The interim Accidental Death cover "Interim Cover" applies only if the Life Assured is less than Age 60 on the date of Application and comply with the duty of disclosure as set out in the Application Form.
The Interim Cover Benefit per life by Us under the Interim Cover is:
- the proposed Sum Assured for Death Benefit, or
- SGD 500,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies),
whichever is lower, less the Premiums which would have been required to be paid for the first policy year.
Upon receiving the Application and all the required supporting documents and information, We reserve the right to revoke the Interim Cover by informing the Life Assured immediately if We determine that there is more than the standard life risk to cover.
When the Interim Accidental Death Benefit Ends
This benefit ends:
- on the Policy Issue Date,
- 90 days from the date of Application signed,
- 30 days from the date the Application is accepted by Us on substandard terms, unless the Assured accepts the terms,
- on the date the Application is withdrawn,
- on the date the Application is rejected or postponed by Us, or
- if the proposed Life Assured dies due to an Accident (or in the case of a joint-lives proposal, if the 1^("st ") of the 2 proposed Lives Assured were to die due to an Accident),
whichever is the earliest.
"Accident" means an event caused solely and independently of all other causes and directly by violent, unexpected, external and visible means.
"Accidental Death" means death caused by Accident.
"Application" means the application form signed and submitted by the person(s) named in the application to purchase the Policy from Us, including any written statement, representation and/or document given to Us to support the said application.| The interim Accidental Death cover "Interim Cover" applies only if the Life Assured is less than Age 60 on the date of Application and comply with the duty of disclosure as set out in the Application Form. |
| :--- |
| The Interim Cover Benefit per life by Us under the Interim Cover is: |
| - the proposed Sum Assured for Death Benefit, or |
| - SGD 500,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies), |
| whichever is lower, less the Premiums which would have been required to be paid for the first policy year. |
| Upon receiving the Application and all the required supporting documents and information, We reserve the right to revoke the Interim Cover by informing the Life Assured immediately if We determine that there is more than the standard life risk to cover. |
| When the Interim Accidental Death Benefit Ends |
| This benefit ends: |
| - on the Policy Issue Date, |
| - 90 days from the date of Application signed, |
| - 30 days from the date the Application is accepted by Us on substandard terms, unless the Assured accepts the terms, |
| - on the date the Application is withdrawn, |
| - on the date the Application is rejected or postponed by Us, or |
| - if the proposed Life Assured dies due to an Accident (or in the case of a joint-lives proposal, if the $1^{\text {st }}$ of the 2 proposed Lives Assured were to die due to an Accident), |
| whichever is the earliest. |
| "Accident" means an event caused solely and independently of all other causes and directly by violent, unexpected, external and visible means. |
| "Accidental Death" means death caused by Accident. |
| "Application" means the application form signed and submitted by the person(s) named in the application to purchase the Policy from Us, including any written statement, representation and/or document given to Us to support the said application. |
We do not pay the Interim Accidental Death Benefit under this Policy if death is directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by:
- suicide, attempted suicide or other intentional self-inflicted injury, while sane or insane,
active participation in war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism,
resulting from or in connection with the use of nuclear, biological and/or chemical weapons in any act of war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism, any navy, army, air force, military or police duties (includes National Service and Reservist),
participation in any aerial activity such as parachuting and sky-diving, racing of any kind other than on foot, mountaineering or underwater activity,
- travel on any type of aircraft except as a farepaying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularlyscheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft,
any violation or attempted violation of law, or resistance to lawful arrest or imprisonment, the influence of alcohol or drugs unless administered or taken at the direction of a Registered Medical Practitioner,
any medical condition or injury not caused by an Accident, or
consumption of poison or any substance which may be fatal if consumed, whether voluntary or involuntary.| We do not pay the Interim Accidental Death Benefit under this Policy if death is directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by: |
| :--- |
| - suicide, attempted suicide or other intentional self-inflicted injury, while sane or insane, |
| active participation in war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism, |
| resulting from or in connection with the use of nuclear, biological and/or chemical weapons in any act of war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism, any navy, army, air force, military or police duties (includes National Service and Reservist), |
| participation in any aerial activity such as parachuting and sky-diving, racing of any kind other than on foot, mountaineering or underwater activity, |
| - travel on any type of aircraft except as a farepaying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularlyscheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft, |
| any violation or attempted violation of law, or resistance to lawful arrest or imprisonment, the influence of alcohol or drugs unless administered or taken at the direction of a Registered Medical Practitioner, |
| any medical condition or injury not caused by an Accident, or |
| consumption of poison or any substance which may be fatal if consumed, whether voluntary or involuntary. |
What We Pay What We Do Not Pay
"The interim Accidental Death cover "Interim Cover" applies only if the Life Assured is less than Age 60 on the date of Application and comply with the duty of disclosure as set out in the Application Form.
The Interim Cover Benefit per life by Us under the Interim Cover is:
- the proposed Sum Assured for Death Benefit, or
- SGD 500,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies),
whichever is lower, less the Premiums which would have been required to be paid for the first policy year.
Upon receiving the Application and all the required supporting documents and information, We reserve the right to revoke the Interim Cover by informing the Life Assured immediately if We determine that there is more than the standard life risk to cover.
When the Interim Accidental Death Benefit Ends
This benefit ends:
- on the Policy Issue Date,
- 90 days from the date of Application signed,
- 30 days from the date the Application is accepted by Us on substandard terms, unless the Assured accepts the terms,
- on the date the Application is withdrawn,
- on the date the Application is rejected or postponed by Us, or
- if the proposed Life Assured dies due to an Accident (or in the case of a joint-lives proposal, if the 1^("st ") of the 2 proposed Lives Assured were to die due to an Accident),
whichever is the earliest.
"Accident" means an event caused solely and independently of all other causes and directly by violent, unexpected, external and visible means.
"Accidental Death" means death caused by Accident.
