这是用户在 2025-1-23 22:13 为 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/pdf-pro/3707eaee-4b8f-4875-ab04-8061a9cbe6a8 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?

产品摘要 Singlife Elite Term II(定期支付)

1. 产品描述


此外,保单下为被保险人的意外死亡提供临时保障,或者在联合寿险提案的情况下,为在临时保障期间内遭遇意外死亡的两名被保险人中的 1 st 1 st  1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} 提供保障。临时保障从申请签署之日起生效。




  • 选择保障期限:

  • 5 年或 10 年(带有保证续保选项)

  • 至 85 岁时的 11 年,每年间隔一次,或
  • 至 99 岁。

  • 在保单有效期内,若被保险人去世或被诊断为绝症,将支付一次性赔付。

  • 保费在整个保单期限内保持不变并且有保障。

  • 可用的 6 种货币选项为:新加坡元(SGD)、美元(USD)、英镑(GBP)、欧元(EUR)、澳元(AUD)和港元(HKD)。

  • 在被保险人经历某些生活阶段事件时,可以选择增加保险金额(无需提供保险可保性证明),例如:- 在其直系家庭中增加一个新子女成员,

  • 为自己或孩子注册初等、中等或高等教育,

  • 在高等教育毕业后一年内进入全职工作,

  • 更改其婚姻状况,

  • 购买房产,或

  • 被保险人年满 21 岁。

  • 选择按月、按季度、半年或按年付款。

  • 增加附加福利,以获得额外的安心。

  1. 计划特点和优势





名称 : : quad:\quad: a
日期 : : :: 14/03/2024
名称 : : ::
公司名称 : : ::
联系电话 : 86888625 : 86888625 :86888625: 86888625
代表代码 : 77000619 : 77000619 :77000619: 77000619
Date : 14/03/2024 Name : Financial Alliance Pte Ltd Company Name : Financial Alliance Pte Ltd Contact Number :86888625 Representative Code :77000619 | Date | $:$ 14/03/2024 | | | :--- | :---: | :--- | | Name | $:$ | Financial Alliance Pte Ltd | | Company Name | $:$ | Financial Alliance Pte Ltd | | Contact Number | $: 86888625$ | | | Representative Code | $: 77000619$ | |

2.1. 临时意外死亡赔偿金


临时意外死亡保险“临时保障”仅适用于申请日期时被保险人年龄低于 60 岁,并且符合申请表中规定的披露义务。


- 提议的死亡赔偿金保障金额,或

- 新加坡元 500,000(或其等值其他货币),




- 在政策生效日期,

- 从申请签署之日起 90 天内,

- 自我们接受申请之日起 30 天内,若以不合格条款接受,除非被保险人接受该条款,

- 在申请被撤回的日期,

- 在我们拒绝或推迟申请的日期,或者

- 如果拟议的被保险人因事故去世(或者在联合寿险提案的情况下,如果 2 名拟议被保险人中的 1 st 1 st  1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} 因事故去世),




The interim Accidental Death cover "Interim Cover" applies only if the Life Assured is less than Age 60 on the date of Application and comply with the duty of disclosure as set out in the Application Form. The Interim Cover Benefit per life by Us under the Interim Cover is: - the proposed Sum Assured for Death Benefit, or - SGD 500,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies), whichever is lower, less the Premiums which would have been required to be paid for the first policy year. Upon receiving the Application and all the required supporting documents and information, We reserve the right to revoke the Interim Cover by informing the Life Assured immediately if We determine that there is more than the standard life risk to cover. When the Interim Accidental Death Benefit Ends This benefit ends: - on the Policy Issue Date, - 90 days from the date of Application signed, - 30 days from the date the Application is accepted by Us on substandard terms, unless the Assured accepts the terms, - on the date the Application is withdrawn, - on the date the Application is rejected or postponed by Us, or - if the proposed Life Assured dies due to an Accident (or in the case of a joint-lives proposal, if the 1^("st ") of the 2 proposed Lives Assured were to die due to an Accident), whichever is the earliest. "Accident" means an event caused solely and independently of all other causes and directly by violent, unexpected, external and visible means. "Accidental Death" means death caused by Accident. "Application" means the application form signed and submitted by the person(s) named in the application to purchase the Policy from Us, including any written statement, representation and/or document given to Us to support the said application.| The interim Accidental Death cover "Interim Cover" applies only if the Life Assured is less than Age 60 on the date of Application and comply with the duty of disclosure as set out in the Application Form. | | :--- | | The Interim Cover Benefit per life by Us under the Interim Cover is: | | - the proposed Sum Assured for Death Benefit, or | | - SGD 500,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies), | | whichever is lower, less the Premiums which would have been required to be paid for the first policy year. | | Upon receiving the Application and all the required supporting documents and information, We reserve the right to revoke the Interim Cover by informing the Life Assured immediately if We determine that there is more than the standard life risk to cover. | | When the Interim Accidental Death Benefit Ends | | This benefit ends: | | - on the Policy Issue Date, | | - 90 days from the date of Application signed, | | - 30 days from the date the Application is accepted by Us on substandard terms, unless the Assured accepts the terms, | | - on the date the Application is withdrawn, | | - on the date the Application is rejected or postponed by Us, or | | - if the proposed Life Assured dies due to an Accident (or in the case of a joint-lives proposal, if the $1^{\text {st }}$ of the 2 proposed Lives Assured were to die due to an Accident), | | whichever is the earliest. | | "Accident" means an event caused solely and independently of all other causes and directly by violent, unexpected, external and visible means. | | "Accidental Death" means death caused by Accident. | | "Application" means the application form signed and submitted by the person(s) named in the application to purchase the Policy from Us, including any written statement, representation and/or document given to Us to support the said application. |

在本保单下,如果死亡是直接或间接、全部或部分由于以下原因造成或引起的,我们将不支付临时意外死亡福利:- 自杀、企图自杀或其他故意自残伤害,无论是精神正常还是精神失常,积极参与战争(无论是否宣战)、内战、战争行为和/或恐怖活动,因使用核武器、生物武器和/或化学武器而导致的或与之相关的任何战争(无论是否宣战)、内战、战争行为和/或恐怖活动,任何海军、陆军、空军、军事或警务职责(包括国民服务和后备役),参与任何空中活动,如跳伞和高空跳伞,除步行外的任何类型的比赛,登山或水下活动,- 乘坐任何类型的飞机,除非作为付费乘客或国际航空公司定期航班的机组成员,任何违法或企图违法行为,或对合法逮捕或监禁的抵抗,酒精或药物的影响,除非是在注册医生的指导下使用或服用 医疗从业者,任何非因事故造成的医疗状况或伤害,或因自愿或非自愿消费毒药或任何可能致命的物质。
We do not pay the Interim Accidental Death Benefit under this Policy if death is directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by: - suicide, attempted suicide or other intentional self-inflicted injury, while sane or insane, active participation in war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism, resulting from or in connection with the use of nuclear, biological and/or chemical weapons in any act of war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism, any navy, army, air force, military or police duties (includes National Service and Reservist), participation in any aerial activity such as parachuting and sky-diving, racing of any kind other than on foot, mountaineering or underwater activity, - travel on any type of aircraft except as a farepaying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularlyscheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft, any violation or attempted violation of law, or resistance to lawful arrest or imprisonment, the influence of alcohol or drugs unless administered or taken at the direction of a Registered Medical Practitioner, any medical condition or injury not caused by an Accident, or consumption of poison or any substance which may be fatal if consumed, whether voluntary or involuntary.| We do not pay the Interim Accidental Death Benefit under this Policy if death is directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by: | | :--- | | - suicide, attempted suicide or other intentional self-inflicted injury, while sane or insane, | | active participation in war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism, | | resulting from or in connection with the use of nuclear, biological and/or chemical weapons in any act of war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism, any navy, army, air force, military or police duties (includes National Service and Reservist), | | participation in any aerial activity such as parachuting and sky-diving, racing of any kind other than on foot, mountaineering or underwater activity, | | - travel on any type of aircraft except as a farepaying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularlyscheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft, | | any violation or attempted violation of law, or resistance to lawful arrest or imprisonment, the influence of alcohol or drugs unless administered or taken at the direction of a Registered Medical Practitioner, | | any medical condition or injury not caused by an Accident, or | | consumption of poison or any substance which may be fatal if consumed, whether voluntary or involuntary. |
What We Pay What We Do Not Pay "The interim Accidental Death cover "Interim Cover" applies only if the Life Assured is less than Age 60 on the date of Application and comply with the duty of disclosure as set out in the Application Form. The Interim Cover Benefit per life by Us under the Interim Cover is: - the proposed Sum Assured for Death Benefit, or - SGD 500,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies), whichever is lower, less the Premiums which would have been required to be paid for the first policy year. Upon receiving the Application and all the required supporting documents and information, We reserve the right to revoke the Interim Cover by informing the Life Assured immediately if We determine that there is more than the standard life risk to cover. When the Interim Accidental Death Benefit Ends This benefit ends: - on the Policy Issue Date, - 90 days from the date of Application signed, - 30 days from the date the Application is accepted by Us on substandard terms, unless the Assured accepts the terms, - on the date the Application is withdrawn, - on the date the Application is rejected or postponed by Us, or - if the proposed Life Assured dies due to an Accident (or in the case of a joint-lives proposal, if the 1^("st ") of the 2 proposed Lives Assured were to die due to an Accident), whichever is the earliest. "Accident" means an event caused solely and independently of all other causes and directly by violent, unexpected, external and visible means. "Accidental Death" means death caused by Accident. "Application" means the application form signed and submitted by the person(s) named in the application to purchase the Policy from Us, including any written statement, representation and/or document given to Us to support the said application." "We do not pay the Interim Accidental Death Benefit under this Policy if death is directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by: - suicide, attempted suicide or other intentional self-inflicted injury, while sane or insane, active participation in war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism, resulting from or in connection with the use of nuclear, biological and/or chemical weapons in any act of war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism, any navy, army, air force, military or police duties (includes National Service and Reservist), participation in any aerial activity such as parachuting and sky-diving, racing of any kind other than on foot, mountaineering or underwater activity, - travel on any type of aircraft except as a farepaying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularlyscheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft, any violation or attempted violation of law, or resistance to lawful arrest or imprisonment, the influence of alcohol or drugs unless administered or taken at the direction of a Registered Medical Practitioner, any medical condition or injury not caused by an Accident, or consumption of poison or any substance which may be fatal if consumed, whether voluntary or involuntary."| What We Pay | What We Do Not Pay | | :---: | :---: | | The interim Accidental Death cover "Interim Cover" applies only if the Life Assured is less than Age 60 on the date of Application and comply with the duty of disclosure as set out in the Application Form. <br> The Interim Cover Benefit per life by Us under the Interim Cover is: <br> - the proposed Sum Assured for Death Benefit, or <br> - SGD 500,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies), <br> whichever is lower, less the Premiums which would have been required to be paid for the first policy year. <br> Upon receiving the Application and all the required supporting documents and information, We reserve the right to revoke the Interim Cover by informing the Life Assured immediately if We determine that there is more than the standard life risk to cover. <br> When the Interim Accidental Death Benefit Ends <br> This benefit ends: <br> - on the Policy Issue Date, <br> - 90 days from the date of Application signed, <br> - 30 days from the date the Application is accepted by Us on substandard terms, unless the Assured accepts the terms, <br> - on the date the Application is withdrawn, <br> - on the date the Application is rejected or postponed by Us, or <br> - if the proposed Life Assured dies due to an Accident (or in the case of a joint-lives proposal, if the $1^{\text {st }}$ of the 2 proposed Lives Assured were to die due to an Accident), <br> whichever is the earliest. <br> "Accident" means an event caused solely and independently of all other causes and directly by violent, unexpected, external and visible means. <br> "Accidental Death" means death caused by Accident. <br> "Application" means the application form signed and submitted by the person(s) named in the application to purchase the Policy from Us, including any written statement, representation and/or document given to Us to support the said application. | We do not pay the Interim Accidental Death Benefit under this Policy if death is directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by: <br> - suicide, attempted suicide or other intentional self-inflicted injury, while sane or insane, <br> active participation in war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism, <br> resulting from or in connection with the use of nuclear, biological and/or chemical weapons in any act of war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism, any navy, army, air force, military or police duties (includes National Service and Reservist), <br> participation in any aerial activity such as parachuting and sky-diving, racing of any kind other than on foot, mountaineering or underwater activity, <br> - travel on any type of aircraft except as a farepaying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularlyscheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft, <br> any violation or attempted violation of law, or resistance to lawful arrest or imprisonment, the influence of alcohol or drugs unless administered or taken at the direction of a Registered Medical Practitioner, <br> any medical condition or injury not caused by an Accident, or <br> consumption of poison or any substance which may be fatal if consumed, whether voluntary or involuntary. |

