The interim Accidental Death cover "Interim Cover" applies only if the Life Assured is less than Age 60 on the date of Application and comply with the duty of disclosure as set out in the Application Form.
The Interim Cover Benefit per life by Us under the Interim Cover is:
- the proposed Sum Assured for Death Benefit, or
- SGD 500,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies),
whichever is lower, less the Premiums which would have been required to be paid for the first policy year.
Upon receiving the Application and all the required supporting documents and information, We reserve the right to revoke the Interim Cover by informing the Life Assured immediately if We determine that there is more than the standard life risk to cover.
When the Interim Accidental Death Benefit Ends
This benefit ends:
- on the Policy Issue Date,
- 90 days from the date of Application signed,
- 30 days from the date the Application is accepted by Us on substandard terms, unless the Assured accepts the terms,
- on the date the Application is withdrawn,
- on the date the Application is rejected or postponed by Us, or
- if the proposed Life Assured dies due to an Accident (or in the case of a joint-lives proposal, if the 1^("st ") of the 2 proposed Lives Assured were to die due to an Accident),
whichever is the earliest.
"Accident" means an event caused solely and independently of all other causes and directly by violent, unexpected, external and visible means.
"Accidental Death" means death caused by Accident.
"Application" means the application form signed and submitted by the person(s) named in the application to purchase the Policy from Us, including any written statement, representation and/or document given to Us to support the said application.| The interim Accidental Death cover "Interim Cover" applies only if the Life Assured is less than Age 60 on the date of Application and comply with the duty of disclosure as set out in the Application Form. |
| :--- |
| The Interim Cover Benefit per life by Us under the Interim Cover is: |
| - the proposed Sum Assured for Death Benefit, or |
| - SGD 500,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies), |
| whichever is lower, less the Premiums which would have been required to be paid for the first policy year. |
| Upon receiving the Application and all the required supporting documents and information, We reserve the right to revoke the Interim Cover by informing the Life Assured immediately if We determine that there is more than the standard life risk to cover. |
| When the Interim Accidental Death Benefit Ends |
| This benefit ends: |
| - on the Policy Issue Date, |
| - 90 days from the date of Application signed, |
| - 30 days from the date the Application is accepted by Us on substandard terms, unless the Assured accepts the terms, |
| - on the date the Application is withdrawn, |
| - on the date the Application is rejected or postponed by Us, or |
| - if the proposed Life Assured dies due to an Accident (or in the case of a joint-lives proposal, if the $1^{\text {st }}$ of the 2 proposed Lives Assured were to die due to an Accident), |
| whichever is the earliest. |
| "Accident" means an event caused solely and independently of all other causes and directly by violent, unexpected, external and visible means. |
| "Accidental Death" means death caused by Accident. |
| "Application" means the application form signed and submitted by the person(s) named in the application to purchase the Policy from Us, including any written statement, representation and/or document given to Us to support the said application. |
We do not pay the Interim Accidental Death Benefit under this Policy if death is directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by:
- suicide, attempted suicide or other intentional self-inflicted injury, while sane or insane,
active participation in war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism,
resulting from or in connection with the use of nuclear, biological and/or chemical weapons in any act of war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism, any navy, army, air force, military or police duties (includes National Service and Reservist),
participation in any aerial activity such as parachuting and sky-diving, racing of any kind other than on foot, mountaineering or underwater activity,
- travel on any type of aircraft except as a farepaying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularlyscheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft,
any violation or attempted violation of law, or resistance to lawful arrest or imprisonment, the influence of alcohol or drugs unless administered or taken at the direction of a Registered Medical Practitioner,
any medical condition or injury not caused by an Accident, or
consumption of poison or any substance which may be fatal if consumed, whether voluntary or involuntary.| We do not pay the Interim Accidental Death Benefit under this Policy if death is directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by: |
| :--- |
| - suicide, attempted suicide or other intentional self-inflicted injury, while sane or insane, |
| active participation in war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism, |
| resulting from or in connection with the use of nuclear, biological and/or chemical weapons in any act of war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism, any navy, army, air force, military or police duties (includes National Service and Reservist), |
| participation in any aerial activity such as parachuting and sky-diving, racing of any kind other than on foot, mountaineering or underwater activity, |
| - travel on any type of aircraft except as a farepaying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularlyscheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft, |
| any violation or attempted violation of law, or resistance to lawful arrest or imprisonment, the influence of alcohol or drugs unless administered or taken at the direction of a Registered Medical Practitioner, |
| any medical condition or injury not caused by an Accident, or |
| consumption of poison or any substance which may be fatal if consumed, whether voluntary or involuntary. |
What We Pay What We Do Not Pay
"The interim Accidental Death cover "Interim Cover" applies only if the Life Assured is less than Age 60 on the date of Application and comply with the duty of disclosure as set out in the Application Form.
The Interim Cover Benefit per life by Us under the Interim Cover is:
- the proposed Sum Assured for Death Benefit, or
- SGD 500,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies),
whichever is lower, less the Premiums which would have been required to be paid for the first policy year.
Upon receiving the Application and all the required supporting documents and information, We reserve the right to revoke the Interim Cover by informing the Life Assured immediately if We determine that there is more than the standard life risk to cover.
When the Interim Accidental Death Benefit Ends
This benefit ends:
- on the Policy Issue Date,
- 90 days from the date of Application signed,
- 30 days from the date the Application is accepted by Us on substandard terms, unless the Assured accepts the terms,
- on the date the Application is withdrawn,
- on the date the Application is rejected or postponed by Us, or
- if the proposed Life Assured dies due to an Accident (or in the case of a joint-lives proposal, if the 1^("st ") of the 2 proposed Lives Assured were to die due to an Accident),
whichever is the earliest.
"Accident" means an event caused solely and independently of all other causes and directly by violent, unexpected, external and visible means.
"Accidental Death" means death caused by Accident.
"Application" means the application form signed and submitted by the person(s) named in the application to purchase the Policy from Us, including any written statement, representation and/or document given to Us to support the said application." "We do not pay the Interim Accidental Death Benefit under this Policy if death is directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by:
- suicide, attempted suicide or other intentional self-inflicted injury, while sane or insane,
active participation in war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism,
resulting from or in connection with the use of nuclear, biological and/or chemical weapons in any act of war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism, any navy, army, air force, military or police duties (includes National Service and Reservist),
participation in any aerial activity such as parachuting and sky-diving, racing of any kind other than on foot, mountaineering or underwater activity,
- travel on any type of aircraft except as a farepaying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularlyscheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft,
any violation or attempted violation of law, or resistance to lawful arrest or imprisonment, the influence of alcohol or drugs unless administered or taken at the direction of a Registered Medical Practitioner,
any medical condition or injury not caused by an Accident, or
consumption of poison or any substance which may be fatal if consumed, whether voluntary or involuntary."| What We Pay | What We Do Not Pay |
| :---: | :---: |
| The interim Accidental Death cover "Interim Cover" applies only if the Life Assured is less than Age 60 on the date of Application and comply with the duty of disclosure as set out in the Application Form. <br> The Interim Cover Benefit per life by Us under the Interim Cover is: <br> - the proposed Sum Assured for Death Benefit, or <br> - SGD 500,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies), <br> whichever is lower, less the Premiums which would have been required to be paid for the first policy year. <br> Upon receiving the Application and all the required supporting documents and information, We reserve the right to revoke the Interim Cover by informing the Life Assured immediately if We determine that there is more than the standard life risk to cover. <br> When the Interim Accidental Death Benefit Ends <br> This benefit ends: <br> - on the Policy Issue Date, <br> - 90 days from the date of Application signed, <br> - 30 days from the date the Application is accepted by Us on substandard terms, unless the Assured accepts the terms, <br> - on the date the Application is withdrawn, <br> - on the date the Application is rejected or postponed by Us, or <br> - if the proposed Life Assured dies due to an Accident (or in the case of a joint-lives proposal, if the $1^{\text {st }}$ of the 2 proposed Lives Assured were to die due to an Accident), <br> whichever is the earliest. <br> "Accident" means an event caused solely and independently of all other causes and directly by violent, unexpected, external and visible means. <br> "Accidental Death" means death caused by Accident. <br> "Application" means the application form signed and submitted by the person(s) named in the application to purchase the Policy from Us, including any written statement, representation and/or document given to Us to support the said application. | We do not pay the Interim Accidental Death Benefit under this Policy if death is directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by: <br> - suicide, attempted suicide or other intentional self-inflicted injury, while sane or insane, <br> active participation in war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism, <br> resulting from or in connection with the use of nuclear, biological and/or chemical weapons in any act of war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism, any navy, army, air force, military or police duties (includes National Service and Reservist), <br> participation in any aerial activity such as parachuting and sky-diving, racing of any kind other than on foot, mountaineering or underwater activity, <br> - travel on any type of aircraft except as a farepaying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularlyscheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft, <br> any violation or attempted violation of law, or resistance to lawful arrest or imprisonment, the influence of alcohol or drugs unless administered or taken at the direction of a Registered Medical Practitioner, <br> any medical condition or injury not caused by an Accident, or <br> consumption of poison or any substance which may be fatal if consumed, whether voluntary or involuntary. |
2.2. 身故保险金
自杀,如第 4 节所述。
The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit
(including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full.| The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit |
| :--- |
| (including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full. |
What We Pay What We Do Not Pay
If the Life Assured dies, We will pay the Sum We do not pay the Death Benefit if the Life Assured
Assured in one lump sum. commits suicide as stated in Section 4.
If We have paid part of the Sum Assured in an earlier
claim, only the remaining Sum Assured is payable.
"The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit
(including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full." | What We Pay | What We Do Not Pay |
| :--- | :--- |
| If the Life Assured dies, We will pay the Sum | We do not pay the Death Benefit if the Life Assured |
| Assured in one lump sum. | commits suicide as stated in Section 4. |
| If We have paid part of the Sum Assured in an earlier | |
| claim, only the remaining Sum Assured is payable. | |
| The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit <br> (including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full. | |
2.3. 终端 III 益处 (TI 益处)
If the Life Assured is diagnosed with Terminal
Illness, We will pay the TI Benefit in one lump sum,
as an early payout of the Death Benefit.| If the Life Assured is diagnosed with Terminal |
| :--- |
| Illness, We will pay the TI Benefit in one lump sum, |
| as an early payout of the Death Benefit. |
我们不支付因人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染而导致的终末期疾病的 TI 福利。
We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in
the presence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus
(HIV) infection.| We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in |
| :--- |
| the presence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
| (HIV) infection. |
被保险人在 12 个月内。
This diagnosis must be supported by a specialist
and confirmed by Our appointed Registered Medical
Practitioner.| This diagnosis must be supported by a specialist |
| :--- |
| and confirmed by Our appointed Registered Medical |
| Practitioner. |
What We Pay What We Do Not Pay
"If the Life Assured is diagnosed with Terminal
Illness, We will pay the TI Benefit in one lump sum,
as an early payout of the Death Benefit." "We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in
the presence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus
(HIV) infection."
"Terminal Illness" means the conclusive diagnosis of
an illness that is expected to result in the death of
the Life Assured within 12 months.
"This diagnosis must be supported by a specialist
and confirmed by Our appointed Registered Medical
Practitioner." | What We Pay | What We Do Not Pay |
| :--- | :--- |
| If the Life Assured is diagnosed with Terminal <br> Illness, We will pay the TI Benefit in one lump sum, <br> as an early payout of the Death Benefit. | We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in <br> the presence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus <br> (HIV) infection. |
| "Terminal Illness" means the conclusive diagnosis of | |
| an illness that is expected to result in the death of | |
| the Life Assured within 12 months. | |
| This diagnosis must be supported by a specialist <br> and confirmed by Our appointed Registered Medical <br> Practitioner. | |
This option allows You to renew this Basic Cover automatically from the Benefit Cessation
Date for the same duration of the existing policy term, without further proof of insurability.| This option allows You to renew this Basic Cover automatically from the Benefit Cessation |
| :--- |
| Date for the same duration of the existing policy term, without further proof of insurability. |
What are
conditions?| What are |
| :--- |
| the |
| conditions? |
You must meet all of the following conditions:
the Policy is in force on the Benefit Cessation Date,
the chosen policy term at Policy Effective Date is 5 years or 10 years,
the Life Assured is at Age 89 or younger upon renewal of the Policy (if the Policy is a
joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives
the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit
Cessation Date, and
We have not admitted any claim under this Policy.| You must meet all of the following conditions: |
| :--- |
| the Policy is in force on the Benefit Cessation Date, |
| - |
| the chosen policy term at Policy Effective Date is 5 years or 10 years, |
| the Life Assured is at Age 89 or younger upon renewal of the Policy (if the Policy is a |
| joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives |
| Assured), |
| the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit |
| Cessation Date, and |
| We have not admitted any claim under this Policy. |
What must
You take
note of?| What must |
| :--- |
| You take |
| note of? |
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply for
each renewed term.
Premiums payable for the renewed Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's
Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of renewal. The renewal
premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at inception.
If You do not want to renew this Basic Cover, You must give Us written notice of Your
intention within 30 days before the date of next renewal.
The Free Look stated in Section 10 does not apply to the renewed Policy if the Guaranteed
Renewable Option is exercised.| The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply for |
| :--- |
| each renewed term. |
| Premiums payable for the renewed Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's |
| Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of renewal. The renewal |
| premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at inception. |
| If You do not want to renew this Basic Cover, You must give Us written notice of Your |
| intention within 30 days before the date of next renewal. |
| The Free Look stated in Section 10 does not apply to the renewed Policy if the Guaranteed |
| Renewable Option is exercised. |
What is it? "This option allows You to renew this Basic Cover automatically from the Benefit Cessation
Date for the same duration of the existing policy term, without further proof of insurability."
"What are
conditions?" "You must meet all of the following conditions:
the Policy is in force on the Benefit Cessation Date,
the chosen policy term at Policy Effective Date is 5 years or 10 years,
the Life Assured is at Age 89 or younger upon renewal of the Policy (if the Policy is a
joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives
the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit
Cessation Date, and
We have not admitted any claim under this Policy."
"What must
You take
note of?" "The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply for
each renewed term.
Premiums payable for the renewed Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's
Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of renewal. The renewal
premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at inception.
If You do not want to renew this Basic Cover, You must give Us written notice of Your
intention within 30 days before the date of next renewal.
The Free Look stated in Section 10 does not apply to the renewed Policy if the Guaranteed
Renewable Option is exercised."| What is it? | This option allows You to renew this Basic Cover automatically from the Benefit Cessation <br> Date for the same duration of the existing policy term, without further proof of insurability. |
| :--- | :--- |
| What are <br> the <br> conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> the Policy is in force on the Benefit Cessation Date, <br> - <br> the chosen policy term at Policy Effective Date is 5 years or 10 years, <br> the Life Assured is at Age 89 or younger upon renewal of the Policy (if the Policy is a <br> joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives <br> Assured), <br> the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit <br> Cessation Date, and <br> We have not admitted any claim under this Policy. |
| What must <br> You take <br> note of? | The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply for <br> each renewed term. <br> Premiums payable for the renewed Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's <br> Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of renewal. The renewal <br> premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at inception. <br> If You do not want to renew this Basic Cover, You must give Us written notice of Your <br> intention within 30 days before the date of next renewal. <br> The Free Look stated in Section 10 does not apply to the renewed Policy if the Guaranteed <br> Renewable Option is exercised. |
This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen:
- the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces)
- the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child
- the Life Assured purchases a property
- the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education
- the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation
- the Life Assured turns 21 years old.| This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen: |
| :--- |
| - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) |
| - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child |
| - the Life Assured purchases a property |
| - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education |
| - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation |
| - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. |
You must meet all of the following conditions:
You have not submitted a claim under this Policy,
We have not admitted a claim under this Policy,
You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy),
You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period,
there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option,
this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur:
before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or
if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and
the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than:
50% of the Basic Cover's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage.
* This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives.| You must meet all of the following conditions: |
| :--- |
| You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, |
| We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, |
| You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), |
| You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, |
| there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, |
| this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: |
| before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or |
| if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and |
| the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: |
| $50 \%$ of the Basic Cover's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage. |
| * This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. |
The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option.
Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured for the remaining term of the Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary.
We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured.| The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. |
| :--- |
| Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured for the remaining term of the Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. |
| We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |
What is it? "This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen:
- the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces)
- the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child
- the Life Assured purchases a property
- the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education
- the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation
- the Life Assured turns 21 years old."
What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions:
You have not submitted a claim under this Policy,
We have not admitted a claim under this Policy,
You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy),
You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period,
there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option,
this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur:
before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or
if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and
the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than:
50% of the Basic Cover's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage.
* This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives."
What must You take note of? "The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option.
Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured for the remaining term of the Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary.
We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured."| What is it? | This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen: <br> - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) <br> - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child <br> - the Life Assured purchases a property <br> - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education <br> - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation <br> - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. |
| :---: | :---: |
| What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, <br> We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, <br> You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), <br> You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, <br> there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, <br> this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: <br> before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or <br> if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and <br> the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: <br> $50 \%$ of the Basic Cover's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage. <br> * This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. |
| What must You take note of? | The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. <br> Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured for the remaining term of the Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. <br> We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |
This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability.
If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy:
- We will convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and
- the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option.
If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy:
- We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy,
- We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and
- the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted.| This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability. |
| :--- |
| If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy: |
| - We will convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and |
| - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option. |
| If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy: |
| - We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy, |
| - We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and |
| - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted. |
You must meet all of the following conditions:
- You have not submitted a claim under this Policy,
- We have not admitted a claim under this Policy,
- the Policy is in force when this option is exercised,
- the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and
- the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy.| You must meet all of the following conditions: |
| :--- |
| - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, |
| - We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, |
| - the Policy is in force when this option is exercised, |
| - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and |
| - the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy. |
A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion.
Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates.
Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date.
If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted.
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy.
This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective.
We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy.
The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised.| A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion. |
| :--- |
| Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates. |
| Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. |
| If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted. |
| The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy. |
| This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. |
| We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy. |
| The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised. |
What is it? "This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability.
If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy:
- We will convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and
- the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option.
If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy:
- We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy,
- We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and
- the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted."
What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions:
- You have not submitted a claim under this Policy,
- We have not admitted a claim under this Policy,
- the Policy is in force when this option is exercised,
- the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and
- the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy."
What must You take note of? "A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion.
Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates.
Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date.
If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted.
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy.
This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective.
We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy.
The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised."| What is it? | This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability. <br> If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy: <br> - We will convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and <br> - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option. <br> If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy: <br> - We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy, <br> - We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and <br> - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted. |
| :---: | :---: |
| What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, <br> - We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, <br> - the Policy is in force when this option is exercised, <br> - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and <br> - the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy. |
| What must You take note of? | A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion. <br> Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates. <br> Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. <br> If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted. <br> The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy. <br> This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. <br> We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy. <br> The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised. |
What We Pay
The interim Accidental Death cover "Interim Cover"
applies only if the Life Assured is less than Age 60
on the date of Application and comply with the duty
of disclosure as set out in the Application Form.
The Interim Cover Benefit per life by Us under the
Interim Cover is:
the proposed Sum Assured for Death Benefit, or
- SGD 500,000 (or its equivalent in other
whichever is lower, less the Premiums which would
have been required to be paid for the first policy
Upon receiving the Application and all the required
supporting documents and information, We reserve
the right to revoke the Interim Cover by informing the
Life Assured immediately if We determine that there
is more than the standard life risk to cover.
when the Interim Accidental Death Benefit Ends| What We Pay |
| :--- |
| The interim Accidental Death cover "Interim Cover" |
| applies only if the Life Assured is less than Age 60 |
| on the date of Application and comply with the duty |
| of disclosure as set out in the Application Form. |
| The Interim Cover Benefit per life by Us under the |
| Interim Cover is: |
| the proposed Sum Assured for Death Benefit, or |
| - SGD 500,000 (or its equivalent in other |
| currencies), |
| whichever is lower, less the Premiums which would |
| have been required to be paid for the first policy |
| year. |
| Upon receiving the Application and all the required |
| supporting documents and information, We reserve |
| the right to revoke the Interim Cover by informing the |
| Life Assured immediately if We determine that there |
| is more than the standard life risk to cover. |
| when the Interim Accidental Death Benefit Ends |
If the Life Assured dies, We will pay the Sum
Assured in one lump sum.| If the Life Assured dies, We will pay the Sum |
| :--- |
| Assured in one lump sum. |
We do not pay the Death Benefit if the Life Assured
commits suicide as stated in Section 4.
If We have paid part of the Sum Assured in an earlier
claim, only the remaining Sum Assured is payable.| We do not pay the Death Benefit if the Life Assured |
| :--- |
| commits suicide as stated in Section 4. |
| If We have paid part of the Sum Assured in an earlier |
| claim, only the remaining Sum Assured is payable. |
The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit
(including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full.| The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit |
| :--- |
| (including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full. |
What We Pay What We Do Not Pay
"If the Life Assured dies, We will pay the Sum
Assured in one lump sum." "We do not pay the Death Benefit if the Life Assured
commits suicide as stated in Section 4.
If We have paid part of the Sum Assured in an earlier
claim, only the remaining Sum Assured is payable."
"The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit
(including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full." | What We Pay | What We Do Not Pay |
| :--- | :--- |
| If the Life Assured dies, We will pay the Sum <br> Assured in one lump sum. | We do not pay the Death Benefit if the Life Assured <br> commits suicide as stated in Section 4. <br> If We have paid part of the Sum Assured in an earlier <br> claim, only the remaining Sum Assured is payable. |
| The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit <br> (including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full. | |
2.3. 终端 III 益处 (TI 益处)
我们将一次性支付 TI 福利,作为一个总额,
We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in
early payout of the Death Benefit.| We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in |
| :--- |
| early payout of the Death Benefit. |
"Terminal Illness" means the conclusive diagnosis of
(HIV) infection. Human Immunodeficiency Virus| "Terminal Illness" means the conclusive diagnosis of |
| :--- | :--- |
| (HIV) infection. Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
被保险人在 12 个月内。
What We Pay What We Do Not Pay
If the Life Assured is diagnosed with terminal illness,
We will pay the TI Benefit in one lump sum, as an "We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in
early payout of the Death Benefit."