"Application" means the application form signed and submitted by the person(s) named in the application to purchase the Policy from Us, including any written statement, representation and/or document given to Us to support the said application." "We do not pay the Interim Accidental Death Benefit under this Policy if death is directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by:
- suicide, attempted suicide or other intentional self-inflicted injury, while sane or insane,
active participation in war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism,
resulting from or in connection with the use of nuclear, biological and/or chemical weapons in any act of war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism, any navy, army, air force, military or police duties (includes National Service and Reservist),
participation in any aerial activity such as parachuting and sky-diving, racing of any kind other than on foot, mountaineering or underwater activity,
- travel on any type of aircraft except as a farepaying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularlyscheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft,
any violation or attempted violation of law, or resistance to lawful arrest or imprisonment, the influence of alcohol or drugs unless administered or taken at the direction of a Registered Medical Practitioner,
any medical condition or injury not caused by an Accident, or
consumption of poison or any substance which may be fatal if consumed, whether voluntary or involuntary."| What We Pay | What We Do Not Pay |
| :---: | :---: |
| The interim Accidental Death cover "Interim Cover" applies only if the Life Assured is less than Age 60 on the date of Application and comply with the duty of disclosure as set out in the Application Form. <br> The Interim Cover Benefit per life by Us under the Interim Cover is: <br> - the proposed Sum Assured for Death Benefit, or <br> - SGD 500,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies), <br> whichever is lower, less the Premiums which would have been required to be paid for the first policy year. <br> Upon receiving the Application and all the required supporting documents and information, We reserve the right to revoke the Interim Cover by informing the Life Assured immediately if We determine that there is more than the standard life risk to cover. <br> When the Interim Accidental Death Benefit Ends <br> This benefit ends: <br> - on the Policy Issue Date, <br> - 90 days from the date of Application signed, <br> - 30 days from the date the Application is accepted by Us on substandard terms, unless the Assured accepts the terms, <br> - on the date the Application is withdrawn, <br> - on the date the Application is rejected or postponed by Us, or <br> - if the proposed Life Assured dies due to an Accident (or in the case of a joint-lives proposal, if the $1^{\text {st }}$ of the 2 proposed Lives Assured were to die due to an Accident), <br> whichever is the earliest. <br> "Accident" means an event caused solely and independently of all other causes and directly by violent, unexpected, external and visible means. <br> "Accidental Death" means death caused by Accident. <br> "Application" means the application form signed and submitted by the person(s) named in the application to purchase the Policy from Us, including any written statement, representation and/or document given to Us to support the said application. | We do not pay the Interim Accidental Death Benefit under this Policy if death is directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by: <br> - suicide, attempted suicide or other intentional self-inflicted injury, while sane or insane, <br> active participation in war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism, <br> resulting from or in connection with the use of nuclear, biological and/or chemical weapons in any act of war (declared or undeclared), civil war, war-like actions and/or acts of terrorism, any navy, army, air force, military or police duties (includes National Service and Reservist), <br> participation in any aerial activity such as parachuting and sky-diving, racing of any kind other than on foot, mountaineering or underwater activity, <br> - travel on any type of aircraft except as a farepaying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularlyscheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft, <br> any violation or attempted violation of law, or resistance to lawful arrest or imprisonment, the influence of alcohol or drugs unless administered or taken at the direction of a Registered Medical Practitioner, <br> any medical condition or injury not caused by an Accident, or <br> consumption of poison or any substance which may be fatal if consumed, whether voluntary or involuntary. |
2.2. 身故保险金
自杀,如第 4 节所述。
The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit
(including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full.| The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit |
| :--- |
| (including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full. |
What We Pay What We Do Not Pay
If the Life Assured dies, We will pay the Sum We do not pay the Death Benefit if the Life Assured
Assured in one lump sum. commits suicide as stated in Section 4.
If We have paid part of the Sum Assured in an earlier
claim, only the remaining Sum Assured is payable.
"The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit
(including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full." | What We Pay | What We Do Not Pay |
| :--- | :--- |
| If the Life Assured dies, We will pay the Sum | We do not pay the Death Benefit if the Life Assured |
| Assured in one lump sum. | commits suicide as stated in Section 4. |
| If We have paid part of the Sum Assured in an earlier | |
| claim, only the remaining Sum Assured is payable. | |
| The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit <br> (including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full. | |
2.3. 终端 III 益处 (TI 益处)
If the Life Assured is diagnosed with Terminal
Illness, We will pay the TI Benefit in one lump sum,
as an early payout of the Death Benefit.| If the Life Assured is diagnosed with Terminal |
| :--- |
| Illness, We will pay the TI Benefit in one lump sum, |
| as an early payout of the Death Benefit. |
我们不支付因人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染而导致的终末期疾病的 TI 福利。
We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in
the presence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus
(HIV) infection.| We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in |
| :--- |
| the presence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
| (HIV) infection. |
被保险人在 12 个月内。
This diagnosis must be supported by a specialist
and confirmed by Our appointed Registered Medical
Practitioner.| This diagnosis must be supported by a specialist |
| :--- |
| and confirmed by Our appointed Registered Medical |
| Practitioner. |
What We Pay What We Do Not Pay
"If the Life Assured is diagnosed with Terminal
Illness, We will pay the TI Benefit in one lump sum,
as an early payout of the Death Benefit." "We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in
the presence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus
(HIV) infection."
"Terminal Illness" means the conclusive diagnosis of
an illness that is expected to result in the death of
the Life Assured within 12 months.
"This diagnosis must be supported by a specialist
and confirmed by Our appointed Registered Medical
Practitioner." | What We Pay | What We Do Not Pay |
| :--- | :--- |
| If the Life Assured is diagnosed with Terminal <br> Illness, We will pay the TI Benefit in one lump sum, <br> as an early payout of the Death Benefit. | We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in <br> the presence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus <br> (HIV) infection. |
| "Terminal Illness" means the conclusive diagnosis of | |
| an illness that is expected to result in the death of | |
| the Life Assured within 12 months. | |
| This diagnosis must be supported by a specialist <br> and confirmed by Our appointed Registered Medical <br> Practitioner. | |
This option allows You to renew this Basic Cover automatically from the Benefit Cessation
Date for the same duration of the existing policy term, without further proof of insurability.| This option allows You to renew this Basic Cover automatically from the Benefit Cessation |
| :--- |
| Date for the same duration of the existing policy term, without further proof of insurability. |
What are
conditions?| What are |
| :--- |
| the |
| conditions? |
You must meet all of the following conditions:
the Policy is in force on the Benefit Cessation Date,
the chosen policy term at Policy Effective Date is 5 years or 10 years,
the Life Assured is at Age 89 or younger upon renewal of the Policy (if the Policy is a
joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives
the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit
Cessation Date, and
We have not admitted any claim under this Policy.| You must meet all of the following conditions: |
| :--- |
| the Policy is in force on the Benefit Cessation Date, |
| - |
| the chosen policy term at Policy Effective Date is 5 years or 10 years, |
| the Life Assured is at Age 89 or younger upon renewal of the Policy (if the Policy is a |
| joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives |
| Assured), |
| the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit |
| Cessation Date, and |
| We have not admitted any claim under this Policy. |
What must
You take
note of?| What must |
| :--- |
| You take |
| note of? |
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply for
each renewed term.
Premiums payable for the renewed Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's
Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of renewal. The renewal
premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at inception.
If You do not want to renew this Basic Cover, You must give Us written notice of Your
intention within 30 days before the date of next renewal.
The Free Look stated in Section 10 does not apply to the renewed Policy if the Guaranteed
Renewable Option is exercised.| The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply for |
| :--- |
| each renewed term. |
| Premiums payable for the renewed Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's |
| Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of renewal. The renewal |
| premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at inception. |
| If You do not want to renew this Basic Cover, You must give Us written notice of Your |
| intention within 30 days before the date of next renewal. |
| The Free Look stated in Section 10 does not apply to the renewed Policy if the Guaranteed |
| Renewable Option is exercised. |
What is it? "This option allows You to renew this Basic Cover automatically from the Benefit Cessation
Date for the same duration of the existing policy term, without further proof of insurability."
"What are
conditions?" "You must meet all of the following conditions:
the Policy is in force on the Benefit Cessation Date,
the chosen policy term at Policy Effective Date is 5 years or 10 years,
the Life Assured is at Age 89 or younger upon renewal of the Policy (if the Policy is a
joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives
the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit
Cessation Date, and
We have not admitted any claim under this Policy."
"What must
You take
note of?" "The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply for
each renewed term.
Premiums payable for the renewed Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's
Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of renewal. The renewal
premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at inception.
If You do not want to renew this Basic Cover, You must give Us written notice of Your
intention within 30 days before the date of next renewal.
