Dedicated to the Memory of 謹此紀念
Pierre Delescluse (1900-1975)
Orchestre National de France 法國國家管弦樂團
Orchestre de la Suisse Romande 瑞士羅曼德管弦樂團
Boston Symphony Orchestra 波士頓交響樂團
Double bass precursor, innovator, talented artist and dedicated teacher 低音大提琴的先驅、創新者、才華洋溢的藝術家和盡心盡力的老師 10//12//200010 / 12 / 2000
Acknowledgments 鳴謝
I would especially like to thank Lynn MORREL from Seattle for the accuracy of her translation, Clelia GOLDINGS from Boston for her help, kindness and good advice, and my wife Marlies KUSTERS from the Netherlands who translated most of the German material used in this book. 我特別要感謝來自西雅圖的 Lynn MORREL,感謝她翻譯的準確性;來自波士頓的 Clelia GOLDINGS,感謝她的幫助、親切和好的建議;以及來自荷蘭的我的妻子 Marlies KUSTERS,她翻譯了本書所使用的大部分德文資料。
I am also obliged to Michel LABOUR, brought up in Durban, Republic of South Africa for kindly accepting to proof-read part of the manuscript. In the U.S. Christopher Brown and Duane Rosengard have also greatly helped me polish up the manuscript. 我也要感謝在南非共和國德班長大的 Michel LABOUR,他欣然接受校對部分手稿。在美國的 Christopher Brown 和 Duane Rosengard 也幫了我許多忙。
Last but not least, I am indebted to David WALTER for generously providing me with a number of his excellent articles on the double bass. 最後,我要感謝 David WALTER 慷慨地為我提供他許多關於低音大提琴的優秀文章。
One has only to note the lack of documentation presently devoted to the history of the double bass, in order to appreciate the true value and interest of the “History of the double bass” written by my friend Paul Brun. 只要注意到目前專門研究低音大提琴歷史的文獻不足,就能體會到我的朋友 Paul Brun 所撰寫的「低音大提琴歷史」的真正價值與趣味。
Because of its technical and scientific aspect, this book gives essential and long awaited information to bass players, permitting them to better know their instrument and its evolution throughout the centuries. 由於其技術性和科學性,這本書為貝斯演奏者提供了期待已久的重要資訊,使他們能夠更好地瞭解自己的樂器以及它在幾個世紀以來的演變。
I recommend this book not only to bassists, but also to music lovers, musicologists, orchestra conductors, historians, and instrument makers. 我不僅推薦這本書給低音結他手,也推薦給音樂愛好者、音樂學家、樂團指揮、歷史學家和樂器製造商。
“A history of the double bass” is written in a well-structured, explicit manner. Although certain passages will be more interesting to specialists, the entire work remains accessible to the layman since the author summarizes each chapter clearly and draws conclusions everyone can understand. 「低音大提琴史 」的撰寫方式結構清晰、明確。雖然某些段落對專家而言較為有趣,但由於作者清楚總結每一章的內容,並得出每個人都能理解的結論,因此整部作品對於門外漢而言仍是易懂的。
It is interesting to note that Paul Brun does not limit his study to the instrument itself but enriches it by also speaking about the bow and the instrumentalist. Since its beginning, the bow has always been the cause of controversy between those who favor one technique or the other. As for the biographical chapter, it allows the reader to know better some of those who contributed to the ascension of this instrument by giving it titles of nobility. 有趣的是,保羅‧布魯並沒有將他的研究僅限於樂器本身,而是同時談到琴弓與樂器演奏者,豐富了他的研究。從一開始,琴弓就一直是那些傾向於一種或另一種技巧的人之間爭論的原因。至於人物傳記的章節,則讓讀者更了解一些賦予這把樂器貴族稱號,並為其昇華做出貢獻的人。
In the name of all my bass friends, I wish to express my gratitude to Paul Brun who, thanks to his erudition and painstaking research, has offered us a precious reference work and a book of high quality. 我謹以我所有低音結他朋友的名義,向 Paul Brun 表示感謝,感謝他的博學和艱苦的研究,為我們提供了一本珍貴的參考著作和高品質的書籍。
Chapter Page 章節 頁數
Acknowledgments … 4 鳴謝 ... 4
Preface by Jean-Marc ROLLEZ. … 5 Jean-Marc ROLLEZ 的序言。... 5
Contents … 7 目錄 ... 7 … 9 … 18 ... 9 ... 18
Chapter I Historical development … 19 第一章 歷史發展...... 19
Chapter notes … 39 章節說明 ... 39
馀住 Chapter II Variations in playing standards … 41 餘住 Chapter II Variations in Playing Standards ... 41
Chapter notes … 64 章節說明 ... 64
Chapter III Variations in size … 67
Chapter notes … 84 章節說明 ... 84
Chapter IV Tuning … 87 第四章 調校 ... 87
Chapter notes … 119 章節說明 ... 119
Chapter V The 16 -foot double bass, past and present … 123 第五章 16 呎低音大提琴的過去與現在...... 123
Chapter notes … 144 章節說明 ... 144
Chapter VI Bowing techniques … 147
Chapter notes … 157 章節說明 ... 157
Chapter VII Biographical … 159 第七章 傳記...... 159
Bibliography … 181 參考書目 ... 181
List of illustrations … 192 插圖清單 ... 192
Index of names … 194 名稱索引 ... 194
Pictures credit … 199 圖片來源 ... 199
Introduction 簡介
The development of the double bass is linked to two facets of musical history: the changing configuration of the violin family and the evolution of the orchestral ensemble. 低音提琴的發展與音樂史的兩個層面息息相關:小提琴家族結構的變化和管弦樂團的演變。
As a member of the violin family, the double bass shares fully in its history, development and technique. Its uniqueness, however, stems from its evolving musical function in the orchestra which has brought about a number of significant changes. 身為小提琴家族的一員,低音大提琴與小提琴的歷史、發展和技術完全相同。然而,它的獨特之處在於其在管弦樂團中不斷演變的音樂功能,並帶來了許多重大的改變。
Each successive stage in the history of the double bass has required the instrument to adapt to new musical and technical demands; playing techniques and even quality of sound have varied accordingly. The fruit of three centuries of technical progress, the double bass has progressively been subjected to modifications in shape and fittings which differentiate it from its model and point of departure, the violin. To a lesser degree, the other members of the violin family have also participated in this process of modification and adaptation. The modern terms for these instruments are given below: 低音大提琴歷史上的每個階段都要求樂器適應新的音樂和技術需求;演奏技巧甚至音質也相應地發生變化。作為三個世紀以來技術進步的成果,低音大提琴在形狀和配件上的改變,使其有別於其原型和出發點--小提琴。在較小的程度上,小提琴家族的其他成員也參與了這個修改和適應的過程。以下是這些樂器的現代術語:
Inside of a double bass: made in the same way and with the same 低音大提琴的內部:以相同的方式製作,並使用相同的材料。
materials as a violin. 作為小提琴的材料。
Although made in the same way and of similar materials as the violin, each member of the family has its distinguishing characteristics. According to Christopher Bunting, for example, a glance at the cello immediately reveals its family relationship with the violin and the viola; but, upon closer examination, important differences become apparent: 雖然製作方式和材料與小提琴相同,但家族中的每個成員都有其獨特之處。Christopher Bunting 指出,舉例來說,只要看一眼大提琴,就能立即看出它與小提琴和中提琴的家族關係;但如果仔細觀察,就會發現重要的差異:
“The proportions of length and breadth are approximately maintained, but the depth is increased in order to provide an enclosed volume sufficient to give the necessary resonance to the lower notes. The height of the bridge is proportionally greater, and its curvature is different to accord with the different tension-spectrum of the strings. Briefly, the differences follow three rules: volumes increase cubically, areas by squares and lengths linearly.” ^(1){ }^{1} "長度和寬度的比例大致維持不變,但深度有所增加,以提供足夠的封閉音量,讓低音產生必要的共鳴。琴橋的高度按比例增加,其曲度也有所不同,以配合不同張力的琴弦。簡而言之,這些差異遵循三個規則:體積以立方方式增加,面積以平方方式增加,長度以線性方式增加。 ^(1){ }^{1}
In other words, “the body of air inside the cello must be equally scientifically proportioned to the depth of tone it is destined to produce, and as the correct capacity would too greatly enlarge the outline, if made in the proportions of a violin, the difficulty is obviated by giving the instrument an increased depth. Therefore, it is a great pity that many writers have loosely stated (doubtless with the best intentions) that ‘the proportions of the fiddle, the tenor, the bass and the double bass should all be identical with one another’.” ^(2){ }^{2} The three other members of the violin family are thus made smaller proportionally, for convenience, than if modelled on the ideal measurements of the violin. The above mentioned differences between the viola, cello and violin ought necessarily to be amplified in the double bass. The size of this instrument should not be so excessive that it would cause the musician to contort himself physically when playing: we shall see that exceptional modifications were indeed required to adapt it to the morphology of the instrumentalists. 換句話說,「大提琴內部的氣體必須與它注定要產生的音色深度呈現同樣科學化的比例,由於正確的容量如果以小提琴的比例來製作,會使輪廓過度擴大,因此藉由增加樂器的深度就可以解決這個難題。因此,許多作家鬆散地說「提琴、次中音、低音提琴和低音大提琴的比例應該彼此相同」(無疑是出於好意),這是非常可惜的"。 ^(2){ }^{2} 因此,為了方便起見,小提琴家族的其他三個成員在比例上都比以小提琴的理想尺寸為藍本時小。上述中提琴、大提琴與小提琴之間的差異,在低音大提琴上必然會被放大。這種樂器的尺寸不應過大,以免造成演奏者在演奏時的身體扭曲:我們將會看到,為了使其符合樂器演奏者的形態,確實需要進行特殊的修改。
These changes are as follows: 這些變更如下:
A - Tuning changes A - 調校變更
The spread of the fingers when stopping on the double bass is obviously proportional to the size of the instrument; in the first position, the index and the little finger (first and fourth fingers) barely suffice to cover one whole-tone interval! Thus, if we compare an identical interval played on the violin and the double bass, we find that what can be done with no change of position on the violin requires the bassist to make a shift of ten positions, a good 40cm^(3)40 \mathrm{~cm} \mathbf{}^{3} 在低音大提琴上停止時,手指的張開度顯然與樂器的大小成正比;在第一個位置時,食指和小指(第一和第四指)勉強足以覆蓋一個全音程!因此,如果我們比較用小提琴和低音大提琴演奏一個相同的音程,我們會發現在小提琴上無須改變位置就可以完成的演奏,需要低音大提琴手做十個位置的移動,這是一個很好的 40cm^(3)40 \mathrm{~cm} \mathbf{}^{3} 。
Like the other members of the violin family, the first double basses were long tuned in fifths. In 1828, French bass player E.L.Gelinck made the following remarks concerning the shortcomings of this tuning which was used in France at the time: 與小提琴家族的其他成員一樣,最早的低音大提琴也是以五度為長調。1828 年,法國低音大提琴演奏家 E.L.Gelinck 就當時法國使用的這種調音方式的缺點發表了以下意見:
"There is half a tone for each two inches of distance, and consequently eight inches for the third and ten for the fourth; thus, as will be understood it is almost impossible, in a rapid movement, to bridge such a space with the hand giving to each note the suitable degree of pressure ^('')^(4){ }^{\prime \prime}{ }^{4} "每兩英吋的距離就有半個音,因此第三個音是八英吋,第四個音是十英吋;因此,就像我們所了解的,在快速的移動中,幾乎不可能用手給予每個音符適當程度的壓力來銜接這樣的空間。
This difficulty explains why players abandoned the tuning in fifths during the 19th century, at which time the practice of simplification of parts was no longer tolerated. The tuning in fifths obliged to perform “unheard-of acrobatics”, with the left hand moving about constantly on the fingerboard ^(**){ }^{*} thus rendering the performance “uncertain and incoherent”. ^(5){ }^{5} 這個難題解釋了為什麼演奏家在十九世紀捨棄了五度調音,因為當時已不再容許簡化聲部的做法。 ^(**){ }^{*} 因此,五度調音迫使演奏者進行 「前所未聞的雜技」,左手在指板上不停地移動,從而使演奏變得 「不確定、不連貫」。 ^(5){ }^{5}
In 19th century France, conductors had to slow the tempo of the Scherzo of Beethoven’s fifth symphony in order to give the bass players more time to cope with their awkward tuning. ^(6){ }^{6} The closer tuning by fourths, a necessity in view of the large spaces to be bridged in fingering, is better suited to the length of the fingerboard in that it reduces left-hand movements. This greater ease of performance earned the preference of musicians, as the hand could reach a larger succession of notes without unnecessary efforts. 在十九世紀的法國,指揮家不得不放慢貝多芬第五交響曲的諧謔曲的速度,好讓低音提琴手有更多時間來應付他們笨拙的調音。 ^(6){ }^{6} 由於指法上需要彌補很大的空間,因此必須採用更接近四度的調音方式,這種方式更適合指板的長度,因為它可以減少左手的動作。這種更容易演奏的方式贏得了音樂家們的喜愛,因為手可以在不費力的情況下達到更多的連續音符。
B - Alterations in the body. B - 身體的改變。
The violin model long prevailed for the construction of double basses; in this respect, for example, most 19th century French double bass top tables are perfect large scale reproductions of Stradivari violins. It is generally believed among instrument-makers that the best sound comes from an overall contour that is similar to that of the violin or cello. However, reaching the upper register is extremely difficult with a violin- or cello-shaped bass. In February 1911, Towry Piper stated in “The Strad” magazine that "double basses of cello shape have 長期以來,低音大提琴的製作都是以小提琴為藍本;在這方面,舉例來說,大多數十九世紀的法國低音大提琴面板都是斯特拉迪瓦里小提琴的完美大型複製品。製琴師普遍認為,最好的聲音來自與小提琴或大提琴相似的整體輪廓。然而,以小提琴或大提琴形狀的低音結他來達到高音域是非常困難的。1911 年 2 月,Towry Piper 在「The Strad」雜誌中指出:「大提琴形狀的低音大提琴具有以下特點
This fact might explain Johann Mattheson’s edifying statement that playing the double bass was “labour fit for a horse”. 約翰‧馬特森 (Johann Mattheson) 曾說,彈奏低音大提琴是「適合馬匹的勞動」。
frequently been made, but do not seem to have found much favor, the reason being that a cello-shaped bass is, for most players, a very awkward and fearsome beast to handle, owing to the absence of sloping shoulders and to the swell of the form" ^('')^(7){ }^{\prime \prime}{ }^{7}
This sort of instrument posed no problem as long as bassists hesitated to venture further than d or f_(1)\mathrm{f}_{1}, but when these limits were pushed back, two basic modifications had to be made in the conception of the higher part of the body. - Today, most basses are built with sloping shoulders so as to make it easier to reach the higher positions. This sloping of the shoulders was accentuated at the beginning of our century when Edouard Nanny found himself confronted with the solo part of “L’enfant et les sortilèges”. As the instrument’s size kept him from reaching the higher-register notes written by Maurice Ravel, he decided to have his bass cut to the so-called cutaway or steeply sloping shoulders, and was soon followed in this by miany players. 只要低音大提琴手不願意嘗試超過 d 或 f_(1)\mathrm{f}_{1} 的位置,這類樂器就不會有任何問題,但是當這些極限被推回時,就必須在身體較高位置的構想上做兩項基本的修改。- 今天,大多數的低音大提琴都有傾斜的肩部,以便更容易達到較高的位置。在本世紀初,當 Edouard Nanny 發現自己面臨《L'enfant et les sortilèges》的獨奏部分時,肩部的傾斜變得更加突出。由於樂器的尺寸使他無法達到 Maurice Ravel 所寫的高音區音符,因此他決定將低音提琴切割成所謂的切面或陡峭的斜肩,很快就有許多演奏家跟隨他的做法。
