
A double bass by Wilhelm Azan. Aix-en-Provence 1605, Musee du Conservatoire, … 17 Wilhelm Azan 的低音提琴。普羅旺斯地區艾克斯 1605 年,Musee du Conservatoire, ... 17
Paris. 巴黎。
A ball at the court of the French Valois kings, ca 1580. … 20 約 1580 年,法國瓦羅亞國王的宮廷舞會。... 20
Fragment of a 17 th century German engraving. … 21 17 世紀德國雕版畫的殘片。... 21
Funerals of Charles III, Duke of Lorraine, at the Nancy cathedral in 1608. … 21 1608 年洛林公爵查理三世在南錫大教堂舉行的葬禮。... 21
Entry “violone” from Brossard’s dictionnary (1702). … 22 Brossard 字典 (1702) 中的 "violone" 條目。... 22
Jan Joseph Horemans(1682-1759): Le galant concert (fragment). … 24 Jan Joseph Horemans(1682-1759):Le galant concert (片段).... 24
An excerpt from court administrator Trabouillet’s account book. … 25 摘錄自法庭管理人 Trabouillet 的帳簿。... 25
The storm scene from Marin Marais’ Alcyone (1706). … 26 Marin Marais 的《Alcyone》(1706 年)中的風暴場景。... 26
P. Haas: Frederick II of Prussia (1712-1786) playing a flute concerto. … 28 P. Haas:Frederick II of Prussia (1712-1786) 演奏長笛協奏曲。... 28
Seating plan of the Dresden opera. (Rousseau: dictionnary - 1768). … 31 德累斯顿歌剧院的座位图。(盧梭:字典 - 1768)。... 31
Seating plan of the Grand Theater in Versailles in 1773. … 32 1773 年凡爾賽大劇院的座位圖。... 32
Seating plan of the Paris Opera Orchestra in 1810. … 33 1810 年巴黎歌劇院管弦樂團的座位圖。... 33
Seating plan of the Conservatory Society of Concerts Orchestra in 182834(Elwart, 1860). 1828 年 Conservatory Society of Concerts 樂團的座位圖4 (Elwart, 1860)。
The seating plan according to the instructions left by Hector Berlioz in 1844. … 35 根據 Hector Berlioz 於 1844 年留下的指示所繪製的座位表。... 35
The Philharmonic Society Orchestra seating plan of 1846. … 35 1846 年 Philharmonic Society 樂團座位圖。... 35
The Boston Symphony Orchestra in 1882. … 36 1882 年的波士頓交響樂團。... 36
Louis Antoins Jullien conducting a Promenade concert in Covent Garden on Nov. 7, 31856. From The Illustrated London News, 1846.A double bass by Peeter Borbon, Brussels 1668.40 Louis Antoins Jullien 於 31856 年 11 月 7 日在 Covent Garden 指揮 Promenade 音樂會。摘自《倫敦新聞畫報》,1846.Peeter Borbon 的低音提琴,布魯塞爾,1668.40
The simplification of double bass parts according to Quantz (1752). … 44 根據 Quantz (1752) 簡化低音提琴聲部。... 44
Example of 18 th century simplified double bass part (Corrette, 1781). … 45 18 世紀簡化低音大提琴聲部的範例 (Corrette, 1781)。... 45
Example of 19 th century simplified double bass part: excerpts from the 4symphonies of Beethoven.A four string fretted double bass (Hindle, 1850).51 十九世紀簡化低音大提琴聲部的範例:貝多芬四首交響曲的選段。
Antonio Dall’ Occa, 1763-1846, by E.Th.A. Hoffmann. … 52 Antonio Dall' Occa,1763-1846,E.Th.A. Hoffmann 著。... 52
A keyboard mechanism for double bass by Brillet (patent 1850). … 57 Brillet 的低音大提琴鍵盤裝置 (1850 年專利)。... 57
A page from I. Bille’s “Gli strumenti ad arco…”, 1828. … 67 來自 I.Bille's 'Gli strumenti ad arco...', 1828.... 67
David Horine standing next to the Grand Bass of the Americam maker John Geyer. … 69 David Horine 站在美國製琴師 John Geyer 的 Grand Bass 旁邊。... 69
The Giant: this flat backed instrument belonged to Dragonetti’s collection … 69 巨人:這把平背樂器屬於 Dragonetti 的收藏 ... 69
Authentic, except for the more recent fingerboard and scroll. Guiseppe Zocchi: The concerto. … 71 真品,除了指板和捲軸較新。Guiseppe Zocchi:協奏曲。... 71
Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume’s Octobasse (Soullier, 1855). … 74 Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume 的 Octobasse (Soullier, 1855)。... 74
A chamber bass from Mirecourt (France), end of 18 th cent. … 78 來自 Mirecourt(法國)的室內低音大提琴,18 世紀末。... 78
A 17 th century chamber bass in Gdae^(')G d a e^{\prime} tuning (Kircher, 1650). … 78 17 世紀的室內低音大提琴,採用 Gdae^(')G d a e^{\prime} 調音 (Kircher, 1650)。... 78
J. Becka: An invitation to the Ball. Prague, end of 18 th cent. … 79 J. Becka:舞會邀請函。布拉格,18 世紀末。... 79
The Leipzig Thomasschule in 1729. … 79 1729 年的萊比錫托馬斯學校。... 79