The Free Look stated in Section 10 does not apply to the renewed Policy if the Guaranteed
Renewable Option is exercised."| What is it? | This option allows You to renew this Basic Cover automatically from the Benefit Cessation <br> Date for the same duration of the existing policy term, without further proof of insurability. |
| :--- | :--- |
| What are <br> the <br> conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> the Policy is in force on the Benefit Cessation Date, <br> - <br> the chosen policy term at Policy Effective Date is 5 years or 10 years, <br> the Life Assured is at Age 89 or younger upon renewal of the Policy (if the Policy is a <br> joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives <br> Assured), <br> the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit <br> Cessation Date, and <br> We have not admitted any claim under this Policy. |
| What must <br> You take <br> note of? | The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply for <br> each renewed term. <br> Premiums payable for the renewed Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's <br> Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of renewal. The renewal <br> premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at inception. <br> If You do not want to renew this Basic Cover, You must give Us written notice of Your <br> intention within 30 days before the date of next renewal. <br> The Free Look stated in Section 10 does not apply to the renewed Policy if the Guaranteed <br> Renewable Option is exercised. |
This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen:
- the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces)
- the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child
- the Life Assured purchases a property
- the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education
- the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation
- the Life Assured turns 21 years old.| This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen: |
| :--- |
| - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) |
| - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child |
| - the Life Assured purchases a property |
| - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education |
| - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation |
| - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. |
You must meet all of the following conditions:
You have not submitted a claim under this Policy,
We have not admitted a claim under this Policy,
You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy),
You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period,
there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option,
this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur:
before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or
if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and
the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than:
50% of the Basic Cover's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage.
* This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives.| You must meet all of the following conditions: |
| :--- |
| You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, |
| We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, |
| You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), |
| You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, |
| there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, |
| this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: |
| before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or |
| if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and |
| the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: |
| $50 \%$ of the Basic Cover's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage. |
| * This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. |
The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option.
Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured for the remaining term of the Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary.
We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured.| The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. |
| :--- |
| Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured for the remaining term of the Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. |
| We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |
What is it? "This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen:
- the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces)
- the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child
- the Life Assured purchases a property
- the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education
- the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation
- the Life Assured turns 21 years old."
What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions:
You have not submitted a claim under this Policy,
We have not admitted a claim under this Policy,
You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy),
You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period,
there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option,
this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur:
before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or
if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and
the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than:
50% of the Basic Cover's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage.
* This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives."
What must You take note of? "The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option.
Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured for the remaining term of the Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary.
We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured."| What is it? | This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen: <br> - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) <br> - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child <br> - the Life Assured purchases a property <br> - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education <br> - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation <br> - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. |
| :---: | :---: |
| What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, <br> We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, <br> You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), <br> You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, <br> there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, <br> this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: <br> before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or <br> if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and <br> the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: <br> $50 \%$ of the Basic Cover's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage. <br> * This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. |
| What must You take note of? | The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. <br> Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured for the remaining term of the Policy will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. <br> We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |
This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability.
If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy:
- We will convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and
- the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option.
If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy:
- We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy,
- We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and
- the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted.| This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability. |
| :--- |
| If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy: |
| - We will convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and |
| - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option. |
| If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy: |
| - We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy, |
| - We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and |
| - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted. |
You must meet all of the following conditions:
- You have not submitted a claim under this Policy,
- We have not admitted a claim under this Policy,
- the Policy is in force when this option is exercised,
- the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and
- the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy.| You must meet all of the following conditions: |
| :--- |
| - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, |
| - We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, |
| - the Policy is in force when this option is exercised, |
| - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and |
| - the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy. |
A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion.
Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates.
Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date.
If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted.
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy.
This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective.
We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy.
The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised.| A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion. |
| :--- |
| Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates. |
| Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. |
| If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted. |
| The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy. |
| This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. |
| We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy. |
| The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised. |
What is it? "This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability.
If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy:
- We will convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and
- the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option.
If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy:
- We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy,
- We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and
- the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted."
What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions:
- You have not submitted a claim under this Policy,
- We have not admitted a claim under this Policy,
- the Policy is in force when this option is exercised,
- the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and
- the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy."
What must You take note of? "A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion.
Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates.
Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date.
If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted.
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy.
This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective.
We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy.
The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised."| What is it? | This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability. <br> If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy: <br> - We will convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and <br> - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option. <br> If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy: <br> - We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy, <br> - We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and <br> - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted. |
| :---: | :---: |
| What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, <br> - We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, <br> - the Policy is in force when this option is exercised, <br> - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and <br> - the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy. |
| What must You take note of? | A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion. <br> Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates. <br> Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. <br> If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted. <br> The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy. <br> This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. <br> We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy. <br> The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised. |
What We Pay
The interim Accidental Death cover "Interim Cover"
applies only if the Life Assured is less than Age 60
on the date of Application and comply with the duty
of disclosure as set out in the Application Form.
The Interim Cover Benefit per life by Us under the
Interim Cover is:
the proposed Sum Assured for Death Benefit, or
- SGD 500,000 (or its equivalent in other
whichever is lower, less the Premiums which would
have been required to be paid for the first policy
Upon receiving the Application and all the required
supporting documents and information, We reserve
the right to revoke the Interim Cover by informing the
Life Assured immediately if We determine that there
is more than the standard life risk to cover.
when the Interim Accidental Death Benefit Ends| What We Pay |
| :--- |
| The interim Accidental Death cover "Interim Cover" |
| applies only if the Life Assured is less than Age 60 |
| on the date of Application and comply with the duty |
| of disclosure as set out in the Application Form. |
| The Interim Cover Benefit per life by Us under the |
| Interim Cover is: |
| the proposed Sum Assured for Death Benefit, or |
| - SGD 500,000 (or its equivalent in other |
| currencies), |
| whichever is lower, less the Premiums which would |
| have been required to be paid for the first policy |
| year. |
| Upon receiving the Application and all the required |
| supporting documents and information, We reserve |
| the right to revoke the Interim Cover by informing the |
| Life Assured immediately if We determine that there |
| is more than the standard life risk to cover. |
| when the Interim Accidental Death Benefit Ends |
If the Life Assured dies, We will pay the Sum
Assured in one lump sum.| If the Life Assured dies, We will pay the Sum |
| :--- |
| Assured in one lump sum. |
We do not pay the Death Benefit if the Life Assured
commits suicide as stated in Section 4.
If We have paid part of the Sum Assured in an earlier
claim, only the remaining Sum Assured is payable.| We do not pay the Death Benefit if the Life Assured |
| :--- |
| commits suicide as stated in Section 4. |
| If We have paid part of the Sum Assured in an earlier |
| claim, only the remaining Sum Assured is payable. |
The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit
(including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full.| The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit |
| :--- |
| (including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full. |
What We Pay What We Do Not Pay
"If the Life Assured dies, We will pay the Sum
Assured in one lump sum." "We do not pay the Death Benefit if the Life Assured
commits suicide as stated in Section 4.
If We have paid part of the Sum Assured in an earlier
claim, only the remaining Sum Assured is payable."
"The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit
(including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full." | What We Pay | What We Do Not Pay |
| :--- | :--- |
| If the Life Assured dies, We will pay the Sum <br> Assured in one lump sum. | We do not pay the Death Benefit if the Life Assured <br> commits suicide as stated in Section 4. <br> If We have paid part of the Sum Assured in an earlier <br> claim, only the remaining Sum Assured is payable. |
| The Policy ends once We pay the Death Benefit <br> (including early payout of the Death Benefit) in full. | |
2.3. 终端 III 益处 (TI 益处)
我们将一次性支付 TI 福利,作为一个总额,
We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in
early payout of the Death Benefit.| We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in |
| :--- |
| early payout of the Death Benefit. |
"Terminal Illness" means the conclusive diagnosis of
(HIV) infection. Human Immunodeficiency Virus| "Terminal Illness" means the conclusive diagnosis of |
| :--- | :--- |
| (HIV) infection. Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
被保险人在 12 个月内。
What We Pay What We Do Not Pay
If the Life Assured is diagnosed with terminal illness,
We will pay the TI Benefit in one lump sum, as an "We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in
early payout of the Death Benefit."