2.2. 身故保险金





自杀,如第 4 节所述。



The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit (including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full.| The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit | | :--- | | (including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full. |
What We Pay What We Do Not Pay If the Life Assured dies, We will pay the Sum We do not pay the Death Benefit if the Life Assured Assured in one lump sum. commits suicide as stated in Section 4. If We have paid part of the Sum Assured in an earlier claim, only the remaining Sum Assured is payable. "The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit (including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full." | What We Pay | What We Do Not Pay | | :--- | :--- | | If the Life Assured dies, We will pay the Sum | We do not pay the Death Benefit if the Life Assured | | Assured in one lump sum. | commits suicide as stated in Section 4. | | If We have paid part of the Sum Assured in an earlier | | | claim, only the remaining Sum Assured is payable. | | | The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit <br> (including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full. | |

2.3. 终端 III 益处 (TI 益处)


If the Life Assured is diagnosed with Terminal Illness, We will pay the TI Benefit in one lump sum, as an early payout of the Death Benefit.| If the Life Assured is diagnosed with Terminal | | :--- | | Illness, We will pay the TI Benefit in one lump sum, | | as an early payout of the Death Benefit. |

我们不支付因人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染而导致的终末期疾病的 TI 福利。
We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in the presence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection.| We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in | | :--- | | the presence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus | | (HIV) infection. |



被保险人在 12 个月内。

This diagnosis must be supported by a specialist and confirmed by Our appointed Registered Medical Practitioner.| This diagnosis must be supported by a specialist | | :--- | | and confirmed by Our appointed Registered Medical | | Practitioner. |
What We Pay What We Do Not Pay "If the Life Assured is diagnosed with Terminal Illness, We will pay the TI Benefit in one lump sum, as an early payout of the Death Benefit." "We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in the presence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection." "Terminal Illness" means the conclusive diagnosis of an illness that is expected to result in the death of the Life Assured within 12 months. "This diagnosis must be supported by a specialist and confirmed by Our appointed Registered Medical Practitioner." | What We Pay | What We Do Not Pay | | :--- | :--- | | If the Life Assured is diagnosed with Terminal <br> Illness, We will pay the TI Benefit in one lump sum, <br> as an early payout of the Death Benefit. | We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in <br> the presence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus <br> (HIV) infection. | | "Terminal Illness" means the conclusive diagnosis of | | | an illness that is expected to result in the death of | | | the Life Assured within 12 months. | | | This diagnosis must be supported by a specialist <br> and confirmed by Our appointed Registered Medical <br> Practitioner. | |

2.4. 保证可再生选项

(仅适用于 5 年和 10 年的保单期限)

This option allows You to renew this Basic Cover automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy term, without further proof of insurability.| This option allows You to renew this Basic Cover automatically from the Benefit Cessation | | :--- | | Date for the same duration of the existing policy term, without further proof of insurability. |

What are the conditions?| What are | | :--- | | the | | conditions? |

您必须满足以下所有条件:在福利终止日期,保单有效,- 在保单生效日期选择的保单期限为 5 年或 10 年,受保人续保时年龄为 89 岁或更年轻(如果保单为联合人寿保单,则续保的年龄限制必须基于 2 位受保人中年纪较大的那位),受保人在福利终止日期的保险金额与保单相同或更少,并且我们尚未承认根据本保单提出的任何索赔。
You must meet all of the following conditions: the Policy is in force on the Benefit Cessation Date, - the chosen policy term at Policy Effective Date is 5 years or 10 years, the Life Assured is at Age 89 or younger upon renewal of the Policy (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit Cessation Date, and We have not admitted any claim under this Policy.| You must meet all of the following conditions: | | :--- | | the Policy is in force on the Benefit Cessation Date, | | - | | the chosen policy term at Policy Effective Date is 5 years or 10 years, | | the Life Assured is at Age 89 or younger upon renewal of the Policy (if the Policy is a | | joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives | | Assured), | | the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit | | Cessation Date, and | | We have not admitted any claim under this Policy. |

What must You take note of?| What must | | :--- | | You take | | note of? |

本保单续期时将继续适用保单生效时的相同接受条款。续期保单应支付的保费将根据被保险人在续期时的年龄计算,使用续期时的现行保费率。续期保费应以生效时选择的相同合同货币支付。如果您不想续保此基本保障,您必须在下次续保日期前 30 天内以书面形式通知我们您的意图。如果行使了保证续保选项,第 10 节中所述的自由观察期不适用于续期保单。
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply for each renewed term. Premiums payable for the renewed Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of renewal. The renewal premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at inception. If You do not want to renew this Basic Cover, You must give Us written notice of Your intention within 30 days before the date of next renewal. The Free Look stated in Section 10 does not apply to the renewed Policy if the Guaranteed Renewable Option is exercised.| The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply for | | :--- | | each renewed term. | | Premiums payable for the renewed Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's | | Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of renewal. The renewal | | premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at inception. | | If You do not want to renew this Basic Cover, You must give Us written notice of Your | | intention within 30 days before the date of next renewal. | | The Free Look stated in Section 10 does not apply to the renewed Policy if the Guaranteed | | Renewable Option is exercised. |
What is it? "This option allows You to renew this Basic Cover automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy term, without further proof of insurability." "What are the conditions?" "You must meet all of the following conditions: the Policy is in force on the Benefit Cessation Date, - the chosen policy term at Policy Effective Date is 5 years or 10 years, the Life Assured is at Age 89 or younger upon renewal of the Policy (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit Cessation Date, and We have not admitted any claim under this Policy." "What must You take note of?" "The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply for each renewed term. Premiums payable for the renewed Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of renewal. The renewal premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at inception. If You do not want to renew this Basic Cover, You must give Us written notice of Your intention within 30 days before the date of next renewal. The Free Look stated in Section 10 does not apply to the renewed Policy if the Guaranteed Renewable Option is exercised."| What is it? | This option allows You to renew this Basic Cover automatically from the Benefit Cessation <br> Date for the same duration of the existing policy term, without further proof of insurability. | | :--- | :--- | | What are <br> the <br> conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> the Policy is in force on the Benefit Cessation Date, <br> - <br> the chosen policy term at Policy Effective Date is 5 years or 10 years, <br> the Life Assured is at Age 89 or younger upon renewal of the Policy (if the Policy is a <br> joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives <br> Assured), <br> the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit <br> Cessation Date, and <br> We have not admitted any claim under this Policy. | | What must <br> You take <br> note of? | The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply for <br> each renewed term. <br> Premiums payable for the renewed Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's <br> Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of renewal. The renewal <br> premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at inception. <br> If You do not want to renew this Basic Cover, You must give Us written notice of Your <br> intention within 30 days before the date of next renewal. <br> The Free Look stated in Section 10 does not apply to the renewed Policy if the Guaranteed <br> Renewable Option is exercised. |

2.5. 生命阶段事件的保证发行选项


此选项允许您在保费支付期间增加此基本利益的保险金额,而无需提供可保性证明,如果发生以下任何生活阶段事件:- 被保险人更改婚姻状态(例如,结婚或离婚) - 被保险人通过生育新生儿或合法收养孩子成为父母 - 被保险人购买房产 - 被保险人或被保险人的孩子入读小学、中学或高等教育 - 被保险人在高等教育毕业后一年内进入全职工作 - 被保险人年满 21 岁。
This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen: - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child - the Life Assured purchases a property - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation - the Life Assured turns 21 years old.| This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen: | | :--- | | - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) | | - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child | | - the Life Assured purchases a property | | - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education | | - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation | | - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. |


您必须满足以下所有条件:您未根据本保单提交索赔,我们未承认根据本保单的索赔,您只能在被保险人终身内行使此选项最多 2 次,无论您可能拥有多少份提供类似选项的保单,您必须提供令人满意的证明,证明被保险人同意增加保险金额(如果保单为第三方保单,则适用),您必须在生活阶段事件发生后的 90 个日历天内提交申请,并在缴费期间内,您可以行使此选项之前没有等待期,本保单必须完全承保并以标准条款接受,没有任何次标准保费附加、排除或反要约,生活阶段事件必须发生在:被保险人年满 50 岁后紧接着的保单周年之前,或者如果保单为共同寿命保单,则在年长的被保险人年满 50 岁后紧接着的保单周年之前,并且根据此选项可以增加的总保险金额,无论行使多少次,均不得超过: 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% 在保单生效日期同意的基本保障保险金额,或每人最高限额 SGD 500,000(或其在其他货币中的等值)*,以较低者为准,并且增加后的总保险金额(包括我们为同一被保险人承保的所有其他保单)不得超过当前允许的每人死亡和末期疾病保障的最高保险金额限制。* 此最高限额适用于您可能拥有的所有覆盖同一被保险人的保单,无论数量如何,这些保单提供类似选项。 如果该保单是联合人寿保单,则此最高限额适用于两个人的总和。
You must meet all of the following conditions: You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: 50% of the Basic Cover's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage. * This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives.| You must meet all of the following conditions: | | :--- | | You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, | | We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, | | You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), | | You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, | | there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, | | this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: | | before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or | | if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and | | the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: | | $50 \%$ of the Basic Cover's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage. | | * This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. |


The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured for the remaining term of the Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured.| The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. | | :--- | | Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured for the remaining term of the Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. | | We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |
What is it? "This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen: - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child - the Life Assured purchases a property - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation - the Life Assured turns 21 years old." What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions: You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: 50% of the Basic Cover's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage. * This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives." What must You take note of? "The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured for the remaining term of the Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured."| What is it? | This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen: <br> - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) <br> - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child <br> - the Life Assured purchases a property <br> - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education <br> - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation <br> - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. | | :---: | :---: | | What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, <br> We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, <br> You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), <br> You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, <br> there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, <br> this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: <br> before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or <br> if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and <br> the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: <br> $50 \%$ of the Basic Cover's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage. <br> * This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. | | What must You take note of? | The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. <br> Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured for the remaining term of the Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. <br> We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |

2.6. 保证可转换选项(适用于所有保单条款)


此选项允许您将原保单转换为在转换时可用的新年金或终身寿险保单,无需提供可保性证明。如果您选择完全转换此保单:- 我们将把保额转换为新保单的保额,受您申请时新保单允许的最低和最高保额的限制,并且 - 新保单下的身故赔偿金不得超过您在行使此选项之前原保单下的身故赔偿金。如果您选择部分转换此保单:- 我们将根据转换的金额减少基本利益的保额,受保单最低保额的限制,- 我们将把减少的保额部分转换为新保单的保额,受您申请时新保单允许的最低和最高保额的限制,并且 - 新保单下的身故赔偿金不得超过转换的保额金额。
This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability. If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy: - We will convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option. If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy: - We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy, - We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted.| This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability. | | :--- | | If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy: | | - We will convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and | | - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option. | | If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy: | | - We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy, | | - We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and | | - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted. |


您必须满足以下所有条件:- 您未根据本保单提交索赔,- 我们未承认根据本保单的索赔,- 在行使此选项时保单有效,- 在行使此选项时,被保险人年龄为 65 岁或以下(如果保单为联名保单,则转换的年龄限制必须基于 2 位被保险人中年长者的年龄),并且 - 新保单的被保险人必须与原保单的被保险人相同。
You must meet all of the following conditions: - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, - We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, - the Policy is in force when this option is exercised, - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and - the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy.| You must meet all of the following conditions: | | :--- | | - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, | | - We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, | | - the Policy is in force when this option is exercised, | | - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and | | - the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy. |


