这是用户在 2024-3-24 7:49 为 https://immersivetranslate.com/profile?utm_campaign=extension_settings_general&from=extension 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?
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What are the advantages of using Deepl Translation?
使用Deepl Translation有什么优势?

DeepL is known as the world's most accurate machine translation service. Its translation engine is developed based on neural network artificial intelligence, and according to its disclosed professional translator blind test results, DeepL outperforms its competitors by a factor of 3: 1, and in the blind test of translation quality in English ⇄ Chinese, it is even 5 times higher than other machine translation engines.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using OpenAI for translation?
使用 OpenAI 进行翻译的优缺点是什么?

The GPT model by OpenAI is trained on a large amount of textual data, which means it performs exceptionally well when dealing with various professional terms. It excels in understanding the context of sentences or paragraphs, and after extensive comparisons, the conclusion is that OpenAI's translation quality is currently among the best in most cases.
OpenAI 的 GPT 模型是在大量文本数据上训练的,这意味着它在处理各种专业术语时表现得非常出色。它擅长理解句子或段落的上下文,经过广泛的比较,得出的结论是,OpenAI 的翻译质量目前在大多数情况下都是最好的。

However, due to OpenAI's core mechanism of sequentially predicting each word in a sentence, its translation speed is relatively slow.
然而,由于 OpenAI 的核心机制是按顺序预测句子中的每个单词,因此其翻译速度相对较慢。

Additionally, since OpenAI is not specifically created as a translation service, it has some security limitations, such as refusing to translate paragraphs with certain negative meanings.
此外,由于 OpenAI 不是专门作为翻译服务创建的,因此它有一些安全限制,例如拒绝翻译具有某些负面含义的段落。

Lastly, as it is still in its early stages, the service may sometimes be relatively less stable.

Can I use Immersive Translate for free?

Yes, you can use Immersive Translate completely free of charge, as Immersive Translate offers the most comprehensive free package of its kind, with no restrictions on the use of any features.

And for those who wish to use DeepL and OpenAI Translator, Immersive Translate offers a low-cost and out-of-the-box experience.
对于那些希望使用DeepL和OpenAI Translator的人来说,沉浸式翻译提供了低成本和开箱即用的体验。

How do I use the Immersive Translate extension after installing it?

For a quick start, the following should suffice (we also have a more detailed guide here):

  1. After installation, the browser will collapse the Immersive Translate extension icon by default, so as a first step, you need to put Immersive Translate in the collapse menu in the top right corner ofbrowseras follows:
  2. Next, you can translate the web page, take USA Today as an example, open USA Today's English web page, right click in any area, and select [Translate webpage/Display original text] button in the menu, the web page will be displayed in bilingual form. If you like shortcuts, you can press [Alt+A] (Option+A for MacOS) to trigger the webpage translation.
    接下来,您可以翻译网页,以《今日美国》为例,打开《今日美国》英文网页,在任意区域右键点击,在菜单中选择【翻译网页/显示原文】按钮,网页将以双语形式显示。如果喜欢快捷键,可以按 [Alt+A](MacOS 为 Option+A)触发网页翻译。

    Another way is to click the Immersive Translate icon in your browser toolbar and then click [Translate] as follows:
    另一种方法是单击浏览器工具栏中的沉浸式翻译图标,然后单击 [翻译],如下所示:
  3. If you want to translate documents, such as PDF, Epub, subtitle files, etc., you can click the [Immersive Translate] icon in the browser toolbar and click [More].

I really like Immersive Translate and want to recommend it to friends, do you have an affiliate program?

Yes, we have an easy-to-join affiliate program. Anyone can click here to apply on their own, after which you will receive a unique referral link. Using this link, you can recommend immersive translation to your friends. If your friend upgrades to an immersive translation Pro member within 30 days, you will receive a 20% referral commission.
是的,我们有一个易于加入的联盟计划。任何人都可以点击这里自行申请,之后您将收到一个独特的推荐链接。使用此链接,您可以向您的朋友推荐沉浸式翻译。如果您的朋友在 30 天内升级为沉浸式翻译专业会员,您将获得 20% 的推荐佣金。

Additionally, friends who purchase through your link will also enjoy a permanent 5% recurring discount.
此外,通过您的链接购买的朋友还将享受永久的 5% 经常性折扣。

I find the foreign language content valuable, but I don't know where to look, any recommendations?