""Terminal Illness" means the conclusive diagnosis of
(HIV) infection. Human Immunodeficiency Virus"
an illness that is expected to result in the death of
the Life Assured within 12 months. | What We Pay | What We Do Not Pay |
| :--- | :--- |
| If the Life Assured is diagnosed with terminal illness, | |
| We will pay the TI Benefit in one lump sum, as an | We do not pay the TI Benefit for Terminal Illness in <br> early payout of the Death Benefit. |
| "Terminal Illness" means the conclusive diagnosis of <br> (HIV) infection. Human Immunodeficiency Virus | |
| an illness that is expected to result in the death of | |
| the Life Assured within 12 months. | |
This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen:
- the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces)
- the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child
- the Life Assured purchases a property
- the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education
- the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation
- the Life Assured turns 21 years old.| This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen: |
| :--- |
| - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) |
| - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child |
| - the Life Assured purchases a property |
| - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education |
| - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation |
| - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. |
You must meet all of the following conditions:
- You have not submitted a claim under this Policy,
We have not admitted a claim under this Policy,
You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy),
You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period,
there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option,
this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur:
before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or
if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and
the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than:
50% of the Basic Benefit's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage.
* This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives.| You must meet all of the following conditions: |
| :--- |
| - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, |
| We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, |
| You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), |
| You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, |
| there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, |
| this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: |
| before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or |
| if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and |
| the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: |
| $50 \%$ of the Basic Benefit's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage. |
| * This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. |
The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option.
Same premium payment term option selected for the Basic Cover will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured.
Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary.
We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured.| The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. |
| :--- |
| Same premium payment term option selected for the Basic Cover will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured. |
| Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. |
| We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |
What is it? "This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen:
- the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces)
- the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child
- the Life Assured purchases a property
- the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education
- the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation
- the Life Assured turns 21 years old."
What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions:
- You have not submitted a claim under this Policy,
We have not admitted a claim under this Policy,
You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy),
You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period,
there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option,
this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur:
before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or
if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and
the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than:
50% of the Basic Benefit's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage.
* This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives."
What must You take note of? "The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option.
Same premium payment term option selected for the Basic Cover will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured.
Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary.
We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured."| What is it? | This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Basic Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following Life Stage Events happen: <br> - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) <br> - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child <br> - the Life Assured purchases a property <br> - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education <br> - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation <br> - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. |
| :---: | :---: |
| What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, <br> We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, <br> You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), <br> You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, <br> there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, <br> this Policy must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: <br> before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or <br> if the Policy is a joint life policy, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and <br> the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: <br> $50 \%$ of the Basic Benefit's Sum Assured agreed at Policy Effective Date, or maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Death and Terminal Illness coverage. <br> * This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. |
| What must You take note of? | The increase in the Sum Assured under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. <br> Same premium payment term option selected for the Basic Cover will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured. <br> Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. <br> We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |
This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability.
If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy:
- We will the convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and
- the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option.
If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy:
- We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy,
We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and
- the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted.| This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability. |
| :--- |
| If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy: |
| - We will the convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and |
| - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option. |
| If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy: |
| - We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy, |
| We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and |
| - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted. |
You must meet all of the following conditions:
- You have not submitted a claim under this Policy,
- We have not admitted a claim under this Policy,
- the Policy is in force when this option is exercised,
- the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and
- the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy.| You must meet all of the following conditions: |
| :--- |
| - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, |
| - We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, |
| - the Policy is in force when this option is exercised, |
| - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and |
| - the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy. |
If the application to partially convert the Policy is accepted, the Surrender Benefit (if any) will be refunded proportionately depending on the amount of the Sum Assured reduced.
A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion.
Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates.
Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date.
If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted.
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy.
This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective.
We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy.
The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised.| If the application to partially convert the Policy is accepted, the Surrender Benefit (if any) will be refunded proportionately depending on the amount of the Sum Assured reduced. |
| :--- |
| A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion. |
| Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates. |
| Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. |
| If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted. |
| The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy. |
| This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. |
| We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy. |
| The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised. |
What is it? "This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability.
If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy:
- We will the convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and
- the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option.
If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy:
- We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy,
We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and
- the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted."
What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions:
- You have not submitted a claim under this Policy,
- We have not admitted a claim under this Policy,
- the Policy is in force when this option is exercised,
- the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and
- the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy."
What must You take note of? "If the application to partially convert the Policy is accepted, the Surrender Benefit (if any) will be refunded proportionately depending on the amount of the Sum Assured reduced.
A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion.
Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates.
Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date.
If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted.
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy.
This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective.
We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy.
The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised."| What is it? | This option allows You to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy available at the point of conversion, without proof of insurability. <br> If You exercise this option to fully convert this Policy: <br> - We will the convert the Sum Assured to the sum assured of the new policy, subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and <br> - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the Death Benefit payable under the original Policy before You exercise this option. <br> If You exercise this option to partially convert this Policy: <br> - We will reduce the Sum Assured of the Basic Benefits by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of the Policy, <br> We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new policy subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new policy at the time of Your application, and <br> - the Death Benefit payable under the new policy must not be more than the amount of Sum Assured converted. |
| :---: | :---: |
| What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> - You have not submitted a claim under this Policy, <br> - We have not admitted a claim under this Policy, <br> - the Policy is in force when this option is exercised, <br> - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this option is exercised (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion must be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), and <br> - the Life Assured of the new policy must be the same as the original Policy. |
| What must You take note of? | If the application to partially convert the Policy is accepted, the Surrender Benefit (if any) will be refunded proportionately depending on the amount of the Sum Assured reduced. <br> A partial conversion may reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Policy will also be reduced. You must continue to pay the Premium for the remaining Sum Assured based on the Premium rate applicable at the Policy Effective Date to keep this Policy in force after partial conversion. <br> Premiums payable for the new policy will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date when the Policy is converted and the prevailing premium rates. <br> Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. <br> If the Policy is a joint life policy, the new policy must insure the same Lives Assured. If a joint life product is not available, both Lives Assured can choose to take up separate new policies. The amount of Sum Assured of the new policy for each Life Assured will be half of the amount of Sum Assured converted. <br> The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Policy will continue to apply to the new policy. <br> This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Policy cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. <br> We reserve the right to void the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert the original Policy to a new endowment or whole life policy. <br> The Free Look stated in Section 10 applies to the new endowment or whole life policy if the Guaranteed Convertibility Option is exercised. |
If the Life Assured suffers from Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), We will pay the TPD Benefit as an early payout of the Death Benefit.
Please refer to Appendix A for the definition of TPD.
As the TPD Benefit is an early payout of the Death Benefit, if we have paid part of the Death Benefit in an earlier claim and this causes the Death Benefit to be less than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, We will:
reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the amount equal to the Death Benefit, and
- the TPD Benefit will be based on the reduced Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit.
If the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit is reduced to the revised Sum Assured of the Death Benefit, the premium will be reduced accordingly You only need to pay the reduced premium (based on the premium rates that apply at the Benefit Commencement Date) to receive the remaining benefits.