""Terminal Illness" means the conclusive diagnosis of
(HIV) infection. Human Immunodeficiency Virus"
an illness that is expected to result in the death of
the Life Assured within 12 months. | What We Pay | What We Do Not Pay |
| :--- | :--- |
| If the Life Assured is diagnosed with terminal illness, | |
| We will pay the TI Benefit in one lump sum, as an | We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in <br> early payout of the Death Benefit. |
| "Terminal Illness" means the conclusive diagnosis of <br> (HIV) infection. Human Immunodeficiency Virus | |
| an illness that is expected to result in the death of | |
| the Life Assured within 12 months. | |
This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen:
- the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces)
- the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child
- the Life Assured purchases a property
- the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education
- the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation
- the Life Assured turns 21 years old.| This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen: |
| :--- |
| - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) |
| - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child |
| - the Life Assured purchases a property |
| - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education |
| - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation |
| - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. |
You must meet all of the following conditions:
- You have not submitted a claim under this Policy,
We have not admitted a claim under this Policy,
You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy),
You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period,
there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option,
this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur:
before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or
if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and
the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than:
50% of the Basic Benefit's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage.
* This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives.| You must meet all of the following conditions: |
| :--- |
| - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, |
| We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, |
| You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), |
| You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, |
| there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, |
| this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: |
| before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or |
| if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and |
| the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: |
| $50 \%$ of the Basic Benefit's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage. |
| * This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. |
The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option.
Same premium payment term option selected for the Basic Cover will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured.
Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary.
We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured.| The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. |
| :--- |
| Same premium payment term option selected for the Basic Cover will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured. |
| Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. |
| We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |
What is it? "This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen:
- the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces)
- the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child
- the Life Assured purchases a property
- the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education
- the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation
- the Life Assured turns 21 years old."
What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions:
- You have not submitted a claim under this Policy,
We have not admitted a claim under this Policy,
You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy),
You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period,
there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option,
this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur:
before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or
if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and
the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than:
50% of the Basic Benefit's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage.
* This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives."
What must You take note of? "The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option.
Same premium payment term option selected for the Basic Cover will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured.
Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary.
We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured."| What is it? | This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen: <br> - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) <br> - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child <br> - the Life Assured purchases a property <br> - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education <br> - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation <br> - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. |
| :---: | :---: |
| What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, <br> We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, <br> You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), <br> You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, <br> there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, <br> this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: <br> before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or <br> if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and <br> the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: <br> $50 \%$ of the Basic Benefit's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage. <br> * This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. |
| What must You take note of? | The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. <br> Same premium payment term option selected for the Basic Cover will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured. <br> Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. <br> We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |
This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability.
If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy:
- We will the convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and
- the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option.
If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy:
- We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy,
We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and
- the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted.| This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability. |
| :--- |
| If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy: |
| - We will the convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and |
| - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option. |
| If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy: |
| - We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy, |
| We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and |
| - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted. |
You must meet all of the following conditions:
- You have not submitted a claim under this Policy,
- We have not admitted a claim under this Policy,
- the Policy is in force when this option is exercised,
- the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and
- the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy.| You must meet all of the following conditions: |
| :--- |
| - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, |
| - We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, |
| - the Policy is in force when this option is exercised, |
| - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and |
| - the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy. |
If the application to partially convert the Policy is accepted, the Surrender Benefit (if any) will be refunded proportionately depending on the amount of the Sum Assured reduced.
A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion.
Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates.
Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date.
If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted.
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy.
This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective.
We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy.
The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised.| If the application to partially convert the Policy is accepted, the Surrender Benefit (if any) will be refunded proportionately depending on the amount of the Sum Assured reduced. |
| :--- |
| A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion. |
| Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates. |
| Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. |
| If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted. |
| The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy. |
| This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. |
| We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy. |
| The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised. |
What is it? "This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability.
If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy:
- We will the convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and
- the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option.
If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy:
- We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy,
We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and
- the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted."
What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions:
- You have not submitted a claim under this Policy,
- We have not admitted a claim under this Policy,
- the Policy is in force when this option is exercised,
- the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and
- the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy."
What must You take note of? "If the application to partially convert the Policy is accepted, the Surrender Benefit (if any) will be refunded proportionately depending on the amount of the Sum Assured reduced.
A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion.
Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates.
Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date.
If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted.
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy.
This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective.
We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy.
The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised."| What is it? | This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability. <br> If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy: <br> - We will the convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and <br> - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option. <br> If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy: <br> - We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy, <br> We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and <br> - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted. |
| :---: | :---: |
| What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, <br> - We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, <br> - the Policy is in force when this option is exercised, <br> - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and <br> - the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy. |
| What must You take note of? | If the application to partially convert the Policy is accepted, the Surrender Benefit (if any) will be refunded proportionately depending on the amount of the Sum Assured reduced. <br> A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion. <br> Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates. <br> Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. <br> If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted. <br> The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy. <br> This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. <br> We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy. <br> The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised. |
If the Life Assured suffers from Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), We will pay the TPD Benefit as an early payout of the Death Benefit.
Please refer to Appendix A for the definition of TPD.
As the TPD Benefit is an early payout of the Death Benefit, if we have paid part of the Death Benefit in an earlier claim and this causes the Death Benefit to be less than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, We will:
reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the amount equal to the Death Benefit, and
- the TPD Benefit will be based on the reduced Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit.
If the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit is reduced to the revised Sum Assured of the Death Benefit, the premium will be reduced accordingly You only need to pay the reduced premium (based on the premium rates that apply at the Benefit Commencement Date) to receive the remaining benefits.
The diagnosis must be confirmed and certified by a| If the Life Assured suffers from Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), We will pay the TPD Benefit as an early payout of the Death Benefit. |
| :--- |
| Please refer to Appendix A for the definition of TPD. |
| As the TPD Benefit is an early payout of the Death Benefit, if we have paid part of the Death Benefit in an earlier claim and this causes the Death Benefit to be less than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, We will: |
| reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the amount equal to the Death Benefit, and |
| - the TPD Benefit will be based on the reduced Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. |
| If the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit is reduced to the revised Sum Assured of the Death Benefit, the premium will be reduced accordingly You only need to pay the reduced premium (based on the premium rates that apply at the Benefit Commencement Date) to receive the remaining benefits. |
| The diagnosis must be confirmed and certified by a |
We will not pay the TPD Benefit for any TPD directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by:
- self-inflicted illness or injury, while sane or insane,
- attempted suicide,
- injuries sustained during travel on any type of aircraft except as a fare-paying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularly-scheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft, or
- any Pre-existing Condition.
"Pre-existing Condition" means any condition or illness which existed or was existing or the cause or symptoms of which existed or were existing or evident, or any condition or illness which the Life Assured suffered or was suffering from, before the:
- Policy Issue Date,
- issue date of this Supplementary Benefit,
- Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or
- reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit,
whichever is the latest, unless the condition or illness had been declared and accepted by Us.| We will not pay the TPD Benefit for any TPD directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by: |
| :--- |
| - self-inflicted illness or injury, while sane or insane, |
| - attempted suicide, |
| - injuries sustained during travel on any type of aircraft except as a fare-paying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularly-scheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft, or |
| - any Pre-existing Condition. |
| "Pre-existing Condition" means any condition or illness which existed or was existing or the cause or symptoms of which existed or were existing or evident, or any condition or illness which the Life Assured suffered or was suffering from, before the: |
| - Policy Issue Date, |
| - issue date of this Supplementary Benefit, |
| - Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or |
| - reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit, |
| whichever is the latest, unless the condition or illness had been declared and accepted by Us. |
W What We Do Not Pay
"If the Life Assured suffers from Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), We will pay the TPD Benefit as an early payout of the Death Benefit.
Please refer to Appendix A for the definition of TPD.
As the TPD Benefit is an early payout of the Death Benefit, if we have paid part of the Death Benefit in an earlier claim and this causes the Death Benefit to be less than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, We will:
reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the amount equal to the Death Benefit, and
- the TPD Benefit will be based on the reduced Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit.
If the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit is reduced to the revised Sum Assured of the Death Benefit, the premium will be reduced accordingly You only need to pay the reduced premium (based on the premium rates that apply at the Benefit Commencement Date) to receive the remaining benefits.
The diagnosis must be confirmed and certified by a" "We will not pay the TPD Benefit for any TPD directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by:
- self-inflicted illness or injury, while sane or insane,
- attempted suicide,
- injuries sustained during travel on any type of aircraft except as a fare-paying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularly-scheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft, or
- any Pre-existing Condition.
"Pre-existing Condition" means any condition or illness which existed or was existing or the cause or symptoms of which existed or were existing or evident, or any condition or illness which the Life Assured suffered or was suffering from, before the:
- Policy Issue Date,
- issue date of this Supplementary Benefit,
- Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or
- reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit,
whichever is the latest, unless the condition or illness had been declared and accepted by Us."| W | What We Do Not Pay |
| :---: | :---: |
| If the Life Assured suffers from Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), We will pay the TPD Benefit as an early payout of the Death Benefit. <br> Please refer to Appendix A for the definition of TPD. <br> As the TPD Benefit is an early payout of the Death Benefit, if we have paid part of the Death Benefit in an earlier claim and this causes the Death Benefit to be less than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, We will: <br> reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the amount equal to the Death Benefit, and <br> - the TPD Benefit will be based on the reduced Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. <br> If the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit is reduced to the revised Sum Assured of the Death Benefit, the premium will be reduced accordingly You only need to pay the reduced premium (based on the premium rates that apply at the Benefit Commencement Date) to receive the remaining benefits. <br> The diagnosis must be confirmed and certified by a | We will not pay the TPD Benefit for any TPD directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by: <br> - self-inflicted illness or injury, while sane or insane, <br> - attempted suicide, <br> - injuries sustained during travel on any type of aircraft except as a fare-paying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularly-scheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft, or <br> - any Pre-existing Condition. <br> "Pre-existing Condition" means any condition or illness which existed or was existing or the cause or symptoms of which existed or were existing or evident, or any condition or illness which the Life Assured suffered or was suffering from, before the: <br> - Policy Issue Date, <br> - issue date of this Supplementary Benefit, <br> - Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or <br> - reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit, <br> whichever is the latest, unless the condition or illness had been declared and accepted by Us. |
Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows
You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover
automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy
term, without proof of insurability.| Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows |
| :--- |
| You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover |
| automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy |
| term, without proof of insurability. |
What are
conditions?| What are |
| :--- |
| the |
| conditions? |
You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic
both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force,
- this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date,
this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic
Cover at Policy Effective Date,
the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy
is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2
Lives Assured),
the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit
Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and
We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit.| You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic |
| :--- |
| Cover: |
| both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force, |
| - |
| - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, |
| this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic |
| Cover at Policy Effective Date, |
| the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy |
| is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 |
| Lives Assured), |
| the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit |
| Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and |
| We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit. |
What must
take| What must |
| :--- |
| You |
| take |
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will
continue to apply for each renewed term.| The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will |
| :--- |
| continue to apply for each renewed term. |
What is it? "Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows
You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover
automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy
term, without proof of insurability."
"What are
conditions?" "You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic
both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force,
- this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date,
this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic
Cover at Policy Effective Date,
the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy
is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2
Lives Assured),
the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit
Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and
We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit."
"What must
take" "The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will
continue to apply for each renewed term."
note of? | What is it? | Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows <br> You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover <br> automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy <br> term, without proof of insurability. |
| :--- | :--- |
| What are <br> the <br> conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic <br> Cover: <br> both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force, <br> - <br> - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, <br> this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic <br> Cover at Policy Effective Date, <br> the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy <br> is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 <br> Lives Assured), <br> the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit <br> Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and <br> We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit. |
| What must <br> You <br> take | The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will <br> continue to apply for each renewed term. |
| note of? | |
This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen:
- the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces)
- the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child
- the Life Assured purchases a property
- the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education
- the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation
- the Life Assured turns 21 years old.| This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen: |
| :--- |
| - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) |
| - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child |
| - the Life Assured purchases a property |
| - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education |
| - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation |
| - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. |
You must meet all of the following conditions:
- You have not submitted a claim under the Policy,
- We have not admitted a claim under the Policy,
- You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover,| You must meet all of the following conditions: |
| :--- |
| - You have not submitted a claim under the Policy, |
| - We have not admitted a claim under the Policy, |
| - You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover, |
What is it? "This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen:
- the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces)
- the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child
- the Life Assured purchases a property
- the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education
- the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation
- the Life Assured turns 21 years old."
What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions:
- You have not submitted a claim under the Policy,
- We have not admitted a claim under the Policy,
- You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover,"| What is it? | This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen: <br> - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) <br> - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child <br> - the Life Assured purchases a property <br> - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education <br> - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation <br> - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. |
| :---: | :---: |
| What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> - You have not submitted a claim under the Policy, <br> - We have not admitted a claim under the Policy, <br> - You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover, |
You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy),
- You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period,
there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option,
this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers,
the Life Stage Event must occur:
before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or
in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and
the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than:
- 50% of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or
maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Total and Permanent Disability coverage.
*This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives.| You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), |
| :--- |
| - You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, |
| there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, |
| this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, |
| the Life Stage Event must occur: |
| before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or |
| in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and |
| the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: |
| - $50 \%$ of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or |
| maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Total and Permanent Disability coverage. |
| *This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. |
The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option.
Same premium payment term option selected for this Supplementary Benefit will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit.
Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary.
We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured.| The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. |
| :--- |
| Same premium payment term option selected for this Supplementary Benefit will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. |
| Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. |
| We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |
"You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy),
- You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period,
there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option,
this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers,
the Life Stage Event must occur:
before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or
in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and
the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than:
- 50% of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or
maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Total and Permanent Disability coverage.
*This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives."
What must You take note of? "The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option.
Same premium payment term option selected for this Supplementary Benefit will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit.
Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary.
We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured."| | You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), <br> - You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, <br> there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, <br> this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, <br> the Life Stage Event must occur: <br> before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or <br> in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and <br> the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: <br> - $50 \%$ of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or <br> maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Total and Permanent Disability coverage. <br> *This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. |
| :---: | :---: |
| What must You take note of? | The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. <br> Same premium payment term option selected for this Supplementary Benefit will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. <br> Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. <br> We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |
When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this
Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for
the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof
of insurability.
If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover:
- We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured
of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums
assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application,
the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum
Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option.| When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this |
| :--- |
| Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for |
| the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof |
| of insurability. |
| If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover: |
| - We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured |
| of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums |
| assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application, |
| and |
| the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum |
| Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option. |
If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover:
We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount
converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and
We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new
supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed
for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application.| If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover: |
| :--- |
| We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount |
| converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and |
| We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new |
| supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed |
| for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application. |
What is it? "When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this
Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for
the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof
of insurability.
If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover:
- We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured
of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums
assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application,
the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum
Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option."
"If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover:
We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount
converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and
We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new
supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed
for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application." | What is it? | When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this <br> Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for <br> the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof <br> of insurability. <br> If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover: <br> - We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured <br> of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums <br> assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application, <br> and <br> the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum <br> Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option. |
| :--- | :--- |
| If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover: <br> We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount <br> converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and <br> We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new <br> supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed <br> for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application. | |
You must meet all of the following conditions:
- You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit,
- We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit,
- this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date,
- the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover,
- the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit,
- the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured),
the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and
if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be:
- a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or
- new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for each Life Assured if:
- a joint life product is unavailable, and the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met.| You must meet all of the following conditions: |
| :--- |
| - You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, |
| - We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, |
| - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, |
| - the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover, |
| - the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit, |
| - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), |
| the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and |
| if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be: |
| - a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or |
| - new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for each Life Assured if: |
| - a joint life product is unavailable, and the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met. |
A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced.
Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates.
Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date.
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit.
This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective.
We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit.| A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced. |
| :--- |
| Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates. |
| Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. |
| The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit. |
| This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. |
| We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit. |
What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions:
- You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit,
- We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit,
- this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date,
- the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover,
- the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit,
- the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured),
the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and
if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be:
- a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or
- new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for each Life Assured if:
- a joint life product is unavailable, and the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met."
What must You take note of? "A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced.
Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates.
Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date.
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit.
This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective.
We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit."| What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> - You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, <br> - We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, <br> - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, <br> - the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover, <br> - the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit, <br> - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), <br> the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and <br> if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be: <br> - a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or <br> - new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for each Life Assured if: <br> - a joint life product is unavailable, and the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met. |
| :---: | :---: |
| What must You take note of? | A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced. <br> Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates. <br> Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. <br> The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit. <br> This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. <br> We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit. |
What We Pay
The CI Benefit will be 100% of the Sum Assured of
this Supplementary Benefit. However, if We have
paid part of the CI Benefit in an earlier claim, only
the remaining CI Benefit shall be payable.
If the Life Assured is diagnosed with any of the
Critical Illnesses in Section 2.2 except Angioplasty
& Other Invasive Treatment for Coronary Artery, We
will pay the CI Benefit in one lump sum, as an early
payout of the Death Benefit.
If the Life Assured undergoes Angioplasty & Other
Invasive Treatment for Coronary Artery, We will pay:| What We Pay |
| :--- |
| The CI Benefit will be $100 \%$ of the Sum Assured of |
| this Supplementary Benefit. However, if We have |
| paid part of the CI Benefit in an earlier claim, only |
| the remaining CI Benefit shall be payable. |
| If the Life Assured is diagnosed with any of the |
| Critical Illnesses in Section 2.2 except Angioplasty |
| & Other Invasive Treatment for Coronary Artery, We |
| will pay the CI Benefit in one lump sum, as an early |
| payout of the Death Benefit. |
| If the Life Assured undergoes Angioplasty & Other |
| Invasive Treatment for Coronary Artery, We will pay: |
Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows
You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover
automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy
term, without proof of insurability.| Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows |
| :--- |
| You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover |
| automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy |
| term, without proof of insurability. |
What are
conditions?| What are |
| :--- |
| the |
| conditions? |
You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic
both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force,
- this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date,
this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic
Cover at Policy Effective Date,
the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy
is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2| You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic |
| :--- |
| Cover: |
| both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force, |
| - |
| - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, |
| this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic |
| Cover at Policy Effective Date, |
| the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy |
| is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 |
Lives Assured),
the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit
Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and
We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit.| Lives Assured), |
| :--- |
| the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit |
| Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and |
| We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit. |
What is it? "Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows
You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover
automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy
term, without proof of insurability."
"What are
conditions?" "You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic
both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force,
- this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date,
this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic
Cover at Policy Effective Date,
the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy
is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2"
"Lives Assured),
the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit
Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and
We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit." | What is it? | Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows <br> You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover <br> automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy <br> term, without proof of insurability. |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| What are <br> the <br> conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic <br> Cover: <br> both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force, <br> - <br> - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, <br> this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic <br> Cover at Policy Effective Date, <br> the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy <br> is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 |
| Lives Assured), <br> the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit <br> Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and <br> We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit. | |
What must
You take
note of?| What must |
| :--- | :--- |
| You take |
| note of? |
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will
continue to apply for each renewed term.| The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will |
| :--- |
| continue to apply for each renewed term. |
Premiums payable for the renewal of this Supplementary Benefit will be calculated based
on the Life Assured's Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of
renewal. The renewal premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at
policy inception.| Premiums payable for the renewal of this Supplementary Benefit will be calculated based |
| :--- |
| on the Life Assured's Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of |
| renewal. The renewal premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at |
| policy inception. |
"What must
You take
note of?" "The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will
continue to apply for each renewed term."
"Premiums payable for the renewal of this Supplementary Benefit will be calculated based
on the Life Assured's Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of
renewal. The renewal premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at
policy inception." | What must <br> You take <br> note of? | The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will <br> continue to apply for each renewed term. |
| :--- | :--- |
| Premiums payable for the renewal of this Supplementary Benefit will be calculated based <br> on the Life Assured's Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of <br> renewal. The renewal premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at <br> policy inception. | |
This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen:
- the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces)
- the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child
- the Life Assured purchases a property
- the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education
- the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation
- the Life Assured turns 21 years old.| This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen: |
| :--- |
| - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) |
| - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child |
| - the Life Assured purchases a property |
| - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education |
| - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation |
| - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. |
You must meet all of the following conditions:
You have not submitted a claim under the Policy, We have not admitted a claim under the Policy,
You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover, You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy),
You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period,
there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option,
this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur:
before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or
in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and
the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than:
50% of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or
maximum limit of SGD 100,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Critical Illness coverage.
*This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives.| You must meet all of the following conditions: |
| :--- |
| You have not submitted a claim under the Policy, We have not admitted a claim under the Policy, |
| You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover, You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), |
| You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, |
| there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, |
| this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: |
| before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or |
| in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and |
| the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: |
| $50 \%$ of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or |
| maximum limit of SGD 100,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Critical Illness coverage. |
| *This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. |
The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option.
Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary.
We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured.| The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. |
| :--- |
| Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. |
| We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |
What is it? "This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen:
- the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces)
- the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child
- the Life Assured purchases a property
- the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education
- the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation
- the Life Assured turns 21 years old."
What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions:
You have not submitted a claim under the Policy, We have not admitted a claim under the Policy,
You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover, You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy),
You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period,
there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option,
this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur:
before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or
in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and
the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than:
50% of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or
maximum limit of SGD 100,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Critical Illness coverage.
*This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives."
What must You take note of? "The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option.
Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary.
We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured."| What is it? | This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen: <br> - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) <br> - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child <br> - the Life Assured purchases a property <br> - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education <br> - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation <br> - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. |
| :---: | :---: |
| What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> You have not submitted a claim under the Policy, We have not admitted a claim under the Policy, <br> You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover, You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), <br> You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, <br> there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, <br> this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: <br> before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or <br> in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and <br> the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: <br> $50 \%$ of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or <br> maximum limit of SGD 100,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Critical Illness coverage. <br> *This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. |
| What must You take note of? | The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. <br> Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. <br> We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |
When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof of insurability.
If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover:
We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application, and
- the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option.
If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover:
- We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and
- We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application.| When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof of insurability. |
| :--- |
| If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover: |
| We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application, and |
| - the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option. |
| If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover: |
| - We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and |
| - We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application. |
You must meet all of the following conditions:
You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit,
We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover,
the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit,
the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured),
the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and
if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be:
- a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or
- new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary
Benefit for each Life Assured if:
a joint life product is unavailable, and
the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met.| You must meet all of the following conditions: |
| :--- |
| You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, |
| We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover, |
| the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit, |
| the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), |
| the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and |
| if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be: |
| - a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or |
| - new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary |
| Benefit for each Life Assured if: |
| a joint life product is unavailable, and |
| the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met. |
A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced.
Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates.
Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date.
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit.
This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective.
We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit.| A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced. |
| :--- |
| Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates. |
| Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. |
| The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit. |
| This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. |
| We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit. |
What is it? "When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof of insurability.
If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover:
We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application, and
- the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option.
If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover:
- We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and
- We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application."
What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions:
You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit,
We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover,
the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit,
the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured),
the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and
if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be:
- a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or
- new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary
Benefit for each Life Assured if:
a joint life product is unavailable, and
the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met."
What must You take note of? "A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced.
Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates.
Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date.
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit.
This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective.
We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit."| What is it? | When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof of insurability. <br> If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover: <br> We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application, and <br> - the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option. <br> If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover: <br> - We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and <br> - We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application. |
| :---: | :---: |
| What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, <br> We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover, <br> the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit, <br> the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), <br> the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and <br> if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be: <br> - a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or <br> - new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary <br> Benefit for each Life Assured if: <br> a joint life product is unavailable, and <br> the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met. |
| What must You take note of? | A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced. <br> Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates. <br> Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. <br> The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit. <br> This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. <br> We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit. |
CI 赔付将为此附加利益的保额的 100%100 \% 。如果被保险人被诊断为附录 A 中的任何早期、中期或重度危急疾病,我们将一次性支付 CI 赔付。为避免疑义,此附加利益在危急疾病赔付后终止。有关此利益所涵盖的危急疾病的列表和定义,请参阅附录 AA 和 BB 。
The CI Benefit will be 100% of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit.
If the Life Assured is diagnosed with any of the Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage Critical Illnesses in Appendix A, We will pay the CI Benefit in one lump sum.
For avoidance of doubt, this Supplementary Benefit ends once the Critical Illness Benefit is paid.
Please refer to Appendix A and B for the list and definitions of the Critical Illnesses covered under this benefit.| The CI Benefit will be $100 \%$ of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. |
| :--- |
| If the Life Assured is diagnosed with any of the Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage Critical Illnesses in Appendix A, We will pay the CI Benefit in one lump sum. |
| For avoidance of doubt, this Supplementary Benefit ends once the Critical Illness Benefit is paid. |
| Please refer to Appendix $A$ and $B$ for the list and definitions of the Critical Illnesses covered under this benefit. |
Please refer to Section 5 for the exclusions.
Waiting Period
We will not pay for Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage of any of the following Critical Illness under the CI Benefit if:
- the date of diagnosis of Heart Attack of Specified Severity, Major Cancer, or Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease, or
- the date of diagnosis of coronary artery disease leading to performance of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery,
occurs within 90 days from:
- the Policy Issue Date,
- the issue date of this Supplementary Benefit,
- the Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or
- the reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit,
whichever is the latest.
Survival Period
We will not pay the Cl Benefit if:
- the Life Assured does not survive at least 7 days after the date of diagnosis or the date of surgical procedure performed for a Critical Illness covered under this benefit.| Please refer to Section 5 for the exclusions. |
| :--- |
| Waiting Period |
| We will not pay for Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage of any of the following Critical Illness under the CI Benefit if: |
| - the date of diagnosis of Heart Attack of Specified Severity, Major Cancer, or Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease, or |
| - the date of diagnosis of coronary artery disease leading to performance of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery, |
| occurs within 90 days from: |
| - the Policy Issue Date, |
| - the issue date of this Supplementary Benefit, |
| - the Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or |
| - the reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit, |
| whichever is the latest. |
| Survival Period |
| We will not pay the Cl Benefit if: |
| - the Life Assured does not survive at least 7 days after the date of diagnosis or the date of surgical procedure performed for a Critical Illness covered under this benefit. |
What We Pay What We Do Not Pay
"The CI Benefit will be 100% of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit.
If the Life Assured is diagnosed with any of the Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage Critical Illnesses in Appendix A, We will pay the CI Benefit in one lump sum.
For avoidance of doubt, this Supplementary Benefit ends once the Critical Illness Benefit is paid.
Please refer to Appendix A and B for the list and definitions of the Critical Illnesses covered under this benefit." "Please refer to Section 5 for the exclusions.
Waiting Period
We will not pay for Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage of any of the following Critical Illness under the CI Benefit if:
- the date of diagnosis of Heart Attack of Specified Severity, Major Cancer, or Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease, or
- the date of diagnosis of coronary artery disease leading to performance of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery,
occurs within 90 days from:
- the Policy Issue Date,
- the issue date of this Supplementary Benefit,
- the Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or
- the reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit,
whichever is the latest.
Survival Period
We will not pay the Cl Benefit if:
- the Life Assured does not survive at least 7 days after the date of diagnosis or the date of surgical procedure performed for a Critical Illness covered under this benefit."| What We Pay | What We Do Not Pay |
| :---: | :---: |
| The CI Benefit will be $100 \%$ of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. <br> If the Life Assured is diagnosed with any of the Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage Critical Illnesses in Appendix A, We will pay the CI Benefit in one lump sum. <br> For avoidance of doubt, this Supplementary Benefit ends once the Critical Illness Benefit is paid. <br> Please refer to Appendix $A$ and $B$ for the list and definitions of the Critical Illnesses covered under this benefit. | Please refer to Section 5 for the exclusions. <br> Waiting Period <br> We will not pay for Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage of any of the following Critical Illness under the CI Benefit if: <br> - the date of diagnosis of Heart Attack of Specified Severity, Major Cancer, or Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease, or <br> - the date of diagnosis of coronary artery disease leading to performance of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery, <br> occurs within 90 days from: <br> - the Policy Issue Date, <br> - the issue date of this Supplementary Benefit, <br> - the Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or <br> - the reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit, <br> whichever is the latest. <br> Survival Period <br> We will not pay the Cl Benefit if: <br> - the Life Assured does not survive at least 7 days after the date of diagnosis or the date of surgical procedure performed for a Critical Illness covered under this benefit. |
2.2. 重症监护福利
如果被保险人: -quad-\quad 因疾病或事故被送入重症监护室(ICU),并且
If the Life Assured:
-quad is admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) due
to an illness or Accident, and| If the Life Assured: |
| :--- |
| $-\quad$ is admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) due |
| to an illness or Accident, and |
- 在一家医院的重症监护室住院 4 天或更长时间
What We Pay
"If the Life Assured:
-quad is admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) due
to an illness or Accident, and"
- stay in ICU for 4 days or more in one hospital
admission for Necessary Medical Treatment,| What We Pay |
| :--- |
| If the Life Assured: <br> $-\quad$ is admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) due <br> to an illness or Accident, and |
| - stay in ICU for 4 days or more in one hospital |
| admission for Necessary Medical Treatment, |
If the Life Assured undergoes a complete surgical
excision of a Benign Tumour (suspected
malignancy) requiring surgical excision from any of
the covered Specified Organs or is diagnosed with
a Borderline Malignant Tumour, We will pay an
additional 20% of the Sum Assured, subject to a
maximum amount of S$25,000 (or its equivalent in
other currencies) per life.
Only 1 claim is allowed under this benefit.
The payout from this benefit does not reduce the
Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit.| If the Life Assured undergoes a complete surgical |
| :--- |
| excision of a Benign Tumour (suspected |
| malignancy) requiring surgical excision from any of |
| the covered Specified Organs or is diagnosed with |
| a Borderline Malignant Tumour, We will pay an |
| additional 20% of the Sum Assured, subject to a |
| maximum amount of S$25,000 (or its equivalent in |
| other currencies) per life. |
| Only 1 claim is allowed under this benefit. |
| The payout from this benefit does not reduce the |
| Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. |
保单周年纪念日,受保人年龄为 85 岁,或
请参阅附录 C 以获取定义和此项福利所涵盖的指定机构列表。
请参阅第 5 节以了解排除条款。
What We Do Not Pay
Please refer to Section 5 for the exclusions.| What We Do Not Pay |
| :---: |
| Please refer to Section 5 for the exclusions. |
You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic Cover:
- both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force,
- this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date,
- this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date,
- the Life Assured is at Age 65 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover,
- the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and
- We have not admitted any claim under the Cl Benefit of this Supplementary Benefit.| You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic Cover: |
| :--- |
| - both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force, |
| - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, |
| - this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, |
| - the Life Assured is at Age 65 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover, |
| - the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and |
| - We have not admitted any claim under the Cl Benefit of this Supplementary Benefit. |
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for each renewed term unless there is a claim under the:
- Special Benefit,
- Intensive Care Benefit, or
- Benign and Borderline Malignant Tumour Benefit.
The following apply:
- If there is a claim under the Special Benefit, it will continue to be renewed but the number of conditions claimable under the Special Benefit will be reduced accordingly. The number of claims allowed on Special Benefit will not be refreshed back to the original 6 times and any claimed condition will not be admissible again.
- If there is a claim under the Intensive Care Benefit, it will not be refreshed back to the original one time per claim benefit and this benefit will not be admissible for claim again.
- If there is a claim under the Benign and Borderline Malignant Tumour Benefit, it will not be refreshed back to the original one time per claim benefit and this benefit will not be admissible for claim again.
Premiums payable for the renewed Supplementary Benefit will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of renewal. The renewal premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at policy inception.| The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for each renewed term unless there is a claim under the: |
| :--- |
| - Special Benefit, |
| - Intensive Care Benefit, or |
| - Benign and Borderline Malignant Tumour Benefit. |
| The following apply: |
| - If there is a claim under the Special Benefit, it will continue to be renewed but the number of conditions claimable under the Special Benefit will be reduced accordingly. The number of claims allowed on Special Benefit will not be refreshed back to the original 6 times and any claimed condition will not be admissible again. |
| - If there is a claim under the Intensive Care Benefit, it will not be refreshed back to the original one time per claim benefit and this benefit will not be admissible for claim again. |
| - If there is a claim under the Benign and Borderline Malignant Tumour Benefit, it will not be refreshed back to the original one time per claim benefit and this benefit will not be admissible for claim again. |
| Premiums payable for the renewed Supplementary Benefit will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of renewal. The renewal premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at policy inception. |
What is it? Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy term, without proof of insurability.
What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic Cover:
- both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force,
- this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date,
- this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date,
- the Life Assured is at Age 65 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover,
- the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and
- We have not admitted any claim under the Cl Benefit of this Supplementary Benefit."
What must You take note of? "The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for each renewed term unless there is a claim under the:
- Special Benefit,
- Intensive Care Benefit, or
- Benign and Borderline Malignant Tumour Benefit.
The following apply:
- If there is a claim under the Special Benefit, it will continue to be renewed but the number of conditions claimable under the Special Benefit will be reduced accordingly. The number of claims allowed on Special Benefit will not be refreshed back to the original 6 times and any claimed condition will not be admissible again.
- If there is a claim under the Intensive Care Benefit, it will not be refreshed back to the original one time per claim benefit and this benefit will not be admissible for claim again.
- If there is a claim under the Benign and Borderline Malignant Tumour Benefit, it will not be refreshed back to the original one time per claim benefit and this benefit will not be admissible for claim again.
Premiums payable for the renewed Supplementary Benefit will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of renewal. The renewal premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at policy inception."| What is it? | Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy term, without proof of insurability. |
| :---: | :---: |
| What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic Cover: <br> - both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force, <br> - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, <br> - this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, <br> - the Life Assured is at Age 65 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover, <br> - the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and <br> - We have not admitted any claim under the Cl Benefit of this Supplementary Benefit. |
| What must You take note of? | The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for each renewed term unless there is a claim under the: <br> - Special Benefit, <br> - Intensive Care Benefit, or <br> - Benign and Borderline Malignant Tumour Benefit. <br> The following apply: <br> - If there is a claim under the Special Benefit, it will continue to be renewed but the number of conditions claimable under the Special Benefit will be reduced accordingly. The number of claims allowed on Special Benefit will not be refreshed back to the original 6 times and any claimed condition will not be admissible again. <br> - If there is a claim under the Intensive Care Benefit, it will not be refreshed back to the original one time per claim benefit and this benefit will not be admissible for claim again. <br> - If there is a claim under the Benign and Borderline Malignant Tumour Benefit, it will not be refreshed back to the original one time per claim benefit and this benefit will not be admissible for claim again. <br> Premiums payable for the renewed Supplementary Benefit will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of renewal. The renewal premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at policy inception. |
Carcinoma in-situ (CIS) and Early Cancers:
(a) Carcinoma in-situ (CIS)
(b) Early Cancers:
- Early Prostate Cancer
- Early Thyroid Cancer
- Early Bladder Cancer
- Early Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia
- Neuroendocrine Tumours
- Early Melanoma
- Gastro-Intestinal Stromal tumours
- Bone Marrow Malignancies| Carcinoma in-situ (CIS) and Early Cancers: |
| :--- |
| (a) Carcinoma in-situ (CIS) |
| (b) Early Cancers: |
| - Early Prostate Cancer |
| - Early Thyroid Cancer |
| - Early Bladder Cancer |
| - Early Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia |
| - Neuroendocrine Tumours |
| - Early Melanoma |
| - Gastro-Intestinal Stromal tumours |
| - Bone Marrow Malignancies |
(c) 心脏除颤器插入
中风与 quad\quad 永久性 神经缺损*
肾切除术 - 一侧肾脏的外科切除
昏迷 48 小时
Meafness (Irreversible Loss of
主要器官 / 骨髓 移植*
其他器官移植 (a) 小肠移植 (b) 角膜移植
Other Organ Transplants
(a) Small Bowel Transplant
(b) Corneal Transplant| Other Organ Transplants |
| :--- |
| (a) Small Bowel Transplant |
| (b) Corneal Transplant |
CI Group Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
1 Major Cancer* "Carcinoma in-situ (CIS) and Early Cancers:
(a) Carcinoma in-situ (CIS)
(b) Early Cancers:
- Early Prostate Cancer
- Early Thyroid Cancer
- Early Bladder Cancer
- Early Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia
- Neuroendocrine Tumours
- Early Melanoma
- Gastro-Intestinal Stromal tumours
- Bone Marrow Malignancies"
2 Heart Attack of Specified Severity* Specified Surgical Procedures of the Cardiovascular System:
(a) Cardiac pacemaker insertion
(b) Pericardiectomy
(c) Cardiac defibrillator insertion
(d) Cardiomyopathy
3 Stroke with quad PermanentNeurological Deficit* Brain aneurysm surgery (via endovascular procedures)
Brain aneurysm surgery
Cerebral shunt insertion
Carotid artery surgery
4 Coronary Artery By-pass Surgery* Transmyocardial Laser Revascularisation, or Keyhole Coronary Bypass Surgery, or Coronary Artery Atherectomy, or Enhanced External Counterpulsation Device
5 End Stage Kidney Failure* Nephrectomy - Surgical Removal of One Kidney
Chronic Kidney Disease
6 Irreversible Aplastic Anaemia* Reversible Aplastic Anaemia
Myelodysplastic Syndrome or Myelofibrosis
7 End Stage Lung Disease* Severe Asthma
Insertion of a Vena-cava filter
Surgical removal of one lung
8 End Stage Liver Failure* Liver Surgery
Liver Cirrhosis
9 Coma* Coma for 48 hours
Severe Epilepsy
10 Meafness (Irreversible Loss of Partial loss of hearing
Cavernous sinus thrombosis surgery
Cochlear implant surgery
11 Open Chest Heart Valve Surgery* Percutaneous Valve Surgery
12 Irreversible Loss of Speech* Permanent (or Temporary) Tracheostomy
Irreversible Loss of Speech due to neurological disease
13 Major Burns* Mild Burns
14 Major Organ / Bone MarrowTransplantation* "Other Organ Transplants
(a) Small Bowel Transplant
(b) Corneal Transplant"
Major Organ/Bone Marrow Transplant (on waitlist)
15 Multiple Sclerosis* Early Multiple Sclerosis (Intermediate Stage)
16 Muscular Dystrophy* Spinal Cord Disease or Injury resulting in Bowel and Bladder Dysfunction| CI Group | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :---: | :---: | :---: |
| 1 | Major Cancer* | Carcinoma in-situ (CIS) and Early Cancers: <br> (a) Carcinoma in-situ (CIS) <br> (b) Early Cancers: <br> - Early Prostate Cancer <br> - Early Thyroid Cancer <br> - Early Bladder Cancer <br> - Early Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia <br> - Neuroendocrine Tumours <br> - Early Melanoma <br> - Gastro-Intestinal Stromal tumours <br> - Bone Marrow Malignancies |
| 2 | Heart Attack of Specified Severity* | Specified Surgical Procedures of the Cardiovascular System: |
| | | (a) Cardiac pacemaker insertion |
| | | (b) Pericardiectomy |
| | | (c) Cardiac defibrillator insertion |
| | | (d) Cardiomyopathy |
| 3 | Stroke with $\quad$ PermanentNeurological Deficit* | Brain aneurysm surgery (via endovascular procedures) |
| | | Brain aneurysm surgery |
| | | Cerebral shunt insertion |
| | | Carotid artery surgery |
| 4 | Coronary Artery By-pass Surgery* | Transmyocardial Laser Revascularisation, or Keyhole Coronary Bypass Surgery, or Coronary Artery Atherectomy, or Enhanced External Counterpulsation Device |
| 5 | End Stage Kidney Failure* | Nephrectomy - Surgical Removal of One Kidney |
| | | Chronic Kidney Disease |
| 6 | Irreversible Aplastic Anaemia* | Reversible Aplastic Anaemia |
| | | Myelodysplastic Syndrome or Myelofibrosis |
| 7 | End Stage Lung Disease* | Severe Asthma |
| | | Insertion of a Vena-cava filter |
| | | Surgical removal of one lung |
| 8 | End Stage Liver Failure* | Liver Surgery |
| | | Liver Cirrhosis |
| 9 | Coma* | Coma for 48 hours |
| | | Severe Epilepsy |
| 10 | ```Meafness (Irreversible Loss of``` | Partial loss of hearing |
| | | Cavernous sinus thrombosis surgery |
| | | Cochlear implant surgery |
| 11 | Open Chest Heart Valve Surgery* | Percutaneous Valve Surgery |
| 12 | Irreversible Loss of Speech* | Permanent (or Temporary) Tracheostomy |
| | | Irreversible Loss of Speech due to neurological disease |
| 13 | Major Burns* | Mild Burns |
| 14 | Major Organ / Bone MarrowTransplantation* | Other Organ Transplants <br> (a) Small Bowel Transplant <br> (b) Corneal Transplant |
| | | Major Organ/Bone Marrow Transplant (on waitlist) |
| 15 | Multiple Sclerosis* | Early Multiple Sclerosis (Intermediate Stage) |
| 16 | Muscular Dystrophy* | Spinal Cord Disease or Injury resulting in Bowel and Bladder Dysfunction |
痴呆症* 疾病 / 严重
因输血和职业性获得的 HIV HIV^(**)\mathrm{HIV}^{*}
器官移植和攻击导致的 HIV
系统性硬化症伴 CREST 综合症
持久植物人状态 (无意识综合症)
Moderate Muscular Dystrophy
17 Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease* Early Parkinson's Disease
Moderately Severe Parkinson's Disease
18 Open Chest Surgery to Aorta* Large Asymptomatic Aortic Aneurysm
Minimally Invasive Surgery to Aorta
19 Alzheimer'sDementia* Disease / Severe Early Dementia
Moderately Severe Dementia including Alzheimer's Disease
20 Fulminant Hepatitis* Hepatitis with Cirrhosis
Biliary Tract Reconstruction Surgery
Chronic Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
21 Motor Neurone Disease* Peripheral Neuropathy
Early Motor Neurone Disease (Intermediate Stage)
22 Primary Pulmonary Hypertension* Early Primary or Secondary Pulmonary Hypertension
23 HIV Due to Blood Transfusion and Occupationally Acquired HIV^(**) HIV due to Organ Transplant and Assault
24 Benign Brain Tumour* Surgical Removal of Pituitary Tumour
Surgery for Subdural Haematoma
25 Severe Encephalitis* Encephalitis
26 Severe Bacterial Meningitis* Bacterial Meningitis
27 Blindness (Irreversible Loss of Sight)* Irreversible Loss of sight in one eye or Optic Nerve Atrophy with low vision
28 Major Head Trauma* Facial Reconstructive Surgery
Cervical Spinal Cord Injury
Intermediate Stage Major Head Trauma
29 Paralysis (Irreversible Loss of Use of Limbs)* Irreversible Loss of Use of One Limb
Irreversible Loss of Use of One Limb requiring Prosthesis
30 Progressive Scleroderma* Early Progressive Scleroderma
Systemic Sclerosis with CREST Syndrome
31 Persistent Vegetative State(Apallic Syndrome) Akinetic Mutism
Locked in syndrome
32 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with Lupus Nephritis* Mild Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
33 Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease* Mild Coronary Artery Disease
34 Poliomyelitis* Moderately Severe Poliomyelitis
35 Loss of Independent Existence* Loss of Independent Existence (Early Stage)
Loss of Independent Existence (Intermediate Stage)
36 Creutzfeld- Jacob Disease Less Severe Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease
Moderately Severe Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease
37 Elephantiasis Not applicable
38 Medullary Cystic Disease Not applicable
39 Necrotising Fasciitis Not applicable
40 Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Less Severe Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
41 Severe Myasthenia Gravis Not applicable
42 Adrenalectomy for Adrenal Adenoma Not applicable
43 Chronic Auto-Immune Hepatitis Not applicable| | | Moderate Muscular Dystrophy |
| :---: | :---: | :---: |
| 17 | Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease* | Early Parkinson's Disease |
| | | Moderately Severe Parkinson's Disease |
| 18 | Open Chest Surgery to Aorta* | Large Asymptomatic Aortic Aneurysm |
| | | Minimally Invasive Surgery to Aorta |
| 19 | Alzheimer'sDementia* Disease / Severe | Early Dementia |
| | | Moderately Severe Dementia including Alzheimer's Disease |
| 20 | Fulminant Hepatitis* | Hepatitis with Cirrhosis |
| | | Biliary Tract Reconstruction Surgery |
| | | Chronic Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis |
| 21 | Motor Neurone Disease* | Peripheral Neuropathy |
| | | Early Motor Neurone Disease (Intermediate Stage) |
| 22 | Primary Pulmonary Hypertension* | Early Primary or Secondary Pulmonary Hypertension |
| 23 | HIV Due to Blood Transfusion and Occupationally Acquired $\mathrm{HIV}^{*}$ | HIV due to Organ Transplant and Assault |
| 24 | Benign Brain Tumour* | Surgical Removal of Pituitary Tumour |
| | | Surgery for Subdural Haematoma |
| 25 | Severe Encephalitis* | Encephalitis |
| 26 | Severe Bacterial Meningitis* | Bacterial Meningitis |
| 27 | Blindness (Irreversible Loss of Sight)* | Irreversible Loss of sight in one eye or Optic Nerve Atrophy with low vision |
| 28 | Major Head Trauma* | Facial Reconstructive Surgery |
| | | Cervical Spinal Cord Injury |
| | | Intermediate Stage Major Head Trauma |
| 29 | Paralysis (Irreversible Loss of Use of Limbs)* | Irreversible Loss of Use of One Limb |
| | | Irreversible Loss of Use of One Limb requiring Prosthesis |
| 30 | Progressive Scleroderma* | Early Progressive Scleroderma |
| | | Systemic Sclerosis with CREST Syndrome |
| 31 | Persistent Vegetative State(Apallic Syndrome) | Akinetic Mutism |
| | | Locked in syndrome |
| 32 | Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with Lupus Nephritis* | Mild Systemic Lupus Erythematosus |
| 33 | Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease* | Mild Coronary Artery Disease |
| 34 | Poliomyelitis* | Moderately Severe Poliomyelitis |
| 35 | Loss of Independent Existence* | Loss of Independent Existence (Early Stage) |
| | | Loss of Independent Existence (Intermediate Stage) |
| 36 | Creutzfeld- Jacob Disease | Less Severe Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease |
| | | Moderately Severe Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease |
| 37 | Elephantiasis | Not applicable |
| 38 | Medullary Cystic Disease | Not applicable |
| 39 | Necrotising Fasciitis | Not applicable |
| 40 | Progressive Supranuclear Palsy | Less Severe Progressive Supranuclear Palsy |
| 41 | Severe Myasthenia Gravis | Not applicable |
| 42 | Adrenalectomy for Adrenal Adenoma | Not applicable |
| 43 | Chronic Auto-Immune Hepatitis | Not applicable |
Multiple Root of Brachial Plexus
Injury| Multiple Root of Brachial Plexus |
| :--- |
| Injury |
医疗获得的 HIV 感染
Occupationally Acquired Hepatitis
B or C| Occupationally Acquired Hepatitis |
| :--- |
| B or C |
Resection of the whole small
intestine (duodenum, jejunum and
ileum)| Resection of the whole small |
| :--- |
| intestine (duodenum, jejunum and |
| ileum) |
Biliary Atresia having undergone
Liver transplantation| Biliary Atresia having undergone |
| :--- |
| Liver transplantation |
44 Infective Endocarditis Less Severe Infective Endocarditis
45 "Multiple Root of Brachial Plexus
Injury" Not applicable
46 Severe Eisenmenger's Syndrome Severe Eisenmenger's Syndrome (Intermediate Stage)
47 Surgery for Idiopathic Scoliosis Not applicable
48 Tuberculosis Meningitis Not applicable
49 Severe Pulmonary Fibrosis Not applicable
50 Severe Cardiomyopathy Not applicable
51 Acquired Brain Damage Not applicable
52 Brain Surgery Not applicable
53 Medically Acquired HIV Infection Not applicable
54 "Occupationally Acquired Hepatitis
B or C" Not applicable
55 Ebola Not applicable
56 "Resection of the whole small
intestine (duodenum, jejunum and
ileum)" Not applicable
57 Juvenile Huntington Disease Not applicable
58 "Biliary Atresia having undergone
Liver transplantation" Biliary Atresia (on diagnosis)
59 Severe Bronchiectasis Not applicable
60 Terminal Illness* Not applicable| 44 | Infective Endocarditis | Less Severe Infective Endocarditis |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| 45 | Multiple Root of Brachial Plexus <br> Injury | Not applicable |
| 46 | Severe Eisenmenger's Syndrome | Severe Eisenmenger's Syndrome (Intermediate Stage) |
| 47 | Surgery for Idiopathic Scoliosis | Not applicable |
| 48 | Tuberculosis Meningitis | Not applicable |
| 49 | Severe Pulmonary Fibrosis | Not applicable |
| 50 | Severe Cardiomyopathy | Not applicable |
| 51 | Acquired Brain Damage | Not applicable |
| 52 | Brain Surgery | Not applicable |
| 53 | Medically Acquired HIV Infection | Not applicable |
| 54 | Occupationally Acquired Hepatitis <br> B or C | Not applicable |
| 55 | Ebola | Not applicable |
| 56 | Resection of the whole small <br> intestine (duodenum, jejunum and <br> ileum) | Not applicable |
| 57 | Juvenile Huntington Disease | Not applicable |
| 58 | Biliary Atresia having undergone <br> Liver transplantation | Biliary Atresia (on diagnosis) |
| 59 | Severe Bronchiectasis | Not applicable |
| 60 | Terminal Illness* | Not applicable |
Severe Stage E
Irreversible Aplastic Anaemia R
Chronic persistent and irreversible bone Act
marrow failure, confirmed by biopsy, and
which results in anaemia, neutropenia of
and thrombocytopenia requiring ∙
treatment with at least one of the ∙
- Blood product transfusion, ∙
- Bone marrow stimulating agents,
- Immunosuppressive agents, or - Bone marrow or haematopoietic
- stem cell transplantation.