Yes, we did find that there is more and higher-quality foreign language content on the internet. That's why we developed Immersive Translate. We have also compiled a list of high-quality English websites that you can explore for content that interests you. Additionally, you can follow individuals or topics of interest on popular foreign social media platforms for real-time information, such as Twitter, Reddit, Youtube, and so on.
是的,我们确实发现互联网上有更多、更高质量的外语内容。这就是我们开发沉浸式翻译的原因。我们还编制了一份高质量的英语网站列表,您可以浏览这些网站以查找您感兴趣的内容。此外,您可以在流行的外国社交媒体平台上关注感兴趣的个人或主题,以获取实时信息,例如 Twitter、Reddit、Youtube 等。

Is the DeepL/OpenAI translation service for Pro members unlimited?

The translation character count for both DeepL and OpenAI is not unlimited; they each have their respective limits.

However, in the majority of cases, you shouldn't worry about usage limits, as the total translation quota for monthly/annual Pro members is designed to accommodate the high-frequency translation needs of web users.
但是,在大多数情况下,您不必担心使用限制,因为月度/年度 Pro 会员的总翻译配额旨在满足 Web 用户的高频翻译需求。

If you have additional requirements beyond the limits, you can purchase exclusive additional traffic packages for DeepL or OpenAI after reaching the limit. All users should adhere to our fair usage policy, meaning you should only use the translation services provided by Immersive Translate within Immersive Translate.

It is not allowed for any user to access the translation services provided by Immersive Translate through automated programs.

Is the quota provided by Pro membership the same for DeepL and OpenAI?

Not the same, the quota of DeepL is about 3 times that of OpenAI. For web page translation, DeepL translations combine the advantages of quality and speed, and we recommend using DeepL for main translations and OpenAI when needed.

Is there a limit to the number of devices that can be used at the same time?

Yes, each account can use up to 8 devices simultaneously. If you exceed this limit, the device that was logged in first will be automatically logged out. Please note that here "devices" refer to browsers.

Is the OpenAI translation provided by Pro membership compatible with GPT-4?
Pro 会员提供的 OpenAI 翻译是否与 GPT-4 兼容?

No, only GPT3.5 is currently supported.

Can I use Paypal to subscribe to a continuous monthly or continuous yearly Pro membership?
我可以使用 PayPal 订阅连续的月度或连续年度专业会员资格吗?

Yes, we have partnered with Stripe to support a monthly debit service using paypal.

Can I use my UnionPay credit card to subscribe to a continuous monthly or continuous annual Pro membership?

Yes, we have partnered with Stripe to support credit cards issued by any of the major credit card organizations including UnionPay, this includes UnionPay, Visa, MasterCard and more.

Can I try it for free?

Yes, you can try it out for free, just subscribe to the 1-day free trial package by selecting it directly above. You can cancel at any time before the trial expires without any charge.

Can I get a refund?

Because Pro Membership provides a virtual service, refunds are not supported. We recommend that you first try the free trial packages we offer to get a feel for our services.

How do I unsubscribe from the service if I don't want to continue my subscription?

You can click on [Billing] on your profile page, then, on the billing page, click on [Cancel Plan] to unsubscribe.

How does it work in Safari?
它在 Safari 中是如何工作的?

Due to Apple's restrictions on virtual services, it is currently not possible to directly purchase Immersive Translate membership in Safari. However, you can subscribe to the membership on other platforms, such as Chrome, Edge browsers, etc.
Once subscribed, you can log in to your account on Safari to access the membership services.

How do you control costs in the face of the huge volume of requests required for web page translation?

There is indeed a significant difference in the volume of requests between web page translation and word selection translation. To address this, we innovatively adopted the technique of pre-caching popular public web pages.
Simultaneously, we combined it with our optimized web page segment matching technology to ensure that costs are kept within a controllable range. Additionally, we expect that as our scale expands, we can gain more bargaining power.

I have other questions. 我还有其他问题。

If you have any other questions, please contact our customer support at support@immersivetranslate.com or pull down to the bottom of the page to join one of our user groups, such as WeChat, QQ, Telegram, etc.