The diagnosis must be confirmed and certified by a| If the Life Assured suffers from Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), We will pay the TPD Benefit as an early payout of the Death Benefit. |
| :--- |
| Please refer to Appendix A for the definition of TPD. |
| As the TPD Benefit is an early payout of the Death Benefit, if we have paid part of the Death Benefit in an earlier claim and this causes the Death Benefit to be less than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, We will: |
| reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the amount equal to the Death Benefit, and |
| - the TPD Benefit will be based on the reduced Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. |
| If the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit is reduced to the revised Sum Assured of the Death Benefit, the premium will be reduced accordingly You only need to pay the reduced premium (based on the premium rates that apply at the Benefit Commencement Date) to receive the remaining benefits. |
| The diagnosis must be confirmed and certified by a |
We will not pay the TPD Benefit for any TPD directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by:
- self-inflicted illness or injury, while sane or insane,
- attempted suicide,
- injuries sustained during travel on any type of aircraft except as a fare-paying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularly-scheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft, or
- any Pre-existing Condition.
"Pre-existing Condition" means any condition or illness which existed or was existing or the cause or symptoms of which existed or were existing or evident, or any condition or illness which the Life Assured suffered or was suffering from, before the:
- Policy Issue Date,
- issue date of this Supplementary Benefit,
- Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or
- reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit,
whichever is the latest, unless the condition or illness had been declared and accepted by Us.| We will not pay the TPD Benefit for any TPD directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by: |
| :--- |
| - self-inflicted illness or injury, while sane or insane, |
| - attempted suicide, |
| - injuries sustained during travel on any type of aircraft except as a fare-paying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularly-scheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft, or |
| - any Pre-existing Condition. |
| "Pre-existing Condition" means any condition or illness which existed or was existing or the cause or symptoms of which existed or were existing or evident, or any condition or illness which the Life Assured suffered or was suffering from, before the: |
| - Policy Issue Date, |
| - issue date of this Supplementary Benefit, |
| - Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or |
| - reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit, |
| whichever is the latest, unless the condition or illness had been declared and accepted by Us. |
W What We Do Not Pay
"If the Life Assured suffers from Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), We will pay the TPD Benefit as an early payout of the Death Benefit.
Please refer to Appendix A for the definition of TPD.
As the TPD Benefit is an early payout of the Death Benefit, if we have paid part of the Death Benefit in an earlier claim and this causes the Death Benefit to be less than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, We will:
reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the amount equal to the Death Benefit, and
- the TPD Benefit will be based on the reduced Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit.
If the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit is reduced to the revised Sum Assured of the Death Benefit, the premium will be reduced accordingly You only need to pay the reduced premium (based on the premium rates that apply at the Benefit Commencement Date) to receive the remaining benefits.
The diagnosis must be confirmed and certified by a" "We will not pay the TPD Benefit for any TPD directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by:
- self-inflicted illness or injury, while sane or insane,
- attempted suicide,
- injuries sustained during travel on any type of aircraft except as a fare-paying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularly-scheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft, or
- any Pre-existing Condition.
"Pre-existing Condition" means any condition or illness which existed or was existing or the cause or symptoms of which existed or were existing or evident, or any condition or illness which the Life Assured suffered or was suffering from, before the:
- Policy Issue Date,
- issue date of this Supplementary Benefit,
- Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or
- reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit,
whichever is the latest, unless the condition or illness had been declared and accepted by Us."| W | What We Do Not Pay |
| :---: | :---: |
| If the Life Assured suffers from Total and Permanent Disability (TPD), We will pay the TPD Benefit as an early payout of the Death Benefit. <br> Please refer to Appendix A for the definition of TPD. <br> As the TPD Benefit is an early payout of the Death Benefit, if we have paid part of the Death Benefit in an earlier claim and this causes the Death Benefit to be less than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, We will: <br> reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the amount equal to the Death Benefit, and <br> - the TPD Benefit will be based on the reduced Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. <br> If the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit is reduced to the revised Sum Assured of the Death Benefit, the premium will be reduced accordingly You only need to pay the reduced premium (based on the premium rates that apply at the Benefit Commencement Date) to receive the remaining benefits. <br> The diagnosis must be confirmed and certified by a | We will not pay the TPD Benefit for any TPD directly or indirectly, wholly or partly caused by or arising from or contributed to by: <br> - self-inflicted illness or injury, while sane or insane, <br> - attempted suicide, <br> - injuries sustained during travel on any type of aircraft except as a fare-paying passenger or a crew member of an international airline operating on a regularly-scheduled passenger flight of a licensed commercial aircraft, or <br> - any Pre-existing Condition. <br> "Pre-existing Condition" means any condition or illness which existed or was existing or the cause or symptoms of which existed or were existing or evident, or any condition or illness which the Life Assured suffered or was suffering from, before the: <br> - Policy Issue Date, <br> - issue date of this Supplementary Benefit, <br> - Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or <br> - reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit, <br> whichever is the latest, unless the condition or illness had been declared and accepted by Us. |
Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows
You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover
automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy
term, without proof of insurability.| Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows |
| :--- |
| You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover |
| automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy |
| term, without proof of insurability. |
What are
conditions?| What are |
| :--- |
| the |
| conditions? |
You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic
both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force,
- this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date,
this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic
Cover at Policy Effective Date,
the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy
is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2
Lives Assured),
the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit
Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and
We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit.| You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic |
| :--- |
| Cover: |
| both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force, |
| - |
| - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, |
| this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic |
| Cover at Policy Effective Date, |
| the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy |
| is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 |
| Lives Assured), |
| the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit |
| Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and |
| We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit. |
What must
take| What must |
| :--- |
| You |
| take |
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will
continue to apply for each renewed term.| The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will |
| :--- |
| continue to apply for each renewed term. |
What is it? "Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows
You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover
automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy
term, without proof of insurability."
"What are
conditions?" "You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic
both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force,
- this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date,
this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic
Cover at Policy Effective Date,
the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy
is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2
Lives Assured),
the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit
Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and
We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit."
"What must
take" "The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will
continue to apply for each renewed term."
note of? | What is it? | Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows <br> You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover <br> automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy <br> term, without proof of insurability. |
| :--- | :--- |
| What are <br> the <br> conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic <br> Cover: <br> both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force, <br> - <br> - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, <br> this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic <br> Cover at Policy Effective Date, <br> the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy <br> is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 <br> Lives Assured), <br> the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit <br> Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and <br> We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit. |
| What must <br> You <br> take | The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will <br> continue to apply for each renewed term. |
| note of? | |
This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen:
- the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces)
- the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child
- the Life Assured purchases a property
- the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education
- the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation
- the Life Assured turns 21 years old.| This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen: |
| :--- |
| - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) |
| - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child |
| - the Life Assured purchases a property |
| - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education |
| - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation |
| - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. |
You must meet all of the following conditions:
- You have not submitted a claim under the Policy,
- We have not admitted a claim under the Policy,
- You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover,| You must meet all of the following conditions: |
| :--- |
| - You have not submitted a claim under the Policy, |
| - We have not admitted a claim under the Policy, |
| - You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover, |
What is it? "This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen:
- the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces)
- the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child
- the Life Assured purchases a property
- the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education
- the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation
- the Life Assured turns 21 years old."
What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions:
- You have not submitted a claim under the Policy,
- We have not admitted a claim under the Policy,
- You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover,"| What is it? | This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen: <br> - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) <br> - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child <br> - the Life Assured purchases a property <br> - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education <br> - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation <br> - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. |
| :---: | :---: |
| What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> - You have not submitted a claim under the Policy, <br> - We have not admitted a claim under the Policy, <br> - You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover, |
You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy),
- You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period,
there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option,
this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers,
the Life Stage Event must occur:
before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or
in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and
the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than:
- 50% of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or
maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Total and Permanent Disability coverage.