The same quest for greater ease of performance led to the curvature of the back toward the base of the neck and the consequent reduction of the ribs in the upper part of the bass, as an excessive thickness of the instrument’s body at the musician’s chest level made playing very difficult, especially in the higher positions. F.A. Echlin reported in “The Strad” magazine that “a few old basses were made without any slope in the back and were very awkward to play, so they have been rebuilt with the slope”…^(**)^{*} 同樣地,為了追求演奏上的簡便性,貝斯的背板向琴頸底部彎曲,並隨之減少了上半部的肋骨,因為琴身在樂手胸部的厚度過大,使得演奏變得非常困難,尤其是在較高的位置。F.A. Echlin 在 "The Strad 「雜誌中報導:」一些舊的低音大提琴在製作時,琴背並沒有任何斜度,彈奏起來非常彆扭,因此在重建時加入了斜度"... ^(**)^{*} 。
Because of these modifications in its shape, the double bass has sometimes been called a hybrid instrument. But the changes were dictated by utility, and they have in no way harmed its characteristic timbre. Indeed, modern acoustics have decisively shown that, in spite of what one might expect, the shape of the body does not play a decisive role in the resonance of string instruments. In fact, resonance depends far more on the structure of the instrument and on the material used - spruce for the top, maple for the back, ribs and neck - than on the outline. ^(9){ }^{9} Viols, for example, are found in an extraordinary variety of shapes, including some very near approaches to the violin form; but what is more extraordinary is how little this factor appears to influence the tone. 由於形狀的改變,低音大提琴有時被稱為混合樂器。但這些改變都是為了實用性,而且絕對沒有損害其特有的音色。事實上,現代聲學已經明確指出,儘管人們可能會預期,但琴身的形狀對弦樂器的共鳴並沒有決定性的影響。事實上,共鳴遠比外形更取決於樂器的結構和所使用的材料 - 雲杉作為面板,楓木作為背板、肋板和琴頸。 ^(9){ }^{9} 舉例來說,小提琴的形狀非常多樣化,包括一些非常接近小提琴的形狀;但更奇特的是,這個因素對音色的影響似乎非常小。
According to Robert Donington, a much more crucial matter is the thickness of 根據 Robert Donington 的說法,更關鍵的問題在於厚度。
The problem of flat versus carved (also called round, swelled or arched) backs is an altogether different matter. Flat backs are easier to build and cheaper in terms of material, but are of ten plagued with maintenance problems. Carved backs are more difficult to fashion, but they are less affected by temperature changes, as they can expand and contract with relative freedom. 平背板與雕花背板(也稱為圓背板、脹背板或拱形背板)是完全不同的問題。平背較容易製作,材料也較便宜,但卻有保養的問題。雕花靠背較難製作,但受溫度變化的影響較小,因為它們可以相對自由地膨脹和收縮。
the wood at different points; ^(10){ }^{10} also, the archings on all the oldest English viols were quite different from the ones on instruments of the violin family. On viols, there was no groove at all around the edge in which the purfling is placed. Lengthwise, between top and bottom blocks, the arching was absolutely convex, which made it tremendously strong. The oldest viols had no wooden linings: linen linings were the order of the day, freedom of response being then considered so vital. For additional lightness, the neck of viols were often made of linden, with a simple ebony veneer. ^(10){ }^{10} 此外,所有最古老的英國提琴上的拱形飾紋與小提琴家族樂器上的飾紋截然不同。在中提琴上,放置鑲邊的邊緣完全沒有溝槽。從長度來看,在上塊和下塊之間,拱形飾板是絕對凸起的,這使得它非常堅固。最古老的提琴沒有木質的襯裡:亞麻布襯裡是當時的主流,因為反應的自由度在當時被認為是非常重要的。為了增加輕盈感,提琴的琴頸通常以椴木製成,再加上簡單的黑檀木飾面。
A lack of understanding of the fundamental differences in the stucture and construction of these two distinct instrumental families led the first inexperienced instrument-makers of the 20th century revival of ancient music to .“make viols which were simply violins and cellos with a different outline”."1 In the 18th century, one could also find viols constructed like cellos, but which any estate lawyer of the time would have recognized as viois. . Conversely, some instruments having a more or less pronounced viol outline are nevertheless true double bass violins. 由於不了解這兩種不同樂器在結構與構造上的根本差異,導致二十世紀復興古樂的第一批經驗不足的製琴師............ 「製作的小提琴,只是小提琴與大提琴不同的輪廓 」1。相反地,有些具有或多或少明顯中提琴輪廓的樂器卻是真正的低音大提琴。
The design of an instrument depends mainly on its tension and thicknesses as well as on its fittings and adjustments. The double bass, which follows the cello in all these essentials, is therefore fully entitled to being called a true member of the violin family. 樂器的設計主要取決於它的張力和厚度,以及它的配件和調整。低音大提琴在所有這些要件上都與大提琴相同,因此完全有資格被稱為小提琴家族的真正成員。
C - Development and perfecting of new accessories. C - 新配件的開發與完善。
The requirements made on the double bass over the course of its existence have also necessitated other adaptations involving its accessories. Such improvements, which have progressively enabled the double bass to assume an indispensable role in orchestral music, have also contributed to its differentiation from the other instruments of the violin family. 在低音大提琴存在的過程中,對它的要求也使得它的配件有必要進行其他的改良。這些改良使低音大提琴逐漸在管弦樂中擔當不可或缺的角色,也使它有別於小提琴家族的其他樂器。
The adjustable height bridge, for example, allows playing in optimal conditions even in very rigorous climates, reducing dependency on the phenomena of contraction and expansion of the instrument’s body. 例如,可調整高度的琴橋,即使在非常嚴苛的氣候條件下,也能以最佳狀態演奏,減少對琴身收縮及膨脹現象的依賴。
The end pin, which adjusts the instrument’s height to the height and position of the player, was not adopted until the 20th century. It replaces the button still to be found on old instruments gathering dust in the attics and back rooms of 尾銷可以根據演奏者的身高和位置調整樂器的高度,直到 20 世紀才被採用。它取代了舊式樂器上的按鈕,這種按鈕至今仍在閣樓和密室中積滿灰塵。
See inventory of the estate drawn subsequent to the decease of Miss Jeanne Zeltener, May 12, 1770: “Two viols in cello-form, estimated 24 pounds” ^(12){ }^{12}. 請參閱 Jeanne Zeltener 小姐逝世後的遺產清單,1770 年 5 月 12 日:「兩把大提琴形狀的小提琴,估價 24 磅」 ^(12){ }^{12} 。
Adjustable-height bridge. 可調整高度的橋板。
some musical societies. 一些音樂社團。
The tuning mechanism has been the object of much experimentation. The enormous tension of double bass strings makes tuning by the sole means of friction-held pegs very difficult. The earliest bassists therefore made use of a large iron key which served as a lever, thus making possible a somewhat approximate tuning. This key is illustrated by Michael Praetorius (1571-1621) and by Michel Corrette in his treatise on the double bass (1781). 調音裝置一直是許多實驗的目標。低音大提琴弦的張力極大,因此僅靠摩擦固定栓來調音非常困難。因此,最早的低音大提琴手使用了一個大鐵鑰,作為槓桿,從而實現了近似的調音。Michael Praetorius (1571-1621) 和 Michel Corrette 在他的低音大提琴論文中 (1781) 對這種鑰匙進行了說明。
However, the tension of the strings is so strong in the case of the double bass that the pegs tended to loosen and give way under this system, thus ruining the intonation. The solution adopted by the Germans was a cogwheel and catch mechanism (the so-called ratchet and pawl device) similar to that used in watches. This was not perfect, either, and Praetorius expressed reservations concerning the precision of such a device: for, if a single tooth was released in one or the other direction, the string instantly rose or descended by as much as two commas, which was obviously far too imprecise for ensemble playing. ^(13){ }^{13} 然而,低音大提琴的琴弦張力非常大,在這種系統下,琴釘容易鬆脫,從而破壞音調。德國人採用的解決方案是類似於手錶的齒輪和棘爪裝置(所謂的棘輪和棘爪裝置)。這也不是完美的,Praetorius 對於這種裝置的精確度表示保留:因為如果單個齒向一個或另一個方向釋放,琴弦會立即上升或下降兩個逗點之多,這對於合奏來說顯然太不精確了。 ^(13){ }^{13}
A Mittenwald double bass from the early 18th century, now housed in the Basel Museum in Switzerland, is still fitted with this mechanism. Chronicles of the period explain that the tuning of these instruments was such an enormous undertaking that the special 18 世紀早期的 Mittenwald 低音大提琴,現藏於瑞士的巴塞爾博物館,仍然裝有這種裝置。當時的歷史記載指出,為這些樂器調音是一項艱鉅的工作,因此必須使用特殊的調音器。
nionter. Les chevilles help of luthiers was required on location before each performance ^(14){ }^{14}. ......。Les chevilles 在每次演出前都需要製琴師到場幫忙 ^(14){ }^{14} 。
It was not until the 1770 's* that a decisive solution was found, when Karl Ludwig Bachmann (1748-1809), a viola player at the Berlin court and part-time luthier, had the brilliant idea of replacing the catch by a wormscrew. ^(15){ }^{15} Here was an astute juxtaposition of two elements that had been know and in use for 直到 1770 年代*,柏林宮廷的中提琴演奏家兼製琴師卡爾-路德維希-巴赫曼(Karl Ludwig Bachmann,1748-1809 年)發現了一個絕妙的主意,用蝸牛螺絲取代了夾板,才找到了決定性的解決方案。 ^(15){ }^{15} 將兩種已知的元素巧妙的並置在一起。
In 1764, however, the following surprising advertisement appeared in the Parisian journal “Annonces,Affiches et Avis divers”: “Fine double bass with screws, case and fittings for the price of 240 pounds”. 然而在 1764 年,巴黎雜誌「Annonces,Affiches et Avis divers」刊登了以下令人驚訝的廣告:「精美低音大提琴,附螺絲、琴盒及配件,售價 240 磅」。
centuries. Its advantages were a perfect precision and stability as well as a very helpful gearing down of the string tension. 幾個世紀。它的優點是完美的精確度和穩定性,以及非常有用的琴弦張力齒輪。
Strings can hardly be regarded as accessories, so vital is their role in the acoustical system of the instrument. The earliest bassists used thick, uncovered sheep’s gut strings which were plagued with continual pitch distortions caused by the insufficient twist of their threads. With advances in the technology of string twisting, the strings became more elastic and the pitch distortion was considerably reduced. 琴弦很難被視為配件,因為它們在樂器的聲學系統中扮演著如此重要的角色。最早的低音大提琴手使用的是厚而無蓋的羊腸弦,由於弦線的捻度不足,導致音高持續失真。隨著捻弦技術的進步,琴弦變得更有彈性,音高失真也大大減少。
In the second half of the 17th century, the invention of wound strings (also called overspun or covered strings) allowed an increase in the linear mass of the strings (mass per unit length) while retaining their elasticity: the total mass of the material creates the low pitch, but only 在十七世紀下半葉,繞線琴弦(也稱為過紡琴弦或包覆琴弦)的發明使得琴弦的線性質量(每單位長度的質量)增加,同時保留了彈性:材料的總質量創造了低音,但只有
Seventeenth century cogwheel and catch tuning mechanism the elasticity of the core governs the pitch distortion. Overwound strings had the twofold advantage of being much finer and shorter than uncovered gut strings. ^(16){ }^{16} 十七世紀的齒輪和捕捉調音機制,弦芯的彈性控制了音高的失真。Overwound 琴弦有兩項優點:比無襯墊的內襯琴弦更細、更短。 ^(16){ }^{16}
The choice of a right gauge was a particularly delicate one; if the strings were too thick, they responded to the bow much less readily and produced a sound which was heavy and generally inaccurate in intonation. If they were too thin, they gave a weak tone and tended to flap against the fingerboard. ^(17){ }^{17} An old rule, laid down by classical makers and players, had therefore to be followed: 選擇合適的琴弦規格是一個特別微妙的問題;如果琴弦太粗,它們對弓子的反應就會變得不那麼容易,產生的聲音也會變得沉重,音調通常也會不準確。如果琴弦太細,音色就會變弱,而且容易與指板摩擦。 ^(17){ }^{17} 因此,古典製琴師和演奏家們制定了一個古老的規則,必須遵守:
"The thickness of the strings should be in proportion to the thickness of the belly and back of the bass; the age and the density of the wood should also be considered ^('').^(18){ }^{\prime \prime} .{ }^{18} "琴弦的厚度應該與低音大提琴腹部和背部的厚度成正比;還應該考慮木材的年齡和密度 ^('').^(18){ }^{\prime \prime} .{ }^{18} 。
Thin strings were preferred for chamber music and solos because of their ease of playing, but for orchestral music, medium strings were employed because of their combination of greater sonority and agility. What was particularly important in these matters was that they should be well proportioned with regard to each other. As this selection had to be made by the performers themselves, a good deal of care and judgment was needed on their part. 在室樂和獨奏曲中,細弦因其易於演奏而受到青睞,但在管弦樂中,中弦因其兼具較強的音色和靈活性而受到青睞。尤其重要的是,它們之間的比例要恰到好處。由於這種選擇必須由演奏者自己做出,因此他們需要非常謹慎並做出正確的判斷。
Today’s metal strings (aluminum covered steel or nylon strings) are far superior in durability and dependability to gut strings. They are less affected by temperature changes, stay in tune better and are always thinner. It was in the 1930’s, following ten years of research, that Pierre Delescluse developed the first complete sets of aluminum covered strings for double bass. These strings, manufactured in collaboration with a firm in Markneukirchen (D.D.R.), won the admiration of Serge Koussevitzky, who introduced them to the Boston Symphony Orchestra when he hired their inventor for the double bass section. 現今的金屬弦(鋁包鋼弦或尼龍弦)在耐用性和可靠性方面遠遠優於羊腸弦。它們受溫度變化的影響較小,能更好地保持音調,而且總是更細。1930 年代,經過十年的研究,Pierre Delescluse 開發出第一套完整的鋁包鋼低音大提琴弦線。這些琴弦是與 Markneukirchen (D.D.R.) 的一家公司合作製造的,贏得了 Serge Koussevitzky 的賞識,並在波士頓交響樂團聘請其發明者擔任低音提琴聲部時,將這些琴弦介紹給波士頓交響樂團。
Today, metal strings are manufactured for both orchestral and solo playing, the ‘solo’ being a lighter gauge string intended to be tuned up one whole step, or more. Some bassists, in fact, play 今天,金屬弦製造出來既可以用於管弦樂演奏,也可以用於獨奏,「獨奏」是指規格較輕的琴弦,可以調高整整一個音階,甚至更多。事實上,有些低音結他手會彈奏
Badmann (Earl Iudivig) Sronigl. Sccus. Rammermafilus ullo Jefins Flumentmader su Berlin Feit oem Gabre 176s, geb. bajeldft; ift ein guter Solizertfieler auf oer Bratide und ertidete in Jagr 1770-mit kenfe Eenoa gemeinfayaflid das Berliner Liebbaberconjert, trovon er aber das mals nur Dekonom roar:. Seit Eens das Tode aber, fubte er felbiges mis Der Bioline, dodi toie man fagt, eben nidit gum befters, felbit an. Badmann (Earl Iudivig) Sronigl.Rammermafilus ullo Jefins Flumentmader on Berlin Feit oem Gabre 176s, geb. bajeldft; ift ein guter Solizertfieler auf oer Bratide und ertidete in Jagr 1770-mit kenfe Eenoa gemeinfayaflid das Berliner Liebbaberconjert, trovon er aber das mals nur Dekonom roar:.Seit Eens das Tode aber, fubte er felbiges mis Der Bioline, dodi toie man fagt, eben nidit gum befters, felbit an.