部分转换可能会减少剩余保费支付期限内应支付的保费,且原保单的所有未来利益也将减少。您必须继续按照保单生效日期适用的保费率支付剩余的保额保费,以保持在部分转换后该保单的有效性。新保单的应付保费将基于保单转换时被保险人的年龄和现行保费率。完全或部分转换仅在下一个保费到期日生效。如果该保单为联名保单,则新保单必须承保相同的被保险人。如果没有联名产品可用,两个被保险人可以选择分别投保新的保单。每个被保险人的新保单的保额将是转换保额的一半。与本保单生效时相同的接受条款将继续适用于新保单。此选项只能行使一次,无论是完全还是部分转换。一旦转换生效,转换此保单的行为无法撤回。 我们保留在请求将原保单转换为新的年金或终身寿险之前,如果索赔的死亡、诊断或残疾(如适用)发生在请求转换原保单之前的权利。第 10 节中所述的免费审视适用于行使保证转换选项的新年金或终身寿险。
A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion. Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates. Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted. The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy. This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy. The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised.| A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion. | | :--- | | Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates. | | Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. | | If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted. | | The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy. | | This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. | | We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy. | | The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised. |
What is it? "This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability. If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy: - We will convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option. If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy: - We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy, - We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted." What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions: - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, - We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, - the Policy is in force when this option is exercised, - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and - the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy." What must You take note of? "A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion. Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates. Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted. The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy. This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy. The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised."| What is it? | This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability. <br> If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy: <br> - We will convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and <br> - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option. <br> If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy: <br> - We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy, <br> - We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and <br> - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted. | | :---: | :---: | | What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, <br> - We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, <br> - the Policy is in force when this option is exercised, <br> - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and <br> - the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy. | | What must You take note of? | A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion. <br> Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates. <br> Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. <br> If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted. <br> The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy. <br> This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. <br> We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy. <br> The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised. |

3. 合同


4. 自杀


  • 政策发行日期,或

  • 保单的最后恢复日期,



  • 政策发行日期,或

  • 最后恢复日期,


5. 当政策结束时


  • 被保险人去世时,

  • 当我们全额支付死亡赔偿金或提前支付死亡赔偿金时,

  • 当本政策到期时,

  • 当宽限期到期时,如果保单的分期保费仍未支付,

  • 当我们接受您书面请求终止时,或者

  • 当发生任何其他导致保单终止的事件(如本保单中所述)时,



6. 联合寿命保障

  • 死,或者

  • 被诊断为末期疾病,


  • 死,或者

  • 被诊断为重大疾病或完全和永久性残疾,


7. 共同所有权


  • 如果他们中的任何一方去世,他在保单中的所有权利、选择、所有权和权益将自动转移给幸存的被保险人,

  • 任何需要被保证人请求的交易可以由两个被保证人中的任何一个请求。

8. 通知和索赔证明



  • 已完成的索赔表格,

  • 被保险人的出生日期证明,

  • 由注册医疗从业者出具的医疗报告和/或诊断。医疗报告和/或诊断必须满足以下条件:

  • 由临床、放射学、组织学和实验室证据支持,费用由索赔人承担,且
  • 对我们来说是可以接受的,

  • 死亡证明(用于死亡赔偿申请),

  • 证明索赔人有权根据保单获得付款,且

  • 我们认为必要的任何其他文件以支持该索赔。
  1. 索赔


请联系您的财务顾问代表或访问 https://singlife.com/en/claims 以获取索赔程序。

10. 自由观察期

您从收到本保单之日起有 14 天的时间决定是否继续保留该保单。如果您不想继续,您可以书面通知我们取消本保单。只要您未根据本保单提出任何索赔,我们将从保单生效日期起取消本保单,并退还您支付的保费,不计利息,并扣除考虑您的申请和签发本保单所花费的任何费用。

如果本政策是通过邮寄方式发送给您的,我们认为在邮寄后 7 天内已送达。如果本政策是通过电子方式发送给您的,我们认为在传输日期已送达(除非我们收到未收到的通知),或者当您下载政策时。

11. 销售点文件


  • 封面(如适用)
  • 政策示例
  • 产品摘要

  • 捆绑产品披露(如适用)
  • 事实调查表

  • 您的寿险指南

  • 您的健康保险指南和信息图表“评估我的健康保险覆盖范围”(如适用)

  • 信息图表“基因检测与保险的暂停”

12. 注释



13. 保单持有人保护计划

本保单受新加坡存款保险公司(SDIC)管理的保单持有人保护计划保护。您的保单自动获得保障,无需您采取进一步行动。如需了解该计划涵盖的福利类型及适用的保障限额,请与我们联系或访问 LIA 或 SDIC 网站(www.lia.org.sg 或 www.sdic.org.sg)。

14. 保险公司的详细信息


产品摘要 Singlife 精英定期 II(限期支付)

1. 产品描述


此外,保单下为被保险人的意外死亡提供临时保障,或者在联合寿险提案的情况下,为在临时保障期间内遭遇意外死亡的两名被保险人中的 1 st 1 st  1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} 提供保障。临时保障从申请签署之日起生效。




  • 保障期限至 99 岁。

  • 选择保费期限:

  • 有限支付 5 年

  • 限期支付 10 年

  • 限期缴费至 65 岁

  • 限期支付至 75 岁

  • 保费在整个保费期限内保持不变并且有保障。

  • 可用的 6 种货币选项为:新加坡元(SGD)、美元(USD)、英镑(GBP)、欧元(EUR)、澳元(AUD)和港元(HKD)。

  • 在保单有效期内,若被保险人去世或被诊断为终末期疾病,将支付一次性赔付。

  • 退保利益相当于:

  • 30 % 30 % 30%30 \% 的基本利益总保费自第三个 ( 3 rd 3 rd  3^("rd ")3^{\text {rd }} ) 保单年度开始至保费支付期结束。

  • 从保费支付期结束后的基本福利总保费支付的 80 % 80 % 80%80 \%

  • 在被保险人经历某些生活阶段事件时,可以选择增加保险金额(无需提供保险可保性证明),例如:

  • 将一个新的子女成员添加到他的直系家庭中,

  • 为自己或孩子注册初等、中等或高等教育,

  • 在高等教育毕业后一年内进入全职工作,

  • 更改其婚姻状况,

  • 购买房产,或

  • 被保险人年满 21 岁。

  • 领取长寿奖励,该奖励等于基本保障已支付总保费的 100 % 100 % 100%100 \% ,前提是保单在到期之前保持有效。

  • 选择按月、按季度、半年或按年付款。

  • 增加附加福利,以获得额外的安心。



2024 年 5 月 9 日 A

日期:2024 年 5 月 9 日





2. 计划特点和好处




2.1. 临时意外死亡赔偿金



仅适用于被保险人年龄低于 60 岁时





- 新加坡元 500,000(或其等值的其他货币)








What We Pay The interim Accidental Death cover "Interim Cover" applies only if the Life Assured is less than Age 60 on the date of Application and comply with the duty of disclosure as set out in the Application Form. The Interim Cover Benefit per life by Us under the Interim Cover is: the proposed Sum Assured for Death Benefit, or - SGD 500,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies), whichever is lower, less the Premiums which would have been required to be paid for the first policy year. Upon receiving the Application and all the required supporting documents and information, We reserve the right to revoke the Interim Cover by informing the Life Assured immediately if We determine that there is more than the standard life risk to cover. when the Interim Accidental Death Benefit Ends| What We Pay | | :--- | | The interim Accidental Death cover "Interim Cover" | | applies only if the Life Assured is less than Age 60 | | on the date of Application and comply with the duty | | of disclosure as set out in the Application Form. | | The Interim Cover Benefit per life by Us under the | | Interim Cover is: | | the proposed Sum Assured for Death Benefit, or | | - SGD 500,000 (or its equivalent in other | | currencies), | | whichever is lower, less the Premiums which would | | have been required to be paid for the first policy | | year. | | Upon receiving the Application and all the required | | supporting documents and information, We reserve | | the right to revoke the Interim Cover by informing the | | Life Assured immediately if We determine that there | | is more than the standard life risk to cover. | | when the Interim Accidental Death Benefit Ends |

  • 在政策生效日期,

  • 自申请签署之日起 90 天内,

  • 自我们接受申请之日起 30 天内,除非被保险人接受条款,否则按不合格条款处理

  • 在申请被撤回之日,

  • 在我们拒绝或推迟申请的日期,或者

  • 如果拟议的被保险人因意外死亡(或在联合寿险提案的情况下,如果 2 名拟议被保险人中的 1 st 1 st  1^("st ")1^{\text {st }} 因意外死亡),







  • 自杀、未遂自杀或其他故意自我伤害,无论是理智还是精神失常,

  • 积极参与战争(无论是宣战还是不宣战)、内战、战争行为和/或恐怖主义行为,

  • 由于在任何战争(无论是宣战还是不宣战)、内战、战争行为和/或恐怖主义行为中使用核、生物和/或化学武器而导致的或与之相关的,

  • 任何海军、陆军、空军、军事或警察职责(包括国民服务和后备役),

  • 参与任何空中活动,如跳伞和高空跳伞、除步行以外的任何形式的赛车、登山或水下活动,

  • 除作为付费乘客或国际航空公司在持牌商业飞机的定期航班上担任机组成员外,不得乘坐任何类型的飞机

  • 任何违反或试图违反法律的行为,或对合法逮捕或监禁的抵抗,

  • 除非在注册医疗从业者的指导下给予或服用,否则不得受酒精或药物的影响

  • 任何非因事故造成的医疗状况或伤害,或

  • 消费毒药或任何可能致命的物质,无论是自愿还是非自愿。

2.2. 身故保险金


If the Life Assured dies, We will pay the Sum Assured in one lump sum.| If the Life Assured dies, We will pay the Sum | | :--- | | Assured in one lump sum. |

我们不支付死亡赔偿金,如果被保险人自杀,如第 4 节所述。如果我们在之前的索赔中已支付部分保险金额,则仅支付剩余的保险金额。
We do not pay the Death Benefit if the Life Assured commits suicide as stated in Section 4. If We have paid part of the Sum Assured in an earlier claim, only the remaining Sum Assured is payable.| We do not pay the Death Benefit if the Life Assured | | :--- | | commits suicide as stated in Section 4. | | If We have paid part of the Sum Assured in an earlier | | claim, only the remaining Sum Assured is payable. |

The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit (including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full.| The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit | | :--- | | (including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full. |
What We Pay What We Do Not Pay "If the Life Assured dies, We will pay the Sum Assured in one lump sum." "We do not pay the Death Benefit if the Life Assured commits suicide as stated in Section 4. If We have paid part of the Sum Assured in an earlier claim, only the remaining Sum Assured is payable." "The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit (including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full." | What We Pay | What We Do Not Pay | | :--- | :--- | | If the Life Assured dies, We will pay the Sum <br> Assured in one lump sum. | We do not pay the Death Benefit if the Life Assured <br> commits suicide as stated in Section 4. <br> If We have paid part of the Sum Assured in an earlier <br> claim, only the remaining Sum Assured is payable. | | The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit <br> (including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full. | |

2.3. 终端 III 益处 (TI 益处)



我们将一次性支付 TI 福利,作为一个总额,

We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in early payout of the Death Benefit.| We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in | | :--- | | early payout of the Death Benefit. |

"Terminal Illness" means the conclusive diagnosis of (HIV) infection. Human Immunodeficiency Virus| "Terminal Illness" means the conclusive diagnosis of | | :--- | :--- | | (HIV) infection. Human Immunodeficiency Virus |