The diagnosis must be confirmed by a
haematologist. | Severe Stage | E |
| :--- | :--- |
| Irreversible Aplastic Anaemia | R |
| Chronic persistent and irreversible bone | Act |
| marrow failure, confirmed by biopsy, | and |
| which results in anaemia, neutropenia | of |
| and thrombocytopenia requiring | $\bullet$ |
| treatment with at least one of the | $\bullet$ |
| following: | |
| - Blood product transfusion, | $\bullet$ |
| - Bone marrow stimulating agents, | |
| - Immunosuppressive agents, or | - Bone marrow or haematopoietic |
| - stem cell transplantation. | |
| The diagnosis must be confirmed by a | |
| haematologist. | |
Partial hepatectomy of at least one entire lobe of the liver that has been found
medically necessary as a result of illness or Accident as suffered by the Life
- Permanent jaundice,
- Ascites, and
- Hepatic encephalopathy.
Liver disease secondary to alcohol or
drug abuse is excluded.| Partial hepatectomy of at least one entire lobe of the liver that has been found |
| :--- |
| medically necessary as a result of illness or Accident as suffered by the Life |
| - Permanent jaundice, |
| - Ascites, and |
| - Hepatic encephalopathy. |
| Liver disease secondary to alcohol or |
| drug abuse is excluded. |
Liver disease caused directly or indirectly, wholly or partly, by alcohol or drug
abuse is excluded. Hepatectomy as a donor is excluded.| Liver disease caused directly or indirectly, wholly or partly, by alcohol or drug |
| :--- |
| abuse is excluded. Hepatectomy as a donor is excluded. |
Liver Cirrhosis
Cirrhosis of Liver with a HAI-Knodell Score of 6 and above as evident by liver
biopsy. The diagnosis of liver cirhosis must be unequivocally confirmed by a
hepatologist and based on the histological findings of the liver biopsy.| Liver Cirrhosis |
| :--- |
| Cirrhosis of Liver with a HAI-Knodell Score of 6 and above as evident by liver |
| biopsy. The diagnosis of liver cirhosis must be unequivocally confirmed by a |
| hepatologist and based on the histological findings of the liver biopsy. |
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
End Stage Liver Failure Liver Surgery
End stage liver failure as evidenced by
all of the following: "Partial hepatectomy of at least one entire lobe of the liver that has been found
medically necessary as a result of illness or Accident as suffered by the Life
- Permanent jaundice,
- Ascites, and
- Hepatic encephalopathy.
Liver disease secondary to alcohol or
drug abuse is excluded."
"Liver disease caused directly or indirectly, wholly or partly, by alcohol or drug
abuse is excluded. Hepatectomy as a donor is excluded."
"Liver Cirrhosis
Cirrhosis of Liver with a HAI-Knodell Score of 6 and above as evident by liver
biopsy. The diagnosis of liver cirhosis must be unequivocally confirmed by a
hepatologist and based on the histological findings of the liver biopsy."
Liver disease secondary to alcohol and drug abuse are excluded.| Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| End Stage Liver Failure | Liver Surgery |
| End stage liver failure as evidenced by | |
| all of the following: | Partial hepatectomy of at least one entire lobe of the liver that has been found <br> medically necessary as a result of illness or Accident as suffered by the Life <br> - Permanent jaundice, <br> - Ascites, and <br> - Hepatic encephalopathy. <br> Liver disease secondary to alcohol or <br> drug abuse is excluded. |
| | Liver disease caused directly or indirectly, wholly or partly, by alcohol or drug <br> abuse is excluded. Hepatectomy as a donor is excluded. |
| | Liver Cirrhosis <br> Cirrhosis of Liver with a HAI-Knodell Score of 6 and above as evident by liver <br> biopsy. The diagnosis of liver cirhosis must be unequivocally confirmed by a <br> hepatologist and based on the histological findings of the liver biopsy. |
| | Liver disease secondary to alcohol and drug abuse are excluded. |
quad\quad 昏迷 (Cl 组 9)
持续至少 96 小时的昏迷
Severe Stage
A coma that persists for at least 96| Severe Stage |
| :--- |
| Coma |
| A coma that persists for at least 96 |
S Early and Intermediate Stages
Deafness (Irreversible Loss ofHearing) Partial loss of hearing
Permanent binaural (relating to or involving both ears) hearing loss with the
Total and irreversible loss of hearing in loss of at least 60 decibels in all frequencies of hearing as a result of illness or
both ears as a result of illness or Accident. The hearing loss must be established by an Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT)
accident. This diagnosis must be specialist and supported by an objective diagnostic test to indicate the
supported by audiometric and sound- q
an Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) specia
Total means "the loss of at least 80 decibels in all frequencies of hearing". The actual undergoing of a surgical drainage for Cavernous Sinus
Thrombosis. The presence of Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis as well as the requirement for surgical intervention must be certified to be medically
Irreversible means "cannot be reasonably restored to at least 40 necessary by a neurosurg
decibels by medical treatment, hearing Cochlear implant surgery
aid and/or surgical procedures
consistent with the current standard of The actual undergoing of a surgical cochlear implant (relating to one or both
the medical services available in ears) as a result of permanent damage to the cochlea or auditory nerve. The
Singapore after a period of 6 months surgical procedure as well as the insertion of the implant must be certified to
from the date of intervention." be medically necessary by an Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) specialist.| S | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :---: | :---: |
| Deafness (Irreversible Loss ofHearing) | Partial loss of hearing |
| | Permanent binaural (relating to or involving both ears) hearing loss with the |
| Total and irreversible loss of hearing in | loss of at least 60 decibels in all frequencies of hearing as a result of illness or |
| both ears as a result of illness or | Accident. The hearing loss must be established by an Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) |
| accident. This diagnosis must be | specialist and supported by an objective diagnostic test to indicate the |
| supported by audiometric and sound- | q |
| an Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) specia | |
| Total means "the loss of at least 80 decibels in all frequencies of hearing". | The actual undergoing of a surgical drainage for Cavernous Sinus |
| | Thrombosis. The presence of Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis as well as the requirement for surgical intervention must be certified to be medically |
| Irreversible means "cannot be reasonably restored to at least 40 | necessary by a neurosurg |
| | |
| decibels by medical treatment, hearing | Cochlear implant surgery |
| aid and/or surgical procedures | |
| consistent with the current standard of | The actual undergoing of a surgical cochlear implant (relating to one or both |
| the medical services available in | ears) as a result of permanent damage to the cochlea or auditory nerve. The |
| Singapore after a period of 6 months | surgical procedure as well as the insertion of the implant must be certified to |
| from the date of intervention." | be medically necessary by an Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) specialist. |
开放胸腔心脏瓣膜手术(CI 组 11)
Severe Stage
Open Chest Heart Valve Surgery
The actual undergoing of open-heart
surgery to replace or repair heart valve
abnormalities. The diagnosis of heart
valve abnormality must be supported
by cardiac catheterization or
echocardiogram and the procedure
must be considered medically
necessary by a consultant cardiologist.| Severe Stage |
| :--- |
| Open Chest Heart Valve Surgery |
| The actual undergoing of open-heart |
| surgery to replace or repair heart valve |
| abnormalities. The diagnosis of heart |
| valve abnormality must be supported |
| by cardiac catheterization or |
| echocardiogram and the procedure |
| must be considered medically |
| necessary by a consultant cardiologist. |
Mild Burns
- second degree (partial thickness of the skin) burns covering at least 20%
of the surface of the Life Assured's body, or| Mild Burns |
| :--- |
| - second degree (partial thickness of the skin) burns covering at least 20% |
| of the surface of the Life Assured's body, or |
第三度(全层皮肤)烧伤覆盖至少 20%的被保险人身体表面。
Third degree (full thickness of the skin)
burns covering at least 20% of the
surface of the Life Assured's body.| Third degree (full thickness of the skin) |
| :--- |
| burns covering at least 20% of the |
| surface of the Life Assured's body. |
- 第三度(全层皮肤)烧伤,覆盖至少 50%的被保险人面部。
- third degree (full thickness of the skin) burns covering at least 50% of the
face of the Life Assured.| - third degree (full thickness of the skin) burns covering at least 50% of the |
| :--- |
| face of the Life Assured. |
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Major Burns "Mild Burns
- second degree (partial thickness of the skin) burns covering at least 20%
of the surface of the Life Assured's body, or"
"Third degree (full thickness of the skin)
burns covering at least 20% of the
surface of the Life Assured's body." "- third degree (full thickness of the skin) burns covering at least 50% of the
face of the Life Assured."| Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Major Burns | Mild Burns <br> - second degree (partial thickness of the skin) burns covering at least 20% <br> of the surface of the Life Assured's body, or |
| Third degree (full thickness of the skin) <br> burns covering at least 20% of the <br> surface of the Life Assured's body. | - third degree (full thickness of the skin) burns covering at least 50% of the <br> face of the Life Assured. |
主要器官/骨髓移植(CI 组 14)
主要器官 / 骨髓
- 人骨髓使用
Severe Stage
Major Organ / Bone Marrow
The receipt of a transplant of:
- Human bone marrow using
haematopoietic stem cells preceded
by total bone marrow ablation, or| Severe Stage |
| :--- |
| Major Organ / Bone Marrow |
| Transplantation |
| The receipt of a transplant of: |
| - Human bone marrow using |
| haematopoietic stem cells preceded |
| by total bone marrow ablation, or |
至少一米的小肠通过因肠功能衰竭而进行的剖腹手术获得自身血供。 (b)角膜移植
主要器官 / 骨髓移植(在等待名单上)
以下人类器官之一:心脏、肺、肝脏、肾脏、胰腺,因相关器官不可逆的终末期衰竭而导致 是必需的。
多发性硬化症(CI 组 15)
硬化症,以及持续至少 6 个月的多重神经功能缺损。
Sclerosis, and
Multiple neurological deficits which
occurred over a continuous period
of at least 6 months.| Sclerosis, and |
| :--- |
| Multiple neurological deficits which |
| occurred over a continuous period |
| of at least 6 months. |
Erythematosus with Lupus Nephritis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus
(HIV) are excluded.| Erythematosus with Lupus Nephritis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
| :--- |
| (HIV) are excluded. |
例如 SLE 和 HIV 被排除在外。
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Multiple Sclerosis Early Multiple Sclerosis (Intermediate stage)
The definite diagnosis of Multiple The definite diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis confirmed by a neurologist and
Sclerosis, and must be supported by all
of the following:
supported by investigations which unequivocally confirm the diagnosis to be
Investigations which unequivocally
confirm the diagnosis to be Multiple Other causes of neurological damage such as Systemic Lupus
"Sclerosis, and
Multiple neurological deficits which
occurred over a continuous period
of at least 6 months." "Erythematosus with Lupus Nephritis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus
(HIV) are excluded."
Other causes of neurological damage
such as SLE and HIV are excluded. | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Multiple Sclerosis | Early Multiple Sclerosis (Intermediate stage) |
| The definite diagnosis of Multiple | The definite diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis confirmed by a neurologist and |
| Sclerosis, and must be supported by all | |
| of the following: | |
| supported by investigations which unequivocally confirm the diagnosis to be | |
| Investigations which unequivocally | |
| confirm the diagnosis to be Multiple | Other causes of neurological damage such as Systemic Lupus |
| Sclerosis, and <br> Multiple neurological deficits which <br> occurred over a continuous period <br> of at least 6 months. | Erythematosus with Lupus Nephritis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus <br> (HIV) are excluded. |
| Other causes of neurological damage | |
| such as SLE and HIV are excluded. | |
肌肉萎缩症(Cl 组 16)
Spinal Cord Disease or Injury resulting in Bowel and Bladder
Dysfunction| Spinal Cord Disease or Injury resulting in Bowel and Bladder |
| :--- |
| Dysfunction |
The unequivocal diagnosis of muscular
dystrophy must be made by a consultant| The unequivocal diagnosis of muscular |
| :--- |
| dystrophy must be made by a consultant |
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Muscular Dystrophy "Spinal Cord Disease or Injury resulting in Bowel and Bladder
"The unequivocal diagnosis of muscular
dystrophy must be made by a consultant" | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Muscular Dystrophy | Spinal Cord Disease or Injury resulting in Bowel and Bladder <br> Dysfunction |
| The unequivocal diagnosis of muscular <br> dystrophy must be made by a consultant | |
Severe Stage
Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease
The unequivocal diagnosis of idiopathic
Parkinson's Disease by a consultant
neurologist. This diagnosis must be
supported by all of the following
The disease cannot be controlled
with medication, and
Inability of the Life Assured to
perform (whether aided or unaided)
at least 3 of the 6 "Activities of Daily
Living" for a continuous period of at
least 6 months.| Severe Stage |
| :--- |
| Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease |
| The unequivocal diagnosis of idiopathic |
| Parkinson's Disease by a consultant |
| neurologist. This diagnosis must be |
| supported by all of the following |
| conditions: |
| The disease cannot be controlled |
| with medication, and |
| Inability of the Life Assured to |
| perform (whether aided or unaided) |
| at least 3 of the 6 "Activities of Daily |
| Living" for a continuous period of at |
| least 6 months. |
早期和中期阶段 早期帕金森病
被保险人无法在至少连续 6 个月内(无论是否有帮助)完成 6 项“日常生活活动”中的至少 2 项。
18. 开胸主动脉手术(CI 组 18)
Large Asymptomatic Aortic Aneurysm, and Minimally Invasive
Surgery to Aorta| Large Asymptomatic Aortic Aneurysm, and Minimally Invasive |
| :--- |
| Surgery to Aorta |
The actual undergoing of major surgery
to repair or correct an aneurysm,
narrowing, obstruction or dissection of
the aorta through surgical opening of
the chest or abdomen. For the purpose
of this definition, aorta shall mean the
thoracic and abdominal aorta but not its| The actual undergoing of major surgery |
| :--- |
| to repair or correct an aneurysm, |
| narrowing, obstruction or dissection of |
| the aorta through surgical opening of |
| the chest or abdomen. For the purpose |
| of this definition, aorta shall mean the |
| thoracic and abdominal aorta but not its |
(a) Large Asymptomatic Aortic Aneurysm:
Large asymptomatic abdominal or thoracic aortic aneurysm or aortic
dissection as evidenced by appropriate imaging technique. The aorta
must be enlarged greater than 55mm in diameter and the diagnosis
must be confirmed by a consultant cardiologist.| (a) Large Asymptomatic Aortic Aneurysm: |
| :--- |
| Large asymptomatic abdominal or thoracic aortic aneurysm or aortic |
| dissection as evidenced by appropriate imaging technique. The aorta |
| must be enlarged greater than 55mm in diameter and the diagnosis |
| must be confirmed by a consultant cardiologist. |
Surgery performed using only minimally
invasive or intra-arterial techniques are
excluded.| Surgery performed using only minimally |
| :--- | :--- |
| invasive or intra-arterial techniques are |
| excluded. |
(b) Minimally Invasive Surgery to Aorta:
The actual undergoing of surgery via minimally invasive or intra-arterial
techniques to repair or correct an aneurysm, narrowing, obstruction or
dissection of the aorta, as evidenced by a cardiac echocardiogram or
any other appropriate diagnostic test that is available and confirmed by
a consultant cardiologist.| (b) Minimally Invasive Surgery to Aorta: |
| :--- |
| The actual undergoing of surgery via minimally invasive or intra-arterial |
| techniques to repair or correct an aneurysm, narrowing, obstruction or |
| dissection of the aorta, as evidenced by a cardiac echocardiogram or |
| any other appropriate diagnostic test that is available and confirmed by |
| a consultant cardiologist. |
For the purpose of this definition, Aorta shall mean the thoracic and
abdominal aorta but not its branches.| For the purpose of this definition, Aorta shall mean the thoracic and |
| :--- |
| abdominal aorta but not its branches. |
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Open Chest Surgery to Aorta "Large Asymptomatic Aortic Aneurysm, and Minimally Invasive
Surgery to Aorta"
"The actual undergoing of major surgery
to repair or correct an aneurysm,
narrowing, obstruction or dissection of
the aorta through surgical opening of
the chest or abdomen. For the purpose
of this definition, aorta shall mean the
thoracic and abdominal aorta but not its" "(a) Large Asymptomatic Aortic Aneurysm:
Large asymptomatic abdominal or thoracic aortic aneurysm or aortic
dissection as evidenced by appropriate imaging technique. The aorta
must be enlarged greater than 55mm in diameter and the diagnosis
must be confirmed by a consultant cardiologist."
"Surgery performed using only minimally
invasive or intra-arterial techniques are
excluded." "(b) Minimally Invasive Surgery to Aorta:
The actual undergoing of surgery via minimally invasive or intra-arterial
techniques to repair or correct an aneurysm, narrowing, obstruction or
dissection of the aorta, as evidenced by a cardiac echocardiogram or
any other appropriate diagnostic test that is available and confirmed by
a consultant cardiologist."