Slebrecera Beyfal bat er find als Eseigeninftrumentmader ertoorber. Befonders Outd Ferme berfertigten fads. nell Suratideninftrumente und burd Feine (Effindung; wélde br um 1778 am Sontraviolon anfradte; sermisself meldrer er - Dee unbequemilidfert der 2sirbelfimmung, Durds Sdirauber oben am J̌alie, weldue burd cilieit Eleinen Bd! iffel die Baiten auf ein Scaar fimmen, abgefolfen gat. Slebrecera Beyfal bat er find als Eseigeninftrumentmader ertoorber.nell Suratideninftrumente und burd Feine (Effindung; wélde br um 1778 am Sontraviolon anfradte; sermisself meldrer er - Dee unbequemilidfert der 2sirbelfimmung, Durds Sdirauber oben am J̌alie, weldue burd cilieit Eleinen Bd!iffel die Baiten auf ein Scaar fimmen, abgefolfen gat.
Entry “Bachmann”, from 項目 'Bachmann',來自
Gerber’s dictionnary (1790) Gerber 字典 (1790)
orchestral pitch (E A d g), either to relieve the pressure exerted on the top of the instrument, or simply in order to play with more ease. The sound produced in this case is less bright and powerful than with orchestra strings at normal pitch, but the instrument can then vibrate more freely because of the resulting reduction of the pressure on the soundboard. 管弦樂音高 (E A d g),可以減輕對樂器頂部施加的壓力,或只是為了更輕鬆地演奏。在這種情況下,所產生的聲音不如管弦樂弦線在正常音高時那麼明亮有力,但由於音板上的壓力減少,樂器可以更自由地振動。
The terminology used over the centuries for the double bass, and particularly the term ‘violone’, is especially puzzling to the historical researcher. Until the end of the 18th century, the word ‘double bass’ was rarely used, whereas, ‘violone’ was 幾個世紀以來,低音大提琴所使用的術語,尤其是「violone」一詞,尤其讓歷史研究者感到困惑。直到 18 世紀末,「低音大提琴 」這個詞都很少被使用,而 "violone 「則是 」低音大提琴 "的代名詞。
employed indiscriminately to designate all of the large instruments of both the viol and the violin family. ^(19){ }^{19} Nikolaus Harnoncourt rightly points out that, to confuse matters even further, some 17th century German writers used the term ‘violone’ only for the six-stringed double bass viol. ^(20){ }^{20} One can only agree with this author when he deplores the use of the same terminology by a number of contemporary writers: this confusing word has become devoid of meaning and a less ambiguous vocabulary should henceforth be preferred if we do not want to ^(19){ }^{19} "violone "一詞被不加選擇地用於稱呼中提琴和小提琴家族的所有大型樂器。 ^(19){ }^{19} 尼古拉斯-哈農庫特 (Nikolaus Harnoncourt) 正確地指出,為了使問題更加混亂,一些 17 世紀的德國作家只將「violone」一詞用於六弦低音提琴。 ^(20){ }^{20} 當這位作者對許多當代作家使用相同的術語感到惋惜時,我們只能同意他的看法:這個混亂的詞彙已經變得毫無意義,從今以後如果我們不想
complicate investigations further. 使調查進一步複雜化。
In France, the terms most frequently used for the double bass were ‘Large Bass Violin’ (Grande Basse de Violon), ‘Big Bass Violin’ (Grosse Basse de Violon), ‘Octava Bass Violin’ (Basse de Violon à l’Octave), and a few other variations on this model. 在法國,低音大提琴最常用的術語是「大低音小提琴」(Grande Basse de Violon)、「大低音小提琴」(Grosse Basse de Violon)、「八度低音小提琴」(Basse de Violon à l'Octave),以及這個模式的一些其他變體。
A double bass by Wilhelm Azan, Aix en Provence, 1605. Wilhelm Azan 的低音大提琴,1605 年,普羅旺斯地區艾克斯。
Overall length: 197 cm . 總長度: 197 公分 .
Body length: 123 cm . 身長:123 公分 .
Length of strings: 100,5cm100,5 \mathrm{~cm}. 字串長度: 100,5cm100,5 \mathrm{~cm} 。
Carved back 雕花背板
Chapter notes 章節說明
Bunting, Christopher: “The violoncello”, Musical instruments through the ages, (ed. by A. Baines), London, 1961. Bunting, Christopher:《大提琴》,《歷代樂器》,(A. Baines 編輯),倫敦,1961 年。
2 . Ed. Heron-Allen: Violin making as it was and is, London, 1885. 2 .Ed. Heron-Allen: 小提琴製作的過去與現在,倫敦,1885 年。
3 . Vondrak, A.: “The tuning of the double bass”, The Strad, Feb.-Jul. 1911. 3 .Vondrak, A.: 'The tuning of the double bass', The Strad, Feb.-Jul.1911.
4 . Gelinck: “Remarks on the double bass”, The harmonicon, Dec. 1829. Also: La Revue Musicale, 1828. 4 .Gelinck:「低音大提琴評論」,The harmonicon,1829 年 12 月。另:La Revue Musicale,1828 年。
5 . Nanny, Edouard: cited in. ‘Mustque pour contrebasse’, ed. Leduc, Paris. 5 .Nanny, Edouard: cited in.Mustque pour contrebasse》,Leduc 編,巴黎。
6 . Fétis, François-Joseph: “Concerning W. Hause’s method”, La Revue Musicale, Febr.Jul. 1828. 6 .Fétis, François-Joseph: 'Concerning W. Hause's method', La Revue Musicale, Febr.Jul.Hause's method",La Revue Musicale,Febr.Jul.1828.
7 . Piper, Towry: “Concerning double basses”, The Strad, Febr. Jul. 1911. 7 .Piper, Towry: 'Concerning double basses', The Strad, Febr.1911.
8 . Echlin, F.A.: “The multiform double bass”, The Strad, Jul. 1956. 8 .Echlin, F.A.: 'The multiform double bass', The Strad, Jul.1956.
9 . Pracontal, Michel de: “Le violon: une perfection rebelle a tout progrès”, Science et vie, n^(@)737n^{\circ} 737, Feb. 1979. 9 .Pracontal, Michel de: 'Le violon: une perfection rebelle a tout progrès', Science et vie, n^(@)737n^{\circ} 737 , Feb. 1979.
10. Donington, Robert: “James Talbot’s Manuscript”, the Galpin Society Journal, III, 1950. 10.Donington、Robert:《James Talbot 的手稿》,《Galpin Society Journal》,III,1950 年。
11. Baines, Francis: “Francis Baines talks to Dietrich Kessler on making viols”, Early Music, Oct. 1978, vol 6, n^(@)4n^{\circ} 4. 11. Francis Baines:「Francis Baines 與 Dietrich Kessler 談製作中提琴」,《早期音樂》,1978 年 10 月,第 6 冊, n^(@)4n^{\circ} 4 。
12. Milliot, Sylvette: Documents inédits sur les luthiers parisiens du 18^(@)18^{\circ} siècle, Paris, 1970.
13. Praetorius, Michael: Syntagma Musicum, II, Wolfenbütel, 1619. 13.Praetorius, Michael: Syntagma Musicum, II, Wolfenbütel, 1619.
14. Weckerlin, J.B.: “Notice sur la contrebasse”, Bulletin de la société des compositeurs, n^(@)5\mathrm{n}^{\circ} 5 à 8, 1863-1870. 14. Weckerlin, J.B.: 'Notice sur la contrebasse', Bulletin de la société des compositeurs, n^(@)5\mathrm{n}^{\circ} 5 à 8, 1863-1870.
15. Gerber, Ernst Ludwig: Historisch Biographisches Lexicon der Tonkünstler, Leipzig, 1790-92. Gerber, Ernst Ludwig: Historisch Biographisches Lexicon der Tonkünstler, Leipzig, 1790-92.
16. Abbot, Djildat and Segerman, Ephraim: “Gut strings”, Early Music, n^(@)n^{\circ} 4, Oct. 1976. Abbot, Djildat and Segerman, Ephraim: 'Gut strings', Early Music, n^(@)n^{\circ} 4, Oct. 1976.
17. Verrimst: Méthode de contre-basse à 4 cordes, Paris, c. 1865. Verrimst: Méthode de contre-basse à 4 cordes, Paris, c. 1865.
18. Echlin, F.A.: “Diversiform Double Bass bows and techniques”, The Strad, Dec. 1938. Echlin,F.A.:《Diversiform Double Bass bows and techniques》,The Strad,1938 年 12 月。
19. Brun, Paul: Histoire des contrebasses à cordes, Paris, 1982. Brun, Paul: Histoire des contrebasses à cordes, Paris, 1982.
20. Harnoncourt, Nikolaus: Le dialogue musical, Paris, 1985.
Until the Renaissance, western composers remained chiefly interested in vocal music; but at the end of the 15 th century, there began a remarkably fertile period in the fabrication of musical instruments and their experimentation. It was at this time that the pioneers of instrumental music began to group the instruments by families, which were originally based on the voices of the vocal quartet, but were soon liberated from this model. While the normal range was limited to only three octaves in the Middle Ages, by the Renaissance these boundaries had been pushed back and two additional octaves had become available to composers and performers. Before the end of the 16 th century, there had evolved such extended instrumental families as the viola da gámba (or viol), which embraced a range from treble to sub-contra-bass, and those of the lute, lira, oboe, trumpet etc., which possessed their treble, tenor, bass and even sometimes double-bass voices. It is obviously not the aim of this book to retrace the development of all string and wind instrument of contra-bass range, but rather to focus on only one of them, the largest member of the violin family, currently called the string (double) bass. 直到文藝復興時期,西方作曲家仍主要對聲樂感興趣;但到了 15 世紀末,樂器的製造和實驗開始了一個異常豐富的時期。也就是在這個時期,樂器音樂的先驅開始將樂器按樂種分類,樂種最初以聲樂四重奏的聲部為基礎,但很快就從這種模式中解放出來。在中世紀,一般的音域僅限於三個八度,但到了文藝復興時期,這些界限已被推倒,作曲家和演奏家可以使用多兩個八度的音域。在 16 世紀末之前,樂器家族已經擴大,例如中提琴 (viola da gámba),其音域從高音到次低音,而琉特琴 (lute)、里拉琴 (lira)、雙簧管 (oboe)、小號 (trumpet) 等,則擁有高音、次中音、低音,甚至有時是雙低音的音域。本書的目的顯然不是要追溯所有低音大提琴弦樂器與管樂器的發展,而是只集中討論其中一種,也就是小提琴家族中最大的成員,目前稱為弦(低音大提琴)低音大提琴。
The history of the double bass begins, then, in the first half of the 16th century, with the creation of the instrumental family based on the violin. This family was at the time quite different from the one we know today: aside from the fact that it counted instruments which have long since disappeared, the dimensions of the basses had not yet been standardized, and it was possible to find instruments of all possible sizes, ranging from small cellos to giant-sized versions of the double bass. 低音大提琴的歷史始於 16 世紀上半葉,以小提琴為基礎的樂器家族創立。當時的樂器家族與今日的樂器家族大相逕庭:除了包含早已消失的樂器之外,低音大提琴的尺寸也尚未統一,因此可以找到各種尺寸的樂器,從小型的大提琴到巨型的低音大提琴。
It was thanks to the voluminous tone which made them so well-adapted to dance music and outdoor concerts that these instruments soon began to enjoy a rise in popularity; their use was contrasted with that of the "reposeful instruments meant for serious and tranquil pleasures ^(11){ }^{11} such as the lute, the viol and the harpsichord. 由於音色豐滿,非常適合舞樂和戶外音樂會,這些樂器很快就開始流行起來;它們的使用與 「寧靜的樂器 」形成了對比,「寧靜的樂器 」是為了嚴肅和寧靜的愉悅 ^(11){ }^{11} ,如長笛,小提琴和大鍵琴。
Every level of society, from peasants to princes, called upon the services of violinists, who were considered as mere servants at the bottom of the social ladder. In contrast, music was only a pastime for most violists who were “gentlemen”, sheltered from financial difficulties. 社會各階層,從農民到王公,都需要小提琴家的服務,他們被視為社會最底層的僕人。相比之下,音樂對於大部分身為「紳士」的小提琴家來說,只是一種消遣,可以避免經濟上的困難。
As early as the 16 th century, the French Valois Kings, acquired the habit of 早在 16 世紀,法國的瓦羅亞國王就養成了騎馬的習慣。
recruiting the capital’s finest violinists to play for the royal balls. The figure opposite portrays just such a Ball at the King’s court around the 1580’s. One notes that the band is composed of violins held at the breast, which was 招募首都最優秀的小提琴家為皇室舞會演奏。對圖描繪的正是 1580 年代左右國王宮廷的一次舞會。我們注意到,樂隊是由胸前的小提琴組成的,這是
Above: fragment of a 17 th century 上圖:17 世紀的
German engraving 德國雕刻
Left: ball at the court of the 左: 球場上的
French Valois kings, ca 1580 法國瓦羅亞國王,約 1580 年
century that French instrument-makers found a way of thrusting the neck back at an angle, which would allow the use of a higher bridge and thus improve the bow clearance as well as the volume of sound, thanks to the increased tension of the instrument. 在 19 世紀,法國的樂器製造商發現了將琴頸向後推進一個角度的方法,這樣就可以使用較高的琴橋,從而改善琴弓的間隙以及音量,這要歸功於樂器張力的增加。
The player uses the palm-up bow grip, which was considered the best way to bow all instruments too large to be held overarm ^(3){ }^{3} such as the viols but also the bass (now cello) and the double bass violin. Prior to the 18th century, one seldom finds low-pitched instruments of the violin family bowed palm-down like the violin itself. 演奏者使用掌心向上的握弓方式,這種握弓方式被認為是所有過大而無法上臂握弓的樂器的最佳握弓方式 ^(3){ }^{3} ,例如中提琴、低音提琴(現在的大提琴)和低音大提琴。在十八世紀以前,我們很少看到小提琴家族中的低音域樂器像小提琴本身一樣是掌心向下的握弓方式。
customary usage at the time, and a double bass. Its bridge is placed very low in relation to the sound-holes in order to increase the vibrating length of the strings; this extra length was necessary to minimize the continual pitch distortions caused by the poor quality of the strings, a technological problem which was to be solved progressively with the introduction of maximum-twist bass strings and later with the invention of overspun strings prior to the 1660’s. ^(2){ }^{2} 低音大提琴是當時的慣用樂器。為了增加琴弦的振動長度,它的琴橋與音孔的距離非常低;這種額外的長度對於減少因琴弦品質不佳所造成的持續音高失真是必要的,這個技術問題隨著最大捻度低音琴弦的問世,以及後來 1660 年代之前超旋琴弦的發明而逐漸解決。 ^(2){ }^{2}
The neck of this double bass is set upright and has no backward angle in relation to the main soundboard plane (angle of neck to body). It was not until the beginning of the 17 th 這種低音大提琴的琴頸是直立的,與主音板平面(琴頸與琴身的角度)沒有向後的角度。直到十七世紀初,這種低音大提琴才開始出現。
Figure p. 17 shows a double bass of about the same period, now housed in the Paris Conservatory Museum. It originates from Aix-en-Provence and is dated 1605; its violin-like shape is similar to the previously mentioned double bass. The back is carved, the shoulders are perpendicular to the neck and the ribs are of uniform depth. 圖 17 所示的是同一時期的低音大提琴,現藏於巴黎音樂學院博物館。它來自普羅旺斯地區的艾克斯,年代為 1605 年;其小提琴般的形狀與之前提到的低音大提琴類似。琴背有雕刻,琴肩垂直於琴頸,肋骨的深度均勻。
In 1626, the musicians playing the different instruments of the violin family at the King’s court were brought together in an ensemble sometimes called the “Grande Bande” but better known as the “Twenty four violins of the King”. The composition of this string ensemble in five parts is known to us: six violins played the treble part; the intermediate voices (the so-called fill-in parts) were played by twelve instruments which included four “haute-contres”, four “tailles” and four “quintes de violon”. Six basses played the thorough bass (basso continuo). Within this section, a second bass, tuned a fifth lower than the others, provided reinforcement for special occasions. ^(4){ }^{4} 1626年,在國王的宮廷中,演奏小提琴家族不同樂器的樂師們聚集在一起,組成了一個有時被稱為 "Grande Bande 「的樂團,但更為人所知的是 」國王的二十四把小提琴"。我們知道這個弦樂合奏由五個聲部組成:六把小提琴演奏高音聲部;中間聲部(所謂的補位聲部)由十二把樂器演奏,包括四把 "haute-contres「、四把 」tailles 「和四把 」quintes de violon"。六位低音提琴演奏徹底的低音(連續低音)。在這一節中,第二低音提琴的音調比其他低五度,在特殊場合提供增強。 ^(4){ }^{4}