被保险人在 12 个月内。
What We Pay What We Do Not Pay If the Life Assured is diagnosed with terminal illness, We will pay the TI Benefit in one lump sum, as an "We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in early payout of the Death Benefit." ""Terminal Illness" means the conclusive diagnosis of (HIV) infection. Human Immunodeficiency Virus" an illness that is expected to result in the death of the Life Assured within 12 months. | What We Pay | What We Do Not Pay | | :--- | :--- | | If the Life Assured is diagnosed with terminal illness, | | | We will pay the TI Benefit in one lump sum, as an | We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in <br> early payout of the Death Benefit. | | "Terminal Illness" means the conclusive diagnosis of <br> (HIV) infection. Human Immunodeficiency Virus | | | an illness that is expected to result in the death of | | | the Life Assured within 12 months. | |

2.4. 退保利益


  • 该政策自政策生效日期起已生效至少 2 年;并且

  • 2 nd 2 nd  2^("nd ")2^{\text {nd }} 保单年度后,立即的分期保费已全额支付。

3 rd 3 rd  3^("rd ")3^{\text {rd }} 保单年度开始到保费支付期结束的退保利益等于基本利益已支付总保费的 30 % 30 % 30%30 \%

从保费支付期结束后的退保利益等于基本利益已支付总保费的 80 % 80 % 80%80 \%





2.5. 长寿奖励

我们将在保单期满时于 99 岁支付给您长寿奖励,前提是保单仍然有效。

长寿奖励等于基本福利所支付的总保费的 100 % 100 % 100%100 \% ,减去到期时应付给我们的任何金额。

2.6. 生命阶段事件的保证发行选项


此选项允许您在保费支付期间增加此基本利益的保险金额,而无需提供可保性证明,如果发生以下任何生活阶段事件:- 被保险人更改婚姻状态(例如,结婚或离婚) - 被保险人通过生育新生儿或合法收养孩子成为父母 - 被保险人购买房产 - 被保险人或被保险人的孩子入读小学、中学或高等教育 - 被保险人在高等教育毕业后一年内进入全职工作 - 被保险人年满 21 岁。
This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen: - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child - the Life Assured purchases a property - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation - the Life Assured turns 21 years old.| This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen: | | :--- | | - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) | | - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child | | - the Life Assured purchases a property | | - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education | | - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation | | - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. |


您必须满足以下所有条件:- 您未根据本保单提交索赔, 我们未承认根据本保单的索赔, 您只能在被保险人终身内行使此选项最多 2 次,无论您可能拥有多少份提供类似选项的保单, 您必须提供令人满意的证明,表明被保险人同意增加保险金额(适用于第三方保单), 您必须在生活阶段事件发生后的 90 个日历天内提交申请,并在缴费期间内,您可以行使此选项之前没有等待期, 本保单必须完全承保并以标准条款接受,没有任何次标准保费附加、排除或反要约, 生活阶段事件必须发生在:被保险人年满 50 岁后的保单周年之前,或者如果保单是联合人寿保单,则在年长的被保险人年满 50 岁后的保单周年之前, 并且根据此选项可以增加的总保险金额,无论行使多少次,均不得超过: 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% 在保单生效日期同意的基本利益保险金额,或每人最高限额 SGD 500,000(或其在其他货币中的等值)*,以较低者为准, 增加后的总保险金额(包括我们为同一被保险人承保的所有其他保单)不得超过当前允许的每人死亡和绝症保障的最高保险金额限制。* 此最高限额适用于您可能拥有的所有覆盖同一被保险人的保单,无论数量如何。 如果该保单是联合人寿保单,则此最高限额适用于两个人的总和。
You must meet all of the following conditions: - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: 50% of the Basic Benefit's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage. * This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives.| You must meet all of the following conditions: | | :--- | | - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, | | We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, | | You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), | | You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, | | there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, | | this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: | | before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or | | if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and | | the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: | | $50 \%$ of the Basic Benefit's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage. | | * This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. |


The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. Same premium payment term option selected for the Basic Cover will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured. Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured.| The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. | | :--- | | Same premium payment term option selected for the Basic Cover will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured. | | Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. | | We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |
What is it? "This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen: - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child - the Life Assured purchases a property - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation - the Life Assured turns 21 years old." What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions: - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: 50% of the Basic Benefit's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage. * This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives." What must You take note of? "The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. Same premium payment term option selected for the Basic Cover will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured. Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured."| What is it? | This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen: <br> - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) <br> - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child <br> - the Life Assured purchases a property <br> - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education <br> - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation <br> - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. | | :---: | :---: | | What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, <br> We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, <br> You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), <br> You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, <br> there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, <br> this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: <br> before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or <br> if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and <br> the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: <br> $50 \%$ of the Basic Benefit's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage. <br> * This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. | | What must You take note of? | The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. <br> Same premium payment term option selected for the Basic Cover will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured. <br> Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. <br> We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |

2.7. 保证可转换选项(适用于所有保单条款)


此选项允许您将原保单转换为在转换时可用的新年金或终身寿险保单,无需提供可保性证明。如果您选择完全转换此保单:- 我们将把保额转换为新保单的保额,受您申请时新保单允许的最低和最高保额的限制,并且 - 新保单下的身故赔偿金不得超过您行使此选项之前原保单下的身故赔偿金。如果您选择部分转换此保单:- 我们将根据转换的金额减少基本利益的保额,受保单最低保额的限制,我们将把减少的保额部分转换为新保单的保额,受您申请时新保单允许的最低和最高保额的限制,并且 - 新保单下的身故赔偿金不得超过转换的保额金额。
This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability. If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy: - We will the convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option. If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy: - We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy, We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted.| This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability. | | :--- | | If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy: | | - We will the convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and | | - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option. | | If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy: | | - We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy, | | We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and | | - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted. |


您必须满足以下所有条件:- 您未根据本保单提交索赔,- 我们未承认根据本保单的索赔,- 在行使此选项时保单有效,- 在行使此选项时,被保险人年龄为 65 岁或以下(如果保单为联名保单,则转换的年龄限制必须基于 2 位被保险人中年长者的年龄),并且 - 新保单的被保险人必须与原保单的被保险人相同。
You must meet all of the following conditions: - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, - We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, - the Policy is in force when this option is exercised, - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and - the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy.| You must meet all of the following conditions: | | :--- | | - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, | | - We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, | | - the Policy is in force when this option is exercised, | | - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and | | - the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy. |


如果部分转换保单的申请被接受,退保利益(如有)将根据减少的保额金额按比例退还。部分转换可能会减少剩余保费支付期限内应支付的保费,原保单的所有未来利益也将减少。您必须继续按照保单生效日期适用的保费率支付剩余保额的保费,以保持在部分转换后保单的有效性。新保单的应付保费将基于保单转换时被保险人的年龄和现行保费率。完全或部分转换仅在下一个保费到期日生效。如果保单是联名保单,新保单必须承保相同的被保险人。如果没有联名产品可用,两个被保险人可以选择分别投保新的保单。每个被保险人的新保单的保额将是转换保额的一半。与本保单生效时相同的接受条款将继续适用于新保单。 此选项只能行使一次,无论是完全转换还是部分转换。一旦转换生效,转换此保单的操作无法撤回。如果索赔的死亡、诊断或残疾(如适用)发生在请求将原保单转换为新年金或终身寿险之前,我们保留无效请求将原保单转换为新年金或终身寿险的权利。如果行使了保证转换选项,第 10 节中所述的自由观察期适用于新年金或终身寿险。
If the application to partially convert the Policy is accepted, the Surrender Benefit (if any) will be refunded proportionately depending on the amount of the Sum Assured reduced. A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion. Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates. Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted. The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy. This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy. The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised.| If the application to partially convert the Policy is accepted, the Surrender Benefit (if any) will be refunded proportionately depending on the amount of the Sum Assured reduced. | | :--- | | A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion. | | Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates. | | Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. | | If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted. | | The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy. | | This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. | | We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy. | | The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised. |
What is it? "This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability. If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy: - We will the convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option. If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy: - We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy, We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted." What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions: - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, - We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, - the Policy is in force when this option is exercised, - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and - the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy." What must You take note of? "If the application to partially convert the Policy is accepted, the Surrender Benefit (if any) will be refunded proportionately depending on the amount of the Sum Assured reduced. A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion. Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates. Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted. The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy. This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy. The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised."| What is it? | This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability. <br> If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy: <br> - We will the convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and <br> - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option. <br> If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy: <br> - We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy, <br> We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and <br> - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted. | | :---: | :---: | | What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, <br> - We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, <br> - the Policy is in force when this option is exercised, <br> - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and <br> - the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy. | | What must You take note of? | If the application to partially convert the Policy is accepted, the Surrender Benefit (if any) will be refunded proportionately depending on the amount of the Sum Assured reduced. <br> A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion. <br> Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates. <br> Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. <br> If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted. <br> The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy. <br> This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. <br> We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy. <br> The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised. |

2.8. 政策贷款

您可以选择最高为保单退保利益的 90 % 90 % 90%90 \% 的保单贷款,减去您欠我们的任何款项。适用的最低贷款金额和保单贷款利率将适用,并且可能会根据我们当前的条款和条件进行更改。利率是非保证的,由我们不时决定。

3. 合同


4. 自杀


  • 政策发行日期,或

  • 保单的最后恢复日期,



  • 政策发行日期,或

  • 最后恢复日期,


5. 当政策结束时


  • 被保险人去世时,

  • 当我们全额支付死亡赔偿金或提前支付死亡赔偿金时,

  • 当本政策到期时,

  • 当宽限期到期时,如果保单的分期保费仍未支付,

  • 当我们接受您书面请求终止时,或者

  • 当发生任何其他导致保单终止的事件(如本保单中所述)时,



6. 联合寿命保障

  • 死,或者

  • 被诊断为末期疾病,


  • 死,或者

  • 被诊断为重大疾病或完全和永久性残疾,


7. 共同所有权


  • 如果他们中的任何一方去世,他在保单中的所有权利、选择、所有权和权益将自动转移给幸存的被保险人,

  • 任何需要被保证人请求的交易可以由两个被保证人中的任何一个请求。

8. 通知和索赔证明



  • 已完成的索赔表格,

  • 被保险人的出生日期证明,

  • 由注册医疗从业者出具的医疗报告和/或诊断。医疗报告和/或诊断必须满足以下条件:

  • quad\quad 由临床、放射学、组织学和实验室证据支持,费用由索赔人承担,
  • 对我们来说是可以接受的,

  • 死亡证明(用于死亡赔偿申请),

  • 证明索赔人有权根据保单获得付款,且

  • 我们认为必要的任何其他文件以支持该索赔。

9. 索赔


请联系您的财务顾问代表或访问 https://singlife.com/en/claims 以获取索赔程序。

10. 自由观察期

您从收到本保单之日起有 14 天的时间决定是否继续保留该保单。如果您不想继续,您可以书面通知我们取消本保单。只要您未根据本保单提出任何索赔,我们将从保单生效日期起取消本保单,并退还您支付的保费,不计利息,并扣除考虑您的申请和签发本保单所花费的任何费用。

如果本政策是通过邮寄方式发送给您的,我们认为在邮寄后 7 天内送达。如果本政策是通过电子方式发送给您的,我们认为在传输日期送达。

11. 销售点文件


  • 封面(如适用)
  • 政策示例
  • 产品摘要

  • 捆绑产品披露(如适用)
  • 事实调查表

  • 您的寿险指南

  • 您的健康保险指南和信息图表“评估我的健康保险覆盖范围”(如适用)

  • 信息图表“基因检测与保险的暂停”

12. 注释



13. 保单持有人保护计划

本保单受新加坡存款保险公司(SDIC)管理的保单持有人保护计划保护。您的保单自动获得保障,无需您采取进一步行动。如需了解该计划涵盖的福利类型及适用的保障限额,请与我们联系或访问 LIA 或 SDIC 网站(www.lia.org.sg 或 www.sdic.org.sg)。

14. 保险公司的详细信息


TPD 进阶保障加 Plus III

1. 特点

这是一个非参与性的完全和永久性残疾补充福利(TPD 福利)。它在福利期限内提供对完全和永久性残疾的保护。此 TPD 福利加速了与其附加的保单的身故福利。此补充福利没有任何现金价值。


2. 好处




2.1. 总体和永久性残疾福利 (TPD 福利)