"For the purpose of this definition, Aorta shall mean the thoracic and
abdominal aorta but not its branches."| Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Open Chest Surgery to Aorta | Large Asymptomatic Aortic Aneurysm, and Minimally Invasive <br> Surgery to Aorta |
| The actual undergoing of major surgery <br> to repair or correct an aneurysm, <br> narrowing, obstruction or dissection of <br> the aorta through surgical opening of <br> the chest or abdomen. For the purpose <br> of this definition, aorta shall mean the <br> thoracic and abdominal aorta but not its | (a) Large Asymptomatic Aortic Aneurysm: <br> Large asymptomatic abdominal or thoracic aortic aneurysm or aortic <br> dissection as evidenced by appropriate imaging technique. The aorta <br> must be enlarged greater than 55mm in diameter and the diagnosis <br> must be confirmed by a consultant cardiologist. |
| Surgery performed using only minimally <br> invasive or intra-arterial techniques are <br> excluded. | (b) Minimally Invasive Surgery to Aorta: <br> The actual undergoing of surgery via minimally invasive or intra-arterial <br> techniques to repair or correct an aneurysm, narrowing, obstruction or <br> dissection of the aorta, as evidenced by a cardiac echocardiogram or <br> any other appropriate diagnostic test that is available and confirmed by <br> a consultant cardiologist. |
| | For the purpose of this definition, Aorta shall mean the thoracic and <br> abdominal aorta but not its branches. |
Alzheimer's,Dementia,Disease // Severe
Deterioration or loss of cognitive function as confirmed by clinical evaluation and imaging tests, arising from Alzheimer's disease or irreversible organic disorders, resulting in significant reduction in mental and social functioning requiring the continuous supervision of the life assured. This diagnosis must be supported by the clinical confirmation of an appropriate consultant and supported by Our appointed Registered Medical Practitioner.
The following are excluded:
- Non-organic diseases such as neurosis and psychiatric illnesses, and
- Alcohol related brain damage.| Alzheimer's <br> Dementia Disease $/$ Severe |
| :--- |
| Deterioration or loss of cognitive function as confirmed by clinical evaluation and imaging tests, arising from Alzheimer's disease or irreversible organic disorders, resulting in significant reduction in mental and social functioning requiring the continuous supervision of the life assured. This diagnosis must be supported by the clinical confirmation of an appropriate consultant and supported by Our appointed Registered Medical Practitioner. |
| The following are excluded: |
| - Non-organic diseases such as neurosis and psychiatric illnesses, and |
| - Alcohol related brain damage. |
Early Dementia
Diagnosis of dementia by neurological assessment by a consultant neurologist confirming cognitive impairment characterised by either:
- 2 Mini Mental State Examination score of 24 or less out of 30 performed 6 months apart, or
assessed by 2 neuropsychometric tests performed 6 months apart with a battery of tests which clearly define the severity of the impairment.
The Life Assured must have been placed on disease modifying treatment prescribed by a consultant neurologist.
The following are excluded:
- Non-organic diseases such as neurosis and psychiatric illnesses, and
- Alcohol related brain damage.
Moderately Severe Dementia including Alzheimer's Disease
A definite diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease or dementia due to irreversible organic brain disorders by a consultant neurologist. The Mini-mental exam score must be less than 20 out of 30 or an equivalent of this score using other Alzheimer's tests. There must also be permanent clinical loss of the ability to do all the following:
- Remember,
- Reason, and
- Perceive, understand, express and give effect to ideas.
This diagnosis must be supported by the clinical confirmation of a Registered Medical Practitioner.
The following are excluded:
- Non-organic diseases such as neurosis and psychiatric illnesses, and
- Alcohol related brain damage.| Early Dementia |
| :--- |
| Diagnosis of dementia by neurological assessment by a consultant neurologist confirming cognitive impairment characterised by either: |
| - 2 Mini Mental State Examination score of 24 or less out of 30 performed 6 months apart, or |
| assessed by 2 neuropsychometric tests performed 6 months apart with a battery of tests which clearly define the severity of the impairment. |
| The Life Assured must have been placed on disease modifying treatment prescribed by a consultant neurologist. |
| The following are excluded: |
| - Non-organic diseases such as neurosis and psychiatric illnesses, and |
| - Alcohol related brain damage. |
| Moderately Severe Dementia including Alzheimer's Disease |
| A definite diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease or dementia due to irreversible organic brain disorders by a consultant neurologist. The Mini-mental exam score must be less than 20 out of 30 or an equivalent of this score using other Alzheimer's tests. There must also be permanent clinical loss of the ability to do all the following: |
| - Remember, |
| - Reason, and |
| - Perceive, understand, express and give effect to ideas. |
| This diagnosis must be supported by the clinical confirmation of a Registered Medical Practitioner. |
| The following are excluded: |
| - Non-organic diseases such as neurosis and psychiatric illnesses, and |
| - Alcohol related brain damage. |
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
"Alzheimer's,Dementia,Disease // Severe
Deterioration or loss of cognitive function as confirmed by clinical evaluation and imaging tests, arising from Alzheimer's disease or irreversible organic disorders, resulting in significant reduction in mental and social functioning requiring the continuous supervision of the life assured. This diagnosis must be supported by the clinical confirmation of an appropriate consultant and supported by Our appointed Registered Medical Practitioner.
The following are excluded:
- Non-organic diseases such as neurosis and psychiatric illnesses, and
- Alcohol related brain damage." "Early Dementia
Diagnosis of dementia by neurological assessment by a consultant neurologist confirming cognitive impairment characterised by either:
- 2 Mini Mental State Examination score of 24 or less out of 30 performed 6 months apart, or
assessed by 2 neuropsychometric tests performed 6 months apart with a battery of tests which clearly define the severity of the impairment.
The Life Assured must have been placed on disease modifying treatment prescribed by a consultant neurologist.
The following are excluded:
- Non-organic diseases such as neurosis and psychiatric illnesses, and
- Alcohol related brain damage.
Moderately Severe Dementia including Alzheimer's Disease
A definite diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease or dementia due to irreversible organic brain disorders by a consultant neurologist. The Mini-mental exam score must be less than 20 out of 30 or an equivalent of this score using other Alzheimer's tests. There must also be permanent clinical loss of the ability to do all the following:
- Remember,
- Reason, and
- Perceive, understand, express and give effect to ideas.
This diagnosis must be supported by the clinical confirmation of a Registered Medical Practitioner.
The following are excluded:
- Non-organic diseases such as neurosis and psychiatric illnesses, and
- Alcohol related brain damage."| Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :---: | :---: |
| Alzheimer's <br> Dementia Disease $/$ Severe <br> Deterioration or loss of cognitive function as confirmed by clinical evaluation and imaging tests, arising from Alzheimer's disease or irreversible organic disorders, resulting in significant reduction in mental and social functioning requiring the continuous supervision of the life assured. This diagnosis must be supported by the clinical confirmation of an appropriate consultant and supported by Our appointed Registered Medical Practitioner. <br> The following are excluded: <br> - Non-organic diseases such as neurosis and psychiatric illnesses, and <br> - Alcohol related brain damage. | Early Dementia <br> Diagnosis of dementia by neurological assessment by a consultant neurologist confirming cognitive impairment characterised by either: <br> - 2 Mini Mental State Examination score of 24 or less out of 30 performed 6 months apart, or <br> assessed by 2 neuropsychometric tests performed 6 months apart with a battery of tests which clearly define the severity of the impairment. <br> The Life Assured must have been placed on disease modifying treatment prescribed by a consultant neurologist. <br> The following are excluded: <br> - Non-organic diseases such as neurosis and psychiatric illnesses, and <br> - Alcohol related brain damage. <br> Moderately Severe Dementia including Alzheimer's Disease <br> A definite diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease or dementia due to irreversible organic brain disorders by a consultant neurologist. The Mini-mental exam score must be less than 20 out of 30 or an equivalent of this score using other Alzheimer's tests. There must also be permanent clinical loss of the ability to do all the following: <br> - Remember, <br> - Reason, and <br> - Perceive, understand, express and give effect to ideas. <br> This diagnosis must be supported by the clinical confirmation of a Registered Medical Practitioner. <br> The following are excluded: <br> - Non-organic diseases such as neurosis and psychiatric illnesses, and <br> - Alcohol related brain damage. |
ducts. The diagnosis must be made by a gastroenterologist and the
condition must have progressed to the point where there is permanent
jaundice.| ducts. The diagnosis must be made by a gastroenterologist and the |
| :--- |
| condition must have progressed to the point where there is permanent |
| jaundice. |
Biliary tract sclerosis or obstruction as a consequence of biliary surgery, gall
stone disease, infection, inflammatory bowel disease or other secondary
precipitants is excluded.| Biliary tract sclerosis or obstruction as a consequence of biliary surgery, gall |
| :--- |
| stone disease, infection, inflammatory bowel disease or other secondary |
| precipitants is excluded. |
"ducts. The diagnosis must be made by a gastroenterologist and the
condition must have progressed to the point where there is permanent
"Biliary tract sclerosis or obstruction as a consequence of biliary surgery, gall
stone disease, infection, inflammatory bowel disease or other secondary
precipitants is excluded." | | ducts. The diagnosis must be made by a gastroenterologist and the <br> condition must have progressed to the point where there is permanent <br> jaundice. |
| :--- | :--- |
| Biliary tract sclerosis or obstruction as a consequence of biliary surgery, gall <br> stone disease, infection, inflammatory bowel disease or other secondary <br> precipitants is excluded. | |
运动神经元疾病(CI 组 21)
Severe Stage
Motor Neurone Disease
Motor neurone disease characterised by
progressive degeneration of
corticospinal tracts and anterior horn
cells or bulbar efferent neurones which
include spinal muscular atrophy,
progressive bulbar palsy, amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis and primary lateral
sclerosis. This diagnosis must be
confirmed by a neurologist as
progressive and resulting in permanent
neurological deficit. | Severe Stage | |
| :--- | :--- |
| Motor Neurone Disease | |
| Motor neurone disease characterised by | |
| progressive degeneration of | |
| corticospinal tracts and anterior horn | |
| cells or bulbar efferent neurones which | |
| include spinal muscular atrophy, | |
| progressive bulbar palsy, amyotrophic | |
| lateral sclerosis and primary lateral | |
| sclerosis. This diagnosis must be | |
| confirmed by a neurologist as | |
| progressive and resulting in permanent | |
| neurological deficit. | |
Severe Stage
Primary Pulmonary Hypertension
Primary Pulmonary Hypertension with
substantial right ventricular enlargement
confirmed by investigations including
cardiac catheterisation, resulting in
permanent physical impairment of at
least Class IV of the New York Heart
Association (NYHA) Classification of
Cardiac Impairment.
The NYHA Classification of Cardiac
Impairment:| Severe Stage |
| :--- |
| Primary Pulmonary Hypertension |
| Primary Pulmonary Hypertension with |
| substantial right ventricular enlargement |
| confirmed by investigations including |
| cardiac catheterisation, resulting in |
| permanent physical impairment of at |
| least Class IV of the New York Heart |
| Association (NYHA) Classification of |
| Cardiac Impairment. |
| The NYHA Classification of Cardiac |
| Impairment: |
轻度身体活动限制 II:活动。普通身体活动会导致症状。
原发性或继发性肺动脉高压,经过包括心脏导管检查在内的检查确认有显著的右心室扩大,导致纽约心脏协会(NYHA)心脏功能障碍分类至少为 III 级的永久性身体残疾。
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Severe Encephalitis Encephalitis
Severe inflammation of brain substance Severe inflammation of brain substance (cerebral hemisphere, brainstem or
(cerebral hemisphere, brainstem or cerebellum) requiring hospitalisation. The diagnosis must be confirmed by a
cerebellum) and resulting in permanent consultant neurologist and supported by any confirmatory diagnostic tests.
neurological deficit which must be
documented for at least 6 weeks. This Encephalitis caused by HIV infection is excluded.
diagnosis must be certified by a
consultant neurologist and supported by
any confirmatory diagnostic tests. | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Severe Encephalitis | Encephalitis |
| Severe inflammation of brain substance | Severe inflammation of brain substance (cerebral hemisphere, brainstem or |
| (cerebral hemisphere, brainstem or | cerebellum) requiring hospitalisation. The diagnosis must be confirmed by a |
| cerebellum) and resulting in permanent | consultant neurologist and supported by any confirmatory diagnostic tests. |
| neurological deficit which must be | |
| documented for at least 6 weeks. This | Encephalitis caused by HIV infection is excluded. |
| diagnosis must be certified by a | |
| consultant neurologist and supported by | |
| any confirmatory diagnostic tests. | |
因 HIV 感染引起的脑炎被排除在外。
26. 严重细菌性脑膜炎(CI 组 26)
细菌感染导致脑或脊髓膜的严重炎症,造成显著、不可逆转和永久性的神经功能缺损。神经功能缺损必须持续至少 6 周。此诊断必须通过以下方式确认:- 腰椎穿刺中发现脑脊液中的细菌感染,以及 - 一名顾问神经科医生。存在 HIV 感染时排除细菌性脑膜炎。
Bacterial infection resulting in severe inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord resulting in significant, irreversible and permanent neurological deficit. The neurological deficit must persist for at least 6 weeks. This diagnosis must be confirmed by:
- The presence of bacterial infection in cerebrospinal fluid by lumbar puncture, and
- A consultant neurologist.
Bacterial Meningitis in the presence of HIV infection is excluded.| Bacterial infection resulting in severe inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord resulting in significant, irreversible and permanent neurological deficit. The neurological deficit must persist for at least 6 weeks. This diagnosis must be confirmed by: |
| :--- |
| - The presence of bacterial infection in cerebrospinal fluid by lumbar puncture, and |
| - A consultant neurologist. |
| Bacterial Meningitis in the presence of HIV infection is excluded. |
细菌感染导致脑或脊髓膜的严重炎症,需要住院治疗。此诊断必须通过以下方式确认:- 腰椎穿刺中发现细菌感染的脑脊液,以及 - 一名顾问神经科医生。在 HIV 感染的情况下,排除细菌性脑膜炎。
Bacterial infection resulting in severe inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord which requires hospitalisation. This diagnosis must be confirmed by:
- The presence of bacterial infection in cerebrospinal fluid by lumbar puncture, and
- A consultant neurologist.
Bacterial Meningitis in the presence of HIV infection is excluded.| Bacterial infection resulting in severe inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord which requires hospitalisation. This diagnosis must be confirmed by: |
| :--- |
| - The presence of bacterial infection in cerebrospinal fluid by lumbar puncture, and |
| - A consultant neurologist. |
| Bacterial Meningitis in the presence of HIV infection is excluded. |
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Severe Bacterial Meningitis Bacterial Meningitis
"Bacterial infection resulting in severe inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord resulting in significant, irreversible and permanent neurological deficit. The neurological deficit must persist for at least 6 weeks. This diagnosis must be confirmed by:
- The presence of bacterial infection in cerebrospinal fluid by lumbar puncture, and
- A consultant neurologist.
Bacterial Meningitis in the presence of HIV infection is excluded." "Bacterial infection resulting in severe inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord which requires hospitalisation. This diagnosis must be confirmed by:
- The presence of bacterial infection in cerebrospinal fluid by lumbar puncture, and
- A consultant neurologist.
Bacterial Meningitis in the presence of HIV infection is excluded."| Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :---: | :---: |
| Severe Bacterial Meningitis | Bacterial Meningitis |
| Bacterial infection resulting in severe inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord resulting in significant, irreversible and permanent neurological deficit. The neurological deficit must persist for at least 6 weeks. This diagnosis must be confirmed by: <br> - The presence of bacterial infection in cerebrospinal fluid by lumbar puncture, and <br> - A consultant neurologist. <br> Bacterial Meningitis in the presence of HIV infection is excluded. | Bacterial infection resulting in severe inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord which requires hospitalisation. This diagnosis must be confirmed by: <br> - The presence of bacterial infection in cerebrospinal fluid by lumbar puncture, and <br> - A consultant neurologist. <br> Bacterial Meningitis in the presence of HIV infection is excluded. |
The need for surgery must be certified to be medically necessary by the
unexpected, external, involuntary and
visible nature which is independent of
any other cause and is the sole cause of
the head Injury.| The need for surgery must be certified to be medically necessary by the |
| :--- |
| unexpected, external, involuntary and |
| visible nature which is independent of |
| any other cause and is the sole cause of |
| the head Injury. |
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Major Head Trauma Facial Reconstructive Surgery
Accidental head injury resulting in The actual undergoing of re-constructive surgery above the neck (restoration
permanent neurological deficit to be or re-construction of the shape of and appearance of facial structures which
assessed no sooner than 6 weeks from are defective, missing or damaged or misshapen) performed by a surgeon in
the date of the accident. This diagnosis the relevant field such as Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) or cosmetic surgeon to
must be confirmed by a consultant correct disfigurement as a direct result of an Accident that occurred after the
neurologist and supported by relevant Policy Issue Date, issue date of this Supplementary Benefit, Benefit
findings on Magnetic Resonance Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, date of Endorsement or
Imaging, Computerised Tomography, or reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit, whichever is the latest.
other reliable imaging techniques.
"Accident" means an event of violent, "The need for surgery must be certified to be medically necessary by the
unexpected, external, involuntary and
visible nature which is independent of
any other cause and is the sole cause of
the head Injury."
and/or cosmetic nose surgery are all excluded. olher dental restoration alone
Cervical Spinal Cord Injury | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Major Head Trauma | Facial Reconstructive Surgery |
| Accidental head injury resulting in | The actual undergoing of re-constructive surgery above the neck (restoration |
| permanent neurological deficit to be | or re-construction of the shape of and appearance of facial structures which |
| assessed no sooner than 6 weeks from | are defective, missing or damaged or misshapen) performed by a surgeon in |
| the date of the accident. This diagnosis | the relevant field such as Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) or cosmetic surgeon to |
| must be confirmed by a consultant | correct disfigurement as a direct result of an Accident that occurred after the |
| neurologist and supported by relevant | Policy Issue Date, issue date of this Supplementary Benefit, Benefit |
| findings on Magnetic Resonance | Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, date of Endorsement or |
| Imaging, Computerised Tomography, or | reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit, whichever is the latest. |
| other reliable imaging techniques. | |
| "Accident" means an event of violent, | The need for surgery must be certified to be medically necessary by the <br> unexpected, external, involuntary and <br> visible nature which is independent of <br> any other cause and is the sole cause of <br> the head Injury. |
| and/or cosmetic nose surgery are all excluded. olher dental restoration alone | |
| Cervical Spinal Cord Injury | |
The following are excluded:
∙quad Localised scleroderma (linear scleroderma or morphea), and
∙quad Eosinophilic fasciitis| The following are excluded: |
| :--- |
| |
| $\bullet \quad$ Localised scleroderma (linear scleroderma or morphea), and |
| |
| $\bullet \quad$ Eosinophilic fasciitis |
"The following are excluded:
∙quad Localised scleroderma (linear scleroderma or morphea), and
∙quad Eosinophilic fasciitis"| | The following are excluded: <br> <br> $\bullet \quad$ Localised scleroderma (linear scleroderma or morphea), and <br> <br> $\bullet \quad$ Eosinophilic fasciitis |
| :--- | :--- |
持续植物状态(无反应综合症)(CI 组 31)
持久植物人状态 (无反应)
Severe Stage
Persistent Vegetative State (Apallic
Syndrome) | Severe Stage | |
| :--- | :--- |
| Persistent Vegetative State (Apallic | |
| Syndrome) | |
Severe Stage
The occurrence of Poliomyelitis where
the following conditions are met:| Severe Stage |
| :--- |
| Poliomyelitis |
| The occurrence of Poliomyelitis where |
| the following conditions are met: |
For the purpose of this definition, "aided""
shall mean with the aid of special
equipment, device and/or apparatus and
not pertaining to human aid.| For the purpose of this definition, "aided"" |
| :--- |
| shall mean with the aid of special |
| equipment, device and/or apparatus and |
| not pertaining to human aid. |
This condition must be confirmed by Our approved Registered Medical
Practitioner.| This condition must be confirmed by Our approved Registered Medical |
| :--- |
| Practitioner. |
"For the purpose of this definition, "aided""
shall mean with the aid of special
equipment, device and/or apparatus and
not pertaining to human aid." "This condition must be confirmed by Our approved Registered Medical
Non-organic diseases such as neurosis and psychiatric illnesses are excluded.
For the purpose of this definition, "aided" shall mean with the aid of special
equipment, device and/or apparatus and not pertaining to human aid. | For the purpose of this definition, "aided"" <br> shall mean with the aid of special <br> equipment, device and/or apparatus and <br> not pertaining to human aid. | This condition must be confirmed by Our approved Registered Medical <br> Practitioner. |
| :--- | :--- |
| | Non-organic diseases such as neurosis and psychiatric illnesses are excluded. |
| For the purpose of this definition, "aided" shall mean with the aid of special | |
| equipment, device and/or apparatus and not pertaining to human aid. | |
mental function and movement, which is unequivocally diagnosed by a
Disease where there is an associated
neurological deficit, which is solely
responsible for a permanent inability to
perform at least 3 of the 6 "Activities of who is a consultant neurologist as Creutzfeld-Jacob disease based
on clical assessment, Electroencephalography (EEG), imaging or lumbar
Daily Living".| mental function and movement, which is unequivocally diagnosed by a |
| :--- |
| Disease where there is an associated |
| neurological deficit, which is solely |
| responsible for a permanent inability to |
| perform at least 3 of the 6 "Activities of who is a consultant neurologist as Creutzfeld-Jacob disease based |
| on clical assessment, Electroencephalography (EEG), imaging or lumbar |
| Daily Living". |
Disease caused by human growth
hormone treatment is excluded. Moderately Severe Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease
The occurrence of Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease or Variant Creutzfeld-Jacob,Disease where there is an associated neurological deficit, which is solely,responsible for a permanent inability to perform at least 2 of the 6 "Activities of,Daily Living".| puncture. | |
| :--- | :--- |
| Disease caused by human growth | |
| hormone treatment is excluded. | Moderately Severe Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease |
| | The occurrence of Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease or Variant Creutzfeld-Jacob <br> Disease where there is an associated neurological deficit, which is solely <br> responsible for a permanent inability to perform at least 2 of the 6 "Activities of <br> Daily Living". |
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease Less Severe Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease
The occurrence of Creutzfeld-Jacob An incurable brain infection that causes rapidly progressive deterioration of
Disease or Variant Creutzfeld-Jacob "mental function and movement, which is unequivocally diagnosed by a
Disease where there is an associated
neurological deficit, which is solely
responsible for a permanent inability to
perform at least 3 of the 6 "Activities of who is a consultant neurologist as Creutzfeld-Jacob disease based
on clical assessment, Electroencephalography (EEG), imaging or lumbar
Daily Living"."