The modern orchestra was born when, for one of these occasions, the Twenty four violinists and the various wind instrumentalists of the court (the so-called “Douze Grands Hautbois”) were brought together to perform operas and light music. There is every reason to believe that the double bass was part of these larger orchestral forces, as the double bass was then reputed to lending depth and vigour to the overall sonority of the larger ensembles of the time. ^(25){ }^{25} As was the case with the trumpet and the kettle drums, the use of the double bass in ordinary concerts was avoided, but the same instruments were sought for the added brilliance they conferred to important or solemn performances, being the most powerful voices then available. All three instruments joined in the tuttis where the double bass produced, according to French musical lexicographer Sebastien de Brossard (1655-1730), “a very charming effect”. This conception of 現代管弦樂團的誕生,是因為在其中一個場合中,二十四位小提琴家和宮廷中的各種管樂演奏家(即所謂的 "Douze Grands Hautbois")聚集在一起演奏歌劇和輕樂。我們完全有理由相信低音大提琴是這些大型管弦樂團的一部分,因為低音大提琴在當時被認為能為大型樂團的整體音色增添深度與活力。 ^(25){ }^{25} 與小號和響鼓的情況一樣,低音大提琴在一般的音樂會中被避免使用,但在重要或莊嚴的演出中,低音大提琴作為當時最有力的聲音,卻能為演出增添光彩。根據法國音樂詞彙學家 Sebastien de Brossard (1655-1730) 的說法,所有這三種樂器都加入了 "tuttis「,其中低音大提琴產生了 」非常迷人的效果"。這種概念
YIOLONE. C’eft nôtre Baffe de Violon, ou pour micux dire, c’eft me Double Baffe, doni le corps &e le manche font à peu prés deux fois plus grands que ceux de la Baffe de Viblon. à l’ordinaire; dont les Chordes font aufi à peu prés plus longues & . plus groffes deux fois que celles de la Baffe de Violon, & le sun par confequent eft une ofare plus bas que celuy des riajois de Violon ordinaires. Cela fait un efter tout charmant dans les accompaninemens & dans les grands Chocurs, & je fuis fors furpris que l’ufage n’on foit pas plus frequent en France. YIOLONE.C'eft nôtre Baffe de Violon, ou pour micux dire, c'eft me Double Baffe, doni le corps &e le manche font à peu prés deux fois plus grands que ceux de la Baffe de Viblon.......比 Violon Baffe 的大兩倍,而太陽也因此比普通的 Violon 裏亞茹瓦的更低。Cela fait un efter tout charmant dans les accompaninemens & dans les grands Chocurs, & je fuis fors furpris que l'ufage n'on foit pas plus frequent en France.
Entry "violone" from Brossard's dictionnary (1702).
the role of the double bass was to enjoy a long life at the Paris Opera where the full section was long called up on Fridays only, the day of "le beau 低音大提琴的角色在巴黎歌劇院長期享有盛名。
the role of the double bass was to enjoy a long life at the Paris Opera where the full section was long called up on Fridays only, the day of “le beau monde”. ^(**){ }^{*} 低音大提琴的角色在巴黎歌劇院長期享有盛名,該團長期只在週五,即 "le beau monde"(美好世界)之日召開全團演出。 ^(**){ }^{*}
The thick and vigorous sound of the double bass, considered so desirable today, proved then to be its greatest limitation and restrained its use in the orchestras of the time: 低音大提琴厚重而有力的音色在今天被認為是非常理想的,但在當時卻被證明是最大的限制,並限制了它在管弦樂團中的使用:
" The double bass is used only for important concerts with many instruments and voices; otherwise, the depth and power of its tones would overwhelm the harmony; but it produces a lovely effect when the number and variety of the other inṣtruments prevent it from becoming too dominant. ^(7){ }^{7} "低音提琴只用於有許多樂器和聲部的重要音樂會;否則,其音色的深度和強度會壓倒和聲;但當其他樂器的數量和多樣性防止它變得太主要時,它會產生很好的效果。 ^(7){ }^{7}
As one might expect, the majesty of the double bass was well suited to church performances where it was used to back the vocals and to reinforce the organ. Indeed, 17th century authors often advocated the use of the double bass there, as it “brightened the harmony with its pleasing resonance and imparted a marvelous ornament”. (Praetorius) 正如我們所預期的,低音大提琴的威嚴非常適合教堂演奏,用來伴奏人聲和強化管風琴。事實上,十七世紀的作家經常提倡使用低音提琴,因為它 「以其悅耳的共鳴使和聲更加明亮,並帶來奇妙的裝飾效果」(Praetorius)。(Praetorius)
In 1647, the Belgian violin maker Peeter Borbon built a double bass for the Antwerp cathedral where the instrument remained in use until 1925. It was then bequeathed to the local musical instruments museum where it can still be seen today. Another double bass by the same Flemish craftsman and dated 1668 is now to be found in Brussels (p.40) Its shape is that of an oversize violin and it has a carved back. 1647 年,比利時小提琴製造商 Peeter Borbon 為安特衛普大教堂製造了一把低音大提琴,這把琴一直使用到 1925 年。之後,它被遺贈給當地的樂器博物館,至今仍可看到它。另一把由同一佛蘭芒工匠製作、日期為 1668 年的低音大提琴現在可在布魯塞爾找到(第 40 頁),它的形狀是一把特大號的小提琴,背部有雕刻。
The use of the double bass to back choirs and maintain their pitch was continued until the beginning of our century and was exported to the United States, where both double basses and cellos were made for that purpose. The best known maker of instruments intended for church music in the U.S. was Deacon Abraham Prescott (1789-1858), who practised his craft in New-England during the first half of the 19 th century. His large three-stringed double basses ( 4//44 / 4 model) were very short necked and square shouldered; their form posed no problem for the accompaniment of hymn tunes, for which it was rarely necessary to exceed the first positions(see also p24). These instruments are made of maple with spruce or pine tops and have brass patent heads. ^(8){ }^{8} 使用低音大提琴來支持唱詩班並保持音準的做法,一直延續到本世紀初,並出口到美國,美國的低音大提琴和大提琴都是為此目的而製造的。美國最著名的教堂音樂樂器製造商是 Deacon Abraham Prescott (1789-1858),他在 19 世紀上半期在紐英格蘭從事他的工藝。他的大型三弦低音大提琴( 4//44 / 4 型)琴頸非常短,琴肩為方形;其形狀對於讚美詩曲的伴奏沒有任何問題,因為讚美詩曲的伴奏很少需要超越第一位置(另參閱第24頁)。這些樂器以楓木製成,杉木或松木為面板,有銅製的專利琴頭。 ^(8){ }^{8}
According to Cyprien Desmarais, Louis XIV, the Sun King (1661-1715), was the first member of French royalty to bring the complete violin family to his chapel for religious service. The same author informs us that Jean-Baptiste Lully was in the 1860’s. 根據 Cyprien Desmarais 的說法,太陽王路易十四 (1661-1715) 是第一位將完整的小提琴家族帶到他的小教堂進行宗教儀式的法國皇室成員。同一作者告知我們,讓-巴蒂斯特-呂利 (Jean-Baptiste Lully) 在 1860 年代。
Jan Joseph Horemans (1682-1759): Le galant concert (deta11). Jan Joseph Horemans (1682-1759):Le galant concert (deta11).
responsible for acquiring the instruments from Médard, a violin-maker from Eastern France, who inlaid his works with the arms of France and of Navarre. ^(9){ }^{9} 負責向來自法國東部的小提琴製造商 Médard 購買樂器,Médard 在他的作品上鑲嵌了法國和納瓦爾的徽章。 ^(9){ }^{9}
A François Médard double bass made in Paris in 1700 was auctioned off there on June 24, 1924. This instrument, which in the 19th century had belonged to Achille Gouffe (see chapter VII), had a carved back decorated with an inlaid black oval shield picturing a Fleur-de-Lys (the emblem of the french Kings) and a scroll sculpted in the shape of a faun’s head. ^(10){ }^{10} 1924 年 6 月 24 日,在巴黎拍賣會上拍賣了一把 François Médard 於 1700 年製作的低音大提琴。這件樂器在十九世紀時曾屬於 Achille Gouffe(見第七章),其雕刻背板裝飾有鑲嵌的黑色橢圓形盾牌,盾牌上繪有 Fleur-de-Lys(法國國王的徽章)和雕刻成小鹿頭形狀的捲軸。 ^(10){ }^{10}
Two years after the death of cardinal Mazarin, a double bass player was appointed to the newly-organized music of the Chapel Royal; we have his name from the account book kept by court administrator L. Trabouillet: 馬沙林紅衣主教逝世兩年後,一位低音提琴演奏家被任命到新組織的皇家禮拜堂演奏音樂;我們從法院管理人 L. Trabouillet 的帳簿中得知他的名字:
It was not before the end of the century, however, that the double bass was admitted into european opera orchestras. According to Roger North, the double bass was introduced to London theaters around the 1690’s, and Warnecke writes that it was accepted into the Operas of Naples and Vienna in 1700.^(12)1700 .{ }^{12} Similarly, the double bass joined the Paris Opera in 1699^(13)1699{ }^{13} when Michel Pignolet de Montéclair (1667-1737, see chapter VII), just returning from Italy with “a very good double bass from Naples” ^(14){ }^{14} (perhaps a Gagliano) was offered a position there. Curiously enough, the admission of the double bass to the Paris Opera, largely owing to its new-found ability to reinforce the larger instrumental ensembles of the late 17 th century, seems to have gone unnoticed by the commentators of the time. 然而,直到世紀末,低音大提琴才被歐洲歌劇管弦樂團所接受。根據 Roger North 的說法,低音大提琴大約在 1690 年代被引入倫敦的劇院,而 Warnecke 則寫道,低音大提琴在 1700.^(12)1700 .{ }^{12} 年被那不勒斯與維也納的歌劇院所接受。同樣地,低音大提琴也在 1699^(13)1699{ }^{13} 年加入巴黎歌劇院,當時 Michel Pignolet de Montéclair(1667-1737 年,見第七章)剛從義大利回來,並帶著 「那不勒斯非常好的低音大提琴」 ^(14){ }^{14} (也許是 Gagliano 的作品)。奇怪的是,低音大提琴能夠進入巴黎歌劇院,主要是因為它在 17 世紀後期能夠加強較大型的樂器合奏,但當時的評論家似乎並未注意到這一點。
Composers, however, soon realized that the expressive possibilities of its subterranean tones (down to 16^(')C16^{\prime} \mathrm{C} ) could lead to some interesting figurative effects: in fact, imitations of natural phenomena such as storm, thunder and earthquakes were just then coming into fashion. The prototype of the musical storm seems to be the tempest scene of Alcyone by Marin Marais ( V,4V, 4 ), following which, as Brossard remarked, " a prodigious quantity of others were produced, not only in operas but also in cantatas and even in church music." 15 然而,作曲家很快就意識到,其地下音調(低至 16^(')C16^{\prime} \mathrm{C} )的表現力可以產生一些有趣的具象效果:事實上,模仿自然現象,如風暴、雷聲和地震,在當時剛剛開始流行。音樂暴風雨的原型似乎是 Marin Marais 的《Alcyone》( V,4V, 4 )中的暴風雨場景,正如 Brossard 所說:「在這之後,不僅在歌劇中,也在大合唱中,甚至在教堂音樂中,都出現了數量驚人的其他作品。15
In this scene, “a deep and ominous rumbling merging with the high notes of the flutes and the other instruments rendered all the horror of a tossing sea and howling winds.” 16 在這個場景中,「深沉而不祥的隆隆聲與長笛及其他樂器的高音融合在一起,渲染出翻騰的大海和呼嘯的狂風的所有恐怖氣氛」。16
It made such an impression on the musical world that the double bass was thereafter considered indispensable for all other tempest scenes, but also for all evocations of magicians, demons etc., in operas as well as in smaller chamber 它給音樂界留下了深刻的印象,從此之後,低音提琴被認為是所有其他暴風雨場景中不可或缺的樂器,同時也是歌劇和小型室內樂中所有喚起魔術師、惡魔等場景的樂器。
The storm scene from Marin Marais’ Alcyone (1706) Marin Marais 的《Alcyone》(1706 年)中的風暴場景
works. 作品。
Even so, this newfound favor with musicians and the public, which prompted writers to require the double bass a little more frequently in their scores, really cannot be considered as determinant for the use of the double bass in France, as most of the time it “unfortunately remained silent” ^(17){ }^{17} aside from these figurative effects. 儘管如此,音樂家和大眾對低音大提琴的新興喜好,促使作家在樂譜中更多地使用低音大提琴,但這並不能視為低音大提琴在法國使用的決定因素,因為除了這些具象效果之外,低音大提琴大多數時候「不幸地保持沉默」 ^(17){ }^{17} 。
In fact, its role remained negligible until French music freed itself from the conservatism of Lully to allow the stimulating effects of rich foreign influences, particularly those coming from Germany and Italy. Their contribution was vital to the birth and diffusion of the new musical aesthetics of the second half of the 18th century. These influences led to the development of modern orchestration and, from 1760 onward, progressively induced the suppression in France of the continuo bass and the disappearance of the older instruments of accompaniment. 事實上,在法國音樂擺脫魯利 (Lully) 的保守主義,讓豐富的外來影響 (尤其是來自德國和義大利的影響) 發揮刺激作用之前,它的作用仍然微不足道。他們的貢獻對於 18 世紀下半葉新音樂美學的誕生與傳播至關重要。這些影響促成了現代管弦樂的發展,並從 1760 年起,逐步促使連續低音在法國受到壓制,舊式伴奏樂器也逐漸消失。
With their departure, the harmonic and rhythmic support of the orchestra naturally devolved upon the string quartet which could then begin its unprecedented development. It was only from this point onward in the formation and perfecting of the modern orchestra that the need for the double bass became strongly evident. 隨著他們的離開,管弦樂團的和聲與節奏支援自然而然地落在了弦樂四重奏身上,而弦樂四重奏也開始了其前所未有的發展。在現代管弦樂團的形成和完善過程中,對低音提琴的需求從這一點開始才變得明顯。
The importance of this turning point in the history of the double bass is underscored by the publication of growing numbers of works thoroughly describing it. Johann Joachim Quantz (1697-1773), a talented flautist and teacher of Frederick II of Prussia, published his “Versuch einer Amweisung die Flüte traversière spielen” in 1752; a complete section of this work deals with the four string double bass in current tuning (E A dg, called Large Bass Violin in the French edition of the book). The double bass method of Michel Corrette (1781) as well as several dictionaries and the Encyclopedia of Denis Diderot (publ. 17511780) provide further information as to the instrument’s use and tuning. ^(18){ }^{18} The latter classifies the various types of extant double basses in the violin family section. 越來越多徹底描述低音大提琴的作品出版,突顯出低音大提琴歷史上這個轉捩點的重要性。Johann Joachim Quantz (1697-1773),一位天才的長笛演奏家,也是普魯士腓特烈二世的老師,於 1752 年出版了他的《Versuch einer Amweisung die Flüte traversière spielen》;這本著作中有完整的一節是關於目前調音的四弦低音提琴(E A dg,法文版稱為 Large Bass Violin)。Michel Corrette 的低音大提琴演奏法 (1781) 以及多本字典和 Denis Diderot 的百科全書 (17511780 出版) 提供了更多關於樂器使用和調音的資訊。 ^(18){ }^{18} 後者將現存的各種低音大提琴分類在小提琴家族部分。
The musical landscape familiar to Johann-Sebastian Bach was quite different, as he clearly had several types of double basses at his disposal: some of them seem to have been violins and others violas da gamba. Contemporary written evidence of the time* clearly show that these two types of instruments were known and used in German speaking countries. One of them, alternately called “Violone” or “Violone Grosso”, was fitted with four strings and tuned in fifths an octave below 約翰‧薩巴斯蒂安‧巴赫所熟悉的音樂風景相當不同,因為他顯然有數種低音大提琴可供使用:其中一些似乎是小提琴,另一些則是中提琴da gamba。當時當代的書面證據*清楚顯示,這兩種樂器在德語國家都很有名且被使用。其中一種樂器,又稱為「Violone」或「Violone Grosso」,配有四根弦,以低八度的五分音調音。
Stössel, 1737; Barnickel, 1737; Eisel, 1738; etc… Stössel, 1737; Barnickel, 1737; Eisel, 1738; 等等...