*This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives.| You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), |
| :--- |
| - You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, |
| there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, |
| this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, |
| the Life Stage Event must occur: |
| before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or |
| in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and |
| the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: |
| - $50 \%$ of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or |
| maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Total and Permanent Disability coverage. |
| *This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. |
The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option.
Same premium payment term option selected for this Supplementary Benefit will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit.
Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary.
We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured.| The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. |
| :--- |
| Same premium payment term option selected for this Supplementary Benefit will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. |
| Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. |
| We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |
"You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy),
- You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period,
there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option,
this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers,
the Life Stage Event must occur:
before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or
in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and
the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than:
- 50% of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or
maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Total and Permanent Disability coverage.
*This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives."
What must You take note of? "The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option.
Same premium payment term option selected for this Supplementary Benefit will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit.
Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary.
We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured."| | You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), <br> - You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, <br> there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, <br> this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, <br> the Life Stage Event must occur: <br> before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or <br> in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and <br> the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: <br> - $50 \%$ of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or <br> maximum limit of SGD 500,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Total and Permanent Disability coverage. <br> *This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. |
| :---: | :---: |
| What must You take note of? | The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. <br> Same premium payment term option selected for this Supplementary Benefit will apply to the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. <br> Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. <br> We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |
When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this
Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for
the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof
of insurability.
If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover:
- We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured
of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums
assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application,
the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum
Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option.| When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this |
| :--- |
| Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for |
| the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof |
| of insurability. |
| If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover: |
| - We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured |
| of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums |
| assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application, |
| and |
| the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum |
| Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option. |
If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover:
We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount
converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and
We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new
supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed
for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application.| If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover: |
| :--- |
| We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount |
| converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and |
| We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new |
| supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed |
| for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application. |
What is it? "When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this
Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for
the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof
of insurability.
If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover:
- We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured
of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums
assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application,
the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum
Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option."
"If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover:
We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount
converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and
We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new
supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed
for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application." | What is it? | When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this <br> Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for <br> the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof <br> of insurability. <br> If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover: <br> - We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured <br> of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums <br> assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application, <br> and <br> the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum <br> Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option. |
| :--- | :--- |
| If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover: <br> We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount <br> converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and <br> We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new <br> supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed <br> for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application. | |
You must meet all of the following conditions:
- You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit,
- We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit,
- this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date,
- the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover,
- the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit,
- the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured),
the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and
if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be:
- a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or
- new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for each Life Assured if:
- a joint life product is unavailable, and the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met.| You must meet all of the following conditions: |
| :--- |
| - You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, |
| - We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, |
| - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, |
| - the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover, |
| - the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit, |
| - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), |
| the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and |
| if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be: |
| - a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or |
| - new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for each Life Assured if: |
| - a joint life product is unavailable, and the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met. |
A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced.
Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates.
Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date.
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit.
This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective.
We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit.| A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced. |
| :--- |
| Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates. |
| Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. |
| The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit. |
| This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. |
| We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit. |
What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions:
- You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit,
- We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit,
- this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date,
- the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover,
- the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit,
- the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured),
the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and
if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be:
- a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or
- new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for each Life Assured if:
- a joint life product is unavailable, and the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met."
What must You take note of? "A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced.
Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates.
Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date.
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit.
This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective.
We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit."| What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> - You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, <br> - We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, <br> - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, <br> - the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover, <br> - the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit, <br> - the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), <br> the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and <br> if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be: <br> - a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or <br> - new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for each Life Assured if: <br> - a joint life product is unavailable, and the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met. |
| :---: | :---: |
| What must You take note of? | A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced. <br> Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates. <br> Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. <br> The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit. <br> This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. <br> We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit. |
What We Pay
The CI Benefit will be 100% of the Sum Assured of
this Supplementary Benefit. However, if We have
paid part of the CI Benefit in an earlier claim, only
the remaining CI Benefit shall be payable.
If the Life Assured is diagnosed with any of the
Critical Illnesses in Section 2.2 except Angioplasty
& Other Invasive Treatment for Coronary Artery, We
will pay the CI Benefit in one lump sum, as an early
payout of the Death Benefit.
If the Life Assured undergoes Angioplasty & Other
Invasive Treatment for Coronary Artery, We will pay:| What We Pay |
| :--- |
| The CI Benefit will be $100 \%$ of the Sum Assured of |
| this Supplementary Benefit. However, if We have |
| paid part of the CI Benefit in an earlier claim, only |
| the remaining CI Benefit shall be payable. |
| If the Life Assured is diagnosed with any of the |
| Critical Illnesses in Section 2.2 except Angioplasty |
| & Other Invasive Treatment for Coronary Artery, We |
| will pay the CI Benefit in one lump sum, as an early |
| payout of the Death Benefit. |
| If the Life Assured undergoes Angioplasty & Other |
| Invasive Treatment for Coronary Artery, We will pay: |
Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows
You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover
automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy
term, without proof of insurability.| Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows |
| :--- |
| You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover |
| automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy |
| term, without proof of insurability. |
What are
conditions?| What are |
| :--- |
| the |
| conditions? |
You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic
both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force,
- this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date,
this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic
Cover at Policy Effective Date,
the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy
is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2| You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic |
| :--- |
| Cover: |
| both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force, |
| - |
| - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, |
| this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic |
| Cover at Policy Effective Date, |
| the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy |
| is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 |
Lives Assured),
the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit
Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and
We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit.| Lives Assured), |
| :--- |
| the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit |
| Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and |
| We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit. |
What is it? "Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows
You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover
automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy
term, without proof of insurability."
"What are
conditions?" "You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic
both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force,
- this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date,
this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic
Cover at Policy Effective Date,
the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy
is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2"
"Lives Assured),
the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit
Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and
We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit." | What is it? | Where the attached Basic Cover has Guaranteed Renewable Option, this option allows <br> You to renew this Supplementary Benefit together with the attached Basic Cover <br> automatically from the Benefit Cessation Date for the same duration of the existing policy <br> term, without proof of insurability. |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| What are <br> the <br> conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions on the Benefit Cessation Date of the Basic <br> Cover: <br> both this Supplementary Benefit and the Basic Cover are in force, <br> - <br> - this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, <br> this Supplementary Benefit has the same Supplementary Benefit term as the Basic <br> Cover at Policy Effective Date, <br> the Life Assured is Age 75 or younger upon renewal of the Basic Cover (if the Policy <br> is a joint life policy, the age limit for renewal must be based on the older Age of the 2 |
| Lives Assured), <br> the Life Assured is insured for the same Sum Assured or less on the Benefit <br> Cessation Date of this Supplementary Benefit, and <br> We have not admitted any claim under this Supplementary Benefit. | |
What must
You take
note of?| What must |
| :--- | :--- |
| You take |
| note of? |
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will
continue to apply for each renewed term.| The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will |
| :--- |
| continue to apply for each renewed term. |
Premiums payable for the renewal of this Supplementary Benefit will be calculated based
on the Life Assured's Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of
renewal. The renewal premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at
policy inception.| Premiums payable for the renewal of this Supplementary Benefit will be calculated based |
| :--- |
| on the Life Assured's Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of |
| renewal. The renewal premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at |
| policy inception. |
"What must
You take
note of?" "The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will
continue to apply for each renewed term."