如果被保险人遭受完全和永久性残疾(TPD),我们将支付 TPD 赔付金作为死亡赔付金的提前支付。有关 TPD 的定义,请参阅附录 A。由于 TPD 赔付金是死亡赔付金的提前支付,如果我们在之前的索赔中支付了部分死亡赔付金,导致死亡赔付金低于本附加利益的保险金额,我们将:将本附加利益的保险金额减少至等于死亡赔付金的金额,并且 - TPD 赔付金将基于减少后的本附加利益的保险金额。如果本附加利益的保险金额减少至修订后的死亡赔付金保险金额,保费将相应减少。您只需支付减少后的保费(基于利益开始日期适用的保费率)即可获得剩余的利益。诊断必须由专业人士确认和认证。
If the Life Assured suffers from Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), We will pay the TPD Benefit as an early payout of the Death Benefit. Please refer to Appendix A for the definition of TPD. As the TPD Benefit is an early payout of the Death Benefit, if we have paid part of the Death Benefit in an earlier claim and this causes the Death Benefit to be less than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, We will: reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the amount equal to the Death Benefit, and - the TPD Benefit will be based on the reduced Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. If the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit is reduced to the revised Sum Assured of the Death Benefit, the premium will be reduced accordingly You only need to pay the reduced premium (based on the premium rates that apply at the Benefit Commencement Date) to receive the remaining benefits. The diagnosis must be confirmed and certified by a| If the Life Assured suffers from Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), We will pay the TPD Benefit as an early payout of the Death Benefit. | | :--- | | Please refer to Appendix A for the definition of TPD. | | As the TPD Benefit is an early payout of the Death Benefit, if we have paid part of the Death Benefit in an earlier claim and this causes the Death Benefit to be less than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, We will: | | reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the amount equal to the Death Benefit, and | | - the TPD Benefit will be based on the reduced Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. | | If the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit is reduced to the revised Sum Assured of the Death Benefit, the premium will be reduced accordingly You only need to pay the reduced premium (based on the premium rates that apply at the Benefit Commencement Date) to receive the remaining benefits. | | The diagnosis must be confirmed and certified by a |

我们将不支付因以下原因直接或间接、全部或部分导致的任何 TPD(完全丧失劳动能力)福利:- 自残的疾病或伤害,无论是精神正常还是精神失常,- 自杀未遂,- 在任何类型的飞机上旅行期间受伤,除非作为付费乘客或国际航空公司定期航班的机组成员,- 任何既往病症。“既往病症”是指在以下时间之前存在或正在存在的任何状况或疾病,或其原因或症状存在或明显的任何状况或疾病,或被保险人在以下时间之前遭受或正在遭受的任何状况或疾病:- 保单签发日期,- 本附加福利的签发日期,- 本附加福利的福利开始日期,或- 本附加福利的复效日期,以较晚者为准,除非该状况或疾病已被我们声明并接受。
We will not pay the TPD Benefit for any TPD directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by: - self-inflicted illness or injury, while sane or insane, - attempted suicide, - injuries sustained during travel on any type of aircraft except as a fare-paying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularly-scheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft, or - any Pre-existing Condition. "Pre-existing Condition" means any condition or illness which existed or was existing or the cause or symptoms of which existed or were existing or evident, or any condition or illness which the Life Assured suffered or was suffering from, before the: - Policy Issue Date, - issue date of this Supplementary Benefit, - Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or - reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit, whichever is the latest, unless the condition or illness had been declared and accepted by Us.| We will not pay the TPD Benefit for any TPD directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by: | | :--- | | - self-inflicted illness or injury, while sane or insane, | | - attempted suicide, | | - injuries sustained during travel on any type of aircraft except as a fare-paying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularly-scheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft, or | | - any Pre-existing Condition. | | "Pre-existing Condition" means any condition or illness which existed or was existing or the cause or symptoms of which existed or were existing or evident, or any condition or illness which the Life Assured suffered or was suffering from, before the: | | - Policy Issue Date, | | - issue date of this Supplementary Benefit, | | - Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or | | - reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit, | | whichever is the latest, unless the condition or illness had been declared and accepted by Us. |
W What We Do Not Pay "If the Life Assured suffers from Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), We will pay the TPD Benefit as an early payout of the Death Benefit. Please refer to Appendix A for the definition of TPD. As the TPD Benefit is an early payout of the Death Benefit, if we have paid part of the Death Benefit in an earlier claim and this causes the Death Benefit to be less than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, We will: reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the amount equal to the Death Benefit, and - the TPD Benefit will be based on the reduced Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. If the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit is reduced to the revised Sum Assured of the Death Benefit, the premium will be reduced accordingly You only need to pay the reduced premium (based on the premium rates that apply at the Benefit Commencement Date) to receive the remaining benefits. The diagnosis must be confirmed and certified by a" "We will not pay the TPD Benefit for any TPD directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by: - self-inflicted illness or injury, while sane or insane, - attempted suicide, - injuries sustained during travel on any type of aircraft except as a fare-paying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularly-scheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft, or - any Pre-existing Condition. "Pre-existing Condition" means any condition or illness which existed or was existing or the cause or symptoms of which existed or were existing or evident, or any condition or illness which the Life Assured suffered or was suffering from, before the: - Policy Issue Date, - issue date of this Supplementary Benefit, - Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or - reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit, whichever is the latest, unless the condition or illness had been declared and accepted by Us."| W | What We Do Not Pay | | :---: | :---: | | If the Life Assured suffers from Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), We will pay the TPD Benefit as an early payout of the Death Benefit. <br> Please refer to Appendix A for the definition of TPD. <br> As the TPD Benefit is an early payout of the Death Benefit, if we have paid part of the Death Benefit in an earlier claim and this causes the Death Benefit to be less than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, We will: <br> reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the amount equal to the Death Benefit, and <br> - the TPD Benefit will be based on the reduced Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. <br> If the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit is reduced to the revised Sum Assured of the Death Benefit, the premium will be reduced accordingly You only need to pay the reduced premium (based on the premium rates that apply at the Benefit Commencement Date) to receive the remaining benefits. <br> The diagnosis must be confirmed and certified by a | We will not pay the TPD Benefit for any TPD directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by: <br> - self-inflicted illness or injury, while sane or insane, <br> - attempted suicide, <br> - injuries sustained during travel on any type of aircraft except as a fare-paying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularly-scheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft, or <br> - any Pre-existing Condition. <br> "Pre-existing Condition" means any condition or illness which existed or was existing or the cause or symptoms of which existed or were existing or evident, or any condition or illness which the Life Assured suffered or was suffering from, before the: <br> - Policy Issue Date, <br> - issue date of this Supplementary Benefit, <br> - Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or <br> - reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit, <br> whichever is the latest, unless the condition or illness had been declared and accepted by Us. |


(a)对于在诊断日期年龄为 2 岁及以上的被保险人

如果本保单及我们为同一被保险人签发的任何其他保单的全残保障总保额等于或低于新加坡元 2,000,000(或其等值的其他货币),我们将以适用的合同货币一次性支付全残保障金。

如果本保单及我们为同一被保险人签发的任何其他保单的全残保障总保额超过新加坡元 2,000,000(或其等值的其他货币),我们将:

  • 免除在我们承认 TPD 索赔后紧接着的保单周年纪念日开始的 TPD 福利分期保费,

  • 以三次付款支付全额保障金以获得完全残疾福利:

    首次 SGD 2 , 000 , 000 2 , 000 , 000 2,000,0002,000,000 (或其在其他货币中的等值)在我们批准索赔时

  • quad\quad 剩余的一半在我们支付首笔 SGD 2,000,000(或其等值其他货币)后的一个年度

  • 在我们支付首笔 2,000,000 新加坡元(或其等值其他货币)后的剩余 2 年内

    (b) 对于在诊断日期时年龄低于 2 岁的被保险人


  • 当我们承认 TPD 索赔时,TPD 福利的 20 % 20 % 20%20 \%

  • 在首次付款支付后的剩余 80 % 80 % 80%80 \% 一年内

  1. 保证可再生选项

    (仅适用于附带保证可续期选项的 5 年和 10 年定期计划的附加条款)

Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy term, without proof of insurability.| Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows | | :--- | | You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover | | automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy | | term, without proof of insurability. |

What are the conditions?| What are | | :--- | | the | | conditions? |

您必须在基本保障的福利终止日期满足以下所有条件:此附加福利和基本保障均有效,- - 此附加福利在保单生效日期附加于基本保障,此附加福利在保单生效日期与基本保障具有相同的附加福利期限,受保人续保时年龄为 75 岁或更年轻(如果保单为联合人寿保单,续保的年龄限制必须基于 2 位受保人中年纪较大的那位),受保人在此附加福利的福利终止日期的保险金额与基本保障相同或更少,并且我们尚未承认此附加福利下的任何索赔。
You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic Cover: both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force, - - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit.| You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic | | :--- | | Cover: | | both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force, | | - | | - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, | | this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic | | Cover at Policy Effective Date, | | the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy | | is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 | | Lives Assured), | | the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit | | Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and | | We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit. |

What must You take| What must | | :--- | | You | | take |

The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for each renewed term.| The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will | | :--- | | continue to apply for each renewed term. |
What is it? "Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy term, without proof of insurability." "What are the conditions?" "You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic Cover: both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force, - - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit." "What must You take" "The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for each renewed term." note of? | What is it? | Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows <br> You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover <br> automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy <br> term, without proof of insurability. | | :--- | :--- | | What are <br> the <br> conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic <br> Cover: <br> both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force, <br> - <br> - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, <br> this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic <br> Cover at Policy Effective Date, <br> the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy <br> is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 <br> Lives Assured), <br> the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit <br> Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and <br> We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit. | | What must <br> You <br> take | The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will <br> continue to apply for each renewed term. | | note of? | |

4. 生命阶段事件的保证发行选项


此选项允许您在保费支付期间增加此附加利益的保险金额,而无需提供保险可保性证明,前提是发生以下任何生活阶段事件:- 被保险人更改婚姻状态(例如,结婚或离婚) - 被保险人通过生育新生儿或合法收养孩子成为父母 - 被保险人购买房产 - 被保险人或被保险人的孩子入读小学、中学或高等教育 - 被保险人在高等教育毕业后一年内进入全职工作 - 被保险人年满 21 岁。
This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen: - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child - the Life Assured purchases a property - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation - the Life Assured turns 21 years old.| This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen: | | :--- | | - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) | | - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child | | - the Life Assured purchases a property | | - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education | | - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation | | - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. |


您必须满足以下所有条件:- 您未根据保单提交索赔,- 我们未根据保单承认索赔,- 您只能在与基本保障相同的被保险人身上行使此选项
You must meet all of the following conditions: - You have not submitted a claim under the Policy, - We have not admitted a claim under the Policy, - You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover,| You must meet all of the following conditions: | | :--- | | - You have not submitted a claim under the Policy, | | - We have not admitted a claim under the Policy, | | - You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover, |
What is it? "This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen: - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child - the Life Assured purchases a property - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation - the Life Assured turns 21 years old." What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions: - You have not submitted a claim under the Policy, - We have not admitted a claim under the Policy, - You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover,"| What is it? | This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen: <br> - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) <br> - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child <br> - the Life Assured purchases a property <br> - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education <br> - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation <br> - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. | | :---: | :---: | | What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> - You have not submitted a claim under the Policy, <br> - We have not admitted a claim under the Policy, <br> - You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover, |