the cello (C G d a). The other, called “Violone” by some and “Contrabass da Gamba” by others, had six strings tuned in fourths with a central third as with the other viols (D G c e a d’). Another type of German six-stringed double bass or “violone” tuned G c f a d’ g ’ is also mentioned by James Talbot in 1697. 大提琴 (C G d a)。另一種則有人稱之為「Violone」,也有人稱之為「Contrabass da Gamba」,六根弦以四度調音,中央的三度則與其他中提琴一樣(D G c e a d')。James Talbot 在 1697 年也提到了另一種德國六弦低音大提琴或「violone」,其調音為 G c f a d' g '。
Frederick II of Prussia (1712-1786) playing a flute concerto. 普魯士的腓特烈二世 (Frederick II,1712-1786) 吹奏長笛協奏曲。
Until the end of the 18th century, the backbone of music was the continuo accompaniment, which for a long time was played by various plucked string instruments such as the lute, the theorbo or the harp, but was subsequently entrusted by preference to all three continuo instruments of the string section ( the so-called trio of soloists): cello, double bass and harpsichord, the latter often played by the leader (concertmaster) or the composer himself. A few of the finest instrumentalists gathered around this nucleus were responsible for those parts requiring the most precision and finesse. Together, the continuo group and a few other instruments played by soloists formed the Small Choir, or Concertino. 直到十八世紀末,音樂的骨幹一直是連奏伴奏,長期以來都是由各種彈撥弦樂器,如琵琶、豎琴或豎琴來演奏,但後來優先交由弦樂組中的三種連奏樂器 (所謂的獨奏三重奏):大提琴、低音提琴和大鍵琴來演奏,後者通常由領奏 (concertmaster) 或作曲家本人來演奏。幾位最優秀的樂器演奏家圍繞著這個核心,負責演奏最需要精準與細膩的部分。連奏組和獨奏者演奏的其他幾件樂器共同組成小合唱團,或稱為 Concertino。
The remaining available musicians were grouped together in the “Great Choir”, or “Concerto Grosso”. The double bass was or was not a.part of the Small Choir, according to the epoch and local performing traditions. We have seen that in France Jean-Baptiste Lully used the double bass only when larger instrumental force were involved, but that the double bass made its entry into the Small Choir at the Paris Opera at the end of the 17th century (1699). 其餘可用的音樂家則集中在「大合唱團」,或稱「大協奏曲」。低音大提琴是否為小合唱團的一部分,視當時的時代與當地的演奏傳統而定。在法國,讓-巴蒂斯特-盧利 (Jean-Baptiste Lully) 只在有較大型樂器參與時才使用低音提琴,但低音提琴在 17 世紀末 (1699 年) 已進入巴黎歌劇院的小合唱團。
Constitution of the small Choir of the Paris Opera, 1704-1754. 巴黎歌劇院小合唱團章程,1704-1754。
Those accompanists used to improvise from a common bass part above which were added figures which were a shorthand for the required chord: they read directly from the harpsichordist’s copy. The part could be taken by a cello, a double bass, or both of these, in which case the first stood to the right and the other to the left of the harpsichord player. By 1733, the cello and the double bass were undisputably the favored pair of continuo instruments in France. In the middle of the 18th century, the harpsichord of the Paris Opera was assisted by three cellos and one double bass, all of which played the same bass line. ^(19){ }^{19} Many Italian orchestras employed two harpsichords, each of them backed by its own group of bass instruments (see p100). Quantz considered that in large ensembles, and especially in orchestras where one player could not see and hear all of the others, the double bass player and the cellist formed the point of balance which served to maintain correct timing: the task of this rhythmic and harmonic nucleus was to fill the harmony as well as to assist the concertmaster in conveying the beat and in steadying the ensemble. 這些伴奏者習慣從共同的低音聲部即興伴奏,而在低音聲部的上方會加上一些數字,這些數字是所需和弦的速記:他們直接從大鍵琴手的副本中讀出。這個部分可以由大提琴、低音提琴或兩者同時演奏,在這種情況下,前者站在大鍵琴演奏者的右邊,後者站在大鍵琴演奏者的左邊。到 1733 年,大提琴和低音提琴無可爭議地成為法國最受歡迎的連奏樂器。在 18 世紀中葉,巴黎歌劇院的大鍵琴由三把大提琴和一把低音提琴協助演奏,它們都演奏相同的低音。 ^(19){ }^{19} 許多義大利管弦樂團使用兩架大鍵琴,每架大鍵琴都有自己的低音樂器群做後盾(請參閱第 100 頁)。Quantz 認為在大型樂團中,尤其是在一位樂手無法看見或聽見所有其他樂手的樂團中,低音提琴手與大提琴手形成平衡點,以維持正確的時間:這個節奏與和聲核心的任務是填滿和聲,以及協助協奏曲長傳達節拍與穩定樂團。
In Paris in 1767, according to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the unfortunate custom prevailed among concertmasters of marking the beat by means of a rod loudly striking the floor; elsewhere, foot-stamping or tapping the desk with a bow to steady insecure ensembles was by no means rare. In 1878, French conductor Edouard Deldevez voiced his confusion about this deplorable custom: 根據讓-雅克-盧梭 (Jean-Jacques Rousseau) 的說法,1767 年在巴黎,樂團首席之間盛行一種不幸的習俗,就是用一根棒子大聲敲擊地板來標記拍子;在其他地方,用腳踩或用弓敲擊桌面來穩定不穩定的樂團也絕非罕見。1878 年,法國指揮家 Edouard Deldevez 對這種可悲的習俗表示困惑:
“The barbarous usage of foot-stamping or desk-tapping with a bow to indicate for example an attack, is unfortunately the only way to get the necessary attention, chiefly in opera music. By which other means could one avoid complete "用腳踩或用弓敲桌子來表示攻擊等野蠻的用法,不幸地是唯一能引起必要注意的方法,主要是在歌劇音樂中。還有什麼其他方法可以避免完全
disorder, steady a routed personnel, anticipate an impending cacophony or an abominable disaster?” ^(20){ }^{20} 失序,穩定潰散的人員,預見即將發生的喧鬧或可惡的災難?" ^(20){ }^{20}
The bassists proved to be excellent assistants to the concertmaster in this task by heavily articulating the changes of harmony at the down beats and providing the foundations for the harmonic progressions that it underpinned. Such shared responsibility was linked to the importance given to the Basso Continuo, which allowed bassists to improvise from the common bass part. With its disappearance, there ensued a transitional period when double bass players were allowed not to play all of the written notes but to select only those which they considered best suited to the situation: these musicians were known as ‘simplifiers’ (see chapt. III). 事實證明,低音結他手在這項任務中是協奏曲長的優秀助手,他們在下行拍子中大量闡述和聲的變化,並為和聲的進行提供基礎。這種共同的責任與 Basso Continuo 的重要性有關,它允許低音結他手在共同的低音聲部中即興演奏。隨著它的消失,低音提琴演奏家被允許不演奏所有的譜上音符,而只選擇他們認為最適合的音符:這些音樂家被稱為「簡化者」(見第三章)。
When, in 1794, Italian virtuoso Domenico Dragonetti was appointed to the Italian Opera housed in the King’s Theatre of London, it was in the function of double bass at the harpsichord; in this role, he shared a stand with the principal cellist Robert Lindley. Both musicians read out of the same desk and were seated directly in front of Sir Michael Costa, the conductor. 1794 年,義大利演奏家 Domenico Dragonetti 被任命為倫敦國王劇院 (King's Theatre) 的義大利歌劇院 (Italian Opera) 的大鍵琴低音提琴演奏家;在這個角色中,他與首席大提琴家 Robert Lindley 共用一個演奏台。這兩位音樂家在同一張桌子上讀音,並坐在指揮家 Michael Costa 爵士的正前方。
Conflicts inevitably resulted between the various sources of direction when either one of them felt entitled (whether rightly or not) to take charge, as shows an article about Dragonetti issued in the “Musical World”, May 12, 1837: 正如 1837 年 5 月 12 日《音樂世界》(Musical World) 上刊登的一篇關於 Dragonetti 的文章所示,當任何一方認為自己有權(無論是否正確)掌管樂團時,不同的指揮者之間難免會產生衝突:
“Although he has been accused of leading the orchestra, or in the estimation of some leaders, of mis-leading (for no man in that situation approves of public correction), it must be acknowledged that he has upon various occasions, by his promptitude and decision, brought back a whole band who ‘like sheep had gone astray’.” "雖然他被指責領導樂團,或在某些領導者的估計中,他被指責領導失當(因為在那種情況下,沒有一個人會認同公開糾正),但必須承認的是,他曾在不同場合,以他的迅速和果斷,帶回一整支「像羊一樣誤入歧途」的樂團"。
We know in this connection that Dragonetti was famed for his volume of tone. This tone he owed to his instrument, a double bass strung with only three gut strings tuned by fourths and set up with a very high bridge which held the strings at a distance from the fingerboard.* 在這方面,我們知道 Dragonetti 以音量大而聞名。他的樂器是低音大提琴,只有三根以四度調音的內襯弦,琴橋非常高,讓琴弦與指板保持一定的距離。
For greater effectiveness, a new instrumental arrangement was devised in which the double basses were scattered throughout the space occupied by the orchestra; this distribution allowed all the musicians to hear the bass part which was supposed to back and steady the entire ensemble. In this regard, Jean-Jacques Rousseau cited the example of the King of Poland’s orchestra in Dresden, which 為了達到更大的效果,我們設計了一種新的樂器排列方式,將低音提琴分散在樂團所佔據的整個空間中;這種分佈方式讓所有樂手都能聽到低音提琴聲部,而低音提琴聲部應該是整個樂團的後盾和穩定器。在這方面,Jean-Jacques Rousseau 引用了波蘭國王在德勒斯登的管弦樂團為例,該樂團
included three desks each shared by a cellist and a double bass.* 包括三張桌子,每張桌子由一位大提琴手和一位低音大提琴手共用。
Fig. 1. 圖 1.
Distribultion: de l’orchestre ite l’oper’ra de Dreate. Distribultion: de l'orchestre ite l'oper'ra de Dreate.