High quality basses for children made by the Atelier du Val d’Arol, Mirecourt … 82(France). 由 Atelier du Val d'Arol, Mirecourt ... 82(法國)製造的高品質兒童低音大提琴。
Orazio “il Gentileschi” Lomi (1562-1646): Saint Cecilia playing the lute. … 85 Orazio 'il Gentileschi' Lomi (1562-1646):聖塞西莉亞彈奏琵琶。... 85
A page from Majer’s Museum Musicum. … 89 來自 Majer's Museum Musicum 的一頁。... 89
The tuning of the double bass in France according to Corrette (1781). … 91 根據 Corrette (1781) 所說的法國低音大提琴調音。... 91
Corrette’s depiction of a double bass made by Simon Bongard, Paris 1663. … 91 Corrette 描繪 Simon Bongard 製作的低音大提琴,巴黎,1663 年。... 91
Pietro Domenico Olivero: Inaugural performance at the Royal Opera house in Turin, … 100 Pietro Domenico Olivero:都靈皇家歌劇院的首演,... 100
on September 26, 1740. DetallEighteenth century performance of an oratorio in England.105 1740 年 9 月 26 日。Detall 十八世紀在英國演出的清唱劇。
Presto movement from Antoine Mahaut’s second symphony (1754). … 124 Antoine Mahaut 第二交響曲 (1754) 的前奏樂章。... 124
A page from the orchestral double bass part for the overture to Rameau’s “Les … 124 Rameau 的《Les ... 124》序曲的管弦樂低音提琴聲部中的一頁。
Fetes d’Hebe” (1739). Fetes d'Hebe》(1739 年)。
Overture to Rameau’s opera “Les Boreades” (1764). … 124 Rameau 的歌劇《Les Boreades》(1764)序曲。... 124
Entry “Double bass”, Busby - 1791. … 128 條目 「低音大提琴」, Busby - 1791.... 128
Entry “Double bass”, Gehot - 1790. … 129 條目 「低音大提琴」, Gehot - 1790.... 129
John Mancini’s scordatura device (The Mancee). … 134 John Mancini 的 scordatura 裝置 (The Mancee)。... 134
A five-string double bass by Patrick Charton (France). … 136 Patrick Charton(法國)的五弦低音大提琴。... 136
Original C extension, with Carl Pittrich’s mechanism (Harcourt, 1908). … 139 原始 C 延伸,搭配 Carl Pittrich 的機制 (Harcourt, 1908)。... 139
The Fawcett EE string extension mechanism. … 140 Fawcett EE 字串延伸機制。... 140
A fingered CC extension device by John Michael Smith. … 142 John Michael Smith 的指形 CC 延伸裝置。... 142
Double bass bows from different periods. … 146 不同時期的低音提琴弓。... 146
Early bow. … 147 早期的弓形。... 147
Sixteenth century bow. … 147 十六世紀的弓。... 147
Georg Balthasar Probst: a concert in a palace (fragment). Augsburg ca 1750. … 148 Georg Balthasar Probst:宮殿音樂會(片段)。奧格斯堡,約 1750 年。... 148
Eighteenth century French double bass player (Laborde, 1780). … 148 十八世紀法國低音提琴演奏家 (Laborde, 1780)。... 148
Panel of a late 17 th century French buffet (Grillet, 1901). … 149 17 世紀晚期法國自助餐的面板 (Grillet, 1901)。... 149
Bow of the Bologna school of double bass playing. … 150 Bow of the Bologna school of double bass playing.... 150
Original Dragonetti bow. … 150 原創 Dragonetti 蝴蝶結。... 150
Dragonetti’s bow grip. … 151 Dragonetti 的弓形握把。... 151
Model bow as conceived by Dragonetti for the Paris conservatory. … 152 德拉戈奈蒂為巴黎音樂學院設計的琴弓模型。... 152
Modified Dragonetti model bow as constructed by Gand senior. … 152 由 Gand senior 製作的改良 Dragonetti 模型弓。... 152
French type of bow as constructed by Gand senior. … 152 Ghent senior 建造的法式弓。... 152
Three musicians. English school of the 18 th century. … 153 三位音樂家。十八世紀英國流派。... 153
Domenico Dragonetti (1763-1846). … 158 Domenico Dragonetti (1763-1846).... 158
Giovanni Bottesini (1823-1889). … 158 Giovanni Bottesini (1823-1889).... 158
Achille Gouffe (1804-1874) … 163 Achille Gouffe (1804-1874) ... 163
Edouard Nanny (1872-1943). … 168 Edouard Nanny (1872-1943).... 168
Serge Koussevitzky (1874-1951). … 168 Serge Koussevitzky (1874-1951).... 168
Francesco Petracchi. … 169 Francesco Petracchi.... 169
Jean-Marc Rollez. … 169 Jean-Marc Rollez.... 169
Entry Michel P. de Monteclair, Amelot manuscript, Bibl. de l’Opera, Paris. … 172 Entry Michel P. de Monteclair, Amelot manuscript, Bibl. de l'Opera, Paris.... 172
Bertram Turetzky. … 179 Bertram Turetzky.... 179