您只能在被保险人的生存期间行使此选项最多 2 次,无论您可能拥有多少提供类似选项的保单,您必须提供令人满意的证明,表明被保险人同意增加保险金额(适用于第三方保单),- 您必须在生活阶段事件发生后的 90 个日历天内提交申请,并在缴费期间内,您可以行使此选项之前没有等待期,此附加利益必须完全承保并以标准条款接受,没有任何次标准保费附加、排除或反要约,生活阶段事件必须发生在:被保险人年满 50 岁后紧接着的保单周年之前,或在联合保单的情况下,在年长的被保险人年满 50 岁后紧接着的保单周年之前,并且在此选项下可以增加的总保险金额,无论行使多少次,均不得超过:- 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% 在保单生效日期同意的此附加利益的保险金额,或每人最高限额为 500,000 新加坡元(或其在其他货币中的等值)*,以较低者为准,并且增加后的总保险金额(包括我们为同一被保险人承保的所有其他保单)不得超过当前允许的每人总和永久性残疾保障的最高保险金额限制。 *此最高限额适用于您可能拥有的所有涵盖相同被保险人的保单,无论数量如何,这些保单提供类似的选项。如果保单是联合人寿保单,则此最高限额适用于两位被保险人的总和。
You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), - You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: - 50% of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Total and Permanent Disability coverage. *This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives.| You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), | | :--- | | - You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, | | there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, | | this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, | | the Life Stage Event must occur: | | before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or | | in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and | | the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: | | - $50 \%$ of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or | | maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Total and Permanent Disability coverage. | | *This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. |


The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. Same premium payment term option selected for this Supplementary Benefit will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured.| The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. | | :--- | | Same premium payment term option selected for this Supplementary Benefit will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. | | Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. | | We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |
"You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), - You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: - 50% of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Total and Permanent Disability coverage. *This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives." What must You take note of? "The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. Same premium payment term option selected for this Supplementary Benefit will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured."| | You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), <br> - You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, <br> there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, <br> this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, <br> the Life Stage Event must occur: <br> before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or <br> in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and <br> the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: <br> - $50 \%$ of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or <br> maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Total and Permanent Disability coverage. <br> *This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. | | :---: | :---: | | What must You take note of? | The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. <br> Same premium payment term option selected for this Supplementary Benefit will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. <br> Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. <br> We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |

  1. 保证可转换选项


当您行使基本保障的保证可转换选项时,此附加利益将自动转换为与新基本保障相同期限的新附加利益(在转换时可用),无需提供可保性证明。如果您选择完全转换基本保障:- 我们将把此附加利益的保险金额转换为新附加利益的保险金额,受您申请时新附加利益允许的最低和最高保险金额的限制,并且新附加利益的保险金额不得超过您行使此选项之前此附加利益的保险金额。
When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof of insurability. If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover: - We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application, and the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option.| When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this | | :--- | | Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for | | the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof | | of insurability. | | If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover: | | - We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured | | of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums | | assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application, | | and | | the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum | | Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option. |

If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover: We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application.| If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover: | | :--- | | We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount | | converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and | | We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new | | supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed | | for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application. |
What is it? "When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof of insurability. If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover: - We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application, and the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option." "If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover: We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application." | What is it? | When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this <br> Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for <br> the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof <br> of insurability. <br> If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover: <br> - We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured <br> of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums <br> assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application, <br> and <br> the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum <br> Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option. | | :--- | :--- | | If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover: <br> We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount <br> converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and <br> We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new <br> supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed <br> for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application. | |


您必须满足以下所有条件:- 您尚未根据此附加福利提交索赔,- 我们尚未承认根据此附加福利的索赔,- 此附加福利在保单生效日期时附加于基本保障,- 当您行使此基本保障的选项时,基本保障仍然有效,- 新附加福利的被保险人必须与此附加福利的被保险人相同,- 当此附加福利被转换时,被保险人年龄须为 65 岁或以下(如果保单为联名保单,则转换的年龄限制应基于两位被保险人中年长者的年龄),新附加福利的赔付必须是死亡赔付的提前支付,并且不得与新基本保障的死亡赔付同时支付,新附加福利必须包含与此附加福利相同的条款、排除和条件,如果此附加福利允许联名被保险人,则针对相同被保险人的新附加福利必须是:- 联名附加福利,或 - 每位被保险人享有此附加福利一半保额的新附加福利 确保如果:- 联合寿险产品不可用,并且在申请时满足新附加福利的最低和最高保障金额。
You must meet all of the following conditions: - You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, - We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, - the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover, - the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit, - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be: - a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or - new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for each Life Assured if: - a joint life product is unavailable, and the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met.| You must meet all of the following conditions: | | :--- | | - You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, | | - We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, | | - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, | | - the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover, | | - the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit, | | - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), | | the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and | | if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be: | | - a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or | | - new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for each Life Assured if: | | - a joint life product is unavailable, and the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met. |


A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced. Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates. Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit. This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit.| A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced. | | :--- | | Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates. | | Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. | | The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit. | | This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. | | We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit. |
What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions: - You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, - We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, - the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover, - the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit, - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be: - a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or - new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for each Life Assured if: - a joint life product is unavailable, and the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met." What must You take note of? "A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced. Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates. Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit. This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit."| What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> - You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, <br> - We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, <br> - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, <br> - the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover, <br> - the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit, <br> - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), <br> the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and <br> if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be: <br> - a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or <br> - new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for each Life Assured if: <br> - a joint life product is unavailable, and the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met. | | :---: | :---: | | What must You take note of? | A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced. <br> Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates. <br> Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. <br> The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit. <br> This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. <br> We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit. |

6. 附加福利何时结束


  • 当我们接受您书面请求终止时,

  • 当政策结束时,

  • 在其福利终止日期,

  • 当宽限期到期时,如果此附加利益的分期保费仍未支付,或者

  • 当我们全额支付此补充福利时,



7. 索赔证明

我们有权不时要求提供持续完全和永久性残疾(TPD)的证明,即使我们已经批准了您的 TPD 福利申请。

我们将停止支付 TPD 福利,如果:

  • 我们没有收到持续 TPD 的令人满意的证明,或者

  • 被保险人能够工作或从事任何职业或行业以获取工资、报酬或利润。

如果我们因上述原因停止支付 TPD 福利,您必须继续支付分期付款


8. 索赔


请联系您的财务顾问代表或访问 https://singlife.com/en/claims 以获取索赔程序。

9. 注释



10. 保单持有人保护计划

本保单受新加坡存款保险公司(SDIC)管理的保单持有人保护计划保护。您的保单自动获得保障,无需您采取进一步行动。如需了解该计划涵盖的福利类型及适用的保障限额,请与我们联系或访问 LIA 或 SDIC 网站(www.lia.org.sg 或 www.sdic.org.sg)。

附录 A


  • 如果被保险人年龄在 18 岁及以下:

一种永久性失能状态,在这种状态下,被保险人被限制在家中、医院或机构中,至少需要连续 6 个月的持续护理和医疗关注。

  • 如果被保险人年龄在 19 至 65 岁之间:

  • 一种完全和永久的残疾,持续至少 6 个月,且被保险人无法从残疾开始时起进行任何工作或从事任何职业以赚取或获得工资、赔偿或利润

  • 被保险人因疾病、病痛或伤害完全和永久无法进行至少 6 项“日常生活活动”中的 3 项(尽管有特殊设备的帮助),并且在整个活动中需要他人的身体协助,持续至少 6 个月。

  • 如果被保险人年龄在 66 至 70 岁:

被保险人因疾病、病痛或伤害完全且永久无法进行至少 6 项“日常生活活动”中的 2 项(即使有特殊设备的帮助),并且在整个活动中需要他人的身体协助,持续至少 6 个月。

  • 对于任何年龄的被保险人:


  • 双眼失明,

  • 一只眼睛失明,以及因截肢或失去使用能力而导致的一个肢体在踝关节或手腕以上的损失,或

  • 因解雇或使用损失造成的损失:

  • 双手在手腕处或以上,

  • 双脚在脚踝处或以上,或

  • 一只手在手腕处或以上,一只脚在脚踝处或以上。

注册医疗从业者必须首先确认并证明完全和永久性残疾的诊断,然后我们才能接受 TPD 福利的索赔。


  • 穿衣 - 穿上、脱下、固定和解开所有衣物的能力,以及在适当情况下,任何支架、假肢或其他外科器械

  • 喂养 - 一旦食物准备好并可用,自己进食的能力,

  • 流动性 - 在平坦的表面上从一个房间移动到另一个房间的能力

  • 如厕 - 使用卫生间或以其他方式管理肠道和膀胱功能的能力,以维持令人满意的个人卫生水平

  • 转移 - 从床上移动到直立椅或轮椅的能力,反之亦然

  • 洗澡 - 在浴缸或淋浴中洗澡的能力(包括进出浴缸或淋浴)或通过其他方式满意地洗澡

1. 特点



这不是一个 Medisave 批准的政策,您不能使用 Medisave 支付此附加福利的保费。

2. 好处




2.1. 重疾福利 (CI 福利)

有关我们覆盖的所有重大疾病的完整列表,请参阅第 2.2 节。

CI 保险金将为 100 % 100 % 100%100 \% 的保额


在早期索赔中支付了部分 CI 福利,仅此而已

剩余的 CI 福利应支付。


第 2.2 节中的重大疾病,除血管成形术外

& 其他冠状动脉侵入性治疗,我们

将一次性支付 CI 福利,作为提前支付



What We Pay The CI Benefit will be 100% of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. However, if We have paid part of the CI Benefit in an earlier claim, only the remaining CI Benefit shall be payable. If the Life Assured is diagnosed with any of the Critical Illnesses in Section 2.2 except Angioplasty & Other Invasive Treatment for Coronary Artery, We will pay the CI Benefit in one lump sum, as an early payout of the Death Benefit. If the Life Assured undergoes Angioplasty & Other Invasive Treatment for Coronary Artery, We will pay:| What We Pay | | :--- | | The CI Benefit will be $100 \%$ of the Sum Assured of | | this Supplementary Benefit. However, if We have | | paid part of the CI Benefit in an earlier claim, only | | the remaining CI Benefit shall be payable. | | If the Life Assured is diagnosed with any of the | | Critical Illnesses in Section 2.2 except Angioplasty | | & Other Invasive Treatment for Coronary Artery, We | | will pay the CI Benefit in one lump sum, as an early | | payout of the Death Benefit. | | If the Life Assured undergoes Angioplasty & Other | | Invasive Treatment for Coronary Artery, We will pay: |

(a) 10 % 10 % 10%10 \% 的 CI 福利,或

(b) S $ 25 , 000 S $ 25 , 000 S$25,000\mathrm{S} \$ 25,000 (或其在其他货币中的等值)



我们将仅支付任何后续重大疾病索赔的剩余 CI 福利(心脏血管成形术和其他冠状动脉侵入性治疗除外)。

由于 Cl 利益是死亡利益的提前支付,如果我们在早期索赔中支付了部分死亡利益,并且这导致死亡利益低于该附加利益的保额,我们将:

  • 将此附加利益的保额减少至与身故保险金相等的金额,且

我们将不支付因以下原因直接或间接、全部或部分导致或引起的重大疾病 CI 赔付:

  • 自我造成的疾病或伤害,无论是在清醒还是精神失常状态下,

  • 故意滥用药物或酒精,无论是理智还是失去理智,

  • 获得性免疫缺陷综合症(艾滋病)或通过其他方式感染人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV),而非通过血液输血和职业性获得 HIV

  • 任何既往病症。

  • 政策发行日期,

  • 本附加福利的发行日期,

  • 本附加福利的福利开始日期,或

  • 该附加福利的恢复日期,



如果被保险人被诊断为以下情况,我们将不支付 Cl 福利:

  • 特定严重程度的心脏病发作,
  • 主要癌症,

  • 其他严重冠状动脉疾病,或

  • 冠状动脉疾病导致冠状动脉旁路手术或血管成形术及其他冠状动脉侵入性治疗的实施

  • 该附加福利的 CL 福利将基于减少后的保障总额。



在 90 天内:

  • 政策发行日期,

  • 本附加福利的发行日期,

  • 本附加福利的福利开始日期,

  • 该补充福利的恢复日期,

  • 如果您行使保证发行选项(如适用),则增加保额的背书的发行日期,或者

  • 您行使保证发行选项后,保险金额增加生效的日期(如适用)


2.2. 关键疾病列表^ ^{ }^{\wedge}

  1. 主要癌症

  2. 特定严重程度的心脏病发作

  3. 中风伴永久性神经功能缺损

  4. 冠状动脉旁路手术

  5. 终末期肾衰竭

  6. 不可逆性再生障碍性贫血

  7. 终末期肺病

  8. 终末期肝衰竭
  9. 昏迷

  10. 失聪(不可逆的听力丧失)