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Seating plan of the Orescen Opera, Rousseau: “dictionnary”, 1768. Orescen 歌劇院的座位圖,盧梭:「字典」,1768 年。
Fig p. 32 illustrates the lay-out of the King’s orchestra at the Grand Theater of Versailles in 1773: the cellos of the Great Choir are placed to the right and left of the orchestra, with four double basses situated in the four corners of the orchestra pit. Other illustrations in this book show the baroque arrangement of the basses around the harpsichord, an arrangement which lasted until the complete disappearance of the thorough bass. At that time began the development of the ‘Beethovian’ orchestra, in which the conductor was more and more expected to direct orchestral concerts without an instrument in his hands. It was roughly during the first thirty years of the 19th century that the modern practice of conducting with a baton superseded the old style of direction by the joint efforts of concertmaster and keyboard/bass-double bass players. 第 32 頁的插圖展示了 1773 年凡爾賽大劇院的國王管弦樂團的佈局:大合唱團的大提琴被放置在樂團的左右兩側,四架低音大提琴則分佈在樂池的四個角落。這本書中的其他插圖展示了巴洛克時期低音大提琴圍繞大鍵琴的排列方式,這種排列方式一直持續到徹底的低音大提琴完全消失為止。從那時起,「貝多芬式」樂團開始發展,越來越多的人期望指揮家在沒有樂器在手的情況下指揮管弦樂音樂會。大約在十九世紀的前三十年,現代的指揮棒指揮方式取代了舊式的由首席與鍵盤手/低音提琴手共同指揮的方式。
The very traditional English and a few others retained this dispositon long after most of the other European countries had given it up. In 1832, sir Michael Costa was appointed Maestro al cembalo at the King’s Theatre, London. Nine years earlier, François Joseph Fétis had expressed his amazement at the outdated usage 非常傳統的英國人和少數其他國家的人在大多數其他歐洲國家捨棄這種演奏方式之後很長一段時間仍保留著這種演奏方式。1832 年,Michael Costa 爵士被任命為倫敦 King's Theatre 的 cembalo 大師。九年前,François Joseph Fétis 曾對這種過時的用法表示驚訝
Two of these pairs played with harpsichords placed at strategic points within the orchestra. 其中兩對樂手使用大鍵琴演奏,而大鍵琴則放置在樂團中的戰略位置。
of having a conductor at the piano, which had been preserved at the Philharmonic Concerts. ^(21){ }^{21} This person would typically pound out piano chords, in no way required by the composers, in overtures as well as in symphonies. It was the Belgian musicologist’s opinion that such rattling performances produced an altogether deplorable effect. Still, the great Giovanni Bottesini himself obtained as late as 1846 an appointment at the Theater Tacon, Havana, both as principal double bass and as Maestro al piano. ^(21){ }^{21} 這位指揮通常會在序曲和交響曲中敲出作曲家完全沒有要求的鋼琴和弦。在比利時音樂學家看來,這種嘎然而止的演奏產生了完全令人惋惜的效果。然而,偉大的 Giovanni Bottesini 本人早在 1846 年就在哈瓦那的 Tacon 劇院獲得任命,擔任首席低音提琴和鋼琴大師。
Seating plan of the Grand Theater in Versailles, 1773. 凡爾賽大劇院的座位圖,1773 年。
Until well into the 19th century, the lay-out of an orchestra was entrusted to its director, and his skill in this field, good or bad, was either admired or censured. Toward the middle of the 19th century, the orchestra of the Societé des concerts du Conservatoire (now the Orchestre de Paris) directed by FrançoisAntoine Habeneck (1781-1849), still kept the old tradition of scattering the cellos and basses throughout the orchestra, as described by Rousseau a hundred years earlier. ^(22){ }^{22} 直到十九世紀,管弦樂團的佈局一直由指揮負責,而指揮在這方面的技巧,無論好壞,都會受到讚賞或譴責。到了十九世紀中葉,由 FrançoisAntoine Habeneck (1781-1849) 所指揮的 Societé des concerts du Conservatoire 樂團 (即現在的 Orchestre de Paris 樂團),仍保留著一百年前 Rousseau 所描述的將大提琴與低音提琴分散在樂團中的古老傳統。 ^(22){ }^{22}
In 1844, Hector Berlioz considered it impossible to indicate the best possible grouping for performers in a theater or concert hall, as the form and arrangement of their interior would inevitably influence the choises that were made. He nevertheless recommended a double row of cellos and basses behind the orchestra. ^(23){ }^{23} 1844 年,Hector Berlioz 認為不可能指出劇院或音樂廳中演奏者的最佳組合,因為其內部的形式和安排將不可避免地影響所做的選擇。然而,他建議在管弦樂團後方配置雙排大提琴和低音提琴。 ^(23){ }^{23}
In 1881, when the Boston Symphony Orchestra was founded, Berlioz’ seating plan was adopted for the basses: four bassists were placed on the right side of the orchestra and four on the left side behind an equal number of cellists. One bassist stood alone with his cello stand partner in the very back of the ensemble 1881 年,當 Boston Symphony Orchestra 成立時,Berlioz 採用了低音提琴的座位設計:四位低音提琴手被安排在樂團的右側,四位在左側,後面是同等數量的大提琴手。一位低音大提琴手獨自站在樂團的最後,而他的大提琴伴則站在樂團的最後。
and far away from all the others. 並遠離所有其他人。
With the development of conducting technique in the 19th century, important advances were made in the precision of the baton. The scattering of the basses throughout the space occupied by the orchestra then proved unnecessary and even harmful to the general quality of sound; for this reason, the cellos and double basses were then grouped into two distinct sections. 隨著 19 世紀指揮技術的發展,指揮棒的精確度也有了重大進步。當時,低音提琴分散在樂團所佔的整個空間中被證明是不必要的,甚至對整體音質有害;因此,大提琴和低音提琴被分成兩個不同的區域。
Seating plan of the Paris Opera Orchestra in 1810. 1810 年巴黎歌劇院管弦樂團的座位圖。
Fétis draws attention to an unexpected disposition of English orchestras, that of placing the double bass section in front of the orchestra and lower than the other instruments. Fétis 提請大家注意英國管弦樂團的一個意想不到的安排,就是將低音提琴聲部置於樂團的前方,並且低於其他樂器。
Proportion of the double basses to the other strings in symphony orchestras, from the 18th century to modern times. 從 18 世紀到現代,交響樂團中低音大提琴與其他弦樂的比例。
The composition of the orchestra which Handel found at the Haymarket theater on his arrival in London in 1770 is quite surprising with regard to modern criteria. Its string section consisted of 6 first and 5 second violins, 2 violas, 6 cellos and only 1 double bass, plus 1 harpsichord. However, there appears to have Handel 於 1770 年抵達倫敦時,在 Haymarket 劇院所發現的管弦樂團的組成,以現代標準來看是相當令人驚訝的。它的弦樂組包括 6 把第一小提琴和 5 把第二小提琴、2 把中提琴、6 把大提琴和 1 把低音提琴,以及 1 把大鍵琴。然而,似乎有
been a redistribution in the balance of the lower string parts, for Pierre-Jacques Fougeroux describes in 1728 the same orchestra as having 28 violins, 3 cellos and 2 basses. The reduction in cellos was thus compensated for by an increased from 1 to 2 double basses. ^(24){ }^{24} 在 1728 年,Pierre-Jacques Fougeroux 描述同一樂團有 28 把小提琴、3 把大提琴和 2 把低音大提琴。因此,大提琴的減少是由低音提琴從 1 個增加到 2 個所彌補。 ^(24){ }^{24}
Seating plan of the Conservatory Society Orchestra in 1828. 1828 年 Conservatory Society 樂團的座位圖。
Such was not the case in the orchestra of the Paris Opera which in 1758 was composed of 16 violins, 6 violas and 8 cellos in the Great Choir, plus 3 cellos and 1 bass in the Small Choir. Rousseau deplored this excess of cellos and remarked that, of all European orchestras, that of the French capital, although one of the largest, produced the smallest impression. In his opinion, the reasons for this were easy to understand: there were not enough double basses and too many cellos producing sounds which smothered the melody and tired the audience: 1758 年,巴黎歌劇院的樂團由 16 把小提琴、6 把中提琴和大合唱團中的 8 把大提琴,以及小合唱團中的 3 把大提琴和 1 把低音提琴組成。Rousseau 對於大提琴數量過多表示遺憾,並指出在歐洲所有的管弦樂團中,法國首都的管弦樂團雖然是最大的樂團之一,但給人的印象卻是最小的。在他看來,原因很容易理解:低音提琴數量不足,大提琴數量過多,產生的聲音掩蓋了旋律,使觀眾感到疲憊:
“Imagine an endless din of instruments without melody, a listless and perpetual snoring of the basses; the most dismal and tiring thing I have heard in my life”. ^(25){ }^{25} 想像一下,沒有旋律的樂器喧囂不休,低音提琴無精打采,永遠在打鼾;這是我一生中聽過最凄慘、最令人疲憊的聲音。 ^(25){ }^{25}
The same remark could have been made concerning all the ensembles playing in the French capital, as the notion then prevailed that, in any case, the music of 在法國首都演奏的所有樂團都可以有同樣的評論,因為當時普遍的觀念是,無論如何,法國的音樂都是搖滾樂。
The seating plan according to the instructions left by Hector Berlioz in 1844. 根據 Hector Berlioz 於 1844 年留下的指示所繪製的座位表。
Above: Philharmonic Society Orchestra seating plan of 1846 Next page: The Boston Symphony Orchestra in 1882. 上頁:1846 年 Philharmonic Society 樂團座位圖 下頁:1882 年的波士頓交響樂團。
L.A. Jullien conducting on November 7, 1846. L.A. Jullien 於 1846 年 11 月 7 日主持。
the bass part could not be overdone. The priority given to cellos was excessive everywhere, as the following chart will show: 低音部分不能過分。如下圖所示,大提琴的優先地位在各處都過分突出:
Orchestra Violins Violas Cellos D B Date
Royal" 17 4 10 3 1761
Opera" 13+11 4 10 4 1775| Orchestra | Violins | Violas | Cellos | D B | Date |
| :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Chapel <br> Royal | 17 | 4 | 10 | 3 | 1761 |
| Concert <br> Spirituel <br> Opera | $13+11$ | 4 | 10 | 4 | 1775 |
We learn from François Raguenet toward the beginning of the 18 th century that the archlutes, theorbos and bass violins of the Italians were twice as large as those used in France, and their volume of sound consequently twice as powerful. ^(26){ }^{26} 我們從十八世紀初的 François Raguenet 身上得知,義大利人的大長琴、theorbos 和低音小提琴比法國的大兩倍,因此音量也比法國的大兩倍。 ^(26){ }^{26}
One and a half centuries later, Hector Berlioz was critical of this peculiarity of Italian orchestras. He frowned upon the use of double basses as the only bass instruments in an ensemble, with cellos being considered•only as superfluous 一個半世紀之後,Hector Berlioz 對義大利樂團的這種特殊性提出了批判。他不贊成使用低音提琴作為樂團中唯一的低音樂器,大提琴只被視為多餘的樂器。
luxuries: 奢侈品:
“The cellos sing beautifully, but there are very few of them; the system invariably adopted in Italy of using fewer cellos than double basses can not be justified even by the type of music presently played by Italian orchestras.” ^(27){ }^{27} ^(27){ }^{27} 「大提琴的歌聲很美,但大提琴的數量很少;義大利總是採用大提琴的數量少於低音提琴的制度,即使以義大利管弦樂團目前演奏的音樂類型來看,這也是說不通的」。 ^(27){ }^{27}
In 1773, the orchestra of Naples employed 5 double basses for only 2 cellos. If we can believe a letter from Leopold Mozart dated September 7, 1770, the same proportions were to be found in the orchestra of Milan: 2 cellos for 6 double basses ^(28){ }^{28} 1773 年,那不勒斯的管絃樂團只用了 2 把大提琴,卻用了 5 把低音提琴。如果我們相信 Leopold Mozart 1770 年 9 月 7 日的一封信,那麼在米蘭的管絃樂團中也可以找到相同的比例:2 張大提琴對 6 張低音大提琴 ^(28){ }^{28} 。
The Austro-German usages were seemingly codified by Quantz. His recommendations were as follows: 德奧的用法似乎是由 Quantz 編纂的。他的建議如下:
"- With 4 violins, use 1 cello, 1 viola and 1 moderate-size double bass. "- 有 4 把小提琴時,使用 1 把大提琴、1 把中提琴和 1 把中等大小的低音提琴。
12 violins require violas, 3 cellos and another double bass somewhat larger than the first." 12 把小提琴需要中提琴、3 把大提琴和另一把比第一把大一些的低音提琴"。
Some orchestras, however, apparently did not follow these suggestions. In 1772, for example, the orchestra of Stuggart employed 3 cellos and 5 double basses, while that of Wurtenberg counted 4 cellos and 3 double basses. ^(29){ }^{29} 然而,有些樂團顯然沒有遵循這些建議。例如,在 1772 年,Stuggart 的樂團使用了 3 把大提琴和 5 把低音提琴,而 Wurtenberg 的樂團則使用了 4 把大提琴和 3 把低音提琴。 ^(29){ }^{29}
The letters of W.A. Mozart give us a valuable idea as to his point of view on this subject; his favored orchestra would comprise 16 violins, 6 cellos, 10 double basses and 2 each of the wind instruments. ^(30){ }^{30} 莫札特 (W.A. Mozart) 的信件讓我們了解到他對這個問題的看法;他喜歡的樂團由 16 把小提琴、6 把大提琴、10 把低音大提琴和各兩把管樂器組成。 ^(30){ }^{30}
Modern orchestras usually make use of fewer double basses than cellos, although composers such as Lavignac ^(31){ }^{31} and Rimsky-Korsakov ^(32){ }^{32}, among others, are willing to allow an equal number of each. This age-old issue remain unsettled today, the real question being of course whether the double bass part should be limited to that of a background for the other basses or whether, on the contrary, the characteristic tones of the double bass should be advantaged to set off the lower register of the bass part. We learn from Claude Debussy that the double bass section of Serge Koussevitzky’s private orchestra in Russia had acquired an unexpected prominence. According to the French composer, it was truly this foundation, alternately solid, tumultuous and evanescent, that allowed the free and uninhibited expression of every possible orchestral gradation. ^(33){ }^{33} 現代管弦樂團使用的低音提琴通常少於大提琴,儘管 Lavignac ^(31){ }^{31} 和 Rimsky-Korsakov ^(32){ }^{32} 等作曲家願意讓低音提琴的數量與大提琴相等。這個歷史悠久的問題至今仍未解決,真正的問題當然是低音提琴聲部是否只應該被限制為其他低音提琴聲部的背景,還是相反地,低音提琴特有的音色應該被利用來襯托低音提琴聲部的低音域。我們從 Claude Debussy 的口中得知,Serge Koussevitzky 在俄羅斯的私人樂團中,低音提琴聲部獲得了意想不到的突出地位。根據這位法國作曲家的說法,正是這個交替著堅實、喧嘩和飄渺的基礎,讓管弦樂的每一個可能的層次都得以自由而無拘束地表達。 ^(33){ }^{33}
David Walter raised the question of the proportion of basses to the other strings in 1978 with Argentine composer Alberto Ginastera (1916-1983): “Oh, that is an old administrator’s error, he said, they think the bass is strong because it is large. Not so. There should be ten basses if there are ten cellos, surely.” 34 David Walter 在 1978 年與阿根廷作曲家 Alberto Ginastera (1916-1983) 一起提出低音提琴與其他弦線的比例問題:「哦,那是老管理者的錯誤,他說,他們認為低音提琴很強,因為它很大。並非如此。如果有十個大提琴,就應該有十個低音大提琴。34
As for cello-player Mstislas Rostropovitch, he would like to see orchestras become more open to a larger number of cellos and double basses, which should in his opinion be represented in equal proportions. 至於大提琴演奏家 Mstislas Rostropovitch,他希望看到管弦樂團對更多的大提琴和低音大提琴更加開放,他認為兩者的比例應該相同。
Chapter notes 章節說明
1 . Pure, Michel de: Idées des spectacles anciens et nouveaux, Paris, 1668. 1 .Pure, Michel de:Idées des spectacles anciens et nouveaux, Paris, 1668.
2 . Abbot, Djilda and Segerman, Ephraïm: “Gut strings”, Early Music, n04, Oct. 1976. 2 .Abbot, Djilda and Segerman, Ephraïm: 'Gut strings', Early Music, n04, Oct. 1976.