Page 15: Jean-Louis Tuleau; 20: Musee des Beaux-Arts, Rennes; 24: Musee des Beaux-Arts, Dijon; 34: Rob Kusters; 36: Boston Symphony Orchestra archives; 40: Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique, Brussels; 57: Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris; 70: Victoria and Albert Museum, London; 78: Gemeente Museum, The Hague; 82: Atelier du Val d’Arol, Mirecourt; 85: Istituto centrale per il cataloguo e la documentazione, Rome; 100: Museo Civico, Turin; 134: Mike Mancini; 136: Patrick Charton; 140: Ronald Prentice; 142: John Michael Smith; 146: Conservatorio di Musica Luigi Cherubini, Florence; 148, 153: Hubert Proute, Paris; 158: Labo 4, Paris; 163: Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Thaw; 169: Francesco Petracchi; 169: Jean-Marc Rollez; 172: Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris; 179: Bertram Turetzky. Page 15: Jean-Louis Tuleau; 20: Musee des Beaux-Arts, Rennes; 24: Musee des Beaux-Arts, Dijon; 34: Rob Kusters; 36: Boston Symphony Orchestra archives; 40: Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique, Brussels; 57: Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris; 70: Victoria and Albert Museum, London; 78: Gemeente Museum, The Hague; 82:82: Atelier du Val d'Arol, Mirecourt; 85: Istituto centrale per il cataloguo e la documentazione, Rome; 100: Museo Civico, Turin; 134: Mike Mancini; 136: Patrick Charton; 140: Ronald Prentice; 142: John Michael Smith; 146: Conservatorio di Musica Luigi Cherubini, Florence; 148, 153: Hubert Proute, Paris; 158: Labo 4, Paris; 163: Mr.and Mrs. Eugene Thaw; 169: Francesco Petracchi; 169: Jean-Marc Rollez; 172: Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris; 179: Bertram Turetzky.
All other photographs and drawings by Paul Brun. 所有其他照片和圖畫均由 Paul Brun 繪製。
Dragonetti probably used the highest bridge-height and nut-height of any player, before or since! See his Gasparo da Salo bass in Venice (San Marco). Dragonetti 可能是在此之前或之後,使用最高琴橋高度和螺母高度的演奏家!請參閱他在威尼斯 (San Marco) 的 Gasparo da Salo 低音大提琴。
Example of 18 th century simplified double bass part, Corrette 1781. 18 世紀簡化低音提琴聲部的範例,Corrette 1781。
Curiously enough, some of these concertos are today published and performed in the key of E major - see Vanhal’s concerto and Dittersdorf’s second concerto, Krebs 172. 奇怪的是,其中一些協奏曲今天卻以 E 大調出版和演奏 - 見 Vanhal 的協奏曲和 Dittersdorf 的第二協奏曲,Krebs 172。
Eric Halpenny replied to this charge that “to suggest the fretting of the double bass in the light of modern symphonic writing for this instrument argues an ignorance of the practical facts which is, to say the least, other worldly”. (A note on the genealogy of the double bass, The Galpin Society Journal, March 1948). Eric Halpenny 回應這項指控時說:「根據現代交響樂的寫作來建議低音大提琴的指法,至少可以說是對現實的無知。(有關低音大提琴系譜的說明,The Galpin Society Journal,1948 年 3 月)。
Incidentally, one may speculate that Dragonetti’s various stays in Vienna in the years 1808-1809 and in 1813 hastened the rejection of the fretted Viennese five-stringer. 順帶一提,我們可以推測 Dragonetti 在 1808-1809 年和 1813 年間曾多次逗留維也納,這加速了他對維也納五弦琴的排斥。
A telling illustration of this development is the case of Martin Stoss; although he built one of his first four-stringers in 1836, four of his surviving instruments (three dating from the beginning of the 19th century and another from 1820) are all five-stringed terzviolons in the Viennese tradition. Martin Stoss 的例子就很能說明這一發展;雖然他在 1836 年製作了第一張四弦琴,但他現存的四張樂器(三張可追溯至 19 世紀初,另一張可追溯至 1820 年)都是維也納傳統的五弦三角琴。
This is obviously not the ease, as the stop of the more common orchestral double basses is usually about 34 cm shorter. 這很明顯並不容易,因為較常見的管弦樂低音大提琴的止音通常短約 34 公分。
The tones sound an octave lower than notated (șee Chapter 4, Tuning). 音調比所記載的低八度 (ș參閱第 4 章,調音)。
In Castillon’s article: “Basse Double”, 1776. 在 Castillon 的文章中:'Basse Double',1776 年。
** In Plate XXIL, 1767; see also M. LE-BLOND, “Contre-basse”, 1754. ** 插圖 XXIL,1767 年;另見 M. LE-BLOND, 'Contre-basse', 1754 年。
Tuning E B e a. 調音 E B 和 a。
Double bass bows from different periods 不同時期的低音提琴弓