Disease caused by human growth
hormone treatment is excluded. Moderately Severe Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease
The occurrence of Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease or Variant Creutzfeld-Jacob,Disease where there is an associated neurological deficit, which is solely,responsible for a permanent inability to perform at least 2 of the 6 "Activities of,Daily Living"." | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease | Less Severe Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease |
| The occurrence of Creutzfeld-Jacob | An incurable brain infection that causes rapidly progressive deterioration of |
| Disease or Variant Creutzfeld-Jacob | mental function and movement, which is unequivocally diagnosed by a <br> Disease where there is an associated <br> neurological deficit, which is solely <br> responsible for a permanent inability to <br> perform at least 3 of the 6 "Activities of who is a consultant neurologist as Creutzfeld-Jacob disease based <br> on clical assessment, Electroencephalography (EEG), imaging or lumbar <br> Daily Living". |
| puncture. <br> Disease caused by human growth <br> hormone treatment is excluded. Moderately Severe Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease <br> The occurrence of Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease or Variant Creutzfeld-Jacob <br> Disease where there is an associated neurological deficit, which is solely <br> responsible for a permanent inability to perform at least 2 of the 6 "Activities of <br> Daily Living". | |
象皮病 (CI 组 37)
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Elephantiasis Not applicable
The end-stage lesion of filariasis,
characterised by massive swelling in the
tissues of the body as a result of
obstructed circulation in the blood or
lymphatic vessels.
Unequivocal Diagnosis of elephantiasis
must be:
clinically confirmed by a Physician in
the appropriate medical specialty,
supported by laboratory
confirmation of microfilariae.
Lymphedema caused by infection with
any other disease(s), trauma, post- | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Elephantiasis | Not applicable |
| The end-stage lesion of filariasis, | |
| characterised by massive swelling in the | |
| tissues of the body as a result of | |
| obstructed circulation in the blood or | |
| lymphatic vessels. | |
| Unequivocal Diagnosis of elephantiasis | |
| must be: | |
| clinically confirmed by a Physician in | |
| the appropriate medical specialty, | |
| and | |
| supported by laboratory | |
| confirmation of microfilariae. | |
| Lymphedema caused by infection with | |
| any other disease(s), trauma, post- | |
髓样囊性疾病(CI 组 38)
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Medullary Cystic Disease Not applicable
Medullary Cystic Disease where the
following criteria are met:
the presence in the kidney of
multiple cysts in the renal medulla
accompanied by the presence of
tubular atrophy and interstitial
clinical manifestations of anaemia,
polyuria, and progressive
deterioration in kidney function, and
the Diagnosis of Medullary Cystic
Disease is confirmed by renal
Isolated or benign kidney cysts are
specifically excluded from this benefit. | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Medullary Cystic Disease | Not applicable |
| Medullary Cystic Disease where the | |
| following criteria are met: | |
| the presence in the kidney of | |
| multiple cysts in the renal medulla | |
| accompanied by the presence of | |
| tubular atrophy and interstitial | |
| fibrosis, | |
| clinical manifestations of anaemia, | |
| polyuria, and progressive | |
| deterioration in kidney function, and | |
| the Diagnosis of Medullary Cystic | |
| Disease is confirmed by renal | |
| biopsy. | |
| Isolated or benign kidney cysts are | |
| specifically excluded from this benefit. | |
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Necrotising Fasciitis Not applicable
The occurrence of necrotising fasciitis
where the following conditions are met:
-"the usual clinical criteria of
necrotising fasciitis are met,
the bacteria identified is a known
cause of necrotising fasciitis, and
there is widespread destruction of
muscle and other soft tissues that
results in a total and permanent loss
of function of the affected body part." | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Necrotising Fasciitis | Not applicable |
| The occurrence of necrotising fasciitis | |
| where the following conditions are met: | |
| -the usual clinical criteria of <br> necrotising fasciitis are met, <br> the bacteria identified is a known <br> cause of necrotising fasciitis, and <br> there is widespread destruction of <br> muscle and other soft tissues that <br> results in a total and permanent loss <br> of function of the affected body part. | |
Supranuclear Palsy occurring
independently of all other causes and
resulting in a permanent neurological
deficit, which is directly responsible for a
permanent inability to perform at least 3
of the 6 "Activities of Daily Living".| Supranuclear Palsy occurring |
| :--- |
| independently of all other causes and |
| resulting in a permanent neurological |
| deficit, which is directly responsible for a |
| permanent inability to perform at least 3 |
| of the 6 "Activities of Daily Living". |
A degenerative neurological disease characterised by supranuclear gaze
paresis, pseudobulbar palsy, axial rigidity and dementia.
The unequivocal Diagnosis of Less Severe Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
must be confirmed by a consultant neurologist.| A degenerative neurological disease characterised by supranuclear gaze |
| :--- |
| paresis, pseudobulbar palsy, axial rigidity and dementia. |
| The unequivocal Diagnosis of Less Severe Progressive Supranuclear Palsy |
| must be confirmed by a consultant neurologist. |
The Diagnosis of Progressive
Supranuclear Palsy must be confirmed
by a Physician who is a consultant
neurologist.| The Diagnosis of Progressive |
| :--- |
| Supranuclear Palsy must be confirmed |
| by a Physician who is a consultant |
| neurologist. |
The condition must result in the permanent inability to perform, without
assistance, at least 2 out of 6 "Activities of Daily Living".
These conditions have to be medically documented for at least 30 consecutive
calendar days.| The condition must result in the permanent inability to perform, without |
| :--- |
| assistance, at least 2 out of 6 "Activities of Daily Living". |
| These conditions have to be medically documented for at least 30 consecutive |
| calendar days. |
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Less Severe Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
"Supranuclear Palsy occurring
independently of all other causes and
resulting in a permanent neurological
deficit, which is directly responsible for a
permanent inability to perform at least 3
of the 6 "Activities of Daily Living"." "A degenerative neurological disease characterised by supranuclear gaze
paresis, pseudobulbar palsy, axial rigidity and dementia.
The unequivocal Diagnosis of Less Severe Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
must be confirmed by a consultant neurologist."
"The Diagnosis of Progressive
Supranuclear Palsy must be confirmed
by a Physician who is a consultant
neurologist." "The condition must result in the permanent inability to perform, without
assistance, at least 2 out of 6 "Activities of Daily Living".
These conditions have to be medically documented for at least 30 consecutive
calendar days."| Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Progressive Supranuclear Palsy | Less Severe Progressive Supranuclear Palsy |
| Supranuclear Palsy occurring <br> independently of all other causes and <br> resulting in a permanent neurological <br> deficit, which is directly responsible for a <br> permanent inability to perform at least 3 <br> of the 6 "Activities of Daily Living". | A degenerative neurological disease characterised by supranuclear gaze <br> paresis, pseudobulbar palsy, axial rigidity and dementia. <br> The unequivocal Diagnosis of Less Severe Progressive Supranuclear Palsy <br> must be confirmed by a consultant neurologist. |
| The Diagnosis of Progressive <br> Supranuclear Palsy must be confirmed <br> by a Physician who is a consultant <br> neurologist. | The condition must result in the permanent inability to perform, without <br> assistance, at least 2 out of 6 "Activities of Daily Living". <br> These conditions have to be medically documented for at least 30 consecutive <br> calendar days. |
41. 重症肌无力(CI 组 41)
一种获得性自身免疫性神经肌肉传导障碍,导致肌肉无力和疲劳感波动,满足以下所有标准:- 根据美国重症肌无力基金会临床分类,存在被归类为 III、IV 或 V 级的永久性肌肉无力,且 - 重症肌无力的诊断和分类由一位神经科顾问医生确认。
An acquired autoimmune disorder of neuromuscular transmission leading to fluctuating muscle weakness and fatiguability, where all of the following criteria are met:
- Presence of permanent muscle weakness categorized as Class III, IV or V according to the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America Clinical Classification below, and
- The Diagnosis of Myasthenia Gravis and categorization are confirmed by a Physician who is a consultant neurologist.| An acquired autoimmune disorder of neuromuscular transmission leading to fluctuating muscle weakness and fatiguability, where all of the following criteria are met: |
| :--- |
| - Presence of permanent muscle weakness categorized as Class III, IV or V according to the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America Clinical Classification below, and |
| - The Diagnosis of Myasthenia Gravis and categorization are confirmed by a Physician who is a consultant neurologist. |
眼肌无力 IV 级:严重程度,其他肌肉严重无力
需要进行气管插管以维持 V:气道
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Severe Myasthenia Gravis Not applicable
"An acquired autoimmune disorder of neuromuscular transmission leading to fluctuating muscle weakness and fatiguability, where all of the following criteria are met:
- Presence of permanent muscle weakness categorized as Class III, IV or V according to the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America Clinical Classification below, and
- The Diagnosis of Myasthenia Gravis and categorization are confirmed by a Physician who is a consultant neurologist."
Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America Clinical Classification:
Class Any eye muscle weakness, I: possible ptosis, no other evidence of muscle weakness elsewhere
Class Eye muscle weakness of any
II: severity, mild weakness of other muscles
Class Eye muscle weakness of any
III: severity, moderate weakness of other muscles
Class Eye muscle weakness of any IV: severity, severe weakness of other muscles
Class Intubation needed to maintain V: airway | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :---: | :---: |
| Severe Myasthenia Gravis | Not applicable |
| An acquired autoimmune disorder of neuromuscular transmission leading to fluctuating muscle weakness and fatiguability, where all of the following criteria are met: <br> - Presence of permanent muscle weakness categorized as Class III, IV or V according to the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America Clinical Classification below, and <br> - The Diagnosis of Myasthenia Gravis and categorization are confirmed by a Physician who is a consultant neurologist. | |
| Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America Clinical Classification: | |
| Class Any eye muscle weakness, I: possible ptosis, no other evidence of muscle weakness elsewhere | |
| Class Eye muscle weakness of any | |
| II: severity, mild weakness of other muscles | |
| Class Eye muscle weakness of any | |
| III: severity, moderate weakness of other muscles | |
| Class Eye muscle weakness of any IV: severity, severe weakness of other muscles | |
| Class Intubation needed to maintain V: airway | |
肾上腺腺瘤的肾上腺切除术(CI 组 42)
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Adrenalectomy for Adrenal Adenoma Not applicable
The actual undergoing of Adrenalectomy
for treatment of poorly controlled
systemic hypertension that was
secondary to an aldosterone secreting
adrenal adenoma and was uncontrolled
by medical therapy. The adrenalectomy
would have to be deemed necessary for
the management of poorly controlled
hypertension by a specialist. | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Adrenalectomy for Adrenal Adenoma | Not applicable |
| The actual undergoing of Adrenalectomy | |
| for treatment of poorly controlled | |
| systemic hypertension that was | |
| secondary to an aldosterone secreting | |
| adrenal adenoma and was uncontrolled | |
| by medical therapy. The adrenalectomy | |
| would have to be deemed necessary for | |
| the management of poorly controlled | |
| hypertension by a specialist. | |
慢性自身免疫性肝炎(CI 组 43)
disorder of unknown cause associated
with circulating autoantibodies and a
high serum globulin level.| disorder of unknown cause associated |
| :--- |
| with circulating autoantibodies and a |
| high serum globulin level. |
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Chronic Auto-Immune Hepatitis Not applicable
A chronic necro-inflammatory liver
"disorder of unknown cause associated
with circulating autoantibodies and a
high serum globulin level." | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Chronic Auto-Immune Hepatitis | Not applicable |
| A chronic necro-inflammatory liver | |
| disorder of unknown cause associated <br> with circulating autoantibodies and a <br> high serum globulin level. | |
Infective Endocarditis
Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart caused by infectious organisms, where all of the following criteria are met:
- Positive result of the blood culture proving presence of the infectious organism(s),
- Presence of at least moderate heart valve incompetence (heart valve regurgitant) or moderate heart valve stenosis attributable to Infective Endocarditis, and
- The unequivocal Diagnosis and the severity of valvular impairment are confirmed by a consultant cardiologist and supported by echocardiogram or other reliable imagine technique.| Infective Endocarditis |
| :--- |
| Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart caused by infectious organisms, where all of the following criteria are met: |
| - Positive result of the blood culture proving presence of the infectious organism(s), |
| - Presence of at least moderate heart valve incompetence (heart valve regurgitant) or moderate heart valve stenosis attributable to Infective Endocarditis, and |
| - The unequivocal Diagnosis and the severity of valvular impairment are confirmed by a consultant cardiologist and supported by echocardiogram or other reliable imagine technique. |
Less Severe Infective Endocarditis
Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart caused by infectious organisms, where all of the following criteria are met:
- Positive result of the blood culture proving presence of the infectious organism(s),
- Presence of at least mild heart valve incompetence (heart valve regurgitant) or mild heart valve stenosis attributable to Infective Endocarditis, and
- The unequivocal Diagnosis and the severity of valvular impairment are confirmed by a consultant cardiologist and supported by echocardiogram or other reliable imaging technique.| Less Severe Infective Endocarditis |
| :--- |
| Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart caused by infectious organisms, where all of the following criteria are met: |
| - Positive result of the blood culture proving presence of the infectious organism(s), |
| - Presence of at least mild heart valve incompetence (heart valve regurgitant) or mild heart valve stenosis attributable to Infective Endocarditis, and |
| - The unequivocal Diagnosis and the severity of valvular impairment are confirmed by a consultant cardiologist and supported by echocardiogram or other reliable imaging technique. |
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
"Infective Endocarditis
Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart caused by infectious organisms, where all of the following criteria are met:
- Positive result of the blood culture proving presence of the infectious organism(s),
- Presence of at least moderate heart valve incompetence (heart valve regurgitant) or moderate heart valve stenosis attributable to Infective Endocarditis, and
- The unequivocal Diagnosis and the severity of valvular impairment are confirmed by a consultant cardiologist and supported by echocardiogram or other reliable imagine technique." "Less Severe Infective Endocarditis
Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart caused by infectious organisms, where all of the following criteria are met:
- Positive result of the blood culture proving presence of the infectious organism(s),
- Presence of at least mild heart valve incompetence (heart valve regurgitant) or mild heart valve stenosis attributable to Infective Endocarditis, and
- The unequivocal Diagnosis and the severity of valvular impairment are confirmed by a consultant cardiologist and supported by echocardiogram or other reliable imaging technique."| Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :---: | :---: |
| Infective Endocarditis <br> Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart caused by infectious organisms, where all of the following criteria are met: <br> - Positive result of the blood culture proving presence of the infectious organism(s), <br> - Presence of at least moderate heart valve incompetence (heart valve regurgitant) or moderate heart valve stenosis attributable to Infective Endocarditis, and <br> - The unequivocal Diagnosis and the severity of valvular impairment are confirmed by a consultant cardiologist and supported by echocardiogram or other reliable imagine technique. | Less Severe Infective Endocarditis <br> Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart caused by infectious organisms, where all of the following criteria are met: <br> - Positive result of the blood culture proving presence of the infectious organism(s), <br> - Presence of at least mild heart valve incompetence (heart valve regurgitant) or mild heart valve stenosis attributable to Infective Endocarditis, and <br> - The unequivocal Diagnosis and the severity of valvular impairment are confirmed by a consultant cardiologist and supported by echocardiogram or other reliable imaging technique. |
多根臂丛神经损伤(CI 组 45)
完全损伤 2 个或更多神经根
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Multiple Root of Brachial Plexus Not applicable
The complete and permanent loss of use
and sensory functions of an upper
extremity caused by Injury of 2 or more
nerve roots of the brachial plexus
through accident or disease.
Complete injury of 2 or more nerve roots
should be confirmed by | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Multiple Root of Brachial Plexus | Not applicable |
| Injury | |
| The complete and permanent loss of use | |
| and sensory functions of an upper | |
| extremity caused by Injury of 2 or more | |
| nerve roots of the brachial plexus | |
| through accident or disease. | |
| Complete injury of 2 or more nerve roots | |
| should be confirmed by | |
严重的艾森门格综合症(CI 组 46)
Severe Stage
Severe Eisenmenger's Syndrome
Eisenmenger's Syndrome shall mean
the occurrence of a reversed shunt as a
result of pulmonary hypertension,
caused by a heart disorder.
All of the following criteria must be met:| Severe Stage |
| :--- |
| Severe Eisenmenger's Syndrome |
| Eisenmenger's Syndrome shall mean |
| the occurrence of a reversed shunt as a |
| result of pulmonary hypertension, |
| caused by a heart disorder. |
| All of the following criteria must be met: |
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Surgery for Idiopathic Scoliosis Not applicable
The unequivocal Diagnosis of idiopathic
scoliosis is confirmed by an orthopaedic
surgeon. | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Surgery for Idiopathic Scoliosis | Not applicable |
| The unequivocal Diagnosis of idiopathic | |
| scoliosis is confirmed by an orthopaedic | |
| surgeon. | |
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Tuberculosis Meningitis Not applicable
Tuberculosis Meningitis refers to
meningitis proven to be caused by
mycobacterium tuberculosis that causes
a permanent neurological deficit that
results in either:
- severe cognitive impairment
documented by standard
neuropsychological that results in
the need for continuous supervision,
physical impairment that results in a
Permanent inability to perform at
least one of the 6 "Activities of Daily
Meningitis occurring in the presence of
HIV infection is excluded. | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Tuberculosis Meningitis | Not applicable |
| Tuberculosis Meningitis refers to | |
| meningitis proven to be caused by | |
| mycobacterium tuberculosis that causes | |
| a permanent neurological deficit that | |
| results in either: | |
| - severe cognitive impairment | |
| documented by standard | |
| neuropsychological that results in | |
| the need for continuous supervision, | |
| or | |
| physical impairment that results in a | |
| Permanent inability to perform at | |
| least one of the 6 "Activities of Daily | |
| Living". | |
| Meningitis occurring in the presence of | |
| HIV infection is excluded. | |
严重肺纤维化(CI 组 49)
严重和弥漫性肺纤维化,需至少 8 小时的广泛和永久氧疗
Severe and diffuse type of pulmonary
fibrosis requiring extensive and
permanent oxygen therapy at least 8| Severe and diffuse type of pulmonary |
| :--- |
| fibrosis requiring extensive and |
| permanent oxygen therapy at least 8 |
The unequivocal Diagnosis must be
confirmed with lung biopsy and by a
specialist in respiratory medicine.| The unequivocal Diagnosis must be |
| :--- |
| confirmed with lung biopsy and by a |
| specialist in respiratory medicine. |
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Severe Pulmonary Fibrosis Not applicable
"Severe and diffuse type of pulmonary
fibrosis requiring extensive and
permanent oxygen therapy at least 8"
hours per day.
"The unequivocal Diagnosis must be
confirmed with lung biopsy and by a
specialist in respiratory medicine." | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Severe Pulmonary Fibrosis | Not applicable |
| Severe and diffuse type of pulmonary <br> fibrosis requiring extensive and <br> permanent oxygen therapy at least 8 | |
| hours per day. | |
| The unequivocal Diagnosis must be <br> confirmed with lung biopsy and by a <br> specialist in respiratory medicine. | |
严重心肌病(CI 组 50)
New York Heart Association (NYHA)
classification of Cardiac Impairment.| New York Heart Association (NYHA) |
| :--- |
| classification of Cardiac Impairment. |
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Severe Cardiomyopathy Not applicable
The unequivocal Diagnosis of
Cardiomyopathy which have resulted in
the presence of permanent physical
impairments of at least Class IV of the
"New York Heart Association (NYHA)
classification of Cardiac Impairment." | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Severe Cardiomyopathy | Not applicable |
| The unequivocal Diagnosis of | |
| Cardiomyopathy which have resulted in | |
| the presence of permanent physical | |
| impairments of at least Class IV of the | |
| New York Heart Association (NYHA) <br> classification of Cardiac Impairment. | |
N 减值
NYHA 心脏功能分级:
IV:| Class |
| :--- |
| IV: |
The Diagnosis must be confirmed by a consultant cardiologist.
Cardiomyopathy that is directly related to alcohol misuse is excluded.
The N Impairm NYHA Classification of Cardiac rment:
Class No limitation of physical activity.
Ordinary physical activity does not cause undue fatigue, dyspnea, or anginal pain.
Class Slight limitation of physical
activity. Ordinary physical activity results in symptoms.
Class Marked limitation of physical
activity. Comfortable at rest, but less than ordinary activity causes symptoms.
IV:" Unable to engage in any physical activity without discomfort. Symptoms may be present even at rest.| The Diagnosis must be confirmed by a consultant cardiologist. | |
| :---: | :---: |
| Cardiomyopathy that is directly related to alcohol misuse is excluded. | |
| The N Impairm | NYHA Classification of Cardiac rment: |
| Class | No limitation of physical activity. |
| | Ordinary physical activity does not cause undue fatigue, dyspnea, or anginal pain. |
| Class | Slight limitation of physical |
| | activity. Ordinary physical activity results in symptoms. |
| Class | Marked limitation of physical |
| | activity. Comfortable at rest, but less than ordinary activity causes symptoms. |
| Class <br> IV: | Unable to engage in any physical activity without discomfort. Symptoms may be present even at rest. |
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Acquired Brain Damage Not applicable
Acquired Brain Damage refers to a
condition where all of the following
conditions must be met:
the Life Assured has attained the
age of 4 years old or above,
brain imaging studies and neuro-
psychological testing appropriate to
the Life Assured's age have
confirmed the presence of moderate
to severe brain damage, and
the development of the Life Assured
is delayed by the equivalent of at
least 2 years and there is a need for
special childcare and special
schooling as confirmed by a
specialist in the relevant field.
Brain damage as a result of congenital
causes is excluded.