3. Diderot, Denis: Encyclopédie méthodique… 1751-1780. 3.Diderot, Denis: Encyclopédie méthodique... 1751-1780.
4 . Mersenne, Marin: Harmonie Universelle, Paris, 1636. 4 .Mersenne、Marin:Harmonie Universelle,巴黎,1636 年。
5. Muffat, Georg: “La manière de jouer les Airs de Ballet sur les Violons selon de génie de Feu M. Baptiste de Lully”, Preface to Florilegum Secundum, Passau, 1698. Muffat, Georg: "La manière de jouer les Airs de Ballet sur les Violons selon de génie de Feu M. Baptiste de Lully", Preface to Florilegum Secundum, Passau, 1698.
6 . Weckerlin, J.B.: “Notice sur la Contre-basse”, Chronique musicale, 1875. 6 .Weckerlin, J.B.: 'Notice sur la Contre-basse',Chronique musicale,1875 年。
7 . Lacombe: Dictionnaire portatif des Beaux-Arts, 1752. 7 .Lacombe: Dictionnaire portatif des Beaux-Arts, 1752.
8. Hall, Edward: “Notes on Abraham Prescott”, I.S.B. Magazine, vol 10, n^(@)n^{\circ} 3, Spring, 1984. 8. Hall, Edward: 'Notes on Abraham Prescott', I.S.B. Magazine, vol 10, n^(@)n^{\circ} 3, Spring, 1984.
Shain, Steve: “The c. 1825 Abraham Prescott double bass”, I.S.B. Magazine, vol 10, n^(@)3n^{\circ} 3, Spring 1984. Shain, Steve:「The c. 1825 Abraham Prescott double bass」,I.S.B. Magazine,vol 10, n^(@)3n^{\circ} 3 ,Spring 1984。
Desmarais, Cyprien: Archéologie du violon… Paris, 1836. Desmarais, Cyprien: Archéologie du violon... Paris, 1836.
Jacquot, Albert: La lutherie lorraine et française, Paris, 1912.
Trabouillet, L.: Etat de la France, year 1702.
Warnecke, Friedrich: Ad Infinitum, der Kontrabass, Hamburg, 1909. Warnecke,Friedrich:Ad Infinitum,der Kontrabass,漢堡,1909 年。
Détail de la régie actuel (sic) de l’Académie Royale de Musique… en 1738, MS, Bibliothèque de l’Opéra, Paris. Détail de la régie actuel (sic) de l'Académie Royale de Musique... en 1738, MS, Bibliothèque de l'Opéra, Paris.
Milliot, Sylvette: Documents inédit sur les luthiers parisiens au 18^(@)18^{\circ} siècle, Paris, 1970.
Brossard, Sébastien de: Dictionnaire de musique, Paris, 1703. Brossard, Sébastien de:Dictionnaire de musique,巴黎,1703 年。
Clément, abbé de la Porte: Anecdotes dramatiques, 1775.
Corrette, Michel: Méthodes pour apprendre à jouer de la Contre-Basse à 3, à 4 et à 5 cordes, Paris, 1781.
Diderot, Denis: “Table du rapport de l’étendue des voix et des instruments de musique comparés au clavecin”, Plate XXIL, Encyclopédie, Paris, 1750-80. Diderot, Denis:「Table du rapport de l'étendue des voix et des instruments de musique comparés au clavecin」,Plate XXIL,Encyclopédie,Paris,1750-80。
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: Dictionnaire de musique, Paris, 1768.
Deldevez: L’art du chef d’orchestre. Deldevez: L'art du chef d'orchestre.
Fétis, François Joseph: “On the state of music in London”, The Harmonicon, 1829. Fétis、François Joseph:《論倫敦的音樂狀況》,The Harmonicon,1829 年。
Elwart, Antoine: Histoire de la Société des Concerts du Conservatoire, Paris, 1860.
Berlioz, Hector: Grand traité d’orchestration et d’instrumentation modernes, Paris, 1844. Berlioz, Hector:Grand traité d'orchestration et d'instrumentation modernes,巴黎,1844 年。
Burrows, Donald: “Handel’s London theatre orchestra”, Early Music, Aug. 1985. Burrows, Donald:「Handel 的倫敦劇院管弦樂團」,《早期音樂》,1985 年 8 月。
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: Le lettre sur la musique française, 1753.
Raguenet, François: Parallèle des Italiens et des français… Paris, 1702. Raguenet, François: Parallèle des Italiens et des français... 巴黎,1702 年。
Berlioz, Hector: Mémoires, I, Paris c. 1831.
Galeazzi, Francesco: Elementi teorico-pratici, Rome, 1791.
Burney, Charles: The present state of music in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Provinces, London, 1775.
Walter, David: “Rostropovitch and the double bass”, I.S.B. Magazine, vol 3, n^(@)4n^{\circ} 4, Spring 1977. Walter, David:「Rostropovitch 與低音提琴」,I.S.B. Magazine,第 3 卷, n^(@)4n^{\circ} 4 ,1977 年春。
A double bass by Peeter Borbon, Brussels 1668. Peeter Borbon 於 1668 年在布魯塞爾創作的低音大提琴。
Overall length: 175 cm 總長度:175 公分
Body length: 105 cm 機身長度:105 公分
Length of strings: 95.5 cm 琴弦長度:95.5 公分
Carved back 雕花背板
II。Variations in playing standards 二、演奏標準的變化
Until not so long ago, it was widely believed that “nothing resembling a school of playing existed for the double bass well into the 19th century”, that “from time to time a great virtuoso appeared, and then ensued a period in which no one made any special mark in that direction”, ^(1){ }^{1} but we now know of the development of an outstanding school of double bass playing in the Vienna area in the second half of the 19th century. We shall see that improvements in standards have not depended solely on a dedicated handful of isolated virtuosos, but that generations of talented teachers have worked to lay the foundations of modern-day mastery of the instrument. 直到不久之前,人們還廣泛地認為 「直到 19 世紀都沒有任何類似低音大提琴演奏流派的存在」,「不時會出現一位偉大的演奏家,接下來的一段時期卻沒有人在這個方向上做出任何特別的貢獻」, ^(1){ }^{1} 但我們現在知道,在 19 世紀下半葉,維也納地區發展了一個傑出的低音大提琴演奏流派。我們將會看到,水準的提升並不是單靠少數個別演奏家的努力,而是幾代有天分的教師努力奠定了現代樂器精湛演奏的基礎。
Still, one must acknowledge that double bass players were not always appreciated by music-lovers in the past. Following a musical tour of Italy in 1773, the Englishman Charles Burney concluded that the double bass was so badly played there that it was no more musical than a hammerstroke! ^(2){ }^{2} Nor in France could the principles laid down by Michel Corrette be said to reflect a high level of musical standards. Not only did this author advise bassists to beat time with the foot while playing, he also suggested that ivory markers be set alongside the fingerboard of their instrument to serve as guides for the intonation. ^(3){ }^{3} 然而,我們必須承認,低音提琴演奏家在過去並不總是受到音樂愛好者的讚賞。1773 年,英國人 Charles Burney 在意大利進行音樂之旅後得出結論,低音提琴在當地演奏得非常糟糕,其音樂性甚至不如擊槌! ^(2){ }^{2} 在法國,Michel Corrette 定下的原則也不能說反映了高水平的音樂標準。這位作者不僅建議貝斯手在演奏時用腳打拍子,還建議在樂器的指板旁設置象牙標記,作為音調的指引。 ^(3){ }^{3}
For beginning double bass players, another approach consisted of fitting the neck of the instrument with gut frets* similar to those used on viols. Martin Agricola recommended this procedure for “kleine Geigen”, or violins, in 1528: 對於初學低音大提琴的演奏者而言,另一種方法是在琴頸上裝上類似中提琴上使用的直腸音格*。Martin Agricola 於 1528 年建議「kleine Geigen」(或稱小提琴)採用此方法:
“Playing without frets is difficult and requires careful studies, but you may learn with frets at first and then, if you like, they can be cut off with a knife”. ^(4){ }^{4} 「沒有音格的演奏是很困難的,需要仔細研究,但一開始你可以用音格來學習,然後,如果你喜歡的話,可以用小刀把音格切掉」。 ^(4){ }^{4}
Until the 18th century, the best violin teachers (Hans Gerle, 1532; John Playford, 1654; James Talbot, 1699; etc.) continued to advise the use of frets to ensure correct intonation by beginners. Corrette himself recommended their use on the double bass to help beginners play in tune, providing an illustration of a double bass fitted with seven of these accessories. 直到十八世紀,最優秀的小提琴教師(Hans Gerle,1532 年;John Playford,1654 年;James Talbot,1699 年等)仍繼續建議初學者使用音格來確保正確的音調。Corrette 本人也建議在低音大提琴上使用音格板來幫助初學者拉出正確的音調,並提供了一張裝有七個音格板配件的低音大提琴圖解。
Double bassists long avoided playing the lowest and highest tones their instruments afforded, because they felt that the lower tones sounded indistinctly 低音大提琴手長期避免演奏樂器所能提供的最低和最高音調,因為他們覺得較低的音調聽起來模糊不清。
Frets were generally made of pieces of glued gut tied round the neck at intervals, so as to form ridges on the fingerboard. 音格通常是由一塊塊黏合的內襯在琴頸上,每隔一段時間綁一圈,以便在指板上形成脊線。
while the higher tones were too difficult to play. ^(5){ }^{5} They consequently settled for a rather narrow register such as that employed in Prague in 1701:6 ^(5){ }^{5} 他們因此選擇了相當狹窄的音域,例如 1701 年在布拉格使用的音域。 ^(5){ }^{5} 因此,他們選擇了相當狹窄的音域,例如 1701 年在布拉格使用的音域:6
Half a century later, Quantz complained that few double bass players could be found who were capable of going further than gg on their instrument. ^(7){ }^{7} The double bass, too often badly played, long remained a victim of the unfavorable preconceptions of musicians, and in 1702 Sébastien de Brossard lamented a surprisingly restricted use of the double bass in the larger orchestras of the time. ^(8){ }^{8} He was joined in this by Quantz who similarly felt that the double bass, when well played, deserved a larger place than was given to it. 半個世紀之後,Quantz 抱怨很少有低音大提琴手能夠在樂器上走得比 gg 更遠。 ^(7){ }^{7} 低音大提琴經常被演奏得很糟糕,長期以來一直是音樂家不利成見的犧牲品。1702年,Sébastien de Brossard 對當時大型管弦樂團中低音大提琴的使用受到驚人的限制感到惋惜。 ^(8){ }^{8} Quantz和他一樣,也認為低音提琴只要演奏得好,理應獲得比現在更大的地位。
In 1828, Wenzel Hause (1764-1845), a professor of the double bass in Prague, justifiably complained that very few bassists could be found who were capable of realizing the full potential of their instrument. According to him, this could be blamed on the fact that they very rarely went to the trouble of thoroughly learning their instrument’s technique and simply relied on their musical judgment to guide their playing. ^(9){ }^{9} 1828 年,布拉格的低音大提琴教授 Wenzel Hause(1764-1845 年)有理由抱怨,很少有低音提琴演奏家能夠充分發揮其樂器的潛力。根據他的說法,這應歸咎於他們很少花心思去徹底學習樂器的技巧,而只是依賴他們的音樂判斷來指導他們的演奏。 ^(9){ }^{9}
One must concede, however, that for a long while the very recruitment of bass players followed unexpected criteria. Bonifacio Asioli (1769-1832), an Italian theoretician and composer, attributed the generally low musical standards among double bass players to several causes: 然而,我們必須承認,在很長的一段時間裡,低音提琴演奏家的招募遵循了出乎意料的標準。Bonifacio Asioli (1769-1832),一位義大利理論家和作曲家,將低音提琴演奏家普遍較低的音樂水準歸咎於幾個原因:
the absence of any instruction book, 沒有任何說明書、
the lack of incentive to choose the double bass, neglected as it was by those believing themselves capable of a greater success with a less awkward instrument, 低音大提琴缺乏選擇的誘因,因為它被那些認為自己有能力在較不笨拙的樂器上取得更大成功的人所忽視、
the frustration of the bass players over their subordinate position in the orchestra and over the lack of recognition of their skill by the audience, 低音提琴演奏者對於他們在樂團中的從屬地位以及觀眾對於他們的技巧缺乏認同的挫敗感、
the lack of foresight of the less competent music directors and teachers, public as well as private, who suggested that their least gifted students take up the double bass. ^(10){ }^{10} 無論是公立還是私立學校,那些能力較低的音樂指導和教師都缺乏遠見,建議他們資質最差的學生學習低音提琴。 ^(10){ }^{10}
The double bass long remained the ‘lame duck’ of the music schools. The virtuosos Giovanni Bottesini and Serge Koussevitzky both took up the study of the double bass because it was the only instrument they could afford, as double bass students were then ultimately offered a scholarship intended to stimulate applications. 低音提琴長期以來都是音樂學院的 「跛腳鴨」。演奏家 Giovanni Bottesini 和 Serge Koussevitzky 學習低音提琴都是因為這是他們唯一負擔得起的樂器,因為當時低音提琴學生最終會獲得獎學金,以刺激報名。
The very absence of any instruction book undertaking a rational approach to 沒有任何教導書可以讓我們以理性的方式來處理這些問題。
the instrument’s study greatly delayed any technical improvement. Aside from the Method by Michel Corrette (1781), which hardly deserves any interest from a practical point of view, bass players had little to rely on until the publication of treatises by Wenzel Hause, Bonifacio Asioli and Johann Hindle, toward the beginning of the 19th century, put an end to this deficiency. Prior to that time, the majority of bassists, greatly lacking in skill, simplified their part. 貝斯樂器的研究大大延遲了技術上的進步。除了 Michel Corrette (1781) 所著的《Method》(從實用的角度來看,這本書幾乎不值得一提)之外,低音提琴演奏家幾乎沒有任何可以依賴的東西,直到 19 世紀初,Wenzel Hause、Bonifacio Asioli 和 Johann Hindle 的論文相繼出版,才終結了這一缺陷。在此之前,大多數的低音大提琴手都因技術不足而將其樂部簡化。
Because the double bass sounds an octave below its written notes, pre-19th century composers did not have to go to the trouble of providing a specific part for this instrument, writing only one part for all of the low-pitched instruments of the orchestra, eight and sixteen foot alike. This part was intended for the most frequently used instruments such as the cello and the bassoon, and some passages that did not fit the mechanism of the double bass had to be simplified. This task was left to the bassists on the pretext that they were used to doing it! As recently as the beginning of the 19th century, double bass parts were written separately only when they featured some special intention or design of the composer. 由於低音大提琴的發聲比其書寫的音符低一個八度,因此十九世紀以前的作曲家不必大費周章地為這種樂器提供特定的聲部,他們只需為管弦樂團中所有的低音樂器寫一個聲部,八尺和十六尺的都一樣。這個聲部是為大提琴和巴松管等最常使用的樂器而設,一些不適合低音提琴機制的段落必須加以簡化。這項任務交由低音大提琴手來完成,藉口是他們已經習以為常!近至 19 世紀初,低音提琴聲部只有在作曲家有特殊意圖或設計時,才會單獨編寫。
The common unison part sometimes went higher than the bassists were capable of taking their instrument. In this case, they used their open strings and simply played the awkward notes down the octave. Quantz disapproved of such a clumsy interruption of the melodic line and advised bassists to play the whole passage an octave lower instead. In any case, so as to better set off the high-pitched phrases, the double bass was supposed to keep silent when tenor keys occurred. Similarly, it was widely accepted that the small, or tasteful, ornaments in a musical score were not to be played by the double bass. 常見的單音部分有時候會高於低音結他手的樂器能力。在這種情況下,低音結他手會使用他們的開弦,並簡單地將突兀的音符往下拉一個八度。Quantz 不贊成這樣笨拙地打斷旋律線,並建議低音提琴手將整個樂段彈低八度。無論如何,為了更好地襯托出高音域的樂句,低音提琴應該在出現男高音音鍵時保持沉默。同樣地,人們普遍認為樂譜中的細小或有品味的裝飾音不能由低音大提琴來演奏。
Corrette felt that those who tried to play all of the notes only made a nuisance of themselves; on the other hand, since several musicians each simplifying his part as he saw fit could also lead to general bedlam, this author consequently advised bass players to limit themselves to playing the harmonic root. With regard to the execution of rapid passages, he recommended that they only play the first of a group of even notes and the first note on each beat when a run occurred. ^(11){ }^{11} Similarly, Quantz explained that, if a passage occurred which the bassist was not able to play distinctly on account of great speed, he might, out of a group of two or three eighth notes, choose to play only the first, third or last note. Quantz illustrates his point as follows (the notes of the simplified bass part are written with downward stems, as was then customary usage): ^(12){ }^{12} Corrette 認為那些嘗試演奏所有音符的人,只會為自己帶來麻煩;另一方面,由於幾位樂手各自簡化他認為合適的部分,也可能會導致整體的混亂,因此這位作者建議低音結他手僅限於演奏和聲根音。至於快速樂段的演奏,他建議他們只演奏偶數音符中的第一個音符,以及發生跑音時每一拍的第一個音符。 ^(11){ }^{11} 同樣地,Quantz 解釋說,如果低音結他手因為速度太快而無法彈奏出清晰的段落,他可以在一組兩個或三個八分音符中,選擇只彈奏第一個、第三個或最後一個音符。Quantz 以下列方式說明他的觀點 (簡化低音聲部的音符是以向下的豎線書寫,這是當時的習慣用法): ^(12){ }^{12} .