  11. 开放式胸腔心脏瓣膜手术

  12. 不可逆的语言丧失
  13. 主要烧伤

  14. 主要器官 / 骨髓移植
  15. 多发性硬化症
  16. 肌肉萎缩症

  17. 特发性帕金森病

  18. 开放胸部手术至主动脉

  19. 阿尔茨海默病 / 重度痴呆
  20. 暴发性肝炎
  21. 运动神经元疾病

  22. 原发性肺动脉高压

  23. 因输血而感染的 HIV 和职业性获得的 HIV
  24. 良性脑肿瘤
  25. 重度脑炎

  26. 严重细菌性脑膜炎

  27. 失明(不可逆的视力丧失)
  28. 重大头部创伤

  29. 瘫痪(肢体不可逆转的失用)
  30. 进行性硬皮病

  31. 持续植物状态(无反应综合症)

  32. 系统性红斑狼疮伴狼疮性肾炎

  33. 其他严重冠状动脉疾病
  34. 小儿麻痹症

  35. 失去独立存在

  36. 冠状动脉的血管成形术及其他侵入性治疗

    新加坡人寿保险协会(LIA)对 37 种重症疾病(2019 年版)有标准定义。这些重症疾病属于 2019 年版。您可以参考 www.lia.org.sg 获取标准定义(2019 年版)。

  37. 保证可再生选项

    (仅适用于附带保证可续期选项的 5 年和 10 年定期计划的附加条款)

Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy term, without proof of insurability.| Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows | | :--- | | You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover | | automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy | | term, without proof of insurability. |

What are the conditions?| What are | | :--- | | the | | conditions? |

您必须在基本保障的福利终止日期满足以下所有条件:此附加福利和基本保障均有效,- - 此附加福利在保单生效日期附加于基本保障,此附加福利在保单生效日期与基本保障具有相同的附加福利期限,受保人续保时年龄为 75 岁或以下(如果保单为联名保单,则续保的年龄限制必须基于两者中较大的年龄)
You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic Cover: both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force, - - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2| You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic | | :--- | | Cover: | | both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force, | | - | | - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, | | this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic | | Cover at Policy Effective Date, | | the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy | | is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 |

Lives Assured), the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit.| Lives Assured), | | :--- | | the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit | | Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and | | We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit. |
What is it? "Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy term, without proof of insurability." "What are the conditions?" "You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic Cover: both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force, - - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2" "Lives Assured), the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit." | What is it? | Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows <br> You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover <br> automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy <br> term, without proof of insurability. | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | What are <br> the <br> conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic <br> Cover: <br> both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force, <br> - <br> - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, <br> this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic <br> Cover at Policy Effective Date, <br> the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy <br> is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 | | Lives Assured), <br> the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit <br> Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and <br> We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit. | |

What must You take note of?| What must | | :--- | :--- | | You take | | note of? |

The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for each renewed term.| The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will | | :--- | | continue to apply for each renewed term. |

Premiums payable for the renewal of this Supplementary Benefit will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of renewal. The renewal premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at policy inception.| Premiums payable for the renewal of this Supplementary Benefit will be calculated based | | :--- | | on the Life Assured's Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of | | renewal. The renewal premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at | | policy inception. |
"What must You take note of?" "The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for each renewed term." "Premiums payable for the renewal of this Supplementary Benefit will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of renewal. The renewal premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at policy inception." | What must <br> You take <br> note of? | The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will <br> continue to apply for each renewed term. | | :--- | :--- | | Premiums payable for the renewal of this Supplementary Benefit will be calculated based <br> on the Life Assured's Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of <br> renewal. The renewal premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at <br> policy inception. | |

4. 生命阶段事件的保证发行选项


此选项允许您在保费支付期间增加此附加利益的保险金额,而无需提供保险可保性证明,前提是发生以下任何生活阶段事件:- 被保险人更改婚姻状态(例如,结婚或离婚) - 被保险人通过生育新生儿或合法收养孩子成为父母 - 被保险人购买房产 - 被保险人或被保险人的孩子入读小学、中学或高等教育 - 被保险人在高等教育毕业后一年内进入全职工作 - 被保险人年满 21 岁。
This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen: - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child - the Life Assured purchases a property - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation - the Life Assured turns 21 years old.| This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen: | | :--- | | - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) | | - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child | | - the Life Assured purchases a property | | - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education | | - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation | | - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. |


您必须满足以下所有条件:您未根据保单提交索赔,我们未承认保单下的索赔,您只能在与基本保障相同的被保险人身上行使此选项,您只能在被保险人终身内最多行使此选项 2 次,无论您可能拥有多少提供类似选项的保单,您必须提供令人满意的证明,表明被保险人同意增加保险金额(适用于第三方保单),您必须在生活阶段事件发生后的 90 个日历天内提交申请,并在缴费期间内,您可以行使此选项之前没有等待期,此附加利益必须完全承保并以标准条款接受,没有任何低于标准的保费附加、排除或反要约,生活阶段事件必须发生在:被保险人年满 50 岁后的保单周年之前,或在联合保单的情况下,在年长的被保险人年满 50 岁后的保单周年之前,并且在此选项下可以增加的总保险金额,无论行使多少次,必须不超过: 50 % 50 % 50%50 \% 在保单生效日期同意的此附加利益的保险金额,或每位被保险人的最高限额为 SGD 100,000(或其在其他货币中的等值)*,以较低者为准,并且增加后的总保险金额(包括我们为同一被保险人承保的所有其他保单)不得超过当前允许的重大疾病保障每位被保险人的最高保险金额限制。 *此最高限额适用于您可能拥有的所有涵盖相同被保险人的保单,无论数量如何,这些保单提供类似的选项。如果保单是联合人寿保单,则此最高限额适用于两位被保险人的总和。
You must meet all of the following conditions: You have not submitted a claim under the Policy, We have not admitted a claim under the Policy, You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover, You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: 50% of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 100,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Critical Illness coverage. *This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives.| You must meet all of the following conditions: | | :--- | | You have not submitted a claim under the Policy, We have not admitted a claim under the Policy, | | You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover, You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), | | You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, | | there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, | | this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: | | before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or | | in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and | | the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: | | $50 \%$ of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or | | maximum limit of SGD 100,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Critical Illness coverage. | | *This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. |


The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured.| The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. | | :--- | | Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. | | We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |
What is it? "This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen: - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child - the Life Assured purchases a property - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation - the Life Assured turns 21 years old." What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions: You have not submitted a claim under the Policy, We have not admitted a claim under the Policy, You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover, You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: 50% of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 100,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Critical Illness coverage. *This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives." What must You take note of? "The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured."| What is it? | This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen: <br> - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) <br> - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child <br> - the Life Assured purchases a property <br> - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education <br> - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation <br> - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. | | :---: | :---: | | What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> You have not submitted a claim under the Policy, We have not admitted a claim under the Policy, <br> You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover, You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), <br> You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, <br> there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, <br> this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: <br> before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or <br> in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and <br> the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: <br> $50 \%$ of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or <br> maximum limit of SGD 100,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Critical Illness coverage. <br> *This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. | | What must You take note of? | The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. <br> Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. <br> We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |

  1. 保证可转换选项(适用于所有附加条款)

当您行使基本保障的保证可转换选项时,此附加利益将自动转换为与新基本保障相同期限的新附加利益(在转换时可用),无需提供可保性证明。如果您选择完全转换基本保障:我们将把此附加利益的保险金额转换为新附加利益的保险金额,受您申请时新附加利益允许的最低和最高保险金额的限制,并且 - 新附加利益的保险金额不得超过您行使此选项之前此附加利益的保险金额。如果您选择部分转换基本保障: - 我们将根据转换的金额减少此附加利益的保险金额,受此附加利益的最低保险金额的限制,并且 - 我们将把减少的保险金额部分转换为新附加利益的保险金额,受您申请时新附加利益允许的最低和最高保险金额的限制。
When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof of insurability. If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover: We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application, and - the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option. If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover: - We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and - We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application.| When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof of insurability. | | :--- | | If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover: | | We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application, and | | - the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option. | | If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover: | | - We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and | | - We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application. |


您必须满足以下所有条件:您未根据此附加福利提交索赔,我们未承认此附加福利的索赔,此附加福利在保单生效日附加于基本保障,您在行使此基本保障选项时基本保障处于有效状态,新附加福利的被保险人必须与此附加福利的被保险人相同,转换此附加福利时被保险人年龄为 65 岁或以下(如果保单为联名保单,则转换的年龄限制应基于两位被保险人中年长者的年龄),新附加福利的支付必须是死亡利益的提前支付,并且不得与新基本保障的死亡利益同时支付,新附加福利必须包含与此附加福利相同的条款、排除和条件,如果此附加福利允许联名被保险人,则针对相同被保险人的新附加福利必须是:- 联名附加福利,或 - 每位被保险人享有此附加福利的保险金额一半的新附加福利,如果: 联合寿险产品不可用,并且在申请时满足新附加福利的最低和最高保障金额。
You must meet all of the following conditions: You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover, the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit, the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be: - a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or - new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for each Life Assured if: a joint life product is unavailable, and the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met.| You must meet all of the following conditions: | | :--- | | You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, | | We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover, | | the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit, | | the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), | | the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and | | if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be: | | - a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or | | - new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary | | Benefit for each Life Assured if: | | a joint life product is unavailable, and | | the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met. |


A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced. Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates. Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit. This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit.| A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced. | | :--- | | Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates. | | Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. | | The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit. | | This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. | | We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit. |
What is it? "When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof of insurability. If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover: We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application, and - the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option. If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover: - We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and - We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application." What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions: You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover, the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit, the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be: - a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or - new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for each Life Assured if: a joint life product is unavailable, and the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met." What must You take note of? "A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced. Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates. Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit. This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit."| What is it? | When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof of insurability. <br> If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover: <br> We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application, and <br> - the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option. <br> If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover: <br> - We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and <br> - We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application. | | :---: | :---: | | What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, <br> We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover, <br> the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit, <br> the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), <br> the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and <br> if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be: <br> - a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or <br> - new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary <br> Benefit for each Life Assured if: <br> a joint life product is unavailable, and <br> the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met. | | What must You take note of? | A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced. <br> Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates. <br> Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. <br> The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit. <br> This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. <br> We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit. |

6. 附加福利何时结束


  • 当我们接受您书面请求终止时,

  • 当政策结束时,

  • 在其福利终止日期,

  • 当宽限期到期时,如果此附加利益的分期保费仍未支付,或者

  • 当我们全额支付此补充福利时,



7. 索赔


请联系您的财务顾问代表或访问 https://singlife.com/en/claims 以获取索赔程序。

8. 注释



9. 保单持有人保护计划

本保单受新加坡存款保险公司(SDIC)管理的保单持有人保护计划保护。您的保单自动获得保障,无需您采取进一步行动。如需了解该计划涵盖的福利类型及适用的保障限额,请与我们联系或访问 LIA 或 SDIC 网站(www.lia.org.sg 或 www.sdic.org.sg)。

1. 特点



这不是一个 Medisave 批准的政策,您不能使用 Medisave 支付此附加福利的保费。

2. 好处


  • 重大疾病福利
  • 重症监护福利,

  • 良性和边缘恶性肿瘤的益处,和
  • 特别福利。




2.1. 重疾福利 (CI 福利)


CI 赔付将为此附加利益的保额的 100 % 100 % 100%100 \% 。如果被保险人被诊断为附录 A 中的任何早期、中期或重度危急疾病,我们将一次性支付 CI 赔付。为避免疑义,此附加利益在危急疾病赔付后终止。有关此利益所涵盖的危急疾病的列表和定义,请参阅附录 A A AA B B BB
The CI Benefit will be 100% of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. If the Life Assured is diagnosed with any of the Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage Critical Illnesses in Appendix A, We will pay the CI Benefit in one lump sum. For avoidance of doubt, this Supplementary Benefit ends once the Critical Illness Benefit is paid. Please refer to Appendix A and B for the list and definitions of the Critical Illnesses covered under this benefit.| The CI Benefit will be $100 \%$ of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. | | :--- | | If the Life Assured is diagnosed with any of the Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage Critical Illnesses in Appendix A, We will pay the CI Benefit in one lump sum. | | For avoidance of doubt, this Supplementary Benefit ends once the Critical Illness Benefit is paid. | | Please refer to Appendix $A$ and $B$ for the list and definitions of the Critical Illnesses covered under this benefit. |