"Premiums payable for the renewal of this Supplementary Benefit will be calculated based
on the Life Assured's Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of
renewal. The renewal premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at
policy inception." | What must <br> You take <br> note of? | The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will <br> continue to apply for each renewed term. |
| :--- | :--- |
| Premiums payable for the renewal of this Supplementary Benefit will be calculated based <br> on the Life Assured's Age at date of renewal, using prevailing premium rates at the time of <br> renewal. The renewal premiums shall be payable in the same contract currency chosen at <br> policy inception. | |
This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen:
- the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces)
- the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child
- the Life Assured purchases a property
- the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education
- the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation
- the Life Assured turns 21 years old.| This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen: |
| :--- |
| - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) |
| - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child |
| - the Life Assured purchases a property |
| - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education |
| - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation |
| - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. |
You must meet all of the following conditions:
You have not submitted a claim under the Policy, We have not admitted a claim under the Policy,
You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover, You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy),
You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period,
there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option,
this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur:
before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or
in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and
the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than:
50% of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or
maximum limit of SGD 100,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Critical Illness coverage.
*This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives.| You must meet all of the following conditions: |
| :--- |
| You have not submitted a claim under the Policy, We have not admitted a claim under the Policy, |
| You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover, You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), |
| You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, |
| there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, |
| this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: |
| before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or |
| in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and |
| the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: |
| $50 \%$ of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or |
| maximum limit of SGD 100,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Critical Illness coverage. |
| *This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. |
The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option.
Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary.
We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured.| The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. |
| :--- |
| Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. |
| We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |
What is it? "This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen:
- the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces)
- the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child
- the Life Assured purchases a property
- the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education
- the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation
- the Life Assured turns 21 years old."
What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions:
You have not submitted a claim under the Policy, We have not admitted a claim under the Policy,
You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover, You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy),
You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period,
there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option,
this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur:
before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or
in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and
the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than:
50% of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or
maximum limit of SGD 100,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Critical Illness coverage.
*This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives."
What must You take note of? "The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option.
Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary.
We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured."| What is it? | This option allows You to increase the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit during premium payment period, without proof of insurability if any of the following life stage events happen: <br> - the Life Assured changes marital status (for e.g., marries or divorces) <br> - the Life Assured becomes a parent by having a newborn child or legally adopts a child <br> - the Life Assured purchases a property <br> - the Life Assured or Life Assured's child enrols into primary, secondary or tertiary education <br> - the Life Assured entered full-time employment within one year from tertiary graduation <br> - the Life Assured turns 21 years old. |
| :---: | :---: |
| What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> You have not submitted a claim under the Policy, We have not admitted a claim under the Policy, <br> You can only exercise this option on the same Life Assured as the Basic Cover, You can only exercise this option up to 2 times during the lifetime of the Life Assured regardless of the number of policies You may have which offers such similar option, You must provide satisfactory proof that the Assured agrees to the increase in the Sum Assured (applies if the Policy is a third party policy), <br> You must submit the application within 90 calendar days after the Life Stage Event has occurred and within the premium paying period, <br> there is no waiting period before You can exercise this option, <br> this Supplementary Benefit must be fully underwritten and accepted at standard terms without any sub-standard premium loadings, exclusions or counter offers, the Life Stage Event must occur: <br> before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the Life Assured turns Age 50, or <br> in the case of joint policies, before the Policy Anniversary immediately after the older Life Assured turns Age 50, and <br> the total Sum Assured that can be increased under this option no matter how many times it has been exercised, must not be more than: <br> $50 \%$ of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit agreed at Policy Effective Date, or <br> maximum limit of SGD 100,000 per life (or its equivalent in other currencies)*, whichever is lower, and the total Sum Assured after the increase (including all other policies with Us covering the same Life Assured) must not exceed the prevailing maximum sum assured per life limit allowed for Critical Illness coverage. <br> *This maximum limit applies regardless of the number of policies You may have covering the same Life Assured which offers such similar option. If the Policy is a joint life policy, this maximum limit applies in total for both lives. |
| What must You take note of? | The increase in the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit under this option will take effect on the next Policy Anniversary immediately after We approve Your application to exercise this option. <br> Premium payable for the increased portion of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit for its remaining term will be calculated based on the Life Assured's Age at next Policy Anniversary. <br> We reserve the right to void the increase in Sum Assured if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request of the increase in Sum Assured. |
When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof of insurability.
If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover:
We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application, and
- the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option.
If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover:
- We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and
- We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application.| When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof of insurability. |
| :--- |
| If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover: |
| We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application, and |
| - the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option. |
| If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover: |
| - We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and |
| - We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application. |
You must meet all of the following conditions:
You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit,
We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover,
the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit,
the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured),
the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and
if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be:
- a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or
- new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary
Benefit for each Life Assured if:
a joint life product is unavailable, and
the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met.| You must meet all of the following conditions: |
| :--- |
| You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, |
| We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover, |
| the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit, |
| the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), |
| the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and |
| if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be: |
| - a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or |
| - new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary |
| Benefit for each Life Assured if: |
| a joint life product is unavailable, and |
| the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met. |
A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced.
Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates.
Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date.
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit.
This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective.
We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit.| A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced. |
| :--- |
| Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates. |
| Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. |
| The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit. |
| This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. |
| We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit. |
What is it? "When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof of insurability.
If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover:
We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application, and
- the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option.
If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover:
- We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and
- We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application."
What are the conditions? "You must meet all of the following conditions:
You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit,
We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover,
the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit,
the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured),
the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and
if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be:
- a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or
- new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary
Benefit for each Life Assured if:
a joint life product is unavailable, and
the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met."
What must You take note of? "A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced.
Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates.
Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date.
The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit.
This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective.
We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit."| What is it? | When you exercise the Guaranteed Convertibility Option for the Basic Cover, this Supplementary Benefit will be converted automatically to a new supplementary benefit for the same term as the new basic cover (available at the point of conversion), without proof of insurability. <br> If You exercise this option to fully convert the Basic Cover: <br> We will convert the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of Your application, and <br> - the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit will not be more than the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit before You exercise this option. <br> If You exercise this option to partially convert the Basic Cover: <br> - We will reduce the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit by the amount converted, subject to the minimum Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit, and <br> - We will convert the part of Sum Assured reduced to the sum assured of the new supplementary benefit subject to the minimum and maximum sums assured allowed for the new supplementary benefit at the time of Your application. |
| :---: | :---: |
| What are the conditions? | You must meet all of the following conditions: <br> You have not submitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, <br> We have not admitted a claim under this Supplementary Benefit, this Supplementary Benefit is attached to the Basic Cover at Policy Effective Date, the Basic Cover is in force when You exercise this option for the Basic Cover, <br> the Life Assured of the new supplementary benefit must be the same as this Supplementary Benefit, <br> the Life Assured is Age 65 or younger when this Supplementary Benefit is converted (if the Policy is a joint life policy, the age limit for conversion shall be based on the older Age of the 2 Lives Assured), <br> the payout of the new supplementary benefit must be an early payout of the death benefit and is not payable in addition to the death benefit of the new basic cover, the new supplementary benefit must contain the same terms, exclusions and conditions as this Supplementary Benefit, and <br> if this Supplementary Benefit allows for joint lives, the new supplementary benefit for the same Lives Assured must be: <br> - a joint life Supplementary Benefit, or <br> - new supplementary benefits with half the Sum Assured of this Supplementary <br> Benefit for each Life Assured if: <br> a joint life product is unavailable, and <br> the minimum and maximum sums assured of the new supplementary benefit allowed at the time of application is met. |
| What must You take note of? | A partial conversion will reduce the premium payable over the remaining premium payment term and all future benefits of the original Basic Cover and Supplementary Benefits will also be reduced. <br> Premiums payable for the new supplementary benefit will be based on the Life Assured's Age at the date of conversion and the prevailing premium rates. <br> Full or partial conversion can only be effective at the next premium payment due date. <br> The same terms of acceptance as at the inception of this Supplementary Benefit will continue to apply for the new supplementary benefit. <br> This option can only be exercised once, be it a full or partial conversion. The action to convert this Supplementary Benefit cannot be reverted once conversion is effective. <br> We reserve the right to void the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit if the date of death, diagnosis or disability (where applicable) of the claim occurred before the request to convert this Supplementary Benefit to a new supplementary benefit. |
CI 赔付将为此附加利益的保额的 100%100 \% 。如果被保险人被诊断为附录 A 中的任何早期、中期或重度危急疾病,我们将一次性支付 CI 赔付。为避免疑义,此附加利益在危急疾病赔付后终止。有关此利益所涵盖的危急疾病的列表和定义,请参阅附录 AA 和 BB 。
The CI Benefit will be 100% of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit.