The simplification of double bass parts according to Quantz (1752) 根據 Quantz (1752) 對低音提琴聲部的簡化
Still, with the exception of the very rapid passages which not everyone could be expected to play flawlessly, bassists were expected to play all of the notes. The least scrupulous among them did not apply this principle and too often chose the easier way. Hector Berlioz strongly reproved the conduct of the laziest or least skillful bassists who would simplify difficult passages without even trying to play all of the notes. ^(13){ }^{13} As for the other, more conscientious, bass players, Berlioz considered that, in any case, no two musicians ever had the same ideas as to the importance of the different notes in the same passage. Even when they had some knowledge of composition, and this was not always the case, they rarely agreed on the same simplification of the part. The Leipzig Allgemeine Musicalisches Zeitung for 1816 is more specific with regard to this important issue, giving the following example: 然而,除了並非每個人都能完美無瑕地彈奏出非常快速的樂段之外,貝斯手都必須彈奏出所有的音符。他們中最不嚴謹的人卻沒有遵守這個原則,而常常選擇較容易的方式。柏遼茲(Hector Berlioz)強烈譴責最懶惰或技巧最差的低音提琴手,他們甚至不試著彈奏所有音符,就將困難的段落簡化。 ^(13){ }^{13} 至於其他較為認真的低音提琴演奏家,柏遼茲認為,無論如何,沒有兩位音樂家會對同一段落中不同音符的重要性有相同的想法。即使他們對作曲有一定的認識(但這並非經常如此),他們也很少能在相同的簡化部分上達成一致。1816 年的《萊比錫音樂報》 (Leipzig Allgemeine Musicalisches Zeitung) 對於這個重要的問題有更明確的說明,並舉出以下的例子:
“It can easily happen that one (of the bassists) plays every other sixteenth note, which he believes to be the principal notes, and consequently plays a G# on the fourth eighth note. The other one, however, has noticed the chord of A major which started the bass line, giving the G# a mere value of passing note, and confidently plays a A over the G# of the first one and the cellist”. ^(14){ }^{14} "很容易發生的情況是,其中一位 (低音結他手) 每隔一個十六分音符就彈一次,他認為那是主音,結果在第四個八分音符上彈了一個 G#。然而,另一位注意到 A 大調和弦是低音的起始音,因此 G# 的音值僅為經過音,並自信地在第一位與大提琴手的 G# 上彈出 A。 ^(14){ }^{14} 。
The result, for Berlioz, was a dreadful state of confusion and disorder: 對 Berlioz 來說,結果是一種可怕的混亂和無序狀態:
“This buzzing chaos (that of the simplifying bassists), full of odd noises and hideous grumblings, was completed and further augmented by the other double bass players, more zealous or more confident in their skillfulness, who wore themselves out in useless efforts to play every note of the written passage”. ^(15){ }^{15} "這種嗡嗡作響的混亂(簡化貝斯手的混亂),充滿了奇怪的噪音和可怕的怨言,由其他貝斯手完成並進一步擴大,他們更熱衷於或更自信於自己的技巧,他們在無用的努力中累得筋疲力盡,以演奏所寫段落的每個音符。 ^(15){ }^{15}
This unfortunate custom was linked to the use of the double bass tuned in fifths, three- and four-stringers alike, and disappeared with its rejection in favor 這個不幸的習俗與低音大提琴使用五度調音有關,三弦與四弦的低音大提琴都是如此。
of the instrument in modern fourth tuning. For a while, both German and French orchestras employed mixed double bass sections (Berlioz wrote in approval of these) in which the powerful three-stringer tuned in fifths heavily stressed changes of harmony while the more nimble four-stringer in modern tuning played all of the notes. But the Germans soon ousted the basses in fifth tuning and retained only the easier, more practical instruments that we know today. In contrast, the French bassist, who kept the other type of double bass well into the 19th century, at the same time carried on what had by then become an obsolescent method. A text dated 1828 skillfully pleaded for this out-dated practice: 在這段期間,德國與法國的管弦樂團都採用了混合低音提琴聲部(Berlioz 在其著作中表示同意)。有一陣子,德國與法國的管弦樂團都採用了混合低音提琴聲部 (Berlioz 曾寫信稱讚),其中強而有力的五度調三弦樂手強調和聲的變化,而較靈巧的四度調四弦樂手則演奏所有的音符。但德國人很快就摒棄了五度調音的低音大提琴,只保留了我們今天所知的較容易、較實用的樂器。相反地,法國的低音大提琴手將另一種低音大提琴一直保留到十九世紀,同時也延續了當時已經過時的演奏方法。1828 年的一篇文章巧妙地為這種過時的做法辯護:
“Their skill with the instrument is altogether different from that of foreign double bass players. French bassists play with strength, precision and exactitude all of the notes written for the bass/double bass part… To these high playing standards, the double bassists of whom I have just spoken add another talent which, in our opinion, raises the proper manner of playing the double bass to the summits of excellence: that of, in some cases, playing only the notes which best set off the mass of the orchestra. These harmonizing double bassists and even composers are more familiar with the effect of their instrument than many authors and opera composers and thus, because of the habit and talent they have of judging the general effect made by the orchestra in which they play, they know that if, in a fast movement, they played all of the notes belonging to the same chord, this multitude of low tones would only result in a muffled noise producing an indistinct overall effect”.16 "他們的演奏技巧與外國的低音提琴演奏家完全不同。法國的低音提琴演奏家能有力、精準、準確地演奏低音提琴/低音大提琴聲部的所有音符......除了這些高水準的演奏之外,我剛才提到的低音提琴演奏家還具有另一種才能,在我們看來,這種才能將低音提琴的正確演奏方式提升到了卓越的頂峰:在某些情況下,他們只演奏最能襯托樂團整體的音符。這些和聲低音提琴演奏家甚至作曲家比許多作家和歌劇作曲家更熟悉他們樂器的效果,因此,由於他們有判斷他們演奏的樂團所產生的整體效果的習慣和天賦,他們知道,如果在快速的樂章中,他們演奏屬於同一和弦的所有音符,那麼這些眾多的低音只會造成一種嘈雜的噪音,產生模糊不清的整體效果"。
The solution to this problem, already thought out by Corrette in the previous century, was of course to give each bass player a written simplified bass part: “When several bass players are employed in an orchestra, each of them should be given the same simplified part on which the principal notes of the chords would be indicated; the effect would thus be more beautiful and more correct”. ^(17){ }^{17} 科雷特 (Corrette) 在上一世紀已經想出解決這個問題的方法,當然是讓每位低音提琴演奏者都有一個書面的簡化低音聲部:「當樂團中有幾位低音提琴演奏者時,應該讓他們每人都有相同的簡化聲部,並在上面標示和弦的主音;這樣效果會更美麗、更正確」。 ^(17){ }^{17}
In 1807, G. Weber complained that it had become fashionable among composers to overload the bass parts and to write passages that were hardly within the capacity of a few violin players. Because of this, he thought, bass players had no other choice than simplify their part: 1807 年,G. Weber 抱怨說,作曲家之間已經習慣將低音聲部寫得太重,而且寫出的段落幾乎不在幾個小提琴手的能力範圍之內。他認為,正因如此,低音提琴演奏者除了簡化他們的聲部之外,別無選擇:
“Would it not be justified to solve this indisputable problem? This would be easy if the composers went more often to the trouble of separating the double bass voice from that of the cello into two different parts, thus of writing clearly the notes that are to be played in the passage. In case one or the other player thought himself sufficiently capable, he could join in the passage (the use of the "要解決這個無可爭議的問題,難道不是理所當然的事嗎?如果作曲家多花點心思,將低音提琴的聲部與大提琴的聲部分為兩個不同的部分,並清楚地寫出在樂段中要演奏的音符,這就很容易解決這個問題。如果其中一位演奏者或另一位演奏者認為自己有足夠的能力,他可以加入樂段(使用低音大提琴)。
tenor key would be a sign that this was not allowed). On the other hand, the weaker of the cello players could in all cases play the lightened double bass voice and thus prove more efficient than when they spoil a passage which they are unable to simplify”. ^(18){ }^{18} 在大提琴演奏中,低音大提琴的演奏者可以在任何情況下都能演奏出輕鬆的低音大提琴聲部,這比他們在無法簡化的樂段中破壞樂章更有效率。)另一方面,大提琴演奏者中的弱者在任何情況下都能演奏出輕化的低音提琴聲部,因此證明比他們破壞無法簡化的段落時更有效率'。 ^(18){ }^{18}
Berlioz was one of the first in France to take a public stand against the simplification of parts. Like G. Weber, he did not criticize the musicians who practiced it and blamed instead those composers who wrote for the heaviest of instruments passages so fast that they were already difficult to play on the much lighter cello. Berlioz considered that no bass player could be expected to play every note distinctly unless composers went to the trouble of writing playable parts for this instrument. Respect for the score was thus closely linked to the composer’s understanding of the possibilities of the instrument: 柏遼茲是法國第一批公開反對簡化聲部的人。像 G. Weber 一樣,他沒有批評實行簡化的音樂家,反而責怪那些作曲家為最重的樂器寫出太快的段落,以至於在輕得多的大提琴上已經很難演奏。柏遼茲認為,除非作曲家費盡心思為低音提琴寫出可演奏的部分,否則無法期望低音提琴手能清楚地演奏每個音符。因此,對樂譜的尊重與作曲家對樂器可能性的理解息息相關:
“When the fault is on the composer’s side, it is the composer himself, and the listeners, who bear the consequenses, and the player is in no way answerable”. ^(19){ }^{19} 當錯誤出在作曲家一方時,是作曲家本人和聽眾要承擔後果,而演奏者是無須負責的。 ^(19){ }^{19}
This was apparently not the opinion of French conductor Charles-Marie Widor who condemned the simplifiers on the ground that “these people did not deserve to be called artists; they were no more than water carriers”…^(20)^{20} 這顯然不是法國指揮家 Charles-Marie Widor 的看法,他譴責簡化派,理由是「這些人不配被稱為藝術家;他們不過是運水員」... ^(20)^{20}^(20)^{20}。
In all fairness to the bassists of the time, it should be noted that the fifth tuning which they used was entirely detrimental to virtuosity, as it greatly increased the number of shiftings. Besides, musicians were long required by their employers to play several different instruments, a condition which obviously impeded any development of virtuosity. Lute player Pierre Chabanceau de la Barre, for example, was hired in 1663 at the King’s Chapel in France to play both the theorbo and the Large Bass Violin ^(21){ }^{21}. Similarly, Quantz practiced a number of instruments, among them the double bass, before ultimately settling on the transverse flute. On November 7, 1723, the churchwardens of St Jacob’s church in Antwerp hired a first violin. It was expected that by the end of his contract he would be able to play, according to needs, the tenor viol, the oboe, the flute, the cello, and the double bass, no less! 為了對當時的低音結他手公平起見,我們應該注意到他們所使用的五度調音完全不利於演奏技巧,因為這大大增加了移調的次數。此外,樂手們長期被雇主要求演奏多種不同的樂器,這顯然妨礙了演奏技巧的發展。例如,魯特琴演奏家 Pierre Chabanceau de la Barre 於 1663 年受聘於法國國王教堂,同時演奏低音大提琴與大低音小提琴 ^(21){ }^{21} 。同樣地,昆茨也練習了多種樂器,其中包括低音大提琴,最後才決定使用橫笛。1723 年 11 月 7 日,安特衛普 St Jacob 教堂的監督聘請了第一把小提琴。預計在合約結束時,他將可根據需要演奏次中音提琴、雙簧管、長笛、大提琴,以及低音提琴,不遑多讓!
J.S. Bach himself envied the “musicians of Dresden, who were well paid by the King and who were only required to play one instrument each”. Might there not be a relationship between this fact and the special mention made by Quantz of the Dresden Orchestra, which “employed several excellent performers on the cello, bassoon and double bass” ? J.S.巴赫自己也很羨慕「德勒斯登的音樂家,國王給他們高薪,而且他們每人只需要演奏一種樂器」。Quantz 特別提到德勒斯登樂團「雇用了幾位優秀的大提琴、低音管和低音提琴演奏家」,這與此是否有關係?
However, a noteworthy, though short lived phenomenon was taking place at about the same time in Austria… This unprecedented musical development would later come to be known as the Golden Age of. Virtuosity. 然而,與此同時,在奧地利也出現了一個值得注意的現象,雖然為時不長......這個前所未有的音樂發展,後來被稱為黃金時代。美德。
The Golden Age of Virtuosity 美德的黃金時代
David Walter, the well khown player and teacher of New York city, explains in one of his articles the remarkable consequenses of the purchase of a microfilm machine by the Deutsches Landesbibliothek in Schwerin (D.D.R.) in the mid-1950’s. Suddenly, it was possible to descend into the uncatalogued archives to bring to light manuscripts that had effectively been buried there for nearly two centuries. A treasure trove of double bass music appeared, reams of material which covered seven typewritten catalogue pages. Included were eighteen concertos, five