Coverage will end on the Policy
Anniversary occurring on or immediately
following the Life Assured's 21^("st birthday. ") | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Acquired Brain Damage | Not applicable |
| Acquired Brain Damage refers to a | |
| condition where all of the following | |
| conditions must be met: | |
| the Life Assured has attained the | |
| age of 4 years old or above, | |
| brain imaging studies and neuro- | |
| psychological testing appropriate to | |
| the Life Assured's age have | |
| confirmed the presence of moderate | |
| to severe brain damage, and | |
| the development of the Life Assured | |
| is delayed by the equivalent of at | |
| least 2 years and there is a need for | |
| special childcare and special | |
| schooling as confirmed by a | |
| specialist in the relevant field. | |
| Brain damage as a result of congenital | |
| causes is excluded. | |
| Coverage will end on the Policy | |
| Anniversary occurring on or immediately | |
| following the Life Assured's $21^{\text {st birthday. }}$ | |
52. 脑外科手术 (CI 组 52)
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Brain Surgery Not applicable
Brain Surgery refers to the actual
undergoing of a craniotomy and
medically necessary surgery to the brain
under general anaesthesia on the
recommendation by a qualified specialist
in the relevant field. Brain Surgery as a | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Brain Surgery | Not applicable |
| Brain Surgery refers to the actual | |
| undergoing of a craniotomy and | |
| medically necessary surgery to the brain | |
| under general anaesthesia on the | |
| recommendation by a qualified specialist | |
| in the relevant field. Brain Surgery as a | |
result of an accident or burr hole surgery
53. 医疗获得的 HIV 感染(CI 组 53)
医疗获得的 HIV 感染
Severe Stage
Medically Acquired HIV Infection
The Life Assured being infected by| Severe Stage |
| :--- |
| Medically Acquired HIV Infection |
| The Life Assured being infected by |
Occupationally Acquired Hepatitis B
or C| Occupationally Acquired Hepatitis B |
| :--- |
| or C |
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
"Occupationally Acquired Hepatitis B
or C" Not applicable
Infection with the Hepatitis B or C virus
which resulted from an accident
occurring after the Policy Issue Date,
issue date of this Supplementary | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Occupationally Acquired Hepatitis B <br> or C | Not applicable |
| | |
| Infection with the Hepatitis B or C virus | |
| which resulted from an accident | |
| occurring after the Policy Issue Date, | |
| issue date of this Supplementary | |
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Ebola Not applicable
Infection with the Ebola virus where the
following conditions are met:
presence of the Ebola virus has
been confirmed by laboratory
testing, and
there are ongoing complications of
the infection persisting beyond 30
days from the onset of symptoms. | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Ebola | Not applicable |
| Infection with the Ebola virus where the | |
| following conditions are met: | |
| presence of the Ebola virus has | |
| been confirmed by laboratory | |
| testing, and | |
| there are ongoing complications of | |
| the infection persisting beyond 30 | |
| days from the onset of symptoms. | |
全小肠切除术(十二指肠、空肠和回肠)(CI 组 56)
Resection of the whole small intestine
(duodenum, jejunum and ileum)| Resection of the whole small intestine |
| :--- |
| (duodenum, jejunum and ileum) |
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
"Resection of the whole small intestine
(duodenum, jejunum and ileum)" Not applicable
Complete surgical removal of the whole
small intestine including the duodenum,
jejunum and ileum as a result of illness
or an accident of the Life Assured. | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Resection of the whole small intestine <br> (duodenum, jejunum and ileum) | Not applicable |
| Complete surgical removal of the whole | |
| small intestine including the duodenum, | |
| jejunum and ileum as a result of illness | |
| or an accident of the Life Assured. | |
57. 青少年亨廷顿病(CI 组 57)
- 由于青少年引起的运动障碍
- 由于青少年引起的认知障碍
在被保险人 21 岁生日之后。
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Juvenile Huntington Disease Not applicable
Diagnosis of Juvenile Huntington
Disease with genetic test is confirmed by
a specialist who is a Paediatrician. There
must be evidence of all the following:
- Movement disorder due to Juvenile
quad Huntington Disease,
- Cognitive disorder due to Juvenile
quad Huntington Disease, and
Behaviour disorder due to Juvenile
quad Huntington Disease.
Coverage will end on the Policy
Anniversary occurring on or immediately
following the Life Assured's 21st birthday. | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Juvenile Huntington Disease | Not applicable |
| Diagnosis of Juvenile Huntington | |
| Disease with genetic test is confirmed by | |
| a specialist who is a Paediatrician. There | |
| must be evidence of all the following: | |
| - Movement disorder due to Juvenile | |
| $\quad$ Huntington Disease, | |
| - Cognitive disorder due to Juvenile | |
| $\quad$ Huntington Disease, and | |
| Behaviour disorder due to Juvenile | |
| $\quad$ Huntington Disease. | |
| Coverage will end on the Policy | |
| Anniversary occurring on or immediately | |
| following the Life Assured's 21st birthday. | |
胆道闭锁接受肝脏移植(CI 组 58)
严重支气管扩张症(Cl 组 59)
严重的支气管扩张症需要广泛和永久的氧气治疗,以及 FEV 1 测试结果
Severe bronchiectasis requiring
extensive and permanent oxygen
therapy as well as FEV 1 test result of| Severe bronchiectasis requiring |
| :--- |
| extensive and permanent oxygen |
| therapy as well as FEV 1 test result of |
The Unequivocal Diagnosis must be
confirmed by a specialist in respiratory
medicine.| The Unequivocal Diagnosis must be |
| :--- |
| confirmed by a specialist in respiratory |
| medicine. |
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Severe Bronchiectasis Not applicable
"Severe bronchiectasis requiring
extensive and permanent oxygen
therapy as well as FEV 1 test result of"
consistently less than one litre.
"The Unequivocal Diagnosis must be
confirmed by a specialist in respiratory
medicine." | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Severe Bronchiectasis | Not applicable |
| Severe bronchiectasis requiring <br> extensive and permanent oxygen <br> therapy as well as FEV 1 test result of | |
| consistently less than one litre. | |
| The Unequivocal Diagnosis must be <br> confirmed by a specialist in respiratory <br> medicine. | |
终末期疾病(CI 组 60)
被保险人在 12 个月内。
appointed Registered Medical
Practitioner.| appointed Registered Medical |
| :--- |
| Practitioner. |
在 HIV 感染的情况下,终末期疾病被排除在外。
Terminal illness in the presence of HIV
infection is excluded.| Terminal illness in the presence of HIV |
| :--- |
| infection is excluded. |
Severe Stage Early and Intermediate Stages
Terminal Illness Not applicable.
The conclusive diagnosis of an illness
that is expected to result in the death of
the Life Assured within 12 months. This
diagnosis must be supported by a
specialist and confirmed by Our
"appointed Registered Medical
"Terminal illness in the presence of HIV
infection is excluded." | Severe Stage | Early and Intermediate Stages |
| :--- | :--- |
| Terminal Illness | Not applicable. |
| The conclusive diagnosis of an illness | |
| that is expected to result in the death of | |
| the Life Assured within 12 months. This | |
| diagnosis must be supported by a | |
| specialist and confirmed by Our | |
| appointed Registered Medical <br> Practitioner. | |
| Terminal illness in the presence of HIV <br> infection is excluded. | |
Diabetic Complications
Diabetic Complications cover the following conditions only:
Diabetic Retinopathy with the need to undergo laser treatment
certified to be absolutely necessary by an ophthalmologist with
support of a Fluorescent Fundus Angiography report and vision is
measured at 6/18 or worse in the better eye using a Snellen eye
Diabetic Nephropathy with a definite diagnosis of diabetic
nephropathy by a specialist and is evident by eGFR less than 30
ml/min/1.73 m ^(2) with ongoing proteinuria greater than 300mg/24
Amputation of Part of Limb due to Gangrene with the actual
undergoing of amputation of a foot / toe / hand / finger to treat| Diabetic Complications |
| :--- |
| Diabetic Complications cover the following conditions only: |
| Diabetic Retinopathy with the need to undergo laser treatment |
| certified to be absolutely necessary by an ophthalmologist with |
| support of a Fluorescent Fundus Angiography report and vision is |
| measured at 6/18 or worse in the better eye using a Snellen eye |
| chart. |
| Diabetic Nephropathy with a definite diagnosis of diabetic |
| nephropathy by a specialist and is evident by eGFR less than 30 |
| ml/min/1.73 m ${ }^{2}$ with ongoing proteinuria greater than 300mg/24 |
| hours. |
| Amputation of Part of Limb due to Gangrene with the actual |
| undergoing of amputation of a foot / toe / hand / finger to treat |
No "Conditions covered under
Special Benefit" quad"Definitions of conditions"
1 "Diabetic Complications
Diabetic Complications cover the following conditions only:
Diabetic Retinopathy with the need to undergo laser treatment
certified to be absolutely necessary by an ophthalmologist with
support of a Fluorescent Fundus Angiography report and vision is
measured at 6/18 or worse in the better eye using a Snellen eye
Diabetic Nephropathy with a definite diagnosis of diabetic
nephropathy by a specialist and is evident by eGFR less than 30
ml/min/1.73 m ^(2) with ongoing proteinuria greater than 300mg/24
Amputation of Part of Limb due to Gangrene with the actual
undergoing of amputation of a foot / toe / hand / finger to treat"
gangrene that has occurred because of a complication of diabetes. | No | Conditions covered under <br> Special Benefit | $\quad$Definitions of conditions |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| 1 | Diabetic Complications <br> Diabetic Complications cover the following conditions only: <br> Diabetic Retinopathy with the need to undergo laser treatment <br> certified to be absolutely necessary by an ophthalmologist with <br> support of a Fluorescent Fundus Angiography report and vision is <br> measured at 6/18 or worse in the better eye using a Snellen eye <br> chart. <br> Diabetic Nephropathy with a definite diagnosis of diabetic <br> nephropathy by a specialist and is evident by eGFR less than 30 <br> ml/min/1.73 m ${ }^{2}$ with ongoing proteinuria greater than 300mg/24 <br> hours. <br> Amputation of Part of Limb due to Gangrene with the actual <br> undergoing of amputation of a foot / toe / hand / finger to treat | |
| gangrene that has occurred because of a complication of diabetes. | | |
An autoimmune disorder causing a gradual destruction of the adrenal gland resulting in the need for life long glucocorticoid and mineral corticoid replacement therapy. The disorder must be confirmed by a specialist in endocrinology through one of the following:
- ACTH simulation tests,
- insulin-induced hypoglycaemia test,
- plasma ACTH level measurement,
- Plasma Renin Activity (PRA) level measurement.
Only autoimmune cause of primary adrenal insufficiency is included. All other causes of adrenal insufficiency are excluded.| An autoimmune disorder causing a gradual destruction of the adrenal gland resulting in the need for life long glucocorticoid and mineral corticoid replacement therapy. The disorder must be confirmed by a specialist in endocrinology through one of the following: |
| :--- |
| - ACTH simulation tests, |
| - insulin-induced hypoglycaemia test, |
| - plasma ACTH level measurement, |
| - Plasma Renin Activity (PRA) level measurement. |
| Only autoimmune cause of primary adrenal insufficiency is included. All other causes of adrenal insufficiency are excluded. |
More than 3 attacks of pancreatitis resulting in pancreatic dysfunction causing malabsorption needing enzyme replacement therapy.
The diagnosis must be made by a consultant gastroenterologist and confirmed by Endoscopic Retrograde CholangioPancreatography (ERCP).
Chronic Relapsing Pancreatitis caused by alcohol use is excluded.| More than 3 attacks of pancreatitis resulting in pancreatic dysfunction causing malabsorption needing enzyme replacement therapy. |
| :--- |
| The diagnosis must be made by a consultant gastroenterologist and confirmed by Endoscopic Retrograde CholangioPancreatography (ERCP). |
| Chronic Relapsing Pancreatitis caused by alcohol use is excluded. |
It covers Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever Grade 3 or Grade 4, based on the World Health Organization (WHO) case definition, with unequivocal evidence of the Dengue Shock Syndrome and confirmation of dengue infection, with confirmatory serological testing of dengue, and as may be exemplified by the following findings:
- history of continuous high fever (for 2 or more days),
- minor or major haemorrhagic manifestations,
- thrombocytopenia (less than or equal to 100000permm^(3) ),
haemoconcentration (haematocrit increased by 20% or more),
evidence of plasma leakage (i.e. pleural effusion, ascites or hypoproteinaemia, etc.), and
- evidence of the Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS), confirmed by a consultant physician, with the following criteria being met:
- hypotension (less than 80 mm Hg ) or narrow pulse pressure ( 20 mm Hg or less), and
- evidence of tissue hypoperfusion such as cold, clammy skin, oliguria, or a metabolic acidosis.| It covers Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever Grade 3 or Grade 4, based on the World Health Organization (WHO) case definition, with unequivocal evidence of the Dengue Shock Syndrome and confirmation of dengue infection, with confirmatory serological testing of dengue, and as may be exemplified by the following findings: |
| :--- |
| - history of continuous high fever (for 2 or more days), |
| - minor or major haemorrhagic manifestations, |
| - thrombocytopenia (less than or equal to $100000 \mathrm{per} \mathrm{mm}^{3}$ ), |
| haemoconcentration (haematocrit increased by $20 \%$ or more), |
| evidence of plasma leakage (i.e. pleural effusion, ascites or hypoproteinaemia, etc.), and |
| - evidence of the Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS), confirmed by a consultant physician, with the following criteria being met: |
| - hypotension (less than 80 mm Hg ) or narrow pulse pressure ( 20 mm Hg or less), and |
| - evidence of tissue hypoperfusion such as cold, clammy skin, oliguria, or a metabolic acidosis. |
Crohn's disease is a chronic, transmural inflammatory disorder of the bowel. To be considered as severe, there must be evidence of continued inflammation in spite of optimal therapy, with all of the following having occurred:
- Stricture formation causing intestinal obstruction requiring admission to hospital,
- Fistula formation between loops of bowel, and
- At least one bowel segment resection.
The diagnosis must be based on histopathological features and confirmed by a specialist in the relevant field.| Crohn's disease is a chronic, transmural inflammatory disorder of the bowel. To be considered as severe, there must be evidence of continued inflammation in spite of optimal therapy, with all of the following having occurred: |
| :--- |
| - Stricture formation causing intestinal obstruction requiring admission to hospital, |
| - Fistula formation between loops of bowel, and |
| - At least one bowel segment resection. |
| The diagnosis must be based on histopathological features and confirmed by a specialist in the relevant field. |
6 Chronic Adrenal Insufficiency (Addison's Disease) "An autoimmune disorder causing a gradual destruction of the adrenal gland resulting in the need for life long glucocorticoid and mineral corticoid replacement therapy. The disorder must be confirmed by a specialist in endocrinology through one of the following:
- ACTH simulation tests,
- insulin-induced hypoglycaemia test,
- plasma ACTH level measurement,
- Plasma Renin Activity (PRA) level measurement.
Only autoimmune cause of primary adrenal insufficiency is included. All other causes of adrenal insufficiency are excluded."
7 "Chronic Relapsing
Pancreatitis " "More than 3 attacks of pancreatitis resulting in pancreatic dysfunction causing malabsorption needing enzyme replacement therapy.
The diagnosis must be made by a consultant gastroenterologist and confirmed by Endoscopic Retrograde CholangioPancreatography (ERCP).
Chronic Relapsing Pancreatitis caused by alcohol use is excluded."
8 Hysterectomy due to Cancer The removal of the uterus (at least the corpus and cervix or corpus only) with supporting evidence of carcinoma of the uterus, fallopian tube, ovary, vagina or endometrium, advanced cervical carcinoma, or hydatidiform mole.
9 Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever "It covers Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever Grade 3 or Grade 4, based on the World Health Organization (WHO) case definition, with unequivocal evidence of the Dengue Shock Syndrome and confirmation of dengue infection, with confirmatory serological testing of dengue, and as may be exemplified by the following findings:
- history of continuous high fever (for 2 or more days),
- minor or major haemorrhagic manifestations,
- thrombocytopenia (less than or equal to 100000permm^(3) ),
haemoconcentration (haematocrit increased by 20% or more),
evidence of plasma leakage (i.e. pleural effusion, ascites or hypoproteinaemia, etc.), and
- evidence of the Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS), confirmed by a consultant physician, with the following criteria being met:
- hypotension (less than 80 mm Hg ) or narrow pulse pressure ( 20 mm Hg or less), and
- evidence of tissue hypoperfusion such as cold, clammy skin, oliguria, or a metabolic acidosis."
10 Wilson's Disease A potentially fatal disorder of copper toxicity characterised by progressive liver disease and/or neurologic deterioration due to copper deposit. The diagnosis must be confirmed by a hepatologist and the treatment with a chelating agent must be documented for at least 6 months.
11 Severe Crohn's Disease "Crohn's disease is a chronic, transmural inflammatory disorder of the bowel. To be considered as severe, there must be evidence of continued inflammation in spite of optimal therapy, with all of the following having occurred:
- Stricture formation causing intestinal obstruction requiring admission to hospital,
- Fistula formation between loops of bowel, and
- At least one bowel segment resection.
The diagnosis must be based on histopathological features and confirmed by a specialist in the relevant field."| 6 | Chronic Adrenal Insufficiency (Addison's Disease) | An autoimmune disorder causing a gradual destruction of the adrenal gland resulting in the need for life long glucocorticoid and mineral corticoid replacement therapy. The disorder must be confirmed by a specialist in endocrinology through one of the following: <br> - ACTH simulation tests, <br> - insulin-induced hypoglycaemia test, <br> - plasma ACTH level measurement, <br> - Plasma Renin Activity (PRA) level measurement. <br> Only autoimmune cause of primary adrenal insufficiency is included. All other causes of adrenal insufficiency are excluded. |
| :---: | :---: | :---: |
| 7 | Chronic Relapsing <br> Pancreatitis | More than 3 attacks of pancreatitis resulting in pancreatic dysfunction causing malabsorption needing enzyme replacement therapy. <br> The diagnosis must be made by a consultant gastroenterologist and confirmed by Endoscopic Retrograde CholangioPancreatography (ERCP). <br> Chronic Relapsing Pancreatitis caused by alcohol use is excluded. |
| 8 | Hysterectomy due to Cancer | The removal of the uterus (at least the corpus and cervix or corpus only) with supporting evidence of carcinoma of the uterus, fallopian tube, ovary, vagina or endometrium, advanced cervical carcinoma, or hydatidiform mole. |
| 9 | Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever | It covers Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever Grade 3 or Grade 4, based on the World Health Organization (WHO) case definition, with unequivocal evidence of the Dengue Shock Syndrome and confirmation of dengue infection, with confirmatory serological testing of dengue, and as may be exemplified by the following findings: <br> - history of continuous high fever (for 2 or more days), <br> - minor or major haemorrhagic manifestations, <br> - thrombocytopenia (less than or equal to $100000 \mathrm{per} \mathrm{mm}^{3}$ ), <br> haemoconcentration (haematocrit increased by $20 \%$ or more), <br> evidence of plasma leakage (i.e. pleural effusion, ascites or hypoproteinaemia, etc.), and <br> - evidence of the Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS), confirmed by a consultant physician, with the following criteria being met: <br> - hypotension (less than 80 mm Hg ) or narrow pulse pressure ( 20 mm Hg or less), and <br> - evidence of tissue hypoperfusion such as cold, clammy skin, oliguria, or a metabolic acidosis. |
| 10 | Wilson's Disease | A potentially fatal disorder of copper toxicity characterised by progressive liver disease and/or neurologic deterioration due to copper deposit. The diagnosis must be confirmed by a hepatologist and the treatment with a chelating agent must be documented for at least 6 months. |
| 11 | Severe Crohn's Disease | Crohn's disease is a chronic, transmural inflammatory disorder of the bowel. To be considered as severe, there must be evidence of continued inflammation in spite of optimal therapy, with all of the following having occurred: <br> - Stricture formation causing intestinal obstruction requiring admission to hospital, <br> - Fistula formation between loops of bowel, and <br> - At least one bowel segment resection. <br> The diagnosis must be based on histopathological features and confirmed by a specialist in the relevant field. |
Ulcerative colitis shall mean acute fulminant ulcerative colitis with life threatening electrolyte disturbances associated with but not limited to intestinal distension or a risk of intestinal rupture, involving the entire colon with severe bloody diarrhoea or systemic signs and symptoms and for which the treatment of colectomy or ileostomy has been done.
Diagnosis must be based on histopathological features and surgery in the form of colectomy or ileostomy should form part of the treatment.| Ulcerative colitis shall mean acute fulminant ulcerative colitis with life threatening electrolyte disturbances associated with but not limited to intestinal distension or a risk of intestinal rupture, involving the entire colon with severe bloody diarrhoea or systemic signs and symptoms and for which the treatment of colectomy or ileostomy has been done. |
| :--- |
| Diagnosis must be based on histopathological features and surgery in the form of colectomy or ileostomy should form part of the treatment. |
Age-related Macular Degeneration with visual impairment must be diagnosed by an ophthalmologist or a specialist in the relevant field and must have undergone laser photocoagulation or photodynamic therapy.
Visual impairment due to alcohol or drug or substance misuse is excluded.| Age-related Macular Degeneration with visual impairment must be diagnosed by an ophthalmologist or a specialist in the relevant field and must have undergone laser photocoagulation or photodynamic therapy. |
| :--- |
| Visual impairment due to alcohol or drug or substance misuse is excluded. |
Irreversible symmetrical loss of sensorineural hearing with loss of at least 60 decibels in all audible frequencies (500,1000,2000,4000Hz) of hearing in both ears and as a result of age degeneration that requires treatment with a hearing aid.
Medical evidence in the form of an audiometry and sound-threshold test must be provided, and the diagnosis of loss of hearing must be confirmed by a Registered Medical Practitioner who is an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist.| Irreversible symmetrical loss of sensorineural hearing with loss of at least 60 decibels in all audible frequencies $(500,1000,2000,4000 \mathrm{~Hz})$ of hearing in both ears and as a result of age degeneration that requires treatment with a hearing aid. |
| :--- |
| Medical evidence in the form of an audiometry and sound-threshold test must be provided, and the diagnosis of loss of hearing must be confirmed by a Registered Medical Practitioner who is an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist. |
Urinary Incontinence requiring surgical repair is a condition where all the following diagnostic conditions are met:
- Urinary Incontinence has been diagnosed and under the management of a Registered Medical Practitioner for at least 6 months during which time, there has been a need for continuous incontinence medical treatment, and
- Medically necessary surgical repair has been undertaken for the sole purpose of correcting the incontinence.
This benefit is not payable if Urinary Incontinence was diagnosed before the Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit or date of reinstatement (if any). Surgery that includes treatment for other pathology including a hysterectomy for uterus pathology or dysfunction does not meet this condition.| Urinary Incontinence requiring surgical repair is a condition where all the following diagnostic conditions are met: |
| :--- |
| - Urinary Incontinence has been diagnosed and under the management of a Registered Medical Practitioner for at least 6 months during which time, there has been a need for continuous incontinence medical treatment, and |
| - Medically necessary surgical repair has been undertaken for the sole purpose of correcting the incontinence. |
| This benefit is not payable if Urinary Incontinence was diagnosed before the Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit or date of reinstatement (if any). Surgery that includes treatment for other pathology including a hysterectomy for uterus pathology or dysfunction does not meet this condition. |
12 Severe Ulcerative Colitis "Ulcerative colitis shall mean acute fulminant ulcerative colitis with life threatening electrolyte disturbances associated with but not limited to intestinal distension or a risk of intestinal rupture, involving the entire colon with severe bloody diarrhoea or systemic signs and symptoms and for which the treatment of colectomy or ileostomy has been done.