If the Life Assured is diagnosed with any of the Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage Critical Illnesses in Appendix A, We will pay the CI Benefit in one lump sum.
For avoidance of doubt, this Supplementary Benefit ends once the Critical Illness Benefit is paid.
Please refer to Appendix A and B for the list and definitions of the Critical Illnesses covered under this benefit.| The CI Benefit will be $100 \%$ of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. |
| :--- |
| If the Life Assured is diagnosed with any of the Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage Critical Illnesses in Appendix A, We will pay the CI Benefit in one lump sum. |
| For avoidance of doubt, this Supplementary Benefit ends once the Critical Illness Benefit is paid. |
| Please refer to Appendix $A$ and $B$ for the list and definitions of the Critical Illnesses covered under this benefit. |
Please refer to Section 5 for the exclusions.
Waiting Period
We will not pay for Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage of any of the following Critical Illness under the CI Benefit if:
- the date of diagnosis of Heart Attack of Specified Severity, Major Cancer, or Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease, or
- the date of diagnosis of coronary artery disease leading to performance of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery,
occurs within 90 days from:
- the Policy Issue Date,
- the issue date of this Supplementary Benefit,
- the Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or
- the reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit,
whichever is the latest.
Survival Period
We will not pay the Cl Benefit if:
- the Life Assured does not survive at least 7 days after the date of diagnosis or the date of surgical procedure performed for a Critical Illness covered under this benefit.| Please refer to Section 5 for the exclusions. |
| :--- |
| Waiting Period |
| We will not pay for Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage of any of the following Critical Illness under the CI Benefit if: |
| - the date of diagnosis of Heart Attack of Specified Severity, Major Cancer, or Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease, or |
| - the date of diagnosis of coronary artery disease leading to performance of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery, |
| occurs within 90 days from: |
| - the Policy Issue Date, |
| - the issue date of this Supplementary Benefit, |
| - the Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or |
| - the reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit, |
| whichever is the latest. |
| Survival Period |
| We will not pay the Cl Benefit if: |
| - the Life Assured does not survive at least 7 days after the date of diagnosis or the date of surgical procedure performed for a Critical Illness covered under this benefit. |
What We Pay What We Do Not Pay
"The CI Benefit will be 100% of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit.
If the Life Assured is diagnosed with any of the Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage Critical Illnesses in Appendix A, We will pay the CI Benefit in one lump sum.
For avoidance of doubt, this Supplementary Benefit ends once the Critical Illness Benefit is paid.
Please refer to Appendix A and B for the list and definitions of the Critical Illnesses covered under this benefit." "Please refer to Section 5 for the exclusions.
Waiting Period
We will not pay for Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage of any of the following Critical Illness under the CI Benefit if:
- the date of diagnosis of Heart Attack of Specified Severity, Major Cancer, or Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease, or
- the date of diagnosis of coronary artery disease leading to performance of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery,
occurs within 90 days from:
- the Policy Issue Date,
- the issue date of this Supplementary Benefit,
- the Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or
- the reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit,
whichever is the latest.
Survival Period
We will not pay the Cl Benefit if:
- the Life Assured does not survive at least 7 days after the date of diagnosis or the date of surgical procedure performed for a Critical Illness covered under this benefit."| What We Pay | What We Do Not Pay |
| :---: | :---: |
| The CI Benefit will be $100 \%$ of the Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. <br> If the Life Assured is diagnosed with any of the Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage Critical Illnesses in Appendix A, We will pay the CI Benefit in one lump sum. <br> For avoidance of doubt, this Supplementary Benefit ends once the Critical Illness Benefit is paid. <br> Please refer to Appendix $A$ and $B$ for the list and definitions of the Critical Illnesses covered under this benefit. | Please refer to Section 5 for the exclusions. <br> Waiting Period <br> We will not pay for Early, Intermediate or Severe Stage of any of the following Critical Illness under the CI Benefit if: <br> - the date of diagnosis of Heart Attack of Specified Severity, Major Cancer, or Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease, or <br> - the date of diagnosis of coronary artery disease leading to performance of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery, <br> occurs within 90 days from: <br> - the Policy Issue Date, <br> - the issue date of this Supplementary Benefit, <br> - the Benefit Commencement Date of this Supplementary Benefit, or <br> - the reinstatement date of this Supplementary Benefit, <br> whichever is the latest. <br> Survival Period <br> We will not pay the Cl Benefit if: <br> - the Life Assured does not survive at least 7 days after the date of diagnosis or the date of surgical procedure performed for a Critical Illness covered under this benefit. |
2.2. 重症监护福利
如果被保险人: -quad-\quad 因疾病或事故被送入重症监护室(ICU),并且
If the Life Assured:
-quad is admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) due
to an illness or Accident, and| If the Life Assured: |
| :--- |
| $-\quad$ is admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) due |
| to an illness or Accident, and |
- 在一家医院的重症监护室住院 4 天或更长时间
What We Pay
"If the Life Assured:
-quad is admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) due
to an illness or Accident, and"
- stay in ICU for 4 days or more in one hospital
admission for Necessary Medical Treatment,| What We Pay |
| :--- |
| If the Life Assured: <br> $-\quad$ is admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) due <br> to an illness or Accident, and |
| - stay in ICU for 4 days or more in one hospital |
| admission for Necessary Medical Treatment, |
If the Life Assured undergoes a complete surgical
excision of a Benign Tumour (suspected
malignancy) requiring surgical excision from any of
the covered Specified Organs or is diagnosed with
a Borderline Malignant Tumour, We will pay an
additional 20% of the Sum Assured, subject to a
maximum amount of S$25,000 (or its equivalent in
other currencies) per life.
Only 1 claim is allowed under this benefit.
The payout from this benefit does not reduce the
Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit.| If the Life Assured undergoes a complete surgical |
| :--- |
| excision of a Benign Tumour (suspected |
| malignancy) requiring surgical excision from any of |
| the covered Specified Organs or is diagnosed with |
| a Borderline Malignant Tumour, We will pay an |
| additional 20% of the Sum Assured, subject to a |
| maximum amount of S$25,000 (or its equivalent in |
| other currencies) per life. |
| Only 1 claim is allowed under this benefit. |
| The payout from this benefit does not reduce the |
| Sum Assured of this Supplementary Benefit. |
保单周年纪念日,受保人年龄为 85 岁,或
请参阅附录 C 以获取定义和此项福利所涵盖的指定机构列表。
请参阅第 5 节以了解排除条款。
What We Do Not Pay
Please refer to Section 5 for the exclusions.| What We Do Not Pay |
| :---: |
| Please refer to Section 5 for the exclusions. |