请参阅第 5 节以了解排除条款。等待期 如果以下任何一种重大疾病的早期、中期或重度阶段发生,我们将不支付 CI 福利:- 指定严重程度的心脏病发作、重大癌症或其他严重冠状动脉疾病的诊断日期,或 - 导致进行冠状动脉旁路手术的冠状动脉疾病的诊断日期,在以下任一日期的 90 天内发生:- 保单签发日期,- 本附加福利的签发日期,- 本附加福利的福利开始日期,或 - 本附加福利的复效日期,以较晚者为准。生存期 如果:- 被保险人在本福利覆盖的重大疾病的诊断日期或进行手术的日期后未能生存至少 7 天,我们将不支付 CI 福利。
Please refer to Section 5 for the exclusions. Waiting Period We will not pay for Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage of any of the following Critical Illness under the CI Benefit if: - the date of diagnosis of Heart Attack of Specified Severity, Major Cancer, or Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease, or - the date of diagnosis of coronary artery disease leading to performance of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery, occurs within 90 days from: - the Policy Issue Date, - the issue date of this Supplementary Benefit, - the Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or - the reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit, whichever is the latest. Survival Period We will not pay the Cl Benefit if: - the Life Assured does not survive at least 7 days after the date of diagnosis or the date of surgical procedure performed for a Critical Illness covered under this benefit.| Please refer to Section 5 for the exclusions. | | :--- | | Waiting Period | | We will not pay for Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage of any of the following Critical Illness under the CI Benefit if: | | - the date of diagnosis of Heart Attack of Specified Severity, Major Cancer, or Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease, or | | - the date of diagnosis of coronary artery disease leading to performance of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery, | | occurs within 90 days from: | | - the Policy Issue Date, | | - the issue date of this Supplementary Benefit, | | - the Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or | | - the reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit, | | whichever is the latest. | | Survival Period | | We will not pay the Cl Benefit if: | | - the Life Assured does not survive at least 7 days after the date of diagnosis or the date of surgical procedure performed for a Critical Illness covered under this benefit. |
What We Pay What We Do Not Pay "The CI Benefit will be 100% of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. If the Life Assured is diagnosed with any of the Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage Critical Illnesses in Appendix A, We will pay the CI Benefit in one lump sum. For avoidance of doubt, this Supplementary Benefit ends once the Critical Illness Benefit is paid. Please refer to Appendix A and B for the list and definitions of the Critical Illnesses covered under this benefit." "Please refer to Section 5 for the exclusions. Waiting Period We will not pay for Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage of any of the following Critical Illness under the CI Benefit if: - the date of diagnosis of Heart Attack of Specified Severity, Major Cancer, or Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease, or - the date of diagnosis of coronary artery disease leading to performance of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery, occurs within 90 days from: - the Policy Issue Date, - the issue date of this Supplementary Benefit, - the Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or - the reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit, whichever is the latest. Survival Period We will not pay the Cl Benefit if: - the Life Assured does not survive at least 7 days after the date of diagnosis or the date of surgical procedure performed for a Critical Illness covered under this benefit."| What We Pay | What We Do Not Pay | | :---: | :---: | | The CI Benefit will be $100 \%$ of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. <br> If the Life Assured is diagnosed with any of the Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage Critical Illnesses in Appendix A, We will pay the CI Benefit in one lump sum. <br> For avoidance of doubt, this Supplementary Benefit ends once the Critical Illness Benefit is paid. <br> Please refer to Appendix $A$ and $B$ for the list and definitions of the Critical Illnesses covered under this benefit. | Please refer to Section 5 for the exclusions. <br> Waiting Period <br> We will not pay for Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage of any of the following Critical Illness under the CI Benefit if: <br> - the date of diagnosis of Heart Attack of Specified Severity, Major Cancer, or Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease, or <br> - the date of diagnosis of coronary artery disease leading to performance of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery, <br> occurs within 90 days from: <br> - the Policy Issue Date, <br> - the issue date of this Supplementary Benefit, <br> - the Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or <br> - the reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit, <br> whichever is the latest. <br> Survival Period <br> We will not pay the Cl Benefit if: <br> - the Life Assured does not survive at least 7 days after the date of diagnosis or the date of surgical procedure performed for a Critical Illness covered under this benefit. |

2.2. 重症监护福利


如果被保险人: -quad-\quad 因疾病或事故被送入重症监护室(ICU),并且
If the Life Assured: -quad is admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) due to an illness or Accident, and| If the Life Assured: | | :--- | | $-\quad$ is admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) due | | to an illness or Accident, and |

- 在一家医院的重症监护室住院 4 天或更长时间

What We Pay "If the Life Assured: -quad is admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) due to an illness or Accident, and" - stay in ICU for 4 days or more in one hospital admission for Necessary Medical Treatment,| What We Pay | | :--- | | If the Life Assured: <br> $-\quad$ is admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) due <br> to an illness or Accident, and | | - stay in ICU for 4 days or more in one hospital | | admission for Necessary Medical Treatment, |

我们将支付额外的 20 % 20 % 20%20 \% 的保额,最高不超过 S $ 25 , 000 S $ 25 , 000 S$25,000S \$ 25,000 (或其在其他货币中的等值)。

此项福利仅允许提交 1 个索赔。




  • 索赔提出的日期,

  • 保单周年纪念日,受保人年龄为 85 岁,或

  • 该附加福利到期的日期,以较早者为准。



  • 必须符合新加坡普遍接受的良好医疗实践标准,与当前的专业医疗护理标准一致,并具有经过验证的医疗益处

  • 不得仅为被保险人或注册医疗从业者或专家的便利,这包括但不限于可以合理地在医院外提供的治疗,但作为住院治疗提供

  • 不得用于调查或研究,包括但不限于实验性或新型物理治疗、医疗技术或外科技术、未获得机构审查委员会和健康科学管理局批准的医疗设备,以及药品的医学试验,无论这些试验是否获得健康科学管理局或类似机构颁发的临床试验证书

  • 不得用于预防、健康筛查或促进健康,这包括但不限于饮食替代品或补充剂。

请参阅第 5 节以了解排除条款。

在 ICU 的住院必须被确认为必要医疗治疗。如果被保险人可以在任何其他设施中安全且充分地接受治疗,我们将不将 ICU 的住院视为必要医疗治疗。



  • 可接受索赔的重症监护室住院第一天的日期,

    在 90 天内发生:

  • 政策发行日期,

  • 该附加福利的发行日期,

  • 该补充福利的福利开始日期,或

  • 该补充福利的恢复日期,




  • 被保险人在符合索赔条件的情况下,入院重症监护室后的第一天起至少存活 7 天。

2.3. 良性和边缘恶性肿瘤的益处

What We Pay| What We Pay | | :--- |



恶性肿瘤) 需要从任何部位进行外科切除



额外 20%的保险金额,受限于

最高金额为 25,000 新加坡元(或其等值金额)


此项福利仅允许提交 1 个索赔。


If the Life Assured undergoes a complete surgical excision of a Benign Tumour (suspected malignancy) requiring surgical excision from any of the covered Specified Organs or is diagnosed with a Borderline Malignant Tumour, We will pay an additional 20% of the Sum Assured, subject to a maximum amount of S$25,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies) per life. Only 1 claim is allowed under this benefit. The payout from this benefit does not reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit.| If the Life Assured undergoes a complete surgical | | :--- | | excision of a Benign Tumour (suspected | | malignancy) requiring surgical excision from any of | | the covered Specified Organs or is diagnosed with | | a Borderline Malignant Tumour, We will pay an | | additional 20% of the Sum Assured, subject to a | | maximum amount of S$25,000 (or its equivalent in | | other currencies) per life. | | Only 1 claim is allowed under this benefit. | | The payout from this benefit does not reduce the | | Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. |



  • 索赔提出的日期,

  • 保单周年纪念日,受保人年龄为 85 岁,或

  • 该附加福利到期的日期,以较早者为准。

请参阅附录 C 以获取定义和此项福利所涵盖的指定机构列表。


请参阅第 5 节以了解排除条款。
What We Do Not Pay Please refer to Section 5 for the exclusions.| What We Do Not Pay | | :---: | | Please refer to Section 5 for the exclusions. |



  • 边缘恶性肿瘤的诊断日期或导致需要外科切除的良性肿瘤(怀疑恶性)诊断的任何情况的日期,

    在 90 天内发生:

  • 政策发行日期,

  • 该附加福利的发行日期,

  • 该补充福利的福利开始日期,或

  • 该补充福利的恢复日期,




  • 被保险人在被诊断为边缘恶性肿瘤的日期或因需外科切除的良性肿瘤(怀疑恶性)进行外科手术的日期后未能存活至少 7 天。

2.4. 特别福利


每个条件只能支付一次,最多允许在此福利下提出 6 次索赔。每次特殊福利索赔之间没有等待期。




  • 第六次索赔提出的日期,

  • 保单周年纪念日,受保人年龄为 85 岁,或

  • 在此附加福利到期的日期,以较早者为准。

  1. 糖尿病并发症


请参阅第 5 节以了解排除条款。



  • 以下疾病的诊断日期:严重老年性耳聋(与年龄相关的听力损失)或与年龄相关的黄斑变性伴视觉障碍,或

  • 导致以下手术进行的疾病诊断日期:需要外科修复的尿失禁、因癌症而进行的乳房切除术、子宫切除术或冠状动脉的血管成形术及其他侵入性治疗

    在 90 天内发生:

  • 政策发行日期,

  • 该附加福利的发行日期,

  • 该补充福利的福利开始日期,或

  • 该补充福利的恢复日期,


  1. 冠状动脉的血管成形术及其他侵入性治疗

  2. 骨质疏松伴骨折

  3. 严重类风湿关节炎
  4. 乳房切除术

  5. 慢性肾上腺功能不全(阿迪森病)

  6. 慢性复发性胰腺炎

  7. 因癌症而进行的子宫切除术

  8. 登革出血热
  9. 威尔逊病
  10. 严重的克罗恩病

  11. 重度溃疡性结肠炎
  12. 嗜铬细胞瘤

  13. 与视觉障碍相关的年龄相关性黄斑变性

  14. 严重的老年性耳聋(与年龄相关的听力损失)

  15. 需要外科修复的尿失禁结束于:

  • 保单周年纪念日,受保人年龄为 85 岁,或

  • 该附加福利到期的日期,以较早者为准。


  1. 严重青少年类风湿关节炎(斯蒂尔病)
  2. 重型血友病

  3. 风湿热伴瓣膜损害
  4. 成骨不全症

  5. 胰岛素依赖型糖尿病
  6. 川崎病

  7. 肾小球肾炎伴肾病综合症

  8. I 型青少年脊髓性肌萎缩症

  9. 特定严重程度的自闭症
  10. 广义破伤风
  11. 狂犬病

  • 保单周年纪念日,受保人年满 18 岁时,

  • 该附加福利到期的日期,以较早者为准。


如果我们支付“冠状动脉的血管成形术及其他侵入性治疗”的特别福利,则该福利将是对我们(如有)根据其他类型的重大疾病基本福利或补充福利支付的任何“冠状动脉的血管成形术及其他侵入性治疗”福利的补充,这些福利覆盖同一被保险人。如果您与我们有多于一份保单,涵盖“冠状动脉的血管成形术及其他侵入性治疗”的特别福利,则“冠状动脉的血管成形术及其他侵入性治疗”的赔付将汇总至每位被保险人最高限额 S $ 25 , 000 S $ 25 , 000 S$25,000\mathrm{S} \$ 25,000 (或其在其他货币中的等值)。

请参阅附录 D D DD 以了解此福利涵盖的条件定义。



  • 被保险人在诊断日期或为本福利所涵盖的疾病进行手术的日期后未能存活至少 7 天。

  1. 保证可再生选项