Diagnosis must be based on histopathological features and surgery in the form of colectomy or ileostomy should form part of the treatment."
13 Pheochromocytoma Presence of neuroendocrine tumour of adrenal or extra-adrenal chromaffin tissue that secretes excess catecholamines. The diagnosis of pheochromocytoma must be confirmed by a specialist in the relevant field and supported by a histopathological examination.
14 "Age-related Macular
Degeneration with Visual
Impairment " "Age-related Macular Degeneration with visual impairment must be diagnosed by an ophthalmologist or a specialist in the relevant field and must have undergone laser photocoagulation or photodynamic therapy.
Visual impairment due to alcohol or drug or substance misuse is excluded."
15 Severe Presbycusis related Hearing Loss) "Irreversible symmetrical loss of sensorineural hearing with loss of at least 60 decibels in all audible frequencies (500,1000,2000,4000Hz) of hearing in both ears and as a result of age degeneration that requires treatment with a hearing aid.
Medical evidence in the form of an audiometry and sound-threshold test must be provided, and the diagnosis of loss of hearing must be confirmed by a Registered Medical Practitioner who is an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist."
16 Urinary Incontinence requiring Surgical Repair "Urinary Incontinence requiring surgical repair is a condition where all the following diagnostic conditions are met:
- Urinary Incontinence has been diagnosed and under the management of a Registered Medical Practitioner for at least 6 months during which time, there has been a need for continuous incontinence medical treatment, and
- Medically necessary surgical repair has been undertaken for the sole purpose of correcting the incontinence.
This benefit is not payable if Urinary Incontinence was diagnosed before the Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit or date of reinstatement (if any). Surgery that includes treatment for other pathology including a hysterectomy for uterus pathology or dysfunction does not meet this condition."
17 Severe Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (Stills Disease) A form of juvenile chronic arthritis characterised by high fever and signs of systemic illness that can exist for months before the onset of arthritis. The condition must be characterised by cardinal manifestations which include high spiking, daily (quotidian) fevers, evanescent rash, arthritis, splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, serositis, weight loss, neutrophilic leucocytosis, increased acute phase proteins and sero-negative tests for Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) and Rheumatoid Factor (RF). A claim for this benefit will be admitted only if the diagnosis is confirmed by a paediatric rheumatologist and the condition has to be documented for at least 6 months.
18 Severe Haemophilia The Life Assured must be suffering from severe haemophilia A (VIII deficiency) or haemophilia B (IX deficiency) with factor VIII or factor IX activity levels less than 1%. Diagnosis must be confirmed by a haematologist.
19 Rheumatic Fever with Valvular Impairment A confirmed diagnosis by a consultant cardiologist of acute rheumatic fever according to the revised Jones criteria for its diagnosis. There must be involvement of one or more heart valves and at least mild valve incompetence attributable to rheumatic fever as confirmed by quantitative investigations of the valve function by a consultant cardiologist.| 12 | Severe Ulcerative Colitis | Ulcerative colitis shall mean acute fulminant ulcerative colitis with life threatening electrolyte disturbances associated with but not limited to intestinal distension or a risk of intestinal rupture, involving the entire colon with severe bloody diarrhoea or systemic signs and symptoms and for which the treatment of colectomy or ileostomy has been done. <br> Diagnosis must be based on histopathological features and surgery in the form of colectomy or ileostomy should form part of the treatment. |
| :---: | :---: | :---: |
| 13 | Pheochromocytoma | Presence of neuroendocrine tumour of adrenal or extra-adrenal chromaffin tissue that secretes excess catecholamines. The diagnosis of pheochromocytoma must be confirmed by a specialist in the relevant field and supported by a histopathological examination. |
| 14 | Age-related Macular <br> Degeneration with Visual <br> Impairment | Age-related Macular Degeneration with visual impairment must be diagnosed by an ophthalmologist or a specialist in the relevant field and must have undergone laser photocoagulation or photodynamic therapy. <br> Visual impairment due to alcohol or drug or substance misuse is excluded. |
| 15 | Severe Presbycusis related Hearing Loss) | Irreversible symmetrical loss of sensorineural hearing with loss of at least 60 decibels in all audible frequencies $(500,1000,2000,4000 \mathrm{~Hz})$ of hearing in both ears and as a result of age degeneration that requires treatment with a hearing aid. <br> Medical evidence in the form of an audiometry and sound-threshold test must be provided, and the diagnosis of loss of hearing must be confirmed by a Registered Medical Practitioner who is an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist. |
| 16 | Urinary Incontinence requiring Surgical Repair | Urinary Incontinence requiring surgical repair is a condition where all the following diagnostic conditions are met: <br> - Urinary Incontinence has been diagnosed and under the management of a Registered Medical Practitioner for at least 6 months during which time, there has been a need for continuous incontinence medical treatment, and <br> - Medically necessary surgical repair has been undertaken for the sole purpose of correcting the incontinence. <br> This benefit is not payable if Urinary Incontinence was diagnosed before the Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit or date of reinstatement (if any). Surgery that includes treatment for other pathology including a hysterectomy for uterus pathology or dysfunction does not meet this condition. |
| 17 | Severe Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (Stills Disease) | A form of juvenile chronic arthritis characterised by high fever and signs of systemic illness that can exist for months before the onset of arthritis. The condition must be characterised by cardinal manifestations which include high spiking, daily (quotidian) fevers, evanescent rash, arthritis, splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, serositis, weight loss, neutrophilic leucocytosis, increased acute phase proteins and sero-negative tests for Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) and Rheumatoid Factor (RF). A claim for this benefit will be admitted only if the diagnosis is confirmed by a paediatric rheumatologist and the condition has to be documented for at least 6 months. |
| 18 | Severe Haemophilia | The Life Assured must be suffering from severe haemophilia A (VIII deficiency) or haemophilia B (IX deficiency) with factor VIII or factor IX activity levels less than 1%. Diagnosis must be confirmed by a haematologist. |
| 19 | Rheumatic Fever with Valvular Impairment | A confirmed diagnosis by a consultant cardiologist of acute rheumatic fever according to the revised Jones criteria for its diagnosis. There must be involvement of one or more heart valves and at least mild valve incompetence attributable to rheumatic fever as confirmed by quantitative investigations of the valve function by a consultant cardiologist. |
这是一种遗传性疾病,其特征是脆弱、骨质疏松、易骨折的骨骼。被保险人必须被诊断为 III 型成骨不全症,并确认符合以下所有条件:- 体检结果显示生长迟缓和听力障碍,且 - X 光检查结果显示多处骨折和进行性脊柱侧弯,且 - 皮肤活检结果为阳性。成骨不全症的诊断必须由儿科医生确认。
This is a genetic disorder characterised by brittle, osteoporotic, easily fractured bones. The Life Assured must be diagnosed as a type III Osteogenesis Imperfecta confirmed by the occurrence of all of the following conditions:
- the result of physical examination indicating growth retardation and hearing impairment, and
- the result of X-ray studies reveals multiple fracture of bones and progressive kyphoscoliosis, and
- positive result of skin biopsy.
Diagnosis of Osteogenesis Imperfecta must be confirmed by a paediatrician.| This is a genetic disorder characterised by brittle, osteoporotic, easily fractured bones. The Life Assured must be diagnosed as a type III Osteogenesis Imperfecta confirmed by the occurrence of all of the following conditions: |
| :--- |
| - the result of physical examination indicating growth retardation and hearing impairment, and |
| - the result of X-ray studies reveals multiple fracture of bones and progressive kyphoscoliosis, and |
| - positive result of skin biopsy. |
| Diagnosis of Osteogenesis Imperfecta must be confirmed by a paediatrician. |
Degenerative diseases of the anterior horn cells in the spinal cord and motor nuclei of the brainstem characterised by profound proximal muscular weakness and wasting, primarily in the legs, followed by distal muscle involvement. The damage must result independently of all other causes and directly in the Life Assured's permanent inability to perform (whether aided or unaided) at least 3 of the "Activities of Daily Living" (ADLs) for a continuous period of 6 months. The diagnosis must be made by a neurologist with appropriate neuromuscular testing such as Electromyogram (EMG).
Only Life Assured whose Age is between 6 years old to 17 years old on first diagnosis is eligible to receive a benefit under this illness.
For the purpose of this definition, "aided" shall mean with the aid of special equipment, device and/or apparatus and not pertaining to human aid.| Degenerative diseases of the anterior horn cells in the spinal cord and motor nuclei of the brainstem characterised by profound proximal muscular weakness and wasting, primarily in the legs, followed by distal muscle involvement. The damage must result independently of all other causes and directly in the Life Assured's permanent inability to perform (whether aided or unaided) at least 3 of the "Activities of Daily Living" (ADLs) for a continuous period of 6 months. The diagnosis must be made by a neurologist with appropriate neuromuscular testing such as Electromyogram (EMG). |
| :--- |
| Only Life Assured whose Age is between 6 years old to 17 years old on first diagnosis is eligible to receive a benefit under this illness. |
| For the purpose of this definition, "aided" shall mean with the aid of special equipment, device and/or apparatus and not pertaining to human aid. |
20 Osteogenesis Imperfecta "This is a genetic disorder characterised by brittle, osteoporotic, easily fractured bones. The Life Assured must be diagnosed as a type III Osteogenesis Imperfecta confirmed by the occurrence of all of the following conditions:
- the result of physical examination indicating growth retardation and hearing impairment, and
- the result of X-ray studies reveals multiple fracture of bones and progressive kyphoscoliosis, and
- positive result of skin biopsy.
Diagnosis of Osteogenesis Imperfecta must be confirmed by a paediatrician."
21 Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes mellitus is chronic hyperglycaemia, caused by defective insulin secretion. Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus is characterised by the continuous dependence on exogenous insulin for the preservation of life as diagnosed by an endocrinologist and such dependence must persist for not less than 6 months.
22 Kawasaki Disease This is acute, febrile and multisystem disease of children, characterised by non-suppurative cervical adenitis, skin and mucous membrane lesions. Diagnosis must be confirmed by a paediatrician and there must be echocardiograph evidence of cardiac involvement manifested by dilatation or aneurysm formation in the coronary arteries which persists for at least 6 months after the initial acute episode.
23 Glomerulonephritis quad with Nephrotic Syndrome A confirmed diagnosis of glomerulonephritis with nephrotic syndrome by a nephrologist and who should confirm that a treatment regimen appropriate to the clinical presentation has been followed throughout the period to which syndrome relates. The syndrome must have continued for a period of at least 6 months with or without intervening periods of remission.
24 Type I Juvenile Spinal Amyotrophy "Degenerative diseases of the anterior horn cells in the spinal cord and motor nuclei of the brainstem characterised by profound proximal muscular weakness and wasting, primarily in the legs, followed by distal muscle involvement. The damage must result independently of all other causes and directly in the Life Assured's permanent inability to perform (whether aided or unaided) at least 3 of the "Activities of Daily Living" (ADLs) for a continuous period of 6 months. The diagnosis must be made by a neurologist with appropriate neuromuscular testing such as Electromyogram (EMG).
Only Life Assured whose Age is between 6 years old to 17 years old on first diagnosis is eligible to receive a benefit under this illness.
For the purpose of this definition, "aided" shall mean with the aid of special equipment, device and/or apparatus and not pertaining to human aid."| 20 | Osteogenesis Imperfecta | This is a genetic disorder characterised by brittle, osteoporotic, easily fractured bones. The Life Assured must be diagnosed as a type III Osteogenesis Imperfecta confirmed by the occurrence of all of the following conditions: <br> - the result of physical examination indicating growth retardation and hearing impairment, and <br> - the result of X-ray studies reveals multiple fracture of bones and progressive kyphoscoliosis, and <br> - positive result of skin biopsy. <br> Diagnosis of Osteogenesis Imperfecta must be confirmed by a paediatrician. |
| :---: | :---: | :---: |
| 21 | Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus | Diabetes mellitus is chronic hyperglycaemia, caused by defective insulin secretion. Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus is characterised by the continuous dependence on exogenous insulin for the preservation of life as diagnosed by an endocrinologist and such dependence must persist for not less than 6 months. |
| 22 | Kawasaki Disease | This is acute, febrile and multisystem disease of children, characterised by non-suppurative cervical adenitis, skin and mucous membrane lesions. Diagnosis must be confirmed by a paediatrician and there must be echocardiograph evidence of cardiac involvement manifested by dilatation or aneurysm formation in the coronary arteries which persists for at least 6 months after the initial acute episode. |
| 23 | Glomerulonephritis $\quad$ with Nephrotic Syndrome | A confirmed diagnosis of glomerulonephritis with nephrotic syndrome by a nephrologist and who should confirm that a treatment regimen appropriate to the clinical presentation has been followed throughout the period to which syndrome relates. The syndrome must have continued for a period of at least 6 months with or without intervening periods of remission. |
| 24 | Type I Juvenile Spinal Amyotrophy | Degenerative diseases of the anterior horn cells in the spinal cord and motor nuclei of the brainstem characterised by profound proximal muscular weakness and wasting, primarily in the legs, followed by distal muscle involvement. The damage must result independently of all other causes and directly in the Life Assured's permanent inability to perform (whether aided or unaided) at least 3 of the "Activities of Daily Living" (ADLs) for a continuous period of 6 months. The diagnosis must be made by a neurologist with appropriate neuromuscular testing such as Electromyogram (EMG). <br> Only Life Assured whose Age is between 6 years old to 17 years old on first diagnosis is eligible to receive a benefit under this illness. <br> For the purpose of this definition, "aided" shall mean with the aid of special equipment, device and/or apparatus and not pertaining to human aid. |
An unequivocal diagnosis of Autism of Specified Severity which must have continued without interruption for a period of at least 6 months after diagnosis supported by 2 different assessments performed at least 6 months apart, and the Life Assured must be undergoing treatment such as but not limited to behavioural therapy, psychological interventions or special education at recognised institute.
Autism of Specified Severity must fulfil the following diagnostic criteria and be classified as severity Level 3 (requiring very substantial support assessed separately for each domain) based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), as certified by the attending registered specialist in Paediatric Psychiatry or Paediatric Neurology:
(a) Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts, as manifested by the following:
- Severe deficits in verbal and non-verbal social communication skills causing severe impairments in functioning, very limited initiation of social interactions, and minimal response to social overtures from others.
(b) Restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests, or activities, as manifested by the following:
- inflexibility of behaviour, extreme difficulty coping with change, or other restricted / repetitive behaviours markedly interferes with functioning in all spheres. Great distress / difficulty changing focus or action.
(c) Symptoms must be present in the early developmental period.
(d) Symptoms caused clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of current functioning.
If the Life Assured is not residing in Singapore at claims stage, the diagnosis must be certified by a registered specialist in Singapore.| An unequivocal diagnosis of Autism of Specified Severity which must have continued without interruption for a period of at least 6 months after diagnosis supported by 2 different assessments performed at least 6 months apart, and the Life Assured must be undergoing treatment such as but not limited to behavioural therapy, psychological interventions or special education at recognised institute. |
| :--- |
| Autism of Specified Severity must fulfil the following diagnostic criteria and be classified as severity Level 3 (requiring very substantial support assessed separately for each domain) based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), as certified by the attending registered specialist in Paediatric Psychiatry or Paediatric Neurology: |
| (a) Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts, as manifested by the following: |
| - Severe deficits in verbal and non-verbal social communication skills causing severe impairments in functioning, very limited initiation of social interactions, and minimal response to social overtures from others. |
| (b) Restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests, or activities, as manifested by the following: |
| - inflexibility of behaviour, extreme difficulty coping with change, or other restricted / repetitive behaviours markedly interferes with functioning in all spheres. Great distress / difficulty changing focus or action. |
| (c) Symptoms must be present in the early developmental period. |
| (d) Symptoms caused clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of current functioning. |
| If the Life Assured is not residing in Singapore at claims stage, the diagnosis must be certified by a registered specialist in Singapore. |
Tetanus is an illness characterised by an acute onset of hypertonia, painful muscular contractions (including but not limited to the muscles of the jaw and neck) and generalised muscle spasms caused by tetanus toxin that is produced by Clostridium tetani bacterium infection. The diagnosis of Generalised Tetanus due to tetanus toxin must be confirmed by a Registered Medical Practitioner.
All the following criteria must be met to qualify for this benefit:
- Constant mechanical ventilation is instituted for at least 3 days as a medically necessary treatment for Generalised Tetanus due to tetanus toxin, and
- Tetanus immune Globulin is administered.| Tetanus is an illness characterised by an acute onset of hypertonia, painful muscular contractions (including but not limited to the muscles of the jaw and neck) and generalised muscle spasms caused by tetanus toxin that is produced by Clostridium tetani bacterium infection. The diagnosis of Generalised Tetanus due to tetanus toxin must be confirmed by a Registered Medical Practitioner. |
| :--- |
| All the following criteria must be met to qualify for this benefit: |
| - Constant mechanical ventilation is instituted for at least 3 days as a medically necessary treatment for Generalised Tetanus due to tetanus toxin, and |
| - Tetanus immune Globulin is administered. |
Rabies is an infectious disease of dogs, cats, and other animals, transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected animal. It has to be evidenced by all of the following:
- Typical symptoms of difficulty in swallowing, excessive salivation, fear of water (hydrophobia) and hallucinations, and
- Presence of rabies virus antigen or rabies-neutralising antibody titre in the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF).
Diagnosis must be confirmed by a specialist in the relevant field.| Rabies is an infectious disease of dogs, cats, and other animals, transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected animal. It has to be evidenced by all of the following: |
| :--- |
| - Typical symptoms of difficulty in swallowing, excessive salivation, fear of water (hydrophobia) and hallucinations, and |
| - Presence of rabies virus antigen or rabies-neutralising antibody titre in the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF). |
| Diagnosis must be confirmed by a specialist in the relevant field. |
25 Autism of Specified Severity "An unequivocal diagnosis of Autism of Specified Severity which must have continued without interruption for a period of at least 6 months after diagnosis supported by 2 different assessments performed at least 6 months apart, and the Life Assured must be undergoing treatment such as but not limited to behavioural therapy, psychological interventions or special education at recognised institute.
Autism of Specified Severity must fulfil the following diagnostic criteria and be classified as severity Level 3 (requiring very substantial support assessed separately for each domain) based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), as certified by the attending registered specialist in Paediatric Psychiatry or Paediatric Neurology:
(a) Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts, as manifested by the following:
- Severe deficits in verbal and non-verbal social communication skills causing severe impairments in functioning, very limited initiation of social interactions, and minimal response to social overtures from others.
(b) Restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests, or activities, as manifested by the following:
- inflexibility of behaviour, extreme difficulty coping with change, or other restricted / repetitive behaviours markedly interferes with functioning in all spheres. Great distress / difficulty changing focus or action.
(c) Symptoms must be present in the early developmental period.
(d) Symptoms caused clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of current functioning.
If the Life Assured is not residing in Singapore at claims stage, the diagnosis must be certified by a registered specialist in Singapore."
26 Generalised Tetanus "Tetanus is an illness characterised by an acute onset of hypertonia, painful muscular contractions (including but not limited to the muscles of the jaw and neck) and generalised muscle spasms caused by tetanus toxin that is produced by Clostridium tetani bacterium infection. The diagnosis of Generalised Tetanus due to tetanus toxin must be confirmed by a Registered Medical Practitioner.
All the following criteria must be met to qualify for this benefit:
- Constant mechanical ventilation is instituted for at least 3 days as a medically necessary treatment for Generalised Tetanus due to tetanus toxin, and
- Tetanus immune Globulin is administered."
27 Rabies "Rabies is an infectious disease of dogs, cats, and other animals, transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected animal. It has to be evidenced by all of the following:
- Typical symptoms of difficulty in swallowing, excessive salivation, fear of water (hydrophobia) and hallucinations, and
- Presence of rabies virus antigen or rabies-neutralising antibody titre in the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF).
Diagnosis must be confirmed by a specialist in the relevant field."| 25 | Autism of Specified Severity | An unequivocal diagnosis of Autism of Specified Severity which must have continued without interruption for a period of at least 6 months after diagnosis supported by 2 different assessments performed at least 6 months apart, and the Life Assured must be undergoing treatment such as but not limited to behavioural therapy, psychological interventions or special education at recognised institute. <br> Autism of Specified Severity must fulfil the following diagnostic criteria and be classified as severity Level 3 (requiring very substantial support assessed separately for each domain) based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), as certified by the attending registered specialist in Paediatric Psychiatry or Paediatric Neurology: <br> (a) Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts, as manifested by the following: <br> - Severe deficits in verbal and non-verbal social communication skills causing severe impairments in functioning, very limited initiation of social interactions, and minimal response to social overtures from others. <br> (b) Restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests, or activities, as manifested by the following: <br> - inflexibility of behaviour, extreme difficulty coping with change, or other restricted / repetitive behaviours markedly interferes with functioning in all spheres. Great distress / difficulty changing focus or action. <br> (c) Symptoms must be present in the early developmental period. <br> (d) Symptoms caused clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of current functioning. <br> If the Life Assured is not residing in Singapore at claims stage, the diagnosis must be certified by a registered specialist in Singapore. |
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| 26 | Generalised Tetanus | Tetanus is an illness characterised by an acute onset of hypertonia, painful muscular contractions (including but not limited to the muscles of the jaw and neck) and generalised muscle spasms caused by tetanus toxin that is produced by Clostridium tetani bacterium infection. The diagnosis of Generalised Tetanus due to tetanus toxin must be confirmed by a Registered Medical Practitioner. <br> All the following criteria must be met to qualify for this benefit: <br> - Constant mechanical ventilation is instituted for at least 3 days as a medically necessary treatment for Generalised Tetanus due to tetanus toxin, and <br> - Tetanus immune Globulin is administered. |
| 27 | Rabies | Rabies is an infectious disease of dogs, cats, and other animals, transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected animal. It has to be evidenced by all of the following: <br> - Typical symptoms of difficulty in swallowing, excessive salivation, fear of water (hydrophobia) and hallucinations, and <br> - Presence of rabies virus antigen or rabies-neutralising antibody titre in the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF). <br> Diagnosis must be confirmed by a specialist in the relevant field. |
4 Shenton Way #01-01 SGX Centre 2 新加坡 068807 电话: (65) 68279933 公司注册号: 196900499 K GST 注册号: MR-8500166-8
4 Shenton Way #01-01 SGX Centre 2 新加坡 068807 电话: (65) 68279933 公司注册号: 196900499 K GST 注册号: MR-8500166-8